Module 15 (Prof Ed 16 PT
Module 15 (Prof Ed 16 PT
Module 15 (Prof Ed 16 PT
Libon, Albay
Assessment refers to the wide variety of methods or tolls that teachers use to measure, evaluate
document the learners’ performance. These are some examples of the assessment tools:
The monitoring of student progress is a practice that aids teachers to continuously assess the
effectiveness of their teaching and make good informed decision. To determine student’s performance level the
teacher must measure their progress regularly (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or as needed).
Teachers must monitor the progress of the learners for the following reasons:
● To improve instruction;
● To help teachers make better instructional decisions and change their teaching styles;
Constructive feedback is a tool use to praise a performance effort or outcome. It is a favourable judgement
and supportive communication
⮚ Daily observations
⮚ Communicative Files
⮚ Home Visitations
Performance Task 1 - Get one sample each of the following: diagnostic, formative, and summative tests.
Performance Task 2 - Interview your Cooperating Teacher or any teacher and ask the following questions.
A. What strategies are used by your cooperating school; to communicate learner needs, progress and
B. What assessment data are used by your cooperating teacher to improve student performance?
My Assessment Tasks
My Learning Artifact(s)
Paste the various assessment tools you have constructed during your teaching internship? What is the
impact of these to students?
My Scoring Rubric
INDICATORS Meets Standard of Approaching Meets Acceptable Does Not Meet Acceptable
Excellence Standards of Standards Standard
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Performance Tasks -Has all the aspects of -Has some aspects of -Has minimal aspects No aspect of work meets
work that exceed level work that exceed level of work that meet level of expectations
of expectation. of expectation. level of expectation -Has errors, omissions and
-Show exemplary -Demonstrates solid -With some errors and misconceptions
performance performance and mastery is not
understanding thorough
Assessment Tasks With 5 correct answers With 4 correct answers With 3 correct answers With less than 3 correct
Learning Artifacts The piece/s of The piece/s of The piece/s of The piece/s of evidence of
evidence of learning evidence of learning evidence of learning learning is/are NOT aligned
is/are aligned with is/are aligned with is/are aligned with with the learning outcomes
learning outcomes SOME of the learning ONE of the learning
outcomes. outcomes.
Creativity and The learning tasks are The learning tasks are The learning tasks are The learning tasks are
Resourcefulness done very creatively done creatively and done quite creatively poorly done and need
and resourcefully. resourcefully and resourcefully improvement
Submission of The assigned learning The assigned learning The assigned learning The assigned learning tasks
Requirements tasks are submitted on tasks are submitted a tasks are submitted 2 are submitted 3 days or
or before the deadline. day after the deadline. days after the deadline more after the deadline.
Signature of Practicum Supervisor