Altered State 1.1
Altered State 1.1
Altered State 1.1
Special Thanks:
ORIENTATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
HOW TO PLAY . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
PLAY IT (THIS) COOL . . . . 5
TONE . . . . . . . . . . 5
HOW TO GM . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
NEW MECHANICS . . . . . . . . . . 6
RUNNERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
CHOOSE YOUR SKIN . . . . . . 11
CHOOSE YOUR TYPE . . . . . . . 12
STARTING EQUIPMENT . . . . . . . 16
WEAPONS . . . . . . . . . . . 17
MUNITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . 19
PSIONICS . . . . . . . . . . 20
LINKS AND BONDS . . . . . . . 21
EARTH 2440 . . . . . . . . . . . 22
THE WORLD . . . . . . . . . . 24
GM DATABASE . . . . . . . . . . . 30
LOOT TABLE . . . . . . . . . . . 31
CREATING GEAR . . . . . . . 33
VEHICLES . . . . . . . . . . . 34
DECKING . . . . . . . . . 37
MILESTONE TAGS . . . . . . 39
MILESTONE LOOT . . . . . . 40
ENEMIES: MECHA . . . . . 42
CHARACTER SHEET . . . . . . . . . 48
Altered State is the “cyberpunk” setting I always As we set out to create ALTERED STATE, we set
wanted to play. With streamlined mechanics two primary goals: serve up a definitive cyberpunk
thanks to ICRPG Core, playing in a dystopian game, and truly push a genre that is all-too-often
world was never faster, more exciting, or more phoned in.
over the top.
Making a game that definitively captures the
That being said, don’t let “dystopia” lead you adventure of street-running, cybernetics, and
astray. Brandish and I are not fans of the psychics meant keeping things simple, but
nihilism and “style over substance” present in explosive. We’ve cracked the hood on ICRPG and
the mine run of cyberpunk games. Sure, the added SURGE and RAGE DICE to do this. Cyberpunk
world is a broken dystopia. But the dysfunction does NOT play like fantasy, but everything that
is the crucible that allows heroes to rise up. makes fantasy so fun needs to work here.
Here, players are Runners -- citizens under the
thumb of giant MegaCorps who have found As for pushing, that’s where creative method
a way to break free of the persuasion and has been clutch. Rather than just try to capture
manipulation that plague the masses. Existing the expected elements, Alex and I have been
outside corporate control, the Runners play a symbiotically creating a novel AND an RPG in
crucial role in finding a way to fight back against parallel. The fiction pushes the game; the game
power, greed, corruption, and control. pushes the fiction. Additionally, we started theatre-
of-the-mind playtesting with our players before
Those who have enjoyed Richard Morgan’s we even had a draft document! The playtesters
Altered Carbon will no doubt find similar push from a third vector. This paradigm lets us
themes here, but this supplement is not strictly truly, painfully, build from the details up, not from
cyberpunk or transhumanist. It borrows the tropes down. It’s all about a few brave heroes
from similar role-playing games and genres. who dare to care about this overbuilt world, care
Influences include: Bullfrog Productions’ about each other, and take matters into their own
classic video game, Syndicate; The Matrix; Deus hands.
Ex; Shadowrun; Eclipse Phase; Strange Days;
The Sprawl; Blade Runner; Ghost in the Shell; As a lifetime player and GM, cyberpunk has always
and Appleseed. been very special to me and deserves a detailed,
nuanced treatment that is as deep, as intuitive,
There are certainly competing and varying and as rich with adventure as fantasy. We had to
viewpoints regarding what constitutes a roll up our sleeves and do our best. The megacities
“cyberpunk” game. Regardless of your view of depended on it.
a dystopian future, it is my hope that ALTERED
STATE, along with ICRPG Core mechanics, Suit up, runner, it’s dangerous to go alone. As long
becomes your go-to for gaming in this rich as we’re still fighting, you never will be.
genre. It’s a fast, to-your-table version of
the cyberpunk game I always wanted to play.
Happy gaming!
ALTERED STATE isn’t your typical cyber-future RPG. When running a game of ALTERED STATE, the basics
It’s a move to redefine the genre as something far of good game mastering and ICRPG do not change.
more tangible, more human. Players are heroes, but Augment your cyberpunk GM skills with the following
they’re nuanced stories, not just mohawked vigilantes key elements.
in a digital world of cash, guns, and blipverts.
• Avoid fight-for-pay scenarios. They just lead to
Nonetheless, ALTERED STATE also has a number of nihilistic gangsters and greedmongers. Use favors
classic elements. Whether inspired by Akira, Blade and real rewards to drive players, not just cold
Runner, Altered Carbon, or The Matrix, these are the cash
mechanics that will bring it to life. Make it yours! • “Monster of the Week” is a brilliant mechanism to
build lasting games. Use it here! Invent or modify
From here on in, you’ll be reading OUR take on this strange new creatures in each adventure, not just
adventurous future. more people with guns
• Danger and Energy are easy to accomplish in
TONE cyberpunk, but don’t forget WONDER! Reveal
Living under the yoke of a hyperurban world, deeper, more terrible truths than any megacity
scrounging for cash, or fleeing the cops, is no hero’s life. can contain to pull your players into the action.
RUNNERS in ALTERED STATE are beyond courageous, Hint at forgotten pasts, reveal terrible inhuman
beyond crazy. They’re the daring few who demand a evil, or connect players to layers-deep conspiracies
better world. These pillars can help bring your players • Move fast. Let your players rip from location to
into the ALTERED STATE mindset. location. Cyberpunk moves fast, so be ready to let
it unfold at breakneck speed!
• RUNNERS are rare heroes, not working schmucks • Make it personal. BONDS and LINKS are no joke.
• Huge evil forces are at work, not just street-level Leverage them, in some way, EVERY SESSION
gang wars or profit ops • RAGE DICE, SURGE CAPSULES, and all kinds of
• The strangeness of Stacks, Retuning, and freeform other tech make this game explosive. Be sure
AI organisms go way beyond weird looking people. you’re familiar with new rules, and bring them to
Inhuman things lurk... bear in every scene
• There’s more data and history here than can be • Use index cards and location art to build your
easily written. Everyone tells tall tales scenes. ICRPG is built on a foundation of flexible
• Only the super wealthy have any hard currency -- space and locations. In ALTERED STATE, these are
money or credits. The rest of the world functions called ANCHORS. They’ll let your team scatter and
on a barter system regroup at breakneck speed
The mechanics in ALTERED STATE are all designed for It’s just no fun rolling that ULTIMATE die only to have
intensity. RUNNERS are almost super-human. Play it come up on a 1. In ALTERED STATE, re-roll ULTIMATE
them that way! Maximize the cinematic potential rolls that land on 4 or less. ULTIMATE damage should
of each scene! Six changes from ICRPG CORE take feel ULTIMATE!
ALTERED STATE in this direction:
• New Categories of EFFORT Psychics are a playable class in ALTERED STATE that
• Rolling ULTIMATE have Psionic Powers, which are spell-like abilities in
• RAGE DICE most other games. On their turn, Psychics may:
• Aiming for a Guaranteed Hit • Make an attempt with INT, and on a success,
• New DYING Mechanics roll a D6 as PSYCHIC EFFORT.
At the start of the game, all RUNNERS begin the game At any time, spend a round aiming with any ranged
with FOUR D8s known as SURGE DICE. In the fiction, weapon to gain a guaranteed hit the next round!
SURGE DICE are represented as SURGE CAPSULES that
RUNNERS may ingest to push their abilities, do more DEATH AND DYING IN ALTERED STATE
damage, or narrowly avoid death. RUNNERS have implants known as Cortical Stacks.
A Stack contains a RUNNER’S consciousness. If a
At any time, “spend” or “burn” any accumulated RUNNER is killed, his or her body can die, but if the
SURGE CAPSULES and ... Stack remains intact, it can be inserted into a new body
• Add to any roll to ensure success or Skin -- a process known as a RETUNE. A RETUNE
• Add to any damage roll to increase damage is extremely expensive. Few possess the equipment,
• Add to any recovery roll to increase health knowledge, or capital in trade to pull one off, so a
• Add to a dying timer RETUNE could be the basis for your next quest! If a
• Roll to soak damage Stack is destroyed -- “slagged” -- then that character
• Bend rules of movement or what’s possible is dead-dead. Time to roll up a new character.
Unlike HERO COINS, SURGE CAPSULES can never be Mechanically, death works the same way as in ICRPG
traded to other players. Once a character has picked CORE, with one exception. When a character reaches
up a SURGE CAPSULE, it is bonded to the character’s zero HIT POINTS, he or she falls unconscious. An
DNA and is useless to other players. SURGE CAPSULES ally can always stabilize the character with a WIS or
are refreshed at the beginning of each session. INT roll and a touch as normal. However, when a
character is stable, he or she can roll CON to pop up
Finally, when using SURGE, be sure to describe with with 1 HP. Finally, if a character is reduced to more
flair! Is your RUNNER trying to pull off an awesome than negative 20 hit points in a single blow, that
attack? Trying to cleave multiple enemies? Is she character is destroyed, blown to pieces, Stack and all.
burning through a magazine, or making a spinning
leap attack with a sword? Did she get riddled with
bullets and stand back up? Be sure to give fictional
gravity to the extra push SURGE CAPSULES provide!
If this is your first visit to Shinru, Ishuga, or The Rim, you’ll start in the world as a RUNNER. RUNNERS are those
who defy the status quo, stand up for the little guy, and refuse to watch the world fall into nihilistic hands. What
gives them an edge in a high-tech, dangerous world? How will they claw their way out of the Sprawl? The right
components and an indomitable spirit make them the ultimate survivors.
Here are three key archetypes for heroes in this setting. For more on hero TYPES, check out pages 12 to 14.
Choose or roll for the 9 steps on the pages that follow to create your unique RUNNER.
1) CONSCIOUSNESS: Choose the type of brain and neural network that is YOU. P. 11.
2) SKIN: Choose the type of body housing your Consciousness. P. 11.
3) TYPE: Choose the unique skill set and occupation of your RUNNER. PP. 12-14.
4) ENHANCEMENTS: Choose 2 cybernetic prosthetics, bioware, or neurochemical modifications. P. 15.
5) EQUIPMENT: Choose 2 Starting EQUIPMENT. P. 16.
6) WEAPONS: Choose any 2 WEAPONS to get started. PP. 17-18.
7) MUNITIONS: Choose any 1 special ammo and 1 explosive. P. 19.
8) PSIONICS: Is your RUNNER a psychic anomaly? If so, choose 2 PSIONIC ABILITIES to begin. P. 20.
9) BONDS AND LINKS: Choose or create the connections that help you and hurt you. P. 21.
1: BASICS: Every runner is a combination of consciousness, body, and cybernetics. See pages 11-15.
2: STATS: ICRPG CORE methods here. Distribute the STAT POINTS specified in your SKIN on page 11.
3: WEAPONS: Guns and weapons in ALTERED STATE have special rules to make them crazy. Pages 17-18.
4: SURGE CAPSULES: High tech adrenaline extracts to push you over the top. See page 7.
5: RAGE DICE: Create and store RAGE DICE to explode with force when you need it most. Page 6.
6: BONDS AND LINKS: Everyone knows everyone, even you. Learn more on page 21.
7: MUNITIONS: Special ammo makes for ‘special’ destruction! See page 19 for all the details.
8: PSIONICS: The future is truly strange. See page 20 to choose and reference these mind powers.
Everyone starts with a CONSCIOUSNESS. Your CONSCIOUSNESS is your brain or mind, and it influences your
inherent self and personal characteristics, including memories, knowledge, ego, traits, and personality. Choose
or roll for your CONSCIOUSNESS below. Backed up by a Stack, you CONSCIOUSNESS might exist for perpetuity ....
Good old-fashioned natural, organic brainmatter. +1 STR, +1 CHA
Organic brain enhanced with digital Bioware. +1 DEX, +1 WIS
3) A.I.
Awakened computer code with superior cognitive faculties. +2 INT
Lab-grown and designed for tasks in hostile environments. +1 DEX, +1 CON
Computer code and protocols bent on a single objective. +1 INT, +1 WIS
Organic brain altered by radiation or contaminants. +1 STR, +1 CON
This body had a mother and a father, no scientists involved, and is comprised
of bones, muscles, organs, and tissue. Add 8 points to your STATS.
This body was grown in a vat, and although mostly organic, it has been
augmented with implants that help it adapt to hostile environments.
Add 6 points to your STATS. Gain the RESILIENT TAG (Rolls to resist
environmental hazards are EASY).
This body is completely artificial and mechanical, and all of its inner workings
are housed in a durable shell. Add 4 points to your STATS. Add 1 point to
ARMOR. Gain an extra HEART.
This body is fully biological, but it has been altered at the genetic level by radiation,
toxins, or tampering. Add 6 points to your STATS. Gain the BIO-MUTATION TAG
(Ignore the first 3 damage of any attack).
The Kensei sword masters have always preferred
the old way... the way of the blade.
LETHAL: Using any bladed weapon, once per
location, deliver 1D4 hits with a successful attack.
SLAYER: Roll ULTIMATE on any foe you have
previously injured with a blade.
(Your sword attacks are never HARD)
(CLOSE/NEAR enemies can’t shoot you)
(Bank RAGE DICE with STR for any melee weapon)
If there’s wires, a screen, and a blinking light, a
Decker can find a way to get it done.
(Roll INT to nullify a decker for 1D4 ROUNDS)
(Shoot around corners with any firearm)
(All decking effort is doubled)
3) EXO
It takes a real nutjob to pilot EXO armor. It’s
almost like they WANT to be shot.
(If a foe has shot you, pull them CLOSE with STR)
(Once per location, move FAR at ANY TIME)
(Guns and armor occupy no inventory slots)
Experiments, drugs, and latent human potential
combine in the rare few who can bend reality.
(All mental effects against you are halved)
(If a RAGE DIE rolls 6+, bank it again)
(Ask the GM any question and get the truth)
Someone has to handle all the guns, hoard bullets,
and make the impossible shot.
(Mod any gun. It will never be lost or empty)
(Opt for any successful gunshot to hit 2 targets)
(Repair or reload any gun in 1 ROUND)
There, and not there. Someone and someone else.
These are the masters of shadow and subterfuge. SHIFTER
to impersonate or become another person.
SHADOW-WALK: Any time you roll for stealth,
roll EASY.
(Use the KATANA’s ability twice per location)
(Create a self-hologram that lasts until touched)
(Erase or corrupt video or audio of your presence)
For almost two centuries, biological and cybernetics tech has achieved new heights in human performance.
RUNNERS frequently opt for all sorts of body enhancements, including cybernetic prosthetics, neurochemical
enhancement, bioware, or other modifications. Choose TWO or roll for TWO mods from the list below.
1) CYBER OPTICS: +1 WIS; movement detection, 5X zoom, and chemical residue trace
2) DERMAL PLATING: +1 ARMOR; ignore shock attack effects and damage
3) BIOTECH LUNGS: +1 CON; toxin filtering and two hours of reserve air
4) TAC LINK: +1 GUN EFFORT; never be surprised or caught flat-footed
5) CYBERNETIC LIMB: Specify limb, +1 STR; all non-attack STR rolls are EASY
6) MNEMONIC LINK: +1 INT; store all data experienced through the senses in digital storage
7) SHIFTER GRAFTS: +2 CHA; disguise implants restructure facial features and musculature
8) POLYRESIN SKELETON: +1 ARMOR; start with 5 additional HIT POINTS
9) INTEGRATED WEAPON: Choose integrated Internal Claws (Augmented) or Holdout Pistol (Gun)
10) REFLEX AUGMENT: +1 DEX; roll EASY when resisting checks to stay on your feet
1 6
2 7
3 8
4 9
Without street GEAR, you’re just another citizen disappearing in the smog. In time, you’ll be stacked in digital
goodies and explosives. For now, Choose or Roll for TWO items on the following list, and hit the tarmac.
1) NanoSkin, +2 ARMOR
Polycarbon links form this extremely light and skintight cloth, which provides exceptional protection.
5) External Augment
Choose any enhancement (p. 15) and add as gear, taking one carried slot. Can be lost like other loot.
Select or Roll (1D8 on each page) for TWO weapons. When attacking, a roll of Natural 1 destroys
that weapon. Firearms are jammed and must be discarded, and bladed weapons are broken.
5: PMG Heavy Sniper
1: NEMESIS Pistol
Long range semi-automatic sniper. Shoots
Magnetic rounds go through targets
through walls. ULTIMATE Effort, 6 Capacity.
then return. 2X GUN Effort.
7: A46 Scattergun
3: MAC12 SMG Micro-shards shred your foe. Never misses at CLOSE
Spray your foe with rounds! At CLOSE or NEAR range (no roll required). Any foes beyond NEAR cannot be
range, your Effort die is a D20 for a single target. targeted.
1: Katana 5: KP Volt Pistol
Nothing draws faster than a Hanzo Electro-rounds do an additional 1D4 damage,
Katana. Attack with STR or DEX. Once and the target must save vs. CON or be tased
per location, attack without rolling to for one round.
hit and do 2X AUGMENTED Effort.
6: Nodachi
2: Razor Whip Unparalleled reach and damage. Any character can
A vicious weapon. bank RAGE DICE with STR using this weapon. Add spent
On a 15+, it destroys RAGE DICE to its damage rolls.
one piece of an
opponent’s gear.
4: Gyro Blades
Throwable blades return to their
owner and never run out. On a
modified 13+, do 2X AUGMENTED.
8: M134 Chain Gun
The ultimate room-
clearing weapon. 3D6
damage to 1D4 targets.
4 volleys per ammo box.
Guns aren’t the end of the equation. To crack Protectorate armor or take down a malfunctioning Synthetic,
you’re gonna need special Ammunition and Explosives. Choose or roll any ONE special AMMO and any ONE
EXPLOSIVE. GMs can also award munitions as LOOT.
Since the 2350’s, corporations and militaries have been experimenting with psionic and psychic abilities using
a combination of drugs, genetics, and torture. As a result, the subjects of these experiments have become
powerful, volatile assets in the struggles of a dysfunctional world.
If playing as a PSYCHIC, choose TWO PSIONIC Abilities to begin. To use a PSIONIC ability, meet or beat the current
TARGET with an INT roll. PSIONIC abilities do not occupy gear slots, do not incur Spell Burn, and cannot be traded
once learned. Treat them like TAGS. All PSIONIC abilities employ RAGE DICE. See RAGE DICE, P. 6. Generally, only
Psychics can use Psionic abilities. But make your game your own! A latent ability could be a good milestone!
1: CRUSH - Deform, pulverize, and compress objects or foes with incredible force.
2: LASH - Whip foes with gouging blows of powerful mind energy.
3: WIPE - Erase the minds of your foes by eliminating all thoughts, feelings, and humanity.
4: EM PULSE - Produce a volatile, damaging surge of high voltage and disable electronics for 1D6 rounds.
5: HURL - Throw and launch objects and people with devastating violence.
6: MELT - Liquify objects and adversaries by sheer force of will.
7: NIGHTMARE - Torture foes with terrifying visions and delusions for 1D6 rounds.
8: ASTRAL FLIGHT - Take to the air in a display of raw power.
9: PSYCHIC KNIFE - Form a wicked blade of pulsating energy to cut down your adversaries.
10: TRAMPLE - Flatten foes into pulp with an immense orb of dense power.
11: FLAY - Shred the skin of your foes with vicious abrasive force for 1D6 rounds.
12: ENOUGH - Stop bullets on any turn. Spent RAGE DICE reduce damage. Use this ability again in 4 rounds.
13: SUFFOCATE - Strangle and asphyxiate foes and leave them gasping for air.
14: LOCKDOWN - Hold foes in place for 1D6 rounds.
15: SHIELD - Throw up a wall of impenetrable force for 1D6 rounds, up to Near.
16: CONTROL - Dominate the minds of your foes for 1D6 rounds.
17: MERGE - Become one with any machine and know everything about that machine.
18: PYRO - Burn, immolate, and surround foes with fire.
19: REWIND - Undo all events of the previous round regarding your character.
20: OVERLOAD - Unleash a wave of awe-inducing destructive force in all directions, up to FAR.
Your RUNNER’S relationships with others can either be
a help or a hindrance. LINKS are powerful connections You have a connection with a specific person who is
that can render aid to your RUNNER in a time of crisis. tied to your RUNNER’s life as a result of love, affinity,
BONDS are relational affiliations that can be used marriage, or blood. Do your best to guard these
by powerful entities to blackmail or leverage your relationships at all costs! At various times, the GM
RUNNER. After all, love can be a noose. may apply “pressure” to your RUNNER by threatening,
kidnapping, torturing, or otherwise leveraging these
LINKS relationships against you. The MegaCorps always
seem to find a way to get to people . . . .
You have a connection with a gang, corporation, black
market freelancer, small military squad, or other Choose a relation (mother, father, brother, sister,
organization. Name this connection for your GM best friend, co-worker, love-interest, grandmother,
prior to the start of your campaign. Once per session, grandfather, cousin, child, or trusted associate) and
you can “call in a favor” and make a request to a LINK then choose or roll on the below table.
for aid, resources, or shelter. But beware, your LINK
may make a future demand of your RUNNER and cash ROLL 1D8 FOR COMMON BONDS
in the favor, as you may “owe one” to him or her. 1: Cult-Napped! Your Bond is part of a secretive
cult against his/her will. Or maybe not . . . .
ROLL 1D8 FOR COMMON LINKS 2: The Company. You thought s/he was a barista.
1: Lotus Blue, Synth Pod. Fights for the new earth Turns out your Bond is in deep with a Corp.
resistance and believes freeform life will rule 3: For Science. Your Bond has developed a
the world. Respects all life in a Bhuddist way. weapon of serious firepower/destruction.
2: Achilles Sandoval, Rogue AI. Dwells in the hold 4: Not Her! You have reason to believe that the
of an abandoned freighter, where it runs an consciousness in that Skin is NOT your Bond.
illegal death game.
5: The Rap Sheet. Your Bond has a rap sheet a
3: Jiro Michiko, Goth Teen. Runs a street gang mile long. It may or may not be true.
of Psychics known as the Night Cult. All of the
6: I Saw It. Your Bond saw something he or she
members have vampire-like augmentations.
should have not have seen. They know....
4: Dara Trem, Ghost. Considered to be the best
7: The Rim. Your Bond just relocated to the Rim
Operative, ever, with over 1,000 successful
with very little notice. Why so quickly?
missions. Until she disappeared.
8: The Others. Your Bond is suddenly spending
5: Teleseros, Antiquities Dealer. Used to be a big
time with strange new friends.
game hunter. Now, he’s ‘tuned in a mechanized
Skin and runs a small boutique shop.
Remember, LINKS and BONDS are a way for players
6: Lacy K, Pleasure Synth. Rumored to be the most
and the DM to alter the course of the campaign. They
skilled seductress on the Sprawl. But that’s not
invite players to solve problems using relationships
why men and women come to see her.
with NPCs and provide the DM with ways to embroil
7: Belor, Mutant. Self-proclaimed the “Mutant players in meaningful dilemmas. GMs can also
King” of Ishuga. Believed to be a prophet. consider awarding new LINKS as Milestone rewards!
8: Lt. Carmelita Ruiz, Protectorate. Known as The
Butcher of New Genesis. Still, there’s something
strangely kind in her augmented eyes.
EARTH 2440
Dystopian games often ask their GMs and players to Here are eight types of PERIL to challenge RUNNERS.
give in to helplessness and hopelessness. They have ROLL 1D8 FOR THE OPENING SCENE
become a fiction of submission and do not imagine
1: RUNNERS are trapped in a safehouse, surrounded
a better future. Perhaps more disturbing, they don’t
ask anyone to bother to make a brighter one. 2: A dark bar is shredded with gunfire, and the
RUNNERS are caught in the crossfire
Altered State’s Dystopia is different. It is a fiction 3: RUNNERS are summoned by a master swordmaker
of resistance. Against a backdrop of dysfunction, it 4: A huge blackout sends the city into darkness
makes a call to courage and action. Do not despair; 5: A complex heist is under way, but comms go out
the brightest future is yet to come. Accordingly,
6: A SISTM-cast offers 5 million credits for a high
Altered State is grounded on three key pillars:
profile hit
• DYSFUNCTION: Society is one in decline, where 7: RUNNERS wake up confused in new bodies
the illusion of a perfect society is maintained 8: In a small town on The Rim, hostile agents attack
through corporate and technological control.
believe there is something terribly wrong with the RUNNERS need adversaries. Below are eight possible
world and aspire to fix it. agents of evil to serve as initial THREATS.
• ACTION: The heroes (RUNNERS) actively struggle ROLL 1D8 FOR THE BAD GUYS
to fix things.
1: Iga Ninjas controlled by a hidden sensei
In the tables that follow, Choose or Roll for PURPOSE, 2: Rogue cyborgs bent on absolute chaos
PERIL, THREATS, and team BACKGROUND to get your
3: Corporate agents on a clean up op
campaign rolling!
4: Fanatics of a psychic/synthetic cult
WHAT’S WRONG IN THE WORLD 5: Rival runners who are killing off vigilantes
Below are eight potential crises that can serve as a
6: A barely human “freeform” and its slaves
PURPOSE for heroes to rise up:
7: An A.I. heavy mecha that’s gone crazy
8: An out-of-control psychic who is losing her mind
1: Energy Crisis. All available power will be lost
on Earth
2: Purge. Genocidal madmen intend to scrape In case your players need a reason to band together,
the world clean in a quest for utopia here are eight starting team BACKGROUNDS.
3: Revenge. An Omnipotent A.I. is lashing out ROLL 1D8 FOR THE TEAM BACKGROUND
against humans
1: A team of tight-knit vigilantes
4: Epidemic. A deadly virus, both biological and
digital, has been unleashed 2: Street-hardened mercenaries and infiltrators
5: Evolution. Freeform synthetics are becoming 3: Unwitting citizens caught in a conspiracy
huge monsters 4: Unwilling participants blackmailed to action with
6: Erased. People are being erased and replaced brain bombs
with something else 5: Ex-cops pulled back onto the streets
7: Deconstructed. All human life will be digitized 6: A squad of bikers with a score to settle
8: W.O.M.D. An unstable earthquake weapon 7: Corporate operatives who retrieve psychics
will be deployed 8: Subjects in psychic experiments
ALTERED STATE takes place almost two centuries after Here are a small set of themes to differentiate your
the peak of development on Earth. In the 2200’s, an ALTERED STATE game from other cyberpunk settings:
over-built, over-strained Earth was no pleasant place.
Great droves of people left Earth for offworld colonies • Cut the power: Darkness and lack of electrical
on ripe green exoplanets. Some say this exodus never power makes every single adventure cooler
occurred and was staged by those who were mass- • Empty the street: Instead of crowds, employ
abducting citizens for some darker purpose. abandoned streets, lonely cars, and frightened
citizens. Crowds and bright lights are very rare here
What’s left behind took on its own new mood. There • Less screens, more gadgets: Don’t get tangled up in
is more infrastructure and machinery than can even data and mundane computers. Gadgets and digital
be operated. Repair replaced create. The old ways tech is everywhere, but simple and unseen.
of barter and feud returned. Survivors found new • Ancient places, new tech: Use very old places, or
lifeways in the urban shell. It was not an apocalypse, natural places, fitted with tech.
just a change. • Paranormal undertones: The PSYCHICS are being
made... but how? What does it mean for physics?
This is how the ‘urban wilderness’ was born: a place • Feudal honor: As long as there are swords, there
in darkness mostly, populated by so few but built to are those who live by them. Old codes are very
such heights. There is freedom for the brave in such useful for cool adventure stories.
ruined places, and dark horrors to uncover. • Everyone goes way back: Be loose and free with
who knows who and ‘what really happened’ back
That’s your world. You’re a Runner. in the day. Urban myths are everywhere.
1: STREETS - Between massive structures, neon-lit streets and highways are all but lawless
2: BUILDING INTERIORS - Get used to running encounters in offices, apartments, and labs
3: URBAN RUIN - The urban wilderness is massive, overgrown in places, and perfect for adventure
4: DESOLATE EXTERIORS - The desert of 2440 is a strange, barren place of stone, wind, and new lifeforms
5: ANCIENT UNDERGROUND - The old cities below the new are still there, cobwebbed and haunted in shadow
6: COMPLEXES - In ALTERED STATE, think of a dungeon as a complex: tunnels, rooms, locked doors, and danger
7: MINDSCAPES - Between virtual technology and psychic experimentation, strange dimensions await
8: HIDDEN WONDERS - Never be afraid to conjure out-of-place locations as part of a story... castles still exist
9: DECADENCE - The .01% are still super-wealthy here, and dwell in wildly lavish spaces
10: CAVERNS - No good adventure world lacks mysterious natural caves and hollows, where dark forces gather
11: JUNK - In ages past, the megacities had vast trash fields and discard piles that have become ecosystems
12: RAG TAG SETTLEMENT - Here and there, folks have pieced together tech and ingenuity to survive
The largest, most resilient of the old megacities is
called Shinru. It is 10,000 square miles of streets and
structures, mostly without power. Its population has
declined from 70 million to a few hundred thousand.
Space is abundant; resources are not. There are many
ways to make a good, peaceful living here, but the soil
is also fertile for terrible evil.
1: REACTOR ONE - A gigantic power station that has barely survived the centuries
2: THE NEST - The world’s most advanced computer storage and relay facility
3: ONA DAI SEN TOWER - A dizzying spire 2,000 feet tall that defines the skyline. A Corp capstone.
4: DRAGON MAZE - Miles of baffling shanty tunnels, vendor huts, narrow alleys and tangled power lines
5: THE VIADUCTS - Huge v-shaped waterways of solid concrete circle the city and house the outsiders
6: IGA PALACE - The ancient ninja clan is headquartered in this towering, traditional Japanese pagoda
After the offworld years, a lawless century of riots and
chaos took hold. During this time, some took extreme
measures to wall themselves in. Nowhere was more
extreme than Ishuga, a hovering mass of junk and
buildings five miles across. It hovers over the desert,
a few hundred feet up, on self-fueling ion repulsors.
One of the strangest sights on the planet.
1: JUNK FIELDS - A labyrinth of metal scrap, heaped wreckage, and hovels below the hovering city
2: DENSE STREETS - The street scene here is alive and well with neon and cold cash
3: THE UNDER - Beneath the disc-shaped city a dark, hanging city hides in shadow
4: DIZZY HEIGHTS - The highest roofs here reach the clouds with blinking signal lights
5: POSH CLUBS - Top gangs keep their private clubs here, where the creds really vanish
6: MUTANT CAMPS - Somewhere in the fields, mutants are beginning to organize a rebellion
A vast, quiet realm of farms and lifeless desert
surrounds the old cities. Here, life has returned to a
medieval state but is largely immune to the high tech
conflicts and turbulence of the urban wilderness.
1: PLANES and FIELDS - Huge, wide-open spaces dominate here. Rolling hills limit the view
2: SHANTY SHACKS - Citizen-built structures are the rule out here, and they are flimsy and basic
3: DARK PUBS - Each village usually gathers ‘round a dimly lit tavern or pub where travelers gather
4: HODGE PODGE POWER - Wind turbines, water wheels, or solar panels are used for power when possible
5: CRUMBLING RUBBLE - Some of the largest buildings from long-lost cities are now stony foundations
6: DEAD FORESTS - Where the plains were once forested, ghostly stretches of bare, dead trunks stand
Beyond The Rim is a place few even dare: The
Wasteland. These parts of our planet are scorched,
radioactive, polluted, and uninhabitable. The only
living things this far out are insects and mutants. Even
the mutants can barely survive here.
Theory 1: Nothingness
It is widely believed that over 70% of the Earth’s
surface is absolutely empty. Sand, wind, and sun. A
lifeless hellscape that offers absolutely nothing to the
1: BURN ZONE - Vast hard pan and salt flats cover most of the Wasteland... Jugger territory
2: FRACTURES - The earth has so dried and sagged, vast mazes of deep chasms criss cross the continents
3: CRATERS - The nuclear incident of 2174 destroyed several large cities. Vast craters remain
4: BLUFFS - The only shade to be found is near the stone pillars, cliffs, and bedrock formations
5: NEOBIOLOGY - In very deep canyons, new forms of radiation-eating life have begun to bloom
6: KARST CAVITIES - Limestone substrata have long eroded, vastly increasing the hollows and caverns
The latest arrival on the scene is Veil, a high tech city
focused on virtual lifeways. Most of the world isn’t
even fully aware of the goings-on here, and by no
accident. Many social mores and taboos have been
shed by this hyper-advanced, bohemian, trans-human
culture. So much so, the immigration policies of Veil
involve complex personality screening and security.
1: ACID BARS - The most common location here is a drug-soaked bar with weird lights and smoke
2: NIGHTLIFE - The cities are packed with colorful characters, intoxicated anthropomorphs, and more
3: HALL OF MIRRORS - Virtual entities gather in holographic barges and taverns to mingle
4: PUBLIC MEGA-ART - Gigantic sculptures and plazas of holo-art are everywhere here
5: HYPER RACING - The city is ringed with a state-of-the-art hover track
6: BAKKAR CASINOS - Bakkar is a card game that has swept the elite scene in Veil, and the stakes are high
“We were the only ones who knew the truth at the
time. But there it was. Dangerous. Unforgiving. If
we tried to tell anyone, they’d say we were terrorists.”
1: NULL-G Boots (Item, Perform limited flight, run on walls, and take no damage from falls, even from incredible heights)
2: Energy Core (Item, Attach to any device or weapon. Bank that item’s Effort/Damage dice like Rage dice)
3: Condition Monitor (Item, At the moment you would drop to zero Hit Points, remain at one instead, 2 uses)
4: Homing Beacon (Item, Activate to have a friendly team of 2D4 Combat Mercs arrive at your exact location in 1D4 rounds)
5: Ballistic Fiber Trenchcoat (+2 Armor, Ignore 1D6 damage per round)
6: MESA Cannon (Weapon, 6 capacity. Does 4X ULTIMATE to a single target)
7: Stealth Suit (Armor, Chameleon panels bend light. Remain hidden unless you attack or perform a FAR move)
8: Persuader Gun (Weapon, On a successful attack, hijack the Stack of anyone. They follow you mindlessly for 1D4 rounds)
9: Ultraviolet Wand (Item, With INT or WIS, pass over any wound to heal one full heart)
10: MagnaGrips (Item, Attach to any surface to make any surface walkable)
11: Bonding Gel (Item, Instantly seal any hole, crack, or seam. The materials bond with three Hearts of durability, 3 uses)
12: Military Grade Cybernetic Limb (Implant, Specify limb, +1 DEX or STR, all attack rolls are EASY and do GUN Damage)
13: BioRebreather (Item, +1 CON, Treat any air or liquid as breathable)
14: Ruster Suit (Heavy industrial mech suit, +3 STR, +3 Armor, Take one-half damage from all explosions)
15: Power Gloves (Weapon, Treat all Bare Fist Effort as GUN Effort)
16: Military Decking Module (Item, Once per location, instantly hack or override a single system)
17: Stack Copy (Never fear death. Somewhere, you have a perfect duplicate/backup of your Consciousness in storage)
18: Skin Clone (Your Link has a perfect clone of your Skin in storage. Retune with all stats and abilities the same)
19: Kensei Upgrade (Add +2 to any Stat. Attacks with a bladed weapon cause 1D6 bleeding damage over 1D4 rounds)
20: Data Leach (Item, Retrieve a single important piece of information from any entity’s Stack or Programming with a touch)
21: Assault Shield (Item, +3 Armor, Absorbs one Heart of frontal damage before becoming useless)
22: Link Alloy Blade Mod (Item, Modify any sword to do GUN Damage with that blade. Damage explodes on an 8)
23: Echolocation Augment (Implant, Hear any faint sounds up to FAR and “see” in total darkness through sound vibrations)
24: Overload Rounds (Ammo, 10 count, Targets are stunned for 1D4 rounds and can only move, No actions)
25: Backup Cybernetic Heart (Implant, Choose a location other than your chest. Add one Heart to your max health)
26: Slick Gel (Item, Make any item or surface frictionless. Frictionless items can slide double FAR, 3 uses)
27: Suitcase Sentry (Drop this portable sentry turret in any location. It does double GUN effort, has 13 Armor, and one heart)
28: Exothermic Damper (Item, throw this device and nullify the damage from a single explosion, even out of turn, 1 use)
29: Protectorate EXO Suit (+2 Armor, +3 CHA, and roll EASY on any rolls to influence or deceive soldiers or officials)
30: Grafter Kit (Item, +3 HEALING Effort, All checks or attempts to stabilize a dying character are EASY)
31: Booster Headset (+1 Armor, +3 INT, Remain immune to any attempts to control or disrupt your Consciousness)
32: Seeker Drone (Item, 3 Uses, Flying drone seeks out and attacks a single target every round for 1D6 rounds, Does GUN Effort)
33: Repair Nanites (Item, unleash this swarm of nanites into any device to repair with 3X ULTIMATE Effort, 3 Uses)
34: Napalm Unit (Weapon, incinerates all NEAR targets for 3X ULTIMATE Damage, 4 uses)
35: Neurochem Amp Module (Implant, +3 DEX, Once per location, completely evade a single attack with a successful DEX check)
36: Tactical Vest (+2 Armor, +1 GUN Damage, Ignore any status or elemental effects)
37: BioMesh Exoskeleton (+2 Armor, +3 CON, Regen 1 Hit Point per round)
38: Psi-Scrambler (Item, Remain shielded from and immune to any Psychic powers or abilities)
39: Secretion Module (Implant, Secrete PHEROMONES [Roll EASY CHA to seduce] or TOXINS [Touch deals AUGMENTED damage])
40: 300-AX Assault Rifle (Weapon, Does 2X ULTIMATE Damage to a single target. Ignore blunders when using this weapon)
41: Voice Modulator (Implant, +3 CHA when attempting to persuade or intimidate)
42: Adaptive BioArmor (Armor, Add +1 Armor for every failed attack against you. Nullified when hit. Resets after every battle)
43: Spring Trigger (Item, Attach to ANY bladed weapon. On a modified 15+, attack again)
44: Network Spotlight (Item, On a successful decking roll, highlight a single target. All attacks against that target are EASY)
45: Juicer Harness (Implant, Once per location, activate to become completely immune to pain and damage for 2D4 rounds)
46: Spike Augment (Implant, Fire 1D20 spikes from secret housings, 1 damage per spike, up to a NEAR radius. 4 round cooldown)
47: Utility Hand (Implant, Finger laser, cutting torch, and assorted repair tools. Roll EASY when cutting or fixing. Never lost)
48: Hologram Wrist Module (Item, Create a perfect hologram of yourself that mirrors your actions. Lasts until touched)
49: Input Visor (Item, Add +4 Effort to any category of Effort whenever needed)
50: Targeting Link (Implant, Any time you roll 6 or more on your damage die (unmodded roll) with a firearm, roll damage again)
51: Transponder Shells (Ammo, 10 count, Hit a target with this LED dart. All decking against that target is EASY and ULTIMATE)
52: Carbon Fire Axe (Weapon, Reliable, Useful, Huge, Lightweight. Damage rolls of 5 or 6 explode)
53: Arc Stun Baton (Weapon, Concealable, Does GUN Damage. Damage rolls of 6 or more (unmodded) stun target for 1 ROUND)
54: Compound Bow (Weapon, Silent, Accurate. Quiver includes one of each Ammunition type as arrows)
55: Hi Amp Laser Sight (Item, Attach to any ranged weapon. Shots with that weapon are never HARD)
56: Reflex Link (Item, Attach to any weapon. If hit for 6 or more damage, get a free attack against your assailant)
57: NanoMissile Pistol (Weapon, Rare, Volatile. Designate a target with an Offensive Decking Kit. Missile will seek it for ULTIMATE)
58: H&T Smart Drug (Food, 3 capsules. Swallow 1 capsule to gain +6 INT for 1D6 ROUNDS)
59: Jimmy Mags (Item, Garage-modded plastic magazines run out of AMMO only on a true blunder, not a natural 1)
60: Cybertrace Optics (Item, Implant. Fail any scouting or spotting rolls only on a 1)
61: Laser Grapple (Item, A gas-propelled grapple line and zip handle. Immediately zip to impact point, 100’ range)
62: Flash Grenade (Weapon, Volatile, Explosive. All targets who see this explosion are blinded for 1D4 ROUNDS)
63: Marble Mines (Weapon, Ball-bearing micro-mines do 2X ULTIMATE to anyone that steps on them. Three tubes)
64: Mag Holster (Item, Weapons occupy no slots in your inventory)
65: Spyder Control System (Item, Up to FAR, control any machinery with this small magnetic module for 1D4 ROUNDS)
66: Regen Capsules (Food, 5 Capsules, Swallow to regenerate 1D10 HP on your TURN for the next 3 ROUNDS)
67: EXO Armor Vest (+3 Armor, Subtract 3 from any damage taken from bullets, blades, or explosions)
68: Deck Module: Support (Item, Attach to any decking kit. With a decking roll, give an ally in sight ULTIMATE on their next roll)
69: Deck Module: Targeting (Item, Attach to any decking kit. With a decking roll, give an ally in sight a guaranteed attack)
70: Psionic Deck Prototype (Item, Replaces a decking kit. Includes 2 random Psionic abilities, usable with a decking roll)
71: HyperSurge Capsule Mod (Item, Roll 1D12 when using a SURGE CAPSULE)
72: Rage Implant (Implant, When generating a RAGE DIE, bank 2 instead of 1)
73: Rapid Transfusion Unit (Item, 3 uses, Heal 1 target with 0 HP to full and remove all toxic or harmful effects)
74: C7 Gel Pack (Explosive, Volatile, Includes a trigger detonator. Destroy one entire structure on detonation)
75: Burn Cord (Item, 300’ length. Lay any length of the cord and stomp to ignite. Burns with magnesium flames for 4 ROUNDS)
76: Dai Sen Skeleton Key (Item, A digital decryption pod. Opens ANY door or locked barrier in 1D4 ROUNDS)
77: Jammer Antenna (Item, Place and extend this spring-mounted mini tower to nullify all signals within 500’)
78: Limit Pills (Food, 5 Capsules. When swallowed, grants the user a vast clairvoyant ability that can be overwhelming for some)
79: Micro Skate Sabatons (+3 Armor, Armored combat boots with integrated wheels. Treat FAR as NEAR when moving)
80: Disposajet (Item, 1 use, Creates 20,000 pounds of jet thrust for 1D4 ROUNDS)
81: Nanoscaffold Magazine (Implant, Your weapons have double their listed ammunition capacity)
82: Foil Chute (Item, a Rapid-deploy miniature parachute. Occupies no inventory space)
83: Blackout Light Bomb (Grenade, Eliminates all light and optics in a FAR radius with complete impenetrable darkness)
84: Sound Killer (Item, A lunchbox-sized sonic emitter. Eliminates all sound in a FAR radius as long as active)
85: Hatori Hanzo Katana (Weapon, Deadly, Rare, Unbreakable. The finest sword in creation. Always ULTIMATE, always EASY)
86: Deck Module: Shifter AI (Item, Attach to any decking kit. Acquire full shifter data with any photograph or video of a person)
87: J.U.M.P. Retune Kit (Item, Cannot be used by Organics. Upon death, send your Consciousness into a new random Skin)
88: Adrenaline Huffer (Item, 4 uses, A micro inhaler of adrenaline vapor. Gain 1D10 STAT points for 1 day)
89: Kiryu Signature Module (+5 Armor, A bracelet that emits a dynamic energy deflection resonance)
90: Bionic Compressor Pack (Backpack, 30 slots, Offsets weight of carried items and nullifies Carry/Equip rule)
91: Particle Saw (Item, A power tool that uses a high energy circular laser to cut a 3 foot hole in any material)
92: Ramora Drive (Item, A high tech solid state drive. Acquire any witnessed PSIONIC ABILITIES as decking programs)
93: SOG Gun Pack (Backpack, 10 extra inventory slots, includes 2 random weapons and 2 random MUNITIONS)
94: Nanocarbon Skin Graft (Implant, +3 Armor, takes up no space and is never damaged or ignored)
95: Retrieval Bot (Item, Can move FAR on any surface. Retrieves any object or person up to 300 pounds in 1 ROUND)
96: Smart Weapon Cerebral Augment (Implant, Acquire the SLAYER TAG)
97: Lightning Kite (Item, A deployable mini-kite and microsteel cable that attracts a lightning strike in 2 ROUNDS)
98: Intervention Shield (+3 Armor, A smart-carbon shield. Completely intercept 1 attack against any NEAR target once per ROUND)
99: Strand Protein Implant (Genetic Implant, Cannot be used by MECHANIZED Skins, Gain 3 STAT points)
100: CyberFold Limb Augment (Item, An adaptable cybernetic module, Gain any 1 ENHANCEMENT and TRIPLE its effect)
The previous Loot Table is just a small sampling of the If you love the DIY spirit, here is the methodology
types of gear available in a rich cyberpunk world. Feel for creating your own Scratch-built loot for ALTERED
free to let your imagination go wild and provide all STATE:
kinds of unique and fun loot for your players.
1. Think about the TYPE of item you want to create.
There are two key ways to create your own loot or Is it Armor? A Weapon? A cybernetic Implant?
gear for ALTERED STATE: Reskinning existing loot or Write down the basic descriptor for the item:
Scratch built. Armor, Weapon, Implant, Explosive, Item, etc.).
• Larger vehicles, like Transports or larger, will likely
BASIC TYPES have more Chunks (10 Hit Points per Chunk)
All vehicles in ALTERED STATE fall into five main types:
depending on their armor, function, and additional
Mechanical Suits, Bikes, Transports, Industrial, or
abilities or weapons. As usual, when a Chunk is
destroyed, the abilities associated with that Chunk
are no longer operable.
• Mechanical Suits - Many people use exoskeleton-
based mechanical suits for a variety of commercial,
• All damage against Vehicles is divided equally
military, or personal tasks. Slow.
among the Vehicle’s THREE MAIN CHUNKS, unless
the attacker is making a called shot at a specific
• Bikes - With large boomin’ tires in the front and
Chunk. All called shots are HARD.
back, Bikes are the primary mode of transport
for Runners looking to get from one location to
• Whether ramming (Augmented Effort), shooting
another quickly. When thinking about Bikes,
(Gun Effort), or exploding (Ultimate Effort), Vehicles
consider attributes like Speed, Agility, and the
always do at least 4X damage against pedestrians.
ability to fit in tight places. Fast.
• Pedestrians always do HALF damage against
• Transports - Transports are the way of travel for
everyone, as no one “rolls along the ground”
anymore, except Runners on Bikes. Cars are a
• Every vehicle’s neural link transfers character
thing of the past. Whether Transports are of
impulses into vehicle behavior. Accordingly, pilots,
the rotary, fixed-wing, VTOL, hover, fan-blade, or
drivers, and wheel-men (and women) make driving
turbine variety, people always take to the air for
rolls using their character stats: STR for ramming;
travel, if possible, in two-seat or larger varieties.
DEX for shooting or avoiding obstacles; CON for
Fast or Slow, depending on model.
small repairs while moving; INT for system checks;
WIS for targeting or noticing details; and CHA for
• Industrial - Industrial vehicles include large,
intimidation or impressing. Normal vehicle repairs
sometimes autonomous machines that do
can be made to a stopped or garaged vehicle using
everything from planting and harvesting grain,
INT or WIS and the appropriate tools.
to large-scale construction, extracting vapor, or
transporting tons of freight. Slow.
• All normal commercial vehicles are generally
tracked by the SISTM via an electronic registration.
• Heavy - Heavy vehicles are rare, but they are
Unless this configuration has been disabled, all
frequently machines of war, including tanks,
vehicles can potentially be hacked through Decking
gunships, and large bipedal mechanized walkers
(especially autonomous vehicles) and either
bristling with weapons of mass destruction. Slow.
disabled or exploited.
Below are four common vehicles that are ready to use in your game. Feel free to mix and match
Chunks or create your own for a one-of-a-kind ride! Consider Chunks like Adaptive Camouflage,
Body Blades, Cable Launcher, NanoFiber Tires, Ram Plate, Electro Cannons, Parachute, Scatter Mines,
Remote Control System, Smoke Jets, Targeting Computer, Self-Destruct System, Spiked Tires, Extra
Chassis, Gun Turret, Turbo Boost, or Wheel Guards.
Four-seater twin-turbine aircraft. 4 CHUNKS:
1. NanoResin Deflector Frame (all attacks against this transport are Hard).
2. Twin Fanjet Engines (checks to dodge or maneuver are never Hard).
3. Surface to Air Scrambler (instantly nullifies up to 1D4 ground missile attacks).
4. Twin Bolt Guns (2X Gun Effort to vehicles)
Fast, flashy, and sexy. 3 CHUNKS:
1. Reinforced Skid Frame (slide under
obstacles with no roll required)
2. Response Engine (driving checks are Easy)
3. Calthrop Dispenser (instantly shreds tires
of Near pursuers; 1 use).
The undisputed king of the sky.
1. Aero-Armor Frame (absorbs
1D6 damage per hit)
2. Dual Turbine Thrusters (dodge
one attack per location)
3. Quad Chain Guns (do 4X
Ultimate to all targets)
4. Troop Bay (deploy 2D10
troops to any location)
5. ATA Missiles (6 capacity, 6X
Ultimate to a vehicle)
Bipedal platform of unrivaled
destruction. 10 CHUNKS:
1. Honeycomb Armor Frame
(Worth 5 Chunks; all damage
to the Heavy Walker must be
subtracted from the Frame first).
2. Fission Core Engine (can be
overloaded for 10X Ultimate
Damage up to double Far).
3. Reflex Cannons (can fire on up
to four targets at a time; does 5X
4. Anti-Personnel Guns (hits all
targets up to double Far; does
2D20 damage).
5. Shrike Missiles (6 capacity,
4X Ultimate Damage to a single
target, cannot be dodged).
6. Doomsday Weapon (roll a D8
timer; level 1/4 of a city with no
roll required)
The world of ALTERED STATE is more than just guns, Ok, DECKER, you’ve got your kit and you’re ready
enhancements, and ammunition. It’s also a world to back up your team. Besides the key differences
of technology, information, communication, and and limitations in offensive and defensive decking
knowledge. All of those components are connected hardware, you’ve got some things to consider.
through a network known as The SISTM. The SISTM
controls everything: security, cameras, vehicles, • Neural Shock is a condition that can result from
databases, utilities, structures, and satellites. failed, blundered, or overwhelming decking
ACTIONS. This could mean being stunned, losing
Think of The SISTM as an intelligent, globally massive memories, or even frying your gear.
peer-to-peer network, comprised of various Junctions. • Boobytraps are commonly placed in secure systems
It’s always present, available 24/7, and never goes to invade, erode, or erase their invaders.
down. If a single Junction is disrupted, then The SISTM • Jamming is a limited way to isolate gear from the
simply reroutes around it. Attempts to bring down overall SISTM. All good deckers jam the area before
The SISTM always fail, because efforts to hack it are doing major work, if they have the time.
easily pinpointed, and a worldwide team of Deckers • Contagion is also common in foreign systems,
would have to disable every Junction to completely and can infect you, your mind, or equipment with
stop it. It can only be locally jammed or ‘distracted.’ destructive code.
• Simulations can tangle a Decker up in false reality
When playing in ALTERED STATE, keep these points in where time can be dilated, and things can be very
mind: confusing.
• Your Hardware is your life! Without a working
• Everything is connected via a network through decking kit, none of this can be done, so guard it
The SISTM. wisely!
• Nearly anything can be accessed wirelessly and
hacked, unless specifically airgapped or isolated. When GM’ing decker activities, keep it simple, but
• Isolated systems must be accessed directly at a follow some basic precepts.
terminal attached to the machine.
• RUNNERS have their own personal network and • Auto-Succeed: When using their own systems or
bioware to access The SISTM, including data hardware, no rolls are needed.
overlays and instant media that appear in their • Decking as a CHECK: Turning off the lights, locking a
mind’s eye. door, getting a floor plan, or scanning for movement
• A team of RUNNERS exist on their own local are all simple CHECKS.
tactical net and can instantly share data and • Decking as an ATTEMPT: Breaking into secure
communications among team members, including systems, slagging hard drives, extracting secret
camera feeds, map locations, and images. data or hacking a traffic grid will take a HEART or
• Connecting to The SISTM or any sub-network more to complete.
happens quickly. Beyond ATTEMPTS and EFFORT, • When Decking is EASY: Hardwired, in a quiet space,
play should not be bogged down when attempting familiar with the systems, using helper programs.
to hack or deck into any network. • When Decking is HARD: At-distance wireless
• Any use of the SISTM can expose users to watchful hacking, foreign systems, during a firefight or
eyes or tracking programs. chase, being scrambled by a jammer.
• Decking can be performed by any character or
Type with the right gear. i.e., decking only requires
a kit, not a class.
ICRPG CORE uses a milestone leveling system In addition to the above structure, consider employing
to reward and “level up” characters every few the following reward methods to keep the dopamine
sessions. Altered State doesn’t change this Milestone flowing at your table:
progression. However, for GMs and players who are
used to a more traditional leveling system, consider • Replace any loot item in the Level chart with an
the following reward structure for players. additional Enhancement or Starting Equipment at
any time.
1: At character creation: Consciousness • Any time a player rolls a Natural 20 on a check or
Bonuses, Skin Bonuses, Type Tag (and 2 attempt and rolls maximum on an Effort die, award
Psionics if applicable), 2 Enhancements, 2 an on-the-spot Stat point for the relevant Stat or
Starting Equipment, 2 Weapons, 1 Special Milestone reward.
Ammo, and 1 Explosive
2: 1 Milestone Tag, Milestone Loot, Psionic • Any time a player makes a called shot or overcomes
Power, or Cybernetic Enhancement a Hard target and rolls a Natural 20, award an on-
the-spot Stat point or Milestone reward.
3: 1 Random Loot from the Loot Table
4: +1 to any Stat • Any time a player makes a self-sacrifice to help
5: 1 Milestone Tag, Milestone Loot, Psionic another teammate, considering awarding a Hero
Power, or Cybernetic Enhancement Coin or an additional Surge die.
6: 1 Random Loot from the Loot Table
7: +1 to any Stat • Don’t forget to provide opportunities for players
8: 1 Cybernetic Heart (Heart Stone) to earn Loot, Weapons, and Munitions in every
session. An awesome tactic is to give a boss or
9: 1 Milestone Tag, Milestone Loot, Psionic other villain a sweet piece of gear (Hattori Hanzo
Power, or Cybernetic Enhancement sword!) and then see if players can claim it.
10: +2 to any Stat
• Don’t forget that your players could Retune into
Consider awarding Level 2 immediately after the first a new Skin with new Stats, tags, and abilities!
session. Then, provide characters with a “level up” Consider a new Skin upgrade with generous stats
depending on the anticipated length of the campaign. as the ultimate Milestone reward.
For shorter campaigns, consider awarding a level
after every session. For longer campaigns, consider
an award every other session. If you reach the end of
the table, award a piece of loot from the loot table for
“Level 11,” and then simply start back at Level 2 (Level
12) and continue the reward progression in the chart.
In ALTERED STATE, Milestone Tags are not merely general descriptors, feats, or passive abilities. Instead, they
include any special ability your character can perform. Loot can be lost, but a Milestone Tag stays with your
character forever. When it comes time to level up, choose a Tag from the list below and make your Runner
Blessed - Take half damage from any enemies that would harm you.
Lucky - Once per session, change any single failed roll for your character to a success.
Deadly - On a natural 19 or 20, any humanoid-sized target dies instantly.
Persuasive - All checks to persuade are Easy and do double effort.
Merciless - On a modified 15+, attack again. If the second roll hits, it does Ultimate.
Punisher - Any foe you injure loses 1D4 hits points every round thereafter.
Grafter - All checks or attempts to install, modify, or repair cybernetic enhancements are Easy.
Engineer - With spare parts, create any device or drone with an attempt and one heart of effort.
Replenisher - Choose a type of special ammo. Never run out of that type.
Relentless - Ignore 1D6 damage per round.
Medic - All checks to stabilize a teammate are Easy, and all Healing Effort rolls are double.
Suppressor - Any time you roll a 1 using a firearm, suppress 1D4 foes for one round.
Consistent - Once per location, insta-hit one target.
Safecracker - Any time you roll to bypass a lock, crack a safe, or hack security, roll Easy and do Ultimate effort.
Hardy - Add an additional 1D4 to all recovery rolls.
Resourceful - Find or pull out any minor item with a successful WIS roll.
Gunrunner - Never be without a gun. Any time you need one, find one secreted on your person.
Quick - Your Near moves are Far.
Slippery - All contested STR or Grappling rolls are Easy, and you can move up to Near whenever you take damage.
Adept - All rolls to cast psionics or bank Rage dice are Easy.
Tracker - With a WIS roll, always know the exact path or route to your chosen location or quarry.
Tricky - Instantly swap any type of special ammo or explosive for another type. The quantity left is the same.
Marksman - Whenever you hit one target and do damage, also do damage to a second target up to Far.
Intimidating - After a successful attack in a location, make a CHA check. On success, enemies are terrified of you.
Artist - You always do +4 Effort with your chosen weapon.
Rucker - Ignore all carrying and inventory restrictions.
Prepared - Whenever a weapon runs out of ammo, instantly reset the capacity one time for that weapon.
Studious - With INT, instantly know the weak point of any enemy or structure and do Ultimate damage against it.
Up-Armored - Your chosen Armor is always +3.
Accepted - Choose mechanized, synth, or mutant. Those foes see you as one of their own and will not target you.
Greedy - Any time you find or roll for loot, roll again on the loot table.
Dazzling - Bosses always roll Hard against you.
Irresistible - Anyone you interrogate always tells you the truth.
Powerful - All psionic attacks have +4 Effort.
Blademaster - You cannot be harmed by bladed weapons.
Dangerous - Any time an enemy misses you with a melee weapon, it takes 1D4 damage.
Wealthy - Any time you barter, trade, or shop, you always have something of value to exchange.
Sometimes, characters just need that one item that will give them an edge. Below are 20 possible items that are
sure to make any Runner stand apart in the Sprawl.
1. RUBY’S SNIPER - A wicked-looking sniper with a custom paint job and the attitude to match (Weapon, 10
Capacity, Does Ultimate, Shoots through walls and up to 3 targets. Never roll Hard when lining up a called shot).
2. CASE’S CUSTOM DECKING KIT - Press the Homer Simpson icon and interface with the SISTM (Item, All decking
rolls are EASY, do Ultimate, and ignore encryption, reducing the number of hearts necessary to hack by one).
3. CLEO’S WRIST SPIKE - A deadly retractable dark carbon fiber stiletto (Weapon, When used from stealth or
surprise, all rolls are EASY, and any target with two hearts or less is killed instantly. Can be implanted).
4. JUSTINE’S BUNNY DRIVE - A cute-looking thumb drive in the shape of a plastic bunny (Item, Contains a
replicating series of code and executable files that instantly lock down and control any network or system).
5. NEURALIZING DESTABILIZER - A small hand-held device that looks like a small remote (Item, Sends out a signal
up to far, instantly rendering one target immobile for 1D10 rounds. May be used four times before recharging).
6. ENZO’S SYSTEM TOOLS - A complete kit of tools for fixing or retrofitting pipe, door, airlock, lighting, or wiring
systems (Item, Roll EASY INT or WIS to repair, fix, or rig anything. The task is always complete in one round).
7. BENDER’S NUMBER 47 SHIRT - A plain t-shirt with a large number 47 in red letters (Armor, +1 Armor, Bank up
to four rage dice, one per round, without rolling. Father would not be pleased).
8. BOOSTER MOD - Cybernetic smartfibers are woven through all major muscles (Implant, once per session, take
an extra turn before initiative and/or anyone else acts. Resume initiative and/or normal turn order).
9. CUSTOM STREETSWEEPER - Shotgun slugs powered by microjets knock foes backward (Weapon, 6 Capacity,
Does 2X Ultimate damage up to Near to 1D4 targets. Knocks Close Targets to Near and Near targets to Far).
10. ARKTECH ARMOR - A complete biohazard suit (Armor, +3 Armor, Once per location, Soaks up to 5 Damage.
Filters toxins and contains enough air for two hours. Tends to make you blend in with the corporate bad guys).
11. HOLOGRAM PROJECTOR - A throwable disc-sized projector (Item, Projects a holographic image of every party
member up to Far. Holograms are perfect copies that last for 2D4 Rounds with a 1D4 Round cooldown).
12. DRONE SWARM BOMBS - A shifting flotilla of explosive ordinance that homes in on a single target (Explosive,
3 Uses, Micro-Drones fly to target and latch on, detonating one round later for 3X Ultimate damage).
13. NANITE INJECTOR - A small pistol shaped inoculation gun (Item, 5 uses, Instantly heal 2D10 damage and
regen 1D10 hit points for 4 rounds thereafter. Cures all status effects and can reverse DNA rounds).
14. SISTM SCRAMBLER - An innocuous portable device the size of a small briefcase. (Item, Once per session,
activate to jam enemy communications and tactical data and freeze a DM Timer for one round).
15. FAILSAFE MODULE - You can’t let them get their hands on your tech (Implant, Activate this internal self-
destruct system to explode for 4X Ultimate damage up to a Near radius. Let’s hope your sacrifice was worth it).
16. MILITARY GRADE NANOSKIN - A sleek, skintight body suit with unrivaled protection for such tight-fitting
clothing (Armor, +4 Armor, +2 CHA, and holds one extra surge capsule).
17. DECIMATOR ROUNDS - Highly illegal, these rounds shred a single target (Ammo, 3 Uses, On a successful
attack roll, micro-flechettes ignore armor and instantly reduce a single human-sized target to zero hit points).
18. BLADE AUGMENT - Micro coils heat your blade to an insanely high temperature (Item, On a successful attack
roll, add an additional 1D6 burn damage to every attack. Destroys armor and instantly cauterizes any wound).
19. PSIONIC AMPLIFIER - A thin microchip affixed to the temple (Item, every time you spend four or more Rage
Dice, add an additional 2X Ultimate to your damage).
20. XAVIER - Xavier’s a busy mercenary, but he’ll show up in a jam (Link, One Use, Xavier arrives in 1D4 rounds and
will tag along for up to three locations. Xavier has four hearts and moves as normal. Other than his willingness
to revive a downed teammate, he takes only two actions per location, always succeeds, and does Ultimate).
Most of the time, you’ll be facing Shinru Commandos, misguided police, rival runners, rogue cyborgs,
criminal masterminds, assassins and other humanoid foes. The following lists four such ENEMIES,
with mechanical highlights to differentiate them. The rest is up to you, the mastermind GM!
The local baddasses. 1 HEART. +2
near death.
AI gone wild. 2 HEARTS. +4 ATTEMPTS. Uses any
2 GUNS. Immune to bio threats, vulnerable to
cyber threats.
Armored juggernauts. 4 HEARTS. +6 ATTEMPTS.
+2 EFFORT. Ignore first 5 damage of all attacks. Uses
OPTICS. Assault weapon does 2D8.
Tactical soldiers. 2 HEARTS. +2 ALL ROLLS.
Uses any 2 GUNS and SPIDER MINES. Go camo
as ‘free action.’ Roll for loot when searched.
Mechanized foes are all too common in ALTERED STATE. They pack heavier weapons, are immune to
fear and environmental hazards but have their digital vulnerabilities. Be sure you have a DECKER and
plenty of GUNS. These buggers mean business.
Flying sentries. 2 HEARTS. +3 ALL ROLLS.
Twin assault cannons do 2X Gun Effort.
Shoots a Frag Grenade every four rounds.
Ambush predators. 1 HEART each. +6 DEX.
Bite attack does Augmented Effort plus 1D4 Poison
over 4 rounds. Spike projectiles do 3X Augmented
up to Near. Stealth attack in groups of 6 to 8.
Life has taken many strange forms in the world of 2440, but none so horrific as these. These are
creatures created by other creatures, and they imitate and resemble nothing in the natural world.
They are feral, tormented hellions, most with little mind at all.
Canine devils. 2 HEARTS. +5 ALL ROLLS. Regen
1D4 HPs per round. Pounce attack knocks
victims down. Once down, mauling bite auto-
hits for Ultimate. Snaking tendrils steal gear and
incorporate it. Cannot be tricked by stealth.
Slinking creatures of the Wastes. 3 HEARTS. +4 ALL
ROLLS. Radioactive bite and touch does Augmented
Effort and drains 1D6 every round for 4 rounds. On
a critical hit, characters lose a stat point. Immune
to all special ammo.
A true living demon. 10 HEARTS. +8 ALL
ROLLS. Four attacks. Emits a sonic resonance
that causes 2D8 damage to all creatures with
stacks, up to Far. Save vs. INT to take half. Main
beam cannon does 3X Ultimate. Crushes foes
under its sheer mass for 4X Ultimate. Pinned
creatures must save vs. STR to escape.
An unspeakable horror. 6 HEARTS. +5 ATTEMPTS.
Three attacks. Fibrous coils pull enemies close;
save vs. STR to escape. Runners are completely
assimilated in 1D4 rounds. Devours, claws, and
bashes for 3D8. Takes half damage from all
weapons other than explosives.
High above the world, a countdown has begun to • The entrance is heavily guarded, but the occupants
trigger the Eden weapon and eradicate all human are mere paper pushers.
life on the planet. Only one percent of the world’s • A deeper entrance is guarded by a team of deadly
population, the extreme wealthy elite, have the ability Runners, loyal to ArkTech; a Berserker Pod is a
to escape the purge. You must stop it . . . if you can. dangerous foe.
• The core of ArkTech houses an ancient courtyard
• The Eden doomsday system will kill everyone if and a guardian of the mainframe.
not stopped. • The internal mainframe reveals key truths:
• Most of the population is not aware of the - The countdown. There are 5 days left.
countdown and impending danger. - The world is older than everyone thinks.
• The current date is not the actual date. - ArkTech has purged the world once before.
• The ArkTech Corporation is helping the wealthy - Some people are being cataloged and stored.
elite retune into new bodies and escape. - The 1% will return to utopia after the purge.
• Stopping the countdown may be a suicide mission. - A key ArkTech staging area is in The Wastes.
1. THE McGUFFIN: Justine’s Bunny Drive (p. 40) is actually a failsafe device that turns off the Eden Weapon
Satellites. The Runners have to locate this device, acquire it, and deliver it to the control room on the moon to
stop global genocide. Arktech will stop at nothing to acquire it, and the Protectorate may have it.
2. THE ANACHRONISMS: Under the Sprawl is a series of long-forgotten tunnels that open up into buried hotels,
ancient shops, and a glass skybridge over a vast expanse. An abomination has made a home here, fortifying its
body with Relic Stacks from a long-forgotten age. ArkTech will send HKUs (p. 42) to contain this secret.
3. VR TORTURE: If the players are ever killed early in the game (TPK), then they could “wake up” being tortured
by ArkTech for information about the Bunny Drive or the Relic Stacks. Escaping a virtual torture simulation can
be a compelling encounter in and of itself. Make the price of escape high. For example, permanent stat loss.
4. PSIONICS and UNLIKELY ALLIES: ArkTech’s Stack warehouses are heavily guarded by enemies using psionics.
Make these mini-bosses extremely powerful with multiple attacks, hallucinations, and high damage spikes. As a
twist, two hearts of effort with CHA might sway one of these tortured souls to the party’s side.
5. A PLACE TO RETUNE: The wealthy elite are trading in their Skins for god-like versions before departing the
planet. ArkTech is bioengineering these at spa-like facilities hidden across the planet. Infiltrating or taking over
one of these facilities could be a huge boon for the Runners.
6. DOPPELGANGERS: Out on the Rim, there are disturbing stories about doppelgangers showing up and replacing
ordinary people. There’s a lot of talk about it at Halsey’s Rest, and the Protectorate will pay for answers.
7. MEET A MUTANT PROPHET: ArkTech is going door to door, rounding up ordinary citizens and harvesting their
Stacks. The population on the planet is systematically shrinking. The CEO of Dyer-Bennett is concerned. What
can be done? Maybe helping the helpless will yield some new allies.
8. DON’T BREATHE THE GREEN GAS: ArkTech has unleashed mutated creatures to scour the planet for survivors.
Driven mad by torture and outfitted with cybernetic enhancements, these super wraiths are beyond deadly.
Runners must contain the threat.
9. CORPORATE HELP: Dyer-Bennett has resources, including mercenaries, weapon suppliers, and research and
development techs. Runners can enlist allies, have specialized tech built, or requisition new weapons. Of course,
one of the weapon suppliers has gone “dark.” Runners may want to investigate.
10. A NEMESIS: Two rival Runners continually show up to harass the PCs. Be sure to make these Runners use
the same gear and tech as the PCs, and don’t forget to have them pop Surge capsules to strike fear. ArkTech has
backup Stacks in storage for these two, so they tend to show up later. Have a major showdown on the moon.
11. THE STOCKPILE: ArkTech has major supply depos all over the world. These industrial sites are funneling
supplies to an unknown location in The Wastes. Make the encounters here dangerous and rewarding.
12. MODERN MEETS ANCIENT: The heart of ArkTech HQ is an ancient Japanese fortress. The temple within the
fortress houses the main computer mainframe. It’s all guarded by a Samurai and 20 cyberninjas.
13. THE STAGING AREA: The ArkTech staging area in The Wastes is extremely remote and well-guarded. PCs
coming here must be prepared for extreme security and gunships patrolling the skies. If players aren’t on the last
rocket ship, the planet is doomed. Opportunities to blend in with the wealthy elite might offer a way.
14. A BARGAIN: The Dyer-Bennett CEO, Jeffrey Bartold, was once a member of the wealthy elite but has since
fallen into disfavor with ArkTech. Have him show up on the moon and offer the PCs a chance to stand down.
15. FIGHTING FATHER: When Father attacks as a swarm of drones, he splits into separate groups. Each round,
he attacks each PC, rolls Ultimate, and is immune to bullets (ineffectual against the swarm). It takes at least six
rounds for the PCs to reach the control room. Father believes he is a god and cannot be stopped.
GM’S BULLETS • The asylum is guarded by commandos, and inside,
A series of unexplained murders has reached a a team of scientists is placing masks on patients.
crescendo in the abandoned districts of Shinru • One among them is a former cop named Graves,
City. The bodies are piling up, and the only clue is a who has immense psychic power.
corrupted surv cam image of an assailant in a plastic
baby mask. You’re sent to crack the case, but what 4: PROJECT: HOUND
you uncover is a vast, sinister secret. Pray you never • Players discover the origin of birthday boy: an AI
hear the birthday song. created from murderers, vagrants, and psychopaths
in the early days of the SISTM.
• The killer is more than one person: a legion of • Also on this project agenda is a formless being of
murderous madmen in baby masks pure destruction called HOUND, which will be used
• Behind it all: a homicidal AI called “Birthday Boy” to assist Birthday Boy.
that spreads like a plague of insanity • Players become entangled in a far larger conspiracy
• Layer by layer, discover how this murderous AI at a computer storge facility.
was created.
• Finally, learn that Birthday Boy is preparing to 5: THE MURAMASA LEGEND
spread his evil to other worlds, and stop it if you • Finally uncovering Birthday Boy’s true identity:
can. a being called Proteus, a signal is tracked to old
MOMENTS • There, it is learned that Proteus is seeking the
legendary Muramasa sword.
1: A SHADOW OP • Masked cultists proliferate at a terrible rate,
• Police Chief Jenkins contacts your team through wreaking havoc in multiple cities.
illegal means, calling in a long-time favor or vow
from one of your group. 6: RUINS OF OSAKA
• This investigation needs to stay off-SISTM, all low • Confronting Proteus, players learn it seeks to use
tech, and she needs answers the sword as a sort of psychic antenna to transmit
• Subtle digital clues have linked the murders to the itself off-world, infecting a dozen exoplanets.
Chancellor of Shinru, and Jenkins smells a rat. • The chancellor himself is using Proteus to “cull” the
• Head to the blackout district to find and confront burdensome population of these worlds.
the killers. • Proteus is assisted by a small army of freeform
beings that are formless, nanofiber monsters.
• Going deeper, heroes discover a makeshift church 7: THE REACTOR DRIVE
in an abandoned warehouse. • In the final moments, Proteus is uploading himself
• Dozens of masked killers are here, worshipping a to the antenna.
strange mainframe computer. • The AI takes the form of a super-fast, super precise
• Touching the mainframe or wearing a mask causes samurai cyborg.
instant, terrible brainwashing, and the victim sings • Players must figure a way to confine, slow, or limit
a creepy birthday song. the entity in some way to destroy it.
• This op goes from investigation to survival • A stop-gap measure can be destroying the antenna,
trapping Proteus on Earth.
3: SECRETS ON PINE HILL • Is there any way to stop it?
• Clues lead heroes to an old asylum outside the
city. A Dr. Arno has research on the cult.
Birthday Boy was originally run as a series of seven interconnected one shots with over 25 different players.
Expand your disturbing Birthday Boy story arc into an ongoing campaign with these revelations and encounters.
The murders were only the symptom, while the cause is far more terrible.
1. RESCUING JENKINS: After sending the heroes to crack the Birthday Boy murders, Jenkins disappears. Clues
lead to a squad of chaotic street runners. As the mission unfolds, heroes discover a deep connection to the Shinru
government, and the runners are gassed up on SURGE and psychic power.
3. THE TOOTHPASTE ROOM: In an effort to understand the Muramasa technology, the Pine Hill Asylum team has
developed a form of liquid metal that conducts psychic energy. The substance is contained in a huge, swirling vat
underground. Find the connections to Proteus’ plans, get a sample, or shut it down.
4. A BAD RETUNE: With Proteus hogging all the reskinning materials, an underground skin doc attempts a retune
for a fallen friend with synthetic nanofibers. The monster that results goes berserk.
5. STREET CHAOS: Military forces clash with a rampaging mechanical form of Birthday Boy unleashed by cultists.
Heroes are caught in the middle, watching their entire block burn. Now it’s time to decide if they want to get
involved or watch their city descend into chaos.
6. FREDDY’S PLACE: A virtual raid on Shinru HQ lures runners with a massive payout. The jack-in is a drug bar
called Freddy’s. Going for the bounty, heroes find themselves in a tangle of hallucinations and nested virtual
simulations. Can they get the data pack and find a way out?
7. A SACRED SWORD: Legend tells that Muramasa and Masamune clashed in a river battle centuries ago. The
Muramasa sword was said to be demon-possessed. Can players find the legendary blade, and harness its weird,
destructive powers?
8. WET WIRED: A close friend shows up in a panic, wired with some kind of parasitic computer unit. If removed,
it will kill him. What does it want? How can it be taken off? Then, a countdown clock is revealed. The thing is
going to explode in a few hours. Who is controlling the bomb and why?
9. MUNSON’S COLD CASE: An ex-cop has been trying to crack the Birthday Boy case for over a decade and lost
his career for it. Track him down, and uncover the grim connection between government experiments and the
homicidal God-AI. Maybe Munson has a chance to solve it all.
10. THE LONELY DEATH OF NAGU TAKEDA: Takeda was writing a novel about Proteus but became entangled in
the Birthday Boy cult, acquiring terrible psychic powers and going underground. When players find his skeleton
on a routine tunnel run, he returns to life and demands stacks to feed upon.
11. MASKS: Players stumble on a factory where Birthday Boy masks and music boxes are made. It’s a freakshow
run-and-gun as the cultists appear from every shadow. Only the help of a little girl named Omni, who is somehow
immune to the infectious birthday song, can save them from this funhouse of terror.
12. EGGS AND RED YARN: Investigating Birthday Boy, players accidentally discover a government freeform life
lab. Here, Shinru forces have been developing nanofiber creatures, bioweapons, and worse. Burn it all, get out
alive, and reveal their dark plans to the world.