Omxezos551 Planandconfig
Omxezos551 Planandconfig
Omxezos551 Planandconfig
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page
Edition notice
This edition applies to version 5, release 5, modification 0 of IBM OMEGAMON for z/OS (product number 5698-T01) and
to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2004, 2022.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with
IBM Corp.
Figures.................................................................................................................. v
Tables................................................................................................................. vii
Chapter 1. Planning............................................................................................... 1
Configuration prerequisites......................................................................................................................... 1
Software and hardware requirements................................................................................................... 1
Prerequisites for data collection and display........................................................................................ 2
Using RMF data collection......................................................................................................................4
Planning configuration of OMEGAMON for z/OS......................................................................................... 7
Defining Sysplexes..................................................................................................................................7
Designating the Sysplex and Plexview proxy.........................................................................................7
Defining an enqplex................................................................................................................................ 9
Planning historical data collection.............................................................................................................. 9
Configuring the historical data stores for OMEGAMON for z/OS.........................................................10
Determining DASD requirements for storing historical data...............................................................10
Historical data collection and reporting.............................................................................................. 10
Before you begin configuration................................................................................................................. 11
Chapter 2. Upgrading...........................................................................................13
Upgrading to the new release....................................................................................................................13
Configuring a high availability hub and converting a static hub to a remote............................................13
Enabling new features............................................................................................................................... 13
Performing a staged upgrade.................................................................................................................... 14
Chapter 3. Configuring......................................................................................... 17
Configuring OMEGAMON for z/OS ............................................................................................................ 17
Configuring OMEGAMON......................................................................................................................18
Completing the configuration.................................................................................................................... 21
Update the IEFSSNxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB.............................................................................. 22
Update the LINKLIST........................................................................................................................... 22
Add support for the SYSTCPD DDNAME in the started tasks..............................................................22
Copy started task procedures to your procedure library.................................................................... 23
Copy the VTAM definitions to your system VTAMLST..........................................................................23
Vary the VTAM major node active........................................................................................................ 23
APF-authorize the runtime load libraries............................................................................................ 23
Enable historical data store maintenance........................................................................................... 23
Copy CSFPRM00 into SYS1.PARMLIB..................................................................................................25
Add the KM5EXIT3 to the ICSF Configuration.....................................................................................25
Modify the ICSF subsystem JCL...........................................................................................................25
Authorize address spaces for UNIX System Services......................................................................... 25
Enable RMF data collection..................................................................................................................26
Configure historical data collection..................................................................................................... 29
Enable Warehouse agents on a z/OS hub monitoring server.............................................................. 29
Create situations to filter DASD device collection...............................................................................30
Set the PROJECTCPU control in the SYS1.PARMLIB IEAOPTxx member...........................................30
Install application and language support............................................................................................ 30
Enable security for Tivoli Enterprise Portal......................................................................................... 31
Authorize users to issue Take Action commands................................................................................31
Recreate or replace z/OS Management Console situations................................................................38
Authorize users to access OMEGAMON for z/OS managed systems on the enhanced 3270 user
Securing OMEGAMON................................................................................................................................38
Securing OMEGAMON for MVS (Realtime collector)........................................................................... 39
Verifying the configuration.........................................................................................................................56
Support information............................................................................................ 57
1. Data prerequisites......................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Preconfiguration tasks................................................................................................................................ 11
Chapter 1. Planning
Configuration prerequisites
The topics in this section cover the hardware and software requirements for OMEGAMON for z/OS, as well
as the prerequisites for the collection and display of certain types of data.
• “Software and hardware requirements” on page 1 summarizes the prerequisite software and the
supported operating systems and hardware.
• “Prerequisites for data collection and display” on page 2 summarizes the conditions that must be in
effect for certain types of data to be available.
• “Using RMF data collection” on page 4 provides an overview of the configuration tasks required to
enable use of data collected by z/OS® Resource Measurement Facility.
Required software
OMEGAMON for z/OS requires Tivoli Management Services on z/OS V6.3.0 Fix Pack 6 or later.
If you are installing application support files from a DVD image or a fix pack, consult the readme.txt
file that is provided with the DVD or fix pack. This file details the minimum Tivoli Management Services
requirements that are associated with the installation media. If you are installing application support files
by using the self-describing agent feature your Tivoli Management Services server components must be
at V6.3.0 Fix Pack 6 or later.
For information about the hardware and software prerequisites for the distributed components of Tivoli
Management Services, see the the Installation and Configuration Guides in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
documentation. For information about the software and hardware requirements for a monitoring server
on z/OS, see the Configure a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server section in the IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON and
Tivoli Management Services on z/OS Shared Documentation.
To make sure that you have the latest version of all components, check for any fix packs that might
be available, go to the technote, Recommended Maintenance Service Levels (
LPAR cluster attributes The z/OS system is not running as a guest on z/VM.
Model Permanent Capacity ID System hardware is z10 or later.
and Rating and Model Temporary
ID and Rating
Chapter 1. Planning 3
Table 1. Data prerequisites (continued)
Data is available for Only if
Near-term history data collected The following components are activated:
by the Resource Measurement
• OMEGAMON subsystem - for versions of OMEGAMON for z/OS
Facility (RMF) Distributed Data
earlier than Version 5.5 Fix Pack 6, at least one instance per
Sysplex (two for redundancy), up to one instance on each
monitored system
• RMF Control Task (RMF) - one instance on each monitored system
• RMF Monitor III Gatherer (RMFGAT) - one instance on each
monitored system
• RMF Distributed Data Server (GPMSERVE) - one instance per
You have enabled RMF data collection as described in “Using RMF
data collection” on page 4.
Promoted Percent The z/OS Workload Manager blocked workload capability is enabled.
Sysplex DASD attributes (Sysplex A DASD filter situation is enabled.
DASD Device, Sysplex DASD
Group, Sysplex DASD)
Suspend lock and spin lock data • The following RMF components activated:
– RMF Control Task (RMF)–one instance on each system
– RMF Monitor III Gatherer (RMFGAT)–one instance on each
– RMF Distributed Data Server (GPMSERVE)–one instance per
• You have enabled RMF data collection (see “Using RMF data
collection” on page 4).
• Lock data collection is enabled on RMF.
zAware data The Integrated Cryptographic Service Facility (ICSF) must be active
on the LPARs where OMEGAMON for z/OS agents run. This does not
require the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server to be configured for
ICSF usage.
zFS attributes zFS is specified as the file system on the monitored system
Note: For z/OS V1.10, OMEGAMON for z/OS uses an address
space name of ZFS, unless the parameter KM3KZFSASNM=xxxxxxxx
(where xxxxxxxx is the started task (STC) name of the zFS address
space) has been added to the &rhilev.&rte.RKANPARU(KDSENV).
z/OS UNIX System Services The address space where the OMEGAMON for z/OS product is
attributes running has SUPER USER authority. This level of authority is
equivalent to root (UID=0).
Chapter 1. Planning 5
Note: You can choose to bypass user ID and password authentication for the RMF Distributed Data server
API for all or selected users using initialization parameters. For further information, refer to discussion of
the HTTP_NOAUTH in the RMF documentation.
P stcname
When you stop the OMEGAMON subsystem that is running an RMF cache, another OMEGAMON
subsystem in the group obtains an ENQ using the group name and starts a new RMF cache.
You might want to suspend near-term history data collection by the OMEGAMON subsystem that is
running an RMF cache. One reason would be when you need to restart one of the RMF components.
You can suspend near-term history data collection by issuing a MODIFY command to the OMEGAMON
subsystem running the RMF cache:
After the RMF component or components are restarted, you resume near-term history collection by
issuing a MODIFY command to the OMEGAMON subsystem running the RMF cache:
The OMEGAMON subsystem will restart near-term history data collection with the next time period after
data collection was suspended. If data collection was suspended longer than the configured range in
hours (parameter RTE_KCN_CACHE_KM5_NTH_RANGE), data collection is resumed to retrieve the data
for the configured range in hours (for example, the last 24 hours).
Defining Sysplexes
A Sysplex is a set of z/OS LPARS that share a common cross-system coupling facility (XCF) environment
and a single Sysplex clock. You define Sysplexes to OMEGAMON for z/OS, and then assign runtime
environments to them during the configuration process.
When you configure each monitoring agent, you have the option of defining its runtime environment as
single LPAR environment or as a Sysplex environment. If you define it as a Sysplex environment, you must
assign it to a defined Sysplex. Data from each runtime environment in a Sysplex is pooled at the primary
Sysplex proxy (see “Designating the Sysplex and Plexview proxy” on page 7).
Chapter 1. Planning 7
"Port number assignments" and "Displaying Data Retrieval Agents (DRA) for a hub" in the OMEGAMON
shared documentation.
Each Sysplex has a primary proxy and several backup proxies to which the function migrates when the
primary proxy goes down or is taken offline. During the configuration of each runtime environment, assign
each to a Sysplex and specify whether or not the runtime environment should be eligible to act as the
Sysplex proxy. The first runtime environment to be assigned to the Sysplex is marked as the primary
proxy. Subsequent runtime environments are defined as backups, unless you exclude them from proxy
The only difference between a primary proxy and a backup proxy is that the primary proxy gets priority
in becoming the proxy if several are started at the same time. Otherwise, when a current Sysplex proxy
goes down or is taken offline, the next Sysplex proxy eligible Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server becomes
the Sysplex proxy regardless of primary or backup setting. It remains as the Sysplex proxy until this Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Server goes down or is taken offline.
One Sysplex has its Sysplex proxy designated as the Plexview proxy. Only a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Server that is eligible to be a Sysplex proxy can become the Plexview proxy. It remains as the Plexview
proxy until this Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server goes down or is taken offline. For information
about how to make Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server eligible to be a Sysplex or Plexview proxy, see
The z/OS hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server, Sysplex proxy, and Plexview proxy are busy servers.
Therefore, it might be a good idea to make the hub not eligible to be a Sysplex proxy or a Plexview proxy;
however, this depends on the environment and maintenance protocols. You should also exclude LPARs
that are low priority or CPU-constrained from becoming the Plexview proxy. For more information, see
“Performing a staged upgrade” on page 14.
When a Sysplex proxy receives a query for Sysplex-level attribute groups, the Sysplex proxy gathers
the appropriate data by sending queries to the Remote Tivoli Monitoring Servers running on the LPARs
in the Sysplex. Similarly, when a Plexview proxy receives a query, the Plexview proxy gathers the
appropriate data by sending queries to the Sysplex proxies or system agents running in other Remote
Tivoli Monitoring Servers. Processing the queries and communicating between Remote Tivoli Monitoring
Servers is managed by components of Tivoli Management Services on z/OS.
Chapter 1. Planning 9
• To collect historical data, you must configure and start historical data collection by using the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal or the Enhanced 3270 user interface. For more information, see Using historical data
collection and reporting.
Verify that you have the required software and IBM OMEGAMON for z/OS: Program Directory
Install the product.
Read the planning information and make any Planning section in the IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON
necessary planning decisions. and Tivoli Management Services on z/OS Shared
Review information on batch processing and Documentation
system symbolics, so your first runtime
environment is appropriate for replication.
Set up the runtime environment and allocate
the runtime libraries.
Chapter 1. Planning 11
Table 2. Preconfiguration tasks (continued)
Task Location of information
Configure the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Configuring a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server
Server in the runtime environment. section in the IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON and
Tivoli Management Services on z/OS Shared
Note: OMEGAMON for z/OS monitors Integrated Cryptographic Service Facility (ICSF) subsystems by
hooking the standard service call exits defined by IBM. If those exits are customized, data collection
cannot occur.
If you need to define your own exits, use the ICSF security exits as alternatives to the two service call
exits, CSFEXIT3 and CSFEXIT4. If the monitoring agent discovers a user-defined exit that conflicts with
a OMEGAMON for z/OS performance-monitoring exit, it replaces the user-defined exit, issues a warning
message, and proceeds with data collection.
The OMEGAMON for z/OS exits use installation word 2 (CCVTINW2) in the Cryptographic
Communications Vector (CCVT) control block. Your exits must not change this value, or fatal errors will
occur in the monitoring agent. As an alternative, you can use installation word 1 (CCVTINW1), which is
not used by the OMEGAMON for z/OS exits and can be changed without affecting the monitoring agent.
Enabling SDA
By default, support for self describing agents is disabled on the hub monitoring server. To use this feature,
you must enable it on the hub monitoring server and configure each runtime environment in which an
OMEGAMON for z/OS monitoring agent is running to support it. To enable SDA on the hub monitoring
server, see Configuring a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server section in the IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON and
Tivoli Management Services on z/OS Shared Documentation.
Note: If you are upgrading and you are installing application support manually (that is, the self describing
feature is not enabled), you will see the following message during a Linux® or UNIX installation:
KCIIN2463W Warning: This installation media does not contain any components which can be run on
the current system platform architecture. To install components which can run on this system,
please locate the installation media containing files similar to <platform>.jar.
If you are installing application support, continue with the installation to see a list of
support files.
This message should be ignored. There are no longer any platform-specific components to install.
Securing OMEGAMON for z/OS managed systems and Take Action commands
The SAF security class specified for the runtime environment (RTE_SECURITY_CLASS) controls logon
access to the enhanced 3270UI. It also controls authorization to view data from managed systems
and attribute groups in the interface, and the authority to execute OMEGAMON for z/OS Take Action
commands from either the enhanced 3270UI or the Tivoli Enterprise Portal interface.
For security to be enforced, resource profiles must be defined to the class. If a matching SAF profile does
not exist to protect queries (data collection) from a particular OMEGAMON for z/OS managed system or
attribute group, all user IDs are allowed to issue the queries. To create resource profiles that restrict
access to OMEGAMON for z/OS managed systems, you must be familiar with the form of OMEGAMON for
z/OS managed system names.
If a matching SAF profile does not exist to protect a given agent Take Action command, the request to
transmit an action to the managed system is denied.
To create resource profiles to control OMEGAMON for z/OS Take Action commands, you need to know the
resource names of the commands. In addition, if you are using the SAF class name override parameter
KM5_SECURITY_ACTION_CLASS to override the SAF security class name for Take Action commands, you
must also create resource profiles for the override class.
For more information, see “Authorize users to access OMEGAMON for z/OS managed systems on the
enhanced 3270 user interface” on page 38 and “Prefixed Take Action commands” on page 32.
Chapter 2. Reference 15
16 IBM OMEGAMON for z/OS: Planning, Upgrading, and Configuration
Chapter 3. Configuring
Configuration of OMEGAMON for z/OS involves setting values for a set of configuration parameters using
the Parameter Generator (PARMGEN) method.
The Parameter Generator (PARMGEN) method takes a runtime environment oriented approach to
configuration. With PARMGEN, you edit a comprehensive list of parameters to configure a runtime
environment and all the installed products and components in it. You then submit a series of jobs to
create a complete runtime environment with the parameter values you specified.
You must take additional steps outside of the PARMGEN configuration profile to complete the
The instructions in this information assume that:
• A Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server has been configured in the runtime environment, as described in
IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Configuring the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server on z/OS.
• You have read Planning for configuration and understand the decisions you will need to make during
(Optional) Configure the OMEGAMON Enhanced Configuring section in the IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON
3270 user interface address space and Tivoli Management Services on z/OS Shared
Note: You only need to configure one OMEGAMON
Enhanced 3270 user interface address space in a
Tip: If you are enabling self describing agents, configure a stand-alone high-availability hub monitoring
server. Installing a high-availability hub lets you apply maintenance or upgrades without recycling the
hub. If you have an existing static hub to which agents report, convert the hub to a remote and configure
all the remotes to report to the new high-availability hub.
After you have configured OMEGAMON (and any other agents you want to configure) using the
runtime environment profile, you must complete several configuration tasks outside of the profile. See
“Completing the configuration” on page 21.
Configuring OMEGAMON
You configure the OMEGAMON component of the monitoring product to define Sysplex-level entities,
assign the current runtime environment to a Sysplex, install product-specific data on the Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server, and register the OMEGAMON for z/OS monitoring agent in the Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server address space. You also configure the persistent data store for the product historical
data and allocate the data sets to store the Sysplex-level and system-level data. These parameters are
specified in the KM5 section of the PARMGEN configuration profile.
You configure RMF near-term history data collection in the global (RTE_) section of the PARMGEN
configuration profile.
Default values are provided for all required parameters and some optional ones. If you do not want to
customize these parameters, and you do not want to enable optional features, you can complete the
configuration by accepting these defaults. Alternatively, you can specify custom values. You can also
specify custom values for optional parameters that have no defaults. You must specify values for these
parameters in order to activate those features. You can supply custom values for the following required
and optional features:
• Security class and command-level control for Take Action commands
The security for Take Action commands provided with the OMEGAMON for z/OS is implemented through
direct System Authorization Facility (SAF) calls and is based on profiles and resource names. These
commands cannot be run unless security is configured.
Chapter 3. Configuring 19
for z/OS agents. The OMEGAMON for z/OS agents discover the OMEGAMON Subsystem that uses the
z/OS Sysplex Routing Services to register with this group name.
Note: Specify the same value for RTE_KCN_CACHE_KM5_NTH in all RTEs in a Sysplex. Setting
different values results in caching data in more than one OMEGAMON subsystem per Sysplex, an
agent not finding an OMEGAMON Subsystem to retrieve data from, or both.
In OMEGAMON for z/OS Version 5.5 Fix Pack 6 and later, this parameter is deprecated and not used.
Default value is 24. The number of hours of near-term history data that the OMEGAMON Subsystem
loads during initialization of the RMF cache.
By default, the RMF Distributed Data Server (DDS) is automatically discovered. Specify the RMF DDS
from which you want to retrieve near-term historical data.
For more information about these parameters, see KM5 parameters.
Chapter 3. Configuring 21
If you intend to warehouse the historical data in the Tivoli Data Warehouse, but the hub monitoring server
is not located on the same computer as the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server:
• “Enable Warehouse agents on a z/OS hub monitoring server” on page 29.
To enable monitoring of Sysplex DASD device data:
• “Create situations to filter DASD device collection” on page 30.
If you want to use OMEGAMON for z/OS to help you plan special processor resources:
• “Set the PROJECTCPU control in the SYS1.PARMLIB IEAOPTxx member” on page 30.
If you previously used IBM OMEGAMON z/OS Management Console situations and you want to replace
them with OMEGAMON for z/OS situations:
• “Recreate or replace z/OS Management Console situations” on page 38
Finally, perform the following tasks to complete the configuration:
• “Install application and language support” on page 30.
• “Verifying the configuration” on page 56.
• “Enable security for Tivoli Enterprise Portal” on page 31.
• “Authorize users to access OMEGAMON for z/OS managed systems on the enhanced 3270 user
interface” on page 38
• “Authorize users to issue Take Action commands” on page 31.
V NET,ACT,ID=nodeid
There is code in the IBMM2 procedure that will vary the node (see “Copy started task procedures to your
procedure library” on page 23).
Chapter 3. Configuring 23
• “Provide access to the persistent data store files” on page 24.
• “Authorize the KPDDSCO module” on page 24.
• “Verify persistent data store configuration” on page 24.
If you are upgrading an existing monitoring server or monitoring agent, you must also refresh the
KPDPROC1 maintenance procedure in your system procedure library. See the Upgrading section in the
IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON and Tivoli Management Services on z/OS Shared Documentation.
(where &stcname is the name of the started task performing the persistent data store collection, and
&pds_dataset is the persistent data store data set).
For example, issue the following MODIFY command for the monitoring server:
3. Wait 5 minutes.
4. In the RKPDLOG DDNAME started task, find the following Command: and KPDDSTR: references as
shown in the following monitoring server RKPDLOG DDNAME example:
5. If these references are not found, view the KPDPROC1 started task in SDSF and look for any obvious
Chapter 3. Configuring 25
Users are defined to z/OS UNIX using RACF commands. The z/OS UNIX attributes are kept in the OMVS
segment of the RACF user’s profile. This means that to enable OMEGAMON for z/OS to collect UNIX
System Services data and issue UNIX commands:
• The user ID of the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server address space must be defined in RACF.
• The profile associated with the RACF user ID must contain an OMVS segment.
• In the OMVS segment, the z/OS UNIX user identifier (UID) must have a value of 0 (superuser).
• The user default group must be an UNIX System Services group.
If you recently migrated to z/OS V.1, you might find OMVS errors in the system log when you launch the
OMEGAMON for z/OS monitoring agent. Be aware that as of z/OS V2R1, the ability to use default OMVS
segments has been removed. All z/OS UNIX users or groups must now have OMVS segments defined for
user and group profiles with unique user IDs (UIDs) and group IDs (GIDs). For more information about this
error and solutions, see OMVS segment errors found in system log on z/OS V2.1 systems.
See the RMF z/OS V1R12.0 RMF User's Guide for more details, in particular the section on Defining
Parameters for RMF Monitor III and the section on CFDETAIL.
Define RACF IDs for OMEGAMON for z/OS and OMEGAMON Subsystem
address spaces
Activation of the RMF DDS API requires a RACF user ID and password. An administrator must define the
IDs of these address spaces to RACF.
For the user ID, OMEGAMON for z/OS and OMEGAMON subsystem use the name shown in the SDSF
Display Active screen as the OWNER of the address space. This is often the started task name, but it
does not have to be. You will probably also want those IDs added to a group to simplify PassTicket
After you have installed OMEGAMON for z/OS Version 5.5 Fix Pack 6 or later and turned off the
OMEGAMON subsystem cache, you do not need to define a RACF user ID and password for the
OMEGAMON subsystem.
The PassTicket key class enables the security administrator to associate a RACF secured signon secret
key with a particular mainframe application that uses RACF for user authentication. All profiles that
contain PassTicket information are defined to the PTKTDATA class.
2. Define a profile in the PTKTDATA class for the Distributed Data Server (GPMSERVE).
The name of the profile must be the name of the DDS application. For example:
The profile associates a secret secured signon application key with a particular application on a
particular system. The key is a 16-digit hexadecimal user-supplied value.
Note: The default application name for PassTicket generation is GPMSERVE. If the RACF user exit
ICHRIX01 redefines this name, the OMEGAMON client must use the ID provided by the user exit. If
you need to use an alternative name, contact IBM Software Support.
3. Create a RACF profile for PassTicket generation.
This determines who can create PassTickets for GPMSERVE.
Chapter 3. Configuring 27
4. Authorize the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server and OMEGAMON subsystem address spaces to use
PassTicket services.
After you have installed OMEGAMON for z/OS Version 5.5 Fix Pack 6 or later and turned off the
OMEGAMON subsystem cache, you do not need to define a RACF user ID and password for the
OMEGAMON subsystem.
Use of R_ticketserv service to use PassTicket services (function code 3) is authorized by the resources
in the PTKTDATA class that correspond to the application ID and target userid used in the PassTicket
operation. The application server must be running with a RACF user or group that has the following
authority specified:
where STCUSER is the group ID used for the monitoring server and OMEGAMON subsystem address
Note: If PassTicket authentication is used, the user ID for the monitoring server and OMEGAMON
subsystem address space cannot be defined as PROTECTED. Using PassTicket authentication is the
equivalent to using a password, and a PROTECTED RACF user ID can not have a password specified in
its definition.
Note: KEYENCRYPTED requires that the CSNBENC module reside in the link pack area (LPA) if not
already there. The CSNBENC module can be dynamically loaded, or added to PLPA or MLPA with the
respective PARMLIB members. The following modules must reside in APF-authorized link-listed data
Depending on your RACF options, the user ID of the person who enters the RDEF command might also be
on the access list for IRRPTAUTH.GPMSERVE.*. To check whether the ID is included, run the following
command, and then check the access list:
Note: You can choose to bypass user ID and password authentication for all or selected users through
initialization parameters. See the RMF documentation for a discussion of HTTP_NOAUTH.
See the section on Defining Parameters for RMF Monitor III and the section on CFDETAIL in the RMF
User's Guide for details.
to turn on collection.
If OMEGAMON for z/OS has been configured to use RMF data for both coupling facility and lock data (RMF
Collection = ALL), both CFDETAIL and LOCK must be set.
Start > IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Manage Tivoli Monitoring Services.
2. Right-click the name of the portal server and select Advanced > Utilities > FTP Catalog and Attribute
The Select attribute and catalog data for transfer window dialog box is displayed.
3. Select the catalog and attribute data for the Warehouse Proxy and the Summarization and Pruning
agents, then press OK.
The FTP TEMS Data to z/OS dialog box is displayed.
4. Provide the following information:
• The name of the hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server
• A valid FTP user ID and password
• The name of the domain name server of the monitoring server where the RKANDATV data set is
Chapter 3. Configuring 29
When you have completed these fields, click OK. Click OK again in the confirmation window.
5. After the FTP operation is complete, you receive a message that the operation completed successfully.
Click OK to end this operation.
After you complete these steps, restart the hub monitoring server.
z/OS commands
By default, Take Action commands issued by OMEGAMON for z/OS through the Tivoli Enterprise Portal are
issued as z/OS system commands.
System commands issued using Take Action commands, whether issued by a user or triggered by
situations or policies, run without any authorization or audit trail. However, a monitoring server or
monitoring agent address space can be configured to redirect Take Action commands to NetView through
the Program to Program Interface (PPI). Take Action commands issued in NetView make full System
Authorization Facility (SAF) calls for authorization. NetView uses the Tivoli Enterprise Portal user ID
to determine the NetView operator on which the command authorization is performed. If command
authorization passes, the command is executed on the NetView operator. Messages are written to the
NetView log to provide an audit trail of the commands and the users that issued them. If you enable
NetView command authorization on the monitoring server, you must also enable NetView to execute the
For more information, see "Configuring NetView authorization of z/OS commands" in IBM Tivoli
Monitoring: Configuring the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server on z/OS.
UNIX commands
To enable users with Tivoli Enterprise Portal user IDs to issue UNIX commands:
• The user's Tivoli Enterprise Portal user ID must be defined in RACF.
• The profile associated with the RACF user ID must contain an OMVS segment.
• In the OMVS segment, the z/OS UNIX user identifier (UID) must have a value of 0 (superuser).
By default, only user IDs that have been defined to z/OS UNIX System Services and have superuser, or
root, authority are allowed to issue UNIX commands through the Tivoli Enterprise Portal. User IDs are
defined to z/OS UNIX using RACF commands and the z/OS UNIX attributes are kept in the OMVS segment
of the RACF user's profile.
Chapter 3. Configuring 31
You can override the default validation behavior by adding one of two parameters to the KDS$PENV
override member of &rhilev.&rte.RKANPARU on the system or LPAR on which the command is being
• You can allow any RACF user ID defined to z/OS UNIX System Services to issue UNIX
commands, regardless of level of authorization, by adding the variable KOE_ALLOW_ANY_UID=1 to
&rhilev.&rte.RKANPARU(KDSENV) on the LPAR where the command is to be executed.
• You can allow any RACF user ID to issue UNIX commands, whether or not it has been
defined to z/OS UNIX System Services, by adding the variable KOE_ALLOW_UNDEFINED=1 to
&rhilev.&rte.RKANPARU(KDSENV) on the LPAR where the command is to be executed.
If you want any user with a Tivoli Enterprise Portal user ID to be able to issue UNIX commands, add both
At a minimum, you must create a profile using this pattern for the global security class
(RTE_SECURITY_CLASS) and give update access to the profile to all users you want to authorize to issue
OMEGAMON for z/OS Take Action commands. You can also create other profiles for more granular access
For example, to control all OMEGAMON for z/OS Take Action commands on all managed systems, use the
following profile:
To restrict authority to issue commands to a specific managed system, specify the managed system
name. For example, to control the ability to issue Take Action commands to an OMEGAMON for z/OS agent
running on Sysplex IBMTEST on Sysplex member TSTA, you would define a profile named
To control access to individual commands, you must define at least one profile with the following format
in either the global security class or the override security class (KM5_SECURITY_ACTION_CLASS):
This can be either a generic profile, or a command-specific profile. For example, to control access to all
commands, create a profile like the following:
To control access to the KILL command, create a profile with the following form:
To control access to the KILL command on a specific managed system, create a profile with the following
where msn is the managed system name of the target system. (For information on managed system
names, see “Authorize users to access OMEGAMON for z/OS managed systems on the enhanced 3270
user interface” on page 38.)
OMEGAMON for z/OS provides the following set of predefined Take Action commands:
The KM5 override security class parameter (KM5_SECURITY_ACTION_CLASS, in PARMGEN) allows you
to specify a separate security class to control individual OMEGAMON for z/OS Take Action commands.
However, you must still create the KM5.**.TAKEACTION resource profile discussed previously for the
global security class.
Users must be given UPDATE access to the profiles. In addition, an SAF Pass Ticket profile must be
defined to allow the OMEGAMON Enhanced 3270 user interface to authenticate between the interface
and the hub monitoring server. For more information, see the Configuring section in the IBM Tivoli
OMEGAMON and Tivoli Management Services on z/OS Shared Documentation.
For information on issuing Take Action commands from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal, see Using Take Action
The memory list and memory zap functions enable you to:
• view the programs that are running in an address space
• change the instructions in a running application to correct a problem
• view and modify data that are being processed by the application.
To enable security for the memory list and memory zap features, specify a security class other than
OMEGDEMO during configuration.
If you use OMEGDEMO, it bypasses security-checking by the interface and by OMEGAMON for z/OS. If you
use a class other than OMEGDEMO, users can not access memory list and memory zap by default. You can
then give selected users access to the features: see “Security for memory list and memory zap” on page
• For more information about configuring security in the OMEGAMON Enhanced 3270 user interface,
Chapter 3. Configuring 33
• For more information about authorizing users to issue Take Action commands, see “Prefixed Take Action
commands” on page 32.
2. Select a row, and then navigate to the TCB Storage by Subpool and Storage Key workspace. Note the
addresses of storage that might be interesting to view.
3. Navigate to the Memory Display/Zap workspace, and then enter the address in which you are
6. Press ENTER.
This message appears (unless another process updated the storage first):
Chapter 3. Configuring 35
• PassTicket authentication between the OMEGAMON Enhanced 3270 user interface and the OMEGAMON
for z/OS agent enforces a secure sign-on for all memory list and memory zap functions. For more
information, see “PassTicket” on page 37.
2. After you define the SAF security class, you define resource profiles to control access to the Take
Action commands. (If you do not define any resource profiles, all commands are denied.) To find out
if a user is authorized to issue the Take Action commands directed to the OMEGAMON for z/OS agent,
the OMEGAMON Enhanced 3270 user interface validates the following resource profile:
• To control the ability to issue all OMEGAMON for z/OS Take Action commands from a monitoring
agent that is running on a system with an SMFID of SYSA and Sysplex name of PLEXA, define a
profile named KM5.PLEXA:SYSA.TAKEACTION.* and then grant access to one or more users or
• The memory list/memory zap feature uses these Take Action resource profiles:
– MEMLIST controls the ability to display memory.
– MEMZAP controls the ability to change memory contents.
• To control the ability to display memory from all address spaces running on systems where an
OMEGAMON for z/OS agent is running, define a profile named KM5.**.TAKEACTION.MEMLIST, and
then grant access to one or more users or groups.
• To control the ability to modify memory of all address spaces running on the same system as an
OMEGAMON on z/OS monitoring agent that is running on a system with an SMFID of SYSA and
Sysplex name of PLEXA, define a profile named KM5.PLEXA:SYSA.TAKEACTION.MEMZAP, and then
grant access to one or more users or groups.
4. When you have added all the GENERIC resource profile definitions to the security class, issue the
following command to refresh the security class and activate the changes:
Requests to display memory or zap memory require a secured sign-on from the OMEGAMON Enhanced
3270 user interface to the OMEGAMON for z/OS monitoring agent. The interface generates a PassTicket
(that is, a one-time only password), and then sends it to the monitoring agent in the data request. This
enables the monitoring agent to authenticate that the request came from the user who is logged into the
1. In order for a PassTicket to be generated, the PTKTDATA security class must be activated. To activate
the PTKTDATA class and the SETROPTS RACLIST processing, issue the following command:
The PassTicket key class enables the security administrator to associate a RACF secured sign-on
secret key with a particular mainframe application that uses RACF for user authentication. All profiles
that contain PassTicket information are defined in the PTKTDATA class.
2. Define a profile in the PTKTDATA class definition for each OMEGAMON for z/OS monitoring agent which
you want to enable for memory list and/or memory zap functions.
Each OMEGAMON for z/OS monitoring agent must also have a resource profile defined to the RACF
application class (APPL). The same users and groups who are permitted to the monitoring agent’s
PTKTDATA profile must also be permitted to the agent's profile defined to the APPL class.
4. To activate the APPL class and the SETROPTS RACLIST processing, issue the following command:
5. Define a profile in the APPL class for each monitoring agent which you want to enable for memory list
and/or memory zap functions by issuing the following command:
6. Grant the user or group access to the monitoring agent’s APPL profile.
7. After you have added all the monitoring agent’s resource profile definitions to the PTKTDATA and
APPL security classes, issue the following commands to refresh the security classes and activate the
Chapter 3. Configuring 37
Recreate or replace z/OS Management Console situations
If you previously ran z/OS Management Console situations, you can start corresponding situations for
OMEGAMON for z/OS or recreate comparable situations using OMEGAMON for z/OS attributes.
For a list of z/OS Management Console situations and instructions for recreating them with OMEGAMON
for z/OS, or a list of corresponding OMEGAMON for z/OS situations, see Using the predefined situations.
where plexname is typically the true name of the Sysplex, but might be configured to be an alias for the
System managed system names take the form:
MVS where plexname is typically the true name of the Sysplex, but can be configured to be an alias.
The smfid component is the true System Management Facility (SMF) ID for the system or LPAR being
For instructions on configuring security for the enhanced 3270UI, see the Configuring section in the IBM
Tivoli OMEGAMON and Tivoli Management Services on z/OS Shared Documentation.
For instructions on configuring security for the older 3270 interfaces, see “Securing OMEGAMON” on page
Security provides command validation and logon validation.
By default, OMEGAMON command validation is controlled by an internal security table, but can also be
implemented using one of external SAF products. Logon validation for OMEGAMON is provided by one of
the supported external SAF products (see “Securing OMEGAMON for MVS (Realtime collector)” on page
Chapter 3. Configuring 39
Note: Any time you run the job to create runtime members, the KOMSUPDI member is regenerated in
RKANSAMU with default values. You can modify the security table in RKANSAMU as described above.
Your configuration determines values for classname and nnn. Your installation may also require
additional operands for this macro.
2. Activate the newly defined resource class.
3. Define an INITIALx resource profile for logging onto OMEGAMON (where x is 0, 1, 2, 3, or blank). For
The resource name “INITIAL” permits users to change their security level with the /PWD command.
Resource names “INITIAL0” through “INITIAL3” lock users to the highest matching security level
(0, 1, 2, or 3) and prevent the users from changing their level with the /PWD command (this is also
referred to as locking). These security levels are used with OMEGAMON internal security to determine
if a particular command is accessible to a user.
This example shows resource definitions to set a user to security level 2 (first define security level 0, 1,
2, and 3 as inaccessible, and then set USER02 to security level 2):
4. Define one resource profile for each command you want to protect with RACF (each protected
command will also require the EXTERNAL=YES setting in the security table).
This step is optional. It is required only if you want to add separate external security control for
specific commands. Otherwise, the regular LEVEL=x control is used.
• Use the TSO RDEFINE command and specify the OMEGAMON command as the resource. Be certain
to specify that only specific users may execute the command by setting UACC(NONE).
• Use the PERMIT command to define those users who can access the resource (execute the
command). Give them READ access. The following example shows how to authorize a user to
execute the PEEK command:
• If the command you want to secure begins with a slash (/) or period (.), the RACF rule you define
must start with a dollar sign ($) instead of the slash (/), or an at sign (@) instead of the period (.). For
example, the command /LOGOUT requires a rule for $LOGOUT.
The processing logic for this exit is provided in “Security exit processing logic” on page 53. Many sites
use this exit without modification, but it is documented with comments to facilitate changes.
Chapter 3. Configuring 41
2. Assemble and link the exit routine. Use the &rhilev.&rte.RKANSAMU(KOMRACFA) job.
• Indicate which commands are to be validated by RACF rules by setting EXTERNAL=YES on the
COMMAND control statements.
• Indicate which commands are to be validated by OMEGAMON internal security levels by setting
LEVEL=n and EXTERNAL=NO on the COMMAND control statements.
Important: To change an existing setting for a parameter, you must specify a new setting, rather than
just blanking out the old setting. For example, to remove a command from external security checking,
2. Modify and submit the KOMSUPD job in &rhilev.&rte.RKANSAMU to update and report on the security
table. If the update program flags statements as being in error, correct the statements and resubmit
the KOMSUPD job.
See “Security update program listing” on page 52 for instructions on interpreting the list of the
control statement modifications.
3. If OMEGAMON (default name IBMM2RC) is currently active, recycle OMEGAMON. Changes made to
the security table are effective only when OMEGAMON has been started after the security update job
completes successfully.
where OMS must match the resource class name that you defined, and UID is a user ID or user ID
4. Set up a CA-ACF2 rule for each command you want to protect with CA-ACF2 (each protected command
will also require the EXTERNAL=YES setting in the security table: see “Modify security table for
CA-ACF2” on page 43).
The following example shows how to authorize a user to execute the PEEK command (specify the
command name with the KEY operand):
If the command you want to secure begins with a slash (/) or period (.), the CA-ACF2 rule you define
must start with a dollar sign ($) instead of the slash (/), or an "at" sign (@) instead of the period (.). For
example, the command /LOGOUT requires a rule for $LOGOUT.
b. Indicate which commands are to be validated by CA-ACF2 rules by setting EXTERNAL=YES on the
COMMAND control statements.
c. Indicate which commands are to be validated by OMEGAMON internal security levels by setting
LEVEL=n and EXTERNAL=NO on the COMMAND control statements.
To change an existing setting for a parameter, you must specify a new setting, rather than just blanking
out the old setting. For example, to remove a command from external security checking, change
2. Modify and submit job KOMSUPD in &rhilev.&rte.RKANSAMU to update and report on the security
table. If the update program flags statements as being in error, correct the statements and resubmit
Chapter 3. Configuring 43
job KOMSUPD. See “Security update program listing” on page 52 for a description of the update
program report.
The changes will not affect currently active sessions, but any session started after KOMSUPD is run will
use the new security settings.
The SIGN parameter on the FACILITY statement must be specified as SIGN(M), or TOP SECRET may
revoke user access. Also, verify that MODE=FAIL is set, and the MULTIUSER parameter has been
2. Add the facility to users, as follows:
where cccccccc is the started task name you specified for the realtime collector during configuration
(parameter KM2_CLASSIC_STC in the configuration file).
3. Define a resource class to the RDT (Resource Descriptor Table), as follows:
5. Define PERMIT rules for resource INITIALx (where x is 0, 1, 2, 3, or required blank) to allow users to
log on to OMEGAMON, as in the following example:
6. The resource name “INITIAL ” (with required blank) permits users to change their security level
with the /PWD command. Resource names “INITIAL0” through “INITIAL3” lock a user to the highest
matching security level (0, 1, 2, or 3) and prevent that user from changing that level with the /PWD
command (this is also referred to as locking). These security levels can be used with OMEGAMON
internal security to determine if a particular command is accessible to a user.
The following example shows how to set users to specific levels:
7. Set up a rule for each command you want to protect with CA-TOP SECRET (each protected command
will also require the EXTERNAL=YES setting in the security table).
This step is optional. Perform this step only if you want to add separate external security control for
specific commands. Otherwise, the regular LEVEL=x control is used.
This example permits a user to use the PEEK command:
If the command you want to secure begins with a slash (/) or period (.), the CA-TOP SECRET rule you
define must start with a dollar sign ($) instead of the slash (/), or an at sign (@) instead of the period (.).
For example, the command /LOGOUT requires a rule for $LOGOUT.
The processing logic for this exit is provided in “Security exit processing logic” on page 53. Many sites
use this exit without modification, but it is documented with comments to facilitate changes.
2. Assemble and link the exit routine. Use the &rhilev.&rte.RKANSAMU(KOMRACFA) sample job.
b. Indicate which commands are to be validated by CA-TOP SECRET rules by setting EXTERNAL=YES
on the COMMAND control statements.
c. Indicate which commands are to be validated by OMEGAMON internal security levels by setting
LEVEL=n and EXTERNAL=NO on the COMMAND control statements.
To change an existing setting for a parameter, you must specify a new setting rather than just
blanking out the old setting. For example, to remove a command from external security checking,
2. Modify and submit job KOMSUPD in &rhilev.&rte.RKANSAMU to update and report on the security
table. If the update program flags statements as being in error, correct the statements and resubmit
job KOMSUPD. See “Security update program listing” on page 52 for a description of the report.
Chapter 3. Configuring 45
The changes will not affect currently active sessions, but any session started after KOMSUPD is run will
use the new security settings.
CONTROLSTATEMENT=cccccccc,KEYWORD1=cccccccc,KEYWORD2=cccccccc, etc.
There can be no intervening blanks. The update program treats data that follows a blank as a comment.
This data prints on the control statement listing, but is ignored for processing purposes.
• To insert comment lines anywhere in the input stream, place an asterisk (*) in column 1 of the input
• If the update program flags statements as being in error, correct the statements and submit them again.
To change a setting, you must specify a new setting instead of blanking out the old setting. This is
especially important to remember when changing a command from EXTERNAL=YES to EXTERNAL=NO.
• The changes will not affect currently active sessions, but any session started after the KOMSUPD job is
run will use the new security settings.
The control statement listing should indicate successful completion of the update.
The COMMAND control statement specifies the name of an OMEGAMON major, immediate, or INFO-line
command that you want to protect. OMEGAMON protects minor commands at the level of its major
command unless you specify the MINOR control statement.
When you update an INFO-line command, you must use the actual command name and not its alias.
OMEGAMON automatically assigns the same protection attributes to all aliases of the command.
OMEGAMON always processes the last COMMAND statement for the command. OMEGAMON does not
check for multiple COMMAND statements for the same command in the same run.
where cccc, .ccc, or /cccccc is the name of the OMEGAMON command you want to protect.
To have the control statement listing show the current security settings for a command, enter a
COMMAND=cccc,=.ccc, or =/cccccc statement with no additional operands.
COMMAND accepts the following keywords:
Specifies the internal security level associated with this command.
• Level 0 allows the command to execute without an internal security check.
• Levels 1, 2, and 3 specify that the command executes only if you have previously entered the
corresponding password for that level (or for a higher level) using the /PWD INFO-line command, or
were locked to that level via external security.
• DISABLE specifies that OMEGAMON is never to execute the command.
You can audit attempts to execute the command for the session, but you cannot specify internal or
external security.
Specifies whether an external security package checks this command.
Note: You can configure external security (to control logon to OMEGAMON and to lock users to a
particular command level) without having to specify EXTERNAL=YES on any commands. If you do
specify EXTERNAL=YES, you must define separate rules to control access to that command.
OMEGAMON ignores the EXTERNAL keyword if you specify LEVEL=DISABLE.
If you code EXTERNAL=YES for a command and no exit routine or rule is available, OMEGAMON does
one of the following things:
• Disables the command for the session if it has an associated security level of 0
• Defaults to internal security if the command has a security level of 1, 2, or 3
After you specify EXTERNAL=YES, you can change EXTERNAL only by specifying EXTERNAL=NO and
rerunning the security update program.
Specifies whether OMEGAMON is to audit the command each time a user invokes it. The possible
values are:
Produces a one-line message on the master console.
Specifies that OMEGAMON write an SMF record. You must specify the SMF record number in the
SMFNUM control statement.
If OMEGAMON cannot perform the SMF audit, OMEGAMON defaults to a WTO audit. See “The
System Management Facilities audit” on page 55 for details about setting up the SMF audit.
Specifies that OMEGAMON issue a WTO message to a console and write an SMF record.
Chapter 3. Configuring 47
Specifies no auditing. This is the default setting.
If you specify an audit for a disabled command, OMEGAMON notifies you of attempts to execute the
The LIST control statement specifies whether the security update program produces a security file listing.
OMEGAMON allows only one LIST statement per run. The default is LIST=NO.
A security file listing is a complete record of the security table that shows the following information:
• The name of the authorized screen library
• Security file volume serial number
• The name of the user exit module
• All command names, along with their corresponding security information
A security file listing does not list the internal security passwords.
If you also specify UPDATE=NO, the listing shows what the control statements and security information
would look like if the update had taken place.
To generate the security file listing independent of edits to the control statements, submit LIST=YES as
the only control statement in the input stream.
The format of LIST is LIST={YES|NO}
The MINOR control statement specifies the name of an OMEGAMON minor command you want to protect.
OMEGAMON protects the minor commands independently of the majors. Therefore, any changes to minor
commands apply to all minors with the same name and attributes, regardless of their major commands.
Access to a minor command requires access to the appropriate major command. If you do not specify an
EXTERNAL keyword, the associated major command controls access to this minor command.
No check is made for multiple MINOR statements for the same minor command in the same run. The last
MINOR statement for the minor takes effect.
The format of MINOR is
MINOR accepts the following keywords:
Specifies the internal security level you want to associate with this command.
Level 0
Allows the command to execute without an internal security check.
Levels 1, 2, and 3
Specifies that the command execute only if you have previously entered the corresponding
password for that level (or for a higher level), using the /PWD INFO-line command.
The MODULE control statement specifies the name of the module that contains the external security exit
routine. You must specify the MODULE parameter for an external security check to take place. There is no
The format of MODULE is:
where cccccccc is the name of the module that contains the external security exit routine.
Be sure that this name matches the load module name you specified in KOMACF2X or KOMRACFX.
Chapter 3. Configuring 49
The PASSWORD control statement specifies the 1- to 8-character password for each internal security
level that you want to use with the /PWD command.
You must use a separate PASSWORD control statement for each security level.
Use unique passwords for each security level. If you assign the same password to more than one level,
OMEGAMON will match it only at the lowest level and deny access to commands protected at higher
When you enter a valid password for one security level, OMEGAMON allows access to commands secured
at that level and to commands secured at lower levels. OMEGAMON checks the password for a match in
the following order:
1. Level 1
2. Level 2
3. Level 3
The format of PASSWORD is
PASSWORD accepts the following keyword:
Specifies the security level you want to associate with this password.
OMEGAMON requires a level for a password.
Levels 1, 2, and 3 specify that the command executes only if you have previously entered the
corresponding password for that level (or for a higher level), using the /PWD INFO-line command.
The RESET control statement clears the current settings of the other control statements. Reset
commands remain unprotected unless you specify new settings with the appropriate control statements
and rerun the update program.
Only one RESET statement is allowed per run.
The format of RESET is
RESET accepts the following keywords:
Clears settings for all control statements and all keywords in the OMEGAMON security table.
Clears the name and volume serial number of the authorized library.
The SMFNUM control statement indicates the ID number of the SMF record that OMEGAMON should use
for its audit. The SMF audit is intended for use only with commands that could disrupt the system (for
example, OCMD and MZAP). Use the SMF audit selectively because of its high overhead.
When creating the SMF audit, make sure that the SMF Record Exits (IEFU83 and IEFU84) and the SMF
system parameters specifications (SMFPRMcc) do not suppress the ability for OMEGAMON to journal the
audit activity records. The KOBSMFRP member of the &rhilev.&rte.RKANSAM data set contains a sample
SMF post-processor and report generator in source code format. This is supplied as an example only.
The format of SMFNUM is
The UPDATE control statement specifies whether OMEGAMON updates the control statements during this
run. OMEGAMON allows only one UPDATE statement per run.
The format of UPDATE is UPDATE={YES|NO}
UPDATE=NO specifies that this run of the security update program should be a trial run.
Chapter 3. Configuring 51
Security update program listing
The security update program produces a listing of control statement modifications. If you specify the
LIST=YES control statement, an additional report is produced that includes all security information.
The security update program listing has four parts.
• Header
• Edited control statements
• Security files
• Update trace
The header contains the following information:
• The name of the data set where the load module is located.
• The name of the module containing the security table (KOMCMnnn).
• The OMEGAMON version number in the format VnnnCOM.
• Messages indicating successful completion of the job or error conditions, such as a failure to open the
SYSLIB data set or read the security table.
Security files
If you specify LIST=YES anywhere in the input stream, the security update program generates a
complete listing of the security information, including the name of the authorized screen library and
its volume serial number, the name of the external security user exit module, the SMF record number, and
all of the commands along with their security information. The listing does not show the internal security
TYPE specifies the following kinds of OMEGAMON commands:
Update trace
The last part of the listing indicates whether an update has successfully completed.
Chapter 3. Configuring 53
Table 5. Security exit routines for external command-level security
Product Exit routine
Communication between OMEGAMON for MVS (Realtime collector) and the exit routine is done through
the control block $UCHECK and exit return codes. The control block $UCHECK is mapped by the
&rhilev.&rte.TKANMAC(KOBGMAC) macro. OMEGAMON maintains the $UCHECK control block for the
entire life of the session.
At the end of $UCHECK is a 512-byte work area set up for your installation’s own use. If you require
a work area larger than 512 bytes, GETMAIN additional storage and place a pointer to this storage in
$UCHECK. If you modify the RACF RACROUTE macro, you must GETMAIN at least 512 bytes for use as
the WORKA parameter.
Chapter 3. Configuring 55
• The SMF system parameters specifications (SMFPRMcc) do not suppress the ability of OMEGAMON
realtime collector to log the audit activity records.
OMEGAMON for z/OS started tasks can be started with the z/OS START command REUSASID=YES
parameter. Use this parameter with the components that are likely to leave address spaces with unusable
ASIDS: that is, the OMEGAMON Subsystem and the CSA Analyzer.
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