33814-Article Text-103617-1-10-20221230
33814-Article Text-103617-1-10-20221230
33814-Article Text-103617-1-10-20221230
Received December 05, 2022; Revised December 28, 2022; Accepted December 30, 2022
This study aims to determine how the effect applying the think pair share learning
method has on the reasoning and mathematical abstraction abilities of class X
students of SMA Negeri 9 Makassar. This study used a quantitative approach with
the type of experimental research using a quasi-experimental research design with a
non-equivalent control group design. The population in this study were all 290 class X
students of SMAN 9 Makassar. The sample in this research was an experimental class
of 36 people and a control class of 36 people. The instrument in this study was a test
to measure reasoning abilities and mathematical abstraction in the form of a pretest
and posttest. The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistical analysis and
inferential statistical analysis, namely the multivariate analysis of variance (manova)
test. The results of this study indicate that: (1) The average results of students'
mathematical reasoning abilities in the experimental class and the control class
increased. (2) The average results of students' mathematical abstraction abilities in the
experimental class and the control class increased. (3) There is an influence of the TPS
type cooperative learning model's application on the reasoning and mathematical
abstraction abilities of SMA Negeri 9 Makassar class X students. (4) There is an effect
of applying the TPS type cooperative learning model to the mathematical reasoning
abilities of SMA Negeri 9 Makassar class X students. (5) There is an effect of applying
the TPS type cooperative learning model to the mathematical abstraction abilities of
SMA Negeri 9 Makassar class X students.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh penerapan metode
pembelajaran think pair share terhadap kemampuan penalaran dan abstraksi
matematis siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 9 Makassar. Penelitian ini menggunakan
[ 413 ]
Copyright © 2022, MaPan :JurnalMatematika dan Pembelajaran
Ahmad Farham Majid1), Muhammad Mursyid Munir2), Mardhiah3), Fitriani Nur4), A. Sriyanti5)
How to Cite: Majid, A. F., Munir, M. M., Mardhiah, Nur, F., & Sriyanti, A.
(2022). The Influence of The Application of The Think Pair Share (TPS)
Cooperative Learning Model on Students' Reasoning Ability and
Mathematical Abstract Ability. MaPan : Jurnal Matematika dan Pembelajaran,
10(2), 413-427. https://doi.org/10.24252/mapan.2022v10n2a11.
ducation is a planned effort to create an atmosphere of teaching and
learning so that students become active in developing their potential to
have religious spiritual strength, self-development, personality,
intelligence, noble character, and skills needed for themselves, society, nation,
and State (Ismail, 2012). So that education can be interpreted as a business or
human activity to foster his personality in accordance with the values in
society and culture.
Mathematics is formed as a result of human thought related to ideas,
processes, and reasoning. Mathematics is the study of patterns and
relationships, ways of thinking with organizational strategy, analysis and
synthesis, language, and tools for solving abstract and practical problems, and
mathematics is formed from human experience in the world empirically and
then that experience is processed in the world of ratios, processed by analysis
with reasoning in the cognitive structure so that until mathematical concepts
are formed that are easily understood by others and can be manipulated
precisely, then mathematical language or mathematical notation is used with
global value (Nurwijayanti, 2019). Mathematical material and mathematical
reasoning are two things that cannot be separated, namely mathematical
material is understood through reasoning and reasoning is understood and
trained through learning mathematical material (Nita & Surya, 2017). Based on
this explanation, it can be concluded that the mastery of mathematical material
cannot be separated from the arrangement of one's reasoning.
Mathematical reasoning ability is the ability to direct the mind to
produce a statement in reaching a conclusion when solving a problem (Konita,
Asikin, & Asih, 2019). Reasoning ability is one of the things that students must
have in learning mathematics. Not only because mathematics is a science that
is obtained by reasoning, but also because one of the objectives of learning
mathematics is for students to be able to use reasoning on patterns and
properties, perform mathematical manipulations in making generalizations,
compiling evidence, or explaining mathematical ideas and statements
(Febriyanti, Marethi, & Jaenudin, 2017). Mathematical reasoning abilities are
needed by students both in the process of understanding the mathematical
material itself and in everyday life. In learning mathematics, reasoning abilities
play a role both in understanding concepts and in solving problems.
The ability that is fundamental and supports carrying out cognitive
processes that study mathematical concepts in solving problems is said to be
the ability of abstraction (Warsito & Saleh, 2019). In addition to mathematical
reasoning abilities, abilities that must be possessed by students in learning
mathematics are abstraction abilities. Abstract terms often appear in the
language of mathematics and mathematics education. In Indonesian, the
abstract is defined as something that is intangible or something that is not
shaped (Nurhasanaha & Sumekar, 2019).
Mathematical abstract ability is the ability to find solutions to
mathematical problems without the real presence of the problem object
(Azizah, 2016). Abstraction ability (abstract thinking) in mathematics is very
important because it is an ability that can describe problems in mathematics so
students can visualize and manipulate an object that is virtual in learning
(Nurhikmayati, 2017). Abstraction ability in mathematics is very important
because it is an ability to describe mathematical concepts in a mathematical
problem in er words abstraction can build a model of a problem situation.
think about something independently. The two pairs (pairs), at this stage
students, are paired and allowed to discuss what they thought before. The
third is share, at this stage students share the results of their work with their
friends in pairs (Fidrayani & Fauzia, 2017). With this approach, students are,
expected to be actively involved in the learning process, and be able to solve
problems because students interact and work together in groups, while the
teacher acts as a guide and facilitator.
Based on research conducted by Natalliasari (2015) with the research
title "Use of the TPS Type Cooperative Learning Model to Improve the
Mathematical Reasoning and Problem-Solving Ability of MTs students" states
that the use of the TPS type cooperative learning model is better than the
conventional model because students' TPS models can be more effective and
can work together with their friends. Based on the results of this study, the
mathematical reasoning abilities of students who received learning using the
Think Pair Share cooperative model were better than students who received
conventional learning.
Another research conducted by Zaskia (2016) with the research title
"Improving Middle School Students' Mathematical Abstraction Abilities
Through Think Pair Share (TPS) Cooperative Learning" states that there is an
increase in abstraction abilities among students taught by the TPS type
cooperative learning model compared to conventional learning models. Based
on the results of this study, the use of the TPS type cooperative learning model
can improve students' mathematical abstraction abilities.
So based on some of these relevant explanations and research, the
researcher will conduct a different study, namely the effect of applying the
think pair share (TPS) cooperative learning model on the reasoning abilities
and mathematical abstraction abilities of class X students of SMA Negeri 9
The type of research used is quantitative research with a quasi-
experimental design, namely a non-equivalent control group design with the
following research design.
The population in this study were all 290 class X students of SMAN 9
Makassar. The sample in this research was an experimental class of 36 people and a
control class of 36 people, which were determined through a random sampling
technique. Data collection was carried out using tests in the form of pretest and
posttest questions to measure students' reasoning abilities and mathematical
abstraction abilities. The research instrument consisted of 3 reasoning ability
essay questions and 3 mathematical abstraction ability essay questions which
were arranged based on indicators of the basic competencies of the material
being taught. reasoning instruments were developed concerning several
indicators, namely: 1) Presenting mathematical statements orally, in writing,
pictures, diagram and; 2) Submitting allegations; 3) Performing mathematical
manipulation; 4) Arranging evidence, providing reasons or evidence for the
correctness of the solution; 5) Draw conclusions from statements; 6) Checking
the validity of an argument; and 7) Finding patterns or properties of
mathematical phenomena to make generalizations (Ariati & Juandi, 2022).
While the abstraction ability instrument was developed by referring to several
indicators, namely: 1) Integration and problem formulation; 2) Transformation
of problems into symbols; MakingMake generalizations; 4) Formation of
mathematical concepts related to other concepts; 5) Formation of further
mathematical objects; 6) Formalization of mathematical objects; and 7) the
process of manipulating symbols (Yusepa, 2016).
The data analysis used is descriptive statistical analysis and inferential
statistical analysis. Descriptive statistical analysis consists of calculating the
range, calculating the number of class intervals, calculating class intervals,
calculating the mean, the percentage of the average value, calculating the
standard deviation, and categorizing. As for the inferential statistical data, the
prerequisite tests for normality and homogeneity were carried out and the
hypothesis test used was the multivariate analysis of variance (manova) test.
not apply the TPS model. The data was analyzed so that descriptive statistics
and inferential statistics were obtained as follows:
Based on table 2, we can see that the reasoning ability pretest category
of the experimental class is 0 students (0%) are in the very less category, 9
students (25%) are in the less category, 15 students (41.7%) are in the sufficient
category, 12 students (33.3%) are in a good category, 0 students (0%) are in the
very good category. While the pretest category of reasoning abilities in the
control class, 0 students (0%) was in the very less category, 16 students (44.4%)
were in the less category, 15 students (41.7%) were in the sufficient category, 5
students (13 .9%) are in a good category, 0 students (0%) are in the very good
category. So it can be concluded that the largest percentage in the experimental
class pretest is in the sufficient category while the largest percentage in the
control class pretest is in the less.
The results of the hypothesis test obtained the sig value of the reasoning
class obtained an F value of 40.210 and a significance of 0.0001. So because the
F table obtained from db 2.34 at a significance level of 5% is 3.28. So the value
of F count > F table (40.210 > 3.28) and the significance value is less than 0.05
(p = 0.000 <0.05) it can be concluded that H0 is rejected so that the result has
the effect of applying the Think Pair Share (TPS) cooperative learning model
on students' ability mathematical reasoning of class X SMA Negeri 9 Makassar.
While the results of the hypothesis test obtained the sig value of the
abstraction class obtained an F value of 16.935 and a significance of 0.0001. So
because the F table obtained from db 2.34 at a significance level of 5% is 3.28.
So the value of F count > F table (16.935 > 3.28) and the significance value is
less than 0.05 (p = 0.0001 <0.05) it can be concluded that H0 is rejected so that
the result has the effect of applying the Think Pair Share (TPS) type of
cooperative learning model on the ability mathematical abstraction of class X
SMA Negeri 9 Makassar.
Based on previous observations, the application of think pair share
learning in the experimental class and cooperative setting learning in the
control class can both improve reasoning abilities and abstraction abilities.
However, the level of increased reasoning ability and abstraction ability is
better in the experimental class with the think pair share learning method. The
reason that there is an effect of the application of the TPS learning model on
students' mathematical reasoning and abstraction abilities is that in the
learning process the TPS model only involves two people in one group so that
the discussion is more focused. In addition, students are able to solve
problems with their own words and thoughts, each group of students tries to
find out the answers to the questions given so that all students become active,
and students individually can develop their thoughts because of the time to
think (think time) so that answer quality can be improved. Whereas the
cooperative setting learning model has a large number of members, causing
only a few students to work, especially active students, so that less active
students just stay silent and wait for the results of the active members. This is
in line with research conducted by Chianson, O’kwu, and Kurumeh (2015)
which shows the positive effect of TPS on student learning outcomes. In
another study, Jannah, Paridjo, and Utami (2019) show that TPS is better for
learning mathematics.
Based on the results of the SPSS test, it can be concluded that there is an
influence of the application of the think pair share (TPS) cooperative learning
Based on the results of the research and discussion, the following
conclusions are obtained regarding the effect of applying the TPS type
cooperative learning model on the reasoning abilities and mathematical
abstraction abilities of class X SMA Negeri 9 Makassar both partially and
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belajar. Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokarto.
Febriyanti, A. T., Marethi, I., & Jaenudin. (2017). Pembelajaran kooperatif tipe
think pair share dengan menggunakan catatan kecil untuk
meningkatkan kemampuan penalaran matematis siswa SMP. JPPM
(Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pembelajaran Matematika), 10(2). https://dx.doi.
Jannah, M., Paridjo, & Utami, W. B. (2019). Analysis the ability of mathematic
connection with cooperative learning model thinking pair share and
thinking pair square. Mathematics Education Journals, 3(1), 9–16.