Ram Meghe Institute of Technology & Research , Badnera
Department of Information Technology
Assignment Subject: Compiler Design (6IT01)
Session 2023-24
Unit-V (Section A & B)
1. Explain memory organization during execution. 2. Explain storage allocation strategies and explain Heap allocation in detail. 3. What do you mean by activation record? Explain general activation record 4. What do you mean by Symbol table and symbol table entries? Explain how scope of information is represented in symbol table. 5. Give the subdivision of run-time memory and describe the techniques for the stack allocation. 6. Explain the division of task between caller and callee. Unit-VI 1. Write the three address code for the following code fragment. If x<y then a=b+c else p=q+r 2. Explain the principal sources of code optimization. 3. Consider the assignment statement. a:=b*-c+b*-c Construct the intermediate representation a. Syntax Tree b. Directed Acylic Graph c. Address code corresponding to the syntax tree and DAG. 4. Explain Basic blocks and flow graph in detail. 5. Write the three address code for the following code fragment. For(j=1;j<=10;j++) Sum=sum+a[j]+b[j]; 6. Explain the generic issues in code generator.