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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles

for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Designation: D7175 − 23

Standard Test Method for

Determining the Rheological Properties of Asphalt Binder
Using a Dynamic Shear Rheometer1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D7175; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to

1.1 This test method covers the determination of the com- establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental prac-
plex shear modulus and phase angle of asphalt binders when tices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations
tested in dynamic (oscillatory) shear using parallel plate prior to use.
geometry. 1.8 This international standard was developed in accor-
dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-
1.2 This test method is intended for determining the linear ization established in the Decision on Principles for the
viscoelastic properties of asphalt binders as required for Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom-
specification testing and is not intended as a comprehensive mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical
procedure for the full characterization of the viscoelastic Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
properties of asphalt binder.
1.3 This standard is appropriate for unaged asphalt binder, 2. Referenced Documents
conditioned asphalt binder, and asphalt binder recovered from
2.1 ASTM Standards:2
either asphalt mixtures or asphalt emulsions. To keep the
C670 Practice for Preparing Precision and Bias Statements
language in this standard precise, the term “asphalt binder” is
for Test Methods for Construction Materials
used to refer to the material being tested.
D8 Terminology Relating to Materials for Roads and Pave-
1.4 This procedure is limited to asphalt binders that contain ments
particles with largest dimension less than 250 µm. D3666 Specification for Minimum Requirements for Agen-
1.5 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as cies Testing and Inspecting Road and Paving Materials
standard. No other units of measurement are included in this D6373 Specification for Performance-Graded Asphalt
standard. Binder
D8239 Specification for Performance-Graded Asphalt
1.6 Warning—Mercury has been designated by the United Binder Using the Multiple Stress Creep and Recovery
States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and many state (MSCR) Test
agencies as a hazardous material that can cause central nervous E1 Specification for ASTM Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers
system, kidney, and liver damage. Mercury, or its vapor, may E77 Test Method for Inspection and Verification of Ther-
be hazardous to health and corrosive to materials. Caution mometers
should be taken when handling mercury and mercury- E644 Test Methods for Testing Industrial Resistance Ther-
containing products. See the applicable product Safety Data mometers
Sheet (SDS) for details and EPA’s website— www.epa.gov/ E882 Guide for Accountability and Quality Control in the
mercury/faq.htm—for additional information. Users should be Chemical Analysis Laboratory
aware that selling mercury, mercury-containing products, or
both, into your state may be prohibited by state law. 2.2 AASHTO Standards:3
R 29 Practice for Grading or Verifying the Performance
1.7 This standard may involve hazardous materials,
Grade of an Asphalt Binder
operations, and equipment. This standard does not purport to
address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D04 on Road contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
and Paving Materials and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D04.44 on Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
Rheological Tests. the ASTM website.
Current edition approved Dec. 15, 2023. Published January 2024. Originally Available from American Association of State Highway and Transportation
approved in 2005. Last previous edition approved in 2015 as D7175 – 15. DOI: Officials (AASHTO), 444 N. Capitol St., NW, Suite 249, Washington, DC 20001,
10.1520/D7175-23. http://www.transportation.org.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

D7175 − 23
T 315 Standard Test Method for Determining the Rheologi- 3.2.11 thermal equilibrium, n—condition where the tem-
cal Properties of Asphalt Binder Using a Dynamic Shear perature of the test specimen mounted between the test plates
Rheometer is constant with time.
2.3 ISO Standard:4
4. Summary of Test Method
ISO/IEC 17025 General Requirements for the Competence
of Testing and Calibration Laboratories 4.1 Test specimens are formed between parallel metal plates
and one of the parallel plates is oscillated with respect to the
3. Terminology other at pre-selected temperatures, frequencies, and rotational
strain amplitudes. The required amplitudes are specified to
3.1 Definitions—Definitions for many terms common to
ensure that the measurements are within the region of linear
asphalt binder are found in Terminology D8.
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
4.2 The test specimen is maintained at the test temperature
3.2.1 annealing, n—the process of removing the effects of by positive heating and cooling of the upper and lower plates
steric hardening by heating the binder until it is sufficiently or by enclosing the upper and lower plates in a thermally
fluid so that it can be easily poured. controlled environment or test chamber.
3.2.2 complex shear modulus (G*), n—ratio calculated by
4.3 Specification testing is performed at a test frequency of
dividing the absolute value of the peak-to-peak shear stress, τ,
10 rad/s. The complex modulus (G*) and phase angle (δ) are
by the absolute value of the peak-to-peak shear strain, γ.
calculated automatically as part of the operation of the rheom-
3.2.3 linear viscoelastic, adj—within context of this test eter using proprietary computer software supplied by the
method, refers to a region of behavior in which the complex instrument manufacturer.
shear modulus is independent of the amplitude of the shear
stress or strain. 5. Significance and Use
3.2.4 oscillatory shear, n—refers to a type of loading in 5.1 The complex shear modulus is an indicator of the
which a shear stress or shear strain is applied to a test sample stiffness or resistance of asphalt binder to deformation under
in an oscillatory manner such that the shear stress or strain load. The phase angle is a measure of the relative portion of the
varies in amplitude about zero in a sinusoidal manner. response to an applied load that is elastic (recoverable) or
3.2.5 parallel plate geometry, n—refers to a testing geom- viscous (nonrecoverable).
etry in which the test specimen is sandwiched between two 5.2 The test procedure is applicable to measurements in the
rigid parallel plates. linear region where the measured modulus and phase angle are
3.2.6 phase angle (δ), n—the angle in degrees between the independent of the amplitude of the strain.
peak of a sinusoidally applied strain and the resultant peak of 5.3 The complex modulus and the phase angle are used to
respective sinusoidal stress. calculate performance-related criteria in accordance with
3.2.7 portable thermometer, n—refers to an electronic de- Specification D6373 or D8239.
vice that is separate from the dynamic shear rheometer and that NOTE 1—The quality of the results produced by this standard are
consists of a detector (probe containing a thermocouple or dependent on the competence of the personnel performing the procedure
resistive element), associated electronic circuitry, and readout and the capability, calibration, and maintenance of the equipment used.
system. Agencies that meet the criteria of Specification D3666 are generally
considered capable of competent and objective testing, sampling,
3.2.8 reference thermometer, n—refers to a liquid-in-glass inspection, etc. Users of this standard are cautioned that compliance with
or electronic thermometer that is used as a laboratory reference Specification D3666 alone does not completely ensure reliable results.
standard and is calibrated by an agency accredited to ISO/IEC Reliable results depend on many factors; following the suggestions of
17025. Specification D3666 or some similar acceptable guideline provides a
means of evaluating and controlling some of those factors.
3.2.9 steric hardening, n—a process where molecular asso-
ciations occur between asphalt binder molecules during storage 6. Apparatus
at ambient temperature. 6.1 Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) Test System—A dy- Discussion—Steric hardening decreases the phase namic shear rheometer test system consisting of test plates, an
angle and increases the complex shear modulus. Steric hard- environmental chamber, an internal thermometer, a loading
ening is time and temperature dependent and is asphalt binder device, and a data acquisition system as described in 6.1.1 –
specific. It may significantly affect the test results after just a 6.1.5. The manufacturer of the device shall provide a certificate
few hours of storage at ambient temperature. certifying that the frequency, deflection angle, and torque are
3.2.10 strain sweep—an isothermal test procedure in which controlled and measured with an accuracy of 1 % or less in the
the strain is increased stepwise at a linear rate of increase. range of this measurement.
6.1.1 Test Plates—Metal plates cylindrical in shape, formed
from steel or aluminum, with smooth ground surfaces are
required. Specification testing to D6373 or D8239 requires two
Available from International Organization for Standardization (ISO), ISO
Central Secretariat, Chemin de Blandonnet 8, CP 401, 1214 Vernier, Geneva, plates (upper and lower) 8.00 6 0.02 mm in diameter and two
Switzerland, https://www.iso.org. plates (upper and lower) 25.00 6 0.05 mm in diameter (Item A

D7175 − 23
in Fig. 1). In some cases, a laboratory may perform testing 6.1.4 Loading Device—The loading device shall be capable
using only one plate size. In this case, only that plate size is of applying a sinusoidal oscillatory load to the specimen at a
required. The lower test plate shall have a minimum thickness frequency of 10.0 6 0.1 rad/s. If frequencies other than 10
or raised portion of 1.5 mm to adequately trim the specimen rad/s are used, the frequency shall be accurate to 1 %.
(Item B in Fig. 1). The plates shall be formed as an integral part 6.1.5 Data Acquisition System—The data acquisition system
of the test fixtures that are used to mount the plates in the DSR shall provide a record of temperature, frequency, deflection
as shown in Fig. 1. angle, and torque. The manufacturer of the rheometer shall
provide a certificate certifying that the frequency, deflection
angle, and torque are controlled and measured with an accu-
racy of at least 1 %.
6.2 Specimen Mold (optional)—The overall dimensions of
the silicone rubber mold for forming asphalt binder test
specimens may vary, but the overall thickness shall be at least
5 mm thick.
NOTE 4—The following dimensions have been found suitable: For a
25 mm test plate with a 1 mm gap, a mold cavity with a concave bottom
FIG. 1 Plate Diagram with an approximate diameter of 18 mm and a depth of at least 2.0 mm;
and for an 8 mm test plate with a 2 mm gap, a mold cavity with a concave
bottom with an approximate diameter of 8 mm and a depth of at least
NOTE 2—The upper and lower plates should be concentric with each 2.5 mm.
other. At the present there is no suitable procedure for the user to check the
concentricity except to visually observe whether or not the upper and 6.3 Trimming Tool—A tool with a straightedge at least 4 mm
lower plates are centered with respect to each other. The moveable plate wide suitable for trimming excess binder from the periphery of
should rotate without any observable horizontal or vertical wobble. This the test specimen to produce a smooth face on the test
may be checked visually or with a dial gage held in contact with the edge specimen that is parallel and coincident with the outer diameter
of the moveable plate while it is being rotated.
of the upper and lower plates.
6.1.2 Environmental Chamber—A chamber for controlling
the temperature of the test specimen. The medium for heating 6.4 Reference Thermometer—A standard reference ther-
and cooling the specimen in the environmental chamber shall mometer for standardizing the portable thermometer. The
not affect asphalt binder properties. The temperature in the reference thermometer must be calibrated annually by an
chamber may be controlled by the circulation of fluid— agency accredited to ISO/IEC 17025. Alternatively, if the
conditioned gas, nitrogen or water is acceptable—or by a portable thermometer described in 6.5 is calibrated by an
suitable arrangement of actively temperature controlled heating outside agency accredited to ISO/IEC 17025, the reference
elements (for example, solid-state Peltier elements) surround- thermometer is not needed. The thermometer shall have a
ing the sample. When laboratory air is used in a forced air measurement temperature range covering the DSR’s range of
oven, a suitable dryer must be included to prevent condensa- test temperatures and an accuracy of 60.05 °C and shall be one
tion of moisture on the test plates. The environmental chamber of the following:
and the temperature controller shall control the temperature of 6.4.1 A partial immersion liquid-in-glass thermometer read-
the test specimen mounted between the test plates, including able to the nearest 0.01 °C meeting the requirements of
any thermal gradients within the test specimen, at the test Specification E1 readable to the nearest 0.05 °C. The thermom-
temperature 60.1 °C. The chamber or the water in the chamber eter shall be calibrated annually in accordance with Test
shall completely enclose the top and the bottom plates to Method E77.
minimize thermal gradients within the fixtures and test speci- 6.4.2 A platinum resistance thermometer (PRT) readable to
men. the nearest 0.01 °C, with a Pt 100 Class AA tolerance rating
and either a three- or four-wire configuration and an overall
NOTE 3—A circulating bath unit separate from the DSR that pumps the
water through the test chamber may be required if a fluid medium is used. sheath length at least 50 mm greater than the immersion depth.
The thermometer shall be calibrated annually in accordance Temperature Controller—A temperature controller with Test Method E644. Corrections shall be applied to ensure
capable of maintaining the temperature of the test specimen at accurate measurements within 0.05 °C.
the test temperature for the entire range of test temperatures.
6.4.3 A thermistor readable to the nearest 0.01 °C, cali-
6.1.3 Internal Thermometer—A platinum resistance ther-
brated annually in accordance with Test Method E644. Correc-
mometer (PRT) readable to the nearest 0.1 °C. The PRT shall
tions shall be applied to ensure accurate measurements within
be mounted within the environmental chamber as an integral
0.05 °C.
part of the DSR and in close proximity to the fixed plate. The
internal thermometer shall be used to control the temperature 6.5 Portable Thermometer—A calibrated portable thermom-
of the test specimen between the plates and shall provide a eter consisting of a resistive detector, associated electronic
continuous readout of temperature during the mounting, circuitry, and digital readout, fitted with a specimen-shaped
conditioning, and testing of the specimen. Standardize the wafer embedded with temperature sensor. The thickness of the
internal thermometer and apply corrections in accordance with sensor shall be no greater than 2.0 mm such that it can be
8.4.1 of this standard. inserted between the test plates. The portable thermometer

D7175 − 23
shall be a PRT or thermistor constructed in the same fashion as between the test plates) at intervals of six months or less using
described in 6.4.2 or 6.4.3, standardized internally using the the reference thermometer. If the reference thermometer (see
reference thermometer as described in 6.4 or externally by an 6.4) is also used as a portable thermometer to measure the
outside agency accredited to ISO/IEC 17025. temperature between the test plates, it shall be standardized as
6.5.1 The reference thermometer (see 6.4) may be used as per 8.3. The portable thermometer shall be standardized using
the portable thermometer if its detector is fitted with a wafer the same meters and circuitry (wiring) that are used when
embedded with a temperature sensor. temperature measurements are made between the plates.
NOTE 5—Guide E882 may be used for evaluating test data.
8.3.1 Recommended Standardization Procedure—Bring the
reference thermometer into intimate contact with the probe of
6.6 Micrometer—A micrometer readable to 0.01 mm for the portable thermometer and place them in a thermostatically
verifying plate diameter. controlled and stirred liquid bath. Obtain measurements with
both thermometers at test temperatures that will be used when
7. Materials conducting tests with the DSR. Allow the bath to come to
7.1 Wiping Material—Clean cloth, paper towels, cotton thermal equilibrium at each temperature. For this purpose,
swabs, or other suitable material as required for wiping the thermal equilibrium is defined for each thermometer as the
plates. point when three successive readings read at 1 min intervals do
7.2 Cleaning Solvents—Solvents for cleaning the plates not change by more than 0.02 °C. Record the temperature on
shall leave no residue on the surface of the plates. each thermometer when thermal equilibrium is reached. The
difference between the two readings is the temperature correc-
NOTE 6—Mineral oil, citrus-based solvents, mineral spirits, toluene, or tion that shall be applied to the portable thermometer.
similar solvents have been found to be suitable for cleaning the plates.
Organic solvent that does not leave a residue such as heptane, acetone, or 8.4 Standardization of Internal Thermometer—The internal
ethyl alcohol can also be used for removing solvent residue from the thermometer shall be verified at an interval of no greater than
surfaces of the plates. six months. When the differences between the DSR thermom-
7.3 Anti-Seize Compound (optional)—Used to ensure full eter and the portable thermometer are 0.02 °C or greater, apply
contact and heat transfer between the faces of the test plates a temperature correction to correct to the temperature displayed
and the faces of the portable thermometer probe. by the portable thermometer.
7.4 Reference Fluid—An organic polymer reference fluid NOTE 8—Some DSRs are programmed to automatically determine the
with a known viscosity traceable to the international system of temperature correction and software within the DSR automatically applies
the correction to the reported test temperature.
units through a national metrology institute (such as NIST) that
is approximately 270 Pa-s at 64 °C, as determined through 8.4.1 Internal Thermometer Standardization Procedure—
capillary viscosity measurements. The known viscosity for the For the entire range of test temperatures used by the DSR and
production run (lot) of the reference standard shall be printed at intervals of 6 °C, place the portable thermometer between
on the label of the bottle. the 25 mm test plates and close the gap to bring the wafer into
contact with the upper and lower plate so that the wafer makes
NOTE 7—A suitable reference fluid is available from Cannon Instrument complete contact with the surfaces of the upper and lower
Company as viscosity standard number N2700000SP or DSR64C. The
reference fluid is reported in cP which is numerically equal to mPa-s. plates. If needed, apply a thin layer of petroleum grease or
anti-seize compound to completely fill any void space between
8. Standardizations, Checks, and Verifications the wafer and the plates. Complete contact is needed to ensure
proper heat transfer across the plates and wafer.
8.1 Standardize, check, and verify the DSR and its compo- 8.4.2 At each temperature verified, ensure thermal equilib-
nents as described in this section when the DSR is newly rium has been reached and record the temperature indicated by
installed, when it is moved to a new location, and/or whenever the portable thermometer and the DSR thermometer to the
the accuracy of the DSR and/or any of its components is nearest 0.01 °C. Thermal equilibrium is reached when the
suspect. Four items require standardization, check, or verifica- temperature indicated by both the portable thermometer and
tion: test plate diameter, portable thermometer, internal the DSR thermometer do not vary by more than 0.03 °C over
thermometer, and overall operation of the DSR. Standardize a 3 min period.
the internal thermometer before verifying the overall operation 8.4.3 Application of Temperature Correction—If an adjust-
of the DSR. ment to the DSR thermometer is required, it is typically
8.2 Check of Plate Diameter—Before first using an upper or incorporated automatically within the software on with newer
lower test plate and every six months thereafter, measure its rheometers using the temperature verification data. If the DSR
diameter (average of three different locations ~120° apart) to does not have this capability, perform a manual temperature
the nearest 0.01 mm using the micrometer described in 6.6. correction as described in Appendix X1 and adjust the target
Verify that the plates are in compliance with the requirements test temperature in accordance with the correction such that the
specified in 6.1.1. Maintain a log of the measured diameters so temperature reported by the DSR includes the correction.
that the measurements are clearly identified with specific 8.5 Verification of Overall Operation of DSR—Verify the
plates. overall operation of the DSR using a reference fluid once every
8.3 Standardization of Portable Thermometer—Standardize six months or when the accuracy of the test measurements are
the portable thermometer (used to measure the temperature suspect.

D7175 − 23
8.5.1 The reference fluid shall be used only at 64 °C. Below acetone. If necessary, use a dry cotton swab or soft cloth to
that temperature the phase angle differs sufficiently from 90° ensure that no moisture condenses on the plates.
such that the values calculated from G* and ω are no longer 9.4 Mount Test Plates and Fixtures—If the fixtures or plates
accurate. Above 64 °C the fluid tends to flow from the gap are removed for cleaning, attach them as directed by the DSR
between the plates invalidating the measured value for G*. manufacturer.
NOTE 9—A newly installed or reconditioned instrument should be 9.5 Zero the Test Gap—Zero the test gap in accordance with
verified on a weekly basis using the procedures in 8.5 until acceptable one of the three options described in 9.5.1 – 9.5.3. If the test
verification has been demonstrated.
temperature differs by more than 612 °C from the temperature
8.5.2 Measurement of the Viscosity of the Reference Fluid— at which the gap is set, re-zero the gap.
Measure the complex modulus, G*, of the reference fluid at
NOTE 11—The frame, detectors, and fixtures in the DSR change
64 °C and 10 rad/s. Additional information regarding use of the dimension with temperature, causing the zero gap to change with changes
reference fluid is given in Annex A1. Precaution should be in temperature. Adjustments in the gap are not necessary when measure-
taken to ensure that there are no air bubbles in the test ments are made over a limited range of temperatures. The gap should be
specimen. Newer rheometers are typically programmed to set at the test temperature or, when tests are to be conducted over a range
automatically calculate and report the measured viscosity, ηM, of temperatures, at the middle of the expected range of test temperatures.
If the instrument has thermal gap compensation, the gap may be set at the
in units of mP-s. When making the calculation directly, convert first test temperature instead of the middle of the range of test tempera-
the numerical value of G* in kPa at 10 rad/s to viscosity in tures.
mPa-s by multiplying the numerical value of G* by 105. For
9.5.1 Manual Gap Setting—Manually spin the moveable
example, if G* = 2.66 kPa, ηM = 266 000 mPa-s. If the units for
plate, and while the moveable plate is spinning, slowly close
G* are in Pa, multiply by 102.
the gap. The zero gap is reached when the plate just stops
NOTE 10—The reference fluid may be reported in cP or mPa-s, which spinning completely.
are numerically equivalent; for example, 1 mPa = 1cP. The simplified 9.5.2 Normal Force Transducer—For rheometers with nor-
conversion given above is provided to make the calculation of ηM mal force transducers, set the zero gap by closing the gap and
straightforward for the typical user. The multipliers 105 and 102 are
necessary for the proper conversion of units. observing the normal force. Select the zero gap as the position
where the normal force is approximately zero.
8.5.3 The viscosity, ηM, measured with the DSR shall be 9.5.3 Automatic Gap Setting—Zero the gap automatically
within 3 % of the viscosity, ηR, reported by the manufacturer of according to operating procedures specified by the instrument
the reference fluid. Otherwise, the overall operation of the DSR manufacturer.
shall be considered suspect. Calculate the estimated percent
difference as: 9.6 Preheating Test Plates—Once the zero gap is estab-
lished as per 9.5.1, move the plates apart to approximately set
percent difference 5 100 % × F~ η R 2 η M!
ηR G (1) the test gap and preheat the plates. Preheating the plates
promotes adhesion between the asphalt binder and the plates,
where: especially at the intermediate grading temperatures.
ηR = the viscosity as reported by the supplier of the refer- 9.6.1 Preheating 25 mm Plate—Bring the test plates to the
ence fluid, mP-s (cP), and test temperature or the lowest test temperature if testing is to be
ηM = the measured viscosity, converted to mPa-s (cP). conducted at more than one temperature.
9.6.2 Preheating 8 mm Plate—Bring the plates to between
8.5.4 If the overall DSR operation cannot be successfully 34 and 46 °C to preheat the upper and lower plates.
verified according to 8.5, it shall not be used for testing in
accordance with this standard until it has been successfully NOTE 12—Specifications D6373 and D8239 and AASHTO R 29
provide guidance on the selection of test temperatures.
calibrated by the manufacturer or other qualified service NOTE 13—Preheating the test plates is important in order to obtain
personnel. adequate adhesion between the asphalt binder and the test plates.
Preheating is especially critical when the silicone mold is used to prepare
9. Preparation of Apparatus the asphalt binder for transfer to the test plates and when the testing is
conducted with the 8 mm plates. When the direct placement method is
9.1 Prepare the apparatus for testing in accordance with the used, as long as the test plates are immediately brought in contact with the
manufacturer’s recommendations. Specific requirements will asphalt binder, the heat carried with the asphalt binder improves adhesion.
vary for different DSR models and manufacturers. The preheating temperature needed for proper adhesion will depend on the
grade and nature of the asphalt binder and the test temperature (8 mm or
9.2 Inspect Test Plates—Inspect the surfaces of the test 25 mm plates). For some of the stiffer binder grades, especially those with
plates and discard any plates with jagged or rounded edges or high levels of modification, heating the plates to 46 °C may not be
sufficient to ensure proper adhesion of the asphalt binder to the test plates,
deep scratches. especially if the silicone mold is used and the testing is conducted with
9.3 Preparation of Test Plates—Clean any asphalt binder 8 mm plates.
residue from the plates with an organic solvent such as mineral
oil, mineral spirits, a citrus-based solvent, or toluene. Remove 10. Preparing Test Specimens
any remaining solvent residue by wiping the surface of the 10.1 Annealing Asphalt Binder—Immediately prior to form-
plates with a cotton swab or a soft cloth dampened with reagent ing the test specimen, anneal the asphalt binder sample from
grade organic solvent such as heptane, ethyl alcohol, or which the test specimen is prepared by heating the sample in a

D7175 − 23
container in an oven until it is sufficiently fluid to pour. Cover silicone mold without cooling below ambient temperature. If the binder
the sample and stir it occasionally during the heating process to specimen cannot be removed from the mold without cooling, it is
recommended that the direct transfer method be used, or the filled mold
ensure homogeneity and to remove air bubbles. Annealing may be chilled in a freezer or refrigerator for a maximum of 10 min to
prior to testing reverses steric hardening that occurs during facilitate demolding.
normal storage at ambient temperature.
10.3 Trimming Test Specimen—Immediately after the speci-
NOTE 14—Minimum pouring temperatures that produce a consistency
equivalent to that of SAE 10W30 motor oil (readily pours but not overly men has been placed on one of the test plates as described
fluid) at room temperature are recommended. Heating unaged asphalt to above, move the test plates together until the gap between the
temperatures above 135 °C should be avoided. However, with some plates equals the testing gap plus the gap closure required to
modified asphalts or heavily aged binders, pouring temperatures above create the bulge. This is typically done automatically for newer
135 °C may be required. In all cases, heating time and temperature should rheometers. Trim excess binder by moving a heated trimming
be minimized. During the heating process, the sample should be covered
and stirred occasionally to ensure homogeneity. Use caution during tool around the edges of the plates so that the asphalt binder is
stirring to avoid trapping air bubbles in the asphalt binder. flush with the outer diameter of the plates.
NOTE 18—The trimming tool should be at a temperature that is
10.2 Transferring Binder to Test Plate—Transfer asphalt sufficiently hot as to allow trimming but not excessively hot as to cause the
binder to one of the test plates through direct transfer or by use specimen to emit smoke.
of a silicone mold. 10.4 Creating Testing Bulge—Immediately after trimming is
10.2.1 Direct Transfer—Transfer the hot binder to one of the complete, decrease the gap by the amount required to form a
plates by pouring from a suitable container or using a glass or slight bulge at the outside face of the test specimen. This is
metal rod, spatula, or similar tool. Immediately after transfer- typically done automatically by newer rheometers. See Appen-
ring the hot binder to one of the plates, proceed to 10.3 to trim dix X2 if creating the testing bulge is done manually. Recom-
the specimen and 10.4 to form the bulge. mended gap closure values for creating the bulge are 0.05 mm
NOTE 15—A small, narrow stainless steel spatula of the type used to for the 25 mm plate and 0.10 mm for the 8 mm plate.
weigh powders on an analytical balance has been found suitable for NOTE 19—The complex modulus is calculated with the assumption that
transferring the hot binder. When using a rod, form a mass of sufficient the specimen diameter is equal to the plate diameter. If the binder forms
size to form the test specimen by using a twisting motion. The twisting a concave surface at its outer edges during testing, this assumption will not
motion seems to keep the mass on the rod in control. A 4 to 5 mm diameter be valid, and the modulus will be underestimated. The operator should
rod is suitable. The glass rod technique is especially useful for the 8 mm visually verify that a proper bulge is present at the beginning and end of
plate. a test, especially when the test temperature is lower or higher than the
bulge formation temperature.
10.2.2 Silicone Mold—Pour the hot asphalt binder into a
silicone mold to form a convex surface. Allow the mold to cool 11. Testing the Specimen
to room temperature. The molds shall be covered while cooling
11.1 Set the temperature controller to the temperature,
to eliminate contamination. The filled mold shall be cooled at
including any temperature offset correction as per 8.4, required
room temperature by placing the mold on a flat laboratory
to obtain the test temperature in the test specimen between the
bench surface without chilling. Cooling to temperatures below
test plates. Allow the DSR to reach thermal equilibrium within
room temperature results in an unknown thermal history that
60.1 °C of test temperature.
may affect the measured values of modulus and phase angle.
11.1.1 When testing a binder for compliance to Specifica-
Chilling may also result in the formation of moisture on the
tion D6373 or D8239, select the appropriate test temperature
surface of the specimen that will interfere with adhesion of the
from Table 1 those standards. When testing at multiple
specimen to the plates.
temperatures, start at the lowest test temperature for the 25 mm Mount the specimen on the DSR test plate. The plate and start at the highest test temperature for the 8 mm
specimen may be mounted to either the upper or lower plate. plate. Select an appropriate strain value from Table 1. Software
To mount the specimen to the lower plate, remove the is available with the dynamic shear rheometers that will control
specimen from the mold and center the pellet on the lower plate the strain automatically without control by the operator.
of the DSR. Alternatively, center the specimen on the bottom
plate while it is still in the rubber mold. Gently press the 11.2 Allow the temperature indicated by the internal ther-
specimen to the bottom plate and then carefully remove the mometer to come to the target test temperature. The test shall
silicone rubber mold, leaving the specimen adhered to the be started only after the temperature has remained at the
bottom plate. To mount the specimen to the upper plate, center desired temperature 60.1 °C for at least 10 min. Start the
the specimen on the upper plate while it is still in the silicone application of the load and obtain a measurement of the
rubber mold. Gently press the specimen to the upper plate and complex modulus, phase angle, and frequency after applying 8
then carefully remove the silicone rubber mold, leaving the to 16 initial loading cycles.
specimen adhered to the upper plate. Complete all testing
within 4 h of pouring the specimen into the silicone rubber
mold. TABLE 1 Target Strain Values
NOTE 16—Acetone may be used to clean the silicone rubber molds. Material kPa Range, %
Value, %
Wipe the molds with a clean cloth or a cloth moistened with acetone to Original Binder 1.0 G*/sin δ 12 9 to 15
remove any asphalt binder residue. With repeated use the silicone molds RTFO Residue 2.2 G*/sin δ 10 8 to 12
become sticky. If sticking becomes a problem, discard the mold. PAV Residue 5000 G*sin δ 1 0.8 to 1.2
NOTE 17—Some softer binder grades cannot be removed from the

D7175 − 23
11.3 Obtain a test measurement by averaging data for an TABLE 2 Precision Estimates
additional 8 to 16 loading cycles using the analytical technique Coefficient Acceptable Range
and software provided by the manufacturer. When conducting Condition of Variation of Two Test Results
(1s%)A (d2s%)A
tests at more than one frequency, start testing at the lowest
Single-Operator Precision:
frequency and increase to the highest frequency. Original Binder: G*/sin δ (kPa) 2.3 6.4
RTFO/TFO Residue: G*/sin δ 3.2 9.0
NOTE 20—The standard frequency of 10 rad/s is used when testing (kPa)
binder for compliance with Specifications D6373 and D8239. PAV Residue: G*sin δ (kPa) 4.9 13.8
Multilaboratory Precision:
11.4 The data acquisition system specified in 6.1.5 auto- Original Binder: G*/sin δ (kPa) 6.0 17.0
matically calculates G* and δ from test data acquired. RTFO/TFO Residue: G*/sin δ 7.8 22.2
11.5 The testing at subsequent temperatures should be done PAV Residue: G*sin δ (kPa) 14.2 40.2
as quickly as possible to minimize the effect of steric harden- A
These values represent the 1s% and d2s% limits described in Practice C670.
ing. When testing at multiple temperatures, all testing should
be completed within 4 h of preparing the test specimen.
12. Report 185 to 208 laboratories testing eight pairs of AASHTO
12.1 Report the following information. resource proficiency samples. The analysis included five
12.1.1 Sample identification information; grades of asphalt binder: PG 52-34, PG 64-16, PG 64-22, PG
12.1.2 Test temperature to indicate the temperature of the 70-22, and PG 76-22 (SBS modified). The details of this
test specimen between the DSR test plates (°C to 0.1 °C); analysis are in the final report for NCHRP Project No. 9-26,
12.1.3 Complex modulus (G*), kPa to three significant Phase 3.
figures; 13.1.2 Single-Operator Precision (Repeatability)—
12.1.4 The phase angle (δ), nearest 0.1°; Duplicate results obtained by the same operator using the same
12.1.5 Complex modulus divided by sin delta (G*/sin δ), for equipment in the same laboratory shall not be considered
unaged and RTFO conditioned binders; suspect unless the difference in the duplicate results, expressed
12.1.6 Complex modulus multiplied by sin delta (G*sin δ), as a percent of their mean, exceeds the values given in Table 2,
for PAV conditioned binders; Column 3.
12.1.7 The strain amplitude to three significant figures. 13.1.3 Multilaboratory Precision (Reproducibility)—Two
results submitted by two different operators testing the same
13. Precision and Bias material in different laboratories shall not be considered
suspect unless the difference in the results, expressed as a
13.1 Precision—Criteria for judging the acceptability of
percent of their mean, exceeds the values given in Table 2,
dynamic shear results obtained by this method are given in
Column 3.
Table 2.
13.1.1 These criteria are based on an earlier version of this 13.2 Bias—Since there is no acceptable reference value, the
proposed standard and the procedure given in AASHTO T 315. bias for this test method cannot be determined.
The figures in Column 2 of Table 2 are coefficients of variation
that have been found to be appropriate for the conditions of test 14. Keywords
described in Column 1. The precision estimates given in Table 14.1 asphalt binder; complex modulus; DSR; dynamic shear
2 are based on the analysis of paired test results submitted by rheometer


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 Bubbles in the fluid will have a dramatic effect on the the fluid (Step 2), carrying a small mass of the fluid with the
measured value of G*. The fluid in the bottle should be free of rod. Touch the mass to the plate (Step 3) to transfer the fluid to
bubbles and care must be taken not to introduce bubbles when the plate.
preparing test specimens because they will affect the accuracy
A1.1.2 Spatula Method (see Fig. A1.2)—A spatula may be
of the test measurement. Three different methods as described
used to transfer the fluid. Special care must be taken not to trap
in this section have been used successfully for transferring the
air as the material is scooped from the bottle, Step 1. Smear the
fluid to the test plates.
mass on the spatula onto the plate (Step 2) and cut the mass
A1.1.1 Glass Rod Method (see Fig. A1.1)—In this method, from the spatula by drawing the spatula across the edge of the
a glass rod is inserted into the fluid and rotated (Step 1) while plate (Step 3). This method appears to be the most difficult to
in the fluid. Continue rotating the rod and pull it slowly from implement and is the least recommended of the three methods.

D7175 − 23

FIG. A1.1 Using a Glass Rod to Place the Reference Fluid on

the Plate

FIG. A1.2 Using a Spatula to Place the Reference Fluid on the Plate

A1.1.3 Direct Touch Method (see Fig. A1.3)—If the rheom- A1.2 Proceed immediately to 10.3 to trim the reference fluid
eter is equipped with plates that may be removed and rein- specimen and 10.4 to form the bulge.
stalled without affecting the gap reference, remove one of the
plates and touch the surface of the plate to the surface of the
fluid in the bottle (Step 1). Pull the plate from the bottle,
bringing a mass of the fluid along with the plate (Step 2). Invert
the plate and allow the fluid to flow out into a mushroom shape
(Step 3).

D7175 − 23

FIG. A1.3 Direct Touch Method to Place the Reference Fluid on

the Plate


A2.1 Scope A2.2.2 Strains shall be applied in a stepwise manner,

A2.1.1 This procedure is used to determine whether an increasing from a starting strain until the modulus decreases by
unaged asphalt binder exhibits linear or nonlinear behavior as 5 % or until the maximum strain of interest is reached.
measured by the change in modulus with increasing strain. NOTE A2.1—The starting strain will depend upon the characteristics of
This procedure is appliable to any mode of loading, testing the instrument and the stiffness of the asphalt binder. The starting strain
geometry, and test temperature. The linear region decreases should be selected as the smallest strain at which the test results form a
with a decreasing modulus. Therefore, the linear region will smooth curve. At very low strains the data may be erratic, and this data
decrease with a decrease in the test temperature and an increase must not be used in the determination of the linear limit.
in the rate of loading. A2.2.3 The strain at which the modulus decreases to 95 %
A2.2 Procedure of the starting strain may be determined visually from Fig.
A2.1 or it may be calculated from a fitted curve as the point
A2.2.1 Prepare the DSR in accordance with Section 9 of this where the strain has decreased to 95 % of the starting strain.

D7175 − 23

FIG. A2.1 Determination of Linear Limit


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Manual correction of the DSR thermometer should be coefficients to adjust the displayed temperature. If a manual
performed using the temperature standardization data gener- temperature correction is performed, the verification data shall
ated in 8.4 and may include either an individual temperature be plotted on a graph and new coefficients can be calculated
offset or a calculation of new thermometer coefficients cover- from the linear best fit line representing the data.
ing the entire range verified. The procedure used depends on X1.3.1 Plot the portable thermometer reading against the
the individual DSR software capabilities. uncorrected DSR thermometer reading. It is usually required
X1.2 Application of a single point offset could be used if the by the software to adjust the current coefficients back to factory
range of use for the DSR is small or if the software does not defaults in order to calculate the correct coefficients.
allow the use of new coefficients to adjust the displayed X1.3.2 Calculate the slope and intercept from the plot and
temperature. If the offset method is used, each temperature determine the coefficients needed by the software according to
used for testing needs to be verified at the offset temperature the manufacturer’s recommendations.
and the set point needs to be recorded in order to achieve the
actual temperature measured by the portable thermometer. X1.4 Using the new coefficients, perform the temperature
verification procedure again to ensure the new temperature
X1.3 Application of a thermometer correction could be used corrections result in DSR temperature readings within 0.1 °C
when the range of use is large or if the software allows for new of the portable thermometer throughout the range of use.

D7175 − 23


X2.1 Need for Accurate Measurement of Specimen X2.3 Factors Affecting Bulge Development—A number of
Diameter—The accuracy of the DSR measurements factors can affect the bulge formed at the test temperature.
depends upon an accurate measurement of the diameter of the These include:
test specimen. The diameter of the test specimen is assumed X2.3.1 The amount of closure used to create the bulge;
equal to the diameter of the test plates. For this reason, the
trimming of excess binder and the final closure of the gap to X2.3.2 The difference in temperature between the trimming
produce a slight bulge in the test specimen are critical steps in temperature, the temperature at which the bulge is created, and
the DSR test procedure. When the gap is closed to its final the test temperature;
dimension, the bulge must be of sufficient size to compensate X2.3.3 Thermal expansion-contraction characteristics of the
for any shrinkage in the binder and consequently avoid a rheometer; and
concave surface as shown in Fig. X2.1. The diameter of the test X2.3.4 Thermal contraction and expansion of the asphalt
specimen in Fig. X2.1 approaches d, rather than d’, the binder.
diameter of the plate. The modulus G* is calculated according
to the following equation: X2.3.5 A concave surface is more likely to form at the
intermediate temperatures than at the upper test temperatures
? G* ? 5 ~ 2h/π r ! · ~ τ/Θ !
(X2.1) (8 mm plate rather than the 25 mm plate). In fact, at the higher
where: test temperatures excessive material can be squeezed from the
G* = complex modulus, plates as shown in Fig. X2.5. This situation should also be
τ = torque applied to test specimen, avoided and may require gap closures somewhat less than the
h = thickness of test specimen, recommended values.
Θ = angular rotation, radians, and
r = radius of test plate.
X2.1.1 According to Eq X2.1, the modulus depends upon
the radius (or diameter) raised to the fourth power. Therefore,
a small concavity in the outer surface of the test specimen, as
shown in Fig. X2.1, will have a large effect on the measured
modulus because the actual specimen diameter will be less than
the plate diameter. For a given amount of concavity, the effect
on the measured modulus is greater for the 8 mm plate than for
the 25 mm plate. A more desirable result is a slight bulge as
illustrated in Fig. X2.2. Shear stresses are not transferred
directly from the plate to the overhanging binder, and therefore
the effect of a slight bulge on the measured modulus is much
less than a slight concavity. It should be noted that errors in the FIG. X2.1 Concave Surface Resulting from Insufficient Closure
After Trimming
diameter of the test specimen do not affect the measured values
of the phase angle.
X2.2 Recommended Gap Closure Values—Recommended
values for the gap closure required to form a bulge at the test
temperature similar to the bulge illustrated in Fig. X2.2 are
given in 10.4 as 50 µm and 100 µm for the 25 mm and 8 mm
plates, respectively. Although these values may be appropriate
for many rheometers, they may not be appropriate for all
rheometers. The applicability of these values to a specific
rheometer may be determined by preparing a test specimen
using the recommended closure and observing the shape of the
bulge after the final closure of the gap and after the test
specimen is at the test temperature. If the recommended
closure values do not give an appropriate bulge, the recom-
mended closure values should be adjusted as appropriate.
FIG. X2.2 Proper Bulge
X2.2.1 Proper and improper bulges are shown in Figs.
X2.3-X2.5. A magnifying glass is useful for examining the
shape of the bulge. Regardless of the closure required to
produce a desirable bulge, the actual gap should be used in the

D7175 − 23

FIG. X2.3 Good Bulge Size

FIG. X2.4 Concave “Bulge”

FIG. X2.5 Oversized Bulge


X3.1 Reason for Determining Time Required To Obtain the time to thermal equilibrium be established for individual
Thermal Equilibrium—After the test specimen has rheometers, typical trimming and testing temperatures, and
been mounted in the DSR, it takes it some time for the asphalt testing conditions.
binder between the test plates to reach thermal equilibrium.
X3.2 Method to Determine the Time Required to Obtain
Because of thermal gradients within the test plates and test
Thermal Equilibrium—A reliable estimate of the time
specimen, it may take longer for the test specimen to come to required for thermal equilibrium can be obtained by monitoring
thermal equilibrium than the time indicated by the DSR the DSR temperature and the complex modulus of a sample
thermometer. Therefore, it is necessary to experimentally mounted between the test plates. Because the modulus is
determine the time required for the test specimen to reach highly sensitive to temperature, it is an excellent indicator of
thermal equilibrium. thermal equilibrium.
X3.1.1 The time required to obtain thermal equilibrium X3.2.1 Mount a binder sample in the DSR and trim in the
varies for different rheometers. Factors that affect the time usual manner. Create a bulge and bring the test chamber or
required for thermal equilibrium include: fluid to the test temperature.
X3.1.1.1 Design of the rheometer and whether air or liquid X3.2.2 Operate the rheometer in a continuous mode at 10
is used as a heating-cooling medium; rad/s using an unmodified asphalt binder—one that does not
X3.1.1.2 Difference between ambient temperature and the change modulus with repeated shearing. Use the smallest strain
test temperature, different when testing below room tempera- value that gives good measurement resolution.
ture and above room temperature; X3.2.3 Record the modulus at 30 s time intervals and plot
X3.1.1.3 Difference in temperature between the trimming the modulus versus time (see Fig. X3.1).
and test temperature; and X3.2.4 The time to reach thermal equilibrium is the time
X3.1.1.4 Plate size, different for the 8 mm and 25 mm plate. required to reach a constant modulus. Typically, this time will
be greater than the time required to reach a constant reading on
X3.1.2 It is not possible to specify a single time as the time
the DSR thermometer.
required to obtain thermal equilibrium. For example, thermal
equilibrium is reached much quicker with liquid-controlled X3.3 Because the time required to reach thermal equilib-
rheometers than with air-cooled rheometer. This requires that rium will vary with the test temperature, the time to thermal

D7175 − 23

FIG. X3.1 Determining Thermal Equilibrium Time

equilibrium should be established separately for both interme- diate and high temperature measurements.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
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This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
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and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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