Workoutnavinstr 2012
Workoutnavinstr 2012
Workoutnavinstr 2012
Project : STC/KNVR
7) Meteorology, 12 points
Assignments : 8
Points : 100
Attachments :
(Based on the Dutch exam Nav IIIB + IIIC, 2001, June 20)
Easy to do, at these moments the bearing is then stable, hardly changes and an error
in time does not affect the bearing then.
UT : 19 01 34 (14/4)
Hs * : 44º 48'.3
Ic : -2'.0
: 44º 46'.3
dip : -5'.6
Ha : 44º 40'.7
star : -1'.0
Ho : 44º 39'.7 b. (2)
Hc : 44º 37'.7 c. (1)
a : +2'.0 d. (2)
Transfer: f. (4)
MWS h. (2)
Celestial navigation
Compass corrections
(2) a. The principle behind GPS is the measurement of distance (or range) between
the satellites and the receiver. Each satellite transmits its position and a time
signal. The signals travel to the receiver delayed by distance travelled. The
receiver measures the running time of the various signals and subsequently
calculates the distance to each satellite and can then calculate its own position.
(2). b. Blind sector – switch to small range, sea-clutter turned down, the blind sector
will become visible.
(2) e. The Righting system can be either Top heavy or Bottom heavy
Great-circle Sailing:
C = 302.°3
D = 4275.6 NM
Vessel with a draft of 4.80 meters, near Folkestone, Standard Port Dover. 05.00 UTC. Date is
23 February 1989. Chart Depth 5.40 m. , Draught 4.80 m. BT = UTC.
(4) c. The tidal range of Dover = 5.8 m. according spring tidal curve.
(2) e. Secondary Port(s) have about the same average spring- and neap tidal curves
Voyage preparation
(2) b. -Compare the date of publication, right below, with the notation left below of
the latest update of correction(s) Ntm.
-Stamp of the Supplier at the back of the chart (+date) and Number of latest
Ntm of which corrections are applied.
(1) e. - 4 tugs
- 4 dry docks
(2) f. Repairs can be carried out at 13 deep-water berths and in deep-water harbour.