Pollution Grammar Drills - 135849
Pollution Grammar Drills - 135849
Pollution Grammar Drills - 135849
Pollution is anything that makes the earth
unhealthy and dirty. EFFECTS ON HUMAN
Nowadays every individual is facing problems
caused by it. There are a lot of effects on human.Air
pollution causes headaches, cough,
It occurs when gases, smoke, dust or odor get into asthma,burning eyes and also lung
the air and make it dirty. It’s very harmul for cancer and heart disease.
humans, animals and plants.
The sky looks so blackish.This is due to
Smoke from factories, power plant, smog( smoke + fog= smog) that is very
vehicles,chemicals, airplanes, spray cans and dangerous.Smog is a type of air
methane gases from land fields causes air pollution that reduces visibility and
pollution. makes the air hard to breathe.The
word “ Smog” comes from smoke plus
fog that create it.
Animals face breathing problems,
skin infections and many others
There are, also, effects on plants.Air
diseases due to air pollution.
pollution causes damages to
trees,vegetables, fruits and flowers.
Air pollution is the reason of increase in global
warming and green house effects that force the
glaciers to melt,sea levels to increase and
climate to change.
According to the W.H.O.( World Health
Organization)nearly 2.4 million people die each
year from air pollution.