Safonification Conductometrically SS-13062021 Upload
Safonification Conductometrically SS-13062021 Upload
Safonification Conductometrically SS-13062021 Upload
A) Requirements:
Ethylacetate solution (N/25), NaOH (N/25), Acetic acid (N/10), Oxalic acid,
Conductometer and Conductivity cell, Burette, Pipette, Conical flask, beakers.
B) Theory:
In the presence of base, NaOH, the hydrolysis of CH3COOEt ester takes place to
produce H3CCOO-Na+ and EtOH as follows:
The reaction follows the 2nd order kinetics. The rate of the reaction can given by:
Rate = − 𝑑𝑡 [𝐸𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟] = 𝑘 [𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟][𝑂𝐻−]
where k = Second order rate constant in unit of mol-1LS-1.
In the above reaction hydroxide ion progressively consumed by acetate ion. Since
the ionic mobility of OH- ( 0 = 198.5 Ohm-1cm2mol-1) is much higher than CH3COO-
ion ( 0 = 40.9 Ohm-1cm2mol-1); the conductance of the reaction mixture
progressively decreased with the time t. The conductance measurement of the
reaction mixture thus provides a means of estimation of the amounts of these ions
present and hence allow us to monitor the progress of reaction with time.
If the conductance of the reaction mixture are Co, Ct & C∞ at the beginning (t = 0),
any intermediate time (t = t) and at completion of reaction (t = ∞) respectively (where,
Co > Ct > C∞), then,
a (C0-C∞),
x (C0-Ct)
hence, (a-x) (Ct-C∞).
(𝒄𝟎 − 𝒄𝒕 )
(𝒄𝒕 − 𝒄∞ )
Plot of (Co - Ct)/ (Ct - C∞) vs. t (time) gives a straight line passing through origin with
positive slope of ‘k x a’. Since, the initial concentration of the ester is known, k can
be obtained from the slope. While, Ct is determined from the measurements of
conductance at different time interval, C∞ can be determined indirectly by measuring
the conductance of a mixture of solution having same concentration of NaOH and
acetic acid. For, determination of C0 only NaOH solution of same concentration need
to be measured.
C) Procedure:
1. Preparation of exact N/10 Oxalic acid standard solution.
2. Standardization of ~N/10 NaOH (given) with prepared oxalic acid solution.
3. Preparation of 100 mL N/25 NaOH (exact).
4. 50 ml (N/25) exact ethyl acetate was prepared.
5. Measure the conductance of 50 mL N/25 NaOH which is considered as C0.
6. Prepare the reaction mixture by adding 50mL of N/25 NaOH in 50 mL of N/25
ethyl acetate.
7. Start taking conductance reading using conductivity cell connected to
conductivity meter. The conductivity meter should be calibrated before start
of the experiment.
8. The conductance reading of the reaction mixture in different time should be
noted in Table 2. This reading is denoted as Ct value.
9. After about one hour (when the variation of conductance will be very small),
reaction mixture is heated (~80 C for ~30 mints), then cooled and
conductance reading is taken in a same way. This reading is marked as C.
[Note: Alternatively, the conductance of solution containing 50 ml N/25 NaOH
and 50 ml N/25 AcOH can be treated as C∞].
V1N1 = V2N2 ; N2 = say, 0.101N
a= C0 - C = 2.27 mS
Graph 1: The variation of conductance with time during the progress of reaction of
ethylacetate hydrolysis in base medium:
= (= )
= .