Complete Series

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Complete Series

1. Which of the following numbers will replace the 6. Which of the following numbers will replace the
question mark (?) in the given series? question mark (?) in the given series to make it
logically complete.

13, 14, -2, 79, -177, ?

SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Shift-3)
(a) 608 (b) 424 73, 57, 43, 31, ?, 13
(c) 528 (d) 448
Matriculation Level 28/06/2023 (Shift-1)
2. Find the correct alternative that when filled in
the blanks in the same sequence will make the (a) 27 (b) 25
series logically complete. (c) 29 (d) 21
7. Select the combination of letters that when
sequentially placed in the blanks of given sets
G_MA_VOY KTQ_ MR_U O_US will make the series logically complete.
CHSL Tier-I, 02/08/2023 (Shift-1)
3. Which of the following numbers will replace the Z_TSVZV_R_XANP_E
question mark (?) in the given series to make it CHSL Tier-I, 02/08/2023 (Shift-3)
logically complete. (a) RWHA (b) HZPX
(c) RWHZ (d) UROH
8. Which of the following numbers will replace the
question mark (?) in the given series?
0.04, 0.12, 0.42, 1.68, 2.08, 10.4, ?
Graduate Level 27/06/2023 (Shift-4)
(a) 12.3 (b) 12.9 3 3
96, 12, , ?,
(c) 11.8 (d) 10.9 2 128
4. In the following question, find the missing SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Shift-2)
number from the given alternatives? 1 3
(a) (b)
128 64
142, 150, 123, 187, 62, ? 3 3
(c) (d)
SSC GD 2023, 20/02/2024 (Shift-1) 12 16
9. Which of the following letter-clusters will replace
(a) 285 (b) 278
(c) 281 (d) 300 the question mark (?) in the given series to make
5. Find out the correct alternative that when filled it logically complete.
in the blanks in the same sequence will make
the series logically complete.

BW, DV, ET, GS, HQ, JP, ?

Matriculation Level 28/06/2023 (Shift-4)
CHSL Tier-I, 02/08/2023 (Shift-2)
(a) JN (b) MN
(c) FQSED (d) GRTFD (c) LN (d) KN

10. Select the number from among the given options 8, 17, ?, 197, 773, 3077
that can replace the question mark (?) in the CHSL Tier-I, 02/08/2023 (Shift-2)
following series.
(a) 57 (b) 53
(c) 45 (d) 69
16. Which of the following letter-clusters will replace
61, 95, 138, 197, 279, ? the question mark (?) in the given series to make
SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Shift-1) it logically complete.
(a) 397 (b) 389
(c) 391 (d) 395
11. Select the combination of letters that when
sequentially placed in the blanks of the given
series will complete the series.
Graduate Level 30/06/2023 (Shift-4)
(a) FMTK (b) FMUL
17. Select the option that represents the letters
CHSL Tier-I, 10/08/2023 (Shift-4)
which, when sequentially placed from left to
(a) IIKK (b) MGIK right in the blanks below, will complete the
(c) GGMI (d) IKMG letter series.
12. Which of the following numbers will replace the
question mark (?) in the given series to make it
logically complete.

SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Shift-1)
4, 7, 17, 38, 72, 123, 193, 286, 408, ? (a) H Z C Z P E C
(b) C E Z P H C Z
Graduate Level 28/06/2023 (Shift-3) (c) Z C H P Z C E
(a) 521 (b) 561 (d) E P Z C H E C
(c) 512 (d) 516 18. Which of the following letter-clusters will replace
13. Select the option that represnts the letters that, the question mark (?) in the given series to make
when sequentially placed from left to right in it logically complete.
the blanks below, will complete the letter series.


Matriculation Level 28/06/2023 (Shift-4)
SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (Shift-2)
(a) D L K L F A L D (b) K L A L D K D F (a) FRVJ (b) FQWJ
(c) F D L A K F D L (d) L A L K D F D K (c) FQVJ (d) FRWJ
14 In the following question, find the missing 19. Select the option that represents the letters
number from the given alternatives? which, when sequentially placed from left to
right in the blanks below, will complete the
letter series.
500, 512, 498, ?, 496, 516, 494, 518
SSC GD 2023, 01/03/2024 (Shift-3)
(a) 520 (b) 515
(c) 514 (d) 500
15. Which of the following numbers will replace the F__Y__KB_OF_BY_
question mark (?) in the given series to make it SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Shift-2)
logically complete. (a) O F K B O Y K
(b) Y O K B F O K
(c) B Y O K F O K
(d) K B O F Y K O

20. Which of the following numbers will replace the 25. What should come is place of the question mark
question mark (?) in the given series to make it (?) in the given series?
logically complete.

36, 108, 54, ?, 81, 243

CHSL Tier-I, 04/08/2023 (Shift-2)
136, 204, 306, ?, 688.5 (a) 82 (b) 88
(c) 162 (d) 170
Higher Secondary 27/06/2023 (Shift-3)
26. Which of the following letter-clusters will replace
(a) 459 (b) 419 the question mark (?) in the given series to make
(c) 446 (d) 476 it logically complete.
21. Select the option that represents the letters
that, when placed from left to right in the blanks
below, will complete the letter series.

EY 14, ?, IW 20, KV 24, MU 26

CHSL Tier-I, 02/08/2023 (Shift-1)
P__ON_LB_NPL_O_PL__N (a) GY 19 (b) HZ 18
(c) GX 18 (d) HY 19
SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Shift-3)
27. Find the correct alternative that when filled in
(a) L B P B O N B O (b) L B P O B N B O the blanks in the same sequence will make the
(c) L P B O B N N O (d) L B P O B B N O series logically complete.
22. Which of the following numbers will replace the
question mark (?) in the given series to make it
logically complete?
PQ _ _ T _ _ R S T P _ R _ T _ Q _ ST
Higher Secondary 27/06/2023 (Shift-3)
12, ?, 68, 194, 572, 1706 (a) S R P Q Q S R P (b) S R P Q Q S P R
CHSL Tier-I, 17/08/2023 (Shift-3) (c) R S P Q Q S P R (d) R S P Q S Q R P
(a) 32 (b) 36 28. What should come in place of ? in the given
(c) 26 (d) 20 series based on the English alphabetical order?
23. Select the option that represents the letters
that, when sequentially placed in the blanks
below, will complete the letter-series. DRH, YOG TLF OIE ?
CHSL Tier-I, 03/08/2023 (Shift-4)
(a) JFD (b) KFE
(c) IDE (d) KDD
a, b, a, b, b, _, a, b, a, b, _, a, a, b, a, b, b, _ 29. Find the correct alternative that when filled in
SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Shift-3) the blanks in the same sequence will make the
(a) b, a, b (b) a, a, a series logically complete.
(c) a, b, a (d) b, b, b
24. Which of the following numbers will replace the
question mark (?) in the given series to make it L _ _ RALMT _ _ _ _ TRALM _ R _
logically complete.
Higher Secondary 30/06/2023 (Shift-2)
30. Which of the following numbers will replace the
5, 8, 19, 36, 75, ? question mark (?) in the given series?
Graduate Level 28/06/2023 (Shift-3)
(a) 148 (b) 146
(c) 164 (d) 184 2
18, 6, 2, ?,

SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Shift-2) GAF, GEF, GIF, GOE, ?

1 1 CHSL Tier-I, 14/08/2023 (Shift-3)
(a) (b)
9 3 (a) GUF (b) GSF
2 (c) GRF (d) GTF
(c) 1 (d)
3 34. What should come in place of the question mark
31. Which letter-cluster should come in place of '?' (?) in the given series?
in the given based on the English alphabetical
71, 73, 79, ?, 89, 97
CHSL Tier-I, 04/08/2023 (Shift-4)
(a) 81 (b) 83
CHSL Tier-I, 09/08/2023 (Shift-2) (c) 90 (d) 84
(a) FXS (b) GYS 35. Find the correct alternative that when filled in
(c) GYR (d) HXR the blanks in the same sequence will make the
32. Find the correct alternative that when filled in series logically complete.
the blanks in the same sequence will make the
series logically complete.

Graduate Level 30/06/2023 (Shift-4)
Q _ C _ QS _ B _ S _ _ Q S _ _
(a) xthfrpxi (b) xthfrxpi
Matriculation Level 27/06/2023 (Shift-2) (c) xthfxrpi (d) xthrxpfi
(a) CBCQCBBC (b) SBCQCBCB 36. Which of the following numbers will replace the
(c) SBCBCBQC (d) BBCBCBQC question mark (?) in the given series?
33. Select the word from the given options which
can come in place of question mark (?) in the
following series on the basis of English
3, 5, 7, 12, 37, 69, 357, ?
alphabetical order?
SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (Shift-3)
(a) 645 (b) 665
(c) 656 (d) 654


1. (d) 13, 14 , –2, 79, –177, 448 3 1 3
  
4 4 4 4 4
2 8 16
+1 –2 +3 –4 +5
9. (d) KN
(+1 ,–2 ,+3 ,–4 ,+54)
4 4 4 4
series follow
–2 –2 –2
+1 +1 +1
2. (c) XIWSP
–2 –2 2 23 4 22 5 20 7 19 8 17 10 16 11 14
+2 +2 +2 +2 +2
–2 –2 –1 –1 –1
+2 +2

G X M A / I V O Y / K T Q W/M R S U / O P U S (+2, –1) (+1, –2) series

7 24 13 1 9 22 15 25 11 20 17 23 13 18 19 21 15 16 21 19
+2 +2
–2 –2
+2 +2 10. (c) 61, 95 , 138, 197, 279, 391
–2 –2
+34 +43 +59 +82 +112

3. (d) 10.9 +9 +16 +23 +30

0.04, 0.12, 0.42, 1.68, 2.08, 10.4, 10.9 +7 +7 +7

×3 +.30 ×4 +.40 ×5 +.50

 279 + 112 = 391
4. (b) 278 11. (d) IKMG
142, 150, 123, 187, 62, 278 12. (b) 561
+8 –27 +64 –125 +216 4, 7, 17, 38, 72, 123, 193, 286, 408, 561
3 3 3 3 3
(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) +3 +10 +21 +34 +51 +70 +93 +122 +153

5. (d) GRTFD
+7 +11 +13 +17 +19 +23 +29 +31
+4 +4
–3 –3 double difference Prime Number series
+4 +4
–3 –3
Z N G T /W R D X / T V A B/ Q Z X F / N D U J
13. (b) KLALDKDF
26 14 7 20 23 18 4 24 20 22 1 2 17 26 24 6 14 4 21 10 A K L D F/AKL DF/A K L D F
–3 –3 14. (c) 514
+4 +4
–3 –3 500, 512, 498, 496, 516, 494, 518
+4 +4

6. (d) 21 +12 –14 +16 –18 +20 –22 +24

73, 57, 43, 31, 21 13 15. (b) 8, 17, 53, 197, 773, 3077

–16 –14 –12 –10 –8 +9 +36 +144 +576 +2304

×4 ×4 ×4 ×4
+3 +3 +3 +3

7. (c) RWHZ
16. (a) FMTK
+4 –2 –2
+2 +1 +1
+8 +4 +4
–4 –1 –1
Z R T S / V Z V W/ R H X A/ N P Z E H E R O G I S M F MT K E Q U I D U V G
26 18 20 19 22 26 22 23 18 8 24 1 14 16 26 5 8 5 18 15 7 9 19 13 6 13 20 11 5 17 21 9 4 21 22 7
–4 –4 –1 –1
+8 +8 +4 +4
+2 +2 +1 +1
+4 +4 –2 –2

8. (d) 96, 12, 3/2, 3/16 , 3/128

(–1, +4, +1, –2) series follow
×1/8 ×1/8 ×1/8 ×1/8 17. (b) CEZPHCZ

18. (c) FQVJ 27. (c) R S P Q Q S P R

PQ R S T/ P Q R S T / P Q R S T/ P Q R ST
+3 +3
+2 +2 –1 –1
+4 +4 –3 –3
+2 +2 –5 –5
B I R D D M T G F Q V J H U X M J Y Z P 28. (a) D R H , Y O G , T L F , O I E , J F D
2 9 18 4 4 13 20 7 6 17 22 10 8 21 24 13 10 25 26 16 4 18 8 25 15 7 20 12 6 15 9 5 10 6 4
+2 +2 –5 –5
+4 +4 –3 –3
+2 +2 –1 –1
+3 +3
(–5, –3, –1) series follow
(+2, +4, +2, +3) series follow 29. (c) MTRALMTA
F K B Y O/F K B Y O/F K B Y O 30. (d) 18, 6, 2, 2/3 , 2/9
20. (a) 459
×1/3 ×1/3 ×1/3 ×1/3
136, 204, 306, 459 688.5
1 2
 2× =
×1.5 ×1.5 ×1.5 ×1.5 3 3
–1 –1
21. (b) LBPOBNBO +2 +2
P L B O N/P L B O N/P L B O N/P L B O N/ –1 –1

22. (c) 12, 26 , 68, 194, 572, 1706 31. (a) J P W , I R V , H T U , G V T, F X S

10 16 23 9 18 22 8 20 21 7 22 20 6 24 19
×3–10 ×3–10 ×3–10 ×3–10 ×3–10 –1 –1
+2 +2
(×3–10) series follow –1 –1
23. (c) a, b, a
(–1, +2, –1) series follow
a, b, a, b, b, a/a, b, a, b, b, a/a, b, a, b, b, a
32. (b) SBCQCBCB
24. (a) 148
Q S C B /QS C B/ Q S C B /Q S C B
5, 8, 19, 36, 75, 148 +4 +6

×2–2 ×2+3 ×2–2 ×2+3 ×2–2

33. (a) G A F , G E F , G I F , G O E , G U F
(×2 –2) (×2 + 3) series follow 7 1 6 7 5 6 7 9 6 7 15 5 7 21 6

25. (c) 36, 108, 54, 162 , 81, 243 +4 +6

×3 ÷2 ×3 ÷2 ×3 (+4, +4, +6, +6) series follow

×3 ÷2 series follow 34. (b) 71, 73, 79, 83 , 89, 97
prime number series follow

+2 +2
–1 –1 35. (b) xthfrxpi
+2 +2 h f x t r p i/ h f x t r p i/ h f x t r p i
26. (c) E Y 14, G X 18 , I W 20 , K V 24, M U 26 36. (c) 3, 5, 7, 12, 37, 69, 357 656
5 25 7 24 9 23 11 22 13 21

+2 +2 +2 +2 +5 +25 +32 +288 +299

–1 –1
+4 +4 ×1 +3 ×5 +7 ×9 +11

alternatively (+2, –1, +4) (+2, +1, +2)  357 + 299 = 656
series follow


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