Diesel Facts - 2015-3
Diesel Facts - 2015-3
Diesel Facts - 2015-3
> Page 3 > Pages 4-5 > Pages 6-7 > Page 9
The World’s First MAN B&W ME-GI in Service MAN Alpha FP Kappel Design
Continued from front page MAN Diesel & Turbo sees sig-
...to implement a pilot conversion nificant opportunities arising for
on Q-Max Rasheeda, the first ret- gas-fuelled tonnage as fuel prices
rofit ME-GI project ever to be im- rise and modern exhaust-emission
plemented in the marine industry. limits tighten. Indeed, research in-
This is a milestone moment for all dicates that the ME-GI engine de-
involved parties.” livers significant reductions in CO2,
MAN Diesel & Turbo reports NO X and SOx emissions. Further-
that the vessel’s ME-GI units have more, the ME-GI engine’s negligi-
displayed a seamless change be- ble methane slip makes it the most
tween fuel-oil and gas operation – environmentally friendly technol-
a key characteristic of the ME-GI ogy available. As such, the ME-GI
technology. engine represents a highly efficient,
The Qatar fleet comprises 14 Q- flexible, propulsion-plant solution.
Max and 31 Q-Flex LNG carriers, An ME-LGI counterpart that
all using dual MAN Diesel Turbo’s uses LPG, methanol and other liq-
S70-ME-C low-speed diesel en- uid gasses is also available and
gines for propulsion. has already been ordered.
About Lemissoler
Over the years Lemissol-
er has become a diversi-
fied shipping group with
activities in the business
fields of liner shipping,
ship owning and ship
management. The group
is based in Limassol, Cy-
prus and is represented
globally through a broad
network of offices.
The ‘Wes Carina’, a sister ship to the ‘Wes Amelie’ (picture courtesy Wessels)
Chinese CMP
Renews Four-Stroke
Licence Agreement
At a signing ceremony in Anqing, CMP today one of MAN Diesel
Anhui province on 8 October & Turbo’s major licensees glob-
2015, CSSC Marine Power Co., Ltd. ally for such engines, and the
(CMP) renewed its contract with largest producer of MAN four-
MAN Diesel & Turbo for another 10 stroke engines in China.”
years of production of four-stroke Ulrich Vögtle – Vice President
medium speed engines. CMP is an and Head of Large Bore Four-
engine-manufacturing division of Stroke Licensing – said: “We
the Chinese State Shipbuilding view our relationship with CSSC
Corporation (CSSC), one of the as pivotal to our success in giv-
largest Chinese shipbuilders. ing Chinese customers access
Library photo of the MAN 12V32/44CR engine ordered for the Voyager newbuilding to our technology. Accordingly,
The new agreement marks the we are very happy and proud
This change leads to higher engine Principal details – Voyager renewal and continuation of a today to be able to officially an-
torque, a reduced speed-drop, a Length overall (m) 86.4 cooperation that first started in nounce the continuation of our
short recovery time, and no addi- the 1980s. excellent business relationship
Breadth (m) 17.8
tional air consumption. Mr. Zhang Haisen, Chairman for the next decade.”
Depth (m) 10.3 To date, CMP has deliv-
of CSSC Marine Power Co., Ltd.
Alphatronic 3000 control system Main engine 1 × MAN 12V32/44CR (7,200 kW) - said: “The extension of the four- ered 5,000 units of MAN four-
The propulsion control system Propeller plant ø (mm) 4,400 stroke licence agreement be- stroke diesel engines, equiva-
specified for the Voyager is MAN Shaft alternator (kW) 3,500 tween CMP and MAN Diesel & lent to 4,700,000 kW. CMP also
Diesel & Turbo’s new and ad- Turbo is a tribute to the very first holds a licence agreement for
Thrusters (kW) 1 × 1,400
vanced Alphatronic 3000 genera- licence we bonded 35 years two-stroke MAN B&W engines,
tion. The installation will be config- Gearbox Two-speed RENK – Type RSVL1000 ago. Furthermore, the com- which it too renewed for a dec-
ured for complete control station Propeller 4.4-m MAN Alpha propeller, incl. AHT nozzle prehensive cooperation scope ade at a ceremony in Beijing
set-ups at the main bridge, the AT3000 remote control system with refers not only to four-stroke earlier this year.
starboard and port indoor bridge Control system two-speed gear selection diesel engines, but also to two-
wings, aft bridge and the engine Source: MAN Diesel & Turbo stroke low speed engines, CPP About CSSC/CMP
control room. As a special feature propellers, turbochargers, and Headquartered in Beijing,
for optimised operational economy, SCR systems. CSSC values CSSC handles shipbuilding
the control system is specified with and in full operation. fuel-consumption savings and low- MAN Diesel & Turbo as its pre- activities in the east and south
two-speed gear selection – in ad- er exhaust-gas emissions. The fine mium partner, and sincerely ex- of China and consists of vari-
dition to the load control for floating An optimised aft-ship solution tuning of the final propeller-blade pects to continue this important ous ship yards, equipment
frequency operation. The high-efficiency (Alpha High design has been based on a care- business partnership to another manufacturers, research insti-
The MAN Alpha remote con- Thrust) AHT propeller nozzle has ful assessment of the Voyager’s 35-year milestone.” tutes and shipbuilding-related
trol system AT3000 is highly user- been specified in this case for predicted operational power/ Klaus Engberg – Senior Vice companies. Some of the best-
friendly and intuitive with the ability ‘headbox’ mounting. The optimi- speed/duration profiles, while tak- President and Head of Two- known shipbuilders in China,
to switch between the two speeds sation and integration of the large ing onto consideration the com- Stroke Licensing –said: “We such as Jiangnan Shipyard and
ensuring that the vessel always op- propeller and nozzle into the ves- promises involved in finding the have enjoyed a long, close co- Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuild-
erates with the highest possible ef- sel’s aft-ship design was carried perfect design solution for, for ex- operation with CSSC/CMP that ing, are currently owned by
ficiency. MAN handles all interfac- out in close cooperation with Salt ample, high-speed steaming and stretches all the way back to CSSC.
es to clutch control, PMS, etc. Ship Design. maximum pulling power efficiency 1980, and over the years CMP Zhenjiang Marine Diesel
Additionally, the propeller speed A propeller- and propulsion-op- at trawling speed with suppression has produced a broad range of (ZJMD), CMP’s predecessor,
change is performed automatically timised aft-ship solution delivers of cavitation and noise. MAN four-stroke engines, but was founded in 1976 and
with the shaft alternator engaged energy optimisation, resulting in also small two-stroke engines.” signed a 15-year medium-
Engberg continued: “Especially speed licensing agreement with
over the last decade, our two MAN Diesel & Turbo on 13 May
companies have intensified their 1980. This was subsequently
technical cooperation, making extended in 1995 and 2005.
MAN Diesel & Turbo attendees at the ceremony included Klaus Eng-
berg – Senior Vice President and Head of Two-Stroke Licensing, Ulrich
Vögtle – Vice President and Head of Large Bore Four-Stroke Licensing, Dr
Manfred Biedermann – Head of MAN Diesel & Turbo, China, and Dai Jun –
Library photo of the 4,400-mm ø MAN Alpha VBS 1100 propeller, the associated rudder bulb, and the high-efficiency
Head of Licensing Support, China
(Alpha High Thrust) AHT propeller nozzle
Condition-Based Maintenance
for TCA and TCR Turbochargers
Kemal Oguz Coban – of the Product Line Turbochargers Division – MAN Diesel & Turbo,
introduces a new concept
As 75% of the total output of contem- hauls. Figures 4 and 5 are taken
porary diesel engines is solely at- from the service reports for two
tributable to the turbochargers, their different TCR22s aboard different
downtime greatly endangers the tankers after 26,000 and 24,000
operational availability of the plant/ hours, respectively.
CBM for Compressor Wheels
Moreover, they are – in general – In MAN Diesel & Turbo project
one of the most critical compo- guides, the expected lifetime of
nents of an engine as they are sub- TCA compressor wheels are stated
ject to both extreme temperatures as 80,000 operating hours. How-
and revolutions, which makes their ever, experience shows that the
production, as well as the produc- actual lifetime of the compressor
tion of turbocharger spare-parts, wheel mostly depends on operat-
very expensive. Accordingly, en- ing cycles, with operating temper-
suring their safe operation and reg- atures being of particular impor-
ular maintenance is of great impor- tance. Lifetime evaluation is based
tance for shipowners. on the relation between electrical
Having been introduced in the Figure 1: Bearings from a TCA66 turbocharger pictured aboard a bulk carrier after 28,000 running hours conductivity and material hard-
early 2000s, MAN’s latest turbo- ness. However, measuring mate-
charger series – the TCA and TCR bly of the filter silencer and insert Therefore, effective cleaning is par- There are many good examples of rial hardness can lead to damage,
series – have been very well re- piece, a task easily performed by ticularly necessary as prescribed in nozzle rings that have not required particularly on an aluminum alloy
ceived by the market as they are on-board crew over roughly 2-3 the respective instruction manuals. replacement during major over- as very high forces are brought to
both still able to cope with the re- hours. In comparison, the TCR
quirements of the entire MAN en- series requires no intermediate in-
gine portfolio despite the many spection. Accordingly, to all intents
changes in market demands and and purposes, both turbocharger
new regulations. This positive mar- series can operate normally be-
ket reception has not only yielded tween consecutive dry-dock visits.
more than 7,000 TCR references Expected bearings lifetime for the
and some 6,500 for the TCA, but TCA and TCR series are, respec-
has also culminated in millions of tively, 50,000 and 30,000 hours.
running hours that have delivered Service experience with both se-
valuable service experience. This, ries has, until now, shown that the
in turn, has led to MAN developing bearings can be used up to a sec-
a number of service solutions for ond major overhaul, provided that
customers, one of which is called internal lubrication is normal and
‘Condition-Based Maintenance’ rotor balance is maintained. During Figure 2: Axial Bearings on a TCR22-21 turbocharger pictured aboard a tanker after 26,000 running hours
(CBM). major overhauls, the wear limits for
axial and radial bearings are meas-
The CBM concept ured and evaluated regarding con-
In brief, CBM can be described as tinued use until the following, major
the replacement of parts only when overhaul. Figures 1 and 2 belong
absolutely necessary. During over- to the recent service reports for a
hauls, all turbocharger parts are in- TCA66 and for a TCR22 after a first
spected and evaluated according major overhaul and illustrate the
to pre-defined MAN PrimeServ cri- condition of different bearings that
teria. If evaluated as being within were evaluated as acceptable for
the prescribed limits, the parts are continued use.
deemed as fit to use until the next
overhaul provided that operating CBM for nozzle rings:
instructions are strictly adhered to. In MAN Diesel & Turbo’s project
guides, the expected lifetime of
CBM for bearings TCA and TCR nozzle rings are stat- Figure 3: Nozzle rings on no. 1 and 2 TCA77s after 57,000 running hours
Since 2009 and the introduction ed as 40,000 and 30,000 hours,
of new lubrication-tank and axial respectively. During inspections,
bearing designs, more than 2,000 the TCAs are specifically checked
TCAs have entered service with, for cracks. Critical types of crack
notably, no reported failures to are described in more detail in
date. As a result, the previously pre- MAN Diesel & Turbo’s customer
scribed, intermediate, axial-bear- information letter – PCI338. In Fig-
ing inspections for both two- and ure 3, the condition of the nozzle
four-stroke engines were revoked rings from a TCA77 aboard a con-
in April 2014 (as announced by tainer ship after 57,000 hours can
customer letter CUS333). The cur- be observed.
rent, intermediate inspection for The wear on TCR nozzle rings
the TCA series just recommends compared to TCA units tends to be
a visual check of the compressor higher owing to the way the vanes
wheel for possible blade damage; are exposed to exhaust gases
this entails the simple disassem- and the duration of the exposure. Figures 4 and 5: TCR22 nozzle rings pictured after 26,000 and 24,000 hours
bear on a very small area, which the results compared to the pro- pelled to replace parts due to the
can potentially cause tiny cracks. duction values. If the values are scope of an overhaul or based
Instead, MAN uses an electrical within the designated limits, the purely on the age of parts. Moreo-
conductivity test where the com- compressor wheel is evaluated as ver, parts are replaced only when
pressor wheels are evaluated by suitable for continued operation necessary and there is no ‘service
their “International Annealed Cop- until the next overhaul as long as kit’ concept where every compo-
per Standard”, known as ‘% IACS’, individual operating instructions nent is renewed regardless of con-
that is, the electrical conductiv- are strictly adhered to. To date, no dition. In addition, MAN Diesel &
ity for metals and alloys relative TCA compressor wheel has been Turbo offers owners several types
to a standard, annealed, copper opened for a third major overhaul of maintenance contract, depend-
conductor. During the production but precedence exists in the form ing on their requirements and
phase and upon the finalisation of of the ample service experience budget, where their fleet is under
each compressor wheel, its elec- that exists for the previous-gen- continuous surveillance. So far,
trical conductivity is measured at eration NA series. Figures 8 and nearly 1,500 MAN turbochargers
several designated points and reg- 9 are from the service report for are covered by such contracts.
istered in a database, see Figures an NA57/T turbocharger aboard a Correct spare-parts handling and
6 and 7. containership after 107,000 oper- effective maintenance planning
During an overhaul, this test is ating hours. play a major role for owners in their
offered to shipowners as an op- budget planning for plants. Thanks
tion, especially when the expected Conclusion to the CBM concept for TCA and
lifetime of a compressor wheel is The examples we have covered in TCR turbochargers, shipowners
close or already reached. In such this article clearly show that the can enjoy significant savings by
a case, the same points as were CBM concept delivers potentially maintaining equipment at the opti- Figure 6: Basics of the electric conductivity test where a potentiometric method
measured in production are meas- significant savings to shipowners mal time. with electrodes is employed that creates an electric field that causes electrons
ured by service engineers and that are not automatically com- to drift towards the positive terminal
Figures 8 and 9: Measuring Points on an NA57/T compressor wheel Figure 7: Example of measurement points on a compressor wheel
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and has made numerous signifi- est tanker fleet for the China Mer-
Alternate view of the 11G95ME-C9.5 engine during its shop test in Korea (courtesy Doosan)
Graphical rendering of the Jan De Nul Group newbuilding ‘JDN8069’ that, upon completion, will become the largest
cutter-suction dredger in the world (picture courtesy Jan De Nul Group)
Jan De Nul Group, the leading dredg- Group knows MAN very well and hopper-dredger newbuildings for Jan De Nul Group Order – Principal Engine Data
ing specialist, is set to further ex- much of its fleet features our en- customers in Benelux and China. Total installed power (kW) 40,975
pand its modern fleet with a self- gines. This new vessel represents All engines will be built at MAN’s 16,800 (14V48/60CR)
propelled, cutter-suction dredger to a significant development within main facility in Augsburg, Germany. Individual engine output (kWmech) 10,800 (9L48/60CR)
be built at Croatian shipyard, Uljanik the dredger segment in that, up to The 48/60CR engines are Engine fuel HFO/MDO/ MGO
Brodogradiliste in Pula. now, the largest installed power on equipped with key, in-house-de-
Cutter power (kW) 8,500
similar vessels was approximately veloped technologies to optimise
The vessel, currently designat- 27-28 MW, a figure the new vessel their economic and ecological per- Pump power (kW) 3 × 8,500
ed ‘JDN8069’, will feature 1 × easily surpasses. I’m confident this formance, including: Length o.a. (m) 151.3
MAN 14V48/60CR + 2 × MAN order will help Jan De Nul Group high-efficiency, TCA-type, ex- Width (m) 36.0
9L48/60CR engines as well as 3 maintain its strong presence in the haust-gas turbochargers
Draught (m) 5.8
× step-up, RENK Rheine gearbox- dredger market.” advanced, electronic fuel-in-
Speed (kn) 12.0
es for a diesel-electric plant. RENK jection systems
will also deliver the gearboxes for Popular dredging choice electronic hardware and soft- Suction pipe (mm) 1 × 1,100
the cutter-head drive as well as for The MAN L/V 48/60CR engine ware for engine control, moni- Dredging depth (m) 45.0
the dredger and booster pumps. type is one of the most successful toring and diagnosis in the form Source: Jan De Nul
Upon completion, the vessel will engine types used in dredging ap- of MAN Diesel & Turbo’s propri-
be the largest of its type in the plications. Among the 56 such en- etary SaCoSone system. proximately 50% more powerful skilled employees and the world’s
world. gines MAN Diesel & Turbo current- than the Luxembourg outfit’s own most modern fleet, Jan De Nul
Lex Nijsen – Vice President and ly has on order for various marine The new vessel will be able to ‘J.F.J. De Nul’, currently the largest Group is a leading expert in dredg-
Head of Four-Stroke Marine – MAN applications, 14 alone are bound boast of over 40,000 kW total die- cutter-suction dredger in the world. ing and marine construction activi-
Diesel & Turbo, said: “Jan De Nul for installation aboard cutter- and sel installed power, making it ap- JDN8069 is due for delivery at the ties, as well as in specialised ser-
beginning of 2017 and will operate vices for the offshore industry of oil,
globally. gas and renewable energy. These
core marine activities are further
About Jan De Nul Group enhanced by Jan De Nul Group’s
People and global expertise. These in-house civil and environmental
are the corner stones of Jan De capabilities offering clients a com-
Nul Group’s success. Thanks to its plete package solution.
Side profile of the dredger newbuilding (picture courtesy Jan De Nul Group)
Library photo of the MAN 48/60CR engine
MAN Diesel & Turbo library photo of the MAN 32/44CR engine