Dissertation Vishal Shiva

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How s-commerce has influenced the trust of customers towards e-commerce: Post

Head of MSc programme: Marina BASTOUNIS

Dissertation supervisor: Dr.Gaurav Gupta





All information related to the topic (How s-commerce has influenced the trust of
customers towards e-commerce: Post Pandemic ) (Vishal Shiva)

is strictly confidential and will under no circumstances be diffused


NEOMA Business School.


Date: 29 / 09 / 2022


I, Mr, SHIVA Vishal student enrolled in the MSc/PGE Specialisation GLOBAL MANAGEMENT
certify that the data and information contained in the Dissertation entitled growth have not
been plagiarised.


Date 29 / 09 / 2022

Signature SHIVA Vishal


I would like to thank Dr. Gaurav Gupta, Assistant Professor in the Department of Strategy and
Entrepreneurship, NEOMA Business School, Reims, France, for supervising my master's Final
Thesis. He actively guided and assisted me along this path. By sharing his skills and knowledge,
he assisted me in visualizing a clear purpose and framework for my thesis.

Secondly, I would like to thank my friend Shikar Sinha who helped me with the first part of the

And lastly, I’m grateful to NEOMA Business School administration and our head Ms. Marina
BASTOUNIS for providing me this platform to learn and improvise myself throughout this


4.DESIGN OF STUDY AND METHODOLOGY………………………………………………………………..6

4.1 DATA COLLECTION-……………………………………………………………………………………………..6

4.2 MEASURES………………………………………………………………………………………………………6

4.3 SAMPLE PROFILE…………………………………………………………………………………………...6/7

5. ANALYSIS AND RESULT ……………………………………………………………………………………………….7/8

5.1 The first hypothesis holds that Instagram interactions have a favorable impact on
consumer trust………………………………………………………………………………………………………8

5.2 Providing Free opportunities of business expansion through virtual stores is a good
strategy by Instagram and is a goodwill for the society…………………………………………….8/9

5.3 Consumer trust and mode of transaction used in Instagram stores……………………………9/10

5.4 Consumer trust from Instagram shops having better visuals of products …………10

5.5 Consumer Trust on buying from Instagram if promoted by Influencers………………..10/11

5.6 How reviews from customers who have used the product already from the Instagram store
affects consumer’s trust…………………………………………………………………………………………..11/12

5.7 Huge potential for Instagram Post-Pandemic and has it influenced Consumer’s

6. Discussion…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..13

6.1 Implication for practice………………………………………………………………………………………13/14

7. Limitations……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



The audience for this study was mostly internet-savvy Instagram users, so we decided to
conduct an online survey to collect the data. From age 17, we asked students from our
university, friends and acquaintances to participate in an online survey, as 16- 30-year-olds are
the most active age group of her Instagram users [1, 2]. The demographics used in this research
is of two countries, France and India. Email invitations and posts to various websites, including
WhatsApp groups, were created with the URL to the online survey. Various questions were
asked to the audience participating in the online survey ranging from basic questions to
questions regarding the usage to s-commerce particularly Instagram from this research to
ensure the audience had some prior experience in Instagram store.


All of the measurement items utilized in this study were taken from reliable scales and adapted
to suit the situation at hand. We evaluated all the perceptual scales-based constructs with
answers evaluated using a five Likert scale. The first option was strongly agree and the fifth
option was strongly disagree, which is 1-5 from how strongly you agree to how strongly you
disagree and if not agree or disagree the audience could be neutral as well. As we used the five
Likert scale for responses, we were to construct more valid and reliable responses using
different item to assess any construct.


Seventy replies in all were gathered. 8 were eliminated because they are older than the
research's target age group, and 1 was eliminated because the respondent was not from France
or India. This leaves 61 respondents for the statistical analysis' sample. It is consistent with the
gender distribution of Instagram users, of whom over 60% were female in 2014 [2], that 24 were

men and 37 were women in this research. The descriptive statistics for the sample are listed in
Table 1.

Demographic characteristics No. %

18 and under 3 4.28
18-25 53 75.71
25-30 6 8.57
30 and above 8 11.42
France 18 25.71
India 51 72.85
Other 1 1.42
MALE 28 40
FEMALE 42 60
>1 years 9 12.85
2-3 years 18 25.71
3-4 years 39 55.71
5 and above 4 5.71
YES 55 78.5
NO 15 21.5
Reels 19 27.14
Friends 21 30
Stories 17 24.28
Information 13 18.57
1 and less than 1 15 21.42
2 and less than 2 20 28.57
3 and less than 3 10 14.28
4 and more than 4 25 35.71


The data was examined using SPSS and directly on Qualtrics to support or refute the proposed
hypothesis. Each hypothesis underwent investigation using a one-way ANOVA.

5.1 The first hypothesis holds that Instagram interactions have a favorable impact on
consumer trust.

To ascertain whether there is a favorable correlation between Instagram Usage (UI) and
Consumer Trust, I performed a One-way ANOVA (CT). As previously stated, I polled the audience
and utilized a 5-point Likert scale to gauge brand trust, ranging from "5: Strongly disagree" to "1:
Strongly agree." (Appendix 1)


N Mean F P-value

Agre 42 51
0.189327 0.83669(>0,05)
Somewhat 12 36.5
Disagree 7 31

Note: **significant at the 0.01 level *Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level.

First off, according to Table 1,(Appendix 2) trust is higher among Instagram users who interact
frequently (Mean = 51) than it is among users who only occasionally (Mean = 36.5) or
infrequently (Mean = 31). Additionally, since the p-value is equivalent to 0.83669 ( >0.05), we
can observe that there is a significant difference between the two circumstances.

As a result, H1 is validated, showing that consumer interactions on Instagram positively impact

their level of trust.

5.2 Providing Free opportunities of business expansion through virtual stores is a good
strategy by Instagram and is a goodwill for the society .

In the next hypothesis we see if there is a relation between providing free opportunities for
business expansion through virtual stores has impact on the consumer trust. As previously

stated, I polled the audience and utilized a 5-point Likert scale to gauge brand trust, ranging
from "5: Strongly disagree" to "1: Strongly agree."


N Mean F P-value

Agre 49 55
35.5 0.30469 0.757762 (>0,05)
Somewhat 10
Disagree 2 31.5

First off, according to Table 2, (Appendix 3) trust is higher among Instagram users who believe
free opportunities and business expansion through stores in Instagram. Additionally, since the p-
value is equivalent to 0.757762 (>0.05), we can observe that there is a significant difference
between the two circumstances.

5.3 Consumer trust and mode of transaction used in Instagram stores.

In the next hypothesis we see if there is a relation between trust and mode of transaction used
in Instagram stores. As previously stated, I polled the audience and utilized a 5-point Likert scale
to gauge brand trust, ranging from "5: Strongly disagree" to "1: Strongly agree."


N Mean F P-value

Agre 20 40.5
Somewhat 23 39.5
agree 0.00382 0.00382
Disagree 18 42

First off, according to Table 3, (Appendix 4) trust is lower among Instagram user
regarding transaction through Instagram even though the listed seller is trusted and shipping
is on a later day. Additionally, since the p-value is equivalent to 0.00382 ( <0.05), we can
observe that there is a significant difference between the two circumstances. As a result, H3
is proven as false, Consumer trust and mode of transaction used in Instagram stores.

5.4 Consumer trust from Instagram shops having better visuals of products

In the next hypothesis we see if there is a relation between Consumer trust from Instagram
shops having better visuals of product. As previously stated, I polled the audience and utilized a
5-point Likert scale to gauge brand trust, ranging from "5: Strongly disagree" to "1: Strongly


N Mean F P-value

Agre 43 52
37 0.208883 0.822372(>0,05)
Somewhat 13
Disagree 5 33

First off, according to Table 4, (Appendix 5) trust is higher among Instagram user
Instagram shops having better visuals of the products in their Instagram page. Additionally,
since the p-value is equivalent to 0.822372 (>0.05), we can observe that there is a significant
difference between the two circumstances. As a result, H3 is proven as True, Consumer trust
from Instagram shops having better visuals of products.

5.5 Consumer Trust on buying from Instagram if promoted by Influencers

In the next hypothesis we see if there is a relation between Consumer Trust on buying from
Instagram if promoted by Influencers. As previously stated, I polled the audience and utilized a
5-point Likert scale to gauge brand trust, ranging from "5: Strongly disagree" to "1: Strongly


N Mean F P-value

Agre 37 49
37.5 0.11827 0.892402 (>0,05)
Somewhat 13
Disagree 10 35.5

First off, according to Table 5, (Appendix 6) trust is higher among Instagram user on
buying from Instagram if promoted by Influencers. Additionally, since the p-value is
equivalent to 0.89402 (>0.05), we can observe that there is a significant difference between
the two circumstances. As a result, H5 is proven as True, Consumer Trust on buying from
Instagram if promoted by Influencers.

5.6 How reviews from customers who have used the product already from the Instagram store
affects consumer’s trust

In the next hypothesis we see if there is a relation between Consumer Trust and how the
reviews from customers who have already used the product from the Instagram. As previously
stated, I polled the audience and utilized a 5-point Likert scale to gauge brand trust, ranging
from "5: Strongly disagree" to "1: Strongly agree."


N Mean F P-value

Agre 55 58
31.5 0.400089 0.701417(>0,05)
Somewhat 2
Disagree 4 32.5

First off, according to Table 6, (Appendix 7) trust is higher among Instagram users
who know that product has been purchased already by a customer before and has been
reviewed accordingly. Additionally, since the p-value is equivalent to 0.89402 (>0.05), we can
observe that there is a significant difference between the two circumstances. As a result, H6
is proven as True, how reviews from customers who have used the product already from
the Instagram store affects consumer’s trust.

5.7 Huge potential for Instagram Post-Pandemic and has it influenced Consumer’s Trust

In the next hypothesis we see if there is a relation between Consumer Trust and how the
reviews from customers who have already used the product from the Instagram. As previously
stated, I polled the audience and utilized a 5-point Likert scale to gauge brand trust, ranging
from "5: Strongly disagree" to "1: Strongly agree."


N Mean F P-value

Agre 54 57.5
31 0.384927 0.709897(>0,05)
Somewhat 1
Disagree 6 33.5

First off, according to Table 7, (Appendix 8) the audience in the poll think that Instagram has a
huge potential to grow and become a s-commerce platform which could be used more widely
in the future, Additionally, since the p-value is equivalent to 0.709897 (>0.05), we can observe
that there is a significant difference between the two circumstances. As a result, H7 is proven

as True, Instagram has potential to become one the s-commerce platform for the people to
use widely in the future.

6. Discussion

Consumer trust significantly influences purchase intention in Instagram, according to empirical

testing of our study model on 61 active users of the social media platform. Theoretically, this
supports the claim that establishing trust is essential for getting rid of unpredictability and
encouraging customer buying intention.

Summarizing the results, we can conclude from our hypothesis that, consumer trust
does play a role in s-commerce platforms especially Instagram. For the s-commerce field to
grow the consumer’s trust must be kept as a priority going forward. S-commerce platforms
however have helped in the building trust in customers in relation to e-commerce as seen
our hypothesis. Hypothesis 1 shows how Instagram interaction has helped in consumer’s
trust in purchasing from Instagram stores and how it plays a role in consumer’s decision. For
example, Nick Hajli (2014)[3] has shown “Trust has significant direct effect on intention to
buy”. So, it can be assumed that trust plays a very important role in the growth of s-
commerce industry and only hypothesis that differed from it was hypothesis 3. Instagram
users had an issue with the mode of transaction used such as third-party applications like
PayTm, PhonePe etc. as payment before shipment is still a very huge concern in one of the
countries taken for research. (Bandyopadhyay, K. (2008)[4]. User acceptance of prepayment
metering systems in India. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management,
1(4), 450-465).

6.1 Implication for practice

Instagram store owners should invest resources in fostering customer trust if they want to get
customers to make purchases from virtual businesses on Instagram. They ought to focus more
internally on the perceived integrity and goodness of their stores. In other words, businesses
must show their customers that they care and are willing to help them (via campaigns, for
example) and keep their word when it comes to things like delivery dates and payment plans.
Instagram store owners should align themselves with influencers on the outside. They should
specifically start campaigns with Influencers or invite Influencers to try their products and give

7. Limitations

The tiny sample size of the quantitative investigation is the first drawback of this paper (61). In
fact, the number was further reduced by limiting participants to individuals in the same age
range and nation as the study.

Second, this essay's primary flaw relates to the emotion (TRUST). The results may not be directly
transferable to other E-commerce or S-commerce platforms because the topic and the
quantitative analysis are focused on customer trust in S-commerce, particularly Instagram.
Therefore, in order for the results to be validated across different platforms, they must be
generalized and corroborated.

Thirdly, our study showed that consumer trust is a crucial factor mediating the link between
consumer interactions on Instagram and their trusting behaviors on other e-commerce
platforms. Future studies on this subject should define and consider the components of
customer trust, deepen the level of consumer trust engagement between the variables, and go
farther and be more specific.

Dealing only with the social media network Instagram could be another restriction.
Indeed, brands and consumers are using other social media platforms like Snapchat more
and more these days. The younger generations are abandoning Instagram more and more in
favor of using Snapchat to follow and communicate with one another and brands. Some
companies, like H&M and ZARA, also fall into this category because they now use their

Instagram budget on outreach on other platforms. Therefore, it could be intriguing to
conduct additional research on interactions on Snapchat to determine whether this platform
differs from Instagram in terms of how it affects consumer trust and purchasing decisions.
Finally, one of the limitations relates to the socio-demographics measures of this study. The
participants are mainly female students. Having a study with a greater diversity of gender
and professional situations would allow for more accurate results.


[ 1]Moth, D. (2015, January 6). 20+ Instagram stats marketers need to know. Available:

[2] Herman, J. (2014, February 17). Instagram Statistics for 2014. Available:

[3] Nick Hajli( 2004)

[4] (Bandyopadhyay, K. (2008)


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