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2023–2024 REFERRAL

Legal Services and Other Resources
for Low-Income Texans

Published by the
P.O. Box 12487 . Austin, Texas 78711-2487
512-427-1855 or 800-204-2222, Ext. 1855 . Fax: 512-427-4160 .

Anderson Cameron Denton Grayson Jasper

Andrews Camp DeWitt Gregg Jeff Davis
Angelina Carson Dickens Grimes Jefferson
Aransas Cass Dimmit Guadalupe Jim Hogg
Archer Castro Donley Hale Jim Wells
Armstrong Chambers Duval Hall Johnson
Atascosa Cherokee Eastland Hamilton Jones
Austin Childress Ector Hansford Karnes
Bailey Clay Edwards Hardeman Kaufman
Bandera Cochran El Paso Hardin Kendall
Bastrop Coke Ellis Harris Kenedy
Baylor Coleman Erath Harrison Kent
Bee Collin Falls Hartley Kerr
Bell Collingsworth Fannin Haskell Kimble
Bexar Colorado Fayette Hays King
Blanco Comal Fisher Hemphill Kinney
Borden Comanche Floyd Henderson Kleberg
Bosque Concho Foard Hidalgo Knox
Bowie Cooke Fort Bend Hill La Salle
Brazoria Coryell Franklin Hockley Lamar
Brazos Cottle Freestone Hood Lamb
Brewster Crane Frio Hopkins Lampasas
Briscoe Crockett Gaines Houston Lavaca
Brooks Crosby Galveston Howard Lee
Brown Culberson Garza Hudspeth Leon
Burleson Dallam Gillespie Hunt Liberty
Burnet Dallas Glasscock Hutchinson Limestone
Caldwell Dawson Goliad Irion Lipscomb
Calhoun Deaf Smith Gonzales Jack Live Oak
Callahan Delta Gray Jackson Llano
Loving Morris Real Starr Victoria
Lubbock Motley Red River Stephens Walker
Lynn Nacogdoches Reeves Sterling Waller
Madison Navarro Refugio Stonewall Ward
Marion Newton Roberts Sutton Washington
Martin Nolan Robertson Swisher Webb
Mason Nueces Rockwall Tarrant Wharton
Matagorda Ochiltree Runnels Taylor Wheeler
Maverick Oldham Rusk Terrell Wichita
McCulloch Orange Sabine Terry Wilbarger
McLennan Palo Pinto San Augustine Throckmorton Willacy
McMullen Panola San Jacinto Titus Williamson
Medina Parker San Patricio Tom Green Wilson
Menard Parmer San Saba Travis Winkler
Midland Pecos Schleicher Trinity Wise
Milam Polk Scurry Tyler Wood
Mills Potter Shackelford Upshur Yoakum
Mitchell Presidio Shelby Upton Young
Montague Rains Sherman Uvalde Zapata
Montgomery Randall Smith Val Verde Zavala
Moore Reagan Somervell Van Zandt
Table of Contents
Statewide Resources – Civil Legal, Government and Related Agency Resources .............................................1
• Children/Minors ..................................................................................................................................................1
• Civil Rights/Discrimination ..................................................................................................................................2
• Consumer ...........................................................................................................................................................2
• Disability .............................................................................................................................................................3
• Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault/Crime Victims ..............................................................................................3
• Elder Law............................................................................................................................................................4
• Employment........................................................................................................................................................4
• Grievances Against Lawyers, Judges or Medical Professionals ........................................................................5
• Health .................................................................................................................................................................5
• Housing ..............................................................................................................................................................6
• Immigration .........................................................................................................................................................6
• Insurance ............................................................................................................................................................7
• Non-Profits/Transactional....................................................................................................................................7
• Public Benefits....................................................................................................................................................7
• Public Utilities .....................................................................................................................................................8
• Veterans..............................................................................................................................................................8
• Other...................................................................................................................................................................8

Civil Resources – Legal Resources Related to Civil Matters (by county) ............................................................9
• Introduction to Legal Aid (map of legal aid program service areas)
• 2023 Poverty Guidelines

Criminal Resources – Legal and Other Resources Relating to Criminal Matters ..........................................176
• Capital Criminal Matters (Involving the Death Penalty)..................................................................................176
• Grievances......................................................................................................................................................176
• Jail Grievances .....................................................................................................................................176
• Prison Grievances ................................................................................................................................176
• Information for Relatives of Inmates...............................................................................................................177
• Innocence Claims ...........................................................................................................................................177
• Legal Resources for Inmates in Prison ..........................................................................................................178
• Legal Resources for Mexican Nationals .........................................................................................................179
• Non-Capital Criminal Matters (Misdemeanors or Felonies) ...........................................................................179
• Public Defender ..............................................................................................................................................179
• County ..................................................................................................................................................179
• Federal Public Defender (Texas 5th Circuit – Federal Court) ...............................................................181
• Juvenile Public Defender ......................................................................................................................181
• Specialty Public Defender.....................................................................................................................182
• Statewide Legal Resources Relating to Criminal Matters ..............................................................................183

Other Resources.....................................................................................................................................................184
• Lawyer Referral Services (Full Fee and Reduced Fee) .................................................................................184
• Introduction To Pro Se (Self-Help) Resources ...............................................................................................185
Statewide Civil Legal, Government,
and Related Agency Resources
CHILDREN/MINORS abused or neglected a child. This is handled through the
OIA review process (formerly called the OCR review
Abuse & Neglect, Texas Department of Family process). We also refer people to other agencies and
and Protective Services (TDFPS) programs that may be able to assist them.
800-252-5400 (Main Office) Office of the Attorney General (OAG), HEROES for
Hotline to report abuse, neglect and exploitation of Children in Military Families
children and the elderly or adults with disabilities. 512-460-6400 (Main Office)
CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program) -and-initiatives/heroes-program-service-members
800-964-2777 (Main Office) Military and veteran families face unique challenges when it comes to child support and parenting. The HEROES
chip/medicaid-chip-members/chip program is here to help. If you are a service member, you
Offers low cost or free health insurance coverage from know the nature of your job can complicate your child
the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) or support case. To provide assistance, the Child Support
Children’s Medicaid; both programs cover office visits, Division developed the Help Establishing Responsive
prescription drugs, dental care, eye exams, glasses and Orders and Ensuring Support (HEROES) for Children in
much more. CHIP coverage is also available for unborn Military Families program. The HEROES program partners
children (see CHIP Perinatal). military families with specialized attorneys to work through
their child support needs.
Disability Rights Texas
800-252-9108 (Apply for Services) Office of Attorney General Child Support – General Information Line
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights 800-252-8014 (Main Office)
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at: Provides information 24 hours a day for child support
establishment and enforcement services provided by
Jane’s Due Process, Inc. the Office of the Attorney General (OAG); assists in
866-999-5263 (Main Office) establishing paternity; handles reporting for newly hired or retired employee statutes; offers parents automated
Provides free legal support and case management for information on payment and case status, dates, and
young Texans navigating parental consent laws on abortion more.
and birth control.
Texas Access and Visitation Hotline, Office of the
Office of Internal Affairs for the Department of Family Attorney General
and Protective Services 866-292-4636 (Main Office)
800-720-7777 (Main Office) Operates a toll free telephone hotline which provides
_Complaints/OIA.asp easy access for parents across Texas to basic legal
The Office of Internal Affairs (OIA) handles complaints information, education and resources on the following
about specific cases relating to DFPS program policy. We issues: access, visitation and custody, the child support
are here to help you, and you can trust us to fairly review order process and modifications and enforcements.
your complaints. The DFPS programs include: Hotline is answered Monday through Friday 1 pm – 5 pm.
• Adult Protective Services
• Child Protective Investigations Texas Foster Youth Justice Project
• Child Protective Services 877-313-3688 (Main Office)
• Child Care Investigations
• Texas Abuse Hotline Provides free legal support and guidance to current and
The OIA takes complaints from the public including foster former foster youth and those that work with them. It is a
youth ages 18 years old and older, and former foster youth. special project of Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. and
The OIA can address general, non-specific inquiries and serves the whole state of Texas. The Project also
questions about a DFPS case as well as the case process. publishes A Guide to “Aging Out” of foster care in Texas.
The OIA conducts formal reviews of a Child Protective The Project provides free information, resources and
investigation when the investigation concludes a person presentations at events for foster youth and those who
help them. Our interactive Foster Youth Jeopardy game agencies and institutions of higher education; reporting
covers important legal issues faced by youth. of equal employment opportunity statistics; equal
employment opportunity training of state agencies,
Texas Legal Services Center – Family Helpline, CPS institutions of higher education, and other public and
Information and Education private employers; enforcement of fair employment laws;
844-888-6565 (Main Office) and enforcement of fair housing laws.
Speak with an experienced child welfare attorney about CONSUMER
Child Protective Services (CPS) issues in Texas. Callers
receive reliable legal information and education — over
Consumer Helpline, Office of Consumer Credit
the phone and in an anonymous setting. Anyone may
call the Family Helpline, not just the parents of children
512-936-7600 (Main Office)
involved with Child Protective Services. Calls accepted
Monday through Friday from 9 am – 6 pm.
Offering consumers assistance with complaints and
inquiries; Enforcing Texas laws regarding lending;
CIVIL RIGHTS/DISCRIMINATION Licensing and registering creditors operating in Texas;
Providing educational services to both consumers and
American Civil Liberties Union of Texas (ACLU) creditors; Providing legal policies, informal opinions, and
713-942-8146 (Main Office) official interpretations to the industry, the Legislature, the courts, and financial institutions, including those not
Works in courts, legislatures and in the community to regulated by the OCCC.
defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties
guaranteed to every person in this country by the Financial Hope Credit Counseling Services, Inc.
Constitution and laws of the United States. 214-276-0235 (Main Office)
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Services of Hope (SOH) consistent mission has been
800-669-4000 (Main Office) transformation driven by using data-driven pioneering programs so that individuals, families and communities
Responsible for enforcing federal laws that make it can experience self-sufficiency and ultimately thrive.
illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an SOH pursues that transformation through their
employee because of the person's race, color, religion, “Integrated Service Delivery Model,” which incorporates
sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age (40+), Wraparound Social Services; Financial
disability or genetic information. Education/Financial Literacy; and Workforce
Development and has never been bound by location,
Mexican American Legal Defense & Educational geography or a physical address. SoH is mobile and
Fund (MALDEF) capable of remotely accessing and serving clients, and
210-224-5476 (Main Office) its staff has always been drawn from the people served. The cultural and linguistic continuities have facilitated
Promotes change in the areas of education, innovation in program designs, diversity in modes of
employment, immigrants’ rights and political access communication, and empathetic service on behalf of
through litigation, policy work, and community education low-to moderate income (LMI) individuals, families and
and advocacy. communities throughout Dallas County.

Texas Workforce Commission, Civil Rights Office of the Attorney General – Consumer
512-463-2642 (Main Office) Protection Division 512-463-2185 (Main Office)
The Civil Rights Division (CRD) enforces the Texas
Commission on Human Rights Act (Texas Labor Code, Investigates and enforces state and federal civil
Chapter 21) and the Texas Fair Housing Act (Texas consumer protection laws on behalf of the State of
Property Code, Chapter 301). The Texas Commission Texas; accepts consumer complaints regarding
on Human Rights Act prohibits employment deceptive trade practices but cannot represent
discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, individual consumers.
national origin, disability and retaliation. The Texas Fair
Housing Act prohibits housing discrimination based on
race, color, religion, sex, national origin, mental or
physical disability, familial status and retaliation. The
CRD conducts the following activities: review of
personnel policies and procedural systems of state

DISABILITY Crime Victim Services Division, Office of the
Attorney General
Abuse & Neglect, Texas Department of Family and 800-983-9933 (Main Office)
Protective Services (TDFPS)
Provides services for crime victims through the Crime
800-252-5400 (Main Office)
Victims’ Compensation Program, Address Confidentiality Program, Victim Notification, and Sexual Assault Exam
Hotline to report abuse, neglect and exploitation of Reimbursement programs.
children and the elderly or adults with disabilities.
FamilyTime Crisis and Counseling Center
Area Agencies on Aging, Health and Human 281-446-2615 (Main Office)
Services Commission
800-252-9240 (Main Office) Provides legal advocacy for survivors of human trafficking, domestic violence, and sexual assault,
Provides services through the local Area Agency on particularly with emergency shelter access, free
Aging (AAA) which offers: finding and accessing individual and group counseling, hospital and court
accompaniment, and more. 24-hour crisis hotline.
community resources, understanding Medicare and
other federal benefits, providing support to caregivers, LASSA, (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
and more. 844-303-7233 (Main Office)
Disability Rights Texas LASSA provides survivors of sexual assault with a wide
800-252-9108 (Main Office) range of free legal services from general advice to holistic, direct representation on civil legal matters.
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights LASSA works directly with partner agencies, including
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am - 4 pm or rape crisis centers and domestic violence shelters, for
apply online at: community outreach, education, and cross-agency
HELPS (Help Eliminate Legal Problems for Seniors
Love Is Respect – National Dating Abuse Helpline
and Disabled) 866-331-9474 (Main Office)
855-435-7787 (Main Office) Highly trained advocates offer support, information and
Provides representation for lower-income seniors and advocacy to young people who have questions or
disabled persons, as their attorney under the Federal concerns about their dating relationships and/or
Fair Debt Collections Practices Act, to stop unwanted experienced dating violence.
collector contact by phone or mail. Also provides 24- hour hotline: 866-331-9474
education to seniors and disabled persons on how to Text “LoveIs” to 22522 or 866-331-9474
maintain financial independence.
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Relay Texas 737-225-3150 (Main Office)
800-735-2988 (Main Office) The National Domestic Violence Hotline provides
Provides telephone accessibility service between lifesaving tools and immediate support to enable victims
individuals who can hear and those who are deaf, hard- to find safety and live lives free of abuse. Highly trained,
of-hearing, deaf-blind or speech-disabled. The relay experienced advocates offer confidential and
service is available 24/7: 7-1-1 or 800-735-2988 anonymous compassionate support, crisis intervention,
education, safety planning, and referral services.
Northwest Assistance Ministries’ Family Violence
281-885-4673 (Main Office)
Find a Family Violence Program Center in your area: The Family Violence Center offers crisis intervention
and support for survivors of domestic violence and
Brighter Tomorrows
sexual assault; services include crisis counseling, case
972-262-8383 (Main Office / Hotline) management, counseling, information & referral,
Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic community awareness and education. NAM also offers a
violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining children's health services, senior services, adult
protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale learning opportunities, food pantry, basic needs and
legal assistance. 24-Hour Hotline. housing assistance. Primarily serves Harris County.

Texas Advocacy Project Texas Legal Services Center – Crime Victims
800-374-4673 (Main Office) 888-303-7233 (Main Office)
Texas Advocacy Project (TAP) strives to end dating and Provides legal advice, safety planning, self-
domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, child abuse, representation support, and legal representation to
and human trafficking in Texas. TAP empowers survivors victims of domestic violence, sexual abuse or assault,
through free legal services and access to the justice elder abuse, or other forms of violent crime. Also assists
system, and advances prevention through public victims of stalking and identity theft.
outreach and education.
Texas Association Against Sexual Assault
512-474-7190 (Main Office) Abuse & Neglect, Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (TDFPS)
Statewide coalition of survivors, advocates, rape crisis 800-252-5400 (Main Office)
centers, and allied professionals that offers information,
Hotline to report abuse, neglect and exploitation of
resources, and referrals to victims of sexual assault. children and the elderly or adults with disabilities.
Texas Council on Family Violence (TCFV) Area Agencies on Aging, Health and Human
512-794-1133 (Main Office) Services Commission 800-252-9240 (Main Office)
TCFV is the statewide coalition for approximately 100
direct service providers in the state. We are a multi- Provides services through the local Area Agency on
faceted agency focused on supporting survivors through Aging (AAA) which offers: finding and accessing
the agencies that serve them, policy and legislative community resources, understanding Medicare and
advocacy, and strategic prevention efforts. We conduct other federal benefits, providing to support to
caregivers, and more.
wide extensive research on an array of topics and issue
an annual report on homicides. We can quickly mobilize HELPS (Help Eliminate Legal Problems for Seniors
across the state during disasters, etc. and Disabled)
855-435-7787 (Main Office)
Texas Crime Victim Legal Assistance Network Provides representation for lower-income seniors and
The Texas Crime Victim Legal Assistance Network disabled persons, as their attorney under the Federal
(“Network”) is a collaboration of service providers Fair Debt Collections Practices Act, to stop unwanted
working together to ensure victims (survivors) of crime collector contact by phone or mail. Also provides
obtain the services they need to recover from their education to seniors and disabled persons on how to
victimization through one central location. The Network maintain financial independence.
brings together a diverse range of providers who on
Texas Legal Services Center – Legal Hotline for
their own cannot provide all services but who by Texans
working together can offer a broad spectrum of legal 800-622-2520, Option 3
and non-legal support services that are essential to
helping victims (survivors) recover. The website builds The Legal Helpline for Texans provides callers with
connections between crime victim agencies working to counsel and advice – all for free and over the phone.
meet crime victim legal needs. Eligible Texans age 60+ or Medicare beneficiaries can
receive assistance with advance directives, power of
Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Victim attorney, adult guardianship, home ownership / property
Services Division issues, Medicaid, Medicare, and consumer issues such
512-406-5900 (Main Office) as debt collection. Calls accepted Monday through
Friday from 8:30 am – 5 pm.
The TDCJ Victim Services Division is dedicated to
providing direct, personal service to victims and their EMPLOYMENT
families throughout Texas, as well as, assisting those
outside our state to the best of our ability. It is our goal Division of Workers’ Compensation, Texas
to assure victims that they are not left behind at the Department of Insurance
crime scene, but can be involved in all parts of the 512-804-4000 (Main Office)
criminal justice system if desired.
Assists injured employees who are covered by workers
compensation; provides safety and health services to
Texas employers.
Equal Justice Center communication and foster dialogue to assist Texas
800-853-4028 (Main Office) lawyers and their clients in resolving minor concerns, disputes, or misunderstandings within the context of the
The Equal Justice Center empowers low-income Attorney-Client relationship. As a reminder, CAAP
families, workers and communities to achieve fair cannot assist client with any underlying civil or criminal
treatment in the workplace, in the justice system, and in matter, provide legal advice, or take any action to
our shared society - regardless of immigration status. remove, replace or compel your attorney to respond or
We provide legal representation that enables low-wage take a specific action.
workers to recover unpaid wages and combat other
basic injustices they encounter in their workplace. We Health Professions Council’s Complaint Referral
also represent applicants seeking Deferred Action for System
Childhood Arrivals (DACA), naturalized U.S. citizenship, 800-821-3205 (Main Office)
and humanitarian immigration protections for survivors
of labor trafficking and other serious crimes. The mission of the Health Professions Council (HPC) is
to coordinate regulatory efforts among the various
Texas Legal Services Center - South Central health care licensing boards represented on the HPC. In
Pension Rights Project (SCPRP) keeping with this mission, each board and agency of the
800-443-2528 (Main Office) HPC will strive to share ideas, resources and functions to provide efficient and effective services to the citizens
Attorneys can help locate retirement funds and claim of Texas. To that end, if you have a complaint against a
earned benefits, regardless of the type of company or licensee you can call the hotline and be put in touch
the type of pension plan involved. with staff at the appropriate agency.

Texas Legal Services Center - Transactional State Commission on Judicial Conduct

800-622-2520, Option 4 512-463-5533 (Main Office)
Provides clients with criminal records expunctions and The State Commission on Judicial Conduct is an
nondisclosures. Assist those whose drivers licenses independent Texas state agency responsible
prevent them from traveling to work, school, or investigating allegations of judicial misconduct and/or
performing essential household duties receive a limited disability against Texas judges.
license (occupational drivers’ license).
To File a Grievance Against a Texas Attorney
Texas Workforce Commission, Employee’s Hotline 877-953-5535 (Main Office)
512-463-2222 (Main Office) Those who believe they have been a witness to attorney
Provides employment-related assistance including misconduct — clients, members of the public, members
discrimination in employment, education, job search and of the legal community, and judges — have the right to
unemployment insurance; services include general file a grievance against a Texas attorney. Report
information, individual advocacy and ombudsman possible unlawful solicitation by an attorney. Grievances
services. are filed through the State Bar of Texas, Office of Chief
Disciplinary Counsel.
Texas Workforce Commission, Labor Law Division
800-832-9243 (Main Office) HEALTH
-overview Substance Use Services, Health & Human Services
Investigates and resolves wage claims for unpaid wages Commission
or compensation, and complaints for violations of the
Texas Child Labor Law. -use
Provides information on programs and services for adult
GRIEVANCES AGAINST LAWYERS, and youth substance use prevention and substance use
JUDGES OR MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS disorder treatment and intervention.

Texas Department of State Health Services General

Client-Attorney Assistance Program (CAAP)
Inquiry Hotline
800-932-1900 (Main Office)
888-963-7111 (Main Office)
The Client-Attorney Assistance Program (CAAP) is a
General inquiry hotline for programs run by the Texas
statewide voluntary dispute resolution service of the
Department of State Health Services (DSHS). DSHS
State Bar of Texas whose objective is to facilitate
focuses on public health by promoting and protecting
the health of people, and the communities where they Texas Tenants’ Union
live, learn, work, worship, and play. For state referrals 214-823-2733 (Main Office)
dial 2-1-1.
Offers free information and assistance to educate
Texas Health and Human Services Commission tenants on their rights through free workshops, phone
512-424-6500 (Main Office) assistance, written materials, and training.
Oversees the operations of the health and human IMMIGRATION
services system; provides administrative oversight of
Texas health and human services programs and For VAWA cases, see the “Civil Resources tab” (county-
provides direct administration of some programs, by-county listings) for LSC-funded programs and other
including Medicaid, food stamps and disaster relief. programs which are able to accept VAWA petition cases
Intake: 2-1-1. Toll-free: 877-541-7905 for battered spouses; some of the non-LSC programs
may charge a nominal fee or request donations
Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs
Citizenshipworks (available in English, Spanish, and
512-475-3800 (Main Office)
Chinese) is an online tool that helps legal permanent
residents apply for citizenship, step-by-step; website
Provides referrals for rental assistance, rent-reduced
alerts applicants about any potential problems with their
apartments, low-interest housing loans, home repair,
application and allows applicants to connect with free or
weatherization, utility assistance, and
low-cost legal help.
emergency/homeless services. This information is also
found on the “Help for Texans” website, or Equal Justice Center – DACA, Naturalization and for Spanish Labor Trafficking
speakers. Does not provide legal assistance. 512-474-0007 ext. 209 (Hotline)
Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs, The Equal Justice Center empowers low-income
Manufactured Housing Division families, workers and communities to achieve fair
512-475-2200 (Main Office) treatment in the workplace, in the justice system, and in our shared society - regardless of immigration status.
The TDHCA Manufactured Housing Division (MHD) We provide legal representation that enables low-wage
regulates the manufactured housing industry in Texas, workers to recover unpaid wages and combat other
records ownership and liens, investigates and resolves basic injustices they encounter in their workplace. We
consumer complaints against manufactured housing also represent applicants seeking Deferred Action for
license holders, and conducts installation inspections. Childhood Arrivals (DACA), naturalized U.S. citizenship,
The MHD does not provide legal assistance or financial and humanitarian immigration protections for survivors
assistance. of labor trafficking and other serious crimes.

Texas Legal Services Center - Eviction Helpline GANO/CARECEN Central American Refugee Center
855-270-7655 (Main Office) 713-665-1284 (Main Office) Provides clients with orientation on immigration services
For qualified individuals in rural counties, TLSC can give within US Citizenship and Immigration Services
information and advice regarding eviction relief. (USCIS). Help clients with form filing and documentation
Attorneys can negotiate with landlords so tenants can intakes such as family petitions, adjustment of status,
stay in their homes. Attorneys can also help tenants citizenships, renewal of residency cards, work permits
access local rent and utility programs. Calls accepted through TPS, and DACA, etc.
9 am – 5 pm, M-F.
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
Texas Low-Income Housing Information Service 800-375-5283 (Main Office)
512-477-8910 (Main Office) Federal agency that oversees lawful immigration to the
Provides online information on public housing, tenants' United States.
rights and colonias; housing counselor helps locate
affordable housing in Texas. Legal information on
housing for the public is available at
INSURANCE (land, homes, and vehicles) to heirs without the need for
probate (which includes private attorney fees and court
CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program) filing fees).
800-964-2777 (Main Office) PUBLIC BENEFITS
Offers low cost or free health insurance coverage from Social Security Administration
the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) or 800-772-1213 (Main Office)
Children’s Medicaid; both programs cover office visits,
Provides services for persons seeking retirement,
prescription drugs, dental care, eye exams, glasses and
Medicare, disability, spousal, or survivors benefits, and
much more. CHIP coverage is also available for unborn Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Many services can
children (see CHIP Perinatal). be completed online by creating a personal
mysocialsecurity account at
Texas Department of Insurance
800-578-4677 (Main Office) Texas Department of State Health Services General Inquiry Hotline
Regulates the state’s insurance industry to protect and 888-963-7111 (Main Office)
ensure the fair treatment of consumers, investigate
fraud, enforce insurance laws and rules and take action General inquiry hotline for programs run by the Texas
against companies and agents; ensures implementation Department of State Health Services (DSHS). DSHS
focuses on public health by promoting and protecting
and enforcement of Texas Workers’ Compensation Act,
the health of people, and the communities where they
Texas Labor Code, and other regulations regarding live, learn, work, worship, and play. For state referrals
workers’ compensation. dial 2-1-1.

NON-PROFIT/TRANSACTIONAL Texas Health and Human Services Commission

512-424-6500 (Main Office)
Texas Accountants and Lawyers for the Arts (TALA)
512-459-8252 (Main Office) Oversees the operations of the health and human services system; provides administrative oversight of
Provides pro bono legal services for low-income artists Texas health and human services programs and
in Texas. Issues have to be related to the artist’s provides direct administration of some programs,
practice, for example: copyright, trademark, contracts for including Medicaid, food stamps and disaster relief.
Intake: 2-1-1. Toll-free: 877-541-7905.
artwork, etc. TALA also assists arts non-profits and art
groups seeking to form a non-profit organization.
Texas Information and Referral Network (TIRN)
Additionally, TALA operates a patent pro bono program 2-1-1 Texas
to assist low-income inventors to file for a patent with 211 (Main Office)
the United States Patent and Trademark Office. TALA
does not take family law or criminal law cases. 2-1-1 Texas is available by phone, internet, and chat
and is a free, anonymous social service hotline
Texas Community Building with Attorney Resources available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a
(Texas CBAR) year. Services are provided by bilingual staff and a
512-374-2712 (Main Office) language line is available. The Texas Information & Referral Network (TIRN) provides information and
Texas CBAR is a statewide attorney referral program referrals for help with basic needs like food, housing,
that provides free legal help to eligible nonprofit groups child care, or emergency services. The 2-1-1 hotline
that cannot otherwise afford legal services. Connects operates options 1 (community programs and services),
4 (emergency assistance registry), 5 (disasters), 6
volunteer attorneys with nonprofits that need assistance
(public health emergencies) and 8 (mental health and
with transactional matters such as state incorporation, substance abuse). TIRN promotes self-service options
federal application for tax-exempt status, bylaws, to eligibility benefits to apply to the correct platform.
contracts, internal policies, board compliance, and other 2-1-1 TIRN does not provide eligibility determinations for
matters that do not involve litigation. State or Federal Eligibility benefits such as, Medicaid,
SNAP, or TANF. Eligibility benefits are handled by the
Texas Legal Services Center – Transfer on Death HHS AES Operations (opt 2).
800-622-2520 (Main Office)
Prepares Transfer on Death Deeds for low-income Texas
property owners who wish to transfer their real property
PUBLIC UTILITIES Education Department (VetsEd);Veterans Employment
Services (VES); Veteran Entrepreneur Program (VEP);
Lifeline, Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC) Fund for Veterans’ Assistance (FVA); Health Care
866-454-8387 (Main Office) Advocacy Department (HCAD); Veterans Mental Health Department (VMHD); and Women Veterans Program
Provides assistance to qualified low-income individuals (WVP).
to pay the monthly cost of basic telephone service.
Web-based network of coordinated pro bono service
Office of the Attorney General (OAG), HEROES for providers to serve the legal needs of veterans.
Children In Military Families
512-460-6400 (Main Office) OTHER
-and-initiatives/heroes-program-service-members National Disaster Legal Aid Website
Military and veteran families face unique challenges 800-733-8394 (Main Office)
when it comes to child support and parenting. The
HEROES program is here to help. If you are a service is a national resource center for
member, you know the nature of your job can disaster survivors and advocates serving them. It
complicate your child support case. To provide provides accurate and timely information on active
assistance, the Child Support Division developed the disasters and disaster related legal issues. As a national
Help Establishing Responsive Orders and Ensuring gathering place for disaster resources, the website
Support (HEROES) for Children in Military Families builds connections between disaster legal aid
program. The HEROES program partners military community advocates working to meet legal needs
families with specialized attorneys to work through their across regions.
child support needs.
Texas Secretary of State
Stateside Legal 512-463-5770 (Main Office)
207-774-4753 (Main Office) Provides information regarding corporations, limited
Pine Tree maintains Stateside Legal as a national liability companies, trademarks, voting rights and
clearinghouse website for military members, veterans, telephone solicitations; includes pre-recorded
and their families to help them understand their legal information, self-help materials and copies of filed
rights and identify potential resources for legal help via documents; for voting information and election
a directory of free and low-cost legal service providers information, contact the Elections Division at
in all 50 states. The site also includes advocate tool-kits 800-252-8683.
and resources to strengthen legal representation of
veterans and service members. Pine Tree’s own legal
services are limited to Maine residents.
Texas Lawyers for Texas Veterans offers legal guides, self-help forms, articles, and directories for free legal aid clinics and
Website includes resources for veterans on legal clinics organizations. While on the site, visitors can receive
and other related issues. more comprehensive assistance through LiveChat,
which connects eligible visitors with legal professionals
Texas Legal Services Center – Texas Veterans Legal who can provide in-depth legal information, referrals
Assistance Project and—in some cases—give legal advice.
800-622-2520, Option 2
Provides legal assistance in civil matters, including
family law, employment, housing, consumer, bankruptcy,
probate, and VA benefits to low-income Texas veterans,
their spouses, dependents, and survivors.

Texas Veterans Commission

512-463-6564 (Main Office)
Provides quality services through a dedicated,
professional, and well-trained workforce, serves all
veterans throughout the state, and tailors its services to
meet veterans’ needs and the needs of their families
and survivors. TVC provides service to veterans, their
families, and survivors through eight statutory programs:
Claims Representation and Counseling; The Veterans
Introduction to Civil Legal Aid
The federal government, through the Legal Services Corporation (LSC), funds three legal services programs that
serve every county in Texas: Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas, Lone Star Legal Aid and Texas RioGrande Legal Aid. The
three LSC funded programs provide a wide range of civil legal services. Over 40% of the cases handled are family
law cases. Most other cases are in the areas of housing, consumer law, employment, public benefits, or issues
affecting the elderly. Due to federal restrictions, these LSC funded programs cannot handle criminal cases or
immigration cases, except for representation of immigrants who have been victims of violent crime.

Funding for legal services programs is extremely limited. Legal aid programs must turn away many with serious legal
needs due to limited resources. LSC funded programs, and most other programs included in this directory, must
refuse service to any applicant whose income is above specific federal poverty guidelines.

In most situations, the family income must fall below 125% of the federal poverty income guidelines. But in some
situations, the family income can be up to 200% of the poverty guidelines. So even if your household exceeds the
125% guidelines, you should still apply.

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The programs listed include LSC funded legal services programs, followed by programs that either serve a specific
client group (such as people with disabilities, children or older individuals) or limit service to a specific type of legal
issue (such as civil rights, consumer, housing, or immigration). These programs may have income restrictions that
differ from LSC funded programs. LSC funded programs are listed first under each county because they provide the
most extensive civil legal service.

County Seat – Palestine County Seat – Andrews

Lone Star Legal Aid Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas

800-354-1889 (Nacogdoches) 432-332-1207 (Odessa)
800-733-8394 (Main Office) 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
matters to eligible, low-income Texans. that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
Catholic Charities – Diocese of Tyler with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
903-258-9492 (Main Office) Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
Provides immigration services such as Naturalization Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
and Citizenship, Adjustment of Status, VAWA, U-Visas,
DACA and family-based petitions. By appointment. Disability Rights Texas
806-765-7794 (Lubbock)
Crisis Center of Anderson and Cherokee Counties 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
903-723-5858 (Palestine)
800-232-8519 (Hotline) Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
Offers specialized advocacy and therapy services for apply online at:
victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or child
abuse. Services include but are not limited to assistance Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center
with protective orders, crime victim’s compensation, and 915-544-5126 (Main Office)
more. 24-hour confidential hotline.
Provides pro-bono services to people detained and
Disability Rights Texas facing removal proceedings in the El Paso Processing
713-974-7691 (Houston) and Otero Processing Center. Focuses on bond, parole,
800-252-9108 (Main Office) and full asylum representation. Also provides pro-bono services to asylum seekers forced to wait in Mexico
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights during their court proceedings under the government
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or program known as the Migrant Protection Protocols.
apply online at: Pro-bono and low-bono services for non-detained
immigrants seeking immigration relief including crime
Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics victims relief, family petitions, DACA renewal,
512-477-6000 (Main Office) representation in court and citizenship applications.
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist with Safe Place of the Permian Basin
civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child 432-570-1465 (Main Office)
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public Safe Place’s mission is to break the cycle of family
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community violence by empowering individuals to make safe and
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library, Fort healthy choices through awareness, advocacy,
Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library, Mount counseling, and shelter while promoting hope, healing,
Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library, Nancy and dignity. Safe Place provides comprehensive
Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton County recovery services so that victims of family violence
Library's El Campo Branch. receive safe and secure shelter, recover from the
trauma they have experienced, work to regain their self-
esteem, and evaluate their options for moving to a self-
sufficient and abuse free life. Family violence recovery
services include: 24-hour crisis hotline, emergency
shelter, counseling, advocacy and case management,
support groups, children’s programming and parenting
classes. Toll free 800-967-8928.

Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic Memorial Assistance Ministries
806-742-4312 (Main Office) 713-929-9280 (Main Office)
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income Assists low-income immigrants with a variety of
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and immigration matters, including family-based petitions,
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with Renewal or Replacement of Lawful Permanent
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in Residency card, Adjustment of Status to Lawful
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax Permanent Residency, Naturalization/Citizenship,
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to, Humanitarian-based petitions for victims of crime
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or (U-Visa/VAWA), DACA Renewals: Deferred Action for
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements for Childhood Arrivals. Call and leave a message for
delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in questions and more information.
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation ARANSAS
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue County Seat – Rockport
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies, Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
and a limited amount of representation in the United 800-420-1994 (Sinton)
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any 833-329-8752 (Main Office)
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
ANGELINA facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
County Seat – Lufkin bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
Lone Star Legal Aid accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
800-354-1889 (Nacogdoches) environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
800-733-8394 (Main Office) legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
matters to eligible, low-income Texans. in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
Catholic Charities – Diocese of Tyler following groups: Community Preservation &
903-258-9492 (Main Office) Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
Provides immigration services such as Naturalization Employment, and Public Benefits.
and Citizenship, Adjustment of Status, VAWA, U-Visas,
DACA and family-based petitions. By appointment. Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi, Inc. –
Immigration Services
Disability Rights Texas 361-884-0651 (Main Office)
713-974-7691 (Houston)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Offering affordable, confidential, and comprehensive immigration legal services with family-based immigration
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights petitions, Adjustment of Status, Removal of Conditions,
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or Naturalization/Citizenship, TPS, Renewal/Replacement
apply online at: of LPR (“green”) cards, DACA, Know Your Rights and
Family Crisis Center of East Texas
936-639-1681 (Lufkin) Disability Rights Texas
800-828-7233 (Main Office) 210-737-0499 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
A non-profit organization that empowers survivors of
domestic violence and sexual assault by providing crisis Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
intervention and advocacy services. The FCCET also issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
engages the community through education to build apply online at:
awareness and prevent domestic violence and sexual
assault. 24-hour crisis hotline.

LASSA, (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault) ARMSTRONG
800-991-5153 (Main Office) County Seat – Claude
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west 806-373-6808 (Amarillo)
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
for help leave a confidential voice message on the
LASSA main office line. Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
The Purple Door in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
361-881-8888 (Main Office) with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
violence and sexual assault with a 24-hour shelter, Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
hotline, crisis intervention, counseling, safe
transportation, advocacy, food, clothing, and personal Disability Rights Texas
items, and referrals. 806-765-7794 (Lubbock)
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
Legal Services (RAICES) Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
210-226-7722 (Main Office) issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or apply online at:
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, Family Support Services of Amarillo
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human 800-749-9026 (Amarillo)
trafficking. 806-374-5433 (Intake)
ARCHER Provides support for survivors of domestic violence,
County Seat – Archer City sexual assault and trafficking through services including,
but not limited to: emergency housing, behavioral health
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas and wellness, veterans resources, advocacy, education,
940-723-5542 (Wichita Falls) and counseling (counseling fees are on a sliding scale).
888-529-5277 (Main Office) Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas, The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie, controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
Disability Rights Texas securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
214-630-0916 (Dallas) subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements for
800-252-9108 (Main Office) delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
apply online at: Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
First Step of Wichita Falls, Inc. and a limited amount of representation in the United
800-658-2683 (Main Office) States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
Provides comprehensive family violence and sexual
assault services which include but are not limited to:
safe house, counseling, legal advocacy, hospital
advocacy, children's program, and education and
training. 24-hour hotline.

ATASCOSA Family Violence Prevention Services, Inc.
County Seat – Jourdanton 210-930-3669 (Main Office)
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. Provides free legal assistance to income-eligible victims
800-369-0356 (San Antonio) of domestic violence; emergency shelter; and
833-329-8752 (Main Office) community-based intervention and prevention services. 24-hour hotline: 210-733-8810.
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody 800-991-5153 (Main Office)
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through for help leave a confidential voice message on the
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard LASSA main office line.
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
following groups: Community Preservation & Legal Services (RAICES)
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic 210-226-7722 (Main Office)
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
Employment, and Public Benefits. Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
Alamo Area Resource Center and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
210-625-7200 (Main Office) trafficking.
A LGBT primary care and HIV specialty care clinic Safer Path Family Violence Shelter
provides free HIV testing. Offers referrals to persons 830-569-2001 (Main Office)
with HIV/AIDS seeking general civil legal services
including advocacy, wills, guardianships, directives and Provides legal advocacy for victims of family violence,
powers of attorney. sexual assault, stalking, and dating violence through
24/7 hotline and emergency shelter support, support
American Gateways groups, counseling, referrals, prevention, and education
512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) programs, and more.
Provides immigrations legal services at no or low cost, St. Mary’s University School of Law, Center for
education, and advocacy. Main areas of focus include, Legal and Social Justice
but are not limited to: consular process, DACA, Violence 210-431-2596 (Main Office)
Against Women Act, U-Visa, asylum, withholding of
removal, bond, parole, and more. /center-legal-social-justice
NOTICE: This provider has limited availability for cases.
Catholic Charities Archdiocese of San Antonio St. Mary’s University School of Law proudly offers four
Caritas Legal Services outstanding clinical courses for second- and third-year
210-433-3256 (Main Office) law students: the Civil Justice Clinic-Consumer Protection, the Civil Justice Clinic-Family Law, the
Provides low-cost legal services in the areas of Immigration and Human Rights Clinic and the Criminal
immigration, guardianship, estate planning, and probate. Justice Clinic. The clinical courses are dedicated to
educating students at St. Mary’s while addressing the
Disability Rights Texas otherwise unmet legal needs of income-qualified people
210-737-0499 (San Antonio) in San Antonio and South Texas.
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights 512-477-6000 (Main Office)
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at: Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library, Memorial Assistance Ministries
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library, 713-929-9280 (Main Office)
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton Assists low-income immigrants with a variety of
County Library’s El Campo Branch. immigration matters, including family-based petitions,
Renewal or Replacement of Lawful Permanent
AUSTIN Residency card, Adjustment of Status to Lawful
County Seat – Bellville Permanent Residency, Naturalization/Citizenship,
Humanitarian-based petitions for victims of crime
Lone Star Legal Aid (U-Visa/VAWA), DACA Renewals: Deferred Action for
832-913-7200 (Richmond) Childhood Arrivals. Call and leave a message for
800-733-8394 (Main Office) questions and more information.
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics
matters to eligible, low-income Texans. 512-477-6000 (Main Office)
Advocate Legal Senior Center Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
832-393-4074 (Main Office) with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall
Provides legal services in the areas of guardianships, Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
probate, land issues, and tenant issues on a pro bono Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
and sliding-scale basis to senior citizens residing in and Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
around Harris County. Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library,
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse (AVDA) Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
713-224-9911 (Main Office) County Library's El Campo Branch.
Provides free legal representation to domestic violence BAILEY
victims; handles family law cases including protective County Seat – Muleshoe
orders, divorce and child custody.
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
Disability Rights Texas 806-293-8491 (Plainview)
512-454-4816 (Austin) 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
apply online at: with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
Fort Bend County Dispute Resolution Center Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
281-342-5000 (Main Office) Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
The Fort Bend County Dispute Resolution Center is a Catholic Charities, Diocese of Lubbock
private, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization committed to 806-765-8475 (Main Office)
providing high-quality, low-cost dispute resolution
services for all people in Fort Bend and the surrounding Provides direct client assistance with basic needs;
counties. elderly assistance; youth and family counseling
services; kinship family support; immigration services
Houston Immigration Legal Services Collaborative including renewal or replacement of Legal Permanent
833-468-4664 (Main Office) Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card, assistance with family-based categories for
HILSC focuses only on immigration matters. It is not a non-immigrant and immigrant visas, and Violence
direct service provider and does not accept cases. Against Women Act (VAWA).
Connects case placement requests with other
immigration legal services and attorneys in private
practice who are members of the American Immigration
Lawyer Association.

Disability Rights Texas legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
806-765-7794 (Lubbock) ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or following groups: Community Preservation &
apply online at: Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
Legal Aid Society of Lubbock, Inc. Employment, and Public Benefits.
806-762-2325 (Main Office) Alamo Area Resource Center
The Legal Aid Society of Lubbock provides excellent 800-308-2437 (San Antonio)
legal services and support in challenging times to 210-625-7200 (Main Office)
families and survivors of domestic violence across the
South Plains. A LGBT primary care and HIV specialty care clinic
provides free HIV testing. Offers referrals to persons
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic with HIV/AIDS seeking general civil legal services
806-742-4312 (Main Office) including advocacy, wills, guardianships, directives and powers of attorney.
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and American Gateways
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with 512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office)
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax Provides immigrations legal services at no or low cost,
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to, education, and advocacy. Main areas of focus include,
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or but are not limited to: consular process, DACA, Violence
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements for Against Women Act, U-Visa, asylum, withholding of
delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in removal, bond, parole, and more.
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation Catholic Charities Archdiocese of San Antonio
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue Caritas Legal Services
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues, 210-433-3256 (Main Office)
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
and a limited amount of representation in the United Provides low-cost legal services in the areas of
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any immigration, guardianship, estate planning, and probate.
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
Disability Rights Texas
Women’s Protective Services 210-737-0499 (San Antonio)
800-736-6491 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
806-747-6491 (Main Office) Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
Provides legal advocacy for victims of family violence issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
with services including, but not limited, to counseling, apply online at:
crisis intervention, B.I.P.P, social services, safe housing,
and safety planning. Hill Country Dispute Resolution Center
830-792-5000 (Main Office)
BANDERA Provides court-ordered mediation for all kinds of civil
County Seat – Bandera cases and family law cases for a nominal fee.

Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. LASSA, (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
800-369-0356 (San Antonio) 800-991-5153 (Main Office)
833-329-8752 (Main Office) Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody for help leave a confidential voice message on the
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, LASSA main office line.
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
St. Mary’s University School of Law, Center for Against Women Act, U-Visa, asylum, withholding of
Legal and Social Justice removal, bond, parole, and more.
210-431-2596 (Main Office) Austin Bar Foundation’s Veterans Legal
/center-legal-social-justice Assistance Program
NOTICE: This provider has limited availability for cases. 512-472-0279 (Main Office)
St. Mary’s University School of Law proudly offers four
outstanding clinical courses for second- and third-year The Austin Bar Foundation’s Veterans Legal Assistance
law students: the Civil Justice Clinic-Consumer Program organizes and provides free legal advice
Protection, the Civil Justice Clinic-Family Law, the clinics for qualified, low-income veterans, active-duty or
Immigration and Human Rights Clinic and the Criminal reserve-duty service members, and their families who
Justice Clinic. The clinical courses are dedicated to reside in or have a civil legal issue in the jurisdictional
educating students at St. Mary’s while addressing the areas of Bastrop, Blanco, Burnett, Caldwell, Gillespie,
otherwise unmet legal needs of income-qualified people Hays, Travis, and Williamson counties of Texas. Our
in San Antonio and South Texas. volunteer attorneys are prepared to provide advice in
the following civil legal areas: Consumer/Finance,
Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics Education, Employment, Family, Juvenile,
512-477-6000 (Main Office) Health/Healthcare, Housing, Income Maintenance, Individual Rights, Estate Planning/Powers of Attorney,
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist Occupational Drivers’ License, and Criminal
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child Nondisclosure or Expunction. Some cases may qualify
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall for extended services. Please apply online or call our
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public office to see if your legal issue is a case type that our
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community program may cover.
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library, Catholic Charities of Central Texas Immigration
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library, Legal Services
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton 512-651-6100 (Main Office)
County Library’s El Campo Branch.
The Immigration Legal Services Program provides low-
BASTROP cost representation for persons seeking immigration
County Seat – Bastrop assistance in Central Texas. We practice in most areas
of immigration law including, but not limited to, family-
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. based immigration, naturalization, DACA, victim visas,
800-369-9270 (San Antonio) asylum, and removal defense. Hotline: 512-651-6125.
833-329-8752 (Main Office) Disability Rights Texas
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people 512-454-4816 (Austin)
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil apply online at:
legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through Family Crisis Center
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard in 512-303-7755 (Main Office)
state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic
following groups: Community Preservation & violence, sexual assault, and stalking, particularly with
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor & sliding-scale legal assistance. Toll-free: 888-311-7755.
Employment, and Public Benefits.
Justice for Our Neighbors – DFW
American Gateways 817-310-3820 (Main Office)
512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) Provides free and affordable, high-quality immigration
Provides immigrations legal services at no or low cost, legal services, shares information with the public and
education, and advocacy. Main areas of focus include, engages in advocacy with immigrants. Accepts all types
but are not limited to: consular process, DACA, Violence
of non-detained immigration cases. Call for more Disability Rights Texas
information. 214-630-0916 (Dallas)
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
LASSA, (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
800-991-5153 (Main Office) Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors apply online at:
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply First Step of Wichita Falls, Inc.
for help leave a confidential voice message on the 800-658-2683 (Main Office)
LASSA main office line.
Provides comprehensive family violence and sexual
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and assault services which include but are not limited to:
Legal Services (RAICES) safe house, counseling, legal advocacy, hospital
210-226-7722 (Main Office) advocacy, children's program, and education and training. 24-hour hotline.
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, BEE
and victims of domestic violence, crime and human County Seat – Beeville
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
Volunteer Legal Services of Central Texas 800-420-1994 (San Antonio)
512-476-5550 (Main Office) 833-329-8752 (Main Office)
Offers free legal advice and intake clinics on civil law TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
matters. VLS is unable to assist with criminal, facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
immigration or contested matters. Community Legal bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
Clinics are held year-round at various dates and times arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
in our services area. Please visit our website for up-to- accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
date information. environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
BAYLOR ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
County Seat – Seymour Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
940-723-5542 (Wichita Falls) following groups: Community Preservation &
888-529-5277 (Main Office) Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization Employment, and Public Benefits.
that provides free civil legal help to low-income
residents in 114 Texas counties throughout North and Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi, Inc. –
West Texas, with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Immigration Services
Brownwood, Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, 361-884-0651 (Main Office)
McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo,
Waxahachie, Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. Offering affordable, confidential, and comprehensive
immigration legal services with family-based immigration
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Lubbock petitions, Adjustment of Status, Removal of Conditions,
806-765-8475 (Main Office) Naturalization/Citizenship, TPS, Renewal/Replacement of LPR (“green”) cards, DACA, Know Your Rights and
Provides direct client assistance with basic needs; Translations.
elderly assistance; youth and family counseling
services; kinship family support; immigration services Disability Rights Texas
including renewal or replacement of Legal Permanent 210-737-0499 (San Antonio)
Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card, 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
assistance with family-based categories for non-
immigrant and immigrant visas, and Violence Against Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
Women Act (VAWA). issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at:

Dispute Resolution Services Baylor Law Veterans Clinic
361-888-0650 (Main Office) 254-710-4244 (Main Office)
-services The free legal advice clinic is held one Friday afternoon
Provides high quality mediation services and training to each month from September through July at the Heart
residents of Nueces, Bee, Live Oak, and San Patricio of Texas Veterans One Stop and is open to all veterans
counties. If you are a resident of one of these counties and veterans’ spouses regardless of income level.
and the issue is not before a court, the mediation is Additional civil legal services are offered to those
FREE. If the issue is in court, DRS has a $65.00 meeting eligibility requirements. The Heart of Texas
Administrative Fee per party. Veterans One Stop is located at 2010 La Salle Avenue,
Waco, Texas 76706.
LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
800-991-5153 (Main Office) Catholic Charities of Central Texas Immigration Legal Services
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors 512-651-6100 (Main Office)
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply The Immigration Legal Services Program provides low-
for help leave a confidential voice message on the cost representation for persons seeking immigration
LASSA main office line. assistance in Central Texas. We practice in most areas
of immigration law including, but not limited to, family-
The Purple Door based immigration, naturalization, DACA, victim visas,
361-362-1187 (Beeville) asylum, and removal defense. Hotline: 512-651-6125.
361-881-8888 (Main Office) Disability Rights Texas
Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic 512-454-4816 (Austin)
violence and sexual assault with a 24-hour shelter, 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
hotline, crisis intervention, counseling, safe
transportation, advocacy, food, clothing, and personal Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
items, and referrals. issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at:
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
Legal Services RAICES) Families In Crisis, Inc.
210-226-7722 (Main Office) 254-634-1184 (Main Office)
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum 24-hour emergency safe shelter for survivors of
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, domestic/sexual violence, outreach services, housing
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human assistance, Friends In Crisis Homeless Shelter (night
trafficking. shelter 7 days per week), rental assistance and
supportive services for low-income veterans and their
families. 24-hour hotline: 888-799-7233.
County Seat – Belton Justice for Our Neighbors – DFW
817-310-3820 (Main Office)
Lone Star Legal Aid
800-234-6606 (Belton) Provides free and affordable, high-quality immigration
800-733-8394 (Main Office) legal services, shares information with the public and engages in advocacy with immigrants. Accepts all types
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil of non-detained immigration cases. Call for more
matters to eligible, low-income Texans. information.
American Gateways Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office)
Provides immigrations legal services at no or low cost,
education, and advocacy. Main areas of focus include, Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
but are not limited to: consular process, DACA, Violence seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
Against Women Act, U-Visa, asylum, withholding of and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
removal, bond, parole, and more. trafficking.

BEXAR Catholic Charities Archdiocese of San Antonio
County Seat – San Antonio Caritas Legal Services
210-433-3256 (Main Office)
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
800-369-0356 (San Antonio) Provides low-cost legal services in the areas of
833-329-8752 (Main Office) immigration, guardianship, estate planning, and probate.
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people Disability Rights Texas
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including 210-737-0499 (San Antonio)
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases apply online at:
ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard Family Violence Prevention Services, Inc.
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized 210-930-3669 (Main Office)
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
following groups: Community Preservation & Provides free legal assistance to income-eligible victims
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic of domestic violence; emergency shelter; and
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor & community-based intervention and prevention services.
Employment, and Public Benefits. 24-hour hotline: 210-733-8810.
Alamo Area Resource Center LASSA, (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
800-308-2437 (San Antonio) 800-991-5153 (Main Office)
210-625-7200 (Main Office)
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
A LGBT primary care and HIV specialty care clinic
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
provides free HIV testing. Offers referrals to persons
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
with HIV/AIDS seeking general civil legal services
including advocacy, wills, guardianships, directives and for help leave a confidential voice message on the
powers of attorney. LASSA main office line.

American Gateways Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and

210-521-4768 ext. 232 (San Antonio) Legal Services (RAICES)
512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) 210-222-0964 (San Antonio) 210-226-7722 (Main Office)
Provides immigrations legal services at no or low cost,
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
education, and advocacy. Main areas of focus include,
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
but are not limited to: consular process, DACA, Violence
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
Against Women Act, U-Visa, asylum, withholding of
removal, bond, parole, and more.
Safer Path Family Violence Shelter
Bexar County Dispute Resolution Center
830-569-2001 (Main Office)
210-335-2128 (Main Office)
Provides legal advocacy for victims of family violence,
Provides free mediation and referral services to any
sexual assault, stalking, and dating violence through
Bexar County resident or business; issues mediated 24/7 hotline and emergency shelter support, support
include post-divorce issues (child visitation and non- groups, counseling, referrals, prevention, and education
payment of medical expenses not covered by programs, and more.
insurance), consumer problems, neighbor complaints,
money owed, landlord & tenant issues, auto-repair San Antonio Legal Services Association
problems, property damage, animal nuisance,
workplace issues, and much more. Services extend to The San Antonio Legal Services Association provides
Bexar County residents in disputes with persons from free legal services to indigent, vulnerable and at-risk
anywhere in the world, not just disputes between Bexar individuals in and around San Antonio that are referred
County residents. Residents can submit mediation from community partners. SALSA has four program
requests online. areas: Housing & Homelessness, Estates & Disabilities,
Veterans, and Special Projects, including Don’t Bully Me
Cyberbullying Project and Uvalde Response. The only
programs with direct public intake are veterans program Austin Bar Foundation’s Veterans Legal
(online intake at and in-person Assistance Program
intake at the monthly Veterans Legal Advice Clinic every 512-472-0279 (Main Office)
second Friday of the month from 1 pm – 4 pm at the
Veterans Outreach and Transition Center) and the Small The Austin Bar Foundation’s Veterans Legal Assistance
Estate Clinic (walk-ins accepted bi-weekly on Thursdays Program organizes and provides free legal advice
from 1 pm – 3 pm in front of the Bexar County Probate clinics for qualified, low-income veterans, active-duty or
Courts). reserve-duty service members, and their families who
reside in or have a civil legal issue in the jurisdictional
St. Mary’s University School of Law, Center for areas of Bastrop, Blanco, Burnett, Caldwell, Gillespie,
Legal and Social Justice
Hays, Travis, and Williamson counties of Texas. Our
210-431-2596 (Main Office)
volunteer attorneys are prepared to provide advice in
the following civil legal areas: Consumer/Finance,
Education, Employment, Family, Juvenile,
NOTICE: This provider has limited availability for cases.
St. Mary’s University School of Law proudly offers four Health/Healthcare, Housing, Income Maintenance,
outstanding clinical courses for second- and third-year Individual Rights, Estate Planning/Powers of Attorney,
law students: the Civil Justice Clinic-Consumer Occupational Drivers’ License, and Criminal
Protection, the Civil Justice Clinic-Family Law, the Nondisclosure or Expunction. Some cases may qualify
Immigration and Human Rights Clinic and the Criminal for extended services. Please apply online or call our
Justice Clinic. The clinical courses are dedicated to office to see if your legal issue is a case type that our
educating students at St. Mary’s while addressing the program may cover.
otherwise unmet legal needs of income-qualified people
in San Antonio and South Texas. Catholic Charities of Central Texas Immigration
Legal Services
BLANCO 512-651-6100 (Main Office)
County Seat – Johnson City
The Immigration Legal Services Program provides low-
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. cost representation for persons seeking immigration
800-369-9270 (San Antonio) assistance in Central Texas. We practice in most areas
833-329-8752 (Main Office) of immigration law including, but not limited to, family- based immigration, naturalization, DACA, victim visas,
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people asylum, and removal defense. Hotline: 512-651-6125.
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody Disability Rights Texas
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
512-454-4816 (Austin)
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized apply online at:
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
following groups: Community Preservation & Highland Lakes Family Crisis Center
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic 830-693-3656 (Main Office)
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
Employment, and Public Benefits. Provides lifesaving, trauma-informed services for victims
and survivors of family violence and/or sexual assault.
American Gateways
Services are free of charge for primary and secondary
512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office)
victims/survivors. Residential Services available include
a 24-hour crisis line, confidential safe shelter or lodging,
Provides immigrations legal services at no or low cost,
safety planning, financial literacy and safety planning,
education, and advocacy. Main areas of focus include,
emergency response and accompaniment for sexual
but are not limited to: consular process, DACA, Violence
assault survivors, transportation services, crisis
Against Women Act, U-Visa, asylum, withholding of
intervention, advocacy, accompaniment for legal or
removal, bond, parole, and more.
health needs, legal assistance, individual and group
counseling. Comprehensive nonresidential services
include individual and group counseling, case
management, legal assistance, accompaniment and
advocacy, information and referrals, housing and
relocation assistance, childcare assistance, employment
assistance, legal assistance and coordination with other Disability Rights Texas
community-based services providers and financial 806-765-7794 (Lubbock)
literacy and safety planning. 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Justice for Our Neighbors – DFW Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
817-310-3820 (Main Office) issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or apply online at:
Provides free and affordable, high-quality immigration
legal services, shares information with the public and Safe Place of the Permian Basin
engages in advocacy with immigrants. Accepts all types 432-570-1465 (Main Office)
of non-detained immigration cases. Call for more
information. Safe Place’s mission is to break the cycle of family
violence by empowering individuals to make safe and
LASSA, (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault) healthy choices through awareness, advocacy,
800-991-5153 (Main Office) counseling, and shelter while promoting hope, healing, and dignity. Safe Place provides comprehensive
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors recovery services so that victims of family violence
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west receive safe and secure shelter, recover from the
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply trauma they have experienced, work to regain their self-
for help leave a confidential voice message on the esteem, and evaluate their options for moving to a self-
LASSA main office line. sufficient and abuse free life. Family violence recovery
services include: 24-hour crisis hotline, emergency
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and shelter, counseling, advocacy and case management,
Legal Services (RAICES) support groups, children’s programming and parenting
210-226-7722 (Main Office) classes. Toll free 800-967-8928.
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
trafficking. The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
512-477-6000 (Main Office) controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements for
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library, an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library, before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library, Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
County Library's El Campo Branch. and a limited amount of representation in the United
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
BORDEN criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
County Seat – Gail
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas County Seat – Meridian
806-763-4557 (Lubbock)
888-529-5277 (Main Office) Lone Star Legal Aid 800-299-5596 (Waco)
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization 800-733-8394 (Main Office)
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas, Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
American Gateways BOWIE
512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) County Seat – Boston
Provides immigrations legal services at no or low cost, Lone Star Legal Aid
education, and advocacy. Main areas of focus include, 800-568-3857 (Texarkana)
but are not limited to: consular process, DACA, Violence 800-733-8394 (Main Office)
Against Women Act, U-Visa, asylum, withholding of
removal, bond, parole, and more. Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
Baylor Law Veterans Clinic
254-710-4244 (Main Office) Catholic Charities – Diocese of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office)
The free legal advice clinic is held one Friday afternoon
each month from September through July at the Heart of Provides immigration services such as Naturalization
Texas Veterans One Stop and is open to all veterans and and Citizenship, Adjustment of Status, VAWA, U-Visas,
veterans’ spouses regardless of income level. Additional DACA and family-based petitions. By appointment.
civil legal services are offered to those meeting eligibility
requirements. The Heart of Texas Veterans One Stop is Disability Rights Texas
located at 2010 La Salle Avenue, Waco, Texas 76706. 214-630-0916 (Dallas)
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Cross Timbers Family Services
866-934-4357 (Main Office) Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
Provides 24-hour crisis hotline, victim's assistance and apply online at:
crisis counseling, advocacy and criminal justice support,
Crime Victim's Compensation assistance, medical Domestic Violence Prevention, Inc.
accompaniments, and protective order assistance. 903-793-4357 (Main Office)
Disability Rights Texas Provides legal advocacy, particularly with obtaining
512-454-4816 (Austin) protective orders for survivors of domestic violence and
800-252-9108 (Main Office) sexual assault. 24-hour crisis line.
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
County Seat – Angleton
apply online at:
Lone Star Legal Aid
Family Abuse Center, Inc.
800-244-5492 (Clute)
800-283-8401 (Waco)
800-733-8394 (Main Office)
254-772-8999 (Main Office)
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
Provides a wide variety of services for all victims of
matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
domestic violence. For adults, we provide emergency
shelter and general services such as case management,
Access Justice Houston
counseling, support groups, an array of legal services
832-772-6743 (Main Office)
and assistance with housing. General services are also
available to non-residential clients as well as those who
Access Justice Houston is a non-profit law firm
live in rural areas. Our services are provided free of
dedicated to expanding affordable legal services in
charge to anyone who has been impacted by domestic
Houston Texas. We serve modest-means clients,
providing legal services on a reduced fee calculated on
a sliding scale. If you make too much to qualify for legal
aid but are unable to find a lawyer you can afford, we’ll
work with you to get you a lawyer you can afford. We
can help with your Family law, Criminal Defense,
Landlord Tenant, Consumer law issues.

Bay Area Turning Point Fort Bend County Dispute Resolution Center
281-286-2525 (Main Office) 281-342-5000 (Main Office)
Bay Area Turning Point provides recovery solutions and The Fort Bend County Dispute Resolution Center is a
options for domestic and sexual assault victims to private, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization committed to
include the following: 24-hour crisis intervention via the providing high-quality, low-cost dispute resolution
hotline, information and referrals, emergency shelter, services for all people in Fort Bend and the surrounding
and case management. Victim advocacy includes: counties.
assistance with applying for protective orders,
assistance with applying for crime victim’s Fort Bend County Women’s Center, Inc.
compensation, and assistance with interfacing with law 281-342-4357 (Main Office)
enforcement and the criminal justice system. Victim
accompaniment to criminal justice entities, medical The Fort Bend Women’s Center Legal Department
facilities, and law enforcement agencies. Individual and represents clients in divorce, suits affecting parent-child
family counseling, support groups, housing assistance, relationships, protective orders, enforcement, and
assistance with accessing resources to recover from modification matters.
trauma and abuse.
Houston Immigration Legal Services Collaborative
Beacon Law, a Program of The Beacon 833-468-4664 (Main Office)
713-220-9780 (Main Office) HILSC focuses only on immigration matters. It is not a
A civil legal aid program of The Beacon focused on direct service provider and does not accept cases.
helping the homeless and indigent population of Connects case placement requests with other
Houston with ID restoration, clearing criminal history, immigration legal services and attorneys in private
social security disability appeals, limited family law, practice who are members of the American Immigration
housing law, including evictions and limited wills and Lawyer Association.
estate assistance.
Houston Lawyer Referral Service, Inc. – Reduced
Boat People SOS, Inc. Fee Program
281-530-6888 (Main Office) 713-237-9429 (Main Office)
Provides civil legal assistance for low-income Our reduced fee program strictly deals with family,
Vietnamese Texans in the areas of domestic violence, entertainment/arts, bankruptcy, landlord/tenant, probate,
human trafficking, family law, immigration, and wills. and real estate law. If you think you may qualify for a
reduced fee it is best to call us and get prescreened.
Disability Rights Texas Please note the reduction of the fee is 25% and you
713-974-7691 (Houston) must be able to pay a retainer and the attorney’s hourly
800-252-9108 (Main Office) fee. Regular hourly fees are $200-$400 an hour and regular retainers are typically 4 hours. If approved for a
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights reduced fee you will be able to pay hourly legal fees on
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or a payment plan.
apply online at:
Memorial Assistance Ministries
Earl Carl Institute for Legal & Social Policy, Inc. – 713-929-9280 (Main Office)
Juvenile Justice Project
713-313-1139 (Main Office) Assists low-income immigrants with a variety of immigration matters, including family-based petitions,
The JJP seeks to empower at-risk youth, provide Renewal or Replacement of Lawful Permanent
holistic, client-centered representation, and offer Residency card, Adjustment of Status to Lawful
solutions to legal and social problems that impede Permanent Residency, Naturalization/Citizenship,
access to future achievement and success. ECI Humanitarian-based petitions for victims of crime
employs a holistic approach by providing legal (U-Visa/VAWA), DACA Renewals: Deferred Action for
representation to children who are in multiple systems, Childhood Arrivals. Call and leave a message for
including the criminal justice system, disparate questions and more information.
educational systems, the mental health system, and the
foster care system. Most of our clients come into the
juvenile court system for incidents occurring at school.

Tahirih Justice Center BRAZOS
713-496-0100 (Main Office) County Seat – Bryan
A national non-profit organization that supports Lone Star Legal Aid
immigrant women and other survivors of gender-based 800-570-4773 (Bryan)
violence seeking safety and justice. Our interdisciplinary 800-733-8394 (Main Office)
model of service combines free legal services, social
services case management, and trainings and Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
education. Our team in Houston serves immigrant matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
survivors of violence in Houston to access existing legal
protections, including gender-based asylum claims, Brazos Valley Dispute Resolution Center
U Visas for crime victims who cooperate with law 979-822-6947 (Main Office)
enforcement to convict perpetrators of violence,
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) petitions to Civil, Family, and CPS mediations; Civil arbitrations.
empower battered spouses and children of U.S. citizens
or Legal Permanent Residents to obtain lawful status Catholic Charities of Central Texas Immigration
free and clear from their abusers, T Visas for victims of Legal Services
labor and sex trafficking and special immigrant juvenile 979-822-9340 (Bryan)
status (SIJS) for unaccompanied minors who have been 512-651-6100 (Main Office)
abandoned, abused, or neglected by one or both
parents. The Immigration Legal Services Program provides low-
cost representation for persons seeking immigration
Women’s Center of Brazoria County assistance in Central Texas. We practice in most areas
979-849-9553 (Main Office) of immigration law including, but not limited to, family- based immigration, naturalization, DACA, victim visas,
Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic asylum, and removal defense. Hotline: 512-651-6125.
violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining
protective orders; offers supervised visitation programs Disability Rights Texas
for non-custodial parents and their children - must be 512-454-4816 (Austin)
court ordered; works in partnership with Catholic 800-252-9108 (Apply For Services)
Charities to interview victims who are eligible to self-
petition; assists with filing for pro se divorce. Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
24-hour crisis hotline: 281-585-0902 issues; to apply for services call toll free 800-252-9108.
Intake Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm or
Toll-free: 800-243-5788
apply online at:
YMCA International Services
Family Eldercare
713-758-9280 (Main Office)
512-483-3580 (Main Office)
Provides court-appointed legal guardianship for the
The Immigration Legal Department of the YMCA
elderly and people with disabilities who are at risk of
International Services provides counseling or abuse, neglect, or exploitation and have no relatives to
representation to individuals seeking immigration assist them.
assistance. Assistance is available for asylum seekers,
crime survivors, survivors of domestic violence and Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
human trafficking. Services also include family Legal Services (RAICES)
reunification visas, adjustment of status and 210-226-7722 (Main Office)
naturalization applications. During consultations,
individuals can discuss their immigration case with an Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
Immigration Attorney, Department of Justice Accredited seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
Representative or an Immigration Case Manager. and victims of domestic violence, crime and human
Handles immigration matters only and must make trafficking.
appointment first.
Twin City Mission, Domestic Violence Services
979-775-5335 (Main Office)
Provides services addressing homelessness, violence
and abuse, family conflict, poverty, and more. Provides
legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and
dating violence.
BREWSTER Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center
County Seat – Alpine 915-544-5126 (Main Office)
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. Provides pro-bono services to people detained and
432-837-1199 (El Paso) facing removal proceedings in the El Paso Processing
833-329-8752 (Main Office) and Otero Processing Center. Focuses on bond, parole, and full asylum representation. Also provides pro-bono
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people services to asylum seekers forced to wait in Mexico
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including during their court proceedings under the government
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody program known as the Migrant Protection Protocols.
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, Pro-bono and low-bono services for non-detained
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and immigrants seeking immigration relief including crime
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil victims relief, family petitions, DACA renewal,
legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases representation in court and citizenship applications.
ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard LASSA, (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized 800-991-5153 (Main Office)
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
following groups: Community Preservation & Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor & Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
Employment, and Public Benefits. for help leave a confidential voice message on the
LASSA main office line.
Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services, Inc. (DMRS)
915-532-3975 (Main Office) Texas A&M University School of Law – Tax Dispute Resolution Clinic
DMRS is the largest provider of free and low-cost 817-212-4123 (Main Office)
immigration legal services in West Texas and New
Mexico. Services provided cover a comprehensive range -clinic
of immigration legal services including representation in Provides free assistance to help low-income taxpayers
family-based immigration matters, resolve their problems with the Internal Revenue
Citizenship/Naturalization matters, matters related to Service (IRS) or Tax Court; handles problems such as
benefits for survivors of domestic violence and other IRS audits, administrative appeals, negotiating with the
crimes, removal proceedings before the Immigration IRS if you are unable to pay, or Tax Court cases. The
Courts, and services for adults and unaccompanied clinic does not prepare tax returns. Services are
immigrant children detained in the local immigration delivered by Texas A&M law students supervised by
detention centers and shelters. qualified tax attorney. For screening and appointments
call or visit the website.
Disability Rights Texas
915-542-0585 (El Paso) Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics
800-252-9108 (Main Office) 512-477-6000 (Main Office)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
apply online at: support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
Family Crisis Center of the Big Bend Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
432-371-3147 (Terlingua) Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
800-834-0654 (Main Office) Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library, Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
violence, sexual assault, and victims of violent crime. County Library's El Campo Branch.
Services include, but are not limited to: emergency
shelter, referrals to support systems, legal assistance, Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
mental health counseling, and medical/economic 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
services for indigent families. 24-hour crisis hotline.
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues, securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies, subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
and a limited amount of representation in the United for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation. an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
BRISCOE Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
County Seat – Silverton dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
and a limited amount of representation in the United
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
806-293-8491 (Plainview) criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
888-529-5277 (Main Office) BROOKS
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization County Seat – Falfurrias
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas, Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, 800-420-1501 (Corpus Christi)
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, 833-329-8752 (Main Office)
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Lubbock bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
806-765-8475 (Main Office) arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
Provides direct client assistance with basic needs; environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
elderly assistance; youth and family counseling legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
services; kinship family support; immigration services ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
including renewal or replacement of Legal Permanent Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card, in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
assistance with family-based categories for non- into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
immigrant and immigrant visas, and Violence Against following groups: Community Preservation &
Women Act (VAWA). Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
Crisis Center of the Plains Employment, and Public Benefits.
806-293-7273 (Main Office) Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi, Inc. –
Provides legal advocacy, particularly with obtaining Immigration Services
protective orders and referrals to free legal assistance 361-884-0651 (Main Office)
for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and
human trafficking. 24-hour hotline. Offering affordable, confidential, and comprehensive
immigration legal services with family-based immigration
Disability Rights Texas petitions, Adjustment of Status, Removal of Conditions,
806-765-7794 (Lubbock) Naturalization/Citizenship, TPS, Renewal/Replacement
800-252-9108 (Main Office) of LPR (“green”) cards, DACA, Know Your Rights and Translations.
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at:

Disability Rights Texas Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
210-737-0499 (San Antonio) Legal Services (RAICES)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) 210-226-7722 (Main Office)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
apply online at: and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
LASSA, (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
800-991-5153 (Main Office) BURLESON County Seat – Caldwell
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west Lone Star Legal Aid
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply 800-570-4773 (Bryan)
for help leave a confidential voice message on the 800-733-8394 (Main Office)
LASSA main office line.
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
The Purple Door matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
361-881-8888 (Main Office) Brazos Valley Dispute Resolution Center
Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic 979-822-6947 (Main Office)
violence and sexual assault with a 24-hour shelter,
hotline, crisis intervention, counseling, safe Civil, Family, and CPS mediations; Civil arbitrations.
transportation, advocacy, food, clothing, and personal
items, and referrals. Catholic Charities of Central Texas Immigration
Legal Services
BROWN 512-651-6100 (Main Office)
County Seat – Brownwood
The Immigration Legal Services Program provides low-
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas cost representation for persons seeking immigration
325-646-8659 (Brownwood) assistance in Central Texas. We practice in most areas
888-529-5277 (Main Office) of immigration law including, but not limited to, family- based immigration, naturalization, DACA, victim visas,
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization asylum, and removal defense. Hotline: 512-651-6125.
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas, Disability Rights Texas
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, 512-454-4816 (Austin)
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
The Ark Domestic Violence Shelter apply online at:
325-643-2699 (Main Office) Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic and Legal Services (RAICES)
sexual violence, emergency shelter, emergency 210-226-7722 (Main Office)
transportation, assistance with short- and long-term
goals, and safety planning. Assists in protective orders, Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
crime victims’ compensation and address confidentiality seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
program. Offers court and medical accompaniment, and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
support groups, and more. 24-hour hotline. trafficking.

Disability Rights Texas Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics
512-454-4816 (Austin) 512-477-6000 (Main Office)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall
apply online at: Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community Health/Healthcare, Housing, Income Maintenance,
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library, Individual Rights, Estate Planning/Powers of Attorney,
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library, Occupational Drivers’ License, and Criminal
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library, Nondisclosure or Expunction. Some cases may qualify
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton for extended services. Please apply online or call our
County Library's El Campo Branch. office to see if your legal issue is a case type that our
program may cover.
Twin City Mission, Domestic Violence Services
979-775-5335 (Main Office) Catholic Charities of Central Texas Immigration Legal Services
Provides services addressing homelessness, violence 512-651-6100 (Main Office)
and abuse, family conflict, poverty, and more. Provides
legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and The Immigration Legal Services Program provides low-
dating violence. cost representation for persons seeking immigration
assistance in Central Texas. We practice in most areas
of immigration law including, but not limited to, family-
BURNET based immigration, naturalization, DACA, victim visas,
County Seat – Burnet asylum, and removal defense. Hotline: 512-651-6125.
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. Disability Rights Texas
800-369-9270 (Austin) 512-454-4816 (Austin)
833-329-8752 (Main Office) 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
apply online at:
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
Highland Lakes Family Crisis Center
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
830-693-3656 (Main Office)
legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
Provides lifesaving, trauma-informed services for victims
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
and survivors of family violence and/or sexual assault.
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
Services are free of charge for primary and secondary
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
victims/survivors. Residential Services available include
following groups: Community Preservation &
a 24-hour crisis line, confidential safe shelter or lodging,
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor & safety planning, financial literacy and safety planning,
Employment, and Public Benefits. emergency response and accompaniment for sexual
assault survivors, transportation services, crisis
American Gateways intervention, advocacy, accompaniment for legal or
512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) health needs, legal assistance, individual and group counseling. Comprehensive nonresidential services
Provides immigrations legal services at no or low cost, include individual and group counseling, case
education, and advocacy. Main areas of focus include, management, legal assistance, accompaniment and
but are not limited to: consular process, DACA, Violence advocacy, information and referrals, housing and
Against Women Act, U-Visa, asylum, withholding of relocation assistance, childcare assistance, employment
removal, bond, parole, and more. assistance, legal assistance and coordination with other
community-based services providers and financial
Austin Bar Foundation’s Veterans Legal literacy and safety planning.
Assistance Program
512-472-0279 (Main Office) Justice for Our Neighbors – DFW 817-310-3820 (Main Office)
The Austin Bar Foundation’s Veterans Legal Assistance
Program organizes and provides free legal advice Provides free and affordable, high-quality immigration
clinics for qualified, low-income veterans, active-duty or legal services, shares information with the public and
reserve-duty service members, and their families who engages in advocacy with immigrants. Accepts all types
reside in or have a civil legal issue in the jurisdictional of non-detained immigration cases. Call for more
areas of Bastrop, Blanco, Burnett, Caldwell, Gillespie, information.
Hays, Travis, and Williamson counties of Texas. Our
volunteer attorneys are prepared to provide advice in
the following civil legal areas: Consumer/Finance,
Education, Employment, Family, Juvenile,
LASSA, (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault) American Gateways
800-991-5153 (Main Office) 512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office)
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors Provides immigrations legal services at no or low cost,
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west education, and advocacy. Main areas of focus include,
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply but are not limited to: consular process, DACA, Violence
for help leave a confidential voice message on the Against Women Act, U-Visa, asylum, withholding of
LASSA main office line. removal, bond, parole, and more.

Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Austin Bar Foundation’s Veterans Legal Assistance
Legal Services (RAICES) Program
210-226-7722 (Main Office) 512-472-0279 (Main Office)
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum The Austin Bar Foundation’s Veterans Legal Assistance
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, Program organizes and provides free legal advice
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human clinics for qualified, low-income veterans, active-duty or
trafficking. reserve-duty service members, and their families who
reside in or have a civil legal issue in the jurisdictional
Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics areas of Bastrop, Blanco, Burnett, Caldwell, Gillespie,
512-477-6000 (Main Office) Hays, Travis, and Williamson counties of Texas. Our volunteer attorneys are prepared to provide advice in
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist the following civil legal areas: Consumer/Finance,
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child Education, Employment, Family, Juvenile,
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall Health/Healthcare, Housing, Income Maintenance,
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public Individual Rights, Estate Planning/Powers of Attorney,
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community Occupational Drivers’ License, and Criminal
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library, Nondisclosure or Expunction. Some cases may qualify
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library, for extended services. Please apply online or call our
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library, office to see if your legal issue is a case type that our
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton program may cover.
County Library’s El Campo Branch.
Catholic Charities of Central Texas Immigration
CALDWELL Legal Services
County Seat – Lockhart 512-651-6100 (Main Office)
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. The Immigration Legal Services Program provides low-
800-369-9270 (San Antonio) cost representation for persons seeking immigration
833-329-8752 (Main Office) assistance in Central Texas. We practice in most areas of immigration law including, but not limited to, family-
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people based immigration, naturalization, DACA, victim visas,
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including asylum, and removal defense. Hotline: 512-651-6125.
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, Central Texas Dispute Resolution Center
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and 512-878-0382 (Main Office)
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases Nonprofit mediation service. We serve the unserved and
ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through underserved residents of Hays, Caldwell, Comal, and
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard Guadalupe Counties. We mediate community disputes,
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized civil cases, family, divorce, and child custody.
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
following groups: Community Preservation & Disability Rights Texas
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic 512-454-4816 (Austin)
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor & 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Employment, and Public Benefits.
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at:

Hays-Caldwell Women’s Center LASSA, (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
512-398-9880 (Lockhart) 800-991-5153 (Main Office)
512-396-4357 (Main Office) Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
Serving victims of family violence, sexual assault, dating of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
violence and child abuse from Hays and Caldwell Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
counties. Provides comprehensive services including for help leave a confidential voice message on the
shelter, children’s advocacy center, counseling, LASSA main office line.
advocacy, and legal advocacy.
Mid-Coast Family Services
LASSA, (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault) 361-573-4357 (Main Office)
800-991-5153 (Main Office) Provides services to prevent and intervene in incidences
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors of family violence, homelessness, sexual assault, and
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west substance abuse. We operate an emergency shelter,
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply transitional housing, permanent supportive housing,
for help leave a confidential voice message on the rental assistance, case management, support groups
LASSA main office line. and individual support for families and individuals.
24-hour hotline: 800-870-0368.
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
Legal Services (RAICES) Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
210-226-7722 (Main Office) Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office)
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
trafficking. and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
County Seat – Port Lavaca CALLAHAN
County Seat – Baird
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
800-234-1274 (San Antonio) Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
833-329-8752 (Main Office) 325-677-8591 (Abilene) 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized Disability Rights Texas
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the 806-765-7794 (Lubbock)
following groups: Community Preservation & 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor & Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
Employment, and Public Benefits. issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at:
Disability Rights Texas
210-737-0499 (San Antonio) Noah Project, Inc.
800-252-9108 (Main Office) 325-676-7107 (Main Office)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights Shelter and outreach advocacy services for victims of
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or domestic violence, sexual assault, and human
apply online at: trafficking. Staff attorney provides legal services

including assistance with protective orders, divorce and LASSA, (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
custody cases, and weekly legal classes. 800-991-5153 (Main Office)
CAMERON Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
County Seat – Brownsville of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. for help leave a confidential voice message on the
800-369-2651 or 956-982-5540 (Brownsville) LASSA main office line.
833-329-8752 (Main Office) South Texas Immigration Council
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people 956-425-6987 (Main Office)
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including Provides legal representation before USCIS and EOIR.
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody Immigration removal defense including applications for
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, relief (VAWA, Cancellation of Removal, Adjustment of
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and Status).
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases South Texas Pro Bono Asylum Representation
ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through Project (ProBAR)
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard 956-365-3775 (Main Office)
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the ProBAR provides legal services to immigrants in
following groups: Community Preservation & removal proceedings in the Rio Grande Valley, including
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic adults detained in ICE custody and unaccompanied
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor & children, among others. Our services include legal
Employment, and Public Benefits. orientations and general information about immigration
proceedings, representation and pro se assistance to
Casa de Proyecto Libertad respondents with cases before USCIS, EOIR, or the
956-425-9552 (Main Office) Board of Immigration Appeals, and legal referrals and
Handles all aspects of immigration cases, specializing in social services support for people transitioning out of
VAWA, U visa, and DACA claims. federal immigration detention.

Disability Rights Texas Texas A&M University School of Law – Tax Dispute
210-737-0499 (San Antonio) Resolution Clinic
800-252-9108 (Main Office) 817-212-4123 (Main Office)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights -clinic
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or Provides free assistance to help low-income taxpayers
apply online at: resolve their problems with the Internal Revenue Service
(IRS) or Tax Court; handles problems such as IRS
Family Crisis Center, Inc. audits, administrative appeals, negotiating with the IRS if
866-423-9304 (Main Office) you are unable to pay, or Tax Court cases. The clinic does not prepare tax returns. Services are delivered by
Provides legal advocacy and free, confidential direct Texas A&M law students supervised by qualified tax
victim services for victims of domestic violence and attorney. For screening and appointments call or visit the
sexual assault. website.

Friendship of Women, Inc. (FOWI) CAMP

956-544-7412 (Main Office) County Seat – Pittsburg
FOWI assists victims of domestic violence and sexual Lone Star Legal Aid
assault. They partner with Texas RioGrande Legal Aid 800-866-0821 (Longview)
for legal assistance. FOWI refers cases where victims 800-733-8394 (Main Office)
need a protective order, divorce, child custody, child
support, and immigration. Legal intake is done through Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
TRLA, they are only a referral source for legal services. matters to eligible, low-income Texans.

Catholic Charities – Diocese of Tyler Disability Rights Texas
903-258-9492 (Main Office) 806-765-7794 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Provides immigration services such as Naturalization
and Citizenship, Adjustment of Status, VAWA, U-Visas, Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
DACA and family-based petitions. By appointment. issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at:
Disability Rights Texas
214-630-0916 (Dallas) Hutchinson County Crisis Center, Inc.
800-252-9108 (Main Office) 806-273-2313 (Main Office)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights Provides legal advocacy, particularly with obtaining
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or protective orders and referrals to free legal assistance,
apply online at: for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.
24-hour crisis hotline.
Shelter Agencies for Families in East Texas
(SAFE-T Crisis Center) Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
903-575-9999 (Main Office) 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
Provides services to victims/survivors of domestic The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
violence and sexual assault, as well as their children. Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
Services include: legal assistance, accompaniment to representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
court, crime victim assistance, rape crisis intervention, controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
shelter, counseling, and support groups. Also, Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
advocates for offender accountability through the matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
criminal justice system on behalf of the survivors, as securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
well as advocating for crime victims’ rights, including, subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
but not limited to, landlord-tenant issues, confidentiality, for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
participation in the criminal justice process, and crime compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
victim compensation. Toll Free: 888-801-HELP (4357). an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
512-477-6000 (Main Office) dependency issues, earned income credit controversies, and a limited amount of representation in the United
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public Tralee Crisis Center for Women, Inc.
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community 800-658-2796 (Main Office)
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library, Provides comprehensive services, including: crisis
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library, intervention; advocacy; law enforcement and criminal
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton justice accompaniment; medical (SANE) accompaniment;
County Library's El Campo Branch. emergency safe shelter; and peer and professional
counseling for victims of domestic violence, sexual
CARSON assault, and other violent crimes. 24-hour crisis line.
County Seat – Panhandle
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas County Seat – Linden
806-373-6808 (Amarillo)
888-529-5277 (Main Office) Lone Star Legal Aid 800-568-3857 (Texarkana)
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization 800-733-8394 (Main Office)
that provides free civil legal help to low-income
residents in 114 Texas counties throughout North and Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
West Texas, with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
Brownwood, Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock,
McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo,
Waxahachie, Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
Catholic Charities – Diocese of Tyler Disability Rights Texas
903-258-9492 (Main Office) 806-765-7794 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Provides immigration services such as Naturalization
and Citizenship, Adjustment of Status, VAWA, U-Visas, Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
DACA and family-based petitions. By appointment. issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at:
Disability Rights Texas
214-630-0916 (Dallas) Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
800-252-9108 (Main Office) 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
apply online at: representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
Domestic Violence Prevention, Inc. Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
903-793-4357 (Main Office) matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to, securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
Provides legal advocacy, particularly with obtaining subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
protective orders for survivors of domestic violence and for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
sexual assault. 24-hour crisis line. compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
CASTRO before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
County Seat – Dimmitt Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas and a limited amount of representation in the United
806-293-8491 (Plainview) States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
888-529-5277 (Main Office) criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization CHAMBERS
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents County Seat – Anahuac
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, Lone Star Legal Aid
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, 800-551-3712 (Galveston)
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie, 800-733-8394 (Main Office)
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Lubbock matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
806-765-8475 (Main Office) Bay Area Turning Point
Provides direct client assistance with basic needs; 281-286-2525 (Main Office)
elderly assistance; youth and family counseling
services; kinship family support; immigration services Bay Area Turning Point provides recovery solutions and
including renewal or replacement of Legal Permanent options for domestic and sexual assault victims to
Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card, include the following: 24-hour crisis intervention via the
assistance with family-based categories for non- hotline, information and referrals, emergency shelter, and
immigrant and immigrant visas, and Violence Against case management. Victim advocacy includes: assistance
Women Act (VAWA). with applying for protective orders, assistance with
applying for crime victim’s compensation, and assistance
Crisis Center of the Plains with interfacing with law enforcement and the criminal
806-293-7273 (Main Office) justice system. Victim accompaniment to criminal justice entities, medical facilities, and law enforcement
Provides legal advocacy, particularly with obtaining agencies. Individual and family counseling, support
protective orders and referrals to free legal assistance groups, housing assistance, assistance with accessing
for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and resources to recover from trauma and abuse.
human trafficking. 24-hour hotline.

Beacon Law, a Program of The Beacon Memorial Assistance Ministries
713-220-9780 (Main Office) 713-929-9280 (Main Office)
A civil legal aid program of The Beacon focused on Assists low-income immigrants with a variety of
helping the homeless and indigent population of immigration matters, including family-based petitions,
Houston with ID restoration, clearing criminal history, Renewal or Replacement of Lawful Permanent
social security disability appeals, limited family law, Residency card, Adjustment of Status to Lawful
housing law, including evictions and limited wills and Permanent Residency, Naturalization/Citizenship,
estate assistance. Humanitarian-based petitions for victims of crime
(U-Visa/VAWA), DACA Renewals: Deferred Action for
Boat People SOS, Inc. Childhood Arrivals. Call and leave a message for
281-530-6888 (Main Office) questions and more information.
Provides civil legal assistance for low-income YMCA International Services
Vietnamese Texans in the areas of domestic violence, 713-758-9280 (Main Office)
human trafficking, family law, immigration, and wills.
Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas – Immigration The Immigration Legal Department of the YMCA
Services International Services provides counseling or
855-924-4400 (Beaumont) representation to individuals seeking immigration
409-924-4400 (Main Office) assistance. Assistance is available for asylum seekers, crime survivors, survivors of domestic violence and
Provides legal immigration services for a nominal fee. human trafficking. Services also include family
The types of cases they accept are family-based reunification visas, adjustment of status and
petitions, consular processing abroad, adjustment of naturalization applications. During consultations,
status, self-petitions under VAWA, U Visa, naturalization, individuals can discuss their immigration case with an
citizenship acquisition and derivation, DACA (Deferred Immigration Attorney, Department of Justice Accredited
Action for Childhood Arrivals), renewal of green card, Representative or an Immigration Case Manager.
I-601 Waivers, Appeals, FOIA, and Affidavits of Support. Handles immigration matters only and must make
appointment first.
Disability Rights Texas
713-974-7691 (Houston) CHEROKEE
800-252-9108 (Main Office) County Seat – Rusk
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights Lone Star Legal Aid
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or 800-354-1889 (Nacogdoches)
apply online at: 800-733-8394 (Main Office)
FamilyTime Crisis and Counseling Center Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
281-446-2615 (Main Office) matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
Provides legal advocacy for survivors of human Catholic Charities – Diocese of Tyler
trafficking, domestic violence, and sexual assault, 903-258-9492 (Main Office)
particularly with emergency shelter access, free
individual and group counseling, hospital and court Provides immigration services such as Naturalization
accompaniment, and more. 24-hour crisis hotline. and Citizenship, Adjustment of Status, VAWA, U-Visas,
DACA and family-based petitions. By appointment.
Houston Immigration Legal Services Collaborative
833-468-4664 (Main Office) Crisis Center of Anderson and Cherokee Counties 903-586-9118 (Jacksonville)
HILSC focuses only on immigration matters. It is not a 903-723-5858 (Main Office)
direct service provider and does not accept cases. A nonprofit organization providing support, advocacy,
Connects case placement requests with other and resources for the victims of family and sexual
immigration legal services and attorneys in private violence. Services include help with Immigration,
practice who are members of the American Immigration Landlord/Tenant, and Family Law (excluding CPS
Lawyer Association. cases). 24-hr hotline 800-232-8519.

Disability Rights Texas First Step of Wichita Falls, Inc.
713-974-7691 (Houston) 800-658-2683 (Main Office)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Provides comprehensive family violence and sexual
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights assault services which include but are not limited to:
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or safe house, counseling, legal advocacy, hospital
apply online at: advocacy, children's program, and education and
training. 24-hour hotline.
Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics
512-477-6000 (Main Office) Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library, Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library, matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library, securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
County Library's El Campo Branch. for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
CHILDRESS an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
County Seat – Childress before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
940-723-5542 (Wichita Falls) and a limited amount of representation in the United
888-529-5277 (Main Office) States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
that provides free civil legal help to low-income Tralee Crisis Center for Women, Inc.
residents in 114 Texas counties throughout North and 800-658-2796 (Main Office)
West Texas, with offices in Abilene, Amarillo,
Brownwood, Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, Provides comprehensive services, including: crisis
McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, intervention; advocacy; law enforcement and criminal
Waxahachie, Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. justice accompaniment; medical (SANE) accompaniment;
emergency safe shelter; and peer and professional
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Lubbock counseling for victims of domestic violence, sexual
806-765-8475 (Main Office) assault, and other violent crimes. 24-hour crisis line.
Provides direct client assistance with basic needs; CLAY
elderly assistance; youth and family counseling County Seat – Henrietta
services; kinship family support; immigration services
including renewal or replacement of Legal Permanent Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card, 940-723-5542 (Wichita Falls)
assistance with family-based categories for non- 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
immigrant and immigrant visas, and Violence Against
Women Act (VAWA). Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
that provides free civil legal help to low-income
Disability Rights Texas residents in 114 Texas counties throughout North and
806-765-7794 (Lubbock) West Texas, with offices in Abilene, Amarillo,
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Brownwood, Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo,
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights Waxahachie, Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at:

Disability Rights Texas Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
214-630-0916 (Dallas) 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
apply online at: controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
First Step of Wichita Falls, Inc. matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
800-658-2683 (Main Office) securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
Provides comprehensive family violence and sexual for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
assault services which include but are not limited to: compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
safe house, counseling, legal advocacy, hospital an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
advocacy, children’s program, and education and before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
training. 24-hour hotline. Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
COCHRAN and a limited amount of representation in the United
County Seat – Morton States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
806-763-4557 (Lubbock) Women’s Protective Services
888-529-5277 (Main Office) 800-736-6491 (Lubbock) 806-747-6491 (Main Office)
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
that provides free civil legal help to low-income Provides legal advocacy for victims of family violence
residents in 114 Texas counties throughout North and with services including, but not limited, to counseling,
West Texas, with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, crisis intervention, B.I.P.P, social services, safe housing,
Brownwood, Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, and safety planning.
McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo,
Waxahachie, Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. COKE
County Seat – Robert Lee
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Lubbock
806-765-8475 (Main Office) Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas 325-653-6982 (San Angelo)
Provides direct client assistance with basic needs; 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
elderly assistance; youth and family counseling
services; kinship family support; immigration services Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
including renewal or replacement of Legal Permanent that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card, in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
assistance with family-based categories for non- with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
immigrant and immigrant visas, and Violence Against Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
Women Act (VAWA). Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
Disability Rights Texas
806-765-7794 (Lubbock) Disability Rights Texas
800-252-9108 (Main Office) 806-765-7794 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
apply online at: issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at:
Legal Aid Society of Lubbock, Inc.
806-762-2325 (Main Office) The Family Shelter 325-658-8631 (San Angelo)
The Legal Aid Society of Lubbock provides excellent 800-749-8631 (Main Office)
legal services and support in challenging times to Provides legal advocacy for family violence survivors
families and survivors of domestic violence across the with services including, but not limited to: emergency
South Plains. shelter access, counseling, case management,
information and referrals, transportation, and county Disability Rights Texas
outreach service. 24-hour hotline. 512-454-4816 (Austin)
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
Legal Services (RAICES) Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
210-226-7722 (Main Office) issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or apply online at:
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, Mosaic Family Services
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human 214-821-5393 (Main Office)
Our legal department provides services to victims of
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking
806-742-4312 (Main Office) through immigration and family law representation. Our legal department provides immigration representation to
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income victims in the North Texas area and our family law
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and representation is for Dallas and Collin County.
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax Legal Services (RAICES)
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to, 210-226-7722 (Main Office)
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation trafficking.
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues, COLLIN
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies, County Seat – McKinney
and a limited amount of representation in the United
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation. 972-542-9405 (McKinney)
888-529-5277 (Main Office)
County Seat – Coleman Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
325-677-8591 (Abilene) with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
888-529-5277 (Main Office) Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas, Catholic Charities of Dallas – Immigration Legal
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, Services
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, 214-634-7182 (Main Office)
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. Catholic Charities, Immigration and Legal Services (ILS)
was established in 1975 in response to the growing
The Ark Domestic Violence Shelter number of immigrants moving to the North Texas area.
325-643-2699 (Main Office) ILS is fully accredited by the U.S. Department of Justice to provide a broad range of immigration counseling and
Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic and representation to immigrants and their families.
sexual violence, emergency shelter, emergency
transportation, assistance with short- and long-term
goals, and safety planning. Assists in protective orders,
crime victims’ compensation and address confidentiality
program. Offers court and medical accompaniment,
support groups, and more. 24-hour hotline.

Disability Rights Texas Legal Hospice of Texas
214-630-0916 (Dallas) 214-521-6622 (Main Office)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Provides free legal counsel, representation, and
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights advocacy to low-income persons who are diagnosed
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or with a terminal illness or HIV, have a civil legal issue
apply online at: related to their diagnosis, and meet established income
The Family Place
214-941-1991 (Main Office) Texas A&M University School of Law – Tax Dispute Resolution Clinic
Assists domestic violence victims through the legal 817-212-4123 (Main Office)
process on matters such as temporary custody orders,
divorce and support (spousal and child), custody and -clinic
visitation, protective orders, emergency orders, and Provides free assistance to help low-income taxpayers
writs of attachment. 24-hour hotline. resolve their problems with the Internal Revenue
Service (IRS) or Tax Court; handles problems such as
Hope’s Door New Beginning Center IRS audits, administrative appeals, negotiating with the
972-422-2911 (Main Office) IRS if you are unable to pay, or Tax Court cases. The clinic does not prepare tax returns. Services are
Hope’s Door New Beginning Center is a family violence delivered by Texas A&M law students supervised by
center offering a broad range of services to those qualified tax attorney. For screening and appointments
experiencing family violence and abuse. The legal call or visit the website.
advocacy program provides free consultations to all
survivor clients of the organization and direct COLLINGSWORTH
representation in family law matters to a percentage of County Seat – Wellington
clients who qualify. It offers a 24-hour crisis hotline,
counseling center, and emergency shelter. Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
806-373-6808 (Amarillo)
Housing Crisis Center 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
214-828-4244 (Main Office) Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
Provides free legal information and education to tenants that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
regarding landlord-tenant issues. The goal of HCC’s in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
clinic is to prevent homelessness through offering free with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
legal advice and the required documentation for Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
participants to represent themselves. Sessions are held Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
every second and fourth Wednesdays of the month at Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
HCC’s main office.
Disability Rights Texas
Human Rights Initiative of North Texas 806-765-7794 (Lubbock)
214-855-0520 (Main Office) 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Immigration legal services. Through a pro bono network, Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
staff attorneys and accredited representatives: we seek issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
all of Immigration Relief: asylum, relief under the apply online at:
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), Victims of
Trafficking and Violence Protection Act, immigrant Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
victims of violent crime and immigrant child victims of 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
abuse, neglect and abandonment.
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
Justice for Our Neighbors – DFW Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
817-310-3820 (Main Office) representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
Provides free and affordable, high-quality immigration Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
legal services, shares information with the public and matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
engages in advocacy with immigrants. Accepts all types securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
of non-detained immigration cases. Call for more subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
information. for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as Memorial Assistance Ministries
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation 713-929-9280 (Main Office)
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues, Assists low-income immigrants with a variety of
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies, immigration matters, including family-based petitions,
and a limited amount of representation in the United Renewal or Replacement of Lawful Permanent
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any Residency card, Adjustment of Status to Lawful
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation. Permanent Residency, Naturalization/Citizenship,
Humanitarian-based petitions for victims of crime
Tralee Crisis Center for Women, Inc. (U-Visa/VAWA), DACA Renewals: Deferred Action for
800-658-2796 (Main Office) Childhood Arrivals. Call and leave a message for questions and more information.
Provides comprehensive services, including: crisis
intervention; advocacy; law enforcement and criminal Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics
justice accompaniment; medical (SANE) 512-477-6000 (Main Office)
accompaniment; emergency safe shelter; and peer and
professional counseling for victims of domestic violence, Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
sexual assault, and other violent crimes. 24-hour crisis with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
line. support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
COLORADO Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
County Seat – Columbus Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library,
Lone Star Legal Aid Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
832-913-7200 (Richmond) Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
800-733-8394 (Main Office) County Library's El Campo Branch.
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil COMAL
matters to eligible, low-income Texans. County Seat – New Braunfels
Disability Rights Texas Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
512-454-4816 (Austin) 800-369-0356 (San Antonio)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) 833-329-8752 (Main Office)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
apply online at: bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
Family Crisis Center accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
512-321-7760 (Columbus) environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
512-303-7755 (Main Office) legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
violence, sexual assault, and stalking, particularly with in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
sliding-scale legal assistance. Toll-free: 888-311-7755. following groups: Community Preservation &
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic
Fort Bend County Women’s Center, Inc. Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
281-342-4357 (Main Office) Employment, and Public Benefits.
The Fort Bend Women’s Center Legal Department Alamo Area Resource Center
represents clients in divorce, suits affecting parent-child 800-308-2437 (San Antonio)
relationships, protective orders, enforcement, and 210-625-7200 (Main Office)
modification matters.
A LGBT primary care and HIV specialty care clinic
provides free HIV testing. Offers referrals to persons
with HIV/AIDS seeking general civil legal services

including advocacy, wills, guardianships, directives and LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
powers of attorney. 800-991-5153 (Main Office)
American Gateways Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
Provides immigrations legal services at no or low cost, for help leave a confidential voice message on the
education, and advocacy. Main areas of focus include, LASSA main office line.
but are not limited to: consular process, DACA, Violence
Against Women Act, U-Visa, asylum, withholding of Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
removal, bond, parole, and more. Legal Services (RAICES)
210-226-7722 (Main Office)
Catholic Charities Archdiocese of San Antonio
Caritas Legal Services Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
210-433-3256 (Main Office) seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
Provides low-cost legal services in the areas of trafficking.
immigration, guardianship, estate planning, and probate.
St. Mary’s University School of Law, Center for
Central Texas Dispute Resolution Center Legal and Social Justice
512-878-0382 (Main Office) 210-431-2596 (Main Office)
Nonprofit mediation service. We serve the unserved and -legal-social-justice
underserved residents of Hays, Caldwell, Comal, and NOTICE: This provider has limited availability for cases.
Guadalupe Counties. We mediate community disputes, St. Mary’s University School of Law proudly offers four
civil cases, family, divorce, and child custody. outstanding clinical courses for second- and third-year
law students: the Civil Justice Clinic-Consumer
Crisis Center of Comal County Protection, the Civil Justice Clinic-Family Law, the
830-620-7520 (Main Office) Immigration and Human Rights Clinic and the Criminal Justice Clinic. The clinical courses are dedicated to
The Crisis Center of Comal County (CCCC) has educating students at St. Mary’s while addressing the
provided services to victims of domestic violence and otherwise unmet legal needs of income-qualified people
sexual assault for 33 years. Provides 24-hour in San Antonio and South Texas.
emergency shelter, court accompaniment, case
management, counseling, children’s program, and legal COMANCHE
advocacy to men, women, and children who are victims County Seat – Comanche
of domestic violence (DV) and/or sexual assault (SA).
Sheltering includes safety, bed/ bath, meals, case Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
management, counseling, financial assistance, and 325-646-8659 (Brownwood)
transportation. The goal of the shelter is to provide a 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
safe place for victims and families to live without fear,
gather their thoughts, and prepare for transitioning to Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
the community with a promising and safe future. that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
Disability Rights Texas with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
512-454-4816 (Austin) Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie, Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or The Ark Domestic Violence Shelter
apply online at: 325-430-4691 (Comanche)
325-643-2699 (Main Office)
Family Violence Prevention Services, Inc.
210-930-3669 (Main Office) Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic and sexual violence, emergency shelter, emergency
Provides free legal assistance to income-eligible victims transportation, assistance with short- and long-term
of domestic violence; emergency shelter; and goals, and safety planning. Assists in protective orders,
community-based intervention and prevention services. crime victims’ compensation and address confidentiality
24-hour hotline: 210-733-8810.
program. Offers court and medical accompaniment, COOKE
support groups, and more. 24-hour hotline. County Seat – Gainesville

Cross Timbers Family Services Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas

866-934-4357 (Main Office) 940-383-1406 (Denton) 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
Provides 24-hour crisis hotline, victim's assistance and
crisis counseling, advocacy and criminal justice support, Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
Crime Victim's Compensation assistance, medical that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
accompaniments, and protective order assistance. in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
Disability Rights Texas Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
512-454-4816 (Austin) Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights Disability Rights Texas
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or 214-630-0916 (Dallas)
apply online at: 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
CONCHO Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
County Seat – Paint Rock issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at:
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
325-653-6982 (San Angelo) Grayson Crisis Center
888-529-5277 (Main Office) 903-893-5615 (Main Office)
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization Provides a safe haven, crisis intervention, and
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents comprehensive support services to victims of family
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas, violence and sexual assault. The center is dedicated to
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, breaking the cycle of family and sexual violence through
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, community education while assisting victims in their
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie, transition to a more stable and self-sufficient life. Legal
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. advocacy services include help with obtaining protective
orders and referrals to free and sliding-scale legal
Disability Rights Texas assistance. 24-hour hotline.
806-765-7794 (Lubbock)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Legal Hospice of Texas 214-521-6622 (Main Office)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or Provides free legal counsel, representation, and
apply online at: advocacy to low-income persons who are diagnosed
with a terminal illness or HIV, have a civil legal issue
The Family Shelter related to their diagnosis, and meet established income
325-658-8631 (San Angelo) criteria.
800-749-8631 (Main Office)
Provides legal advocacy for family violence survivors CORYELL
with services including, but not limited to: emergency County Seat – Gatesville
shelter access, counseling, case management,
information and referrals, transportation, and county Lone Star Legal Aid
outreach service. 24-hour hotline. 800-234-6606 (Belton)
800-733-8394 (Main Office)
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
Legal Services (RAICES) Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
210-226-7722 (Main Office) matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
American Gateways Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office)
Provides immigrations legal services at no or low cost,
education, and advocacy. Main areas of focus include, Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
but are not limited to: consular process, DACA, Violence seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
Against Women Act, U-Visa, asylum, withholding of and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
removal, bond, parole, and more. trafficking.

Baylor Law Veterans Clinic COTTLE

254-710-4244 (Main Office) County Seat – Paducah
The free legal advice clinic is held one Friday afternoon Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
each month from September through July at the Heart 940-723-5542 (Wichita Falls)
of Texas Veterans One Stop and is open to all veterans 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
and veterans’ spouses regardless of income level.
Additional civil legal services are offered to those Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
meeting eligibility requirements. The Heart of Texas that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
Veterans One Stop is located at 2010 La Salle Avenue, in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
Waco, Texas 76706. with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
Catholic Charities of Central Texas Immigration Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
Legal Services Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
512-651-6100 (Main Office) Catholic Charities, Diocese of Lubbock
The Immigration Legal Services Program provides low- 806-765-8475 (Main Office)
cost representation for persons seeking immigration
assistance in Central Texas. We practice in most areas Provides direct client assistance with basic needs;
of immigration law including, but not limited to, family- elderly assistance; youth and family counseling
based immigration, naturalization, DACA, victim visas, services; kinship family support; immigration services
asylum, and removal defense. Hotline: 512-651-6125. including renewal or replacement of Legal Permanent
Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card,
Disability Rights Texas assistance with family-based categories for non-
512-454-4816 (Austin) immigrant and immigrant visas, and Violence Against
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Women Act (VAWA).
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights Disability Rights Texas
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or 214-630-0916 (Dallas)
apply online at: 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Families In Crisis, Inc. Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
254-634-1184 (Main Office) issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or apply online at:
24-hour emergency safe shelter for survivors of
domestic/sexual violence, outreach services, housing First Step of Wichita Falls, Inc.
assistance, Friends In Crisis Homeless Shelter (night 800-658-2683 (Main Office)
shelter 7 days per week), rental assistance and
supportive services for low-income veterans and their Provides comprehensive family violence and sexual
families. 24-hour hotline: 888-799-7233. assault services which include but are not limited to:
safe house, counseling, legal advocacy, hospital
Justice for Our Neighbors – DFW advocacy, children’s program, and education and
817-310-3820 (Main Office) training. 24-hour hotline.
Provides free and affordable, high-quality immigration Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
legal services, shares information with the public and 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
engages in advocacy with immigrants. Accepts all types
of non-detained immigration cases. Call for more The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
information. Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax 512-477-6000 (Main Office)
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues, Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library,
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies, Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
and a limited amount of representation in the United Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any County Library's El Campo Branch.
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
CRANE 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
County Seat – Crane
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
432-332-1207 (Odessa) representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
888-529-5277 (Main Office) controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas, subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie, an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
Disability Rights Texas dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
915-542-0585 (El Paso) and a limited amount of representation in the United
800-252-9108 (Main Office) States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or CROCKETT
apply online at: County Seat – Ozona

Safe Place of the Permian Basin Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
432-570-1465 (Main Office) 800-369-0356 (San Antonio) 833-329-8752 (Main Office)
Safe Place’s mission is to break the cycle of family
violence by empowering individuals to make safe and TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
healthy choices through awareness, advocacy, facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
counseling, and shelter while promoting hope, healing, bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
and dignity. Safe Place provides comprehensive arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
recovery services so that victims of family violence accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
receive safe and secure shelter, recover from the environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
trauma they have experienced, work to regain their self- legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
esteem, and evaluate their options for moving to a self- ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
sufficient and abuse free life. Family violence recovery Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
services include: 24-hour crisis hotline, emergency in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
shelter, counseling, advocacy and case management, into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
support groups, children’s programming and parenting following groups: Community Preservation &
classes. Toll free 800-967-8928. Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
Employment, and Public Benefits.

Disability Rights Texas securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
915-542-0585 (El Paso) subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
800-252-9108 (Main Office) for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
apply online at: Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
The Family Shelter and a limited amount of representation in the United
325-658-8631 (San Angelo) States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
800-749-8631 (Main Office) criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
Provides legal advocacy for family violence survivors
with services including, but not limited to: emergency CROSBY
shelter access, counseling, case management, County Seat – Crosbyton
information and referrals, transportation, and county
outreach service. 24-hour hotline. Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
806-763-4557 (Lubbock)
LASSA, (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault) 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
800-991-5153 (Main Office)
800-991-5153 (Main Office) Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
for help leave a confidential voice message on the Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
LASSA main office line. Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.

Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Catholic Charities, Diocese of Lubbock
Legal Services (RAICES) 806-765-8475 (Main Office)
210-226-7722 (Main Office) Provides direct client assistance with basic needs;
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum elderly assistance; youth and family counseling services;
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, kinship family support; immigration services including
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human renewal or replacement of Legal Permanent Resident
trafficking. Card and/or Employment Authorization Card, assistance
with family-based categories for non-immigrant and
Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics immigrant visas, and Violence Against Women Act
512-477-6000 (Main Office) (VAWA).
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist Disability Rights Texas
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child 806-765-7794 (Lubbock)
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library, issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library, apply online at:
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton Legal Aid Society of Lubbock, Inc.
County Library's El Campo Branch. 806-762-2325 (Main Office)
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic The Legal Aid Society of Lubbock provides excellent
806-742-4312 (Main Office) legal services and support in challenging times to families and survivors of domestic violence across the
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income South Plains.
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic of sexual and/or family violence. Crisis intervention and
806-742-4312 (Main Office) advocacy are available by calling the hotline. Toll-free: 800-727-0511.
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services, Inc. (DMRS)
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with 915-532-3975 (Main Office)
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax DMRS is the largest provider of free and low-cost
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to, immigration legal services in West Texas and New
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or Mexico. Services provided cover a comprehensive range
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements of immigration legal services including representation in
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in family-based immigration matters,
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as Citizenship/Naturalization matters, matters related to
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation benefits for survivors of domestic violence and other
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue crimes, removal proceedings before the Immigration
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues, Courts, and services for adults and unaccompanied
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies, immigrant children detained in the local immigration
and a limited amount of representation in the United detention centers and shelters.
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation. Disability Rights Texas
915-542-0585 (El Paso)
Women’s Protective Services 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
800-736-6491 (Lubbock)
806-747-6491 (Main Office) Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
Provides legal advocacy for victims of family violence apply online at:
with services including, but not limited, to counseling,
crisis intervention, B.I.P.P, social services, safe housing, Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center
and safety planning. 915-544-5126 (Main Office)
CULBERSON Provides pro-bono services to people detained and
County Seat – Van Horn facing removal proceedings in the El Paso Processing
and Otero Processing Center. Focuses on bond, parole,
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. and full asylum representation. Also provides pro-bono
432-837-1199 (El Paso) services to asylum seekers forced to wait in Mexico
833-329-8752 (Main Office) during their court proceedings under the government program known as the Migrant Protection Protocols.
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people Pro-bono and low-bono services for non-detained
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including immigrants seeking immigration relief including crime
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody victims relief, family petitions, DACA renewal,
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, representation in court and citizenship applications.
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil LASSA, (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases 800-991-5153 (Main Office)
ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
following groups: Community Preservation & for help leave a confidential voice message on the
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic LASSA main office line.
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
Employment, and Public Benefits. Texas A&M University School Of Law – Tax Dispute
Resolution Clinic
Center Against Sexual & Family Violence 817-212-4123 (Main Office)
915-593-7300 (Main Office) clinic
Provides confidential assistance, shelter, counseling, Provides free assistance to help low-income taxpayers
and support to individuals and families who are victims resolve their problems with the Internal Revenue
Service (IRS) or Tax Court; handles problems such as
IRS audits, administrative appeals, negotiating with the Disability Rights Texas
IRS if you are unable to pay, or Tax Court cases. The 806-765-7794 (Lubbock)
clinic does not prepare tax returns. Services are 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
delivered by Texas A&M law students supervised by
qualified tax attorney. For screening and appointments Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
call or visit the website. issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at:
Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics
512-477-6000 (Main Office) Safe Place, Inc. 806-935-2828 (Main Office)
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public protective orders and referrals to free and sliding-scale
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community legal assistance; also offers parenting, anger
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library, management, and healthy relationship classes. 24-hour
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library, hotline.
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
County Library’s El Campo Branch. 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
806-742-4312 (Main Office) Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to, for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues, and a limited amount of representation in the United
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies, States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
and a limited amount of representation in the United criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation. DALLAS
County Seat – Dallas
County Seat – Dalhart Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
214-748-1234 (Dallas)
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
806-373-6808 (Amarillo)
888-529-5277 (Main Office) Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
The Bridge
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
214-670-1507 (Main Office)
The Bridge is a Homeless Recovery Center for
individuals without a home in Dallas County. Our doors
are open 24 hours per day, seven days a week, and we Genesis Women’s Shelter & Support
are the only shelter in Dallas providing day shelter 214-389-7700 (Dallas)
services to all adults experiencing homelessness. The 214-946-4357 (Hotline)
Bridge offers basic needs services including hot
showers, nutritious meals, and haircuts, as well as Genesis provides a variety of services to women and
intensive services such as physical and mental health their children who have experienced intimate partner
evaluations and care management services for almost violence. Services include civil legal representation,
500 guests every day and night shelter for 300 guests emergency shelter, transitional housing, counseling, and
each night. Through collaborative relationships with advocacy.
homeless services partners, The Bridge creates a one-
stop-shop experience enhancing a guest’s ability to Hope’s Door New Beginning Center
implement a Care and Housing Plan, or strategy for 972-422-2911 (Main Office)
exiting homelessness.
Hope’s Door New Beginning Center is a family violence
Catholic Charities of Dallas -– Immigration Legal center offering a broad range of services to those
Services experiencing family violence and abuse. The legal
214-634-7182 (Main Office) advocacy program provides free consultations to all survivor clients of the organization and direct
Catholic Charities, Immigration and Legal Services (ILS) representation in family law matters to a percentage of
was established in 1975 in response to the growing clients who qualify. It offers a 24-hour crisis hotline,
number of immigrants moving to the North Texas area. counseling center, and emergency shelter.
ILS is fully accredited by the U.S. Department of Justice
to provide a broad range of immigration counseling and Housing Crisis Center
representation to immigrants and their families. 214-828-4244 (Main Office)
Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program Neighborhood Provides free legal information and education to tenants
Legal Clinics regarding landlord-tenant issues. The goal of HCC’s
214-243-2236 (Main Office) clinic is to prevent homelessness through offering free legal advice and the required documentation for
Any person who wants to receive free legal help from participants to represent themselves. Sessions are held
the Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program must apply for every second and fourth Wednesdays of the month at
assistance and meet our eligibility guidelines. The HCC’s main office.
Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program helps clients with
benefits, consumer, employment, family, housing, Human Rights Initiative of North Texas
landlord-tenant, bankruptcy, expunctions and non- 214-855-0520 (Main Office)
disclosures, probate, real property, tax, and wills cases.
DVAP cannot help with criminal cases, tickets, or fee- Immigration legal services. Through a pro bono network,
generating cases such as personal injury matters. staff attorneys and accredited representatives: we seek
all of Immigration Relief: asylum, relief under the
Disability Rights Texas Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), Victims of
214-630-0916 (Dallas) Trafficking and Violence Protection Act, immigrant
800-252-9108 (Main Office) victims of violent crime and immigrant child victims of abuse, neglect and abandonment.
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or Justice for Our Neighbors – DFW
apply online at: 817-310-3820 (Main Office)
The Family Place Provides free and affordable, high-quality immigration
legal services, shares information with the public and
214-941-1991 (Main Office)
engages in advocacy with immigrants. Accepts all types
of non-detained immigration cases. Call for more
Assists domestic violence victims through the legal
process on matters such as temporary custody orders,
divorce and support (spousal and child), custody and
visitation, protective orders, emergency orders, and
writs of attachment. 24-hour hotline.

Legal Hospice of Texas Texas A&M University School of Law – Tax Dispute
214-521-6622 (Main Office) Resolution Clinic 817-212-4123 (Main Office)
Provides free legal counsel, representation, and
advocacy to low-income persons who are diagnosed -clinic
with a terminal illness or HIV, have a civil legal issue Provides free assistance to help low-income taxpayers
related to their diagnosis, and meet established income resolve their problems with the Internal Revenue
criteria. Service (IRS) or Tax Court; handles problems such as
IRS audits, administrative appeals, negotiating with the
LegalLine – Dallas Bar Association IRS if you are unable to pay, or Tax Court cases. The
214-220-7400 (Main Office) clinic does not prepare tax returns. Services are delivered by Texas A&M law students supervised by
Volunteer attorneys will answer legal questions at no qualified tax attorney. For screening and appointments
cost from 4 pm - 8 pm on Wednesdays via a LegalLine call or visit the website.
clinic, sponsored by the Dallas Bar Association. To
Workers Defense Project
participate, you will need to complete an online form. A
469-657-3928 (Main Office)
volunteer attorney will call the participant to provide up
to 15 minutes of free legal information for your legal Provides advocacy, leadership development, trainings
issue. Space is limited. Registration will close each and orientations around workplace safety and workers’
Tuesday at 12 pm. LegalLine is a free service. rights, and legal services, particularly to construction
workers who have experienced wage theft, retaliation,
Mosaic Family Services or unsafe working conditions.
214-821-5393 (Main Office)
Our legal department provides services to victims of
County Seat – Lamesa
domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking
through immigration and family law representation. Our
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
legal department provides immigration representation to 806-763-4557 (Lubbock)
victims in the North Texas area and our family law 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
representation is for Dallas and Collin County.
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
Legal Services (RAICES) in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
214-295-9554 (Dallas) with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
210-226-7722 (Main Office) Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human Disability Rights Texas
trafficking. 806-765-7794 (Lubbock)
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Salvation Army Domestic Violence Program
214-424-7208 (Main Office) Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
Provides legal advocacy including support, information apply online at:
and court accompaniment; assists with protective
orders, civil, criminal and other issues related to Legal Aid Society of Lubbock, Inc.
domestic violence; also provides general education 806-762-2325 (Main Office)
about legal rights for survivors of domestic violence and
sexual assault. 24-hour crisis hotline. The Legal Aid Society of Lubbock provides excellent
legal services and support in challenging times to
SMU Dedman School of Law Legal Clinics families and survivors of domestic violence across the
214-768-2562 (Main Office) South Plains.
Offers limited legal assistance through the law school's Safe Place of the Permian Basin
9 specialized legal clinics: child advocacy, 432-570-1465 (Main Office)
civil/consumer, criminal justice, first amendment, victims
of crime against women, patent law, small business and Safe Place’s mission is to break the cycle of family
trademark, federal taxpayers, and family law. For more violence by empowering individuals to make safe and
information, call or visit website. healthy choices through awareness, advocacy,
counseling, and shelter while promoting hope, healing, Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
and dignity. Safe Place provides comprehensive 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
recovery services so that victims of family violence
receive safe and secure shelter, recover from the The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
trauma they have experienced, work to regain their self- Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
esteem, and evaluate their options for moving to a self- representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
sufficient and abuse free life. Family violence recovery controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
services include: 24-hour crisis hotline, emergency Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
shelter, counseling, advocacy and case management, matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
support groups, children’s programming and parenting securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
classes. Toll free 800-967-8928. subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
806-742-4312 (Main Office) an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
and a limited amount of representation in the United
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to, criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements DELTA
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in County Seat – Cooper
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
Lone Star Legal Aid
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues, 800-925-5802 (Paris)
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies, 800-733-8394 (Main Office)
and a limited amount of representation in the United
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation. matters to eligible, low-income Texans.

DEAF SMITH Catholic Charities – Diocese of Tyler

County Seat – Hereford 903-258-9492 (Main Office)
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas Provides immigration services such as Naturalization
806-373-6808 (Amarillo) and Citizenship, Adjustment of Status, VAWA, U-Visas,
888-529-5277 (Main Office) DACA and family-based petitions. By appointment.
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization Disability Rights Texas
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents 214-630-0916 (Dallas)
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas, 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie, issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. apply online at:

Disability Rights Texas Dispute Resolution Services of Lamar County

806-765-7794 (Lubbock) 903-782-0447 (Main Office)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Provides mediation services in custody, divorce, misdemeanors, and domestic issues.
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or Shelter Agencies for Families in East Texas
apply online at: (SAFE-T Crisis Center)
903-572-0973 (Sulphur Springs)
903-575-9999 (Main Office)
Provides services to victims/survivors of domestic
violence and sexual assault, as well as their children.
Services include: legal assistance, accompaniment to
court, crime victim assistance, rape crisis intervention, Trafficking and Violence Protection Act, immigrant
shelter, counseling, and support groups. Also, victims of violent crime and immigrant child victims of
advocates for offender accountability through the abuse, neglect and abandonment.
criminal justice system on behalf of the survivors, as
well as advocating for crime victims’ rights, including, Justice for Our Neighbors – DFW
but not limited to, landlord-tenant issues, confidentiality, 817-310-3820 (Main Office)
participation in the criminal justice process, and crime
victim compensation. Toll Free: 888-801-HELP (4357). Provides free and affordable, high-quality immigration
legal services, shares information with the public and
engages in advocacy with immigrants. Accepts all types
DENTON of non-detained immigration cases. Call for more
County Seat – Denton information.
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas Legal Hospice Of Texas
940-383-1406 (Denton)
214-521-6622 (Main Office)
888-529-5277 (Main Office)
Provides free legal counsel, representation, and
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
advocacy to low-income persons who are diagnosed
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
with a terminal illness or HIV, have a civil legal issue
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
related to their diagnosis, and meet established income
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, criteria.
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. Mosaic Family Services
214-821-5393 (Main Office)
Denton Alternative Dispute Resolution Program
940-320-1500 (Main Office) Our legal department provides services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking
Denton County Alternative Dispute Resolution Program through immigration and family law representation. Our
(DCAP) is a non-profit organization that supports the legal department provides immigration representation to
community by offering low-cost mediations to resolve victims in the North Texas area and our family law
your disputes, which saves you money and lessens the representation is for Dallas and Collin County.
case load at the courthouse. The ADR Program
provided by DCAP offers a range of mediation services. Texas A&M University School of Law - Tax Dispute
DCAP will match your case with experienced Resolution Clinic
attorney/mediators based on the type of case you have 817-212-4123 (Main Office)
and the level your case is assigned.
Denton County Friends of The Family Provides free assistance to help low-income taxpayers
940-982-7273 (Main Office) resolve their problems with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or Tax Court; handles problems such as
Provides legal advocacy for those impacted by rape, IRS audits, administrative appeals, negotiating with the
sexual abuse, and domestic violence; assists clients in IRS if you are unable to pay, or Tax Court cases. The
obtaining protective orders; and assists clients in family clinic does not prepare tax returns. Services are
matters dealing with custody, child support, and divorce. delivered by Texas A&M law students supervised by
qualified tax attorney. For screening and appointments
Disability Rights Texas call or visit the website.
214-630-0916 (Dallas)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) DEWITT County Seat – Cuero
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
apply online at: 800-234-1274 (Corpus Christi)
833-329-8752 (Main Office)
Human Rights Initiative of North Texas
214-855-0520 (Main Office) TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
Immigration legal services. Through a pro bono network, bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
staff attorneys and accredited representatives: we seek arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
all of Immigration Relief: asylum, relief under the accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), Victims of environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized Catholic Charities, Diocese of Lubbock
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the 806-765-8475 (Main Office)
following groups: Community Preservation &
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic Provides direct client assistance with basic needs;
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor & elderly assistance; youth and family counseling
Employment, and Public Benefits. services; kinship family support; immigration services
including renewal or replacement of Legal Permanent
Disability Rights Texas Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card,
512-454-4816 (Austin) assistance with family-based categories for non-
800-252-9108 (Main Office) immigrant and immigrant visas, and Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or Disability Rights Texas
apply online at: 214-630-0916 (Dallas)
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
800-991-5153 (Main Office) Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
apply online at:
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
for help leave a confidential voice message on the
806-742-4312 (Main Office)
LASSA main office line.
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
Mid-Coast Family Services
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
361-573-4357 (Main Office) representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
Provides services to prevent and intervene in incidences controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
of family violence, homelessness, sexual assault, and Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
substance abuse. We operate an emergency shelter, matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
transitional housing, permanent supportive housing, securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
rental assistance, case management, support groups subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
and individual support for families and individuals. for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
24-hour hotline: 800-870-0368. compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
Legal Services (RAICES) Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
210-226-7722 (Main Office) dependency issues, earned income credit controversies, and a limited amount of representation in the United
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
trafficking. Women’s Protective Services
800-736-6491 (Lubbock)
DICKENS 806-747-6491 (Main Office)
County Seat – Dickens
Provides legal advocacy for victims of family violence
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas with services including, but not limited, to counseling,
806-763-4557 (Lubbock) crisis intervention, B.I.P.P, social services, safe housing,
888-529-5277 (Main Office) and safety planning.
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,

DIMMIT Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library,
County Seat – Carrizo Springs Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. County Library's El Campo Branch.
800-369-0467 (El Paso)
833-329-8752 (Main Office) Wintergarden Women’s Shelter, Inc. 830-876-5676 (Main Office)
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people Wintergarden Women’s Shelter provides a safe haven,
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including emergency shelter for victims of domestic violence and
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody sexual assault. WWS operates a 24-hour hotline and
offers nonresidential services for victims/survivors of
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
domestic violence and sexual assault as well as
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
hospital, medical and court accompaniments, legal
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
services referrals, victims compensation application
legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases assistance, counseling (adult and children) (individual
ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through and group), peer support groups, transportation for
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard residential clients, case management and coordination
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized with other agencies, primary prevention, outreach,
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the domestic violence focused parenting classes and
following groups: Community Preservation & classes on the dynamics of domestic violence.
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
Employment, and Public Benefits.
County Seat – Clarendon
Disability Rights Texas
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
210-737-0499 (San Antonio)
806-373-6808 (Amarillo)
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
888-529-5277 (Main Office)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
apply online at:
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
800-991-5153 (Main Office)
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
Disability Rights Texas
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
806-765-7794 (Lubbock)
for help leave a confidential voice message on the
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
LASSA main office line.
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
Legal Services (RAICES)
apply online at:
210-226-7722 (Main Office)
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
806-742-4312 (Main Office)
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
trafficking. Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
512-477-6000 (Main Office) Federal tax issues related to individual income tax matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library, before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue

Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues, LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies, 800-991-5153 (Main Office)
and a limited amount of representation in the United
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation. of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
Tralee Crisis Center for Women, Inc. for help leave a confidential voice message on the
800-658-2796 (Main Office) LASSA main office line.
Provides comprehensive services, including: crisis The Purple Door
intervention; advocacy; law enforcement and criminal 361-881-8888 (Main Office)
justice accompaniment; medical (SANE)
accompaniment; emergency safe shelter; and peer and Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic
professional counseling for victims of domestic violence, violence and sexual assault with a 24-hour shelter,
sexual assault, and other violent crimes. 24-hour crisis hotline, crisis intervention, counseling, safe
line. transportation, advocacy, food, clothing, and personal
items, and referrals.
County Seat – San Diego Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
Legal Services (RAICES)
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 210-226-7722 (Main Office)
800-420-1501 or 800-420-3379 (Corpus Christi)
833-329-8752 (Main Office) Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including trafficking.
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, EASTLAND
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and County Seat – Eastland
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through 325-677-8591 (Abilene)
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
following groups: Community Preservation & that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor & with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
Employment, and Public Benefits. Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi, Inc. – Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
Immigration Services
361-884-0651 (Main Office) Cross Timbers Family Services 866-934-4357 (Main Office)
Offering affordable, confidential, and comprehensive
immigration legal services with family-based immigration Provides 24-hour crisis hotline, victim's assistance and
petitions, Adjustment of Status, Removal of Conditions, crisis counseling, advocacy and criminal justice support,
Naturalization/Citizenship, TPS, Renewal/Replacement
Crime Victim’s Compensation assistance, medical
of LPR (“green”) cards, DACA, Know Your Rights and
accompaniments, and protective order assistance.
Disability Rights Texas
Disability Rights Texas
512-454-4816 (Austin)
210-737-0499 (San Antonio)
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at: apply online at:

Noah Project, Inc. trauma they have experienced, work to regain their self-
325-676-7107 (Main Office) esteem, and evaluate their options for moving to a self- sufficient and abuse free life. Family violence recovery
Shelter and outreach advocacy services for victims of services include: 24-hour crisis hotline, emergency
domestic violence, sexual assault, and human shelter, counseling, advocacy and case management,
trafficking. Staff attorney provides legal services support groups, children’s programming and parenting
including assistance with protective orders, divorce and classes. Toll free 800-967-8928.
custody cases, and weekly legal classes.
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
ECTOR 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
County Seat – Odessa
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
432-332-1207 (Odessa) representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
888-529-5277 (Main Office) controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
that provides free civil legal help to low-income securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
residents in 114 Texas counties throughout North and subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
West Texas, with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
Brownwood, Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
Waxahachie, Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
Disability Rights Texas dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
806-765-7794 (Lubbock) and a limited amount of representation in the United
800-252-9108 (Main Office) States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or EDWARDS
apply online at: County Seat – Rocksprings

Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
915-544-5126 (Main Office) 800-369-0356 (San Antonio) 833-329-8752 (Main Office)
Provides pro-bono services to people detained and
facing removal proceedings in the El Paso Processing TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
and Otero Processing Center. Focuses on bond, parole, facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
and full asylum representation. Also provides pro-bono bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
services to asylum seekers forced to wait in Mexico arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
during their court proceedings under the government accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
program known as the Migrant Protection Protocols. environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
Pro-bono and low-bono services for non-detained legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
immigrants seeking immigration relief including crime ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
victims relief, family petitions, DACA renewal, Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
representation in court and citizenship applications. in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
Safe Place of the Permian Basin following groups: Community Preservation &
432-580-5970 (Odessa) Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic
432-570-1465 (Main Office) Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor & Employment, and Public Benefits.
Safe Place’s mission is to break the cycle of family
violence by empowering individuals to make safe and Catholic Charities Archdiocese of San Antonio
healthy choices through awareness, advocacy, Caritas Legal Services
counseling, and shelter while promoting hope, healing, 210-433-3256 (Main Office)
and dignity. Safe Place provides comprehensive
recovery services so that victims of family violence Provides low-cost legal services in the areas of
receive safe and secure shelter, recover from the immigration, guardianship, estate planning, and probate.

Disability Rights Texas legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
210-737-0499 (San Antonio) ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or following groups: Community Preservation &
apply online at: Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
Hill Country Dispute Resolution Center Employment, and Public Benefits.
830-792-5000 (Main Office) Center Against Sexual & Family Violence
Provides court-ordered mediation for all kinds of civil 915-595-2238 (El Paso)
cases and family law cases for a nominal fee. 915-593-7300 (Main Office)
LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault) Provides confidential assistance, shelter, counseling,
800-991-5153 (Main Office) and support to individuals and families who are victims of sexual and/or family violence. Crisis intervention and
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors advocacy are available by calling the hotline.
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west Toll-free: 800-727-0511.
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
for help leave a confidential voice message on the Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services, Inc. (DMRS)
LASSA main office line. 915-532-3975 (Main Office)
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and DMRS is the largest provider of free and low-cost
Legal Services (RAICES) immigration legal services in West Texas and New
210-226-7722 (Main Office) Mexico. Services provided cover a comprehensive range of immigration legal services including representation in
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum family-based immigration matters,
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, Citizenship/Naturalization matters, matters related to
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human benefits for survivors of domestic violence and other
trafficking. crimes, removal proceedings before the Immigration
Courts, and services for adults and unaccompanied
Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics immigrant children detained in the local immigration
512-477-6000 (Main Office) detention centers and shelters.
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist Disability Rights Texas
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child 915-542-0585 (El Paso)
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library, issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library, apply online at:
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton El Paso County Domestic Relations Office
County Library's El Campo Branch. 915-834-8200 (Main Office)
EL PASO Provides assistance in family law matters and fosters
County Seat – El Paso compliance with family law-related court orders. Our
office monitors El Paso County child support cases,
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. including modification and enforcement, provides
800-369-2792 (El Paso) community supervision on suspended commitment child
833-329-8752 (Main Office) support orders, enforces and modifies access and possession schedules, and conducts child custody
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people investigations and evaluations.
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
El Paso Dispute Resolution Center securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
915-533-0998 (Main Office) subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
Provides mediation services for civil and family cases compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
and community disputes only. Handles juvenile case an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
referrals and small claims court cases filed with any before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
El Paso County magistrate. Types of cases accepted: Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
neighbors, business, families, landlord tenant, probate, dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
contracts, personal injury, consumer/merchant, and a limited amount of representation in the United
threats/assaults, uninsured motorist, restitution, and States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
employer/employee. criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.

Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center ELLIS

915-544-5126 (Main Office) County Seat – Waxahachie
Provides pro-bono services to people detained and Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
facing removal proceedings in the El Paso Processing 972-923-3344 (Waxahachie)
and Otero Processing Center. Focuses on bond, parole, 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
and full asylum representation. Also provides pro-bono
services to asylum seekers forced to wait in Mexico Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
during their court proceedings under the government that provides free civil legal help to low-income
program known as the Migrant Protection Protocols. residents in 114 Texas counties throughout North and
Pro-bono and low-bono services for non-detained West Texas, with offices in Abilene, Amarillo,
immigrants seeking immigration relief including crime Brownwood, Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock,
victims relief, family petitions, DACA renewal, McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo,
representation in court and citizenship applications. Waxahachie, Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.

LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault) Catholic Charities of Dallas – Immigration Legal Services
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors 214-634-7182 (Main Office)
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply Catholic Charities, Immigration and Legal Services (ILS)
for help leave a confidential voice message on the was established in 1975 in response to the growing
LASSA main office line. number of immigrants moving to the North Texas area.
ILS is fully accredited by the U.S. Department of Justice
Texas A&M University School Of Law – Tax Dispute to provide a broad range of immigration counseling and
Resolution Clinic representation to immigrants and their families.
817-212-4123 (Main Office) Disability Rights Texas
-clinic 214-630-0916 (Dallas)
Provides free assistance to help low-income taxpayers 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
resolve their problems with the Internal Revenue
Service (IRS) or Tax Court; handles problems such as Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
IRS audits, administrative appeals, negotiating with the issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
IRS if you are unable to pay, or Tax Court cases. The apply online at:
clinic does not prepare tax returns. Services are
delivered by Texas A&M law students supervised by Family Abuse Center, Inc.
qualified tax attorney. For screening and appointments 800-283-8401 (Waxahachie)
call or visit the website. 254-772-8999 (Main Office)
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic Provides a wide variety of services for all victims of
806-742-4312 (Main Office) domestic violence. For adults, we provide emergency shelter and general services such as case management,
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income counseling, support groups, an array of legal services
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and and assistance with housing. General services are also
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with available to non-residential clients as well as those who
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in live in rural areas. Our services are provided free of
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax charge to anyone who has been impacted by domestic
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to, violence.
Human Rights Initiative of North Texas AIDS Outreach Center
214-855-0520 (Main Office) 817-335-1994 (Main Office)
Immigration legal services. Through a pro bono network, AOC provides a full range of HIV and STI testing onsite
staff attorneys and accredited representatives: we seek and in the broader community. They provide free
all of Immigration Relief: asylum, relief under the treatment for chlamydia, syphilis and gonorrhea. Client
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), Victims of services programs are offered to people who are living
Trafficking and Violence Protection Act, immigrant with HIV/AIDS. Those programs are as follows, case
victims of violent crime and immigrant child victims of management services, assistance with insurance,
abuse, neglect and abandonment. transportation, and housing. AOC also offers a nutrition
center, behavioral health, and a dental clinic.
Justice for Our Neighbors – DFW
817-310-3820 (Main Office) Cross Timbers Family Services 866-934-4357 (Main Office)
Provides free and affordable, high-quality immigration
legal services, shares information with the public and Provides 24-hour crisis hotline, victim's assistance and
engages in advocacy with immigrants. Accepts all types crisis counseling, advocacy and criminal justice support,
of non-detained immigration cases. Call for more Crime Victim's Compensation assistance, medical
information. accompaniments, and protective order assistance.

Legal Hospice of Texas Disability Rights Texas

214-521-6622 (Main Office) 214-630-0916 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Provides free legal counsel, representation, and
advocacy to low-income persons who are diagnosed Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
with a terminal illness or HIV, have a civil legal issue issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
related to their diagnosis, and meet established income apply online at:
Hope Women’s Shelter, Inc.
Texas A&M University School of Law – Tax Dispute 940-325-1306 (Main Office)
Resolution Clinic Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic
817-212-4123 (Main Office) violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding-scale
-clinic legal assistance; provides shelter and therapy to victims
Provides free assistance to help low-income taxpayers of domestic violence and sexual assault. 24-hour
resolve their problems with the Internal Revenue hotline.
Service (IRS) or Tax Court; handles problems such as
IRS audits, administrative appeals, negotiating with the Justice for Our Neighbors – DFW
IRS if you are unable to pay, or Tax Court cases. The 817-310-3820 (Main Office)
clinic does not prepare tax returns. Services are
delivered by Texas A&M law students supervised by Provides free and affordable, high-quality immigration
qualified tax attorney. For screening and appointments legal services, shares information with the public and
call or visit the website. engages in advocacy with immigrants. Accepts all types
of non-detained immigration cases. Call for more
ERATH information.
County Seat – Stephenville
Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas 512-477-6000 (Main Office)
817-336-3943 (Fort Worth)
888-529-5277 (Main Office) Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library,
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
County Library's El Campo Branch.
FALLS available to non-residential clients as well as those who
County Seat – Marlin live in rural areas. Our services are provided free of
charge to anyone who has been impacted by domestic
Lone Star Legal Aid violence.
800-299-5596 (Waco)
800-733-8394 (Main Office) Justice for Our Neighbors – DFW 817-310-3820 (Main Office)
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
matters to eligible, low-income Texans. Provides free and affordable, high-quality immigration
legal services, shares information with the public and
American Gateways engages in advocacy with immigrants. Accepts all types
512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) of non-detained immigration cases. Call for more information.
Provides immigrations legal services at no or low cost,
education, and advocacy. Main areas of focus include, Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
but are not limited to: consular process, DACA, Violence Legal Services (RAICES)
Against Women Act, U-Visa, asylum, withholding of 210-226-7722 (Main Office)
removal, bond, parole, and more.
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
Baylor Law Veterans Clinic seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
254-710-4244 (Main Office) and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human trafficking.
The free legal advice clinic is held one Friday afternoon
each month from September through July at the Heart FANNIN
of Texas Veterans One Stop and is open to all veterans County Seat – Bonham
and veterans’ spouses regardless of income level.
Additional civil legal services are offered to those Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
meeting eligibility requirements. The Heart of Texas 972-542-9405 (McKinney)
Veterans One Stop is located at 2010 La Salle Avenue, 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
Waco, Texas 76706.
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
Catholic Charities of Central Texas Immigration that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
Legal Services in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
512-651-6100 (Main Office) with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
The Immigration Legal Services Program provides low- Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
cost representation for persons seeking immigration Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
assistance in Central Texas. We practice in most areas
of immigration law including, but not limited to, family- Catholic Charities of Dallas – Immigration Legal
based immigration, naturalization, DACA, victim visas, Services
asylum, and removal defense. Hotline: 512-651-6125.
214-634-7182 (Main Office)
Disability Rights Texas
Catholic Charities, Immigration and Legal Services (ILS)
512-454-4816 (Austin)
was established in 1975 in response to the growing
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
number of immigrants moving to the North Texas area.
ILS is fully accredited by the U.S. Department of Justice
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
to provide a broad range of immigration counseling and
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
representation to immigrants and their families.
apply online at:
Disability Rights Texas
Family Abuse Center, Inc. 214-630-0916 (Dallas)
800-283-8401 (Waco) 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
254-772-8999 (Main Office) Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
Provides a wide variety of services for all victims of issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
domestic violence. For adults, we provide emergency apply online at:
shelter and general services such as case management,
counseling, support groups, an array of legal services
and assistance with housing. General services are also
Fannin County Family Crisis Center American Gateways
903-583-7000 (Hotline) 512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office)
Provides assistance to victims of crimes, including Provides immigrations legal services at no or low cost,
domestic violence, sexual assault, and emotional abuse. education, and advocacy. Main areas of focus include,
Services provided are as follows: 24-hour hotline, crisis but are not limited to: consular process, DACA, Violence
intervention, assistance with protective orders, Against Women Act, U-Visa, asylum, withholding of
assistance with Crime Victims’ Compensation, contract removal, bond, parole, and more.
professional counselor, transportation to various other
resources, hospital/court/law enforcement Catholic Charities of Central Texas Immigration
accompaniment, public education and presentations,
Legal Services
parenting classes, domestic violence classes, and
512-651-6100 (Main Office)
women’s empowerment classes. Can provide
rental/utility assistance for clients and has a small food
pantry with canned goods. The Immigration Legal Services Program provides low-
cost representation for persons seeking immigration
Grayson Crisis Center assistance in Central Texas. We practice in most areas
903-893-5615 (Main Office) of immigration law including, but not limited to, family- based immigration, naturalization, DACA, victim visas,
Provides a safe haven, crisis intervention, and asylum, and removal defense. Hotline: 512-651-6125.
comprehensive support services to victims of family
violence and sexual assault. The center is dedicated to Disability Rights Texas
breaking the cycle of family and sexual violence through 512-454-4816 (Austin)
community education while assisting victims in their 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
transition to a more stable and self-sufficient life. Legal
advocacy services include help with obtaining protective Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
orders and referrals to free and sliding-scale legal issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
assistance. 24-hour hotline. apply online at:

Legal Hospice of Texas Family Crisis Center

214-521-6622 (Main Office) 512-321-7760 (La Grange) 512-303-7755 (Main Office)
Provides free legal counsel, representation, and
advocacy to low-income persons who are diagnosed Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic
with a terminal illness or HIV, have a civil legal issue
violence, sexual assault, and stalking, particularly with
related to their diagnosis, and meet established income
obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and
sliding-scale legal assistance. Toll-free: 888-311-7755.

FAYETTE Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and

County Seat – La Grange Legal Services (RAICES)
210-226-7722 (Main Office)
Lone Star Legal Aid
832-913-7200 (Richmond) Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
800-733-8394 (Main Office) seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil trafficking.
matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics
Advocate Legal Senior Center 512-477-6000 (Main Office)
832-393-4074 (Main Office) Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
Provides legal services in the areas of guardianships, with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
probate, land issues, and tenant issues on a pro bono support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall
and sliding-scale basis to senior citizens residing in and Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
around Harris County. Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library,
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
County Library’s El Campo Branch.
FISHER Catholic Charities, Diocese of Lubbock
County Seat – Roby 806-765-8475 (Main Office)
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas Provides direct client assistance with basic needs;
325-677-8591 (Abilene) elderly assistance; youth and family counseling
888-529-5277 (Main Office) services; kinship family support; immigration services including renewal or replacement of Legal Permanent
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card,
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents assistance with family-based categories for non-
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas, immigrant and immigrant visas, and Violence Against
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, Women Act (VAWA).
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie, Crisis Center of the Plains
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. 806-293-7273 (Main Office)
Disability Rights Texas Provides legal advocacy, particularly with obtaining
806-765-7794 (Lubbock) protective orders and referrals to free legal assistance
800-252-9108 (Main Office) for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and
human trafficking. 24-hour hotline.
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
Disability Rights Texas
apply online at:
806-765-7794 (Lubbock)
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
806-742-4312 (Main Office) Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and apply online at:
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in Legal Aid Society of Lubbock, Inc.
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax 806-762-2325 (Main Office)
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or The Legal Aid Society of Lubbock provides excellent
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements legal services and support in challenging times to
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in families and survivors of domestic violence across the
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as South Plains.
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues, 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
and a limited amount of representation in the United The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation. representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
FLOYD Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
County Seat – Floydada matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
806-293-8491 (Plainview) for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
888-529-5277 (Main Office) compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
that provides free civil legal help to low-income Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
residents in 114 Texas counties throughout North and dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
West Texas, with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, and a limited amount of representation in the United
Brownwood, Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
Waxahachie, Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.

FOARD Access Justice Houston
County Seat – Crowell 832-772-6743 (Main Office)
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas Access Justice Houston is a non-profit law firm
940-723-5542 (Wichita Falls) dedicated to expanding affordable legal services in
888-529-5277 (Main Office) Houston Texas. We serve modest-means clients, providing legal services on a reduced fee calculated on
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization a sliding scale. If you make too much to qualify for legal
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents aid but are unable to find a lawyer you can afford, we’ll
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas, work with you to get you a lawyer you can afford. We
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, can help with your Family law, Criminal Defense,
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, Landlord Tenant, Consumer law issues.
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. Advocate Legal Senior Center
832-393-4074 (Main Office)
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Lubbock
806-765-8475 (Main Office) Provides legal services in the areas of guardianships, probate, land issues, and tenant issues on a pro bono
Provides direct client assistance with basic needs; and sliding-scale basis to senior citizens residing in and
around Harris County.
elderly assistance; youth and family counseling
services; kinship family support; immigration services
Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse (AVDA)
including renewal or replacement of Legal Permanent
713-224-9911 (Main Office)
Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card,
assistance with family-based categories for non-
Provides free legal representation to domestic violence
immigrant and immigrant visas, and Violence Against
victims; handles family law cases including protective
Women Act (VAWA).
orders, divorce and child custody.
Disability Rights Texas
Beacon Law, a Program of The Beacon
214-630-0916 (Dallas)
713-220-9780 (Main Office)
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
A civil legal aid program of The Beacon focused on
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights helping the homeless and indigent population of
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or Houston with ID restoration, clearing criminal history,
apply online at: social security disability appeals, limited family law,
housing law, including evictions and limited wills and
First Step of Wichita Falls, Inc. estate assistance.
800-658-2683 (Main Office) Boat People SOS, Inc.
Provides comprehensive family violence and sexual 281-530-6888 (Main Office)
assault services which include but are not limited to:
safe house, counseling, legal advocacy, hospital Provides civil legal assistance for low-income
advocacy, children's program, and education and Vietnamese Texans in the areas of domestic violence,
training. 24-hour hotline. human trafficking, family law, immigration, and wills.

FORT BEND Disability Rights Texas

County Seat – Richmond 713-974-7691 (Houston)
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Lone Star Legal Aid
832-913-7200 (Richmond) Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
800-733-8394 (Main Office) issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or apply online at:
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
matters to eligible, low-income Texans. Earl Carl Institute for Legal and Social Justice –
Opal Mitchell Lee Property Preservation Project
713-313-1158 (Houston)
713-313-1139 (Main Office)
Provides free legal services to low-income Texans who
are facing potential land loss as a result of failure to plan
estates, foreclosures, clouds on title to property/land, Humanitarian-based petitions for victims of crime
general inheritance issues, and to ensure housing (U-Visa/VAWA), DACA Renewals: Deferred Action for
stability. The project’s focus is to help economically Childhood Arrivals. Call and leave a message for
disadvantaged communities retain and grow wealth. questions and more information.
Case priorities include: mortgage, homeowner
association & tax foreclosure defense, eviction defense & Randall O. Sorrels Legal Clinics at South Texas
other landlord/tenant issues, partition suits, clearing title College of Law Houston
to property, reviewing real estate documents, adverse 713-646-2990 (Main Office)
possession, property tax exemptions, judicial &
nonjudicial probate, wills & estate planning, and non- The Randall O. Sorrels Legal Clinics at South Texas
profit formation. College of Law Houston provides direct legal
representation in the following service areas: family,
Fort Bend County Dispute Resolution Center probate, guardianship, landlord/tenant, immigration, tax,
281-342-5000 (Main Office) estate planning, expunction/nondisclosure, trademark, patent, and veterans.
The Fort Bend County Dispute Resolution Center is a
private, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization committed to St. Frances Cabrini Center for Immigrant Legal
providing high-quality, low-cost dispute resolution Assistance
services for all people in Fort Bend and the surrounding 713-595-4100 (Main Office)
The Cabrini Center provides low-cost and free
Fort Bend County Women’s Center, Inc. immigration legal services in the following areas: charlas
281-342-4357 (Main Office) and legal consultations, crime victims, humanitarian assistance (including TPS, DACA, asylum, parole, SIV),
The Fort Bend Women’s Center Legal Department refugee assistance, unaccompanied children, citizenship
represents clients in divorce, suits affecting parent-child and naturalization, and family-based immigration.
relationships, protective orders, enforcement, and
modification matters. Tahirih Justice Center
713-496-0100 (Main Office)
Houston Area Women’s Center
800-256-0551 (Main Office) A national non-profit organization that supports immigrant women and other survivors of gender-based
The Houston Area Women’s Center works to end violence seeking safety and justice. Our interdisciplinary
domestic and sexual violence and supports all in model of service combines free legal services, social
building safe and healthy lives through advocacy, services case management, and trainings and
counseling, education, shelter, and support services. education. Our team in Houston serves immigrant
Our services are free, confidential, and available to survivors of violence in Houston to access existing legal
everyone. protections, including gender-based asylum claims,
Domestic violence hotline: 800-256-0551 U Visas for crime victims who cooperate with law
Sexual assault hotline: 800-256-0661 enforcement to convict perpetrators of violence,
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) petitions to
Houston Immigration Legal Services Collaborative empower battered spouses and children of U.S. citizens
833-468-4664 (Main Office) or Legal Permanent Residents to obtain lawful status free and clear from their abusers, T Visas for victims of
HILSC focuses only on immigration matters. It is not a labor and sex trafficking and special immigrant juvenile
direct service provider and does not accept cases. status (SIJS) for unaccompanied minors who have been
Connects case placement requests with other abandoned, abused, or neglected by one or both
immigration legal services and attorneys in private parents.
practice who are members of the American Immigration
Lawyer Association. YMCA International Services
713-758-9280 (Main Office)
Memorial Assistance Ministries
713-929-9280 (Main Office) -services The Immigration Legal Department of the YMCA
Assists low-income immigrants with a variety of International Services provides counseling or
immigration matters, including family-based petitions, representation to individuals seeking immigration
Renewal or Replacement of Lawful Permanent assistance. Assistance is available for asylum seekers,
Residency card, Adjustment of Status to Lawful crime survivors, survivors of domestic violence and
Permanent Residency, Naturalization/Citizenship, human trafficking. Services also include family

reunification visas, adjustment of status and with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
naturalization applications. During consultations, support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall
individuals can discuss their immigration case with an Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
Immigration Attorney, Department of Justice Accredited Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
Representative or an Immigration Case Manager. Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
Handles immigration matters only and must make Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library,
appointment first. Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
County Library's El Campo Branch.
County Seat – Mount Vernon
Lone Star Legal Aid County Seat – Fairfield
800-925-5802 (Paris)
800-733-8394 (Main Office) Lone Star Legal Aid 800-299-5596 (Waco)
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil 800-733-8394 (Main Office)
matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
Catholic Charities – Diocese of Tyler matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
903-258-9492 (Main Office) Catholic Charities – Diocese of Tyler
Provides immigration services such as Naturalization 903-258-9492 (Main Office)
and Citizenship, Adjustment of Status, VAWA, U-Visas,
DACA and family-based petitions. By appointment. Provides immigration services such as Naturalization
and Citizenship, Adjustment of Status, VAWA, U-Visas,
Disability Rights Texas DACA and family-based petitions. By appointment.
214-630-0916 (Dallas)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Disability Rights Texas 512-454-4816 (Austin)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at: Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
Dispute Resolution Services of Lamar County apply online at:
903-782-0447 (Main Office)
Provides mediation services in custody, divorce, Family Abuse Center, Inc.
misdemeanors, and domestic issues. 800-283-8401 (Waco)
254-772-8999 (Main Office)
Shelter Agencies for Families in East Texas
(SAFE-T Crisis Center) Provides a wide variety of services for all victims of
903-575-9999 (Main Office) domestic violence. For adults, we provide emergency shelter and general services such as case
Provides services to victims/survivors of domestic management, counseling, support groups, an array of
violence and sexual assault, as well as their children. legal services and assistance with housing. General
Services include: legal assistance, accompaniment to services are also available to non-residential clients as
court, crime victim assistance, rape crisis intervention, well as those who live in rural areas. Our services are
shelter, counseling, and support groups. Also, provided free of charge to anyone who has been
advocates for offender accountability through the impacted by domestic violence.
criminal justice system on behalf of the survivors, as
well as advocating for crime victims’ rights, including, FRIO
but not limited to, landlord-tenant issues, confidentiality, County Seat – Pearsall
participation in the criminal justice process, and crime
victim compensation. Toll Free: 888-801-HELP (4357). Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
800-369-0467 (El Paso)
Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics 833-329-8752 (Main Office)
512-477-6000 (Main Office) TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody LASSA, (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, 800-991-5153 (Main Office)
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard for help leave a confidential voice message on the
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized LASSA main office line.
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
following groups: Community Preservation & Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic Legal Services (RAICES)
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor & 210-226-7722 (Main Office)
Employment, and Public Benefits.
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
Alamo Area Resource Center seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
800-308-2437 (San Antonio) and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
210-625-7200 (Main Office) trafficking.
A LGBT primary care and HIV specialty care clinic Safer Path Family Violence Shelter
provides free HIV testing. Offers referrals to persons 830-569-2001 (Main Office)
with HIV/AIDS seeking general civil legal services
including advocacy, wills, guardianships, directives and Provides legal advocacy for victims of family violence,
powers of attorney. sexual assault, stalking, and dating violence through
24/7 hotline and emergency shelter support, support
American Gateways groups, counseling, referrals, prevention, and education
512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) programs, and more.
Provides immigrations legal services at no or low cost, Southwest Family Life Center
education, and advocacy. Main areas of focus include, 830-334-4556 (Pearsall)
but are not limited to: consular process, DACA, Violence 830-426-5131 (Hotline)
Against Women Act, U-Visa, asylum, withholding of Provides services to survivors of domestic/family
removal, bond, parole, and more. violence and intimate partner violence. Services include:
peer counseling, crisis intervention/counseling, 24-hour
Catholic Charities Archdiocese of San Antonio hotline, legal advocacy, assistance in applying for
Caritas Legal Services protective orders, safety planning, information and
210-433-3256 (Main Office) referral services, assistance with Texas Crime Victims Compensation Claims, temporary emergency shelter,
Provides low-cost legal services in the areas of and community education.
immigration, guardianship, estate planning, and probate.
St. Mary’s University School of Law, Center for
Disability Rights Texas Legal and Social Justice
210-737-0499 (San Antonio) 210-431-2596 (Main Office)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) -legal-social-justice
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights NOTICE: This provider has limited availability for cases.
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or St. Mary’s University School of Law proudly offers four
apply online at: outstanding clinical courses for second- and third-year
law students: the Civil Justice Clinic-Consumer
Family Violence Prevention Services, Inc. Protection, the Civil Justice Clinic-Family Law, the
210-930-3669 (Main Office) Immigration and Human Rights Clinic and the Criminal Justice Clinic. The clinical courses are dedicated to
Provides free legal assistance to income-eligible victims educating students at St. Mary’s while addressing the
of domestic violence; emergency shelter; and otherwise unmet legal needs of income-qualified people
community-based intervention and prevention services. in San Antonio and South Texas.
24-hour hotline: 210-733-8810.

Texas Legal Services Center - Rural Legal Clinics shelter, counseling, advocacy and case management,
512-477-6000 (Main Office) support groups, children’s programming and parenting classes. Toll free 800-967-8928.
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library, Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library, representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library, controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
County Library's El Campo Branch. matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
GAINES subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
County Seat – Seminole for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
806-763-4557 (Lubbock) before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
888-529-5277 (Main Office) Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues, dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization and a limited amount of representation in the United
that provides free civil legal help to low-income States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
residents in 114 Texas counties throughout North and criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
West Texas, with offices in Abilene, Amarillo,
Brownwood, Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock,
McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, GALVESTON
County Seat – Galveston
Waxahachie, Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
Lone Star Legal Aid
Disability Rights Texas
800-551-3712 (Galveston)
806-765-7794 (Lubbock)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) 800-733-8394 (Main Office)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
apply online at:
Access Justice Houston
Legal Aid Society of Lubbock, Inc. 832-772-6743 (Main Office)
806-762-2325 (Main Office) Access Justice Houston is a non-profit law firm
The Legal Aid Society of Lubbock provides excellent dedicated to expanding affordable legal services in
legal services and support in challenging times to Houston Texas. We serve modest-means clients,
families and survivors of domestic violence across the providing legal services on a reduced fee calculated on
a sliding scale. If you make too much to qualify for legal
South Plains.
aid but are unable to find a lawyer you can afford, we’ll
work with you to get you a lawyer you can afford. We
Safe Place of the Permian Basin
can help with your Family law, Criminal Defense,
432-570-1465 (Main Office)
Landlord Tenant, Consumer law issues.
Safe Place’s mission is to break the cycle of family
Advocate Legal Senior Center
violence by empowering individuals to make safe and
832-393-4074 (Main Office)
healthy choices through awareness, advocacy,
counseling, and shelter while promoting hope, healing,
Provides legal services in the areas of guardianships,
and dignity. Safe Place provides comprehensive
probate, land issues, and tenant issues on a pro bono
recovery services so that victims of family violence
and sliding-scale basis to senior citizens residing in and
receive safe and secure shelter, recover from the
around Harris County.
trauma they have experienced, work to regain their self-
esteem, and evaluate their options for moving to a self-
sufficient and abuse free life. Family violence recovery
services include: 24-hour crisis hotline, emergency
Bay Area Turning Point, Inc. Houston Immigration Legal Services Collaborative
281-286-2525 (Main Office) 833-468-4664 (Main Office)
Bay Area Turning Point provides recovery solutions and HILSC focuses only on immigration matters. It is not a
options for domestic and sexual assault victims to direct service provider and does not accept cases.
include the following: 24-hour crisis intervention via the Connects case placement requests with other
hotline, information and referrals, emergency shelter, immigration legal services and attorneys in private
and case management. Victim advocacy includes: practice who are members of the American Immigration
assistance with applying for protective orders, Lawyer Association.
assistance with applying for crime victim’s
compensation, and assistance with interfacing with law Memorial Assistance Ministries
enforcement and the criminal justice system. Victim 713-929-9280 (Main Office)
accompaniment to criminal justice entities, medical
facilities, and law enforcement agencies. Individual and Assists low-income immigrants with a variety of
family counseling, support groups, housing assistance, immigration matters, including family-based petitions,
assistance with accessing resources to recover from Renewal or Replacement of Lawful Permanent
trauma and abuse. Residency card, Adjustment of Status to Lawful
Permanent Residency, Naturalization/Citizenship,
Beacon Law, a Program of The Beacon Humanitarian-based petitions for victims of crime
713-220-9780 (Main Office) (U-Visa/VAWA), DACA Renewals: Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. Call and leave a message for
A civil legal aid program of The Beacon focused on questions and more information.
helping the homeless and indigent population of
Houston with ID restoration, clearing criminal history, Resource & Crisis Center of Galveston County, Inc.
social security disability appeals, limited family law, 409-765-7233 (Main Office)
housing law, including evictions and limited wills and
estate assistance. Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic
violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining
Disability Rights Texas protective orders and referrals to free and sliding-scale
713-974-7691 (Houston) legal assistance. The mission of RCC is to promote the
800-252-9108 (Main Office) safety, well-being, and best interest of victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, and sex
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights trafficking, while advocating for the prevention of such
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or crimes. 24-hour hotline: 888-919-7233.
apply online at:
St. Frances Cabrini Center for Immigrant Legal
Earl Carl Institute for Legal & Social Policy, Inc. – Assistance
Juvenile Justice Project 713-595-4100 (Main Office)
713-313-1139 (Main Office) The Cabrini Center provides low-cost and free
The JJP seeks to empower at-risk youth, provide immigration legal services in the following areas: charlas
holistic, client-centered representation, and offer and legal consultations, crime victims, humanitarian
solutions to legal and social problems that impede assistance (including TPS, DACA, asylum, parole, SIV),
access to future achievement and success. ECI refugee assistance, unaccompanied children, citizenship
employs a holistic approach by providing legal and naturalization, and family-based immigration.
representation to children who are in multiple systems,
including the criminal justice system, disparate Tahirih Justice Center
educational systems, the mental health system, and the 713-496-0100 (Main Office)
foster care system. Most of our clients come into the
juvenile court system for incidents occurring at school. A national non-profit organization that supports
immigrant women and other survivors of gender-based
Fort Bend County Dispute Resolution Center violence seeking safety and justice. Our interdisciplinary
281-342-5000 (Main Office) model of service combines free legal services, social services case management, and trainings and
The Fort Bend County Dispute Resolution Center is a education. Our team in Houston serves immigrant
private, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization committed to survivors of violence in Houston to access existing legal
providing high-quality, low-cost dispute resolution protections, including gender-based asylum claims,
services for all people in Fort Bend and the surrounding U Visas for crime victims who cooperate with law
counties. enforcement to convict perpetrators of violence,
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) petitions to Disability Rights Texas
empower battered spouses and children of U.S. citizens 806-765-7794 (Lubbock)
or Legal Permanent Residents to obtain lawful status 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
free and clear from their abusers, T Visas for victims of
labor and sex trafficking and special immigrant juvenile Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
status (SIJS) for unaccompanied minors who have been issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
abandoned, abused, or neglected by one or both apply online at:
Legal Aid Society of Lubbock, Inc.
YMCA International Services 806-762-2325 (Main Office)
713-758-9280 (Main Office) The Legal Aid Society of Lubbock provides excellent
services legal services and support in challenging times to
The Immigration Legal Department of the YMCA families and survivors of domestic violence across the
International Services provides counseling or South Plains.
representation to individuals seeking immigration
assistance. Assistance is available for asylum seekers, Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
crime survivors, survivors of domestic violence and 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
human trafficking. Services also include family
reunification visas, adjustment of status and The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
naturalization applications. During consultations, Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
individuals can discuss their immigration case with an representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
Immigration Attorney, Department of Justice Accredited controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
Representative or an Immigration Case Manager. Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
Handles immigration matters only and must make matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
appointment first. securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
GARZA for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
County Seat – Post compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
806-763-4557 (Lubbock) Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
888-529-5277 (Main Office) dependency issues, earned income credit controversies, and a limited amount of representation in the United
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
that provides free civil legal help to low-income criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
residents in 114 Texas counties throughout North and
West Texas, with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Women’s Protective Services
Brownwood, Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, 800-736-6491 (Lubbock)
McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, 806-747-6491 (Main Office)
Waxahachie, Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
Provides legal advocacy for victims of family violence
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Lubbock with services including, but not limited, to counseling,
806-765-8475 (Main Office) crisis intervention, B.I.P.P, social services, safe housing, and safety planning.
Provides direct client assistance with basic needs;
elderly assistance; youth and family counseling GILLESPIE
services; kinship family support; immigration services County Seat – Fredericksburg
including renewal or replacement of Legal Permanent
Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card, Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
assistance with family-based categories for non- 800-369-0356 (San Antonio)
immigrant and immigrant visas, and Violence Against 833-329-8752 (Main Office)
Women Act (VAWA).
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and

environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil Justice for Our Neighbors – DFW
legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases 817-310-3820 (Main Office)
ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard Provides free and affordable, high-quality immigration
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized legal services, shares information with the public and
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the engages in advocacy with immigrants. Accepts all types
following groups: Community Preservation & of non-detained immigration cases. Call for more
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic information.
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
Employment, and Public Benefits. LASSA, (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
800-991-5153 (Main Office)
Alamo Area Resource Center
800-308-2437 (San Antonio) Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
210-625-7200 (Main Office) of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
A LGBT primary care and HIV specialty care clinic for help leave a confidential voice message on the
provides free HIV testing. Offers referrals to persons LASSA main office line.
with HIV/AIDS seeking general civil legal services
including advocacy, wills, guardianships, directives and Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
powers of attorney. Legal Services (RAICES)
210-226-7722 (Main Office)
Austin Bar Foundation's Veterans Legal Assistance
Program Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
512-472-0279 (Main Office) seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
The Austin Bar Foundation’s Veterans Legal Assistance trafficking.
Program organizes and provides free legal advice
clinics for qualified, low-income veterans, active-duty or Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics
reserve-duty service members, and their families who 512-477-6000 (Main Office)
reside in or have a civil legal issue in the jurisdictional
areas of Bastrop, Blanco, Burnett, Caldwell, Gillespie, Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
Hays, Travis, and Williamson counties of Texas. Our with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
volunteer attorneys are prepared to provide advice in support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall
the following civil legal areas: Consumer/Finance, Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
Education, Employment, Family, Juvenile, Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
Health/Healthcare, Housing, Income Maintenance, Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
Individual Rights, Estate Planning/Powers of Attorney, Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library,
Occupational Drivers’ License, and Criminal Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
Nondisclosure or Expunction. Some cases may qualify Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
for extended services. Please apply online or call our County Library's El Campo Branch.
office to see if your legal issue is a case type that our
program may cover. GLASSCOCK
County Seat – Garden City
Disability Rights Texas
512-454-4816 (Austin) Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
800-252-9108 (Main Office) 432-686-0647 (Midland) 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
apply online at: that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
Hill Country Dispute Resolution Center with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
830-792-5000 (Main Office) Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
Provides court-ordered mediation for all kinds of civil Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
cases and family law cases for a nominal fee.

Disability Rights Texas GOLIAD
806-765-7794 (Lubbock) County Seat – Goliad
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights 800-234-1274 (San Antonio)
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or 833-329-8752 (Main Office)
apply online at:
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
Legal Services (RAICES) bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
210-226-7722 (Main Office) arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
trafficking. Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
Safe Place of the Permian Basin into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
432-570-1465 (Main Office) following groups: Community Preservation & Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic
Safe Place’s mission is to break the cycle of family Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
violence by empowering individuals to make safe and Employment, and Public Benefits.
healthy choices through awareness, advocacy,
counseling, and shelter while promoting hope, healing, Disability Rights Texas
and dignity. Safe Place provides comprehensive 210-737-0499 (San Antonio)
recovery services so that victims of family violence 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
receive safe and secure shelter, recover from the
trauma they have experienced, work to regain their self- Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
esteem, and evaluate their options for moving to a self- issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
sufficient and abuse free life. Family violence recovery apply online at:
services include: 24-hour crisis hotline, emergency
shelter, counseling, advocacy and case management, LASSA, (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
support groups, children’s programming and parenting 800-991-5153 (Main Office)
classes. Toll free 800-967-8928.
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
806-742-4312 (Main Office) Texas; to refer a client:; to apply for help leave a confidential voice message on the
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income LASSA main office line.
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with Mid-Coast Family Services
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in 361-573-4357 (Main Office)
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to, Provides services to prevent and intervene in incidences
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or of family violence, homelessness, sexual assault, and
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements substance abuse. We operate an emergency shelter,
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in transitional housing, permanent supportive housing,
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as rental assistance, case management, support groups
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation and individual support for families and individuals. 24-
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue hour hotline: 800-870-0368.
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies, Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
and a limited amount of representation in the United Legal Services (RAICES)
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any 210-226-7722 (Main Office)
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human

GONZALES LASSA, (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
County Seat – Gonzales 800-991-5153 (Main Office)
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
800-234-1274 (Victoria) of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
833-329-8752 (Main Office) Texas; to refer a client:; to apply for help leave a confidential voice message on the
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people LASSA main office line.
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody Mid-Coast Family Services
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, 361-573-4357 (Main Office)
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil Provides services to prevent and intervene in incidences
legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases of family violence, homelessness, sexual assault, and
ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through substance abuse. We operate an emergency shelter,
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard transitional housing, permanent supportive housing,
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized rental assistance, case management, support groups
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the and individual support for families and individuals.
following groups: Community Preservation & 24-hour hotline: 800-870-0368.
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor & Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
Employment, and Public Benefits. Legal Services (RAICES)
210-226-7722 (Main Office)
American Gateways
512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
Provides immigrations legal services at no or low cost, and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
education, and advocacy. Main areas of focus include, trafficking.
but are not limited to: consular process, DACA, Violence
Against Women Act, U-Visa, asylum, withholding of GRAY
removal, bond, parole, and more. County Seat – Pampa

Catholic Charities Archdiocese of San Antonio Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas

Caritas Legal Services 806-373-6808 (Amarillo)
210-433-3256 (Main Office) 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
Provides low-cost legal services in the areas of Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
immigration, guardianship, estate planning, and probate. that provides free civil legal help to low-income
residents in 114 Texas counties throughout North and
Disability Rights Texas West Texas, with offices in Abilene, Amarillo,
512-454-4816 (Austin) Brownwood, Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock,
800-252-9108 (Main Office) McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie, Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or Disability Rights Texas
apply online at: 806-765-7794 (Lubbock)
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Guadalupe Valley Family Violence Shelter
830-372-2780 (Main Office) Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
Guadalupe Valley Family Violence Shelter, Inc. provides apply online at:
free and confidential services for survivors of domestic,
dating, and sexual violence. Our 24/7 services include Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
crisis hotline, safety planning and danger assessment, 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
crisis intervention, counseling, peer support, advocacy,
accompaniment, information, and referral. 24-hour The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
hotline: 800-834-2033. Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with

controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in Grayson Crisis Center
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax 903-893-5615 (Main Office)
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or Provides a safe haven, crisis intervention, and
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements comprehensive support services to victims of family
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in violence and sexual assault. The center is dedicated to
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as breaking the cycle of family and sexual violence through
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation community education while assisting victims in their
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue transition to a more stable and self-sufficient life. Legal
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues, advocacy services include help with obtaining protective
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies, orders and referrals to free and sliding-scale legal
and a limited amount of representation in the United assistance. 24-hour hotline.
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation. Legal Hospice of Texas
214-521-6622 (Main Office)
Tralee Crisis Center for Women, Inc.
800-658-2796 (Main Office) Provides free legal counsel, representation, and advocacy to low-income persons who are diagnosed
Provides comprehensive services, including: crisis with a terminal illness or HIV, have a civil legal issue
intervention; advocacy; law enforcement and criminal related to their diagnosis, and meet established income
justice accompaniment; medical (SANE) criteria.
accompaniment; emergency safe shelter; and peer and
professional counseling for victims of domestic violence, GREGG
sexual assault, and other violent crimes. 24-hour crisis County Seat – Longview
Lone Star Legal Aid
GRAYSON 800-866-0821 (Longview)
County Seat – Sherman 800-733-8394 (Main Office)
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
972-542-9405 (McKinney) matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
888-529-5277 (Main Office) Catholic Charities – Diocese of Tyler
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization 903-258-9492 (Main Office)
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas, Provides immigration services such as Naturalization
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, and Citizenship, Adjustment of Status, VAWA, U-Visas,
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, DACA and family-based petitions. By appointment.
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. Disability Rights Texas
214-630-0916 (Dallas)
Catholic Charities of Dallas - Immigration Legal 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
214-634-7182 (Main Office) Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
Catholic Charities, Immigration and Legal Services (ILS) apply online at:
was established in 1975 in response to the growing
number of immigrants moving to the North Texas area. Women’s Center of East Texas
ILS is fully accredited by the U.S. Department of Justice 903-295-7526 (Main Office)
to provide a broad range of immigration counseling and
representation to immigrants and their families. We provide shelter, crisis intervention, and
comprehensive support services to survivors of domestic
Disability Rights Texas violence, sexual assault, and sex trafficking in Gregg,
214-630-0916 (Dallas) Harrison, Marion, Panol, Rusk, and Upsure counties.
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at:
GRIMES Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics
County Seat – Anderson 512-477-6000 (Main Office)
Lone Star Legal Aid Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
800-570-4773 (Bryan) with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
800-733-8394 (Main Office) support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
matters to eligible, low-income Texans. Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library,
Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse (AVDA) Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
713-224-9911 (Main Office) Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton County Library’s El Campo Branch.
Provides free legal representation to domestic violence
victims; handles family law cases including protective Twin City Mission, Domestic Violence Services
orders, divorce and child custody. 979-775-5335 (Main Office)
Brazos Valley Dispute Resolution Center Provides services addressing homelessness, violence
979-822-6947 (Main Office) and abuse, family conflict, poverty, and more. Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and
Civil, Family, and CPS mediations; Civil arbitrations. dating violence.

Disability Rights Texas GUADALUPE

512-454-4816 (Austin) County Seat – Seguin
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights 800-369-0356 (San Antonio)
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or 833-329-8752 (Main Office)
apply online at:
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
Memorial Assistance Ministries facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
713-929-9280 (Main Office) bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
Assists low-income immigrants with a variety of accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
immigration matters, including family-based petitions, environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
Renewal or Replacement of Lawful Permanent legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
Residency card, Adjustment of Status to Lawful ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
Permanent Residency, Naturalization/Citizenship, Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
Humanitarian-based petitions for victims of crime in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
(U-Visa/VAWA), DACA Renewals: Deferred Action for into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
Childhood Arrivals. Call and leave a message for following groups: Community Preservation &
questions and more information. Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
Montgomery County Women’s Center Employment, and Public Benefits.
936-441-7273 (Main Office) Alamo Area Resource Center
Montgomery County Women’s Center provides a 800-308-2437 (San Antonio)
24-hour crisis hotline, emergency shelter, counseling, 210-625-7200 (Main Office)
advocacy, accompaniment, transitional housing, and
legal services to survivors of family violence, sexual A LGBT primary care and HIV specialty care clinic
assault, and stalking. MCWC also provides community provides free HIV testing. Offers referrals to persons
outreach and education. Our mission is to lead the effort with HIV/AIDS seeking general civil legal services
in preventing Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault including advocacy, wills, guardianships, directives and
through crisis intervention, assistance, advocacy, powers of attorney.
empowerment, and social change.

American Gateways Guadalupe Valley Family Violence Shelter
512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) 830-372-2780 (Main Office)
Provides immigrations legal services at no or low cost, Guadalupe Valley Family Violence Shelter, Inc. provides
education, and advocacy. Main areas of focus include, free and confidential services for survivors of domestic,
but are not limited to: consular process, DACA, Violence dating, and sexual violence. Our 24/7 services include
Against Women Act, U-Visa, asylum, withholding of crisis hotline, safety planning and danger assessment,
removal, bond, parole, and more. crisis intervention, counseling, peer support, advocacy,
accompaniment, information, and referral. 24-hour
Catholic Charities Archdiocese of San Antonio hotline: 800-834-2033.
Caritas Legal Services
210-433-3256 (Main Office) LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault) 800-991-5153 (Main Office)
Provides low-cost legal services in the areas of
immigration, guardianship, estate planning, and probate. Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
Central Texas Dispute Resolution Center Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
512-878-0382 (Main Office) for help leave a confidential voice message on the LASSA main office line.
Nonprofit mediation service. We serve the unserved and
underserved residents of Hays, Caldwell, Comal, and Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
Guadalupe Counties. We mediate community disputes, Legal Services (RAICES)
civil cases, family, divorce, and child custody. 210-226-7722 (Main Office)
Crisis Center of Comal County Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
830-620-7520 (Main Office) seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
The Crisis Center of Comal County (CCCC) has trafficking.
provided services to victims of domestic violence and
sexual assault for 33 years. Provides 24-hour St. Mary’s University School of Law, Center for
emergency shelter, court accompaniment, case Legal and Social Justice
management, counseling, children’s program, and legal 210-431-2596 (Main Office)
advocacy to men, women, and children who are victims
of domestic violence (DV) and/or sexual assault (SA). -legal-social-justice
Sheltering includes safety, bed/ bath, meals, case NOTICE: This provider has limited availability for cases.
management, counseling, financial assistance, and St. Mary’s University School of Law proudly offers four
transportation. The goal of the shelter is to provide a outstanding clinical courses for second- and third-year
safe place for victims and families to live without fear, law students: the Civil Justice Clinic-Consumer
gather their thoughts, and prepare for transitioning to Protection, the Civil Justice Clinic-Family Law, the
the community with a promising and safe future. Immigration and Human Rights Clinic and the Criminal
Justice Clinic. The clinical courses are dedicated to
Disability Rights Texas educating students at St. Mary’s while addressing the
512-454-4816 (Austin) otherwise unmet legal needs of income-qualified people
800-252-9108 (Main Office) in San Antonio and South Texas.
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights HALE
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or County Seat – Plainview
apply online at:
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
Family Violence Prevention Services, Inc. 806-293-8491 (Plainview)
210-930-3669 (Main Office) 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
Provides free legal assistance to income-eligible victims Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
of domestic violence; emergency shelter; and that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
community-based intervention and prevention services. in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
24-hour hotline: 210-733-8810. with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.

Catholic Charities, Diocese of Lubbock HALL
806-765-8475 (Main Office) County Seat – Memphis
Provides direct client assistance with basic needs; Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
elderly assistance; youth and family counseling 806-293-8491 (Plainview)
services; kinship family support; immigration services
888-529-5277 (Main Office)
including renewal or replacement of Legal Permanent
Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card,
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
assistance with family-based categories for non-
immigrant and immigrant visas, and Violence Against that provides free civil legal help to low-income
Women Act (VAWA). residents in 114 Texas counties throughout North and
West Texas, with offices in Abilene, Amarillo,
Crisis Center of the Plains Brownwood, Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock,
806-293-7273 (Main Office) McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie, Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
Provides legal advocacy, particularly with obtaining
protective orders and referrals to free legal assistance Crisis Center of the Plains
for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and 806-293-7273 (Main Office)
human trafficking. 24-hour hotline.
Provides legal advocacy, particularly with obtaining
Disability Rights Texas protective orders and referrals to free legal assistance
806-765-7794 (Lubbock) for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and
800-252-9108 (Main Office) human trafficking. 24-hour hotline.
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights Disability Rights Texas
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or 806-765-7794 (Lubbock)
apply online at: 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Legal Aid Society of Lubbock, Inc Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
806-762-2325 (Main Office) issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or apply online at:
The Legal Aid Society of Lubbock provides excellent
legal services and support in challenging times to Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
families and survivors of domestic violence across the 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
South Plains.
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
806-742-4312 (Main Office) representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to, compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation and a limited amount of representation in the United
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
and a limited amount of representation in the United
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.

HAMILTON McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo,
County Seat – Hamilton Waxahachie, Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.

Lone Star Legal Aid Disability Rights Texas

800-234-6606 (Belton) 806-765-7794 (Lubbock)
800-733-8394 (Main Office) 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
matters to eligible, low-income Texans. issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at:
Catholic Charities of Central Texas Immigration
Legal Services Panhandle Crisis Center, Inc.
512-651-6100 (Main Office) 806-435-5008 (Main Office)
The Immigration Legal Services Program provides low- Assists domestic violence and sexual assault victims in
cost representation for persons seeking immigration understanding their legal rights and options; provides
assistance in Central Texas. We practice in most areas assistance in obtaining legal resources, including
of immigration law including, but not limited to, family- protective orders and legal representation; information,
based immigration, naturalization, DACA, victim visas,
referral and accompaniment services are available to
asylum, and removal defense. Hotline: 512-651-6125.
assist victims in obtaining other needed legal, medical
and social services. Also operates 24-hour emergency
Cross Timbers Family Services
866-934-4357 (Main Office) family violence shelter. 24-hour hotline: 800-753-5308.
Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics
Provides 24-hour crisis hotline, victim's assistance and
512-477-6000 (Main Office)
crisis counseling, advocacy and criminal justice support,
Crime Victim's Compensation assistance, medical Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
accompaniments, and protective order assistance. with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall
Disability Rights Texas Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
512-454-4816 (Austin) Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library, Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library,
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
apply online at: County Library's El Campo Branch.

Families In Crisis, Inc. Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
254-634-1184 (Main Office) 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
24-hour emergency safe shelter for survivors of The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
domestic/sexual violence, outreach services, housing Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
assistance, Friends In Crisis Homeless Shelter (night representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
shelter 7 days per week), rental assistance and controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
supportive services for low-income veterans and their Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
families. 24-hour hotline: 888-799-7233. matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
HANSFORD subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
County Seat – Spearman for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
806-373-6808 (Amarillo) before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
888-529-5277 (Main Office) Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues, dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization and a limited amount of representation in the United
that provides free civil legal help to low-income States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
residents in 114 Texas counties throughout North and criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
West Texas, with offices in Abilene, Amarillo,
Brownwood, Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock,

HARDEMAN status, self-petitions under VAWA, U Visa, naturalization,
County Seat – Quanah citizenship acquisition and derivation, DACA (Deferred
Action for Childhood Arrivals), renewal of green card,
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas I-601 Waivers, Appeals, FOIA, and Affidavits of Support.
940-723-5542 (Wichita Falls)
888-529-5277 (Main Office) Disability Rights Texas 713-974-7691 (Houston)
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas, Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, apply online at:
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
Family Services of Southeast Texas, Inc.
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
409-832-7575 (Main Office)
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Lubbock
806-765-8475 (Main Office) Provides full residential and non-residential services to survivors of domestic violence and sexual violence.
Provides direct client assistance with basic needs; Provides emergency medical care, necessary
elderly assistance; youth and family counseling medications, safe house residence, food, clothing, baby
services; kinship family support; immigration services and children's items, counseling, group therapy, case
including renewal or replacement of Legal Permanent management, and legal and family advocacy. Also
Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card, assists in job placement of clients and location of
assistance with family-based categories for non- affordable housing.
immigrant and immigrant visas, and Violence Against
Women Act (VAWA). Hardin County Crime Victims Assistance Center
800-828-7233 (Main Office)
Disability Rights Texas Provides services for victims of all crimes by preparing
214-630-0916 (Dallas) protective orders, court accompaniment, forensic
800-252-9108 (Main Office) interview accompaniment, hospital accompaniment,
safe house transportation, relocation assistance, law
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or enforcement interview accompaniment, interpreter
apply online at: assistance, and more. 24-hour hotline: 800-828-7233.

First Step of Wichita Falls, Inc. Memorial Assistance Ministries

800-658-2683 (Main Office) 713-929-9280 (Main Office)
Provides comprehensive family violence and sexual Assists low-income immigrants with a variety of
assault services which include but are not limited to: immigration matters, including family-based petitions,
safe house, counseling, legal advocacy, hospital Renewal or Replacement of Lawful Permanent
advocacy, children's program, and education and Residency card, Adjustment of Status to Lawful
training. 24-hour hotline. Permanent Residency, Naturalization/Citizenship,
Humanitarian-based petitions for victims of crime
HARDIN (U-Visa/VAWA), DACA Renewals: Deferred Action for
County Seat – Kountze Childhood Arrivals. Call and leave a message for
questions and more information.
Lone Star Legal Aid
800-365-1861 (Beaumont) Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics
800-733-8394 (Main Office) 512-477-6000 (Main Office)
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
matters to eligible, low-income Texans. with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall
Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas - Immigration Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
Services Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
409-924-4400 (Main Office) Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library, Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library,
Provides legal immigration services for a nominal fee. Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
The types of cases they accept are family-based Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
petitions, consular processing abroad, adjustment of County Library’s El Campo Branch.
HARRIS Houston with ID restoration, clearing criminal history,
County Seat – Houston social security disability appeals, limited family law,
housing law, including evictions and limited wills and
Lone Star Legal Aid estate assistance.
800-733-8394 (Main Office) Boat People SOS, Inc.
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil 281-530-6888 (Main Office)
matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
Provides civil legal assistance for low-income
Access Justice Houston Vietnamese Texans in the areas of domestic violence,
832-772-6743 (Main Office) human trafficking, family law, immigration, and wills.
Access Justice Houston is a non-profit law firm The Bridge Over Troubled Waters, Inc.
dedicated to expanding affordable legal services in 281-420-5600 (Baytown)
Houston Texas. We serve modest-means clients, 713-472-0753 (Main Office)
providing legal services on a reduced fee calculated on
a sliding scale. If you make too much to qualify for legal The Bridge Over Troubled Waters is a comprehensive
aid but are unable to find a lawyer you can afford, we’ll crisis center in Harris County, TX, empowering
work with you to get you a lawyer you can afford. We individuals impacted by sexual and domestic violence,
can help with your Family law, Criminal Defense, human trafficking, and child abuse through a continuum
Landlord Tenant, Consumer law issues. of care from prevention, intervention, and advocacy
support. The Bridge upholds the safety, justice, and
Advocate Legal Senior Center autonomy of all victims and survivors of violence.
832-393-4074 (Main Office) Services include advocacy, crisis intervention, licensed childcare services, legal and hospital accompaniment,
Provides legal services in the areas of guardianships, employment services, housing, therapy, and educational
probate, land issues, and tenant issues on a pro bono trainings.
and sliding-scale basis to senior citizens residing in and
around Harris County. Clinical Legal Studies Program, Thurgood Marshall
School of Law
Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse (AVDA) 713-313-7275 (Main Office)
713-224-9911 (Main Office) The Legal Clinic at TMSL is both an educational and
Provides free legal representation to domestic violence legal service provider. The education component is
victims; handles family law cases including protective focused on providing students with hands-on legal
orders, divorce and child custody. experience representing real clients with real legal
issues. The legal service component focuses on
Bay Area Turning Point, Inc. providing legal representation to people who cannot
281-286-2525 (Main Office) afford to hire a lawyer, thereby increasing access to justice for low-income individuals. Also, the Legal Clinic
Bay Area Turning Point provides recovery solutions and has created a legal services delivery program where
options for domestic and sexual assault victims to students serve the community while learning how to be
include the following: 24-hour crisis intervention via the more socially-conscious attorneys. We accept cases in
hotline, information and referrals, emergency shelter, and the following practice areas: family law; immigration;
case management. Victim advocacy includes: assistance wills, probate, & guardianship; and criminal
with applying for protective orders, assistance with misdemeanors (court appointments only).
applying for crime victim’s compensation, and assistance
with interfacing with law enforcement and the criminal Consejos Legales
justice system. Victim accompaniment to criminal justice 713-759-1133 (Main Office)
entities, medical facilities, and law enforcement
agencies. Individual and family counseling, support Consejos Legales is a program offered by the Mexican
groups, housing assistance, assistance with accessing American Bar Association and the Hispanic Bar
resources to recover from trauma and abuse. Association, in partnership with the Houston Bar
Association. It offers 20 minute sessions of free, simple
Beacon Law, a Program of The Beacon legal information in Spanish. With few exceptions,
713-220-9780 (Main Office) Consejos Legales takes place on the first Thursday of each month from 6-8 pm. You may sign-up on-line for an
A civil legal aid program of The Beacon focused on appointment to receive a phone call from a volunteer
helping the homeless and indigent population of attorney.
Disability Rights Texas adjustment of status, citizenships, renewal of residency
713-974-7691 (Houston) cards, work permits through TPS, and DACA, etc.
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Harris County Dispute Resolution Center
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights 713-274-7100 (Main Office)
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at: Provides community, civil, and family mediation services
for county residents free of charge. Does not accept
Earl Carl Institute for Legal and Social Justice – criminal matters.
Opal Mitchell Lee Property Preservation Project
713-313-1158 (Houston) Harris County Domestic Relations Office
713-313-1139 (Main Office) 713-274-7300 (Main Office)
Provides free legal services to low-income Texans who The Harris County Domestic Relations Office (DRO)
are facing potential land loss as a result of failure to provides services to families with a case pending in the
plan estates, foreclosures, clouds on title to Harris County Family District Courts. All services are
property/land, general inheritance issues, and to ensure offered with a focus on the child's best interest. The
housing stability. The project’s focus is to help DRO provides the following services: parenting
economically disadvantaged communities retain and coordination, child custody evaluations, mediations,
grow wealth. Case priorities include: mortgage, community supervision, adoption evaluations, parent
homeowner association & tax foreclosure defense, conferences, supervised visitation, child support
eviction defense & other landlord/tenant issues, partition enforcement, possession/access enforcement and
suits, clearing title to property, reviewing real estate paternity establishment. No income cap exists except for
documents, adverse possession, property tax mediation cases. All services are either free, based on a
exemptions, judicial & nonjudicial probate, wills & estate sliding scale, or reduced cost.
planning, and non-profit formation.
Houston Area Women’s Center
FamilyTime Crisis and Counseling Center 800-256-0551 (Main Office)
281-446-2615 (Main Office) The Houston Area Women’s Center works to end
Provides legal advocacy for survivors of human domestic and sexual violence and supports all in building
trafficking, domestic violence, and sexual assault, safe and healthy lives through advocacy, counseling,
particularly with emergency shelter access, free education, shelter, and support services. Our services
individual and group counseling, hospital and court are free, confidential, and available to everyone.
accompaniment, and more. 24-hour crisis hotline. Domestic violence hotline: 800-256-0551
Sexual assault hotline: 800-256-0661
Fort Bend County Dispute Resolution Center
281-342-5000 (Main Office) Houston Immigration Legal Services Collaborative 833-468-4664 (Main Office)
The Fort Bend County Dispute Resolution Center is a
private, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization committed to HILSC focuses only on immigration matters. It is not a
providing high-quality, low-cost dispute resolution direct service provider and does not accept cases.
services for all people in Fort Bend and the surrounding Connects case placement requests with other
counties. immigration legal services and attorneys in private
practice who are members of the American Immigration
Lawyer Association.
Fort Bend County Women’s Center, Inc.
281-342-4357 (Main Office)
Houston Volunteer Lawyers
713-228-0735 (Main Office)
The Fort Bend Women’s Center Legal Department
represents clients in divorce, suits affecting parent-child
Free civil legal services in family law, housing matters,
relationships, protective orders, enforcement, and
federal taxes, guardianship, estate planning, probate,
modification matters.
consumer law, veteran-specific issues, criminal
expunctions and non-disclosures, juvenile sealing, and
GANO/CARECEN Central American Refugee Center more.
713-665-1284 (Main Office)
Provides clients with orientation on immigration services
within US Citizenship and Immigration Services
(USCIS). Helps clients with form filing and
documentation intakes such as family petitions,
Kids in Need of Defense (KIND) Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
832-779-4030 (Main Office) seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
Provides pro bono representation to unaccompanied trafficking.
children in deportation proceedings. The social services
team helps ensure that the children have access to St. Frances Cabrini Center for Immigrant Legal
counseling, education support, and medical care. Assistance
Houston office services children who are detained in 713-595-4100 (Main Office)
Harris and Montgomery counties, who are 17.5 years
old and under, who are fleeing violence. The Cabrini Center provides low-cost and free
immigration legal services in the following areas: charlas
LegalLine – Houston Bar Association and legal consultations, crime victims, humanitarian
713-759-1133 (Main Office) assistance (including TPS, DACA, asylum, parole, SIV), refugee assistance, unaccompanied children, citizenship
Register online to receive a phone call from an attorney and naturalization, and family-based immigration.
for 20 minutes of free legal information.
Tahirih Justice Center
Memorial Assistance Ministries 713-496-0100 (Main Office)
713-929-9280 (Main Office) A national non-profit organization that supports
Assists low-income immigrants with a variety of immigrant women and other survivors of gender-based
immigration matters, including family-based petitions, violence seeking safety and justice. Our interdisciplinary
Renewal or Replacement of Lawful Permanent model of service combines free legal services, social
Residency card, Adjustment of Status to Lawful services case management, and trainings and
Permanent Residency, Naturalization/Citizenship, education. Our team in Houston serves immigrant
Humanitarian-based petitions for victims of crime survivors of violence in Houston to access existing legal
(U-Visa/VAWA), DACA Renewals: Deferred Action for protections, including gender-based asylum claims,
Childhood Arrivals. Call and leave a message for U Visas for crime victims who cooperate with law
questions and more information. enforcement to convict perpetrators of violence, Violence
Against Women Act (VAWA) petitions to empower
Montgomery County Women’s Center battered spouses and children of U.S. citizens or Legal
936-441-7273 (Main Office) Permanent Residents to obtain lawful status free and clear from their abusers, T Visas for victims of labor and
Montgomery County Women's Center provides a 24-hour sex trafficking and special immigrant juvenile status
crisis hotline, emergency shelter, counseling, advocacy, (SIJS) for unaccompanied minors who have been
accompaniment, transitional housing, and legal services abandoned, abused, or neglected by one or both
to survivors of family violence, sexual assault, and parents.
stalking. MCWC also provides community outreach and
education. Our mission is to lead the effort in preventing University of Houston Law Center Clinical Programs
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault through crisis 713-743-2094 (Main Office)
intervention, assistance, advocacy, empowerment, and
social change. Offers legal assistance to a very limited number of
clients through several, varied law clinics in the following
Randall O. Sorrels Legal Clinics at South Texas areas: immigration, family, guardianship, probate,
College of Law Houston landlord/tenant, deceptive trade practices, real property,
713-646-2990 (Main Office) bankruptcy, debt-collection, transactional, and mediation. All cases are handled by clinic law students
The Randall O. Sorrels Legal Clinics at South Texas under the supervision of a licensed attorney.
College of Law Houston provides direct legal
representation in the following service areas: family, Workers Defense Project
probate, guardianship, landlord/tenant, immigration, tax, 832-269-8060 (Houston)
estate planning, expunction/nondisclosure, trademark, 469-657-3928 (Main Office)
patent, and veterans.
Provides advocacy, leadership development, trainings
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and and orientations around workplace safety and workers’
Legal Services (RAICES) rights, and legal services, particularly to construction
210-226-7722 (Main Office) workers who have experienced wage theft, retaliation, or unsafe working conditions.

YMCA International Services HARTLEY
713-399-9015 (Houston) County Seat – Channing
713-758-9280 (Main Office) Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
services 806-373-6808 (Amarillo)
The Immigration Legal Department of the YMCA 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
International Services provides counseling or
representation to individuals seeking immigration Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
assistance. Assistance is available for asylum seekers, that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
crime survivors, survivors of domestic violence and in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
human trafficking. Services also include family with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
reunification visas, adjustment of status and Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
naturalization applications. During consultations, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
individuals can discuss their immigration case with an Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
Immigration Attorney, Department of Justice Accredited
Representative or an Immigration Case Manager. Disability Rights Texas
Handles immigration matters only and must make 806-765-7794 (Lubbock)
appointment first. 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
HARRISON issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
County Seat – Marshall apply online at:

Lone Star Legal Aid Safe Place, Inc.

800-866-0821 (Longview) 806-935-2828 (Main Office)
800-733-8394 (Main Office) Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining
matters to eligible, low-income Texans. protective orders and referrals to free and sliding-scale
legal assistance; also offers parenting, anger
Catholic Charities – Diocese of Tyler management, and healthy relationship classes.
903-258-9492 (Main Office) 24-hour hotline.
Provides immigration services such as Naturalization Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
and Citizenship, Adjustment of Status, VAWA, U-Visas, 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
DACA and family-based petitions. By appointment.
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
Disability Rights Texas Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
214-630-0916 (Dallas) representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
800-252-9108 (Main Office) controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
apply online at: subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
Women’s Center of East Texas compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
903-295-7526 (Marshall) an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
903-295-7526 (Main Office) before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
We provide shelter, crisis intervention, and dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
comprehensive support services to survivors of and a limited amount of representation in the United
domestic violence, sexual assault, and sex trafficking in States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
Gregg, Harrison, Marion, Panol, Rusk, and Upsure criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.

HASKELL ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
County Seat – Haskell Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
325-677-8591 (Abilene) following groups: Community Preservation &
888-529-5277 (Main Office) Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization Employment, and Public Benefits.
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas, American Gateways
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, 512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office)
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie, Provides immigrations legal services at no or low cost,
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. education, and advocacy. Main areas of focus include,
but are not limited to: consular process, DACA, Violence
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Lubbock Against Women Act, U-Visa, asylum, withholding of
806-765-8475 (Main Office) removal, bond, parole, and more.
Provides direct client assistance with basic needs; elderly Austin Bar Foundation's Veterans Legal
assistance; youth and family counseling services; kinship Assistance Program
family support; immigration services including renewal or 512-472-0279 (Main Office)
replacement of Legal Permanent Resident Card and/or
Employment Authorization Card, assistance with family- The Austin Bar Foundation’s Veterans Legal Assistance
based categories for non-immigrant and immigrant visas, Program organizes and provides free legal advice clinics
and Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). for qualified, low-income veterans, active-duty or reserve-
duty service members, and their families who reside in or
Disability Rights Texas have a civil legal issue in the jurisdictional areas of
214-630-0916 (Dallas) Bastrop, Blanco, Burnett, Caldwell, Gillespie, Hays,
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Travis, and Williamson counties of Texas. Our volunteer attorneys are prepared to provide advice in the following
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights civil legal areas: Consumer/Finance, Education,
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or Employment, Family, Juvenile, Health/Healthcare,
apply online at: Housing, Income Maintenance, Individual Rights, Estate
Planning/Powers of Attorney, Occupational Drivers’
Noah Project, Inc. License, and Criminal Nondisclosure or Expunction.
940-864-2551 (Haskell) Some cases may qualify for extended services. Please
325-676-7107 (Main Office) apply online or call our office to see if your legal issue is a case type that our program may cover.
Shelter and outreach advocacy services for victims of
domestic violence, sexual assault, and human Austin Tenants’ Council
trafficking. Staff attorney provides legal services 512-474-1961 (Main Office)
including assistance with protective orders, divorce and
custody cases, and weekly legal classes. Austin Tenants' Council ensures housing stability by
rectifying Fair Housing Act violations and empowering
tenants to exercise their rights through mediation,
HAYS advocacy, and education.
County Seat – San Marcos
Catholic Charities of Central Texas Immigration
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. Legal Services
800-369-9270 (Austin) 512-651-6100 (Main Office)
833-329-8752 (Main Office) The Immigration Legal Services Program provides low-
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people cost representation for persons seeking immigration
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including assistance in Central Texas. We practice in most areas
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody of immigration law including, but not limited to, family-
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, based immigration, naturalization, DACA, victim visas,
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and asylum, and removal defense. Hotline: 512-651-6125.
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
Central Texas Dispute Resolution Center assault, or human trafficking. SAFE Legal Services
512-878-0382 (Main Office) primarily handles cases involving family law, protective orders, housing law, immigration, or victims’ rights or
Nonprofit mediation service. We serve the unserved and privacy.
underserved residents of Hays, Caldwell, Comal, and
Guadalupe Counties. We mediate community disputes, Texas Fair Defense Project
civil cases, family, divorce, and child custody. 512-637-5220 (Main Office)
Disability Rights Texas TFDP fights to end the criminalization of poverty in
512-454-4816 (Austin) Texas using advocacy, education, litigation, and
800-252-9108 (Main Office) community lawyering. Provides legal services to people struggling with paying ticket and court debt, who have
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights driver’s license suspensions, or who have outstanding
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or warrants.
apply online at:
Volunteer Legal Services of Central Texas
Hays-Caldwell Women’s Center 512-476-5550 (Main Office)
512-396-4357 (Main Office) Offers free legal advice and intake clinics on civil law
Serving victims of family violence, sexual assault, dating matters. VLS is unable to assist with criminal,
violence and child abuse from Hays and Caldwell immigration or contested matters. Community Legal
counties. Provides comprehensive services including Clinics are held year-round at various dates and times
shelter, children’s advocacy center, counseling, in our services area. Please visit our website for
advocacy, and legal advocacy. up-to-date information.

Justice for Our Neighbors – DFW HEMPHILL

817-310-3820 (Main Office) County Seat – Canadian
Provides free and affordable, high-quality immigration Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
legal services, shares information with the public and 806-373-6808 (Amarillo)
engages in advocacy with immigrants. Accepts all types 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
of non-detained immigration cases. Call for more
information. Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
LASSA, (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault) in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
800-991-5153 (Main Office) with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
for help leave a confidential voice message on the Disability Rights Texas
LASSA main office line. 806-765-7794 (Lubbock)
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
Legal Services (RAICES) Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
210-226-7722 (Main Office) issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or apply online at:
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human 512-477-6000 (Main Office)
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
SAFE Alliance with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
512-267-7233 (Main Office) support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
SAFE Alliance Legal Services provides free direct Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
representation, legal advice, pro se assistance, court Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
accompaniment, and referrals to survivors of child Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library,
abuse, domestic or dating violence, sexual abuse or Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton East Texas Crisis Center
County Library's El Campo Branch. 903-595-5591 (Main Office)
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic Provides emergency shelter, crisis intervention,
806-742-4312 (Main Office) advocacy, and counseling to victims of family violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and other violent crime.
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income 24-hour toll-free hotline: 800-333-0358.
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with Legal Hospice of Texas
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in 214-521-6622 (Main Office)
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to, Provides free legal counsel, representation, and
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or advocacy to low-income persons who are diagnosed
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements with a terminal illness or HIV, have a civil legal issue
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in related to their diagnosis, and meet established income
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as criteria.
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues, 512-477-6000 (Main Office)
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
and a limited amount of representation in the United Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation. support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
Tralee Crisis Center for Women, Inc. Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
800-658-2796 (Main Office) Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library, Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library,
Provides comprehensive services, including: crisis Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
intervention; advocacy; law enforcement and criminal Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
justice accompaniment; medical (SANE) accompaniment; County Library's El Campo Branch.
emergency safe shelter; and peer and professional
counseling for victims of domestic violence, sexual HIDALGO
assault, and other violent crimes. 24-hour crisis line. County Seat – Edinburg

HENDERSON Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.

County Seat – Athens 800-369-0437 (San Antonio)
833-329-8752 (Main Office)
Lone Star Legal Aid
800-248-0048 (Tyler) TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
800-733-8394 (Main Office) facing most forms of civil legal problems, including bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
matters to eligible, low-income Texans. accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
Catholic Charities – Diocese of Tyler legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
903-258-9492 (Main Office) ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
Provides immigration services such as Naturalization in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
and Citizenship, Adjustment of Status, VAWA, U-Visas, into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
DACA and family-based petitions. By appointment. following groups: Community Preservation &
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic
Disability Rights Texas Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
214-630-0916 (Dallas) Employment, and Public Benefits.
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at:

Casa de Proyecto Libertad Texas A&M University School of Law – Tax Dispute
956-425-9552 (Main Office) Resolution Clinic
Handles all aspects of immigration cases, specializing in 817-212-4123 (Main Office)
VAWA, U visa, and DACA claims.
Disability Rights Texas Provides free assistance to help low-income taxpayers
210-737-0499 (San Antonio) resolve their problems with the Internal Revenue Service
800-252-9108 (Main Office) (IRS) or Tax Court; handles problems such as IRS audits, administrative appeals, negotiating with the IRS if
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights you are unable to pay, or Tax Court cases. The clinic
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or does not prepare tax returns. Services are delivered by
apply online at: Texas A&M law students supervised by qualified tax
attorney. For screening and appointments call or visit the
Hidalgo Community Justice Program website.
956-393-6240 (Main Office)
Women Together/Mujeres Unidas
800-580-4879 (Main Office)
Attorneys with the Hidalgo County Bar Association work
jointly with TRLA to help clients obtain divorces. Clients
Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic
must be pre-qualified through the TRLA intake process,
violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining
complete a divorce information checklist, and attend a protective orders and referrals to free and sliding-scale
5:30 pm meeting to be paired with an attorney. Occurs 3 legal assistance. 24-hour crisis hotline.
times per year. Please visit for more information.

LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault) HILL

800-991-5153 (Main Office) County Seat – Hillsboro
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors Lone Star Legal Aid
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west 800-299-5596 (Waco)
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply 800-733-8394 (Main Office)
for help leave a confidential voice message on the
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
LASSA main office line.
matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
South Texas Immigration Council American Gateways
956-425-6987 (Main Office) 512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office)
Provides legal representation before USCIS and EOIR.
Immigration removal defense including applications for Provides immigrations legal services at no or low cost,
relief (VAWA, Cancellation of Removal, Adjustment of education, and advocacy. Main areas of focus include,
Status). but are not limited to: consular process, DACA, Violence
Against Women Act, U-Visa, asylum, withholding of
South Texas Pro Bono Asylum Representation removal, bond, parole, and more.
Project (ProBAR)
956-365-3775 (Main Office) Baylor Law Veterans Clinic 254-710-4244 (Main Office)
ProBAR provides legal services to immigrants in
removal proceedings in the Rio Grande Valley, including The free legal advice clinic is held one Friday afternoon
adults detained in ICE custody and unaccompanied each month from September through July at the Heart
children, among others. Our services include legal of Texas Veterans One Stop and is open to all veterans
orientations and general information about immigration and veterans’ spouses regardless of income level.
proceedings, representation and pro se assistance to Additional civil legal services are offered to those
respondents with cases before USCIS, EOIR, or the meeting eligibility requirements. The Heart of Texas
Board of Immigration Appeals, and legal referrals and Veterans One Stop is located at 2010 La Salle Avenue,
social services support for people transitioning out of Waco, Texas 76706.
federal immigration detention.
Disability Rights Texas
512-454-4816 (Austin)
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at:
Family Abuse Center, Inc. Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
800-283-8401 (Waco) 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
254-772-8999 (Main Office) The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
Provides a wide variety of services for all victims of Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
domestic violence. For adults, we provide emergency representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
shelter and general services such as case controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
management, counseling, support groups, an array of Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
legal services and assistance with housing. General matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
services are also available to non-residential clients as securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
well as those who live in rural areas. Our services are
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
provided free of charge to anyone who has been
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
impacted by domestic violence.
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
HOCKLEY before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
County Seat – Levelland Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas and a limited amount of representation in the United
806-763-4557 (Lubbock) States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
888-529-5277 (Main Office) criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization Women’s Protective Services
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents 800-736-6491 (Lubbock)
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas, 806-747-6491 (Main Office)
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, Provides legal advocacy for victims of family violence
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie, with services including, but not limited, to counseling,
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. crisis intervention, B.I.P.P, social services, safe housing,
and safety planning.
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Lubbock
806-765-8475 (Main Office) HOOD County Seat – Granbury
Provides direct client assistance with basic needs;
elderly assistance; youth and family counseling Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
services; kinship family support; immigration services 817-336-3943 (Fort Worth)
including renewal or replacement of Legal Permanent 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card,
assistance with family-based categories for non- Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
immigrant and immigrant visas, and Violence Against that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
Women Act (VAWA). in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
Disability Rights Texas Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
806-765-7794 (Lubbock) Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
AIDS Outreach Center
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
817-335-1994 (Main Office)
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at:
AOC provides a full range of HIV and STI testing onsite
and in the broader community. They provide free
Legal Aid Society of Lubbock, Inc treatment for chlamydia, syphilis and gonorrhea. Client
806-894-1112 (Levelland) services programs are offered to people who are living
806-762-2325 (Main Office) with HIV/AIDS. Those programs are as follows, case management services, assistance with insurance,
The Legal Aid Society of Lubbock provides excellent transportation, and housing. AOC also offers a nutrition
legal services and support in challenging times to center, behavioral health, and a dental clinic.
families and survivors of domestic violence across the
South Plains.

Cross Timbers Family Services HOPKINS
866-934-4357 (Main Office) County Seat – Sulphur Springs
Provides 24-hour crisis hotline, victim's assistance and Lone Star Legal Aid
crisis counseling, advocacy and criminal justice support, 800-925-5802 (Paris)
Crime Victim's Compensation assistance, medical
800-733-8394 (Main Office)
accompaniments, and protective order assistance.
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
Disability Rights Texas
214-630-0916 (Dallas) matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Catholic Charities – Diocese of Tyler
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights 903-258-9492 (Main Office)
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at: Provides immigration services such as Naturalization
and Citizenship, Adjustment of Status, VAWA, U-Visas,
Hope Women’s Shelter, Inc. DACA and family-based petitions. By appointment.
940-325-1306 (Main Office)
Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic Disability Rights Texas
violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining 214-630-0916 (Dallas)
protective orders and referrals to free and sliding-scale 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
legal assistance; provides shelter and therapy to victims
of domestic violence and sexual assault. Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
24-hour hotline. issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at:
Justice for Our Neighbors – DFW
817-310-3820 (Main Office) Dispute Resolution Services of Lamar County 903-782-0447 (Main Office)
Provides free and affordable, high-quality immigration Provides mediation services in custody, divorce,
legal services, shares information with the public and misdemeanors, and domestic issues.
engages in advocacy with immigrants. Accepts all types
of non-detained immigration cases. Call for more Shelter Agencies for Families in East Texas
information. (SAFE-T Crisis Center)
903-572-0973 (Sulphur Springs)
Legal Hospice of Texas 903-575-9999 (Main Office)
214-521-6622 (Main Office) Provides services to victims/survivors of domestic
Provides free legal counsel, representation, and violence and sexual assault, as well as their children.
advocacy to low-income persons who are diagnosed Services include: legal assistance, accompaniment to
with a terminal illness or HIV, have a civil legal issue court, crime victim assistance, rape crisis intervention,
related to their diagnosis, and meet established income shelter, counseling, and support groups. Also,
criteria. advocates for offender accountability through the
criminal justice system on behalf of the survivors, as
Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics well as advocating for crime victims’ rights, including,
512-477-6000 (Main Office) but not limited to, landlord-tenant issues, confidentiality, participation in the criminal justice process, and crime
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist victim compensation. Toll Free: 888-801-HELP (4357).
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall HOUSTON
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public County Seat – Crockett
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library, Lone Star Legal Aid
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library, 800-354-1889 (Nacogdoches)
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library, 800-733-8394 (Main Office)
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
County Library’s El Campo Branch. Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
matters to eligible, low-income Texans.

Catholic Charities – Diocese of Tyler Disability Rights Texas
903-258-9492 (Main Office) 806-765-7794 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Provides immigration services such as Naturalization
and Citizenship, Adjustment of Status, VAWA, U-Visas, Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
DACA and family-based petitions. By appointment. issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at:
Disability Rights Texas
713-974-7691 (Houston) Safe Place of the Permian Basin
800-252-9108 (Main Office) 432-570-1465 (Main Office)
Safe Place’s mission is to break the cycle of family
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
violence by empowering individuals to make safe and
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
healthy choices through awareness, advocacy,
apply online at: counseling, and shelter while promoting hope, healing,
and dignity. Safe Place provides comprehensive recovery
Family Crisis Center of East Texas services so that victims of family violence receive safe
936-544-2151 (Crockett) and secure shelter, recover from the trauma they have
800-828-7233 (Main Office) experienced, work to regain their self-esteem, and evaluate their options for moving to a self-sufficient and
A non-profit organization that empowers survivors of abuse free life. Family violence recovery services
domestic violence and sexual assault by providing crisis include: 24-hour crisis hotline, emergency shelter,
intervention and advocacy services. The FCCET also counseling, advocacy and case management, support
engages the community through education to build groups, children’s programming and parenting classes.
awareness and prevent domestic violence and sexual Toll free 800-967-8928.
assault. 24-hour crisis hotline.
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
512-477-6000 (Main Office) The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library,
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library, compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
County Library's El Campo Branch. before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
HOWARD and a limited amount of representation in the United
County Seat – Big Spring
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
432-686-0647 (Midland)
888-529-5277 (Main Office) HUDSPETH County Seat – Sierra Blanca
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas, 800-369-2792 (El Paso)
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, 833-329-8752 (Main Office)
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie, TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard 800-991-5153 (Main Office)
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
following groups: Community Preservation & of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor & for help leave a confidential voice message on the
Employment, and Public Benefits. LASSA main office line.

Center Against Sexual & Family Violence Texas A&M University School of Law – Tax Dispute
915-593-7300 (Main Office) Resolution Clinic 817-212-4123 (Main Office)
Provides confidential assistance, shelter, counseling,
and support to individuals and families who are victims -clinic
of sexual and/or family violence. Crisis intervention and Provides free assistance to help low-income taxpayers
advocacy are available by calling the hotline. resolve their problems with the Internal Revenue
Toll-free: 800-727-0511. Service (IRS) or Tax Court; handles problems such as
IRS audits, administrative appeals, negotiating with the
Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services, Inc. (DMRS) IRS if you are unable to pay, or Tax Court cases. The
915-532-3975 (Main Office) clinic does not prepare tax returns. Services are delivered by Texas A&M law students supervised by
DMRS is the largest provider of free and low-cost qualified tax attorney. For screening and appointments
immigration legal services in West Texas and New call or visit the website.
Mexico. Services provided cover a comprehensive range
of immigration legal services including representation in Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
family-based immigration matters, 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
Citizenship/Naturalization matters, matters related to
benefits for survivors of domestic violence and other The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
crimes, removal proceedings before the Immigration Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
Courts, and services for adults and unaccompanied representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
immigrant children detained in the local immigration controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
detention centers and shelters. Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
Disability Rights Texas securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
915-542-0585 (El Paso)
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
apply online at:
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
and a limited amount of representation in the United
Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
915-544-5126 (Main Office) criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
Provides pro-bono services to people detained and
facing removal proceedings in the El Paso Processing HUNT
and Otero Processing Center. Focuses on bond, parole, County Seat – Greenville
and full asylum representation. Also provides pro-bono
services to asylum seekers forced to wait in Mexico Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
during their court proceedings under the government 972-542-9405 (McKinney)
program known as the Migrant Protection Protocols. 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
Pro-bono and low-bono services for non-detained
immigrants seeking immigration relief including crime Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
victims relief, family petitions, DACA renewal, that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
representation in court and citizenship applications. in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.

Catholic Charities of Dallas – Immigration Legal in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
Services with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
214-634-7182 (Main Office) Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
Catholic Charities, Immigration and Legal Services (ILS) Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
was established in 1975 in response to the growing
number of immigrants moving to the North Texas area. Disability Rights Texas
ILS is fully accredited by the U.S. Department of Justice 806-765-7794 (Lubbock)
to provide a broad range of immigration counseling and 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
representation to immigrants and their families.
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
Disability Rights Texas issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
214-630-0916 (Dallas) apply online at:
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Hutchinson County Crisis Center, Inc.
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights 806-273-2313 (Main Office)
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at: Provides legal advocacy, particularly with obtaining
protective orders and referrals to free legal assistance,
Dispute Resolution Services of Lamar County for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.
903-782-0447 (Main Office) 24-hour crisis hotline.
Provides mediation services in custody, divorce,
misdemeanors, and domestic issues. Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics
512-477-6000 (Main Office)
Justice for Our Neighbors – DFW
817-310-3820 (Main Office) Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
Provides free and affordable, high-quality immigration support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall
legal services, shares information with the public and Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
engages in advocacy with immigrants. Accepts all types Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
of non-detained immigration cases. Call for more Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
information. Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library,
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
Legal Hospice of Texas Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
214-521-6622 (Main Office) County Library’s El Campo Branch.
Provides free legal counsel, representation, and Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
advocacy to low-income persons who are diagnosed 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
with a terminal illness or HIV, have a civil legal issue
related to their diagnosis, and meet established income The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
criteria. Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
Women In Need, Inc. controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
903-454-4612 (Main Office) Federal tax issues related to individual income tax matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
violence, particularly with obtaining protective orders subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
and referrals to free and sliding-scale legal assistance. for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
HUTCHINSON an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
County Seat – Stinnett before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
806-373-6808 (Amarillo) and a limited amount of representation in the United
888-529-5277 (Main Office) States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents

IRION and a limited amount of representation in the United
County Seat – Mertzon States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
325-653-6982 (San Angelo) JACK
888-529-5277 (Main Office) County Seat – Jacksboro
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents 940-383-1406 (Denton)
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas, 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie, that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
Disability Rights Texas Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
806-765-7794 (Lubbock) Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights Disability Rights Texas
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or 214-630-0916 (Dallas)
apply online at: 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
The Family Shelter Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
325-658-8631 (San Angelo) issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
800-749-8631 (Main Office) apply online at:
Provides legal advocacy for family violence survivors
with services including, but not limited to: emergency First Step of Wichita Falls, Inc.
shelter access, counseling, case management, 800-658-2683 (Main Office)
information and referrals, transportation, and county
outreach service. 24-hour hotline. Provides comprehensive family violence and sexual
assault services which include but are not limited to:
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and safe house, counseling, legal advocacy, hospital
Legal Services (RAICES) advocacy, children’s program, and education and
210-226-7722 (Main Office) training. 24-hour hotline.
Wise Hope Shelter & Crisis Center
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
940-626-4855 (Main Office)
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
Provides legal and advocacy services for domestic
violence and sexual assault. 24-hour toll-free crisis
hotline: 866-684-4855.
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
806-742-4312 (Main Office) JACKSON
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income County Seat – Edna
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
800-234-1274 (San Antonio)
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
833-329-8752 (Main Office)
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to, TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues, ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies, Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard

in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized JASPER
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the County Seat – Jasper
following groups: Community Preservation &
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic Lone Star Legal Aid
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor & 800-354-1889 (Nacogdoches)
Employment, and Public Benefits. 800-733-8394 (Main Office)
Disability Rights Texas Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
210-737-0499 (San Antonio) matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas – Immigration
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights Services
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or 409-924-4400 (Main Office)
apply online at:
Provides legal immigration services for a nominal fee.
LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault) The types of cases they accept are family-based
800-991-5153 (Main Office) petitions, consular processing abroad, adjustment of
status, self-petitions under VAWA, U Visa, naturalization,
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
citizenship acquisition and derivation, DACA (Deferred
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
Action for Childhood Arrivals), renewal of green card,
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
I-601 Waivers, Appeals, FOIA, and Affidavits of Support.
for help leave a confidential voice message on the
LASSA main office line.
Disability Rights Texas
713-974-7691 (Houston)
Mid-Coast Family Services
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
361-573-4357 (Main Office) Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
Provides services to prevent and intervene in issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
incidences of family violence, homelessness, sexual apply online at:
assault, and substance abuse. We operate an
emergency shelter, transitional housing, permanent Family Services of Southeast Texas, Inc.
supportive housing, rental assistance, case 409-384-1225 (Jasper)
management, support groups and individual support for 409-832-7575 (Main Office)
families and individuals. 24-hour hotline: 800-870-0368.
Provides full residential and non-residential services to
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and survivors of domestic violence and sexual violence.
Legal Services (RAICES) Provides emergency medical care, necessary
210-226-7722 (Main Office) medications, safe house residence, food, clothing, baby and children's items, counseling, group therapy, case
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum management, and legal and family advocacy. Also
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, assists in job placement of clients and location of
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human affordable housing.
Hardin County Crime Victims Assistance Center
Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics 800-828-7233 (Main Office)
512-477-6000 (Main Office) Provides services for victims of all crimes by preparing protective orders, court accompaniment, forensic
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist interview accompaniment, hospital accompaniment,
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child safe house transportation, relocation assistance, law
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall enforcement interview accompaniment, interpreter
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public assistance, and more. 24-hour hotline: 800-828-7233.
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library, Memorial Assistance Ministries
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library, 713-929-9280 (Main Office)
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton Assists low-income immigrants with a variety of
County Library’s El Campo Branch. immigration matters, including family-based petitions,
Renewal or Replacement of Lawful Permanent
Residency card, Adjustment of Status to Lawful
Permanent Residency, Naturalization/Citizenship,
Humanitarian-based petitions for victims of crime Disability Rights Texas
(U-Visa/VAWA), DACA Renewals: Deferred Action for 915-542-0585 (El Paso)
Childhood Arrivals. Call and leave a message for 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
questions and more information.
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
512-477-6000 (Main Office) apply online at:
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist Family Crisis Center of the Big Bend
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child 800-834-0654 (Main Office)
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community violence, sexual assault, and victims of violent crime.
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library, Services include, but are not limited to: emergency
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library, shelter, referrals to support systems, legal assistance,
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library, mental health counseling, and medical/economic
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton services for indigent families. 24-hour crisis hotline.
County Library's El Campo Branch.
Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center
JEFF DAVIS 915-544-5126 (Main Office)
County Seat – Fort Davis
Provides pro-bono services to people detained and
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. facing removal proceedings in the El Paso Processing
432-837-1199 (Alpine) and Otero Processing Center. Focuses on bond, parole,
833-329-8752 (Main Office) and full asylum representation. Also provides pro-bono services to asylum seekers forced to wait in Mexico
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people during their court proceedings under the government
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including program known as the Migrant Protection Protocols.
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody Pro-bono and low-bono services for non-detained
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, immigrants seeking immigration relief including crime
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and victims relief, family petitions, DACA renewal,
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil representation in court and citizenship applications.
legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard 800-991-5153 (Main Office)
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
following groups: Community Preservation & of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor & for help leave a confidential voice message on the
Employment, and Public Benefits. LASSA main office line.

Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services, Inc. (DMRS) Texas A&M University School of Law – Tax Dispute
915-532-3975 (Main Office) Resolution Clinic 817-212-4123 (Main Office)
DMRS is the largest provider of free and low-cost
immigration legal services in West Texas and New -clinic
Mexico. Services provided cover a comprehensive range Provides free assistance to help low-income taxpayers
of immigration legal services including representation in resolve their problems with the Internal Revenue
family-based immigration matters, Service (IRS) or Tax Court; handles problems such as
Citizenship/Naturalization matters, matters related to IRS audits, administrative appeals, negotiating with the
benefits for survivors of domestic violence and other IRS if you are unable to pay, or Tax Court cases. The
crimes, removal proceedings before the Immigration clinic does not prepare tax returns. Services are
Courts, and services for adults and unaccompanied delivered by Texas A&M law students supervised by
immigrant children detained in the local immigration qualified tax attorney. For screening and appointments
detention centers and shelters. call or visit the website.

Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics Disability Rights Texas
512-477-6000 (Main Office) 713-974-7691 (Houston) 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public apply online at:
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library, Family Services of Southeast Texas, Inc.
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library, 409-832-7575 (Main Office)
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton Provides full residential and non-residential services to
County Library’s El Campo Branch. survivors of domestic violence and sexual violence.
Provides emergency medical care, necessary
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic medications, safe house residence, food, clothing, baby
806-742-4312 (Main Office) and children's items, counseling, group therapy, case management, and legal and family advocacy. Also
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income assists in job placement of clients and location of
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and affordable housing.
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in Jefferson County Bar Association Pro Bono
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax Program
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to, 409-839-2332 (Main Office)
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements Provides free legal assistance in civil matters to
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in low-income residents in Jefferson, Hardin, Orange, and
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as Liberty counties.
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue Memorial Assistance Ministries
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues, 713-929-9280 (Main Office)
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
and a limited amount of representation in the United Assists low-income immigrants with a variety of
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any immigration matters, including family-based petitions,
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation. Renewal or Replacement of Lawful Permanent
Residency card, Adjustment of Status to Lawful
JEFFERSON Permanent Residency, Naturalization/Citizenship,
County Seat – Beaumont Humanitarian-based petitions for victims of crime
(U-Visa/VAWA), DACA Renewals: Deferred Action for
Lone Star Legal Aid Childhood Arrivals. Call and leave a message for
800-365-1861 (Beaumont) questions and more information.
800-733-8394 (Main Office) JIM HOGG
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil County Seat – Hebbronville
matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas – Immigration 800-369-0437 (Rio Grande City)
Services 833-329-8752 (Main Office)
409-924-4400 (Main Office) TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
Provides legal immigration services for a nominal fee. facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
The types of cases they accept are family-based bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
petitions, consular processing abroad, adjustment of arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
status, self-petitions under VAWA, U Visa, naturalization, accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
citizenship acquisition and derivation, DACA (Deferred environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
Action for Childhood Arrivals), renewal of green card, legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
I-601 Waivers, Appeals, FOIA, and Affidavits of Support. ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
following groups: Community Preservation & JIM WELLS
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic County Seat – Alice
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
Employment, and Public Benefits. Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
800-420-1501 or 800-420-3379 (Corpus Christi)
Casa de Misericordia 833-329-8752 (Main Office)
877-782-2722 (Laredo)
956-712-9590 (Main Office) TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
Casa de Misericordia provides secured, temporary bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
residential services to victims of domestic violence. arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
CASA is a safe place, where victims of domestic accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
violence can feel secure and receive information on environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
possible alternatives for their future. Services offered legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
are: Full-Service family violence shelter; 24-hour crisis ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
hotline; case management; legal advocacy; child Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
advocacy; information and referral; intervention and in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
advocacy; safety planning; counseling and therapy; into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
support groups; educational programs; other outreach
following groups: Community Preservation &
services; medical care; emergency transportation;
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic
employment and training information and advocacy;
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
community education and volunteer programs.
Employment, and Public Benefits.
Catholic Charities – Diocese of Laredo (CCDOL)
Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi, Inc. –
956-722-2443 (Main Office)
Immigration Services
361-884-0651 (Main Office)
Provides low-cost immigration legal services for the
Offering affordable, confidential, and comprehensive
Diocese of Laredo. Offers assistance and consultation
immigration legal services with family-based immigration
with preparation, processing and document translations
petitions, Adjustment of Status, Removal of Conditions,
in the following areas: naturalization, adjustment of
Naturalization/Citizenship, TPS, Renewal/Replacement
status, employment authorization, visa petitions, and
of LPR (“green”) cards, DACA, Know Your Rights and
DACA. Also organizes workshops on “know your rights”
and naturalization.

Disability Rights Texas Disability Rights Texas

210-737-0499 (San Antonio) 210-737-0499 (San Antonio)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at: apply online at:

LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault) LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
800-991-5153 (Main Office) 800-991-5153 (Main Office)
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
for help leave a confidential voice message on the for help leave a confidential voice message on the
LASSA main office line. LASSA main office line.

Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and The Purple Door
Legal Services (RAICES) 361-664-8598 (Alice)
210-226-7722 (Main Office) 361-881-8888 (Main Office)
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, violence and sexual assault with a 24-hour shelter,
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human hotline, crisis intervention, counseling, safe
trafficking. transportation, advocacy, food, clothing, and personal
items, and referrals.
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and with a terminal illness or HIV, have a civil legal issue
Legal Services (RAICES) related to their diagnosis, and meet established income
210-226-7722 (Main Office) criteria.
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum Methodist Justice Ministry
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, 817-339-2407 (Main Office)
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
trafficking. Methodist Justice Ministry (MJM) provides free legal
representation to indigent victims of family violence. This
JOHNSON includes indigent families seeking legal custody of
County Seat – Cleburne abused children.

Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas Texas A&M University School of Law – Tax Dispute
817-336-3943 (Fort Worth) Resolution Clinic
888-529-5277 (Main Office) 817-212-4123 (Main Office)
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization -resolution-clinic
that provides free civil legal help to low-income Provides free assistance to help low-income taxpayers
residents in 114 Texas counties throughout North and resolve their problems with the Internal Revenue
West Texas, with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Service (IRS) or Tax Court; handles problems such as
Brownwood, Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, IRS audits, administrative appeals, negotiating with the
McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, IRS if you are unable to pay, or Tax Court cases. The
Waxahachie, Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. clinic does not prepare tax returns. Services are
delivered by Texas A&M law students supervised by
AIDS Outreach Center qualified tax attorney. For screening and appointments
817-335-1994 (Main Office) call or visit the website.
AOC provides a full range of HIV and STI testing onsite Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics
and in the broader community. They provide free 512-477-6000 (Main Office)
treatment for chlamydia, syphilis and gonorrhea. Client
services programs are offered to people who are living Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
with HIV/AIDS. Those programs are as follows, case with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
management services, assistance with insurance, support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall
transportation, and housing. AOC also offers a nutrition Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
center, behavioral health, and a dental clinic. Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
Disability Rights Texas Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library,
214-630-0916 (Dallas) Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton County Library's El Campo Branch.
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or JONES
apply online at: County Seat – Anson

Justice for Our Neighbors – DFW Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas

817-310-3820 (Main Office) 325-677-8591 (Abilene) 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
Provides free and affordable, high-quality immigration
legal services, shares information with the public and Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
engages in advocacy with immigrants. Accepts all types that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
of non-detained immigration cases. Call for more in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
information. with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
Legal Hospice of Texas Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
214-521-6622 (Main Office) Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
Provides free legal counsel, representation, and
advocacy to low-income persons who are diagnosed

Disability Rights Texas Catholic Charities Archdiocese of San Antonio
806-765-7794 (Lubbock) Caritas Legal Services
800-252-9108 (Main Office) 210-433-3256 (Main Office)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights Provides low-cost legal services in the areas of
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or immigration, guardianship, estate planning, and probate.
apply online at:
Disability Rights Texas
Noah Project, Inc. 512-454-4816 (Austin)
325-676-7107 (Main Office) 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Shelter and outreach advocacy services for victims of Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
domestic violence, sexual assault, and human issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
trafficking. Staff attorney provides legal services apply online at:
including assistance with protective orders, divorce and
custody cases, and weekly legal classes. Guadalupe Valley Family Violence Shelter
830-499-8454 (Floresville)
830-372-2780 (Main Office)
County Seat – Karnes City
Guadalupe Valley Family Violence Shelter, Inc. provides
free and confidential services for survivors of domestic,
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
dating, and sexual violence. Our 24/7 services include
800-369-0356 (San Antonio)
crisis hotline, safety planning and danger assessment,
833-329-8752 (Main Office) crisis intervention, counseling, peer support, advocacy,
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people accompaniment, information, and referral. 24-hour
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including hotline: 800-834-2033.
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and 800-991-5153 (Main Office)
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized for help leave a confidential voice message on the
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the LASSA main office line.
following groups: Community Preservation &
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor & Legal Services (RAICES)
Employment, and Public Benefits. 210-226-7722 (Main Office)
Alamo Area Resource Center Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
800-308-2437 (San Antonio) seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
210-625-7200 (Main Office) and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human trafficking.
A LGBT primary care and HIV specialty care clinic
provides free HIV testing. Offers referrals to persons Safer Path Family Violence Shelter
with HIV/AIDS seeking general civil legal services 830-569-2001 (Main Office)
including advocacy, wills, guardianships, directives and
powers of attorney. Provides legal advocacy for victims of family violence,
sexual assault, stalking, and dating violence through
American Gateways 24/7 hotline and emergency shelter support, support
512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) groups, counseling, referrals, prevention, and education
programs, and more.
Provides immigrations legal services at no or low cost,
education, and advocacy. Main areas of focus include,
but are not limited to: consular process, DACA, Violence
Against Women Act, U-Visa, asylum, withholding of
removal, bond, parole, and more.

St. Mary’s University School of Law, Center for victims of violent crime and immigrant child victims of
Legal and Social Justice abuse, neglect and abandonment.
210-431-2596 (Main Office) Justice for Our Neighbors – DFW
-legal-social-justice 817-310-3820 (Main Office)
NOTICE: This provider has limited availability for cases.
St. Mary’s University School of Law proudly offers four Provides free and affordable, high-quality immigration
outstanding clinical courses for second- and third-year legal services, shares information with the public and
law students: the Civil Justice Clinic-Consumer engages in advocacy with immigrants. Accepts all types
Protection, the Civil Justice Clinic-Family Law, the of non-detained immigration cases. Call for more
Immigration and Human Rights Clinic and the Criminal information.
Justice Clinic. The clinical courses are dedicated to
educating students at St. Mary’s while addressing the Legal Hospice of Texas
otherwise unmet legal needs of income-qualified people 214-521-6622 (Main Office)
in San Antonio and South Texas.
Provides free legal counsel, representation, and
KAUFMAN advocacy to low-income persons who are diagnosed
County Seat – Kaufman with a terminal illness or HIV, have a civil legal issue
related to their diagnosis, and meet established income
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas criteria.
972-923-3344 (Waxahachie)
888-529-5277 (Main Office) Texas A&M University School of Law – Tax Dispute Resolution Clinic
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization 817-212-4123 (Main Office)
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents 817-212-4123 (Main Office)
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, -clinic
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, Provides free assistance to help low-income taxpayers
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie, resolve their problems with the Internal Revenue
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. Service (IRS) or Tax Court; handles problems such as
IRS audits, administrative appeals, negotiating with the
Catholic Charities of Dallas – Immigration Legal IRS if you are unable to pay, or Tax Court cases. The
Services clinic does not prepare tax returns. Services are
214-634-7182 (Main Office) delivered by Texas A&M law students supervised by qualified tax attorney. For screening and appointments
Catholic Charities, Immigration and Legal Services (ILS) call or visit the website.
was established in 1975 in response to the growing
number of immigrants moving to the North Texas area. KENDALL
ILS is fully accredited by the U.S. Department of Justice County Seat – Boerne
to provide a broad range of immigration counseling and
representation to immigrants and their families. Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
800-369-0356 (San Antonio)
Disability Rights Texas 833-329-8752 (Main Office)
214-630-0916 (Dallas)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
apply online at: accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
Human Rights Initiative of North Texas legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
214-855-0520 (Main Office) ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
Immigration legal services. Through a pro bono network, in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
staff attorneys and accredited representatives: we seek into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
all of Immigration Relief: asylum, relief under the following groups: Community Preservation &
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), Victims of Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic
Trafficking and Violence Protection Act, immigrant

Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor & Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
Employment, and Public Benefits. Legal Services (RAICES)
210-226-7722 (Main Office)
Alamo Area Resource Center
800-308-2437 (San Antonio) Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
210-625-7200 (Main Office) seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
A LGBT primary care and HIV specialty care clinic trafficking.
provides free HIV testing. Offers referrals to persons
with HIV/AIDS seeking general civil legal services St. Mary’s University School of Law, Center for
including advocacy, wills, guardianships, directives and Legal and Social Justice
powers of attorney. 210-431-2596 (Main Office)
American Gateways legal-social-justice
512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) NOTICE: This provider has limited availability for cases. St. Mary’s University School of Law proudly offers four
Provides immigrations legal services at no or low cost, outstanding clinical courses for second- and third-year
education, and advocacy. Main areas of focus include, law students: the Civil Justice Clinic-Consumer
but are not limited to: consular process, DACA, Violence Protection, the Civil Justice Clinic-Family Law, the
Against Women Act, U-Visa, asylum, withholding of Immigration and Human Rights Clinic and the Criminal
removal, bond, parole, and more. Justice Clinic. The clinical courses are dedicated to
educating students at St. Mary’s while addressing the
Catholic Charities Archdiocese of San Antonio otherwise unmet legal needs of income-qualified people
Caritas Legal Services in San Antonio and South Texas.
210-433-3256 (Main Office) Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics
Provides low-cost legal services in the areas of 512-477-6000 (Main Office)
immigration, guardianship, estate planning, and probate.
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
Disability Rights Texas with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
512-454-4816 (Austin) support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library,
apply online at: Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
Family Violence Prevention Services, Inc. County Library's El Campo Branch.
210-930-3669 (Main Office) KENEDY
Provides free legal assistance to income-eligible victims County Seat – Sarita
of domestic violence; emergency shelter; and
community-based intervention and prevention services. Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
24-hour hotline: 210-733-8810. 800-420-1501 or 800-420-3379 (Corpus Christi)
833-329-8752 (Main Office)
Hill Country Dispute Resolution Center
830-792-5000 (Main Office) TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
Provides court-ordered mediation for all kinds of civil bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
cases and family law cases for a nominal fee. arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault) environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
800-991-5153 (Main Office) legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
for help leave a confidential voice message on the following groups: Community Preservation &
LASSA main office line.
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic Catholic Charities, Diocese of Lubbock
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor & 806-765-8475 (Main Office)
Employment, and Public Benefits.
Provides direct client assistance with basic needs;
Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi, Inc. – elderly assistance; youth and family counseling services;
Immigration Services kinship family support; immigration services including
361-884-0651 (Main Office) renewal or replacement of Legal Permanent Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card, assistance
Offering affordable, confidential, and comprehensive with family-based categories for non-immigrant and
immigration legal services with family-based immigration immigrant visas, and Violence Against Women Act
petitions, Adjustment of Status, Removal of Conditions, (VAWA).
Naturalization/Citizenship, TPS, Renewal/Replacement
of LPR (“green”) cards, DACA, Know Your Rights and Disability Rights Texas
Translations. 806-765-7794 (Lubbock)
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Disability Rights Texas
210-737-0499 (San Antonio) Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
800-252-9108 (Main Office) issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or apply online at:
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
apply online at: 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault) The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
800-991-5153 (Main Office) Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
for help leave a confidential voice message on the securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
LASSA main office line. subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
The Purple Door compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
361-881-8888 (Main Office) an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
violence and sexual assault with a 24-hour shelter, dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
hotline, crisis intervention, counseling, safe and a limited amount of representation in the United
transportation, advocacy, food, clothing, and personal States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
items, and referrals. criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.

County Seat – Jayton County Seat – Kerrville

Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.

806-763-4557 (Lubbock) 800-369-0356 (San Antonio)
888-529-5277 (Main Office) 833-329-8752 (Main Office)
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas, bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie, environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
following groups: Community Preservation & and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic trafficking.
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
Employment, and Public Benefits. Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics
512-477-6000 (Main Office)
Alamo Area Resource Center
800-308-2437 (San Antonio) Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
210-625-7200 (Main Office) with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall
A LGBT primary care and HIV specialty care clinic Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
provides free HIV testing. Offers referrals to persons Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
with HIV/AIDS seeking general civil legal services Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
including advocacy, wills, guardianships, directives and Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library,
powers of attorney. Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
Catholic Charities Archdiocese of San Antonio County Library’s El Campo Branch.
Caritas Legal Services
210-433-3256 (Main Office) KIMBLE County Seat – Junction
Provides low-cost legal services in the areas of
immigration, guardianship, estate planning, and probate. Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
800-369-0356 (San Antonio)
Disability Rights Texas 833-329-8752 (Main Office)
210-737-0499 (San Antonio)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
apply online at: accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
Family Violence Prevention Services, Inc. legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
210-930-3669 (Main Office) ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
Provides free legal assistance to income-eligible victims in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
of domestic violence; emergency shelter; and into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
community-based intervention and prevention services. following groups: Community Preservation &
24-hour hotline: 210-733-8810. Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
Hill Country Dispute Resolution Center Employment, and Public Benefits.
830-792-5000 (Main Office) Disability Rights Texas
Provides court-ordered mediation for all kinds of civil 512-454-4816 (Austin)
cases and family law cases for a nominal fee. 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
LASSA, (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault) Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
800-991-5153 (Main Office) issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or apply online at:
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west The Family Shelter
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply 325-658-8631 (San Angelo)
for help leave a confidential voice message on the 800-749-8631 (Main Office)
LASSA main office line. Provides legal advocacy for family violence survivors
with services including, but not limited to: emergency
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and shelter access, counseling, case management,
Legal Services (RAICES) information and referrals, transportation, and county
210-226-7722 (Main Office) outreach service. 24-hour hotline.
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
Hill Country Dispute Resolution Center Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
830-792-5000 (Main Office) 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
Provides court-ordered mediation for all kinds of civil The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
cases and family law cases for a nominal fee. Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault) controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
800-991-5153 (Main Office) Federal tax issues related to individual income tax matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
for help leave a confidential voice message on the compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
LASSA main office line. an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
Legal Services (RAICES) dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
210-226-7722 (Main Office) and a limited amount of representation in the United States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
Women’s Protective Services
800-736-6491 (Lubbock)
806-747-6491 (Main Office)
County Seat – Guthrie Provides legal advocacy for victims of family violence
with services including, but not limited, to counseling,
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas crisis intervention, B.I.P.P, social services, safe housing,
940-723-5542 (Wichita Falls) and safety planning.
888-529-5277 (Main Office)
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
County Seat – Brackettville
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, 800-369-0489 (San Antonio)
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie, 833-329-8752 (Main Office)
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Lubbock facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
806-765-8475 (Main Office) bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
Provides direct client assistance with basic needs;
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
elderly assistance; youth and family counseling
legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
services; kinship family support; immigration services
ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
including renewal or replacement of Legal Permanent
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card,
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
assistance with family-based categories for non-
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
immigrant and immigrant visas, and Violence Against
following groups: Community Preservation &
Women Act (VAWA).
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
Disability Rights Texas
Employment, and Public Benefits.
214-630-0916 (Dallas)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Catholic Charities Archdiocese of San Antonio Caritas Legal Services
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights 210-433-3256 (Main Office)
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at: Provides low-cost legal services in the areas of
immigration, guardianship, estate planning, and probate.
Disability Rights Texas KLEBERG
210-737-0499 (San Antonio) County Seat – Kingsville
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights 800-420-1501 or 800-420-3379 (Corpus Christi)
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or 833-329-8752 (Main Office)
apply online at:
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault) facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
800-991-5153 (Main Office) bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
for help leave a confidential voice message on the ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
LASSA main office line. Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
Legal Services (RAICES) following groups: Community Preservation &
210-226-7722 (Main Office) Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum Employment, and Public Benefits.
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi, Inc. –
trafficking. Immigration Services
361-884-0651 (Main Office)
Southwest Family Life Center
830-278-1067 (Uvalde) Offering affordable, confidential, and comprehensive
830-426-5131 (Hotline) immigration legal services with family-based immigration
Provides services to survivors of domestic/family petitions, Adjustment of Status, Removal of Conditions,
violence and intimate partner violence. Services include: Naturalization/Citizenship, TPS, Renewal/Replacement
peer counseling, crisis intervention/counseling, 24-hour of LPR (“green”) cards, DACA, Know Your Rights and
hotline, legal advocacy, assistance in applying for
protective orders, safety planning, information and
Disability Rights Texas
referral services, assistance with Texas Crime Victims
210-737-0499 (San Antonio)
Compensation Claims, temporary emergency shelter,
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
and community education.
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
512-477-6000 (Main Office) apply online at:
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child 800-991-5153 (Main Office)
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library, Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library, for help leave a confidential voice message on the
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library, LASSA main office line.
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
County Library's El Campo Branch. The Purple Door
361-516-0288 (Kingsville)
361-881-8888 (Main Office)
Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic
violence and sexual assault with a 24-hour shelter,
hotline, crisis intervention, counseling, safe
transportation, advocacy, food, clothing, and personal
items, and referrals.
KNOX Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
County Seat – Benjamin Legal Services (RAICES)
210-226-7722 (Main Office)
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
940-723-5542 (Wichita Falls) Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
888-529-5277 (Main Office) seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization trafficking.
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas, LA SALLE
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, County Seat – Cotulla
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie, Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. 833-329-8752 (Main Office)
American Gateways TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) facing most forms of civil legal problems, including bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
Provides immigrations legal services at no or low cost, arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
education, and advocacy. Main areas of focus include, accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
but are not limited to: consular process, DACA, Violence environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
Against Women Act, U-Visa, asylum, withholding of legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
removal, bond, parole, and more. ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Lubbock in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
806-765-8475 (Main Office) into teams specializing in practices that fall within the following groups: Community Preservation &
Provides direct client assistance with basic needs; Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic
elderly assistance; youth and family counseling Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
services; kinship family support; immigration services Employment, and Public Benefits.
including renewal or replacement of Legal Permanent
Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card, Disability Rights Texas
assistance with family-based categories for non- 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
immigrant and immigrant visas, and Violence Against
Women Act (VAWA). Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
Disability Rights Texas apply online at:
214-630-0916 (Dallas)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) LASSA, (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault) 800-991-5153 (Main Office)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
apply online at: of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
Noah Project, Inc. for help leave a confidential voice message on the
940-864-2551 (Haskell) LASSA main office line.
325-676-7107 (Main Office) Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
Shelter and outreach advocacy services for victims of Legal Services (RAICES)
domestic violence, sexual assault, and human 210-226-7722 (Main Office)
trafficking. Staff attorney provides legal services
including assistance with protective orders, divorce and Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
custody cases, and weekly legal classes. seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human

Safer Path Family Violence Shelter Disability Rights Texas
830-569-2001 (Main Office) 214-630-0916 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Provides legal advocacy for victims of family violence,
sexual assault, stalking, and dating violence through Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
24/7 hotline and emergency shelter support, support issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
groups, counseling, referrals, prevention, and education apply online at:
programs, and more.
Dispute Resolution Services of Lamar County
Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics 903-782-0447 (Main Office)
512-477-6000 (Main Office) Provides mediation services in custody, divorce, misdemeanors, and domestic issues.
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child Shelter Agencies for Families in East Texas
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall (SAFE-T Crisis Center)
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public 903-572-0973 (Paris)
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community 903-575-9999 (Main Office)
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library, Provides services to victims/survivors of domestic
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library, violence and sexual assault, as well as their children.
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton Services include: legal assistance, accompaniment to
County Library’s El Campo Branch. court, crime victim assistance, rape crisis intervention,
shelter, counseling, and support groups. Also,
Wintergarden Women’s Shelter, Inc. advocates for offender accountability through the
830-876-5676 (Main Office) criminal justice system on behalf of the survivors, as
Wintergarden Women’s Shelter provides a safe haven, well as advocating for crime victims’ rights, including,
emergency shelter for victims of domestic violence and but not limited to, landlord-tenant issues, confidentiality,
sexual assault. WWS operates a 24-hour hotline and participation in the criminal justice process, and crime
offers nonresidential services for victims/survivors of victim compensation. Toll Free: 888-801-HELP (4357).
domestic violence and sexual assault as well as
hospital, medical and court accompaniments, legal LAMB
services referrals, victims compensation application County Seat – Littlefield
assistance, counseling (adult and children) (individual
and group), peer support groups, transportation for Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
residential clients, case management and coordination 806-293-8491 (Plainview)
with other agencies, primary prevention, outreach, 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
domestic violence focused parenting classes and
classes on the dynamics of domestic violence. Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
that provides free civil legal help to low-income
residents in 114 Texas counties throughout North and
LAMAR West Texas, with offices in Abilene, Amarillo,
County Seat – Paris Brownwood, Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock,
McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo,
Lone Star Legal Aid Waxahachie, Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
800-925-5802 (Paris)
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Lubbock
800-733-8394 (Main Office) 806-765-8475 (Main Office)
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil Provides direct client assistance with basic needs;
matters to eligible, low-income Texans. elderly assistance; youth and family counseling services;
kinship family support; immigration services including
Catholic Charities – Diocese of Tyler renewal or replacement of Legal Permanent Resident
903-258-9492 (Main Office) Card and/or Employment Authorization Card, assistance with family-based categories for non-immigrant and
Provides immigration services such as Naturalization immigrant visas, and Violence Against Women Act
and Citizenship, Adjustment of Status, VAWA, U-Visas, (VAWA).
DACA and family-based petitions. By appointment.

Disability Rights Texas American Gateways
806-765-7794 (Lubbock) 512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Provides immigrations legal services at no or low cost,
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights education, and advocacy. Main areas of focus include,
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or but are not limited to: consular process, DACA, Violence
apply online at:
Against Women Act, U-Visa, asylum, withholding of
Legal Aid Society of Lubbock, Inc. removal, bond, parole, and more.
806-762-2325 (Main Office) Catholic Charities of Central Texas Immigration
The Legal Aid Society of Lubbock provides excellent Legal Services
legal services and support in challenging times to 512-651-6100 (Main Office)
families and survivors of domestic violence across the
South Plains. The Immigration Legal Services Program provides low-
cost representation for persons seeking immigration
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic assistance in Central Texas. We practice in most areas
806-742-4312 (Main Office) of immigration law including, but not limited to, family- based immigration, naturalization, DACA, victim visas,
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income asylum, and removal defense. Hotline: 512-651-6125.
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with Disability Rights Texas
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in 512-454-4816 (Austin)
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in apply online at:
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation Highland Lakes Family Crisis Center
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue 830-693-3656 (Main Office)
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies, Provides lifesaving, trauma-informed services for victims
and a limited amount of representation in the United and survivors of family violence and/or sexual assault.
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any Services are free of charge for primary and secondary
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation. victims/survivors. Residential Services available include
a 24-hour crisis line, confidential safe shelter or lodging,
Women’s Protective Services safety planning, financial literacy and safety planning,
800-736-6491 (Lubbock) emergency response and accompaniment for sexual
806-747-6491 (Main Office) assault survivors, transportation services, crisis intervention, advocacy, accompaniment for legal or
Provides legal advocacy for victims of family violence health needs, legal assistance, individual and group
with services including, but not limited, to counseling, counseling. Comprehensive nonresidential services
crisis intervention, B.I.P.P, social services, safe housing, include individual and group counseling, case
and safety planning. management, legal assistance, accompaniment and
advocacy, information and referrals, housing and
LAMPASAS relocation assistance, childcare assistance, employment
County Seat – Lampasas assistance, legal assistance and coordination with other
community-based services providers and financial
Lone Star Legal Aid literacy and safety planning.
800-234-6606 (Belton)
800-733-8394 (Main Office) Justice for Our Neighbors - DFW 817-310-3820 (Main Office)
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
matters to eligible, low-income Texans. Provides free and affordable, high-quality immigration
legal services, shares information with the public and
engages in advocacy with immigrants. Accepts all types
of non-detained immigration cases. Call for more

Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
Legal Services (RAICES) Legal Services (RAICES)
210-226-7722 (Main Office) 210-226-7722 (Main Office)
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
trafficking. trafficking.

LAVACA Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics

County Seat – Hallettsville 512-477-6000 (Main Office)
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
800-234-1274 (Corpus Christi) with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
833-329-8752 (Main Office) support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library,
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil County Library's El Campo Branch.
legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through LEE
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard County Seat – Giddings
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the Lone Star Legal Aid
following groups: Community Preservation & 800-570-4773 (Bryan)
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic 800-733-8394 (Main Office)
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
Employment, and Public Benefits. Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
Disability Rights Texas
512-454-4816 (Austin) American Gateways
800-252-9108 (Main Office) 512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights Provides immigrations legal services at no or low cost,
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or education, and advocacy. Main areas of focus include,
apply online at: but are not limited to: consular process, DACA, Violence
Against Women Act, U-Visa, asylum, withholding of
LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault) removal, bond, parole, and more.
800-991-5153 (Main Office) Catholic Charities of Central Texas Immigration
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors Legal Services
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west 512-651-6100 (Main Office)
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
for help leave a confidential voice message on the The Immigration Legal Services Program provides low-
LASSA main office line. cost representation for persons seeking immigration
assistance in Central Texas. We practice in most areas
Mid-Coast Family Services of immigration law including, but not limited to, family-
361-573-4357 (Main Office) based immigration, naturalization, DACA, victim visas, asylum, and removal defense. Hotline: 512-651-6125.
Provides services to prevent and intervene in
incidences of family violence, homelessness, sexual
assault, and substance abuse. We operate an
emergency shelter, transitional housing, permanent
supportive housing, rental assistance, case
management, support groups and individual support for
families and individuals. 24-hour hotline: 800-870-0368.
Disability Rights Texas Brazos Valley Dispute Resolution Center
512-454-4816 (Austin) 979-822-6947 (Main Office)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Civil, Family, and CPS mediations; Civil arbitrations.
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or Catholic Charities – Diocese of Tyler
apply online at: 903-258-9492 (Main Office)
Family Crisis Center Provides immigration services such as Naturalization
512-321-7760 (Giddings) and Citizenship, Adjustment of Status, VAWA, U-Visas,
512-303-7755 (Main Office) DACA and family-based petitions. By appointment.
Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic Disability Rights Texas
violence, sexual assault, and stalking, particularly with 512-454-4816 (Austin)
obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
sliding-scale legal assistance. Toll-free: 888-311-7755.
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
Justice for Our Neighbors – DFW
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
817-310-3820 (Main Office)
apply online at:
Provides free and affordable, high-quality immigration
legal services, shares information with the public and Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics
engages in advocacy with immigrants. Accepts all types 512-477-6000 (Main Office)
of non-detained immigration cases. Call for more
information. Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall
Legal Services (RAICES) Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
210-226-7722 (Main Office) Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library,
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
trafficking. County Library's El Campo Branch.

Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics Twin City Mission, Domestic Violence Services
512-477-6000 (Main Office) 979-775-5335 (Main Office)
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist Provides services addressing homelessness, violence
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child and abuse, family conflict, poverty, and more. Provides
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public dating violence.
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library, LIBERTY
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library, County Seat – Liberty
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton Lone Star Legal Aid
County Library's El Campo Branch. 800-365-1861 (Beaumont)
800-733-8394 (Main Office)
LEON Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
County Seat – Centerville
matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
Lone Star Legal Aid
Beacon Law, a Program of The Beacon
800-570-4773 (Bryan)
713-220-9780 (Main Office)
800-733-8394 (Main Office)
A civil legal aid program of The Beacon focused on
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
helping the homeless and indigent population of
matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
Houston with ID restoration, clearing criminal history,

social security disability appeals, limited family law, Jefferson County Bar Association
housing law, including evictions and limited wills and Pro Bono Program
estate assistance. 409-839-2332 (Main Office)
Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas – Immigration Provides free legal assistance in civil matters to low-
Services income residents in Jefferson, Hardin, Orange, and
409-924-4400 (Main Office) Liberty counties.
Provides legal immigration services for a nominal fee. Memorial Assistance Ministries
The types of cases they accept are family-based 713-929-9280 (Main Office)
petitions, consular processing abroad, adjustment of
status, self-petitions under VAWA, U Visa, naturalization, Assists low-income immigrants with a variety of
citizenship acquisition and derivation, DACA (Deferred immigration matters, including family-based petitions,
Action for Childhood Arrivals), renewal of green card, Renewal or Replacement of Lawful Permanent
I-601 Waivers, Appeals, FOIA, and Affidavits of Support. Residency card, Adjustment of Status to Lawful
Permanent Residency, Naturalization/Citizenship,
Disability Rights Texas Humanitarian-based petitions for victims of crime
713-974-7691 (Houston) (U-Visa/VAWA), DACA Renewals: Deferred Action for
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Childhood Arrivals. Call and leave a message for questions and more information.
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or Montgomery County Women's Center
apply online at: 936-441-7273 (Main Office)
Earl Carl Institute for Legal & Social Policy, Inc. – Montgomery County Women’s Center provides a
Juvenile Justice Project 24-hour crisis hotline, emergency shelter, counseling,
713-313-1139 (Main Office) advocacy, accompaniment, transitional housing, and legal services to survivors of family violence, sexual
The JJP seeks to empower at-risk youth, provide assault, and stalking. MCWC also provides community
holistic, client-centered representation, and offer outreach and education. Our mission is to lead the effort
solutions to legal and social problems that impede in preventing Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
access to future achievement and success. ECI through crisis intervention, assistance, advocacy,
employs a holistic approach by providing legal empowerment, and social change.
representation to children who are in multiple systems,
including the criminal justice system, disparate Tahirih Justice Center
educational systems, the mental health system, and the 713-496-0100 (Main Office)
foster care system. Most of our clients come into the
juvenile court system for incidents occurring at school. A national non-profit organization that supports
immigrant women and other survivors of gender-based
FamilyTime Crisis and Counseling Center violence seeking safety and justice. Our interdisciplinary
281-446-2615 (Main Office) model of service combines free legal services, social services case management, and trainings and
Provides legal advocacy for survivors of human education. Our team in Houston serves immigrant
trafficking, domestic violence, and sexual assault, survivors of violence in Houston to access existing legal
particularly with emergency shelter access, free protections, including gender-based asylum claims,
individual and group counseling, hospital and court U Visas for crime victims who cooperate with law
accompaniment, and more. 24-hour crisis hotline. enforcement to convict perpetrators of violence,
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) petitions to
Houston Immigration Legal Services Collaborative empower battered spouses and children of U.S. citizens
833-468-4664 (Main Office) or Legal Permanent Residents to obtain lawful status free and clear from their abusers, T Visas for victims of
HILSC focuses only on immigration matters. It is not a labor and sex trafficking and special immigrant juvenile
direct service provider and does not accept cases. status (SIJS) for unaccompanied minors who have been
Connects case placement requests with other abandoned, abused, or neglected by one or both
immigration legal services and attorneys in private parents.
practice who are members of the American Immigration
Lawyer Association.

YMCA International Services Disability Rights Texas
713-758-9280 (Main Office) 512-454-4816 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
The Immigration Legal Department of the YMCA Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
International Services provides counseling or issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
representation to individuals seeking immigration apply online at:
assistance. Assistance is available for asylum seekers,
crime survivors, survivors of domestic violence and Family Abuse Center, Inc.
human trafficking. Services also include family 800-283-8401 (Waco)
reunification visas, adjustment of status and 254-772-8999 (Main Office)
naturalization applications. During consultations,
individuals can discuss their immigration case with an Provides a wide variety of services for all victims of
Immigration Attorney, Department of Justice Accredited domestic violence. For adults, we provide emergency
Representative or an Immigration Case Manager. shelter and general services such as case management,
Handles immigration matters only and must make counseling, support groups, an array of legal services
appointment first. and assistance with housing. General services are also
available to non-residential clients as well as those who
LIMESTONE live in rural areas. Our services are provided free of
County Seat – Groesbeck charge to anyone who has been impacted by domestic
Lone Star Legal Aid
800-299-5596 (Waco) LIPSCOMB
800-733-8394 (Main Office) County Seat – Lipscomb
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
matters to eligible, low-income Texans. 806-373-6808 (Amarillo)
888-529-5277 (Main Office)
American Gateways
512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
Provides immigrations legal services at no or low cost, in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
education, and advocacy. Main areas of focus include, with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
but are not limited to: consular process, DACA, Violence Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
Against Women Act, U-Visa, asylum, withholding of Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
removal, bond, parole, and more. Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.

Baylor Law Veterans Clinic Disability Rights Texas

254-710-4244 (Main Office) 806-765-7794 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
The free legal advice clinic is held one Friday afternoon
each month from September through July at the Heart Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
of Texas Veterans One Stop and is open to all veterans issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
and veterans’ spouses regardless of income level. apply online at:
Additional civil legal services are offered to those
meeting eligibility requirements. The Heart of Texas Panhandle Crisis Center, Inc.
Veterans One Stop is located at 2010 La Salle Avenue, 806-435-5008 (Main Office)
Waco, Texas 76706.
Assists domestic violence and sexual assault victims in
Catholic Charities of Central Texas Immigration understanding their legal rights and options; provides
Legal Services assistance in obtaining legal resources, including
512-651-6100 (Main Office) protective orders and legal representation; information, referral and accompaniment services are available to
The Immigration Legal Services Program provides low- assist victims in obtaining other needed legal, medical
cost representation for persons seeking immigration
and social services. Also operates 24-hour emergency
assistance in Central Texas. We practice in most areas
family violence shelter. 24-hour hotline: 800-753-5308.
of immigration law including, but not limited to, family-
based immigration, naturalization, DACA, victim visas,
asylum, and removal defense. Hotline: 512-651-6125.
Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi, Inc. –
512-477-6000 (Main Office) Immigration Services 361-884-0651 (Main Office)
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child Offering affordable, confidential, and comprehensive
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall immigration legal services with family-based immigration
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public petitions, Adjustment of Status, Removal of Conditions,
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community Naturalization/Citizenship, TPS, Renewal/Replacement
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library, of LPR (“green”) cards, DACA, Know Your Rights and
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library, Translations.
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton Disability Rights Texas
County Library’s El Campo Branch. 210-737-0499 (San Antonio)
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
806-742-4312 (Main Office) Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income apply online at:
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with Dispute Resolution Services
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in 361-888-0650 (Main Office)
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to, -services
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or Provides high quality mediation services and training to
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements residents of Nueces, Bee, Live Oak, and San Patricio
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in counties. If you are a resident of one of these counties
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as and the issue is not before a court, the mediation is
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation FREE. If the issue is in court, DRS has a $65.00
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue Administrative Fee per party.
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies, LASSA, (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
and a limited amount of representation in the United 800-991-5153 (Main Office)
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation. Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
LIVE OAK Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
County Seat – George West for help leave a confidential voice message on the
LASSA main office line.
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
800-420-1994 (San Antonio) The Purple Door
833-329-8752 (Main Office) 361-881-8888 (Main Office)
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including violence and sexual assault with a 24-hour shelter,
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody hotline, crisis intervention, counseling, safe
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, transportation, advocacy, food, clothing, and personal
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and items, and referrals.
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through Legal Services (RAICES)
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard 210-226-7722 (Main Office)
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
following groups: Community Preservation & seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor & trafficking.
Employment, and Public Benefits.

LLANO safety planning, financial literacy and safety planning,
County Seat – Llano emergency response and accompaniment for sexual
assault survivors, transportation services, crisis
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. intervention, advocacy, accompaniment for legal or
800-369-9270 (San Antonio) health needs, legal assistance, individual and group
833-329-8752 (Main Office) counseling. Comprehensive nonresidential services include individual and group counseling, case
management, legal assistance, accompaniment and
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
advocacy, information and referrals, housing and
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
relocation assistance, childcare assistance, employment
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
assistance, legal assistance and coordination with other
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
community-based services providers and financial
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
literacy and safety planning.
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases Justice for Our Neighbors – DFW
ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through 817-310-3820 (Main Office)
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized Provides free and affordable, high-quality immigration
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the legal services, shares information with the public and
following groups: Community Preservation & engages in advocacy with immigrants. Accepts all types
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic of non-detained immigration cases. Call for more
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor & information.
Employment, and Public Benefits.
LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
American Gateways 800-991-5153 (Main Office)
512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
Provides immigrations legal services at no or low cost, of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
education, and advocacy. Main areas of focus include, Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
but are not limited to: consular process, DACA, Violence for help leave a confidential voice message on the
Against Women Act, U-Visa, asylum, withholding of LASSA main office line.
removal, bond, parole, and more.
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
Catholic Charities of Central Texas Immigration Legal Services (RAICES)
Legal Services 210-226-7722 (Main Office)
512-651-6100 (Main Office) Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
The Immigration Legal Services Program provides low- seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
cost representation for persons seeking immigration and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
assistance in Central Texas. We practice in most areas trafficking.
of immigration law including, but not limited to, family-
based immigration, naturalization, DACA, victim visas,
asylum, and removal defense. Hotline: 512-651-6125. LOVING
County Seat – Mentone
Disability Rights Texas
512-454-4816 (Austin) Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
800-252-9108 (Main Office) 432-332-1207 (Odessa) 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
apply online at: that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
Highland Lakes Family Crisis Center with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
830-693-3656 (Main Office) Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
Provides lifesaving, trauma-informed services for victims Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
and survivors of family violence and/or sexual assault.
Services are free of charge for primary and secondary
victims/survivors. Residential Services available include
a 24-hour crisis line, confidential safe shelter or lodging,

Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services, Inc. (DMRS) support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall
915-532-3975 (Main Office) Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
DMRS is the largest provider of free and low-cost Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
immigration legal services in West Texas and New Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library,
Mexico. Services provided cover a comprehensive range Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
of immigration legal services including representation in Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
family-based immigration matters, County Library’s El Campo Branch.
Citizenship/Naturalization matters, matters related to
benefits for survivors of domestic violence and other Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
crimes, removal proceedings before the Immigration 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
Courts, and services for adults and unaccompanied
immigrant children detained in the local immigration The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
detention centers and shelters. Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
Disability Rights Texas controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
915-542-0585 (El Paso) Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
800-252-9108 (Main Office) matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to, securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
apply online at: compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
915-544-5126 (Main Office) Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues, dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
Provides pro-bono services to people detained and and a limited amount of representation in the United
facing removal proceedings in the El Paso Processing States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
and Otero Processing Center. Focuses on bond, parole, criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
and full asylum representation. Also provides pro-bono
services to asylum seekers forced to wait in Mexico LUBBOCK
during their court proceedings under the government County Seat – Lubbock
program known as the Migrant Protection Protocols.
Pro-bono and low-bono services for non-detained Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
immigrants seeking immigration relief including crime 806-763-4557 (Lubbock)
victims relief, family petitions, DACA renewal, 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
representation in court and citizenship applications.
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
Safe Place of the Permian Basin that provides free civil legal help to low-income
432-570-1465 (Main Office) residents in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas, with offices in Abilene, Amarillo,
Safe Place’s mission is to break the cycle of family Brownwood, Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock,
violence by empowering individuals to make safe and McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo,
healthy choices through awareness, advocacy, Waxahachie, Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
counseling, and shelter while promoting hope, healing,
and dignity. Safe Place provides comprehensive Catholic Charities, Diocese of Lubbock
recovery services so that victims of family violence 806-765-8475 (Main Office)
receive safe and secure shelter, recover from the
trauma they have experienced, work to regain their self- Provides direct client assistance with basic needs;
esteem, and evaluate their options for moving to a self- elderly assistance; youth and family counseling
sufficient and abuse free life. Family violence recovery services; kinship family support; immigration services
services include: 24-hour crisis hotline, emergency including renewal or replacement of Legal Permanent
shelter, counseling, advocacy and case management, Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card,
support groups, children’s programming and parenting assistance with family-based categories for non-
classes. Toll free 800-967-8928. immigrant and immigrant visas, and Violence Against
Women Act (VAWA).
Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics
512-477-6000 (Main Office)
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
Disability Rights Texas LYNN
806-765-7794 (Lubbock) County Seat – Tahoka
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights 806-763-4557 (Lubbock)
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
apply online at:
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
Legal Aid Society of Lubbock, Inc. that provides free civil legal help to low-income
806-762-2325 (Main Office) residents in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas, with offices in Abilene, Amarillo,
The Legal Aid Society of Lubbock provides excellent Brownwood, Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock,
legal services and support in challenging times to McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo,
families and survivors of domestic violence across the Waxahachie, Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
South Plains.
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Lubbock
Texas Dispute Resolution System 806-765-8475 (Main Office)
806-775-1720 (Main Office) Provides direct client assistance with basic needs;
?structureid=16 elderly assistance; youth and family counseling
Texas Dispute Resolution System (TDRS) offers services; kinship family support; immigration services
mediation services to any individual, organization, or including renewal or replacement of Legal Permanent
county that requests them. Citizens can request Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card,
mediation for any type of dispute such as family/divorce assistance with family-based categories for non-
issues, family transition, landlord/tenant, contractor, and immigrant and immigrant visas, and Violence Against
many more. Being designated as the Certified Mediation Women Act (VAWA).
Program by the USDA allows a variety of cases to be
mediated state-wide. Please call for more information. Disability Rights Texas
Additionally, as a Domestic Relations Office, TDRS also 512-454-4816 (Austin)
provides services such as supervised 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
visitation/exchange, adoption evaluations, community
supervision, etc. Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
Texas Tech University School of Law – Clinical apply online at:
806-742-4312 (Main Office) Legal Aid Society of Lubbock, Inc. 806-762-2325 (Main Office)
Free legal representation and counseling to qualified The Legal Aid Society of Lubbock provides excellent
low-income individuals through the law school’s eight legal services and support in challenging times to
clinical courses. Law students offer legal assistance in families and survivors of domestic violence across the
areas of capital punishment, family law, housing, South Plains.
wills/estates, social security, criminal defense, tax
issues and mediation. Tax clinic serves West Texas Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
Panhandle counties, other clinics serve Lubbock and 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
some surrounding counties.
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
Women’s Protective Services Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
800-736-6491 (Lubbock) representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
806-747-6491 (Main Office) controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
Provides legal advocacy for victims of family violence matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
with services including, but not limited, to counseling, securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
crisis intervention, B.I.P.P, social services, safe housing, subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
and safety planning. for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies, Twin City Mission, Domestic Violence Services
and a limited amount of representation in the United 979-775-5335 (Main Office)
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation. Provides services addressing homelessness, violence
and abuse, family conflict, poverty, and more. Provides
Women’s Protective Services legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and
800-736-6491 (Lubbock) dating violence.
806-747-6491 (Main Office)
Provides legal advocacy for victims of family violence
County Seat – Jefferson
with services including, but not limited, to counseling,
crisis intervention, B.I.P.P, social services, safe housing,
Lone Star Legal Aid
and safety planning.
800-866-0821 (Longview)
800-733-8394 (Main Office)
County Seat – Madisonville Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
Lone Star Legal Aid
800-570-4773 (Bryan) Catholic Charities – Diocese of Tyler
800-733-8394 (Main Office) 903-258-9492 (Main Office)
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil Provides immigration services such as Naturalization
matters to eligible, low-income Texans. and Citizenship, Adjustment of Status, VAWA, U-Visas,
DACA and family-based petitions. By appointment.
Brazos Valley Dispute Resolution Center
979-822-6947 (Main Office) Disability Rights Texas 214-630-0916 (Dallas)
Civil, Family, and CPS mediations; Civil arbitrations. 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Catholic Charities – Diocese of Tyler Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
903-258-9492 (Main Office) issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or apply online at:
Provides immigration services such as Naturalization
and Citizenship, Adjustment of Status, VAWA, U-Visas, Women’s Center of East Texas
DACA and family-based petitions. By appointment. 903-295-7526 (Main Office)
Disability Rights Texas We provide shelter, crisis intervention, and
512-454-4816 (Austin) comprehensive support services to survivors of
800-252-9108 (Main Office) domestic violence, sexual assault, and sex trafficking in Gregg, Harrison, Marion, Panol, Rusk, and Upsure
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights counties.
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at: MARTIN
County Seat – Stanton
Memorial Assistance Ministries
713-929-9280 (Main Office) Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas 432-686-0647 (Midland)
Assists low-income immigrants with a variety of 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
immigration matters, including family-based petitions,
Renewal or Replacement of Lawful Permanent Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
Residency card, Adjustment of Status to Lawful that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
Permanent Residency, Naturalization/Citizenship, in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
Humanitarian-based petitions for victims of crime with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
(U-Visa/VAWA), DACA Renewals: Deferred Action for Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
Childhood Arrivals. Call and leave a message for Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
questions and more information. Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.

Disability Rights Texas accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
806-765-7794 (Lubbock) environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
800-252-9108 (Main Office) legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
apply online at: into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
following groups: Community Preservation &
Safe Place of the Permian Basin Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic
432-570-1465 (Main Office) Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor & Employment, and Public Benefits.
Safe Place’s mission is to break the cycle of family
violence by empowering individuals to make safe and Catholic Charities of Central Texas Immigration
healthy choices through awareness, advocacy, Legal Services
counseling, and shelter while promoting hope, healing, 512-651-6100 (Main Office)
and dignity. Safe Place provides comprehensive
recovery services so that victims of family violence The Immigration Legal Services Program provides low-
receive safe and secure shelter, recover from the cost representation for persons seeking immigration
trauma they have experienced, work to regain their self- assistance in Central Texas. We practice in most areas
esteem, and evaluate their options for moving to a self- of immigration law including, but not limited to, family-
sufficient and abuse free life. Family violence recovery based immigration, naturalization, DACA, victim visas,
services include: 24-hour crisis hotline, emergency asylum, and removal defense. Hotline: 512-651-6125.
shelter, counseling, advocacy and case management,
support groups, children’s programming and parenting Disability Rights Texas
classes. Toll free 800-967-8928. 512-454-4816 (Austin)
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
806-742-4312 (Main Office) Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income apply online at:
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
The Family Shelter
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
325-658-8631 (San Angelo)
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
800-749-8631 (Main Office)
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
Provides legal advocacy for family violence survivors
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
with services including, but not limited to: emergency
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
shelter access, counseling, case management,
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
information and referrals, transportation, and county
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in outreach service. 24-hour hotline.
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation Hill Country Dispute Resolution Center
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue 830-792-5000 (Main Office)
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies, Provides court-ordered mediation for all kinds of civil
and a limited amount of representation in the United cases and family law cases for a nominal fee.
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation. LASSA, (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
800-991-5153 (Main Office)
County Seat – Mason Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
800-369-9270 (Austin) for help leave a confidential voice message on the
833-329-8752 (Main Office) LASSA main office line.
Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
512-477-6000 (Main Office)
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public County Library’s El Campo Branch.
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library, MAVERICK
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library, County Seat – Eagle Pass
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
County Library's El Campo Branch. Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
800-369-0467 (San Antonio)
833-329-8752 (Main Office)
County Seat – Bay City TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
Lone Star Legal Aid bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
800-244-5492 (Clute) arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
800-733-8394 (Main Office) accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
matters to eligible, low-income Texans. ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
The Crisis Center in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
979-245-9109 (Main Office) into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
following groups: Community Preservation &
Provides crisis intervention services to domestic
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic
violence victims, sexual assault victims and child abuse
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
victims with a child advocacy center. Also provides free
Employment, and Public Benefits.
family law legal services to qualified applicants. 24-hour
crisis hotline.
Catholic Charities – Diocese of Laredo (CCDOL)
Disability Rights Texas 956-722-2443 (Main Office)
713-974-7691 (Houston)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) -laredo Provides low-cost immigration legal services for the
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights Diocese of Laredo. Offers assistance and consultation
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or with preparation, processing and document translations
apply online at: in the following areas: naturalization, adjustment of
status, employment authorization, visa petitions, and
Memorial Assistance Ministries DACA. Also organizes workshops on “know your rights”
713-929-9280 (Main Office) and naturalization.
Assists low-income immigrants with a variety of Disability Rights Texas
immigration matters, including family-based petitions, 210-737-0499 (San Antonio)
Renewal or Replacement of Lawful Permanent 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Residency card, Adjustment of Status to Lawful
Permanent Residency, Naturalization/Citizenship, Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
Humanitarian-based petitions for victims of crime issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at:
(U-Visa/VAWA), DACA Renewals: Deferred Action for
Childhood Arrivals. Call and leave a message for
LASSA, (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
questions and more information.
800-991-5153 (Main Office)
Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
512-477-6000 (Main Office)
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
for help leave a confidential voice message on the
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
LASSA main office line.
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library,
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Disability Rights Texas
Legal Services (RAICES) 512-454-4816 (Austin)
210-226-7722 (Main Office) 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human apply online at:
The Family Shelter
St. Mary’s University School of Law, Center for 325-658-8631 (San Angelo)
Legal and Social Justice 800-749-8631 (Main Office)
210-431-2596 (Main Office) Provides legal advocacy for family violence survivors with services including, but not limited to: emergency
-legal-social-justice shelter access, counseling, case management,
NOTICE: This provider has limited availability for cases. information and referrals, transportation, and county
St. Mary’s University School of Law proudly offers four outreach service. 24-hour hotline.
outstanding clinical courses for second- and third-year
law students: the Civil Justice Clinic-Consumer Hill Country Dispute Resolution Center
Protection, the Civil Justice Clinic-Family Law, the 830-792-5000 (Main Office)
Immigration and Human Rights Clinic and the Criminal
Justice Clinic. The clinical courses are dedicated to Provides court-ordered mediation for all kinds of civil
educating students at St. Mary’s while addressing the cases and family law cases for a nominal fee.
otherwise unmet legal needs of income-qualified people
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
in San Antonio and South Texas.
Legal Services (RAICES)
210-226-7722 (Main Office)
Wintergarden Women’s Shelter, Inc.
830-757-5188 (Eagle Pass)
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
830-876-5676 (Main Office) seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
Wintergarden Women’s Shelter provides a safe haven, and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
emergency shelter for victims of domestic violence and trafficking.
sexual assault. WWS operates a 24-hour hotline and
offers nonresidential services for victims/survivors of
domestic violence and sexual assault as well as MCLENNAN
hospital, medical and court accompaniments, legal County Seat – Waco
services referrals, victims compensation application
Lone Star Legal Aid
assistance, counseling (adult and children) (individual
800-299-5596 (Waco)
and group), peer support groups, transportation for
800-733-8394 (Main Office)
residential clients, case management and coordination
with other agencies, primary prevention, outreach, Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
domestic violence focused parenting classes and matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
classes on the dynamics of domestic violence.
American Gateways
MCCULLOCH 254-230-0382 (Waco)
County Seat – Brady 512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office)
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas Provides immigrations legal services at no or low cost,
325-646-8659 (Brownwood) education, and advocacy. Main areas of focus include,
888-529-5277 (Main Office) but are not limited to: consular process, DACA, Violence Against Women Act, U-Visa, asylum, withholding of
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization removal, bond, parole, and more.
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas, Baylor Law School DACA Immigration Clinic
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, 254-710-4244 (Main Office)
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie, Provides assistance with DACA applications on a semi-
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. annual basis. Email or call to make an appointment,
which is required.

Baylor Law Veterans Clinic Mission Waco
254-710-4244 (Main Office) 254-296-9866 ext. 214 (Main Office)
The free legal advice clinic is held one Friday afternoon Provides general legal information and advice to low-
each month from September through July at the Heart income Texans in areas of family, criminal, immigration,
of Texas Veterans One Stop and is open to all veterans property, and civil matters. Legal clinic held every 3rd
and veterans’ spouses regardless of income level. Thursday of the month from 5 pm to 7 pm.
Additional civil legal services are offered to those
meeting eligibility requirements. The Heart of Texas Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
Veterans One Stop is located at 2010 La Salle Avenue, Legal Services (RAICES)
Waco, Texas 76706. 210-226-7722 (Main Office)
Catholic Charities of Central Texas Immigration Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
Legal Services seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
512-651-6100 (Main Office) and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human trafficking.
The Immigration Legal Services Program provides low-
cost representation for persons seeking immigration
assistance in Central Texas. We practice in most areas MCMULLEN
of immigration law including, but not limited to, family- County Seat – Tilden
based immigration, naturalization, DACA, victim visas,
asylum, and removal defense. Hotline: 512-651-6125. Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
800-420-1994 (Corpus Christi)
Disability Rights Texas 833-329-8752 (Main Office)
512-454-4816 (Austin)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
apply online at: accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
Family Abuse Center, Inc. legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
800-283-8401 (Waco) ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
254-772-8999 (Main Office) Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
Provides a wide variety of services for all victims of into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
domestic violence. For adults, we provide emergency following groups: Community Preservation &
shelter and general services such as case Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic
management, counseling, support groups, an array of Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
legal services and assistance with housing. General Employment, and Public Benefits.
services are also available to non-residential clients as
well as those who live in rural areas. Our services are Catholic Charities Archdiocese of San Antonio
provided free of charge to anyone who has been Caritas Legal Services
impacted by domestic violence. 210-433-3256 (Main Office)
Greater Waco Legal Services (GWLS) Provides low-cost legal services in the areas of
254-733-2828 (Main Office) immigration, guardianship, estate planning, and probate.
Sliding-scale fee legal representation, advice, and other Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi, Inc. –
resources; main legal practice areas include Immigration Services
immigration, family, probate, and property. 361-884-0651 (Main Office)
Justice for Our Neighbors – DFW Offering affordable, confidential, and comprehensive
817-310-3820 (Main Office) immigration legal services with family-based immigration petitions, Adjustment of Status, Removal of Conditions,
Provides free and affordable, high-quality immigration Naturalization/Citizenship, TPS, Renewal/Replacement
legal services, shares information with the public and of LPR (“green”) cards, DACA, Know Your Rights and
engages in advocacy with immigrants. Accepts all types Translations.
of non-detained immigration cases. Call for more
Disability Rights Texas. MEDINA
210-737-0499 (San Antonio) County Seat – Hondo
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights 800-369-0356 (San Antonio)
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
833-329-8752 (Main Office)
apply online at:
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
LASSA, (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
800-991-5153 (Main Office) facing most forms of civil legal problems, including bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
for help leave a confidential voice message on the legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
LASSA main office line. ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
The Purple Door in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
361-881-8888 (Main Office) into teams specializing in practices that fall within the following groups: Community Preservation &
Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic
violence and sexual assault with a 24-hour shelter, Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
hotline, crisis intervention, counseling, safe Employment, and Public Benefits.
transportation, advocacy, food, clothing, and personal
items, and referrals. Alamo Area Resource Center
800-308-2437 (San Antonio)
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and 210-625-7200 (Main Office)
Legal Services (RAICES)
210-226-7722 (Main Office) A LGBT primary care and HIV specialty care clinic provides free HIV testing. Offers referrals to persons
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum with HIV/AIDS seeking general civil legal services
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, including advocacy, wills, guardianships, directives and
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human powers of attorney.
American Gateways
Safer Path Family Violence Shelter 512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office)
830-569-2001 (Main Office) Provides immigrations legal services at no or low cost,
Provides legal advocacy for victims of family violence, education, and advocacy. Main areas of focus include,
sexual assault, stalking, and dating violence through but are not limited to: consular process, DACA, Violence
24/7 hotline and emergency shelter support, support Against Women Act, U-Visa, asylum, withholding of
groups, counseling, referrals, prevention, and education removal, bond, parole, and more.
programs, and more.
Catholic Charities Archdiocese of San Antonio
Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics Caritas Legal Services
512-477-6000 (Main Office) 210-433-3256 (Main Office)
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist Provides low-cost legal services in the areas of
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child immigration, guardianship, estate planning, and probate.
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public Disability Rights Texas
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community 210-737-0499 (San Antonio)
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library, 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library,
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library, Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
County Library's El Campo Branch. apply online at:

Family Violence Prevention Services, Inc. outstanding clinical courses for second- and third-year
210-930-3669 (Main Office) law students: the Civil Justice Clinic-Consumer Protection, the Civil Justice Clinic-Family Law, the
Provides free legal assistance to income-eligible victims Immigration and Human Rights Clinic and the Criminal
of domestic violence; emergency shelter; and Justice Clinic. The clinical courses are dedicated to
community-based intervention and prevention services. educating students at St. Mary’s while addressing the
otherwise unmet legal needs of income-qualified people
Hill Country Dispute Resolution Center in San Antonio and South Texas.
830-792-5000 (Main Office) Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics
Provides court-ordered mediation for all kinds of civil 512-477-6000 (Main Office)
cases and family law cases for a nominal fee.
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
LASSA, (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault) with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
800-991-5153 (Main Office) support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library,
for help leave a confidential voice message on the Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
LASSA main office line. Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
County Library’s El Campo Branch.
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
Legal Services (RAICES) MENARD
210-226-7722 (Main Office) County Seat – Menard
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, 325-653-6982 (San Angelo)
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
Safer Path Family Violence Shelter that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
830-569-2001 (Main Office) in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas, with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
Provides legal advocacy for victims of family violence, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
sexual assault, stalking, and dating violence through Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
24/7 hotline and emergency shelter support, support Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
groups, counseling, referrals, prevention, and education
programs, and more. Disability Rights Texas
512-454-4816 (Austin)
Southwest Family Life Center 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
830-426-5972 (Hondo)
830-426-5131 (Hotline) Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
Provides services to survivors of domestic/family issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
violence and intimate partner violence. Services include: apply online at:
peer counseling, crisis intervention/counseling, 24-hour
hotline, legal advocacy, assistance in applying for The Family Shelter
protective orders, safety planning, information and 800-749-8631 (Main Office)
referral services, assistance with Texas Crime Victims Provides legal advocacy for family violence survivors
Compensation Claims, temporary emergency shelter, with services including, but not limited to: emergency
and community education. shelter access, counseling, case management,
information and referrals, transportation, and county
St. Mary’s University School of Law, Center for outreach service. 24-hour hotline.
Legal and Social Justice
210-431-2596 (Main Office) Hill Country Dispute Resolution Center 830-792-5000 (Main Office)
NOTICE: This provider has limited availability for cases. Provides court-ordered mediation for all kinds of civil
St. Mary’s University School of Law proudly offers four cases and family law cases for a nominal fee.
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and esteem, and evaluate their options for moving to a self-
Legal Services (RAICES) sufficient and abuse free life. Family violence recovery
210-226-7722 (Main Office) services include: 24-hour crisis hotline, emergency shelter, counseling, advocacy and case management,
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum support groups, children’s programming and parenting
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, classes. Toll free 800-967-8928.
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
trafficking. Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
806-742-4312 (Main Office)
County Seat – Midland The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
432-686-0647 (Midland) controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
888-529-5277 (Main Office) Federal tax issues related to individual income tax matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
that provides free civil legal help to low-income subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
residents in 114 Texas counties throughout North and for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
West Texas, with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
Brownwood, Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
Waxahachie, Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
Disability Rights Texas and a limited amount of representation in the United
806-765-7794 (Lubbock) States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
800-252-9108 (Main Office) criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights MILAM
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or County Seat – Cameron
apply online at:
Lone Star Legal Aid
Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center 800-234-6606 (Belton)
915-544-5126 (Main Office) 800-733-8394 (Main Office)
Provides pro-bono services to people detained and Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
facing removal proceedings in the El Paso Processing matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
and Otero Processing Center. Focuses on bond, parole,
and full asylum representation. Also provides pro-bono American Gateways
512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office)
services to asylum seekers forced to wait in Mexico
during their court proceedings under the government
Provides immigrations legal services at no or low cost,
program known as the Migrant Protection Protocols.
education, and advocacy. Main areas of focus include,
Pro-bono and low-bono services for non-detained but are not limited to: consular process, DACA, Violence
immigrants seeking immigration relief including crime Against Women Act, U-Visa, asylum, withholding of
victims relief, family petitions, DACA renewal, removal, bond, parole, and more.
representation in court and citizenship applications.
Catholic Charities of Central Texas Immigration
Safe Place of the Permian Basin Legal Services
432-570-1465 (Main Office) 512-651-6100 (Main Office)
Safe Place’s mission is to break the cycle of family The Immigration Legal Services Program provides low-
violence by empowering individuals to make safe and cost representation for persons seeking immigration
healthy choices through awareness, advocacy, assistance in Central Texas. We practice in most areas
counseling, and shelter while promoting hope, healing, of immigration law including, but not limited to, family-
and dignity. Safe Place provides comprehensive based immigration, naturalization, DACA, victim visas,
recovery services so that victims of family violence asylum, and removal defense. Hotline: 512-651-6125.
receive safe and secure shelter, recover from the
trauma they have experienced, work to regain their self-

Disability Rights Texas MITCHELL
512-454-4816 (Austin) County Seat – Colorado City
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights 325-677-8591 (Abilene)
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
apply online at:
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and that provides free civil legal help to low-income
Legal Services (RAICES) residents in 114 Texas counties throughout North and
210-226-7722 (Main Office) West Texas, with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock,
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo,
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, Waxahachie, Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
trafficking. Disability Rights Texas
806-765-7794 (Lubbock)
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
County Seat – Goldthwaite Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas apply online at:
325-646-8659 (Brownwood)
888-529-5277 (Main Office) Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
that provides free civil legal help to low-income The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
residents in 114 Texas counties throughout North and Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
West Texas, with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
Brownwood, Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
Waxahachie, Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
Catholic Charities of Central Texas Immigration subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
Legal Services for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
512-651-6100 (Main Office) compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
The Immigration Legal Services Program provides low- before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
cost representation for persons seeking immigration Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
assistance in Central Texas. We practice in most areas dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
of immigration law including, but not limited to, family- and a limited amount of representation in the United
based immigration, naturalization, DACA, victim visas, States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
asylum, and removal defense. Hotline: 512-651-6125. criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.

Disability Rights Texas

512-454-4816 (Austin) MONTAGUE
800-252-9108 (Main Office) County Seat – Montague
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or 940-383-1406 (Denton)
888-529-5277 (Main Office)
apply online at:
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
that provides free civil legal help to low-income
Legal Services (RAICES) residents in 114 Texas counties throughout North and
210-226-7722 (Main Office) West Texas, with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock,
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo,
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, Waxahachie, Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human

Disability Rights Texas Disability Rights Texas
214-630-0916 (Dallas) 713-974-7691 (Houston)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at: apply online at:

First Step of Wichita Falls, Inc. FamilyTime Crisis and Counseling Center
800-658-2683 (Main Office) 281-446-2615 (Main Office)
Provides comprehensive family violence and sexual Provides legal advocacy for survivors of human
assault services which include but are not limited to: trafficking, domestic violence, and sexual assault,
safe house, counseling, legal advocacy, hospital particularly with emergency shelter access, free
advocacy, children's program, and education and individual and group counseling, hospital and court
training. 24-hour hotline. accompaniment, and more. 24-hour crisis hotline.

Wise Hope Shelter & Crisis Center Fort Bend County Dispute Resolution Center
940-626-4855 (Main Office) 281-342-5000 (Main Office)
Provides legal and advocacy services for domestic The Fort Bend County Dispute Resolution Center is a
violence and sexual assault. 24-hour toll-free crisis private, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization committed to
hotline: 866-684-4855. providing high-quality, low-cost dispute resolution
services for all people in Fort Bend and the surrounding
MONTGOMERY counties.
County Seat – Conroe
Houston Area Women’s Center
Lone Star Legal Aid 800-256-0551 (Main Office)
888-595-8969 (Conroe)
800-733-8394 (Main Office) The Houston Area Women’s Center works to end domestic and sexual violence and supports all in
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil building safe and healthy lives through advocacy,
matters to eligible, low-income Texans. counseling, education, shelter, and support services.
Our services are free, confidential, and available to
Access Justice Houston everyone.
832-772-6743 (Main Office) Domestic violence hotline: 800-256-0551 Sexual assault hotline: 800-256-0661
Access Justice Houston is a non-profit law firm
dedicated to expanding affordable legal services in Houston Immigration Legal Services Collaborative
Houston Texas. We serve modest-means clients, 833-468-4664 (Main Office)
providing legal services on a reduced fee calculated on
a sliding scale. If you make too much to qualify for legal HILSC focuses only on immigration matters. It is not a
aid but are unable to find a lawyer you can afford, we’ll direct service provider and does not accept cases.
work with you to get you a lawyer you can afford. We Connects case placement requests with other
can help with your Family law, Criminal Defense, immigration legal services and attorneys in private
Landlord Tenant, Consumer law issues. practice who are members of the American Immigration
Lawyer Association.
Beacon Law, a Program of The Beacon
713-220-9780 (Main Office) Kids in Need of Defense (KIND) 832-779-4030 (Main Office)
A civil legal aid program of The Beacon focused on
helping the homeless and indigent population of Provides pro bono representation to unaccompanied
Houston with ID restoration, clearing criminal history, children in deportation proceedings. The social services
social security disability appeals, limited family law, team helps ensure that the children have access to
housing law, including evictions and limited wills and counseling, education support, and medical care.
estate assistance. Houston office services children who are detained in
Harris and Montgomery counties, who are 17.5 years
old and under, who are fleeing violence.

Montgomery County Women’s Center YMCA International Services
936-441-7273 (Main Office) 713-758-9280 (Main Office)
Montgomery County Women's Center provides a -services
24-hour crisis hotline, emergency shelter, counseling, The Immigration Legal Department of the YMCA
advocacy, accompaniment, transitional housing, and International Services provides counseling or
legal services to survivors of family violence, sexual representation to individuals seeking immigration
assault, and stalking. MCWC also provides community assistance. Assistance is available for asylum seekers,
outreach and education. Our mission is to lead the effort crime survivors, survivors of domestic violence and
in preventing Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault human trafficking. Services also include family
through crisis intervention, assistance, advocacy, reunification visas, adjustment of status and
empowerment, and social change. naturalization applications. During consultations,
individuals can discuss their immigration case with an
Randall O. Sorrels Legal Clinics at South Texas Immigration Attorney, Department of Justice Accredited
College of Law Houston Representative or an Immigration Case Manager.
713-646-2990 (Main Office) Handles immigration matters only and must make appointment first.
The Randall O. Sorrels Legal Clinics at South Texas
College of Law Houston provides direct legal MOORE
representation in the following service areas: family, County Seat – Dumas
probate, guardianship, landlord/tenant, immigration, tax,
estate planning, expunction/nondisclosure, trademark, Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
patent, and veterans. 806-373-6808 (Amarillo)
888-529-5277 (Main Office)
St. Frances Cabrini Center for Immigrant Legal
Assistance Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
713-595-4100 (Main Office) that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents in 114 Texas counties throughout North and
The Cabrini Center provides low-cost and free West Texas, with offices in Abilene, Amarillo,
immigration legal services in the following areas: charlas Brownwood, Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock,
and legal consultations, crime victims, humanitarian McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo,
assistance (including TPS, DACA, asylum, parole, SIV), Waxahachie, Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
refugee assistance, unaccompanied children, citizenship
and naturalization, and family-based immigration. Disability Rights Texas
806-765-7794 (Lubbock)
Tahirih Justice Center 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
713-496-0100 (Main Office) Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
A national non-profit organization that supports
apply online at:
immigrant women and other survivors of gender-based
violence seeking safety and justice. Our interdisciplinary
Safe Place, Inc.
model of service combines free legal services, social 806-935-2828 (Main Office)
services case management, and trainings and
education. Our team in Houston serves immigrant Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic
survivors of violence in Houston to access existing legal violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining
protections, including gender-based asylum claims, protective orders and referrals to free and sliding-scale
U Visas for crime victims who cooperate with law legal assistance; also offers parenting, anger
enforcement to convict perpetrators of violence, management, and healthy relationship classes.
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) petitions to 24-hour hotline.
empower battered spouses and children of U.S. citizens
or Legal Permanent Residents to obtain lawful status Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
free and clear from their abusers, T Visas for victims of 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
labor and sex trafficking and special immigrant juvenile
status (SIJS) for unaccompanied minors who have been The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
abandoned, abused, or neglected by one or both Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
parents. representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library,
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues, County Library's El Campo Branch.
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
and a limited amount of representation in the United
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any MOTLEY
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation. County Seat – Matador

Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas

MORRIS 806-293-8491 (Plainview)
County Seat – Daingerfield 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
Lone Star Legal Aid
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
800-925-5802 (Paris)
that provides free civil legal help to low-income
800-733-8394 (Main Office) residents in 114 Texas counties throughout North and
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil West Texas, with offices in Abilene, Amarillo,
matters to eligible, low-income Texans. Brownwood, Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock,
McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo,
Catholic Charities – Diocese of Tyler Waxahachie, Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
903-258-9492 (Main Office) Catholic Charities, Diocese of Lubbock
Provides immigration services such as Naturalization 806-765-8475 (Main Office)
and Citizenship, Adjustment of Status, VAWA, U-Visas,
DACA and family-based petitions. By appointment. Provides direct client assistance with basic needs;
elderly assistance; youth and family counseling
Disability Rights Texas services; kinship family support; immigration services
214-630-0916 (Dallas) including renewal or replacement of Legal Permanent
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card, assistance with family-based categories for non-
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights immigrant and immigrant visas, and Violence Against
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or Women Act (VAWA).
apply online at:
Crisis Center of the Plains
Shelter Agencies for Families in East Texas 806-293-7273 (Main Office)
(SAFE-T Crisis Center)
903-575-9999 (Main Office) Provides legal advocacy, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free legal assistance
Provides services to victims/survivors of domestic for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and
violence and sexual assault, as well as their children. human trafficking. 24-hour hotline.
Services include: legal assistance, accompaniment to
court, crime victim assistance, rape crisis intervention, Disability Rights Texas
shelter, counseling, and support groups. Also, 806-765-7794 (Lubbock)
advocates for offender accountability through the 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
criminal justice system on behalf of the survivors, as
well as advocating for crime victims’ rights, including, Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
but not limited to, landlord-tenant issues, confidentiality, issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
participation in the criminal justice process, and crime apply online at:
victim compensation. Toll Free: 888-801-HELP (4357).
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
512-477-6000 (Main Office) The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in

Federal tax issues related to individual income tax NAVARRO
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to, County Seat – Corsicana
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements Lone Star Legal Aid
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in 800-299-5596 (Waco)
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as 800-733-8394 (Main Office)
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues, matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
and a limited amount of representation in the United Catholic Charities of Dallas – Immigration Legal
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any Services
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation. 214-634-7182 (Main Office)
NACOGDOCHES Catholic Charities, Immigration and Legal Services (ILS)
County Seat – Nacogdoches was established in 1975 in response to the growing
number of immigrants moving to the North Texas area.
Lone Star Legal Aid ILS is fully accredited by the U.S. Department of Justice
800-354-1889 (Nacogdoches) to provide a broad range of immigration counseling and
800-733-8394 (Main Office) representation to immigrants and their families.
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil Disability Rights Texas
matters to eligible, low-income Texans. 214-630-0916 (Dallas)
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Catholic Charities – Diocese of Tyler
903-258-9492 (Main Office) Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
Provides immigration services such as Naturalization apply online at:
and Citizenship, Adjustment of Status, VAWA, U-Visas,
DACA and family-based petitions. By appointment. Family Abuse Center, Inc.
800-283-8401 (Corsicana)
Disability Rights Texas 254-772-8999 (Main Office)
713-974-7691 (Houston)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Provides a wide variety of services for all victims of domestic violence. For adults, we provide emergency
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights shelter and general services such as case management,
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or counseling, support groups, an array of legal services
apply online at: and assistance with housing. General services are also
available to non-residential clients as well as those who
Family Crisis Center of East Texas live in rural areas. Our services are provided free of
936-569-1018 (Nacogdoches) charge to anyone who has been impacted by domestic
800-828-7233 (Main Office) violence.
A non-profit organization that empowers survivors of Justice for Our Neighbors – DFW
domestic violence and sexual assault by providing crisis 817-310-3820 (Main Office)
intervention and advocacy services. The FCCET also
engages the community through education to build Provides free and affordable, high-quality immigration
awareness and prevent domestic violence and sexual legal services, shares information with the public and
assault. 24-hour crisis hotline. engages in advocacy with immigrants. Accepts all types
of non-detained immigration cases. Call for more

Legal Hospice of Texas

214-521-6622 (Main Office)
Provides free legal counsel, representation, and
advocacy to low-income persons who are diagnosed
with a terminal illness or HIV, have a civil legal issue

related to their diagnosis, and meet established income NOLAN
criteria. County Seat – Sweetwater

Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
512-477-6000 (Main Office) 325-677-8591 (Abilene) 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall that provides free civil legal help to low-income
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public residents in 114 Texas counties throughout North and
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
West Texas, with offices in Abilene, Amarillo,
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
Brownwood, Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock,
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library,
McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo,
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
Waxahachie, Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
County Library’s El Campo Branch. Disability Rights Texas
806-765-7794 (Lubbock)
NEWTON 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
County Seat – Newton
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
Lone Star Legal Aid issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
800-354-1889 (Nacogdoches) apply online at:
800-733-8394 (Main Office) Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil Legal Services (RAICES)
matters to eligible, low-income Texans. 210-226-7722 (Main Office)
Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas – Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
Immigration Services seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
409-924-4400 (Main Office) and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human trafficking.
Provides legal immigration services for a nominal fee.
The types of cases they accept are family-based Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
petitions, consular processing abroad, adjustment of 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
status, self-petitions under VAWA, U Visa, naturalization,
citizenship acquisition and derivation, DACA (Deferred The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
Action for Childhood Arrivals), renewal of green card, Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
I-601 Waivers, Appeals, FOIA, and Affidavits of Support. representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
Disability Rights Texas Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
713-974-7691 (Houston) matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
800-252-9108 (Main Office) securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
apply online at: an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
Family Services of Southeast Texas, Inc. Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
409-384-1225 (Jasper) dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
409-832-7575 (Main Office) and a limited amount of representation in the United States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
Provides full residential and non-residential services to criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
survivors of domestic violence and sexual violence.
Provides emergency medical care, necessary
medications, safe house residence, food, clothing, baby
and children's items, counseling, group therapy, case
management, and legal and family advocacy. Also
assists in job placement of clients and location of
affordable housing.
NUECES for help leave a confidential voice message on the
County Seat – Corpus Christi LASSA main office line.

Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. The Purple Door

800-420-1501 (Corpus Christi) 361-881-8888 (Main Office)
833-329-8752 (Main Office) Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people violence and sexual assault with a 24-hour shelter,
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including hotline, crisis intervention, counseling, safe
transportation, advocacy, food, clothing, and personal
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
items, and referrals.
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
Legal Services (RAICES)
legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
361-693-5838 (Corpus Christi)
ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
210-226-7722 (Main Office)
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
following groups: Community Preservation & and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic trafficking.
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
Employment, and Public Benefits.
Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi, Inc. – County Seat – Perryton
Immigration Services
361-884-0651 (Main Office) Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas 806-373-6808 (Amarillo)
Offering affordable, confidential, and comprehensive 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
immigration legal services with family-based immigration
petitions, Adjustment of Status, Removal of Conditions, Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
Naturalization/Citizenship, TPS, Renewal/Replacement that provides free civil legal help to low-income
of LPR (“green”) cards, DACA, Know Your Rights and residents in 114 Texas counties throughout North and
Translations. West Texas, with offices in Abilene, Amarillo,
Brownwood, Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock,
Disability Rights Texas McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo,
210-737-0499 (San Antonio) Waxahachie, Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Disability Rights Texas
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights 806-765-7794 (Lubbock)
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
apply online at:
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
Dispute Resolution Services issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
361-888-0650 (Main Office) apply online at:
-services Panhandle Crisis Center, Inc.
Provides high quality mediation services and training to 806-435-5008 (Main Office)
residents of Nueces, Bee, Live Oak, and San Patricio
counties. If you are a resident of one of these counties Assists domestic violence and sexual assault victims in
and the issue is not before a court, the mediation is understanding their legal rights and options; provides
FREE. If the issue is in court, DRS has a $65.00 assistance in obtaining legal resources, including
Administrative Fee per party. protective orders and legal representation; information,
referral and accompaniment services are available to
LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault) assist victims in obtaining other needed legal, medical
800-991-5153 (Main Office) and social services. Also operates 24-hour emergency family violence shelter. 24-hour hotline: 800-753-5308.
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
806-742-4312 (Main Office) Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues, dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income and a limited amount of representation in the United
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax ORANGE
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to, County Seat – Orange
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements Lone Star Legal Aid
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in 800-365-1861 (Beaumont)
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as 800-733-8394 (Main Office)
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues, matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
and a limited amount of representation in the United Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas –
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any Immigration Services
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation. 409-924-4400 (Main Office)
OLDHAM Provides legal immigration services for a nominal fee.
County Seat – Vega The types of cases they accept are family-based
petitions, consular processing abroad, adjustment of
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas status, self-petitions under VAWA, U Visa, naturalization,
806-373-6808 (Amarillo) citizenship acquisition and derivation, DACA (Deferred
888-529-5277 (Main Office) Action for Childhood Arrivals), renewal of green card, I-601 Waivers, Appeals, FOIA, and Affidavits of Support.
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents Disability Rights Texas
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas, 713-974-7691 (Houston)
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie, Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at:
Disability Rights Texas
806-765-7794 (Lubbock) Family Services of Southeast Texas, Inc.
800-252-9108 (Main Office) 409-832-7575 (Main Office)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights Provides full residential and non-residential services to
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or survivors of domestic violence and sexual violence.
apply online at: Provides emergency medical care, necessary
medications, safe house residence, food, clothing, baby
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic and children's items, counseling, group therapy, case
806-742-4312 (Main Office) management, and legal and family advocacy. Also
assists in job placement of clients and location of
affordable housing.
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
Jefferson County Bar Association Pro Bono
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with Program
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in 409-839-2332 (Main Office)
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to, Provides free legal assistance in civil matters to low-
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or income residents in Jefferson, Hardin, Orange, and
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements Liberty counties.
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation

County Seat – Palo Pinto County Seat – Carthage

Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas Lone Star Legal Aid

817-336-3943 (Fort Worth) 800-866-0821 (Longview)
888-529-5277 (Main Office) 800-733-8394 (Main Office)
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, Catholic Charities – Diocese of Tyler
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, 903-258-9492 (Main Office)
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. Provides immigration services such as Naturalization
and Citizenship, Adjustment of Status, VAWA, U-Visas,
AIDS Outreach Center DACA and family-based petitions. By appointment.
817-335-1994 (Main Office) Disability Rights Texas
AOC provides a full range of HIV and STI testing onsite 214-630-0916 (Dallas)
and in the broader community. They provide free 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
treatment for chlamydia, syphilis and gonorrhea. Client
services programs are offered to people who are living Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
with HIV/AIDS. Those programs are as follows, case issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
management services, assistance with insurance, apply online at:
transportation, and housing. AOC also offers a nutrition
center, behavioral health, and a dental clinic. Women’s Center of East Texas
903-657-7363 (Henderson)
Cross Timbers Family Services 903-295-7526 (Main Office)
866-934-4357 (Main Office) We provide shelter, crisis intervention, and
Provides 24-hour crisis hotline, victim's assistance and comprehensive support services to survivors of
crisis counseling, advocacy and criminal justice support, domestic violence, sexual assault, and sex trafficking in
Crime Victim's Compensation assistance, medical Gregg, Harrison, Marion, Panol, Rusk, and Upsure
accompaniments, and protective order assistance. counties.

Disability Rights Texas PARKER

214-630-0916 (Dallas) County Seat – Weatherford
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights 817-594-6332 (Weatherford)
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
apply online at:
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
Hope Women’s Shelter, Inc. that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
940-325-1306 (Main Office) in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
protective orders and referrals to free and sliding-scale Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
legal assistance; provides shelter and therapy to victims Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
of domestic violence and sexual assault.
24-hour hotline. AIDS Outreach Center
817-335-1994 (Main Office)
Justice for Our Neighbors – DFW
817-310-3820 (Main Office) AOC provides a full range of HIV and STI testing onsite and in the broader community. They provide free
Provides free and affordable, high-quality immigration treatment for chlamydia, syphilis and gonorrhea. Client
legal services, shares information with the public and services programs are offered to people who are living
engages in advocacy with immigrants. Accepts all types with HIV/AIDS. Those programs are as follows, case
of non-detained immigration cases. Call for more management services, assistance with insurance,
transportation, and housing. AOC also offers a nutrition IRS if you are unable to pay, or Tax Court cases. The
center, behavioral health, and a dental clinic. clinic does not prepare tax returns. Services are
delivered by Texas A&M law students supervised by
Disability Rights Texas qualified tax attorney. For screening and appointments
214-630-0916 (Dallas) call or visit the website.
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights 512-477-6000 (Main Office)
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at: Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
Freedom House support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall
817-596-8922 (Main Office) Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
Freedom House offers emergency shelter and many Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
services to victims of domestic violence and sexual Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library,
assault. Services include crisis counseling, prevention, Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
and intervention; accompaniment to hospital, law Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
enforcement, and court; legal advocacy; protective County Library's El Campo Branch.
orders; transportation; child advocacy; individual, group,
and play therapy; and Crime Victims’ Compensation
assistance. PARMER
County Seat – Farwell
Hope Women’s Shelter, Inc.
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
940-325-1306 (Main Office)
806-293-8491 (Plainview)
Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic
888-529-5277 (Main Office)
violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining
protective orders and referrals to free and sliding-scale
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
legal assistance; provides shelter and therapy to victims
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
of domestic violence and sexual assault.
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
24-hour hotline.
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
Justice for Our Neighbors – DFW
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
817-310-3820 (Main Office)
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
Provides free and affordable, high-quality immigration
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Lubbock
legal services, shares information with the public and
806-765-8475 (Main Office)
engages in advocacy with immigrants. Accepts all types
of non-detained immigration cases. Call for more
Provides direct client assistance with basic needs;
elderly assistance; youth and family counseling
services; kinship family support; immigration services
Legal Hospice of Texas
including renewal or replacement of Legal Permanent
214-521-6622 (Main Office)
Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card,
assistance with family-based categories for non-
Provides free legal counsel, representation, and
immigrant and immigrant visas, and Violence Against
advocacy to low-income persons who are diagnosed
Women Act (VAWA).
with a terminal illness or HIV, have a civil legal issue
related to their diagnosis, and meet established income
Disability Rights Texas
806-765-7794 (Lubbock)
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Texas A&M University School of Law – Tax Dispute
Resolution Clinic
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
817-212-4123 (Main Office)
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at:
Provides free assistance to help low-income taxpayers
resolve their problems with the Internal Revenue
Service (IRS) or Tax Court; handles problems such as
IRS audits, administrative appeals, negotiating with the
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic Disability Rights Texas
806-742-4312 (Main Office) 915-542-0585 (El Paso) 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in apply online at:
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to, Family Crisis Center of the Big Bend
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or 800-834-0654 (Main Office)
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as violence, sexual assault, and victims of violent crime.
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation Services include, but are not limited to: emergency
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue shelter, referrals to support systems, legal assistance,
mental health counseling, and medical/economic
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
services for indigent families. 24-hour crisis hotline.
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
and a limited amount of representation in the United
Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
915-544-5126 (Main Office)
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
Provides pro-bono services to people detained and
PECOS facing removal proceedings in the El Paso Processing
County Seat – Fort Stockton and Otero Processing Center. Focuses on bond, parole,
and full asylum representation. Also provides pro-bono
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. services to asylum seekers forced to wait in Mexico
432-837-1199 (El Paso) during their court proceedings under the government
833-329-8752 (Main Office) program known as the Migrant Protection Protocols. Pro-bono and low-bono services for non-detained
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people immigrants seeking immigration relief including crime
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including victims relief, family petitions, DACA renewal,
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody representation in court and citizenship applications.
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil 800-991-5153 (Main Office)
legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the for help leave a confidential voice message on the
following groups: Community Preservation & LASSA main office line.
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor & Texas A&M University School of Law – Tax Dispute
Employment, and Public Benefits. Resolution Clinic
817-212-4123 (Main Office)
Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services, Inc. (DMRS)
915-532-3975 (Main Office) -clinic Provides free assistance to help low-income taxpayers
DMRS is the largest provider of free and low-cost resolve their problems with the Internal Revenue
immigration legal services in West Texas and New Service (IRS) or Tax Court; handles problems such as
Mexico. Services provided cover a comprehensive range IRS audits, administrative appeals, negotiating with the
of immigration legal services including representation in IRS if you are unable to pay, or Tax Court cases. The
family-based immigration matters, clinic does not prepare tax returns. Services are
Citizenship/Naturalization matters, matters related to delivered by Texas A&M law students supervised by
benefits for survivors of domestic violence and other qualified tax attorney. For screening and appointments
crimes, removal proceedings before the Immigration call or visit the website.
Courts, and services for adults and unaccompanied
immigrant children detained in the local immigration
detention centers and shelters.

Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics Disability Rights Texas
512-477-6000 (Main Office) 713-974-7691 (Houston) 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public apply online at:
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library, Family Crisis Center of East Texas
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library, 936-639-1681 (Lufkin)
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library, 800-828-7233 (Main Office)
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
County Library’s El Campo Branch A non-profit organization that empowers survivors of
domestic violence and sexual assault by providing crisis
intervention and advocacy services. The FCCET also
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
engages the community through education to build
806-742-4312 (Main Office)
awareness and prevent domestic violence and sexual
assault. 24-hour crisis hotline.
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with SAAFE House (Sexual Assault and Abuse Free
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in Environment)
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax 936-327-6427 (Livingston)
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements violence and sexual assault. Provides referrals for free
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in and sliding-scale legal assistance. 24-hour hotline:
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as 936-291-3369.
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues, 512-477-6000 (Main Office)
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
and a limited amount of representation in the United Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation. support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
POLK Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
County Seat – Livingston Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library,
Lone Star Legal Aid Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
888-595-8969 (Conroe) Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
800-733-8394 (Main Office) County Library's El Campo Branch.
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil POTTER
matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
County Seat – Amarillo
Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas –
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
Immigration Services
806-373-6808 (Amarillo)
409-924-4400 (Main Office)
888-529-5277 (Main Office)
Provides legal immigration services for a nominal fee.
The types of cases they accept are family-based Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
petitions, consular processing abroad, adjustment of that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
status, self-petitions under VAWA, U Visa, naturalization, in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
citizenship acquisition and derivation, DACA (Deferred with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
Action for Childhood Arrivals), renewal of green card, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
I-601 Waivers, Appeals, FOIA, and Affidavits of Support. Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.

Disability Rights Texas Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic
806-765-7794 (Lubbock) Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Employment, and Public Benefits.
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services, Inc. (DMRS)
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or 915-532-3975 (Main Office)
apply online at:
DMRS is the largest provider of free and low-cost
Family Support Services of Amarillo immigration legal services in West Texas and New
800-749-9026 (Amarillo) Mexico. Services provided cover a comprehensive range
806-374-5433 (Intake) of immigration legal services including representation in family-based immigration matters,
Provides support for survivors of domestic violence, Citizenship/Naturalization matters, matters related to
sexual assault and trafficking through services including, benefits for survivors of domestic violence and other
but not limited to: emergency housing, behavioral health crimes, removal proceedings before the Immigration
and wellness, veterans resources, advocacy, education, Courts, and services for adults and unaccompanied
and counseling (counseling fees are on a sliding scale). immigrant children detained in the local immigration
detention centers and shelters.
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
806-742-4312 (Main Office) Disability Rights Texas 915-542-0585 (El Paso)
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax apply online at:
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or Family Crisis Center of the Big Bend
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements 432-229-4297 (Presidio)
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in 800-834-0654 (Main Office)
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue violence, sexual assault, and victims of violent crime.
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues, Services include, but are not limited to: emergency
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies, shelter, referrals to support systems, legal assistance,
and a limited amount of representation in the United mental health counseling, and medical/economic
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any services for indigent families. 24-hour crisis hotline.
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center
PRESIDIO 915-544-5126 (Main Office)
County Seat – Marfa
Provides pro-bono services to people detained and
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. facing removal proceedings in the El Paso Processing
432-837-1199 (Alpine) and Otero Processing Center. Focuses on bond, parole,
833-329-8752 (Main Office) and full asylum representation. Also provides pro-bono services to asylum seekers forced to wait in Mexico
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people during their court proceedings under the government
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including program known as the Migrant Protection Protocols.
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody Pro-bono and low-bono services for non-detained
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, immigrants seeking immigration relief including crime
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and victims relief, family petitions, DACA renewal,
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil representation in court and citizenship applications.
legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard 800-991-5153 (Main Office)
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
following groups: Community Preservation & of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
for help leave a confidential voice message on the Disability Rights Texas
LASSA main office line. 214-630-0916 (Dallas)
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Texas A&M University School of Law – Tax Dispute
Resolution Clinic Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
817-212-4123 (Main Office) issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or apply online at:
Provides free assistance to help low-income taxpayers East Texas Crisis Center
resolve their problems with the Internal Revenue 903-567-0959 (Canton)
Service (IRS) or Tax Court; handles problems such as 903-595-5591 (Main Office)
IRS audits, administrative appeals, negotiating with the
IRS if you are unable to pay, or Tax Court cases. The Provides emergency shelter, crisis intervention,
clinic does not prepare tax returns. Services are advocacy, and counseling to victims of family violence,
delivered by Texas A&M law students supervised by sexual assault, dating violence, and other violent crime.
qualified tax attorney. For screening and appointments 24-hour toll-free hotline: 800-333-0358.
call or visit the website.
Women In Need, Inc.
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic 903-454-4612 (Main Office)
806-742-4312 (Main Office) Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income violence, particularly with obtaining protective orders
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and and referrals to free and sliding-scale legal assistance.
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax RANDALL
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to, County Seat – Canyon
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in 806-373-6808 (Amarillo)
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues, that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies, in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
and a limited amount of representation in the United with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation. Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
County Seat – Emory Disability Rights Texas
806-765-7794 (Lubbock)
Lone Star Legal Aid 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
800-248-0048 (Tyler)
800-733-8394 (Main Office) Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil apply online at:
matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
Family Support Services of Amarillo
Catholic Charities – Diocese of Tyler 806-374-5433 (Intake)
903-258-9492 (Main Office) Provides support for survivors of domestic violence,
Provides immigration services such as Naturalization sexual assault and trafficking through services including,
and Citizenship, Adjustment of Status, VAWA, U-Visas, but not limited to: emergency housing, behavioral health
DACA and family-based petitions. By appointment. and wellness, veterans resources, advocacy, education,
and counseling (counseling fees are on a sliding scale).

Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
806-742-4312 (Main Office) Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office)
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax trafficking.
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues, controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies, Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
and a limited amount of representation in the United matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation. subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
REAGAN compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
County Seat – Big Lake an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
432-686-0647 (Midland) dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
888-529-5277 (Main Office) and a limited amount of representation in the United States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
County Seat – Leakey
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
800-369-0356 (San Antonio)
833-329-8752 (Main Office)
Disability Rights Texas
806-765-7794 (Lubbock)
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
apply online at:
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
The Family Shelter
ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
325-658-8631 (San Angelo)
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
800-749-8631 (Main Office)
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
Provides legal advocacy for family violence survivors
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
with services including, but not limited to: emergency
following groups: Community Preservation &
shelter access, counseling, case management,
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic
information and referrals, transportation, and county
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
outreach service. 24-hour hotline.
Employment, and Public Benefits.

Catholic Charities Archdiocese of San Antonio Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
Caritas Legal Services Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library,
210-433-3256 (Main Office) Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library, Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
Provides low-cost legal services in the areas of County Library's El Campo Branch.
immigration, guardianship, estate planning, and probate.
Disability Rights Texas County Seat – Clarksville
210-737-0499 (San Antonio)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Lone Star Legal Aid 800-925-5802 (Paris)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights 800-733-8394 (Main Office)
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at: Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
Hill Country Dispute Resolution Center
830-792-5000 (Main Office) Catholic Charities – Diocese of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office)
Provides court-ordered mediation for all kinds of civil
cases and family law cases for a nominal fee. Provides immigration services such as Naturalization
and Citizenship, Adjustment of Status, VAWA, U-Visas,
LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault) DACA and family-based petitions. By appointment.
800-991-5153 (Main Office) Disability Rights Texas
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors 214-630-0916 (Dallas)
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
for help leave a confidential voice message on the Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
LASSA main office line. issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at:
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
Legal Services (RAICES) Dispute Resolution Services of Lamar County
210-226-7722 (Main Office) 903-782-0447 (Main Office) Provides mediation services in custody, divorce,
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum misdemeanors, and domestic issues.
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human Shelter Agencies for Families in East Texas
trafficking. (SAFE-T Crisis Center)
903-572-0973 (Clarksville)
Southwest Family Life Center 903-575-9999 (Main Office)
830-278-1067 (Uvalde)
830-426-5131 (Hotline) Provides services to victims/survivors of domestic
Provides services to survivors of domestic/family violence and sexual assault, as well as their children.
violence and intimate partner violence. Services include: Services include: legal assistance, accompaniment to
peer counseling, crisis intervention/counseling, 24-hour court, crime victim assistance, rape crisis intervention,
hotline, legal advocacy, assistance in applying for shelter, counseling, and support groups. Also,
protective orders, safety planning, information and advocates for offender accountability through the
referral services, assistance with Texas Crime Victims criminal justice system on behalf of the survivors, as
Compensation Claims, temporary emergency shelter, well as advocating for crime victims’ rights, including,
and community education. but not limited to, landlord-tenant issues, confidentiality,
participation in the criminal justice process, and crime
Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics victim compensation. Toll Free: 888-801-HELP (4357).
512-477-6000 (Main Office) Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist 512-477-6000 (Main Office)
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public 915-544-5126 (Main Office)
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library, Provides pro-bono services to people detained and
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library, facing removal proceedings in the El Paso Processing
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library, and Otero Processing Center. Focuses on bond, parole,
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton and full asylum representation. Also provides pro-bono
County Library’s El Campo Branch. services to asylum seekers forced to wait in Mexico
during their court proceedings under the government
REEVES program known as the Migrant Protection Protocols.
County Seat – Pecos Pro-bono and low-bono services for non-detained
immigrants seeking immigration relief including crime
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. victims relief, family petitions, DACA renewal,
432-837-1199 (Alpine) representation in court and citizenship applications.
833-329-8752 (Main Office) LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people 800-991-5153 (Main Office)
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil for help leave a confidential voice message on the
legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases LASSA main office line.
ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard Safe Place of the Permian Basin
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized 432-570-1465 (Main Office)
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
following groups: Community Preservation & Safe Place’s mission is to break the cycle of family
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic violence by empowering individuals to make safe and
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor & healthy choices through awareness, advocacy,
Employment, and Public Benefits. counseling, and shelter while promoting hope, healing,
and dignity. Safe Place provides comprehensive
Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services, Inc. (DMRS) recovery services so that victims of family violence
915-532-3975 (Main Office) receive safe and secure shelter, recover from the trauma they have experienced, work to regain their self-
DMRS is the largest provider of free and low-cost esteem, and evaluate their options for moving to a self-
immigration legal services in West Texas and New sufficient and abuse free life. Family violence recovery
Mexico. Services provided cover a comprehensive range services include: 24-hour crisis hotline, emergency
of immigration legal services including representation in shelter, counseling, advocacy and case management,
family-based immigration matters, support groups, children’s programming and parenting
Citizenship/Naturalization matters, matters related to classes. Toll free 800-967-8928.
benefits for survivors of domestic violence and other
crimes, removal proceedings before the Immigration Texas A&M University School of Law – Tax Dispute
Courts, and services for adults and unaccompanied Resolution Clinic
immigrant children detained in the local immigration 817-212-4123 (Main Office)
detention centers and shelters.
Disability Rights Texas Provides free assistance to help low-income taxpayers
915-542-0585 (El Paso) resolve their problems with the Internal Revenue
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Service (IRS) or Tax Court; handles problems such as IRS audits, administrative appeals, negotiating with the
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights IRS if you are unable to pay, or Tax Court cases. The
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or clinic does not prepare tax returns. Services are
apply online at: delivered by Texas A&M law students supervised by
qualified tax attorney. For screening and appointments
call or visit the website.

Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi, Inc. –
512-477-6000 (Main Office) Immigration Services 361-884-0651 (Main Office)
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child Offering affordable, confidential, and comprehensive
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall immigration legal services with family-based immigration
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public petitions, Adjustment of Status, Removal of Conditions,
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community Naturalization/Citizenship, TPS, Renewal/Replacement
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library, of LPR (“green”) cards, DACA, Know Your Rights and
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library, Translations.
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton Disability Rights Texas
County Library’s El Campo Branch. 210-737-0499 (San Antonio)
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
806-742-4312 (Main Office) Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income apply online at:
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in 800-991-5153 (Main Office)
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to, Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in for help leave a confidential voice message on the
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as LASSA main office line.
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue The Purple Door
361-881-8888 (Main Office)
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic
and a limited amount of representation in the United
violence and sexual assault with a 24-hour shelter,
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
hotline, crisis intervention, counseling, safe
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
transportation, advocacy, food, clothing, and personal
items, and referrals.
County Seat – Refugio Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
Legal Services (RAICES)
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 210-226-7722 (Main Office)
800-234-1274 (San Antonio)
833-329-8752 (Main Office) Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including trafficking.
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, ROBERTS
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and County Seat – Miami
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through 806-373-6808 (Amarillo)
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
following groups: Community Preservation & that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor & with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
Employment, and Public Benefits. Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
Disability Rights Texas ROBERTSON
806-765-7794 (Lubbock) County Seat – Franklin
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Lone Star Legal Aid
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights 800-570-4773 (Bryan)
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or 800-733-8394 (Main Office)
apply online at:
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
512-477-6000 (Main Office) Brazos Valley Dispute Resolution Center
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist 979-822-6947 (Main Office)
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall Civil, Family, and CPS mediations; Civil arbitrations.
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community Catholic Charities of Central Texas Immigration
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library, Legal Services
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library, 512-651-6100 (Main Office)
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton The Immigration Legal Services Program provides low-
County Library’s El Campo Branch. cost representation for persons seeking immigration
assistance in Central Texas. We practice in most areas
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic of immigration law including, but not limited to, family-
806-742-4312 (Main Office) based immigration, naturalization, DACA, victim visas, asylum, and removal defense. Hotline: 512-651-6125.
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and Disability Rights Texas
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with 512-454-4816 (Austin)
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to, Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements apply online at:
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as Twin City Mission, Domestic Violence Services
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation 979-775-5335 (Main Office)
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues, Provides services addressing homelessness, violence
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies, and abuse, family conflict, poverty, and more. Provides
and a limited amount of representation in the United legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any dating violence.
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.

Tralee Crisis Center for Women, Inc.

County Seat – Rockwall
800-658-2796 (Main Office)
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
Provides comprehensive services, including: crisis
972-542-9405 (McKinney)
intervention; advocacy; law enforcement and criminal
888-529-5277 (Main Office)
justice accompaniment; medical (SANE)
accompaniment; emergency safe shelter; and peer and
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
professional counseling for victims of domestic violence,
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
sexual assault, and other violent crimes. 24-hour crisis
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.

Catholic Charities of Dallas – Immigration Legal Women In Need
Services 972-772-3000 (Rockwall)
214-634-7182 (Main Office) 903-454-4612 (Main Office)
Catholic Charities, Immigration and Legal Services (ILS) Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic
was established in 1975 in response to the growing violence, particularly with obtaining protective orders
number of immigrants moving to the North Texas area. and referrals to free and sliding-scale legal assistance.
ILS is fully accredited by the U.S. Department of Justice
to provide a broad range of immigration counseling and
representation to immigrants and their families.
County Seat – Ballinger
Disability Rights Texas
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
214-630-0916 (Dallas)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) 325-653-6982 (San Angelo) 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
apply online at: that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
Justice for Our Neighbors – DFW with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
817-310-3820 (Main Office) Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
Provides free and affordable, high-quality immigration Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
legal services, shares information with the public and
engages in advocacy with immigrants. Accepts all types Disability Rights Texas
of non-detained immigration cases. Call for more 806-765-7794 (Lubbock)
information. 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Legal Hospice of Texas Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
214-521-6622 (Main Office) issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or apply online at:
Provides free legal counsel, representation, and
advocacy to low-income persons who are diagnosed The Family Shelter
with a terminal illness or HIV, have a civil legal issue 325-658-8631 (San Angelo)
related to their diagnosis, and meet established income 800-749-8631 (Main Office)
criteria. Provides legal advocacy for family violence survivors
with services including, but not limited to: emergency
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and shelter access, counseling, case management,
Legal Services (RAICES) information and referrals, transportation, and county
210-226-7722 (Main Office) outreach service. 24-hour hotline.
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, Legal Services (RAICES)
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human 210-226-7722 (Main Office)
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
Texas A&M University School of Law – Tax Dispute seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
Resolution Clinic and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
817-212-4123 (Main Office) trafficking.
Provides free assistance to help low-income taxpayers RUSK
resolve their problems with the Internal Revenue County Seat – Henderson
Service (IRS) or Tax Court; handles problems such as
IRS audits, administrative appeals, negotiating with the Lone Star Legal Aid
IRS if you are unable to pay, or Tax Court cases. The 800-866-0821 (Longview)
clinic does not prepare tax returns. Services are 800-733-8394 (Main Office)
delivered by Texas A&M law students supervised by
qualified tax attorney. For screening and appointments Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
call or visit the website. matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
Catholic Charities – Diocese of Tyler awareness and prevent domestic violence and sexual
903-258-9492 (Main Office) assault. 24-hour crisis hotline.
Provides immigration services such as Naturalization SAN AUGUSTINE
and Citizenship, Adjustment of Status, VAWA, U-Visas, County Seat – San Augustine
DACA and family-based petitions. By appointment.
Lone Star Legal Aid
Disability Rights Texas 800-354-1889 (Nacogdoches)
214-630-0916 (Dallas) 800-733-8394 (Main Office)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at: Catholic Charities – Diocese of Tyler
903-258-9492 (Main Office)
Women’s Center of East Texas
903-295-7526 (Henderson) Provides immigration services such as Naturalization
903-295-7526 (Main Office) and Citizenship, Adjustment of Status, VAWA, U-Visas, DACA and family-based petitions. By appointment.
We provide shelter, crisis intervention, and
comprehensive support services to survivors of Disability Rights Texas
domestic violence, sexual assault, and sex trafficking in 713-974-7691 (Houston)
Gregg, Harrison, Marion, Panol, Rusk, and Upsure 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
SABINE issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
County Seat – Hemphill apply online at:

Lone Star Legal Aid Family Crisis Center of East Texas

800-354-1889 (Nacogdoches) 936-639-1681 (Lufkin)
800-733-8394 (Main Office) 800-828-7233 (Main Office)
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil A non-profit organization that empowers survivors of
matters to eligible, low-income Texans. domestic violence and sexual assault by providing crisis
intervention and advocacy services. The FCCET also
Catholic Charities – Diocese of Tyler engages the community through education to build
903-258-9492 (Main Office) awareness and prevent domestic violence and sexual assault. 24-hour crisis hotline.
Provides immigration services such as Naturalization
and Citizenship, Adjustment of Status, VAWA, U-Visas, SAN JACINTO
DACA and family-based petitions. By appointment. County Seat – Coldspring

Disability Rights Texas Lone Star Legal Aid

713-974-7691 (Houston) 888-595-8969 (Conroe)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) 800-733-8394 (Main Office)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
apply online at:
Beacon Law, a Program of The Beacon
Family Crisis Center of East Texas 713-220-9780 (Main Office)
936-639-1681 (Lufkin)
800-828-7233 (Main Office) A civil legal aid program of The Beacon focused on helping the homeless and indigent population of
A non-profit organization that empowers survivors of Houston with ID restoration, clearing criminal history,
domestic violence and sexual assault by providing crisis social security disability appeals, limited family law,
intervention and advocacy services. The FCCET also housing law, including evictions and limited wills and
engages the community through education to build estate assistance.
Disability Rights Texas into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
713-974-7691 (Houston) following groups: Community Preservation &
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights Employment, and Public Benefits.
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at: Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi, Inc. –
Immigration Services
Family Crisis Center of East Texas 361-884-0651 (Main Office)
936-639-1681 (Lufkin)
800-828-7233 (Main Office) Offering affordable, confidential, and comprehensive immigration legal services with family-based immigration
A non-profit organization that empowers survivors of petitions, Adjustment of Status, Removal of Conditions,
domestic violence and sexual assault by providing crisis Naturalization/Citizenship, TPS, Renewal/Replacement
intervention and advocacy services. The FCCET also of LPR (“green”) cards, DACA, Know Your Rights and
engages the community through education to build Translations.
awareness and prevent domestic violence and sexual
assault. 24-hour crisis hotline. Disability Rights Texas
210-737-0499 (San Antonio)
Montgomery County Women’s Center 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
936-441-7273 (Main Office) Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
Montgomery County Women's Center provides a 24- issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
hour crisis hotline, emergency shelter, counseling, apply online at:
advocacy, accompaniment, transitional housing, and
legal services to survivors of family violence, sexual Dispute Resolution Services
assault, and stalking. MCWC also provides community 361-888-0650 (Main Office)
outreach and education. Our mission is to lead the effort
in preventing Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault -services
through crisis intervention, assistance, advocacy, Provides high quality mediation services and training to
empowerment, and social change. residents of Nueces, Bee, Live Oak, and San Patricio
counties. If you are a resident of one of these counties
SAAFE House (Sexual Assault and Abuse Free and the issue is not before a court, the mediation is
Environment) FREE. If the issue is in court, DRS has a $65.00
936-291-3529 (Huntsville) Administrative Fee per party.
Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
violence and sexual assault. Provides referrals for free 800-991-5153 (Main Office)
and sliding-scale legal assistance. 24-hour hotline:
936-291-3369. Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
SAN PATRICIO Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
County Seat – Sinton for help leave a confidential voice message on the
LASSA main office line.
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
800-420-1994 (Corpus Christi) The Purple Door
833-329-8752 (Main Office) 361-364-0661 (Sinton) 361-881-8888 (Main Office)
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody violence and sexual assault with a 24-hour shelter,
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, hotline, crisis intervention, counseling, safe
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and transportation, advocacy, food, clothing, and personal
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil items, and referrals.
legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized

Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
Legal Services (RAICES) Legal Services (RAICES)
361-693-5838 (Corpus Christi) 210-226-7722 (Main Office)
210-226-7722 (Main Office) Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human trafficking.
Texas Legal Services Center– Rural Legal Clinics
512-477-6000 (Main Office)
County Seat – San Saba Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall
325-646-8659 (Brownwood) Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
888-529-5277 (Main Office) Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library,
that provides free civil legal help to low-income Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
residents in 114 Texas counties throughout North and Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
West Texas, with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, County Library’s El Campo Branch.
Brownwood, Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock,
McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo,
Waxahachie, Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. SCHLEICHER
County Seat – Eldorado
American Gateways
512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas 325-653-6982 (San Angelo)
Provides immigrations legal services at no or low cost, 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
education, and advocacy. Main areas of focus include,
but are not limited to: consular process, DACA, Violence Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
Against Women Act, U-Visa, asylum, withholding of that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
removal, bond, parole, and more. in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
Catholic Charities of Central Texas Immigration Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
Legal Services Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
512-651-6100 (Main Office) Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
The Immigration Legal Services Program provides low- Disability Rights Texas
cost representation for persons seeking immigration 512-454-4816 (Austin)
assistance in Central Texas. We practice in most areas 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
of immigration law including, but not limited to, family-
based immigration, naturalization, DACA, victim visas, Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
asylum, and removal defense. Hotline: 512-651-6125.
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at:
Disability Rights Texas
512-454-4816 (Austin)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) The Family Shelter 325-658-8631 (San Angelo)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights 800-749-8631 (Main Office)
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or Provides legal advocacy for family violence survivors
apply online at: with services including, but not limited to: emergency
shelter access, counseling, case management,
Dove Project information and referrals, transportation, and county
325-372-4357 (Main Office) outreach service. 24-hour hotline.
Provides legal advocacy for survivors of intimate partner
violence and sexual assault and serves as a satellite
location for legal aid and the Texas Advocacy Project.
While based in San Saba County, it will accept applicants
from anywhere in the state. 24-hour crisis hotline.

Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
Legal Services (RAICES) Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
210-226-7722 (Main Office) matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to, securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
trafficking. an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
806-742-4312 (Main Office) dependency issues, earned income credit controversies, and a limited amount of representation in the United
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in SHACKELFORD
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax County Seat – Albany
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements 325-677-8591 (Abilene)
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues, in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies, with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
and a limited amount of representation in the United Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation. Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.

Disability Rights Texas

SCURRY 214-630-0916 (Dallas)
County Seat – Snyder 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
325-677-8591 (Abilene) issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
888-529-5277 (Main Office) apply online at:
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization Noah Project, Inc.
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
325-676-7107 (Main Office)
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
Shelter and outreach advocacy services for victims of
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
domestic violence, sexual assault, and human
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
trafficking. Staff attorney provides legal services
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
including assistance with protective orders, divorce and
custody cases, and weekly legal classes.
Disability Rights Texas
806-765-7794 (Lubbock)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) SHELBY County Seat – Center
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or Lone Star Legal Aid
apply online at: 800-354-1889 (Nacogdoches)
800-733-8394 (Main Office)
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
806-742-4312 (Main Office) Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
Catholic Charities – Diocese of Tyler Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
903-258-9492 (Main Office) 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
Provides immigration services such as Naturalization The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
and Citizenship, Adjustment of Status, VAWA, U-Visas, Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
DACA and family-based petitions. By appointment. representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
Disability Rights Texas Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
713-974-7691 (Houston) matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
800-252-9108 (Main Office) securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
apply online at: an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
Family Crisis Center of East Texas Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
936-427-5140 (Center) dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
800-828-7233 (Main Office) and a limited amount of representation in the United States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
A non-profit organization that empowers survivors of criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
domestic violence and sexual assault by providing crisis
intervention and advocacy services. The FCCET also
engages the community through education to build SMITH
awareness and prevent domestic violence and sexual County Seat – Tyler
assault. 24-hour crisis hotline.
Lone Star Legal Aid
800-248-0048 (Tyler)
SHERMAN 800-733-8394 (Main Office)
County Seat – Stratford
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
806-373-6808 (Amarillo)
888-529-5277 (Main Office) Catholic Charities – Diocese of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office)
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
that provides free civil legal help to low-income Provides immigration services such as Naturalization
residents in 114 Texas counties throughout North and and Citizenship, Adjustment of Status, VAWA, U-Visas,
West Texas, with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, DACA and family-based petitions. By appointment.
Brownwood, Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock,
McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Disability Rights Texas
Waxahachie, Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. 214-630-0916 (Dallas)
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Disability Rights Texas
806-765-7794 (Lubbock) Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
800-252-9108 (Main Office) issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or apply online at:
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or East Texas Crisis Center
apply online at: 903-509-2526 (Tyler)
903-595-5591 (Main Office)
Safe Place, Inc.
806-935-2828 (Main Office) Provides emergency shelter, crisis intervention, advocacy, and counseling to victims of family violence,
Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic sexual assault, dating violence, and other violent crime.
violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining 24-hour toll-free hotline: 800-333-0358.
protective orders and referrals to free and sliding-scale
legal assistance; also offers parenting, anger
management, and healthy relationship classes.
24-hour hotline.

SOMERVELL Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
County Seat – Glen Rose Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library,
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
817-336-3943 (Fort Worth) Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
888-529-5277 (Main Office) County Library's El Campo Branch.
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization STARR
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents County Seat – Rio Grande City
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, 800-369-0437 (San Antonio)
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie, 833-329-8752 (Main Office)
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
AIDS Outreach Center
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
817-335-1994 (Main Office)
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
AOC provides a full range of HIV and STI testing onsite arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
and in the broader community. They provide free accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
treatment for chlamydia, syphilis and gonorrhea. Client environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
services programs are offered to people who are living legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
with HIV/AIDS. Those programs are as follows, case ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
management services, assistance with insurance, Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
transportation, and housing. AOC also offers a nutrition in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
center, behavioral health, and a dental clinic. into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
following groups: Community Preservation &
Cross Timbers Family Services Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic
866-934-4357 (Main Office) Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor & Employment, and Public Benefits.
Provides 24-hour crisis hotline, victim's assistance and
crisis counseling, advocacy and criminal justice support, Casa de Proyecto Libertad
Crime Victim's Compensation assistance, medical 956-425-9552 (Main Office)
accompaniments, and protective order assistance. Handles all aspects of immigration cases, specializing in
VAWA, U visa, and DACA claims.
Disability Rights Texas
214-630-0916 (Dallas) Disability Rights Texas
800-252-9108 (Main Office) 210-737-0499 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
apply online at: issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at:
Justice for Our Neighbors -– DFW
817-310-3820 (Main Office) LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault) 800-991-5153 (Main Office)
Provides free and affordable, high-quality immigration
legal services, shares information with the public and Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
engages in advocacy with immigrants. Accepts all types of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
of non-detained immigration cases. Call for more Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
information. for help leave a confidential voice message on the
LASSA main office line.
Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics
512-477-6000 (Main Office) South Texas Pro Bono Asylum Representation Project (ProBAR)
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist 956-365-3775 (Main Office)
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall ProBAR provides legal services to immigrants in
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public removal proceedings in the Rio Grande Valley, including

adults detained in ICE custody and unaccompanied STERLING
children, among others. Our services include legal County Seat – Sterling City
orientations and general information about immigration
proceedings, representation and pro se assistance to Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
respondents with cases before USCIS, EOIR, or the 325-653-6982 (San Angelo)
Board of Immigration Appeals, and legal referrals and 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
social services support for people transitioning out of
federal immigration detention. Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
Texas A&M University School of Law – Tax Dispute in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
Resolution Clinic with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
817-212-4123 (Main Office) Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
-clinic Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
Provides free assistance to help low-income taxpayers
resolve their problems with the Internal Revenue Disability Rights Texas
Service (IRS) or Tax Court; handles problems such as 806-765-7794 (Lubbock)
IRS audits, administrative appeals, negotiating with the 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
IRS if you are unable to pay, or Tax Court cases. The
clinic does not prepare tax returns. Services are Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
delivered by Texas A&M law students supervised by issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
qualified tax attorney. For screening and appointments apply online at:
call or visit the website.
The Family Shelter
STEPHENS 325-658-8631 (San Angelo)
County Seat – Breckenridge 800-749-8631 (Main Office)
Provides legal advocacy for family violence survivors
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas with services including, but not limited to: emergency
325-677-8591 (Abilene) shelter access, counseling, case management,
888-529-5277 (Main Office) information and referrals, transportation, and county outreach service. 24-hour hotline.
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas, Legal Services (RAICES)
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, 210-226-7722 (Main Office)
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie, Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
Disability Rights Texas trafficking.
214-630-0916 (Dallas)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
apply online at: Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
Noah Project, Inc. controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
325-676-7107 (Main Office) Federal tax issues related to individual income tax matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
Shelter and outreach advocacy services for victims of securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
domestic violence, sexual assault, and human subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
trafficking. Staff attorney provides legal services for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
including assistance with protective orders, divorce and compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
custody cases, and weekly legal classes. an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,

and a limited amount of representation in the United for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation. an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
STONEWALL Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
County Seat – Aspermont dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
and a limited amount of representation in the United
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
325-677-8591 (Abilene) criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
888-529-5277 (Main Office) SUTTON
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization County Seat – Sonora
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas, Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, 800-369-0356 (San Antonio)
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
833-329-8752 (Main Office)
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Lubbock facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
806-765-8475 (Main Office) bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
Provides direct client assistance with basic needs; accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
elderly assistance; youth and family counseling environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
services; kinship family support; immigration services legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
including renewal or replacement of Legal Permanent ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card, Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
assistance with family-based categories for non- in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
immigrant and immigrant visas, and Violence Against into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
Women Act (VAWA). following groups: Community Preservation &
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic
Disability Rights Texas Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
214-630-0916 (Dallas) Employment, and Public Benefits.
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Disability Rights Texas
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights 512-454-4816 (Austin)
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
apply online at:
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
Noah Project, Inc.
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
940-864-2551 (Haskell)
apply online at:
325-676-7107 (Main Office)
Shelter and outreach advocacy services for victims of The Family Shelter
domestic violence, sexual assault, and human 325-658-8631 (San Angelo)
trafficking. Staff attorney provides legal services 800-749-8631 (Main Office)
including assistance with protective orders, divorce and Provides legal advocacy for family violence survivors
custody cases, and weekly legal classes. with services including, but not limited to: emergency
shelter access, counseling, case management,
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic information and referrals, transportation, and county
806-742-4312 (Main Office) outreach service. 24-hour hotline.
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and 800-991-5153 (Main Office)
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with 800-991-5153 (Main Office)
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to, of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
for help leave a confidential voice message on the Crisis Center of the Plains
LASSA main office line. 806-293-7273 (Main Office)
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Provides legal advocacy, particularly with obtaining
Legal Services (RAICES) protective orders and referrals to free legal assistance
210-226-7722 (Main Office) for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. 24-hour hotline.
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, Disability Rights Texas
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human 806-765-7794 (Lubbock)
trafficking. 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
806-742-4312 (Main Office) issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or apply online at:
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to, Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues, for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies, compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
and a limited amount of representation in the United an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation. Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
SWISHER and a limited amount of representation in the United
County Seat – Tulia States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
806-293-8491 (Plainview) TARRANT
888-529-5277 (Main Office) County Seat – Fort Worth
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents 817-336-3943 (Fort Worth)
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas, 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie, that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Lubbock Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
806-765-8475 (Main Office) Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie, Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
Provides direct client assistance with basic needs;
elderly assistance; youth and family counseling AIDS Outreach Center
services; kinship family support; immigration services 817-335-1994 (Main Office)
including renewal or replacement of Legal Permanent
Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card, AOC provides a full range of HIV and STI testing onsite
assistance with family-based categories for non- and in the broader community. They provide free
immigrant and immigrant visas, and Violence Against treatment for chlamydia, syphilis and gonorrhea. Client
Women Act (VAWA). services programs are offered to people who are living
with HIV/AIDS. Those programs are as follows, case Methodist Justice Ministry
management services, assistance with insurance, 817-339-2407 (Main Office)
transportation, and housing. AOC also offers a nutrition
center, behavioral health, and a dental clinic. Methodist Justice Ministry (MJM) provides free legal
representation to indigent victims of family violence. This
Disability Rights Texas includes indigent families seeking legal custody of
214-630-0916 (Dallas) abused children.
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Mosaic Family Services
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights 214-821-5393 (Main Office)
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at: Our legal department provides services to victims of
domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking
Human Rights Initiative of North Texas through immigration and family law representation. Our
214-855-0520 (Main Office) legal department provides immigration representation to victims in the North Texas area and our family law
Immigration legal services. Through a pro bono network, representation is for Dallas and Collin County.
staff attorneys and accredited representatives: we seek
all of Immigration Relief: asylum, relief under the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), Victims of Legal Services (RAICES)
Trafficking and Violence Protection Act, immigrant 817-717-9377 (Fort Worth)
victims of violent crime and immigrant child victims of 210-226-7722 (Main Office)
abuse, neglect and abandonment.
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
Justice for Our Neighbors – DFW seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
817-310-3820 (Main Office) and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human trafficking.
Provides free and affordable, high-quality immigration
legal services, shares information with the public and SafeHaven of Tarrant County
engages in advocacy with immigrants. Accepts all types 877-701-7233 (Main Office)
of non-detained immigration cases. Call for more
information. Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic
violence and sexual assault, with services including, but
Legal Hospice of Texas not limited to, basic needs care, transportation,
214-521-6622 (Main Office) counseling, legal aid, childcare, case management, and more. 24-hour hotline.
Provides free legal counsel, representation, and
advocacy to low-income persons who are diagnosed Tarrant County Domestic Relations Office
with a terminal illness or HIV, have a civil legal issue 817-884-1879 (Main Office)
related to their diagnosis, and meet established income
criteria. The Tarrant County Domestic Relations Office (DRO)
serves the needs of Tarrant County families through four
LegalLine (supported by the Tarrant County Bar distinct divisions: Child Support Services, Legal Support
Association) Services, the Community Supervision Unit, and Family
817-335-1239 (Main Office) Court Service. The DRO monitors child support cases, including modifications and enforcements, reviews
LegalLine is a community service program offered twice proposed orders as drafted by self-represented litigants
a month by the Tarrant County Bar Association. to ensure court compliance, provides community
Volunteer attorneys from the Tarrant County Bar supervision on suspended commitment child support
Association offer free advice to those who sign up and visitation orders, enforces possession and access
online. As part of the Tarrant County Bar Association’s schedules, provides supervised visitation services both
commitment to the public, local lawyers volunteer two on and off site, provides onsite custody exchanges,
hours of their time to answer questions covering a broad conducts child custody investigations and evaluations,
range of topics. Besides legal questions, individuals can and provides parenting coordination.
ask for referrals to local legal or social service agencies.
5 pm to 7 pm, 2nd and 4th Thursday each month (no
Dec). Sign up online or by calling the bar association.

Texas A&M University School of Law Clinics TERRELL
817-212-4123 (Main Office) County Seat – Sanderson
Students work on a variety of cases that include family Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
law, estate planning, entity formation, tax disputes with 432-837-1199 (Alpine)
IRS, applications for intellectual property, applications 833-329-8752 (Main Office)
for tax exemption, contracts, and civil rights.
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
Texas Lawyers for Texas Veterans – Tarrant County facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
Chapter bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
817-338-4092 (Main Office) arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
Assists veterans and spouses of deceased veterans environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
who cannot afford or do not have access to legal legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
service they need by offering in person and remote ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
legal clinics and maintaining a pro bono volunteer Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
attorney network. in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
Tarrant County Volunteer Attorney Services following groups: Community Preservation &
817-338-4092 (Main Office) Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
-Attorney-Services Employment, and Public Benefits.
Tarrant County Volunteer Attorney Services serves the
Tarrant County community by connecting Tarrant County Disability Rights Texas
attorneys with those who could not otherwise afford 915-542-0585 (El Paso)
representation. We host a variety of clinics throughout 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
the year.
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
TAYLOR issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
County Seat – Abilene apply online at:

Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas Family Crisis Center of the Big Bend
325-677-8591 (Abilene) 800-834-0654 (Main Office)
888-529-5277 (Main Office) Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization violence, sexual assault, and victims of violent crime.
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents Services include, but are not limited to: emergency
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas, shelter, referrals to support systems, legal assistance,
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, mental health counseling, and medical/economic
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, services for indigent families. 24-hour crisis hotline.
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center
915-544-5126 (Main Office)
Disability Rights Texas
806-765-7794 (Lubbock) Provides pro-bono services to people detained and
800-252-9108 (Main Office) facing removal proceedings in the El Paso Processing and Otero Processing Center. Focuses on bond, parole,
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights and full asylum representation. Also provides pro-bono
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or services to asylum seekers forced to wait in Mexico
apply online at: during their court proceedings under the government
program known as the Migrant Protection Protocols.
Noah Project, Inc. Pro-bono and low-bono services for non-detained
325-676-7107 (Main Office) immigrants seeking immigration relief including crime victims relief, family petitions, DACA renewal,
Shelter and outreach advocacy services for victims of representation in court and citizenship applications.
domestic violence, sexual assault, and human
trafficking. Staff attorney provides legal services
including assistance with protective orders, divorce and
custody cases, and weekly legal classes.
LASSA, (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault) TERRY
800-991-5153 (Main Office) County Seat – Brownfield
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west 806-763-4557 (Lubbock)
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
for help leave a confidential voice message on the
LASSA main office line. Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
Texas A&M University School of Law – Tax Dispute in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
Resolution Clinic with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
817-212-4123 (Main Office) Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
clinic Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
Provides free assistance to help low-income taxpayers
resolve their problems with the Internal Revenue Catholic Charities, Diocese of Lubbock
Service (IRS) or Tax Court; handles problems such as 806-765-8475 (Main Office)
IRS audits, administrative appeals, negotiating with the
IRS if you are unable to pay, or Tax Court cases. The Provides direct client assistance with basic needs;
clinic does not prepare tax returns. Services are elderly assistance; youth and family counseling
delivered by Texas A&M law students supervised by services; kinship family support; immigration services
qualified tax attorney. For screening and appointments including renewal or replacement of Legal Permanent
call or visit the website. Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card,
assistance with family-based categories for non-
Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics immigrant and immigrant visas, and Violence Against
512-477-6000 (Main Office) Women Act (VAWA).
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist Disability Rights Texas
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child 806-765-7794 (Lubbock)
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library, issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library, apply online at:
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton Legal Aid Society of Lubbock, Inc.
County Library's El Campo Branch. 806-762-2325 (Main Office)
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic The Legal Aid Society of Lubbock provides excellent
806-742-4312 (Main Office) legal services and support in challenging times to families and survivors of domestic violence across the
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income South Plains.
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to, The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues, subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies, for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
and a limited amount of representation in the United compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation. before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue

Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues, TITUS
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies, County Seat – Mount Pleasant
and a limited amount of representation in the United
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any Lone Star Legal Aid
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation. 800-925-5802 (Paris)
800-733-8394 (Main Office)
Women’s Protective Services
800-736-6491 (Lubbock) Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
806-747-6491 (Main Office) matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
Provides legal advocacy for victims of family violence Catholic Charities – Diocese of Tyler
with services including, but not limited, to counseling, 903-258-9492 (Main Office)
crisis intervention, B.I.P.P, social services, safe housing,
and safety planning. Provides immigration services such as Naturalization
and Citizenship, Adjustment of Status, VAWA, U-Visas,
THROCKMORTON DACA and family-based petitions. By appointment.
County Seat – Throckmorton
Disability Rights Texas
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas 214-630-0916 (Dallas)
325-677-8591 (Abilene) 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
888-529-5277 (Main Office) Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents apply online at:
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, Dispute Resolution Services of Lamar County
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, 903-782-0447 (Main Office)
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie, Provides mediation services in custody, divorce,
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. misdemeanors, and domestic issues.

Catholic Charities, Diocese of Lubbock Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
806-765-8475 (Main Office) Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office)
Provides direct client assistance with basic needs;
elderly assistance; youth and family counseling Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
services; kinship family support; immigration services seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
including renewal or replacement of Legal Permanent and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card, trafficking.
assistance with family-based categories for non-
immigrant and immigrant visas, and Violence Against Shelter Agencies for Families in East Texas
Women Act (VAWA). (SAFE-T Crisis Center)
903-575-9999 (Main Office)
Disability Rights Texas
214-630-0916 (Dallas) Provides services to victims/survivors of domestic
800-252-9108 (Main Office) violence and sexual assault, as well as their children. Services include: legal assistance, accompaniment to
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights court, crime victim assistance, rape crisis intervention,
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or shelter, counseling, and support groups. Also,
apply online at: advocates for offender accountability through the
criminal justice system on behalf of the survivors, as
Noah Project, Inc. well as advocating for crime victims’ rights, including,
940-864-2551 (Haskell) but not limited to, landlord-tenant issues, confidentiality,
325-676-7107 (Main Office) participation in the criminal justice process, and crime victim compensation. Toll Free: 888-801-HELP (4357).
Shelter and outreach advocacy services for victims of
domestic violence, sexual assault, and human
trafficking. Staff attorney provides legal services
including assistance with protective orders, divorce and
custody cases, and weekly legal classes.
Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
512-477-6000 (Main Office) an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall and a limited amount of representation in the United
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library, TRAVIS
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library, County Seat – Austin
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
County Library’s El Campo Branch. Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
800-369-9270 (Austin)
TOM GREEN 833-329-8752 (Main Office)
County Seat – San Angelo
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
325-653-6982 (San Angelo) bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
888-529-5277 (Main Office) arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas, ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie, into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. following groups: Community Preservation &
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic
Disability Rights Texas Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
806-765-7794 (Lubbock) Employment, and Public Benefits.
800-252-9108 (Main Office) American Gateways
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights 512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office)
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at: Provides immigrations legal services at no or low cost,
education, and advocacy. Main areas of focus include,
The Family Shelter but are not limited to: consular process, DACA, Violence
325-658-8631 (San Angelo) Against Women Act, U-Visa, asylum, withholding of
800-749-8631 (Main Office) removal, bond, parole, and more.
Provides legal advocacy for family violence survivors
with services including, but not limited to: emergency Austin Bar Foundation's Veterans Legal
shelter access, counseling, case management, Assistance Program
information and referrals, transportation, and county 512-472-0279 (Main Office)
outreach service. 24-hour hotline.
The Austin Bar Foundation’s Veterans Legal Assistance
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic Program organizes and provides free legal advice clinics
806-742-4312 (Main Office) for qualified, low-income veterans, active-duty or reserve-duty service members, and their families who
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income reside in or have a civil legal issue in the jurisdictional
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and areas of Bastrop, Blanco, Burnett, Caldwell, Gillespie,
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with Hays, Travis, and Williamson counties of Texas. Our
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in volunteer attorneys are prepared to provide advice in the
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax following civil legal areas: Consumer/Finance, Education,
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to, Employment, Family, Juvenile, Health/Healthcare,
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or Housing, Income Maintenance, Individual Rights, Estate
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements Planning/Powers of Attorney, Occupational Drivers’
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in License, and Criminal Nondisclosure or Expunction.

Some cases may qualify for extended services. Please Disability Rights Texas
apply online or call our office to see if your legal issue is 512-454-4816 (Austin)
a case type that our program may cover. 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Austin Police Department Domestic Violence Unit Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
512-974-8535 (Main Office) issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or apply online at:
Victim Services Counselors assigned to the Domestic
Violence Unit assist victims and survivors of domestic Dispute Resolution Center, Inc.
violence and stalking with criminal justice advocacy, 512-371-0033 (Main Office)
counseling, safety planning, and referrals. Counselors
are available Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm, or The DRC provides affordable and accessible mediation
through 9-1-1 for emergencies. services to all citizens of Travis and surrounding
counties. Citizens choose to use the Center’s services
Austin Police Department Victim Services Unit to avoid court or to expedite their in-progress court
512-974-5037 (Main Office) case. Types of cases from Municipal, JP, County and District courts include, but are not limited to:
The Victim Services Division of the Austin Police neighborhood disputes, business and contract disputes,
Department supports victims and survivors of crime and commercial trade and other service disputes,
traumatic events through a streamlined system of employment grievances, insurance, real estate,
trauma-informed, culturally-relevant, & non-biased care partnership dissolutions, debt, landlord/tenant,
and advocacy. Victim Services Counselors are available association/agency disputes, family disputes (divorce,
to assist victims, survivors, and their families Monday parent/child, elder care), public policy, non-profit boards,
through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm, or through 9-1-1 for and agency-to-agency disputes.
Family Eldercare
Austin Tenants’ Council 512-483-3580 (Main Office)
512-474-1961 (Main Office) Provides court-appointed legal guardianship for the
Austin Tenants' Council ensures housing stability by elderly and people with disabilities who are at risk of
rectifying Fair Housing Act violations and empowering abuse, neglect, or exploitation and have no relatives to
tenants to exercise their rights through mediation, assist them.
advocacy, and education.
Justice for Our Neighbors – DFW
Casa Marianella 817-310-3820 (Main Office)
512-385-5571 (Main Office) Provides free and affordable, high-quality immigration
Provides immigration services (asylum, U Visas, VAWA, legal services, shares information with the public and
work permits, and adjustment of status) and other engages in advocacy with immigrants. Accepts all types
resources for Casa Marianella residents; does not of non-detained immigration cases. Call for more
handle business or employment related matters; legal information.
clinic is located inside the Community Education Center,
828 Gunter St., Austin 78702. Members of the public LASSA, (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
seeking immigration legal services are advised to 800-991-5153 (Main Office)
contact the center for updates on current eligibility.
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
Catholic Charities of Central Texas Immigration of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
Legal Services Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
512-651-6100 (Main Office) for help leave a confidential voice message on the LASSA main office line.
The Immigration Legal Services Program provides
low-cost representation for persons seeking immigration Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
assistance in Central Texas. We practice in most areas Legal Services (RAICES)
of immigration law including, but not limited to, 512-994-2199 (Austin)
family-based immigration, naturalization, DACA, victim 210-226-7722 (Main Office)
visas, asylum, and removal defense. Hotline: 512-651-
6125. Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
Richard and Ginni Mithoff Pro Bono Program, students serve as lead counsel at all stages of the
UT School of Law representation, including any jury trials, and maintain
512-232-2990 (Main Office) primary responsibility for working with clients to develop case strategies. The Clinic’s supervising attorneys assist
Provides legal information and limited assistance to with each representation by holding weekly meetings,
individuals with specific types of legal problems and reviewing preparation, engaging in additional
who cannot afford to hire a lawyer. Currently active supervision as needed to ensure high-quality advocacy,
clinics handle issues related to expunging or sealing and attending court appearances to provide further
criminal records, driver’s license recovery, alternatives guidance whenever necessary.
to guardianship, name and gender marker changes, and
preparing legal documents for immigrant families at risk Volunteer Legal Services of Central Texas
of detention. Visit the website for information about 512-476-5550 (Main Office)
active clinics and intake sessions. Sponsors educational
events that provide legal information to members of the Offers free legal advice and intake clinics on civil law
general public. Applicants should complete the matters. VLS is unable to assist with criminal,
applicable intake survey available on the website. immigration or contested matters. Community Legal
Clinics are held year-round at various dates and times
SAFE Alliance in our services area. Please visit our website for up-to-
512-267-7233 (Main Office) date information.
SAFE Alliance Legal Services provides free direct Williamson County Crisis Center d/b/a Hope
representation, legal advice, pro se assistance, court Alliance
accompaniment, and referrals to survivors of child 800-460-7233 (Main Office)
abuse, domestic or dating violence, sexual abuse or
assault, or human trafficking. SAFE Legal Services Provides assistance to those whose lives have been
primarily handles cases involving family law, protective affected by family and sexual violence by providing
orders, housing law, immigration, or victims’ rights or safety, services, and developing partnerships that lead
privacy. to hope, healing, and prevention. Services include, but
are not limited to, trauma-informed crisis intervention,
Texas Fair Defense Project case management, safety planning, stabilization,
512-637-5220 (Main Office) individual counseling, group counseling, prevention education, information and referral about other
TFDP fights to end the criminalization of poverty in community services, legal advocacy, transportation,
Texas using advocacy, education, litigation, and hospital and court accompaniments, transitional housing
community lawyering. Provides legal services to people subsidies paid directly to 3rd-party vendors. 24-hour
struggling with paying ticket and court debt, who have crisis hotline.
driver’s license suspensions, or who have outstanding
warrants. Workers Defense Project
469-657-3928 (Main Office)
Travis County Domestic Relations Office
512-854-9696 (Main Office) Provides advocacy, leadership development, trainings and orientations around workplace safety and workers’
Assists custodial parents with child support rights, and legal services, particularly to construction
enforcement, Guardian Ad Litem appointments on workers who have experienced wage theft, retaliation,
custody cases, visitation mediation services, and or unsafe working conditions.
cooperative parenting classes.
UT School of Law, Criminal Defense Clinic County Seat – Groveton
512-232-1300 (Main Office)
The Criminal Defense Clinic (CDC) provides Lone Star Legal Aid
representation for people charged with misdemeanors in 888-595-8969 (Conroe)
Travis County who cannot afford a lawyer. Student- 800-733-8394 (Main Office)
practitioners are licensed by the State Bar of Texas and
appear in court under the supervision of experienced Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
faculty members. Clinic students investigate crime matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
scenes, interview clients and witnesses, litigate pretrial
issues, negotiate with prosecutors, and work with
judges and court staff. At times, students may assist in
securing a client’s release from jail, as well. In short, our
Catholic Charities – Diocese of Tyler Disability Rights Texas
903-258-9492 (Main Office) 713-974-7691 (Houston) 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Provides immigration services such as Naturalization
and Citizenship, Adjustment of Status, VAWA, U-Visas, Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
DACA and family-based petitions. By appointment. issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at:
Disability Rights Texas
713-974-7691 (Houston) Family Services of Southeast Texas, Inc.
800-252-9108 (Main Office) 409-384-1225 (Jasper) 409-832-7575 (Main Office)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or Provides full residential and non-residential services to
apply online at: survivors of domestic violence and sexual violence.
Provides emergency medical care, necessary
medications, safe house residence, food, clothing, baby
Family Crisis Center of East Texas
and children's items, counseling, group therapy, case
936-639-1681 (Lufkin)
management, and legal and family advocacy. Also
800-828-7233 (Main Office)
assists in job placement of clients and location of
affordable housing.
A non-profit organization that empowers survivors of
domestic violence and sexual assault by providing crisis Hardin County Crime Victims Assistance Center
intervention and advocacy services. The FCCET also 800-828-7233 (Main Office)
engages the community through education to build Provides services for victims of all crimes by preparing
awareness and prevent domestic violence and sexual protective orders, court accompaniment, forensic
assault. 24-hour crisis hotline. interview accompaniment, hospital accompaniment,
safe house transportation, relocation assistance, law
SAAFE House (Sexual Assault and Abuse Free enforcement interview accompaniment, interpreter
Environment) assistance, and more. 24-hour hotline: 800-828-7233.
936-594-6415 (Trinity) Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics
Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic 512-477-6000 (Main Office)
violence and sexual assault. Provides referrals for free
and sliding-scale legal assistance. 24-hour hotline: Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
936-291-3369. with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall
TYLER Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
County Seat – Woodville Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
Lone Star Legal Aid Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library,
800-354-1889 (Nacogdoches) Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
800-733-8394 (Main Office) Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton County Library’s El Campo Branch.
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
matters to eligible, low-income Texans. UPSHUR
County Seat – Gilmer
Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas –
Immigration Services Lone Star Legal Aid
409-924-4400 (Main Office) 800-866-0821 (Longview) 800-733-8394 (Main Office)
Provides legal immigration services for a nominal fee.
The types of cases they accept are family-based Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
petitions, consular processing abroad, adjustment of matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
status, self-petitions under VAWA, U Visa, naturalization,
citizenship acquisition and derivation, DACA (Deferred Catholic Charities – Diocese of Tyler
Action for Childhood Arrivals), renewal of green card, 903-258-9492 (Main Office)
I-601 Waivers, Appeals, FOIA, and Affidavits of Support.
Provides immigration services such as Naturalization
and Citizenship, Adjustment of Status, VAWA, U-Visas,
DACA and family-based petitions. By appointment.
Disability Rights Texas Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics
214-630-0916 (Dallas) 512-477-6000 (Main Office)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall
apply online at: Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
Women’s Center of East Texas Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
903-295-7526 (Main Office) Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library, Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
We provide shelter, crisis intervention, and Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
comprehensive support services to survivors of County Library’s El Campo Branch.
domestic violence, sexual assault, and sex trafficking in
Gregg, Harrison, Marion, Panol, Rusk, and Upsure Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
counties. 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
UPTON The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
County Seat – Rankin Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
432-686-0647 (Midland)
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
888-529-5277 (Main Office)
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
that provides free civil legal help to low-income
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
residents in 114 Texas counties throughout North and an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
West Texas, with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
Brownwood, Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
McKinney, Midland, Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
Waxahachie, Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. and a limited amount of representation in the United
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
Disability Rights Texas criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
806-765-7794 (Lubbock)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) UVALDE
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights County Seat – Uvalde
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at: Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
800-369-0467 (San Antonio)
Safe Place of the Permian Basin 833-329-8752 (Main Office)
432-570-1465 (Main Office) TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
Safe Place’s mission is to break the cycle of family facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
violence by empowering individuals to make safe and bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
healthy choices through awareness, advocacy, arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
counseling, and shelter while promoting hope, healing, accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
and dignity. Safe Place provides comprehensive environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
recovery services so that victims of family violence legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
receive safe and secure shelter, recover from the ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
trauma they have experienced, work to regain their Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
self-esteem, and evaluate their options for moving to a in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
self-sufficient and abuse free life. Family violence into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
recovery services include: 24-hour crisis hotline, following groups: Community Preservation &
emergency shelter, counseling, advocacy and case Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic
management, support groups, children’s programming Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
and parenting classes. Toll free 800-967-8928. Employment, and Public Benefits.

Catholic Charities Archdiocese of San Antonio VAL VERDE
Caritas Legal Services County Seat – Del Rio
210-433-3256 (Main Office) Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
Provides low-cost legal services in the areas of 800-369-0489 (Del Rio)
immigration, guardianship, estate planning, and probate. 833-329-8752 (Main Office)
Disability Rights Texas TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
210-737-0499 (San Antonio) facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
800-252-9108 (Main Office) bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
apply online at: legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
LASSA, (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault) Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
800-991-5153 (Main Office) in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors following groups: Community Preservation &
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
for help leave a confidential voice message on the Employment, and Public Benefits.
LASSA main office line.
Catholic Charities Archdiocese of San Antonio
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Caritas Legal Services
Legal Services (RAICES) 210-433-3256 (Main Office)
210-226-7722 (Main Office) Provides low-cost legal services in the areas of
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum immigration, guardianship, estate planning, and probate.
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human Disability Rights Texas
trafficking. 210-737-0499 (San Antonio)
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Southwest Family Life Center
830-278-1067 (Uvalde) Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
830-426-5131 (Hotline) issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
Provides services to survivors of domestic/family apply online at:
violence and intimate partner violence. Services include:
peer counseling, crisis intervention/counseling, 24-hour LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
hotline, legal advocacy, assistance in applying for 800-991-5153 (Main Office)
protective orders, safety planning, information and
referral services, assistance with Texas Crime Victims Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
Compensation Claims, temporary emergency shelter, of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
and community education. Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
for help leave a confidential voice message on the
Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics LASSA main office line.
512-477-6000 (Main Office) Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist Legal Services (RAICES)
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child 210-226-7722 (Main Office)
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library, and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library, trafficking.
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
County Library’s El Campo Branch.

Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic VICTORIA
806-742-4312 (Main Office) County Seat – Victoria
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and 800-234-1274 (San Antonio)
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with 833-329-8752 (Main Office)
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to, facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues, Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies, in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
and a limited amount of representation in the United into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any following groups: Community Preservation &
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation. Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
VAN ZANDT Employment, and Public Benefits.
County Seat – Canton
Advocate Legal Senior Center
Lone Star Legal Aid 832-393-4074 (Main Office)
800-248-0048 (Tyler)
Provides legal services in the areas of guardianships,
800-733-8394 (Main Office) probate, land issues, and tenant issues on a pro bono and sliding-scale basis to senior citizens residing in and
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil around Harris County.
matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
Disability Rights Texas
Catholic Charities – Diocese of Tyler 210-737-0499 (San Antonio)
903-258-9492 (Main Office) 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Provides immigration services such as Naturalization Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
and Citizenship, Adjustment of Status, VAWA, U-Visas, issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
DACA and family-based petitions. By appointment. apply online at:

Disability Rights Texas LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
214-630-0916 (Dallas) 800-991-5153 (Main Office)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
apply online at: for help leave a confidential voice message on the
LASSA main office line.
East Texas Crisis Center
903-567-0959 (Canton) Mid-Coast Family Services
903-595-5591 (Main Office) 361-573-4357 (Main Office)
Provides emergency shelter, crisis intervention, Provides services to prevent and intervene in
advocacy, and counseling to victims of family violence, incidences of family violence, homelessness, sexual
sexual assault, dating violence, and other violent crime. assault, and substance abuse. We operate an
24-hour toll-free hotline: 800-333-0358. emergency shelter, transitional housing, permanent
supportive housing, rental assistance, case
management, support groups and individual support for
families and individuals. 24-hour hotline: 800-870-0368.

Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse (AVDA)
Legal Services (RAICES) 713-224-9911 (Main Office)
210-226-7722 (Main Office) Provides free legal representation to domestic violence
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum victims; handles family law cases including protective
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, orders, divorce and child custody.
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
trafficking. Beacon Law, a Program of The Beacon
713-220-9780 (Main Office)
County Seat – Huntsville A civil legal aid program of The Beacon focused on
helping the homeless and indigent population of
Lone Star Legal Aid Houston with ID restoration, clearing criminal history,
888-595-8969 (Conroe) social security disability appeals, limited family law,
800-733-8394 (Main Office) housing law, including evictions and limited wills and estate assistance.
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
matters to eligible, low-income Texans. Disability Rights Texas
713-974-7691 (Houston)
Disability Rights Texas 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
713-974-7691 (Houston)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights apply online at:
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at: Earl Carl Institute for Legal and Social Justice -
Opal Mitchell Lee Property Preservation Project
Montgomery County Women’s Center 713-313-1158 (Houston)
936-441-7273 (Main Office) 713-313-1139 (Main Office)
Montgomery County Women's Center provides a Provides free legal services to low-income Texans who
24-hour crisis hotline, emergency shelter, counseling, are facing potential land loss as a result of failure to
advocacy, accompaniment, transitional housing, and plan estates, foreclosures, clouds on title to
legal services to survivors of family violence, sexual property/land, general inheritance issues, and to ensure
assault, and stalking. MCWC also provides community housing stability. The project’s focus is to help
outreach and education. Our mission is to lead the effort economically disadvantaged communities retain and
in preventing Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault grow wealth. Case priorities include: mortgage,
through crisis intervention, assistance, advocacy, homeowner association & tax foreclosure defense,
empowerment, and social change. eviction defense & other landlord/tenant issues, partition
suits, clearing title to property, reviewing real estate
SAAFE House (Sexual Assault and Abuse Free documents, adverse possession, property tax
Environment) exemptions, judicial & nonjudicial probate, wills & estate
936-291-3529 (Huntsville) planning, and non-profit formation.
Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic Fort Bend County Dispute Resolution Center
violence and sexual assault. Provides referrals for free 281-342-5000 (Main Office)
and sliding-scale legal assistance. 24-hour hotline:
936-291-3369. The Fort Bend County Dispute Resolution Center is a
private, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization committed to
providing high-quality, low-cost dispute resolution
WALLER services for all people in Fort Bend and the surrounding
County Seat – Hempstead counties.
Lone Star Legal Aid Houston Area Women’s Center
888-595-8969 (Conroe) 800-256-0551 (Main Office)
800-733-8394 (Main Office) The Houston Area Women’s Center works to end
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil domestic and sexual violence and supports all in
matters to eligible, low-income Texans. building safe and healthy lives through advocacy,
counseling, education, shelter, and support services. WARD
Our services are free, confidential, and available to County Seat – Monahans
Domestic violence hotline: 800-256-0551 Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
Sexual assault hotline: 800-256-0661 432-332-1207 (Odessa)
888-529-5277 (Main Office)
Houston Immigration Legal Services Collaborative
833-468-4664 (Main Office) Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
HILSC focuses only on immigration matters. It is not a in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
direct service provider and does not accept cases. with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
Connects case placement requests with other Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
immigration legal services and attorneys in private Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
practice who are members of the American Immigration Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
Lawyer Association.
Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services, Inc. (DMRS)
Tahirih Justice Center 915-532-3975 (Main Office)
713-496-0100 (Main Office) DMRS is the largest provider of free and low-cost
A national non-profit organization that supports immigration legal services in West Texas and New
immigrant women and other survivors of gender-based Mexico. Services provided cover a comprehensive range
violence seeking safety and justice. Our interdisciplinary of immigration legal services including representation in
model of service combines free legal services, social family-based immigration matters,
services case management, and trainings and Citizenship/Naturalization matters, matters related to
education. Our team in Houston serves immigrant benefits for survivors of domestic violence and other
survivors of violence in Houston to access existing legal crimes, removal proceedings before the Immigration
protections, including gender-based asylum claims, Courts, and services for adults and unaccompanied
U Visas for crime victims who cooperate with law immigrant children detained in the local immigration
enforcement to convict perpetrators of violence, detention centers and shelters.
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) petitions to
Disability Rights Texas
empower battered spouses and children of U.S. citizens
915-542-0585 (El Paso)
or Legal Permanent Residents to obtain lawful status
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
free and clear from their abusers, T Visas for victims of
labor and sex trafficking and special immigrant juvenile
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
status (SIJS) for unaccompanied minors who have been
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
abandoned, abused, or neglected by one or both
apply online at:
Safe Place of the Permian Basin
YMCA International Services
432-570-1465 (Main Office)
713-758-9280 (Main Office)
Safe Place’s mission is to break the cycle of family
violence by empowering individuals to make safe and
The Immigration Legal Department of the YMCA
healthy choices through awareness, advocacy,
International Services provides counseling or
counseling, and shelter while promoting hope, healing,
representation to individuals seeking immigration
and dignity. Safe Place provides comprehensive
assistance. Assistance is available for asylum seekers,
recovery services so that victims of family violence
crime survivors, survivors of domestic violence and
receive safe and secure shelter, recover from the
human trafficking. Services also include family
trauma they have experienced, work to regain their self-
reunification visas, adjustment of status and
esteem, and evaluate their options for moving to a self-
naturalization applications. During consultations,
sufficient and abuse free life. Family violence recovery
individuals can discuss their immigration case with an
services include: 24-hour crisis hotline, emergency
Immigration Attorney, Department of Justice Accredited
shelter, counseling, advocacy and case management,
Representative or an Immigration Case Manager.
support groups, children’s programming and parenting
Handles immigration matters only and must make
classes. Toll free 800-967-8928.
appointment first.

Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics Catholic Charities of Central Texas Immigration
512-477-6000 (Main Office) Legal Services 512-651-6100 (Main Office)
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child The Immigration Legal Services Program provides low-
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall cost representation for persons seeking immigration
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public assistance in Central Texas. We practice in most areas
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community of immigration law including, but not limited to, family-
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library, based immigration, naturalization, DACA, victim visas,
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library, asylum, and removal defense. Hotline: 512-651-6125.
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
Disability Rights Texas
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
512-454-4816 (Austin)
County Library’s El Campo Branch.
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
806-742-4312 (Main Office)
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at:
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in 512-477-6000 (Main Office)
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to, Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library,
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
County Library’s El Campo Branch.
and a limited amount of representation in the United
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
Twin City Mission, Domestic Violence Services
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
979-775-5335 (Main Office)
WASHINGTON Provides services addressing homelessness, violence
County Seat – Brenham and abuse, family conflict, poverty, and more. Provides
legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and
Lone Star Legal Aid dating violence.
832-913-7200 (Richmond)
800-733-8394 (Main Office) WEBB
Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil County Seat – Laredo
matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
800-369-2741 (San Antonio)
Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse (AVDA)
833-329-8752 (Main Office)
713-224-9911 (Main Office)
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
Provides free legal representation to domestic violence
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
victims; handles family law cases including protective
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
orders, divorce and child custody.
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
Brazos Valley Dispute Resolution Center accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
979-822-6947 (Main Office) environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
Civil, Family, and CPS mediations; Civil arbitrations. ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
following groups: Community Preservation & outstanding clinical courses for second- and third-year
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic law students: the Civil Justice Clinic-Consumer
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor & Protection, the Civil Justice Clinic-Family Law, the
Employment, and Public Benefits. Immigration and Human Rights Clinic and the Criminal
Justice Clinic. The clinical courses are dedicated to
Casa de Misericordia educating students at St. Mary’s while addressing the
877-782-2722 (Laredo) otherwise unmet legal needs of income-qualified people
956-712-9590 (Main Office) in San Antonio and South Texas.
Casa de Misericordia provides secured, temporary Texas A&M University School of Law – Tax Dispute
residential services to victims of domestic violence. Resolution Clinic
CASA is a safe place, where victims of domestic 817-212-4123 (Main Office)
violence can feel secure and receive information on
possible alternatives for their future. Services offered -clinic
are: Full-Service family violence shelter; 24-hour crisis Provides free assistance to help low-income taxpayers
hotline; case management; legal advocacy; child resolve their problems with the Internal Revenue
advocacy; information and referral; intervention and Service (IRS) or Tax Court; handles problems such as
advocacy; safety planning; counseling and therapy; IRS audits, administrative appeals, negotiating with the
support groups; educational programs; other outreach IRS if you are unable to pay, or Tax Court cases. The
services; medical care; emergency transportation; clinic does not prepare tax returns. Services are
employment and training information and advocacy; delivered by Texas A&M law students supervised by
community education and volunteer programs. qualified tax attorney. For screening and appointments
call or visit the website.
Catholic Charities – Diocese of Laredo (CCDOL)
956-722-2443 (Main Office) WHARTON County Seat – Wharton
Provides low-cost immigration legal services for the Lone Star Legal Aid
Diocese of Laredo. Offers assistance and consultation 800-244-5492 (Clute)
with preparation, processing and document translations 800-733-8394 (Main Office)
in the following areas: naturalization, adjustment of
status, employment authorization, visa petitions, and Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
DACA. Also organizes workshops on “know your rights” matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
and naturalization.
Advocate Legal Senior Center
Disability Rights Texas 832-393-4074 (Main Office)
210-737-0499 (San Antonio)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Provides legal services in the areas of guardianships, probate, land issues, and tenant issues on a pro bono
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights and sliding-scale basis to senior citizens residing in and
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or around Harris County.
apply online at:
The Crisis Center
LASSA, (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault) 979-245-9109 (Main Office)
800-991-5153 (Main Office) Provides crisis intervention services to domestic
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors violence victims, sexual assault victims and child abuse
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west victims with a child advocacy center. Also provides free
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply family law legal services to qualified applicants. 24-hour
for help leave a confidential voice message on the crisis hotline.
LASSA main office line.
Disability Rights Texas
St. Mary’s University School of Law, Center for 713-974-7691 (Houston)
Legal and Social Justice 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
210-431-2596 (Main Office) Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
/center-legal-social-justice issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
NOTICE: This provider has limited availability for cases. apply online at:
St. Mary’s University School of Law proudly offers four
Fort Bend County Dispute Resolution Center Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
281-342-5000 (Main Office) 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
The Fort Bend County Dispute Resolution Center is a The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
private, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization committed to Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
providing high-quality, low-cost dispute resolution representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
services for all people in Fort Bend and the surrounding controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
counties. Federal tax issues related to individual income tax
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
Fort Bend County Women’s Center, Inc. securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
281-342-4357 (Main Office) subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
The Fort Bend Women’s Center Legal Department compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
represents clients in divorce, suits affecting parent-child an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
relationships, protective orders, enforcement, and before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
modification matters. Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues,
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies,
Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics and a limited amount of representation in the United
512-477-6000 (Main Office) States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child Tralee Crisis Center for Women, Inc.
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall 800-658-2796 (Main Office)
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community Provides comprehensive services, including: crisis
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library, intervention; advocacy; law enforcement and criminal
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library, justice accompaniment; medical (SANE)
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library, accompaniment; emergency safe shelter; and peer and
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton professional counseling for victims of domestic violence,
County Library’s El Campo Branch. sexual assault, and other violent crimes. 24-hour crisis

County Seat – Wheeler WICHITA
County Seat – Wichita Falls
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
806-373-6808 (Amarillo) Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
888-529-5277 (Main Office) 940-723-5542 (Wichita Falls) 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas, that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie, Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
Disability Rights Texas
806-765-7794 (Lubbock) Disability Rights Texas
800-252-9108 (Main Office) 214-630-0916 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
apply online at: issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at:

First Step of Wichita Falls, Inc. WILLACY
800-658-2683 (Main Office) County Seat – Raymondville
Provides comprehensive family violence and sexual Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
assault services which include but are not limited to: 833-329-8752 (Main Office)
safe house, counseling, legal advocacy, hospital
advocacy, children’s program, and education and TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
training. 24-hour hotline. facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
WILBARGER accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
County Seat – Vernon environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
940-723-5542 (Wichita Falls) Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard in
888-529-5277 (Main Office) state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization following groups: Community Preservation &
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas, Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, Employment, and Public Benefits.
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie, Casa de Proyecto Libertad
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. 956-425-9552 (Main Office)
Handles all aspects of immigration cases, specializing in
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Lubbock VAWA, U visa, and DACA claims.
806-765-8475 (Main Office) Disability Rights Texas
Provides direct client assistance with basic needs; 210-737-0499 (San Antonio)
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
elderly assistance; youth and family counseling services;
kinship family support; immigration services including
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
renewal or replacement of Legal Permanent Resident issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
Card and/or Employment Authorization Card, assistance apply online at:
with family-based categories for non-immigrant and
immigrant visas, and Violence Against Women Act Family Crisis Center, Inc.
(VAWA). 956-689-5150 (Raymondville)
866-423-9304 (Main Office)
Disability Rights Texas
214-630-0916 (Dallas) Provides legal advocacy and free, confidential direct
800-252-9108 (Main Office) victim services for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
apply online at: 800-991-5153 (Main Office)
First Step of Wichita Falls, Inc. Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
800-658-2683 (Main Office) of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west Texas; to refer a client:; to apply for help
Provides comprehensive family violence and sexual leave a confidential voice message on the LASSA main
assault services which include but are not limited to: office line.
safe house, counseling, legal advocacy, hospital
South Texas Immigration Council
advocacy, children’s program, and education and 956-425-6987 (Main Office)
training. 24-hour hotline available. Provides legal representation before USCIS and EOIR.
Immigration removal defense including applications for
relief (VAWA, Cancellation of Removal, Adjustment of

South Texas Pro Bono Asylum Representation Education, Employment, Family, Juvenile,
Project (ProBAR) Health/Healthcare, Housing, Income Maintenance,
956-365-3775 (Main Office) Individual Rights, Estate Planning/Powers of Attorney, Occupational Drivers’ License, and Criminal
ProBAR provides legal services to immigrants in
removal proceedings in the Rio Grande Valley, including Nondisclosure or Expunction. Some cases may qualify
adults detained in ICE custody and unaccompanied for extended services. Please apply online or call our
children, among others. Our services include legal office to see if your legal issue is a case type that our
orientations and general information about immigration program may cover.
proceedings, representation and pro se assistance to
respondents with cases before USCIS, EOIR, or the Austin Tenants’ Council
Board of Immigration Appeals, and legal referrals and
social services support for people transitioning out of 512-474-1961 (Main Office)
federal immigration detention.
Austin Tenants’ Council ensures housing stability by
WILLIAMSON rectifying Fair Housing Act violations and empowering
County Seat – Georgetown tenants to exercise their rights through mediation,
advocacy, and education.
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
800-369-9270 (San Antonio) Catholic Charities of Central Texas Immigration
833-329-8752 (Main Office) Legal Services 512-651-6100 (Main Office)
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including The Immigration Legal Services Program provides
bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody low-cost representation for persons seeking immigration
arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates, assistance in Central Texas. We practice in most areas
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and of immigration law including, but not limited to, family-
environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil based immigration, naturalization, DACA, victim visas,
legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases asylum, and removal defense. Hotline: 512-651-6125.
ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard Disability Rights Texas
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized 512-454-4816 (Austin)
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
following groups: Community Preservation &
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor & issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
Employment, and Public Benefits. apply online at:

American Gateways Family Eldercare

512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) 512-483-3580 (Main Office)
Provides immigrations legal services at no or low cost, Provides court-appointed legal guardianship for the
education, and advocacy. Main areas of focus include, elderly and people with disabilities who are at risk of
but are not limited to: consular process, DACA, Violence abuse, neglect, or exploitation and have no relatives to
Against Women Act, U-Visa, asylum, withholding of assist them.
removal, bond, parole, and more.
Justice for Our Neighbors – DFW
Austin Bar Foundation’s Veterans Legal 817-310-3820 (Main Office)
Assistance Program
512-472-0279 (Main Office) Provides free and affordable, high-quality immigration legal services, shares information with the public and
The Austin Bar Foundation’s Veterans Legal Assistance engages in advocacy with immigrants. Accepts all types
Program organizes and provides free legal advice of non-detained immigration cases. Call for more
clinics for qualified, low-income veterans, active-duty or information.
reserve-duty service members, and their families who
reside in or have a civil legal issue in the jurisdictional LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)
areas of Bastrop, Blanco, Burnett, Caldwell, Gillespie, 800-991-5153 (Main Office)
Hays, Travis, and Williamson counties of Texas. Our
volunteer attorneys are prepared to provide advice in Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
the following civil legal areas: Consumer/Finance, of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
for help leave a confidential voice message on the bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
LASSA main office line. arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
Legal Services (RAICES) legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
210-226-7722 (Main Office) ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard in
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human following groups: Community Preservation &
trafficking. Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
SAFE Alliance Employment, and Public Benefits.
512-267-7233 (Main Office) Alamo Area Resource Center
SAFE Alliance Legal Services provides free direct 800-308-2437 (San Antonio)
representation, legal advice, pro se assistance, court 210-625-7200 (Main Office)
accompaniment, and referrals to survivors of child
abuse, domestic or dating violence, sexual abuse or A LGBT primary care and HIV specialty care clinic
assault, or human trafficking. SAFE Legal Services provides free HIV testing. Offers referrals to persons
primarily handles cases involving family law, protective with HIV/AIDS seeking general civil legal services
orders, housing law, immigration, or victims’ rights or including advocacy, wills, guardianships, directives and
privacy. powers of attorney.

Texas Fair Defense Project American Gateways

512-637-5220 (Main Office) 512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office)
TFDP fights to end the criminalization of poverty in Provides immigrations legal services at no or low cost,
Texas using advocacy, education, litigation, and education, and advocacy. Main areas of focus include,
community lawyering. Provides legal services to people but are not limited to: consular process, DACA, Violence
struggling with paying ticket and court debt, who have Against Women Act, U-Visa, asylum, withholding of
driver’s license suspensions, or who have outstanding removal, bond, parole, and more.
Catholic Charities Archdiocese of San Antonio
Williamson County Crisis Center d/b/a Caritas Legal Services
Hope Alliance 210-433-3256 (Main Office)
800-460-7233 (Main Office) Provides low-cost legal services in the areas of
Provides assistance to those whose lives have been immigration, guardianship, estate planning, and probate.
affected by family and sexual violence by providing
safety, services, and developing partnerships that lead
Disability Rights Texas
to hope, healing, and prevention. Services include, but
512-454-4816 (Austin)
are not limited to, trauma-informed crisis intervention,
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
case management, safety planning, stabilization,
individual counseling, group counseling, prevention
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
education, information and referral about other
community services, legal advocacy, transportation, issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
hospital and court accompaniments, transitional housing apply online at:
subsidies paid directly to 3rd-party vendors. 24-hour
crisis hotline. Family Violence Prevention Services, Inc.
210-930-3669 (Main Office)
WILSON Provides free legal assistance to income-eligible victims
County Seat – Floresville of domestic violence; emergency shelter; and
community-based intervention and prevention services.
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 24-hour hotline: 210-733-8810.
800-369-0356 (San Antonio)
833-329-8752 (Main Office)
TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
Guadalupe Valley Family Violence Shelter Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
830-499-8454 (Floresville) Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
830-372-2780 (Main Office) Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services, Inc. (DMRS)
Guadalupe Valley Family Violence Shelter, Inc. provides 915-532-3975 (Main Office)
free and confidential services for survivors of domestic,
dating, and sexual violence. Our 24/7 services include DMRS is the largest provider of free and low-cost
crisis hotline, safety planning and danger assessment, immigration legal services in West Texas and New
crisis intervention, counseling, peer support, advocacy, Mexico. Services provided cover a comprehensive range
accompaniment, information, and referral. 24-hour of immigration legal services including representation in
hotline: 800-834-2033. family-based immigration matters,
Citizenship/Naturalization matters, matters related to
LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault) benefits for survivors of domestic violence and other
800-991-5153 (Main Office) crimes, removal proceedings before the Immigration Courts, and services for adults and unaccompanied
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors immigrant children detained in the local immigration
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west detention centers and shelters.
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply
for help leave a confidential voice message on the Disability Rights Texas
LASSA main office line. 915-542-0585 (El Paso)
800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
Legal Services (RAICES) Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
210-226-7722 (Main Office) issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or apply online at:
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, Safe Place of the Permian Basin
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human 432-570-1465 (Main Office)
Safe Place’s mission is to break the cycle of family
St. Mary’s University School of Law, Center for violence by empowering individuals to make safe and
Legal and Social Justice healthy choices through awareness, advocacy,
210-431-2596 (Main Office) counseling, and shelter while promoting hope, healing, and dignity. Safe Place provides comprehensive
/center-legal-social-justice recovery services so that victims of family violence
NOTICE: This provider has limited availability for cases. receive safe and secure shelter, recover from the
St. Mary’s University School of Law proudly offers four trauma they have experienced, work to regain their
outstanding clinical courses for second- and third-year self-esteem, and evaluate their options for moving to a
law students: the Civil Justice Clinic-Consumer self-sufficient and abuse free life. Family violence
Protection, the Civil Justice Clinic-Family Law, the recovery services include: 24-hour crisis hotline,
Immigration and Human Rights Clinic and the Criminal emergency shelter, counseling, advocacy and case
Justice Clinic. The clinical courses are dedicated to management, support groups, children’s programming
educating students at St. Mary’s while addressing the and parenting classes. Toll free 800-967-8928.
otherwise unmet legal needs of income-qualified people
in San Antonio and South Texas. Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic
806-742-4312 (Main Office)
County Seat – Kermit The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with
432-332-1207 (Odessa) controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in
888-529-5277 (Main Office) Federal tax issues related to individual income tax matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas, for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues, Texas A&M University School of Law – Tax Dispute
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies, Resolution Clinic
and a limited amount of representation in the United 817-212-4123 (Main Office)
States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation. -clinic
Provides free assistance to help low-income taxpayers
resolve their problems with the Internal Revenue
WISE Service (IRS) or Tax Court; handles problems such as
County Seat – Decatur
IRS audits, administrative appeals, negotiating with the
IRS if you are unable to pay, or Tax Court cases. The
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
clinic does not prepare tax returns. Services are
940-383-1406 (Denton)
delivered by Texas A&M law students supervised by
888-529-5277 (Main Office)
qualified tax attorney. For screening and appointments call or visit the website.
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents Wise Hope Shelter & Crisis Center
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas, 940-626-4855 (Main Office)
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, Provides legal and advocacy services for domestic
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie, violence and sexual assault. 24-hour toll-free crisis
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. hotline: 866-684-4855.
AIDS Outreach Center
817-335-1994 (Main Office) WOOD County Seat – Quitman
AOC provides a full range of HIV and STI testing onsite
and in the broader community. They provide free Lone Star Legal Aid
treatment for chlamydia, syphilis and gonorrhea. Client 800-248-0048 (Tyler)
services programs are offered to people who are living 800-733-8394 (Main Office)
with HIV/AIDS. Those programs are as follows, case
management services, assistance with insurance, Provides free legal assistance in a wide range of civil
transportation, and housing. AOC also offers a nutrition matters to eligible, low-income Texans.
center, behavioral health, and a dental clinic.
Catholic Charities – Diocese of Tyler
Disability Rights Texas 903-258-9492 (Main Office)
214-630-0916 (Dallas)
800-252-9108 (Main Office) Provides immigration services such as Naturalization and Citizenship, Adjustment of Status, VAWA, U-Visas,
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights DACA and family-based petitions. By appointment.
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at: Disability Rights Texas
214-630-0916 (Dallas)
Justice for Our Neighbors – DFW 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
817-310-3820 (Main Office) Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
Provides free and affordable, high-quality immigration issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
legal services, shares information with the public and apply online at:
engages in advocacy with immigrants. Accepts all types
of non-detained immigration cases. Call for more East Texas Crisis Center
information. 903-347-6505 (Winnsboro)
903-595-5591 (Main Office)
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
Legal Services (RAICES) Provides emergency shelter, crisis intervention,
210-226-7722 (Main Office) advocacy, and counseling to victims of family violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and other violent crime.
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum 24-hour toll-free hotline: 800-333-0358.
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human

YOAKUM and a limited amount of representation in the United
County Seat – Plains States Tax Court. The clinic does not assist in any
criminal tax matters or tax return preparation.
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
806-763-4557 (Lubbock) Women’s Protective Services
888-529-5277 (Main Office) 800-736-6491 (Lubbock) 806-747-6491 (Main Office)
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents Provides legal advocacy for victims of family violence
in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas, with services including, but not limited, to counseling,
with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas, crisis intervention, B.I.P.P, social services, safe housing,
Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland, and safety planning.
Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls. YOUNG
County Seat – Graham
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Lubbock
806-765-8475 (Main Office) Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas 940-723-5542 (Wichita Falls)
Provides direct client assistance with basic needs; 888-529-5277 (Main Office)
elderly assistance; youth and family counseling services;
kinship family support; immigration services including Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas is a nonprofit organization
renewal or replacement of Legal Permanent Resident that provides free civil legal help to low-income residents
Card and/or Employment Authorization Card, assistance in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas,
with family-based categories for non-immigrant and with offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Brownwood, Dallas,
immigrant visas, and Violence Against Women Act Denton, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, Midland,
(VAWA). Odessa, Plainview, San Angelo, Waxahachie,
Weatherford, and Wichita Falls.
Disability Rights Texas
806-765-7794 (Lubbock) Disability Rights Texas
800-252-9108 (Main Office) 214-630-0916 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
apply online at: issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at:
Legal Aid Society of Lubbock, Inc.
806-762-2325 (Main Office) First Step of Wichita Falls, Inc. 800-658-2683 (Main Office)
The Legal Aid Society of Lubbock provides excellent
legal services and support in challenging times to Provides comprehensive family violence and sexual
families and survivors of domestic violence across the assault services which include but are not limited to:
South Plains. safe house, counseling, legal advocacy, hospital
advocacy, children’s program, and education and
Texas Tech University School of Law Tax Clinic training. 24-hour hotline.
806-742-4312 (Main Office) ZAPATA
The Texas Tech University School of Law Low-Income County Seat – Zapata
Taxpayer Clinic provides legal assistance and
representation to low-income eligible taxpayers with Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
controversies with the Internal Revenue Services in 800-369-2741 (Laredo)
Federal tax issues related to individual income tax 833-329-8752 (Main Office)
matters. Representation will include, but is not limited to,
securing the release of notices of levy and withdrawal or TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
subordination of liens, obtaining payment agreements facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
for delinquent taxes, preparing and filing offers in bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
compromise, preparing and filing requests for relief as arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
an innocent spouse or injured spouse, representation accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
before the appeals division of the Internal Revenue environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
Service, identity theft issues, non-filer issues, legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
dependency issues, earned income credit controversies, ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through
Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and
in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized Legal Services (RAICES)
into teams specializing in practices that fall within the 210-226-7722 (Main Office)
following groups: Community Preservation &
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum
Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor & seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees,
Employment, and Public Benefits. and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human
Casa de Misericordia
877-782-2722 (Laredo) Texas A&M University School of Law – Tax Dispute
956-712-9590 (Main Office) Resolution Clinic 817-212-4123 (Main Office)
Casa de Misericordia provides secured, temporary
residential services to victims of domestic violence. -clinic
CASA is a safe place, where victims of domestic Provides free assistance to help low-income taxpayers
violence can feel secure and receive information on resolve their problems with the Internal Revenue
possible alternatives for their future. Services offered Service (IRS) or Tax Court; handles problems such as
are: Full-Service family violence shelter; 24-hour crisis IRS audits, administrative appeals, negotiating with the
hotline; case management; legal advocacy; child IRS if you are unable to pay, or Tax Court cases. The
advocacy; information and referral; intervention and clinic does not prepare tax returns. Services are
advocacy; safety planning; counseling and therapy; delivered by Texas A&M law students supervised by
support groups; educational programs; other outreach qualified tax attorney. For screening and appointments
services; medical care; emergency transportation; call or visit the website.
employment and training information and advocacy;
community education and volunteer programs.
Catholic Charities – Diocese of Laredo (CCDOL) County Seat – Crystal City
956-722-2443 (Main Office) Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
Provides low-cost immigration legal services for the 800-369-0467 (San Antonio)
Diocese of Laredo. Offers assistance and consultation 833-329-8752 (Main Office)
with preparation, processing and document translations
in the following areas: naturalization, adjustment of TRLA provides free legal services to low-income people
status, employment authorization, visa petitions, and facing most forms of civil legal problems, including
DACA. Also organizes workshops on “know your rights” bankruptcies and foreclosures, divorces and custody
and naturalization. arrangements, consumer fraud, wills and estates,
accessing public benefits, and litigating for civil and
Disability Rights Texas environmental rights. Specializing in more than 45 civil
210-737-0499 (San Antonio) legal practice areas, TRLA represents clients in cases
800-252-9108 (Main Office) ranging from landlord-tenant disputes handled through Justice of the Peace courts to complex litigation heard
Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights in state and federal courts. Our attorneys are organized
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or into teams specializing in practices that fall within the
apply online at: following groups: Community Preservation &
Empowerment, Economic & Social Justice, Domestic
LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault) Violence & Family Law, Housing, Immigration, Labor &
800-991-5153 (Main Office) Employment, and Public Benefits.
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors Disability Rights Texas
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west 210-737-0499 (San Antonio)
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply 800-252-9108 (Main Office)
for help leave a confidential voice message on the
LASSA main office line. Legal representation and advocacy for disability rights
issues. Intake Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm or
apply online at:

LASSA (Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault)

800-991-5153 (Main Office)
Provides a wide range of free legal services to survivors
of sexual assault in 68 counties in north and west
Texas; to refer a client:; to apply Wintergarden Women’s Shelter, Inc.
for help leave a confidential voice message on the 830-694-2306 (Crystal City)
LASSA main office line. 830-876-5676 (Main Office)
Wintergarden Women’s Shelter provides a safe haven,
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and emergency shelter for victims of domestic violence and
Legal Services (RAICES) sexual assault. WWS operates a 24-hour hotline and
210-226-7722 (Main Office) offers nonresidential services for victims/survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault as well as
Provides immigration-related legal services for asylum hospital, medical and court accompaniments, legal
seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, services referrals, victims compensation application
and victims of domestic violence, crime, and human assistance, counseling (adult and children) (individual
trafficking. and group), peer support groups, transportation for
residential clients, case management and coordination
Texas Legal Services Center – Rural Legal Clinics with other agencies, primary prevention, outreach,
512-477-6000 (Main Office) domestic violence focused parenting classes and classes on the dynamics of domestic violence.
Monthly legal aid clinic. Attorneys available to assist
with civil legal matters including housing, divorce, child
support, and guardianship. Clinic locations: Pearsall
Public Library, Palestine Public Library, Kountze Public
Library, Mission Granbury, Doyle School Community
Center, Llano Public Library, Perry Memorial Library,
Fort Stockton Public Library, Reeves County Library,
Mount Pleasant Library, El Progresso Memorial Library,
Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, and Wharton
County Library’s El Campo Branch.

If a public defender office is available in a particular county (see below), defendants should contact the public
defender office. In criminal matters that could result in incarceration, indigent defendants should contact a magistrate,
jailer, court administrator, or judge to request a court appointed lawyer. In matters involving a Class C misdemeanor
(where no possible jail time is part of the sentence), there is no right to a court appointed lawyer.


Texas Commission on Jail Standards
Capital Punishment Clinic, UT School of Law 300 W. 15th Street Suite 503, Austin, TX, 78701 512-463-5505 (Main Office)
Provides representation, on a limited basis, to indigent
defendants charged with or convicted of capital offenses Handles complaints of concern involving inmates in
on death penalty cases at the trial, appellate and post- county jails or private correctional facilities that house
conviction stages of litigation county and/or out-of-state inmates (excludes the Texas
Department of Criminal Justice facilities, city jails,
Dallas County Public Defender juvenile facilities, and other privately operated facilities);
214-653-3550 (Main Office) inmates must use internal grievance process prior to submitting their complaint to the office; issues that are
Indigent criminal defense for adult criminal defense, criminal in nature should be submitted to a law
family law, mental illness civil commitments, appellate, enforcement agency.
juvenile, CPS, child support, capital murder,
innocence/DNA. Texas Jail Project
13121 Louetta Road #1330, Cypress, TX, 77429
El Paso County Public Defender’s Office, The Law 512-469-7665 (Main Office)
Office of the
915-546-8185 (Main Office) The mission of Texas Jail Project is to liberate communities by organizing with and advocating for
Represents indigent individuals charged with juvenile, people incarcerated in Texas county jails and their loved
misdemeanor and felony offenses from pretrial up to ones. Individuals may reach out to us by phone, email,
and including appeal; also assists in capital and child mail, or online contact form. We provide resources and
support as assigned by the courts. advocacy in response to endemic jail issues–e.g., lack
of mental or medical healthcare, medical crisis, facility
Regional Public Defender for Capital Cases conditions, attorney complaints, use of force, lack of
806-696-3740 (Main Office) food or water, prolonged pretrial detention.
The office represents only indigent defendants charged
with a capital case where the death penalty is sought at An Ombudsman is an independent and impartial
the trial level. investigator for the public's complaints about the
administration of government.
Texas Tech University School of Law – Clinical
Programs Access to Courts – Texas Department of Criminal
806-742-4312 (Main Office) Justice (TDCJ) P.O. Box 99, Huntsville, TX, 77342-0099
clinics/index.php 936-437-4815 (Main Office)
Free legal representation and counseling to qualified
low-income individuals through the law school’s eight Administers law libraries in the prison units that, at a
clinical courses. Law students offer legal assistance in minimum, contains self-help publications, pertinent case
areas of capital punishment, family law, housing, law, codes, rules, and fill-in-the-blank legal forms
wills/estates, social security, criminal defense, tax
issues and mediation. Tax clinic serves West Texas
Panhandle counties, other clinics serve Lubbock and
some surrounding counties.

Office of the Inspector General – Texas Department INNOCENCE CLAIMS
of Criminal Justice (TDCJ)
Office of the Inspector General Investigations Actual Innocence Clinic of the UT School of Law
Department, PO Box 4003, Huntsville, TX, 77340 The University of Texas School of Law, 727 E. Dean
512-671-2480 (Main Office) Keeton Street, Austin, TX, 78705 512-471-1317 (Main Office)
The OIG investigates allegations of criminal activity and
A clinic of the University of Texas School of Law that
misconduct having an impact on TDCJ.
screens and investigates claims from prisoners who
claim they are actually innocence of the offense for
Ombudsman Coordinator – Texas Department of which they were convicted and are currently
Criminal Justice (TDCJ) incarcerated. Only accepts cases from the prisoner
PO Box 99, Huntsville, TX, 77342 sending a letter by mail.
936-437-5620 (Main Office) Earl Carl Institute for Legal & Social Policy, Inc. –
It is the policy of the TBCJ that the independent Innocence Project
ombudsman ensures effective communication with 3100 Cleburne, Texas Southern University,
TBCJ and TDCJ executive management. In accordance Houston, TX, 77004
with Texas Government Code § 493.016, the Office of 713-313-1139 (Main Office)
the Independent Ombudsman (OIO) receives, reviews,
investigates, and responds to complaints or inquiries The Thurgood Marshall School of Law Innocence
from members of the public, elected or appointed state Project helps the wrongfully convicted with exonerations
officials, or inmates about non-criminal matters by investigating and litigating actual innocence claims.
regarding the TBCJ and the TDCJ. Actual innocence means that the crime never happened
or that it happened but someone else committed it and
Parole Division Ombudsman – Texas Department of there exist new evidence to prove innocence.
Criminal Justice (TDCJ)
P.O. Box 13401, Capital Station, Austin, TX, 78711 Innocence Project of Texas
512-406-5795 (Main Office) 300 Burnet St., Ste. 160, Fort Worth, TX, 76102 817-813-3316 (Main Office)
Handles issues from the public relating to client
supervision; responds to concerns from clients on Investigates claims of actual innocence where an
parole or mandatory supervision. individual has been convicted of a felony in a Texas
State Court and has exhausted all of his or her direct
appeals; does not provide litigation assistance during
INFORMATION FOR trial, appeal or parole proceedings; requests must be
RELATIVES OF INMATES sent by mail; include in the letter a description of the
crime, the claimant’s contact information (including
Texas Inmate Families Association (TIFA) TDCJ# if they are incarcerated) and a description of any
P.O. Box 300220, Austin, TX, 78703-0004 evidence that could help to prove innocence.
512-371-0900 (Main Office) Texas Innocence Network
This mission of the Texas Inmate Families Association is 4170 Martin Luther King Blvd, Houston, TX, 77204-6060
to break the cycle of crime through support, 713-743-7552 (Main Office)
education and advocacy. TIFA holds monthly support
The Texas Innocence Network’s Non-Capital (TIN-NC)
groups in various cities across the state. We
Division works to exonerate non-death penalty inmates
teach quarterly parole workshops to help you prepare a who did not factually commit the crimes for which they
parole brief to be sent to the Board of Pardons were wrongfully convicted, following a trial/plea bargain
and Paroles. and direct appeal (if available). TIN-NC investigates
actual innocence claims to find exonerating evidence
Texas State Law Library – Reentry Resources for that would prove a wrongful conviction. Once such
Former Prisoners evidence is located, verified, and ascertained, TIN-NC
844-829-2843 (Main Office) assists the wrongfully convicted individual through court proceedings, clemency proceedings, or both.
This guide was created in order to help former
prisoners, friends and family as well as local
organizations locate resources that will help facilitate
successful reentry back into the community.

LEGAL RESOURCES FOR INMATES Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ)
IN PRISON Reentry and Integration Division
877-887-6151 (Main Office)
Most federally funded legal aid programs are prohibited
from assisting inmates with criminal legal matters. All The Division provides a 3-phased reentry program to
Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) inmates prepare inmates to return to the community. Phase 1
must use the TDCJ system for filing complaints. assists with identification document processing; Phase 2
includes risk assessment and reentry planning with
State Counsel for Offenders Division, Texas Department community resources and referrals; and Phase 3
of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) focuses on employment (referrals, linkages, job fairs)
936-437-5203 and reentry planning. Female and veteran gender- responsive specific programming is also available,
The State Counsel for Offenders provides attorneys who providing resources for special needs for reentry
are independent of the confinement divisions of the services. The Texas Correctional Office on Offenders
Texas Department of Criminal Justice to help inmates with Medical or Mental Impairments, with the Reentry
with legal problems. If the offender has been served Division, coordinates continuity of care services for
with legal papers, the offender should immediately send inmates with severe/persistent mental health and
the legal papers with an I-60 with their name and TDJC medical needs through pre-release identification,
ID# printed on the request, by truck mail to: screening, planning and referrals to resources for
successful reentry. It also provides mental health
Texas Department of Criminal Justice
services and medical referrals for juveniles and adults
State Counsel for Offenders – Attention [name of
under supervision through established partnerships and
P.O. Box 4005 targeted state resources. No direct legal assistance is
Huntsville, TX 77342-4005 provided.

The State Counsel for Offenders has four sections: Texas State Law Library – Commonly Requested
Forms for Incarcerated Individuals
State Counsel for Offenders – Appellate Section 844-829-2843 (Main Office)
936-437-5203 (Main Office) This guide provides links to free online legal forms from
Assists indigent clients who need legal services with various organizations. The library is unable to determine
civil commitment appeals, criminal appeals and post- what form you should use and cannot assist you in
conviction writs. filling out any form.

State Counsel for Offenders – Civil Defense Section Texas State Law Library – Inmate Copy Service
936-437-5203 (Main Office) 844-829-2843 (Main Office)
Represents indigent persons subject to court -copy-service
proceedings under the Sexually Violent Predator (SVP) Through our Inmate Copy Service, we seek to provide
civil commitment statute; cannot help offenders with civil Texas inmates whose court records are held by the
rights issues. Texas Supreme Court, the Court of Criminal Appeals, or
the 3rd Court of Appeals (criminal only) with copies of
State Counsel for Offenders – Criminal Defense
their trial records at a reasonable cost.
936-437-5203 (Main Office)
Texas State Law Library – Reentry Resources for
_section.html Former Prisoners
Represents indigent inmates indicted for felonies 844-829-2843 (Main Office)
allegedly committed while incarcerated within the Texas
Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ). This guide was created to help former prisoners, friends
and family, as well as local organizations, locate
State Counsel for Offenders – Legal Services Section resources that will help facilitate successful reentry back
936-437-5203 (Main Office) into the community.
Assists indigent offenders with a variety of legal issues,
problems, and questions. Areas include immigration,
civil commitment, time related issues, prisoner
exchange, Petition for Discretionary Review, pending
charges and detainers, nunc pro tunc, as well as
administrative proceedings and other legal issues.
For a listing of public defender offices, see:
Mexican Consulates may provide some assistance to
Mexican Nationals – ask for the department of /managed-indigent-defense-systems.pdf.
protection and legal affairs.
Atascosa Area Regional Public Defender Office
830-433-7920 (Main Office)
Consulate General of Mexico
Del Rio: 830-734-9962
Presidio: 432-229-2788
Indigent criminal defense.
Austin: 512-478-2866
Brownsville: 956-542-4431 Bee County Regional Public Defender Office
Dallas: 214-932-8670 833-329-8752 (Main Office)
Eagle Pass: 830-773-9255
El Paso: 915-532-5714 Indigent criminal defense (includes Bee, Starr, Willacy,
Houston: 713-271-6800 Jim Hogg, Duval, McMullen, Live Oak, Refugio, Goliad,
Laredo: 956-723-0990 and Lavaca).
McAllen: 956-686-0243
San Antonio: 210-227-9145 Bexar County Managed Assigned Counsel 210-335-2887
NON-CAPITAL CRIMINAL MATTERS The Managed Assigned Counsel model is responsible
(MISDEMEANORS OR FELONIES) for the assignment of qualified attorneys to represent
criminally-accused indigent people in Bexar County.
Texas Tech University School of Law – Clinical
Programs Bexar County Public Defender’s Office
806-742-4312 (Main Office) 210-335-0701 (Main Office)
externships/clinics/index.php Attorneys with the Bexar County Public Defender’s
Free legal representation and counseling to qualified Office are appointed to cases by the Criminal District
and County Court at Law indigent defense plans.
low-income individuals through the law school’s eight
clinical courses. Law students offer legal assistance in
Bowie County Public Defender
areas of capital punishment, family law, housing,
903-792-2012 (Main Office)
wills/estates, social security, criminal defense, tax
issues and mediation. Tax clinic serves West Texas Provides indigent criminal defense in Bowie County.
Panhandle counties, other clinics serve Lubbock and
some surrounding counties. Capital Area Private Defender Service
512-774-4208 (Main Office)
UT School of Law, Criminal Defense Clinic
512-232-1300 (Main Office) CAPDS is deeply committed to ensuring that the
The Criminal Defense Clinic (CDC) provides underserved and marginalized members of the Austin
representation for people charged with misdemeanors in and Travis County community are afforded quality legal
Travis County who cannot afford a lawyer. Student- representation at every step: first appearance, pre-trial,
practitioners are licensed by the State Bar of Texas and trial, appeal, and post-conviction through increases in
appear in court under the supervision of experienced resources, mentorship, programmatic change, and
faculty members. Clinic students investigate crime direct representation.
scenes, interview clients and witnesses, litigate pretrial
issues, negotiate with prosecutors, and work with Caprock Regional Public Defender Office
judges and court staff. At times, students may assist in 806-742-4312 (Main Office)
securing a client’s release from jail, as well. In short, our
students serve as lead counsel at all stages of the externships/clinics/crpd
representation, including any jury trials, and maintain Based out of the Texas Tech School of Law, the office
primary responsibility for working with clients to develop represents indigent defendants by court appointment
case strategies. The Clinic’s supervising attorneys assist only on misdemeanors, felonies, juvenile and some
with each representation by holding weekly meetings, appeals. Current counties using the program are:
Hockley, Terry, Cochran, Yoakum, Castro, Castro,
reviewing preparation, engaging in additional
Swisher, Briscoe, Motley, Dickens, Stonewall and Floyd
supervision as needed to ensure high-quality advocacy,
and attending court appearances to provide further
guidance whenever necessary.
Colorado County Public Defender appellate, misdemeanor appellate, juvenile, and
979-732-9425 (Main Office) misdemeanor mental health.
Indigent criminal defense. Hidalgo County Public Defender
956-292-7040 (Main Office)
Concho Valley Public Defender’s Office
325-229-4671 (Main Office) Represents indigent defendants in Hidalgo County. Clients are appointed by the Hidalgo County Indigent
The Concho Valley Public Defender’s Office (CVPDO) is Defense Department. Represents misdemeanor, felony,
and juvenile cases.
a centralized defense service in a single office. The
CVPDO will represent the accused in various courts Hill Country Regional Public Defender's Office
after the court determined the accused is indigent and 830-315-2788 (Main Office)
the accused requested the appointment of counsel. The The Hill Country Regional Public Defender Office
CVPDO will take appointments for felony, misdemeanor, receives about 85% of all indigent, criminal
juvenile, and appeals cases. appointments in Bandera, Gillespie, Kendall, Kerr, and
Medina Counties. Our office handles juveniles,
Dallas County Public Defender misdemeanors, felonies, and appeals. Our office only
214-653-3550 (Main Office) handles capital murder cases where the state is not seeking the death penalty.
Indigent criminal defense for adult criminal defense,
family law, mental illness civil commitments, appellate, Kaufman County Public Defender
juvenile, CPS, child support, capital murder, 469-376-4534 (Main Office)
Indigent criminal defense; felony, misdemeanor.
El Paso County Public Defender’s Office, The Law
Office of the Lubbock Private Defenders Office
915-546-8185 (Main Office) 806-749-0007 (Main Office)
Represents indigent individuals charged with juvenile, Administers the delivery of court-appointed criminal
misdemeanor and felony offenses from pretrial up to defense representation for all Lubbock County non-
and including appeal; also assists in capital and child capital offenses. Also provides defendants with a
support as assigned by the courts. qualifying diagnoses, specialized attorneys with MH
forensic caseworkers.
Far West Texas Regional Public Defender
432-837-4120 (Main Office) North Hill Country Public Defender’s Office 512-234-3061 (Main Office)
The Far West Texas Regional Public Defender serves
indigent clients in Brewster, Culberson, Jeff Davis, The North Hill Country Public Defender's Office
Hudspeth, and Presidio Counties. represents indigent clients with MISD and Felony
Fort Bend County Public Defender’s Office
281-238-3050 (Main Office) Potter & Armstrong County Public Defender/ Managed Assigned Counsel
/public-defender 806-242-3415 (Main Office)
We handle Fort Bend County indigent defense only.
Clients must be found indigent under County guidelines Represents indigent clients who have been accused of
or if judge makes finding in the interest of justice. a felony-level offense. Our goal is to provide zealous
advocacy not only dealing with the charged crime, but
Harris County Office of Managed Assigned Counsel to also provide mental health referrals, deal with
832-927-3949 (Main Office) substance abuse issues, and offer other resources which can improve our clients’ lives. Our entire staff is
The Harris County Office of Managed Assigned here to serve the needs of our clients with qualified,
Counsel supports attorneys in treating clients with compassionate, and holistic solutions.
dignity and respect through high-quality and holistic
representation to persons accused of a crime who are Starr County Regional Public Defender
unable to afford an attorney. Misdemeanor charges only. 833-329-8752 (Main Office)
Harris County Public Defender’s Office Represents indigent defendants who were appointed
713-274-6700 (Main Office) counsel by the courts in Starr, Willacy, Jim Hogg, Duval, McMullen, Live Oak, Bee, Refugio, Goliad, and Lavaca
Indigent criminal defense in the following: felony counties.

Travis County Public Defender’s Office Federal Public Defender, Western District
512-854-5100 (Main Office) Alpine / Pecos: 432-837-5598 Austin: 512-916-5025
The Public Defender's Office (PDO) is a comprehensive Del Rio: 830-703-2040
public defender office envisioned to be client-centered, El Paso: 915-534-6525
independent, and innovative to the needs of Travis San Antonio: 210-472-6700
County residents. Consistent with nationally recognized
best practices, the PDO provides high-quality holistic
defense representation and other support to people
accused of criminal offenses in Travis County. JUVENILE PUBLIC DEFENDER
Webb County Public Defender’s Office For a listing of public defender offices, see:
956-523-4101 (Main Office) /managed-indigent-defense-systems.pdf.
The Webb County Public Defender’s Office handles
court appointed criminal cases for adults and juvenile Bee County Regional Public Defender Office
defendants and offer mental health services and 833-329-8752 (Main Office)
consultations regarding immigration issues to our
clients. Indigent criminal defense (includes Bee, Starr, Willacy,
Jim Hogg, Duval, McMullen, Live Oak, Refugio, Goliad,
Wichita County Public Defender and Lavaca).
940-766-8199 (Main Office) Cameron County Juvenile Justice Department
Legal representation for Court-appointed criminal cases 956-399-3075 (Main Office)
in Wichita County.
The Cameron County Juvenile Justice Department is
Willacy County Public Defender Texas RioGrande available to help rehabilitate youth who are referred to
Legal Aid the department in becoming productive citizens in their
956-364-3810 (Main Office) community throughout Cameron County. The department works closely with local law enforcement
Indigent criminal defense. and with local school district police departments to seek
justice for the citizens of Cameron County while
endeavoring to redirect and rehabilitate juvenile
FEDERAL PUBLIC DEFENDER offenders through our variety of facilities and programs.
This department is given the task of prosecuting
Federal public defenders offer effective counsel to misdemeanor and felony crimes, truancy and runaway
indigent federal defendants who cannot afford to retain status offenses committed by juveniles ages 10-17
their own representation. within the county.
Federal Public Defender, Eastern District Colorado County Public Defender
Beaumont: 409-839-2608 979-732-9425 (Main Office)
Frisco: 469-362-8506
Sherman: 903-892-4448 Indigent criminal defense.
Tyler: 903-531-9233 Concho Valley Public Defender’s Office
325-229-4671 (Main Office)
Federal Public Defender, Northern District
Amarillo: 806-324-2370 The Concho Valley Public Defender’s Office (CVPDO) is
Dallas: 214-767-2746
a centralized defense service in a single office. The
Fort Worth: 817-978-2753
CVPDO will represent the accused in various courts
Lubbock: 806-472-7236
after the court determined the accused is indigent and
the accused requested the appointment of counsel. The
CVPDO will take appointments for felony, misdemeanor,
Federal Public Defender, Southern District
juvenile, and appeals cases.
Brownsville: 956-548-2573
Corpus Christi: 361-888-3532 Dallas County Office of the Public Defender –
Houston: 713-718-4600 Juvenile Division
Laredo: 956-753-5313 214-698-4400 (Main Office)
McAllen: 956-630-2995 Represents juveniles charged with delinquent conduct.
Earl Carl Institute for Legal & Social Policy, Inc. – Starr County Regional Public Defender
Juvenile Justice Project 833-329-8752 (Main Office)
713-313-1139 (Main Office) Represents indigent defendants who were appointed
The JJP seeks to empower at-risk youth, provide counsel by the courts in Starr, Willacy, Jim Hogg, Duval,
holistic, client-centered representation, and offer McMullen, Live Oak, Bee, Refugio, Goliad, and Lavaca
solutions to legal and social problems that impede counties.
access to future achievement and success. ECI
employs a holistic approach, by providing legal Travis County Juvenile Public Defender
representation to children who are in multiple systems 512-854-4128 (Main Office)
including the criminal justice system, disparate
educational systems, the mental health system, and The Juvenile Public Defender provides legal
foster care system. Most of our clients come into the representation to youth facing proceedings in Travis
juvenile court system for incidents occurring at school. County juvenile courts.

El Paso County Public Defender’s Office, The Law Webb County Public Defender’s Office
Office of the 956-523-4101 (Main Office)
915-546-8185 (Main Office) The Webb County Public Defender's Office handles
Represents indigent individuals charged with juvenile, court appointed criminal cases for adults and juvenile
misdemeanor and felony offenses from pretrial up to defendants and offer mental health services and
and including appeal; also assists in capital and child consultations regarding immigration issues to our
support as assigned by the courts. clients.
Harris County Public Defender’s Office Wichita County Public Defender
713-274-6700 (Main Office) 940-766-8199 (Main Office)
Indigent criminal defense in the following: felony
Legal representation for Court-appointed criminal cases
appellate, misdemeanor appellate, juvenile, and
in Wichita County.
misdemeanor mental health.

Hidalgo County Public Defender Willacy County Public Defender Texas RioGrande
956-292-7040 (Main Office) Legal Aid 956-364-3810 (Main Office)
Represents indigent defendants in Hidalgo County.
Clients are appointed by the Hidalgo County Indigent Indigent criminal defense.
Defense Department. Represents misdemeanor, felony,
and juvenile cases.
Hill Country Regional Public Defender’s Office
830-315-2788 (Main Office) Bexar County Public Defender’s Office
The Hill Country Regional Public Defender Office 210-335-0701 (Main Office)
receives about 85% of all indigent, criminal
appointments in Bandera, Gillespie, Kendall, Kerr, and Attorneys with the Bexar County Public Defender’s
Medina Counties. Our office handles juveniles, Office are appointed to cases by the Criminal District
misdemeanors, felonies, and appeals. Our office only and County Court at Law indigent defense plans.
handles capital murder cases where the state is not
seeking the death penalty. Capital Area Private Defender Service
512-774-4208 (Main Office)
North Hill Country Public Defender’s Office
512-234-3061 (Main Office) CAPDS is deeply committed to ensuring that the underserved and marginalized members of the Austin
and Travis County community are afforded quality legal
The North Hill Country Public Defender’s Office
representation at every step: first appearance, pre-trial,
represents indigent clients with MISD and Felony
trial, appeal, and post-conviction through increases in
resources, mentorship, programmatic change, and
direct representation.

Collin County Mental Health Managed Counsel to also provide mental health referrals, deal with
Program substance abuse issues, and offer other resources
214-491-4824 (Main Office) which can improve our clients’ lives. Our entire staff is here to serve the needs of our clients with qualified,
/default.aspx compassionate, and holistic solutions.
The indigent defense office and managed counsel office
is responsible for appointing attorneys trained and Travis County Mental Health Public Defender
approved for the case type and level charged. Eligible 512-854-3030 (Main Office)
cases include misdemeanor and felony cases with the
exception of Class C misdmeanors, which are charged -public-defender
in Collin County. All applicants must meet the guidelines Holistic legal representation and social services support
for indigency. for those with a qualifying* criminal case in Travis
County, who are indigent and experiencing significant
Fort Bend County Public Defender’s Office challenges related to mental health and/or who have an
281-238-3050 (Main Office) intellectual or developmental disability (I/DD). * 3rd Degree Felonies (F3), State Jail Felonies (SJF),
/public-defender and/or Class A or Class B Misdemeanors (MA/MB)
We handle Fort Bend County indigent defense only.
Clients must be found indigent under County guidelines
or if judge makes finding in the interest of justice. STATEWIDE LEGAL RESOURCES
Harris County Public Defender’s Office
713-274-6700 (Main Office) If a public defender is not listed under your county and the court does not appoint an attorney on your behalf, a
Indigent criminal defense in the following: felony list of all the lawyer referral services in Texas can be
appellate, misdemeanor appellate, juvenile, and found under the “Other Resources” tab. Please indicate
misdemeanor mental health. that you are searching for a criminal defense attorney.
Alternative resources are listed below.
Kaufman County Public Defender
469-376-4534 (Main Office) National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL)
Indigent criminal defense; felony, misdemeanor. 202-872-4001 (Main Office)
Lubbock Private Defenders Office NACDL is the premier national bar serving the criminal
806-749-0007 (Main Office) defense profession. Offers an online referral directory of private criminal defense attorneys who are NACDL
Administers the delivery of court-appointed criminal members. NACDL advocates for a fair, rational and
defense representation for all Lubbock County non- humane criminal justice system, and provides
capital offenses. Also provides defendants with a continuing legal education for criminal defense lawyers.
qualifying diagnoses, specialized attorneys with MH
forensic caseworkers. Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association
Montgomery County, Mental Health Court Services 512-478-2514 (Main Office)
936-538-8131 (Main Office) TCDLA’s purpose is to protect and ensure by rule of law
_p/mental_health_court_services/index.php and protect those individual rights guaranteed by the
Serves to increase public safety, facilitate participation Texas and federal Constitutions in criminal cases; to
in effective mental health and substance abuse resist the constant efforts which are now being made to
treatment, improve the quality of life for people with curtail such rights; to encourage cooperation between
mental illness charged with crimes, and make more lawyers engaged in the furtherance of such objectives
effective use of criminal justice and mental health through educational programs and other assistance;
resources. Represents indigent offenders in felony and through such cooperation, education, and
mental health and misdemeanor mental health cases assistance, to promote justice and the common good.
through court appointment.
Texas Fair Defense Project
Potter & Armstrong County Public Defender/Managed 512-637-5220 (Main Office)
Assigned Counsel
806-242-3415 (Main Office) TFDP fights to end the criminalization of poverty in Texas using advocacy, education, litigation, and
Represents indigent clients who have been accused of community lawyering. Provides legal services to people
a felony-level offense. Our goal is to provide zealous struggling with paying ticket and court debt, who have
advocacy not only dealing with the charged crime, but driver's license suspensions, or outstanding warrants.

Lawyer referral services enroll licensed attorneys who pay the necessary registration fee and meet basic guidelines.
Callers referred to a participating attorney by a lawyer referral service receive a half-hour consultation for no more
than $20. After the initial half-hour consultation, should the caller decide to authorize the lawyer to take action on their
legal issue, the caller and lawyer may negotiate fees. These fees may be on a full or reduced fee basis, depending
on the program the attorney is participating in.

Below is a list of the certified lawyer referral services in Texas. The State Bar of Texas operates the lawyer referral
service for the areas of the state not covered by a local lawyer referral service."
State Bar of Texas Lawyer Referral Information Service ..........................800-252-9690
(Serving all counties except Bexar, Dallas, Harris, Jefferson, Nueces, Tarrant, and Travis.)

Texas Lawyer Referral Service ..........................................................................888-635-6050"
Austin Tenants’ Council ..........................................................512-474-1961

Corpus Christi Bar Association!form/NeedALawyer ....................361-883-4022

Dallas Bar Association ................................214-220-7444

Houston Lawyer Referral Service* ...........................................................................713-237-9429

Jefferson County Bar Association ..........................................................................409-835-8438

Lawyer Referral Service of

Central Texas* ....................................512-472-8303 or 866-303-8303

North Dallas Bar Association ......................................................972-980-0472

San Antonio Bar Association .................................................................................

Tarrant County Bar Association .................................................................817-336-4101

*Also offers reduced fee attorneys for income-eligible individuals


State Bar of Texas
The State Bar of Texas offers a customizable search of all attorneys licensed to practice law in the state of Texas. Along
with being able to customize your search by the attorney’s location and type of law practiced, the site offers clients the
option to filter results by fee options, including reduced fee arrangements and payment plans. The full list of fee options
Contingency Fees: The attorney’s fee is based on a percentage of the amount awarded in judgment or negotiated in
the settlement of the case.
Flat Fees: The attorney charges a specified sum for handling the entire case or matter or for completion of a certain
task associated with the case or matter (e.g., review of a contract, court appearance, etc.).
Hourly Rate: The attorney charges a per-hour rate and usually tracks his or her time in fractions of an hour (often 10ths
of an hour/6-minute increments).
Payment Plans: The attorney’s fee may be paid in installments instead of all at once.
Sliding Scale Fees: A reduced fee arrangement based on a review of the client’s overall income and ability to pay.

Major problems impacting access to the justice system in Texas include limited resources, funding restrictions,
proximity to legal services in rural areas, and a rapidly increasing poverty population. The programs listed in this
directory receive many requests for legal assistance, more than any program can accommodate. As a result, these
programs can only assist a fraction of the requests received. Consequently, in some situations, individuals seeking
legal assistance may have no choice other than to represent themselves in a legal matter.


Free online legal advice clinic offering answers by
volunteer attorneys to civil legal questions. Low-income
Texans can post any non-criminal legal question Lawyer Referral Service of Central Texas
securely at, from any computer 512-472-8303
or smart device. Users must meet low-income eligibility Hours: 8 am – 4:30 pm, M-F
requirements. Offers limited scope referrals in family law matters for
clients able to represent themselves (pro se) and reduced-fee legal services for qualified clients under the
Provides free and comprehensive legal information for Modest Means Program (previously known as Match
low-income Texans on a variety of civil legal matters Program).
including family law, debt collection, and landlord/tenant
issues; a LiveChat operator is available Monday –
Thursday, 10 am – 2 pm, to help eligible clients navigate BEXAR
the website.
Bexar County Court – Staff Attorney’s Office
Toolkit: My Debt Collection Rights in Texas 100 Dolorosa Ave., Ste. 2.16, San Antonio, 78205
The debt collection rights website includes guides to Hours: 8 am – 11:45 am & 1 pm – 4:45 pm M & W, and
help Texans identify debt collection scams, protect 8 am – 11:45 am Tu & Th
against debt collector scare tactics, respond to debt Offers answers to procedural questions and reviews
collection lawsuits, and to understand reasons you paperwork for SRLs; review paperwork in simple,
might not have to pay if you are sued for a debt. uncontested divorces and more complicated matters.

Toolkit: Defending Against a Civil Asset Forfeiture Bexar County Law Library
Case 100 Dolorosa, 5th Floor, San Antonio, 78205 210-335-3189
Provides an online guide to help with civil asset
forfeiture in Texas and how to get property back if it has -bibliotech
been taken by law enforcement. Hours: 8 am – 4:45 pm, M-F
Provides self-help center; no legal advice is offered
Toolkit: Managing Someone Else’s Money in Texas (attorney(s) not on premises); costs are applied for printing or making copies.
Offers an online toolkit for financial caregivers who
manage money or property for those unable to do so Disability Rights Texas
themselves. 210-737-0499
Hours: 8 am – 5 pm, M-F
Assisted pro se services; non-profit legal aid for
individuals with disabilities.

Spicewood Community Library – Lawyer in the Hon. Robert J. Galvan County Law Library
Library Day 500 E. San Antonio, Ste. 1202, El Paso, 79901
1011 Spur 191, Spicewood, 78669 915-546-2245
Hours: 4 pm – 6 pm, second Wednesday of each
month; appointment required. Hours: 9 am – 4 pm, M-F
Provides access to attorneys offering advice on a wide Provides access to
variety of non-criminal topics. To make an appointment (12 terminals available) and other sources of legal
call 830-693-7892. information; no legal advice is offered (attorney(s) not
on premises); staff directs users to most helpful
COMAL information. Computers available for research and legal
document drafting.
Comal County Law Library
199 Main Plaza, Ste. B102, New Braunfels, 78130 Disability Rights Texas
830-221-1249 915-542-0585 Hours: 8 am – 5 pm, M-F
The Comal County Law Library is operated as a public Assisted pro se services; non-profit legal aid for
service for residents of Comal County. The library is individuals with disabilities.
open and available to the general public and attorneys.
Fort Bend County Law Library
Collin County Law Library Fort Bend County Justice Center, Rm. 20716
Russell A. Steindam Courts Building 1422 Eugene Heimann Circle, Richmond, TX 77469
2100 Bloomdale Rd., McKinney, 75071 281-341-3718
972-548-4255 Hours: 8 am – 5 pm, M-F
Hours: 8 am – 5 pm, M-F Provides resources for legal research. Fax, scanning,
Access to and other sources of and printing all available for a fee. Conference rooms
legal information; no legal advice is offered (attorneys are available on a limited basis. Library provides free
not on premises). programming and instruction for pro se litigants and
Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program (DVAP)
1515 Main St., Dallas, 75201 Grayson County Law Library
214-243-2236 100 W. Houston St., Second Floor, Sherman, 75090 903-813-4320
Conducts evening legal advice clinics for low-income Hours: 8 am – 5 pm, M-F, closed 12 pm – 1 pm
applicants seeking legal assistance for matters, Provides access to (6 terminals
including, but not limited to, family, bankruptcy, housing, available) and other sources of legal information; no
consumer, employment termination and wage claims, legal advice is offered (attorney(s) not on premises).
guardianships, and wills and small estates. Call for clinic
dates and times. HARRIS
Disability Rights Texas Disability Rights Texas
214-630-0916 713-974-7691
Hours: 8 am – 5 pm, M-F Hours: 8 am – 5 pm, M-F
Assisted pro se services; non-profit legal aid for Assisted pro se services; non-profit legal aid for
individuals with disabilities. individuals with disabilities.

DENTON Houston Volunteer Lawyers

Hours: 9 am – 5 pm (Library) & 8:30 am – 2 pm
Denton County Law Library (Courthouse), M-F
121 N. Woodrow Ln., Denton, 76205 Harris County Law Library: 1019 Congress, basement
940-349-2130 Harris County Civil Courthouse: 201 Caroline St., 17th Flr.
Hours: 8 am – 5 pm, M-F Runs pro se advice clinics at the Harris County Law
Provides access to and print Library (9 am – 5 pm) and the Harris County Civil
self-help materials. Courthouse (8:30 am – 2 pm) offering legal information
to pro se individuals on a first come first serve basis.
Hays County Law Library Montgomery County Law Library
Hays Government Center, Ste. 2026 301 North Thompson, Suite 105, Conroe, 77301
712 S. Stagecoach Trail, San Marcos, 78666 936-539-7976
512-393-7709 Hours: 8 am – 5 pm, M-F Provides access to and other
The Hays County Law Library is operated as a public sources of legal information; provides self-help center
service for residents of Hays County. The library is open and can assist pro se litigants in filling out forms or
and available to the general public and attorneys. provide appropriate referrals (attorney(s) on premises).

Lawyer Referral Service of Central Texas

Hours: 8 am – 4:30 pm, M-F
Polk County Courthouse
Offers limited scope referrals in family law matters for
101 W. Mill, Ste. 157, Livingston, 77351
clients able to represent themselves (pro se) and
reduced-fee legal services for qualified clients under the
Modest Means Program (previously known as Match Hours: 8 am – 5 pm, M-F
Program). Provides access to and other
sources of legal information; no legal advice is offered
HIDALGO (attorney(s) not on premises).

Hidalgo County Law Library SMITH

100 N. Closner Blvd., Edinburg, 78539
956-318-2155 Smith County Courthouse Law Library
Hours: 8 am – 5 pm, M-F Basement, Smith County Courthouse, 100 N. Broadway
Provides access to and other Ave., Tyler, 75702
sources of legal information; no legal advice is offered 903-590-1750
(attorney(s) not on premises). Hours: 8 am – 12 pm; 1 pm – 5 pm, M-F
Provides access to legal information to the general
LUBBOCK public, legal community and court staff of Smith County.
The law library’s resources include legal information in a
Lubbock County Law Library variety of formats such as print material, Lexis Advance
916 Main St., Ste. 306 Lubbock, 79401 online research and other sources.
Hours: 8:30 am – 5 pm, M-F
Research facility that provides access to legal
resources, print and non-print, for the legal community
Tarrant County Law Library
and citizens of Lubbock County. Please be advised that
100 W. Weatherford, Rm. 420, Fort Worth, 76196
the librarian cannot interpret legal materials or provide
legal advice to law library patrons. The library offers 817-884-1481
three workstations for patrons to access legal sites and Hours: 8 am – 5 pm, M-F
print legal forms. One of the three workstations is Provides access to and other
dedicated solely for Westlaw access. Additionally, the sources of legal information; no legal advice is offered
law library has a self-service copy machine ($0.10 per (attorney(s) not on premises); costs are applied for
copy), and it offers notary services for a fee. printing or making copies.

Disability Rights Texas TRAVIS

Hours: 8 am – 5 pm, M-F Disability Rights Texas
Assisted pro se services; non-profit legal aid for 512-454-4816
individuals with disabilities. Hours: 8 am – 5 pm, M-F
Assisted pro se services; non-profit legal aid for
individuals with disabilities.

Lawyer Referral Service of Central Texas STATEWIDE
Hours: 8 am – 4:30 pm, M-F LiveChat
Offers limited scope referrals in family law matters for Remote services via computer go to
clients able to represent themselves (pro se) and and scroll to the bottom. Click
reduced-fee legal services for qualified clients under the on “LiveChat.” Provides legal information and some
Modest Means Program (previously known as Match limited legal advice to qualifying individuals to assist in
Program). pro se matters; all advice provided through a chat
feature on the website. 10 am – 2 pm, M-Th.
Travis County Law Library & Self-Help
Ned Granger Building, 314 West 11th Street, Ste. 140, Texas Access and Visitation Hotline
Austin, 78701 Remote services via telephone and computer
512-854-8677 866-292-4636
Hours: 8 am – 5 pm, M-F Hours: 1 pm – 5 pm, M-F
Provides a self-help center. Offers reference attorney Provides bilingual legal information, guidance, referrals,
10 am – 12 pm daily for uncontested family law cases; and education for non-custodial parents and interested
offers twice weekly reference attorney for occupational parties addressing access, visitation, and custody;
driver's license cases; provides legal information, forms, paternity establishment; and the child support order
handouts and referrals; see website for more details. process.

WILLIAMSON Texas State Law Library

205 West 14th St., Austin, TX 78701
Lawyer Referral Service of Central Texas 844-829-2843
Hours: 8 am – 4:30 pm, M-F Hours: 8 am – 5 pm, M-F
Offers limited scope referrals in family law matters for The Texas State Law Library is a public law library that
clients able to represent themselves (pro se) and serves the high courts, state agencies, and the citizens
reduced-fee legal services for qualified clients under the of Texas. Librarians cannot offer legal advice but can
Modest Means Program (previously known as Match answer general questions about the law and help
Program). people locate informational resources that will empower
them to handle their own legal issues.
Texas Advocacy Project
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas 800-374-4673
Various Locations, call 888-529-5277
Offers legal clinics throughout its service area in the Hours: 8:30 am – 5:30 pm, M-F
areas of family law and civil legal issues; no criminal Provides Assisted Pro Se (APS) services offering help
matters. preparing legal documents for divorces, protective
orders, modifications, general legal advice, and related
Lone Star Legal Aid matters. All services are free.
Various locations, call 800-733-8394
Offers workshops throughout its service area in the
areas of wills, foreclosures, divorce, and child support.

Texas RioGrande Legal Aid

Various locations, call 833-329-8752
Offers pro se divorce and civil legal clinics throughout its
service area.


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