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IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (IOSR-JECE)

e-ISSN: 2278-2834, p- ISSN: 2278-8735

A Review- Microstrip Patch Antenna Design

Gurpreet Kaur1, Er. Sonia Goyal2
1, 2
(Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering/ Punjabi university patiala, India)

ABSTRACT : Micro strip patch antennas are widely used in compact, conformal and low- cost wireless
applications due to its advantages over conventional antenna. Literature study of last few decades of micro
strip patch antenna (MPA) shows that the different techniques are used to design a small size micro strip patch
antenna. In this paper survey is conducted on different antenna designing methods like E shaped patch antenna,
edge tapering slot cutting, G shapes, H shape, Fractal geometry and DGS .These antennas operated on single
band, dual band ,multiband and UWB frequencies. The maximum gain achieved is 7.5 dB using G- shape and
return loss -28 dB by using E-shape technique.

Keywords: Bandwidth enhancement, Fractal geometry, slot antenna, HFSS, Micro strip patch antenna (MPA),
edge tapering.

An antenna is a very important device in wireless applications. It converts the electrical energy into RF signal at
the transmitter and RF signal into electrical energy at the receiver side. A micro strip antenna consists of a
rectangular patch on a ground plane separated by dielectric substrate [1]. The patch in the antenna is made of a
conducting material Cu (Copper) or Au (Gold) and this can be in any shape of rectangular, circular, triangular,
elliptical or some other common shape. In basic form, a Micro strip Patch antenna as shown in fig 1 consists of a
radiating patch on one side of a dielectric substrate which has a ground plane on the other side. The radiating
patch and the feed lines are usually photo etched on the dielectric substrate.

Fig.1: Micro strip Patch Antenna [9]

Micro strip antenna have a number of advantages which are small size, low profile, low weight but have a
number of disadvantages like low bandwidth, low gain. Hence instead of improving this, fractal geometry has
been applied on patch of antenna. Fractal geometry composed self-similar structure. Whenever fractal geometry
is applied cuts are made on patch which causes current flow direction change to occur. Hence antenna resonates
at different frequency bands. There are a number of bands at which antenna may operate. These bands are L, S,
and C and X band. Whenever fractal geometry is applied, antenna can be useful for number of applications like
GPS, satellite, communication, GSM, satellite and Radar. There are different fractals geometries that can be
used but most commonly used geometry are Minkowski, Koch, and cantor shape. Further with increase in
number of iterations, size of antenna decreases. By providing a number of slots over the patch, bandwidth is
improved of patch antenna. Due to presence of multiple slots, Q factor decreases and value of patch inductance
increases. By the decrease in Q factor, the bandwidth (BW) of patch antenna is increased accordingly,
Bandwidth, BW [9] = (1)

Q= (2) [9]

Special Issue - AETM'16 22 | Page

IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (IOSR-JECE)
e-ISSN: 2278-2834, p- ISSN: 2278-8735


R. K.Sharan et. al [2] proposed an edge tapered wideband rectangular patch antenna with one slot at the center
and parasitic stubs on two sides of the patch. In this paper partial ground is used. The height of the ground is
varied from 8.6mm to 9.2mm and their effect on return loss was measured. Also the effect of varying the length
of parasitic stub was measured. Length was varied from 4 to 8 mm. This antenna was designed for wideband
applications having bandwidth of 112%.This antenna also have good radiation pattern with a gain of 2.65dB and
having 83.9% radiation efficiency. The overall dimension of the antenna is 35 × 35 × 1.6 mm3.

Fig.2: 2D View of Proposed Antenna With Slot And Parasitic Stub [All Dimensions Are In Mm: L = 35, W = 35, A = 8, B =
0.2, F = 12, G = 9.4, Ls = 13.2, Wp = 4.175, Lp = 7, Lk = 3.5, Wk = 2.4, Lt = 4.95, P1 = 6, P2 = 2.5 [1]

In this paper, rectangular patch antenna is designed by using parasitic stubs and slot. To eliminate stray electric
field, remove the upper two corners of patch by using edge tapering. It provides greater bandwidth than
conventional antenna [10,11].The proposed antenna is implemented and fabricated on FR4 Epoxy Glass
substrate (er = 4.4 ) with thickness of 1.6 mm.

K.Sankar et. al [3] proposed a circularly proposed dual band single layer G-Shaped patch antenna with using
HFSS. By using four slots on patch antenna he designed a G shape on patch. Micro strip antenna has limited
bandwidth due to resonance behavior. To increase the radiation and bandwidth, shape of patch can be changed
by creating slots on it. The main idea behind this is to provide two resonance frequencies. These frequencies are
3 GHz and 3.8 GHz. At 3 GHz frequency achieved gain and return loss are 7.5 dB and -17 dB and at 3.8 GHz
gain and return loss are 2.4 dB and -15 dB.

Fig. 3.Design of G- Shape Patch Antenna in HFSS [2]

Reza Zaker et. al [4] proposed a novel modified micro strip -fed ultra-wideband (UWB) planar monopole
antenna with variable frequency band-notch function. In this design bandwidth magnification can be done by
putting two slots in the both sides of micro strip feed line on the ground plane. This antenna is constructed using
FR4 substrate with thickness of 1.0 mm with dielectric constant of 4.4. The additional current path can be
provided by cutting slots and this also change the inductance and conductance of input impedance which
changes the bandwidth. A modified H-shaped conductor-backed plane with variable dimensions is used in order
to generate the frequency band-stop performance and control its characteristics such as band-notch frequency
and its bandwidth. By changing the shape and size of slot, the resonant character of structure transmission with
resonant frequency can be controlled. The designed antenna has a small size of 22×22mm2 and operates over the

Special Issue - AETM'16 23 | Page

IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (IOSR-JECE)
e-ISSN: 2278-2834, p- ISSN: 2278-8735

frequency band between 3.1 and 13.9 GHz for VSWR <2 with band rejection performance in the frequency
band of 5.1 to 5.9 GHz.

Fig.4. Geometry of the Proposed Planar Monopole Antenna (Unit: Mm) [3]

Subhrakanta Behera et. al [5] proposed a Multiport network approach for the analysis of dual band fractal micro
strip antennas . To analyze the behavior of micro strip fractal antenna, multiport network approach is used. It has
been observed that by increasing the indentation factor in the fractal section of the radiator, the resonance
frequencies of the antenna changes and by suitably choosing this value one can get an antenna design with
improved bandwidth with good gain at both the resonance frequencies. .

Fig.5. (a) Antenna with 1st iteration fractal. (b) Antenna with 2nd iteration fractal [4]

In this paper the length opposite to the feed line replaced with Minkowski geometry. In the 1si iteration center
part of the line gets removed and parameters of the antenna like gain, return loss and radiation pattern was
calculated. In 2nd iteration same process was repeated and the patch shape becomes as shown in fig5 (b).Ground
plane used a dimension of 20×20cm2 using aluminum materials. This antenna was designed in IE3D software.
By using iteration the bandwidth of antenna get increased.

R. Ghatak et. al [6] proposed a wideband fractal shaped slot antennas for X- band application. A novel fractal
patterned iris loaded cross dipole slot antenna along broad wall of rectangular waveguide at X- band is designed.
To improve the impedance matching, the method of junction tapering of the cross slots is used. Bandwidth
improvement is t better than 2 GHz with optimization of iris depth and inclusion of a second iteration slot in the
vicinity of the primary cross slot. Peak realized gain remains around 7 dB over the operational bandwidth.

Fig.6. Structural layout [5]

Special Issue - AETM'16 24 | Page

IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (IOSR-JECE)
e-ISSN: 2278-2834, p- ISSN: 2278-8735

A pattern and impedance bandwidth better than 2 GHz (9.6 to 12 GHz) is calculated with a second iteration
cross dipole fractal shape centered slot antenna loaded with a curved partial height iris of 4 mm thickness and
7.2 mm depth [6].

Ajay Yadav et. al.[7] represent a design & analysis of E-shape micro strip patch antenna for wireless
communication. The benefits of this antenna were decrease in volume, low profile configuration, smoothly
mounted, light weight, less production cost. The antenna operate on 3.1GHz and 3.45GHz frequencies. This
antenna was implemented by using FR4 substrate with dielectric constant 4.2 and thickness of 1.6mm. To
enhance the bandwidth two parallel slots were cut which provide additional current path. To achieve the desired
output parameters, the dimensions of patch and ground can also be changed [12-15]. It has been detected that
the position of feed points effect the behavior of the designed antenna. The return loss of -12dB of and -28dB at
operating frequencies 3.1GHz and 3.45GHz respectively were calculated using this design. To simulate the
results of designed antenna HFSS software was used.

Fig.7. Design of Proposed Antenna (Top View) [6]

Table 1: Table for the Comparative Analysis of Different Techniques.

Sr. No Title Technique Input parameter Output parameter
1 An Edge Tapered A rectangular patch FR4 Epoxy Glass Percentage
Rectangular Patch antenna with tapered edge was used as substrate Bandwidth = 112%
Antenna with Parasitic was designed. The slot with thickness of 1.6 (centered at 6.01
Stubs and Slot for and parasitic stubs were mm GHz)
Wideband Applications also used for this design. Dielectric constant Average radiation
[1] of substrate= 4.4 efficiency= 83.9%
Antenna size=35 ×
35 ×1.6 mm3.

2 Single Layer Dual band A G- shape slot was cut Dielectric constant At frequency 3 GHz
G-shaped patch on the patch for =2.2 BW= 500 MHz
antenna[2] bandwidth magnification. Substrate thickness Gain = 7.5 dBi
=4mm Return loss= -17 dBi
Patch length (L) At frequency 3.8
=30mm GHz
Patch width(W) BW= 400 MHz
=40mm Gain= 2.4 dBi
Return loss= -15dBi
3 Novel Modified UWB In this paper H- shape Ground-22×22mm2 (VSWR<2) for
Planar Monopole Antenna was designed on patch Patch length-13.5mm frequency band of 3.1
With Variable Frequency antenna and also two Patch width -10mm to over 13.9 GHz
Band-Notch Function [3] square slots are inserted feed line length-8mm with rejection band
on ground plane. This Feed line width- around 5.1 to 6 GHz.
DGS provide an 1.86mm
additional current path.
4 Multi-Port Network Fractal Minkowski Ground plane of At first iteration

Special Issue - AETM'16 25 | Page

IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (IOSR-JECE)
e-ISSN: 2278-2834, p- ISSN: 2278-8735

Approach for the Analysis geometry was used. In aluminium of Fr1= 2.95 GHz
of Dual Band Fractal Minkowski initiator is dimensions 20 cm× BW= 38 MHz
Micro strip Antennas [4] divided into three equal 20 cm was used. Gain = 5.98 dBi
parts of length and by two At 2nd iteration
horizontal and a vertical Fr2= 4.725 GHz
segment of equal length BW= 59.8 MHz
middle segment was Gain= 5.3 dBi
5 Wideband fractal shaped Fractal geometry was At 1st iteration length Bandwidth
slot antenna for X-band used. A second iteration and width of + sign magnification better
application [5] fractal shaped cross slot is was 15mm and 2mm. than 2 GHz and 2
fabricated along the At 2nd iteration length GHz 3 dB pattern
centre of the broadwall of and width of + sign bandwidth was
a rectangular waveguide. was 5.4mm and obtained.
6 Micro strip Symmetrical E shape antenna was Resonant frequency Gain = 4.7 dB
E-Shape Patch Antenna designed by cutting two fr 3.1GHz co-axial Return loss = -28 dB
for the Wireless slots from rectangular feed line was used.
Communication Systems patch. Ground plane-41×31
[7] mm2
Patch-31×21 mm2


Step 1: The width of the micro strip patch antenna is calculated by equation (3)

𝑊= (3)
𝑓𝑜 (Є𝑟 +1) 2

Step 2: Determine effective dielectric constant, εreff , [8] using equation (4)
ε r +1 ε r −1 h −2
εreff = 2
+ 2
1 + 12 W (4)

Step 3: Calculate the length extension ∆L, [8] using equation (5)

∆L εreff +0.3 +0.264
= 0.412 W (5)
εreff −0.258 +0.8

Step 4: Determine the patch length [8] by using equation (6)

L= − 2∆𝐿 (6)
𝑓𝑜 Є𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑓

Where the effective length of the patch Leff

𝐿𝑒𝑓𝑓 = (7)
𝑓𝑜 Є𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑓

Step 5: Now calculate the dimensions of ground [8]

𝐿𝑔 = 6𝑕 + 𝐿 (8)
𝑊𝑔 = 6𝑕 + 𝑊 (9)

Special Issue - AETM'16 26 | Page

IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (IOSR-JECE)
e-ISSN: 2278-2834, p- ISSN: 2278-8735

This study provided an insight on determine the behavior of micro strip patch antenna using several designing
techniques such as fractal, G shape, E shape, cross dipole slot , parasitic stub and edge tapering. The limitations of
conventional antenna can be overcome by using the above mention techniques. The maximum value of output
parameters gain by using G- shape technique and return loss by using E- shape technique are 7.5 dB and -28 dB.
The techniques discussed in this paper are based on HFSS to simulate the various parameters of antenna.

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Special Issue - AETM'16 27 | Page

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