Visigoths Vs Mall Goths

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Visigoths vs—

Lucian Kahn's

Mall goths
Lucian Kahn
concept, writing, and game design

Robin Eisenberg Lluis Abadias Garcia

cover illustration interior character

Vee Hendro Lauren McManamon

graphic design stylistic editing and

Olivia Fields Jackson Tegu

glamorous mall map simple mall map

Jonaya Kemper
sensitivity editing

adventure episodes by

Lucian Kahn
Jonaya Kemper
Maja Bäckvall
Mabel Harper
Liz Gorinsky

Visigoths vs Mall Goths, its characters, and its setting are property of
Lucian Kahn. All illustrations in this book are property of the artists. This
book’s text is registered and protected under the copyright laws of the
United States of America. You may use the rules of Visigoths vs Mall Goths
to create new games with your own original content. This genre of games
is Mauled by Goths. ISBN 978-0-578-65308-2.
in honor of my

Great Aunt Nettie

style icon, iconoclast, diva
January 11, 1922 – Halloween, 2019

Front Matter iii

Table of Contents
Playing Online 5
Inspiration 5

Glamorous Mall Map 8
Simple Mall Map 9
Character Sheets 10
Game Rules 22
Clock 24


Safety and Having Fun 27
Choosing Roles: Who Were the Goths? 31
Creating Characters 34
Embarrassing Traits List 36
Roleplaying Tips 37
Dice Roll-Off Examples 40


New Game Checklist 44
Mallrat Actions 46
Setting: Mallrat’s Alphabetical Guide to the Mall 50
A Feta Worse Than Death 52
Ace of Mace 53
Athawulf’s Secret 54
Baire’s 55
Big Disc Energy 56


Brick & Mortal 57
Darquade 58
Dracula Video 59
Floppy Joe’s Cyber Chili 60
Gerbil Essences 61
Hail Satin 62
Hyper Grrrl Roller Rink 63
Lemon Theodosius 64
Play Gaul 65
Saint Sebastian’s Catholic Gifts 66
Tiny Jötunn Adventures 67
Totally Random! 68
Passageways 71
Optional: Mall Clerk Relationships 72

Quoth the Raven “Whatever.” (by Lucian Kahn) 76
The Little Mx. Scare-All Pageant (by Jonaya Kemper) 81
We Need to Torc (by Maja Bäckvall) 86
Goat to Hell (by Lucian Kahn) 90
Through the Fire and Flames (by Mabel Harper) 92
IRC and Aliens (by Liz Gorinsky) 98

Visigoth Religion 105
What Was Popular in 1996? 105
Goth Playlist 106
Gratitude 107

Oh my   
Visigoths vs. Mall Goths is a tabletop roleplaying game and
dating sim about the conflicts and romances among the warriors
who sacked ancient Rome and 20th century spooky teens, set in
a suburban Los Angeles shopping mall during 1996. There are a
lot of bisexuals.

The plot structure of Visigoths vs. Mall Goths resembles an open-

world videogame RPG. Each adventure episode offers several
quests for you to pursue (or ignore) in a mall packed with many
strange retro marvels. You can create your own plots or explore
the mall like a sandbox game. Or you can just replay the game
over and over to kiss all the kissable clerks.

The game supports either one-shots or campaign play.


This book contains the entire game, including:
★ An original, easy-to-learn ★ Printable character
gameplay system that sheets, mall maps, game
fits on a single page. rules, and a clock.

★ Detailed instructions for ★ A list of embarrassing traits

creating 3 types of Visigoths and a system for using
(Conqueror, Charlatan, them to help your friends.
Runecaster) and 3 types
of Mall Goths (Theatre ★ An emo battle system
Tech, Witch, Cyber Pet). based on hurt feelings.

★ A fully developed mall ★ A guide to safety

setting, featuring 17 and having fun.
stores and 24 clerks from ★ 6 adventure episodes to help
a variety of cultures/ you plan one-shot sessions
subcultures. Clerks come or multi-session campaigns.
with rad and bummer
qualities, a list of best
friends, and a list of exes.

Overview 3
Visigoths vs. Mall Goths tells
a story about two groups of
outsiders who don’t get along.
Long ago, the Visigoths sacked You will need:
Rome in search of a homeland.
But just last year, a careless ★ A strange sense of humor
suburban Mall Goth with a ★ 4-6 character players and
Ouija board evoked an entire 1 facilitator player (the
community of Visigoths into Mallrat), consisting of:
1996 from the distant past.
♦ at least 2 Visigoths
At first, the Visigoths were
♦ at least 2 Mall Goths
confused by the modern world.
♦ the Mallrat, who
But they adapted quickly and
will need some extra
soon opened their own stores in
time to prepare
the mall. Their ultimate goal:
to conquer the entire mall and ★ 2 6-sided dice (2d6)
maybe one day, Los Angeles per player
★ Paper for passing notes
The Visigoths never forgave
the Mall Goths for uprooting ★ Something to write with
them. The Mall Goths never
★ 3-5 hours per adventure
forgave the Visigoths for trying
to push them out of the mall. You will not need:
This means war!
★ Historical accuracy


Playing Online
Although Visigoths vs. Mall Goths is an in-person game by
default, you can also play it online with some small adjustments.
All players will need:

★ Voice and text chat software, such as Discord or Google Hangouts

★ A dice-rolling website, such as Roll20 (or an agreement

to roll physical dice at home and report the results)

Email each player the printouts. Use direct messages instead of

paper for passing notes. Follow all other game rules as written.

Hi, I’m the game designer, Lucian Kahn. I grew up in Los Angeles
and was a goth-clubbing, bisexual grunge-rock teen in the 90s.

My biggest design inspirations for Visigoths vs. Mall Goths

were the videogames Earthbound, Dragon Age: Origins, Monster
Prom, and The Sims 3. In tabletop roleplaying games, I learned
a lot from Montsegur 1244, Witch: The Road to Lindesfarne,
Shooting the Moon, Masks, and Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition.

Imagine a surreal combo of The Craft, Empire Records, Bill &

Ted’s Excellent Adventure, and Clueless.

Overview 5



♦ Glamorous Mall Map, pp. 8 ♦ Game Rules, pp. 22

1 copy per player 1 copy per player
♦ Simple Mall Map, pp. 9 ♦ Clock, pp. 24
1 copy per player 1 copy per game
♦ Character Sheets, pp. 10
1 set of 4-6 characters per game

You can photocopy these from the book or print them from the PDF.

These printouts are also available for free download in single-page format.
Search for “Visigoths vs Mall Goths” on or at necromancy.

Printouts 7
Floppy Joe’s Cyber Chili
Ace of Mace Gerbil Essences Dialup Internet Café
Medieval Weapons Salon for Humans & Pets • Joe
• Pam Baire’s • Kellie
• Su-bin Jewelry & Accessories • Bitter Herb
• Gaybar
up Lemon Theodosius
• Gaydar
Visigoth Smoothies
• Vulfi
Top Floor


Tiny Jötunn
A Feta Worse dn Kids’ Pony Rides
Than Death • Evoric
Hyper Grrrl Roller Rink Dracula Video
Aged Cheese Rollerblade Paradise Cult Rentals
• Judith • Lakshmi • Fritz Fang
• Fatima
The Mall
Skee-Ball Totally Random!
Play Gaul • Thacø ???
Sporting Goods • ??? Big Disc Energy
• Requiem
• César CDs & LaserDiscs
• Ximena
Bottom Floor

• Trevor

i stairs


Brick & Mortal

Zombie Home Improvement
Hail Satin • Amanda
Demonic Bed & Bath
• Hemlock
Saint Sebastian’s Athawulf ’s Secret
• Nocturne
Catholic Gifts Visigoth Lingerie
Religious Stuff • Brunhilda
• Benedict
Conqueror Visigoth
name: Age: 16
female Heva, Ultragotha
male Alaric
unisex Goda

skills (change 1 of the below to +3):

she/her he/him they/them Spears +2
si/ija is/ina ita/ita
or choose your own Theft +2
Control animals +2
Are you still glowing from time (this doesn’t work on humans in fur suits)

☐ yes ☐ no ☐ maybe a little

Goth Style:
maille & helmet colorful tunic
dramatic gown gold jewelry & cape ☐ Once per day,
bone & sinew hoodie or choose your own without rolling:
Convince someone that a
modern item was invented by
Religion: Visigoths.
Germanic polytheist heretical Christian
or choose your own

A Mall Goth gives you 1 from the Embarrassing Traits List:
keep it, or reject it and pick 2 instead.

Embarrass yourself:
To give a friend +3 on their roll.

Choose 2:

★ I want to conquer Los

Angeles with

by my side because

★ I hope that
doesn’t know I stole

★ The Mall Goth I most

resent is
A simple spear (no
because additional skill bonus)
A saddle

★ My crush on

weirds me out because

Dollar$: 50

Notes & Doodles

Charlatan Visigoth
name: Age: 16
female Radegond
male Unwén, Dag
unisex Romilda

skills (change 1 of the below to +3):

she/her he/him they/them Persuade +2
si/ija is/ina ita/ita
or choose your own Inspire religious acts +2
Chase/flee +2
Are you still glowing from time
☐ yes ☐ no ☐ maybe a little

Goth Style:
☐ Once per day,
maille & helmet colorful tunic without rolling:
dramatic gown gold jewelry & cape Write a forged note; the
bone & sinew hoodie or choose your own recipient will believe it’s
Germanic polytheist heretical Christian
or choose your own

A Mall Goth gives you 1 from the Embarrassing Traits List:
keep it, or reject it and pick 2 instead.

Embarrass yourself:
To give a friend +3 on their roll.

Choose 2:

★ I’m still upset that

found out I lied about

★ I gave a long religious
lecture to ,
and as a result

★ The Mall Goth I most

resent is
A religious symbol

★ My crush on

weirds me out because

Dollar$: 50

Notes & Doodles

Runecaster Visigoth
name: Age: 16
female Gelvira
male Vermundo, Fritigern
unisex Liuva

skills (change 1 of the below to +3):

she/her he/him they/them Make invisible +2
si/ija is/ina ita/ita
or choose your own Levitate +2
Stun +2
Are you still glowing from time (All your skills use a rune; the rune
travel? affects whatever touches the carved side
of the runestone until removed)
☐ yes ☐ no ☐ maybe a little

Goth Style:
maille & helmet colorful tunic
dramatic gown gold jewelry & cape
bone & sinew hoodie or choose your own ☐ Once per day,
without rolling:
Carve runic graffiti on a store
wall and nobody will see you
Germanic polytheist heretical Christian shoplifting from that store.
or choose your own

A Mall Goth gives you 1 from the Embarrassing Traits List:
keep it, or reject it and pick 2 instead.

Embarrass yourself:
To give a friend +3 on their roll.

Choose 2:

★ Once when I was invisible,

I saw in the

middle of secretly

★ I used a levitation rune to


★ The Mall Goth I most

A bag of blank
resent is runestones & a small
hammer & chisel

★ My crush on

weirds me out because

Dollar$: 50

Notes & Doodles

Theatre Tech mall Goth
name: Age: 16
tech Powers
female Lenore, Aurora, Jenny
male Damian, Danny
unisex Onyx, Velvet, Narcisse, Sammy

skills (change 1 of the below to +3):

she/her he/him Costumes +2
they/them or choose your own
Pyrotechnics +2
Goth Style: Rappelling/rigging +2

vampire or choose your own

Religion: ☐ Once per day,
Wiccan Unitarian-Universalist
without rolling:
Atheist Jewish Catholic Make a clothing item out
Muslim or choose your own of duct tape and give it to
someone; this item gives the
wearer a +1 or a -1 to the
skill of your choice.

A Visigoth gives you 1 from the Embarrassing Traits List:
keep it, or reject it and pick 2 instead.

Embarrass yourself:
To give a friend +3 on their roll.

Choose 2:

★ I once helped

dress up in a disguise, because

is still mad at me because I

accidentally set fire to

★ The Visigoth I most resent

A 20-foot rope
is A bag of firecrackers


★ My crush on

weirds me out because

Dollar$: 25

Notes & Doodles

Witch mall Goth
name: Age: 16
female Athena, Hecate, Gehenna
male Belial, Azazel
unisex Wren, Umbra, Ember

skills (change 1 of the below to +3):

she/her he/him Detect lies +2
they/them or choose your own
Persuade +2
Goth Style: Haunt +2
(imbue a person/place/object
trad Romantic goth-punk with a spooky presence)
cyber Victorian fairy
vampire or choose your own

Wiccan Unitarian-Universalist
Atheist Jewish Catholic ☐ Once per day,
Muslim or choose your own without rolling:
Ask someone an emotional
question, and they must
answer with their true

A Visigoth gives you 1 from the Embarrassing Traits List:
keep it, or reject it and pick 2 instead.

Embarrass yourself:
To give a friend +3 on their roll.

Choose 2:

★ A spirit in a dream told me

to pay attention to


★ I will never forgive
for lying to me


★ The Visigoth I most resent

A crystal wand


★ My crush on

weirds me out because

Dollar$: 25

Notes & Doodles

Cyber Pet mall Goth
(Technically human.)

name: Age: 16
Cyber Pet
female Luna, Tabitha, Mlemily
male Cerberus, Lynx, Azrael
unisex Jinx, Hex

skills (change 1 of the below to +3):

she/her he/him Bite +2
or choose your own
Hack electronics +2
Play dead +2
Goth Style:
trad Romantic goth-punk

cyber Victorian fairy
vampire or choose your own
☐ Once per day,
Religion: without rolling:
Wiccan Unitarian-Universalist Put on cute animal ears for
Atheist Jewish Catholic an instant half-price discount
Muslim or choose your own at any store.

A Visigoth gives you 1 from the Embarrassing Traits List:
keep it, or reject it and pick 2 instead.

Embarrass yourself:
To give a friend +3 on their roll.

Choose 2:

★ I wish I could be

’s pet because

★ I hacked into
’s email and
found out that

★ The Visigoth I most resent

Cute animal ears
because Collar and leash

★ My crush on

weirds me out because

Dollar$: 25

Notes & Doodles

Game Rules
Before starting play, read these rules out loud together.
Go around the table and let each player read a section to the group.
This is a great time to ask questions.

Teams and The Mallrat   ⚑

There are two teams, Visigoths and Mall Goths. Inside the fiction,
Visigoth characters and Mall Goth characters are rivals. At the table,
Visigoth players and Mall Goth players are collaborative storytellers.
The player with the complete guide to the mall is called The Mallrat.
The Mallrat facilitates the game.

Scenes ☀
TIMESLOTS AND STORE VISITS: Each day is broken up into 6 time
slots. Each team of goths plays out a scene in 1 store per timeslot
(either 1 scene with both teams, or 2 scenes with teams in separate
stores). Team members must stay together as a group for store visits,
because teens in this mall only shop with their friends.

PASSING NOTES: When your team is not in a scene, you may write
in-character notes to your teammates back and forth. This is always


★ Talk with your team about ★ Fight.

plans or strategies. ★ Talk about hurt feelings to
★ Talk to store clerks to get heal them.
information. ★ Flirt, ask people on dates, or
★ Go shopping or shoplift. make out.
★ Debate about music, fashion,
religion, or other cultural

You can also hang out in the passageways with other characters
(elevators, escalators, stairwells, and hallways). Visiting passageways
doesn’t advance the clock.
Rolling Dice ⚅⚅
Players roll dice to resolve conflicts. If there’s no conflict, there’s no need to
roll dice. You roll-off against another player, a Mallrat-controlled character,
or the mall itself. Always roll 2d6 and add any relevant modifiers from your
skills (on your character sheet) or special items. Whoever has the highest
number succeeds and the other fails. Both players succeed on a tie, and the
situation escalates ridiculously or dramatically.

Hurt Feelings
Most games only track physical damage, but this game only tracks
emotional damage. If your character sheet contains 2 or more hurt
feelings, you are emotionally overwhelmed and can’t physically fight or
use embarrassing traits until you talk about your feelings with a friend.


hurt everyone’s feelings. When your physical attack against an
opponent is successful, you and your opponent both experience hurt
feelings. Write a word describing how your character feels in the “hurt
feelings” section of your character sheet.

HURT FEELINGS FROM OTHER EVENTS: If you believe something

other than a physical attack wounded your character’s feelings, feel
free to add a hurt feeling to your character sheet. This rule is less
strict than the rule about physical attacks—it’s up to the player to
judge their own character’s emotions.

HEALING: Each character can only heal and erase a total of 1 hurt
feeling from their character sheet per scene.

Embarrassing Traits 😱
Embarrass yourself to make your friends seem cool in comparison!
If you draw attention to your embarrassing trait, you may offer another
player a +3 bonus to their roll, but you must add “embarrassed” to your
hurt feelings. You may announce this before or after your friend rolls,
but you must announce it before the Mallrat describes the narrative
result. You must have an empty slot available in your hurt feelings to
use an embarrassing trait.

Kissing? 😽
Always ask before initiating a romantic or kissy plotline with another
player’s character. Yes means yes. No means no. Maybe also means no.
All adventure episodes begin in Place this clock in the middle of the
the Early Morning timeslot. Each table to track the passage of time.
team of goths plays out a scene in Whenever a group of goths leaves
1 store per timeslot (either 1 scene a store, check a box. When both
with both teams, or 2 scenes with boxes for a timeslot are checked,
teams in separate stores). When advance to the next timeslot.
the Late Evening timeslot is
complete, the adventure episode is
over. There is no way to get extra
time, because the mall closes at
10 PM. If the Mallrat wishes to
end the adventure episode before
filling the clock, they may advance
directly to Epilogues.


Each player makes a few brief
statements about what happens to
their character after the events of
this adventure episode.

you play


Safety and
Having f un
Although the usual tone of Visigoths vs. Mall Goths is lighthearted
and absurd, like all interactive media it runs the risk of entering
emotionally or psychologically challenging territory. You should
discuss the following as a group before character creation to help
everyone have a fun time. Experienced roleplayers may have
different safety techniques in mind than the ones in this chapter;
feel free to use what works best for you and your friends.

The Pizza Metaphor

You wouldn’t surprise your friends with anchovies on pizza night,
would you? It’s a better idea to discuss with your friends ahead of
time what pizza toppings you all want and don’t want.

A roleplaying game is a pizza. Maybe you want to use this

chapter’s recommended safety techniques, and maybe you
don’t. But either way, at least talk to your friends about what
type of content you all want and don’t want in the story.
A short conversation can save the pizza party!

How sexy Is This Game?

If Visigoths vs. Mall Goths were a movie, it would be rated PG-
13. This game is designed to tell stories that include flirting,
romance, dates, kissing, making out, and light kink (fuzzy
handcuffs, a chest harness, fursuits, etc.). There’s also a lingerie
store, a store with a sexy pun in the name, and a 90s-style online
Purity Test. If the clerks strike your group as a bit young for this
sort of thing, feel free to make anyone older. If you wish to omit
any of these elements from the game, come to an agreement as a

Safety and Having Fun 27

table. This game wasn’t designed for sex scenes beyond kissing or
making out, partially because it takes place in a shopping mall.
(The game designer did a lot of weird things as a teenager in LA
in the 90s but never had sex in the Sherman Oaks Galleria.)

If you’d like to add sex scenes to the game, come to an agreement

as a table – just make sure everyone actually wants to play with
this content (especially your quietest friends), since teen sexuality
is a common uncomfortable or off-limits topic for many players. By
default, Visigoths vs. Mall Goths is less racy than the roleplaying
game Monsterhearts, the TV show Stranger Things, and the PG-
13 1995 film Empire Records—but it still has that spark.

Always get player consent before attempting to initiate a romantic

or kissy plotline with their character. This rule applies even more
strongly when playing with strangers or distant acquaintances.
Don’t be creepy. This game is for fun.

Awkward Group Dynamics to Avoid

Since this game can get flirty, you should probably avoid playing
it with your relatives. You should also avoid a mixture of adult
and teen players, and instead make your games either adults-
only or teens-only.

Be Respectful
This mall contains a diverse cast of clerks to reflect the Los
Angeles Metropolitan area. Play them as interesting people, not
as stereotypes. If you’re not sure how to depict someone from a
community, don’t worry too much about trying to convey their
culture, and instead focus on their goals, emotions, and desires.

Do not play on racist tropes that you may know from movies and
TV, such as over-the-top cultural practices or accents, and steer
clear of racial slurs. For useful, in-depth tips on how to avoid racist
tropes when portraying characters from a different background
than you, the game designer recommends the blog post “May I
Play a Character From Another Race?” by James Mendez Hodes.


The same applies to playing characters of a different gender
identity to your own. “Cis” means “not trans,” like “straight”
means “not gay, lesbian, bi, pan, etc.” If you’re not sure how
to depict trans characters, play characters labeled “trans girl”
as girls, play characters labeled “trans boy” as boys, and play
characters labeled “genderqueer” without dwelling on gender.
I mostly went with language around the concept of “genderqueer”
rather than “nonbinary” as a tribute to my trans communities of
the late 1990s and early 2000s, but you can use other language
and concepts as you prefer. For sexual and romantic orientation,
I’ve used the terms most familiar to my playtesters, but you can
replace them with your own.

Recommended Safety Techniques

LINES AND VEILS: Brainstorm and agree on Lines and Veils
together at the beginning of the game. “Lines” are things you
don’t want to come up at all during the game. For example, if
someone at the table states “harm to animals” is a line, that
theme won’t come up at all during play. “Veils” are things that
are okay to have in the game, as long as they aren’t described in
detail. For example, if someone wants to veil “making out,” then
characters can make out in the story, but the scene fades to black
when it happens (without describing the details).

For this game’s default settings, there are always lines on sexual
violence and sexual non-consent.

THE X-CARD: Using the X-card in combination with Lines and

Veils can help catch unwanted content that nobody thought to
mention at the beginning of the game. Write “X” on an index card
and place it in the middle of the table. This index card is like a
pause button. If any player feels the game has veered into unfun
territory, touching the X-card pauses the game immediately. Do
not bug the player for details about why they used the X-card.
In most cases, the reason for the X-card is obvious. Rewind back
to before the unwanted content, and resume the story with a
different approach when everyone is ready.

Safety and Having Fun 29

Occasionally, the reason for someone using the X-card is not
obvious. For example, perhaps Diana unwittingly gave a character
the same name as someone who dumped Jessica, and she doesn’t
want to think about that jerk Liz the whole game. In these cases,
the player using the X-card should briefly identify the content
being flagged (for example, “not that name!”). As soon as everyone
understands what content needs to be omitted from the game,
stop asking the player about it and go back to having fun.

OPEN DOOR POLICY: Your mental, emotional, social, and physical

wellbeing are always more important than playing Visigoths vs.
Mall Goths. If anyone at the table wants to leave the game at any
time for any reason, from anxiety to boredom to acid reflux, that
person is free to go—no questions asked, without being nagged,
teased, prodded, or heckled. This rule applies even more strongly
if the session is being recorded, streamed, or broadcast.

You don’t need to experience an emergency to use the X-card or

leave the game. Simply having a bad time is bad enough. This
game is for fun.

Content Note
Visigoths vs. Mall Goths also contains the following themes:
religion and spirituality (reverently and irreverently), imperialism,
fear of coming out as LGBTQ, kidnapping, meat-eating and
animal products, teens kissing and making out, outsider status,
cartoonish violence, shoplifting, illegal drug use, earthquakes,
obnoxious subcultural gatekeeping, moral ambiguity, capitalism,
and lycanthropy.

If You Don’t Want It, Cross It Out

Everybody’s different, and my idea of fun may be your idea of
stress. If something in this game makes you uncomfortable, cross
it out. I have no power over you, I’m just some weird guy who’s
nostalgic for LA in the 90s. I run Visigoths vs. Mall Goths the
way I wrote it, but your experience is about you, your friends, and
your imaginations. Have fun!


Choosing Roles:
Who Were
the Goths?

The Mallrat (1 player)

The Mallrat spends the most time in the mall. Other games call
this role game master, dungeon master, or master of ceremonies.
However, imagine the Mallrat as less of a master and more of a
high school sophomore who’s finished their third cinnamon bun
and is going back for a fourth.


★ knowing all the secrets

★ explaining the game
★ setting scenes
★ escalating the drama
★ playing lots of minor characters

The Mallrat should set aside time before the game to become
familiar with the rules and the mall, to choose an adventure
episode (or invent one), and to make copies of all necessary

Choosing Roles 31
Visigoths (2 or 3 players)
The Visigoths were the collection of nomadic tribes who sacked
Rome in 410, soon settling in Gaul and later Spain. Their
religion began as Germanic polytheism and later became a type
of heretical Christianity that rejected the Catholic idea of the
trinity. In the early medieval period, the Visigoths spread out
over a large geographic region and consisted of a variety of ethnic
groups. Visigoth laws of property and marriage were unusually
favorable to women for the time. Unfortunately, we in the 21st
century don’t know a lot about the early Visigoths. Romans wrote
the history books, so history remembers them as barbarians. Due
to complications from rapid Ouija-based time-travel, some of the
Visigoths in this mall are glowing.

Fun for players who enjoy:

★ creating and playing one character

★ pretending to be an ancient badass in
a disorienting modern culture

The 3 Visigoth types are Conqueror, Charlatan, and Runecaster.

Each player should pick a different type.

★ CONQUEROR: You would ride into battle and

seize this mall, if only you had a horse.

★ CHARLATAN: Why should there be any difference

between a meaningful religion and a well-crafted lie?

★ RUNECASTER: Mystic symbols transmute inert

stones into instruments of your will.


Mall Goths (2 or 3 players)
The gothic subculture in music and fashion began in the 1980s
and was characterized by themes of darkness, tragic romance,
and horror. Mainstream clothing companies capitalized on the
movement in the 1990s, and goth clothing stores began to appear
in shopping malls across the United States. Mall Goths were
the suburban teens who shopped in these stores and spent most
of their free time hanging out together in the mall. Mall Goth
culture reached a peak in 1996 with the release of the witchy
movie The Craft. The original goths who created the music
subculture regarded the Mall Goths as posers and fakes, while
popular and mainstream teens regarded them as losers.

Fun for players who enjoy:

★ creating and playing one character

★ pretending to be a morbid misfit

The 3 Mall Goth types are Theatre Tech, Witch, and Cyber Pet.
Each player should pick a different type.

★ THEATRE TECH: You’ve worked backstage at Rocky

Horror Picture Show, and you know the ropes.

★ WITCH: Your friends value your uncanny emotional

intuition, but you’re not all lavender and crystals.

★ CYBER PET: Why just carry around a digital pet

on a keychain when you can be that pet? (You’re
basically a furry with a Tamagotchi aesthetic.)

Choosing Roles 33
The people playing goths (Visigoths or Mall Goths) fill in their
character sheets using these 8-9 steps.

1. Choose a name from the list or come up with your own.

2. Choose pronouns from the list or come up with your

own. (Visigoth character sheets include feminine,
masculine, and neuter pronoun suggestions from
the Gothic language for your convenience.)

3. If you’re playing a Visigoth, decide if you’re

still glowing from time travel.

4. You automatically start with a +2 bonus on your dice

rolls for 3 skills. Upgrade 1 of these skills to +3.

5. Choose a goth style from the list or come up with your own.

6. Choose a religion from the list or come up with your own.

(How seriously does your character take religion?)


7. Everyone introduces the goth they’ve made to the group.
This will help decide embarrassing traits in the next step.

8. Turn to the Embarrassing Traits list. Choose a player

on the opposite team to give you an embarrassing
trait. You may keep the trait they give you, or
veto it and choose 2 traits from the list.

For a quick start, character creation can end here. If you have a
bit more time, continue to step 9.

9. All of these goths know each other from the mall, some
more intimately than others. Choose 2 of the “Starting
Relationships” sentences. One sentence must be about
the character to your left, and the other sentence must be
about a character on the opposing team. For each sentence,
fill in the first blank with the character’s name, and the
second blank with an idea from your imagination. When
everyone is finished, read these out loud. Players may
veto any starting relationship details they don’t want, in
which case whoever wrote it should think of something
else. These backstory details do not change any character’s
skills, powers, or otherwise modify the game rules.

When everybody is happy with their characters, the game can


Creating Characters 35
Traits List
Visigoth Mall Goth
embarrassing trait options embarrassing trait options
(and ideas for roleplaying (and ideas for roleplaying
them): them):

allergic to metal (scratch your rash, bad taste in music (request easy
throw off your armor or weapons) listening music in a store or play it
loudly on your Discman)
bad dancer (say what music is
playing in the mall and dance badly cracking voice (let your voice crack
in public) when you speak)

dumped by famous lover (talk about don’t understand slang (use old-
your love for the one who rejected you) fashioned slang like “Gadzooks!” or
“Heavens to Betsy!”)
fear of animals (say what animals are
present and run away or scream) overprotective parents (receive a
message on the loudspeaker / your
follow a modern religion (pray or pager about curfews or homework)
make reference to gods or religious
concepts that began after the Middle
prep school student (reveal your
Ages, such as Protestant Christianity,
school uniform, school cheer, or
Jews for Jesus, Scientology,
expensive graphing calculator)
Satanism, Jediism, etc.)

wish you were Roman (speak Pig Latin) terrible poet (recite a bad poem)


Why do we embarrass ourselves to make our friends look cool in comparison?
It all goes back to the 90s science fiction show Babylon 5. The alien species
Minbari never lie—except to help someone else save face.


No Exit for the Lost
The entire game happens inside the mall. If you try to exit the mall
on the left side, you pop up on the right side like the wraparound
in a 90s videogame. You may use this to your advantage!

You can do anything an ordinary teenager can do, plus the
special skills listed on your character sheet. If you’re rolling to do
something ordinary, it’s just a plain 2d6 dice roll without a bonus.
If you acquire an item that gives a bonus to a skill that’s not on
your sheet, you now have that skill.

Magic exists and the supernatural occurs from time to time,
but most people don’t have magic powers. Unless your character
sheet lists a specific supernatural ability, assume you can’t defy
the laws of nature.

Fights in this mall are brief, cartoonish, non-deadly, and always
hurt everyone’s feelings.

There are no security guards in this mall. There are no guns in

this game.

Roleplaying Tips 37
Hand-wave the Injuries
You’ve been stabbed with a spear! Fortunately, you’re in a surreal
time-travel mall with wraparound exits, so the spear passes right
through you like you’re Wile E. Coyote. Nothing to hurt but your

Nobody Wins When Everyone’s a Loser

This game has “vs.” in the title—does that mean it’s a player vs.
player competition? Sort of, but not really. The Visigoth and Mall
Goth characters are typically enemies, and they may even battle.
But the players aren’t actually competing to win the game.

As players, your goal is to tell a story together with your friends.

All conflict between characters is a plot device to help you tell an
interesting story. Sometimes you’ll play toward your character’s
advantage, but other times you’ll “play to lose” so personalities
and plot arcs develop. What would your character do, even if you
know better?

Beware of “I Don’t Care”

“I don’t care about anything” was a common mall goth attitude in
the 90s, but good stories require characters to care about things.
Fortunately, “I don’t care about anything” is usually a defense
mechanism for actually caring very deeply. If you give your goth
an “I don’t care” affectation, decide what they actually care about
underneath the façade.


If you’re new to roleplaying games…
Visigoths vs. Mall Goths is a system for playing pretend. You get
to imagine you’re someone else, somewhere else, and do what that
person would do. Use that freedom to tell an interesting story
with your friends. Even if your character fails all of their goals,
you as a player win the game if you give that character a great
story of failure. Succeed and fail with gusto!

If you’ve played other roleplaying

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: Visigoths vs. Mall Goths is less lawful
and more chaotic than Dungeons & Dragons. It’s also more
improvisational than strategic. Many actions that would require
dice rolls in D&D happen automatically through storytelling in
this game. If you can’t find a rule or bit of lore in this book that
covers a situation, allow yourself the freedom to make stuff up.


(facilitator) to possess information about the mall and clerks.
The setting and NPCs (Mallrat-controlled characters) are more
specifically detailed in the text of Visigoths vs. Mall Goths than
in PbtA games. The goth players are less responsible for world-
building and creating supporting characters. If you are the
Mallrat, keep the Mallrat’s Alphabetical Guide to the Mall open
as reference while players explore the mall.

Roleplaying Tips 39
Dice Roll-off

There are 2 player characters, Ultragotha and Damian. Ultragotha

wants to stab Damian with a spear. Damian decides to throw a
firecracker at Ultragotha. Ultragotha is a Conqueror Visigoth with
a +3 bonus to spears. Damian is a Theatre Tech Mall Goth with a
+3 bonus to pyrotechnics. Ultragotha rolls 2d6 and gets a 9, then
adds her +3 bonus for a total of 12. Damian rolls 2d6 and gets a 6,
then adds his +3 bonus for a total of 9. Ultragotha wins the roll.
Ultragotha describes how she stabs Damian with the spear, and
Damian describes how he misses Ultragotha with the firecracker.
The Mallrat asks both goths how this fight hurt their feelings.
Ultragotha adds “guilty” to her character sheet’s “hurt feelings”
section, and Damian adds “frustrated” to his hurt feelings section.


This time, Ultragotha isn’t a Conqueror Visigoth, but a

Runecaster Visigoth with no spears bonus. When she rolls to
stab Damian with a spear and gets a 9, she adds nothing to her
roll. Both goths get a total roll of 9, so it’s a tie and both succeed.
Ultragotha describes how she stabs Damian with the spear, and
Damian describes how he hits Ultragotha with the firecracker.
The Mallrat describes how the situation escalates: Kellie, the
store clerk, becomes annoyed; she yells Shakespearean insults
at them and threatens to pelt them with hacky sacks. Both goths
describe how they feel about this fight and add a hurt feeling to
their character sheet.


It’s the same as Scenario 2, except Ultragotha’s Visigoth

teammate, Alaric, wants to help her by embarrassing himself as


a distraction. Both players roll a 9. However, before Ultragotha,
Damian, and the Mallrat narrate what happens as a result of
the roll, Alaric uses his “fear of animals” embarrassing trait to
scream in fear of a nearby gerbil. Ultragotha gets +3 to her roll
and is now the winner. Ultragotha and Damian describe how
they feel about this fight and add a hurt feeling to their character
sheet. Alaric adds “embarrassed” to his.


Alaric is lying to the clerk of A Feta Worse Than Death, Judith,

about being the king of Switzerland so she’ll give him free Swiss
cheese. Alaric doesn’t have a bonus to persuasion, so he rolls 2d6
without a bonus and gets a 12. The Mallrat rolls 2d6 for Judith,
because she is a clerk in the mall. The Mallrat rolls a 14 and
Judith wins the roll. Judith doesn’t believe that Alaric is the king
of Switzerland. She keeps the cheese and tells all her besties that
Alaric is a liar.


Ember, a witch Mall Goth, wants to haunt a hairdryer sitting on

a counter in Gerbil Essences. She has +3 to haunt, but the bonus
doesn’t matter. Nothing opposes her, so she just does it without
rolling dice.


Ultragotha wants to punch a hole in the wall between stores.

She has no relevant bonuses, so she rolls 2d6 and gets a 10. No
characters control the wall, so the Mallrat rolls 2d6 on behalf of
the mall itself and gets a 9. Ultragotha describes how she punches
a hole in the wall.


Ultragotha wants to make a weapon out of Snickers bars and duct

tape. Nothing’s stopping her; she just does it without rolling dice.


Ultragotha and Judith want to kiss. Nothing’s stopping them;

they just do it without rolling dice.

Dice Roll-Off Examples 41



the Game

Running the Game 43

New Game
For a new game of Visigoths vs. Mall Goths with 6 players, the
Mallrat will need to print out:

★ 6 copies of the Mall Maps

♦ If possible, print a double-sided sheet with the

Glamorous Mall Map on one side and the Simple
Mall Map on the other. These 2 views of the
mall provide different information and may be
useful to players at different moments.

★ 1 copy of each character sheet

★ 6 copies of the Game Rules
★ 1 copy of the Clock

The adventure episode you choose to run may require additional

printouts. Find these sheets after the scenario instructions for
each adventure episode.


Give your players a quick overview of the game, making sure
they understand the whole time-travel situation. If any players
are culturally unfamiliar with Visigoths and/or Mall Goths, refer
to Choosing Roles: Who Were the Goths? (pp. 31)


The Game Rules are short, but experienced roleplayers may be
tempted to skip them. Visigoths vs. Mall Goths has meaningfully
different rules than Dungeons & Dragons and Powered by the
Apocalypse (PbtA) games. Go ahead and read the Game Rules
aloud together.

Follow the instructions on the Creating Characters page. (pp. 34)


Keep this handy as a reference throughout the game. You’ll need
to flip through it often for information about the mall’s stores,
clerks, items, and activities. This setting is the heart of the game.
(pp. 50)

Running the Game 45

To set a scene…
★ ask the Visigoth and Mall Goth teams which stores they
would like to visit, and decide which team’s scene goes first
(or do a single scene if they want to visit the same store)

★ to escalate conflict between teams, first ask

one team where they want to go, then ask the
other team, “Do you want to follow them?”

★ if they decide to hang out in an elevator,

escalator, stairwell, or hallway, roll for a random
encounter from Passageways (pp. 71)

★ to add suspense, roll for Passageways if

they wait too long to choose a store

★ describe the surroundings using the 5 senses

(sight, sound, touch, smell, taste)

★ ask, “Who would you like to talk with, and

what’s the conversation about?”

★ if two characters go on a date, encourage

everyone else to spy on them

To end a scene…
★ ask, “Is there anything else you want to
do in this store before moving on?”


Make players roll dice when
their characters try to...
★ obtain guarded information from someone
★ lie to, deceive, or trick someone
★ persuade someone to do something unusual
★ attack someone
★ shoplift or damage store property (roll against
the nearest clerk or the mall itself)
★ use their skills to do anything that a bystander would hate

Make a clerk…
★ show off a vivid personality and a specific mood
★ give clues in exchange for a task, item, money, or info
★ advertise special items and activities
★ sell other items that you think the store should carry
★ flirt with a player character
★ reject a flirt
★ play hard-to-get
★ make fun of a player character
★ get impatient with a character who isn’t buying anything
★ defend store property with force

When player characters fight,

suggest hurt feelings…
angry, annoyed, anxious, ashamed, bitter, betrayed, cowardly,
confused, depressed, desperate, disappointed, discouraged,
disgusted, distrustful, embarrassed, empty, excluded, fearful,
frustrated, guilty, heartbroken, helpless, hurt, indecisive,
inferior, insulted, lonely, manipulated, offended, panicked,
rejected, resentful, restless, shaky, suspicious, tormented, useless

Running the Game 47

When a player wins a fight roll…
★ offer a narrative benefit, such as getting to
describe the victory or bystanders’ reactions

When a player fails a roll

against you…
★ raise the stakes
★ add a new conflict or complication

When a player does something

unusually cool or helpful…
★ offer a +1 bonus to their dice roll

If players ignore the main quest…

★ let them
★ focus on the goals they set for themselves
★ at end of session, tell them the in-fiction
results of ignoring the main quest

If players get creatively stuck,

roll a d6 to introduce a problem…
1 a customer attacks a player character or clerk with words or deeds
2 an animal breaks loose from Gerbil Essences or Tiny Jötunn Adventures
3 an earthquake drill or minor earthquake occurs
4 someone’s angry parent, teacher, enemy, frenemy, or ex shows up
5 the Mailer Daemon appears: a demon from the Internet made entirely of
undeliverable emails
6 all the lights go out and a flash-mob of ravers with glow-sticks appears, dancing
frenetically to happy hardcore


Running the Game 49
Guide to the

♦ A Feta Worse than Death, pp. 52 ♦ Gerbil Essences, pp. 61

♦ Ace of Mace, pp. 53 ♦ Hail Satin, pp. 62
♦ Athawulf's Secret, pp. 54 ♦ Hyper Grrrl Roller Rink, pp. 63
♦ Baire's, pp. 55 ♦ Lemon Theodosius, pp. 64
♦ Big Disc Energy, pp. 56 ♦ Play Gaul, pp. 65
♦ Brick & Mortal, pp. 57 ♦ Saint Sebastian's Catholic
♦ Darquade, pp. 58 Gifts, pp. 66
♦ Dracula Video, pp. 59 ♦ Tiny Jötunn Adventures, pp. 67
♦ Floppy Joe's Cyber Chili, pp. 60 ♦ Totally Random! pp. 68



Keep this guide handy as a reference throughout the game. You’ll need to
flip through it often for information about the mall’s stores, clerks, items, and
activities. This setting is the heart of the game.


Mallrat's Guide to the Mall 51
Mall Goth

Dark mahogany coffins lie open, revealing an array of fine cheeses.


Bi-questioning cis girl, white and Jewish, 16
Victorian Goth

Rad Judith skateboards to work in a Victorian ballgown.

Bummer Like her heroic Biblical namesake,
Judith’s cutting sarcasm can have
a decapitating effect.
Skills +3 swords

Special Items

Medusa’s Gorgonzola Dear Dairy

$35 $25

+1 to stun when eaten; eater is turned A journal for processing cheesy

to stone for 1 timeslot emotions. Talking to a friend about hurt
feelings heals an additional slot if you
2 uses per hunk write about it immediately after

3 uses per journal



The walls are covered in axes, bows, whips, and all the weapons of a
respectable adventuring party.


Gay cis girl, Thai, 16
High ponytail and hip-hop clothes
Exes with Brunhilda

Rad Pam’s modern dance choreography is starting to attract the

attention of college admissions recruiters.
Bummer She still hasn’t gotten over her relationship with Brunhilda.
Skills +3 dance-off

Bisexual genderqueer, Korean, 15
Spiky black hair, baggy zip-off cargo shorts & bowling shirts

Rad Su-bin’s non-judgmental attitude has earned them friends from

many different cliques.

Bummer This is Su-bin’s first job and they’re overwhelmed by everything—

especially their crush on Pam.

Skills +3 skee ball

Special Item

Britney’s Spear ♦
Not for sale in dollars, costs 500 win tickets.

+1 spear

Mallrat's Guide to the Mall 53


This lingerie store specializes in furs.


Gay cis girl, Visigothic, 17
Butch Visigoth in maille & helmet
Exes with Pam

Rad Brunhilda fights hard to defend herself. She also secretly wants
to become a marine biologist and collects stickers of technicolor
Bummer Brunhilda sometimes misinterprets customers’ statements as
personal attacks and responds with threats.
Skills +3 spears

Special Items

Bone & sinew bra ♦ Bone & sinew codpiece ♦

$15 $15

+1 control animals +1 control animals

Unique Unique


BAIRE’S Loyalty

A giant rainbow flag greets you as you enter this haven of kitschy men’s jewelry.


Bisexual cis man, white, uses wheelchair, 45
Not available for romance or kissing
Curly brown hair & big beard, hairy chest, stocky build, white mesh shirt, low voice
Life-partners with Gaydar

Rad Gaybar is deeply sentimental and loyal to his life-partner, Gaydar.

Bummer He’s relied on this corny “Gaybar & Gaydar” act for so long, he’s
afraid to show most people the real Walter—the guy who watches
Murder, She Wrote.
Skills +3 control animals

Gay cis man, white, 35
Not available for romance or kissing
Aging twink, spiky blonde hair, club clothes, gentle voice
Life-partners with Gaybar

Rad Gaydar makes all the faux-leather bracelets in the store by hand.
The “Gaydar” persona is the real Gaydar.

Bummer Gaydar lacks foresight about the consequences of his actions and
will do anything to impress Gaybar… anything.

Skills +3 persuade

Special Activity Special Item

Bellybutton Piercing Station Soda harness ♦

$20 $25

Chest-harness of recycled
soda can tabs

+1 rappelling/rigging

Mallrat's Guide to the Mall 55


This CD store has particularly well-curated acid house and riot grrrl sections.


Bisexual gender-questioning, Mexican, 17
Riot grrrl with long dark purple hair in her face, flannel, dark makeup,
fishnets & camo skirt
Hates Trevor

Rad Ximena’s zines make her popular with rebels.

Bummer Whether at school, as an artist, or at this job, Ximena is a
perfectionist who can’t relax.
Skills +3 costumes

Straight cis boy, white, 17
Raver with parachute pants, candy bracelets, and a mushroom haircut

Rad Trevor is the king of genuine compliments.

Bummer Trevor is stoned literally all the time.

Skills +3 play dead

Special Activity

$5 per goth for 1 timeslot


Mall Goth

A zombie-themed hardware store makes home improvement very scary.


Bisexual trans girl, Mexican and white, 16
Flannel babydoll dress & blue lipstick

Rad Amanda has a real knack for anti-capitalist grassroots organizing

and plays guitar in a grunge rock band called God Is Gay.
Bummer Amanda is too exhausted to pretend to care about this job.
Skills +3 rappelling/rigging

Special Item

Altar in a Box

Accepted by most major gods and demons.

Pinewood & particle board, some assembly required.

The mall is equipped with a

loudspeaker for announcements.
Is that your mom calling?

Mallrat's Guide to the Mall 57

Mall Goth

Lava lamps and blacklight posters beckon you toward the glow of many screens.


Bisexual trans boy, Black and Guatemalan, 16
Gamer nerd with Three Wolf Moon t-shirt

Rad Thacø cares deeply about other people’s feelings and can’t stand
to see anyone in pain. His Dungeons & Dragons Lawful Good
Paladin just reached level 10.
Bummer He has a hard time standing up for himself in real life—especially
against someone cool like Requiem.
Skills +3 hack electronics

Bisexual cis boy, white, 17
Cyber goth in futuristic black and neon red, with wires wrapped around his arms

Rad Requiem is an aspiring fashion designer with an impressive

portfolio of homemade outfits.

Bummer He finds a way to make every conversation about his own talent
and beauty.

Skills +3 costumes

Special Activity

Skee Ball
50¢ per game

There’s a roll of 600 win tickets on the wall hook behind the prizes booth.

Prizes booth:
♦ 10 win tickets: a black rubber thumb monster with googly eyes
♦ 100 win tickets: a black rubber hand monster with googly eyes
♦ 1000 win tickets: a black stereo
with two tape players…
...and googly eyes


Mall Goth

This video store has unusually well-curated cult, horror, and foreign film sections.


Gay cis boy, white, 17
Extremely voluminous blonde chest hair and pointy ears
An actual werewolf (rideable in wolf form)

Rad Since becoming a werewolf, Fritz Fang has volunteered twice a

week at the local animal shelter.
Bummer Fritz Fang is intolerably pompous about film.
Skills +3 bite

Special Activity

What’s on the tv?

Roll a d6 to find out what’s playing on the TV in the corner of the store

Evens: Medieval Dead 2

A low-budget Visigoth student horror movie.

Odds: Meowtropolis
An obscure animated series about a marginalized community of humanoid glam
cats living on a trash barge patrolled by angry dogs in New York City’s Hudson
River. The most popular character with odd teenagers is Rabbi Rainbows.
Rabbi Rainbows is the advisor to the Mewish community of Meowtropolis. He
is a slender catman in a crushed velvet catsuit with a plunging neckline spilling
over with fur. His yarmulke is a CD that melted in the sun into a concave shape
and reflects rainbows off his head from the sunlight. He is obviously a gay
rabbi cat, but he has a daughter from a previous meowriage. Since the city of
Meowtropolis is a trash barge, the synagogue is in the cleanest area, the galley.
It’s called Temple Meowses. At Temple Meowses, Rabbi Rainbows trains kittens
for their Purr Mitzvahs.

Mallrat's Guide to the Mall 59


A dialup Internet café with tasty snacks and cayenne-encrusted keyboards.


Straight cis man, Black, 55
Not available for romance or kissing
White hair, thick glasses, obsessed with the information superhighway
Puff-paint t-shirt with giant floppy disk that says “Floppy Joe’s”
Dad of Hemlock

Rad Geeky and sweet, Joe makes everyone feel welcome in the cyber
café, from rambunctious kids to old ladies playing Solitaire.
Bummer Joe still calls Hemlock “Henry” and constantly asks random
teenagers to go to Hail Satin and remind him about his curfew.
Skills +3 catch thief



This California-cool hair salon is equipped with styling stations for humans and


Gay trans boy, white and Jewish, 17
Cute punk with neon green mohawk

Rad He’s an expert at fixing ripped clothes (with safety pins) and giving
subculture-specific haircuts. Liberty spikes, anyone?
Bummer He’s in a horrible punk band called Bitter Herb & the Boilz.
Can one of you help him improve his guitar chops?
Skills +3 break stuff

Bisexual cis girl, Black, 17
Trad goth with long cornrows, black t-shirt, black leather jacket, black jeans,
and black Doc Martens

Rad Kellie is the stage manager for most of the local high school plays
and carries around books of Shakespeare in her backpack.

Bummer She’s really good at hacky sack, but embarrassed about it

because hacky sack is for those awkward surfer boys who smoke
pot in the elevator. Well, at least her hacky sack has a skull on it.

Skills +3 rappelling/rigging

Pets currently in store Special Activity

♦ 1 large poodle (rideable) Makeover Station

♦ 1 sheep (rideable)
♦ 1 cage of gerbils Haircut, color, makeup, the works!

Mallrat's Guide to the Mall 61

Mall Goth

A demonic bed and bath store with black terrycloth curtains.


Bisexual cis boy, Black, 17
Extremely cute goth in black lipstick & trenchcoat
Son of Joe (and embarrassed about it)
Best friends with Nocturne

Rad Hemlock is universally recognized as the cutest guy in town—and

he’s also a Latin competition medalist, but nobody seems to care.
Bummer He’s insecure that everyone only likes him for his looks, and
complains about this with excessive melodrama.
Skills +3 haunt

Gay trans girl, Japanese, 17
Black velvet corset, long black skirt, heeled boots, and a black velvet choker
Best friends with Hemlock

Rad Nocturne has a quick wit and tells great jokes. She’s also way into

Bummer She loves to spread embarrassing rumors, especially about other

clerks in the mall.

Skills +3 inspire religious acts

Special Activity

It’s My Orb and I’ll Scry If I Want To

A massive black scrying orb covered in arcane symbols and surrounded by
floor pillows. It has no magical powers.

Special Items

Bubbles of Bathomet Bisexual with Liturgical Time ♦

$15 $20

Demonic bubble bath Purple velvet book. Nobody

+1 haunt understands the purpose of this
book—maybe you can figure it out?




The walls of the rink are plastered with posters of iconic girls.


Bisexual genderqueer, Indian, 17
Rollerblade punk with pink ponytail, muscular, covered in tattoos
Best friends with Fatima

Rad Lakshmi is bold, confident, and always speaks their mind.

Bummer Their daredevil stunts occasionally result in bizarre injuries.
Skills +3 chase

Bisexual cis girl, Persian, 16
Neon blue hijab & neon athletic track suit
Best friends with Lakshmi

Rad Fatima is the strongest debater in model congress.

Bummer She’s judgmental of slackers.

Skills +3 detect lies

Mallrat's Guide to the Mall 63


The Visigoths replaced the Orange Julius because it was too Roman.


Bisexual cis girl, Visigothic, 16
Long, stringy hair, a tunic, wooden bracelets carved with mysterious symbols
For added flavor, refer to Vulfi using feminine pronouns from the Gothic
language: si/ija/izōs.

Rad Vulfi has pledged undying loyalty to the Visigoths. Oh yeah, and si
is a master runecaster.
Bummer Vulfi only speaks Gothic—which is only a bummer for the Mall
Goths, of course. Si actually understands English and Spanish too,
but si resents living in 20th century California, so si doesn’t let
anyone know that about ija. When a non-Visigoth attempts to order
a smoothie by pointing at a piece of izōs fruit, Vulfi just eats it.
Skills +3 all runes (levitate, stun, make invisible)

All mall employees wear




This “Visigoth” sporting goods store is actually owned by a corporation hoping

to cash in on the ancient community’s sudden appearance.


Asexual aromantic cis boy, Salvadoran, 16
Not available for romance or kissing
Black spiky hair with frosted tips, soccer jersey, checkered shorts

Rad César is a forward on the soccer team and an all-around nice guy.
Loves ska.
Bummer He keeps losing stuff all over the mall—his wallet, his soccer cleats,
his trombone—and often sends customers to go look for them.
Skills +3 chase

Special Activity

Visigoth Foosball Table

The foosball players are made of iron, wear helmets, and carry spears
The handles are difficult to turn and creak when they do

Special Items

The Hacky Sack of Rome Umpire: the Masquerade ♦

$5 $20

+1 to thrown weapons Catcher’s mask

+1 stealth

Mallrat's Guide to the Mall 65


Lit with tea-candles and decked with crosses, it’s your church away from church.


Secretly bisexual cis boy, white, 16
Pleated khakis and sweater vests
Moved here a year ago from Northern California and says “hecka cool” because
“hella” is a swear

Rad Benedict is unusually generous, sometimes even offering

customers discounts out of his own pay.
Bummer He’s a total uptight square.
Skills +3 inspire religious acts

Special Activity

Confess to the Invisible Priest

The priest has never been seen coming in or out of the confession booth, and
he’s known for giving strange advice. Does he just arrive early and leave late, or
could he be… a ghost?



Horse track in the front, stables in the back, screaming children everywhere.


Straight cis boy, Visigothic, 16
“Assimilated” but confused Visigoth
Wearing a jersey and shorts from 2 rival sports teams

Rad Evoric has a mutual understanding with horses that verges on the
Bummer All the other Visigoths think he’s a coward.
Skills +3 control animals

This mall can’t afford to hire security guards. Come to think of it, some of the
potted palm trees are starting to look a little dry.

Mallrat's Guide to the Mall 67


The game rules for Totally Random! are slightly different than the rest of the mall.
Ask the players to describe what the store looks like, then let them make up a
new clerk together from their imaginations. (If they have trouble thinking up a
clerk, or if you’d like two in the store, see the default clerk listed below.)

Everything in this guide to Totally Random! was created by Kickstarter backers,

with help from the Visigoths vs. Mall Goths design team.

Totally Random! sells different weird stuff every day and keeps so many
employees on the payroll that nobody knows anyone’s schedules.



Queer cis girl, Filipina, 17
Reigning Prom Queen, long hair clipped back with a zillion butterfly clips

Rad Mary deeply understands this suburb’s social world, including all
the other clerks’ friendships and relationships.
Bummer She wants to be the best at everything so she can escape this
boring neighborhood and go to college in Los Angeles proper—so
her competitiveness sometimes becomes intense.
Skills +3 costumes

Special Items
Roll a d6 to find out which special items are available today:

1: Spider Silk PJs ♦


Still musty-smelling from the barns, tombs, and other dark places where
webs are found, this lovely two-piece set of iridescent grey silk (?) pajamas is
unsettlingly sticky—but it has pockets!

Grants the wearer a not-quite-telepathic link with two non-venomous spiders.

These little buddies will do their best to do your bidding, but they are just spiders



Special Items
Roll a d6 to find out which special items are available today:

2: Totila’s Tortilla
$5, limit 5 per customer

A plain flour tortilla speckled with ancient grains

Eating Totila’s Tortilla grants a brief increase in eloquence and grace

+1 persuasion

OR: Treasure of Guarrazard #21: Teguinthila ♦


Originally part of a subscription box collection of 26 vinyl lizards, each designed

by a different artist and themed around golden votive crowns. This plastic lizard
is elegantly patterned with shiny gold details.

The tongue is made of stiff plastic, suitable for stabbing.

+1 spears


3: Digital Watch ♦

Shock-resistant and water-resistant, with date, time, and even day of the week,
and a back-lit digital display. This watch is peak 1990s technology. It has a
chunky plastic band.

If you set the time on the watch back 6 seconds, you can rewind time by that
much. That allows you to re-roll a dice roll that you have just made. You must
use the new result. No one else knows that time has been rewound, but you
remember everything from the original timeline. If you use the watch to rewind
time, you gain the hurt feeling “ashamed” because you have to live with the
knowledge that you cheated to succeed.

(Note: This watch only allows you to rewind time by 6 seconds. But if that
technology exists, what does that mean for the Visigoths’ chances of getting
back to ancient Rome?)


Mallrat's Guide to the Mall 69

4: Bagel Locks ♦

Ten round brass locks that are all locked to each other and smell like smoked
fish. Opens with an old-fashioned metal sardine key.

When a bagel lock is placed on something, it discourages people from

approaching it. The more locks you put on it, the stronger the effect. When all
ten locks are in place, the chain becomes unbreakable. A lock can be opened
with the key, or forced open by someone with 2 hurt feelings.


5: Antique Scales of Mores ♦


Very old brass/copper set of pan scales—plain, undecorated, no adornment,

no symbols

Naming two social mores or personal traits (even unrelated ones, such as
Fashion Sense and Personal Dignity) and moving the scales lets you change
how people nearby view those things: reducing how much they care about A
to increase how much they care about B, or vice versa. This effect only lasts
in the Scale’s immediate vicinity (about the size of a mall store). The holder is


6: Mausoleum Falcon ♦

An actual squawking bird that can talk in any language to the living and the dead.
A guardian of memories.



Roll a d6 to find out who interrupts our heroes in
the elevator, escalator, stairwell, or hallway:

1 The Mall Boss (see below)

2 Someone uncomfortably wholesome: either a Girl Scout collecting
signatures on a pledge to stay drug-free, or a middle-aged hippie rapping
about recycling
3 An entire guys’ beach-volleyball team
4 The meanest, trendiest, richest, most popular 12th graders, who are all on
student council
5 A 90s celebrity (Leonardo DiCaprio, Courtney Love, The Artist Formerly
Known as Prince, Shannon Doherty, Geraldo Rivera, Sally Jessy Raphael,
Dan Quayle, Judge Judy, Whoopi Goldberg in a nun costume, etc.)
6 Gastrointestinal Joe—a buff old man in army fatigues who complains about his
indigestion. Floppy Joe’s nemesis


Woman, orientation unknown, ethnicity unknown, age unknown
Not available for romance or kissing

Rad The Mall Boss has magic freckles and must use them up to cast
spells. The only way to get more freckles is to lie on the beach in
Majorca. Her freckle magic has different powers depending on the
color of her nail polish.
Bummer If she is attacked by chili, she gets weaker.
Skills +3 to everything

This character was created by the game designer’s mom, Phyllis.

How does Mall Boss magic work mechanically? Argue about it.

Mallrat's Guide to the Mall 71

Mall Clerk Best friends with Judith (A Feta Worse

Relationships Than Death)

Best friends with Su-bin (Ace of Mace)
Best friends with César (Play Gaul)
If you want to include complex
starting relationships among FRITZ FANG (DRACULA VIDEO)
mall clerks, use the following Exes with Hemlock (Hail Satin)
optional details. Exes with Bitter Herb (Gerbil Essences)
Best friends with Requiem (Darquade)
Best friends with Ximena (Big Disc Best friends with Joe (Floppy Joe’s
Energy) Cyber Chili)
Best friends with Nocturne (Hail Satin)
Exes with Lakshmi (Hyper Grrrl Roller GAYDAR (BAIRE’S)
Rink) Best friends with Brunhilda (Athawulf’s
Exes with Fritz Fang (Dracula Video) HEMLOCK (HAIL SATIN)
Exes with Hemlock (Hail Satin) Best friends with Judith (A Feta Worse
Best friends with Trevor (Big Disc Than Death)
Energy) Best friends with Nocturne (Hail Satin)
Exes with Requiem (Darquade)
BRUNHILDA (ATHAWULF’S SECRET) Exes with Fritz Fang (Dracula Video)
Best friends with Gaydar (Baire’s) Exes with Bitter Herb (Gerbil Essences)
Exes with Pam (Ace of Mace)
CÉSAR (PLAY GAUL) Best friends with Gaybar (Baire’s)
Best friends with Su-bin (Ace of Mace)
Best friends with Fatima (Hyper Grrrl JUDITH (A FETA WORSE THAN
Roller Rink) DEATH)
Exes with Lakshmi (Hyper Grrrl Roller Best friends with Fatima (Hyper Grrrl
Rink) Roller Rink)
Best friends with Hemlock (Hail Satin)
Best friends with Vulfi (Lemon Exes with Trevor (Big Disc Energy)


RINK) Best friends with Evoric (Tiny Jötunn
Best friends with Ximena (Big Disc Adventures)
Exes with Amanda (Brick and Mortal) XIMENA (BIG DISC ENERGY)
Exes with César (Play Gaul) Best friends with Lakshmi (Hyper Grrrl
Roller Rink)
NOCTURNE (HAIL SATIN) Best friends with Pam (Ace of Mace)
Best friends with Amanda (Brick & Best friends with Amanda (Brick and
Mortal) Mortal)
Exes with Ximena (Big Disc Energy) Exes with Nocturne (Hail Satin)


Best friends with Ximena (Big Disc

Exes with Hemlock (Hail Satin)
Best friends with Fritz Fang (Dracula


Best friends and exes with Thacø
Best friends with César (Play Gaul)
Best friends with Fatima (Hyper Grrrl
Roller Rink)

Best friends and exes with Su-bin (Ace
of Mace)


Best friends with Bitter Herb (Gerbil
Exes with Kellie (Gerbil Essences)

Mallrat's Guide to the Mall 73



Use the following adventure episodes to plan each game session,
or create your own!

★ Quoth the Raven “Whatever.” (by Lucian Kahn), pp. 76

★ The Little Mx. Scare-All Pageant (by Jonaya Kemper), pp. 81
★ We Need to Torc (by Maja Bäckvall), pp. 86
★ Goat to Hell (by Lucian Kahn), pp. 90
★ Through the Fire and Flames (by Mabel Harper), pp. 92
★ IRC and Aliens (by Liz Gorinsky), pp. 98

All adventures are suitable for one-shot play.

For campaign play, run the adventures in any order, depending on the story
you want to tell. The order provided is the game designer’s favorite order.
Visigoths vs. Mall Goths doesn’t use skill advancement between sessions. As
in the real world, the mall is always just as hazardous as the very first time.

Adventure Episodes 75

the Raven
“ Whatever.”

You will now receive 3 quest-like prompts. The goals you choose
to pursue and the skills you use will shape the story.

★ It’s early morning. The Visigoths and Mall Goths are sitting
on opposite sides of Floppy Joe’s Cyber Chili, checking
America Online. Everyone receives the following email,
surrounded by clipart of pink hearts and flying Cupids:

To: Creepy Losers List

From: Student Council Secretary Brooke
Subj: Valentine’s Day Skate

Don’t forget to find a date for

tonight’s Valentine’s Day skate
at the Hyper Grrrl Roller Rink!

All stores will be temporarily closed

in the late evening so employees
can join in the festivities.

NO horseplay!

Delete Help


★ There is also a chain letter going around: The Omni-
Goth Purity Test! (Pass around copies of the Purity
Test on page 80 and give players a moment to read
them, then ask everyone how their character feels about
the Purity Test. Do they want to use it as a checklist
of things to do? Do they think it’s immoral and want
to protest it? Do they think it’s a waste of time?)

★ Five minutes before everyone’s dialup Internet service

expires, the Visigoths hit “send” on the following email to
the Mall Goths:

To: FakeGoths
From: RealGoths
Subj: Your Disgraced Kinsman!!!

Dearest Mall Goths,

We have captured teen boy Raven Goldberg

and are holding him hostage somewhere in
this mall. We won’t let him go unless you
agree to stop hanging out on the bottom
floor of the mall. If you don’t agree to the
deal before the Valentine’s Day skate tonight,
Raven Goldberg shall be inducted into Visigoth
society. He shall look most attractive in armor.

Sincerely yours,

The Visigoths

Delete Help

Quoth the Raven "Whatever" 77

Show only to Visigoths
Raven Goldberg is being held in a secret area of .

QUEST GOAL: Distract the Mall Goths from finding and rescuing
Raven before the Valentine’s Day Skate. Interfere with their love
lives, battle them, convert them to a new religion, convince them
to get makeovers, and/or anything else that comes to mind.

ADDITIONAL INFO: Nobody told you which of your fellow

Visigoths were responsible for the kidnapping itself, how they did
it, or where exactly Raven is hidden in the store. But you suspect
Evoric, that sniveling coward from Tiny Jötunn Adventures, did
some of the dirty work. Try to keep his whiny mouth shut without
tipping off the Mall Goths.

Show only to Mall Goths

Raven Goldberg, age 17, pleather-clad mall goth, is the youngest
and best DJ at the community college radio station. He’s also your
only friend with a car. You need him back, but you refuse to give
up the bottom floor of the mall.

QUEST GOAL: Find Raven Goldberg and bring him to a safe

place. Start by asking clerks for information.

ASK EACH MALL GOTH: Why do you care about Raven Goldberg?

Mallrat setup (roll a d6 to customize):

★ Raven Goldberg is hidden in…

1 Baire’s
2 Dracula Video
3 Athawulf’s Secret
4 Saint Sebastian’s Catholic Gifts
5 Hyper Grrrl Roller Rink
6 Darquade


★ Write the location in the blank of the “Show only
to Visigoths” paragraph on the previous page

★ Raven was silenced with duct tape, handcuffed

with fuzzy pink cuffs, and stuffed inside…
1-3 The counter behind the register.
4-6 A bargain bin under merchandise

Clerk Secrets (Organized by Store)

BIG DISC ENERGY: While Ximena was closing up shop late last
night, she saw the hooded kidnapper and Raven ride by the store
on a white pony. But she’s half-convinced that Trevor put a tab
of LSD in her Tab Cola and she hallucinated the whole thing.
(The pony was going in the general direction of where Raven is

BRICK & MORTAL: Ximena told Amanda what she saw.

DARQUADE: Requiem went on a date with Raven and thinks he’s

a poser. Well… is he?

GERBIL ESSENCES: A hooded figure brought a white pony into

the shop for a bath early this morning. The pony was slightly
scratched up and had some bloodstains.


★ Raven’s black lace handkerchief is in the stable.
★ Evoric was bullied into lending the kidnapper a white pony.
He knows who the kidnapper is and which store Raven is
hidden in, but he won’t give up this information easily. With
considerable pressure, he might give up the kidnapper’s
name, but will pretend not to know where they work.

Quoth the Raven "Whatever" 79

To: The Sparrows and the Nightingales
From: Lestat667
Subj: FW:FW:FW: rand0mn3ss

The Omni-Goth
Purity Test
☐ on the ramp of a Skee-Ball machine?
☐ covered in bubbles?
☐ while going up the down escalator?
☐ while wearing a catcher’s mask?
☐ while wearing only a bone & sinew codpiece?
☐ while riding separate ponies?
☐ while riding the same sheep?
☐ while tied up with rope?
☐ while haunted?


☐ 3 people in a day?
☐ 3 people of 3 different genders in a day?
☐ a werewolf?


☐ gotten in trouble with your parents?
☐ gotten kicked out of a store?
☐ offended a deity?

Delete Help



The Little
Mx. Scare-All

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the gothiest of them all?

The Los Angeles goth scene is known for its razor-sharp aesthetics
and dedication to beauty. Even the Visigoths admire the LA goths
for looking good while bashing back, because like Visigoths (who
threw off an overly repressive Roman rule) LA goths are not afraid
to use their steel toes against those who try to oppress them.

But they’re not Mall Goths. No. They are True Goths, and they
are what sweet aspirational nightmares are made of. They rule
the Internet and set goth culture’s arbitrary standards while
creating clubs in unexpected spots that you’d die to sneak into.

While you don’t know if you want to grow up to be a True Goth,

you wish you had their abject power to laugh at society, since it
often feels like society is laughing at you. Either way, until you
prove yourself, you’re just a baby bat mall rat. Or worse. A poser,
and no one likes a poser.

Today’s your chance to prove yourself. Before the True Goths

retreat to their over-18 clubs where most of you can’t go yet, Big
Disc Energy will host the finale of the annual Little Mx. Scare-All
Pageant, which will crown the Gothiest Goth Teen in all of North
America. Normally you wouldn’t care (the proper goth attitude),

The Little Mx. Scare-All Pageant 81

but this year the Mall Goths and Visigoths made a bet. The losing
team must stay away from the mall for a whole summer. Besides
that, first place will be on the cover of Lucretia’s Reflection, the
very first omni-goth beauty magazine. If your picture is on the
front page, it’ll be emblazoned in mall history.

While shopping in Big Disc Energy for the perfect music for
your talent portion, an announcement crackles through the

“Hey now, hey now! Now! Don’t forget to pick up your

copies of Žižek’s Revenge’s newest CD, ‘Beyond the Fiction
of Reality.’ The band will be signing the album in the early
evening! And just a reminder for all you dorks, let them
R.I.P… retail in peace.”

It’s your lucky day! The beloved post punk band Žižek’s Revenge
is at the mall! Doing your talent portion to a song from the new
album would garner major points from the judges. You could
totally ignore the loudspeaker and find the band members in the
mall so they can sign it, or you could make sure the other goths
don’t get ahead by sabotaging their every step. Either way, you’ll
have to buy (or steal) the album first.

There are four members of Žižek’s Revenge. If you run into them
in the mall, you will recognize them—they’re all famous.


Žižek’s Revenge

Nonbinary bisexual, Black, 18
The lead singer and guitar player, with a penchant for deadly sharp accessories

Straight cis guy, British, 21
The synth player, a moody intellectual whose hawk is legendary
Not available for romance or kissing

Lesbian cis girl, Mexican, 18
The bass player, with the best eyeliner game since Siouxsie Sioux

And there’s a fourth member, but they’re the drummer and no one ever
remembers what they look like. Or their name. You only remember that they’re

Mallrat Instructions
For this adventure, you’ll need to keep time, but also remember
time is a construct.

★ Žižek’s Revenge signs their CD in the

early evening, before the Pageant.
★ The Pageant starts in the late evening.

Show Only to Mall Goths

You know more about the drummer than the Visigoths realize.
Last summer your parents made you join the 4-H club to stop
you all from getting scurvy… again. So, you know that the fourth
member of Žižek’s Revenge is an unassuming Visigoth named
Ausvinthus (19), who raises champion fainting goats. They never
travel without their goat Pandora, and will most likely get her
groomed at Gerbil Essences.

The Little Mx. Scare-All Pageant 83

Show Only to Visigoths
The lead singer of Žižek’s Revenge, Vixanne Razor, is actually
a Visigoth and is super into B Movies. If you could find them
anywhere, it’d be in Dracula Video.

Mallrat Setup
Roll a d6 whenever a player enters a store looking for a band
member. They can specify which band member they want to
find. If they don’t, choose whichever band member will cause the
most drama.

1 They are not at that store.

2 They are not at that store.
3 They are at the store, but are hard to charm.
4 They are there.
5 They are there.
6 They are there and very easy to sway.

EXCEPTIONS: Vixanne Razor is always in Dracula Video when

Visigoths go, and Ausvinthus is always in Gerbil Essences when
Mall Goths go. The goths still need to persuade them for an


The Pageant
When it is time for the pageant, set the scene as outlandishly as
possible. Feel free to use members of the band and/or a clerk as
judges for flavor. When ready, tell the players they will collectively
narrate their talent portions. Encourage them to go as big as
possible. After every act, roll 2d6 to decide the outcome.


★ Any copy of the album signed by all members gives

a + however many members have signed. (+4 for
all members, +1 for 1 member, and so on.)

★ If a contestant has bought/stolen/acquired the Pointy

Boots, they roll an extra die for all talent show outcomes!

If there is a tie, a sudden-death dance off occurs. Each player narrates

their moves and rolls a singular die. Best 2 out of 3 rolls wins.

Specialized Items List

Holy Hold (Gerbil Essences)


Visigoth hairspray made from the tears of Roman soldiers. Literally freezes time
for everyone except the user for 15 seconds. User will glow faintly after. One use.

Žižek’s Revenge on Deluxe CD (Big Disc Energy)


Žižek’s Revenge on Limited Edition Sparkly Eggplant Colored Vinyl

(Big Disc Energy)

Pointy Boots with Extra Extra Buckles (Totally Random!)


Allows players to add 1 die to 1 dice roll once per day, as long as they dance.
(Either the character dances or the player dances, player’s choice. No dancing
skill required.)

Mallrat Secret: The Pointy Boots give an additional special bonus during the
Little Mx. Scare-All Pageant

The Little Mx. Scare-All Pageant 85


We Need
to Torc

Over at Baire’s, Gaybar and Gaydar have a mysterious object

they got at a garage sale: a large gold neck ring. (Floppy Joe
thinks he read somewhere it’s called a torc.) They have no idea
where it came from or how to sell it, but they’ve discovered that it
has a runic inscription on it. Their friend Utah Smith, adventure
archaeologist, thinks it’s Ostrogothic. Maybe you, their young goth
friends, can help? There may be some cool jewelry in it for you!


The inscription


Tell the Mall Goths
You think you can work out the runes with the help of your favorite
Dark Website (the really cool one with the black background and
howling wolves). But it’s going to be in Gothic, isn’t it?

Show the Mall Goths

The Futhark (from the information superhighway)

Tell the Visigoths

These aren’t the single-purpose magic runes the Runecasters
use, so you can’t read it. But if you knew what the runes said,
you’re sure you could translate it. Ostrogoths are just your weird
cousins, really.

Show the Visigoths

A few Gothic words:

ÁUGO ‘eye’ HUZD ‘treasure’

DAGS ‘day’ NÁUS ‘corpse’
FRIJÓNDS ‘friend’ SNIUMUNDO ‘quickly’
GUTANEIS ‘Gothic’ ULBANDUS ‘camel’
HAILAG ‘holy, sacrosanct’ WI ‘sacred place’
HARJIS ‘army’

We Need to Torc 87
For the Mallrat only
The Mall Goths and the Visigoths are going to have to work
together for this one. Both groups need to agree on what they
want from the other to cooperate. They can set each other tasks,
or ask for something from one of the shops—or they may just
decide to work together.

The inscription translates as: “Gothic sacred place, holy.”

Once they have translated it, Utah Smith wants it for his, sorry,
*a* collection (“This belongs in a museum!”) He may get very
insistent, and our Goths will have to deal with him. Fritz Fang
really, really likes the ring (he graverobbed it once back in Europe
while he was a wolf, then put it back in the morning), so he could
be an ally in this dispute.

Adventure archaeologist
Pan cis white man, 39
Not available for romance or kissing
Short shorts, tank top, cowboy hat, whip. Fine, it’s Indiana Jones meets Lara Croft
Old friend of Gaybar and Gaydar

Rad Enjoys beating up Nazis, cheese connoisseur.

Bummer Thinks he has first dibs on archaeological artifacts, gets whiny
about it. Occasional mansplainer.
Skills +3 whips


UTAH SMITH: Utah Smith can be found in Ace of Mace (browsing
whips), A Feta Worse Than Death (sampling cheese), and Gerbil
Essences (trimming his 5 o’clock shadow).

ACE OF MACE: Pam remembers they had a couple of spears in a

while ago with something written on them. Turned out just to say
“spear.” Utah Smith was very interested in them.

DRACULA VIDEO: Fritz Fang feels guilty about graverobbing the

torc. He will go on and on about the perils of his bestial nature.

LEMON THEODOSIUS: Vulfi always wanted a torc like this back

in the day. Si likes it a lot, and it gives ija comfort. Si will offer
the Visigoths a lifetime supply of smoothies in exchange for the
torc, if the Visigoths will promise to keep the Mall Goths away
from Lemon Theodosius forever.

SAINT SEBASTIAN’S CATHOLIC GIFTS: The torc is a holy object

from a pagan religion, so Benedict has strong opinions about what
should be done with it. The Invisible Priest acts extra strangely
if asked about it.

TINY JÖTUNN ADVENTURES: Evoric thinks his best friend Vulfi

has a thing for torcs because si gets excited over neck rings. But
like, who knows with ija?

For Awestrogoths
If the players solve this adventure early, you can follow it up with
Goat to Hell (on the next page).

We Need to Torc 89

Goat to Hell

★ Start the adventure in the demonic bed and bath store,

Hail Satin. Nocturne tells everyone that a black and red
tile statue of a goat disappeared from the store. (If you’ve
played the adventure episode “The Little Mx. Scare-
All Pageant,” tell everyone it’s a statue of Pandora, the
champion fainting goat of Ausvinthus from the post punk
band Žižek’s Revenge.) The statue is the size of a human
head, and the tilework looks like a bathroom floor. The
owners of Hail Satin are offering $200 in exchange for
the statue’s return. You may try to find the goat in your 2
separate teams, work together, or pretend to work together.

★ There will be a Flirty Skee-Ball Social in the Darquade

during the early afternoon. The winner of the Skee-Ball
competition will win 30 minutes in the Kissing Room
with 1-3 guests. (Note: the Kissing Room is just a circle
of bean bag chairs in the back of the arcade, with a lava
lamp and a blacklight-illuminated rug in the middle that
says “Kissing.” Everyone else can easily see into it.)


Mallrat setup (roll a d6 to customize):

The goat statue is hidden in…

1 Big Disc Energy
2 Dracula Video
3 Gerbil Essences
4 Lemon Theodosius
5 Athawulf’s Secret
6 Hail Satin (the entire quest was a scam)

The clerk stole it from Hail Satin to:

1-3 Give as a fancy gift to a friend or lover.
4-6 Shapeshift for purposes of religion, disguise, or furry stuff.

★ The statue was last seen at an employee-only aroma-

thaumaturgy party in Hail Satin. Seven mall clerks attended
the party: Brunhilda (Athawulf’s Secret), Trevor (Big Disc
Energy), Fritz Fang (Dracula Video), Bitter Herb (Gerbil
Essences), Vulfi (Lemon Theodosius), Gaybar (Baire’s), and
Nocturne (Hail Satin).

★ If nobody finds the goat by the end of Early Evening, loud

noises emanate from the direction of the fountain, including
unmistakable bleating. When the goths arrive to investigate,
whoever stole the goat leaps into the fountain holding the
goat above their head (with gloves on). The thief starts
running in circles through the water while bah-ing and
chanting in Latin.

★ Anyone who touches the goat without gloves (or a similar barrier)
turns into a goat with a tiny statue of that character on its back.
The goat will faint after being touched thrice. This curse remains
until someone removes the person-statue from the goat’s back.
It’s more fun if the players find this out the hard way.

★ The employee who stole the goat won’t let the goat get away
without a fight. Feel free to bring in this employee’s friends as
backup to defend or recapture the goat.

Goat to Hell 91

Through the
Fire and
The Metalheads are pretty much bumbling antagonists whose purpose
is to sprinkle a little chaos into the mall’s interpersonal politics. But, given
that some of the Metalheads can potentially act like bullies, it’s the Mallrat’s
responsibility to not actually hurt or bully any players. If you have players that
you know are sensitive to this kind of hostility, feel free to alter the scenario
as appropriate. Likewise, if you sense someone is uncomfortable, pause the
game, make sure everyone is okay, and end the game if necessary—real hurt
feelings always take precedence. If you continue the game, correct course
as folks see fit. This is a great moment to review the chapter on Safety and
Having Fun! (pp. 27)

Tell everyone
On the night of October 1st, 1996, a fire raged through the mall,
devastating many of its beloved stores, including Saint Sebastian’s
Catholic Gifts and Totally Random! Twenty-seven days later, as
the mall reopens, both stores are still recovering from the losses
incurred by the fire.

In the meantime, some new kids arrived in town. Neither Mall

Goth nor Visigoth, this new crew—who call themselves Metalheads
and listen to ridiculously heavy music—begins staking out their
own territory at the mall just after it reopens.


Ask the Visigoths
Do you think these new kids are posers? Are they potentially your
modern-day counterparts, or even descendants? They do listen to
an awful lot of Viking metal, but you’re also pretty sure their
“bone” necklaces aren’t real bone.

Ask the Mall Goths

Do these new kids scare you, or do you think they’re just trying
way too hard? They’re really into the Devil, and one of them may
have been sighted drinking pig’s blood out of a large-sized slushie
cup. But, then again, who isn’t kinda into the Devil? And Lemon
Theodosius has been selling Halloween-themed drinks during
October, including a blood-colored slushie called the “Vampire’s
Kiss.” So that might’ve been cherry vanilla instead of pig’s blood!

For the Mallrat’s Eyes Only!!!

The Metalheads’ goal is to summon the Devil, who will finally
make them true badasses that can conquer both the Visigoths and
the Mall Goths. How do they plan on doing this? By enacting a
fire ritual on October 30th, Devil’s Night, that will burn down the
entire mall. They can’t do this alone, however, and will attempt to
recruit Mall Goths and Visigoths alike.

Because a sitcom-like status quo is in effect, the Metalheads are

going to fail no matter what. Whether their plans are foiled by
the protagonists, in-fighting, or a quick response by the local
firefighters, the mall will remain standing. After October 30th,
the Metalheads hang around the mall like regular Mallrat-
controlled characters and can become the source of rumors,
quests, and hijinks.

However, despite inevitable failure, the Metalheads’ actions will

likely cause a whole lot of drama by dividing both the Mall Goths
and Visigoths.

Through the Fire and Flames 93

The Metalhead Action Plan
The Metalheads will, first and foremost, try to befriend (or
intimidate) various Mall Goths and Visigoths before revealing
their plans. Their actual plan of burning down the mall won’t be
revealed until the morning of October 30th. Until then, they will
try pretty much anything and everything to win the others over
and divide existing loyalties.

Roll a d6 to determine where the Metalheads hid the gasoline.

Roll another d6 to determine where they hid their ritual book
for summoning the Devil. Both items can be hidden in the same

1 Ace of Mace
2 Big Disc Energy
3 Brick & Mortal
4 Dracula Video
5 Floppy Joe’s Cyber Chili
6 Hail Satin


The Metalheads


Bisexual cis girl, 17
Waist-length blonde hair, black combat boots, Cannibal Corpse tee
Best friends with Darrell
On again, off again with Ollie

Rad Val is a kick-ass drummer and claims to be capable of playing blast

beats at 666 bpm.
Bummer Val’s super Christian family thinks she’s a freak, and her stressful home
life is putting a strain on her already spotty relationship with Ollie.


Bisexual closeted trans girl, 16
Messy black hair, leather jacket, “girl” jeans
Best friends with Denn
On again, off again with Valhalla

Rad Ollie can play guitar solos with her teeth, and has an extensive
knowledge of flowers and garden care that she’s afraid to voice
around her friends.
Bummer Ollie’s friends are all cis, and, afraid of being rejected by them,
she’s constantly trying to perform masculinity while being
frustrated by her inability to be herself.


Gay cis guy, 18
Long straight black hair, incredibly buff, wears mesh shirts to show off his pecs
Best friends with Ollie
Exes with Darrell

Rad Denn is a bodybuilder who once won a weightlifting competition by

picking up the front of a fuel truck and dragging it for thirteen feet.
Bummer Denn doesn’t know how to handle conflict without flexing his
muscles and making vague threats about “paying the ultimate price.”


Gay cis guy, 18
Shaved head, a vest with so many patches that no denim’s showing
Best friends with Valhalla
Exes with Denn

Rad Darrell has a car.

Bummer Darrell never pays with dollars, just change (hence the nickname
Dimebag), which means when he buys anything from a store it
takes forever and annoys the clerk.

Through the Fire and Flames 95

Rumors & Clues (organized by store)
The big rumor, which will become immediately apparent through
investigation, is that the Metalheads didn’t just show up after the
fire—they showed up the day before the fire.

ACE OF MACE: Su-bin says that the day before the fire started,
Valhalla came in and asked if they had any flamethrowers. She
threw a tantrum and left when she realized they only carried pre-
industrial age weaponry.

BIG DISC ENERGY: Ximena says that the day before the fire
started, the Metalheads came into the store and complained
about the lack of Immolation albums. She recalls hearing the
Metalheads speak in hushed tones about needing “a soundtrack
for tonight’s festivities.”

BRICK & MORTAL: Amanda says that the day before the fire
started, Valhalla came in asking about what equipment one
needs to build a bonfire. The interesting part? Valhalla is pale
white; it’s clear this girl doesn’t go outside ever.

DARQUADE: Thacø says that on the day before the fire, Denn and
Darrell kept coming into the arcade to shake the machines and
steal change, all the while complaining about gas prices.

DRACULA VIDEO: Fritz says that on the day before the fire, Val
and Darrell came in to browse and ended up doing Beavis and
Butthead impressions the whole time.

FLOPPY JOE’S CYBER CHILI: Joe recalls that the Metalheads

stopped by the cafe to do “homework” the day before the fire
started. After they left, he found three AOL searches on the
computer they used: “modern architecture flammability,” “jail
sentence for arson,” and “what does the Devil like to eat.”

HAIL SATIN: Hemlock and Nocturne say the Metalheads stopped

in the day before the fire. They seemed really interested in the
candles and demonic conjuration seal wall decals. Oh, and Ollie
very awkwardly hit on both of them. On top of that, Nocturne
says that Ollie was giving off some “familiar vibes.”


Ollie coming into the store the day before the fire. Ollie
immediately picked a fight before she knocked over a display and
shouted, “HAIL SATAN!” while Denn, Darrell, and Val cheered.

First, let’s start with music that doesn’t work for the Metalheads:

★ Nu metal, alternative metal, and industrial metal

are false metal. Metalheads do not listen to false
metal and will mock anyone that does.

★ Marilyn Manson? Absolutely not.

★ Okay, so even though the episode is titled Through

the Fire and Flames, Dragonforce won’t exist for
another three years. So they’re pretty much out.

Here’s some music that does work:

★ True metal! Thrash, death, black, doom, sludge, power, classic

heavy metal… There’s a wealth of stuff to dive into here.

★ Believe it or not, Cradle of Filth was still an

acceptable symphonic black metal band in
1996, so they’re good to go (for now).

★ Nothing wrong with the classics! Open up Spotify,

YouTube, or whatever, and throw any of the following
on: Black Sabbath’s Paranoid, Dio’s Holy Diver, Iron
Maiden’s Number of the Beast, or Sleep’s Dopesmoker.

Through the Fire and Flames 97


iRC and Aliens

This adventure is a ridiculous homage to The X-Files, but it also contains
themes of state surveillance and law enforcement. Players from marginalized
communities may find that the moral questions in this episode, as well as the
stakes for the Visigoth community, hit close to home. There are also aspects
of mind control that can affect players’ ability to choose their own characters’
desires and motivations – but these Strange Cravings are pretty silly. If a
player is uncomfortable with a Strange Craving they receive, roll again for a
new one. This is a great moment to review the chapter on Safety and Having
Fun! (pp. 27)

In this episode, goths seek the truth about the mysterious (and
possibly alien) forces of time travel that brought the Visigoths
to the present-day, with interference from two meddlesome FBI
agents. This adventure requires at least one Mall Goth to spy (or
pretend to spy) on the Visigoths for the FBI.


The Artifact
VISIGOTHS: One of you is curious about the artifact that brought
you to the LA suburbs. Who?

Everyone says a Ouija Board summoned you, but a community

legend suggests aliens sent you here using the artifact instead.
A few days ago, you decided to find out for yourself and snuck into
your leader’s lodgings. You unearthed what must be the ritual
item from a chest, unwrapped it, and beheld its glory.

Now you must determine what the item is, and the Strange Craving
it induces within you. Roll a d6 to determine the Strange Craving.

1 A Discman. Every time you hear music, you are compelled to strike up an air
guitar stance.
2 A hacky sack that you are convinced is a sacred alien egg you must carry
nestled under your chin.
3 A Tamagotchi that you have a conversation with every time it beeps.
4 A leather pouch that you are compelled to fill with shiny things.
5 An alien plant that curls around your wrist and makes you want to douse
yourself in artificial scents.
6 A lewdly shaped object with no discernible function that drives you to give
any new person you see a Valentine with a corny pun.

You take the item and decide to (by rolling another d6):
1-2 You tell the other Visigoths what you have but conceal it.
3-4 You show it to the other Visigoths. They feel a similar Craving but in a
reduced form.
5-6 You show it to the other Visigoths. Their Craving is even more intense.

IRC and Aliens 99

The agent of the hour
Reina always has the best intentions. She got a tip about the
artifact’s origins, and fears the FBI would attack the entire
Visigoth population if they found out too. She’s proceeding with
so much caution that she hasn’t told her partner, Socks Moulder,
about the case.

Woman, bisexual, white, late 20s
Not available for romance or kissing

Rad Intense and magnetic, very smart.

Bummer Neurotic.
Skills +3 to time travel magic

If a Mall Goth calls Scaly, she shows up and attempts to transport

the Visigoths back to the year 410. If nobody calls her by early
evening, she suspects that the IRC Goth is a double agent and
shows up to confront the Mall Goths.

The IRC Goth

Which Mall Goth has been spying on the Visigoths for the FBI?
Why? You are the IRC Goth.

You sneak into Floppy Joe’s Cyber Chili before the café opens
and use IRC—Internet Relay Chat, a text-based group chat
system—to access #IFO, a conspiracy theory channel. What’s
your screenname?

You see 11Reina11 enter the channel and make contact.

MALLRAT: improvise Reina’s chat conversation with the IRC

Goth. Important points to get across:

★ The aliens of interest were spotted carrying the artifact.

Call me as soon as you know what it is or who’s carrying it!


★ We believe the aliens are benevolent, but their
technology is powerful and mysterious. Anyone
under their influence may be a danger!

★ I will meet you in the mall as soon as you call me—but

beware, others may be intent on disrupting our mission.

The Visigoths go first...

The Visigoth leader has sent out a search party to recover their
missing artifact. You decide to hide the artifact in the mall.
Where does your quest start?

This should set up the early morning scene as the Visigoths try
to stash the goods.

With the Mall Goths in hot pursuit...

IRC Goth, tell your friends that you’re a spy for the feds. Try to
convince the others to tail the Visigoths, record evidence of Alien
Influence, and possibly call Scaly with your findings.

The Mall Goths must now agree as a group whether to help the
FBI track the Visigoths or protect the Visigoths from the FBI.

IRC and Aliens 101

Unbeknownst to the IRC Goth, another Mall Goth was paid a
small chunk of change to act as another FBI faction’s informant.
Roll a d6 to figure out if it’s the next Mall Goth:

1-3 Clockwise from the Mallrat

4-6 Counterclockwise from the Mallrat.

Pass that Mall Goth the following slip for their eyes only:


You don’t really care about this whole aliens thing. But you do care about the
sweet $350 Socks Moulder promised you in exchange for useful information.
As soon as you learn something of interest to Socks, drop your wallet in the
fountain as a signal to him. If he shows up, you’re rich. Will your conscience let
you go through with it?

Man, straight, white, mid-30s
Not available for romance or kissing

Rad Obsessive novelty seeker, passionate and driven, dreamy and

Bummer Has an uncanny knack at picking up on whatever conversational
tangent will be the most annoying to his conversational partner.
Skills +3 to leading wild goose chases

Socks can show up in one of two ways: (1) At the start of the game,
the Mallrat rolls a d6. Replace this number on the Passageways
table with Socks Moulder instead (p. 71). If the Mallrat rolls
that number at the start of a Passageways scene, Socks will show
up and begin meddling. (2) Alternately, if the informant gives the
fountain signal, he can show up at the Mallrat’s discretion.


Mall secrets
A FETA WORSE THAN DEATH: If the Mall Goths show up, Judith
reveals that she was lurking in the channel when the conversation
with Reina went down because she has a crush on the IRC Goth.
If the Visigoths show up, she offers to hide their artifact in a
cheese cave in exchange for… what?

ATHAWULF’S SECRET: Brunhilda really doesn’t care, but could

be convinced to hide an object under a pile of bras.

DRACULA VIDEO: Fritz Fang is getting a little testy about all

these alien autopsy videos making the rounds. You can’t even see
anything in half of them. Why, if Fritz had access to an alien
artifact, he could film it properly, and keep all the profit to boot.

HYPER GRRRL ROLLER RINK: Fatima has heard about Judith

cyberstalking the IRC Goth for months, but this is the first time
anything interesting has gone down.

PLAY GAUL: There are all sorts of hiding places in here, and
César probably wants to help out the Visigoths.


to say about how people thought all the holy relics collected over
the years are alien body parts—isn’t that the silliest thing?

IRC and Aliens 103



Visigoth Religion
There’s no room in this book for a deep-dive on the Visigoths’
religion. But if you want to get extremely specific, the terms to look
up are “Germanic paganism” and “Arian Christianity.” Please
note that “Arian” (a type of Christianity based on the followers
of a man named Arius) is completely unrelated to “Aryan” (an
ancient Indo-European language group that was appropriated by
Nazis and used to propagate white supremacy), even though both
terms show up in German history. This game centers on the early
Visigoths, but the later Visigothic Kingdom also included Jews
and Muslims because it became the ruling power in Spain.

While we’re on that topic, the Visigoths eventually spread out

over a large geographic region and consisted of a variety of ethnic
groups. Do not use this game to play out Nazi fantasies, it was
written by a gay trans Jew.

What Was Popular in 1996?

TECHNOLOGY: CDs and portable CD players, Windows 95,
America Online (especially AOL instant messenger and
chatrooms), Pokémon, Nintendo 64, desktop (not laptop)
computers. Internet was dialup and only the very rich had cell
phones or beepers.

MUSIC: Mariah Carey, Alanis Morissette, Whitney Houston, LL

Cool J, Goo Goo Dolls, Jewel, Coolio, The Smashing Pumpkins,
Hootie & the Blowfish, Oasis, No Doubt, Metallica, Ace of Base,
Pearl Jam

MOVIES: Independence Day, Fargo, Scream, Trainspotting, Jerry

Maguire, Romeo + Juliet, The Craft

TELEVISION: MTV music videos, The X Files, Sabrina the Teenage

Witch, Babylon 5, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Friends, Seinfeld,
ER, Law & Order, The Nanny, Murder She Wrote, reruns of The
Golden Girls

Appendix 105
Goth Playlist
Listening to goth music during the game can enhance the
atmosphere. Enjoy our four-hour Visigoths vs. Mall Goths playlist
on Spotify at or check out these real
goth and poser mall goth bands: And One, The Birthday Party,
Bauhaus, Cocteau Twins, The Cure, Depeche Mode, Der Fluch,
Echo and the Bunnymen, Einstürzende Neubauten, Fields of
the Nephilim, Funker Vogt, Joy Division, Legendary Pink Dots,
London After Midnight, The Mission, Nick Cave & the Bad
Seeds, Nightwish, Nine Inch Nails, Rammstein, Rasputina,
Siouxsie and the Banshees, Sisters of Mercy, Skinny Puppy,
Strawberry Switchblade, Switchblade Symphony, VNV Nation,
and Wolfsheim.


This game is a love letter to counterculture teen Los Angeles in
the 90s. If you were there too, thank you for being weird.

Thank you also to everyone who helped me build this mall.

Over 150 people playtested Visigoths vs. Mall Goths, and the
game is better because of everyone’s feedback. I would especially
like to thank:

★ Marley Emma Alexander ★ Nell Raban

★ Sharang Biswas ★ Catherine Ramen
★ Ken Breese ★ Richard Ruane
★ Jim Crocker ★ Rach Shelkey
★ Jonaya Kemper ★ Jackson Tegu
★ Lauren McManamon

I am immensely grateful to all the podcasters, streamers,

retailers, and convention organizers who helped spread the word
about this game, with a special shout-out to:

★ Backstory ★ Game Closet

★ Big Bad Con ★ The Gauntlet
★ Brain Trust ★ Grant Ellis for WebDMShow
★ Camp Nerdly ★ Indie Press Revolution
★ Double Exposure ★ She’s A Super Geek
★ Fandible ★ Terrible Warriors
★ Flame Con ★ Twenty Sided Store

Thanks to the designers who created and popularized safety

tools, especially: John Stavropoulos for the X-Card, Emily Care
Boss and Ron Edwards for Lines & Veils.

Thank you to the union organizers and workers of Kickstarter

United for your commitment to improving working conditions in
the creative sphere.

Appendix 107
Kickstarter Backers
VISIGOTHS Jim DelRosso Libby Horacek Darcy van de Rijt
Alaric Shapli Jo-Herman Lizzie Stark David Vehonsky
Alex Stone-Tharp Haugholt Michael Knoll Delia A Barrantes
Aron Clark Makayla Nayland Blake Dudgrick & Mikey
Benjamin Rowe Nicole Winchester Niko Nawalany Eleanor Tursman
Brennan Taylor Richard "Vidiian" Parker Emily Care Boss
Christian Jensen Greene Paul Heckler essjae
Romer Sarah Doom Rachel Grant Gwathdring
Diana Shervyn Meyer Jacky Runnings
Evan Buchholz Silviana Russo Richard Ruane Jason Pitre
J Patrick Stebbins Rob Abrazado Jason Schindler
J.Brandt Robert Day Joe Perry
Jim Ryan CHARLATAN Ryan Schapals John Walz
Joe Bir VISIGOTHS Sam Armstrong Jukka S_rkij_rvi
John C Barstow Aaron Sebastian del Justin Montana
John Nephew Alastor Guzman Castillo Kitty Stoholski
Joie Martin Andrew Mauney Sharon Under Kitty Stryker
Ken J Breese Beth Stephanie Bryant L.E. Bailey
Lapis St. Cameron Charlie Etheridge- Marcus Smith
Lex van der Raadt Nunn Matt Wetherbee
Mary Georgescu Chris Foster Max Redmond
Morgan West Christina Chiarlitti Meghan Asaurus
Abigail Miller
Rachel R. Christopher "Pip" Michael Haneline
Adam Dray
Randall Koutnik Pipinou Nadia M Hart
"Adam Weiler"
Ryan Numrich Dakota Sky Bloom Nate Merritt
Adam-Ali Kanji-
Sam Zeitlin David Morrison Nina Silver Ch.
Sawyer B. Redden Devin Preston Oliver Peltier
Adrian Sprysak
Sebastian Roth Dylan Lewis Quinn Western
Alex Claman
Tim Rudloff Dylan Ross Ryan DeCraene
Alisha Bhagat
Dylan Smith Ryan Dukacz
Amr Ammourazz
Eli Kurtz Sarah
CONQUEROR Emily Biloski Sarah Doherty
VISIGOTHS Erik Hinton Granoff
Ben Coalson
Adam Woolfolk Florencia Herra- Sarah Hamon
Beth Lerman
Austin Spicer Vega Sean 'Ariamaki'
Bradley Gardner
Bethany Harvey Gavin Greene Riedinger
Bryan Vanderhoof
Brad Heisler Hilarie Sean Nittner
Carly Sehr
Connor Carver Ian Fabry Simon Goudreault
Cassie Kohle
Craig Pagelson Jacqueline Bryk Stephanie
Cat Davidson-Hall
Derick Hess Jamey Harvey Nudelman
Charles Bailey
Elizabeth De Lyser Jan Gutberlet T Dave Silva
Chris Alexander
Frank Reding Jayson Stevens TÕmea Danyi
Chris Bernal
Hamish Cameron Jeyn Levison Tara Manubay
Chris Sauro
HDisco John geary Taylor LaBresh
Christopher Booth
Howard Brody Joshua Winslow THE Donnie
Danie Lindenger
Jackie Shreves Kim MacLean Thomas Milnor
Danielle Carne
Jayce Fryman Kyle Simons Thomas Parker


Tokalla THEATRE TECH Jill Poisson Shareef Jaaved
Viveka Nylund MALL GOTHS Jo Drummond Skye B.
Yoshi Creelman Alyssa Scebbi John Tao Neuendorffer
Zachary Norton Andrew Peregrine Stavropoulos Thais Laursen
Zachary Woodard Angela Murray Jon Garrad Munk
Zackus Annalee Fannan Jonathan Davis Thane and Rafe
Ashley Kleiman Jordin Lee Baugh Dube
Barry Cook Joseph M. Tyler Crumrine
MALL GOTHS Ben Bisogno Goethals Vincent Izzo
A. Day blehp Josh Bor Violet Flohr
A. E. Carver Bruce Shipman Joshua W Ryan Carden
Branan Riley Bryan Richardson
Caroline Hobbs Caitlin Rosberg June and Mike
Chad Brinkley Caleb Garcia WITCH
Corrin Elizabeth Carl Erez Justin Ecock MALL GOTHS
cyberia kandy Charles Noble Kales Adriel Wilson
Danielle "Bell" Chris Jolly Kayte McPhee Alison Lennie
Edwards Holcomb Kirk Rahusen Amanda Graff
Daniie CJ Gibson Kit Felis Andrea Speed
Dave Farrell Clinton Kindle Laura Boylan Andreas Sewe
ebeth Colin Jessup Leandro Pondoc Andy Yeoh
Evan Torner Dan Arndt Lin Z. Bee Anna Anthropy
Foster Emmert Dan Pucul Lloyd Taylor Antonia
Grant Ellis Daniel Davies Mara Schmalstieg
Ian Asha Dave Leaman Maria Anya Combs
Jim Lindley David Starner Marit Freya April Walsh
Kara Crowley Dorian Jensen Marshall Miller Arlie Armstrong
Katie Olson Eli Hardwig Max KŠmmerer Ashleigh Lumpkin
Keith Rogers Eli Seitz Michael Morwood Stevens
Kevin Petker Emily R. Mike Rugnetta Audrey Baneyx
Luke Yeates Eric Doyle Mike Shema Autumn Greenley
M. Dougherty Evan Saft Mira Greene Avaline Myers
Marci McCann Eve Crockett Morgan Wajda- Becky Watt
Mario Cano Forrest Nielsen Levie Beka Ashmore
Michael Bacon Freyja Brandel- Morgan Weeks Benjamin Loy
Michael Tomasulo Tanis Moyra Turkington Brooke Brite
NRWillick Gštz Weinreich Nat Candi Norwood
Olivia Montoya George Nayomie Jade Candise
Pete Petrusha Tsemberlis Puja Carly Kocurek
Rachel E. Bauer Ian Rugg q leedham Casey Edison
Reese Poirier J.L. Householder Quinn Pollock Cassidy Q. Turpin
Robert Dixon Jack Gulick Rachel Cholst Cat Stuntebeck
Sara Williamson James Olson Reggy Granovskiy Charlotte Henley
Shane Martin James Stuart RenŽe Doiron Chelsea Riexinger
DeNota-Hoffman Jamie Fraser Richard J. Rogers Cheryl Harding
timothy Jason Grantz Sara Lyons Chris Noland
Zachary Weinberg Jazz Eisinger Scott Kuban Clio Yun-su Davis
Jeff Shouse Sean Mayo Curse of Sebs

Appendix 109
Dan Hess Liz MacGregor Toni Rheker Paul Kalupnieks
Daniel Andrlik Madeline Rose Tory Cristancho Red LeFay
david beasley Marley Alexander Vaesper Rrok Anrolle
El Joslyn Martin J. Manco Vicki Bloom Russ Williams
Elaine Nelson Matt Reynolds Whitney Accardo Ruth Tillman
Elizabeth Ann Maury Elizabeth Whitney Johnson Sammy
Rushlow Brown Will Jobst Scott Foster
Evelyn Darkness Max Zev Willow Rosenberg Sean Wayland
Finlay Logan Maxine Anderson Zachary Wager Seeds34
Fiona Maeve Mega Scholl Tole
Geist Melissa Hooper Tyler Brenman
Gina Ricker Michael Klamerus William Nichols
Graham Gentz Michele Gelli CYBER PET Yuu Gamon
HaganeNoAnna Michelle P MALL GOTHS
Jace Mischa Wolfinger AgentKaz
Jamila R. Nedjadi Morgan Beldyk Al. W AND ALSO...
Janet Houck Morgan Nuncio Alan Jackson Abigail Lyn
Jasmine Ibrahim Nicole Graham Alek Lumia-Garbin Adam Kenney
Jennifer Adcock Nutella Nutterson Alex Temple AE Jonesy
jess leigh unrein Orli Nativ Alexis Lockwell Ajit George
Jess Walters Osmina Deveraux Alice Kyra Alan Cannon
Jessica Kuczynski Pam Shaffer Angel Garcia Alex Keen
Jessica Lee Panu Laukkanen Asher Silberman Am
Neklewitz Pax Romana Becky Lipsitz Amy Scott
Jessica Wildt Peggy Calvin Johns Andi Fox
Jest Pestlin Quentin A. Cave of Monsters Andrew F
Jez Gleeson Rachael Engel Games Andrew Johnson
Jo Dalsgaard Rolerodela­ Christian Andromeda
Jonaya Kemper mancha Horazeck Taylor-Wallace
Jordanes Arndt Ryan Colin Arbuthnot Ariel Federow
Julie Ahern Windeknecht Fahrion Asterion Hex
Julie Atwood Samantha JJ Dana CATCATCAT AveN
Justin Lanjil Hanks Daniel Rodriguez Aven
K. Lisbet Winters Sarah G. Bolling Deanna Stanley McConnaughey
Kana The Squirrel Sarah Jane Doc Holliday Bees
Kat Nelson Murdock Drew Fox Bob
Kate Hill Sawyer Rankin Enrico Bored Ghost
Kelsey Griffiths Seb Pines Erica S Brant Gillihan-
Keshet Roman Seraphina Malizia G Fitzsimmons Eddy
Kevin Klein Sev Faust Hannah Pate bri h
Kyra Sims Shanali James Weishaus Caitlin Monesmith
Lain Inchaustegui Jamie O'Marr Carl Rigney
lina corvus Sonja Juslin Jill Paxon Carol J. Hallowitz
Lindsey Bieda Sophia Scott John M. Atkinson Catherine Ramen
Lindsey Briggs Susan Davis Jorg Pacher Cathriona Tobin
Lisa Aurigemma Susan P Buescher Julien Rothwiller Charm Person
Lisa Homst Sythana Lauren Frazier Games
Liz Brink Winterthorn Lawjick Chauncey
Liz Chai Terra Kloepfer Naiki Kaffezakis Fluffypants III
Nikita Thorne Chris Ash


Chris Vogler Joe DeSimone Mauro Adorna Rachel Schnoor
Christopher L. Jon Good Meg & Vincent Reed Macomber
Newton Jon Robertson Baker River Williamson
Craig Campbell Josh Horowitz Melinda Olson Rob Deobald
Daniel H. Levine Joshua Matthews melody Ryan Gibbons
Daniel OBrien Jren B. Mendel Ryvre
David Brunell- Julia Henken Schmiedekamp Shane Robert
Brutman Juniper Woods Mike Bentley Jude West
Diana Loraine Kaira Murphy Mike Carlson Sir Frank
DJChay Kara patt Miles Gaborit Radefeldt
Dudley Horque Kathy and Brian Miriam Suzanne Sol Foster
Edvard Mlynek Misha B and Stentor Danielson
Blumentanz Keegan Leech Nathan B Steven desJardins
Eike Kronshage Kelsey Toy Morgan Gate- Story Games
Elgin Scott Ken Finlayson Leven Westchester
Elspeth & Robert Kevin J. Maroney MT Fierce Stray Hironimus
Erik Kevin Lemke Naomi Clark Summer Sparacin
Evil Hat Kieron Gillen Nate Mattingly Suragai
Productions Kris Mayer Nel Garc’a Rivas SVA Library
Exalted Funeral Kyle Urban Nettie Opper Tamar Godel
Ferdinand Heider L & Nova Wilga Nicola Urbinati Tess Yardney
Finnian Danger Lale–a Garcia Nicol‡s Schapira Tessa Siddle
Freddy Edelhart Landon Nobody in Tobi Haberstroh
Gauntlet Gaming Liam DiNapoli Particular Tomer Gurantz
Community Liam Murray Nozlee Tomer Schatz
Hannah S-J Linda and Earl Samadzadeh Trip Space-
Hans Chun Ferguson Owen and Oliver Parasite
Heather R. Davis Lirael Zephyros Davidson Tyler R Byers
I. Rohl Lisa Padol Patrice HallŽ Vijay Jackson
Ido Magal Loki Carbis Patrice Mermoud WildeEngineer
Ijaka Lyndon Baugh Pedro(Te) Will Morningstar
Jacob Atkins Lynnea Glasser Philip W Rogers Jr Woodrow Hill
Jacob Gobhar Margaret White Phillip A. Yancey
Jacob Slingsby Marja Erwin Phyllis Hochberg Larochelle-
James Salwen Mary Cupcake Siegel Williams
Jen Caddick Matt Hudgins Quinn Milton Zeus Longhi
jenwa Matt Richardson R. Mooney
Joe Anderson Matthew Gravelyn Rachel E.S. Walton

Appendix 111
Ghostly Patrons
★ Marley Emma Alexander
the ghost of a blushing milkmaid

★ Ethan Brown
the ghost of an abandoned nunnery that
was converted into a leather bar

★ Alex Temple
the ghost of “a preposition is something you should
never end a life or a sentence with the ghost of”

★ Natalie Walschots
the ghost of an over-eager dolphin

★ Zil Garner Goldstein

the ghost of a Rosh Hashanah honeycake that never goes stale

Obscure Details
Catherine Ramen coined the phrase “the hacky sack of Rome.”
Seven Boudin helped coin the phrase “bisexual with liturgical
time.” Thank you to the Bored Ghost Podcast, the game Kingdom,
and T.S. Eliot for helping me build Meowtropolis.


Who wrote Visigoths vs. Mall Goths?!
LUCIAN KAHN is a flamboyant, bald,
bearded gay man, who was a goth-clubbing,
Rocky Horror obsessed, bisexual teen girl in
Los Angeles in the ‘90s. He designed the
ghostly storytelling game Dead Friend: A
Game of Necromancy, which was nominated
for a 2019 IGDN Indie Groundbreaker
Award in the category of Most Innovative.
Lucian has designed several games inspired
by his Jewish heritage, including the
Prohibition-era lady bootlegger singing
game Grandma’s Drinking Song (available
in Doikayt: A Jewish TTRPG Anthology), If I Were a Lich, Man, and Same Bat
Time, Same Bat Mitzvah (finalist for the 200 Word RPG Challenge in 2018). In
the early 2010s, Lucian was the frontman for the all-trans, all-Jewish, klezmer-
punk comedy band Schmekel.

Lucian co-edited Honey & Hot Wax: An Anthology of Erotic Art Games (with
Sharang Biswas, published by Pelgrane Press, funded by grants from The
Effing Foundation for Sex Positivity), which includes his game In the Clefts
of the Rock. He was also the project manager for the anthology You & I:
Roleplaying Games for Two (also nominated for a 2019 IGDN award).

He is a gay-coded villain with a cat, and he is rumored to be the face of

Doctor Claw. He is outside the binary nonbinary binary (so, binary nonbinary
binary nonbinary), and would describe his gender as “Mercurial,” “Reverse
Baphomet,” or “campy vampy.” Lucian Michelangelo Kahn is too weird to
represent any of his communities. Follow him on twitter at @oh_theogony.

Appendix 113
Visigoths vs. Mall Goths is a tabletop roleplaying game
and dating sim about the conflicts and romances among
the warriors who sacked ancient Rome and 20th century
spooky teens, set in a suburban Los Angeles shopping
mall during 1996. There are a lot of bisexuals.

Imagine a surreal combo of The Craft, Empire Records,

Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure, and Clueless.

★ Easy-to-learn rules.
★ Detailed mall setting: 2 maps, 17 stores, and 24 NPC clerks.
★ For 4-6 character players and 1 facilitator player (“The Mallrat”).
★ Rated PG-13.

“A fun romp of a game that’s compelling for veteran roleplayers and

casual gamers alike, employing comedy, nostalgia, and teenage drama.”
— Sharang Biswas, Indiecade and IGDN winning designer of Feast and Verdure

“I love this project for its inherent comedic genius,

‘90s nostalgia, and because of how queer it is.”
— Trin Garritano, Games Digital Outreach Lead at Kickstarter in “Projects
We Loved: 15 of Our Favorite Kickstarter-Funded Projects from 2019”

“VG vs MG combines everything I love: occult time travel, the ‘90s, and
queer culture, with things I never knew I needed: an emo grudge tracker
and a turf war that shouldn’t really make sense but totally does. Lucian
makes magic with his games always, and this is no exception.”
— Hannah Shaffer, designer of Damn the Man, Save the Music!

Game design and writing by Lucian Kahn of Dead Friend: A Game of Necromancy, featuring
art and graphics by Robin Eisenberg of Thrasher and Vans, Lluis Abadias Garcia of
Dungeons & Dragons Retroverse, and Vee Hendro of Good Society; maps by Olivia Fields
and Jackson Tegu; and adventure episodes by Liz Gorinsky of Goth Court, musician Mabel
Harper, LARP designer and games theorist Jonaya Kemper, and runes expert Maja Bäckvall
of Civilization VI and God of War.
Conqueror visiGoth
name: Age: 16
female Heva, Ultragotha
male Alaric
unisex Goda

Skills (change 1 of the below to +3):

she/her he/him they/them Spears +2
si/ija is/ina ita/ita
or choose your own
Theft +2
Control animals +2
Are you still glowing from time travel? (this doesn’t work on humans in fur suits)

☐ yes ☐ no ☐ maybe a little

Goth Style:
maille & helmet colorful tunic
dramatic gown gold jewelry & cape
☐ Once per day, without rolling:
bone & sinew hoodie or choose your own Convince someone that a
modern item was invented by
Germanic polytheist heretical Christian

or choose your own
A simple spear (no
additional skill bonus)
TRAITS A saddle
A Mall Goth gives you 1 from the
Embarrassing Traits List: keep it,

or reject it and pick 2 instead.

Embarrass yourself:
To give a friend +3 on their roll.
Dollar$: 50
Notes & Doodles

Starting Relationships Choose 2:

★ I want to conquer Los Angeles with by my side because

★ I hope that doesn’t know I stole

★ The Mall Goth I most resent is because

★ My crush on weirds me out because

Charlatan visiGoth
name: Age: 16
female Radegond
male Unwén, Dag
unisex Romilda

Skills (change 1 of the below to +3):

she/her he/him they/them Persuade +2
si/ija is/ina ita/ita
or choose your own
Inspire religious acts +2
Chase/flee +2
Are you still glowing from time travel?

☐ yes ☐ no ☐ maybe a little

Goth Style:
maille & helmet colorful tunic ☐ Once per day, without rolling:
dramatic gown gold jewelry & cape Write a forged note; the recipient
bone & sinew hoodie or choose your own will believe it’s authentic.

Germanic polytheist heretical Christian EMBARRASSING
or choose your own
TRAITS A religious symbol

A Mall Goth gives you 1 from the

Embarrassing Traits List: keep it,
or reject it and pick 2 instead.

Embarrass yourself:
To give a friend +3 on their roll.
Dollar$: 50
Notes & Doodles

Starting Relationships Choose 2:

★ I’m still upset that found out I lied about

★ I gave a long religious lecture to , and as a result

★ The Mall Goth I most resent is because

★ My crush on weirds me out because

Runecaster visiGoth
name: Age: 16
female Gelvira
male Vermundo, Fritigern
unisex Liuva

Skills (change 1 of the below to +3):

she/her he/him they/them Make invisible +2
si/ija is/ina ita/ita
or choose your own
Levitate +2
Stun +2
Are you still glowing from time travel? (All your skills use a rune; the rune affects
whatever touches the carved side of the
☐ yes ☐ no ☐ maybe a little runestone until removed)

Goth Style:
maille & helmet
dramatic gown
colorful tunic
gold jewelry & cape

bone & sinew hoodie or choose your own
☐ Once per day, without rolling:
Carve runic graffiti on a store
Religion: wall and nobody will see you
shoplifting from that store.
Germanic polytheist heretical Christian
or choose your own
A bag of blank
runestones & a small
EMBARRASSING hammer & chisel

A Mall Goth gives you 1 from the
Embarrassing Traits List: keep it,
or reject it and pick 2 instead.

Embarrass yourself:
Dollar$: 50
Notes & Doodles
To give a friend +3 on their roll.

Starting Relationships Choose 2:

★ Once when I was invisible, I saw in the middle of secretly

★ I used a levitation rune to help reach

★ The Mall Goth I most resent is because

★ My crush on weirds me out because

Theatre Tech mall Goth
name: Age: 16
Tech Powers
female Lenore, Aurora, Jenny
male Damian, Danny
unisex Onyx, Velvet, Narcisse, Sammy

Skills (change 1 of the below to +3):

she/her he/him
Costumes +2
they/them or choose your own Pyrotechnics +2
Goth Style:
Rappelling/rigging +2
trad Romantic goth-punk
cyber Victorian fairy
vampire or choose your own
Religion: ☐ Once per day, without rolling:
Make a clothing item out of duct
Wiccan Unitarian-Universalist tape and give it to someone; this
Atheist Jewish Catholic item gives the wearer a +1 or a
Muslim or choose your own -1 to the skill of your choice.

EMBARRASSING A 20-foot rope

A bag of firecrackers

A Visigoth gives you 1 from the
Embarrassing Traits List: keep it,
or reject it and pick 2 instead.

Embarrass yourself:
To give a friend +3 on their roll.
Dollar$: 25
Notes & Doodles

Starting Relationships Choose 2:

★ I once helped dress up in a disguise, because

★ is still mad at me because I accidentally set fire to

★ The Visigoth I most resent is because

★ My crush on weirds me out because

Witch mall Goth
name: Age: 16
female Athena, Hecate, Gehenna
male Belial, Azazel
unisex Wren, Umbra, Ember

Skills (change 1 of the below to +3):

she/her he/him
Detect lies +2
they/them or choose your own Persuade +2
Goth Style:
Haunt +2
(imbue a person/place/object
trad Romantic goth-punk with a spooky presence)
cyber Victorian fairy
vampire or choose your own
Wiccan Unitarian-Universalist ☐ Once per day, without rolling:
Atheist Jewish Catholic Ask someone an emotional
Muslim or choose your own question, and they must
answer with their true feelings.

A crystal wand
A Visigoth gives you 1 from the
Embarrassing Traits List: keep it,
or reject it and pick 2 instead.

Embarrass yourself:
Dollar$: 25
Notes & Doodles To give a friend +3 on their roll.

Starting Relationships Choose 2:

★ A spirit in a dream told me to pay attention to because

★ I will never forgive for lying to me about

★ The Visigoth I most resent is because

★ My crush on weirds me out because

Cyber Pet mall Goth
(Technically human.)

name: Age: 16
Cyber Pet
female Luna, Tabitha, Mlemily
male Cerberus, Lynx, Azrael
unisex Jinx, Hex

Skills (change 1 of the below to +3):

she/her he/him
Bite +2
they/them himb/himb Hack electronics +2
mley/mlem or choose your own
Play dead +2
Goth Style:

trad Romantic goth-punk
Victorian fairy
or choose your own

☐ Once per day, without rolling:
Religion: Put on cute animal ears for an
instant half-price discount at
Wiccan Unitarian-Universalist any store.
Atheist Jewish Catholic
Muslim or choose your own

EMBARRASSING Cute animal ears

TRAITS Collar and leash

A Visigoth gives you 1 from the

Embarrassing Traits List: keep it,

or reject it and pick 2 instead.

Embarrass yourself:
To give a friend +3 on their roll.
Dollar$: 25
Notes & Doodles

Starting Relationships Choose 2:

★ I wish I could be ’s pet because

★ I hacked into ’s email and found out that

★ The Visigoth I most resent is because

★ My crush on weirds me out because

GAme Rules
Before starting play, read these rules out
loud together. Go around the table and let
each player read a section to the group.
This is a great time to ask questions.

Teams and ⚑ Rolling Dice ⚅⚅

The Mallrat Players roll dice to resolve conflicts. If there’s no conflict, there’s
no need to roll dice. You roll-off against another player, a Mallrat-
There are two teams, Visigoths and Mall
controlled character, or the mall itself. Always roll 2d6 and add any
Goths. Inside the fiction, Visigoth characters
relevant modifiers from your skills (on your character sheet) or special
and Mall Goth characters are rivals. At the
items. Whoever has the highest number succeeds and the other fails.
table, Visigoth players and Mall Goth players
Both players succeed on a tie, and the situation escalates ridiculously
are collaborative storytellers. The player with
or dramatically.
the complete guide to the mall is called The
Mallrat. The Mallrat facilitates the game.
Hurt Feelings
Scenes ☀ Most games only track physical damage, but this game only tracks
emotional damage. If your character sheet contains 2 or more hurt
TIMESLOTS AND STORE VISITS feelings, you are emotionally overwhelmed and can’t physically fight or
Each day is broken up into 6 time slots. Each use embarrassing traits until you talk about your feelings with a friend.
team of goths plays out a scene in 1 store per
timeslot (either 1 scene with both teams, or 2 HURT FEELINGS FROM PHYSICAL ATTACKS
scenes with teams in separate stores). Team Physical attacks always hurt everyone’s feelings. When your physical
members must stay together as a group for attack against an opponent is successful, you and your opponent both
experience hurt feelings. Write a word describing how your character
store visits, because teens in this mall only
feels in the “hurt feelings” section of your character sheet.
shop with their friends.
If you believe something other than a physical attack wounded your
When your team is not in a scene, you may character’s feelings, feel free to add a hurt feeling to your character
write in-character notes to your teammates sheet. This rule is less strict than the rule about physical attacks—
back and forth. This is always optional. it’s up to the player to judge their own character’s emotions.
Each character can only heal and erase a total of 1 hurt feeling from
★ Talk with your ★ Fight.
their character sheet per scene.
team about plans ★ Talk about hurt
or strategies. feelings to heal
★ Talk to store
clerks to get
★ Flirt, ask people Embarrassing Traits 😱
information. on dates, or make Embarrass yourself to make your friends seem cool in comparison!
★ Go shopping or out. If you draw attention to your embarrassing trait, you may offer another
shoplift. player a +3 bonus to their roll, but you must add “embarrassed” to your
★ Debate about hurt feelings. You may announce this before or after your friend rolls,
music, fashion, but you must announce it before the Mallrat describes the narrative
religion, or other result. You must have an empty slot available in your hurt feelings
cultural matters. to use an embarrassing trait.

You can also hang out in the passageways
with other characters (elevators, escalators,
Kissing? 😽
stairwells, and hallways). Visiting Always ask before initiating a romantic or kissy plotline with another
passageways doesn’t advance the clock. player’s character. Yes means yes. No means no. Maybe also means no.
All adventure episodes begin in the Place this clock in the middle of the
Early Morning timeslot. Each team table to track the passage of time.
of goths plays out a scene in 1 store Whenever a group of goths leaves a
per timeslot (either 1 scene with store, check a box. When both boxes
both teams, or 2 scenes with teams for a timeslot are checked, advance
in separate stores). When the Late to the next timeslot.
Evening timeslot is complete, the
adventure episode is over. There is EPILOGUES
no way to get extra time, because the Each player makes a few brief
mall closes at 10 PM. If the Mallrat statements about what happens to
wishes to end the adventure episode their character after the events of
before filling the clock, they may this adventure episode.
advance directly to Epilogues.
Floppy Joe’s Cyber Chili
Ace of Mace Gerbil Essences Dialup Internet Café
Medieval Weapons Salon for Humans & Pets • Joe
• Pam Baire’s • Kellie
• Su-bin Jewelry & Accessories • Bitter Herb
• Gaybar
up Lemon Theodosius
• Gaydar
Visigoth Smoothies
• Vulfi
Top Floor


Tiny Jötunn
A Feta Worse dn Kids’ Pony Rides
Than Death • Evoric
Hyper Grrrl Roller Rink Dracula Video
Aged Cheese Rollerblade Paradise Cult Rentals
• Judith • Lakshmi • Fritz Fang
• Fatima
The Mall
Skee-Ball Totally Random!
Play Gaul • Thacø ???
Sporting Goods • ??? Big Disc Energy
• Requiem
• César CDs & LaserDiscs
• Ximena
Bottom Floor

• Trevor

i stairs


Brick & Mortal

Zombie Home Improvement
Hail Satin • Amanda
Demonic Bed & Bath
• Hemlock
Saint Sebastian’s Athawulf ’s Secret
• Nocturne
Catholic Gifts Visigoth Lingerie
Religious Stuff • Brunhilda
• Benedict

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