2022-Microstrip Patch Antenna
2022-Microstrip Patch Antenna
2022-Microstrip Patch Antenna
To cite this article: Vishal Asnani & Sudeep Baudha (2019): Triple Band Microstrip Patch Antenna
Useful for Wi-Fi and WiMAX, IETE Journal of Research, DOI: 10.1080/03772063.2019.1582365
Triple Band Microstrip Patch Antenna Useful for Wi-Fi and WiMAX
Vishal Asnani and Sudeep Baudha
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, BITS PILANI, K K Birla Goa Campus, Goa, India
In this paper, a compact microstrip patch antenna is designed having a partial ground plane with Extended microstrip;
symmetrical parasitical elements, an extended microstrip line and an I-shaped patch having a rectan- impedance matching;
gular slot. The size of the proposed antenna is 15 × 20 × 1.6 mm3 having a substrate of FR4 material multiple applications; patch
having a relative permittivity of 4.3 and a loss tangent of 0.025. The combined effect of an extended antenna; parasitic element;
rectangular slot
microstrip line and a rectangular slot in I-shaped patch produces bandwidth enhancement in the
design. Simulated results show that the impedance bandwidths (S11 < −10 dB) of the proposed
antenna are 2.34–2.46 GHz, 4.61–5.92 GHz and 9–9.9 GHz. The peak gain of the proposed antenna is
3.0209 dB which is coming in the high-frequency band. Although the gain of the antenna is very low
in the low-frequency band as the size is very small, the gain in the middle frequency band is 2.17 dB.
The antenna is most suitable for Wi-Fi (2.4 GHz), WiMAX (5.8 GHz) and X band (9–10 GHz). Measured
results show good agreement with the simulated result of the proposed antenna.
with a partial ground plane are incorporated in design-
Microstrip patch antennas with their exponential growth ing the antenna in [9]. A combination of rectangular
have captivated the attention of most researchers mainly patch, two rings and a slot is used in the construction
because they are relatively inexpensive to manufac- of the antenna proposed in [10]. Large impedance band-
ture and easier to design because of their simple width is obtained in [11,12] by cutting a curved slot in
two-dimensional structure. In this paper, a compact patch and by introducing a parasitic patch. Improvement
microstrip-fed patch antenna, with a patch having a rect- in the bandwidth of the antenna in [13] is reported by
angular slot with the extension of the microstrip line mostly adding various parasitic elements and by rotating
symmetrically to both sides with a partial ground plane, is the slot. In [14], a combination of two types of notches:
proposed. An antenna with a wide slot fed by a microstrip triangular and rectangular makes it resonate at lower fre-
line with a tuning stub having a for-like structure is pro- quencies. A higher order resonance is created in [15,16]
posed in [1]. In [2], a parasitic patch is introduced in by placing rectangular patches and a U-shaped slit. Also
a slot antenna to report bandwidth enhancement. Vari- in [17], a super wideband antenna is created by introduc-
ous curved slots, EBG structure and a pair of parasitic ing a partial ground plane tapered slightly and a tapered
elements have been introduced for enhancement of the microstrip line with a semi-circular patch. Modifica-
bandwidth in [3,4]. In [5], the impedance matching takes tion of ground plane has been done to create ultra-wide
place at higher frequency range because of the introduc- band behaviour in [18]. Higher order resonating modes
tion of the circular slots and also due to the truncation of are exited at much higher frequencies by rotating the
two corners. patch by 15°. Detailed comparison of the above-proposed
structure along with the other proposed structure is given
A dual band monopole antenna having a combination in Table 1. Compared to the referenced designs, the pro-
of C- and T-shaped slots is proposed in [6]. In [7], the posed design offers a much usable bandwidth with a
antenna is designed by joining a rectangular patch and a significant reduction in the size of the antenna.
triangular patch. This new formed patch helps to make
the antenna resonate in different frequency bands used In this paper, bandwidth enhancement has been observed
mainly for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GSM. The rectangular for the proposed antenna with the introduction of a rect-
patch antenna in [8] is designed by using different slots angular slot in the complex patch and also due to exten-
and shorting pins which therefore gives the antenna tri- sion of microstrip line symmetrically to both sides. The
band characteristics. A U-shaped slot on the feed patch proposed antenna of size 15 × 20 × 1.6 mm3 has been
line and a stair-like structure in the bottom of the patch developed in three stages as discussed later and simulated
© 2019 IETE
patch and a rectangular slot near the microstrip line Figure 5: Comparison of the simulated return loss result of the
is made making the antenna resonate in 2.35–2.48 and proposed antenna with various values of variable “n”.
4.35–4.71 GHz due to impedance matching at these fre-
quencies. In this stage mode splitting phenomenon is
observed where single mode in the first stage splits into range. At m = 3.5 mm, the frequency 5.8 GHz comes in
two resulting into two resonances which is clearly evi- the bandwidth of the antenna; therefore, m = 3.5 mm is
dent from Figure 3. By this change in the patch we have selected as the optimum value for the design. If we further
got a very important frequency 2.4 GHz used in Wi-Fi. increase the value of “m”, then the band keeps getting
Finally, the microstrip line is extended to both sides sym- shifted upwards. Therefore, m = 3.5 mm is selected for
metrically by 0.5 mm to cover 5.8 GHz frequency which the design. As we can see in the front view of the design,
is used in WiMAX not covered in stage 2. This is due as shown in Figure 1(a), a connecting strip is introduced
to proper impedance matching. Therefore, the final pro- to connect the patch and the upper parasitic element to
posed antenna has three resonating bands: 2.35–2.48, make an I-shaped structure. The width “n” of the strip
4.61–5.91 and 9–9.91 GHz. The first and second reso- is varied and the return loss graph is plotted for differ-
nances are controlled by properly adjusting the mode ent values of “n”, as shown in Figure 5. As the value of
splitting phenomenon so as to adjust the resonances at “n” is increased, the resonant frequency in the lower fre-
2.4 and 5.8 GHz, whereas the third band (resonance) was quency band keeps on increasing which we don’t want.
essentially maintained in all the stages. Hence all the three Therefore, the optimum value of 0.5 mm is selected for
stages can be controlled by the concerned parameters. the variable “n”.
After extension of the microstrip line to both sides, a Next, a parametric analysis has been done on the length
parametric analysis has been done on the variable “m” of the rectangular slot in the patch, i.e. variable “j” as
which is the length of the extended microstrip line. By shown in Figure 6. As we can observe, as the value of “j”
comparing the return loss graph, as shown in Figure 4, is increased, the band in the lower frequency range keeps
it can be seen that with the increase in the value of the shifting to left. At j = 3.5 mm, the band is able to cover
variable “m”, the bandwidth of the graph in the mid- 2.4 GHz which is used for Wi-Fi. Furthermore, when the
dle frequency range keeps on increasing in the higher value of “j” is increased, 2.4 GHz frequency goes out of
Figure 8: Proposed fabricated antenna: (a) top view and (b) bot-
Figure 6: Comparison of the simulated return loss result of the tom view.
proposed antenna with various values of variable “j”.
Figure 11: Simulated surface current distribution of the proposed antenna at (a) 2.4 GHz, (b) 5.63 GHz, (c) 5.8 GHz, (d) 9.43 GHz.
Figure 12: (a) Simulated and measured Co-pol. and Cross-pol. Radiation pattern of the proposed antenna at (I) 2.4 GHz E-plane, (II)
2.4 GHz H-plane, (III) 5.63 GHz E-plane and (IV) 5.63 GHz H-plane. (b) Simulated and measured Co-pol. and Cross-pol. Radiation pattern
of the proposed antenna at (I) 5.8 GHz E-plane, (II) 5.8 GHz H-plane, (III) 9.43 GHz E-plane and (IV) 9.43 GHz H-plane.
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