Implementation of Problem-Based Learning Using Mind Mapping and A Growth Mindset in The Covid-19 Pandemic Situation

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 608

Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Technical and Vocational

Education and Training (ICTVET 2021)

Implementation of Problem-Based Learning Using

Mind Mapping and a Growth Mindset in the Covid-19
Pandemic Situation
Sri Siswati1,*, Elsa Giatri1, Fahmi Rizal2, M.Giatman2
Andalas University Padang Indonesia
Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia
Corresponding author. Email:

Education data in the world can be seen in the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA). Indonesia in
2018 was ranked 183 out of 189 countries. For thinking ahead or Growth Mindset, Indonesia is ranked 186 out of
189 countries. Education and this way of thinking is quite worrying because it is at the bottom. Human Development
Index (UNDP) 2020, Indonesia is in position 107 out of 189 countries with 3 indicators, namely education, health
and economy. Facing the 21st century, education is directed at students' creative, critical, communication,
collaborative and computational skills, compassion to solve increasingly complex and uncertain problems. This study
aims to change the mindset of students into a growth mindset and aims to develop a case-based model with a valid
mind mapping, practical and effective by using the 4 skills to solve problems. Research and development method
with "Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation" approach”. The study showed that student
achievement in the experimental class was valid, practical and effective with a score of 82.73 and the control class
69.17. Students are prepared to learn with a growth mindset, the ability to use the left and right brain in a balanced
way step by step in learning.

Keywords: Problem Based Learning, Mind Mapping, Growth Mindset, Thinking 4 C

1. INTRODUCTION finally the PPKM policy or Enforcement of Restrictions

on Community Activities.
Educational achievements in the world can be seen
from Program for International Student Assessment The Covid-19 pandemic has completely changed
(PISA) data, Indonesia's position in 2018 was ranked our education, where the face-to-face learning system
183 out of 189 countries and this is quite worrying. was forced to switch to an online learning system.
Meanwhile, in the way of thinking ahead or Growth Developments in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era,
Mind-Set, it is ranked 186 out of 189 countries. education is faced with challenging conditions known
According to the United Nations Development Program as VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity,
UNDP [1] Indonesia is in position 107 out of 189 Ambiguity). Volatility is an ever-changing state.
countries with 3 related indicators, namely education, Uncertainty, is uncertainty in the future, Complexity,
health and economy. During the COVID-19 pandemic which is a very complex problem faced and Ambiguity,
with various policies to save the dangers of the which describes uncertainty. Education in the XX1
COVID-19 pandemic, there were Large-Scale Social century requires graduates who have good competence
Restrictions (PSBB) policies in various provinces in in dealing with the problems above, known as the
Indonesia, Limited-Scale Social Restrictions, and abilities of Creativity, Critical Thinking, Collaboration,
Communication (4C). In line with the need for 4C, it

Copyright © 2021 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license - 72
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 608

has also been expanded by adding another 2C to 6C, based learning is expected to train and develop
Computalogic and Compassion. students' abilities to be creative and critical.
The learning model began to change according to Develop higher order thinking skills. According to
the demands of learning needs, starting from the change Resnick & Mathematics [8] higher-order thinking has
from Teacher Center Learning to Student Center characteristics, namely: (1) non-algaritic, meaning that
Learning. Learning is no longer from lecturers to the flow of thinking cannot be fully determined in
students, but occurs in two directions and is more advance, (2) tends to be complex, meaning that the
dominant in students. Learning is directed at students' entire flow of thinking cannot be observed from one
independence to seek knowledge independently and point of view. course, (3) generates many solutions, (4)
that is made possible by the Internet of Things. involves consideration and interpretation, (5) involves
Students are free to independently search easily from the application of many criteria, which sometimes
the e-library what they want to know, learn and contradict each other, (6) often involves uncertainty, in
implement. Students through cyberspace travel around the sense that not everything related to the task is
the world seeking knowledge and thinking creatively known, (7) involves self-regulation in the thinking
and critically, communicating easily and collaborating process, which means that in the process of looking for
with various desired networks in solving problems at problem solving, it is not allowed to help others at
hand. every stage of thinking, (8) involves searching for
meaning, in the sense of finding structure in situations
Ethics and Health Law are subjects taught in
that seem disorganized, (9) requires hard work, in the
various health study programs such as medicine,
sense that massive mental effort is required when
midwifery, pharmacy, and public health. This course
performing various tasks. types of elaboration and
equips students with material on public health ethics,
consideration” needed.
clinical ethics, professional ethics and research ethics.
The competencies expected from the Bachelor of Studying various adult roles by involving students
Public Health are Science 40%, Skills 30% and Ethics in real or simulated experiences (adult modeling), helps
30% IAKMI [3]. Learning Ethics and Health Law by students to perform in real life situations and learn to
using problem-based learning is a necessity in perform adult roles. Being a self-study student, does not
achieving competence. Skills and ethics can be always depend too much on the lecturer.
implemented in the Ethics and Health Law course by
using the main ideas that will be discussed, either ethics 1.1. Characteristics of Problem Based
or health law. Learning Model
Problem-based learning is a learning model whose
Based on the theory explained by Shoimin [9],
process requires critical and creative thinking to find
several characteristics of problem-based learning
solutions in problem solving. This creative thinking
include (1) Student-centered learning, namely a
requires higher order thinking skills. However, higher-
student-centered learning process, where students are
order thinking in question still pays attention to basic
encouraged to be able to develop their knowledge
abilities. The goal to be achieved from problem-based
independently. based on constructivism theory, (2)
learning is the ability of students to think critically,
authentic problems, where students need to be
analytically and logically to find alternative problem
presented with real problems (authentic), so students
solving through exploration of empirical data to foster
can easily understand the problem and can apply it in
scientific attitudes [4][5]. According to Amir [6] the
real life later, (3) learning occurs in small groups, there
problem-based learning process is not just a procedure,
needs to be interaction scientific research and
but it is part of learning to manage oneself as a life
brainstorming in developing knowledge collaboratively
skill. Understanding Problem Based Learning (PBL)
in small groups with clear division of tasks and
according to Esema et al [7], is a learning approach that
formulation of objectives, (4) new information through
uses real-world problems as a context for students to
independent study, where students will try to find new
learn. about critical thinking and problem-solving
information through various sources in the context of
skills, as well as to acquire important knowledge and
the problem solving process that they do not understand
concepts from learning materials. Therefore, problem-
well, (5) the lecturer acts as a facilitator, I emphasize
the role of the lecturer as a facilitator and motivator in

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 608

the learning process. In addition, the need for lecturers remember the knowledge and information that has been
to monitor the development of student activities and obtained. This method was discovered by Tony Buzan
will always encourage the achievement of learning in his book The Mind Book in several of his writings,
targets (learning outcomes). there are those who direct this mind map as a model,
method, technique or tool.
1.2. Problem-based learning syntax model The benefits of using the Mind Mapping technique
The syntax for the Problem Based Learning Model can make it easier for students to process conceptual
is also known as Seven Jumps Steps [10]. This study information and understand it gradually. In addition,
uses Seven Jumps Steps which was developed using this learning model can be made beautifully and
Mind Mapping. Consists of 7 steps. In Problem Based attractively, making it easier to review. Mind mapping
Learning, there is what is called a tutor and is the basis also makes it easier for students to remember and view
of problem-based learning. Learning in context, notes holistically, covering all the aspects described.
through a collaborative process from not knowing to Mind Mapping makes students use the balance of their
knowing. The learning method remains centered, brains to see the rays of thought and make it easier to
namely student-centered learning, independent find solutions to problems that occur.
learning, from small groups and large groups. Small
groups can be 2 people or one person depending on the 2. METHOD
students they are dealing with. In team teaching, if only
The development of the Problem Based Learning
one lecturer enters, then they can also function as
model with Mind Mapping is research conducted in the
lecturers and tutors. The Seven Jumping Steps are 1)
Ethics and Health Law course at the Faculty of Public
Understanding scenarios and explaining difficult terms;
Health, Unand in 2020. This model was developed in
2) Problem statement; 3) Brainstorming, 4) Analyzing
an effort to achieve higher-order thinking skills. Skills
the problem; 5) Studying learning problems, and 5)
in accordance with the demands of competence in the
Looking for references and 6) Synthesizing and
era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. This type of
research is Research and Development using the
In learning using Problem Based Learning with ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design,
seven meetings, students often do not heed these steps Development, Implementation and Evaluation). This
so that they seem boring and provide a bad experience. research was conducted based on the Research Master
To make it easier to understand, you can see the tables Plan of Andalas University and the Faculty of Public
below on the Problem Based Learning model with Health. The results of this study will be synchronized
tutorials. Lecturers usually double as tutors. According with the Case Method Classroom Action Research
to Laksono [11], it can be described in a step flow using which is currently being developed at Andalas
seven jumps (Figure 1). University. The Case-Based Method is also a Key
Performance Indicator for University Leaders in line
with the fulfillment of the accreditation form
implementation. This study uses the Research and
Development approach [12], namely the research
method used to produce certain products and test the
effectiveness of the method.
This Problem Based Learning Model is trying to be
integrated with various other tools that can make this
model further improve the thinking skills of high-level
students in achieving learning effectiveness, one of
Figure 1 7 jump steps chart
which is by using Mind Mapping or mind maps. Buzan
Mind mapping is a process that is used as a model Online in his book Mind Mapping Research and
or method, or technique. Usually mind mapping or in Studies says that Mind Mapping is a combination that
Indonesian means mind maps is a creative writing uses symbols, colors and visual-spatial arrangement,
learning technique to make it easier for students to which has been shown to significantly improve a

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 608

person's memory of information, compared to note- analyze the constraints found; (6) designing
taking and conventional learning methods. assessments to test students' competence. (7) analyze
the difference between the control class and the regular
Eggem & Kauchak [13] in their book Strategies and
class; and (8) consider whether the implementation is
Learning Models said problem-based learning is a set
virtual or not.”
or teaching model that uses problems as a focus to
develop problem-solving skills, materials and self-
regulation. Problem-based learning and learning have 3
2.1.2. Design
characteristics described in Scott and Laura's learning. This stage is also known as the design (blueprint) of
The characteristics of Problem-Based Learning include the “Case or Problem” Based Learning Model using
learning focused on problem-solving, problem-solving mind mapping on the topic of Public Health Ethics and
responsibility rests with students, and lecturers support Public Health Research Ethics. The stages carried out
the process when students work on problem solving. in the design process (1) formulate SMART learning
The world of education is required to have a high objectives (specific, measurable, applicable, and
level of education in the era of the Industrial realistic), (2) determine the appropriate learning
Revolution 4.0. The ability to solve problems, the strategy to achieve these goals with Focus Group
ability to communicate, the ability to develop soft Discussion (FGD).
skills. Thinking is the main process in the human brain
from direct learning, and students become Higher Order 2.1.3. Development
Thinking called (High Order Thinking Skill).
At this stage of development, it includes a problem-
2.1. ADDIE Development Model based learning model. It consists of 7 syntaxes and the
syntax is known as seven Steps [15]. After going
The model and procedure for developing Problem through the analysis and evaluation of learning needs in
Base Learning based on the main map is carried out the Health Ethics and Law course, the above syntax
using the model (ADDIE) in the image above. was adjusted by integrating the Mind-Mapping tool into
Appeared in the 1990s developed by Reiser and the Problem Based Learning model.
Mollenda. The steps (syntax) of the developed model are: (1)
Understanding the "learning process plan that is guided
by lesson plans and lecture contracts, (2) Organizing
students to learn to look for real problems and how to
use mind mapping conventionally or by using
Mindmapping, (3) Guiding individual and group
problem investigations, (4) Developing and making
group work results in problem solving using mind
mapping; (5) Analyzing and evaluating the problem
solving process using mind-mapping, (6) Looking for
references related to problem topics independently and
Figure 2 ADDIE development model communicating with the group, (7) presenting the
results of group discussions using mind-mapping with a
2.1.1 Analysis Phase (Analysis) moderator and meeting minutes (8) Summarizing the
results of the presentation of problem solving and
The activity at this stage of analysis is to find out follow-up discussions in the form of a “policy brief”
the components needed at the stage of developing and/or policy.
problem-based learning using mind mapping. The
mind-mapping process itself is carried out in stages: (1)
Determining the characteristics; (2) analyzing student
needs (3) “eating a concept map based on initial
research, followed by designing a flow chart that
provides clear directions for product production; (4)
determine the type of media to be developed; (5)

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 608

The results of the study were adjusted to the

research objectives by looking at the Validation of
Model Development. The model was validated
theoretically by 5 experts, namely linguists, model
experts, vocational technical education experts, content
experts, and evaluation experts.
Table 1. Model validity

3.2. Model Practical

Practicality of the Model to determine the
Figure 3 Development of syntax
practicality of using descriptive statistical analysis with
the percentage formula, then converting from
2.1.4. Implementation quantitative data to qualitative data as shown below
The model “Problem-Based Learning Using the with a quality measurement scale based on the
Mind-Mapping Model which has been developed in following results: 1) 90%-100% Very practical; 2)
accordance with the results of the analysis of special Practical; 3) Currently, 4) Not Practical and 5) Very
needs for the Health Ethics and Law course has been Impractical. To see the results of the practicality of the
tested for its limited application to the students of the developed model, the following results are obtained in
Bachelor of Public Health Program in that semester. the table below:
July – December 2020, consisting of 1 experimental Practicality Measurement from 5 experts results
class and 1 control class. The experimental class carried from 10 indicators, namely 84 to 96. The average of
out the learning process by applying the Problem Based these results is 89. Based on the data from the
Learning learning model using the mind mapping assessment results from the Expert group, Peer
learning model, while the control class carried out the Lecturers and Students, where the Problem-Based
learning process by applying the learning method Learning Model Using Mind-Mapping can be
which was usually done in the previous law and health concluded as Practical for implementation
ethics lectures.
Before the t-test was carried out in the control class
and the experimental class, a normality test of the data
2.1.5. Evaluation
was carried out, both visually the distribution of
The evaluation stage in this study was conducted to histogram data, as well as statistical tests "and through
see the results of the Problem-Based Learning trial the calculation of Zskewness and Zkurtosis. From these
using the Mind Mapping Model in the learning being results obtained visually normally distributed data,
studied. Therefore, all stages of evaluation aim to statistical tests (Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-
obtain the feasibility of the final product. This means Wilk) were normal with sig > 0.05 and data analysis of
it's decent in terms of content, design and user- Zskewness and Zkurtosis calculations was still in the
friendliness. range of ±1.96, declared normal and qualified for the
test. t-test.
3.3 Model Effectiveness
3.1. Model Validity To test the effectiveness of the model, the learning
No Component Validity V Model outcomes measurement method (CPL) was carried out,
namely "through the direct application of the Problem
Based Learning Model using Mind-Mapping to
1 Rational Model Valid 0.887 students of the Public Health Undergraduate Study
2 Model Supporting Valid (Valid) Program. The population of respondents was 170
Theory people, and the samples taken were 1 experimental
3 Model Syntax Valid class and 1 control class.
4 Social System Valid
5 Reaction Principle Valid
6 Support Systems Valid
7 Accompaniment Valid
Instructional Impact

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 608

In this study, there were 2 classes, namely the data obtained an average value of 82.73 and a standard
experimental class and the control class, each of which deviation of 5.72287.
consisted of 41 students. To ensure that the two classes
are homogeneous and have the same knowledge of 3.3.3. Model Effectiveness Test
learning materials, a pre-test was conducted for both
the control class and the experimental class. From the results of the calculation of the post-test
value between the experimental class and the post-test
The next stage is the experimental class is given the control class, there are differences in the results,
learning process of Health Ethics and Law through the namely the experimental class 82.73 and the control
application of Problem Based Learning using the Mind class 69.17. The pre-test and post-test of the
Mapping Learning Model, while the control class experimental class also showed different results, which
learning process is carried out with the usual learning were between 82.73 and 60.54. Thus, the use of
model through guided group presentations. with topics problem-based learning using the mind mapping model
in the Learning Process Plan. Furthermore, after being is effective.
given the learning process in the Experimental Class
and Control Class, a Post Test was conducted in both
3.4. Measurement of Respondents' Creativity
classes with the same questions between the pre-test
and post-test and between the Experiment class and From the results of measuring student creativity in
Control class. the experimental class and control class using the
measurement application in Tony Buzan's book. to see
3.3.1 Results of Pre-Test Control and Pre-Test the creativity of a person's genius by answering 10 yes
Experiments or no questions. The results of the creativity class
measurement were filled in by 74 respondents and the
The results of the normality test of the experimental results obtained in the table below:
class pretest data using SPSS Ver16, at a 95%
confidence level, the processed data were obtained as
follows. From the results of the visual histogram, it can
be seen that the distribution of the data is close to
normal, the average value of the pre-test experimental
class with 41 students is 60.54 with a standard
deviation of 6.797. The histogram image can be seen in
the image below. From the results of the normality test
of the control class pretest data using SPSS Ver16, at a
95% confidence level, the processed data were obtained
from 41 students with an average score of 58.10 with a There are 25.67% of respondents who are balanced
standard deviation of 6.79242. using the left and right brain.

3.3.2. Results of the Control Class Post Test and

Experimental Post Test
Both classes, both the experimental class and the
control class, were given a post test to see the results of Learning using case-solving methods or problem-
developing the PBL model using this mind mapping. based learning in principle is also called problem-based
From the results of processing the control class post- learning. This method can improve competence on
test scores using SPSS Ver 16, at a 95% confidence solving complex cases in the future, creativity and
level obtained from 41 students, the data obtained an critical thinking, collaboration and communication.
average value of 68.51 and a standard deviation of Learning uses case solving with Mind-Mapping using
4664.34. From the results of processing the post-test an 8-step syntax. In addition, this model is considered
scores of the experimental class using SPSS Ver 16, at valid by scientists, educators, and students who apply
a 95% confidence level obtained from 41 students, the it. Problem-Based Learning with Mind-Mapping was
also considered practical by the assessment team
consisting of experts, peer lecturers and students.

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