Chapter II
Chapter II
Chapter II
Rex Banggawan
Taxation Law – Refers to any law that arises from the exercise of
power of taxation by the state.
Types of Rulings
1. VAT rulings
2. International Tax Affairs Division (ITAD) rulings
3. BIR rulings
4. Delegated Authority (DA) rulings
Tax are civil in nature and not political.
It is also not penal in nature because it does not define
crimes. Penalty is only intended to secure payment of tax.
A. As to Purpose:
1. Fiscal or revenue tax – general purpose
2. Regulatory – impose to regulate business, conduct, acts or
3. Sumptuary – tax levied for some social or economic
B. As to Subject Matter:
1. Personal, Poll or Capitation – tax on persons who are
residents of particular territory.
2. Property Tax – on property, real or personal.
3. Excise or Privilege Tax – tax on performance of an act,
enjoyment of an activity or engagement of occupation
C. As to incidence:
1. Direct – impact and incident are the same taxpayer. Collected
from person intended to pay the tax. Statutory taxpayer is
the Economic taxpayer.
2. Indirect – paid by any person other than the one who is
intended to pay. The Statutory Taxpayer is not the Economic
Statutory Taxpayer is the one named by law to pay.
Economic Taxpayer is the one who actually pays.
D. As to amount:
1. Specific Tax – tax on a fixed amount imposed on per unit
basis, such as kilos, liter or meter (custom)
2. Ad Valorem – tax on a fixed proportion imposed upon the
value of the tax object. (Value)
E. As to rate:
1. Proportional Tax – flat rate, subject all taxpayer to same rate
2. Progressive or Graduated Tax – tax increase as the tax base
increase. With regards to tax ability theory
3. Regressive Tax – tax decrease as the tax base increase, anti-
poor and it directly violates the progressive tax guaranteed by
the constitution.
4. Mixed Tax – combination of any of the above.
F. As to imposing authority:
1. National Tax – impose by the national government
a. Income Tax – annual income, gain or profit
b. Estate Tax – gratuitous transfer of properties by
descendent upon death
c. Donor’s Tax – gratuitous transfer by living donor
d. Value Added Tax – consumption tax collected by
VAT business taxpayer
e. Other Percentage Tax – consumption tax by non-
VAT business taxpayer
f. Excise Tax – tax on sin products that are non-
essential commodities such as alcohol, (not same
with excise tax or privilege tax)
Notes Income Taxation
Rex Banggawan
A. As to payment
1. VAT – at least P200K per quarter for the preceding year.
2. Excise Tax – at least P1M tax paid for the preceding year
Notes Income Taxation
Rex Banggawan
3. Income Tax – at least P1M annual income tax paid for the
preceding year
4. Withholding Tax – at least P1M annual withholding tax
payments or remittances from all types of withholding taxes
5. Percentage Tax – at least P200K percentage tax paid or
payable per quarter for the preceding year
6. Documentary Stamp Tax – at least P1M aggregate amount
per year
B. As to financial condition and results of operation
1. Gross Receipts or sales – P1B total annual gross sales or
2. Net Worth – P300M total net worth at the close of each
calendar or fiscal year
3. Gross Purchase – P800M total annual purchase for the
preceding year
4. Top Corporate Taxpayer listed and published by the SEC