Study Skills
Study Skills
Study Skills
Critical thinking, creative thinking, communication, and collaboration are the four Cs of 21st-
century learning. In a fast changing and increasingly interconnected world, it is critical to
widen our view of education's purpose and possibilities. We can improve the way our
generation performs in academic performance and ensure a meaningful learning journey and
a prosperous future by paying greater attention to ‘The 4 C's learning skill’. These skills
facilitate learning, which makes them necessary for academic success as well as other areas.
In this assignment we will look into one of the 4C’s, known as ‘critical thinking’. Through
this assignment we will answer questions such as: how critical thinking is important in
education field in the 21st century? How it helps us to learn better? How to develop this
crucial skill and so on.
1. Through critical thinking, students learn to investigate ideas and seek the truth.
2. Students that are creative learn to think in ways that are unique to them.
3. Collaboration teaches students that working in groups can result in something more
substantial and better than working alone.
4. Through communication, students learn how to effectively transmit ideas.
In conclusion, being an undergraduate in 2023 is not the same as being one in 2011. The
educational landscape has changed dramatically in the last ten years. As the globe continues
to face new difficulties, particularly because of COVID-19, younger individuals, and the
education systems they are a part of are becoming increasingly dynamic. However, any
system of learning that has endured over the course of time has fundamentals. Instilling
Critical Thinking abilities has always been emphasized and applied by educators across the
liberal education range. Every student should be able to think critically and not take anything
for granted. The goal of Critical Thinking is to develop independent thinking, personal
autonomy, and logical judgment in both thought and behaviour.
Improving a student's capacity for critical thinking is especially important under a liberal
education approach that focuses on teaching learners how to think rather than what to think.
Critical thinking is an important skill that all students must pursue in the 21st century. The
spoon-feeding framework of learning has improved. It is a better academic achievement era
with better skills to implement.