Sscet SSR
Sscet SSR
Sscet SSR
Submitted To
December 2018
Shri Sai College of Engineering and Technology is a self financing institution affiliated to the Babasaheb
Ambedkar Technological University (DBATU) and located in the heart of industrial area Bhadrawati. With the
burning desire of imparting quality technological learning to the rural students with consideration of industry
and current market demands “Late M.D Yergude Memorial Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Chandrapur” Chairman
Dr.V.M Yergude has developed the institute. The institute runs five undergraduate Courses like Civil
Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Communication
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, 2 post Graduate Course CAD/CAM and Electrical Power Systems
approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Directorate of Technical Education (DTE),
Mumbai and Government of Maharashtra. The institute has been imparting quality technical education to the
inspiring students and emphasizes on excellence in technical education. The rapid growth and industrialization
has put an immense pressure on technical institutions to mould out professionally competent young engineers to
cater for the needs of the industry. The institute dedicated itself to the cause of technical education for fulfilling
the aspirations of the upcoming generations and the ever increasing needs of the industry. The institute
inculcates the value of hard work and meticulousness amongst its students and faculty enabling them to
overcome obstacles in the voyage of their upcoming lives with pride and self-confidence
“To promote societal empowerment and become an institution of excellence in the field of engineering
education, research and consultancy .“
To enable the students to develop into outstanding professionals through innovative teaching learning
process with high ethical standards capable of creating, developing and managing global engineering
To involve Students and Faculty in collaborative Research and consultancy projects,which offer
opportunities for long-term interaction with academic, research Institutions and Industry.
To develop a responsible and productive Citizenry.
Institutional Weakness
Institutional Opportunity
Consultancy development
Inter college communication
Attract meritorious student to improve results
Encourage more faculty for Doctoral course
More industry projects and interaction with outside world
To emerge as a role model in the field of engineering education by adapting best pedagogic practices
Involvement of industries in students projects, internships
Institutional Challenge
Shri Sai College of Engineering and Technology is a self-financing institution affiliated to the Dr. Babasaheb
Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere from 2018-19 academic year. Up to 2017-18 it is affiliated to
Gondwana University, Gadchirolli. The Vision and Mission of the institute are communicated to all the
stakeholders through various media. Affiliating University revised syllabus periodically in which faculties of
the institute actively participate. The University designs curriculum by conducting syllabus revision workshops
through Board of Studies where faculties from the institute participate. The faculty is given a very conducive
environment to enhance their academic qualification and results in skills. They are encouraged and financially
supported to participate in Seminars, Workshops, Lectures and Training to enhance their knowledge and skills
to improve the Teaching-Learning process. Academic flexibility and bridging the gap between curriculum and
industry is achieved by conducting workshops, seminars, and signing Memorandum of Understanding with
leading industries. The Institute adheres to the syllabus requirement and teaching plan as per affiliating
university. In addition to this, Seminars, Workshops, Experts Lectures and Industrial Visits are also organized
to help the students to get an insight of the current trends and practices in the industry. Value added courses like
Soft Skills and Aptitude Classes are also conducted in order to achieve holistic development of the students and
inculcate professionalism in them.
The institute gets students admitted for different programs through the Centralized Admission Process
(CAP)conducted by the competent authority of State Government of Maharashtra. The admission process
ensuresinclusion of students from all categories through social reservations defined by State Government
The teaching-learning process is developed to ensure effective delivery of all contents in curricula prescribedby
AFFILIATING UNIVERSITY with the help of video and audio lectures and bridging the curriculum gaps
through coveringnecessary contents beyond the curriculum. The institute has Academic Monitoring formats to
monitor theteaching-learning process. It contains an academic calendar of the institute, reflects University’s
academiccalendar that includes curricular, co-curricular, extracurricular activities.The institute has maintained
the required infrastructure and facilities for effective teaching-learning and self development of students. The
institute maintains the academic environment, focuses on overall development offaculty by conducting
supportive courses and workshops and including the faculty for different FacultyDevelopment Programs
(FDPs), Short Term Training Programs, workshops etc.
The Research and Innovation activity of the institute is started with the mission to create pioneering
thinkerswith an objective to solve problems of society using the principles of science, research, and technology.
The R& D activity is focused to promote research activities among the institute and dedicated to providing
guidelinesand training using revolutionary approaches to the faculties and students. The institute focused on
the leadership/entrepreneurship potential of the youth through professional learning, volunteering experience
and creative practices.Research activity is providing valuable inputs to the students and faculties. The institute
has started theIncubation Centre for the young entrepreneur. Workshops and seminars are conducted frequently
on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Industry-Academia Innovative. The institution has strong support and
also providedincentives to those teachers who have received state, national and international recognition and
awards. Instituteinsists faculties for submission of research papers in national and international Journals and
conferences.The institute has an active NSS cell and departmental student associations. Numerous of the
activities havebeen organized in near past, such as tree plantations, adoption of the village, having a residential
camp forbuilding a rapport.
The institute aims at imparting not only good quality education but also encourages students for their
excellentperformance in curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular activities. The college campus has
sufficient spacefor all academic, administrative, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities thereby satisfying
the norms ofregulating bodies and functional needs. Every department of the institute is well equipped with
independentclassrooms, laboratories, tutorial rooms, workshop, seminar halls etc. All the classrooms and most
of thelaboratories are equipped with multimedia teaching aids. Our central library of the institute provides
referencebooks, textbooks, rare books and e-learning resources. Wi-Fi with high capacity is installed and
utilized forstudents so that they can have concurrent access with sufficient speed. Library orientationprograms
and other schemes have resulted in good library usage. All the other supporting facilities such asplayground
gym, art and culture center are in place.
The institute facilitates all the scholarships offered by the State and Central Government. All the
eligiblestudents admitted in the reserved category are receiving financial assistance from State Government.
Everydepartment organizes expert lectures conducted by industrialists and experienced professionals to
developentrepreneurial skills among the students.The institute motivates the students to appear for GATE and
other related examination for PG programs. The active Training andPlacement cell providesthe institute level
training and placement officer who co-ordinates with variousdepartment level faculty coordinators for its
activities. The institute has a Student Grievance Redressal Cell.
The Alumni association contributes actively to the growth of the institution through the alumni
association.Every year students organize cultural event named ‘LAMHE'. The institute actively shows
participation in various intercollegiate competitions like ‘UDAAN'. Institute organizes various art exhibitions
like rangoli, paintings etc. which showcase the technical skills of students. In addition, students are encouraged
toparticipate in various national level events in cultural, sports and technical activities. Severalstudents from the
institute received laurels by winning the events in all these activities.
The Vision of the Institute is to achieve excellence in technical education and to achieve this; the Mission of
theinstitute is well articulated. The departments, in turn, have formulated their Vision and Mission in tune
withthat of the institute. Based on the Vision and Mission of the institute and inputs from various stakeholders,
theQuality Policy is drafted. The Governing Body give general guidelines for appropriate governance to realize
the Vision.
The institute have its strong Perspective plan for Development by considering its Vision and Mission
likeenhancement in infrastructure and amenities, Excellent academic growth by achieving 100% results
inmaximum subjects, fulfilment of admission, Retaining Good number of Ph. D. holders, Faculty
developmentby enhancing research and innovations, Collaborations with institutes of repute. Principal, and
Heads of the Departments have ample independence in academic and administrativedecision making. IQAC
cell examines and appraise all mechanisms of academic and administrative processesand make certain that
quality is promoted and sustained at every level. Quality upgrading strategies are planned
to take into consideration the feedback of all the stakeholders and implemented in a clear and useful manner.
The institute has promoted the gender equity by conducting the awareness programs for the women’s.
Thecollege campus is provided the facilities for women’s such as safety & security, counseling, medical
andcommon room etc. The institute has taken the initiatives to make the campus eco-friendly through
variousefforts such as Trees Plantation, Water harvesting, Energy conservation. The institute has made the
provision for differently abled (Divyangjan) friendliness facilities such asWheelchairs, ramps, restrooms etc.
And also maintain the complete transparency in financial, academic,administrative& auxiliary functions. The
institute has adopted different innovative practices such as counseling the students, monitoring theiracademic
performance, online feedback of students, aptitude test for final year students, and use of WhatsAppfor faster
communication, and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) for record keeping.The college has adopted certain
Best Practices like “Strong Industry Interaction through Industrial Guest Lectures, Visiting Faculties, Industrial
Visits and Training” which will help the institute to enhance the performance of the students and creation of
Name and Address of the College
State Maharashtra
Pin 442902
Type of Institution
By Gender Co-education
By Shift Regular
Establishment Details
University to which the college is affiliated/ or which governs the college (if it is a constituent
2f of UGC
12B of UGC
Details of autonomy
Details of Programmes Offered by the College (Give Data for Current Academic year)
PG Mtech,Mech 24 BE or B English 24 7
anical Tech
PG Mtech,Electr 24 BE or B English 24 12
ical Tech
Teaching Faculty
Sanctioned by the 0 0 0
UGC /University
Recruited 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Yet to Recruit 0 0 0
Sanctioned by the 7 14 58
ety or Other
Recruited 4 0 0 4 6 1 0 7 38 20 0 58
Yet to Recruit 3 7 0
Non-Teaching Staff
Recruited 0 0 0 0
Yet to Recruit 0
Sanctioned by the 50
or Other Authorized
Recruited 46 4 0 50
Yet to Recruit 0
Technical Staff
Recruited 0 0 0 0
Yet to Recruit 0
Sanctioned by the 10
or Other Authorized
Recruited 10 0 0 10
Yet to Recruit 0
Permanent Teachers
Male Female Others Male Female Others Male Female Others Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ph.D. 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2
M.Phil. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
PG 0 0 0 1 0 0 33 20 0 54
Temporary Teachers
Male Female Others Male Female Others Male Female Others Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ph.D. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M.Phil. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Male Female Others Male Female Others Male Female Others Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ph.D. 4 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 8
M.Phil. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PG 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3
Provide the Following Details of Students Enrolled in the College During the Current Academic Year
Programme From the State From Other NRI Students Foreign Total
Where College States of India Students
is Located
Diploma Male 31 0 0 0 31
Female 8 0 0 0 8
Others 0 0 0 0 0
PG Male 8 1 0 0 9
Female 10 0 0 0 10
Others 0 0 0 0 0
Provide the Following Details of Students admitted to the College During the last four Academic
SC Male 44 26 44 41
Female 27 24 18 18
Others 0 0 0 0
ST Male 6 11 18 6
Female 3 3 7 2
Others 0 0 0 0
OBC Male 70 84 92 78
Female 47 34 49 26
Others 0 0 0 0
General Male 67 20 48 28
Female 40 6 23 13
Others 0 0 0 0
Others Male 13 15 12 17
Female 6 9 12 4
Others 0 0 0 0
3. Extended Profile
3.1 Program
Number of courses offered by the institution across all programs during the last five years
Response: 625
7 7 7 7 5
3.2 Students
Number of students year-wise during the last five years
Number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per GOI/State Govt rule year-wise during the last
five years
Number of outgoing / final year students year-wise during the last five years
3.3 Teachers
Number of full time teachers year-wise during the last five years
88 88 88 84 80
88 88 88 84 80
3.4 Institution
Total number of classrooms and seminar halls
Response: 45
Total Expenditure excluding salary year-wise during the last five years ( INR in Lakhs)
Number of computers
Response: 241
The institute is affiliated to the Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University from 2018-19
academic year. From 2009- 2011 it is affiliated to RTM Nagpur University then it is affiliated to
Gondwana University upto 2017-18. It follows curriculum prescribed by the affiliating university. At the
start of every academic year, the affiliating university gives a tentative calendar about start and end of the
semester, holidays, practical examination dates and end semester examination. The Institution meticulously
develops action plans for the effective implementation of the curriculum as per university norm. Principal
initiate to develop strategies for effective implementation of the curriculum to the various department
heads. Teachers are encouraged to impart the curriculum through innovative student centric teaching
methods such as presentations, Assignments, discussions, workshops, seminars, industrial visits, apart from
regular/traditional chalk & talk methods.
1.1.2 Number of certificate/diploma program introduced during the last five years
Response: 2 Number of certificate/diploma programs introduced year-wise during the last five years
0 0 0 2 0
1.1.3 Percentage of participation of full time teachers in various bodies of the Universities/
Autonomous Colleges/ Other Colleges, such as BoS and Academic Council during the last five years
Response: 52.57 Number of teachers participating in various bodies of the Institution, such as BoS and Academic
Council year-wise during the last five years
16 10 8 6 5
Response: 75.68 How many new courses are introduced within the last five years
Response: 473
1.2.2 Percentage of programs in which Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)/Elective course system
has been implemented
Response: 100
Response: 7
1.2.3 Average percentage of students enrolled in subject related Certificate/ Diploma programs/Add-
on programs as against the total number of students during the last five years
Response: 6.6 Number of students enrolled in subject related Certificate or Diploma or Add-on programs year-
wise during the last five years
24 22 82 90 0
The cross-cutting issues like Gender, Environment and Sustainability, Human Values and Professional
ethics etc., find an ample space when it comes to applying them positively to the curriculum. The college at
its own level with the wide contacts of Dr J F Agrawal (Principal) make arrangements for the guest lecture,
seminars and conferences. The experts from above-mentioned fields are invited to share and delivered their
experiences and knowledge. The college regularly organizes seminars on Women Empowerment. The
efforts made by the institution to integrate the cross-cutting issues such as Gender, Environment and
Sustainability, Human values and Professional ethics etc. into the curriculum are as follows :
Gender: Equity within girls and boys students is well maintained by providing them a common dress code.
The facilities like mess, Wi-Fi, Internet, library, and event participation are given in accordance to equity
within them. For the promotion of gender equity, the institute organizes various programs.
Environment and sustainability: Rain water harvesting system, Solar water heater are placed in the
campus. Counting of trees, bushes and shrubs are conducted by student to motivate the awareness of
nature. Tree plantation program is conducted in campus. Paper less day for all academic and administrative
work is observed once in a semester.
Human Rights: The institute is in place and equipped with barrier free environment, ragging free
environment and woman anti-harassment committee, grievance redressal cell, staff welfare committee are
always monitor the issues related to human right. Institute also arranges special lectures and seminars to
create awareness on these issues.
ICT: All faculty rooms are equipped with desktop computers, furniture, Notice boards etc. Campus is Wi-
Fi enabled. Classrooms are equipped with LCD projection systems, LCD Screens. These facilities enhance
lecture delivery and effective communication.
1.3.2 Number of value added courses imparting transferable and life skills offered during the last
five years
Response: 26 Number of value-added courses imparting transferable and life skills offered during the last five
Response: 26
Response: 13.27
Response: 99
D. Feedback collected
Response: A. Feedback collected, analysed and action taken and feedback available on website
Response: 0.52 Number of students from other states and countries year-wise during the last five years
1 5 7 3 2
Response: 73.3 Number of students admitted year-wise during the last five years Number of sanctioned seats year-wise during the last five years
2.1.3 Average percentage of seats filled against seats reserved for various categories as per
applicable reservation policy during the last five years
Response: 83.96 Number of actual students admitted from the reserved categories year-wise during the last five
At the entry level, Institute identify slow learner and advanced learner based on their ranks, +2/12th
results and accordingly students are allotted with teacher guardian .
For assessment of an advanced learner, an adequate process of conduction and evaluation process
in the form of assignments, seminars, internal exam and semester exam.
For higher classes, Motivational lectures/seminar sessions, Value Addition Programs for Advanced
Gate classes are provided for bright students.
Facilities to perform additional design experiments/open ended experiments are provided for bright
Additional E-library facility in the form of E-LIBRARY is available at the central library for
advanced learner student.
For slow learner students, the activity like remedial lectures and counselling through Guardian
Teacher and subject teacher.
Provision of learning material like NPTEL videos / Lectures, PPT, animations, Specially developed
question banks and assignments are provided as per the curriculum are available in the departments
and in digital Library.
Response: 8.48
Response: 0.27
Response: 2
SSCET motivates teachers to make the learning student centric. Institute organizes guest lectures and
arranges industrial visits for students to develop their interactive, collaborative and independent learning.
Faculty members are encouraged to integrate NPTEL course contents, , e-contents of the web
( in content delivery methods.
Interactive learning
All classrooms have internet facilities (Wifi enabled) and five class rooms have e-classroom
Institute has seminar halls and e-class rooms where students participate in group discussions,
debate and seminars.
The Institution encourages conducting seminars, workshops, group discussions and various student
centric events to make learning interactive.
The Institution encourages the students to participate in various events conducted by IITs, NITs,
other institutions and industries of repute in offering an opportunity to have an interaction with
quality peers.
Collaborative learning
The college has the facility of teaching aids such as LCD projectors, broadband internet
connectivity, Wi-Fi connectivity.
The departments maintain department libraries and internet facility to access all the journal, e-
material, e-books etc., through library server enabling the students and faculty to keep abreast of the
latest developments in their respective fields.
MOUs are signed for students training
Independent learning
SSCET has well stocked library which consists of books, journals, project reports and other
teaching material for use to students and faculty.
Library and Internet hours are given in the Time Table to inculcate the habit of self learning among
The departments have well equipped laboratories and computer centres for independent, practical
Students are encouraged to make use of National Digital Library(NDL), SWAYAM, SAKSHAT
portals and participate in MOOC courses.
2.3.2 Percentage of teachers using ICT for effective teaching with Learning Management Systems
(LMS), E-learning resources etc.
Response: 77.27
Response: 68
2.3.3 Ratio of students to mentor for academic and stress related issues
Response: 13.09
Response: 57
The faculty members motivates the students to participate in model making, projects’ exhibition,
paper presentations, software contests and in various co-curricular activities organized at SSCET
and in other colleges.
The students are encouraged to design innovative models and products.
The scientific temper among students is enhanced by providing additional laboratory hours for
design experiments, open ended experiments and for innovative projects.
To hone critical thinking process of students various group discussions, debates and seminars are
Response: 100
Year wise full time teachers and sanctioned posts View Document
for 5 years
2.4.2 Average percentage of full time teachers with Ph.D. during the last five years
Response: 4.87 Number of full time teachers with Ph.D. year-wise during the last five years
6 5 4 3 3
List of number of full time teachers with PhD and View Document
number of full time teachers for 5 years
Response: 7.33
Response: 645
2.4.4 Percentage of full time teachers who received awards, recognition, fellowships at State,
National, International level from Government, recognised bodies during the last five years
Response: 3.5 Number of full time teachers receiving awards from state /national /international level from
Government recognised bodies year-wise during the last five years
0 1 2 0 0
2.4.5 Average percentage of full time teachers from other States against sanctioned posts during the
last five years
Response: 7.47 Number of full time teachers from other states year-wise during the last five years
7 7 6 6 6
List of full time teachers from other state and state View Document
from which qualifying degree was obtained
Reforms in Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) system at the institute level are covered as follows-
The regulations, curricula, and syllabi of all the programs offered by the institute are available in the
institute library and respective department, on the affiliated University websites as well as on institute’s
website. The regulations contain the details of the evaluation process. The academic calendar and
examination schedule are brought to the notice of teachers as well as students by displaying it on notice
boards and institute websites. Marks obtained by the student in internal examinations for all the courses are
displayed on departmental notice boards and communicated to parents by telephone and post. Following
2.5.2 Mechanism of internal assessment is transparent and robust in terms of frequency and variety
The attendance record of each student in theory and practical is maintained and displayed on notice
board at the end of the month.
Timely submission of assignments and performance in tests.
Students can apply for revaluation of answer papers for challenge and modification in assessments
in university after consulting with concerned faculty members.
Effective implementation of evaluation reforms initiated by the institute are ensured by the heads of
the respective departments by making faculty, staff and students aware of the reform and
monitoring their implementation rigorously (an academic format which is used for monitoring.)
Display of internal marks of a student on departmental notice board. and the same is conveyed to
parents through the Teacher Guardian .
Unit Test and Pre board exam paper checked and the marks are displayed.
The performances and progress of student are conveyed to parents through Teacher Guardian.
2.5.3 Mechanism to deal with examination related grievances is transparent, time-bound and
1.Students are made aware of the assessment methods at the beginning of the semester and whenever
2.The assessed answer sheets of internal tests are given to the students and performance is discussed by the
course faculty.
3.Students having grievances with the internal evaluation process can directly discuss their doubts
individually with respective faculty members.
4.Students can approach the Head of the Department, in case of any Grievances.
5.Display the Internal marks and grievances by the students are solved according to rules of the university
1.The students can apply for photocopy of answer sheet to the university exam cell. The photocopy is
reviewed by subject teacher and accordingly student can challenge to revolve discuss the grievances and
seek advice. As per the advice, student can apply for revaluation of answer books to the controller of
examination of university as per the procedures of the University.
2.After revaluation of marks for particular subject at the University level, results are communicated to the
Institute and students.
2.5.4 The institution adheres to the academic calendar for the conduct of CIE
For the conduct of CIE, the institute follows following practice in accordance with university:
1.At the beginning of each academic year, the affiliating university gives guidelines about the dates of –
Vacation schedule
All academic processes are carried out as laid down in the college academic calendar and monitored
through academic format. IQAC Coordinator prepares institute academic calendar in consultation with the
Principal. It is then distributed to the departments. Time Table coordinator of each department prepares
Department Academic Calendar in consultation with Head of the Department.. Considering the academic
calendar, teaching plan of each course is prepared by course teachers in academic formats. The
implementation of the syllabus is discussed in detail by Course coordinator with course teachers of the
department. During the semester, implementation of the Lectures and Practical is mentioned in academic
format by respective course teachers. Lecture Planning and implementation is regularly monitored by Head
and IQAC through verifying the academic format. The evaluation of students is done through, Theory – In
semester, End Semester examinations. unit test, prelim exam
The details of these examinations are announced well in advance and the external examiners are appointed
by the affiliating university. The entire planning and organizing of lecture and practical schedule is done
through academic format.
PEO-2: Have engineering breadth to innovate, design, develop engineering products and to contribute in
providing solutions related to multidisciplinary real life problems.
PEO-3: Have professional and ethical attitudes, effective communication skills and team work, life long
learning to become successful professionals.
PSO2: Have expertise in handling challenges associated with Power Generation, Transmission and
PEO1: Have ability to analyze the software requirements, understand the technical specifications, design
and provide novel engineering solutions and efficient products.
PEO2: Have professional skills that secures them employment and have life-long learning attitude to adapt
PEO3: Have good communication skills to bridge the gap between advanced technology and end users in
use of software and hardware products.
PSO1: Students will be able to use professional engineering practices, strategies and tactics for the
development, operation and maintenance of software.
PSO2: Students will have expertise in the areas related to algorithms, system software, data structures,
webdesign and networking for efficient design of software of varying complexity.
PEO1: Excel in higher studies or in research by acquiring basic and advanced knowledge in
mathematics,science and engineering.
PEO2: Have technical and soft skills for pursuing different careers in industries.
PEO3: Have ability to analysis data and technical concepts in application of product design and shall work
as part of teams.
PSO 1: The students will be able to apply their knowledge in the field of engineering drawing, material
sciences, fluid sciences and thermal engineering to solve engineering problems.
PSO2: Graduate will be able to analyze, interpret and provide solutions to the real life mechanical
engineering problems.
PEO 1. To achieve a high level of technical expertise to shine in higher education / profession by obtaining
knowledge in basic sciences, design and drawing and engineering principles
PEO2. To explore and apply the modern engineering tools for planning, design, execution, maintenance
of works that is technically viable, economically and socially acceptable
PEO3. To develop good communication skills, team work in their responsibilities with excellence and to
be ready to take up challenges in the current scenario
PSO 1: The Graduates in this program with proficiency in mathematics, physical sciences will excel in the
core areas of civil engineering such as structural, environmental , water resources engineering.
PSO 2: The graduates will plan, produce detailed drawings, write specification, prepare cost estimates.
PEO I: Have in-depth knowledge in Electronics Communication Engineering to innovate, design develop
modern electronic systems.
PEO II: Sustain intellectual curiosity in professional career through lifelong learning.
PEO III: Have strong work ethics, professional attitude, team spirit, leadership skills , enterprising skills
to serve industry and society.
PSO I:An ability to design, implement complex systems in areas like signal processing, embedded
systems, VLSI, Communication Systems.
PSO II: An ability to make use of acquired technical knowledge for qualifying in competitive
examinations at various levels.
2.6.2 Attainment of program outcomes, program specific outcomes and course outcomes are
evaluated by the institution
The assessment of course outcomes are through Internal examinations, assignments, Seminars, Projects,
Viva voce. The internal questions are set with respect to blooms revised learning level. Each question is
mapped to Course outcome. Program shall have set Course Outcome attainment levels for all courses.
Course Outcome is evaluated based on the performance of students in internal assessments and in
university examination of a course. Internal assessment contributes 20% and university assessment
contributes 80% to the total attainment of a CO.
CO Assessment Tools:
The various assessment tools used to evaluate COs and the frequency with which the assessment processes
are carried out are listed below
PO/PSO assessment is done by giving 80% weightage to direct assessment and 20% weightage to indirect
assessment. Direct assessment is based on CO attainment where 80% weightage is given to attainment
through university exam and 20% weightage is given to attainment through internal assessments. Indirect
assessment is done through program exit survey, alumni survey and employer survey where program exit
survey and employer survey are given a weightage of 25% each and alumni survey is given a weightage of
For CO,PO,PSO attainment the attainment levels shall be set considering average performance levels in the
university examination or any higher value set as target for the assessment years. Attainment level is to be
measured in terms of student performance in internal assessments with respect to the Course Outcomes of
a course and in university examination. The attainment is calculated with rubrics set in each year.
Target may be stated in terms of percentage of students getting more than university average ,class average
marks or set by the program in each of the associated COs in the assessment instruments (midterm tests,
assignments, mini projects, reports and presentations etc.). Attainment is measured in terms of actual
percentage of students getting set percentage of marks. If targets are achieved then all the course outcomes
are attained for that year. Program is expected to set higher targets for the following years as a part of
continuous improvement. If targets are not achieved the program should put in place an action plan to
attain the target in subsequent years.
Response: 86.93 Total number of final year students who passed the examination conducted by Institution.
Response: 173 Total number of final year students who appeared for the examination conducted by the institution
Response: 199
Response: 17.36 Total Grants for research projects sponsored by the non-government sources such as industry,
corporate houses, international bodies, endowments, Chairs in the institution year-wise during the last five
years(INR in Lakhs)
Response: 4.55
Response: 4
3.1.3 Number of research projects per teacher funded, by government and non-government agencies,
during the last five year
Response: 0.18 Number of research projects funded by government and non-government agencies during the last
five years
Response: 3 Number of full time teachers worked in the institution during the last 5 years
Response: 84
SSCET has set up an Incubation Centre to provide an ambiance for promoting Entrepreneurship among the
students and enable the budding entrepreneurs to launch their ideas successfully. Incubation Center and
Entrepreneurship Development Unit (IC & EDU) have ample space provided with modern infrastructure
for to implement their innovative ideas. IC & EDU initiative helps innovative entrepreneurs build their
businesses around the smarter planet to reap market opportunity. It is an initiative by our institute to
inculcate the culture of research, innovation, and entrepreneurship among the students and a platform for
the promising entrepreneurs to accomplish their dream ventures. This IC & EDU promotes to incubate new
product development and promote new entrepreneurs wherein the students of our institute would have full
exposure to understand the process-cycle of the starting-up new company. Students get benefit from the on
going projects of new entrepreneurs by the way of joining them as project interns as well as full-time
employees. The incubation center has great ambiance along with good modern infrastructure. The students
get guidance from industry experts; connect with successful students-turned-entrepreneurs. The college
provides office space for an academic year at its premises and gives domain-specific development
programs with institutional support. The hub is open to everyone with innovative ideas and we protect the
innovator’s intellectual property rights. The center has in place a support team experienced in
entrepreneurship, product development and expert professionals from diverse industries.
Key highlights
Physical Infrastructure
Telecom facilities
Internet connectivity
Shared Resources
Meeting and conference rooms equipped with projectors & audio/video conferencing facilities
Canteen facilities
Incubation center is established with the motive of providing a platform for students to Connect with
mentors and opportunities through conducting workshops, seminars, and interactive sessions and
implement it in their last year engineering project work. Connect with successful students- turned
entrepreneurs and get information about Government and Non-Government initiatives about academics
industry collaborations. Get opportunities to work on live projects with the help of industry experts. The
Incubation center is aimed at transforming the students with vibrant ideas into young entrepreneurs.
Institute support the ideas of the students and help them to nourish those ideas into effective action plans.
Institute help them during the process and provide them with the required support at any point in time.
Thrust Area of Incubation Centre is to help the students to undertake their Project work in the field
Internet of things
CAD/CAM Applications
Embedded System
The hardware and software project designed by students in final year kept for final year students training in
incubation center for their commercialization and further innovative research to the extent of filing patent.
3.2.2 Number of workshops/seminars conducted on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Industry-
Academia Innovative practices during the last five years
Response: 22 Total number of workshops/seminars conducted on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Industry-
Academia Innovative practices year-wise during the last five years
6 3 5 4 4
Response: Yes
3.3.2 The institution provides incentives to teachers who receive state, national and international
Response: Yes
3.3.3 Number of Ph.D.s awarded per teacher during the last five years
Response: 4
Response: 4 Number of teachers recognized as guides during the last five years
Response: 1
List of PhD scholars and their details like name of View Document
the guide , title of thesis, year of award etc
3.3.4 Number of research papers per teacher in the Journals notified on UGC website during the last
five years
Response: 0.32 Number of research papers in the Journals notified on UGC website during the last five years
7 5 6 6 3
3.3.5 Number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers in
national/international conference proceedings per teacher during the last five years
Response: 0.96 Total number of books and chapters in edited volumes / books published, and papers in
national/international conference-proceedings year-wise during the last five years
35 15 14 8 10
The idea of the institute is to produce not only good engineers but also good human beings.
Therefore, the institute takes efforts to add values of good citizenship in its students. The institute has an
active NSS unit with 100 students and departmental student associations. Students participate in various
activities in neighbour hood initiated by the institute with a vision to find the solutions for the social issues.
To develop social responsibility, the institute has established NSS unit in 2015-16. A 10-day residential
camp is arranged in this village every year in which almost 60 students (both boys and girls) participate. It
has helped in building a rapport with the villagers and an understanding of their problems.
100 trees have been planted till now and all plants have survived due to the water management system
developed by students despite the constraints of a rigorous academic schedule.
Blood donation camps are held every year with participation from almost 400 volunteers. From last
The economically and socially weaker students work under this scheme. These students
have involved in social activities apart from their regular work. The track of their involvement is
E- Magazine Club
Entrepreneurship Club
The Institute frequently initiates social awareness program for the surrounding society for the issue related
The students are encouraged and visited the nearby society and displayed poster related to the
disadvantages of using plastic with its ill-effects on human and animal due to its disposal issue.
Students are promoted to aware people about the importance of using HELMET and the safety rules while
driving vehicle. Students also describe the people about not using a mobile phone while driving. Traffic
signs are also explained by the student to aware people for their safety while driving the vehicle.
Institute organized the awareness program for the promotion of fire safety. For this live demonstration
related to use of fire safety equipment available at the institute was also displayed to the students, faculty
One wall is constructed which contain two parts. One part is for donating goods/clothes / any material. The
other part of the wall is the portion from which the donated goods are collected by the needy people.
Institute also promotes initiations for using ELECTRICAL VEHICLE will help to reduce CO2 emission
and save the environment.
3.4.2 Number of awards and recognition received for extension activities from Government
/recognised bodies during the last five years
Response: 1 Total number of awards and recognition received for extension activities from Government
/recognised bodies year-wise during the last five years
0 0 1 0 0
3.4.3 Number of extension and outreach Programs conducted in collaboration with Industry,
Community and Non- Government Organizations through NSS/ NCC/ Red Cross/ YRC etc., during
the last five years
Response: 64 Number of extension and outreach Programs conducted in collaboration with Industry, Community
and Non- Government Organizations through NSS/ NCC/ Red Cross/ YRC etc., year-wise during the last
five years
19 18 17 7 3
Response: 27.55 Total number of students participating in extension activities with Government Organisations, Non-
Government Organisations and programs such as Swachh Bharat, Aids Awareness, Gender Issue, etc. year-
wise during the last five years
3.5 Collaboration
3.5.1 Number of linkages for faculty exchange, student exchange, internship, field trip, on-the-job
training, research, etc during the last five years
Response: 40 Number of linkages for faculty exchange, student exchange, internship, field trip, on-the-job
training, research, etc year-wise during the last five years
20 7 6 2 5
3.5.2 Number of functional MoUs with institutions of National/ International importance, Other
Institutions, Industries, Corporate houses etc., during the last five years (only functional MoUs with
ongoing activities to be considered)
Response: 10 Number of functional MoUs with institutions of national, international importance, other
universities, industries, corporate houses etc. year-wise during the last five years (only functional MoUs
with ongoing activities to be considered)
8 2 0 0 0
The institute posses a wholly self-contained campus comprising of requisite infrastructure, which acts as a
facilitator for the effective delivery of our curriculum. Thereby fulfilling AICTE norms completely. The
institute provides saliently excellent infrastructure to students with a salutary vibe to students by availing
the best of facilities. The institute is well planned & well designed area of 10.1 acres with a built-up area of
13947.71 Sq. M. The aesthetically designed campus has ultramodern facilities with academic wings for
each department, administrative wings, laboratories, workshops, computer center, spacious classrooms,
well stocked library, conference hall, medical center, sports ground etc. The institute possesses total 24
classrooms with modern teaching aids thus providing detailed learning ambiance for students. The institute
maintains high standards of technical education by providing the wide array of high-class equipments in
total 44 laboratories of various departments which helps students to implement practical knowledge thus
acting as an interface between students and industry. The institute patronizes a spirit of perpetual learning
by rendering students facilities like 05 tutorial rooms,Number of seminar halls are 04 each of areas 142.04
square meters for each department. Well equipped incubation center to nurture new and small ideas by
helping them to survive and grow through the difficult and vulnerable early stages of development in
engineering and technology. It is our constant attempt to maintain pace with development needed for
enriching personal and professional skills of students. The institute has developed well-equipped computer
center, CAD/CAM lab and entrepreneurship development cell. Amenities and facilities are well maintained
which include lawn, ramp, and garden. CCTV surveillance at all strategic locations, generator back up,
Water purifier, Canteen is available in the institute. Housekeeping unit takes care of maintain complete
cleanliness in the institute. Infrastructural maintenance, electrical maintenance, and garden maintenance is
done on a routine basis keeping in view the benefits of students. First aid facilities, Fire extinguishers
are available with each department on each floor as a precaution to avoid major haphazard. Proper
checking, periodical inspection, suggestion box, feedback from students, alumni, parents are taken which
help in up keeping and maintaining the conducive learning environment within the campus.
5 Library 1 410
4.1.2 The institution has adequate facilities for sports, games (indoor, outdoor),gymnasium, yoga
centre etc., and cultural activities
The institute ensures to provide adequate sports facilities to students by cooperating in providing adequate
budget and resources. Institute has the playground of 05 acres. The ground is utilized for outdoor sports
like Kabaddi, Cricket, Basketball, Volleyball
and other outdoor sports activities. Institute also has indoor games like chess, table tennis, carom etc.
Institute has qualified Sports/yoga instructor who undertakes regular sports/yoga practices at institutes'
yoga center which has the carpet area of 149.5 square meters.(use space of New gym). Institute has well
equipped Gymnasium. Institute encourages students to participate in various zonal, inter-university level
tournaments by training to compete with the advanced level.
Institute has an Art and Culture Center with adequate sound system, music system, light system and
various allied equipment useful for cultural activity purposes. Every year students organize cultural event
named ‘LAMHE'. The institute actively shows participation in various intercollegiate competitions like
‘UDAAN'. Institute organizes various art exhibitions like rangoli, paintings etc.
Particulars Area
Available Sq. M.
Snooker Table 109.44
Table Tannis
Volley Ball 162
Kabbadi 130
Basket Ball 436.64
Chess 50.7
Gymnasium 149.5
4.1.3 Percentage of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT - enabled facilities such as smart class,
LMS, etc
Response: 55.56
Response: 25
4.1.4 Average percentage of budget allocation, excluding salary for infrastructure augmentation
during the last five years.
Response: 5.8 Budget allocation for infrastructure augmentation, excluding salary year-wise during the last five
years (INR in Lakhs)
7 16 11 20 14
The institute has well equipped, spacious library of carpet area 410 square meters with
the rich collection of engineering books including national, international journals, periodicals, magazines.
The library is fully automated with Libman software. The reading room facility is available for students.
The reading room is 100 sqm with a seating capacity of 150 students.It has about 3061 titles, 15428
volume, 47 national journals and 04 magazines along with newspapers. A student approaches the counter
for issuing a book; the book is searched by title or author. Students can access physically the stack area.
The entry is made in Libman software through student login and book is registered as issued in student's
name. The book is marked for a due date by putting stamp and entry is made manually in the register.
Many copies of popular books are brought to make them available to as many students as possible. The
books per student ratio are approximately 1.20. Each student has issued 03 books at a time and they have
allocated library hours per week.The college central library has various institutional memberships of
prestigious libraries such as , DELNET membership for e-resources and e-Journals, National Digital
Library and browsing center with 08 leased line connected computers in the library. Direct Accesses to
online journals are made available for staff and students such as DELNET , NDL MEMBERSHIP to
learn the latest research and developed techniques in engineering. Library facility is open to all students
and faculty members and is continuously updated with latest books and journals. The institute always
strives to provide latest and best collection of books, journals, online sources to the students.
Significant Initiatives:
Finalizaton of the budget for the academic year and then it utilizes same for the books, journals,
manuals and E-resources and the digital processing of information, including on-line journals etc
Look into the indents of the departments and the purchase mechanism with multiple volumes
wherever necessary.
Ensuring faculty and student registration in NDL and effective utilization of Sakshat portal
4.2.2 Collection of rare books, manuscripts, special reports or any other knowledge resources for
library enrichment
Collection of rare books is the heart of the library. Rare books are of great importance because of scarcity
in its availability, its age. It provides students with the information that is available with it only as its
The institute’s central library posses various genres of rare e-books related to all branches. The book "
Think and Grow Rich " by Napoleon Hill is available. These books are specially used for final year
3.Shodhganga Membership
4.2.4 Average annual expenditure for purchase of books and journals during the last five years
(INR in Lakhs)
Response: 3.91 Annual expenditure for purchase of books and journals year-wise during the last five years (INR
in Lakhs)
Response: Yes
Response: 23.38 Average number of teachers and students using library per day over last one year
Response: 195
4.3 IT Infrastructure
4.3.1 Institution frequently updates its IT facilities including Wi-Fi
Institute has always eagerly taken an initiative to upgrade itself in providing IT facilities to students and
faculty. With 75 computers in the year of establishment, the institute now possesses 241 computers. The
latest configuration of computer available in the institute is DDR 2 & DDR 3 with 2 GB RAM, 160 & 320
HDD, Core 2 Duel & Duel Core processor. Each department has its own computing facility. All 241
computers are LAN connected. The institute has total 16 application software and 07 system software’s
Operating Systems
14 McAfee Licensed
15 kaspersky Licensed
16 AVG Licensed
To synchronize syllabus with industry institute uses open source application and system software’s for
keeping students updated. Various open source application and system software in the institute are:-
Internet service was made available in the institute to students and faculty, with a bandwidth of 48 Mbps
02 connection. The institute has separate computer center of computers with internet facility. All the IT
facilities are minutely looked upon by system head, system admin, and Team of technicians.
Response: 3.1
35-50 MBPS
20-35 MBPS
5-20 MBPS
4.3.4 Facilities for e-content development such as Media Centre, Recording facility, Lecture
Capturing System (LCS)
Response: Yes
Response: 57.26 Expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities
excluding salary component year-wise during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)
4.4.2 There are established systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic
and support facilities - laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, classrooms etc.
Institute maintains specific systems and procedures for maintenance of the various infrastructural facilities.
Specified coordinators' are appointed for different sections of maintenance. A request application is sent to
these coordinators through Principal, Head of the department if any maintenance is required. Regular
maintenance of physical facilities is done on daily basis. Like Cleaning of infrastructural facilities like
classrooms, passages, Office, internal roads of campus, girls common room and boys common room, the
tutorial room is done by house keeping staff. The teams of 05 housekeepers are employed to do the task.
Laboratory in charge, laboratory assistant look after cleanliness and maintenance of laboratory. Every year
budget of new dead stock equipment, consumables and maintenance are proposed to management through
HOD and Principal. List of non repairable/equipments/ instruments is prepared by concerned faculty in
charge, laboratory assistant in consultation with Head and Principal for write off approval. Equipments in
the laboratory are efficiently maintained by respective Head of the department in accordance with their
System admin maintains the computer, printers and other IT facilities in the institute.
System Head, System administrator and the team of technicians look after the maintenance of daily band,
usage, bandwidth allocation and sharing and security. Electrical maintenance is looked after by electrical
coordinator of the institute. Sufficient water is made available to satisfy the need for drinking water and
water required for another purpose. Various infrastructural maintenance works are monitored and executed
by Department of Civil
In addition to this, the campus is under CCTV surveillance. 24 hours throughout the week. Garden of the
institute is maintained by Gardener of the institute.
Response: 87.02 Number of students benefited by scholarships and freeships provided by the Government year-wise
during the last five years
5.1.2 Average percentage of students benefited by scholarships, freeships, etc. provided by the
institution besides government schemes during the last five years
Response: 8.67 Total number of students benefited by scholarships, freeships, etc provided by the institution
besides government schemes year-wise during the last five years
5.1.4 Average percentage of student benefited by guidance for competitive examinations and career
counselling offered by the institution during the last five years
Response: 19.99 Number of students benefited by guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling
offered by the institution year-wise during the last five years
5.1.5 Average percentage of students benefited by Vocational Education and Training (VET) during
the last five years
Response: 25.95 Number of students attending VET year-wise during the last five years
5.1.6 The institution has a transparent mechanism for timely redressal of student grievances
including sexual harassment and ragging cases
Response: Yes
Response: 31.91 Number of outgoing students placed year-wise during the last five years
78 90 28 16 64
Response: 4.76
Response: 9
5.2.3 Average percentage of students qualifying in State/ National/ International level examinations
during the last five years (eg: NET/ SLET/ GATE/ GMAT/ CAT/ GRE/ TOEFL/ Civil Services/State
government examinations)
Response: 20 Number of students qualifying in state/ national/ international level examinations (eg: NET/ SLET/
GATE/ GMAT/ CAT/ GRE/ TOEFL/ Civil services/ State government examinations) year-wise during the
last five years
0 0 2 0 0 Number of students who have appeared for the exams year-wise during the last five years
10 10 2 10 0
Response: 50
26 9 12 3 0
5.3.2 Presence of an active Student Council & representation of students on academic &
administrative bodies/committees of the institution
The institute strongly believes that student involvement is necessary for the overall progress of the
institute. Institute encourages active participation of students through nomination by HODs and Principal.
The selections process of Cultural committee and sports committee coordinators have been conducted.
This student committees actively work for different activities conducted in the institute. University
Representative is selected at university level from the representative of institute by conducting selection
process. The institute has formed following academic and administrative bodies which have student
Anti-ragging committee
Sports committee
Cultural committee
NSS committee
E- Magazine committee
Canteen Committee
Tech fest
Tree plantation
5.3.3 Average number of sports and cultural activities/ competitions organised at the institution
level per year
Response: 15.6 Number of sports and cultural activities / competitions organised at the institution level year-wise
during the last five years
15 18 17 15 13
The College has established Alumni association since its beginning in the Academic Year 2013-14.
Alumni association meetings with management and staff are periodically conducted in the college and it is
functioning effectively.
Eminent, higher position, experts’ alumni are invited to college to deliver lectures and motivate students
and provide counseling for achieving career opportunities. Institute along with alumni discuss with other
stake holders on various matters and academic performance and the alumni feedback is obtain for
improvement in quality. On the basis of feedback obtained from alumni, the college modifies and updates
all the academic performance and all other programmes associates with current student. The financial
assistance is contributed for the welfare of students such as gifts for ranker students and achievers.
Initiatives has been taken recently by Principal to attract Alumni come forward to conduct campus
interviews from corporate sectors, IT companies and other organizations for providing job opportunities
and placement of current students.
4 Lakhs - 5 Lakhs
3 Lakhs - 4 Lakhs
1 Lakh - 3 Lakhs
5.4.3 Number of Alumni Association / Chapters meetings held during the last five years
Response: 5 Number of Alumni Association /Chapters meetings held year-wise during the last five years
1 1 1 1 1
Our Vision
“To promote societal empowerment and become an institution of excellence in the field of engineering
education, research and consultancy .“
To enable the students to develop into outstanding professionals through innovative teaching
learning process with high ethical standards capable of creating, developing and managing global
engineering enterprises.
To involve Students and Faculty in collaborative Research and consultancy projects,which offer
opportunities for long-term interaction with academic, research Institutions and Industry.
To develop a responsible and productive Citizenry.
The Governing Board (Governing Council) of the institute is constituted as per the guidelines of AICTE .It
consists of members from Management, Academic Institutions, Industry, Statutory bodies and
representatives from faculty with Principal as member secretary. All the academic & administrative issues
like budget, recruitment, purchases, admissions, promotions, conferences, variation in intake, Value Added
courses etc., are discussed, approved and implemented. The HODs meets at least once in a week where all
the academic issues are discussed, appropriate decisions are taken and communicated to the staff through
circulars. In addition, members of management, Principal and HODs conduct conclaves once in a semester
to take stock of the progress and deliberate on challenges and also give proper direction to the institute in
line with the Vision & Mission. Also, Internal Academic meetings are held in every department twice in a
semester to discuss the progress made, set targets and plan of action. The recruitment committee consists
of members of management, external expert, Principal & concerned HOD recruits staff following standard
procedure in a free and fair manner. Similarly, all the purchases are made by the purchase committee that
has a faculty representation. The council of HODs constitutes the following important committees for
smooth, transparent and effective functioning of the institute like, Anti-ragging, Accreditation, IQAC,
Research, Test & Examination, Women Safety and Grievance Redressal Committee/ College Internal
Complaint Committee (CICC) & so on.
The institution adopts a mechanism of self-appraisal of teachers and comprehensive evaluation of teachers
by Head of the department and the students. Student’s feedback about the faculties is taken twice a
semester. All the faculties are briefed about the appraisal criteria & the corresponding weightage at the
beginning of the academic year.
In addition CRs meeting are held once in a month in presence of Principal, HODs to brief the
students on important decisions taken, listen to their suggestions and also to address the grievances, if
any.The students are taken into confidence before implementing in any policy. Similarly, faculty
interaction meetings are held once in a month to discuss academic issues, obtain feedback and to take
everyone into confidence in all the important academic decisions. The institute follows a very effective,
transparent and participative governance for effective growth of Institute.
The vision of the college is to promote societal empowerment and become an institution of excellence in
the field of engineering education, research and consultancy and to achieve this; the mission of the institute
is well articulated. The departments, in turn, have formulated their vision and mission in tune with that of
the institute. Based on the Vision and Mission of the institute and inputs from various stakeholders, the
Quality Policy is drafted. The Governing Body (GB) and Local Management Committee(LMC), College
Development Cell(CDC) give general guidelines for appropriate governance to realize the vision. The top
management provides effective academic leadership to the faculty, by setting goals and involving them in
participative decision-making process, not only to achieve the vision, mission and goals of the institute, but
also in building the organizational culture.
The college delegates authority and provides operational autonomy in all areas of academic performance,
decision taking and implementation of plans and polices in curricular programmes. The Principal provides
freedom to departments, librarian, and college office, various curricular committees, college club, and
hostel and students council.
The Principal permits the HODs and staff members in performing freely in the academic activities and
administrative programmes such as departmental activities, allotment of workload, various academic
committee programmes, association and club activities, conducting departmental test, teaching and
learning process and evaluation regularly.
The college provides autonomy to organize competition, guest lecture, seminars, conferences,
workshop, and faculty development programmes by inviting external experts and resource persons. Also
gives autonomy in organizing and participating intercollegiate competitions and to plan budget for
activities of associations.
Top Management:-
2.Provide Budget
1.quality policy
1.Departmental meeting
3.Social activities
4.Mentor to student
7.Result Analysis
1.Top management has given necessary authority to Principal to manage different functions with
operational autonomy.
1.Participative management.
3.Internal as well as external stakeholders are involved for any modification in teaching learning and
administrative process or any similar process.
4.College constitutes committees for general and academic development which includes faculty,
nonteaching staff and students’ participation and everyone is involved in decision making processes.
The institute has made remarkable progress in the last 5 years as most of the decisions that were taken in
the GB have been implemented successfully after consulting faculty and students wherever required. Some
of them are
2.Upgradation of labs
4.Incubation Center
Perspective plan
Institute has a perspective plan. Through which we plan to launch research project, better industry institute
relationship with MOU. The Institute also has plans to achieve academic excellence, promoting students
for higher studies.
Perspective/Strategic plan Developed by considering vision and mission of the institute has a perspective
plan for development.
*Huge 15 acres of college campus situated on Nagpur Highway, 20 Kilometer from Chandrapur.
*AC Conference Hall & Auditorium with LCD Projectors & Advance Sound
Systems. *Departments mainly focus on Practical
Knowledge of students. *Well
qualified & experienced faculty with over 150 Publications to their credit in International
Journal/Conferences & National Journals/Conferences.
*VPN Broadband Internet (32 Mbps speed) & Language Lab for
students. *Online UPS & DG Set for
24x7 Power Backup.
*Well furnished Library & Reading Rooms.
*Modern, Branded & Standard Machines/Equipments in lab.
*Spacious Workshops with M/Cs
. *Round the
year extra-curricular activities.
*Industry-Institute interaction.
*Training & Placement
*In house training in soft skill, Personality Development, Interview Techniques, Aptitude Test, Group
Discussion & Public Speaking . *Preparation for real corporate
*Indoor & Outdoor Sports
*College Bus & Hostel Facility
6.2.2 Organizational structure of the institution including governing body, administrative setup, and
functions of various bodies, service rules, procedures, recruitment, promotional policies as well as
grievance redressal mechanism
SSCET has well established organizational structure to execute out smooth functioning of administrative
and academic processes.
A. Administrative Bodies:
1.Governing Body
5. HODs
B. Governing Body
The Governing Body consists of odd members nominated by management where Principal is the member
secretary. It is constituted as per AICTE guidelines and its functions are as follows
C. Functions of Principal:
To implement the approved policies & decisions of the GB including budget in consultation with
To take appropriate action for ensuring compliance with AICTE, Government and University
As the Chairman of the IQAC, constitute sub-committees for delegation of responsibilities and
coordinate for smooth implementation of polices with respect to academics, research and
development activities, admissions, examinations, evaluations, training & placements, and industry
institute interactions.
To constitute various sub-committees with specific functions for holistic development of the
To keep pace with the developments in higher education space and prepare framework for planned
D. Functions of Deans
1. The senior Faculties are appointed as Deans with specific duties & responsibilities.
E. Functions of HODs
Provide necessary inputs to the Principal in the Council of HODs Meetings and ensure effective
and timely implementation of the decisions taken at the council of HODs meeting.
Convene departmental staff meeting once in a week and strive for academic excellence of staff &
students and holistic personality development of the students.
To create the responsive and accountable attitude among all the stakeholders & to maintain harmonious
educational atmosphere. Provide suggestion box at an administrative block,library, and departments.
Provide e-mails to members. Ensure assure that the grievance/ issues/complains has been properly solved
in a stipulated time limit.
G. Anti-ragging committee
Providing respectful and secured environment. To follow anti-ragging act as per the guidelines AICTE.
Provide anti-ragging instructions with contacts. Conduct awareness programs
The revised and updated service rules were published by Society in January 2017 with respect to
recruitment, promotion and grievances redressal.
2.To conduct Induction Program for Fresher students admitted in to First and Direct Second Year (Lateral
Entry) students.
Implementation of 1
Industry Academia meet is conducted on 21st Jan 2017 for the enhancement of industry institute
interaction and students employability opportunity in the seminar hall of the institute. More than 300
number of students actively participated in the program. Nearly 12 experts from 5 industries/ institute of
repute addressed the students and faculties. Special sessions are also conducted for Final Year students for
the development of employability skill for BE students.
Implementation 2
Induction Program for Fresher and LE students admitted was conducted in the Seminar Hall. Students are
informed about the teaching –Learning practices carried out at SSCET. The mentoring system like
guardian faculty member, exam pattern and procedure, career oppertunity after engineering etc were
explained to students.
Employees are undeniably crucial stakeholders who influence organisational effectiveness by stabilizing
the tremor caused by adaptive environment. The management of SSCET implemented various monetary as
well as non-monetary welfare measures for employees. Monetary welfare schemes are
1.Maternity Leave
2.Staff Loan
3.Staff Ward concession
4.Leave for higher education
5.Medical Policy
6.Bus facility
7.Gratuity and Provident Fund
Apart from Monetary schemes various non-monetary welfare schemes are provided to employees for their
professional development. The schemes are listed below
Technical workshops are conducted to keep pace with syllabus and new technologies.
Faculty development programs /STTP are conducted in the institute.
Faculty members are encouraged to attend seminars and conferences.
Experts from the industry and academia are invited for interaction with the staff.
The institute motivates the faculty and staff for arranging / attending industrial training programs/
Faculty members are encouraged/ assisted to undertake professional body membership for active
Senior academicians from Instittute of repute are present in each department to provide professional
exposure to other faculty members
Training programs are arranged for updating the knowledge of the non-teaching staff.
Faculty members are encouraged and benefited from qualification improvement programs such as
PhD by providing adequate time to undertake course work and research work.
Response: 1.82 Number of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences / workshops and towards
membership fee of professional bodies year-wise during the last five years
3 4 1 0 0
Response: 2 Total number of professional development / administrative training programs organized by the
Institution for teaching and non teaching staff year-wise during the last five years
3 2 2 2 1
6.3.4 Average percentage of teachers attending professional development programs viz., Orientation
Program, Refresher Course, Short Term Course, Faculty Development Program during the last five
Response: 83.65 Total number of teachers attending professional development programs, viz., Orientation Program,
Refresher Course, Short Term Course, Faculty Development Programs year-wise during the last five years
75 72 73 71 67
6.3.5 Institution has Performance Appraisal System for teaching and non-teaching staff
Yes, the institution has performance appraisal system for teaching and non-teaching staff which Works on
Certain Objective. Academic Performance Indicator (API) System is compulsory for all teaching faculties.
This motivates all faculty members to be involved in personal grooming by way of teaching-learning,
subject results, plenary lectures in conferences, workshops and thereby networking with other experts in
the field from both academia and industry. Performance appraisal plays a role in making the decision about
intensive. Normally salary increment of the teacher depends upon performance. There is continuous
Evolution of his performance either professionally and ethical approach.
With Performance appraisal tool, the strengths and weakness of the teacher are identified. This information
can be used for devising training and development program appropriate for overcoming the weakness of
The Head of the Department and The Principal gives the feedback on the performance appraisal form filled
by the concerned faculty about the overall performance of the faculty based on the information provided by
the staff members in their self-appraisal form and through regular presentations where the faculty
contributes the information and ideas in the improvement.
Self-appraisal form is given to each Faculty. Based on theanalysis and acheievement of the targets the
corrective actions are taken.
Corrective Measures
The information and the remarks provided by the HODs and the Principal on the performance appraisal
help the faculty to gain insights for improvement. The following inputs are provided to the faculty in the
light of the review of the performance appraisal report. Enhance competency through strengthening
knowledge in the subject. Introduce the variety of teaching methods suited to the requirements of the
subject. Increase interaction with the students and encourage participation in the learning. Develop
convenience to the students outside the class. Prepare adequately prior to the classes.Ensure syllabus
complete on time.
All the finance related issues are monitored and verified by external agency Ashok Chitlange & Co
(Registered Chartered Accountant) and internal audit is headed by Chairman in consultation with Finance
and Account. Internal Committee is responsible for the financial audit and it is presented to registered CA.
The information related to account is periodically updated using various software (eg. Tally, ERP) and
funds received from EBC scholarship schemes from state government authorities is distributed amongst the
student. The audit for F.Y. 2017-18 was successfully conducted by registered CA.
6.4.2 Funds / Grants received from non-government bodies, individuals, Philanthropists during the
last five years (not covered in Criterion III) (INR in Lakhs)
Response: 2.95 Total Grants received from non-government bodies, individuals, philanthropists year-wise during
the last five years (INR in Lakhs)
6.4.3 Institutional strategies for mobilisation of funds and the optimal utilisation of resources
Financial management and resource mobilization process carried out by the institute is elaborated
1.The management appoints registered chartered accountant as an external auditor for the audit process
of all the accounts of trust and institute every year.
2.The external auditor verifies income and expenditure of various aspects, receipts and payment vouchers
of daily transactions are checked by external auditor. After scrutinizing and preparing the income and
expenditure report, external auditor will present the audited statement to the management.
3.The management discusses and approves the audited report in general body meeting at institute level.
4.The accountant of the institute daily checks the receipts and payment vouchers and records the same.
5.The source of income includes student’ fees received by transparent system and deposited in institute’s
bank account from the students and fund from scholarships / free ships from government schemes.
6.TheExpenditure includes salary of regular and contractual staff, infrastructural development, instrument
purchase/ maintenance for academic and administration purpose.
7.The last financial audit was done for Financial Year 2016-17 successfully.
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) is an important body monitoring the process of teaching,
learning and evaluation in following ways:-
Use of ICT base teaching- learning practices, use of smart board interactive teaching learning. The
evaluation of following practices is carried out by IQAC in the form of offline feedback through HOD and
principal. The performances of faculty were evaluated by using API tool and the action is taken for
improvement of teaching-learning process.
The institute has an active NSS unit and departmental student associations. Numerous of the activities have
been organized in near past, such as adoption of the village, having a residential camp for building a
rapport with the villagers and an understanding of their problems, Organizing Blood donation camps, say
No to Plastic, Go Green, Digital India, & road Safety week.
The Institution has collaborated with the different organizations to provide the internship, field trip and
help students in the research work, carrying out their project work. Under the Memorandum of
Understandings Signed among the Institution and various Organizations.
The institute has started the Incubation Centre for the young entrepreneur. Workshops and seminars are
conducted frequently on current trends and Industry-Academia Innovative.
The institution organizes national / International conferences/ workshop for the student to showcase the
talent of students.
Based on the Vision and Mission of the institute and inputs from various stakeholders, the Quality Policy is
The Governing Body and Local Management Committee give general guidelines for appropriate
governance to realize the vision. Principal, and Heads of the Departments have
ample independence in academic and administrative decision making. IQAC cell examines and appraise all
mechanisms of academic and administrative processes and make certain that quality is promoted and
sustained at every level. Academic Performance Indicator (API) System is compulsory for all teaching
staff members. This motivates all the staff members to be involved in personal grooming with other experts
in the field from both academia and industry.
Involvements of all the stakeholder for the development of institute is achieved by Alumni Association,
Industry Linkage (MOUs/ Field Visits/ Internship/ Vocational Training/ Add On Courses etc.), Parent
Feedback, Student Feedback, Teachers achievement.
IQAC promote, stimulate and monitor the internal evaluation of the students, in the form of tests,
tutorials, assignments, practical, and major/ minor projects/seminar.
By conducting Test, Mock Viva, Quiz, Mid Semester Exam, Assignment, Minor Project/ Major Project/
Seminar Presentations in accordance with University Curriculum and Teaching Plan.
6.5.2 The institution reviews its teaching learning process, structures & methodologies of operations
and learning outcomes at periodic intervals through IQAC set up as per norms
IQAC collects the information from each department, about the syllabus covered, evaluation contents,
extracurricular, co-curricular and practices organized, any social activities carried out, research activities,
student feedback about academics and organizational processes. Using above input, IQAC takes review of
in place teaching-learning practices which enables IQAC to propose upgrading in teaching-learning
process. Cell interacts with other institutes, gets the best practices, and shares the same with students and
faculty members. It analyses results of internal assessment and university exam. IQAC collects review of
course diary, continuous assessment, theory and practical attendance, lab manuals, staff feedback etc in
every semester. IQAC monitors the feedback system and takes appropriate corrective actions. In addition
to this, Annual Appraisal of the faculty member is evaluated by the IQAC of the institute. Based upon
these evaluations, remedial measures are taken to improve the quality of teaching and learning. The
Institution through its IQAC cell makes meticulous and incessant efforts to study, evaluate and cope every
policy, action, method and practice in all activities with a aim to accomplish, maintain and augment
eminence with a view to achieve excellence. Continuous feedback, Academic Audit from government
regulatory bodies like the BATU, DTE and AICTE. The quality is maintained at each level of academics,
administration, and infrastructure development. The Institution in place a proper procedure for conducting
internal academic audit and external audit. Outcome of both internal and external audits are discussed and
the areas acknowledged for up gradation are taken in to consideration.
6.5.3 Average number of quality initiatives by IQAC for promoting quality culture per year
Response: 6.6 Number of quality initiatives by IQAC for promoting quality year-wise for the last five years
13 6 5 5 4
1.Regular meeting of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC); timely submission of Annual
Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) to NAAC; Feedback collected, analysed and used for
2.Academic Administrative Audit (AAA) and initiation of follow up action
3.Participation in NIRF
4.ISO Certification
5.NBA or any other quality audit
6.5.5 Incremental improvements made during the preceding five years (in case of first cycle) Post
accreditation quality initiatives (second and subsequent cycles)
Following quality enhancement initiatives in the academic and administrative domains are
successfully implemented during the last five years
Lab Up gradation
Modernization of project lab
Industry Expert Interaction
Industry visit
Career Guidance Program for student
Integration of ICT in Teaching Learning
Gaps in Syllabus/Topics Beyond Syllabus through workshop/seminar/ Guest lecture/ extra
Advance Learner
NPTEL Courses
e- learning
Response: 16 Number of gender equity promotion programs organized by the institution year-wise during the last
five years
3 4 3 3 3
A Cell to Combat Sexual Harassment also exists at SSCET to resolve the grievances and
complaints lodged by the students and teachers. The Head of the Departments also take care of the
grievances and complaints of the students as well as teachers. Periodic review is taken by the the
The college has organised a One day workshop on ‘Awareness towards women harassment at
Institution and Workplace’ (on 21st Aug 2017
Common room for women and separate rest rooms for women staff and students are not available
at present.
The University ensures proper care of its employees and students. Various cells and committees are
active for taking complaints and grievances and resolve timely. SSCET has an Anti-ragging
Committee. It keeps vigil in the campus as well as in the hostels. Ragging related grievances and
complaints of the students are lodged with the Dean Academic, who sets up a fact finding team and
submits its report to the Principal for final decision.
In the University, the Department of Population Studies conducts activities related to empowerment
of women, awareness for economic autonomy, domestic violence, fertility behaviour and
importance of girl child. Gender related workshops/conferences/ seminars organized by this
department and held at the University are as below:
One day workshop (21st Aug 2017) on ‘Awareness towards women harassment at Institution and
National Seminar on ‘Women Empowerment’ on 26th Jan 2018.
There is a Women Harassment Removal Committee (WHRC) for looking into the cases of Women
harassment at the campus. The composition of the Committee and phone numbers of the members
are informed in the Prospectus of the University and displayed on the boards in the buildings of the
University. Any student, staff member, teacher may file the complaint to the Convener of the
WHRC, who then convenes the meeting of the Committee. Recommendations for action, if any
required against the person concerned are then forwarded to the Vice Chancellor.
No case has been reported in the Institute during last four years.
1.Percentage of annual power requirement of the Institution met by the renewable energy
Response: 5.17 Annual power requirement met by the renewable energy sources (in KWH)
Response: 18
Response: 348
7.1.4 Percentage of annual lighting power requirements met through LED bulbs
Response: 19.71 Annual lighting power requirement met through LED bulbs (in KWH)
Response: 2.43
Response: 12.33
For disposal of Organic Waste, the College has adopted the route of Composting, wherein the waste is
collected in a pit and after the composting the same is used as fertilizer in garden.
The liquid waste generated from the institute is directly passed to the drainage system.
E-waste management: -
Electronic waste or E-waste such as discarded computers, electronic scrap component, CPU’S, mouse &
keyboards collected and stored carefully before it is handed over and sold to respective vendors for
recycling purpose. Old computer machines are transferred to the local community
schools. Other old electrical, electronic devices are sold or exchanged to the vendors. E-project waste is
collected & reused for new projects.
The college has few bore wells to meet the general water needs of the institution. Within the campus, a big
tank is constructed to collect the rainwater. This rainwater is very carefully used for gardening
purposes.The institute has implemented the rooftop rainwater harvesting system in the campus. All water
outlets in the building are connected to the main pipe and then filtered through rainwater filters and then
this treated rainwater used for recharging the bore well. The water level increases according to the intensity
of the rain.This will help to use sufficient amount of water during the summer season and will reduce the
water bills.
Students and staffs using bicycles, public transport system with pedestrian-friendly roads.
The institute has all-weather approach concrete road is made by and which is accessible for bicycles, all
type of public transport vehicles and pedestrian friendly. Besides this institute observe NO VEHICLE
DAY to initiate green practices.
Plastic-free Campus: - Institute initiates to make the campus plastic free by displaying the instructional
boards within the campus. All the collected plastic waste is supplied to vendors for recycling purpose.
Paperless office:-
A paperless office is a work environment in which the use of paper is greatly reduced. For this purpose, the
institute using the digital techniques such as Google forms, emergency notices via email and social media
like Whats App and reducing the number of printing pages by changing the printer setting to make it
mandatory to print on both the sides. Used rough papers are again utilized for any printing to reduce the
page consumption.
All the campus is nourished with “Flora & Fauna” and made the campus green by the plantation of trees
around the campus. Green landscaping is provided within the campus. Also omenclature of all trees has
done within the campus.
7.1.8 Average percentage expenditure on green initiatives and waste management excluding salary
component during the last five years
Response: 3.25 Total expenditure on green initiatives and waste management excluding salary component year-
wise during the last five years(INR in Lakhs)
1.Physical facilities
2.Provision for lift
3.Ramp / Rails
4.Braille Software/facilities
5.Rest Rooms
6.Scribes for examination
7.Special skill development for differently abled students
7.1.10 Number of Specific initiatives to address locational advantages and disadvantages during the
last five years
Response: 13 Number of specific initiatives to address locational advantages and disadvantages year-wise
during the last five years
2 2 3 2 4
7.1.11 Number of initiatives taken to engage with and contribute to local community during the last
five years (Not addressed elsewhere)
Response: 13 Number of initiatives taken to engage with and contribute to local community year-wise during
the last five years
2 2 3 2 4
Code of conduct handbook exists for students, teachers, governing body, administration including
Vice Chancellor / Director / Principal /Officials and support staff
Response: Yes
Response: Yes
7.1.14 The institution plans and organizes appropriate activities to increase consciousness about
national identities and symbols; Fundamental Duties and Rights of Indian citizens and other
constitutional obligations
Response: Yes
7.1.15 The institution offers a course on Human Values and professional ethics
Response: Yes
7.1.16 The institution functioning is as per professional code of prescribed / suggested by statutory
bodies / regulatory authorities for different professions
Response: Yes
7.1.17 Number of activities conducted for promotion of universal values (Truth, Righteous conduct,
Love, Non-Violence and peace); national values, human values, national integration, communal
harmony and social cohesion as well as for observance of fundamental duties during the last five
Response: 54 Number of activities conducted for promotion of universal values (Truth, Righteous conduct,
Love, Non-Violence and peace); national values, human values, national integration, communal harmony
and social cohesion as well as for observance of fundamental duties year-wise during the last five years
12 11 11 9 11
7.1.18 Institution organizes national festivals and birth / death anniversaries of the great Indian
Yes, Institution organizes national festivals and birth & death anniversaries of the great Indian
Independence Day
Republic Day
Gandhi Jayanti
Birth anniversary of Sir M. Vishweshwaraiah as ‘Engineers day’
7.1.19 The institution maintains complete transparency in its financial, academic, administrative and
auxiliary functions
The institution maintains complete transparency in its financial, administrative and auxiliary functions.The
institute is made the provision for the transparency in each work such as financial, administrative and
auxiliary functions.
Financial Functions
1.The external audit sheet is made yearly.
2.Sanctioned College fees are displayed on notice board.
3.All the transactions of college fees are paid by the student through Cash/NEFT/DD.
Academic Functions
1.Displaying the term work & unit test marks on students on notice board on time and get a chance to
verify their papers
2.Displaying the online exam marks of students on notice board.
3.Displaying the student attendance regularly on time.
Administrative & Auxiliary Functions
1.The Hierarchy chart is maintained and being followed strictly.
2.Displayed the important informative circulars for the students on notice board regularly.
Best Practice 1
1 Title of the Practice Improving Teaching Learning Process for better Academic Standards
2 Goal To create a student -centric learning environment and systems to enable s
to realize their full potential and graduate with adequate prof
competence required by the present day technologically advanced multi
3 The Context With the swift growth in engineering education, the quality and ac
standards have suffered. The poor quality and professional compet
4 The Practice The practice is that of creating an efficient mentor-ward system. Each te
assigned 15-20 students. They meet at least once a week to discuss, cla
primarily to share various problems which may be personal, domestic, ac
etc. The teacher is equipped with all the necessary information about
wards on a file. The teacher involves local guardians and parents a
whenever necessary.
The distinctive performance of the Institute which is aligned with the vision is the teaching-learning
process as the Institute would like to see itself a leading institution in engineering and management
education as enumerated in the Vision statement.
The salient features about teaching-learning process which is considered a priority and thrust area are
described below:
1.The Institute prepares its own Academic Calendar well in advance before the start of the semester,
considering Govt./University holidays. It includes specific dates for conduction of three theory
Internal Assessments (IA), lab IA, co-curricular & extra-curricular activities, student counselling,
and schedule for unit-wise completion of syllabus, Students Performance Analysis (SPA) meetings
and Continuous Assessment Meetings (CAM).
2.Subjects are allotted to the faculty members for the forthcoming semester immediately after the end
of the previous semester looking into the faculty specialization, experience and workload.
3.It is ensured that the minimum contact hours for theory & laboratory as per university scheme is
maintained in spite of unforeseen unscheduled holidays.
4.Faculty members who are new to teaching undergo training on pedagogical methods of teaching in
addition to in-house Faculty Development Programs. Faculty members are trained to effectively to
utilize the lecture duration.
5.In addition to traditional teaching-learning methodologies, the Faculty members adopt group
discussions, relevant videos, seminars, mini projects, case studies, PPTs, real time examples,
simulations, Quizzes, depending on the course and the situation create the best learning
environment for the students to make them think critically.
6.Difficult subjects are identified based on previous results for which tutorial classes are conducted.
7.Innovative teaching-learning club is initiated in the college to facilitate to explore creative teaching-
learning techniques.
8.Each class room is designed & maintained as per AICTE norms with respect to carpet area,
lighting, ventilation and smart class rooms are provided with LCD projectors wi fi connectivity.
9.The lecture capture solution facilitates record of every lecture delivered by the faculty which can be
viewed by the students any number of times at a later time. This helps slow learners to go through
youtube channel and to understand the difficult concepts at their own pace.
10.Incubation center recently set up and one patent filed.
11.Career Guidance training programs are conducted for students to help them explore various career
12.Faculty members are encouraged to certify in SWAYAM courses. Faculty and students are
encouraged to make use of NDL, Sakshat portals intiatives of MHRD- UGC.
13.The institute enabled rain water harvesting project in near by village by spending around 20 lakhs
Additional Information :
Quality Policy
We at ShriSai College of Engineering and Technology, strive to bring out and nurture the talents and skills of
youth with Quality Technical Education, motivate them to be self-disciplined and develop their competence to
face the challenges of globalization. We shall achieve this by
Where we believe that education should stimulate the minds of the young and inflame their intellect.
Where global citizens of tomorrow are groomed by dedicated and trained faculty.
Where the focus is on teaching not just to make a living but how to make a life.
Where there is symbiosis of technological development and human values.
Consistent institutional growth with respect to student intake, faculty, infrastructural, facilities, etc.
Students’ extraordinary performance at university examination.
Campus placement for eligible students.
Increase in number of students planning for higher studies.
Organization of successful national and international level events.
Conduct of university curriculum with full effectiveness and performance monitoring.
Mock test to boost confidence and performance in campus placement.
Emphasis on extra-curricular and co-curricular activities for overall growth of personality.
Concluding Remarks :
Right from its inception in 2009 with just four branches of undergraduate Engineering courses, the Institution
has grown leaps and bounds both in its size as well as stature till this day and promises to continue in its
progressive mode of placing at the hands of our nation , Engineers with knowledge, skill as well as human
values. The Institution has been constantly refining its focus as well as modus operandi in achieving the Vision
it has set for itself. The descriptive summaries and the accompanying data under each criterion are a proof of
the sincere efforts of the Institution in this direction. It is a firm belief as well as the perception of the
Management of this Institution that the growth in infrastructure, academics, research, co-curricular and
extracurricular activities, activities on social and national issues for creating awareness as well as mitigating the
problems, contributions in terms of activities of relevance to local community around the Institution - have all
been in keeping with the expectations of NAAC - a wing of the UGC, highly relevant to the present-day
educational scenario in the country.