Getachew Abere
Getachew Abere
Getachew Abere
Haramaya University
Getachew Abere
We here by certify that we have read and evaluated this Thesis titled ‘woody Plant Species
Diversity and Structure of Telet Forest in Amhara Sayint District, Amhara Regional
State, Ethiopia' prepared under our guidance by Getachew Abere Assefa. We
recommend that it be submitted as fulfilling the Thesis requirement.
As member of the Board of examiners of the M.Sc. Open Thesis Defense Examination,
we certify that we have read and examined the thesis prepared by Getachew Abere
Assefa. We recommended that the Thesis be accepted as fulfilling the Thesis
requirement for the degree of Master of Science in Biology.
By my signature below, I declare that this thesis is my own work and that all sources of
materials consulted for this work have been duly acknowledged through citation. I have
followed all ethical principles of the research in data collection, analysis, the preparation
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This thesis has been submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Science in biology from the Postgraduate Program Directorate at Haramaya
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Signature: ___________________
My Special thanks go to Friends Andualem Birhan and Derbew Abiye for supporting
me in all means they could.
Above all, I would like to thank my wife Abez Ketema for her golden support,
encouragement and prayers throughout the study period.
Finally yet importantly, my special thanks are reserved for my parents for their strong
moral support and good wish to my achievement.
Table of contents
General objective 3
Specific objectives 3
2.7. Diversity Indices 8
2.7.1 Frequency 11
2.7.2 Species importance value index 11
5.1. Conclusion 35
5.2. Recommendations 35
EFAP - Ethiopian Forestry Action Program
EH - Shannon’s Equitability
RF - Relative Frequency
SERVICE AGENCY). ........................................................................................................................................ 15
FIGURE 3 SAMPLING DESIGN ............................................................................................................................... 16
FIGURE 4 PHOTO OF SOME VEGETATION TAKEN BY GETACHEW ABERE ............................................... 17
Appendex 1 Altitude, Northing and Easting of plots in Telet Forest 41
Woody Plant Species Diversity and Structure in Telet Forest in
Amhara Sayint District; South Wollo Zone, Amhara Regional State,
A Study on woody plant diversity and structure were conducted on Telet Forest in Sayint
District, South Wollo Zone of Amhara Region, Ethiopia. Sixty four main quadrats of
20m × 20m with which five small quadrats of 5mx5m were systematically laid along
transects. In each main quadrat, all tree/shrub and saplings and seedlings of woody
species within the subplots were counted and recorded. Tree height of plants was also
measured using a meter-stick so as to categorize plants into height category
corresponding to seedling, sapling and mature individuals. Moreover diameters at
breast height, frequency, basal area and diversity evenness, etc of were derived from
the vegetation data. Results of the study showed that Telet forest is composed of 48
woody plant species distributed in 47 genera and 29 families. The Shannon Weiner
diversity index and evenness values of the forest were found to be 3.49 and 0.83,
respectively. Fabaceae was the dominant family followed by Euphorbiaceae.
Tree/shrub, sapling and seedling densities were 158.12, 430 and 434.15ha-1,
respectively. The most frequent species in the study area were Dodonaea angustifolia
(8.49%),Albizia gummifera (6.37%), Allophylus abyssinicus (5.94),Myrica salicifolia
(5.94%), Carissa spinarum (5.12%), Duranta erecta (4.37%), Rhus Vulgaris (4.37%)
,and Acacica,byssinica (4.09 %). Based on height classification, the entire vegetation of
Telet forest is in a good regeneration status. In conclusion, although Telet forest
appears to be in a good regeneration status, its species richness is low compared to
some other vegetation of similar ecosystem. Therefore, especial attention should be
given for it rehabilitation.
Diversity of woody plants reflects the number and variety of plant species. In Africa, the
forest cover is estimated to be 650 million ha, constituting 17 percent of the world's
Forest. Over 50% of African land is covered by Afro mountain vegetation (vegetation
found on highland of Africa (Amanual Ayalew, 2016). Ethiopia is a mountainous
country with great geographic diversity. The diversified topographic features made the
country to be covered by the richest forest cover in tropical Africa (Tolera Mouta et al.,
2008).The diversified forests are essential for survival of living organisms by providing
foods, oxygen, shelter and recreation. They are the source of pharmaceutical, timber and
clothing. Woody plants serve a wide range of economic, sociocultural and ecological
functions within traditional farming system (Wondie Mebrate and Temesgen Gashaw,
2013).Today, the forest coverage of Ethiopia is less than 3% compared with an average
of 20% for sub-Saharan African. Reduction in forest cover has a number of
consequences including soil erosion and reduced capacity for watershed protection with
possible flooding, reduced capacity and loss of biodiversity. Soil water availability is one
of the key factors for the generation, survival and growth of seedling community. As
many scholars agree, the forest of Ethiopia is decreasing from time to time due to
anthropogenic activities (Dikaso Unbushe and Tesema Tekle, 2016).
Ethiopia is an important regional center for biological diversity due to its wide range of
altitude, its geographical diversity with high and rugged mountains, flat-topped plateaus
and deep gorges, incised river valleys and rolling plains (Ensermu Kelbessa et al.,
1992). These helped the emergency of wide range of habitats that are suitable for
evolution and survival of various plant and animal species. As a result the country is
regarded as one of the most important country in Africa with respect to endemism of
plant and animal species in tropical Africa (EFAP, 1994; EWNHS, 1996).
Human beings are dependent for their subsistence, health, wellbeing and enjoyment on
forests. Forests have been providing raw material for wooden and non-wooden products,
space for human settlements and agriculture. Forests indirectly influence global climate,
serve as wild life habitat, provide genetic pool for biotic diversity and provide ecosystem
services for water shed protection and erosion control (Ramirez-Maricial et al., 2001).
Most of Ethiopian highlands were once covered with dense forest. This is indicated by
the numerous isolated mature forest trees or patches of forests (Friis, 1986). Historical
documents indicate that Ethiopia had experienced substantial deforestation, habitat
change, biodiversity loss, soil degradation and an increase in the area of bare land over
many years. Deforestation in the highlands of Ethiopia became unstoppable process
dating back many hundreds of years resulting in patches of forests mainly around
religious centers, inaccessible and protected areas (Alemayehu Wassie, 2007).
Ethiopia has great biodiversity resources due to the diversity in physical features,
climatic types, topography, habitat, vegetation types and fauna (Friis et al., 2010). The
Forest resources once covered most of the landmass of the country, but these days
clearing of land for agricultural expansion and the cutting of trees for fuel with all other
factors diminished the closed Forest cover of Ethiopia. According to the report of FAO
(2015), between 1990 and 2005 the extent of Ethiopia's Forest decreased by 1.4 million
ha. By 2005 the Forest cover further declined and estimated to cover 13.0 million ha.
This indicates that Ethiopia has lost over two million ha of Forest. As the studies show,
the abundance and frequency of woody plant species decline from year to year.
Therefore, stakeholders should identify the major threats that cause the loss of woody
plants. The major threats to the conservation of the Ethiopian vegetation are the intensive
use of forest lands for agriculture and livestock, need of fuelwood and construction
materials, forest fires and human settlement (FAO, 1996). Plant diversity can be affected
by biotic and a biotic factors. The major reason for forest degradation, biodiversity loss
and an increase the area of bare land are the conversion of forests to farm land shifting
cultivation, fire wood, charcoal production, overgrazing, inappropriate investments and
lack of viable land use policy (Ramirez-Maricial et al., 2001) .According to Belay Tefera
(2014), farmers throughout the world deliberately maintain trees and shrubs that are used
for cropping or grazing. Farmers protect and promote woody species within and around
their home gardens and fields. Plant regeneration by naturally and plantation is essential
for preservation and maintenance of biodiversity. Lack of integration of the local people
living around the conservation areas into the conservation efforts is the major constraint
General objective
To assess the woody plant species diversity, structure and regeneration status of
vegetation of Telet in Amhara Sayint District, South Wollo Zone, Amara region,
Specific objectives
To document woody plant species in Telet forest
To investigate the diversity, species richness and evenness of woody
plant species in Telet forest
To analyze the population structure of the forest
To identify the natural regeneration status of woody plant species in Telet
2.1. Woody plant diversity and distribution in Ethiopia
Ethiopia has large natural and cultural diversity with a wide range of climate but the
dense forest exists in the southern and south west part of Ethiopia. The differences in
altitude and latitude have resulted in a wide variation in climate. The various ecological
location and environment have a different diversity of plants. The vegetation of our
country is heterogeneous and it varies from semi-desert to Afro-alpine vegetation type
(Dinkissa Beche, 2011). There are more than 6000 higher plant species in Ethiopia,
from the total plant species, 428 are endemic and near-endemic and 107 are trees and
321 are shrubs (Vivero et al., 2005). The forest and woody vegetation resource of
Ethiopia were estimated to cover greater than 11.7% of the land, of this the woodlands
cover about 45% of the total land of Ethiopia. The woody plant species in Flora of
Ethiopia and Eritrea was estimated to be 1100; out of these, about 300 are tree species
(Dinkissa Beche, 2011). The majority of the economic activities and life of most
Ethiopian is related to the forest resources (Demel Teketay, 2001).
According to Wondie Mebrat and Temesgen Gashaw (2013), the mountainous land
scapes of Ethiopian high lands were characterized by high woody plant species diversity
but they have been degraded and fragmented. Degradation is the result of population
pressure that increases crop cultivation and livestock grazing in marginal areas.
Agricultural investment, charcoal production and relentless expansion of very aggressive
invasive species are having a profound and determinant effect on the woody plant
resource availability. The above activities contributed to increasing deforestation and soil
erosion in the high lands of the country (Tewolde Berhan Gebre Egzeabhare, 1988).
Land degradation indicates temporarily or permanent long-term decline in ecosystem
function and productive capacity and it is the primary cause of species loss at local,
regional and global scales through urban development, road building, recreation, forest
fires, agriculture and tree logging. The factors that would suppress woody species
diversity accelerate the degradation of natural habitats with many woody plant species to
a great extent. Such practice is leading to the extinction of moisture-loving species and
promoting the hardy and spiny species having least value for the society. Therefore, the
loss of biodiversity and changing the pattern of woody species has necessitated the
assessment of woody species diversity of the region and prioritize habitats, communities
and species for conservation (Wondie Mebrat and Temesgen Gashaw, 2013).
closest synonyms is plant community, but vegetation can, and often does, refer to a wide
range of special scales than that term does, including scale as large as the global.
Primeval redwood forests, coastal mangrove stands, sphagnum bogs, desert soil crusts,
road side weed patches, wheat fields, cultivated gardens and lawns; all are encompassed
by the term vegetation. According to Box and Fujiwara (2005) vegetation, a term of
popular origin, refers to the aggregate of all plants found in an area and it involves the
species (populations) of the local flora, which intern involve different genetic, migration,
historical or ecological elements.
Several scientific organizations have classified the world’s vegetation to create a series
of biomes, zones on earth with shared characteristics which can be defined by the plant
life they contain. There are number of classification systems in use; which describe
biomes in terms such as the types of plants found there, the soil conditions, the climate
and the historical use of the land. Some examples of vegetation biomes include tropical
plants, high alpine plants, and desert plants. (Girma et al..2004). Vegetation ecology, the
study of the plant cover and its relationships with the environment also called
synecology, is a complex scientific under- taking both regarding the overwhelming
variation of its object of study in space and time, its intricate interactions with a biotic
and biotic factors. It is a comprehensive account of plant communities and their
environments (Lemma, 2011). It covers the composition, structure, ecology, diversity,
distribution and dynamics of plant communities with an emphasis on functional
adaptations to abiotic and biotic processes governing plant community.
definite structure and often a regular specific species composition. A careful analysis of
vegetation is a means of revealing important information about other components of
ecosystem (Goldsmith et al., 1986). Vegetation study could also help and promote
selecting and employing an appropriate conservation and management plan for
sustainable use of ecosystem (Kershaw, 1973). Floristic data are relevant for establishing
the present situation for environmental impact assessment and for monitoring changes in
ecosystem quality in terms of changing species composition. The structure and
composition of vegetation is often a consequence of environmental gradients, which can
be defined as a change in the value of a particular parameter, such as temperature, soil
pH, and soil moisture or species composition over space (Whittaker, 1975) this
methodology requires complete inventory of all species composing the vegetation.
According to Maarel (2005), the species composition of a plant community, the key
element in its definition, is described in its simplest form by a list of species occurring in
the sample plot. The following quantitative measures can be used to quantify the level
that species attains: 1. Abundance, the number of individuals on the sample plot.
Abundance is the number of plant per unit area. Measurement of plant abundance
requires the counting of individual plants by species in a given area. It can be used to
show spatial distribution and ranges over time. 2. Frequency is the number of times a
species occurs in a particular area from the total sampled plots. It is the proportion of
plots in which a species occurs. It indicates how the species are dispersed and is an
ecologically meaningful parameter. In other words, it gives an approximate indication of
the homogeneity of the stand under consideration (Kent and Coker, 1992). It gives an
approximate indication for homogeneity and heterogeneity of vegetation. Hambrecht
(1989) pointed out that high value in higher frequency and low value in lower frequency
classes indicate constant or similar species.
Cover is among the most widely used measures of abundance of plant species because it
is not biased by the size or distribution of individuals. So, cover can be used to compare
the abundance of species of widely different growth forms (Floyd and Anderson, 1987).
Plant species cover is a popular variable for plant community description. In particular,
vegetation cover most often is expressed as percentage of a two- dimensional soil surface
area covered by a vertical projection of plants on to that surface (Grain-Smith, 1983).
Cover data usually are obtained by individual plant species and these data are summed to
obtain total plant cover. However, if cover of individual species overlaps in a vertical
position, a summation of cover by species over estimates total plant cover. A plant cover
data have also been useful for ecological interpretation of changes in plant species
composition associated with climatic fluctuations and with surface disturbances such as
mineral extraction and livestock grazing. As stated above, plant cover has been
commonly defined as a percentage of ground area covered by plant parts. Comparisons
of plant cover estimates obtained by any on-ground methods produce estimates that
require visual examination by an observer.
Beta diversity is low when the overlap between the species composition of two quadrats
is high, and the highest when the sample have no species in common at all. Gama
diversity describes regional difference in species composition. In addition to this idea,
Rosen Zweig (1995) defined the above three terms as: Alpha diversity (α)-refers to the
diversity of species within a particular habitat of community. Beta diversity (β)-is a
measure of the rate and extent of change in species along gradient from one habitat to
another. It is between habitat diversity that measures turnover rates. Beta diversity is
sometimes called habitat diversity (Kent and Cooker, 1992). Gama diversity (γ)-on the
other hand is the diversity of species in comparable habitats along geographical gradients
and is independent of the two (Kent and Cooker, 1992). Similarly indices measure the
degree to which the species composition of the quadrats samples is alike.
Ecologists have proposed other diversity indices that combine species with various
weightings for relative abundance. The first kind of indices, called heterogeneity or
diversity indices ( Schmitz, 2007), quantify either the likely hood that two individuals
sampled randomly from an area are not the same species ( Simpson’s indices), or the
likely hood that one cannot predict to which species the next individual collected in an
area belongs (Shannon-Weiner index). In both cases, larger values of the indices imply
more heterogeneity and hence diversity, than do smaller values of the indices. These two
indices differ in their sensitivity to the weighting given to rare species. Weiner index is
the most sensitive to changes in the number of rare species sampled in an area.
Shannon diversity index has emerged as the most widely used criterion to assess the
conservation potential and ecological value of a site. It is the most applicable index of
diversity (Abiyot Tilahun, 2009). Like Simpson’s index, Shannon’s index accounts for
both abundance and evenness of species present. The proportions of species relative to
the total number of species (pi) are calculated, and multiplied by the natural logarithm of
these proportions (ln.pi). The Shannon diversity index (H’) was calculated using the
following formula:
species making up the richness of an area. Evenness compares the similarity of the
population size of each of the species.
According to Mclean and Ivimer-cook (1973), Kumar (1981) and Paul (1993), species
diversity can be viewed in terms of species richness (total number of species in a given
area), species endemism (total number of species confined to that specific area),
evenness distribution or the relative abundance of the individuals within each species and
taxonomic diversity (measurement of magnitude of differences between species as seen
by their taxonomic distribution in genera, orders, classes and phyla).
This does not indicate what percentage of the abundance there were of each sub species.
Species richness increases as a function of ecosystem size and appears to increase even
within established communities, overtime (Putman, 1994). Moreover, diversity is a
function of time: all community tends to diversify with time; there for older communities
will be to more species rich than young once.
Evenness is a measure of abundance of the different species that make up the richness of
the area. Species diversity shows the product of species richness and evenness. Species
diversity indices provide information about species endemism, rarity and commonness
(Muller- Dubois and Ellen Berg, 1974). Evenness, according to Molinari (1989), is
defined as the degree to which the abundances are equal among the species present in a
sample or community and is a fundamental attribute of any multi species sample. To
quantify evenness, as mentioned by this author, one must rely on an evenness index,
which is a mathematical formula conceived to summarize evenness by assigning an
evenness value to each sample. As is the case with other statistics, such as the mean, the
median, the mode, and the standard deviation, evenness values are merely numbers: their
relevance to an ecological problem must be judged by the ecologists on the bases of
observed correlations with ecological or environmental variables of his or her interest.
Evenness indices as Schmitz (2007) accomplish this by scaling the heterogeneity indices
to a theoretical maximal value of diversity when all species are equally represented in the
sample. In this case, large index values imply that the species are equally represented or
equally abundant in a sample.
2.7.1 Frequency
Species importance value index permits a comparison of species in a given location and
reflects the dominance, occurrence and abundance of a given species in relation to other
associated species in an area (Kent and Coker, 1992). Therefore, for setting conservation
The recruitment of a seedling population from the available seeds relies on environment
sieve. Hence, a good understanding of natural regeneration in any plant community
requires information on the presence and absence of persistent soil seed banks or
seedling banks, quantity and quality of seed rain, durability of seeds in the soil, losses of
seeds to predation and deterioration, triggers for germination of seeds in the soil and
sources of regrowth after disturbances. Environmental factors such as soil moisture,
temperature, canopy cover (light conditions), deep leaf layers and micro scale
disturbances affect tree seedling dynamics .Seedling may fail to occupy a particular site
because seeds do not arrive at the site (dispersal limitation) or because the site is not a
suitable environment for establishment (establishment limitation). Hence, the availability
of seeds and the lack of suitable microsite for seedling recruitments are increasingly
identified as major constraints governing species diversity (Holzel, 2005).
Ensermu Kelbessa and Teshome Soromessa (2008) stated that some species are unable to
establish in the under story environment while other seedlings and saplings are favored
by herbivores. A tree species with no seedling and sapling in a forest is under a threat of
local extinction (Taye Bekele et al., 2002). Moreover, Tree species that have been over
utilized and lack replacement would eventually disappear from the forest (Ensermu
Kelbessa and Teshome Soromessa, 2008). One of the most effective adaptations for
ensuring successful seedling establishment is, therefore, possession of a large seed,
which provides an ample reserve of nutrients during the period immediately after
germination (Foster, 1986).
They are usually much more sensitive to both harsh abiotic conditions and competitions
from neighboring plants. In general, a tree species with no seedling and sapling in a
forest is under risky condition and it is suggested that these species are under threat of
local extinction. Hence, for a successful regeneration and establishment of seedlings, a
sufficient volume of viable seeds, appropriate climatic and edaphic conditions are
indispensible (Taye Bekele et al., 2002). In addition, vegetative regeneration of forest
gap can be affected by size, shape and orientation of gap to the sun, soil type,
topography, soil seed bank. Height and species composition of the surrounding
vegetation, extent of damage to vegetation upon formation of the gap, temperature aspect
of the gap and its spatial disturbances can also affect vegetative regeneration (Demel
Teketay, 2006).
The present study was conducted in South Wollo Zone Amhara Sayint District, Amhara
National Regional State. The District is 590 km far from Addis Ababa and 189 km away
from zone capital. Sayint District is bordered in the south by Densa district, North by
Mekidela District, East by Legambo District and West by Simada (Sayint District
communication affairs, 2019). It lies between the coordinates of 10o 53' to 10o57' N and
38o 54' to 39o 49' E and Adjbar is the Town of Saint District. The total area of the District
is 144,240.95 ha (Amhara Sayint Woreda Administration Office plan communication
Team, 2019).
Metrological data for the district is taken from the nearest town (temperature from
Dessie and rain fall from Legambo District). Accordingly, the study area obtains high
rainfall between July to August and low rainfall from October to January. The dry season
is between January to February and November to December. The lowest monthly rain
fall from the total is 9.31 mm recorded in December.
The highest mean annual rainfall of the district is 724 mm. The averages annual
maximum temperature of the study area is 16.1oC. The area also has a mean
monthly minimum and maximum temperature of 5.20c and 26.30crespectivelyFigure2).
Figure 2 Climatic diagram of the study area (Source: National Metrological Service
Reconnaissance survey was made in the study area in October 2019 to familiarize with
environment so that the number and direction of transects to be laid are determined
easily across the forest. Accordingly, 11 transects lines oriented to north-south direction
separated by a distance of 400 m were laid down. Then after, 64 sample plots with size
20 x 20m were systematically laid down at 50 m interval on each transect line. In each
main plot, 5 subplots with size 5 x 5m were established one at each corner of the main
plot and one at the center of the main plot to collect data related to seedlings and saplings
(Fig. 3). Woody plant species was classified in three size classes (seedlings, saplings and
mature plants) based on their height and diameter at breast height. In each sample plot,
all adult woody individuals with DBH ≥ 3cm and height > 3 m were considered as adult
plants; woody individuals with DBH < 3cm and height >2 m but < 3 m were counted as
saplings, and individuals with DBH < 3 cm and height less than 2 m were counted as
25m2 25m2
25m2 25m2
All trees/shrub species found in the main plots, and saplings and seedlings of woody species
found in sub-plots were recorded with their densities and voucher specimens were also
collected with their vernacular names. For those woody species with DBH>3cm,
circumference at breast height (1.3 m above the ground) was measured for later conversion
into DBH. For those tree boles branched at 1.3m, measurements were taken separately and
averaged. The height of the individual wood plants was also measured using a meter-marked
stick. The pressed and dried plant specimens were later identified using literatures such as
Flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea (Edward.S, Mesfin T, Hedberg I. 1995; 1997 and 2000) and then
authenticated with preserved specimen in Haramaya University Herbarium. Further diversity
data including frequency, species richness, Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index (H') and
Equitability/evenness index (J), dominance, population structure and regeneration status were
extracted and analyzed as follows. The Shannon-Weiner diversity index (H') was calculated using
the following equation:
H’ = ∑
Density of woody species was calculated by converting the total number of individuals of each
woody species encountered in all the quadrats across all transects used in the site to equivalent
number per hectare. (Kent and Coker, 1992),
Density =
Frequency of each woody plant species was computed as the proportion (%) of plots (quadrats)
within which a species is found out of the total number of quadrats used in the site. (Kent and
Coker, 1992),
Frequency =
Diameter at Breast Height (DBH): was obtained from the measured circumference as follows
DBH measurement ≥ 2cm (A), height measurement ≥ 2m (B) and local name Identification
Dominance of the woody species was determined from basal area obtained by converting DBH
data to basal area as follows. That is, BA = π d2/4. Where, BA = Basal area in m2 per hectare, d=
diameter at breast height, π = 3.14159265 (Kent and Coker, 1992),
Therefore, Dominance =
Importance value index (IVI) was obtained by summing up of relative frequency, relative
density and relative dominance, i.e., IVI= Relative density + Relative frequency + Relative
dominance. Where,
The population structure and regeneration status were derived based on height class vs density
of each height class. That is, by comparing individual number of seedling with sapling and
sapling with mature tree/shrub (Chauhan et al., 2008: Gebrehiwot and Hundera, 2014). And
regeneration status was assigned: ‘Good’, if the number of seedlings > saplings > mature
strata; ‘Fair’, if the number of seedlings > saplings< mature strata; ‘Poor’, if the number of
mature > saplings> seedlings strata; ‘None’, if a species is absent, both in saplings and
seedling stages, but present as mature; and New’, if a species has no mature, but only saplings
and/ or seedling stages
Totally, 48 woody plants distributed in 47 genera and 29 families were identified in Telet
forest. Of the 48 spp, 60.4 %, 35.4% and 4.2% were shrub, tree and shrub/tree,
respectively. Fabaceae (5 species, 10 .4 %) was the most dominant family in the study
area followed by Euphorbiaceae (with 4 species, 8.3 %), Lamiaceae and Moraceae with
3 species, 6.3 % each. The remaining 8 families were represented by 2 species (4.2) each
and 17 families were represented by single species (2.1 %) each (Table 1). Compared to
some previous studies conducted in a similar ecosystem of Ethiopia, for example,
Denkoro Forest in South Wollo with 64 spp (Abate Ayalew, 2003), Menagesha Amba
Mariam Forest with 70 species in Central Shewa (Abiyou Tilahun, 2009) and Gedo
Forest with 130 species in West Shewa (Birhanu Kebede, 2010) species richness of this
study area is relatively low. However, species richness of this study area is greater than
that of Yemrehane Kirstos Church Forest (39 species) in North Wollo (Amanual
Ayalew, 2016) and Kurib forst (39 species) in Awi zone of Amhara regional state (Molla
Belay, 2016).
(A.Rich) Warb
18 Dombeya tottid (j.F.Gmel.) streculiaceae Wulkifa T GA14
19 Duranta erecta Verbanaceae Muatis S GA21
20 Echinopus sp.A.Rich Astreceae Kushashele S GA15
21 Eucalyptus globulus Labill Myrtaceae Nechibahrzaf T GA17
22 Euclea racemosa Hiern Ebenaceae Dediho S GA16
23 Euphoribia abyssinica Euphorbiaceae Kulkual S GA19
24 Euphorbia tirucalli L Euphorbiaceae Kinichib S GA28
25 Ficus sycomorus Moraceae Beles S GA23
26 Ficuss surForssk Moraceae Sholla T GA27
27 Ficuss vasta Forssk Moraceae Warka T GA49
28 Grewia ferreginia Hochst Tiliaceae Lenqutsa S GA25
29 Hetromoropha arborescens Apiaceae Yegibmerkuze S GA24
(spreng) Cham.& Schldl
30 Hypericum revaltium Vahl Hypericaea Amuja S GA12
31 Jasminum abysinicum Oleaceae Tsenbelel S GA56
Hochest. ex.Dc
32 Juniperus procera Cupressaceae HabeshaTid T GA55
Hochest .Ex. Endel
33 Lippia adoensis Hochst Verbenacaea Kessie/koseret S GA54
.ex. Warb
34 Mytenus arbutifolia celastracaea Atsat S GA38
(A.Rich) Wilczek
35 Millettia ferruginea Fabaceae Birbra T GA53
(Hochst ) Bak
36 Myrica salicifolia A.Rich. Myricicaeae Shinet T GA03
37 Myresine Africana L. Myrsinacaeae Kechemo T GA06
From 64 quadrats, a total of 2380 individuals (405mature, 1111 seedlings and 864
saplings) of woody species were counted. This means the entire density of vegetation in
the study area was about 37 per main plot. Converting this into hectare, the entire woody
species density was 976.15 (158.12 mature, 434.1 seedlings and 430 saplings) per
hectare (Table 2). The densest species of this study area was Acacia abyssinica followed
by other species such as Acokanthera schimperi, Albizia gummifera, Allophylus
abyssinicus (Table 2). Compared to many other previous similar researches in similar
ecosystem, for example that of Dodola forest (Hundera et al., 2007), Wof Washa forest
(Fisaha et al., 2013), Boditi forest (Yineger et al., 2008), Gemechis forest (Sudi Dawud,
2018), Abebaye forest (Zegeye et al., 2011), Zengena forest (Tadele et al., 2014) and
Yegof forest (Mesfin et al., 2018) vegetation of the current study was less dense.
Topographic, climatic and anthropogenic variations occurring in different sites affect
density of given vegetation.
Table 2 Density and relative density (RD) of woody species (no. of individual/ha)
Clerodendrum myricoides(Hochest)
Vatke 22.7 2.89
976.15 100
Frequency reflects the pattern of distribution and gives an approximate indication of the
heterogeneity of a stand (Lamprecht, 1989). The most frequent species in the study area
were Dodonaea angustifolia (8.49%),Albizia gummifera (6.37%), Allophylus
abyssinicus (5.94),Myrica salicifolia (5.94%), Carissa spinarum (5.12%), Duranta
erecta (4.37%), Rhus Vulgaris (4.37%) ,and Acacica,byssinica (4.09 %), The least
frequent species in the study area were Myrtus communis with 0.25%, Heteromorpha
arborescens, Arundo donax, Ficus vasta, and Euphorbia abyssinica which accounts
0.47 % for each (Table 3). Ermias Lulekal, (2014) pointed out, species with highest
relative frequency has a wide range of seed dispersal mechanisms by wind, livestock,
animals and birds.
Bersama abyssinica Fersen 6 0.96
Clutia abyssinica Jaub.&spach 6 0.96
Myrsine Africana L. 6 0.96
Clerodendrum myricoide(Hochest.) 5 0.77
Cordia africana Lam 5 0.77
Eucalyptus globulus Labill 5 0.77
Euphorbia tirucali L. 5 0.77
Ocimum urticifolium Roth 5 0.77
Prunus africana (Hook.f) 5 0.77
Rhus natalensis Karuss 5 0.77
Arundo donax L. 3 0.47
Euphorbia abyssinica Gmel 3 0.47
Ficus vasta Forssk 3 0.47
Heteromorpha arborescens 3 0.47
(spreng. )Cham.&Schldl
Myrtus communis L. 1.6 0.25
Total 639.3 100
Mean basal area of woody species with DBH>2cm was computed and shown in Table 4
below. Of this spp., Albizia gummifera with 16.66 % relative BA ranked first followed
by Myrica salicifolia (16.45 %), Juniperus procera (9.67 %) and Olea europaea subsp.
cuspidate (9.65 %). Plant species which have large basal area are said to be most
ecologically important (dominant) species in a given ecosystem. Whereas Bersama
abyssinica, Heteromorpha arborescens, Acokanthera schimperi, Clerodendrum
myricoides, Calpurnia aurea and some others have less contribution for total basal area
(Table 4 ). Species with the highest basal area do not necessarily have the highest density
(Tamrat Bekele, 1994; Simon Shibru and Girma Balcha, 2004). According to Tamirat
Bekele (1994) and Dereje Denu (2006), basal area provides the measure of the relative
importance of the species than simple stem count. If we consider density rather than
basal area, shrubs could have been the dominant species. Species with largest
contribution in dominance value through higher basal area could be considered as the
most important species in the study area.
Importance value index (IVI) can be computed from relative density, relative basal area
and relative frequency (Kent and Coker, 1992). It permits a comparison of the ecological
significance of species in a given Forest type. It is useful for making comparison among
stands in reference to species. In this study the highest IVI values were recorded for
Myrica salicifolia, Albizia gummifera, Dodonaea angustifolia, Acacia abysinica,
Myrsine africana, Carissa spinarium, Juniperus procera and Olea europaea subsp.
cuspidata. Species with small contribution to the total IVI were Heteromorpha
arborescens, Prunus africana and Petrelobium satellium (Table5). IVI value indicates
the ecological importance of species in species in the community.(Lamprecht, 1989).
Species with the greatest importance value are the leading dominant of specified
vegetation (Amanual Ayanaw, 2016; Simon Shibru and Girma Balcha, 2004). In line to
this authors’ report, species such as Myrica salicifolia, Albizia gummifera, Dodonaea
angustifolia, Juniperus procera and Olea europaea can be considered as the leading
dominant species of this study area. Woody species which have lower rank to IVI are
more threatened and need immediate conservation.
24 Euphorbia tirucalii L.
1.07 0.78 1.733 3.583
25 Ficus sycomorus L
1.05 1.5 0.048 2.598
26 Ficus sur forssk
1 1.5 3.068 5.568
27 Ficus vasta Forssk
0.57 0.47 6.77 7.81
28 Grewia ferreginia Hochst, ex. A.Rich
In this study, population structure of woody plants was shown using height class vs
density in each height class. Result showed that the number of seedlings, saplings and
mature individuals were 434.15, 430 and 158.12 ha-1, respectively. Here we see that the
number of seedlings, sapling, mature individual, suggesting that regardless of individual
species, the entire vegetation appears to be in a good regeneration status. The fact that
the number of mature individuals is less than seedlings and saplings may suggest that
selective cutting of mature plants for various purposes is occurring in the study area.
5.1. Conclusion
Telet forest is one of the dry Afro mountain forests found in Sayint District; South Wollo
Zone of Amhara regional state. Ecological study was conducted to investigate plant
diversity, population structure and regeneration status of this forest. The results showed
that Telet forest contains about 48 woody plant species distributed in 47 genera and 29
families. Fabaceae (5 species, 10.4 %) was the most dominant family in the study area
followed by Euphorbiaceae (with 4 species, 8.3 %), Lamiaceae, and Moraceae with 3 or
6% species each. The remaining 10 families were represented by 2 species (4.2 %) each
and 15 families were represented by single species (2 .1%) each (Table 1). The overall
Shannon–Wiener diversity and evenness of the Forest were 3.49 and 0.83, respectively.
Based on height classification, the number of seedlings >saplings>mature individuals,
suggesting good regeneration status. Telet forest has less species richness compared to
other similar studies done somewhere in the country in similar ecosystems
5.2. Recommendations
Based on the results of the study the following recommendations are forwarded:
The present study was limited to Woody Species Composition and Diversity in
Vegetation of Telet forest thus; further studies on soil characteristics should be
Tree growing project should be encouraged by the local communities and
agricultural development office and sustainable utilization of the resources should be
Promoting private and community plantations specifically those with fast growing
species (indigenous) to ensure self-reliance with respect to demand for wood in the
end and decreasing human pressure on natural forest.
Raising awareness of local communities on the value of forest resources and
ecological consequences of deforestation.
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