Week 7
Week 7
Week 7
#1 Partnerships
#1 Know thy customers
This relationship can be mutually agreed
Because the customer is the one who will upon for a fee based on the conditions of
purchase the material, understanding the business. Every client recommendation may
customer entails knowing the customer's be charged by the other merchants, or the
likes and dislikes, the preferences and tastes retailer may return the favor by referring
of various sorts of consumers, and current consumers to his reference when they
market trends. inquire about a product that the retailer
does not stock.
#2 Social media Sources of Competitive Advantage
The easiest way to reach a particular set of More Sustainable
the targeted audience is social media.
With the help of social media, unwanted
Customer Loyalty
advertising expenses can be avoided, and
Customer Service
only specifically filtered customers can be
Exclusive Merchandise
targeted, and the store can be positioned.
Using Facebook has become very common Low Cost Supply Chain Management
to promote a business. Information Systems
Buying Power with Vendors
#3 Referral campaigns Committed Employees
Referral campaigns are similar to word-of- Less Sustainable
mouth marketing in that they promote two
distinct consumers by current customers, Better Computers
but the difference is that in More Employees
recommendation campaigns, customers are More Merchandise
compensated for each successful referral, Greater Assortments
which is not the case with word-of-mouth Lower Prices
efforts. More Advertising
More Promotions
#4 Instore advertising Cleaner Stores
Many retail shops have excellent in-store BUILDING A SUSTAINABLE COMPETITIVE
advertising that quickly converts walk-in
customers. These shops use big displays of
items in their windows to attract window Three Approaches for Developing a Sustainable
shoppers by emphasizing special discounts Competitive Advantage
and the finest of their wares.
building strong relationships with
Elements of retail strategy customers,
building strong relationships with suppliers,
Target Market achieving efficient internal operations.
the market segment(s) toward which the Customer Loyalty
retailer plans to focus its resources and
retail mix customers are committed to buying
merchandise and services from a particular
Retail Format retailer.
the nature of the retailer’s operations—its More than simply liking one retailer over
retail mix another
Customers will be reluctant to patronize
Sustainable Competitive Advantage competitive retailers
an advantage over the competition Retailers Build Loyalty By: