Applicant Name:
(as indicated on the Permit Application Transmittal Form)
The following application information is required for applications to discharge from solid waste disposal
areas as defined in section 22a-430-6(b) of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies (RCSA).
Completing this attachment will fulfill the regulatory requirements of sections 22a-430-4(c)(20)(E), 22a-
209-4(b)(2)(A), and 22a-209-14(e) RCSA. A copy of this checklist and all required submittals must be
included with the Permit Application for Wastewater Discharges (DEP-WD-APP-100) and the Permit
Application for the Construction and Operation of a Solid Waste Facility (DEP-SW-APP-100).
Check the box preceding each document, to identify which is included with this checklist; indicate "NA" if
it does not apply. Unless specifically noted, all supporting documents listed must be included and
submitted with this checklist.
(1) The latest version of a United States Geological Survey quadrangle map at a scale of one inch
equal to two thousand feet which shows the North arrow and identifies the location of the solid
waste disposal area and the area lying within a one mile radius of the boundaries of such
The following detailed maps (numbers 2 through 5) must be produced, minimally, at a scale of one inch
equal to five hundred feet, and must show the North arrow, topography at a contour interval no greater
than ten feet and all pertinent features, noting natural and artificial features, within a minimum one half
mile radius of the boundaries of the disposal area:
(2) An area map of the site showing, at a minimum, the following physical features:
(A) all existing and proposed above-ground and underground man-made structures and
(C) all property boundaries and names and addresses of adjacent property owners and all
landowners within the area of potentially impacted ground waters as identified on the latest
assessor's map;
(D) all adjacent land uses as identified on the latest existing land use maps;
(E) all rights of way, easements, or other interests on the land upon which the solid waste
disposal area and its ground water zone of influence are located, including but not limited
to all such interests held by gas, sewer, water, and electric utilities;
(F) all areas served by a public water system as defined in section 25-33d of the Connecticut
General Statutes (CGS);
(H) all public and private water supply wells and all other water supply wells including but not
limited to wells used for industrial or agricultural water supply.
(E) all public and private water supply wells and all other water supply wells including but not
limited to wells used for industrial or agricultural water supply;
(F) the surface water quality classification goal(s) of all surface waters as identified on maps
adopted pursuant to section 22a-426 CGS;
(G) the ground water quality classification goal(s) of all ground waters as identified on maps
adopted pursuant to section 22a-426 CGS; and
(4) A bedrock geology map of the site which includes identification of the type of bedrock, location of
outcrops, bedrock and surface topography, strike and dip of bedding planes or foliation, fault
lines, fractures, and any other structural features.
(5) A surficial materials map of the site which includes types of unconsolidated deposits and soils,
and isopach contours of unconsolidated deposits.
(6) Detailed site map(s) at a scale of one inch equal to no greater than one hundred feet with
topographic contours at an interval of two or five feet, showing the North arrow, and the entire
solid waste disposal area. The site map(s) shall include identification of the following:
(A) topographic contours;
(B) for new solid waste disposal areas or lateral expansions, the proposed topographic contours
after site preparation;
(D) all existing and proposed test pit, boring, and observation and monitoring well locations;
(F) locations of existing and proposed fill limits including location of fill limit markers;
(G) all existing and proposed above-ground and underground man-made structures and
installations, including but not limited to on-site buildings, fences, gates, and roads;
(I) all rights of way, easements, or other interests on the land upon which the solid waste
disposal area and its ground water zone of influence are located, including but not limited to
all such interests held by gas, sewer, water, and electric utilities;
(J) the areal extent of the existing and predicted leachate plume to the point of discharge to a
surface water;
(K) the existing and potential ground water elevations at the site;
(L) identification of the location of cross-sections prepared in accordance with paragraph (8) of
this checklist; and
(M) the type and location of all existing and proposed sedimentation and erosion controls.
(7) Detailed site map(s) at a scale and topographic contour interval equal to the maps required by
paragraph (6) of this checklist showing the North arrow, the entire solid waste disposal area, and
all monitoring locations. The site map(s) shall include identification of the following:
(A) Contours of surface water elevations at each surface water monitoring location and ground
water elevations and corresponding point data at each monitoring location for each
measurement period and for each hydrogeologic stratum in which ground water elevations
are measured. Elevations shall be based on a minimum of two sets of measurements from
all surface water monitoring stations, available wells, test pits, springs and borings.
Measurements shall be taken during spring high water levels, unless otherwise approved by
the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).
(B) Spatial distribution, using point data and concentration isopleths of three representative
leachate parameters measured at each monitoring location during high and low rainfall
months and for each hydrogeologic stratum sampled.
(8) A minimum of four intersecting cross-sections through the site, two of which shall be along lines
parallel and two of which shall be along lines perpendicular to the general direction of ground
water flow. Each cross-section shall document the stratigraphic variation across the site, and
depict the following at a horizontal scale equal to the maps required by paragraph (6) of this
(A) existing, site preparation and final grades after closure;
(B) location, total depth, screen location, and logs of wells or test borings used to construct the
(E) vertical and horizontal direction of ground water flow within and across each geologic
(9) A detailed report describing the existing and projected water quality impacts of the discharge.
The report shall include, at a minimum, the following:
(A) A summary of the site history identifying past and present land uses at the site and other
historical sources of impacts to the quality of ground water and adjacent surface waters at
the site for the past thirty (30) years. Such summary shall include, but need not be limited
to, a description of past and present land uses at the site and at properties adjacent to the
site, identification and addresses of present owners of adjacent property, identification of
easements on the site, previous site improvements, identification of the types of materials
and wastes stored or disposed of on-site, analysis of aerial photographs of the site, and a
synopsis of the purpose, methods and results of any previous environmental investigations
or conditions at the site.
(B) An explanation of the map(s) prepared pursuant to paragraphs (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), and
(8) of this checklist.
(C) A statement by each affected utility identified on the area map(s) that the proposed activity
protects these utilities in compliance with applicable standards.
(D) A description of the hydrogeologic interaction at the site between the surficial and bedrock
geology, the ground water flow, surface water and the leachate discharge.
(E) All boring logs, construction and development details, and other supporting documentation
associated with monitor wells installed for the purpose of preparing the hydrogeologic
descriptions. Prior to preparation of the application, you may wish to consult with DEP for
information about monitor well installation.
(F) A compilation of data on the quality of ground water and surface water entering or adjacent
to the site for the purposes of characterizing ambient water quality at the site and identifying
the degree and extent of the leachate plume. Such compilation shall include, at a minimum,
the following:
(i) samples taken from (1) surface water monitoring locations upstream and downstream
from the solid waste disposal area; (2) monitoring wells located at or adjacent to the site
in areas which are or which could potentially be affected by the leachate discharge from
the solid waste disposal area; and (3) a representative sample of all water supply wells
within a one-quarter mile of the boundaries of the existing or proposed solid waste
disposal area provided such representative sample shall be chosen in accordance with
a sampling program which identifies the number and location of wells and discussion of
why such a sampling program is representative of ground water quality for such area;
(ii) a minimum of two sampling events, one month apart, shall be taken from all monitoring
locations, monitoring wells, and water supply wells described pursuant to paragraph
(9)(F)(i) of this checklist;
(9) continued on next page
(9) (F) (iii) leachate parameters as defined in section 22a-430-3 RCSA as amended, shall be used
to characterize the discharge and its impact on water quality. In addition, DEP may
determine that other parameters are necessary to characterize the discharge and its
impact on water quality. (A listing of the leachate parameters as defined in section 22a-
430-3 RCSA is included following this checklist.)
(iv) all existing water quality data including, at a minimum, quality assurance and quality
control protocols for the collection and analysis of ground water and surface water
samples, the analytical methods used and their method detection limits. The results of
all such water quality data shall be presented on graphs which depict parameter
concentrations on the ordinate and sampling events on the abscissa for each monitoring
location and each pertinent hydrogeologic stratum; and
(ii) For discharges of leachate from new lined solid waste disposal areas to ground water,
calculate the discharge volume using five-hundred and fifty (550) gallons per day per
acre for the entire disposal area. An alternative discharge volume of one-hundred (100)
gallons per day per acre for the entire disposal area may be used only if the lined solid
waste disposal area will not be receiving ash residue from a municipal resource
recovery facility.
(iii) For discharges of leachate from new lined solid waste disposal areas to other than
ground water, calculate the maximum daily discharge volume using a twenty-four hour,
twenty-five year storm applied to the active portion of the disposal area for the region in
which the site is located. The active portion is defined as that part of a solid waste
disposal area that has received or is receiving wastes and that has not been closed in
accordance with section 22a-209-14 RCSA.
(H) A leachate quality characterization shall be developed for the purposes of evaluating
possible impacts of the discharge to the waters of the state. Such characterization shall
consider the type of waste disposed of, on-site testing, testing of similar landfills, or
published literature. Such characterization shall be developed using the leachate
parameters as defined in section 22a-430-3 RCSA as amended, and any other substances
necessary to characterize the discharge and its impact on water quality, and the following:
(i) for discharges to the ground water, the concentration of each leachate parameter which
exceeds 95 percent of all concentrations measured for each such leachate parameter;
(ii) for discharges other than to the ground water, the concentration of each leachate
parameter which exceeds 50 percent of all concentrations measured for each such
leachate parameter.
(ii) For discharges to a POTW, evaluate such impact in accordance with section 22a-430-
4(t) RCSA. The evaluation shall be based on the leachate quality characterization
described in paragraph (9)(H) and the estimate of the quantity of the existing and
proposed discharge volumes described in paragraph (9)(G)(iii) of this checklist.
(iii) For discharges to a surface water, evaluate such impact based on the leachate quality
characterization described in paragraph (9)(H) of this checklist and the estimate of the
quantity of the existing and proposed discharge volumes described in paragraph (9)(G)
(iii) of this checklist. For water quality impacts from the leachate discharge, the applicant
shall consider the average ambient surface water quality for each parameter. Predicted
surface water impacts shall be estimated using seven day, ten year low flows obtained
from stage measurements or calculated from the United States Geological Survey
Connecticut Basin Reports or an equivalent low flow for areas affected by tidal
exchange or which are flow regulated.
(10) Except as provided below, all applicants for permits to discharge to a surface waterbody (i.e., for
new and existing discharges) must perform a Discharge Toxicity Evaluation (DTE) in
accordance with section 22a-430-4(c)(21)(B) RCSA and submit the results of the DTE as
Attachment O, Table 6.
A DTE need not be performed or submitted with this application if:
this application is for a permit to discharge sewage from a POTW; or
a DTE covering all discharges to surface waters at the site has been previously approved by
DEP; or
Note: For discharges to a POTW, a DTE may be required depending on the nature of the
discharge. In this case, you will be notified by DEP after submitting your application.
(11) A detailed plan suitable for field use by the operator for the construction, operation, and
management of the solid waste disposal area. Such plan shall ensure that the solid waste
disposal area is operated and maintained to: minimize the size of the working face of such area;
provide for and maintain adequate cover; minimize erosion, run-on, and the infiltration of
stormwater into the soil and the generation of leachate; and maximize stormwater runoff which
has not been in contact with the solid waste. At a minimum, such plan shall include a description
of the following:
(A) area, volume, and expected site life of the entire solid waste disposal area;
(B) type of solid wastes proposed to be accepted at the solid waste disposal area, the methods
of measuring and monitoring waste, the monitoring parameters and schedule and provisions
for the inspection of waste as it is deposited at the working face;
(C) details and sequence of construction of the solid waste disposal area;
(D) orientation, sequence and construction of lifts and cells which minimizes the infiltration of
stormwater into the soil;
(E) location, and the dimensions, and construction of access roads and a description of traffic
(F) type and amount of equipment and the number and responsibilities of staff to ensure
compliance with any approved plan of operation;
(G) daily operations, controls necessary to protect public health safety and welfare, dust and
odor controls, decomposition gas controls, fire protection, vector controls, emergency
procedures, communications equipment, regular maintenance schedules, and information to
be recorded and recording procedures;
(H) proposed fiscal or institutional controls which will ensure the proper operation, maintenance,
and closure;
(I) a system of dispersion berms, trenches or other drainage structures to prevent stormwater
from infiltrating the soil and contacting the waste, and to direct water away from the solid
waste disposal area;
(L) a stormwater discharge system that includes a sedimentation and erosion control basin
capable of containing a 24-hour, 25-year design storm. A stormwater discharge system is
subject to the permit requirements of section 22a-430 CGS and sections 22a-430-3 and
22a-430-4 RCSA.
(12) A plan for a ground and surface water quality monitoring program, including but not limited to
quality assurance and quality control protocols for the collection of all surface water and ground
water samples, a listing of the leachate parameters to be monitored at each monitoring location,
their respective analytical methods and method detection limits, precipitation hydrographs for
the site, and a schedule for performing and reporting the results of such monitoring program to
DEP. Such program shall be designed to evaluate whether the ground water zone of influence is
within the right of possession of the permittee, and that the leachate discharge will conform with
Water Quality Standards and water quality criteria published pursuant to section 304(a) of the
Clean Water Act.
(13) A plan for a monthly inspection and monitoring program of the perimeter and side slopes of the
solid waste disposal area, the banks of surface waters, and any wetlands adjacent to the solid
waste disposal area to identify the degree and extent of leachate seeps or iron oxide
precipitation. At a minimum the following shall be included as part of such plan:
(A) All persistent leachate seeps shall be identified and shall be sampled and analyzed for the
leachate parameters as defined in section 22a-430-3 RCSA as amended, and any other
substances necessary to characterize the discharge and its impact on water quality. Such
sample collection and analyses shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of
paragraph (12) of this checklist. Persistent leachate seeps are defined as active discharges,
which have been identified at any one location in three consecutive inspections events.
(B) Submittal of a report which includes, at a minimum, a map drawn to a scale of one inch
equal to one hundred feet showing the location and extent of all leachate seeps or iron
oxide precipitation, and which describes the chemical composition of the leachate seeps,
any sampling results, the discharge rate, and which includes a plan for remediation of such
seeps or iron oxide precipitation and a schedule for carrying out the remediation plan.
(14) A plan for closure of the solid waste disposal area which includes but is not limited to provisions
for the grading of slopes, placement of final cover, and stabilization with soils and vegetation to
minimize erosion, run-on, and infiltration in accordance with the applicable requirements of
section 22a-209 RCSA.
(15) A plan for post-closure maintenance and monitoring of the solid waste disposal area and the
ground water zone of influence to ensure the minimization of leachate generation and the
monitoring of ground water and pertinent surface waters for a period of time which is adequate
to protect the environment and is at least 30 years. At a minimum such plan shall:
(A) identify all persons that will be legally responsible for the solid waste disposal area following
(B) provide for financial guarantees to ensure the long term monitoring and maintenance of the
facility as provided for in section 22a-209-4 (i) RCSA;
(C) provide for post-closure inspection, monitoring, and maintenance of the solid waste disposal
area and the remediation of any damage to or deficiencies in its liner system, final cover,
security facilities, or monitoring or treatment systems or facilities;
Place a check mark preceding each of the following to verify that the requirements have been met.
(16) Except as provided in section 22a-209-14(a) and (b) RCSA, a solid waste disposal area for the
disposal of residue shall be provided with a liner system which includes a leachate collection
system and a leak detection zone, and a leachate treatment and discharge system. The liner
system shall be constructed and operated in accordance with the requirements set forth in
section 22a-209-14(g) RCSA. To the extent possible, these requirements shall be implemented
to facilitate treatment of residue before disposal and retrieval of residue after disposal.
(17) The operator of a solid waste disposal area for the disposal of residue shall utilize any means,
including but not limited to inspection of material to be disposed, necessary to ensure that no
residue deposited in a cell contains material capable of penetrating or puncturing any portion of
the liner.
(18) In accordance with Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 258 (RCRA Subtitle D), the
applicant must demonstrate that the facility is constructed and operated in accordance with the
following location restrictions:
(A) airport safety;
(B) floodplains;
(C) wetlands;
Yes No Is the proposed facility consistent with the Solid and Hazardous Waste
Land Disposal Siting Policy adopted by DEP?
Yes No Is the proposed facility consistent with the latest adopted State Solid Waste
Management Plan?
Yes No Is the proposed facility consistent with the criteria in the latest adopted
Connecticut Water Quality Standards?
Yes No Has the applicant applied for an amendment to reclassify the ground water
quality for the solid waste disposal area to a classification of GC pursuant to
section 22a-426 CGS and the latest adopted Connecticut Water Quality
Standards? For more information concerning amendments of ground water
quality classification, call the Water Discharge Program at 860-424-3705.
Yes No Does the applicant have the right of possession, by means of fee interest or
easement, to the zone of influence of the existing and/or proposed solid
waste disposal area?
Yes No Is the zone of influence of the existing and/or proposed solid waste disposal
area located, in whole or in part, within an aquifer protection area as defined
in section 22a-354(h)(10) CGS?
Yes No Is there any potable water supply well located within the zone of influence
of the existing and/or proposed solid waste disposal area, or located such
that recharge of such well from the zone of influence could be induced by
Yes No Is the existing and/or proposed solid waste disposal area located, in whole
or in part, within any tidal wetlands as defined under section 22a-29 CGS?