Hernandez Lessonplan 1
Hernandez Lessonplan 1
Hernandez Lessonplan 1
Name Date
Cassandra Hernandez February 12, 2024
Subject/Grade Topic
Mathematics/ 4th Decomposing Fractions
Are there different ways to decompose a fraction and are the portions
equivalent? If they are equivalent what makes them equivalent?
4.NF.B. Build fractions from unit fractions by applying and extending previous
understandings of operations on whole numbers.
(what the students will be able to do as a result of the lesson)
Slideshow of what decompose means, and how to decompose fractions.
Math Journal
Pencil/ Color Pencils
Okay class, please grab your math journals a pencil and color pencils. We are
going to learn how to decompose fractions today. Does anyone know what
decompose means?
Closure/reminders: 5 Minutes
Class what does decompose mean? (to break apart) So, when we decompose a
fraction, it means we break apart the fraction. Often there is more than one way
to decompose a fraction. What is one way to decompose a fraction? (break it
down into equivalent fractions).
(how you will know students met the objectives - include rubrics)
Asses the students on their worksheet, to measure how each individual student
understanding of the concept.
1-Does Not Meet Standards 2-Approaching Standards 3-Meets Standards 4-Exceeds Standards
1 2 3 E
With consistent With prompting and Student can Student can
teacher support and visual aids, student consistently solve consistently and
visual aids, the can demonstrate mathematical independently solve
student has difficulty mathematical problems of mathematical
solving the problems of decomposing problems of
mathematical decomposing fractions with like decomposing
problems of fractions with like denominators in fractions with like
decomposing denominators. multiple ways and denominators in
fractions, with like explain their thinking. multiple ways and
denominators in multiply fraction by a
multiple ways. whole number and
explain their thinking.
Teaching the lesson with visual aids to demonstrate for hands on learners.
(after lesson is taught put your reflections here)
I found that I needed to make sure I am taking long enough pauses between
each new part of the concept, to let more children have extra time to think and
absorb the information. Students really connected to the visual aids of the bar
models, and pie fractions in multiple colors to demonstrate the different ways to
decompose fractions. Having the students come and sit on the floor in front of
the board during the time they take notes would be a better choice than sitting
at their desks. That way the students are all working together closely, so I can
better observe the students notes and understanding of the concept.