SSC GD (Maths) Sample PDF
SSC GD (Maths) Sample PDF
SSC GD (Maths) Sample PDF
01. Percentage (i zfr'krrk
) 01 – 21
02. Profit & Loss (y kHk vkSj gkfu
) 22 – 40
03. Discount (cV~Vk
) 41 – 57
04. Simple Interest (l k/kj.k C;kt) 58 – 65
05. Compound Interest (p Øo`f¼ C;kt
) 66 – 91
06. Ratio & Partnership (v uqikr vkSj lk>snkjh
) 92 – 101
07. Proportion (l ekuqikr
) 102 – 107
08. Age (v k;q
) 108 – 111
09. Mixture and Alligation (feJ.k vkSj ,fyxs'ku) 112 – 117
10. Average (v kSlr) 118 – 133
11. Time & Work (l e; vkSj dk;Z
) 134 – 149
12. Pipe & Cistern (uy vkSj Vadh
) 150 – 151
13. Time & Distance (l e; vkSj nwjh
) 152 – 161
14. )
Train (jsyxkM+h 162 – 171
15. )
Race (nkSM+ 172 – 176
16. Boat & Stream (uko vkSj /kjk
) 177 – 178
17. Number System (l a[;k i¼fr) 179 – 188
18. LCM & HCF (y -l-i- vkSj e-l-i-) 189 – 196
19. Simplification (l jyhdj.k) 197 – 205
20. Mensuration-2D (f}foeh; {ks=kfefr
) 206 – 213
21. Mensuration-3D (f=kfoeh; {ks=kfefr
) 214 – 225
22. Mock Test/ekWd VsLV
-114 226 – 230
23. Mock Test/ekWd VsLV
-214 231 – 236
24. Mock Test/ekWd VsLV
-314 237 – 242
25. Mock Test/ekWd VsLV
-414 243 – 248
26. Mock Test/ekWd VsLV
-514 249 – 254
27. Mock Test/ekWd VsLV
-614 255 – 259
28. Mock Test/ekWd VsLV
-714 260 – 265
29. Mock Test/ekWd VsLV
-814 266 – 271
30. Mock Test/ekWd VsLV
-914 272 – 276
31. Mock Test/ekWd VsLV
-1014 277 – 281
Profit & Loss
est dk ykxr ewY; D;k gS\ sold the laptop to Sanchit at sold, to gain 15%?
a gain of 20%. How much did
SSC GD 13/01/2023 (Shift-03)
Mohan is selling a table at
Raman pay to buy the (a) Rs. 16,780
Rs 2,832. If his profit is
laptop? (b) Rs. 16,800
an by
18%, then what is the cost
price of the table? SSC GD 11/01/2023 (Shift-02) (c) Rs. 16,770
(a) Rs. 85,000 (d) Rs. 16,790
SSC GD 10/01/2023 (Shift-01)
(a) Rs. 2,480 (b) Rs. 2,500 (b) Rs. 80,000 ,d fuekZrk viuk mRikn forjd dks
(c) Rs. 2,440 (d) Rs. 2,400 (c) Rs. 75,000 10» ykHk ij csprk gS vkSj forjd
fnO;k us 3]50]000 #i;s esa ,d dkj (d) Rs. 90,000 bls xzkgd dks 5» ykHk ij csprk
R s
•jhnh vkSj mls 4]35]000 #i;s 5.esa 55 VkWiQh cspdj ,d nqdkunkj 11 gSA ;fn xzkgd ds fy, ykxr ewY;
a th
fn;kA ySiVkWi •jhnus ds fy, jeu fy, bls fdl dher ij cspk tkuk (a) 32% (b) 47%
us fdruk Hkqxrku fd;k\ (c) 39% (d) 45%
the cost price for Urmila was earn a profit of 5% ?
(c) 120 percent
(d) 130 percent SSC GD 18/11/2021 (Shift-01)
11. 1]00]000 #i;s ewY; dk ,d ?kj SSC GD 08/02/2023 (Shift-01) (a) Rs24,000 (b) Rs 21,725
A }kjk B dks 6» ds ykHk ij
an by
(a) Rs. 66,000 (c) Rs22,500 (d) Rs21,000
cspk tkrk gSAB] A dks 3» gkfu (b) Rs. 72,000 17. fdlh oLrq dks 299-20 esa cspus ij
ij ?kj okil csprk gSA iwjs ysu&nsu(c) Rs. 78,000 ,d nqdkunkj dks 12» dh gkfu gksrh
esaA dk ykHk@gkfu D;k gS\ (d) Rs. 65,000 gSA ;fn og bls 350-20 #- esa csprk
gS] rks mls gksus okys ykHk@gkfu dh
A house worth Rs.1,00,000 14. fdlh mRikn dk foØ; ewY; ,slk
R s
is sold by A to B at a profit gS fd foØsrk ykxr ewY; ij 20» x.kuk dhft,A
of 6%. B sells house back dk ykHk dekrk gSA foØ; ewY; vkSjBy selling an article for
a th
what is the new selling price rks gkfu @ ykHk çfr'kr gksxk& A shopkeeper bought an
oven for Rs. 15000 and sold
of the refrigerator? By selling an article for Rs. it for Rs. 19200. He paid
SSC GD 06/02/2023 (Shift-03) 254.38, there is a gain of octroi of Rs. 350 and
(a) Rs. 24,500 10.6%. If it is sold for Rs. transportation charges of
(b) Rs. 26,342 224.25, then the loss / gain Rs. 650. Find his percent
percentage will be: profit or percent loss.
(c) Rs. 25, 432
SSC GD 17/11/2021 (Shift-03) SSC GD 23/11/2021 (Shift-02)
(d) Rs. 27,432
is equal to the cost price of
expenditure is Rs. 50. If he ranging from Rs.200 to
16 items. What is the profit
Rs.350 are being sold at
sells the suit for Rs. 1,170, or loss percent? (correct to
what will be his profit prices ranging from Rs.300
to Rs.450, what is the 2 decimal places)
an by
highest possible profit that SSC GD 25/01/2023 (Shift-01)
SSC GD 24/11/2021 (Shift-02)
might be made in selling 8
(a) 20 (b) 25 (a) Loss of 44.25%/44-25» dh
(c) 22 (d) 30 gkfu
20. fdlh ysunsu esa] ykHk çfr'kr Ø; SSC GD 25/01/2023 (Shift-03)
(b) Profit of 44.25%/44-25»
ewY; dk 48» gSA ckn esa ;fn Ø; (a) Rs.1,800 (b) Rs.2,000 dk ykHk
R s
ewY; esa 20» dh o`f¼ gks tkrh gS(c) Rs.400 (d) Rs.1,600
(c) Profit of 42.86%/42-86»
a th
percentage is 48% of the
gS% vkSj 10 ia•ksa ds Ø; ewY; ij 8
cost price. Afterwards, if the
ia•s csprk gSA ykHk çfr'kr D;k gS\
di M
D;k gksuk pkfg,\ 24. 40 oLrqvksa dk foØ; ewY; 60 the same as the selling
A buys 150 gm gold for price of 18 balls. Find the
oLrqvksa ds ykxr ewY; ds cjkcj gSA
Rs.6,00,000 and gives 6% as profit percentage.
making charges. What
ykHk çfr'kr Kkr dhft;s-
SSC GD 31/01/2023 (Shift-03)
should be the selling price The selling price of 40
per 10 gm to have a profit articles is equal to the cost 100
(a) % (b) 16%
of 6%? price of 60 articles. Find the 9
SSC GD 31/01/2023 (Shift-04) gain percentage. (c) 10% (d) 14%
SSC GD 16/11/2021 (Shift-01) Incurred ij vftZr ykHk mlh oLrq 450dks
:i;s essa cspus ij gkfu dk nksxquk
(a) 45% (b) 40%
32. 1800 jQ- esa ,d oLrq dks cspdj gSA 25% ykHk dekus ds fy, oLrq
(c) 55% (d) 50% feyk ykHk] ,d ykHk dh rqyuk esa dks fdl ewY; ij cspk tkuk pkfg,\
an by
29. 56 xsanksa dks 3]570 #- esa cspus frxquk
ij gS tks bls 1350 jQ- esa cspdjThe profit earned on selling
14 xsanksa dh ykxr ds cjkcj gkfu izkIr gksrk oLrq dk Ø; ewY; (jQ- esa)an article for Rs 900 is
gksrh gSA ,d xsan dk ykxr ewY; Kkr djsaA twice the loss on selling the
same article for Rs 450. 25%
fdruk gS\
The profit made by selling an At what price should an
R s
By selling 56 balls for Rs. article for Rs. 1800 is thrice item be sold to make a
3570, there is a loss equal the profit that would have profit?
a th
(a) Rs. 80 (b) Rs. 75 fdlh oLrq dks 12]400 #- esa cspus
(b) 1175
(c) Rs. 85 (d) Rs. 65 ij çkIr ykHk] mlh oLrq dks 10]600
(c) 1200
#- esa cspus ij gqbZ gkfu ds cjkcj
di M
(c) 30%
(c) 1200 (d) 1500 (c) 28 (d) 30
(d) 32%
34. fdlh oLrq dks 1]920 #i;s esa cspus
37. ,d Vscy iQSu dks 2]827-06 #i;s
31. e/q us 1]470 #- esa 35 fdxzk phuh ij gqvk ykHk çfr'kr mlh oLrq dks ij cspus ij ykHk dk ewY; bls
•jhnhA mlus bls cspk vkSj bl foØ; 1]280 #i;s esa cspus ij gq, gkfu 2]230 #i;s ij cspus ij gqbZ gkfu
esa gqbZ gkfu 5 fdxzk phuh ds foØ;çfr'kr ds cjkcj gSA 25» ykHk dekus ds ewY; ls 14» vf/d gSA 14»
ewY; ds cjkcj Fkh A 8 fdxzk phuh ds fy, oLrq dks fdl dher ij ykHk çkIr djus ds fy, foØ; ewY;
dk foØ; ewY; (#- esa) Kkr dhft,A cspk tkuk pkfg,\ gksxk%
Revanth sold 8 shirts for a (Rounded off up to one
Number of Articles total profit of Rs.480 and 12 decimal place).
oLrqvksa dh la[;k shirts for a total profit of SSC GD 27/01/2023 (Shift-04)
Rs.160. At what profit per
:ch us 1 #i;s esa 20 cVu •jhnsA 25» (a) 24.6% loss
an by
38. shirt should he sell the
dk ykHk çkIr djus ds fy, mls 1 remaining 20 shirts so that (b) 28.6 profit %
#i;s esa fdrus cVu cspus gksaxs\ he gets an average profit of (c) 26.5 profit %
Rs.20 per shirt? (d) 24.5 profit %
Ruby bought 20 buttons for
lehj us 372 #i;s çfr ntZu dh nj
Rs 1. How many buttons SSC GD 23/01/2023 (Shift-01)
ls 20 ntZu f•ykSus •jhnsA mlus muesa
R s
she must sell for Rs 1 in (a) Rs.4 (b) Rs.2
order to get a profit of 25%? (c) Rs.8 (d) Rs.6 ls çR;sd dks 32 #i;s dh nj ls
a th
percentage profit?
Kkr djsaA rate of Rs.1.50/pencil. What
SSC GD 07/02/2023 (Shift-03)
If a person buys 15 pencils is his profit percentage?
(a) 4.2% (b) 2.2%
for Rs 12, and sells 12 SSC GD 23/01/2023 (Shift-03)
pencils for Rs 15, find the (c) 3.6% (d) 3.2%
(a) 64.67% (b) 46.67%
gain or loss percentage. 46. ,d O;kikjh us 1]800 #i;s esa 1200
(c) 87.50% (d) 85.70%
SSC GD 12/01/2023 (Shift-01) oLrq,¡ •jhnha vkSj mlus mUgsa 1]000
43. ,d nqdkunkj us`9 çfr ntZu dh
(a) Gain of 65.25% #i;s dh nj ls csp fn;kA 1]600-
nj ls 240 pkWdysV •jhnhaA ;fn mlus
(b) Loss of 56.25% ykHk ;k gkfu çfr'kr dh x.kuk djsa-
(c) Gain of 56.25% mu lHkh dks`1 çR;sd ij cspk] rks
(d) Loss of 56.52% mldk ykHk çfr'kr D;k Fkk\ A merchant bought 1200
items for Rs.1,800 and he
40. ½"kHk us dqN Vh&'kVZ
`252 esa 3 A shopkeeper bought 240 sold them at the rate of
ds ewY; ij •jhnh vkSj mUgsa
gain 15% on the whole
(c) 14% ykHk (d) 12.5% ykHk gSaA mlus çR;sd {kfrxzLr dqlhZ dks lkekU;
48. j?kq us 100 #- esa 12 dh nj ls SSC GD 13/01/2023 (Shift-01) 3
dqN isu •jhns vkSj 135 #- esa 15 dqlhZ dh dher ls4 #i;s esa cspkA ;g
an by
(a) 32% (b) 30%
dh nj ls leku la[;k esa isu •jhnsA lkekU; dher D;k gksuh pkfg, rkfd og
(c) 28% (d) 31%
260 #- esa fdrus isu cspus ij mls iwjs ysunsu esa 35» dk ykHk dek lds\
20» dk ykHk gksxk\ 51. vuqie us`2]00]000 ds çkjafHkd fuos'k
ds lkFk ,d O;olk; 'kq: fd;kA A dealer buys 50 chairs for Rs.
Raghu bought some pens at
50,000 but 20 of them are
igys o"kZ esa mls 4» dk ?kkVk gqvkA
R s
the rate of 12 for Rs.100 and damaged. He to sell each of
the same number of pens at gkyk¡fd] nwljs o"kZ ds nkSjku] mUgksaus
10» dk ykHk dek;k] vkSj rhljs o"kZ the damaged chairs at 3 the
a th
(c) 25 (d) 30
`2,00,000. In the first year, SSC GD 09/02/2023 (Shift-02)
Average of CP he incurred a loss of 4%. (a) Rs. 6,750 (b) Rs. 5,000
However, during the second (c) Rs. 1,125 (d) Rs. 1,500
5 year, he earned a profit of
49. ,d O;fÙkQ us viuh oLrqvksa
ds 6 54. ,d O;kikjh us isafly ds 360 iSdsV
10%, and in the third year he
Hkkx dks 15» ykHk ij vkSj 'ks"k dksearned a profit of 15%. Cal- 15 #i;s çfr iSdsV dh nj ls •jhnsA
culate his net profit for the
Ø; ewY; ij csp fn;kA iwjs ysu&nsu esa mlus 60» iSdsV 18 #i;s çfr iSdsV
mlds }kjk vftZr ykHk Kkr dhft,A
entire period of three years. dh nj ls vkSj 'ks"k iSdsV 20 #i;s
SSC GD 30/01/2023 (Shift-04) çfr iSdsV dh nj ls cspkA bl lkSns
A man sold
of his (a) `42,503 esa mldk ykHk çfr'kr (,d
6 n'keyo LFkku rd) fdruk gS\
(b) `53,808
articles at 15 profit % and
the rest at cost price. Find (c) `42,880 A trader purchased 360
One third of the goods are (c) Rs. 1,150 (d) Rs. 1,225 oranges purchased at three
sold at 15 profit % , 25% of different prices are mixed in
58. ,d iQy foØsrk us 520 #- çfr 10
the goods are sold at 20 the ratio 4 : 5 : 6
profit % , and the remaining fdxzk ds ewY; ij 30 fdxzk lsc respectively, and are sold at
goods are sold at 10% loss. •jhnsA mlus muesa ls 60» lsc 60 a profit of 40%. Find the
an by
If a profit of Rs.350 is made
in the whole transaction, #-@ fdxzk ds ewY; ij cspsA 20» selling price (in Rs.) of
dk ykHk çkIr djus ds fy,] 'ks"k oranges per kg.
then what was the original
cost (in Rs) of the goods? lscksa dk foØ; ewY; çfr fdxzk fdruk SSC GD 25/01/2023 (Shift-02)
gksuk pkfg,\
SSC GD 18/11/2021 (Shift-01) (a) 160 (b) 150
R s
(a) 9,000 (b) 7,200 (c) 140 (d) 210
(c) 5,400 (d) 6,000 A fruit seller bought 30 kg of
a th
When SP is Same
56. ,d O;kikjh 600 #- esa nks oLrq,a
A apples at Rs. 520 per 10 kg.
vkSjB •jhnrk gSA og A dks 20»
He sold 60% of those tc foØ; ewY; leku gks
apples at Rs.60/kg. To make
ds ykHk ij vkSj B dks 10» dh a profit of 20%, what should 61. ,d vkneh us nks dqflZ;k¡ çR;sd 475
gkfu ij csprk gSA ;fn bl iwjs ysunsu be the selling price per kg of #i;s esa cspha] ,d ij 25» dk ykHk
ty a
esa mls 8» dk ykHk vftZr gksrk gS]the remaining apples? gqvk vkSj nwljs ij 20» dk uqdlku
rks oLrq
A dk Ø; ewY; (#- esa) gqvkA ;fn mlus nksuksa dqflZ;k¡ çR;sd
di M
57. ,d O;fÙkQ us 2]400 #- esa ,d est sold the fourth cupboard at (a) 45gain % (b) 18gain %
vkSj ,d dqlhZ •jhnhA mlus est dks a profit of k%. If the total (c) 41gain % (d) 25% loss
profit is 15%, then what is
12» ds ykHk ij vkSj dqlhZ dks 10» the value of k?
62. jfo us nks ckbdsa çR;sd
`42]188 esa
dh gkfu ij cspk] ftlls dqy csphaA ,d ckbd ij mls 20» dk
feykdj 4» dk ykHk gqvkA est dk
SSC GD 23/11/2021 (Shift-03)
ykHk gqvk tcfd nwljh ij mls 20»
Ø; ewY; Kkr dhft,A (fudVre (a) 15 (b) 18 dh gkfu gqbZA mls dqy feykdj
iw.kkZad rd lgh djsa) (c) 16 (d) 14 fdruk çfr'kr ykHk ;k gkfu gqbZ\
bananas is Rs. 990. If the (c) 15% dk ykHk
csph xbZaA ,d oLrq dks 10» dh cost price of all the bananas
gkfu ij cspk x;k vkSj nwljh oLrq is 1980, and if the profit (d) 25% dk ykHk
dks 10» ds ykHk ij cspk x;kA earned is 18%, then what 68. ,d vkneh us leku dher ij nks
an by
iwjs ysunsu esa 'kq¼ ykHk ;k gkfuwill be the selling price (in oLrq,a •jhnha vkSj ,d dks 10» ds
gS% Rs.) of ten bananas? ykHk ij vkSj nwljs dks 5» dh gkfu
Two objects were sold for SSC GD 25/11/2021 (Shift-03)
ij csp fn;kA ;fn nksuksa foØ; ewY;ksa
(a) 90.20
`9,900 each. One object was ds chp dk varj 60 #i;s gS] rks
sold at a loss of 10% and (b) 60.00
nksuksa oLrqvksa ds ykxr ewY; dk ;ksx
R s
the other object was sold at (c) 70.80
a gain of 10%. The net gain D;k gS\
a th
sell 20 dozen bananas? profit percentage.
the total profit percentage?
SSC GD 17/11/2021 (Shift-03) SSC GD 10/01/2023 (Shift-04)
SSC GD 12/01/2023 (Shift-03)
(a) Rs. 720 (b) Rs. 1,560 (a) 15% (b) 11%
(c) Rs. 936 (d) Rs. 780 (a) 44% (b) 40%
(c) 14% (d) 12%
an by
(c) 50% (d) 45%
Dishonest Shopkeeper 74. ,d nqdkunkj viuk iqjkuk LVkWd
77. S, 40 #i;s çfr fdyksxzke ij phuh
csbZeku nqdkunkj ykxr ewY; ls 25 çfr'kr gkfu ij
•jhnrk gS vkSj
x #i;s çfr fdyksxzke
,d vkneh 10» ykHk ij pkoy csprk gS] ysfdu 30 çfr'kr de otu
71. ij csprk gSA otu ekius okyh e'khu
csprk gS vkSj okLrfod eki ls 20» dk mi;ksx djrk gSA mldk çfr'kr
esa •jkch ds dkj.k otu 800 xzke
ykHk ;k gkfu (nks n'keyo rd ij
R s
de otu dk mi;ksx djrk gSA gksus ij otu ,d fdyks fn•krk gSA
mldk ykHk çfr'kr gS% fopkj djsa) D;k gS\
;fn mldk ykHk çfr'kr 30» gS rks
a th
A man sells rice at 10profit A shopkeeper sells his old x çfr fdxzk dk ewY; D;k gS\
% and uses a weight that stock at 25 percent loss on
cost price, but uses 30 S buys sugar for Rs 40 per
is 20% less than the actual
percent less weight. What kg and sells at Rs x per kg.
measure. His gain
ty a
is 800 gm. What is the value
2 1 SSC GD 13/01/2023 (Shift-04)
(a) 37 % (b) 37 % of x per kg if his profit
3 2 (a) Profit of 9.14% percentage is 30%?
1 1 (b) Loss of 7.14% SSC GD 16/01/2023 (Shift-01)
(c) 37 % (d) 37 % (c) Profit of 7.14%
5 3 (a) 48.6 (b) 46.1
(d) Loss of 9.14%
72. ,d nqdkunkj 12» ds ykHk ij (c) 41.6 (d) 52.1
lkeku csprk gS vkSj ,sls otu dk
75. pwafd nqdkunkj nks"kiw.kZ78. otu ,ddkefgyk ykxr ewY; ij 20» ykHk
mi;ksx djrk gS tks ewy otu ls mi;ksx djrs gq, oLrq dks ykxr ewY; ij vkSj okLrfod eki ls 30» de
15» de gSA mldk dqy çfr'kr ij cspus dk nkok djrk gS vkSj 25» otu dk mi;ksx djds phuh cspus
ykHk Kkr dhft,A (n'keyo ds 2 dk ykHk çkIr djrk gSA 1000 xzke dk nkok djrh gSA mldk ykHk
LFkkuksa rd lgh) ds fy, mlds }kjk mi;ksx fd;k çfr'kr D;k gS\
x;k nks"kiw.kZ otu Kkr dhft,A
gS] ysfdu og 1 xzke ds ctk; 900 çfr'kr yxHkx cjkcj gS% (a) 15% (b) 10%
(c) 25% (d) 20%
feyhxzke ns jgk gSA nqdku ds ekfydA faulty machine weights 900
ds ykHk ;k gkfu dk çfr'kr (2 g as 1000 g. A shopkeeper Relation between CP & SP
n'keyo LFkkuksa rd lgh) gS% uses this weighting machine
84. fdlh •jkch dh otg ls] fufru ,d
to sell 45 kg of rice at Rs.65
Åuh tSdsV dks mlds Ø; ewY; ls
A silver shop owner claims per kg which he bought at
that he is selling silver at Rs.58 per kg. His overall 10» de ewY; ij csprk gSA ;fn
`65/g when cost price is
mlus ml tSdsV dks 500 #- vf/d
an by
profit percentage is
`70/g, but he is giving 900g
instead of 1 kg. The
approximately equal to: esa cspk gksrk] rks mls 15» dk ykHk
gksrkA tSdsV dk Ø; ewY; Kkr
percentage of profit or loss SSC GD 08/02/2023 (Shift-03)
of the shop owner (correct (a) 23.8% dhft,A
to 2 decimal places) is: (b) 18.9%
Due to some defect, Nitin
R s
SSC GD 27/01/2023 (Shift-02) (c) 22.6%
sells a woolen jacket at 10%
(a) Profit 3.17% (d) 24.5%
less than its cost price. Had
a th
cost price of the article. SSC GD 26/11/2021 (Shift-01)
have made a profit of 8%. At
SSC GD 23/01/2023 (Shift-02) what price should he sell (a) 7,275 (b) 6,765
(a) `540 (b) `560 the article to gain 11%? (c) 8,250 (d) 8,000
an by
(c) `570 (d) `500 SSC GD 16/11/2021 (Shift-02) Miscellaneous Questions
87. fouksn ,d oLrq •jhnrk gS vkSj mls (a) Rs. 1,210 (b) Rs. 1,200 fofo/ iz'u
5» gkfu ij csprk gSA ;fn mlus
(c) Rs. 1,110 (d) Rs. 1,300 93. ,d nqdkunkj us xsgwa 20 #i;s çfr
bls 20» de esa •jhnk gksrk vkSj fdyksxzke vkSj pkoy 80 #i;s çfr
25 #i;s vf/d esa cspk gksrk] rks90. tc fdlh oLrq ds foØ; ewY; esa
fdyksxzke ij •jhnkA mUgksaus 80
mls 20» dk ykHk gksrkA ewy ykxr164 #- dh o`f¼ dh tkrh gS rks 12» fdyksxzke xsgwa 22 #i;s çfr fdyksxzke
R s
ewY; D;k Fkk\ dh gkfu 8-5» ds ykHk esa cny tkrh
vkSj 20 fdyksxzke xsgwa 21 #i;s
a th
article at 20profit % . Had for Rs. 180, there would 94. 2 çfr'kr de djus ds ckn ,d
he bought it at 20% less have been a profit of 10%. Mkbfuax lsV dh dher 17640 #i;s
than its original cost price What is the cost price of gS bldh ewy dher gS%
and sold it at Rs. 10 less, he electric heater?
would have made a profit of After reducing 2 percent, a
SSC GD 18/11/2021 (Shift-02)
25%. Find the cost price of dining set costs Rs. 17640.
the article. (a) Rs. 2,380 (b) Rs. 2,400 Its original price is:
SSC GD 16/11/2021 (Shift-01) (c) Rs. 2,000 (d) Rs. 2,250 SSC GD 30/01/2023 (Shift-03)
he sells it at Rs.19.00 per 5% and Alok sold it to
and Y is 3 : 4, then what is
litre, his profit percentage Sohan at a profit of 20%. If
the profit/loss (correct to
will be: Sohan bought it for ` 6,270,
one decimal place) in the
what is the cost price (in `)
whole transaction?
an by
SSC GD 09/02/2023 (Shift-01) of the mobile for Soni?
SSC GD 26/11/2021 (Shift-02)
SSC GD 01/02/2023 (Shift-01)
(a) 22
% (b) 22
% (a) 4.8% dk ykHk (a) `5,000
163 163 (b) 3.7% dk ykHk (b) `5,500
64 64 (c) 3.9% dh gkfu (c) `4,500
(c) 12 % (d) 20 %
163 163 (d) 4.5% dh gkfu (d) `4,650
R s
a th
1.(d) 2.(b) 3.(c) 4.(c) 5.(a) 6.(d) 7.(d) 8.(d) 9.(b) 10.(b)
ty a
11.(d) 12.(d) 13.(a) 14.(c) 15.(a) 16.(d) 17.(b) 18.(c) 19.(d) 20.(c)
di M
21.(d) 22.(b) 23.(c) 24.(c) 25.(d) 26.(b) 27.(a) 28.(d) 29.(c) 30.(b)
31.(c) 32.(d) 33.(b) 34.(c) 35.(c) 36.(d) 37.(c) 38.(d) 39.(c) 40.(b)
41.(c) 42.(c) 43.(c) 44.(b) 45.(d) 46.(c) 47.(d) 48.(c) 49.(d) 50.(b)
51.(c) 52.(c) 53.(d) 54.(c) 55.(d) 56.(b) 57.(a) 58.(c) 59.(b) 60.(c)
61.(b) 62.(c) 63.(b) 64.(b) 65.(c) 66.(b) 67.(b) 68.(d) 69.(c) 70.(d)
71.(b) 72.(a) 73.(d) 74.(c) 75.(c) 76.(c) 77.(c) 78.(b) 79.(a) 80.(d)
81.(d) 82.(d) 83.(c) 84.(d) 85.(d) 86.(d) 87.(a) 88.(b) 89.(c) 90.(d)
1. (d) 6. (d) 12. (d)
118 92 u;k foØ; ewY;
Ø; ewY;× 100 = 2832 foØ; ewY;= 750 100 = 690 jQ-
25 27
7. (d) = 28,445 × ×
2832 100 28 25
Ø; ewY;= = 2400 ;krk;kr ds ckn ykxr ewY;
= 14360 + 240 = 14600 jQ- = 27,432 jQ-
2. (b)
foØ; ewY;15% d k ykHk 13. (a)
= 14600
Ø; ewY; : foØ; ewY; mfeZyk : jk[kh : lqtkrk
= 16790 jQ-
350000 : 43500 ×
20 5 : 6 : 6.6
70 : 87
5 = 50000
an by
% =
87 70
100% 15% 20 lqtkrk(6.6) = 66,000 jQ-
8. (d) 14. (c)
1 21 1
170 ykHk
× Ø; ewY; 20% =
= % 24.3% 5
7 = 11500
R s
3. (c) 1500 200 Ø; ewY;: foØ; ewY;= 5 : 6
Ø; ewY;= 11 20 foØ; ewY;= Ø; ewY;= 6 : 5
a th
1100 800
%= 100%
1 11500 200
15. (a)
800 ykHk
= ×
10 11 21 254.38
Ø; ewY;= 110.6 × 100 = 230 jQ-
995 jQ-
ty a
3 9. (b)
= 100% = 37.5%
8 5.75 57.5
12675 8625 gkfu% = 230 × 100% = 23 %
4. (c) ykHk
%= 100
di M
1 1 = 2.5%
25% , 20% = 4050 16. (d)
4 5 = 100 = 46.95%
lafpr dks ySiVki feyk 47% Ø; e wY;
= × 100
10. (b) 92
= 4 = 90000 jQ- Ø; ewY; foØ; ewY; = 20,000
u;k 100 130 21
jeu dks ySiVki feyk foØ; ewY;= 20000 × 20
i qjkuk100 260
90000 260 100 = 21,000 jQ-
5 = 75000 jQ- u;k ykHk
%= 100 17. (b)
5. (a) = 160% 88
11. (d)
Ø; ewY;× 100 = 299.2
ekuk, 1 VkW
iQh dk Ø; ewY;
= 1 jQ-
le xz ifjorZu
iz'ukuqlkj] 299.2 100
Ø; ewY;= = 340 jQ-
foØ; ewY;= 55 jQ- 63
= + 2.82%
ykHk = 11 jQ-
350.20 – 340
× 100
Ø; ewY;= 55 – 11 = 44 jQ- 2.82 340
= 100000
100 102
% = 100% = 25%
= 2820 jQ-
% = 3%
SP 3
19. (d) =
1 1 CP 4
Ø; ewY; : foØ; ewY; ykHk
% = 100% 33 %
3 3
(850 + 50) : 1170 ,d xsan dk foØ; ewY;
an by
24. (c) =
900 : 1170
40 SP = 60 CP
10 : 13
SP 3
3 xsans
3 =
ykHk% = 10 = 30% CP 2 ,d xsan dk Ø; ewY;
R s
1 3570 4
20. (c) ykHk
%= × 100 = 50% = jQ-
2 563 = 85
a th
ekuk] Ø; ewY;
= 100, Ykk
Hk= 48
25. (d) 30. (b)
28 SP = 16 CP 50 SP – 50 CP = 10 SP
50 CP = 40 SP
ty a
SP 4
= SP 5
CP 7
CP 4
di M
ykHk% = 120 × 100% = 3 %
70 gkfu% = 7 × 100 ykHk
= 23.33% = 42.86% 31. (c)
26. (b) 35 CP – 35 SP = 5 CP
e deh
= (48 – 23.33)%
10 CP = 8 SP 40 SP = 35 CP
SP 7
21. (d) SP 10 5 =
CP 8
10 ke ds fy, dqy ykxr ewY;
xz CP 8 4
1 fdxzkphuh dh dher
6 10
= 600000 100 600000 150 ykHk
% = 100 25% 1470
4 =
= 42 jQ-
27. (a)
636000 8 bdkbZ
= 42
= 42400 jQ- 20 CP = 18 SP
SP (7) = ×7 xzk
10 xzke ds fy, foØ; ewY; SP 20 10
CP 18 9
106 8 fdxzk phuh dk foØ; ewY;
1 100
% 100 % × 7 × 8 = 294 jQ-
= 44944 jQ- 9 9
(x) = 1800 jQ- SP = 2509 = 2860.26 jQ- 42. (c)
34. (c)
12 4
38. (d) i zfr isafly dk Ø; ewY;
ekuk] csps x, cVuksa dhxla[;k
an by
fly dk foØ; ewY;
izfr isa
20 3
2 bdkbZ
= 1920 – 1280 x×
100 = 1.5 =
1 bdkbZ
= 320
x = 16
R s
CP = 1280 + 320 = 1600 jQ- 3 4
39. (c) 2 5
a th
5 1 %= 4 × 100
SP = 1600 × [25% = ] is afly jQ-
4 4 5
CP (15 12) × 4
= 2,000 jQ- 7
60 48 = × 100 = 87.5%
ty a
35. (c) 10
SP (12 15) × 5
i z'ukuqlkj
, 43. (c)
di M
60 75
900 – 2x = 450 + x
3x = 450 75 48 dqyC.P = 12 9 = 180 jQ-
x = 150 ykHk
dqy S.P = 240 × = 240 jQ-
CP = 450 + 150 = 600jQ-
27 225 240 180
foØ; ewY; ij25% dk ykHk =
100% =
% 56.25%
%= 100
5 40. (b)
= 600× = 750 jQ- 1
4 = 33 %
252 3
36. (d) 1 Vh 'kVZ dk Ø; ewY;
= = 84
44. (b)
12400 – x = 10600 + x
200 dqy C.P = 280 jQ-
2x = 1800 1 Vh 'kVZ dk foØ; ewY;
= = 40
x = 900 500
d qyS.P = 25 18 = 360 jQ-
CP = 10600 + 900 = 11500 jQ- 84 – 40
gkfu% = 84
× 100
CP : SP 360 280
11500 : 14950 44 1100
× 100 =
10 : 13 84 21 200
= 28.6%
% = 30% gkfu= 52.4% 7
15 jQ- –15% + 2x = 45%
4 : 3 : 5 = 12
SP 1000 oLrq 1600 jQ-
x = 30%
+15% +20% –10% = 2
(5 oLrq 8 jQ-) × 2 10 oLrq 51. (c)
60% 60% –50% = 12x
16 jQ- i qjkuk u;k
an by
12x = 60% + 60% – 50%
I 25 24
II 10 11 70
16 – 15
% x (le xz ykHk
)= %
15 3 III 20 23 12
47. (d) 2500 3036 70
R s
% 350
1200 i z'ukuqlkj] 12
,d isu dk Ø; ewY;= 155
2500 bdkbZ 100% 6000 jQ-
a th
= 200,000
= 8 jQ- 200000
56. (b)
3036 bdkbZ
, d isu dk foØ; ewY;= 180
ty a
1 = 42880 jQ-
× 100% = 12.5% 18
3 : 2
52. (c)
48. (c) 1 1 1 1 (3 + 2) = 600
20% 25% 10% 5%
12i sau 100 jQ- 4 4 4 4
15 i sau 135 jQ- 1 A (3) =
× 3 = 360 jQ-
1 isau= 9 jQ- = 20 25 10 5 %
4 57. (a)
12 i sau= 108 jQ-
CP (24 i asu
) = (100 + 108) = 208 = % 12.5%
53. (d)
208 120
iasu dk Ø; ewY;
= × ekuk] lkekU; dqflZ;ksa dk foØ; ewY;
24 100
x #i;s gS
104 iz'ukuqlkj
20 10 (7 + 4) = 2400
3x 135
30 x 20 5000
260 4 100 2400
uks dh la[;k
= × 10 est dh dher (7) = 11 ×7
104 45x = 67500
= 25 i asu 1527 jQ-
x = 1500 jQ-
3 2
60 x
= 176.25 ekuk]x ykHk
180 +2x ykHk
%= 475 41
20 100 18% I II
2x = 132 62. (c) 12 –8
an by
x = 66 jQ-
/fdxzk le xz ykHk
/gkfu% =
59. (b)
20 20 x
3 1 = 4 20 – 20 – =–4
14 : K% = 15%
15% 4%
R s
63. (b) 1 : 1
15 4 – (14 3)
k= d qySP = 2 × 9900 12 – x = x + 8
a th
= 19800 jQ- 2x = 4
60 – 42 = 9000 + 11000 x = 2 ykHk
k= 67. (b)
1 = 20,000
gkfu tc ykxr ewY; cjkcj gksrk gS
ty a
A B C 64. (b)
d her 150 90 75 foØ; ewY; leku gSa 12% x % x %
ek=kk 4 5 6 2 3
12% + 2x% = –60
8% = , 15% =
25 20 x% = – 36
C.P. 600 450 450
CP SP vr% dqy feykdj gkfu çfr'kr
36 gS
d qyCP = 1500 (25 27) × 17 68. (d)
ykHk= 40%
(20 17) × 27 ekuk]
CP = x jQ-
vko';d vuqikr x(10 + 5)% = 60
SP = 2100 100%(x) = 400 jQ-
2100 nks oLrqvksa dh ykxr ewY; dk ;ksx
foØ; ewY; izfr fdxzk
= x + x = 800 jQ-
425 : 459 69. (c)
= 140 jQ-
= 40 12 = 30 jQ-
CP = SP, 25% =
20 ntZudsys dk Ø; ewY;
= 30 4
× 20 = 600 jQ-
an by
SP 5 x
20 ntZudsys dk foØ; ewY; ij
CP 4 1000
dk ykHk
30% = 600 × CP SP
= 780 jQ- 11 9
1 x d ykHk=
okLrfo 100
71. (b) 9
R s
1 800
1 1 22%
10% , 20% x = 800 xzke 81. (d)
a th
10 5
76. (c) 45 1000
SP 11 5 11 50 fdxkz
3 8 900
CP 10 4 8 12% = , 32% =
25 25 mldh e'khu •jkc gksus ds dkj.k
ty a
% 100% 37 % og 45 fdyks dh txg 50 fdyks
8 2 SP 25 33 3
dh dher r; djrk gSA
72. (a) CP 22 25 2
di M
6 3 1
12% , 15% 45 × 58 : 50 × 13
50 20 ykHk
% = 100% 50%
2 :
9 × 29 25 × 13
SP 56 20 112 77. (c) 261 : 325
CP 50 17 85 325 – 261
SP 40
13 800
% 100%
112 – 85 261
% =
100% 10 1000
= 5.2 × 8 = 41.6 jQ-/fdxzk
% 24.5%
540 261
= % = 31.76% 78. (b)
17 82. (d)
73. (d)
SP 140 1000 y
16% = CP 100 800 x
7 5 y
SP 1000 22 84
= 5 4 x
CP 750 25 75
12 – 7 y 25
84 75
% = 100% okLrfod ykHk
× 100 x 28
% 12%
5 3 ykHk
% 100% 12%
3 = × 100 = 71 % 25
7 7
110 = (80 × 22) + (20 × 21) + (40
100 120 × 95) + (60 × 93)
25 bdkbZ
= 500 –20% 20 = 1760 + 420 + 3800 + 5680
CP (100 bdkbZ
) = 2000 = 11560
ykHk= 11560 – 10000 = 1560 jQ-
an by
vU; fof/%
20 bdkbZ= 10 94. (b)
CP (15 + 10)% = 500
100 bdkbZ(CP) = 50 jQ- i z'ukuqlkj]
500 89. (c) 98 17640
CP =
× 100 = 2000 jQ- (8 + 4)% = 120
CP (100%) = 1000 ewy= 100 100
R s
85. (d) 98
foØ; ewY; ij 11 % d k ykHk
ekuk] oLrqvksa dk Ø;100
gSa = 18000 jQ-
= 1110 jQ-
a th
95. (a)
–8% 90. (d)
100 92 CP : SP
(8.5 + 12) % = 164
24 1630 : (90+15)×19
164 326 : 399
ty a
CP (100 bdkbZ
) = 300 jQ- 3650 64
= 800 jQ- % 22 %
vU; fof/% 91. (b) 163 163
CP (16 + 8) % = 72 96. (b)
3 : 4
CP =
× 100 = 300 jQ- 100 112 +30% : – 16%
–5% 7.5 3 30 –16 4 26
86. (d) ykHk 34 =
95 104.5
3.7 %
180 97. (a)
85 CP (100) = × 100 = 2400 jQ-
–18% 21.6 92. (b)
ekuk] Ø; ewY;= 100
82 106.6
i z'ukulqkj] 100 82
106.6 – 85 = 108
100 112
i z'ukuqlkj]
1080 +12%
CP(100) = × 100 627 6270
30 bdkbZ
= 2475 lksu
h CP = 500 5000
= 500 jQ-
= ×2 11 = × 11 = 1320
7 ewy/u= 12420 – 3420 = 9000 #- 23
= 9410 #-
32. (a) 35. (d)
4 o"kZ dk C;kt= 910 × 4 1 Let, distributed amount n
an by = 3640 #- 2
o"kZ dk C;kt day y
ewy/u(P) = 12740 – 3640
= 13984 – 12144 = 1840 #- n 3 6 y 6 4
= 9100 #-
n+ =y+
1 o"kZ= 736 #- 100 100
nj% = 9100 × 100% = 10% 4 o"kZ= 2944 #- 118n = 124y
ja ewy/u
R s
(P) = 12144 – 2944
29. (a) n 124 62
= 9200 #-
3 o"kZ dk C;kt
= 16776 – 13860 y = 118 = 59
a th
= 2916 #- 736
nj % = 9200 × 100% = 8% (62 + 59) = 12100
2916 difference(varj ) = (62 – 59)
1 o"kZ dk C;kt
= = 972 #- 33. (d)
ty a
= 100 × 3 = 300
5 o"kZ dk C;kt
= 972 × 5 = 4860 #- 7000 10 2
7000 + difference(varj ) × 75%
ewy/u(P) = 13860 – 4860 100
di M
= 9000 #- P 85 3
=P+ = 300 × = 225 #-
972 100 4
nj% = 9000 × 100%
140P 36. (c)
= 10.8% = 8400
100 P 3 8 P 4 10 P 5 12
2000 10.8 17 + +
C;kt(SI) = 100 5 = 68 ewy/u(P) = 6000 #- 100 100 100
= 13795
× 108 = 7344 #- 34. (a)
30. (b)
fn;k gS
, 124P
= 13795
P 10.5 4 100
= 8094 nj(R) = 5%, l e; (T1)
142P = 2, l e; (T2) = 4 ewy/u(P) = 124
× 100
= 8094
ksa Hkkxksa=dk ;ksx
2760 = 11125 #-
ewy/u(P) = 5700 #-
pØo`f¼ C;kt
Basic Questions/ewyHkwr iz'u What is the difference 6. 50]000 #i;s dh jkf'k ij 6» çfr
between the compound o"kZ dh nj ls pØo`f¼ C;kt Kkr
1. fdrus le; esa (o"kks± esa) 10» okf"kZd
interest on Rs 5,750 for one
djsa tks 2 o"kZ ds var esa v/Zokf"kZd
pØo`f¼ C;kt nj ij 80]000 #i;s year at 16% per annum
:i ls la;ksftr gksxkA (fudVre
compounded yearly and
dh jkf'k 1]17]128 #i;s gks tk,xh\ compounded half-yearly? iw.kkZad ds yxHkx)A
In how much time (in years)
SSC GD 10/01/2023 (Shift-03) Find the compound interest
would Rs 80,000 amount to
(a) Rs. 49.76 (b) Rs. 36.80 on a sum of Rs 50,000 at
Rs 1,17,128 at 10% per
an by
annum rate of interest,
compounded yearly? 4.
(c) Rs. 29.50 (d) Rs. 32.58
5]000 #i;s ij 4» çfr o"kZ dh nj ls
the rate of 6% per annum to
be compounded half yearly
at the end of 2 years.
SSC GD 10/01/2023 (Shift-01) 1 o"kZ ds fy, okf"kZd vkSj v/Z&okf"kZd
(Approximate to the nearest
(a) 4 yrs. (b) 2 yrs. pØo`f¼ C;kt ds chp varj D;k gS\ integer).
ja What is the difference SSC GD 12/01/2023 (Shift-01)
R s
(c) 2.5 yrs. (d) 3.5 yrs.
between compound interest
2. tkWu us ,d cSad ls 10» okf"kZd on Rs 5,000 compounded (a) Rs. 5,676 (b) Rs. 5,978
a th
Hkqxrku djds viuk ½.k pqdk;k] rks (c) Rs. 19.04 (d) Rs. 3.20 kj.k C;kt ds chp dk varj 464
mlus m/kj yh xbZ jkf'k D;k gS\ #i;s gS] rks fuos'k dh xbZ jkf'k Kkr
di M
3. 5]750 #i;s ij ,d o"kZ ds fy, (a) 13000 8. ykjk us ,d cSad esa 8]000 #i;s tek
16» çfr o"kZ dh nj ls pØo`f¼ fd,] ftl ij mls çfr o"kZ 10»dh nj
(b) 11000
C;kt] okf"kZd :i ls la;ksftr vkSj l sv/Z&okf"kZd pØo`f¼ C;kt feyrk
(c) 10000
v/Z&okf"kZd :i ls la;ksftr] ds chp gSA 18 eghus ds ckn mls fdruh jkf'k
varj D;k gS\
(d) 9000 feysxh\
la;ksftr fd;k tk,\ interest rate of 16% per
C;kt ds chp dk varj 80 #i;s gSA What principal will amount annum (compounding is
jkf'k (#i;s esa) gS% to Rs 5,324 in 2 years, when done half-yearly)?
The difference between the interest is compounded SSC GD 27/01/2023 (Shift-01)
an by
simple and compound
interests compounded
at 10% per
compounding annually?
(a) 3800
(c) 3604
(b) 3200
(d) 3306
annually on a certain sum of SSC GD 16/01/2023 (Shift-01)
money for 2 years at 4% per (a) Rs. 4,400 (b) Rs. 4,324 16. `3]00]000 ij 20» çfr o"kZ dh
annum is Rs 80. The sum
ja (c) Rs. 4,420 (d) Rs. 4,440
nj ls v¼Z okf"kZd :i ls2 2
R s
(in Rs) is: 13. `8]300 ij 2 o"kZ ds fy, 10»
SSC GD 13/01/2023 (Shift-01) okf"kZd nj ls pØo`f¼ C;kt vkSj o"kks± rd pØo`f¼ C;kt Kkr dhft,A
a th
(a) 50,000 (b) 45,000 lk/kj.k C;kt ds chp D;k varj gS\
Find the compound interest
(c) 60,000 (d) 70,000 What is the difference
on `3,00,000, compounded
between the compound
10. ,d fçafliy pØo`f¼ C;kt ij 15» interest, compounding 1
ty a
çfr o"kZ dh nj ls 2 o"kks± esa 26]450annually and simple interest half-yearly, for 2
years at
#i;s dh jkf'k nsrk gS] C;kt okf"kZd :i on `8,300 at 10% per annum the rate of 20% per annum.
di M
ls pØo`f¼ gksrk gSA ewy/u D;k gS\ for 2 years? SSC GD 27/01/2023 (Shift-04)
A principal gives an amount SSC GD 25/01/2023 (Shift-02)
(a) ` 1,62,156
of Rs 26,450 in 2 years at (a) `83 (b) `1,743
the rate of 15% per annum (b) ` 1,83,153
(c) `1,660 (d) `38
on compound interest, (c) ` 1,92,156
interest is compounding
14. rhu lky igys] jkgqy us 10» okf"kZd
(d) ` 1,73,153
annually. What is the pØo`f¼ C;kt nj ij ,d /ujkf'k
principal? 17. 2]100 #i;s dh jkf'k dks 1 o"kZ
m/kj yh] tks okf"kZd :i ls pØo`f¼
SSC GD 13/01/2023 (Shift-02) gksrh gSA ;fn ml m/kj fy, x, iSls ds fy, 20» çfr o"kZ dh nj ls
(a) Rs. 23,000 dk orZeku ewY; 11]979 #i;s gS] rksfuos'k fd;k tkrk gS] C;kt v¼Z
(b) Rs. 20,000
jkgqy us fdruk iSlk m/kj fy;k Fkk\ okf"kZd :i ls la;ksftr gksrk gSA
Three years ago, Rahul pØo`f¼ C;kt Kkr djsa-
(c) Rs. 21,000
borrowed a sum of money at
A sum of Rs.2,100 is
(d) Rs. 22,000 compound interest rate of invested for 1 year at 20%
11. ;fn fdlh /ujkf'k ij nks o"kks± ds 10% per annum compo- per annum, interest
unding annually. If the
fy, 5» çfr o"kZ dh nj ls lk/ present value of that
compounded half yearly.
Find the compound interest.
kj.k C;kt 50 #i;s gS] rks leku nj borrowed money is
vkSj leku le; ds fy, okf"kZd :i Rs.11,979, how much money SSC GD 30/01/2023 (Shift-01)
ls la;ksftr djus ij pØo`f¼ C;kt was borrowed by Rahul? (a) Rs. 441 (b) Rs. 421
D;k gS\ SSC GD 25/01/2023 (Shift-03) (c) Rs. 431 (d) Rs. 451
(a) ` 44,995 (b) ` 45,625
Rs.25,500 in a bank in the
(c) ` 42,675 (d) ` 43,915 names of his grandsons P
ok f "k Zd nj i j o k f"k Zd v k Sj
v¼Z&okf"kZd :i ls la;ksftr fd;k
19. pØo`f¼ C;kt] okf"kZd pØo`f¼ C;kt and Q who are presently 13
vkSj 2 o"kks± esa 18]000 #i;s dh years and 14 years old, tk, rks pØo`f¼ C;kt esa D;k varj
an by
jkf'k ij vftZr lk/kj.k C;kt ds
respectively. He divided his
money in such a way that
chp dk varj 720 #i;s FkkA çfro"kZ they get equal amounts
uksV% n'keyo dks fudVre la[;k
C;kt nj D;k Fkh\ upon attaining the age of 25 esa iw.kkZafdr djsaA
The difference between the years. If the bank gives What will be the difference
compound ja interest, interest at a rate of 4% p.a. in the compound interest if
R s
compounded annually, then a sum of Rs.12,000 is
compounding annually and
how much has been compounded annually and
the simple interest accrued
a th
(c) 20% (d) 10% 22. (a) Rs. 66 (b) Rs. 196
20. ;fn ,d fuf'pr jkf'k ij 3 o"kZ ls 3 o"kks± rd okf"kZd pØo`f¼ nj (c) Rs. 166 (d) Rs. 46
ds fy, 5» çfr o"kZ dh nj ls ij `14]112 curh gSA /ujkf'k dk25. 40» çfr o"kZ dh nj ij m/kj nh
pØo`f¼ C;kt] okf"kZd pØo`f¼ C;kt ;ksx Kkr dhft,A xbZ ,d fuf'pr jkf'k ij] 1 o"kZ
vkSj lk/kj.k C;kt ds chp dk A sum of money amounts to
ds fy, pØo`f¼ C;kt] v¼Z okf"kZd
`14,112 at the rate of 20%
varj 183 #i;s gS] rks fuos'k dh per annum compounded ns;] 1 o"kZ ds fy, lk/kj.k C;kt
xbZ jkf'k D;k gS\ annually for 3 years. Find ds chp dk varj `200 gSA
If the difference between the the sum of money. ;ksx gS%
compound interest, SSC GD 01/02/2023 (Shift-01)
compounding annually and On a certain sum of money
(a) `8,099.60
the simple interest on a lent out at 40% per annum,
(b) `7,167.70
certain sum of money at 5% the difference between the
(c) `9,166.87 compound interest for 1
compounding half yearly. rate of 16% per annum for
Find the sum. ls 70» vf/d gks tkrh gSA 8000 #- 1
2 years?
SSC GD 06/02/2023 (Shift-04) dh /ujkf'k ij leku C;kt nj ij 3 8
(a) Rs. 1,20,000 o"kZ esa çkIr pØo`f¼ C;kt Kkr dhft,A SSC GD 18/11/2021 (Shift-01)
an by
Rs. 13,000
Rs. 1,30,000
A sum of money becomes
70% more than itself in 7
(a) 2,790
(c) 2,765
(b) 2,980
(d) 2,840
(d) Rs. 65,000 years at a certain rate of
27. o"kZ 2019 esa 1]20]000 #i;s dh jkf'k simple interest per annum. 33. 5]000 #- dh /ujkf'k ij 8» dh
Find the compound interest okf"kZd C;kt nj ls] okf"kZd :i ls
dks 12» çfr o"kZ okf"kZd pØo`f¼received on a sum of Rs.
R s
nj ij lkof/ tek esa fuos'k fd;k 8000 in 3 years at the same pØo`f¼ gksus ij 2 o"kks± esa çkIr
x;k FkkA o"kZ 2022 esa bldkrate of interest. pØo`f¼ C;kt vkSj lkèkkj.k C;kt
a th
interest per annum, way that they both receive sum of money at the rate of
compounding annually, does equal amounts when they 12% per annum for 2 years
625 become 21 years of age. If is Rs. 1590. What will be
a sum of money become the simple interest for the
256 the bank gives compound
times itself in 4 years? interest at 5% per annum, same sum of money at
SSC GD 07/02/2023 (Shift-04) then how much did invest in double the time and half the
(a) 20% (b) 26% the name of his daughter? rate of interest?
(c) 22% (d) 25% SSC GD 17/11/2021 (Shift-03) SSC GD 23/11/2021 (Shift-01)
annually), how would
SSC GD 23/11/2021 (Shift-02) (a) Rs. 12,678.75
compound interest be shown?
(a) Rs. 1,925.75 (b) Rs. 12,677.85
(b) Rs. 1,446.54 SSC GD 26/11/2021 (Shift-01)
(c) Rs. 1,969.25 (c) Rs. 12,687.75
(a) T (1 + P/100)M – T
(d) an by
Rs. 1,972.40
,d fuf'pr okf"kZd pØo`f¼ C;kt
(b) T (1 + P/100)M
(c) T (1 + P/100)P 40. okf"kZd
(d) Rs. 12,678
pØo`f¼ ds rgr] 2 o"kks± esa
dh nj ij m/kj nh xbZ ,d /ujkf'k P leku C;kt nj ij ,d fuf'pr jkf'k
(d) T (1 + P/100) – T
ij 3 o"kZ esa çkIr feJ/u] ml jkf'k ij pØo`f¼ C;kt vkSj lk/kj.k C;kt
ls 72-8» vf/d gksrk gS] tcfd Based on 02 cycle/years dk varj jkf'k dk 144» gSA çfr
R s
C;kt dh x.kuk okf"kZd pØo`f¼ 38. , d daiuh ½.k ij 10» okf"kZd o"kZ C;kt nj Kkr dhft,A
a th
vk/kj ij dh tkrh gSA 18000 #- pØo`f¼ C;kt ysrh gSA daiuh }kjk The difference in compound
dh /ujkf'k ij mlh C;kt nj ij 2 lky dh vof/ ds fy, 2]20]000 interest, under annual
#i;s dh jkf'k nh tkrh gSA daiuh compounding, and simple
1 o"kZ esa çkIr pØo`f¼ C;kt (#- C;kt dks gj lky ds ctk; gj Ng interest on a certain sum at
ty a
(d) Rs 44,365
(b) Rs.1,24,318.40 SSC GD 18/11/2021 (Shift-01)
2 o"kks± esa 25]000 #i;s ij ns; jkf'k
(c) Rs.1,24,398.40 (a) Rs. 2,301 (b) Rs. 2,315
(d) Rs.1,24,324.40 D;k gksxh tc Øfed o"kks± esa C;kt
an by
43. 20» çfr o"kZ dh C;kt nj ij nj Øe'k% 12» vkSj 10» çfr o"kZ (c) Rs. 2,010 (d) Rs. 2,110
49. 8]500 #- dh /ujkf'k ij 6» okf"kZd
v/Zokf"kZd :i ls la;ksftr gksus ij gS (C;kt okf"kZd :i ls pØo`f¼
gS)\ nj ls 2 o"kZ esa çkIr gksus okyk
fdrus le; esa `6]750 #i;s dh
pØo`f¼ C;kt Kkr dhft,] ;fn C;kt
jkf'k`8]984-25 #i;s gks tk,xh\ What will be the amount
due on Rs.25,000 in 2 years v/Z&okf"kZd :i esa pØo`f¼ gksrk gSA
In what time will `6,750
when the rate of interest in
R s
amount to `8,984.25 at the Find the compound interest
successive years is 12% and
interest rate of 20% per accruing on a sum of
10% per annum respectively
a th
(c) 1 year (d) 2 year (c) Rs. 28,000 (b) Rs. 1,066.82
(d) Rs. 27,800 (c) Rs. 9,968.72
44. ;fn C;kt v/Z&okf"kZd :i ls la;ksftr
gksrk gS rks ,d o"kZ ds fy, 1]00047. ;fn C;kt dks v¼Z okf"kZd vk/kj (d) Rs. 1,050.25
#i;s ij 20» çfr o"kZ dh nj ls ij pØo`f¼ fd;k tkrk gS] rks 16»Based on 03 cycle/years
pØo`f¼ C;kt Kkr djsaA okf"kZd C;kt nj ij 5]000 #- dh50. ,d cSad ls 10]000 dh jkf'k 6»
Find the compound interest /ujkf'k dks 5]832 #- cuus esa yxus çfr o"kZ dh nj ij v¼Z okf"kZd :i
on Rs.1,000 at 20% per okys o"kks± dh la[;k Kkr dhft,A ls la;ksftr djus ds fy, yh xbZA
annum for one year if
interest is compounded half-
If the interest is Ms<+ lky ckn fdruk ykSVkuk gksxk\
compounded on half yearly
yearly. A sum of 10,000 was taken
basis, then find the number
SSC GD 31/01/2023 (Shift-04) from a bank at the rate of
of years taken for an amount
(a) Rs. 211 (b) Rs. 210 of Rs. 5,000 to become Rs. 6% per annum to be
(c) Rs. 209 (d) Rs. 208 5,832 at 16% per annum compounded half yearly.
45. ,d O;fÙkQ okf"kZd pØo`f¼ C;kt dh interest. How much has to be
returned after one and half
,d fuf'pr nj ij 5 o"kks± ds fy, SSC GD 17/11/2021 (Shift-01) years?
30]000 #i;s dk fuos'k djrk gSA 1 (a) 1.5 o"kZ (b) 1 o"kZ
o"kZ ds var esa] ;fn jkf'k 34]200 SSC GD 23/01/2023 (Shift-01)
:i;s gS] rks nwljs o"kZ ds var esa(c) 1 o"kZ (d) 2 o"kZ (a) `10,215 (b) `10,927
jkf'k Kkr djsaA 2 (c) `10,879 (d) `10,567
years is Rs.6,200, when the (a) Rs. 15,150 (b) `16,461
interest is compounded (b) Rs. 15,153
semi-annually. Find the (c) Rs. 15,160 (c) `13,431
sum of money. (d) Rs. 15,260 (d) `14,641
an by
SSC GD 23/01/2023 (Shift-04)
Rs. 2,00,000
55. 7]500dh /ujkf'k ij 24» okf"kZd
nj ls 3 eghus esa çkIr pØo`f¼ C;kt A vkSjB ds chp jQ- 5]309 dks
bl çdkj foHkkftr dhft,] rkfd 6»
(b) Rs. 2,10,300 (#- esa fudVre #- rd) fdruk
gksxk] ;fn C;kt ekfld :i esa çfr o"kZ dh nj ls C;kt pØo`f¼
(c) Rs. 2,12,000
(d) ja
Rs. 2,15,520 pØo`f¼ gksrk gS\ fd, tkus ij 4 o"kZ cknA dh
R s
What will be the compound jkf'k] 6 o"kZ ckn
B dh jkf'k ds
52. 10 izfr'kr okf"kZd pØo`f¼ C;kt nj ls interest (in Rs., rounded off to ds cjkcj gks tk,] C;kt dk la;kstu
1 yk[k :i;s dk ewy/u 3 o"kZ esa c<+dj
a th
years at 10 percent
Based on Quaterly/4 Yearly compounded at 6% per
compound annual interest
annum, compounding
rate? (Interest is =kSekfld ij vk/kfjr@4 o"kZ annually
compounded annually)
SSC GD 02/02/2023 (Shift-02) 56. lksfu;k dks 1 o"kZ dh vof/ ds fy, SSC GD 13/02/2023 (Shift-02)
(a) Rs. 1,31,000 =kSekfld :i ls la;ksftr 12» çfr (a) Rs. 2,809, Rs. 2,500
(b) Rs. 1,33,100 o"kZ dh nj ls 25]000 #i;s ds ½.k (b) Rs. 2,759, Rs. 2,550
(c) Rs. 1,21,000 ij fdruk C;kt nsuk gksxk (nks
(c) Rs. 2,659, Rs. 2,650
(d) Rs. 1,50,000 n'keyo LFkkuksa rd iw.kkZafdr)\ (d) Rs. 2,709, Rs. 2,600
53. pØo`f¼C;kt dh fdl nj ij dksbZ How much interest would
Sonia have to pay on a loan 59. 75]000 #- dh /ujkf'k dk okf"kZd
/ujkf'k okf"kZd pØo`f¼ ds lkFk 3 of Rs.25,000 at the rate of
o"kks± esa 3-375 xquk gks tkrh gS\12% p.a. compounded vk/kj ij pØo`f¼ gksus okyh ,d
fuf'pr okf"kZd C;kt nj ij 2 o"kks±
(a) 1,06,040.20
(b) 1,00,400.60 A sum of money doubles
67. 10]00]000 ij 3» çfr o"kZ dh nj
(c) 1,40,060.50 itself at compound interest
in 10 years. In how many ls pØo`f¼ C;kt] okf"kZd pØo`f¼
(d) 1,04,060.40
an by years will it be four times at ds lkFk 92]727 #i;s gSA blds fy,
Based on Time/le; ij vk/kfjr the same rate of interest? vko';d o"kks± dh la[;k gS%
1]875 #i;s dh jkf'k 4» çfr o"kZ
SSC GD 17/01/2023 (Shift-03)
60. The compound interest on
dh nj ls fuf'pr le; esa c<+dj (a) 10 (b) 20 10,00,000 at 3% per annum,
2]028 #i;s gks xbZA ;fn C;kt okf"kZd
ja (c) 15 (d) 5 compounding annually is
R s
:i ls la;ksftr gksrk gS] rks le;64. 10 çfr'kr okf"kZd pØo`f¼ C;kt dh Rs.92,727. The number of
vof/ D;k gS\ nj ls fdrus o"kks± esa 4]000 dh jkf'kyears required for this is:
a th
(b) 2
yearly, then what is the compound interest,
time period? compounded annually? (c) 5
di M
Based on Rate/nj ij vk/kfjr (a) `3,015 (b) `5,215 rhu o"kZ dh vof/ esa 65]000 #i;s
(c) `3,315 (d) `3,115 dh jkf'k ij 21]515 #i;s dk
69. ,d cSad çfr o"kZ 10» dh nj ls pØo`f¼ C;kt çkIr gksrk gSA C;kt dh
72. vCnqy us dqN o"kks± ds ckn ,d cSad
pØo`f¼ C;kt çnku djrk gS tc C;kt
dks`5]832 dk Hkqxrku fd;kA mlus og nj D;k Fkh ftl ij jkf'k okf"kZd
v¼Z&okf"kZd :i ls la;ksftr gksrk gSA :i ls la;ksftr dh tk jgh Fkh\
8» çfr o"kZ dh nj ij`5]000 #i;s
,d xzkgd çR;sd o"kZ 1 tuojh vkSj
dk ½.k fy;k] tks dh pØo`f¼ Compound interest of
1 tqykbZ dks 3]200 #i;s tek djrk
okf"kZd nj ij gksxhA le; Kkr Rs.21,515 is received on
gSA o"kZ ds var esa xzkgd dks C;kt ds sum of Rs.65,000 in a period
dhft, (o"kks± esa)A
:i esa fdruh jkf'k çkIr gksxh\ of three years. What was
Abdul paid `5,832 after the rate of interest on which
A bank offers compound some years to a bank. He the sum was being
interest at the rate of 10% took `5,000 loan at the rate compounded annually?
per annum when interest is of 8% per annum to be
SSC GD 24/01/2023 (Shift-02)
compounded half-yearly. A compounded annually. Find
customer deposits Rs 3,200 the time (in years). (a) 11% (b) 12%
each on 1st January and 1st
SSC GD 17/01/2023 (Shift-02) (c) 13% (d) 10%
July of a year. At the end of
an by
the year, what will be the (a) 5 (b) 2 ,d cSad v¼Z&okf"kZd :i ls pØo`f¼
amount received by (c) 4 (d) 3 5% izfro"kZ dh nj ls pØo`f¼ C;kt
customer as interest? dk Hkqxrku djrk gSA ,d xzkgd us
73. okf"kZd :i ls la;ksftr pØo`f¼ C;kt
SSC GD 11/01/2023 (Shift-04) ,d o"kZ esa 1 tuojh vkSj 1 tqykbZ
ij ,d fuf'pr jkf'k 3 o"kks± esa vius
(a) Rs. 488 (b) Rs. 656 izR;sd dks
`1,600 tek fd,A o"kZ
ls dbZ xquk gks tkrh gSA C;kt nj
R s
(c) Rs. 720 (d) Rs. 528 ds var esa tek dh xbZ jkf'k ij
D;k gS\
70. 2 o"kks± ds fy, 500 #i;s dh jkf'k A certain sum of money mls feyus okyk C;kt gS%
a th
of interest? 1 (a) Rs. 365.75
(a) 21 percent
3 (b) Rs. 330.75
SSC GD 31/01/2023 (Shift-01)
an by
(c) 10% (d) 18%
;fn C;kt okf"kZd :i ls la;ksftr 1
3 (d) Rs. 360.25
(c) 25 percent 85.
fd;k tk, rks 3 o"kks± esa ewy/u ij 4 4
pØo`f¼ C;kt ewy/u dk 33-1» gSA fy, okf"kZd 12» pØo`f¼ C;kt nj
çfr o"kZ C;kt nj Kkr djsa%
(d) 33 percent ij C;kt Kkr djsa] ;fn C;kt okf"kZd
R s
The compound interest on a
:i ls pØo`f¼ gksrk gSA (fudVre
82. 1]225 dh jkf'k ij nks o"kksZa dk C;kt#- esa)
a th
(c) Rs. 47,000 SSC GD 23/01/2023 (Shift-01)
(d) Rs. 46,875 (b) Rs.3,70,000.00
(a) `1,250 (b) `1,210
87. pØo`f¼ C;kt ij ,d jkf'k] okf"kZd (c) Rs.3,57,931.60
(c) `1,180 (d) `1,280
pØo`f¼ ds lkFk 2 o"kks± esa 30]250 (d) Rs.3,50,000.00
an by
#i;s vkSj 3 o"kks± esa 33]27590.#i;s,d vkneh ,d fuf'pr /ujkf'k m/
gks tkrh gSA ;ksx Kkr dhft;sA kj ysrk gS vkSj mls nks leku fd'rksaBased on Amount
esa 2 o"kks± esa okil pqdkrk gSA ;fnfeJ/u ij vk/kfjr
A sum on compound
interest, compounding okf"kZd pØo`f¼ ds ekeys esa pØo`f¼
93. 2 o"kZ igys tek dh xbZ jkf'k Rs
annually amounts to Rs C;kt 5» çfr o"kZ ekuk tkrk gS vkSj 10]500 gSa] igys o"kZ ds nkSjku 10»
R s
30,250 in 2 years and to Rs og lkykuk 882 #i;s dk Hkqxrku çfr o"kZ vkSj nwljs o"kZ ds nkSjku 12»
33,275 in 3 years. Find the
djrk gS] rks mlus fdruh jkf'k çfr o"kZ dh C;kt nj ds lkFk okf"kZd
a th
SSC GD 13/01/2023 (Shift-03) m/kj yh Fkh\ :i ls la;ksftr gksus ij] ------------
(a) Rs. 23,000 A man borrows a certain gksxhA
(b) Rs. 26,000 sum of money and pays it
ty a
A sum of Rs 10,500
(c) Rs. 24,000 back in 2 years in two equal
deposited 2 years ago,
instalments. If Compound
(d) Rs. 25,000 compounded annually, with
Interest is reckoned at 5%
di M
95. ,d fuf'pr jkf'k ij 2 o"kks± ds fy, (a) Rs. 2,125 (b) Rs. 5,050
10» okf"kZd nj ls pØo`f¼ C;kt (c) Rs. 4,050 (d) Rs. 3,125 A principal will become
fy;k tkrk gS] tks okf"kZd :i 98. ls 9]960 #i;s dh jkf'k 7-5» çfr o"kZ Rs.441 in 2 years at the rate
of 5% per annum compound
la;ksftr gksrk gSA ;fn jkf'k 605 :i;s pØo`f¼ C;kt ij m/kj yh xbZ vkSj interest, compounding
an by
gks tkrh gS] rks ewy/u (:i;s esa) gS%nks leku okf"kZd fd'rksa esa okilannually. What is the
Hkqxrku dh xbZA çR;sd fdLr dh principal?
Compound interest is
charged on a certain sum jkf'k D;k Fkh\ SSC GD 09/02/2023 (Shift-01)
for 2 years at 10% rate per
annum, ja compounding A sum of Rs.9,960 was (a) Rs. 300 (b) Rs. 350
R s
annually. If the amount borrowed at 7.5% per annum (c) Rs. 400 (d) Rs. 405
becomes Rs 605, then the compound interest and paid
a th
principal (in Rs.) is: back in two equal annual 102. 8 çfr'kr çfr o"kZ pØo`f¼ C;kt
instalments. What was the dh nj ls ,d ewy/u 3 o"kks± esa
SSC GD 06/02/2023 (Shift-01) amount of each instalment? 19]683 :i;s gks tkrk gS] tks okf"kZd
(a) 600 (b) 550 SSC GD 07/02/2023 (Shift-04) :i ls la;ksftr gksrk gSA ewy/u D;k
ty a
(c) 500 (d) 650 (a) Rs. 5,475 (b) Rs. 5,547 gS\
96. eqds'k us ,d cSad ls 5» okf"kZd (c) Rs. 5,745
(d) Rs. 5,457
di M
A principal becomes
pØo`f¼ nj ij dqN ½.k fy;kA ;fn99. ,d fuf'pr jkf'k 6» okf"kZd pØo`f¼ Rs.19,683 in 3 years at 8
mlus 2 o"kZ ds var esa 7]05]600 C;kt dh nj ls 2 o"kks± esa 7]200 percent per annum
compound interest,
:i;s dk Hkqxrku djds viuk ½.k #i;s gks tkrh gS] tks okf"kZd :i ls compounding annually.
pqdk;k] rks mlus fdruh jkf'k dk la;ksftr gksrh gSA ;ksx Kkr djsaWhat is the principal?
½.k fy;k Fkk\ (fudVre iw.kkZad rd #i;s esa)A SSC GD 13/02/2023 (Shift-04)
Mukesh took some loan A certain sum amounts to
(a) Rs. 16,825
from a bank at the rate of Rs.7,200 in 2 years at 6%
5% per annum compounded per annum compound (b) Rs. 14,825
annually. If he cleared his interest, compounded (c) Rs. 15,625
loan by paying Rs.7,05,600 annually. Find the sum (in
at the end of 2 years, then Rs., to the nearest integer). (d) Rs. 13,526
what was the amount of C;kt okf"kZd :i ls pØo`f¼ gksus
(d) Rs. 5,60,000 djsaA lk/kj.k C;kt (#- esa) Kkr dhft,A
The amount obtained by annum for two years
dh okf"kZd C;kt nj ls 2 o"kZ esa investing a sum of Rs. compounded annually. It is
çkIr feJ/u 12705 #- gSA C;kt v¼Z 15,000 at the rate of 8% per to be paid in equal yearly
okf"kZd :i ls pØo`f¼ gksus ij mlh annum for a certain time, instalments; and the
an by
/ujkf'k ij 2x% dh okf"kZd C;kt calculated on compounded
annual basis, is Rs. 17,496.
instalment is to be paid at
the end of each year. The
1 Find the amount (in Rs) to value of the equal yearly
nj ls 1
o"kZ esa çkIr feJ/u (#- be received on the same instalment is : (Rounded off
sum of money at the same
esa) fdruk gksxk\
ja to two places of decimal)
rate of interest at 15% p.a.
R s
The amount received on a SSC GD 12/01/2023 (Shift-04)
in the same amount of time,
sum of Rs. 10500 at x% p.a. (a) Rs. 86,428.57
while the interest is
a th
received in 1 year on the (c) 19,976 (d) 19,965 lksgu us pØo`f¼ C;kt ij 20» çfr
same sum at 2x% per o"kZ dh nj ls iSlk m/kj fy;k] C;kt
di M
Based on Installment
annum, if the interest is
fdLr ij vk/kfjr lkykuk pØo`f¼ Fkk vkSj mlus bls
compounded half-yearly? rhu leku fd'rksa esa pqdk;k] çR;sd
SSC GD 22/11/2021 (Shift-03) 107. P #i;s dh ,d jkf'k m/kj yh xbZ fdLr dk Hkqxrku gj lky ds var
(a) 13975.50 (b) 11297 vkSj çR;sd 35]280 #i;s nks leku esa fd;k tkuk FkkA ;fn çR;sd fdLr
(c) 17395.75 (d) 19753.25 okf"kZd fdLrksa esa okil Hkqxrku dh
1]250 #i;s dh Fkh] rks lksgu }kjk
105. ,d fuf'pr /ujkf'k ds fy, 5» xbZ] ;fn C;kt dh nj 5» çfr o"kZ
okf"kZd C;kt nj ij 2 o"kZ ds lk/ gS vkSj C;kt okf"kZd :i ls pØo`f¼ m/kj fy;k x;k /u Fkk (fudVre
kj.k C;kt(SI) vkSj okf"kZd :i ls gks jgk gS]Prks
dk eku --------- gS vfHkUu ewY;)%
pØo`f¼ gksus okys pØo`f¼ C;kt A sum of Rs P was borrowed Sohan borrowed money at the
and paid back in two equal
(CI) ds chp dk varj 25-00 #- yearly instalments, each of
rate of 20% per annum on
compound interest, interest
gSA og /ujkf'k Kkr djsaA Rs 35,280. If the rate of was compounding annually
For a certain sum of money, interest was 5% per annum
at the rate of 8% per annum Johnson borrows `30,000 at
compound interest,
113. ,d /ujkf'k dk Hkqxrku 1]25]000 #i;s 5% compound interest per
compounded annually. He annum. He wants to pay
would have to pay Rs. dh nks okf"kZd fdLrksa esa fd;k tkrk this amount back by the end
58,320 after a period of two gSA ;fn C;kt dh nj 6» çfr o"kZ gS of 2 years in two equal
an by
years to finish the loan.
How much did he borrow?
vkSj C;kt okf"kZd :i ls pØo`f¼ gks yearly installments. How
jgk gS] rks m/kj yh xbZ jkf'k Kkr djsaA
much does he have to pay
SSC GD 23/01/2023 (Shift-02) (iw.kkZad ewY; ij fopkj djsa) approximately at the end of
each year?
(a) `50,000 (b) `50,100 A sum of money is paid back
R s
in two annual instalments of SSC GD 31/01/2023 (Shift-03)
(c) `51,000 (d) `49,900
Rs.1,25,000 each. If rate of (a) ` 16,134
111. ,d vkneh `3]310 m/kj ysrk gS
a th
(a) Rs. 1,065 (b) Rs. 1,267 (a) Rs. 99.48 (b) Rs. 66.52
(c) Rs. 829 (d) Rs. 676 (c) Rs. 48.00 (d) Rs. 98.56
an by
R s
1.(a) 2.(b) 3.(b) 4.(b) 5.(c) 6.(c) 7.(b) 8.(d) 9.(a) 10.(b)
a th
11.(d) 12.(a) 13.(a) 14.(a) 15.(c) 16.(b) 17.(a) 18.(a) 19.(c) 20.(c)
21.(c) 22.(d) 23.(a) 24.(a) 25.(d) 26.(c) 27.(a) 28.(d) 29.(a) 30.(c)
ty a
31.(b) 32.(b) 33.(c) 34.(b) 35.(b) 36.(c) 37.(a) 38.(a) 39.(a) 40.(c)
di M
41.(b) 42.(b) 43.(c) 44.(b) 45.(a) 46.(a) 47.(b) 48.(b) 49.(b) 50.(b)
51.(a) 52.(a) 53.(a) 54.(b) 55.(b) 56.(d) 57.(d) 58.(a) 59.(a) 60.(d)
61.(d) 62.(d) 63.(b) 64.(c) 65.(c) 66.(b) 67.(d) 68.(a) 69.(a) 70.(d)
71.(a) 72.(b) 73.(b) 74.(c) 75.(d) 76.(b) 77.(d) 78.(a) 79.(b) 80.(c)
81.(d) 82.(d) 83.(b) 84.(b) 85.(c) 86.(d) 87.(d) 88.(c) 89.(a) 90.(b)
91.(c) 92.(a) 93.(b) 94.(a) 95.(c) 96.(b) 97.(d) 98.(b) 99.(c) 100.(c)
101.(c) 102.(c) 103.(b) 104.(a) 105.(d) 106.(d) 107.(b) 108.(a) 109.(a) 110.(a)
1. (a) 5. (b) = 18 eghus
= 3 pØ)
fn;k gS
, nj = 10% fn;k gS
ewy/u feJ/u R = 40% (okf"kZd
) =
80000 : 117128 20
10000 : 14641
(10)4 : (11)4 = 10% (f=k;ekf"kd
1 ewy/u feJ/u
l e; = 4 o"kZ (20)3 — (21)3
2. (b) 8000 — 9261
ewy/u feJ/u
1 8000 bdkbZ
= 8000
fn;k gS
, nj = 10% = (10)3 (11)3
(11)3 = 13310 ewy/u(9261) bdkbZ
= 9261 #.
an byl e; = 4 o"kZ
ewy/u eJ/u P(10)3 = 10000 #. 9. (a)
10000 : 14641 fn;k gS
, 4 4
14641 bdkbZ= 21961.5 o"kksZsCIdk
R (okf"kZd
) = 6% , l e; = 2 o"kZ 2 =4+4+
ew ja
y/u (1000)
R s
R (v ¼Z&okf"kZd
) = 3% , = 8.16%
l e; = 4(v ¼Z&okf"kZd ) pØ
a th
= × 10000 8.16% – 8% = 80
i z'ukuqlkj
, 100% (jkf'k
) = 50000 #.
= 15000 #.
3. (b) 9 10. (b)
fn;k gS
, 3+3+ = 6. 09
ty a
100 3
nj (okf"kZd
) = 16% nj = 15% = 20
, dy nj = 6.09 + 6.09 +
nj (v ¼Z&okf"kZd
) = 8%,
di M
6.09 6.09 ewy/u feJ/u
, dy nj = 8 + 8 + 100 100
(20)2 — (23)2
= 16.64% 12.18 + 0.37 12.55%
400 – 529
i z'ukuqlkj
, CI = 50000 × 12.55% 6275 #.
529 = 2645
pØo`f¼ C;kt ij 2 pØ dk nj 7. (b)
= 16.64 fn;k gS
, 26450
16.64% – 16% = 0.64% P(400) =
10 10
vUrj= 5750 × 100 = 36.80 #. CI dh nj = 10 + 10 + 100 = 20000 #.
4. (b) = 21% 11. (d)
fn;k gS SId h nj = 20%
nj = 5%, le; =2 o"kZ
nj (okf"kZd 1%(v Urj) 464
)= 4%, CI = 4%
SI = 50 #., CI = ?
nj (v ¼Z&okf"kZd
) = 2%, P(100%) = 46400 #.
4 4 8. (d) 1 o"kZ
dk C;kt = 25
CI = 4 + 4 + = 4.04%
100 fn;k gS
i z'ukuqlkj
, nj = 10% (okf"kZd
) 25 + 25 ×
le ; = 18 eghus 100
vUrj = 5000× = 2.00 #.
100 = 5% (v¼Z&okf"kZd) CI = Rs. 51.25
13. (a) 21% P1 25
= 21%
P2 = 26
1 i z'ukuqlkj
CI – SI = 8300 × = 83 #.
100 21
14. (a)
an by
fn;k gS
CI =
18. (a)
2100 = 441 #.
(25 + 26) bdkbZ= 22500
26 bdkbZ = 13,000 #.
R = 10%, A = 11979 fn;k gS
, 22. (d)
P = 40,000 #. , R(okf"kZd
) = 8%
eyw /u ja feJ/u fn;k gS
R s
)= 4%
10 3
11 3 A = 14112 #. T=3 o"kZ
o"kZ= 3 pØ
a th
T = 4(pØ) R(okf"kZd
) = 16% 19. (c)
ge tkurs gS
, 216 bdkbZ
= 14,112
)= 8%
2 14112
C.I :- R
P 125 bdkbZ = 125 =
I 800 100 216
II 800 064
8166.67 #.
III 800 64 64 5.12
18000 R 2
IV 800 64 64 64 5.12 3.4096 720 V%D;ksa fd ;gk¡ o"kksZs dh la[;k
CI = 3200 + 384 + 20.48 + 10000
3 Fkh blfy, geus ?kuCube
( )
7200 fd; k gSA
= 3604.8896 3604 #. R2 = 400
16. (b) 23. (a)
R = 20%
fn;k gS
, 20. (c) fn;k gS
dk= 3 × 5 = 15%
3 o"kksaZSI
10 10 1
) = 20% 3 o"kksaZCIdk R = 5% = ,T=3 o"kZ
100 20
) = 10% 55 A = 18522 ,P=x
5+5+ = 10.25%
1 18522 20 20 20
T= 2
= 5 pØ Again, P
21 21 21
10.25 5
P = 300000 #. 10.25 + 5 +
100 = 2 × 20 × 20 × 20 = 16000 #.
= 44 – 40 = 4% 200 256 : 625
= 2520
Case II 200 4 256 : 4 625
jkf'k= 100% 100
4 1 o"kZ ds fy, 4:5
an by
R = 5% =
= 5000 #.
nj % =
100 % = 25%
26. (c)
T=4 o"kZ 29. (a)
2 o"kZ ds fy, okf"kZd
CI = (4 × 600) + 6(30) + 4 fn;k gS
ja ewy/u feJ/u
R s
3 1
× + 0.075 nj = 10% = 10
2 2 2
a th
= (5) (6)
= 2400 + 180 + 6 + 0.075 ewy/u feJ/u
= 25 × 400 36 × 400
2586 (10)3 : (11)3
CI = (36 – 25) × 400 = 4400
vUrj= 2586 – 2520
1000 bdkbZ
= 1000
ty a
= 66 #.
2 o"kZ ds fy, v¼Z&okf"kZd
feJ/u = (11)3 = 1331 #.
Alternate Method: 4 4
V%D;ksa fd ;gk¡ o"kksZs dh la[;k
di M
= (10) (11)
Case- I ds fy, izHkkoh nj
= 10 = 10000 14641 3 Fkh blfy, geus ?kuCube( )
10 10 CI = 4641 fd; k gSA
+ 10 + = 21% 30. (c)
4641 – 4400 = 241
fn;k gS
Case- II ds fy, izHkkoh nj
3133 T = 3 o"kZ
, P = 8000 #.
P(10000) = × 10000
55 241 7 o"kZ= 70%
I. 5+5+ = 10.25
= 130000 #. 1 o"kZ= 10%
R = 10%
0.5125 5 27. (a)
II. 10.25 + 5 + 100 3 o"kksZa dk pØo`f¼ C;kt
fn;k gS
= 15.7625 10 10
10 + 10 + = 21%
3 100
III. 15.7625 + 5 +
15.7625 5 nj = 12% = 25 Again,
= 21.5525 i z'ukuqlkj
, 21 + 10 +
= 33.1%
= 0.55% ewy/u feJ/u
12000 66 #- CI = 8000 × = 2648 #.
(25)3 : (28)3 100
328000 1
20 bdkbZ
= 20 159000 24 000 24 nj = 5% = 20 , le ; = 2 o"kZ
41 =
2544 16
= 1,60,000 #. = 1500 #. ewy/u feJ/u
32 (b) 35. (b) (20)2 : (21)2
an by
fn;k gS
R = 16%, P = 8000 #.
C;kt (frekgh
nj = 3%, le ; = 3 pØ
: 441
: 11500
T=1 o"kZ i zHkkoh= nj
9.2727% 11500
feJ/u (441) = 400 441
ja CI = 15600 × 9.2727%
R s
Øekxr nj= 16 + 16 + 100
16 16 = 1446.54 #.
= 12678.75 #.
36. (c)
a th
40. (c)
= 34.56% 3 o"kksaZ dk nj
= 72.8%
i z'ukuqlkj
1 20% d k 3 o"kksaZ ds fy, nj
= 2% gksrk gSA 2
vUrj = jkf'k
ty a
nj (v¼Z&okf"kZd
) = 10%, le ;
2 o"kksaZ ds fy, » C;kt = 3 pØ
di M
8 2
eyw /u : feJ/u 144% = 1 ×
34.56 2
= 34.56 + 2 + (10)3 : (11)3
(1000) : (1331) 144 R2
34.56 + 0.6912 = 37.12
100 100 100
100 bdkbZ
= 8000 1000 bdkbZ = 18000
CI (1331 – 1000) = 18 × 331 = 120%
37.2512 × 80 = 2980 #.
= 5958 #. 41. (b)
33. (c)
V%D;ksa fd ;gk¡ o"kksZs dh la[;kfn;k gS
uks ,
fn;k gS
( )
3 Fkh blfy, geus ?kuCube P = 22445 #., R = 30%, T = 2 o"kZ
R = 8%, T = 2 o"kZ
, P = 5000 #. fd; k gSA iz'ukuqlkj
2 o"kkZsa dsSIfy,
= 8 × 2 = 16% 37. (a)
88 n
= 16.64% R = 69%
100 = P 1 –P
CI – SI = 16.64% – 16%
= 0.64% m feJ/u = 100 × 22445
CI = T 1 –T
0.64 100
vUrj= 5000 × 100 = 32 #. = 37933 #.
= = 8% 6.09 + 3 +
= 9.27%
fn;k gS
, 2
1 ewy/u feJ/u feJ/u =
× 10000
) = 20% = , 5000 : 5832
an by
) = 10% =
1 625
) = 2 o"kZ
= 10927 #.
51. (a)
R = 20%, T=1 o"kZ
8984.25 T(okf"kZd
)=1 o"kZ 2
ja R(v¼Z&okf"kZd)
R s
10 6750 48. (b) = 10%
3 o"kZ ds fy, izHkkoh nj T=3 pØ
a th
3 3
35937 33
11 3 pØ ds fy, SI = 10 × 3
27000 30 (3 × 10) + 3 (10)
10 = 30%
T = 3 v¼Z&okf"kZd 3 pØ ds fy, CI
ty a
1 + 10 10
T 1
okf"kZd 10000 10 + 10 +
= 21%
di M
= 19.3 59. (a) 2 xquk 10 o"kZ
= 20.204%
eyw /u feJ/u 4 xq
uk 20 o"kZ
2 o"kZ ds fy, 75000 : 75000 6120
CI = 75000 ×
55. (b)
an by
= 15153 #.
1 o"kZ ds fy,
nj % (okf"kZd
50 : 52
2500 : 2704
2 10
4 t
) = 4%
12 eghus dk C;kt = 24%
nj % (frekgh ) = 1% T = 20 o"kZ
, 1 eghus dk C;kt
= 2%(okf"kZd) nj
ja le ; = 1 o"kZ = 4 pØ 64. (c)
R s
(3 × 150) + (3 × 3) + 0.06
4590.6 459 #. 100000 × 101 101 101 101 fn;k gS
a th
nj = 4% =
3 25 4000 : 5324
C,I = 4 2500 + 6
ewy/u feJ/u
di M
1857 : 2028
1000 : 3
3 3 45
750 + 4
100 100 2 625 : 676 T=3 o"kZ
3 625 : 676 25 : 26 65. (c)
fn;k gS
= 3000 + 135 + 2.7 + 0.081 nj = × 100% = 4% P = 30,000 #., R = 9%, CI
= 3137.72 #.
61. (d) = 5643
57. (d)
2 o"kZ ds fy, nj (okf"kZd
) = 10% ewy/u feJ/u
ewy/u feJ/u nj (v ¼Z&okf"kZd
) = 5% 30000 : 35643
10000 12100
10000 : 2
100 121 20 T=2 o"kZ
10 11
ewy/u feJ/u 66. (b)
1 o"kZ ds fy,CI = 10% ewy/u feJ/u
800 : 926.1
4 o"kksaZ dsCIfy,
= 46.41 2300 : (2300 + 483)
CI = 10000 × 46.41% = 4641
8000 : 3
100 : 121
feJ/u = ewy/u+ pØo`f¼C;kt l e; = 3 o"kZ
= 10000 + 4641 = 14641 #. = 1.5 o"kZ(v ¼Z&okf"kZd
T=2 o"kZ
T = 3 o"kZ × 16) + 0.032
5 = 1600 + 48 + 0.64 + 0.0032
C;kt = 3200 × iz'ukuqlkj
, = 1648.6432 1648.64
78. (a)
= 160 #.
A 216 6
an by = = P = 6250 #.
1 t qykbZ dks tek dh =jkf'k
3200 #. P 125 5
A = 15,552 #. , T = 5 o"kZ
1t qykbZ dks 'ks"k jkf'k
= 3200 + 3200 + 160 = 6560 #. R = 5 × 100 = 20% 1 1 1
A 5 15552 5 7776 5
nwljh Nekgh ds fy, C;kt
ja = 5%
74. (c)
P 6250 3125
R s
5 fn;k gS
= 6560 × = 32.8 #. 6
a th
100 A 2 = 500 #., A 3 = 700 #. 5
dqyC;kt = 160+328 = 488 #.
A 2 i j C;kt = 700 – 500 = 200 #. R =
100 20%
70. (d)
ty a
75. (d)
(n = l e; ) nj = 10%
P = 65000 #., C.I. = 21515 #.
80. (c)
2 T=3 o"kZ
1.25 = 500 o"kZ 2 o"kZ
ewy/u feJ/u
6500 86515 4900
125 100 100
= R2 3
1000 3
100 500 5 o"kZ
R2 = 25 10 11
R = 5% 4900 6400
71. (a) R= 100 = 10% 7 : 8
fn;k gS
, 100 2
nj % = 7 % = 14 7 %
P = 22500 #., R = 5% vkSj 76. (b)
2809 3
= 1250 #.
= × 8% = 12%
o"kZ 2
3 90. (b)
vUrj = 12.4864 – 12
2977.54 – 2809 T=2 o"kZ
nj % = × = 0.4864%
an by 2809
P × 0.4864% = 228
R = 5% =
168.54 P= × 100 = 46875 #.
× 100% = 6% 0.4864
2809 ewy/u feJ/u
87. (d)
84. (b) ja nj % I o"kZ(20 : 21)×21
R s
CI I 6000 × 33275 – 30250 II o"kZ400 : 441
a th
100 = 100%
= 300 30250 820 : 441Each
100% = 10% 441 bdkbZ
II 300 + 300 × 30250
100 820 bdkbZ
1640 #.
ty a
Again, 8% = , T=3
= 16.64% 25
25.44 12 C.I :-
25.44 + 12 + 116.64
100 100 × P = 800000 I 2 40 0 0
= 36.72 II 2 40 0 0 1920
36.72 800000 III 2 40 0 0 1920 1920 1 5 3 .6
CI = 12500 P=
× 100
100 C.I = 77913.6
4590 4591 #. = 685871 #. feJ/u = 377913.6 #.
= 7.5% =
40 ewy/u feJ/u
II o"kZ100 121 6534
(25)3 (27)3
ewy/u feJ/u
10 (27)3 bdkbZ
= 19683 #.
P = 11 4565 I o"kZ(40 : 43)×43
an by
II o"kZ
1600 : 1849
ewy/u(25)3 = 15625 #.
103. (b)
+ 6534 3320 : 1849Each
121 1
bdkbZ 9960 nj = 5% = 20
= 4150 + 5400 = 9550 #. 3320
ja 1849 bdkbZ
5547 #.
R s
95. (c)
ewy feJ/u
fn;k gS
, 99. (c)
a th
(20) : (21)3
T = 2 o"kZ
, R = 10%, 3
nj = 6% =
50 8000 : 9261
10% =
10 ewy/u feJ/u ewy
/u 8000
ewy/u feJ/u
ty a
= 605
104. (a)
100 bdkbZ
× 100 = 500 #.
7200 50 50
ewy/u feJ/u
121 P (50) = 53 53 10500 : 12705
96. (b) :
7200 2500
100 121
1 = 10 : 11
nj = 5% =
6408 #. nj % = 10 100% = 10%
ewy/u feJ/u
100. (c)
(20)2 : (21)2 fn;k gS
, 1
nj (okf"kZd)
= 20%, le ; = 1
(21) = 705600 3
nj = 12% = 25 o"kZ
705600 400
P (20)2 = = 10%, l e; = 3 pØ
nj (okf"kZd)
ewy/u feJ/u
= 1600 × 400 = 640000 #. eyw /u feJ/u
(25)2 : (28)2
(10)3 : (11)3
97. (d)
(28)2 – (25)2 = 1908 1000 : 1331
3 o"kZ ds fy,CI ij izHkkoh nj
1908 10500
P (25)2 = × 625 = 12 feJ/u (1331) = 1000 1331
88 159
8+8+ = 16.64
100 × 625 = 7500 #. = 10.5 × 1331 = 13975.5 #.
P(455) = 455 2635 #. 5150 bdkbZ
le; (8 ekg) = 3 pØ 2809
229174 jQ -
110. (a)
nj (8 ekgh) = 10%
R = 8% A = 58320 #.
ewy/u feJ/u 114. (c)
(10)3 an by
: (11)3
1000 bdkbZ 15000
8% = 25
20% =
15000 ewy/u feJ/u 5
feJ/u (1331) = 1000 1331 (25)² : (27)²
(27)² bdkbZ ewy/u feJ/u
= 19965 #. = 110 = 58320
R s
107. (b) 58320 I o"kZ(5 : 6)×6
P(252) = × 625
729 II o"kZ
a th
1 25 : 36
nj 5% = = 50,000 #.
20 :
111. (c) 55 36Each
ewy/u feJ/u
nj = 10% = 10
1 55 bdkbZ
ty a
I (20 : 21)×21
II o"kZ
400 : 441 ewy/u feJ/u 36 bdkbZ
di M
820 : 441Each I o"kZ(10 : 11)×121
441 bdkbZ
= 35280 = 6120 #.
II o"kZ
(100 : 121)×11
35280 820 115. (a)
P(820) = III o"kZ1000 : 1331
3920 820 3310 : 1331Each P = 30,000 , R = 5% =
= = 65600 #. izR;sd fdLr1331 :i; s dh gS
108. (a) 112. (c) T=2 o"kZ
nj = 10% = 10
R = 12.5% = ewy/u feJ/u
I o"kZ(20 : 21)×21
ewy/u feJ/u ewy /u feJ/u
II o"kZ
400 : 441
I o"kZ I o"kZ
ewy/u feJ/u 8+8
= 16.16% 100
Z (12
I o"k
: 13)×13
II o"kZ
144 : 169
an by
300 : 169Each 16.64 + 8 +
16.64 3
R s
a th
ty a
di M
f=kfoeh; {ks=kfefr
1. ,d xksysds lrg dk {ks=kiQy (lseh SSC GD 23/01/2023 (Shift-01) If the radius of the base
oxZ esa) D;k gS ftldk O;kl 21 (a) 71542 oxZ iQhV
and the slant height of a
cone are 13 cm and 35 cm
lseh gS\
(b) 61600 oxZ iQhV respectively, then what is
What is the surface area (in the curved surface area of
cm 2 ) of a sphere whose (c) 43200 oxZ iQhV the cone?
diameter is 21 cm?
(d) 53124 oxZ iQhV SSC GD 27/01/2023 (Shift-02)
SSC GD 16/01/2023 (Shift-02)
an by 4. , d xksyk/Z dk dqy lrg dk (a) 1484 lseh2 (b) 1470 l seh 2
(a) 2772 (b) 1386 {ks=kiQy 4158 lseh oxZ gSA xksyk/Z
(c) 1440 lseh2 (d) 1430 l seh 2
(c) 3465 (d) 5544
; fn fdlh ?ku dk lcls yack fod.kZ
;fn fdlh xksys dh lrg dk {ks=kiQy dh f=kT;k gS%
use 7.
2. 7
30]184 lseh oxZ gS] rks mldk The total surface area of a 432 lseh gS] rks mldk vk;ru gS%
R s
22 hemisphere is 4158 cm2. The If the longest diagonal of a
vk;ru Kkr dhft,A use 7
radius of the hemisphere is: cube is 432 cm, then its
a th
dk vk;ru Kkr dhft,A 13. lcls yacs •aHks dh yackbZ D;k
75 cm. If the volume of cone
and hemisphere are equal,
22 ftls 10 ehVj × 10 ehVj× 5 then what will be the radius
ehVj vk;ke okys dejs esa j•k tk of the base of the cone?
an by
Find the volume of a
ldrk gS\
What is the length of the
SSC GD 17/01/2023 (Shift-03)
hemisphere of diameter 12
longest pole that can be placed
(c) 1.5 l seh (d) 1.2 l seh
22 in a room of dimensions
cm Use . 17. 16 ehVj] 14 ehVj vkSj 10 ehVj
ja 7 10m × 10m × 5m?
,d dejs ds vk;ke gSaA lHkh vk;keksa
R s
SSC GD 10/01/2023 (Shift-02)
SSC GD 30/01/2023 (Shift-01)
ehVj (b) 25 ehVj
dks lVhd :i ls ekius ds fy, lcls
a th
(a) 20
3168 528 cM+s laHkkfor iSekus dh yackbZ Kkr djsaA
(a) l seh (b)
(c) 15 ehVj (d) 10 ehVj
16 m, 14 m and 10 m are the
7 7
l seh 3 14. nks'kadqvksa dk vk;ru 3 % 2 ds dimensions of a room. Find
vuqikr esa gS vkSj mudh f=kT;k,¡ 3 the
% length of the greatest
ty a
SSC GD 23/01/2023 (Shift-01)
The volumes of two cones
11. ,d yEc o`Ùkh; csyu dk O;kl 14 are in the ratio of 3 : 2 and ehVj (b) 4 ehVj
(a) 3
lseh vkSj Å¡pkbZ 2 lseh gSA bldstheir radii are in the ratio 3 : 4. (c) 2 ehVj (d) 10 ehVj
oØ i`"B {ks=kiQy vkSj dqy i`"BThe ratio of their heights is: 18. ,d yEc o`Ùkkdkj csyu dk vk;ru
{ks=kiQy dk ;ksx gS% (mi;ksx djsa SSC GD 10/01/2023 (Shift-03) Kkr dhft, ftldk oØ i`"Bh;
22 (a) 8 : 3 (b) 9 : 4 {ks=kiQy 1012 lseh oxZ gS vkSj vkèkkj
) (c) 4 : 9 (d) 2 : 1 dh ifjf/ 22 lseh gSA
The diameter of a right 15. ;fn ,d csyu dh f=kT;k vkSj ÅapkbZ 22
circular cylinder is 14 cm dk vuqikr 3 % 2 gS vkSj f=kT;k 21 ( 7 dk ç;ksx djsa)
and height is 2 cm. The sum lseh gS] rks ?kqekonkj lrg dk {ks=kiQy
Find the volume of a right
of its curved surface area circular cylinder whose
and the total surface area (lseh oxZ esa) gS%
( dk
23. (a) 186 (b) 126
20. ,d yac o`Ùkh; csyu dk vk;ru180 vkSj ÅapkbZ 50 lseh gS] ds dqy lrg (c) 252 (d) 224
lseh ?ku gS] blds vk/kj dk {ks=kiQy{ks=k vkSj ?kqekonkj lrg {ks=k dk
26. 9 lseh f=kT;k okys xksys ds vkdkj
30 lseh oxZ gS vkSj ÅapkbZ 6 lseh vuqikr
gS Kkr dhft,A ds ,d rjcwt dks nks cjkcj xksykèkks±
an by
rks flysaMj dk O;kl (lseh esa) gS% Find the ratio of the total
The volume of a right
surface area to curved
esa dkVk tkrk gSA çR;sd vk/s Hkkx
dk vk;ru (lseh³ esa] 2 n'keyo
surface area of a cylinder
circular cylinder is 180 cm3, LFkkuksa rd iw.kkZafdr) Kkr djsaA
whose radius is 20 cm and
the area of its base is 30 cm2
and the height is 6 cm then
height 50 cm.
R s
the diameter of the cylinder SSC GD 25/01/2023 (Shift-03) 7
is (in cm): (a) 5 : 7 (b) 7 : 5 A melon in the shape of a
a th
(c) 2 30 (d) djuk 'kq: fd;k vkSj 16 oxZ ehVj half. Take 22
ds {ks=k dks isaV djus ds ckn] 4 7
di M
21. 3-5 ehVj O;kl okys ,d edcjs ds
yhVj dk isaV fVu •Re gks x;kA ;fn
v/Zxksykdkj xqacn dks fpf=kr fd;k tkuk SSC GD 27/01/2023 (Shift-03)
cost (in `) of painting the many paint tins are required the slant height of a cone are
dome from inside? to paint the remaining area, 17cm and 25 cm respectively,
22 if the total area of his room then what is the total surface
Take to be painted is 176 m2 ? area of the cone?
SSC GD 25/01/2023 (Shift-03) SSC GD 27/01/2023 (Shift-04)
SSC GD 25/01/2023 (Shift-01)
(a) `38,500 (b) `35,000 (a) 20 (b) 30 (a) 2292 lseh2 (b) 2266 lseh2
(c) `28,500 (d) `25,000 (c) 40 (d) 10 (c) 2288 lseh2 (d) 2244 lseh2
(in cm2) of the cylinder.
SSC GD 30/01/2023 (Shift-01) SSC GD 02/02/2023 (Shift-03)
SSC GD 16/11/2021 (Shift-01)
(a) 301.96 i QhV
(a) 528 l seh
(b) 550 l seh
(a) 6160 (b) 6600
(b) 441.72 i QhV 3
(c) 648 l seh
(d) 548 l seh
2 (c) 7040 (d) 7260
an by
(c) 423.89 i QhV 3
35. 10 lseh f=kT;k okys 12 xksykdkj
, d Bksl /kfRod xksyk/Z dks xsanksa dks Åij rd ikuh ls Hkjh gqbZ
fi?kyk;k tkrk gS vkSj xksyk/Z dsckYVh esa Mqcks;k tkrk gSA ckgj fudys
(d) 401.92 i QhV
leku vk/kj f=kT;kr)( ds lkFk gq, ikuh dks 20 lseh f=kT;k okys
29. ; fn ÅapkbZ dks vifjofrZr j•rs gq, ,d 'kadq ds vkdkj esa cny fn;k ,d csyukdkj tkj esa ,d=k fd;k
,d flysaMj dh f=kT;k 20» c<+k tkrk gSA ;fn h 'kadq dh ÅapkbZ gS] tkrk gSA tkj esa ikuh dh ÅapkbZ
R s
nh tk,] rks flysaMj dk vk;ru rksr vkSjh dk vuqikr gS% 22
(lseh esa) fdruh gS\ ( ysa)
a th
increase? the ratio of r and h is: cm. What is the height (in
cm) of the water in the jar?
SSC GD 30/01/2023 (Shift-04) SSC GD 13/02/2023 (Shift-01) 22
(Take )
(a) 44% (b) 40% (a) 2 : 1 (b) 1 : 2 7
SSC GD 17/11/2021 (Shift-02)
(c) 24% (d) 50% (c) 1 : 3 (d) 3 :1 (a) 32 (b) 40
30. , d u;k Bksl ?ku cukus ds fy,33. ,d Bksl xksyk/Z dk vk;ru 1]152 (c) 18 (d) 45
4096 lseh3
vk;ru okys rhu ?kuksa 36. Øe' k% 6 lseh] 8 lseh vkSj 10 lseh
lseh3 gSA xksyk/Z dk oØ i`"Bh;
dks ,d fljs ls nwljs fljs rd tksM+k Hkqtkvksa okys rhu Bksl /kfRod ?kuksa
{ks=kiQy Kkr dhft,A
tkrk gSA u;s Bksl ?ku dk i`"Bh; dks fi?kykdj ,d u;k Bksl ?ku
A solid hemisphere has a cuk;k x;kA u, Bksl ?ku dh Hkqtk
{ks=kiQy fdruk gS\ volume of 1,152 cm3. Find
Three cubes each of volume the curved surface area of dk eki (lseh esa) Kkr dhft,A
Three solid metallic cubes of
(c) 26 ehVj (d) 18 ehVj (c) 865 (d) 880
dk xksys ds oØ i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy44. ls;fn ,d csyu ds vk/kj dh f=kT;k
38. ;fn ,d yEc o`Ùkh; 'kadq dh ÅapkbZ
vuqikr D;k gksxk\ 20» c<+k nh tk, vkSj bldh ÅapkbZ
24 ehVj gS vkSj bldh frjNh ÅapkbZ
If the radius and height of
30 ehVj gS] rks bldh oØ lrg dk
an by 1
a circular cylinder are 10 cm 33
% ?kVk nh tk,] rks blds
22 and 15 cm respectively, and
{ks=kiQy D;k gS\
= ( dk esa fdrus çfr'kr ifjorZu gks tk,xk\
7 the radius of a sphere is 5
cm, then what will be the
ç;ksx djsa) If the radius of the base of
ratio of the curved surface a cylinder is increased by
If the height of a right area of the cylinder to the
R s
20% and its height is
circular cone is 24 m and its curved surface area of the
slant height is 30m, then 1
a th
SSC GD 18/11/2021 (Shift-01) height of the cylinder and and its height is 20 cm. Find
(a) 12 lseh (b) 14 lseh the diameter of the base. its curved surface area (in
What is the total surface
(c) 13 lseh (d) 16 lseh cm2). (Assume =
area of the remaining solid? 7
40. nks xksyk¼Z ik=kksa dh /kfjrk 2-7 yh
SSC GD 18/11/2021 (Shift-03)
vkSj 12-5 yh gSA nksuksa ik=kksa ds SSC GD 22/11/2021 (Shift-02)
46. 14 lseh ÅapkbZ okys ,d yaco`Ùkh;The ratio of length, breadth A metal cone of radius 16
and height of a box is 4 : 3
csyu dk oØ i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy 176
gSA lseh : 2. If the length is cm and height 36 cm is
melted to form spheres of
csyu ds vk/kj dk {ks=kiQy2 esa)
(lseh increased by 50% and the
height is decreased by 40%, radius 4 cm each. Find the
Kkr dhft,A ( = 7 ekusa) then find the ratio of the number of such circles.
new volume of the box to
SSC GD 24/11/2021 (Shift-03)
The curved surface area of a the old volume.
(a) 32 (b) 28
right circular cylinder of SSC GD 23/11/2021 (Shift-01)
height 14 cm is 176 cm 2 . (a) 1 : 3 (b) 11 : 8 (c) 45 (d) 36
Find the area (in cm2) of the (c) 9 : 10 (d) 3 : 2 52. ,d Bksl csyu ds vk/kj dh f=kT;k
base of the cylinder. 49. ,d iwy dh yackbZ 15 eh] pkSM+kbZ vkSj Å¡pkbZ dk ;ksx 17 lseh gSA ;fn
22 10 eh vkSj xgjkbZ 3 eh gSA mlesa
(Assume = ) Bksl csyu dk laiw.kZ i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy
7 2-5 eh dh xgjkbZ rd ikuh Hkjk
748 lseh
gS] rks csyu dh ÅapkbZ
tkrk gSA iwy esa ikuh dh ek=kk (fdyks
SSC GD 22/11/2021 (Shift-03)
yhVj esa) fdruh gS\ Kkr djsaA
an by
The length of a pool is 15m,
breadth 10 m and depth is
The sum of the radius and
height of the base of a solid
3 m. It is filled with water cylinder is 17 cm. If the total
88 44 to a depth of 2.5m. What is surface area of the solid
(c) (d) the quantity (in kilo liters)
7 7 cylinder is 748 cm2, find the
R s
of water in the pool?
47. ,d ?kukHk ds rhu layXu i`"Bksa ds height of the cylinder.
SSC GD 23/11/2021 (Shift-02)
i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy Øe'k%2]516lseh
a th
deh dh tkrh gS] rks ckWDl ds u, okys /krq ds ,d 'kadq dks fi?kykdj SSC GD 25/11/2021 (Shift-03)
çR;sd 4 lseh f=kT;k okys xksys cuk,
vk;ru dk iqjkus vk;ru ls vuqikr (a) 14 (b) 16000
tkrs gSaA bl çdkj ds xksyksa dh la[;k
Kkr djsaA
Kkr dhft,A (c) 16 (d) 14000
an by2.(c) 3.(b) 4.(a) 5.(b) 6.(d) 7.(d) 8.(d) 9.(c) 10.(a)
11.(a) 12.(d) 13.(c) 14.(a) 15.(a) 16.(a) 17.(c) 18.(a) 19.(d) 20.(a)
R s
21.(a) 22.(d) 23.(b) 24.(d) 25.(d) 26.(a) 27.(d) 28.(d) 29.(a) 30.(b)
a th
31.(b) 32.(b) 33.(b) 34.(a) 35.(b) 36.(c) 37.(b) 38.(c) 39.(a) 40.(c)
41.(b) 42.(b) 43.(b) 44.(c) 45.(c) 46.(c) 47.(a) 48.(c) 49.(d) 50.(b)
ty a
1. (b) 8. (d)
4158 7
r2 i qjkuku;k
fn;k gS] 3 22
r= f=kT;k 1 2
21 = 63 × 7
d = 21, r =
2 =9×7×7 h = yEckbZ2 1
5. (b)
22 441
r = 5.5 cm var% oØi`"B ds {ks=kiQy esa dksbZ
7 4
2 22 cnyko ugha gksxkA
= 1386 lseh2 v ¼xksys dk vk;ru
3 7
2. (c)
an by
xksys dk lrg dk {ks=kiQy
5.5 × 5.5 × 5.5
9. (c)
fn;k gS]
= 4 r 2 11
= 30184 = (4 × 25) 1.1 1.1 5.5
21 f=kT;k
(r) = 10 lseh
22ja = 348.6 l seh
R s
r 2 = 30184 (h) = 26 lseh
frjNh mQ¡pkbZ
6. (d)
a th
4 3 (l ) = 35
ys dk vk;ru =
xks r 'kadq dk vk;ru
r 2h
3 i z'ukuqlkj] 3
di M
4 22
49 49 49
'kadq dk oØi`"B dk {ks=kiQy
(C.S.A) 1
= = × 3.14 × 10 × 10 × 24
3 7 22 3
= rl = × 13 × 35
88 7 = 2512 lseh3
= (49)2
3 = 22 × 65 = 1430 l seh 2
10. (a)
7. (d) fn;k gS]
= × (49)2 cm3 fn;k gS]
3 v¼Zxksys dk O;kl
(d) = 12 lseh
3. (b) fod.kZ
=a 3
(r) = 6 lseh.
r = 70 i QhV i z'ukuqlkj]
S.A = 4r
2 3
v¼Zxksys dk vk;ru
a 3 = 432 (v) = r
22 3
= 4 70 70 a 3 = 12 3
a = 12
2 22
= 61600 iQhV
2 =
3 7
4. (a) qtk(a) = 12 lseh
fn;k gS] ?ku dk vk;ru = a³ 168
= (12)3 = lseh3
3 r 2
= 4158 = 1728 l seh
3 7
22 3 2 2 2
=2× × 7 × 9 = 396 l seh
7 x = 48
20. (a)
oØi`"Bdk {ks=kiQy+ dqy i`"Bh;
i z'ukuqlkj
, fn;k gS]
= (396 + 88) = 484 l seh
an by 2
(r) = 9 lseh
'kadq dk f=kT;k 2 3 1 2
r1 r2 h
(h) = 6
(h) = 15 lseh
'kadq dk mQ¡pkbZ 3 3
ja 30
R s
iz'ukuqlkj] 2 × 5 × 5 × 5 = r22 × 75
'kadq dk vk;ru= csyu dk vk;ru
a th
10 30
1 r22 v r% O;kl= 2
(9)2 × 15 = r2 × 45
3 21. (a)
r2 = 9 2
3.34 = r2
ty a
k (r) = 3
csyu dk O;kl = 6 lseh r22 r2 1.827 lseh
di M
= 100 100 25
ekius dk lcls cM+k laHkkfor iSekukoØi`"B dk {ks=kiQy
= 2 r 2
= 2 ehVj
= 15 cm 22 7 7 77 2
18. (a) = 2 = m
l cls yack •aHkk ftls dejs ds fod.kZ 7 4 4 4
ds cjkcj dejs esa j•k tk ldrk gS fn;k gS]
1 77
14. (a) oØi`"B dk {ks=kiQy (2 rh) = ykxr= 5 4 10000
1 1012 v kSj
( 2r ) = 22 = 77 × 500 = Rs. 38500
dq dk vk;ru= 3 r2h
1012 = 46 l seh 22. (d)
1 2 22
r1 h1 xks
yk/Z dk vk;ru= xks
ys dsvk;ru
3 3
1 2
7 dk 32 xquk
r2 h2 2 2
2 3 4
9 h1 3 csyu dk vk;ru= r 2h r = (3)3 × 32
3 3
16 h2 2 22 7 7
= 46 = 77 × 23 r3 = 2 × (3)3 × 32
h1 8 7 2 2
h2 3 = 1771 lseh3 r = 12 bdkbZ
50 5
l = 25 lseh 22 2
l seh
= × 7 × 25 = 550
24. (d) 7
dqy i`"Bh; dk {ks=kiQy
= rl + r2
32. (b)
V fd;k tkus okyk dqy {ks=kiQy
isa an by =
176 oxZehVj2 22 2 1 2
× 17 (25 + 17) 3
= r h
7 3 r 3
"k {ks=kiQy
'ks = 176 – 16 = 160 = 22 × 17 × 6 2r = h
r 1
ja = 2244 l seh
R s
h 2
i z'ukuqlkj 28. (d) 33. (b)
(l ) = 10 iQhV
a th
16 ehVj
4 yhVj ., 2
= 1152
k (r) = 8 iQhV 3 r
160 ehVj
40 yhVj .
h=6 1152 3
r3 = = 576 × 3
ty a
40 2
fVu dh la[;k= = 10 1 2 = 64 × 27
4 v= r h
3 r = 12 l seh
di M
4 22 h = 22 35 35
× 21 × 21 × 21 = 44% 7
3 7
30. (b) h = 32 l seh
= n×
1 22
× 7×7×3 fn;k gS] csyu dk oØi`"Bh; {ks=kiQy
= 2rh
3 7
a3 = 4096 22
=2× × 35 × 32 = 7040 l seh
x = 252 a = 16 7
× 64
èkkfRod ?kuksa dk vk;ruA
çFke v/Zxksykdkj crZu dk vk;ru
(v1) = 240 l seh
)3 = 63 + 83 + 103
f}rh; v/Zxksykdkj crZu dk vk;ru
43. (b)
= 216 + 512 + 1000 = 1728
an by 2.7 1000 27 u, ?ku dk vk;ru ¾ /krq LySc
(Hk )3 = (12)3 = 12.5 1000 =
125 dk vk;ru
qtk= 12 l seh 3 (Hkqtk
)3 = 16 × 12 × 9
a1 3
= 8 × 8 × 27
37. (b)
ja a1
3 =
5 Hkqtk
R s
2 = 2 × 2 × 3 = 12 cm
Area of floor (Side) = 192
?ku ds lrg dk {ks=kiQy
= 6 × (Hkqtk
a th
a1 3
Side = 8 3 ehVj = = 144 × 6
a2 5
= 864 cm2
Diaganal = Side × 3 çFke v/Zxksykdkj crZu dk dk {ks=kiQy44. (c)
csyu dk vkr;u = r2h
ty a
2 r1 3 9 R 5 6
= 2 r = =
lcls cM+h NM+ dh yackbZ 24 ehVj gS 2 5 25 R 5 6
41. (b) H3 2
38. (c)
75 72
'ka (h) = 24 ehVj
dq dh ÅapkbZ csyu oØi`"B dk {ks=kiQy
(l ) = 30 ehVj
'kadq dh frjNh ÅapkbZ xksys dk oØi`"B dk {ks=kiQy vkr;u esa ifjorZu
%= ×100
(r) = l2 – h2 2 r1 h 210 15 3 vkr;u dh deh 4%
= 4 r 2 = =
2 4 5 5 1 45. (c)
= 302 – 242
42. (b) csyu dk vk;ru (r2h) = 6930
= 18 ehVj 22
= h2 r2 × r2 × 20 = 6930
'kadq dk oØi`"B dk {ks=kiQy
= rl 7
= 62 82 = 10 cm 73 21
22 r= = cm
'kadq dk oØi`"B dk {ks=kiQy
= 2 2
7 csyu ds oØi`"B dk {ks=kiQy csyu ds oØi`"B dk {ks=kiQy
= 2rh
× 18 × 30
= 2rh
22 21
11880 'ka
dq dk oØi`"B dk {ks=kiQy
= rl =2×
× 20
= = 169.143 ehVj
7 vk/kj dk {ks=kiQy
= r2 = 1320 lseh2
ÅapkbZ Øe'k% l, b vkSjh gS 51. (d) (r2) = 4 : 3
lb = 5 lseh
n xksys dh la[;k dk vk;ru ¾ csyu dh mQ¡pkbZ (h1) : 'kadq dh
bh = 16 l seh 2
'kadq dk vk;ru mQ¡pkbZ
(h2) = 1 : 2
an by
hl = 20 l seh2
k dk vk;ru = l b h n×
csyu dk vk;ru (v1) : 'kadq dk
vk;ru (v2) = [ × (4)2 × 1] :
2 2 2
3 3
16 × 16 × 36
= 5 16 20 2
ja 3 (3) 2
n = 36
R s
= 40 cm3
48. (c) dqy xksys dh la[;k
= 36 = 16 : 6 = 8 : 3
a th
24000 10
384 7
21600 9 r2h = 384 × 7 , rh =
r + h = 17 l seh r
49. (d)
gesa Kkr gS] csyu dk dqy i`"Bh; dk {ks=kiQy 1
2rh = 8448 ×
× pkSM+kbZ [2r(r + h)] = 748
?kukHk dk vk;ru ¾ yackbZ
r = 16 lseh
× Å¡pkbZ
22 2
r h = 384 × 7
1 ?ku ehVj ¾ 1 fdyksyhVj 2×
× r × 17 = 748
16 × 16 × h = 384 × 7
iwy esa ikuh dk vkr;u
= 15 × 10 × 2.5
k r = 7 lseh
= 375 ehVj
csyu dh Å¡pkbZ 10 lseh gSA h=
= 10.5 l seh
= 375 ehVj
ekWd VsLV&01 22
1. ;fn 400 dk 25%, 510 ds 40% 4. tc ` 5500 ds ewy/u dks lkykuk Utsavi starts giving Rs. 400
ls x% de gS] rksx dk eku Kkr 3» dh C;kt nj ij 8 eghuksa ds to Sunita every day. But
dhft,A (nks n'keyo rd) fy, fuos'k fd;k tkrk gS] rks 8 eghuksa since last 5 days she is giv-
If 25% of 400 is x% less ds vUr esa vftZr lkèkkj.k C;kt dh ing 1000 rupees to Sunita
than 40% of 510, find x. (Up
jkf'k Kkr djsaA everyday. The total average
to two decimals) money given to Sunita till
(a) 95% (b) 50.98% When ` 5500 is invested for date is Rs.600. For how
an by
(c) 76.84% (d) 52.96%
,d dsd dk 3@5 fgLlk 45» ykHk
8 months at an interest rate
of 3% per annum, then find
many days has Utsavti given
money to Sunita.
ij cspk tkrk gS] dsd dk 1@3 the amount of simple interest
earned at the end of 8 (a) 20 (b) 16
fgLlk 18» ykHk ij vkSj bldk
'ks"k fgLlk 15» ykHk ijA vxj (c) 10 (d) 15
R s
dqy feykdj 272 #i;s dk ykHk (a) ` 130 (b) ` 142
7. 5 O;fDrA, B, C, D vkSjE dh
a th
gksrk gS] rks dsd dk ykxr ewY; (c) ` 110 (d) ` 135 vk;q dk vuqikr fuEukuqlkj
A :gSA
Kkr djsA
3/5 of a cake is sold at 45% 5. ;fn 8» pØo`f¼ C;kt ij fy, x, E dk 1 : 2, B : C dk 4 : 3,
profit, 1/3rd of cake at 18% ` 7500 dks] 3 lky dh cjkcj okf"kZd E : B dk 1 : 2, C dh vk;q D
ty a
profit and the remaining part fdLr eas pqdkuk gks] rks vuqekfur
at 15% profit. If the overall
dh vk;q dk60% gS vkSjC vkSj
okf"kZd fdLr Kkr djsaA
D dh vk;q dk ;ksx
120 gSA lcls
di M
profit from the business is the empty tank? 0! + 1! + 2! + 3! .......... + 98!
in the ratio 6 : 9 : 8, then (a) 74 (b) 72
What will be the remainder
find the ratio in which X, Y (c) 70 (d) 68
when divided by 5?
and Z invest were go. ,d vkneh 22 lsd.M esa 600 ehVj
an by
(a) 6 : 10 : 15 (b) 15 : 10 : 6
(c) 6 : 15 : 10 (d) 10 : 6 : 15
r; djuk pkgrk gSA ;fn og 25
ehVj izfr lsd.M dh nj ls vk/h
(a) 2 (b) 5
(c) 3 (d) 4
, d ialkjh }kjk Øe'k%
` 63 vkSj
nwjh dks r; djrk gS] rks 'ks"k nwjh dks
9. ` 16. l cls NksVh la[;k dk irk yxk,a ftls
fdl xfr ls r; fd;k tkuk pkfg,\
84 i zfr fdxzk- ds ewY; okyh nks nkyksa
ja 2 3 6
R s
dks fdl vuqikr esa feyk;k tkuk
A man wants to cover 600 ]
3 5
vkSj10 fHkUuksa esa ls gj
meters in 22 seconds. If he
pkfg,] rkfd` 72.5 i zfr fdxzk- dk ,d ls foHkkftr fd;k tkus ij gj
a th
(c) ` 468 (d) ` 343 (a) 22.75 days (b) 25 days
(c) 33.33 days (d) 35 days
1.(b) 2.(c) 3.(a) 4.(c) 5.(d) 6.(d) 7.(c) 8.(c) 9.(d) 10.(b)
11.(c) 12.(b) 13.(a) 14.(d) 15.(d) 16.(c) 17.(b) 18.(c) 19.(c) 20.(c)
R s
a th
ty a
3. (a)
3 1
, , ekuk (5] 3= 15 bdkbZ) ekuk] izR;sd fdLr
x :i;s gSA
5 3 ekuk] vafdr ewY;
(M.P.) = 100
ekuk] dsd dh dqy ek=kk
15 bdkbZ Ø; ew
Y; v afd r eY
w; foØ; eY
w; 7500 × 1.083
vkSj izR;sd dsd dk Ø; ewY; 100
100 80 2
11 8 8
= 100. = x + x 1 100 + x 1
iz'ukuqlkj] +56 7500 × 1.083
7500 8
fd'r × 1983
50725 8. (c) = 70 ?kaVs
2910 X Y Z 12. (b)
6. (d) le ; 5 3 4 25 eh/ls- }kjk r; dh xbZ nwjh
an by
mRloh us 400 # laxhrk dks
rd fn,
x ykHk 6 9 8
6 9 8 =
= 300 ehVj
fuos' k 2
5 3 4
rc] 300
6 : 15 : 10 fy;k x;k le; = 25
400 + x + 5 × 1000 = 600 ×
R s
30x + 26000 = 35x – 28000
(5 + x) 5x = 54000 = 12 l sdaM
a th
9. (d) 300
vko';d xfr = 10
63 84
= 30 eh/lsdsaM
di M
400 1000
72.5 13. (a)
fn;k gS]
600 11.5 : 9.5 A dh yackbZ
= 800 ehVj
B dh yackbZ
= 750 ehVj
115 : 95
x 5 800
2 : 1
23 : 19 (A dh xfr – B dh xfr) = 80
= 10 eh/lsda.M
x = 10 10. (b)
d qy fnuksa dh la[;k 110 rFkk 165 dk y-l-= 330 B
dh xfr = 25 = 30 eh/lsda.M
= (10 + 5) = 15 fnu
A dh xfr = 40 eh/lsda.M
7. (c) 14. (d)
A : E : B : C : D 2 3
8 3
1 : 2 2 2 : 2 A rFkkB }kjk 1 fnu esa fd;k x;k 1
1 : 1 : 2 2 : 2 dk;Z= 5 bdkbZ 3 3
1 8
812 812 8
4 : 4 : 4 : 3 : 3 (A + B) }kjkdke iwjk djus esa
4 : 8 : 16 : 12 330
yxk le; = 3 2 = 66 fnu
81 4 3
34 = = 1152 2 eh
= =4 'ks
"kiQy 6 2 2
5 dqy dk;Z dks djus esa yxk le;
19. (c)
16. (c) = 20 + 13.33 = 33.33 fnu
Ø; ewY;= 300 oSdfYid fof/ %&
an by
2 3 6
y-l-i- 3 , 5 , 10
mifjO;; = 300 d k 20% = 60 20A + x (A + B) = 200
80 + x(9) = 200
LCM 2,3,6 6 dqy Ø; ewY;= 360
= HCF 3,5,10 = 9x = 120
ja k= 30%
YkkH 120
R s
17. (b) x= = 13.33
360 9
oxZdk {ks=kiQy
= a2 foØ; ewY;= 100 × 130
a th
ty a
di M
ekWd VsLV&02 23
1. lq'kkar vkSj iz'kkar dh ru[okg dh After giving a discount of 6. lkseokj] eaxyokj vkSj cq/okj dks
jdeksa dk vk/k varj mudh ru[okg 20%, Sheela sells a mobile vkSlr rkieku29-9 fMxzh lsfYl;l
3 phone for ` 2400 and still gSA eaxyokj] cq/okj vkSj xq:okj
dh jdeksa ds tksM+ dsds cjkcj makes a profit of 20%. If
dks vkSlr rkieku31 -3 fMxzh
the mobile phone had been
gSA lq'kkar dh ru[okg ds lanHkZ esa lsfYl;l gSA ;fn lkseokj dks
sold without giving any
iz'kkar dh ru[okg n'kkZb,A discount, what would have rkieku 27 fMxzh lsfYl;l ntZ
Half the difference between
an by been the profit percentage? fd;k tkrk gS] rks xq:okj dk
the amount of salaries of (a) 50% (b) 25% rkieku Kkr djsa\
Sushant and Prashant is
(c) 33.33% (d) 11.33% The average temperature
equal to of the sum of
10 4. lk/kj.k O;kt dh ,d fuf'pr nj on Monday, Tuesday and
their ja
salaries. With ij 2 o"kZ esa
1000 #i;s dh jkf'k
Wednesday is 29.9°C. The
R s
reference to the salary of average temperature on
1200 #i;s gks tkrh gSA ;fn C;kt Tuesday, Wednesday and
Sushant, show the salary of
a th
3. 20» dh NwV nsus ds ckn] 'khyk The amount doubles itself 12 years and the age
under compound interest in difference of the other two
` 2400 esa ,d eksckby iQksu csprh 15 years. In how many
is 7 years, then what is the
gS vkSj fiQj Hkh 20» dk ykHk dekrhyears will it become 4096 age of the eldest sister?
gSA vxj eksckby iQksu fcuk dksbZtimes
Hkh of it? (In years)
(a) 18 (b) 16
NwV fn, csp fn;k x;k gksrk] rks ykHk
(a) 170 (b) 180
izfr'kr D;k gksrk\ (c) 190 (d) 160 (c) 17 (d) 15
among four persons. A, B, C tank in 96 minutes. If all train is 25% less than the
and D as follows. B gets three pipe working together speed of the first train. Af-
third part and D gets 7th in how many minutes tank ter an hour, a third train
part. C get average of B and
will be full? starts from the same point
an by
D. And A gets two-third of
B's share. If C's share
exceeds B's share by ` 324.
(a) 298
(c) 288
(b) 268
(d) 278
where the first two trains
started and goes in the same
then what is the sum of A's direction as the first two
share and D's share? 12.;fn dksbZ O;fDr lkekU; xfr ls 1 trains. This third train meets
(a) ` 1750 (b) ` 1458 fdeh izfr ?kaVs dh vf/d xfr ls the first train after 150 min-
R s
utes from the time of meet-
(c) ` 1673 (d) ` 1568 pyrk gS] rks og 1 ?kaVs de esa
9. ` 312 #i;s dh ,d jkf'k 100 Nk=kksaxarO; rd igqap tk,xkA ;fn xfr
ing the second train. Find the
a th
(c) 59.2 (d) 55.2 Vªsu mlh fcanq ls 'kq: gksrh gS tgka
(c) 1092 (d) 1100
1 1 4 days and then Ram leaves
18 19. ,d nqdkunkj fdlh oLrq ij 20» and in how many days will
dh NwV nsrk gS] mlds ckotwn ogLakshman complete the
5 7
(c) (d) 60» dk ykHk dekrk gSA ;fn oLrq work?
an by
28 17
,d lecgqHkqt dh Hkqtkvksa dh la[;k
dk vafdr ewY; 600 #i;s gSa rks (a) 16
mldh okLrfod ykxr D;k gS\ (c) 12
(b) 13
(d) 11
D;k gS ftlesa nks vklUu Hkqtkvksa
A shopkeeper allows a
ds chp var% dks.k
140 fMxzh gS\
What is the number of sides
discount of 20% on an
R s
article, yet he makes a profit
of a regular polygon in which of 60%. If the marked price
a th
1.(b) 2.(b) 3.(a) 4.(c) 5.(b) 6.(b) 7.(b) 8.(b) 9.(a) 10.(b)
11.(c) 12.(c) 13.(b) 14.(a) 15.(b) 16.(b) 17.(b) 18.(c) 19.(c) 20.(d)
1. (b) 7. (b)
ekuk] fd lq'kkar vkSj ç'kkar dk osruv afdr ewY;(M.P.) =
× ekuk] rhuksa cguksa x,
Øe'k%S vkSjP gSA 100 = ` 3000 x y
y z
, u;k ykHk
= 3000 – 2000 = 1000
lkFk gh
, y = 12
S–P 3
(S + P) ykHk
× 100 = 50% vkSjx – z = 7
2 10 2000
5S – 5P = 3S + 3P x 12
4. (c) 12 x – 7
S 4
ewy/u= 1000, feJ/u = 1200, x2 – 7x = 144
an by
P 1
ç'kkardk osru lq'kkar ds osru dk
l e;
x = 16, – 9
cM+h cgu = 16 o"kZ
1 =2 8. (b)
ekuk nj= R% A B C D
= 25%
ja l cls igys 5» vfrfjÙkQ jkf'k Kkr 2 3 5 7
R s
2. (b)
djsa +2
fn;k gS
a th
I II ,
+ 15 –8 rc] 2 324
1000 2 5 324
+12 lk/kj.k C;kt= = 100 vc , A + D = 9 2 × 9
ty a
i z'ukuqlkj] 1200 + 100 = Rs. 1300 izR;sdNk=k }kjk izkIr vkSlr jkf'k
5. (b)
(20 + 3) bdkbZ
50 fdxzk =
= 3.12
2 xquk
= 15 o"kZ 100
gkfuij fn, x, xsgw¡ dh ek=kk
i`FFkhdj.k fof/ ds }kjk%
4096 xquk
= 212 xquk
= 15 × 12
50 150 yM+ds yM+fd;k¡
3 bdkbZ
= 180 o"kZ 3.60 2.40
tks ?kkrgksxh mldh le; ls
= 6.52 fdxzk xq.kk djsaxsA 3.12
3. (a) 6. (b)
0.72 0.48
fn;k x;k gS] l kseokj
+ eaxyokj
+ cq/okj 3 : 2 = 5 bdkbZ
= 1000
102 153 45
= = 20 fdeh
1 220) 1000 (4
A a dk;Z iwjk lekIr djsaxs
vkSjC nksuks
13. (b)
q y dk;Z
an by
q y {kerk
SA = 80 fdeh/?kaVk
220 – 120 = 100
SB =
× 80 = 60 fdeh/?kaVk vc] 1000 + 100 = 1100
306 306 4
61.2 fnu
32 5 pwa
fd 8 'ks"k cpuk pkfg,
ja ekuk, SC = a fdeh/?kaVk
R s
11. (c) 1100 + 8 = 1108
vc , 1 ?kaVs ds cknA,Vªsu
B vkSj
d k y-l-i-- = 288
a th
d qy /kfjrk iz'ukuqlkj
, 16. (b)
288 njw h ekuk nks la[;k
A vkSj
B gS
le ; =
ty a
A B C 60 – a 80 – a 60 A × B = 5 × 180 = 900
–48 72 96
6 8 15 1 1 1 AB 50 1
(A + B + C) dh oqQy {kerk 60 – a 80 – a 60 4 A B AB
900 18
=–6+4+3=1 4[6(80 – a) – 8(60 – a)] = (60 17. (b)
– a) (80 – a) cgqHkqt dk vkarfjd dks.k
vr% rhuksa ikbi ,d lkFk
4[480 – 6a – 480 + 8a] = 4800
288 288 – 60a – 80a + a2 x – 2 180
= (t ¡gkx = cgqHkqt
–6 4 3 1 x
4(2a) = 4800 – 140a + a2
dh Hkqtk
= 288 feuVksa esa Hkj tk,xkA a2 – 148a + 4800 = 0
4 × 9 + 4x = 80
Ø; ewY;
(C.P.) = 44
2 x = = 11 fnu
an by
= ` 300
R s
a th
ty a
di M