Classxii SQL

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Simple Quesries in SQL & Table Creation and Data Manipulation Based on CBSE Curriculum Class -11 Chapter-17 & 18 ‘Scanned with Cascanner Introduction * SQL was developed in 1970 in IBM lab. It is also known as SEQUEL which was a non-procedural language. + It always specifies that WHAT is required? + We can perform following tasks in SQL- |. Creation and modification of Database structure. Il. Change in security settings for system. Ill. Giving permission to User to work with database or table IV. Quering a Database . V._ Insertion/modification/deletion of data...... etc Elements of MySQL Main elements of MySQL are- — Literals — Datatypes — Nulls — Comments Literals : generally known as fixed data value. It can be character, numeric or text literal. Data Types : these are of following types- — (i) Numeric :INT, TINYINT, SMALLINT, MEDIUMINT, FLOAT , DOUBLE etc — (ii) Date and Time : DATE, DATETIME, TIME, YEAR etc — (iii) String type : CHAR, VARCHAR, BLOB or TEXT TINYTEXT, ENUM etc ‘Scanned with Cascanner Elements of MySQL NULL Values : if a column in a row has no value, then column is said to be null. NULL can appear in a column of any data type provided they are not restricted by NOT Null or Primary Key. Comments : it is a text which does not execute. Comments are used only for documentation purpose. Three types of comments are- /* comment */ -- comment # comment SQL COMMAND SYNTAX + SQL provides a set of predefined commands. * SQL syntax has following elements- * Keyword: — Statements: — Clauses: — Arguments: * SQL commands are not case sensitive. Creation of Database * eee command is used to create a Database For ex- mysql> create database school; Using Database * Following command is used to use a Database For ex - mysql> USE school; A message will come saying- “database changed” Commands end with ; or \g. SY) CCE CaS Sat Smet 9 Ped ee ee eT Cy * to clear the buffer. ATABASE SCHOOL STEet tat ee] Ree ecur Ur eet Scanned with CamSeaner Table Creation * To create a table in Database, following command is used- mysql> CREATE TABLE ( , , . . .); For ex- mysq|>create table student (Roll INT(4) Primary Key, Name CHAR(20), (Age INT(2), City CHAR(10) ) ; A message will come saying- “Query OK” Primary key restrict a column to have unique values only. ‘Scanned with Cascanner Viewing Table structure To see structure of a table in Database, following command is used- sql> DESC For ex - mysql>DESC Student; It displays whole structure of the table- mysql> DESC Student; Le i Sore _ gd int¢4> char¢(2@)> aT ep) Pate RiP) Scanned with CamSeaner Modification in Table structure * To modify structure of a table in Database, following command is used- ysql>ALTER TABLE
ADD/MODIFY Alter Table Student Add (class INT(2)); Amessage comes saying “Query OK” . ae a |e rs a ART Mee hee CC Gee b Comes d ed (8.42 se @ Duplicat Ups ate Rett ccs ec ech (ero Te Ren Rc ‘Scanned with Cascanner Dropping a Table * To drop a table in Database, following command is used- mysql> DROP Table
; For ex - mysq|>drop table A message will come saying- “Query OK” now if you want to see the structure of the table you cant see because it has already been deleted. Tee yey Cee at aay Query OK, 6 rows affected (8.03 sec> Invsq1> desc student; IERROR 1146 (42802): Table ’school.student’ doesn’t exist imusg 1 > ‘Scanned with Cascanner Data Integrity by Constraints The checks or conditions applied on one or more columns of a table are known as CONSTRAINTS . These are set to maintain integrity in a table hence also known as integrity constraints. When a constraint is applied on a table, all the data should follow this constraint. Constraints are to be set at the time of table creation so that it should be followed at the time of data insertion. Syntax is - Integrity Constraints Constraints maintains the integrity of a database. Some of the constraints are- Unique Constraint : This constraint ensure that all the data of the column should be unique. It allows null values. Primary key Constraint : This constraints is used to uniquely identify data. It does not accept null values. Default Constraint : This constraint is used to set a default values in case no value is provided by user for a column. Check Constraint : This constraint is used to set a limit for a column. for ex- no data should be inserted less than 20 in age column. Foreign key Constraint: it is a non -key attribute of one table derived from primary key from other table. Creation of a Table mysq|> create table student (Roll INT(4) PRIMARY KEY, NAME CHAR(20) NOT NULL,* Age INT(2) CHECK (age>5); | Toten taser ss cura Class CHAR(3) Default ‘’, <— | IRRITEC Stirs teiu NMI ace City CHAR(10)); Sener aes an level constraints. EERO eee ASCs -> CROLL INT<4> PRIMA 7 MeL kea Pm 0 |) A Pn Sa 1S ae LIke Dame) 5 ane ‘ Se PELL > ; ORC MCL) el: a Poth i es oo . ROLL Pi \ erica] Re CL) py cemeoo Cle} ‘Scanned with Cascanner Table level constraints Setting mysql> create table student (Enroll INT(4), These constraints are known as Table level constraints. ‘Scanned with Camscanner Insertion of a record in Table Syntax to insert a record in a Table is- {mysql> INSERT INTO ( VALUES (,,,,. COST DT eReL mysql> INSERT INTO STUDENT VALUES —> €1063.’Sunita’ .?7.’I1’ .’ Barabanki’ >5 (CUS) ee ad affected C4: ick} Etta Insertion of a record in Table Bi Ree Ue ee RMU eC e RE eR mee) ay UCN a Re a Reba em Olea Lace RTL Nd Ce inysql> INSERT INTO STUDENT CROLL. NAME, AGE> VALUES $4 5 by Sar No constraint Eur ss ‘ reeeten Ne amclay Peery Urls Bates NULL LIA A SUSAR ea) CSET Reroute UALS} rows in set (8.00 sec) ‘Scanned with Cascanner Updating a record in Table Syntax to update a record in a Table is- “mysql> UPDATE SET = WHERE Un] oreuCul ee heer eure Sunita Pe eeeUCuy ss Meera reed rows in set (8.08 sec) mysql> update student set age-6 where rol. Query OK, 1 row affected cM Li et Ted Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warning: 6 eer Pam CULES A eo =" Lucknow? Sea ya wea ee met) ely ee ee Query OK, 2 rows affected (@.@3 sec) Rows matche: 2 Changed: 2 Warnings: Scanned with CamSeaner Deletion of a record from a Table * Syntax to delete a record from a Table is- voll in (1661,1604)>; Query OK, 2 rows affected PS ee secs lies cee Kanpur Pb cere ea) Query OK, 3 rows affec sql> select * from student; ea BC Scanned with CamSeaner Accessing a Table Syntax to access Data from a table is- eee i eeu alicia LLY columns and without a Core ema ec pee all records. on tae et) a r iE 3 ie i i fer I Lucknow e6 Kanpur CM eee Inysq1> Select ™ from Student Where city=’B cc ; a} i Peau ee ee will display where city Ursa E eri ss SCL n set (8.00 ‘Scanned with Cascanner Accessing a Table Syntax to access Data from a table is- Ta Oca Re Pe eS SRRE Ie? RT AU oer ceele ley Cie eee RMA earls Crue c Roll, Cit 33 Here columns have be Pe ee mmmct at) ass eee tt] CM Const cara iat CC turns! cacy mee rte a Cae cu) UMRAO Scanned with CamSeaner Distinct keyword t DISTINCT City from Student; [| Here DISTINCT keyword is used to remove duolicacy from city eee RR Re Ee EMM gcolc Relea RUT cel Viewing Tables in a Database Scanned with CamSeaner Cee > name like D3 etry a) Pi Bar 8 banki lo Cu eA OL MLD shown. Scere als ae eraser ae Bee eisai CE Pattern Matching Wimmera Peat eae areal cs Crecente oad Peconic eae ‘Scanned with Cascanner Syntax for creation of a table from another table is - mysql>CREATE TABLE AS (SELECT FROM WHERE ); ysql> create table bbkscl as