Bonding Booklet
Bonding Booklet
Bonding Booklet
Elements that do not form ins in their compounds may obtain an electronic structure similar to noble gases by sharing
electrons with other atoms.
In 1916, Kossel and Lewis realised that all the noble gases, except helium, had an outer shell containing eight
electrons. They suggested that this arrangement was responsible for the stability and inertness of noble gases.
“Thus, when elements form compounds, they either lose, gain or share electrons so as to achieve stable (low-energy)
electron configurations similar to the next higher of lower noble gas in the periodic table.”
Since Kossel and Lewis put forward their ideas in 1916, the noble gases have been shown to be more reactive than
expected and we now know of many compounds in which the elements do not have a noble gas structure, transition
metal ions or many covalently bonded compounds.
Nevertheless, the ideas suggested by Kossel and Lewis still form the basis of modern theories of bonding. These
theories help explain the formulas and structures of most compounds and the forces holding atoms and ions together.
Ionic Bonding
Ionic Bonding occurs between the ions of metals and non-metals. Metal and non-metals atoms have incomplete outer
electron shells, in order for atoms to gain a full outer shell, they need to either transfer their electrons to another atom, or to
receive electrons from another atom. The positive and negative ions formed are strongly to each other.
When metals react with non-metals, the ions produced form ionic
crystals. An ionic crystal is a giant ionic lattice containing billions of
positive and negative ions packed together in a regular pattern.
Whilst ions with like charges repel each other, overall, there is a strong
electrostatic attraction between all ions in the lattice. The strength of
this electrostatic attractions between ions depends on the charges of
the ions and their radii.
Ions with high charges and small ionic radii produce the strongest
electrostatic attractions.
22. Draw a diagram to represent the Magnesium 2+ ion.
23. Draw a diagram to represent the Calcium 2+ ion.
24. Which of the ions in the previous two questions has the smaller ionic radii?
25. Which of the above ions will form the stronger electrostatic attractions to an anion? Use the term ionic
radii in your answer.
26. Draw a dot-cross diagram for Potassium Chloride.
27. Draw a dot-cross diagram for Magnesium Oxide.
28. Explain which of the above ionic compounds you would expect to have the higher boiling point.
29. Two oxides have the following melting points: -1132oC and 2572oC. Predict which of the following oxides,
CaO and Na2O match the stated boiling point and explain why.
30. Sodium Fluoride has a high melting point, in terms of it’s structure and bonding, explain why.
31. In terms of electrons, how is NaF(s) formed?
32. Explain the difference between NaF(s) and NaF(aq).
33. Which one of the following NaF(s) and NaF(aq) will conduct electricity.
34. Explain your answer to the above question.
35. Explain the following trend in ionic radii: Ca2+ > Mg2+ > Be2+
36. Explain why Sodium Chloride cannot conduct electricity when solid.
37. Explain why NaCl is hard and brittle.
38. Explain why positive ions have a smaller ionic radius than the corresponding atom, using the term shielding
in your answer.
39. Explain why negative ions have a larger ionic radius than the corresponding atom, using the term shielding
in your answer.
40. Why does pure water not conduct electricity?
41. Which substance below is ionically bonded?
Substance Effect of heating, gently at first, then Effect of passing electricity through Effect of passing electricity
strongly solid through liquid
A Easily melts and then boils Does not conduct Does not conduct
B No change Does not conduct Conducts
C No change Conducts Conducts
42. Which substance below is ionically bonded?
Substance Melting Point (oC) Effect of passing electricity through solid Effect of passing electricity
through liquid
Maltose 102 Does not conduct Does not conduct
Nichrome 1400 Conducts Conducts
Pitchblende 700 Does not conduct Conducts
Homework – Ionic Bonding Review
1. This question pertains to Magnesium Oxide which is an ionic compound, answer the following questions
below about Magnesium Oxide and similar compounds.
a. State the electronic configuration for Magnesium.
b. State the electronic configuration for Oxygen.
c. Explain why Oxygen has a higher first ionisation energy than Magnesium.
d. After which ionisation energy would Magnesium see a significant increase in the value, in kJ mol-1,
for the first ionisation energy?
e. Write the equation which corresponds to this ionisation energy in the previous question.
f. Draw a diagram to show the bonding in Magnesium Oxide.
g. What is the name for Magnesium Oxide’s structure?
h. Why are magnesium and oxygen ions attracted to each other?
2. Magnesium Oxide can react with an acid to form a salt and water as shown in the equation below:-
MgO(s) + H2SO4(aq) → MgSO4(aq) + H2O(l) | 4g of Magnesium Oxide is reacted with 100cm3 of 0.4 mol dm-3
a. Determine the limiting reagent in the reaction given the information above.
b. Determine the number of moles of MgSO4 formed in this reaction.
c. Calculate the theoretical mass of MgSO4 formed in this reaction.
d. Only 4g of MgSO4 is formed in this reaction, calculate the percentage yield of this reaction.
e. Calculate the atom economy of the major aqueous product in this reaction.
f. Sulfuric Acid is a Bronsted-Lowry Acid. Explain what this means.
g. Write the ionic equation for the equation above.
h. Explain why Magnesium Oxide does not conduct electricity.
i. Magnesium Sulfate is another example of an ionic compound, the product formed does conduct
electricity, explain why.
j. Both Magnesium Oxide and Magnesium Sulfate have high melting and boiling points, explain why.
3. Rubidium Bromide melts at 966K and strontium bromide melts at 916K.
a. Convert the above temperatures into oC.
b. Why is the above data surprising, explain in terms of ionic charge and ionic radii.
4. Elemental analysis of a crystalline salt X gave the following percentages by mass.
Silver: 71.05% Carbon: 7.89% Oxygen: _____%
The relative molecular mass of X is 304.
a. Determine the empirical and molecular formula of X.
b. When heated, 5.00g of X were decomposed completely to give a solid residue and 8.14 x 10-4 m3 of
carbon dioxide at 298K and 100kPa.
c. Calculate the number of moles of X decomposed and use the volume of carbon dioxide gas to
calculate the number of moles of carbon dioxide produced.
d. Identify the solid residue. Write an equation for the thermal decomposition of X.
Metallic Bonding
Metals are incredibly useful substances with a wide application of uses, studies show that atoms in metals are
packed together as closely as possible in a structure we call a Giant Metallic Lattice Structure.
Metallic The strong electrostatic attraction
Bonding between positive metal ions and
delocalised electrons
Covalent Bond Electrostatic attraction between two nuclei and the shared pair of electrons between
Single Bond When 1 electron from each atom is shared. Represented by a single line
Double Bond When 2 electrons from each atom is shared. Represented by a double line
Triple Bond When 3 electrons from each atom is shared. Represented by a triple line
Covalent bonds when atoms share electrons, the atoms are held together by the strong attraction between the
positive charges off the nuclei and the shared electrons.
Covalent bonding, just like ionic, can be represented through the use of diagram. Covalent bonding diagrams
come in two forms, displayed formula and dot-cross diagrams.
Molecule A group of atoms bonded together (approx. 2 – 100 atoms). Can be an element or compound.
Bonding Pairs Pair of electrons involved in the formation of covalent bonds.
Lone Pairs Pair of electrons in the valence shell of one of the atoms in a molecule or ion which is not
involved in bonding.
In the diagram above.
Methane only has bonding pairs between the carbon and hydrogen atoms
Oxygen has bonding pairs between the oxygen atoms, and lone pairs on the valence shells of the oxygen
Lone Pairs affect the shape of molecules and allow some molecules to form dative covalent bonds.
1. This question applies to the diagram of water shown below.
a. There are 1 electron supplied by both the hydrogen and oxygen
atoms, what type of covalent bond is formed here?
b. Draw the dot-cross diagram for water into your books
i. Circle the bonding pairs of electrons
ii. Circle the lone pairs of electrons.
c. Explain what a covalent bond is.
d. Explain why two oxygen atoms cannot bond using ionic bonding.
e. Will Lithium ever form covalent bonds?
f. What is wrong with the statement “Only non-metal exhibit covalent
2. Complete the displayed formula and dot-and-cross diagram below.
Dative Covalent Bonding
In a typical covalent bond, each atom provides one electron for the bond. However, in a few compounds, a bond
is formed by sharing of a pair of electrons which are provided by one atom.
Dative Covalent Bonding Bond in which two atoms share a pair of electrons, both the electrons being
(Covalent Bonding) donated by one atom.
Once the bond is formed there is no difference between a dative covalent bond and any other bond. As you can
see above, there is a difference in how we indicate the co-ordinate bond in a displayed formula, with an arrow
showing the pair of electrons donated to the atom.
Covalent Bond Strength
Covalent Bonds are formed from the overlap of electron orbitals. There are two types of bonds which you need to
be familiar with in this course. Sigma and Pi Bonds.
Electron Density Probability of finding an electron in a specific area between two nuclei.
Greater the electron density the greater the probability of electrons being present.
Sigma Bond Formed from the head-up overlap of atomic orbitals | Stronger than Pi Bonds
Pi Bond Sideways overlap of atomic orbitals which results in electron density above and below
the plane of the nuclei of the bonding atoms.
In covalent bonds, bond strengths are related to the length of the covalent bond.
Bond length is the distance between the nuclei of two bonded atoms in a molecule. It depends on the size of
atoms involved and the number of pairs of electrons shared.
Larger atoms form longer bonds due to more electrons which increases shielding.
Single Bonds form longer bonds than double bonds which form longer bonds than triple bonds.
The stronger the attraction, the higher the bond enthalpy and the shorter the bond length
Bond C-C C=C C≡C
Average Bond Enthalpy (kJ mol ) +347 +612 +838
Bond length (nm) 0.154 0.134 0.120
Bond Cl-Cl Br-Br I-I
Average Bond Enthalpy (kJ mol-1) +243 +193 +151
Bond length (nm) 0.199 0.228 0.267
13. In terms of atomic structure, why is the Cl-Cl bond a shorter length than the Br-Br bond?
14. In terms of atomic structure, explain why the bond enthalpy for the Cl-Cl bond is greater than the Br-Br
15. State the number and type of bonds present in the C-C bond.
16. State the number and type of bonds present in the C=C bond.
17. Using the term electron density in your answer, explain why the C=C bond is stronger than the C-C bond.
18. Challenge: Despite containing a double bond, the O=O bond (Bond Enthalpy = 498 kJ mol-1) has a similar
strength to the O-H bond (464 kJ mol-1). Considering the structure and size of both Oxygen and Hydrogen
atoms, explain why.
19. This question pertains to Lithium and Sodium Fluoride.
a. Draw a dot and cross diagram for Lithium Fluoride.
b. Would you expect Sodium Fluoride to have a higher or lower melting point than Lithium Fluoride,
explain your answer.
c. 10g of Sodium reacts with 1.2dm3 of Fluorine gas at room temperature and pressure. Calculate the
maximum mass of Sodium Fluoride that would be produced in this reaction.
d. 4g of Sodium Fluoride is formed, calculate the % yield in this reaction.
20. AlCl3 forms Al2Cl6 molecules when it sublimes.
a. How many valence electrons does Aluminium have?
b. Explain why Aluminium, when it bonds covalently, cannot fulfil the octet rule.
c. Explain why Aluminium, when it bonds covalently, could form dative covalent bonds.
Properties of Covalent Substances
Within covalent bonding, when the atoms (remember they have no charge so aren’t ions) come together they can
either form a giant covalent substance or a simple molecular substance. These substances have significantly
differing properties. Most covalent substances are simple molecular substances.
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Factors Allotropes of Carbon and Molecular Solids
Two further allotropes of carbon you may be familiar with from your GCSE studies are graphene, fullerenes and
carbon nanotubes.
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