Stop Thief!
Stop Thief!
Stop Thief!
Language Focus
Give each student a copy of the two-page worksheet.
Asking questions
Students begin with a gap-fill exercise where they complete
Past and present simple
questions about a robbery with words from a box. The students
then indicate whether the questions are in the past or present
To practice making Exercise A - Answer key
questions in the past and
1. What 3. was 5. can 7. Where
present simple.
2. did 4. see 6. How many
Past: 2, 3 Present: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7
Next, students unscramble answers to the questions and match
Make one copy of the
them to the questions from the first exercise.
two-page worksheet for
each student. Exercise B - Answer key
Note: This is an editable PDF. To edit the document, select the Edit
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A. A burglar broke into an electronics shop at 11 p.m. last night and stole many
expensive items. You are teaching a new detective what to do. Complete the questions
that you are going to ask the new detective with the words from the box. In the
column on the right, indicate whether the questions are in the past or present simple.
Past or present?
B. Unscramble the answers below. Then, match the answers to the questions above.
Which question?
(a) tire tracks / see / the mud / I / in / and footprints
C. You are interviewing a witness. Complete each question with three words. Use the
witness's answers to help you write the questions.
A: The TV show that I was watching finished at 11 p.m. I looked out the window afterwards.
A: It was dark, but I could see that he was tall and slim.
A: Yes, I do. I remember that the van had a company name on the side.
D. You have caught the suspect! Write your own questions to ask the thief.
1. .............................................................................................................................?
2. .............................................................................................................................?
3. .............................................................................................................................?
4. .............................................................................................................................?
5. .............................................................................................................................?
E. Now, practice your questions with a partner by taking it in turns to be the detective
and the thief.