Rubber Products in Automotive Applications: Standard Classification System For
Rubber Products in Automotive Applications: Standard Classification System For
Rubber Products in Automotive Applications: Standard Classification System For
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
3. Purpose
3.1 The purpose of this classification system is to provide
guidance to the engineer in the selection of practical, commer- an appropriate temperature. The temperatures at which these
cially available rubber materials, and further to provide a materials shall be tested for determining type are listed in Table
method for specifying these materials by the use of a simple 1.
“line call-out” designation.
4.4 Class is based on the resistance of the material to
3.2 This classification system was developed to permit the swelling in IRM 903 Oil (most tables were originally devel-
addition of descriptive values for future rubber materials oped using ASTM Oil No. 3) after 70-h immersion at a
without complete reorganization of the classification system temperature determined from Table 1, except that a maximum
and to facilitate the incorporation of future new test methods to temperature of 150°C (the upper limit of oil stability) shall be
keep pace with changing industry requirements. used. Limits of swelling for each class are shown in Table 2.
4.4.1 ASTM No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 Oils have been
4. Type and Class replaced by IRM 901, 902, and 903 Oils, respectively, under
4.1 The prefix letter “M” shall be used to indicate that the Practice D5964. These oils are similar but not identical to
classification system is based on SI units. ASTM No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 Oils.
4.4.2 Substitutability of IRM 901, 902, and 903 Oils for
NOTE 3—Call outs not prefixed by the letter M refer to an earlier
classification system based on inch-pound units. This was published in
ASTM No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 Oils has not been established,
editions up to 1980. as their swelling characteristics are different and may affect
compound classification.
4.2 Rubber materials shall be designated on the basis of type
(heat resistance) and class (oil resistance). Type and class are NOTE 4—The selection of type based on heat resistance is understood to
indicated by letter designations as shown in Table 1 and Table be indicative of the inherent heat resistance that can be normally expected
from commercial compositions. Likewise, choice of class is based on the
2 and illustrated in 9.1.
range of volume swell normally expected from such commercial compo-
4.3 Type is based on changes in tensile strength of not more sitions as established by type. The fact that a type and class of material is
than 630 %, elongation of not more than – 50 %, and hard- listed in Table 6, under Basic Requirements, indicates that materials that
meet these requirements for heat and oil resistance are commercially
ness of not more than 615 points after heat aging for 70 h at available.
4.5 The letter designations shall always be followed by a
Available from SAE International (SAE), 400 Commonwealth Dr., Warrendale, three-digit number to specify the hardness and the tensile
PA 15096, strength—for example, 505. The first digit indicates durometer
D573 for 70 h, and Suffix 4 (Table 4) indicates the temperature of test as Suffix Requirements:
100°C. Similarly, Suffix EO34 indicates resistance in IRM 903 Oil in
accordance with Test Method D471 for 70 h at 100°C. A14 = A - Heat Resistance; 1 – D573, 70 h; 4 – 100°C
EO34 = EO – Fluid Resistance in Oils and Lubricants; 3 – D471,
8.1.1 Suffıx Letters “F” and “SR”—Additions have been IRM 903 Oil, 70 h; 4 – 100°C
made to Table 3 and Table 5 for Suffix “F” and “SR”. SAE
J200 convention requires available suffixes to be designated in In this example, basic requirements for heat resistance and
the Table 6 “SUPPLEMENTARY (SUFFIX) REQUIRE- fluid resistance are superseded by suffix requirements.
MENTS” section for each type and class of materials. J200 However, the basic requirement of 80 % for compression set,
also requires round robin testing to verify requirements. Recent
which is not included as a suffix requirement, is not superseded
additions to “F” in Table 5, or the addition of “SR” to Table 3
and therefore shall be met as specified in Table 6.
and Table 5 will not undergo round robin testing, and thus will
not be added to the Suffix Tables for each of the table grades 9.2 Incorporation of Test Methods D1053 F2 or F6 suffix
AA thru KK. The additions are available for use, but should not into a line call out.
be added to a line call-out without conferring with the user’s ASTM D2000 M3HK810 A1-10 B37 EO78 Z1; Z1 = F2 (T5:-27,
T10:-29, T100:-37)
Material Group and agreement of the materials manufacturer.
Use of “F” or “SR” callouts that do not exist in the AA thru KK In this example the numbers following F2 represent the user
suffix tables must be specified with a “Z”: desired T-values (T2, T5, T10, T50, and T100 are typical). In
Z1 = SR1x – which specifies Compression Stress Relaxation Test (x = test this case T5, T10, and T100 are the desired “T’s” to be
temperature from Table 5) reported. This example has an “M” denoting that all data is in
8.2 Basic requirements are always in effect, unless super- metric, so the T-values are represented in degrees Centigrade
seded by specific suffix requirements in the “line call-out.” (maximum temperature).
8.3 Use of Test Methods D1053 as a Suffix Requirement: ASTM D2000 M3HK810 A1-10 B37 EO78 Z1; Z1 = F6 (-12,-14,2)
When specifying an F2 or F6 requirement, the line specifica- In this example the numbers following F6 represent T5, T10,
tion must define which T-values are required, along with the and the maximum degrees of separation allowed between T10
maximum allowed temperature. Test Methods D1053 proper- and T5. This example has an “M” denoting that all data is in
ties must then be less than or equal to the specified temperature metric, so the T-values are represented in degrees Centigrade
for the corresponding T-value. (maximum temperature).
9. Line Call-Outs
10. Test Methods
9.1 A “line call-out,” which is a specification, shall contain:
the document’s names, the prefix letter M, the grade number, 10.1 The applicable test methods are listed in Table 5.
the material designation (type and class), and the hardness and
tensile strength, followed by the appropriate suffix require- 11. Sampling and Inspection
ments. Following is an example of a “line call-out” or
11.1 A lot, unless otherwise specified, shall consist of all
products of the same material submitted for inspection at the
ASTM D2000 M2BC 507 A14 EO34
same time.
ASTM D2000 = Standards Organization and Document Number
11.2 When proof of conformance with a specification based
Basic Requirements: on this classification system is required, the supplier shall,
M = Requirements are in SI Units.
upon request of the purchaser at the time of ordering, furnish a
2 = Applicable Suffix Grade. sufficient number of samples to permit the performance of the
B = Material Type based on Temperature Resistance. required tests. Test specimens shall be prepared as prescribed
C = Material Class based on IRM 903 Oil Volume Swell.
5 = x 10 is Type A Hardness (i.e., 5 indicates requirement is 50). in 7.1. The samples shall be warranted to have equivalent cure
07 = Tensile Strength (“M” in line call out indicates units are in and to be from the same run or batch of compound used in the
40 7 1015 400 2, 4
40 10 1450 400 2, 4
40 14 2031 400 2, 4
40 17 2466 500 2, 4
40 21 3046 600 2, 4
50 3 435 250 2
50 6 870 250 2
50 7 1015 400 2, 3
50 8 1160 400 2, 3
50 10 1450 400 2, 3, 4, 5
50 14 2031 400 2, 3, 4, 5
50 17 2466 400 2, 3, 4, 5
50 21 3046 500 2, 3, 4, 5
60 3 435 250 2
60 6 870 250 2
Change in tensile strength,
60 7 1015 300 2, 3
±30 %
60 8 1160 300 2, 3
Change in ultimate elonga- Compression set,
60 10 1450 350 No requirement 2, 3, 4, 5
tion, −50 % max 50 % max
60 14 2031 400 2, 3, 4, 5
Change in durometer hard-
60 17 2466 400 2, 3, 4, 5
ness, ±15 points
60 21 3046 400 2, 3, 4, 5
60 24 3481 500 2, 3, 4, 5
70 3 435 150 2
70 6 870 150 2
70 7 1015 200 2, 3
70 8 1160 200 2, 3
70 10 1450 250 2, 3, 4, 5
70 14 2031 300 2, 3, 4, 5
70 17 2466 300 2, 3, 4, 5
70 21 3046 350 2, 3, 4, 5
80 3 435 100 2
80 7 1015 100 2
80 10 1450 150 2
80 14 2031 200 2
80 17 2466 200 2
90 3 435 75 2
90 7 1015 100 2
90 10 1450 125 2
Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
Suffix Requirements
1A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A13 Heat resistance, Test Method D573, 70 h at 70°C:
Change in hardness, max, points ±15 +10 +10
Change in tensile strength, max, % ±30 −25 −25
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −50 −25 −25
B13 Compression set, Test Methods D395, Method B, 25 25 25
max, %, 22 h at 70°C
B33 Compression set, Test Methods D395, Method B, 35 35 35
max, %, 22 h at 70°C
C12 Resistance to ozone, Test Method D1171, quality 85 85
retention rating, min, %
C20 Resistance to outdoor aging, Test Method D1171, 85 85 85 85
quality retention rating, min, %
EA14 Water resistance, Test Method D471, 70 h at 10 10 10 10
100°C, volume change, max, %
F17 Low-temperature resistance, Test Methods D2137, pass pass pass pass
Method C, 9.3.3, nonbrittle after 3 min at −40°C
G21 Tear resistance, Test Method D624, Die C:
under 7.0 MPa tensile strength, min. kN/m 22 22 22
7.0 MPa tensile strength and over, min, kN/m 26 26 26
K11 Adhesion, Test Methods D429, min:
Method A, min, MPa 1.4 2.8 1.4 2.8
K21 Adhesion, Test Methods D429, Method B, min, 7 7 7 9
P2 Staining resistance, Test Methods D925, Method pass pass pass pass
B, control panel
Z (Special requirements) Shall cover only special rubber material requirements specified in detail, including test methods and ag-
ing parameters.
Basic properties only—no suffix requirements for Grade No. 1.
Basic Requirements
Durometer Tensile Strength, min Ultimate Heat Aged, Test Oil Immersion, Test Compression Set, Test Available Suffix
Hardness, Elongation, Method D573, 70 h at Method D471, IRM 903 Methods D395, Solid, Grade
±5 Points MPa psi min, % 70°C Oil, 70 h at 70°C max, %, 22 h at 70°C Numbers
40 3 435 400 Change in tensile strength, 2
50 3 435 400 ±30 % 2
60 5 725 300 Change in ultimate elonga- Volume change, Compression set, 2
70 7 1015 250 tion, −50 % max + 10 % max 50 % max 2
80 7 1015 150 Change in durometer hard- 3
90 7 1015 100 ness, ±15 points 3
Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
Suffix Requirements
1A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A14 Heat resistance, Test Method D573, 70 h at 100°C:
Change in durometer hardness, max, points +15 +15
Change in tensile strength, max, % −15 −15
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −40 −40
B33 Compression set, Test Methods D395, 50 50
Method B, 22 h at 70°C max, %
EO14 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, IRM 901 Oil, 70 h
at 100°C:
Change in volume, max, % −3 to +5 −3 to +5
EO34 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, IRM 903 Oil, 70 h
at 100°C:
Change in durometer hardness, points −5 to +10 −5 to +10
Change in tensile strength, max. % −30 −30
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −50 −50
F17 Low-temperature resistance, Test Methods D2137, pass
Method C, 9.3.3, nonbrittle after 3 min at − 40°C
Z (Special requirements) Shall cover only special rubber material requirements specified in detail, including test methods and aging parameters.
Basic properties only—no suffix requirements for Grade No. 1.
Basic Requirements
Durometer Tensile Strength, min Ultimate Heat Aged, Test Oil Immersion, Test Compression Set, Test Available Suffix
Hardness, Elongation, Method D573, 70 h at Method D471, IRM 903 Methods D395, Solid, Grade
±5 Points MPa psi min, % 100°C Oil, 70 h at 100°C max, %, 22 h at 70°C Numbers
20A 6 870 400 3
30 7 1015 400 2
30 10 1450 400 2, 3, 4, 5
30 14 2031 400 2, 3, 4, 5
40 3 435 300 2, 8
40 7 1015 300 2, 8
40 10 1450 400 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
40 14 2031 400 2, 3, 4, 5
50 7 1015 300 2, 8
50 10 1450 400 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
50 14 2031 400 2, 3, 4, 5
50 17 2466 400 2, 3, 4, 5
70 3 435 150 8
70 6 870 150 8
70 7 1015 200 2, 8
70 8 1160 200 8
70 10 1450 250 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
70 14 2031 300 2, 3, 4, 5
70 17 2466 300 2, 3, 4, 5
80 7 1015 100 2, 7
80 10 1450 150 2, 4
80 14 2031 200 2, 4
90 3 435 75 7
90 7 1015 100 2, 7
90 10 1450 125 2, 4
Materials would typically be 20 to 25 durometer based upon current capability.
Basic Requirements
Durometer Tensile Strength, min Ultimate Heat Aged, Test Oil Immersion, Test Compression Set, Test Available Suffix
Hardness, Elongation, Method D573, 70 h at Method D471, IRM 903 Methods D395, Solid, Grade
±5 Points MPa psi min, % 100°C Oil, 70 h at 100°C max, %, 22 h at 100°C Numbers
30 3 435 300 2, 5
30 7 1015 400 2, 5
30 10 1450 500 2, 5
30 14 2031 500 2
40 3 435 300 2
40 7 1015 400 2, 5
40 10 1450 500 2, 5
40 14 2031 500 2, 5
40 17 2466 500 2
50 3 435 300 2, 5
50 7 1015 300 2, 5
50 10 1450 350 2, 5, 6
50 14 2031 400 2, 5, 6
50 17 2466 450 2, 6
50 21 3046 500 2, 6
50 24 3481 500 2, 6
Change in tensile strength,
60 3 435 300 ±30 % 3, 5
60 7 1015 300 Change in ultimate elonga- 3, 5
60 10 1450 350 tion, −50 % max 3, 5, 6
Volume change, Compression set,
60 14 2031 350 Change in durometer hard- 3, 6
+120 % max 80 % max
60 17 2466 400 ness, ±15 points 3, 6
60 21 3046 400 3, 6
60 24 3481 400 3, 6
70 3 435 200 3, 5
70 7 1015 200 3, 5
70 10 1450 250 3, 5, 6
70 14 2031 300 3, 5, 6
70 17 2466 300 3, 6
70 21 3046 300 3, 6
80 3 435 100 4
80 7 1015 100 4
80 10 1450 100 4
80 14 2031 150 4
90 3 435 50 4
90 7 1015 100 4
90 10 1450 150 4
90 14 2031 150 4
Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
Suffix Requirements
1A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A14 Heat resistance, Test Method D573, 70 h at
Change in hardness, max points +15 +15 +15 +15 +15
Change in tensile strength, max, % −15 −15 −15 −15 −15
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −40 −40 −40 −40 −40
B14 Compression set, Test Methods D395, Method 35 35 35 35 35
B, 22 h at 100°C, max, %
C12 Resistance to ozone, Test Method D1171 100 100 100 100 100
EO14 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, IRM 901
Oil, 70 h at 100°C:
Change in hardness, points ±10 ±10 ±10 ±10 ±10
Change in tensile strength, max, % –30 –30 –30 –30 –30
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % –30 –30 –30 –30 –30
Change in volume, % –10 to +15 –10 to +15 –10 to +15 –10 to +15 –10 to +15
EO34 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, IRM 903
Oil, 70 h at 100°C:
Change in tensile strength, max, % −70 −60 −45 −60 −60
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −55 −50 −30 −60 −50
Change in volume, % +120 +100 +80 +100 +100
F17 Low-temperature resistance, Test Methods pass pass pass pass
D2137, Method C, 9.3.3, nonbrittle after
3 min at −40°C
F19 Low-temperature resistance, Test Methods pass
D2137, Method C, 9.3.3, nonbrittle after 3 min
at −55°C
G21 Tear resistance, Test Method D624, Die C:
Under 7.0 MPa tensile load, min, kN/m 22 22 22
7.0 to 10 MPa tensile load, min, kN/m 26 26 26
10 MPa tensile load and over, min, kN/m 26 26 26 26 26
K11 Adhesion, Test Methods D429
Method A, min, MPa 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 2.8
P2 Staining resistance, Test Methods D925, Method pass pass pass
B, control panel, nonstaining
Z (Special requirements) Shall cover only special rubber material requirements specified in detail, including test methods and aging parameters.
Basic properties only—no suffix requirements for Grade No. 1.
Basic Requirements
Durometer Tensile Strength, min Ultimate Heat Aged, Test Oil Immersion, Test Compression Set, Test Available Suffix
Hardness, Elongation, Method D573, 70 h at Method D471, IRM 903 Methods D395, Solid, Grade
±5 Points MPa psi min, % 100°C Oil, 70 h at 100°C max, %, 22 h at 100°C Numbers
40 3 435 500 40 2
40 7 1015 500 40 2
50 3 435 350 40 2
50 6 870 350 40 2
50 7 1015 400 40 2
50 10 1450 400 40 2, 3
50 14 2031 400 40 2
60 3 435 300 40 2
60 6 870 300 40 2
60 7 1015 350 40 2
60 10 1450 350 Change in tensile strength, 40 2, 3
60 14 2031 350 ±30 % 40 2
Change in ultimate elonga- Volume change,
70 3 435 200 tion, −50 % max +80 % max 50 2
70 6 870 200 Change in durometer hard- 50 2
70 7 1015 200 ness, ±15 points 50 2
70 10 1450 250 50 2, 3
70 14 2031 250 50 2
70 17 2466 250 50 2
80 7 1015 100 50 2
80 10 1450 100 50 2
80 14 2031 150 50 2
80 17 2466 150 50 2
90 7 1015 100 50 2
90 10 1450 100 50 2
90 14 2931 150 50 2
Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
Suffix Requirements
1A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A14 Heat resistance, Test Method D573, 70 h at
Change in hardness, max, points +15 +15
Change in tensile strength, max, % −15 −15
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −40 −40
B14 Compression set, Test Methods D395, Method 25 25
B, max, %, 22 h at 100°C
C12 Resistance to ozone, Test Method D1171, 100 100
quality retention rating, min, %
EO14 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, IRM 901
Oil, 70 h at 100°C:
Change in hardness, points ±10 ±10
Change in tensile strength, max, % −30 −30
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −30 −30
Change in volume, % −10 to +15 −10 to +15
EO34 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, IRM 903
Oil, 70 h at 100°C:
Change in tensile strength, max, % −50 −50
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −40 −40
F17 Low-temperature resistance, Test Methods pass
D2137, Method C, 9.3.3, nonbrittle after 3
min at −40°C
F19 Low-temperature resistance, Test Methods pass
D2137, Method C, 9.3.3, nonbrittle after 3
min at −55°C
G21 Tear resistance, Test Method D624, Die C:
10 MPa tensile load and over, min, kN/m 26
K11 Adhesion, Test Methods D429, Method A, 1.4
min, MPa
Z (Special requirements) Shall cover only special rubber material requirements specified in detail, including test methods and aging parameters.
Basic properties only—no suffix requirements for Grade No. 1.
Basic Requirements
Durometer Tensile Strength, min Ultimate Heat Aged, Test Oil Immersion, Test Compression Set, Test Available Suffix
Hardness, Elongation, Method D573, 70 h at Method D471, IRM 903 Methods D395, Solid, Grade
±5 Points MPa psi min, % 100°C Oil, 70 h at 100°C max, %, 22 h at 100°C Numbers
60 3 435 200 2
60 6 870 200 2
60 7 1015 250 2
60 8 1160 250 2
60 10 1450 300 2
60 14 2031 350 2
60 17 2466 350 2
Change in tensile strength,
70 3 435 150 ±30 % 2
70 6 870 150 Change in ultimate elonga- Volume change, Compression set, 2
70 7 1015 200 tion, −50 % max +60 % max 50 % max 2
70 8 1160 200 Change in durometer hard- 2
ness, ±15 points
70 10 1450 250 2
70 14 2031 250 2
70 17 2466 300 2
80 3 435 100 2
80 7 1015 100 2
80 10 1450 125 2
80 14 2031 125 2
Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
Suffix Requirements
1A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
B14 Compression set, Test Methods D395, 25
Method B, max, %, 22 h at 100°C
B34 Compression set, Test Methods D395, 25
Method B, max, %, 22 h at 100°C
EO14 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, IRM 901
Oil, 70 h at 100°C:
Change in hardness, points ±10
Change in tensile strength, max, % −25
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −45
Change in volume, % −10 to +10
EO34 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, IRM 903
Oil, 70 h at 100°C:
Change in hardness, max, points −20
Change in tensile strength, max, % −45
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −45
Change in volume, % 0 to +60
F19 Low-temperature resistance, Test Methods pass
D2137, Method C, 9.3.3, nonbrittle after 3
min at −55°C
Z (Special requirements) Shall cover only special rubber material requirements specified in detail, including test methods and aging parameters.
Basic properties only—no suffix requirements for Grade No. 1.
Basic Requirements
50 3 435 300 2, 5
50 6 870 300 2
50 7 1015 350 2, 5
50 8 1160 350 2
50 10 1450 300 2, 3, 4, 5
50 14 2031 350 2, 3, 4, 5
50 21 3046 400 3, 4
60 3 435 200 2, 5
60 6 870 200 2
60 7 1015 250 2, 5
60 8 1160 250 2
60 10 1450 300 2, 5
60 14 2031 300 2, 3, 4, 5
60 17 2466 350 2
Change in tensile strength,
60 21 3046 350 3, 4
±30 %
60 28 4061 400 3, 4
Change in ultimate elonga- Volume change, Compression set,
tion, −50 % max +40 % max 50 % max
70 3 435 150 2, 5
Change in durometer hard-
70 6 870 150 2
ness, ±15 points
70 7 1015 200 2, 5
70 8 1160 200 2
70 10 1450 250 2, 5
70 14 2031 250 2, 3, 4, 5
70 17 2466 300 2, 3
70 21 3046 350 3, 4
70 28 4061 400 3, 4
80 3 435 100 6, 7
80 7 1015 100 6, 7
80 10 1450 125 6, 7
80 14 2031 125 3, 4, 6, 7
80 21 3046 300 3, 4
80 28 4061 350 3, 4
90 3 435 50 6, 7
90 7 1015 100 6, 7
90 10 1450 100 6, 7
Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
Suffix Requirements
1A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A14 Heat resistance, Test Method D573, 70 h at 100°C:
Change in hardness, max, points ±5 ±15 ±15
Change in tensile strength, max, % ±15 −20 −20
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −15 −40 −40
B14 Compression set, Test Methods D395, Method B, 25 50 50 25 25 25
max, %, 22 h at 100°C
B34 Compression set, Test Methods D395, Method B, 25 25 25
max, %, 22 h at 100°C
EA14 Water resistance, Test Method D471, 70 h at 100°C:
Change in hardness, points ±10 ±10
Change in volume, % ±15 ±15
EF11 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471,
Reference Fuel A, 70 h at 23°C:
Change in hardness, points ±10 ±10
Change in tensile strength, max, % −25 −25
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −25 −25
Change in volume, % −5 to +10 −5 to +10
EF21 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, Reference Fuel
B, 70 h at 23°C:
Change in hardness, points 0 to −30 0 to −30
Change in tensile strength, max, % −60 −60
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −60 −60
Change in volume, % 0 to +40 0 to +40
EO14 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, IRM 901 Oil, 70
h at 100°C:
Change in hardness, max, points −5 to +10 −7 to +5 −7 to +5 −5 to +15 −5 to +15 −5 to +5
Change in tensile strength, max, % −25 −20 −20 −25 −25 −25
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −45 −40 −40 −45 −45 −45
Change in volume, % −10 to +5 −5 to +10 −5 to +5 −10 to +5 −10 to +5 −10 to +5
EO34 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, IRM 903 Oil, 70
h at 100°C:
Change in hardness, points −10 to +5 −10 to +5 −10 to +5 0 to −15 0 to −20 −10 to +5
Change in tensile strength, max, % −45 −35 −35 −45 −45 −45
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −45 −40 −40 −45 −45 −45
Change in volume, % 0 to +25 +16 to +35 0 to +6 0 to +35 0 to +35 0 to +25
F16 Low-temperature resistance, Test Methods D2137, pass
Method C, 9.3.3, nonbrittle after 3 min at −35°C
F17 Low-temperature resistance, Test Methods D2137, pass pass
Method C, 9.3.3, nonbrittle after 3 min at −40°C
F19 Low-temperature resistance, Test Methods D2137, pass pass pass
Method C, 9.3.3, nonbrittle after 3 min at −55°C
P2 Staining resistance, Test Methods D925, Method B, pass pass
control panel
Z (Special requirements) Shall cover only special rubber material requirements specified in detail, including test methods and aging parameters.
Basic properties only—no suffix requirements for Grade No. 1.
Basic Requirements
70 3 435 150 4
70 6 870 150 Change in tensile strength, 4
70 7 1015 200 ±30 % 4
Volume change, Compression set,
70 8 1160 200 Change in ultimate elonga- 4
+10 % max 50 % max
70 10 1450 250 tion, −50 % max 4
70 14 2031 250 Change in durometer hard- 4
70 17 2466 300 ness, ±15 points 4
80 3 435 100 4
80 7 1015 100 4
80 10 1450 125 4
80 14 2031 125 4
90 3 435 50 4
90 7 1015 100 4
90 10 1450 100 4
Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
Suffix Requirements
1A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A24 Heat resistance, Test Method D865, 70 h at
Change in hardness, points ±10
Change in tensile strength, max, % −20
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −30
B14 Compression set, Test Methods D395, Method B, 25
max, %, 22 h at 100°C
B34 Compression set, Test Methods D395, Method B, 25
max, %, 22 h at 100°C
EF11 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, Reference
Fuel A, 70 h at 23°C:
Change in hardness, points ±5
Change in tensile strength, max, % −20
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −20
Change in volume, % ±5
EF21 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, Reference
Fuel B, 70 h at 23°C:
Change in hardness, max, points 0 to −20
Change in tensile strength, max, % −50
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −50
Change in volume, % 0 to +25
EO14 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, IRM 901 Oil,
70 h at 100°C:
Change in hardness, points ±5
Change in tensile strength, max, % −20
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −20
Change in volume, % −10 to 0
EO34 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, IRM 903 Oil,
70 h at 100°C:
Change in hardness, points −10 to +5
Change in tensile strength, max, % −20
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −30
Change in volume, % 0 to +5
Z (Special requirements) Shall cover only special rubber material requirements specified in detail, including test methods and aging parameters.
Basic properties only—no suffix requirements for Grade No. 1.
Basic Requirements
Durometer Tensile Strength, min Ultimate Heat Aged, Test Oil Immersion, Test Compression Set, Test Available Suffix
Hardness, Elongation, Method D573, 70 h at Method D471, IRM 903 Methods D395, Solid, Grade
±5 Points MPa psi min, % 125°C Oil, 70 h at 150°C max, %, 22 h at 100°C Numbers
30 7 1015 500 2
30 10 1450 500 2
40 7 1015 400 2
40 10 1450 400 2
40 14 2031 400 2
50 7 1015 300 3
50 10 1450 300 4
50 14 2031 350 4
50 17 2466 350 Change in tensile strength, 4
± 30 %
60 7 1015 250 Change in ultimate elonga- 3
60 10 1450 250 tion, −50 % max No requirements Compression set, 4
Change in durometer hard- 60 % max
60 14 2031 250 ness, ±15 points 4
70 7 1015 200 3
70 10 1450 200 4, 5
70 14 2031 200 4, 5
80 7 1015 150 6
80 10 1450 150 7, 8
80 14 2031 150 7, 8
90 7 1015 100 6
90 10 1450 100 7, 8
Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
Suffix Requirements
1A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A25 Heat resistance, Test Method D865, 70 h at
Change in hardness, max, points +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10
Change in tensile strength, max, % −20 −20 −20 −20 −20 −20 −20
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −40 −40 −40 −40 −40 −40 −40
B44 Compression set, Test Methods D395, 35 50
Method B, 70 h at 100°C, plied specimen,
max, %
B35 Compression set, Test Methods D395, 70 70 70 50 70 70 50
Method B, 22 h at 125°C, plied specimen,
max, %
C32 Resistance to ozone, Test Method D1171, pass pass pass pass pass pass pass
exposure Method B
EA14 Water resistance, Test Method D471, 70 h ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5
at 100°C, volume change, %
F17 Low-temperature resistance, Test Methods pass pass pass pass pass pass pass
D2137, Method C, 9.3.3, nonbrittle after 3
min at −40°C
F18 Low-temperature resistance, Test Methods pass pass pass pass pass
D2137, Method C, 9.3.3, nonbrittle after 3
min at −50°C
F19 Low-temperature resistance, Test Methods pass
D2137, Method C, 9.3.3, nonbrittle after 3
min at −55°C
G11 Tear resistance, Test Method D624, Die B, 17 26 26 26 26 26 26
min, kN/m
G21 Tear resistance, Test Method D624, Die C, 17 26 26 26 26 26 26
min, kN/m
K11 Adhesion, Test Methods D429, Method A, 1.4 2.8 2.8 1.4 2.8 2.8
min, MPa
P2 Staining resistance, Test Methods D925, pass pass pass pass pass pass pass
Method B, control panel
R11 Resilience in compression, Test Methods 70 50 60
D945, min, %
Z (Special requirements) Shall cover only special rubber material requirements specified in detail, including test methods and aging parameters.
Basic properties only—no suffix requirements for Grade No. 1.
Basic Requirements
Durometer Tensile Strength, min Ultimate Heat Aged, Test Oil Immersion, Test Compression Set, Test Available Suffix
Hardness, Elongation, Method D573, 70 h at Method D471, IRM 903 Methods D395, Solid, Grade
±5 Points MPa psi min, % 125°C Oil, 70 h at 125°C max, %, 22 h at 70°C Numbers
50 14 2031 400 2, 3
60 10 1450 350 2, 3
60 14 2031 400 2, 3
60 17 2466 400 Change in tensile strength, 2, 3
±30 %
70 7 1015 200 Change in ultimate elonga- Volume change, Compression set, 2, 3
70 10 1450 250 tion, −50 % max +80 % max 80 % max 2, 3
70 14 2031 300 Change in durometer hard- 2, 3
70 17 2466 300 ness, ±15 points 2, 3
80 7 1015 200 2, 3
80 10 1450 250 2, 3
80 14 2031 250 2, 3
Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
Suffix Requirements
1A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A16 Heat resistance, Test Method D573, 70 h at
Change in hardness, points ±20
Change in tensile strength, % ±30
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −60
B15 Compression set, Test Methods D395, Method B, 60 80
max, %, 22 h at 125°C
F19 Low-temperature resistance, Test Methods pass pass
D2137, Method C, 9.3.3, nonbrittle after 3 min
at −55°C
P2 Staining resistance, Test Methods D925, Method pass pass
B, control panel
Z (Special requirements) Shall cover only special rubber material requirements specified in detail, including test methods and aging parameters.
Basic properties only—no suffix requirements for Grade No. 1.
Basic Requirements
Durometer Tensile Strength, min Ultimate Heat Aged, Test Oil Immersion, Test Compression Set, Test Available Suffix
Hardness, Elongation, Method D865, 70 h at Method D471, IRM 903 Methods D395, Solid, Grade
±5 Points MPa psi min, % 125°C Oil, 70 h at 125°C max, %, 22 h at 100°C Numbers
60 3 435 200 2, 3
60 6 870 200 2, 3
60 7 1015 250 2, 3
60 8 1160 250 2, 3
60 10 1450 300 2, 3, 5, 6
60 14 2031 350 2, 3
60 17 2466 350 2, 3
70 3 435 150 2, 3
70 6 870 150 Change in tensile strength, 2, 3
70 7 1015 200 ±30 % 2, 3
70 8 1160 200 Change in ultimate Volume change, Compression set, 2, 3
70 10 1450 250 elongation, −50 % max +30 % max 50 % max 2, 3
70 14 2031 250 Change in durometer 2, 3, 5, 6
70 17 2466 300 hardness, ±15 points 2, 3
80 3 435 100 3, 4
80 7 1015 100 3, 4
80 10 1450 125 3, 4
80 14 2031 125 3, 4, 5, 6
90 3 435 50 3, 4
90 7 1015 100 3, 4
90 10 1450 100 3, 4, 5, 6
Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
Suffix Requirements
1A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A25 Heat resistance, Test Method D865, 70 h
Change in hardness, points 0 to +15 0 to +15 0 to +15 0 to +10 0 to +10
Change in tensile strength, max, % −25 −25 −25 −10 −20
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −50 −50 −50 −40 −30
B14 Compression set, Test Methods D395, 25 25 25 30 25
Method B, max, %, 22 h at 100°C
B34 Compression set, Test Methods D395, 25 25 30 25
Method B, max, %, 22 h at 100°C
C12 Resistance to ozone retention rating, Test 100 100
Method D1171
EF31 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, Refer-
ence Fuel C, 70 h at 23°C:
Change in hardness, points 0 to −30 0 to −30 0 to −20 0 to −20
Change in tensile strength, max, % −60 −60 −50 −50
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −60 −60 −60 −50
Change in volume, % 0 to +50 0 to +50 0 to +40 0 to +40
EO15 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, IRM
901 Oil, 70 h at 125°C:
Change in hardness, points 0 to +10 0 to +10
Change in tensile strength, max, % −20 −20
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −35 −35
Change in volume, % −15 to +5 −15 to +5
EO16 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, IRM
901 Oil, 70 h at 150°C:
Change in hardness, points 0 to +10
Change in tensile strength, max, % −20
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −40
Change in volume, % −15 to +5
EO35 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, IRM
903 Oil, 70 h at 125°C:
Change in hardness, points ±10 ±10
Change in tensile strength, max, % −15 −15
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −30 −30
Change in volume, % 0 to +25 0 to +25
EO36 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, IRM
903 Oil, 70 h at 150°C:
Change in hardness, points ±10 −5 to +10 −5 to +10
Change in tensile strength, max, % −35 −10 −15
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −35 −50 −40
Change in volume, % 0 to +25 0 to +10 0 to +15
F14 Low-temperature resistance, Test Methods pass
D2137, Method C, 9.3.3, nonbrittle after 3
min at −18°C
F16 Low-temperature resistance, Test Methods pass
D2137, Method C, 9.3.3, nonbrittle after 3
min at −35°C
F17 Low-temperature resistance, Test Methods pass pass
D2137, Method C, 9.3.3, nonbrittle after 3
min at −40°C
Z (Special requirements) Shall cover only special rubber material requirements specified in detail, including test methods and aging parameters.
Basic properties only—no suffix requirements for Grade No. 1
Basic Requirements
Durometer Tensile Strength, min Ultimate Heat Aged, Test Oil Immersion, Test Compression Set, Test Available
Hardness, Elongation, Method D573, 70 h at Method D471, IRM 903 Methods D395, Plied, Suffix Grade
±5 Points MPa psi min, % 150°C Oil, 70 h at 150°C max, %, 22 h at 150°C Numbers
50 7 1015 300 2
50 10 1450 300 2
50 14 2031 350 2
60 7 1015 250 2, 3
60 10 1450 250 Change in tensile strength, Compression set, 2, 3
60 14 2031 300 ±30 % 50 % max 2, 3
Change in ultimate elonga-
No requirement
70 7 1015 200 tion, −50 % max 2, 3
Change in durometer
hardness, ±15 points
70 10 1450 200 2, 3
70 14 2031 200 2, 3
80 7 1015 150 2, 3
80 10 1450 150 2, 3
80 14 2031 150 2, 3
Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
Suffix Requirements
1A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A26 Heat resistance, Test Methods D865, 70 h at
Change in hardness, max, points +10 +10
Change in tensile strength, max, % −20 −20
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −20 −20
B36 Compression set, Test Methods D395, Method B, 40 25
22 h at 150°C, plied, max, %
C32 Resistance to ozone, Test Method D1171, pass pass
Exposure, Method B
EA14 Water resistance, Test Method D471, 70 h at ±5 ±5
100°C, volume change, %
F19 Low-temperature resistance, Test Methods D2137, pass pass
Method C, 9.3.3, nonbrittle after 3 min at −55°C
G11 Tear resistance, Test Method D624, Die B, min, 17 17
Basic Requirements
70 7 1015 200 2
Change in durometer
70 10 1450 250 5
hard- ness, ±15 points
70 14 2031 300
Change in tensile strength, Volume change, Compression set,
70 17 2466 300 6
±30 % +80 % max +80 % max
Change in ultimate elongation,
80 7 1015 200
−50 % max
80 10 1450 200 2
80 14 2031 250
90 10 1450 150
90 14 2031 150 5
Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
Suffix Requirements
1A 2 3 4 5 6
A16 Heat resistance, Test Method D573, 70 h at
150°C: 15 15 15 15
Change in hardness, points 30 30 30 30
Change in tensile strength, % −30 −30 −30 −30
Change in ultimate elongation, max, %
B15 Compression set, Test Methods D395, Method 55 35 25 35 30
B, 22 h at 125°C, max, %
EO36 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, IRM 903
Oil, 70 h at 150°C:
Volume change, max, % +70 +70 +60
F16 Low-temperature resistance, Test Methods pass pass
D2137, Method C, 9.3.3, nonbrittle after 3
min at −35°C
F17 Low-temperature resistance, Test Methods pass pass pass
D2137, Method C, 9.3.3, nonbrittle after 3
min at −40°C
Z (Special requirements) Shall cover only special rubber material requirements specified in detail, including test methods and aging param-
Basic properties only—no suffix requirements for Grade No. 1.
Basic Requirements
Durometer Tensile Strength, min Ultimate Heat Aged, Test Oil Immersion, Test Compression Set, Test Available Suffix
Hardness, Elongation, Method D865, 70 h at Method D471, IRM 903 Methods D395, Solid, Grade
±5 Points MPa psi min, % 150°C Oil, 70 h at 150°C max, %, 22 h at 150°C Numbers
40 6 870 225 80 2
50 7 1015 225 80 2
Change in tensile strength,
60 8 1160 175 80 2
±30 %
Change in ultimate elonga- Volume change,
70 6 870 100 90 5
tion, −50 % max +60 % max
70 8 1160 150 80 2
Change in durometer hard-
ness, ±15 points
80 6 870 100 90 5
80 8 1160 150 80 3
90 7 1015 125 85 4
Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
Suffix Requirements
1A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A26 Heat resistance, Test Method D865, 70 h at
Change in hardness, max, points +10 +10 +10 +10
Change in tensile strength, max, % −25 −25 −25 −25
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −30 −30 −30 −30
B16 Compression set, Test Methods D395, Method B, 50 60 75 80
max, %, 22 h at 150°C
B36 Compression set, Test Methods D395, Method B, 75 80 85
max, %, 22 h at 150°C
EO16 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, IRM 901 Oil,
70 h at 150°C:
Change in hardness, points −8 to +15 −8 to +10 −8 to +10 −8 to +10
Change in tensile strength, max, % −20 −20 −20 −30
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −30 −30 −30 −50
Change in volume, % −5 to +10 −5 to +10 −5 to +10 −5 to +10
EO36 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, IRM 903 Oil,
70 h at 150°C:
Change in hardness, max, points −30 −30 −30 −30
Change in tensile strength, max, % −60 −60 −60 −60
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −40 −30 −30 −50
Change in volume, % +50 +50 +50 +50
F14 Low-temperature resistance, Test Methods D2137, pass pass pass
Method C, 9.3.3, nonbrittle after 3 min at −18°C
F15 Low-temperature resistance, Test Methods D2137, pass
Method C, 9.3.3, nonbrittle after 3 min at −25°C
K11 Adhesion, Test Methods D429, Method A, min, 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4
Z (Special requirements) Shall cover only special rubber material requirements specified in detail, including test methods and aging parameters.
Basic properties only—no suffix requirements for Grade No. 1.
Basic Requirements
50 8 1160 250 60 2
60 8 1160 200 60 2
60 9 1450 200 Change in tensile strength, 60 2
±30 %
60 14 2031 250 40 4
80 6 870 100 75 5
80 8 1160 175 60 3
80 10 1450 175 60 3
80 20 2900 150 40 4
90 10 1450 100 60 4
90 20 2900 100 45
Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
Suffix Requirements
1A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A26 Heat resistance, Test Method D865, 70 h at 150°C:
Change in hardness, max, points +10 +10 +10 +10
Change in tensile strength, max, % −25 −25 −15 −25
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −30 −30 −25 −30
B16 Compression set, Test Methods D395, Method B, 30 30 60
max, %, 22 h at 150°C
B36 Compression set, Test Methods D395, Method B, 50 50 35
max, %, 22 h at 150°C
EO16 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, IRM 901 Oil, 70 h
at 150°C:
Change in hardness, points −5 to +10 −5 to +10 −5 to +10 −5 to +10
Change in tensile strength, max, % −20 −20 −20 −20
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −30 −30 −30 −40
Change in volume, % ±5 ±5 −10 to +5 ±5
EO36 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, IRM 903 Oil, 70 h
at 150°C:
Change in hardness, max, points −15 −15 −15 −15
Change in tensile strength, max, % −40 −30 −40 −40
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −40 −30 −30 −40
Change in volume, % +25 +25 +25 +25
F13 Low-temperature resistance, Test Methods D2137, pass pass
Method C, 9.3.3, nonbrittle after 3 min at − 10°C
F14 Low-temperature resistance, Test Methods D2137, pass
Method C, 9.3.3, nonbrittle after 3 min at − 18°C
F17 Low-temperature resistance, Test Method pass
D2137, Method C, 9.3.3, nonbrittle after 3 min at
K11 Adhesion, Test Methods D429, Method A, bonded dur- 1.4 1.4 1.4
ing vulcanization, min, MPa
Z (Special requirements) Shall cover only special rubber material requirements specified in detail, including test methods and aging parameters.
Basic properties only—no suffix requirements for Grade No. 1.
Basic Requirements
Durometer Tensile Strength, min Ultimate Heat Aged, Test Oil Immersion, Test Compression Set, Test Available Suffix
Hardness, Elongation, Method D865, 70 h at Method D471, IRM 903 Methods D395, Method B, Grade
±5 Points MPa psi min, % 175°C Oil, 70 h at 150°C Solid, max, %, 22 h at 150°C Numbers
50 8 1160 400 3
50 10 1450 500 3
50 12 1740 500
50 14 2031 500
60 6 870 200 4
60 8 1160 300 3, 4, 5
60 12 1740 300 3
60 14 2031 400 Change in durometer 3
hardness, ±15 points
70 8 1160 200 Change in tensile strength, Volume change, Compression set, 75 % max 3, 4, 5
±30 % +80 % max
70 10 1450 200 4
70 12 1740 300 Change in ultimate 3
elongation, −50 % max
80 10 1450 200 4
80 12 1740 200 3, 4
80 14 2031 200 3, 4, 5
80 16 2320 200 3
90 6 870 100 4
90 10 1450 100 3
90 14 2031 100
Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
Suffix Requirements
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A47 Heat resistance, Test Method D573, 168 h at 175°C:
Change in hardness, max, points Basic requirements only +10 +20 +10
Change in tensile strength, max, % Basic requirements only −30 −30 −30
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % Basic requirements only −50 −65 −50
B46 Compression set, Test Methods D395, Method B, 70 h Basic requirements only 50 75 50
at 150°C, max, %
B37 Compression set, Test Methods D395, Method B, 22 h Basic requirements only 50 75 50
at 175°C, max, %
EO16 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, IRM 901 Oil, 70 h
at 150°C:
Change in hardness, max, points Basic requirements only −10 to +5 −10 to +5 −10 to +5
Change in tensile strength, max, % Basic requirements only −25 −25 −25
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % Basic requirements only −35 −35 −35
Change in volume, % Basic requirements only ±15 ±10 ±10
EO36 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, IRM 903 Oil,A 70 h
at 150°C:
Change in tensile strength, max, % Basic requirements only −60 −50 −50
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % Basic requirements only −55 −50 −50
Change in volume, max, % Basic requirements only +70 +60 +50
EA14 Water resistance, Test Method D471, 70 h at 100°C:
Change in volume, max, % Basic requirements only +15 +15 +15
F17 Low-temperature resistance, Test Methods D2137, Basic requirements only pass pass pass
Method C, 9.3.3, nonbrittle after 3 min at −40°C
G21 Tear resistance, Test Method D624, Die C, min, kN/M Basic requirements only 20 20 20
Z (Special requirements) Shall cover only special rubber material requirements specified in detail, including test methods and aging parameters.
Change in Hardness values are omitted because the round robin data did not support them statistically.
Basic Requirements
50 8 1160 175 75 3
80 7 1015 100 75 3
Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
Suffix Requirements
1A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A27 Heat resistance, Test Method D865, 70 h at
Change in hardness, max, points +10
Change in tensile strength, max, % −30
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −40
B17 Compression set, Test Methods D395, 60
Method B, 22 h at 175°C, max, %
B37 Compression set, Test Methods D395, 60
Method B, 22 h at 175°C, max, %
E016 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, IRM 901
Oil, 70 h at 150°C:
Change in hardness, points ±5
Change in tensile strength, max, % −20
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −30
Change in volume, % ±5
EO36 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, IRM 903
Oil, 70 h at 150°C:
Change in hardness, points −20
Change in tensile strength, max, % −40
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −30
Change in volume, % +25
F14 Low-temperature resistance, Test Methods pass
D2137, Method C, 9.3.3, non-brittle after 3
min at –18°C
F25 Low-temperature resistance, Test Methods pass
D1053, T100, 25° C
K11 Adhesion, Test Methods D429, Method A, 1.4
min, MPa
Z (Special requirements) Shall cover only special rubber material requirements specified in detail, including test methods and aging parameters.
Basic properties only—no suffix requirements for Grade No. 1
Basic Requirements
Oil Immersion, Compression Set,
Durometer Tensile Strength, min Ultimate Heat Aged, Available Suffix
Test Method D471, IRM Test Method D395,
Hardness, Elongation, Test Method D573, Grade
903 Solid,
±5 Points MPa psi min, % 70 h at 175°C Numbers
Oil, 70 h at 150°C max, %, 22 h at 150°C
50 9 1305 125 Change in durometer hardness, 60 2
±15 points
Volume change,
70 10 1450 125 Change in tensile strength, ±30 % 60 2
±10 % max
Change in ultimate elongation,
80 10 1450 100 −50 % max 60 2
Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
Suffix Requirements
1A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A17 Heat resistance, Test Method D573, 70 h at 175°C:
Change in hardness, points ±10
Change in tensile strength, % −25
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −20 to +30
A18 Heat aging resistance, Test Method D573, 70 h at 200°C:
Change in hardness, points −15 to +10
Change in tensile strength, max, % −60
Change in ultimate elongation, % −10 to +40
B17 Compression set, Test Methods D395, Method B, solid, 22 h 60
at 175°C, max, %
B26 Compression set, Test Methods D395, Method B, solid, 70 h 50
at 150°C, max %
C32 Resistance to ozone, Test Method D1171, Method B pass
EA14 Fluid resistance to Test Method D471, water, 70 g
at 100°C
Change in hardness, points −5 to +10
Change in volume 0 to +20
EF31 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, Reference
Fuel C, 70 h at 23°C
Change in hardness, points −20 to +5
Change in tensile strength, max, % −50
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −50
Change in volume, max, % +40
EO16 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, IRM 901 Oil, 70 h
at 150°C:
Change in hardness, points −10 to +5
Change in tensile strength, max, % −10
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −20
Change in volume, max % +10
E036 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, IRM 903 Oil, 70 h
at 150°C:
Change in hardness, points −15 to 0
Change in tensile strength, max, % −20
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −20
Change in volume, max, % +10
F19 Low-temperature resistance, Test Methods D2137, pass
Method C, 9.3.3, nonbrittle after 3 min at −55°C
F49 Low-temperature resistance, Test Method D1329, after pass
10 min at −55°C, 10 % retraction, min
Z (Special requirements) Shall cover only special rubber material requirements specified in detail, including test methods and aging parameters.
Basic properties only—no suffix requirements for Grade No. 1.
Basic Requirements
Durometer Tensile Strength, min Ultimate Heat Aged, Test Oil Immersion, Test Compression Set, Test Available Suffix
Hardness, Elongation, Method D573, 70 h at Method D471, IRM 903 Methods D395, Plied, Grade
±5 Points MPa psi min, % 200°C Oil, 70 h at 150°C max, %, 22 h at 175°C Numbers
30 3 435 350 60 2
30 5 725 400 60 2
70 7 1015 200 60 3
Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
Suffix Requirements
1A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A19 Heat resistance, Test Method D573, 70 h at 225°C:
Change in hardness, max, points +10 +10 +15
Change in tensile strength, max, % −40 −40 −50
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −40 −40 −50
B37 Compression set, Test Methods D395, Method B, 40 45 60
max, %, 22 h at 175°C
EA14 Water resistance, Test Method D471, 70 h at 100°C:
Change in hardness, points ±5 ±5 ±5
Change in volume, % ±5 ±5 ±5
EO16 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, IRM 901 Oil, 70 h
at 150°C:
Change in hardness, points 0 to −10 0 to −15 0 to −15
Change in tensile strength, max, % −50 −50 −50
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −30 −50 −50
Change in volume, % 0 to +20 0 to +20 0 to +20
F1-11 Low-temperature resistance, Test Methods D2137, pass pass pass
Method C, 9.3.3, nonbrittle after 3 min at −75°C
G11 Tear resistance, Test Method D624, Die B:
Under 7.0 MPa load, min, kN/m 5
7.0 to 10.5 MPa load, min, kN/m 17 26
Z (Special requirements) Shall cover only special rubber material requirements specified in detail, including test methods and aging parameters.
Basic properties only—no suffix requirements for Grade No. 1.
Basic Requirements
Durometer Tensile Strength, min Ultimate Heat Aged, Test Oil Immersion, Test Compression Set, Test Available Suffix
Hardness, Elongation, Method D573, 70 h at Method D471, IRM 903 Methods D395, Solid, Grade
±5 Points MPa psi min, % 200°C Oil, 70 h at 150°C max, %, 22 h at 175°C Numbers
30 3 435 400 60 2
Change in tensile strength,
±30 %
30 7 1015 500 60 5
Change in ultimate elonga- Volume change,
tion, −50 % max +80 % max
40 8 1160 500 60 3
Change in durometer hard-
ness, ±15 points
50 8 1160 500 80 4
Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
Suffix Requirements
1A 2 3 4 5
A19 Heat resistance, Test Method D573, 70 h at 225°C:
Change in hardness, max, points +10 +10 +15 ±10
Change in tensile strength, max, % −60 −40 −40 −50
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −60 −60 −60 −50
B37 Compression set, Test Methods D395, Method B, max, %, 22 45 50 65 35
h at 175°C
EA14 Water resistance, Test Method D471, 70 h at 100°C:
Change in hardness, points ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5
Change in volume, % ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5
EO16 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, IRM 901 Oil, 70 h at
Change in hardness, points 0 to −10 0 to −10 0 to −10 0 to −10
Change in tensile strength, max, % −50 −50 −50 −40
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −50 −50 −50 −40
Change in volume, % 0 to +20 0 to +20 0 to +20 0 to +20
EO36 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471 IRM 903 Oil, 70 h at
Change in hardness, max, points −40
Change in volume, % + 80 +80 +65
F19 Low-temperature resistance, Test Methods D2137, Method C, pass pass pass
9.3.3, nonbrittle after 3 min at −55°C
G11 Tear resistance, Test Method D624, Die B:
Under 7.0 MPa load, min, kN/m 9
7.0 to 10.5 MPa load, min, kN/m 22 26 25
P2 Staining resistance, Test Methods D925, Method B, control pass pass pass
Z (Special requirements) Shall cover only special rubber material requirements specified in detail, including test methods and aging parameters.
Basic properties only—no suffix requirements for Grade No. 1.
Basic Requirements
Oil Immersion, Test
Durometer Tensile Strength, min Ultimate Heat Aged, Test Compression Set, Test Available Suffix
Method D471, IRM
Hardness, Elongation, Method D573, 70 h at Methods D395, Plied, Grade
±5 Points MPa psi min, % 200°C max, %, 22 h at 175°C Numbers
Oil, 70 h at 150°C
60 6 870 150 Change in tensile strength, 50 2
±30 %
Change in ultimate elonga- Volume change,
tion, −50 % max +10 % max
Change in durometer hard-
ness, ±15 points
Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
Suffix Requirements
1A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A19 Heat resistance, Test Method D573, 70 h at 225°C:
Change in hardness, max, points +15
Change in tensile strength, max, % −45
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −45
EF31 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, Reference Fuel C, 70 h
at 23°C:
Change in hardness, points 0 to − 15
Change in tensile strength, max, % −60
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −50
Change in volume, % 0 to +25
EO36 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, IRM 903 Oil, 70 h at
Change in hardness, points 0 to −10
Change in tensile strength, max, % −35
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −30
Change in volume, % 0 to +10
F19 Low-temperature resistance, Test Methods D2137, Method pass
C, 9.3.3, nonbrittle after 3 min at −55°C
Z (Special requirements) Shall cover only special rubber material requirements specified in detail, including test methods and aging parameters.
Basic properties only—no suffix requirements for Grade No. 1.
Basic Requirements
40 3 435 200 50 2
40 5 725 300 50 2
40 6 870 300 50 8
50 3 435 200 50 3
50 5 725 250 Change in tensile strength, 70 4, 5
50 6 870 250 ±30 % 50 5
50 8 1160 400 Change in ultimate elonga- Volume change, 60 9
tion, −50 % max +80 % max
60 3 435 100 Change in durometer hard- 50 3
60 5 725 200 ness, ±15 points 70 4, 5
60 6 870 200 50 5
70 3 435 60 50 6
70 5 725 150 50 7
70 6 870 150 50 5
80 3 435 50 50 6
80 5 725 150 50 7
80 6 870 100 50 5
Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
Suffix Requirements
1A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A19 Heat resistance, Test Method D573, 70 h at
Change in hardness, max, points +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10
Change in tensile strength, max, % −25 −25 −30 −25 −25 −25 −25 −30
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −30 −30 −30 −30 −30 −30 −25 −30
B37 Compression set, Test Methods D395, 25 30 50 25 30 30 25 40
Method B, max, %, 22 h at 175°C
EA14 Water resistance, Test Method D471, 70 h at
Change in hardness, points ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5
Change in volume, % ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5
EO16 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, IRM 901
Oil, 70 h at 150°C:
Change in hardness, points 0 to −10 0 to −15 0 to −15 0 to −15 0 to −15 0 to −15 0 to −10 0 to −10
Change in tensile strength, max, % −30 −20 −20 −20 −20 −20 −30 −30
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −30 −20 −20 −20 −20 −20 −20 −30
Change in volume, % 0 to +15 0 to +10 0 to +15 0 to +10 0 to +10 0 to +15 0 to +15 0 to +10
EO36 Fluid Resistance, Test Method D471, IRM 903
Oil, 70 h at 150°C:
Change in hardness, max, points −30 −35 −30 −40 −40 −30
Change in volume, % +60 +60 +60 +60 +60 +60 +60 +60
F19 Low-temperature resistance, Test Methods pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass
D2137, Method C, 9.3.3, nonbrittle after 3
min at −55°C
G11 Tear resistance, Test Method D624, Die B:
Under 7.0 MPa load, min, kN/m 5 6 9 9 5 9 9
7.0 to 10.5 MPa load, min, kN/m 25
P2 Staining resistance, Test Methods D925, pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass
Method B, control panel
Z (Special requirements) Shall cover only special rubber material requirements specified in detail, including test methods and aging
Basic properties only—no suffix requirements for Grade No. 1.
Basic Requirements
Durometer Tensile Strength, min Ultimate Heat Aged, Test Oil Immersion, Test Compression Set, Test Available Suffix
Hardness, Elongation, Method D573, 70 h at Method D471, IRM 903 Methods D395, Plied, Grade
±5 Points MPa psi min, % 250°C Oil, 70 h at 150°C max, %, 22 h at 175°C Numbers
60 7 1015 200 2, 4, 6
60 10 1450 200 2, 4, 6
60 14 2031 200 2, 4, 6
70 7 1015 175 2, 4, 6
Change in durometer hard-
70 10 1450 175 2, 4, 6
ness, ±15 points
70 14 2031 175 2, 4, 6
Change in tensile strength, Volume change, Compression set,
±30 % +10 % max 35 % max
80 7 1015 150 2, 4, 6
Change in ultimate elonga-
80 10 1450 150 2, 4, 6
tion, −50 % max
80 14 2031 150 2, 4, 6
90 7 1015 100 3, 5, 7
90 10 1450 100 3, 5, 7
90 14 2031 100 3, 5, 7
Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
Suffix Requirements
1A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A1-10 Heat resistance, Test Method D573, 70 h at
Change in hardness, max, points +10 +10 +10 +10
Change in tensile strength, max, % −25 −25 −25 −25
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −25 −25 −25 −25
A1-11 Heat resistance, Test Method D573, 70 h at
Change in hardness, max, points +10 +10 −5 to +10 −5 to +10
Change in tensile strength, max, % −40 −40 −40 −40
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −20 −20 −20 −20
B31 Compression set, Test Methods D395, Method 15 20
B, 22 h at 23°C
B37 Compression, set, Test Methods D395, Method 50 30
B, max, %, 22 h at 175°C
B38 Compression set, Test Methods D395, Method 50 50 50 50 15 20
B, max, %, 22 h at 200°C
C12 Resistance to ozone, Test Method D1171, qual- no cracks no cracks no cracks no cracks no cracks no cracks
ity retention rating, min, %
C20 Resistance to outdoor aging, Test Method no cracks no cracks no cracks no cracks no cracks no cracks
EF31 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, Reference
Fuel C, 70 h at 23°C:
Change in hardness, points ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5
Change in tensile strength, max, % −25 −25 −25 −25 −25 −25
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −20 −20 −20 −20 −20 −20
Change in volume, % 0 to +10 0 to +10 0 to +10 0 to +10 0 to +10 0 to +10
EO78 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471, Service
LiquidB No. 101, 70 h at 200°C:
Change in hardness, points −15 to +5 −15 to +5 −15 to +5 −15 to +5
Change in tensile strength, max, % −40 −40 −40 −40
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −20 −20 −20 −20
Change in volume, % 0 to +15 0 to +15 0 to +15 0 to +15
EO88 Fluid resistance, Test Method D471 Mobil Jet
IIC 70 h at 200°C:
Change in hardness, points −15 to +5 −15 to +5
Change in tensile strength, max, % −40 −40
Change in ultimate elongation, max, % −20 −20
Change in volume, % +25 +25
F15 Low-temperature resistance, Test Methods pass pass pass
D2137, Method C, 9.3.3, nonbrittle after 3
min at −25°C
F17 Low-temperature resistance, Test Methods pass
D2137, Method C, 9.3.3, nonbrittle after 3
min at −40°C
Z (Special requirements) Shall cover only special rubber material requirements specified in detail, including test methods and aging param-
Basic properties only—no suffix requirements for Grade No. 1.
Service Liquid No. 101–di-2 ethyl hexyl Sebacate (C.A.S. 122-62-3), 99.5 mass %; Phenothiazine (C.A.S. 92-84-2), 0.5 mass %.
SAE Fluid No. 2, Hatco 7700 has been replaced by Mobil Jet II.
Basic Requirements
Oil Immersion, Test Compression Set, Test
Durometer Tensile Strength, min Ultimate Heat Aged, Test
Method D471, Methods D395, Method
Hardness, Elongation, Method D573, 70 h at
IRM 903 Oil, B, Plied max, %,
±5 Points MPa psi min, % 300°C
70 h at 150°C 22 h at 200°C
80 11 1595 125 Change in durometer hard-
ness, ±15 points
Change in tensile Volume change, Compression set,
strength, ±30% (+10 % max) 25 % max
Change in ultimate
elongation, -50% max
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D11-1090.
12. Keywords
12.1 automotive applications; elastomer; rubber
(Mandatory Information)
A1.1 The SAE Committee on Automotive Rubber new tables based on new rubber materials that will better serve
Specifications, (CARS), and the ASTM D11.30 committee both the rubber industry and their customers. SAE CARS may
affirm that we will work together to maintain the SAE J200 and ask for assistance from ASTM D11.30 to provide the necessary
ASTM D2000 specification systems. It is our goal to keep the laboratories for performing the required interlaboratory testing.
tables in these two documents equivalent. As such, the SAE In the unlikely event that SAE CARS declines to make any
CARS will be the gatekeeper of any changes and additions to additions or changes to the tables, then ASTM D11.30 may
the tables in these specification systems. They will consider, as choose to proceed with making those changes or additions if
necessary, the expansion of current tables or the addition of they deem them as additive for the rubber industry.
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 This appendix is intended to assist the users of and class) and the type of polymer most often used in meeting
Classification System D 2000-SAE J200 and is not to be the material requirements (type and class). This table is not
considered as part of the system. Table X1.1 lists the Classi- intended to be limiting; other polymers may be used to meet
fication System D 2000-SAE J200 material designations (type the same specification.
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
( Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222
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