1.1 Name and address of the University : Bennett University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh
1.2 Headquarter of the University : Plot No’s 8-11, Tech Zone II,
Near Dabra Village.
Greater Noida, 201310, Uttar Pradesh, India
1.3 Information about University
(a) Website :
(b) E-mail : /
(c) Phone Nos. : 0120-7199300
(d) Fax Nos. : Not Installed.
Information about Authorities of the University
Authorities Name Mobile No. Fax Email
Chancellor Sh Vineet Jain 9833451446 NIL
Vice Prof Raghunath K 0120-
9818001702 NIL
Chancellor Shevgaonkar 7199600
Col (Retd) Vijay 0120-
Registrar 9910981116 NIL
Kumar, SM, VSM 7199311
Finance 0120-
Manish Gaur 9871105344 NIL
Officer 7199304
1.5 Name of the Society/ Trust promoting the : Bennett Institute of Higher Education
University (The University is sponsored by a (A not for profit company registered under
Company) (Attach copy of MoA/Trust Deed) section 8 of Companies Act, 2013)
The Certificate of incorporation, MOA and
AOA of the Company are attached as Annexure 1A, 1B and 1C respectively
1.7 Whether the members of the Society/Trust/ Company are members in other Societies/Trusts or in
the Board of Governors in Companies? If yes, please provide details in following format.
Yes. Details attached as Annexure 2
No, The Company is currently sponsoring the Bennett University, Greater Noida only.
1.9 Whether the promoting Society / Trust/Company is involved in promoting / running activities other
than Educational? If yes, please give details in following format
No. Currently, the company is not involved in any of the activities under reference.
The Bennett University has been established, initially under the Bennett University, Greater Noida,
Uttar Pradesh Ordinance, 2016 (U.P. Ordinance No 1 of 2016) . The same was published in Gazette
No 1409(2)/LXXIX-V-1-16-2(Ka)- 1-2016 dated 07 August,2016 and duly notified by Government of
Uttar Pradesh vide letter No 1049(2)/79-V-1-16-2(Ka)1/2016 dated 07 August 2016. Copies of the
Gazette and notification of the Ordinance are enclosed as Annexure-3 and 3A respectively
Further, the bill for establishment of the Bennett University, Greater Noida was introduced in the U.P
State Assembly. The same was approved, as Bennett University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, Act
2016, (U.P. Act 24 of 2016) . This has been published in Gazette No 1402(2)/LXXIX-V-1-16-1(Ka)- 25-
2016 dated 16 September 2016 and duly notified by Government of Uttar Pradesh vide letter No
650/90-S-1-16-63S/2016 dated 16 September 2016. Copies of the Gazette and notification of the Act
are enclosed as Annexure-3Band 3C respectively.
1.11 Whether the University has been established by a Separate State Act?
2.1 Whether the University is Unitary in nature (as per UGC Regulations)
2.3. Details of the Constituent Units of the University, if any, as mentioned in the Act.
Nil, as on date.
2.4. Whether any off-campus centre(s) established? If yes, please give details of the approval granted by
the State Government and UGC in the following format
Nil, as on date.
2.6. Does the University offer a distance education program? If yes, whether the courses run under
distance mode are approved by the competent authority?
The University does not offer distance education Program.
Currently following programs have been offered in respective Academic Years (AY):
2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Sanctioned Actual Sanctioned Actual Sanctioned Actual Sanctioned Actual
Intake Enrol. Intake Enrol. Intake Enrol. Intake Enrol.
UG Programs
180 156 180 148 180 196 420 430
Science Engineering
30 16 30 10 60 55 60 36
30 18 30 14 60 11 40 28
3.3. Whether approvals of relevant statutory council(s) such as AICTE, BCI, DEC, DCI, INC, MCI, NCTE, PCI,
etc. have been taken to:
(a) Start new courses
(b) To increase intake
(i) For Programs in Engineering & Technology, Management Studies and Media & Liberal Arts.
Being a State Self-financed Private University established by the State Government, there is no
requirement for taking approval of AICTE for the above Programs.
3.4. If the University is running courses under distance mode, please provide details about the students
enrolled in the following format:
No courses are being offered under distance education mode as on date.
** Registration is yet to be done for PGD in Media and 3 Yrs LLB(H) programs on 19 Aug 2019.
As of now only 4 batches of students have been admitted in Academic year 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-
19 & 2019-20
4.5. Does the University provide any financial help to the students from socially disadvantaged group? If
yes, please give details.
The University provides tuition fee waiver on specific requests to the economically/socially
disadvantaged students.
4.6. In case the University is running M. Phil /Ph. D programs, whether it is full time or Part time and
whether these Programs are run as per UGC regulations 2016 for M Phil/PhD?
The PhD Programs have been offered both, in full and part time mode and same are in compliance to
the UGC regulations 2016 on M Phil/PhD Programs. Ordinances, Rules and Regulations for the Ph. D
Programs of the University are attached as Annexure-4.
Salient points of the Rules include:
(a) Minimum 60% marks are essential in Master’s degree to apply for the PhD program in
Engineering discipline. For Ph.D. program in Law, minimum 55% marks are required to be
obtained for applying for admission.
(b) Written test –named Bennett Research Aptitude test (BRAT) and Personal interview by
nominated admission committee, are mandatory for admission to the Program.
(c) Higher grades values are essential to be achieved and maintained during course work phase, to
continue with PhD program. Students are de-registered in case they fail to achieve minimum laid
down SGPA/CGPA at the end of semester or course work.
(d) PhD student has to pass an Oral Comprehensive Examination followed by approval of Research
Plan in order to qualify to become a scholar and commencing research work. The Oral
Comprehensive Examination is set up and conducted by an independent committee, constituted
by Dean (R&C) and approved by the Vice Chancellor.
(e) Scholar is required to have at least two publications (journal, conference, and seminar) of
which at least one should be a research paper in a refereed journal.
The University is not offering any M. Phil program.
4.7. Whether the University has a website? Whether the website is regularly updated?
Yes, The University has the Website . The website is updated regularly.
(a) Through the University Web site where complete information about
following, and more, is readily available to all the prospective students:
(i) programs on offer, seats available, eligibility and selection criteria/Process;
(ii) Ordinances and Academic Rules of all Programs, which lay down the Evaluation and grading
patterns, examination system, types of Courses, rules governing award of degree and
progression, rules dealing with various issues in conduct of programs, attendance rules,
discipline rules etc;
(iii) Faculty Profiles;
(iv) Curricula and brief Syllabi of all Programs;
(v) Fee and Scholarships;
(vi) infrastructure available.
(b) The University uses various other communication channels to inform prospective students on
admission related activities which include:
(i) News Paper Advertisement;
(ii) E mails to the prospective candidates, through the leads available;
(iii) Listing on Educational portals;
(iv) Use of digital campaigns.
4.9. Whether any grievance redress mechanism is available in the University? If yes, please provide details
about the complaints received against malpractices, etc in the University.
(i) Yes. The University has a grievance redress mechanism which is in compliance to the Act of the
University; the University policy on redress of grievances provides a fair and reasonable
opportunity to employees or students who have any grievance with the University or any of its
authorities/policies/decisions. The Grievance Redress Mechanisms for Faculty/Staff and
Students/Parents are given below:
(1) For Faculty and staff
University policy on grievance Redress mechanism for faculty and staff has been prepared
dealing with different kinds of grievances. The grievance Redressal mechanism has three
levels of grievance redressal of which Level-III is the Appellate Authority. A brief matrix of
grievances and their redress is as follows
7. Finance related VC
Finance President
• Fees and Dues Officer /CFO BU
• Fee Concessions
• Scholarships
• Refunds
8. Student to Student
Head of Dean of VC
• Conflict between students Departmen the
of same Program t School/
• Intra-School conflicts DOSA
• Inter-School conflicts
5.1. Which University body finalized the curriculum? The composition of the body may be given. (Board
of Studies, Academic Council, Board of Management)
(a) Initially, at the start of University, the curriculum was conceptualized and discussed amongst a
Committee comprising the Vice Chancellor, Deans of Schools, Directors of the Centers and senior
faculty of all the schools. The curricula of various Programs were then put for scrutiny and
consideration by respective Board of studies whose recommendations were then approved by
the Academic Council.
5.2. What is the Rules/Regulations/Procedure for revision of the curriculum and when was the curriculum
last updated?
(a) The University has been established just few years back. Therefore, as a first step the structure
of programs has been finalized in principle, in most of the Programs, along with educational
Objectives and outcomes in line with guidelines of regulating bodies like AICTE and BCI etc. and
have been kept in mind while preparing the Program Structures. The University understands that
review of the Programs, Curricula and Syllabi is a continuous process. In line with philosophy of
keeping the teaching and learning of academics abreast with the latest advancements in
knowledge and developments in respective areas, the periodic review of Curricula has been
carried out.
(b) The curricula for the programs on offer have been adopted after due deliberations amongst the
stake holders, with inputs from academia and industry. It is contemporary and updated at this
stage of the University development.
(c) The flow chart listing steps for adoption of Programs is attached as Annexure 8. The flow chart
listing steps for addition/deletion of Courses /modification to curricula is attached as Annexures
5.3. Whether approval of statutory bodies such as Board of Studies, Academic Council and Executive
Council of the University has been taken to start various courses? If yes, please enclose extracts of
the minutes.
(a) Yes.
(b) All programs being conducted by the University have been recommended by Academic Council
and approved by the Executive Council of the University. The extracts of Minutes are attached as
Annexure 10.
5.4. Furnish details of the following aspects of curriculum design: (i) Innovation such as modular Curricula
(ii) interdisciplinary/multi-disciplinary approach.
Bennett University aims to create a learning atmosphere fostering an environment of
entrepreneurship, innovation, multi- and inter-disciplinary industry-oriented research at every level
of the curriculum.
The University follows the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) advocated by UGC. The Curriculum has
a flexible structure with lot of flexibility available to students to choose their electives (Program as
well as Open) in the Semester based teaching, evaluation and grading/assessment pattern advocated
in the CBCS.
Two key elements of inter-disciplinary learning; Life Skills and Entrepreneurial thinking form the
essential Courses for all students in the University.
In addition, MOOC platform edX, etc. is being used by each school to ensure international relevance
of the curriculum. Numerous conferences are arranged with International partners to discuss the
evolution of the curricula.
A. Engineering
The curriculum design for Engineering Programs is based the philosophy that aims to empower the
students with a critical thinking led approach, scientific temperament and knowledge in science and
engineering, besides also in the fields of management, to solve problems that challenge humanity. It
caters for teaching that builds critical thinking abilities, inspiring learning environment with optional
/elective content that challenges and motivates students, multidimensional options where
knowledge of science and technology is part of a broader knowledge platform. A student has the
choice of opting for many interdisciplinary Courses outside the chosen program and catering for
extracurricular dimensions promoting many other facets of campus life like student clubs etc.
In line with above philosophy, the University has aimed at creation of curriculum and teaching
practices where the traditional teacher-centric approach has been changed to largely student-centric
approach; combining the strength of face to face teaching with the power of technology enhanced
learning, laying emphasis on blended learning, attempting to introduce concepts such as problem
based learning and collaborative group learning. The curriculum is expected to combine the best
practices in pedagogy with appropriate e-learning tools to take care of the individual differences
amongst learners of various classes and intellectual calibers.
The curriculum and the pedagogic design has also been so integrated as to ensure that students are
carefully guided “how to learn” on their own. The curriculum is so designed as to ensure that along
with the minimum set of competencies in their chosen specialization, graduates also acquire generic
skills and attitudes as an integral part of their program of study. The curriculum is also designed to
ensure that the Program Outcomes (POs) as well as Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) are addressed
adequately by the Program Curriculum. For each Course of a Program, the Course Outcomes (COs)
are formulated and then assessed continuously by the teacher concerned who is teaching that
Further, the curriculum is also based on the experience gained / studies carried out of the following
(a) Curriculum being followed in reputed Universities/Institutions likes IITs, NITs and Central
Universities etc.
(b) Expectation of Industry,
(c) Practice based Courses, and
(d) Integrated Curriculum incorporating essentials of Courses of other disciplines as well as a larger
component of projects and provision of flexibility for slow and fast paced learning.
BU: Maintenance of Standards by Private Universities – UGC Response 13
B. Management
Bennett University Management program is built around a unique IOS Model Curriculum which focuses
on the creative transformation of Individuals, Organizations and Society. The aim of the curricula of the
School is to ensure development of a student as a well-rounded management professional who can
adapt and lead in India's fast-growing, rapidly changing environment today. The Courses will enable
students to conceive and create innovative enterprises to ride the growth wave.
The Curriculum, Content and Pedagogy are designed with the aim of ensuring that students evolve
into a futuristic leader who can think beyond the obvious and create new blue oceans of
opportunities for the organizations that they eventually chose to work with. The Curriculum also
consists of Courses that develop individual quality by fine tuning the innate behavioral and leadership
skills required of managers of tomorrow which include creativity, innovation, communication, image
management, ethics etc. This will be supplemented by functional skills in various areas of
organizational management which would enable the graduate from the Program to creatively steer
enterprises through exponential growth trajectories. In addition to Courses that focus on individual
and organization development, the Program also has a set of highly effective Courses that are
designed to address the societal challenges that affect such development. The aim of these Courses
is to provide adequate skill sets to MBA graduate to identify opportunities in society for creating and
leading sustainable enterprises. In alignment with the University Philosophy of Entrepreneurial
Thinking and Action, there are several elements in the Curriculum that support the startup culture
among the participants.
The first year Courses are common to all students, and, designed to provide the students with enough
knowledge and skills to excel in any stream of management irrespective of the specialization they
chose through electives in the second year. In addition to the core management subjects, Courses
and workshops to develop perspectives and personality also form part of the First Year Curriculum.
The Summer Internship is an important building block of the Program. The internship provides an
opportunity to put learning into practice and gives an opportunity to learn the nuances of managing
large organizations through hands-on practice.
Given the multidisciplinary nature of management and to keep abreast with current trends in
management, the curricula caters for freedom to earn some credits by attending Courses offered
through recognized international MOOC platforms like edX. Other highlights of Curricula include Non
Credit Compulsory Courses and Workshops, Courses of Guided Study (CGS), Courses from other
sources called Flexi Credit Courses (FCS), Summer Internship, Specializations in one or more area of
management depending upon the electives taken, Rural Immersion & Social Entrepreneurship (RISE)
Program, International Programs to include Academic Immersion Program (AIP), Global
Internship, International Exchange Program (IEP) etc.
C. Law
The Integrated dual degree Program BBA-LLB (Honors) and BA-LLB (Honors) and 3 Years LLB (Honors)
programs are approved by the Bar Council of India.
The Bennett University (BU) School of Law aims to transcend legal education as Justice Education to
shape the future thought leaders as crusaders of a fair and just society. The Curricula of BU Law
Degree Programs have been designed imbibing and integrating the Curriculum of National and
International Law Schools. The dual degree honors programs aim to impart substantive and
procedural laws of National and International comparative perspectives. The School aims to expose
5.6. Apart from classroom instruction, what are the other avenues of learning provided for the students?
(Example: Projects, Internships, Field trainings, Seminars, etc.)
In addition, to class room instructions, the teaching/learning methodology also includes;
(a) Capstone Projects, for B. Tech and BA (Journalism & Mass Communication) students as a
multifaceted assignment that serves as a culminating academic and intellectual experience for
students, typically during their final year at the University.
(b) Corporate Internship (for 6 weeks at the end of 6th semester, besides smaller duration internship
programs in 2nd year for the B. Tech students) and (8-10 weeks at the end of 1st Year for MBA
Programs). Similarly, internships are organized for students of BA (Journalism & Mass
Communication) Program with leading media houses. The BBA-LLB (Hons)/BALLB (Hons) /LLB
(Hons) students are put through internship aligned to BCI policy with NGOs/Policy Institutes,
Law Firms/ Individual Lawyers, Judiciary as clerks and Industry Legal cells etc.
(c) Field training and rural immersion programs for management students.
(d) Seminars which normally form part of the project presentation.
(e) Self-Study Courses / Term Papers.
(f) Tutorials/ sessions aimed at problem solving exercises.
(g) Assignment and quizzes.
(h) Extra-Curricular assignments, hobbies clubs / Cultural Hubs.
(i) State-of-the-art media labs.
(j) The clinics having field visits for legal aid, participating in ADR, writing a case diary on observing
cases in Courts and covering a wide range of legal Courses.
(k) Flipped classroom/Content coverage through MOOCs.
(l) International immersion programs at foreign Institutes as per MOUs.
5.7. Please provide details of the examination system (Whether examination based or practical based).
The University follows a framework of continuous evaluation policy. The components of evaluation
in each Course are required to be pre-defined by the concerned teachers and communicated to all
students at the beginning of each Course. The examination system comprises of the following:
(a) Generally, 2 written examinations i.e. Mid Term and End Term Examination
(b) Continuous Assessment by faculty in the form of
BU: Maintenance of Standards by Private Universities – UGC Response 18
(i) Class Assignments
(ii) Quizzes
(iii) Group Projects
(iv) Seminars
(v) Viva-Voce
(vi) Or any other component as decided by the faculty teaching the Course
(c) Practical’s whether a part of the Course or a separate Course which involves day-to-day
evaluation and/or Mid-Term/End-Term evaluation as decided by the teacher concerned
(d) Pre-defined rules for examination of Courses of special nature like Internship, projects etc.
The details of examination and evaluation system of each Program are covered under respective
regulations and rules governing the program.
The Examination Procedure in general is attached as Annexure 11.
5.8. What methods of evaluation of answer scripts does the University follow? Whether external experts
are invited for evaluation?
This being a Unitary University, the answer scripts are evaluated by the internal faculty only.
However, guidelines exist for moderating and validating not only the question papers but also the
model answers before evaluation of the answer sheets. After evaluation, it is necessary to share the
answer scripts with the students for maintaining transparency, before submission of evaluated
answer books to the examination section. Similarly, the grading is carried out as per the Grading
policy defined in the Examination Rules of the Program. Grading for each Course is moderated by the
Grading Committee of the Department and normalized by the School Moderation Committee. Rules
are in place to invite external examiners for assessment of Projects at all levels and evaluation of Ph.
D thesis and its oral defense.
5.9. Mention the number of malpractice cases reported during the last 3 years and how they are dealt
(a) So far, 45 cases of unfair means (UFM) have been reported during the examinations and dealt
with in accordance with the laid down policy on UFM.
(b) University Policy on dealing with the UFM is given in Annexure 12.
5.11. How is the question paper set to ensure the achievement of the course objectives?
The university has laid down guidelines for the examination, which is to assess the level of students
learning and the level of success achieved by the faculty in transferring the knowledge. Therefore,
the objective of the students’ assessment is to discriminate among good, average and below average
students. Further, the students are informed of the Course Outcomes, evaluation parameters at the
beginning of each Semester/Term by the concerned teachers. This is done through the detailed
Course description document, which is provided to each student and is also available on the Learning
Management system (LMS). The question paper is evenly distributed over the entire syllabi (as
applicable for the examination) with the varying level of complexity as defined under Bloom’s
Taxonomy. The questions are roughly distributed as under:
BU: Maintenance of Standards by Private Universities – UGC Response 19
(a) For closed book examinations:
(i) Comprehension questions (including simple applications)
(ii) Application oriented questions ‘
(iii) Analysis and simple level synthesis questions
(iv) Higher level Synthesis, Evaluation & critique questions
(b) For open book examinations:
(i) All questions may be of higher-level Analysis & Synthesis, Evaluation and Critique type.
(ii) Direct Application and Direct Analysis type is emphasized.
(iii) Resources allowed to be used are clearly specified.
(iv) The teacher at his/her own discretion may decide to conduct open book examination with
prior information to students and Controller of Examination.
5.12. State the policy of the University for the Constitution of Board of Question Paper Setters, Board of
Examiners and Invigilators.
(a) Like IITs and IIMs, the Faculty which conducts the course, is fully responsible for setting up of
questions papers and evaluation.
(b) The invigilation duties are assigned by the controller of examination from amongst the pool of
internal faculty.
5.13. How regular and time-bound are conduct of examinations and announcement of results?
Substantiate with details of dates of examinations and announcement of results for the last 3 years.
The results of all examinations are announced as per schedule announced in the Academic Calendar
which is announced well in advance. In addition, the follow-up activities like showing of answer
sheets, compilation of marks, submission of marks to the exam section is also strictly followed. The
students are shown the evaluated answer scripts within 5-7 days of the last examination and the
results are declared within 15 days of the last examination. As an example, the examination
schedules as provided for in the Academic Calendar of Odd Semester 2019, is attached as Annexure
13. No deviations have been made so far in declaration of results in previous years too.
6.1 How are students selected for admission to various courses? Please provide faculty-wise information.
(a) Based on scores in National level entrance tests.
(b) Through written entrance tests
(c) Through personal interviews
(d) Through academic records up to qualifying examinations
(e) Through combination of the above
Please also provide details about the weightage given to the above
The admission process followed in the Academic Session 2019-20 is as below
Engineering Programs
Management Programs
Law Programs
(a) Based on scores in National level
entrance tests i.e. CLAT/LSAT-India Score 100% , as per mode of
OR selection, in any one of the
(b) Through academic records up to above, based on pre
qualifying examinations i.e. % Marks in decided minimum merit
10+2 examination in 5 specified subjects cut off .
Media Programs
6.2. Whether the University is admitting students from National level entrance test or state level entrance
test? If yes, please provide following details
The University takes admission based on the performance of the candidates in the examinations
conducted by nationally accredited agencies like JEE (Main) / SAT/ NEET (UG) Scores for Engineering
Programs, CAT/XAT/NMAT/MAT/GMAT/GRE for Management Programs etc. and CLAT /LSAT-India
for the Law Programs. The details are tabulated below:
6.3. Whether admission procedure is available on the University website and in the prospectus.
Yes. The admission procedure is uploaded, well before the commencement of the Admission Session.
6.4. Please provide details of the eligibility criteria for admission in all the courses.
Minimum Eligibility Criteria followed for various programs in A.Y. 2019-20 is as below
6.5. Whether University is providing any reservation/relaxation in admission? If yes, please provide details
in the following format:
The University complies with the reservation policy as per its Act. The merit list for SC/ST candidates
and those belonging to the state of J&K and wards of defence personnel is made by applying a cut off
5% ile below the total marks in JEE (main) exam or 10% below 10+2 aggregate percentage obtained
by the candidate short listed in the general category.
BU: Maintenance of Standards by Private Universities – UGC Response 25
No. of % of quota provided for
Category students reservation and preparation in Remarks
admitted respect of actual enrolment
SC 3 21 %
All students under reserved
ST 2 2% category who applied and
fulfilled the eligibility criteria
2 supernumerary seats per
J&K 0 were admitted.
6.6. Whether any management quota is available for admission in the University? If yes, please provide
details in the following format:
No. The university does not provide any seat under management quota.
6.7. What is the admission policy of the University with regard to NRI and overseas students?
The University complies with the policy of UGC in reference to admission under NRI/and overseas
students. However, no NRI category student has been admitted in last 2 Years.
7.1. Present Course-wise fee structure of the University (please provide head-wise details of total fee
Charges Per
Registration Security Charges Per Sports
Tuition Tuition Annum
Charges (One Deposit Annum Charges/
Fee Per Fee Per (Including
time only) (INR) (Including Annum
Annum Annum Boarding,
Program (INR) for (One Boarding, (for day
(INR) - (USD) – Lodging and
Gen/USD for time - Lodging and scholar
Regular NRI/Int Laundry)
NRI-Int Refunda Laundry) only) in
Category Category INR/USD
Category ble) INR/USD INR
(Twin Sharing)
INR 40000 / 1.50 Lacs/ 1.25 Lacs/
(J&MC)- 2.95 Lacs 7000 20000 24000
USD 800 USD 2500 USD 2100
MBA INR 40000 / 1.50 Lacs /
7.10 Lacs* NA 20000 NA
(Digital INR 40000 / 1.50 Lacs /
3.6 Lacs NA 20000 NA 24000
Media)- NA NA
(Digital INR 40000 / 1.50 Lacs /
3.0 Lacs NA 20000 NA 24000
Media)- NA NA
(Business INR 40000 / 1.50 Lacs /
3.6 Lacs NA 20000 NA 24000
Journalism NA NA
* The total course fee for the 2-year MBA (BFS&I) program.
Fee structure for all years of the program is attached as Annexure --14
**Financial support is provided to Full time Ph.D. students as Ph.D. Assistantship, subject to terms
and conditions, as per University rules.
• Slab 1. INR 25 thousand per month plus hostel accommodation/food and requiring 8 hours
Teaching Assistantship per week.
• Slab 2. INR 40 thousand per month with no hostel accommodation and food and requiring 8
hours Teaching Assistantship per week.
No other fee is charged by the University other than the fee displayed in the UGC Website. The
chargeable fee as indicated in Para 7.1 is self-explanatory and all inclusive.
7.3. Whether fee structure is available on the University website and in the prospectus?
7.4. Whether fee is charged by the University as per fee structure displayed in the University website and
in the prospects or some hidden charges are there?
Yes, the fee is charged by the University is as per the fee displayed in the University Website. There
are no hidden charges.
A fee receipt is given to each student and the record maintained of all the transactions.
7.6. Whether University is providing any concession in fee to students? If yes, please provide details.
The Ph.D. students are provided Teaching Assistantship, as outlined in 7.1 above.
As a special measure, all students admitted to first batch of B. Tech Programs in Year 2016-17, have
been given a fee waiver as a Chancellors Scholarship @ Rs 50,000/- per year for all 4 years of the
The students are also being awarded Merit Scholarships, details of which are provided separately at
7.11 below.
Students who have lost both parents or earner in the family are provided assistance through
benevolence fund.
7.10. Whether the University has received any complaint with regard to fee charged or fee structure? If
yes please give details about the action taken.
No complaints have been received.
7.11. Whether University is providing any scholarship to students? If yes, please provide details.
(a) 2016-17 - As a special measure, all students admitted to first batch of B.Tech. programs in year
2016-17, have been given a fee waiver as a Chancellor’s Scholarship @ Rs 50,000/- per year for
all 4 years of the program. Further a Bennett Talent Scholarship Scheme was also announced to
the meritorious students, with tuition waivers ranging from 25% to 60%, depending on JEE
(Main) score for students admitted to B.Tech. Programs in A.Y. 2016-17.
(b) 2017-18 - The Bennett Talent Scholarship scheme had been announced for the A.Y. 2017-18 for
B.Tech. students and comprise tuition fee waiver from 20% to 50% based on the merit drawn on
JEE (Main) scores.
(c) 2018-19 - The Admission Scholarship had been announced for the A.Y. 2018-19 for
B.Tech./BBA/BA(J&MC)/BA-LLB(H)/BBA-LLB(H)/MBA programs and comprise tuition fee waiver
from 20% to 100% based on the merit drawn on JEE
(Main)/CLAT/LSAT/10+2/CAT/XAT/NMAT/GRE/GMAT Score (as applicable).
B.Tech (Batch 2016)
Sl JEE Main Scores Amount of Scholarship No. of students Total Scholarship
(INR per Year) eligible
1 = or Above 151 1,80,000/- 11 1980000
2 126-150 1,20,000/- 13 1560000
3 100-125 75000/- 32 2400000
4 75-99 50000/- 44 2200000
Total 100 8140000
B.Tech (Batch 2017)
Sl JEE Main Score Amount of Scholarship No. of students Total Scholarship
(INR per Year) eligible
1 131 Marks & Above 1,75,000/- 13 2275000
2 101 to 130 Marks 1,05,000/- 28 2940000
3 81 to 100 Marks 70,000/- 40 2800000
Total 81 8015000
MBA (Batch 2018)
Adm Scholarship Nos Amount Total Scholarship
2.5 Lakhs 13 250000 3250000
50% i.e. 3.5 Lakhs 2 350000 700000
75% i.e. 5.25 Lakhs 1 525000 525000
Grand Total 16 - 4475000
Academic Scholarship
Amount of
Eligible Total Scholarship
Program Branch Scholarship @
Students Amount
20% of TF
CSE 1 60000 60000
(2016-17 Batch)
Mech 0
CSE 3 70000 210000
B.Tech. Mech 0
(2017-18 Batch) Civil 0
EP 0
Bio 0
BBA - 9 50000 450000
BA (J&MC) - 7 50000 350000
BBA-LLB (H) - 6* 60000/USD1200 384000
G. Total 26 - 1454000
* Includes One student admitted under NRI Category. Conversion @ 1USD = Rs. 70
SOM 450+90 20 3 3 6 3 18 14 %%
TSOM 435+90 21 3 1 6 6 17 14
$$ In addition, the School of Engineering has (@) 3 Research Associates, 5 Post-doctoral fellows and 1
teaching Assistant. Besides it has faculty in applied sciences to include Mathematics (4), Chemistry
(1), Humanities and entrepreneurship (2). Post Doc fellows, Ph.D. scholars and Teaching Assistants,
who are getting fellowship also assist in teaching work in labs and conduct of tutorials only. The
department of CSE has 16 full time PhD students, who are provided Teaching Assistant ship to support
the tutorial and Labs .
School of Management uses the services of Visiting faculty to conduct specialized elective courses.
The Executive Council of Bennett University approves the faculty and non-faculty positions.
The University continuously strives to improve the faculty ratio as required under the norms laid down
by the regulatory bodies besides keeping the quality as a prime requirement in view. No other
restrictions have been imposed to enroll if quality faculty is available.
Senior level faculty shall gradually increase with the age of the University, and constant facilitation in
improving the quantity and quality of the existing faculty, through research and development.
Further, the University has a system to avail the services of visiting faculty from industry, abroad,
academia and from institutes of importance for conduct of courses, as may be required.
(B) Whether selection committee was constituted as per the UGC Regulation?
Yes. The Selection Committee of the University, as specified in its Statutes, comprises of the
following members:
(a) Vice Chancellor - Chairman
(b) Dean (of respective School)/Director of the respective Centre.
(c) Head of respective Department (if Professor).
(d) Director, HR Department.
(e) External Subject Expert(s)
8.7. Does the University follow self-appraisal method to evaluate teachers on teaching, research and work
satisfaction? If yes, how is the self-appraisal of teachers analyzed and used? Whether:- Self Appraisal
Evaluation ,Peer Review ,Students evaluation Others (specify)
The University has incorporated the Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APAR) system in the HR
policy. It is based on the principle that performance appraisal indicates an unbiased assessment of
individual’s qualities and capabilities highlighting the demonstrated performance and achievements
noticed during the period of appraisal.
Performance appraisal reports are initiated by the HODs/ Directors/ Deans. The review is carried out
as follows:
(a) Dean of schools in case initiated by Head of the Department. The final review is endorsed by the
Vice Chancellor.
(b) Vice Chancellor in case initiated by the Deans/Directors.
(c) Chancellor, in case report is initiated by the Vice Chancellor.
(d) Vice chancellor is the final appellate authority/final disposing officer for the petitions if any,
except in case where he is the reporting officer; in which case the issue is decided by the
The Reporting Officer initiates the reports for each academic year (The period of appraisal is counted
from 01 July to 30 June of next year) in the prescribed format. The full APAR including the overall
grade are communicated to the concerned faculty/employee, after the report is complete along with
the remarks of the reviewing officer. The appraisal comprises self-assessment as well as review by
the superiors in the chain.
Appraisal form for Faculty and compiling instructions is given at Annexure 17 and 17 A. The
documents also indicate the process involved.
In addition, a process of Students Feedback has also been introduced which is taken at the end of
the Semester/Term. The students are administered the form which contains numerous criteria for
BU: Maintenance of Standards by Private Universities – UGC Response 36
evaluation of the Courses, as well as faculty performance. The feedback is taken anonymously,
collated and analyzed for the overall rating, strengths and weaknesses. The same is communicated
to individual teachers for self-improvement as well as incorporating changes in the course work,
where required. Sample formats showing quantitative and subjective feedback are attached as
Annexure 18 and 18A respectively.
8.8. Institution-wise and Department-wise teacher student ratio (only full-time faculty)
School of Management
MBA 20 90
BBA 450
MBA (BFSI) The program 45 specialized faculty is
required hired for each course,
specialized fac and depending upon
hence visiting fac strength of each class
used as per No of
courses in each
School of Law
BA-LLB(H)/BBA-LLB 23 420 1:18 (The faculty is as
(H)/LLB(H) per BCI, Norms and
recently verified by
visiting committee)
Times School of Media
BA (J&MC)-English 375
BA (J&MC)-Hindi 60
PGD in Digital Media - 30
21 1:25**
PGD in Digital Media - 30
PGD in Business 30
@@ In addition, the School of Engineering has (@) 3 Research Associates, 5 Post-doctoral fellows and
1 teaching Assistant.
Annual Package
Designation/Years of Experience /
Scale 0f Pay (Bennett University)
Minimum Maximum
In addition, following Academic Research and other incentives are also provided to faculty:
(a) Innovative Research Grant under the Institute Scheme for Innovative Research and
Development (ISIRD) to new faculty up-to maximum of 25 Lakhs for Equipment and
infrastructure and an additional 3Lakhs for consumables, contingency and travel.
(b) A cumulative professional development allowance (CPDA) of Rs 3 Lakhs for every block period
of 3 Years (Rs one lakh per year) on re-imbursable basis to meet expenses for participating in
8.10. Pay / Remuneration provided to: - Part-Time Faculty, Temporary Faculty and Guest Faculty –
The remuneration/honorarium for Adjunct/Guest faculty is dependent on the seniority and
experience of such faculty members and approved by the Vice Chancellor, based on the
recommendations of the Dean. Currently following is provided for:
(a) Adjunct Faculty – Up to Rs. 7500/- per hour in addition to air travel (Multiple times to conduct a
full Course), transport and guest room (Lodging & Boarding).
(b) Honorarium for Guest Lectures – Up to Rs. 7500/- depending on duration of the guest
8.11. Facilities for teaching staff (Please provide details about Residence, Rooms, Cubical, Computers /Any
Following facilities are provided to the teaching staff:
(a) Cabin/cubicles as per seniority
(b) Laptop with high speed Wi-Fi internet connectivity and IT support materials – External Drives,
CDs, Pen Drives etc.,
(c) Licensed software for research and development as required in addition to online access to the
advanced/research journals through library.
(d) Telephone facility
(e) Stationery as per requirement
(f) Access to online Library facilities
(g) Photocopiers
(h) Networked Printers / Color Printer
(i) Medical facilities of consultation with University’s medical Officer
(j) Faculty Lounge
(k) Central pantry services
(l) Sports and Recreation facilities to include Indoor and outdoor Games facilities etc.
(m) Fitness Centre/Gym
(n) Limited faculty residences are available
9.1. Does the University have sufficient space for Land and Building?
BU: Maintenance of Standards by Private Universities – UGC Response 39
The University has 68.03 Acres (275390 square meters) of contiguous land leased from Greater Noida
Industrial Development Authority (GNIDA). Copy of Lease Deed is attached as Annexure 19. Further;
the University has already completed construction of 92,906 sq. m. of built up area for academic and
administrative purposes. The master plan of the University currently caters for developing 40 Acres
of land area with a total of 3,20,632 sq. m. built up area.
Service block
• Generator room
• Kitchen S - Block 4,648
• Chiller Plant
• Laundry
Boys hostel are in 2 Blocks, Block D &
D D Block
Block (C2+C3) with GF having 27,732
C2 + C3 Block
common rooms /warden rooms
E Sports Complex - 2,584
GRAND TOTAL ‘A+B+C+D" 92,906
The details of Basic Infrastructure (Less class rooms/Labs details of which are at Para 9.2 below) are
as below
Labs Total
9.4 IT Resources
Video Conference
Model Count
BU: Maintenance of Standards by Private Universities – UGC Response 42
Polycom 2 Virtual Machine's(Hyper V)
Count of
Printer's (Hyper V)
Row Labels VM
Row Labels Count of Printer's
Cent OS 5
Canon 11
Ubuntu 6
HP 22
Windows Server 2016 33
(blank) (blank)
Grand Total 33 Grand Total 44
Row Labels Count of Model
Grand Total 89
9.5 Library
(b) Computer/Communication 34
• Central Library: 10 Pcs
• Law Library: 24 Pcs.
Books- Volumes 14562
Books - Titles 4036
• Central Library: 3010
• Law Library: 1026
Reference Books 1995
• Central Library: 1363
• Law Library: 632
Textbooks 12567
• Central Library: 9865
• Law Library: 2702
Name of School
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS)
Name of the Department Titles Volume
1 Biotechnology 153 610
2 Chemistry 18 72
3 Civil Engineering 120 422
4 Computer Science 352 1971
5 Electronics and Communication 395 1485
6 Engineering Physics 228 755
7 Mathematics 211 1137
8 Mechanical Engineering 274 1077
Total 1751 7529
School of Law (SOL) 1026 3334
Times School of Media (TSOM) 397 1233
School of Management (SOM) 862 2466
Grand Total 4036 14562
9. Does the University have provision for Residential Accommodation including hostels (boys & girls
Faculty residences - 28 rooms
Boys Hostel – 2 (Maximum capacity 2,349 beds on triple sharing in 783 rooms)
Girls Hostel – 2 (Maximum capacity 889 beds on double / triple sharing in 343 rooms)
10.2. Financial position of the University (please provide audited income and expenditure statement for
the last 3 years)
10.3. Source of Finance and quantum of funds available for running the University (for last audited year):
Fees, Donation, Loan, Interest, any other Pl specify
Being a new University, it has to be dependent on the collections from the tuition fee and sale of
forms. It is expected that there will be shortfall in revenue which is proposed to be made up by
sanction of funds from the Sponsoring Body or take a loan as may be approved by the Executive
Council. University has also got donations during the year. Details of Donations and loan as on date
in Bennett University (as on 31 March 2019) are as follows:-
10.4. What is the University’s ‘unit cost’ of education? (Unit cost=total annual expenditure (budget
accruals) divided by the number of students enrolled) Unit cost calculated excluding the salary
component may also be given.
11.2. Dates of the meetings of the above bodies held during the last 2 years (Enclose attested copies of
Statutory Body Date(s) of Meeting Minutes
The Executive Council 1. 11Dec 2017 Annexure -25
2 07 May 2018 Annexure –25A
2 18 Oct 2018 Annexure -25B
2 27 July 2019 Annexure -25C
The Court 1. 11 December 2017 Annexure -25
2 27 July 2019 Annexure –25C
The Academic Council 1. 11 October 2017 Annexure –26
2. 13 April 2018 Annexure – 26A
3. 26 Sep 2018 Annexure –26B
4 20 Feb 2019 Annexure –26C
5 04 June 2019 Annexure -26D
Finance Committee 1. 15 May, 2017 Annexure –27
2. 17 November 2017 Annexure –27A
3. 26 April 2018 Annexure –27B
4 19 Sep 2018 Annexure –27C
5 11Oct 2018 Annexure –27D
6 11March 2019 Annexure –27E
7 16 July 2019 Annexure –27F
Planning Board 1. 17 November, 2017 Annexure – 28
2. 01 Oct 2018 Annexure – 28A
3 19 Feb 2019 Annexure – 28 B
Board of studies
Department of CSE 1.06 Sep , 2016 Annexure 29 (Zip)
2 05 May, 2017
3. 05 April, 2018
4 25 March 2019
5 31 May 2019
Department of ECE 1.08 Sep , 2016 Annexure 30 (Zip)
2 10 May, 2017
3. 09 April, 2018
4 05 April 2019
Department of Mechanical Engineering 1. 06 Sep , 2016 Annexure 31 (Zip)
2 11 May, 2017
BU: Maintenance of Standards by Private Universities – UGC Response 48
3. 02 April, 2018
4 23 April 2019
Department of Civil Engineering 1. 05 Oct , 2017 Annexure -32
Department of Biotechnology 1.26 Sept, 2017 Annexure 33 (Zip)
2,06 April ,2018
3 10 May 2019
Department of Mathematics 1. 07 Sep,2016 Annexure 34 (Zip)
2. 02 May, 2017
Department of Physics 1. 07 Sep 2016 Annexure 35 (Zip)
2. 16 May, 2017
3. 04 April,2018
4 04 May 2019
School of Media and Liberal Arts 1. 28 Sept, 2017 Annexure 36 (Zip)
2. 03 May 2018
3 05 May 2019
School of Law 1. 04-05 October, 2017 Annexure 37 (Zip)
2. 24 March, 2018
3 27-28 Sep 2018
4 08-09 Feb 2019
School of Management 1. 05 Sep, 2016 Annexure 38 (Zip)
2. 25 January, 2018
3 05 April 2019
Centre for Innovation and 1 28 Sep 2017 Annexure -39 (Zip)
Entrepreneurship 2 28 May 2019
11.3 What percentage of the members of the Boards of Studies, or such other academic committees, are
external? Enclose the guidelines for BOS or such other Committees.
(i) The Dean of the School/Director of Centre/HOD of Department is the Chairperson of the BoS
(ii) All members of Boards of studies, other than ex-officio members shall hold office for a term of
two years. Term of members shall commence from such date as may be notified.
(iii) Board of Studies meeting shall be arranged at least twice in a year.
(iv) Board shall have such powers and shall perform such duties as:
(a) organize instruction and research in the subject under the general supervision of the Dean
and the Academic Council;
(b) consider and make recommendation to the Dean of school and the Academic Council on
any academic matter pertaining to its sphere of work, as may appear to it necessary or on
any matter referred to it by the Dean, or the Academic Council;
(c) recommend introduction, alteration and modification of courses in the Program; detailed
syllabus of the different courses of the department shall be prepared by the Board of
Studies and submitted to the Academic Council for its approval.
(d) Contents of the syllabi shall be revised and updated by the Board of Studies from time to
time and submitted to the Academic Council for its approval.
(e) recommend creation, abolition and upgrading of research posts in the Department in
accordance with its needs;
(f) organize Lectures, Seminars, Symposia, etc. from time to time;
(g) consider and recommend research schemes;
(h) Consider to constitute its Sub-committee (s) if required. A Sub-Committee may be
constituted by the Board of Studies to discharge the duties in any specified area. The Sub-
Committee shall stand dissolved after it had completed the work assigned to it. The Sub-
Committee shall perform such function, as may be assigned to it by the Board of Studies.
Academic Council
The Academic Council of the University as listed at Appendix 6 comprises 26 Members, out of which
4 are industry experts or distinguished academics for their special knowledge or in any allied branch
of knowledge; . The Academic Council is as per the Statutes of the University
Student Teacher
As explained in Para 8.8 above
Research labs
As explained in Para 9.3 above
(Major Equipment)
Bennett University has given major thrust to strengthen research culture, initially in the School of
Engineering & Applied Sciences and later in other schools. The following yardsticks reflect our
commitment towards research.
(a) 285+ Faculty publications since start of the University (in 3 Years) .
(b) 12 on-going externally funded projects to the tune of ~ 6.87 Crores and 19 research proposals
have been submitted to different funding agencies.
(c) 9 Consultancy projects with approx. value of 2.56 Crores
(d) 5 Seed grant projects awarded to faculty with approx. value of 40 Lakhs on competitive basis
through University internal funding
(e) 75 students have been registered for Ph. D., out of which 46 are funded through Teaching
(f) Teaching Assistantship to all Full-Time Ph.D. students @ Rs 40,000/month through University
internal funding
(g) Provision of Faculty Cumulative Professional Development Assistance to attend
(h) Provision of one time travel grant of Rs 50,000 for Full-Time Ph.D. students to attend
Conferences/Workshops, short term courses
Outreach Activity
4 1. Dr. Saurabh Jyoti Sarma (PI) Numerical Analysis and Designing 12.00
2. Dr. Mohammad Danish (Co-PI) of a microbial-granule based
reactor system for enhanced
ethanol production from
agricultural residues
5. 1. Dr. Suneet Kumar Gupta (PI) Paka Taranhar: Leaf disease 1.09
2. Dr. Deepak Garg (Co-PI) detection bot with automatic
3. Dr. Gaurav Singal (Co-PI) sprayer
4. Dr. Mohammad Danish (Co-PI)
3. Shrikant Tiwari
(CSE, Shri
Campus Junwani,
Bhilai, Chattisgarh)
4. Ritika Singh
(Senior Scientist,
CSIO, Chandigarh)
3. Anupam Shukla
(IIIT, Pune)
4. Ritu Tiwari
(ABVIIITM, Gwalior)
The list of major research areas at the Bennett University is listed below:
1. Biotechnology
(i) Bioprocesses and Bio based products
(ii) Genetic/Genome Engineering
(iv) Humane Genomics
(v) Infectious Diseases
5. Physics
Computational Modelling and analysis of Novel Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials, Study
of Nonlinear effects in optical waveguides, Guided wave quantum optics, Nanoscale Thin Films
and Devices, Study of Viscoelastic Properties of Biopolymer Assemblies, Phase Transitions of
interacting polymers, Quantum Information Processing, Magnetic Resonance, Photovoltaics,
Electrochemical Devices and sensors, Ultra-cold atomic gases and integrable systems.
6. Chemistry
(i) Chemical and Biological Sensors
(ii) Computational and Experimental Nanotechnology for self-assembling structures
(iii) Molecular diagnosis
7. Mathematics
(i) Variational methods and Elliptic, Non Local Elliptic Partial Differential Equations
(ii) Sloshing Dynamics and Water Wave Mechanics
(iii) Financial Mathematics
(iv) Mathematical Control Theory
8. Civil Engineering
(i) Applications of AI in the domain of Civil Engg
(ii) Structural Health Monitoring
(iii) Eco-Freindly and Sustainable Building Materials
(iv) Soil dynamics & liquefaction
(v) Ground improvement techniques
(vi) Aerosols and its impacts on climate change
(vii) Environmental management
13 Details of Non-Teaching Staff
14. Academic Results: Faculty-wise and course-wise academic results of the past 3 years
School wise Result (Up to Batch 2018 , Even Semester 2019)
CGPA Range Total
(0-3) (3-4) (4-5) (5-6) (6-7) (7-8) (8-9) (9-10)
SEAS 14 12 35 93 153 165 147 49 668
SoL 6 11 23 41 30 28 14 9 162
SoM 7 6 17 41 69 69 34 11 254
TSoM 2 6 13 24 58 49 14 166
University 29 35 88 199 310 311 209 69 1250
CGPA Distribution
200 153 165 147
Student count
100 6958 6949 49
352317 414124
146 7 2 12116 6 13 30 28 143414 911
(0-3) (3-4) (4-5) (5-6) (6-7) (7-8) (8-9) (9-10)
CGPA Range
50 40
1911 15 15
6 713 1
63 2 14 7 15 12
56 11 1 22 4 4 3 4 4 4 22
(0-3) (3-4) (4-5) (5-6) (6-7) (7-8) (8-9) (9-10)
15. Accreditation
15.1. Whether courses are accredited by NAAC? If yes, please provide details as under:-
The university is not eligible for accreditation by NAAC as no batch has passed out yet.
15.2 Whether courses are accredited by NBA? If yes, please provide course-wise details as under:-
No program of the University is eligible for accreditation as any batch has not yet passed out.
15.4. Any other information (including special achievements by the University which may be relevant for
the University)
(i) Visibility and acceptance of high brand value, being associated with Times of India Group
(ii) Global Academic Partnerships /International collaborations:
(i) Babson Global Inc;
(j) Georgia Institute of Technology;
(k) Georgia Tech Research Corporation;
(l) Cornell University on behalf of Cornell Law School and Management School - Partner for
Management and Law Programs;
(m) Florida International University;
(n) The University of Missouri Kansas City;
(o) University of British Colombia;
(p) College of Information Science & Technology, University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA
(q) edX .
(iii) The Governing Bodies of the University like Executive Council consist of high level corporate
captains from fortune 500 companies leading to positive inputs and suggestions. .
(iv) Divergent Programs: University shall offer Relevant, Modern and Contemporary programs at
undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral levels in Engineering, Management, Media, Law and
Design under its schools to include Engineering and Applied Sciences, Management, Media and
Liberal Arts, Design, Law and Public Policy.
(v) High Caliber, divergent, research driven and experienced Faculty with PhD from National and
International Universities ,resulting in flow of rich experience of academic processes and learning
(vi) Industry-Centric, State of art curriculum. Curriculum integrated with live projects, internships,
industry talks; Flexibility incorporated in Curricular system, along with introduction of Concept
of Minors and Honors degrees/courses.
(vii) Entrepreneurial Thinking Supported by Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship and in-
house well-established hatchery ;
(viii) Promotion of High-Quality Research through seed grant , and provision of Professional
development Allowance available to all faculty, for attending conferences and professional
BU: Maintenance of Standards by Private Universities – UGC Response 65
(ix) Robust Internal Academic Quality Audit System has already been put in place;
(x) Rigorous teaching and training processes; and unique approach like connection with society
through social entrepreneurship
(xi) Academic systems assisted by ERP, Learning Management System (LMS) implemented, leading
to transparent processes enabled by fully wi fi campus
(xii) Creation of Organization structure and decision-making processes as part of efficient
management system
(xiii) State-of-the-art laboratories; and immense library resources, including print and e leaning
(xiv) Excellent and world class sport facilities including indoor sports complex.
(xv) Student centric services to include office of Dean Student affairs assisted by student welfare
officers and professional counsellor. Quality infrastructure, 24 X 7 power supply, 100% back up
power, un-interrupted water supply, IT enabled processes.
This is to certify that all the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. The
University will adhere to the rules, regulations and guidelines of the UGC, Central Government and relevant
Statutory Council(s) and abide by all the provisions under the UGC Regulation.
The above information is also posted on the website of the university