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LONMARK® Device Interface File

Reference Guide

Revision 4.501
December 2020

LONMARK device interface (XIF) files are files that define the network-visible interface for one or more
LON™ devices. The device interface is the interface to a device that is exposed over a control network.
The device interface does not expose the internal algorithms of a device. Instead, it only exposes the
inputs to the algorithms and the outputs from the algorithms. The device interface includes the device’s
self-documentation information, the number of address table entries, the number of message tags, and
the number, types, and directions of network variables.

Much of the device interface can be queried over the network by a network tool. The device
manufacturer determines the completeness of a queried interface. For example, a device manufacturer
may choose to embed network variable names in a device to ensure that the queried network interface
includes these names.

There are two benefits to using device interface files. First, a device interface file may include information
that is not included in a device such as network variable names. Second, a device interface file can be
used during network engineering when the device is not accessible from the network engineering tool.

The primary device interface file type is a text file with a .xif extension. Some network operating systems
such as the IzoT™ Net Server may convert this file to alternate formats for performance optimization.
For example, the IzoT Net Server uses a binary device interface file (.xfb extension) and an optimized
device interface file (.xfo extension). These files are created from the data contained within the text
device interface file. This document describes the format of the text device interface file. The XIF32BIN
Device Interface File Conversion Utility is used to convert a text device interface file to a binary device
interface file. The optimized device interface file is created automatically by the IzoT Net Server to
reduce the access time to data within a device interface file. Other network operating systems may create
their own optimized versions of the device interface file.

Copyright © 1999 – 2020 Dialog Semiconductor Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Device interface files are typically generated by device development tools. Many of the fields of the
device interface file for a device must match the application in the device. If a device interface file is
modified in such a way that it does not match the application it is documenting, installation errors may
occur for the device.

Revision History
The following table lists the major changes in each format version of the device interface file.

Version Changes

1.0 First version.

2.0 Allow a network variable array to be described by a single network variable description
record, instead of one per element. Other transaction and size parameters added.

3.0 Add a comment indicator. String fields contain an asterisk if they are not applicable or
they are default values. Integer fields contain zero when they are not applicable and
asterisks when they are default values.

3.1 Add support for Neuron® firmware version 6 (including revised binding constraints).

3.2 Add a network variable count that includes dynamic network variables.

4.0 Introduce additional rules to reduce the chances of backward compatibility problems in
future revisions. New records introduced in 4.x or later XIF files must be followed by a
blank line and 4.x interpreters should discard unknown records and their contents up to
the next blank line. Also, starting with format 4.0, the maximum line length has been
fixed at 160 characters. Any XIF interpreters should be able to handle up to 160
characters in a XIF input line. Any XIF interpreter that claims to accept version X.Y
should also accept the known parts of any file of version X.Z, where Z > Y, ignoring any
data fields on any line beyond the expected end of the data line for version X.Y.

4.1 Same content as 3.2 but in the backward compatible format.

4.2 Add fields for devices that support the extended network management command set
(ECS). ECS is defined by the ISO/IEC 14908-1 Control Network Protocol standard and
allows devices to have more address table entries, and to be a member of more groups.

4.3 Add fields that identify the version number and capabilities of the Neuron firmware used
by the device.

4.400 Add a field that identifies the base clock rate factor to be used by the device. Changed
the minor format version number to 3 digits.

4.401 Add fields to support dynamic functional blocks. Clarified requirements for duplicate
programmatic NV names.

4.402 Modified to support increased network variable and alias limits. Add a field that
identifies whether legacy tools that require commissioning credits are to deduct a credit
when the device is commissioned.

2 LONMARK Device Interface File Reference Guide

4.500 Add a field to identify the number of address table entries, including entries in the
extended address table. Clarify the clock ID field. Increase the maximum network
variable size to 225 bytes. Clarify maximum network variable array size.

4.501 Add a reserved field.

Text Device Interface File Format

A text device interface file consists of the following sections:

• Header
• Network variable and message tag definitions
• File definitions (added in version 4.0)
• Network variable value definitions (added in version 4.0)

All sections are optional, except for the header section. These sections must be in the specified order, and
are described in the following sections. Following are a few general rules that apply to all sections:

• If the first non-blank character on a line is ‘#’, the entire line is ignored. This means that comment
lines may be inserted anywhere, since they do not count as blank lines.
• Multiple blank lines are allowed anywhere a single blank line is required, blank lines may appear
between individual network variable or message tag records and at the end of the file, and blank
characters are allowed at the beginning of any line.
• In general, string fields contain an asterisk if they are not applicable or they are default values.
Integer fields contain zero when they are not applicable, and asterisks when they are default values.
• The maximum line length for any line is 160 characters.

Header Section
The header section is the first section of the device interface file, and is the only required section. The
header describes some basic information about the capabilities of the device, such as the transceiver type
and buffer configuration.

Installation tools may use the transceiver type information to determine if a device is compatible with its
intended channel. This usage is optional. An installation tool may use the device interface file solely for
program definition and may ignore the transceiver type information.

Following is an example of a header section. The lines are numbered for reference in this document;
these line numbers are not included in the device interface file.
1: File: 6kEvbMultiSensor.XIF generated by LONNCC32 Version 6.39.03, XIF Version 4.501
2: Copyright (c) Echelon Corporation 1989-2019
3: All Rights Reserved. Run on Thu Dec 03 09:17:13 2020
5: 9F:FF:FF:05:01:84:04:65
6: 2 15 1 22 1 4 2 0 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 7 0 13 17 1 1 11 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 15 1 0 0 0 0 2 609 0 0 15 0
7: 36 6 21 15 43 1176 2614 15 5 4 279 5 10000000 1
8: 1 7 1 1 4 4 4 15 200 0
9: 78125 0 0 0 0 0 252 0 0 0 0 0

LONMARK Device Interface File Reference Guide 3

10: 90 0 240 0 0 0 40 40 0 5 22 9 26 43 44
11: *
12: "&3.4@0NodeObject,4[2Lamp,2[2Switch,1010LightSensor,1040TempS
13: "ensor,

The header section consists of the following lines (the Version column identifies the minimum XIF format
version required to support the entry):

Line Version Contents

Line 1 All File name, source of the file, and format version number. This document
describes format version 4.500. The format of the string must be as follows:

File: fileName generated by toolName, XIF Version majorNumber.minorNumber

If the file was manually generated, specify the toolName as Manual 0.0.0.
For version 4.501, specify the majorNumber.minorNumber as 4.501.

Line 2 All Copyright information.

Line 3 All Optional additional copyright information plus a required timestamp of when
the file was created. The format of the string must be as follows:

optionalInfo Run on day month date hour:min:sec year

Line 4 All Blank line.

Line 5 All Program ID. This consists of eight 2-digit hex values, separated by colons
(no spaces). The first hex digit identifies the program ID format. If the first
digit is 7 or less, the format is an ASCII string, typically with the name of the
program. If the first digit is 8 or 9, the format is the following:


The fields of the type 8 or 9 program ID are described in the LONMARK

Application-Layer Interoperability Guidelines.

Line 6 All Contains the following fields:

All Field 1 Number of non-ECS domains. Must be set to 2 for

LONMARK certified devices. For ECS devices, set line 6 field
33 below to the actual number of domains. May be set to 1
for devices that are not LONMARK certified.

All Field 2 Number of non-ECS address table entries. Set to 0 to 15 for

non-ECS devices; for ECS devices, set to the actual number
of address table entries or 15 (whichever is less) and set
line 6 field 34 below to the actual number of address table

All Field 3 Boolean that specifies whether the application handles

incoming application messages. Set to 1 if the application
handles incoming application messages, otherwise set to 0.

All Field 4 Number of static network variable declarations in the

application. Network variables arrays count as one
declaration even though each array element counts as one

4 LONMARK Device Interface File Reference Guide

network variable. Set to 0 to 4096 for non-ECS devices. Set
to 0 to 65535 for ECS devices.

All Field 5 Number of non-ECS message tags. Set to 0 to 15 for non-

ECS devices; for ECS devices, set to the actual number of
message tags or 15 (whichever is less) and set line 6 field
35 below to the actual number of message tags.

All Field 6 Number of network input buffers. Encoded as follows:

Count Encoded Value

0 0

1 2

2 3

3 4

5 5

7 6

11 7

15 8

23 9

31 10

47 11

63 12

95 13

127 14

191 15

All Field 7 Number of network output buffers. Encoded as described

under network input buffers (field 6).

All Field 8 Number of priority network output buffers. Encoded as

described under network input buffers (field 6).

All Field 9 Number of priority application output buffers. Encoded as

described under network input buffers (field 6).

All Field 10 Number of application output buffers. Encoded as

described under network input buffers (field 6).

LONMARK Device Interface File Reference Guide 5

All Field 11 Number of application input buffers. Encoded as described
under network input buffers (field 6).

All Field 12 Network input buffer size. Encoded as follows:

Size Encoded Value

20 2

21 3

22 4

24 5

26 6

30 7

34 8

42 9

50 10

66 11

82 12

114 13

146 14

210 15

255 0

All Field 13 Network output buffer size. Encoded as described under

network input buffer size (field 12).

All Field 14 Application output buffer size. Encoded as described under

network input buffer size (field 12).

All Field 15 Application input buffer size. Encoded as described under

network input buffer size (field 12).

2.0 Field 16 Application type, encoded as follows.

Value Type

0 Unknown

1 Layer 5 network interface application

without a host application; no network
variables or message tags

6 LONMARK Device Interface File Reference Guide

2 Neuron hosted application; 62 network
variables and 62 aliases maximum

3 Host application with host selection of

network variables (both ECS and non-ECS);
4096 network variables and 8192 aliases

4 Host application with network interface

selection of network variables

5 Reserved

6 Host application with network interface

selection of network variables; 254 network
variables and 127 aliases maximum.

7 Neuron hosted application; 254 network

variables and 127 aliases maximum.
2.0 Field 17 Size of the network variable configuration table for Layer 6
network interface applications (not host applications) with
network interface selection enabled. Set to 0 for all other
applications, including host applications, ECS applications,
and Neuron hosted applications.

2.0 Field 18 Number of receive transaction buffers.

3.1 Field 19 Number of network variable alias table entries provided by

the device. Set to 0 to 8192 for non-ECS devices. Set to 0 to
65535 for ECS devices.

3.1 Field 20 Boolean that specifies whether relaxed binding constraints

are allowed. If 0, each output network variables must use a
unique network variable selector. If 1, multiple output
network variables can share the same selector, as long as
they are not polled by an input network variable.

For non-ECS devices, set to 1 if two output network

variables on the same device that are not polled by an input
network variable can use the same network variable
selector, otherwise set to 0. For non-ECS host-based
applications using host selection, this should in general be
set to 0. You can set an application to use host selection by
writing the value 3 to field 16, described above.

For ECS devices, set this field to 1 and then set the binding
constraint number field below (field 26) to match the
constraints of the device.

For Neuron hosted applications and host-based applications

using network interface selection, set to match the
capabilities of the Neuron firmware.

3.1 Field 21 Specifies whether the statistics-relative address references

LONMARK Device Interface File Reference Guide 7

are allowed. Set to 1.

3.1 Field 22 Maximum size memory block that may be written at a time.
For devices with flash memory, this is the flash sector size.
For other devices, this value is 11 bytes.

3.2/4.1 Field 23 Maximum number of network variables this device supports,

which is equal to the number of static network variables
defined in field 4 plus the maximum number of dynamic
network variables supported by the application. This can be
no greater than 4096 and must be greater than or equal to
the number of static network variables given in field 4.

4.2 Field 24 Minimum network management protocol version number.

Set to 0.

4.2 Field 25 Maximum network management protocol version number.

Set to 1 for devices that support ECS commands.
Otherwise, set to 0.

4.2 Field 26 Binding constraint level. Applications that parse XIF files
must ignore any higher levels not specified below. If absent
or set to 0, level 1 is used.
Level Description

0 or 1 Value specified for devices that do not

support higher binding constraint levels. In
this case, field 20 must be set to 0.

2 Value specified if two output network

variables on the same device that are not
polled by an input network variable may use
the same network variable selector, and the
device does not support higher binding
constraint levels. In this case, field 20 must
be set to 1.

3 Value specified if the level 2 constraints are

supported, a higher level is not supported,
and the device also supports: 1) multiple
input network variables may have the same
network variable selector; 2) input network
variables can be bound to both a network
variable selector and a source address
specified by an address table entry; and 3)
input network variables can be configured to
ignore network variable updates. In this
case, field 20 must be set to 1.
4.2 Field 27 ECS flag 0. Set to 0 for non-ECS devices. Set to the
encoded decimal value of the following bits for ECS devices:

8 LONMARK Device Interface File Reference Guide

Bit Flag Description

0 (0x01) Fixed static NV flag. Do not set this bit if the

name, self-documentation string, and rate
estimates of static NVs are configurable via
the UPDATE_NV_INFO ECS command.
Set this bit if the name, self-documentation
string, and rate estimates of static NVs are
not configurable.

1 (0x02) Incoming group restricted flag. Set this bit if

incoming groups are restricted to the non-
ECS address table entries.

2–6 Bits 2 through 6 are reserved. Set to 0.

7 (0x08) Non-unique dynamic NV names flag. Set to

0 for a device that does not support dynamic
network variables and on a device that
supports dynamic network variables but
requires their names to be unique on the
device; set to 1 for a device that supports
dynamic network variables and also supports
dynamic network variables with duplicate
names. When creating a dynamic network
variable on a device that supports duplicate
dynamic network variable names, a network
management tool must ensure that the name
is unique within the functional block
containing the network variable, including all
the static and dynamic network variables
within the functional block. When creating a
dynamic network variable that is not a
member of a functional block, the network
management tool must ensure that the name
is unique for all the static and dynamic
network variables that are not members of
functional blocks. Network management
tools may restrict or prevent the generation
of duplicate dynamic NV names.
4.401 Field 28 ECS flag 1. Set to 0 for non-ECS devices. Set to the
encoded decimal value of the following bits for ECS devices:

LONMARK Device Interface File Reference Guide 9

Bit Flag Description

0 (0x01) Suppress dynamic NV definition flag. Set to

0 for a device that does not support dynamic
network variables and on a device that
supports dynamic network variables and also
supports the ISO/IEC 14908-1 network
management commands to define dynamic
network variables; set to 1 for a device that
supports dynamic network variables and
does not support the ISO/IEC 14908-1
network management commands to define
dynamic network variables. A device that
supports dynamic network variables must
also specify a value in field 23. Set to 0 for
LONMARK certified devices.

1 (0x02) Suppress dynamic functional block definition

flag. Set to 0 for a device that does not
support dynamic functional blocks; set to 1
for a device that supports dynamic functional
blocks. A device that supports dynamic
functional blocks must also specify a value in
field 43.

2 (0x04) Suppress dynamic functional block member

definition flag. Set to 0 for a device that
does not support dynamic functional blocks;
set to 1 for a device that supports dynamic
functional blocks. A device that supports
dynamic functional blocks must also specify
a value in field 43
3 (0x08) Dynamic NVs supported on static functional
blocks flag. Set to 0 for a device that does
not support dynamic functional blocks and
on a device that supports dynamic functional
blocks but does not support adding dynamic
network variables to static functional blocks;
set to 1 for a device that supports dynamic
functional blocks and also supports adding
dynamic network variables to static
functional blocks. A device that supports
dynamic functional blocks must also specify
a value in field 43.

4–7 Bits 4 through 7 are reserved. Set to 0.

4.2 Fields 29–32 Reserved. Set to 0.

4.2 Field 33 Number of domains, including extended domains as defined

by ECS. For non-ECS devices, set this to the value in field
1. If absent, the value in field 1 is used.

4.2 Field 34 Number of address table entries, including extended

10 LONMARK Device Interface File Reference Guide

address table entries as defined by ECS. For non-ECS
devices, set this to the value in field 2. If absent, the value
in field 2 is used.

4.2 Field 35 Number of message tags, including extended message tags

as defined by ECS. For non-ECS devices, set this to the
value in field 5. If absent, the value in field 5 is used.

4.2 Field 36 Reserved. Set to 0.

4.2 Field 37 Reserved. Set to 0.

4.2 Field 38 Reserved. Set to 0.

4.2 Field 39 Reserved. Set to 0.

4.3 Field 40 The network management version number of the device.

Set to 1 if the version number of the device’s Neuron
firmware is 13 or lower. Set to 2 if the version number of the
device’s Neuron firmware is 14 or higher. Applications that
parse XIF files must accept higher values for this field.

4.3 Field 41 The network management capabilities of the device. Set to

the encoded decimal value of the following bits to specify
which optional network management features are supported
by the device: For example, an encoded decimal value of
49 (0x31) specifies support for the network management
capabilities described for bits 0, 4, and 5. Applications that
parse XIF files must ignore any bits not specified below.
Bit Flag Description

0 (0x01) Set to 1 for devices that support 96-bit

authentication keys in addition to 48-bit
authentication keys. Requires Neuron
firmware version 14 or newer.

1 (0x02) Set to 1 for devices that support the

Enhanced LonTalk Proxy Protocol for
application-device repeating. Requires
Neuron firmware version 14 or newer.

LONMARK Device Interface File Reference Guide 11

4 (0x10) For devices not running Neuron firmware
version 19 or earlier, set to 1 for devices that
support the Initialize Configuration expanded
network management command. The
command is expanded network management
command 15 (0x60 0x0F), followed by an
optional authentication bitmap with
authentication for NV index 0 specified by
the LSB of the first byte, if present. NV
indices 1 through 7 are specified in the
following bits of the first byte if present, and
subsequent NV indices in the following bytes
if present, starting with the LSB in each
case. The value of the last bit is repeated for
all remaining NV indices if fewer bits are
specified than the number of NVs. This
command initializes the NV configuration
table, NV alias table, and the address table
to the unbound state, and sets authentication
for each NV as specified by the optional
authentication bitmap. If not specified,
authentication is cleared for all NVs.

For Neuron firmware version 19 and earlier,

this bit specifies support for the Update NV
by Index expanded network management
command, as defined for bit 6.

5 (0x20) Set to 1 for devices based on the Series

5000 or newer Neuron core.

6 (0x40) Set to 1 for devices that support the Update

NV by Index expanded network
management command. The command is
expanded network management command 2
(0x60 0x02), followed by a big-endian 16-bit
NV index followed by the NV data.

8–9 Set to one of the following values to identify

(0x300) the protocols supported by the device:

0: Classic LON

1: LON/IP in Enhanced Mode

2: LON and LON/IP in either Compatibility

Mode or Enhanced Mode

3: Reserved

4.400 Field 42 The number of entries in the Proxy Source table for devices
that support the Enhanced LonTalk Proxy Protocol. Set to 0
for devices that do not support the Enhanced LonTalk Proxy
Protocol. The default value is 0 if not specified.

12 LONMARK Device Interface File Reference Guide

4.401 Field 43 The number of dynamic functional blocks supported by the
device. Set to 0 if dynamic functional blocks are not
supported. The default value is 0 if not specified. Devices
that support dynamic functional blocks must also specify a
value in field 28.

4.500 Field 44 The number of address table entries, including the extended
address table.

4.501 Field 45 Reserved. Set to 0. Applications that parse XIF files can
ignore this value.

Line 7 Describes the Neuron processor configuration. Line 7 contains the fields
described below. Set fields 1 – 12 to 0, and set field 13 to 10000000, for
host-based devices where the network image is not downloadable.

All Field 1 Protocol processor model. Encoded as follows:

Value Model

0 Neuron 3150 Chip or FT 3150 Smart


1 PL 3150 Smart Transceiver

8 Neuron 3120 Chip

9 Neuron 3120E1 Chip

10 Neuron 3120E2 Chip

11 Neuron 3120E3 Chip

12 Neuron 3120A20 Chip

13 Neuron 3120E5 Chip

14 Neuron CY3120E4 Chip or FT 3120 Smart


15 PL 3120-E4 Smart Transceiver

16 Neuron CY7C53120L8 Chip

17 PL 3170 Smart Transceiver

32 FT 5000 Smart Transceiver

33 Neuron 5000 Processor

36 FT 6050 Smart Transceiver

37 Neuron 6050 Processor

LONMARK Device Interface File Reference Guide 13

38 FT 6010 Smart Transceiver

113 RF-802-15-4 Processor

114 IP-70 Processor with ECS

115 IP-70 Processor without ECS

128 Not a Neuron Chip or Smart Transceiver

All Field 2 MAC-layer processor clock rate. The value of this field will
be used in conjunction with the base clock rate factor (field
13) and a 0.5 multiplier to determine the base clock rate of
the MAC-layer processor for the device. Encoded as
Value Rate

1 625 kHz

2 1.25 MHz

3 2.5 MHz

4 5 MHz

5 10 MHz

6 20 MHz

7 40 MHz

3.0 Field 3 System firmware major revision number encoded as a

decimal integer value.

3.0 Field 4 Receive transaction block size in bytes.

3.0 Field 5 Transaction control block size in bytes.

3.0 Field 6 Number of bytes of on-chip RAM from the end of the system
area that precedes the receive transaction blocks to the first
user variable or the end of on-chip RAM, whichever comes

3.0 Field 7 Number of bytes of off-chip RAM from the end of the
available RAM that may be used by the Neuron firmware to
the first user variable or the end of off-chip RAM, whichever
comes first.

3.0 Field 8 Domain table entry size in bytes.

3.0 Field 9 Address table entry size in bytes.

3.0 Field 10 Network variable configuration table entry size in bytes.

14 LONMARK Device Interface File Reference Guide

3.0 Field 11 Number of bytes from the beginning of the domain area up
to the first byte of user code in EEPROM.

3.1 Field 12 Network variable alias table entry size in bytes. Set to 0 if
aliases are not supported in the device.

4.4 Field 13 The base clock rate factor. Must be set to either 10000000
or 13107200. This value combined with the MAC-layer
processor clock rate (field 2) determines the base clock rate
of the device. If the base clock rate factor is 10000000, the
device clock rate is equivalent to the MAC-layer processor
clock rate defined in field 2. If the base clock rate factor is
13107200, the device clock rate is equivalent to the MAC-
layer processor clock rate defined in field 2, multiplied by a
factor of 1.31072. For example, if field 4 is set to use value
4 (5 MHz), and the base clock rate factor is set to 13107200,
the actual device clock rate is 6.5536 MHz.

4.4 Field 14 Reserved. Set to 0. Applications that parse XIF files can
ignore this value.

Line 8 3.0 Describes the channel parameters. Contains the following fields:

Field 1 Boolean that specifies whether a standard transceiver type

is used. Set to 1 if a standard transceiver type is used,
otherwise set to 0.

Field 2 Standard transceiver type ID. ID values are listed in the

std_id field of the StdXcvr.xml file available on the
LONMARK Web site at www.lonmark.org.

Field 3 Reserved. Set to 1. Applications that parse XIF files can

ignore this value.

Field 4 Transceiver interface type. Encoded as follows:

Value Type

0 Not specified

1 Single ended

2 Special purpose

5 Differential

Field 5 Transceiver interface rate. Encoded as follows:

Value Rate

0 1.25 Mbps or higher

1 625 kbps

LONMARK Device Interface File Reference Guide 15

2 312.5 kbps

3 156.3 kbps

4 78.1 kbps

5 39.1 kbps

6 19.5 kbps

7 9.8 kbps

8 4.9 kbps

9 2.4 kbps

10 1.2 kbps

11 0.6 kbps

Field 6 Number of priority slots on the channel (0 – 127).

Field 7 Minimum clock rate for the channel. Encoded with the same
values as the clock rate in line 7 field 2.

Field 8 Average packet size in bytes.

Field 9 MAC-layer processor oscillator accuracy in parts per million.

Field 10 MAC-layer processor oscillator wakeup time in


Line 9 3.0 Describes the transceiver parameters. Contains the following fields:

Field 1 Channel bit rate in bits per second.

Field 2 Special purpose mode alternate channel bit rate in bits per
second. Set to 0 for devices that do not use special purpose
mode transceivers.

Field 3 Boolean that specifies whether a special purpose mode

transceiver controls the preamble. Set to 1 if the transceiver
controls the preamble, otherwise set to 0. Set to 0 for
devices that do not use special purpose mode transceivers.

Field 4 Special purpose mode wakeup pin direction. Set to 0 for

input, 1 for output. Set to 0 for devices that do not use
special purpose mode transceivers.

Field 5 Boolean that specifies whether the device can override the
general purpose data used for special purpose mode. Set
to 1 if the device can override, otherwise set to 0. Set to 0
for devices that do not use special purpose mode

16 LONMARK Device Interface File Reference Guide

Fields 6 – 12 General purpose data used for special purpose mode. Set
to 0 for devices that do not use special purpose mode

Line 10 3.0 Describes the channel timing parameters. Contains the following fields. All
field values are in tenths of a bit time, except as noted.

Field 1 Receive start delay.

Field 2 Receive end delay.

Field 3 Indeterminate time.

Field 4 Minimum interpacket time.

Field 5 Preamble length.

Field 6 Turnaround time (microseconds).

Field 7 Missed preamble time.

Field 8 Packet qualification time.

Field 9 Boolean that specifies whether raw data overrides the timing
values. Set to 1 if raw data overrides, 0 otherwise.

Field 10 Raw data clock rate. Encoded with the same values as the
clock rate in line 7 field 2.

Fields 11 – 15 Raw data bytes for the communications parameters.

Line 11 3.0 Contains a single asterisk indicating the end of the transceiver parameters.

Lines 12 – All Device self-documentation string. If the documentation string is not supplied,
N there is a single line containing a single asterisk. If supplied, the
documentation lines each begin with a double-quote character (not part of the
documentation string). Multiple lines must be concatenated without any
intervening characters. There is no end double-quote, instead the line is
terminated by a newline. The characters of the string must all be printable
ASCII characters (this includes spaces, but not tabs). Trailing spaces are
included. The line may be up to 60 characters long, not including the starting
double-quote character or the newline. Any non-printable characters must be
encoded using an ANSI C hex character escape sequence of “\xHH”' where
H represents a single hexadecimal digit. The values A – F within a hex
character escape sequence must be specified with upper case letters

If the static interface contains functional blocks, the device self-

documentation string must be formatted as described in The LONMARK
Interoperability Guidelines.

Line N+1 All Blank line.

LONMARK Device Interface File Reference Guide 17

Network Variable and Message Tag Definition Section
This section consists of zero or more network variable or message tag definitions. The number of
network variable definitions that follow must be the same as the number of static network variable
declarations specified in field 4 of line 7 of the header.

Network Variable Definition

Following is an example of a network variable definition. The lines are numbered for reference in this
document; these line numbers are not included in the device interface file.
1: VAR nvoSwitch_1 14 0 0 0
2: 0 1 63 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
3: "@3|2
4: 95 * 2
5: 1 0 0 0 0
6: 1 0 0 1

A network variable definition consists of the following lines:

Line Version Contents

Line 1 A line with the following syntax:

VAR name index avgRate maxRate arraySize

The fields are defined as follows:

All name The network variable name (maximum of 16 characters).

This name is also called the programmatic name. The
name must be unique within the functional block containing
the network variable. If the network variable is not a
member of a functional block, the name must be unique for
all the network variables that are not members of functional
blocks. Development tools may restrict or prevent the
generation of duplicate programmatic names.

All index The network variable index specified as a decimal string (0 –


All avgRate The average rate estimate specified as an encoded decimal

string (0 – 250). Encoded as an unsigned decimal n, where
the rate estimate = 2(n/8)-5. Set to 0 if the estimate is not

All maxRate The maximum rate estimate specified as an encoded

decimal string (0 – 250). Encoded as an unsigned decimal
n, where the rate estimate = 2(n/8)-5. Set to 0 if the
estimate is not specified.

2.0 arraySize The number of network variables in a network variable

array, or 0 if this network variable is not an array. Each
element of a network variable array is assigned a unique
network variable index number. The network variable index

18 LONMARK Device Interface File Reference Guide

number for the entry following that for an array must be
equal to the index number of the first element of the array
plus the number of elements in the array.

Line 2 All Contains the following fields:

Field 1 Specifies whether the device should be taken offline before

updating the variable. Set to 0 if the variable can be
updated when online or offline, or 1 if it should be updated
only when offline.

Field 2 Must be set to 1.

Field 3 Must be set to 63.

Field 4 Network variable direction. Set to 0 for an input, 1 for an


Field 5 Default service type to use for connections containing this

variable. Set to 0 for acknowledged, 1 for repeated, or 2 for

Field 6 Specifies whether the service type can be changed in the

field. Set to1 if the type can be changed, 0 if it cannot.

Field 7 Specifies the authentication default for the network variable.

Set to 1 to use authentication for the network variable by
default, 0 to not use authentication by default.

Field 8 Specifies whether the use of authentication can be changed

in the field. Set to 1 if the use of authentication can be
changed, 0 if it cannot.

Field 9 Specifies the default use of priority for the network variable.
Set to 1 to use priority for the variable by default, 0 to not
use priority by default.

Field 10 Specifies whether the use of priority can be changed in the

field. Set to 1 if the use of priority can be changed, 0 if it

Field 11 Specifies the polled attribute of the network variable. For an

input, set to 0 if the application program does not poll using
this variable, 1 if it does. For an output, set to 0 if the
network variable sends unsolicited updates, 1 if the network
variable must be polled for updates.

Field 12 Specifies the synchronized attribute of the network variable.

Set to 0 if the network variable is not synchronized, 1 if the
network variable is synchronized (i.e. all outputs are
transmitted and their order is preserved).

Field 13 Specifies the configuration attribute of the network variable.

Set to 0 for a non-configuration class network variable; 1 for
a configuration class network variable.

LONMARK Device Interface File Reference Guide 19

Lines 3 – N All This line and the following lines define the network variable’s self-
documentation. If the variable has no self-documentation, the line contains a
single asterisk. If supplied, one or more lines of text appear here; each line
begins with a double-quote character and ends with a newline. When the
lines are concatenated together without the double-quote or newline
characters, this forms the self-documentation text. Each line may be up to 60
characters long not including the double-quote or newline. Any non-printable
characters must be encoded using an ANSI C hex character escape
sequence of “\xHH”' where H represents a single hexadecimal digit. The
values A – F within a hex character escape sequence must be specified with
upper case letters exclusively.

If the variable is part of a functional block, the variable’s self-documentation

string must be formatted as described in The LONMARK Interoperability

Line N+1 All The first line after the self-documentation provides network variable type
information. The line has the following syntax:

snvtIndex * elementCount

The fields are defined as follows:

snvtIndex Specifies the SNVT index (1 to 255) or 0 if this variable is a

user-defined network variable type. See the SNVT and
SCPT Master List for a list of SNVT indexes.

elementCount Number of elements (1 to 256) in a network variable

structure or union. Set to 1 if the network variable is not a
structure or union.

Lines N+2 All Network variable characteristics. If the network variable is not a structure or
–M union, there is just one line. If the network variable is a structure or union,
there is one line for each data element of the structure or union.

Each line has the following syntax:

type offset size signedFlag arraySize

The fields are defined as follows:

type Network variable data type. One of the following values:

Value Data Type

0 Character

1 8-bit Integer (Neuron C short)

2 16-bit Integer (Neuron C long)

3 Bitfield

20 LONMARK Device Interface File Reference Guide

4 Union

5 Typeless. None of the remaining fields are


offset Network variable bitfield offset (0 to 7). Set to 0 if the

network variable is not a bitfield.

size Number of bits in a network variable bitfield (1 to 7), or the

number of bytes in a union (1 to 225). Set to 0 if the
network variable is not a bitfield or union.

signedFlag Set to 0 if the network variable type is unsigned, 1 if signed.

Set to 0 if not applicable.

arraySize Set to 0 if the network variable type is not an array or, if the
type is an array, the size of the array (1 to 8196 bytes).

Following are several example network variable declarations and the corresponding device interface file
definitions. See the Neuron C Programmer's Guide for a description of network variable declarations.

Example 1:
network output polled long
bind_info(offline ackd(nonconfig) authenticated(nonconfig)
priority(nonconfig) rate_est(123) max_rate_est(234)) outvar;

VAR outvar 0 69 76 0
1 1 63 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0
0 * 1
2 0 0 1 0

Example 2:
network input sync config int invar;

VAR invar 1 0 0 0
0 1 63 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1
0 * 1
1 0 0 1 0

Example 3:
typedef struct {
int x;
long y;
int array[5];
unsigned z : 3;
unsigned zz : 5;
union {
int a;
int b;
} u;
} group;

LONMARK Device Interface File Reference Guide 21

network input group ingroup;

VAR ingroup 2 0 0 0
0 1 63 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
0 * 6
1 0 0 1 0
2 0 0 1 0
1 0 0 1 5
3 0 3 0 0
3 3 5 0 0
4 0 1 0 0

Message Tag Definition

Following is an example of a message tag definition. The lines are numbered for reference in this
document; these line numbers are not included in the external interface file.
1: TAG user_tag 0 69 76 0
2: 0 1 63 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0

A message tag definition consists of the following lines:

Line Version Contents

Line 1 A line with the following syntax:

TAG name index avgRate maxRate zero

The fields are defined as follows:

All name The tag name (maximum of 16 characters).

All index The message tag index specified as a decimal string (0 –


All avgRate The average rate estimate specified as an encoded decimal

string (0 – 250). Encoded as an unsigned decimal n, where
the rate estimate = 2(n/8)-5. Set to 0 if the estimate is not

All maxRate The maximum rate estimate specified as an encoded

decimal string (0 – 250). Encoded as an unsigned decimal
n, where the rate estimate = 2(n/8)-5. Set to 0 if the
estimate is not specified.

2.0 zero Set to 0.

Line 2 All A line with the following syntax:

0 bindFlag 63 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0

The bindFlag field specifies whether the tag is bindable. Set to 1 if it is, 0 if it
is not. In general, this should be set to 1.

22 LONMARK Device Interface File Reference Guide

Following is an example message tag declaration and the corresponding device interface file definition.
See the Neuron C Programmer's Guide for a description of message tag declarations.
msg_tag bind_info(rate_est(123) max_rate_est(234)) user_tag;

TAG user_tag 0 69 76 0
0 1 63 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0

File Definition Section

This section defines the configuration files used for defining configuration properties implemented
within configuration files. These files consist of zero or one template file definitions followed by zero,
one, or two value file definitions. If a template file is defined, one or two value files must be defined;
however, the contents of value files may be empty. This section was added for version 4.0 device
interface files and is not present in version 3.1 and earlier files.

A file definition consists of the following lines:

Line Version Contents

Line 1 4.0 A line with the following syntax:

FILE name index type [length]

The fields are defined as follows:

name The filename. May be up to 16 characters without spaces.

index The file index as defined in the LONWORKS file transfer

protocol. Set to 0 for the template file, or 1 or 2 for the value

type The file type as defined in the LONWORKS file transfer

protocol. Set to 2 for the template file, or 1 for the value file.

length The number of bytes in the file. This value is optional and is
calculated from the contents of the file, but must be
specified if the contents of the file are not specified. When
not required, the value may be omitted or set to 0. If both
the length and file contents are specified, the length value
must equal the number of bytes in the file contents.

Lines 2 – N 4.0 File contents. A line can be interpreted as characters or as binary data.

Character format is indicated by a double quote (") as the first non-white

space character. The quote is not included in the file. In this format a
subsequent double quote is considered to terminate the string and it and all
subsequent characters are not included. Non printable characters can be
included by using a C-style hex escape sequence. The values A – F within a
hex character escape sequence may be specified with upper or lower case
letters. For example, to include a 0x8A character, enter \x8a or \x8A in the

LONMARK Device Interface File Reference Guide 23

Binary format is assumed for any line not starting with a double quote
(excluding white space). In binary format, numbers are entered using C-style
hex values. Each value may optionally start with a “0x” or “\x” prefix. Values
may optionally be separated with commas or spaces. If separators are not
used, every pair of values represents one hex byte. Non-hex value
characters are ignored. For example, the following generates a four-byte
value of 0x0789abcd:
0x07, 0x89, 0xAB, 0xCD

N+1 4.0 Blank line.

Network Variable Values Definition Section

This section defines default values for configuration properties implemented as configuration network
variables. This section was added for version 4.0 device interface files and is not present in version 3.1
and earlier files.

The network variable values definition section consists of the following lines:

Line Version Contents

Line 1 4.0 The NVVAL keyword.

Lines 2 – N 4.0 A definition line for each configuration network variable defined in the device
interface file. The order of the definitions must match the order of declaration
of the configuration network variables in the device interface file, and there
can be no more values than there are configuration network variables in the
device interface file. Each line contains the default values, in hex. Each
value may optionally start with a “0x” or “\x” prefix. Values may optionally be
separated with commas or spaces. If separators are not used, every pair of
values represents one hex byte. Non-hex value characters are ignored. For
example, the following generates a two-byte value of 0x0789:
0x07, 0x89

Line N 4.0 Blank line.

Following is an example network variable values definition. Comments are used to identify each of the

# config network input long configNv1 = {5000};
0x13, 0x88
# config network input int configNv2 = {100};

24 LONMARK Device Interface File Reference Guide

# config network input long configNv3 = {2252};
0x08, 0xCC

Revision 4.501, December 2020 078-0255-01D

Dialog Semiconductor, Adesto, Echelon, IzoT, LON, LNS, LonMaker, LonSupport, LonTalk, LONWORKS,
i.LON, Neuron, NodeBuilder, 3120, 3150, the Dialog Semiconductor logo, the Adestor logo, and the
Echelon logo are trademarks of Dialog Semiconductor Corporation that may be registered in the United
States and other countries.

LONMARK and the LONMARK Logo are registered trademarks of LonMark International in the U.S. and
other jurisdictions.

LONMARK Device Interface File Reference Guide 25

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