Main Engine Damage Repair

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MAN B&W Diesel A/S

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Session 4: Ship Repair & Maintenance

Main Engine Damage Repair –

learning from the “PRINCESS OF SCANDINAVIA”
MAN B&W Diesel A/S, Alpha Diesel is
part of the MAN B&W Diesel AG organi-
zation with access to production plants
and research and development centres
in Denmark, Germany, France and
Great Britain as well as licence-
production in a large number of other

2) Activities and locations in Denmark, Germany

and France

MAN B&W Alpha Diesel produces and

markets “The Genuine Propulsion Pack-
age“. We manufacture both two-stroke
1) View of the Alpha works and four-stroke diesel engines, gear-
boxes, propellers, monitoring and
The modern facilities in Frederikshavn, control systems and commissioning and
Denmark consist of a 33,500 m² produc- service is executed on the Genuine
tion plant with its own foundry, engine Propulsion Package.
works with advanced production ma-
chinery, quality control, ISO certification,
efficient assembly lines, engine test fa-
cilities and administration.

Furthermore, MAN B&W’s Servicecenter

Frederikshavn, located at the harbour
close to the factory, consists of 3000 m²
of facilities for maintenance, repairs, re-
engining and docking of vessels.
3) The Genuine Four-stroke Package

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Servicecenter Frederikshavn is divided Her main particulars are:

into three sections: Length: 182.35 meters
- one section selling spare parts and Breadth: 23.60 meters
service as well as offering technical ad- Height from keel: 16.06 meters
vice for our products. Passengers: 1,800
- one section with 55 travelling service Speed: 26 knots
engineers who carry out commissioning Main engine output: 45,598 bhp
and service to our products worldwide at
the customers’ request. In the spring of 1999 Alpha Diesel
- one section with repair facilities in the learned that DFDS was forced to do a
port of Frederikshavn and a skilled staff. major repair to the main engines on-
The repair of the M/V PRINCESS OF NAVIA, due to cracks found in engine
SCANDINAVIA of which I shall entertain frames. The main engines are four
you in my paper, was undertaken at the S.E.M.T. Pielstick design type 12PC3-
repair facilities. 480/520 with a bore of 480 mm and a
stroke of 520 mm.
is a car and passenger ferry belonging As Alpha Diesel is an Authorised Repair
to DFDS, operating on the route Goth- Shop for S.E.M.T. Pielstick and as Piel-
enburg, Sweden – Kristiansand, Norway stick too is part of the diesel group
– Newcastle, England and return. She owned by MAN AG, we indicated to the
was built in 1975 by the Flender Ship owner that we would be very interested
Yard in Germany for the Salen/Tor Line. in undertaking the work at Frederiks-
She has been modified to fulfil the latest havn.
IMO and Stockholm Conventions con- At the beginning of June 1999, we re-
cerning safety and damage stability. ceived the first inquiry from the owner
She is also very well maintained and the and we were asked to quote for the fol-
accommodation may be described as lowing work extent:
that of a mini cruise liner.
•= All four engines to be stripped
down so the engine frame would
be completely naked.
•= One engine frame to be taken out
of the engine room and for-
warded to S.E.M.T. Pielstick in
France for welding of cracks in
the steel structure, annealed and
machined on all previously ma-
chined surfaces including a line
boring. The engine to be taken
out was the port side inner en-
•= The remaining three engines to
be welded on site and finally the
4) M/V PRINCESS OF SCANDINAVIA at quay repaired port inner engine and

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the remaining three engines to be We also accepted a daily penalty for de-
boxed up and test run. livery later than 29 March 2000.

At the end of June 1999 examinations As an S.E.M.T. Pielstick Authorised Re-

disclosed cracks in the remaining en- pair and Service Workshop, we have
gine frames to such an extend that access to all the technical information
welding repair was not possible on site. we will need for a repair job. Depending
The owner decided to have the engine of the task a Pielstick supervisor will be
frames of all four engines taken out and present. However, to prepare the project
forwarded to S.E.M.T. Pielstick in as well as possible, the project manager
France for welding, annealing and ma- and myself visited Pielstick in St. Naza-
chining. ire on 5 August 1999 to have a technical
discussion with Pielstick.
This part of the work with welding, an-
nealing and machining was covered by We received manuals for the engines,
a separate contract between DFDS and information about the work Pielstick had
S.E.M.T. Pielstick including a time frame contracted for DFDS, including the in-
for receiving of the engine frames at formation that Pielstick should have a
Pielstick and the return of the engine supervisor at our site during the disman-
frames from Pielstick. tling. We had discussions concerning
replacement of turbochargers, road
At the beginning of July 1999, we sub- transportation of the engines between
mitted our quotation as the leading con- Denmark and France including the re-
tractor with Orskov Steel Shipyard as quirements for lifting the engines. Each
partner for the steel work and SEMCO engine frame has a weight of 30 ton and
Marine as partner for the electric work. the crankshaft weighs 10 ton.
Alignment of the engines was con-
tracted by DFDS to JMC Marine, Den- Back home in Frederikshavn, we
mark. planned how our working teams could
be located close to the ship with social
At the end of July 1999, the final con- facilities: changing rooms and bathing
tracts were signed between DFDS and rooms. Office containers were planned
Alpha Diesel on one hand, and DFDS to be installed on the car deck of the
and S.E.M.T. Pielstick on the other ship. Facilities for telephone and data
hand. And for the first time in history a transmission for both the ship and the
group of engine builders was the office containers were prepared and
main contractor for the overhaul and space was scheduled at our main fac-
repair of a ship’s main engines which tory for dismantling of the crankshafts.
also involved steel work.
The repaired engine frames were to be
The contract laid down the time frame assembled at our main factory with
from 24 September 1999 until 29 March crankshaft, camshaft and gear train be-
2000. We were required to take out the fore re-installation on board. The de-
engines and send these to Pielstick in tailed planning also involved Orskov
France and we had accepted a daily Steel Shipyard and SEMCO Marine so
penalty for each day we were delayed. all parties knew the schedule for the
parts to be taken out. Storage space

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was planned forward of the ship’s car

deck and in our warehouse. Four 12- The ship arrived on a Friday and on the
cylinder medium speed engines taken following Wednesday the holes in the
into bits and pieces require a tremen- car deck were cut as shown on picture
dous amount of square meters for stor- number 6.


rived as scheduled on 24 September
1999 and was moored alongside the
scheduled berth.

6) Access to the engine room via the car deck

Picture number 6 also shows that the

cylinder heads are removed from both
main engines in starboard side. As most
of you Ladies and Gentlemen probably
5) Headed for Frederikshavn know, the Pielstick engine is a very
compact engine with a high output and a
As soon as the very capable engine small weight. Picture number 7 gives an
crew had drained the four main engines impression of the compactness in the
for fuel oil, cooling water and lubricating engine room.
oil, the dismantling started.
SEMCO Marine took care of all the elec-
trical items on the main engines as well
as the cabling and light below the car
deck and on the platform decks which
had to come out to allow access for the
engine frames to be lifted out.
Orskov Steel Shipyard took care of the
sea-water cooling pipes, the freshwater
cooling pipes and the main lubricating
oil pipes and prepared for the two open-
ings in the car deck port and starboard.
The preparations also included the 7) Pielstick engines’ compact installation
building of the lifting portals on each
side of the car deck. In front are the scavenging air pipes and
Due to the limited engine room space in starboard bank of top covers from one
the PRINCESS OF SCANDINAVIA, the engine, next is the port side bank of top
parts were lifted out through the access covers for the starboard engine.
hatch in the car deck as fast as the parts
were dismounted from the engines.

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Picture number 8 shows starboard side

of the engine room with all cylinder
heads removed from the two starboard

8) Cylinder heads removed from starboard en-


Picture number 9 shows the cylinder

heads when the valve gear covers have
been removed. There is still a lot of dis-
mantling work to be done.

10) Removal of pistons

As part of having the joy at the top of the

engine to lift out the piston and connec-
tion rod, there is a job at the bottom of
the engine with the lower part of the
connection rod and this is clearly visible
from pictures numbers 11 and 12.

9) Valve gear and fuel equipment of port en-


On picture number 10, the piston and

connection rods are being lifted out.

11) Releasing the lower part of the con rod …

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14) Close up on port side engine bank

12) … and lifting out the lower part

In picture number 13, one of our engi-

neers is looking for the car deck crane
hook to get the piston out of his way.

15) Working on the port side inner engine

Picture number 16 shows the progress

on the port engines.

16) Dismantling of the outer port engine

13) Hoisting pistons to the deck
Picture number 17 shows the air tool
Picture number 14 shows the port side used for taking out the studs for cylinder
on the way. Valve gear covers removed jacket and cylinder head.
and fuel pumps clearly visible. There is
a total of 48 cylinders, 192 valve spin-
dles and 384 studs for cylinder covers.

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17) Removal of cylinder studs

18) First engine frame lifted up from the engine
These engines are 25 years old and room
Loctite was very much in fashion in
those days. Most of the 384 studs were
fitted with Loctite. It was hard work to
get them out and it took us longer than

When finally all moving gear, piping and

turbochargers were removed, the en-
gines were released from their couplings
to the gearboxes and the foundation
bolts removed.

19) Crane arrangement at the car deck - the por-

tal built up on the car deck to do the lift and the
heavy I-beams put in place below the engine for
skidding the engine frame on to a low loader

Then the engine frame could be lifted

out from the engine room and placed on
I-beams, rolled out on the car deck and
lifted on to a truck.

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20) The trailer with engine frame rolling over the

aft ramp

The inner engines were lifted out first

and followed by the outer engines. The
engines were trucked to our main fac-
tory in Frederikshavn where crankshaft,
camshaft and gear train were dis-
mounted and the engine frame was
cleaned for road transportation from Al-
pha Diesel at Frederikshavn, Denmark
to S.E.M.T. Pielstick in St. Nazaire, 21) Cylinder heads in the workshop
Picture number 22 shows piston skirts
According to the contract, the 4 engine before cleaning, control measurement
frames should be out of the ship not and machining.
later than 26 October, but we had them
out by 18 October 1999.

During the period of the engine frames

being in France, Alpha Diesel was to
overhaul all the running gear for 48 cyl-
inder units as well as clean and prepare
the engine room for installation work

The overhaul work of all the running

gear showed DFDS as a prudent owner
22) Pistons lined up
as all equipment was overhauled ac-
cording to the engine manufacturer’s Picture number 23 shows connection
standard. rods before cleaning and control
Picture number 21 shows 2 cylinder
heads being assembled in our cylinder
head workshop.

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24) A cooling water jacket in the lathe

25) Preparation of the vessels´ foundation – in-

cluding some welding to close the holes for
foundation bolts

One crankshaft was renewed and one

milled off on the main journals to minus
ø0.5 mm and 2 crankshafts were pol-
ished. All 8 camshafts were controlled
23) Connecting rods and roller guide housings and brought back to original size by
on the floor metal spraying and the damaged cams
were renewed.
All connection rods were examined in
accordance with S.E.M.T. Pielstick in- At the beginning of January 2000, the
structions for cracks in all threads and first engine frame was returned from
serrations as well as being controlled in Pielstick in France. In our main factory it
our 3-D Zeiss measuring machine for was assembled with crankshaft, cam-
straightness and twisting. shafts and gear train. After transport to
All cylinder liners, cooling water jackets, the PRINCESS OF SCANDINAVIA in
cylinder heads, roller guide housings the port, the repaired engine frame was
were milled off on mating surfaces and lifted into the engine room as shown on
by using shims the original measure- picture number 26.
ments for the engines were obtained.

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26) First engine frame returned to the engine

The lift is about 55 ton so this is the rea-
son for the heavy chain blocks in pic-

28) Platform for new turbochargers

The insulated grey pipe leads the hot

compressed air from the turbochargers
aft to the air coolers forward. The new
scavenging air pressure is 1.8 bar – an
increase of 0.5 bar from the original
Picture number 29 shows the front end
of the engines with the air coolers and
the ellipsoid pipe pointing aft for the
cooled scavenging air. This will be con-
nected to each cylinder unit.

27) A 55 ton unit lowered to the foundation

The owners had also decided to ex-

change the turbochargers on the main
engines. For this purpose S.E.M.T. Piel-
stick designed a partial constant pres-
sure exhaust gas system with waste
gate valve. This installation was also to
be carried out during the assembling pe-
riod at Frederikshavn. Picture 28 in star-
board side seen from fore to aft with the
empty platform aft where the new ABB
turbochargers are to be seated.

29) Scavenging air receivers to be mounted

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Picture number 30 is taken from port 1. MAN B&W ALPHA Diesel is a re-
side towards starboard and the picture liable partner in major engine and
shows the port inner oil pan with counter ship repair and is able to keep
weights as well as the coupling for star- the schedule promised.
board inner engine and to the fore 2. The engines are brought up to
SEMCO Marine’s well prepared cables performance with the initial output
for port side engines. restored and a life potential com-
parable to that of new engines.
The last engine frame left the S.E.M.T. The gain in fuel consumption is 3-
Pielstick works on 23 February and ar- 4 g/BHPh due to the new turbo-
rived at Alpha’s premises on 25 Febru- charging system.
ary, and the ship left for sea trials on 29 3. Lub oil consumption is reduced
March 2000. due to total overhaul of all the
running gear, and the fact that
new and more efficient purifiers
were installed.
4. The repair and overhaul was
cheaper than installing new en-

If the ship and hull are fit for more years,

total overhaul of main engines is a way
of reducing daily running costs.

I do not have any figures from the own-

30) Oil pan with counter weights ready for the
next frame
ers, but we are informed that the en-
gines are performing with reduced fuel
This means that in 33 days the last en- consumption and a highly reduced lubri-
gine was assembled, and the hole in the cating oil consumption.
car deck closed with all cabling and the
piping finished. For Pielstick and Alpha Diesel it has
been a great experience and both par-
This was only achieved due to the ex- ties will be very interested in undertak-
cellent team work between the ship’s ing a similar project together in the fu-
crew, the on-site Pielstick supervisor ture.
with additional Pielstick specialists, Al-
pha staff, Orskov staff, SEMCO Marine So far, Alpha Diesel is scheduled to do
staff, JMC Marine Staff and Lloyd’s reg- a similar project on the OLYMPIC
ister class. COUNTESS, starting on 12 November
Which conclusion can be reached after
this extensive repair?

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