Medlin Diatoms Phylogeny

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Phylogeny of ‘araphid’ diatoms inferred from SSU and

LSU rDNA, RBCL and PSBA sequences

Linda K. L. K. Medlin, Yves Desdevises

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Linda K. L. K. Medlin, Yves Desdevises. Phylogeny of ‘araphid’ diatoms inferred from SSU and LSU
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Vie et milieu - Life and environment, 2016, 66 (2): 129-154

Phylogeny of ‘araphid’ diatoms inferred from SSU and

LSU RDNA, RBCL and PSBA sequences

L. K. Medlin 1*, Y. Desdevises 2

Marine Biological Association of the UK, the Citadel, Plymouth, PL1 2PB UK Royal Botanic Gardens,
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, CNRS, Biologie Intégrative des Organismes Marins (BIOM),
Observatoire Océanologique, F-66650, Banyuls/Mer, France
* Corresponding author:

ARAPHID ABSTRACT. – Phylogenies of the diatoms have largely been inferred from SSU rDNA sequenc-
es. Because previously published SSU rDNA topologies of araphid pennate diatoms have var-
LSU ied, a supertree was constructed in order to summarize those trees and used to guide further
PINNATE analyses where problems arose. As previously seen with the SSU trees, araphid diatoms were
PHYLOGENY divided into two clades: basal and core araphids. The basal clade is sister to a clade containing
other araphids (core) and the raphid diatoms. Several subclades recovered in the supertree did
SSU not correspond to current taxonomy in the diatoms but were supported by ecological and/or
SUPERTREE morphological characters. A phylogeny of diatoms was then estimated using four gene markers,
SSU and LSU rDNA, rbcL and psbA (total 4352 bp) with 42 diatom species chosen to resolve
problems in the supertree. Two rooting strategies were explored: 1) one bolidomonad as the
closest outgroup of the diatoms and, 2) one bolidomonad and more distantly related heterokon-
tophyte outgroups. Two different strategies were employed to analyze the four gene tree with
both Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Baysian Inference (BI) methods. In the first strategy, the
variable regions of the LSU rDNA and the third codon position of rbcL were recoded into R
(A+G) and Y (T+C) because of substitution saturation detected at these positions in these genes.
In the second, these regions were not recoded. Tree topologies of pennates were nearly identical
in all analyses. Pennates were divided into three major clades, basal araphid, core araphid and
raphid diatoms, as shown in the supertree. The four gene trees displayed better resolution and
had stronger bootstrap within the subclades than those of the SSU supertree. The divergence
time of the pennates with a Bayesian estimation was estimated, allowing for simultaneous con-
straints from the fossil record and varying rates of molecular evolution of different branches in
the phylogenetic tree. The radiation of pennates into three major clades took place in a short
period of geological time before their first appearance in the fossil record and earlier than that
proposed by other clocks using single genes.

INTRODUCTION the rank of subdivision: Coscinodiscophytina comprising

radial centrics, and Bacillariophytina comprising the rest
The diatoms have historically been divided into two of the diatoms that exhibit polarity in the shape of their
groups: the centrics and the pennates, which can be dis- valves, except for the Thalassiosirales, which is assumed
tinguished by their pattern centres or symmetry of the to have lost the ability to produce bands for the auxo-
valve, mode of sexual reproduction, and plastid number spores and have reverted to the ancestral state, i.e. radial
and structure (Round et al. 1990). The centrics are ooga- symmetrical valves (Medlin 2016a). The Bacillariophy-
mous, show a radially symmetrical ornamentation of their tina are divided into two classes: Mediophyceae for the
valves and usually possess numerous discoid plastids. polar centrics plus the Thalassiosirales and the Bacillario-
The pennates are isogamous, have bilaterally symmetri- phyceae. The pennates form a well-supported monophyly
cal pattern centres in their valves and in general possess in all the published SSU phylogenies (Sinninghe-Damsté
fewer, plate-like plastids, although there are some excep- et al. 2003, Medlin & Kaczmarska 2004, Alverson et
tions with numerous discoid plastids, e.g. Nitzschia long- al. 2006, Sorhannus 2007, Ashworth et al. 2012). These
issima group. The classification system, in which diatoms species all share a midrib or sternum, and rows of por-
receives the rank of a division, has been recently revised oids, called striae, perpendicular to the midrib or sterum.
by Medlin & Kaczmarska (2004) mainly based on rDNA The Mediophyceae and the Coscinodiscophyceae can be
phylogenies but also supported by selected morphological, recovered as monophyletic if two conditions are met: 1)
reproductive and cytological features. This system based alignment by secondary structure of the ribosomal genes,
on the nuclear-encoded small subunit ribosomal DNA and 2) multiple outgroups. Other wise they are recovered
(SSU) phylogenies (sensu Medlin & Kaczmarska 2004) as a grade of clades in most cases (see review in Medlin
separates the division Bacillariophyta into two groups at 2016b).

Morphologically, pennates can further be subdivid- for a diatom at 180 My is taken from a sponge that was
ed into two groups by the presence or absence of a slit, boiled in HCl acid, leaving only siliceous frustules (Med-
called a raphe, in the valve. The “raphid” pennates, i.e., lin 2016a).
those that possess a raphe, are potentially actively motile. Molecular phylogenetic methods can address these
That group is monophyletic. In contrast, the “araphid” issues by calibrating fossil dates with internodes in phy-
pennates, i.e., those lacking a raphe, do not move actively, logenies inferred from sequence data, thus allowing the
or at times, move very slowly (Sato & Medlin 2006), are estimation of divergence times across the entire gene
paraphyletic in all studies to date (Medlin & Kaczmarska tree of a group. In the past, this has been accomplished
2004, Alverson et al. 2006, Kooistra et al. 2007b, Sorhan- assuming a molecular clock, that is, constancy of evolu-
nus 2007, Sato et al. 2008a, Li et al. 2015, Theriot et al. tionary rates across lineages (Kooistra & Medlin 1996).
2015), and it would appear that the unique feature likely Under this assumption, the estimated branch lengths can
shared by all araphids is the absence of a raphe or slit in be converted into absolute divergence times using fos-
the valve, the hair like appendage on the ameboid male sil calibration. However, most datasets appear to violate
gamete used to attach to the female gamete and pull them the clock model (Graur & Martin 2004), which can cause
together (Sato et al. 2011) and the release of one or both serious biases in divergence time estimation (Rambaut &
of the gametes from the gametangia. Labiate processes, Broham 1998, Soltis et al. 2002). Consequently, a relaxed
a special tube through the valve found in centrics and in clock model has recently been introduced to overcome the
many araphids, except where secondarily lost, is only inconstancy of the clock to study divergence time estima-
found in one raphid order, the Eunotiales, which consid- tion of diatoms (Sorhannus 2007, see also Berney & Paw-
ered to be primitive raphid diatoms because the labiate lowski 2006). However, previous divergence time estima-
process is generally believed to be the valve structure that tions of diatoms utilised, as in most phylogenetic studies
evolved into the raphe (Hasle 1974) and which is usual- of these algae, solely SSU sequence data. The divergence
ly either outside the raphe lineage in some phylogenies time of the pennates was estimated in the present study
(Theriot et al. 2015, SSU only), as the basal lineage inside using four genetic markers and Bayesian frameworks that
the raphid diatoms (Medlin & Kaczmarska 2004, Rim et account for rate variation of substitution when estimat-
al. 2011), or as the basal lineage to the Naviculales (The- ing divergence times and incorporate multiple genetic
riot et al. 2015, plastid genes and combined trees). markers and multiple fossil calibration points (Thorne &
In the doctoral works of Sato (2008), araphid diatoms Kishino 2002).
were extensively sampled to evaluate phylogenetic rela-
tionships among various groups. Because most of the
previous studies of higher rank diatoms phylogeny had MATERIALS AND METHODS
been inferred solely from SSU sequences (Alverson &
Theriot 2005, Mann & Evans 2007), Sato utilized addi- Supertree construction: In order to summarise previously
tional genes outside the SSU, viz., the D1/D2 region of the published SSU phylogenies, and to see consensus trends of these
nuclear-encoded large subunit ribosomal DNA (LSU), the topologies, Sato (2008) constructed a supertree using Clann
plastid encoded ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/ 3.0.0 (Creevey & McInerney 2005) with default settings under
oxygenase gene (rbcL), and the photosystem II reaction the Matrix representation using Parsimony (MRP) method.
center D1 protein gene (psbA). In this paper, the terms Topologies used to construct the supertree were taken from
centric, araphid and raphid are used, despite the para- Medlin et al. (2000), Medlin & Kaczmarska (2004), Kooistra et
phyly of two of these groups, because they refer to key al. (2003a, b, 2004), Sinninghe-Damsté et al. (2004), Alverson
morphological valve features or their absence. This does et al. (2006, Fig. 4), Sato et al. (2008a, c, e), Sorhannus (2004,
not imply that this corresponds to a mono- (holo-) phyl- 2007). All topologies were manually coded into newick format
etic group, or that it should be accorded any taxonomic and entered into the program. In this procedure, all centrics were
status (Medlin & Sato 2009) except where the group is simply coded into one OTU ‘centric’ to root the supertree, and
monophyletic (raphid). all raphid diatoms were also coded as one OTU ‘raphid diatoms’.
Both the fossil record and molecular phylogenies indi- The araphid diatom Striatella unipunctata (Lyngbye) Agardh
cate that the pennates evolved from the centrics as sug- was pruned from the input trees when this species appeared in
gested by early workers (Fritsch 1935, Simonsen, 1979). the clade of raphid diatoms (Medlin et al. 2000, Kooistra et al.
However, the fossil record of the diatoms is not entirely 2003a, b, 2004, Sato et al. 2008a, c, e). The topology of Medlin
free of problems. Although most extant taxonomic groups et al. (2008a) was not included in the analysis because the phy-
have fossil representatives, there is no substantial fossil logenetic tree was rooted with an araphid diatom Rhabdonema
record of the key evolutionary transitions from centrics Kützing, making it impossible to compare the phylogenetic
to pennates, and from araphid to raphid diatoms. This is relationship of araphid diatoms using the same standard as the
likely because the habitats where araphids are abundant other studies, which were rooted by centrics and more distant
(nearly shore coastal, benthic) are under-sampled or not outgroups. Also, other information (ecological/morphological
available for stratigraphic studies. The earliest fossil date features) were mapped onto Sato’s supertree (Fig. 1) referring

Vie Milieu, 2016, 66 (2)


to the original description of each species or some floristic and & Chrétiennot-Dinet (Bolidophyceae, Guillou et al. 1999) as
monographic works (Hustedt 1959, Round et al. 1990, Snoeijs single closest outgroup to root the diatoms. The second dataset
1992, Witkowski et al. 2000, Hasle 2001, Kobayasi et al. 2006) used multiple outgroups of heterokont algae, including Bumille-
to see whether any other features correlated with any clade. riopsis filiformis Vischer (Xanthophyceae), Dictyota dichotoma
(Hudson) Lamouroux (Phaeophyceae) and Heterosigma akashi-
Taxon sampling of four gene analyses: The ideal taxon sam- wo (Hada) Hada (Raphidophyceae) together with Bolidomonas.
pling should be broad and equal. Sato (2008) selected a few rep- This rooting strategy was used because Medlin & Kaczmarska
resentative species from each supertree clade for four gene anal- (2004) suggested that inclusion/exclusion of distant outgroups
yses to resolve the interclade relationships that were unresolv- affects the monophyly of three major classes: Coscinodiscophy-
able in the supertree. In order to reduce the computational cost, ceae, Mediophyceae and Bacillariophyceae. Medlin (2014) has
some OTUs, which clearly belong to the same lineage with the extensively tested multiple distant outgroups using the SSU
representatives judging from morphology and/or the other infor- gene and found that they had a profound affect on class mono-
mation, were omitted from the dataset. For example, Talaroneis phyly. Hereafter, each dataset will be referred to as Bolido-root
(Ricard) Kooistra & De Stefano, Neofragilaria Desikachary, and Distant-root, respectively. In each diatom species and in
Prasad & Prema, Plagiogramma Greville and Psammoneis Sato, Bolidomonas, four genes were sequenced from the identical
Kooistra & Medlin (all belong to Family Plagiogrammaceae) strain, although the distant outgroups should be considered
were omitted because Dimeregramma Ralfs was selected as chimeric sequences because their sequence data were retrieved
a representative of this morphologically well-defined fam- from GenBank from different strains of the same species.
ily, whose monophyly was also supported by the SSU and LSU
analyses (Sato et al. 2008a, f, respectively, Li et al. 2015). Two DNA extraction, PCR, and sequencing: The following proto-
araphid species (Pseudohimantidium Hustedt & Krasske and cols and analysis results are reproduced from Sato (2008) with
Pteroncola Holmes & Croll), whose phylogenetic positions had his permission because he is no longer interested in phyloge-
never been reported so far, were newly added to his dataset. netic analysis of the diatoms, having moved more into sexual
The basis for taxon sampling in the centric and raphid dia- reproduction studies. “Samples of c. 500 mL of culture were
toms was slightly different. The centric and raphid diatoms were harvested by filtration and DNA was extracted using a modified
rather regarded as close- and inner outgroup because the prima- CTAB protocol (Doyle & Doyle 1990) or by the PAN Plant Kit
ry focus of this study was the araphid diatoms. They had been (PAN Biotech, Aidenach, Germany). The quantity and quality
selected equally from broad range of each grade/clade referring of DNA were examined by agarose gel electrophoresis against
to the previously published SSU trees of diatoms (Medlin & known standards. Partial fragments of SSU (~1657 bp), LSU
Kaczmarska 2004). (~659 bp), rbcL (~1461 bp) and psbA (~933 bp) were amplified
As a result, the dataset comprised 42 diatom species: 5 Cos- by PCR (see Table II for primers).
cinodiscophyceae and 9 Mediophyceae (close outgroups) and The markers were PCR-amplified in 25 μL volumes con-
28 Bacillariophyceae, of which the latter included 6 raphid taining 10 ng DNA, 1 mM dNTPs, 0.5 μM of forward primer,
(inner outgroup) and 22 araphid diatoms. The whole genome 0.5 μM of reverse primer, 1 x Roche diagnostics PCR reaction
sequences of Thalassiosira pseudonana Hasle & Heimdale and buffer (Roche Diagnostics, GmbH, Mannheim, Germany), and 1
Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin are available so that four unit Taq DNA polymerase (Roche). The PCR cycling of nuclear
genes used in this study were retrieved from those databases. genes comprised an initial 4-min heating step at 94 °C, followed
The plastid genome sequence of Odontella sinensis (Greville) by 35 cycles of 94 °C for 2 min, 56 °C for 4 min, and 72 °C for
Grunow is also available so that we sequenced the nuclear gene 2 min, and a final extension at 72 °C for 10 min, of plastid genes
markers from the same CCMP strain. Culture strains used in this comprised an initial 5-min heating step at 94 °C, followed by
study (Table I) are currently available upon request to the first 35 cycles of 95 °C for 1.5 min, 47 °C for 2 min, and 72 °C for
author, but may not survive long-term in culture (Chepurnov 2 min, and a final extension at 72 °C for 6 min. The quantity and
et al. 2004), instead, voucher specimens of cleaned material of length of products were examined by agarose gel electrophore-
the strains were, if available, mounted as permanent slides and sis against known standards. Excess primers and dNTPs were
have been deposited in the Hustedt Collection, Alfred Wegener removed from PCR product using the QIAQuick purification
Institute, Bremerhaven, Germany (Table I). Older material can kit (QIAGEN, Hilden, Germany). Sequencing reactions took
be found in the slide collections of LKM. place in a PCR cycler using Big Dye Terminator v3.1 sequenc-
A similar strategy was followed in Li et al. (2015) in which ing chemistry (Applied Biosystems, CA, USA) with sequencing
the primary taxa of interest were the araphid diatoms and out of primers described in Elwood et al. (1985). The PCR products
157 taxa only 10 radial and 19 bipolar centrics were sampled were then electrophoresed on an ABI 3100 Avant sequencer
along with 62 raphids. Thus the araphid percentage of that study (Applied Biosystems, CA, USA).”
was 42 %, similar to that used in this study (52 %). For the Sato analysis, “rDNA sequences were aligned first
Because outgroup selection can alter the topology of the using ClustalX (Thompson et al. 1997), and then refined by
ingroup (Milinkovitch & Lyons-Weiler 1998, Tarrio et al. 2000), referring to some secondary structure models of the rRNA
two strategies were deployed to compare the effect of outgroup (Van de Peer et al. 1998, Alverson et al. 2007 for SSU, Sato et
selection. The first dataset used Bolidomonas pacifica Guillou al. 2008a for LSU). There is extreme length variation in some

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Table I. – List of species used in this analysis.

Taxon Strainb SSU LSU rbcL psbA
Coscinodiscophyceae [Centrics]
Aulacoseira granulata (Ehrenberg) Simmons p778 AB430586 AB430619 AB430659 AB430699
Hyalodiscus scoticus (Kützing) Grunow s0284c AB430587 AB430620 AB430660 AB430700
Melosira dubia Kützing s0076 AB430588 AB430621 AB430661 AB430701
Rhizosolenia setigera Brightwell p1692 AB430589 AB430622 AB430662 AB430702
Stephanopyxis turris (Greville & Arnott) Ralfs p121 AB430590 AB430623 AB430663 AB430703
Mediophyceae [centrics]
Ardissonea baculus (Gregory) Grunow wk76 AF525668 AB430624 AB430664 AB430704
Cyclotella meneghiniana Germain p567 AB430591 AB430625 AB430665 AB430705
Chaetoceros radicans Schütt CCMP197 AB430592 AB430626 AB430666 AB430706
Cymatosira belgica Grunow p189 X85387 AB430627 AB430667 AB430707
Eunotogramma laevis Grunow in Van Heurck s0382 AB430593 AB430628 AB430668 AB430708
Lampriscus kittonii Schmidt p535 AF525667 AB430629 AB430669 AB430709
Odontella sinensis (Greville) Grunow CCMP1815 Y10570 AB430630 Z67753a
Thalassiosira pseudonana Hasle & Heimdal CCMP1335 EF208793a EF067921a
Stephanodiscus sp. p404 AB430594 AB430631 AB430670 AB430710
Bacillariophyceae [Pennate]
Araphid diatoms
Asterionella formosa Hassall s0339 AB430595 AB430632 AB430671 AB430711
Asteroplanus karianus (Grunow) Gardner & Crawford s0381 AB430596 AB430633 AB430672 AB430712
Cyclophora tenuis Castracane p438 AJ535142 AB430634 AB430673 AB430713
Diatoma moniliforme Kützing s0383 AB430597 AB430635 AB430674 AB430714
Dimeregramma minor var. nana (Gregory) Ralfs s0355 AB430598 AB425083 AB430675 AB430715
Fragilaria bidens Heiberg s0327 AB430599 AB430636 AB430676 AB430716
Grammatophora marina (Lyngbye) Kützing s0190 AB430600 AB430637 AB430677 AB430717
Hyalosira delicatula Kützing p439 AF525654 AB430638 AB430678 AB430718
Licmophora parado (Lyngbye) Agardh s0213 AB430601 AB430639 AB430679 AB430719
Nanofrustulum shiloi (Lee, Reimer & McEnery) Round, p194 AM746971 AB430640 AB430680 AB430720
Hallsteinsen & Paasche
Rhaphoneis sp. s0366 AB430602 AB430641 AB430681 AB430721
Rhabdonema minutum Kützing s0351 AB430603 AB430642 AB430682 AB430722
Opephora sp. s0357 AB430604 AB430643 AB430683 AB430723
Plagiostriata goreensis S Sato & Medlin s0388 (Zu6/60) AB430605 AB430644 AB430684 AB430724
Pseudohimantidium pacificum Hustedt & Krasske mhk033 AB430606 AB430645 AB430685 AB430725
Pseudostriatella pacifica S Sato & Medlin s0384 (Zu6/38) AB379680 AB430646 AB430686 AB430726
Pteroncola inane (Giffen) Round s0247 AB430607 AB430647 AB430687 AB430727
Pseudostaurosira brevistriata (Grunow in Van Heurck) Williams s0398 AB430608 AB430648 AB430688 AB430728
& Round
Striatella unipunctata Agardh s0208 AB430609 AB430649 AB430689 AB430729
Tabularia laevis Kützing s0021 AB430610 AB430650 AB430690 AB430730
Thalassiothrix longissima Cleve & Grunow p441 AB430611 AB430651 AB430691 AB430731
Hyalosira tropicalis Navarro s0252 AB430612 AB430652 AB430692 AB430732
Raphid diatoms
Campylodiscus thuretii Brébisson s0223 AB430613 AB430653 AB430693 AB430733
Cocconeis stauroneiformis (Rabenhorst) Okuno s0230 AB430614 AB430654 AB430694 AB430734
Navicula sp. s0020 AB430615 AB430655 AB430695 AB430735
Nitzschia dubiiformis Hustedt s0311 AB430616 AB430656 AB430696
Phaeodactylum tricornatum Bohlin CCAP1055/1 EF553458a EF067920a
Psammodictyon constrictum (Gregory) Mann s0309 AB430617 AB430657 AB430697 AB430737
Bolidomonas pacifica Guillou & Chréteinnot-Dinet p380 AB430618 AB430658 AB430698 AB430738
Bumilleriopsis filiformis Vischer [Xanthophyceae] NA AF083398 NA X79223

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Table I. Continued.
Taxon Strainb SSU LSU rbcL psbA
Dictyota dichotoma (Hudson. Lamouroux [Phaeophyceae] NA AF350227 AF331152 AY748321
Heterosigma akashiwo (Hara. Hara [Raphidophyceae] NA DQ470662 AY119759
Whole genome accession number
Strains with a p number should refer to Table 1 in Medlin & Kaczmarska (2004) and those with ZU65/xxx are deposited in the Hustedt
Diatom Collection in Bremerhaven, Germany
Samples from Sato without a voucher number in the Hustedt collection have been deposited but not yet curated.

rRNAs (Gillespie et al. 2005) and replication slippage often based on results from the recoded one. Also full length SSU
leads to convergence on similar primary and secondary struc- sequences were used.
tures (Hancock & Vogler 2000, Shull et al. 2001). Homology In the first analysis, “the Message Passing Interface (MPI)
assessment in such regions was difficult or impossible, so that version of MrBayes 3.1.2 (Huelsenbeck & Ronquist 2001, Ron-
the highly variable regions (mostly peripheral regions of the quist & Huelsenbeck 2003, Altekar 2004) was used for Bayes-
rRNA secondary structure) were removed from the alignment ian analyses with the GTR + I + G model for each partition, as
using BioEdit 7.0.2 (Hall 1999), by referring to the variability suggested by MrModeltest 2.2 (Nylander 2004), to estimate the
map of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Van de Peer et al. 1993 for posterior probability distribution using Metropolis-Coupled
SSU, Ben Ali et al. 1999 for LSU). Secondary structure models Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMCMC) (Ronquist & Huelsen-
referred to align the SSU alignment were not the same especial- beck 2003). Gamma correction values and a proportion of
ly in some variable regions, however, these differences had no invariable sites of each partition were obtained automatically by
substantial effect to the further analyses because these regions the program. MCMCMC from a random starting tree were used
were highly variable and were removed in this procedure”, but in this analysis with two independent runs and 1 cold and 9 heat-
see the effect in the second analysis below. “Sequences for the ed chains with temperature set 0.05. Bayesian analyses were run
protein coding genes psbA and rbcL lacked indels and were for 20 million generations each with trees sampled every 100th
aligned manually. The final dataset comprised 4352 bp.” The generation. To increase the probability of chain convergence, we
sampled trees after the standard deviation values of the two runs
dataset examined in this study is available from Shinya Sato.” In
dipped below 0.01 to calculate the posterior probabilities (i.e.,
the second analysis set below, both the SSU and the LSU were
after 810,000 and 500,000 generations for Bolido- and Distant-
aligned using the SILVA alignment in ARB.
root, respectively). The remaining phylogenies were discarded
as burn-in.
Sequence analysis: “Substitutional noise in a gene marker
“RAxML-VI-HPC, v2.2.3 (Stamatakis et al. 2005) was used
makes it difficult to retrieve phylogenetic signal, especially
for ML analyses with the GTRMIX model. The Gamma cor-
when the gene is evolving fast. Saturation is caused by multiple
rection value of each partition was obtained automatically by
substitutions at the same site. Because transitions occur more
the program. The analyses were performed 1,000 times to find
frequently than transversions (DeSalle 2005), transitions can
the best topology receiving the best likelihood using different
likely suffer from saturation especially in a fast-evolving region
random starting MP trees (one round of taxon addition) and the
of a gene, i.e., D1/D2 region of the nuclear LSU and third codon
rapid hill-climbing algorithm (i.e., option -f d in RAxML). Boot-
position of the protein coding genes in our dataset. Therefore,
strap values were obtained by 1,000 replications with GTRCAT
saturation of both transitions and transversions were tested by
DAMBE 4.5.56 (Xia & Xie 2001).” These positions were recod- “For NJ analyses, PAUP* was used with JC distances. Nodal
ed RY in one analysis and left uncoded in the second one. support was estimated using NJ bootstrap analyses using the
same settings (1,000 replicates). MP searches were done with
Phylogenetic analyses: “All phylogenetic analyses were the “new technology” search algorithm implemented in the
performed on both datasets, Bolido-root and Distant-root. For Willi Hennig Society edition of TNT 1.1 (Goloboff et al. 2008).
model based estimations, maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayes- One hundred random addition sequence replicates were per-
ian inference (BI), each nuclear gene and each codon position of formed with default values. Nonparametric bootstrap analyses
protein coding genes were treated as a separate partition (i.e., were done 1,000 times with the “traditional” search algorithm in
8 partitions in the dataset) with independent model parameters, TNT. MP analyses were not weighted.”
whereas a concatenated dataset was used for neighbour joining In the second analysis, because BT support was low for
(NJ) and maximum parsimony (MP) analyses.” clades of interest in the Distant-root dataset with RY recoded
Two different analyses were done. The first analysis used third positions, we performed an additional BI analysis with the
RY recoding of the third codon position in the protein genes and third codon and the LSU not recoded and with full length SSU
in hypervariable regions of the LSU. Analyses were performed sequences. Phylogenetic reconstructions were carried out with
using ML, BI, MP, and NJ methods using both Bolido-root and the concatenated alignment of the 4 DNA markers, uncoded,
the Distant-root datasets. The second analysis used uncoded using Bayesian inference with Mr Bayes 3.2 (Ronquist et al.
original sequences only from the Distant-root dataset analysis 2012) with 2 runs of 4 chains of 1 million generations, trees sam-

Vie Milieu, 2016, 66 (2)


Table II. – Primers used in this study using BI and ML topologies. Because Sato focused on dating
the evolution of the araphid pennates, there was no difference
Marker Name Reference
within pennate topology between the two datasets Bolido- and
Medlin et al. (1988)c
Distant-root. Therefore, the topologies of Bolido-root dataset
528F Elwood (1985)
were used in order to reduce calculation time. Although the
1055F Elwood (1985)
entire topology was used for each analysis, Sato only presented
536R Elwood (1985)
the results of pennate lineage because the divergence pattern of
1055R Elwood (1985)
pennates is nearly identical using BI and ML analyses making
Bb Medlin et al. (1988)c
the results comparable. Branch lengths were estimated with the
LSU D1RFa Scholin et al. (1994)
estbranches 8/5/03 of multidistribute in conjunction with the BI/
D2CRb Scholin et al. (1994)
ML topology. Sato used the F84 model incorporating among-site
rbcL DPrbcL1a Daugbjerg & Andersen (1997)
rate variation modelled by a gamma distribution (Yang 1994) of
AraphidFa This studyd
sequence evolution (F84+G model). This is the most complex
16F Jones et al. (2005)
model implemented in this program. This model is less param-
14R Jones et al. (2005)
eterized than the best-fit models selected by Mr Modeltest 2.2
DPrbcL7b Daugbjerg & Andersen (1997)
(above), however, previous studies (Yang & Yoder 2003, and
psbA psbA-F Yoon et al. (2002)
references therein) have shown that it is actually the rate varia-

psbA500F Yoon et al. (2002) tion among site parameter that has the greatest effect on diver-
psbA-R2b Yoon et al. (2002) gence time estimation. All the parameters within the model as
psbA600R Yoon et al. (2002) well as the branch lengths were estimated separately for every
Forward PCR amplification primer.
gene. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approximations
Reverse PCR amplification primer.
Without polylinkers. were obtained with a burnin period of 100,000 proposal cycles.
5’-GTCTCAATCTGTATCAGAAC-3 Thereafter, samples of the Markov chain were taken every 100
cycles until a total of 1,000,000 generations were obtained. The
pled every 100 generations, and burnin value set to 20 % of the uncertainty of divergence time estimates was accounted for by
sampled trees. We checked that standard deviation of the split using the 95 % credibility intervals of these 10,000 samples.
frequencies fell below 0.01 to ensure convergence in tree search. To diagnose possible failure of the Markov chains to converge
For each DNA marker, the best evolutionary model was selected to their stationary distribution, Sato performed two replicate
via Akaike Information Criterion using jModelTest v2 (Darriba MCMC runs with different initial starting points for each analy-
et al. 2012). In all cases, a general time reversible model was sis. Application of the multidivtime program requires a value
selected, accounting for rate heterogeneity across sites via a for the mean of the prior distribution for the time separating
Gamma distribution and a proportion of invariant sites. Model the ingroup root from the present (rttm). Sato used a maximum
parameters were independently estimated for each marker, and (250 Ma) and minimum estimate (190 Ma) as rttm (see below
relaxed across codon position for coding genes (psbA and rbcL). about the calibration strategy), and the SD for the prior on the
Heterosigma was used as outgroup because in this analysis the root rate (rttmsd) was set at half the prior on the root rate. The
missing LSU gene in Bumilleriopsis caused it to be placed on a highest possible time between tips and root (bigtime) was also
very long branch (data not shown). The remaining topology was set at 250 and 190 My for each analysis. Other parameters for
the same as that with Bumilleriopsis as the outgroup. running multidivtime were set referring Rutschmann (2004) as
follows: rtrate = X/rttm, where rtrate is the mean of prior distri-
Testing alternative hypotheses: To compare some tree alter- bution for the rate at the root node and X is the median amount
natives, Sato (2008) used “the Shimodaira-Hasegawa-test as of evolution from the ingroup root to the ingroup tips, which
implemented in PAUP* (Shimodaira & Hasegawa 1999, test was obtained by TreeStat 1.1 (available at
option FullOpt, 1,000 bootstrap replicates). He also generated uk/software/treestat/), rtratesd = rtrate, where rtratesd is the
alternative topologies by introducing constraints, i.e., monophy- standard deviation of rtrate, rttm*brownmean = 1, where brown-
ly of centrics and araphid diatoms.” mean is the mean of the prior distribution for the autocorrelation
parameter (m), and brownsd = brownmean, where brownsd is
Divergence time estimation: “Divergence times of pennates the standard deviation of the prior distribution for m.”
were estimated following Bayesian methods (Thorne et al. 1998,
Kishino et al. 2001, Thorne & Kishino 2002) using the program Reference fossils: For a minimum age constraint, the occur-
package of mulidistribute 9/25/03 (Thorne & Kishino 2002) and rence of a taxon in the fossil record was used. Based on a molec-
PAML 3.15 (Yang 1997). Original sequences were used in this ular clock, Medlin et al. (1997) and Medlin (2006) speculated
process (i.e., all sequences were not RY re-coded), because the that the pigmented heterokonts, to which the diatoms belong,
preliminary analyses using RY re-coded dataset showed that the diversified following the P/T boundary (c. 250 Ma). “Although
likelihoods obtained from the baseml and estbranches analyses using a constraint that was obtained solely by molecular clock
were very different, suggesting that one or both programs failed method as a calibration point might be risky, the age after P/T
to optimize the likelihood. Analyses were performed either boundary was also supported by paleoecological discussions

Vie Milieu, 2016, 66 (2)


(Medlin et al. 1997, Medlin 2011), making this assumption be investigated more closely to define the clades taxo-
reasonable. Tappan (1980) reported no diatoms from the well- nomically.
preserved Palaeozoic cherts (659-c. 250 Ma), which contained
radiolarians and sponges. Thus, Sato assumed the maximum Clade 1 – Family Fragilariaceae, Thalassionemataceae
age of the diatoms at 250 Ma. Recent dating study of diatoms Genera included in this clade in the SSU super-
by Sorhannus (2007) suggested that the first diatoms evolved tree: Catacombas Williams & Round, Fragilaria Lyn-
some time between 250 and 183 Ma, validating our assumption gbye, Fragilariforma (Ralfs) Williams & Round, Gram-
of the maximum age of the diatoms at 250 My. The assumption monema Agardh, Synedra Ehrenberg, Synedropsis Hasle,
of the minimum age of the origin is much more straightfor- Medlin & Syvertsen, Tabularia (Kützing) Williams &
ward. 190 My was set for the minimum age of the origin. This Round, Thalassionema Grunow ex Mereschkowsky.
assumption is based on the earliest generally accepted record of
The highly elongated araphid diatoms (termed by
diatoms described by Rothpletz (1896, 1990), which has been
Medlin et al. 2008b, length/width ratio grater than 15:1 in
found from the Toarcian stage of the Jurassic (ca. 190 My by
their maximum valve size) can only be seen in this clade.
Sims et al. 2006).” Medlin (2016a) has had the original German
The end of the valve bears one or two labiate process(es)
translated and it appears that Rothpletz boiled a bath sponge in
that a structure located inside the valve, which is believed
HCl to obtain the diatoms he described, thus this 180 Ma record
to be involved with movement and the precursor of the
is a valid diatom one. It is not a deposit as traditionally assumed
because the sponge was boiled in the acid. Thus, the time esti-
raphe (see discussion in Medlin & Kazsmarska 2004).
mation was undertaken for four conditions using BI and ML Chambered valve structure has exclusively been found in
topologies, assuming the origin of the diatoms 250 and 190 Ma. this clade in araphid diatoms. The ocellulimbus, a discrete
Please see Medlin (2016a) for further rationales for using 250 area depressed below the surface of the valve and respon-
and 190 My as ages for the diatom root. sible for mucilage secretion (Williams 1986) at the end of
“The other calibration points were selected from the review valve is exclusively observed in this clade, except in the
of the fossil diatoms by Sims et al. (2006), in which reliable fos- genus Synedropsis where the pores are replaced by slits
sils were introduced, allowing them to be used in Sato’s diver- and the entire apical pore field is not recessed below the
gence time estimation. Calibrated ages and fossils used here are valve surface. Exceptionally, however, the ocellulimbus
shown in Table III. Although the fossil records of Thalassiosira can also be found in Striatella unipunctata (Hasle 1974),
Cleve and its potential affinities, e.g., Praethalassiosiropsis Ger- whose allocation in the SSU supertree remained unresolv-
sonde & Harwood and Thalassiosiropsis Hasle, are abundant in able (Fig. 1) but has never been sistered or included in
fossil records, they were not used for the calibration by way of clade 1 diatoms in previous SSU phylogenies (e.g., Med-
caution because the evolutional relationship of these fossil and lin & Kaczmarska 2004, Alverson et al. 2006, Li et al.
the modern taxa is not confidently established”. In the cladistic 2015, Theriot et al. 2015, plastid trees). An araphid dia-
analysis in Medlin (2016a) showed that these fossil diatoms can tom Pseudostriatella oceanica Sato, Mann & Medlin, the
only be in the thalassiosiralean lineage. Similarly, fossil records closest relative of Striatella in SSU (Sato et al. 2008b) and
of resting spores ‘presumably’ formed by Chaetoceros were not four gene trees (Sato 2008, Fig. 3 here), bears no ocellu-
used in the present study. limbus, strongly suggesting the homoplastic nature of the
ocellulimbus of Striatella.
Expected/Predicted genera to be included in this
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION clade : Centronella Voigt (p. 348, Round et al. 1990),
Ctenophora (Grunow) Williams & Round (Williams
SSU supertree of araphid diatoms
& Round 1986, p. 372, Round et al. 1990), Entopyla
Ehrenberg (Prasad & Fryxell 1991), Gephyria Arnott
12 SSU trees displaying the paraphyletic nature of
(John, 1984, p. 440, Round et al. 1990), Hannaea Pat-
araphid diatoms, which consistently comprised two
clades: basal and core araphids (Fig. 1) were used by Sato rick (Patrick & Reimer 1966, p. 366, Round et al. 1990),
(2008) to construct a supertree. These two clades are now Hyalosynedra Williams & Round (Williams & Round
given the rank of sub class (Medlin 2015). Several clades 1986, p. 380, Round et al. 1990), Lioloma Hasle (Hasle
in the supertree did not correspond to current diatom tax- & Syvertsen 1996, Hasle 2001), Neosynedra Williams
onomy, but rather they were supported by ecological and/ & Round (Williams & Round 1986, p. 372, Round et al.
or morphological characters. Sato (2008) described the 1990), Psammosynedra Round (Round 1993), Pteroncola
characters supporting each clade. Furthermore, expected/ Holmes & Croll (Sullivan 1979, p. 390, Holmes & Croll
predicted members of extant genera to be included in 1984, p. 267, Round et al. 1990), Reimerothrix Prasad
each clade based on the morphology of that clade are also (Prasad et al. 2001), Thalassiothrix Cleve & Grunow
listed. This summary of each clade is designed to show (p. 426, Round et al. 1990, Hasle 2001), Trichotoxon
monophyletic groups whose morphological, ecological Reid & Round (p. 428, Round et al., 1990, Hasle 2001),
and perhaps cytological and reproductive features should Ulnaria (Kützing) Compère (Compère 2001).

Vie Milieu, 2016, 66 (2)


Table III. – Geographic records (in Ma. of diatoms introduced in Sims et al. (2006) and Singh et al. (2007) used as minimum age con-
straints in divergence time estimation except for the calibration of Rhizosolenia (see footnote f).
Genus/Clade Appearance Period (Stage if available: Age a ) Calibration b Literature c
Asterionellopsisd Late Miocene (Messinian): 6.5-5.3 5.3 Schrader & Gersonde (1978)
Aulacoseira Uppermost Late Cretaceous 65.5e Ambwani et al. (2003), Wolfe & Edlund (2005)
Chaetoceros Paleocene: c. 65-55 55 Fenner (1991)
Coscinodiscophyceae Early Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian): 115-110 110 Gersonde & Harwood (1990), Harwood &
Gersonde (1990)
Cyclotella Early Eocene: 24 24 Bradbury & Krebs (1995)
Cymatosira Early Eocene: c. 50-55 50 Homann (1991), Fenner (1994)
Diatoma Late Eocene to Oligocene 33.9 Lupkina & Dolmatova (1975)
Dimeregramma Miocene 5.33 Schrader & Fenner (1976), Reháková (1980)
Eunotogramma Late Cretaceous 65.5 - (p) 377 Sims et al. 2006)
Fragilaria Late Eocene: c. 45-40 40 Lohman & Andrews (1968)
Grammatophora Late Eocene: c. 45-40 40 Desikachary & Sreelatha (1989), Edwards (1991)
Hyalodiscus Cretaceous (Albian-Campanian) 70.6 Tapia (1996), Tapia & Harwood (2002)
Mediophyceae Early Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian): 115-110 110 Gersonde & Harwood (1990), Harwood &
Gersonde (1990)
Odontella Late Cretaceous 65.5 Hajòs & Stradner (1975), Harwood (1988)
Opephora Early late Miocene 7.25 Van Landingham (1985)
Pennates Late Cretaceous (Campanian): 75 75 - (p) 381 Sims et al. 2006)
Rhabdonema Late Eocene: c. 45-40 40 Desikachary & Sreelatha (1989), Edwards (1991)
Rhaphoneis Late Eocene: c. 45-40 40 Andrews (1975)
Raphid diatoms Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) 65.5 Singh et al. (2007)
Rhizosoleniaf Late Cretaceous (Upper Turonian): 91.5 ± 1.5 90-93g Shinninghe-Damsté et al. (2004)
Staurosirah Miocene 5.33 Hajòs (1968)
Stephanodiscus Miocene 5.33 VanLandingham (1967)
Stephanopyxis Late Cretaceous (Late Cenomanian- 80i Tapia (1996)
Santonian): 95-80
Surirellaceae Middle Miocene 16.61 Reinhold (1937), Hajòs (1968 1986)
Thalassiothrix Early Oligocene 28.4 Sims et al. 2006, p. 388
Ages are shown if indicated in Sims et al. (2006).
Minimum ages were taken if range is shown in Sims et al. (2006). Otherwise dates are obtained by assigning them to top of reported
chronostratigraphic unit in the Geologic Time Scale of Gradstein & Ogg (2004).
Source literatures cited by Sims et al. 2006 are indicated except for Singh et al. (2007) which was published later. If the page number is
shown in of Sims et al. (2006) then that is new original information.
Used for the constraint of Asteroplanus being regarded as a first appearance of the clade 7 in the SSU supertree.
Early Cretaceous marine genus Archepyrgus can be an ancestor of Aulacoseira (Gersonde & Harwood 1990, Harwood & Nikolaev 1995,
Sims et al. 2006, however the first appearance of Archepyrgus at 110 Ma was not used for a calibration point of Aulacoseira in this analy-
sis because this assumption violates the maximum node constraint of Rhizosolenia at 93 Ma which diverged earlier than Aulacoseira in
our cladogram.
Not fossil but abrupt increase of C25 HBI alkene.
Calibrated as minimum and maximum constraints.
Used for the constraint of Pseudostaurosira being regarded as a first appearance of staurosioid form.
Although Sims et al. (2006) found Stephanopyxis in the slide of Lower Cretaceous sediments of ODP Site 693, Harwood et al. (2007) p.
35. regards this as a contamination of Oligocene specimens but Sims does not (Sims pers comm).

Clade 2 – Family Licmophoraceae, Family Cyclopho- (most Licmophora species, Honeywill 1998, Terasaka et
raceae and Family Protoraphidaceae al. 2005) or epizoic (some Licmophora species attach to
Genera included in this clade in the SSU super- copepods or whales, p. 404, Round et al. 1990, Protora-
tree: Cyclophora Castracane, Licmophora Agardh, Pro- phis attaches to copepods, Hiromi et al. 1985). Labiate
toraphis Simonsen. process are generally located at the end of valve, but their
Instead of an apical pore field that consists of small number varies greatly. The new genus Astrosyne is radial
round pores, these genera have a row of openings at the and thus appears to be another genus/clade whose mem-
valve end, usually in a strict tetragonal or hexagonal bers have lost the ability to make the bands that squeeze
array. The elongation of the opening varies from ellip- the auxospore to give it its polar shape (Ashworth et al.
tic pores (Licmophora, Honeywill, 1998) to long slits 2012).
(Cyclophora, p. 439, Round et al. 1990, Protoraphis, Expected/predicted genera to be included in this
Gibson, 1979a). These genera are marine epiphytic taxa clade: Falcula Voigt (Takano 1983, p. 388, Round et al.

Vie Milieu, 2016, 66 (2)


Fig. 1. – Supertree of pennates (but only araphid diatoms are emphasized) constructed from various SSU trees published so far (see
Materials and methods for source topologies). Each clade was highlighted with bold line in the tree). Explanations of characters plotted
here are as follows: Areolar Occlusion (AO) is a membrane-like structure occluding the pore of the valve, presence or absence is plot-
ted); Septum (Se) is formed at girdle band extending inward the cell, presence or absence is plotted); Apical Pore area (AP) locates at
the end(s) of valve usually possessing discrete area for mucilage secretion, such as Ocellulimbus (O) - depressed below the surface of
the valve; apical Pore field (P) - aggregated small pores; apical Slit area (S)- one row of slits arranged in parallel; or No such area (N).
Labiate Process (LP) is a structure situated inside of the valve; the number of LP is plotted. Habitat (Ha) ranges from Marine (M),
Brackish (B), to Fresh water (F). The degree of valve elongation is shown as the length/width ratio, which is classified into three cate-
gories sensu Medlin et al. (2008b): l/w ratio greater than 15:1 (in bold black), 8:1 to 15:1 (black), and less than 8:1 (gray) The ratio was
measured on maximum and minimum valve size of each species). Shadowed boxes are discriminative characters of each clade). Shared
diagnostic character in each clade is emphasized by shadow. Also maximum and minimum size ranges of valve are illustrated based on
the measurements of the original descriptions and some floristic works. It should be noted that the outer and inner squares do not cor-
respond to the valve outline of each species but to the maximum and minimum size. Thus, all valve outlines fit within the gray area
between outer and inner squares. Kooistra et al. (2003) misidentified Protoraphis atlanticum as Pseudohimantidium pacificum. Also
the clade comprising three OTUs of Microtabella sp. in their paper was coded as Hyalosira delicatula. In Medlin et al. (2000) Gram-
matophora was coded as Grammatophora oceanica; Diatoma was coded as Diatoma tenuis; Microtabella was coded as Hyalosira
delicatula.All environmental and endosymbiont sequences were removed from the analyses. a Asterionella gracilis (AY485447) in
Shinninghe-Damsté et al. (2004) and Sorhannus (2007) is a Hyalosira species, see CCMP 469 which is the source of this sequence. b
The apical slit of Plagiostriata is unique in shape (Sato et al. 2008e). c The LP of Plagiostriata is highly reduced (Sato et al. 2008e).

1990), Hustedtiella Simonsen (Simonsen 1960, Crawford Round et al. 1990), Sceptronema Takano (Takano 1983),
et al. 1993), Pseudohimantidium (Gibson 1979b, p. 446, Astrosyne (Ashworth et al. 2012).

Vie Milieu, 2016, 66 (2)


Clade 3 – Family Grammatophoraceae Genera included in this clade in the SSU super-
Genera included in this clade in the SSU super- tree : Asterionella Hassall, Diatoma Bory, Tabellaria
tree: Grammatophora Ehrenberg, Hyalosira Kützing, in Ehrenberg ex Kützing.
part. These taxa inhabit non-marine environments (brack-
Septate girdle bands, marine epiphytic life forms, zig- ish/limnic) except for few species of Diatoma, attached
zag/straight chains attached by means of mucilaginous by making zig-zag or stellate chains, a colony shape often
pads secreted from apical pore fields, labiate processes observed in many lineages of araphid diatoms. Valves
located at the one or both end(s) of valve (Navarro & Wil- have slightly sunken apical pore fields with pores not real-
liams 1991, Sato et al. 2004a) are the features that char- ly well differentiated from the striae areolae. The position
acterize this clade. Septate girdle bands are observed in of labiate process is not restricted to the end of valve.
many lineages of diatoms (see Round et al. 1990 for Lic- Expected/predicted genera to be included in this
mophora, p. 404, Tabellaria Ehrenberg, p. 398, a raphid clade: Distrionella Williams (Williams 1990), Meridion
diatom Diatomella Greville, p. 558) so that it may have Agardh (Williams 1985, p 368., Round et al. 1990), Oxy-
been acquired independently in each lineage. Some neis Round (p. 402, Round et al. 1990), Tetracyclus Ralfs
Hyalosira species are more closely related to Rhabdone- (Williams, 1987, 1989, p. 400, Round et al. 1990), Thala-
ma, whereas the species in Sato’s tree and in that of Lob- ssioneis Round (p. 386, Round et al. 1990).
ban & Ashworth (2014) is most closely related to Gram-
matophora and others have been moved back into Micro- Clade 6 – Family Plagiogrammaceae
tabella. Genera included in this clade in the SSU super-
Expected/predicted genera to be included in this tree : Dimeregramma, Neofragilaria, Plagiogramma,
clade: Fossula Hasle Syvertsen & Quillfeldt (Hasle et al. Psammoneis, Talaroneis.
1996). This clade corresponds to the Family Plagiogrammace-
ae, which appears in marine coastal region, being largely
Clade 4 – Family Fragilariaceae, in part (= Staurosir- psammic, although Talaroneis is epiphytic (Kooistra et al.
aceae fam. nov.) 2003b). The areolae on their valve bear perforated rotae
Genera included in this clade in the SSU super- occlusions, with no labiate processes.
tree : Nanofrustulum Round, Hallsteinsen & Paasche, E xpected / predicted genera to be included in
Opephora Petit, Plagiostriata Sato & Medlin, Staurosira this clade : Desikaneis Prasad & Livingston (Prasad
(Ehrenberg) Williams & Round. & Livingston 1993), Glyphodesmis Greville (Sullivan
These taxa are relatively small in cell size with a highly 1988, p. 240, Round et al. 1990), Hyaloneis Amspoker
reduced labiate process (Plagiostriata, Sato et al. 2008e) (Amspoker 2008), Psammogramma Sato & Medlin (Sato
or absent (Nanofrustulum, Round et al. 1999, Opephora, et al. 2008f).
Sabbe et al. 1995, Staurosira, Williams & Round 1987).
Apical pore fields are narrow. No epiphytic species are Clade 7 – Family Fragilariaceae in part (= Asterionel-
reported from this clade, they are either planktonic or bot- lopaceae, fam. nov.)
tom dwelling (epipelic/epipsammic/epilithic) life form. Genera included in this clade in the SSU super-
This will be described as a new family below because this tree: Asterionellopsis Round, Asteroplanus Gardner &
clade is very distant genetically to true fragilariacean spe- Crawford.
cies, all of whom have labiate processes. These genera are marine planktonic. Valves are het-
Expected/predicted genera to be included in this eropolar, and the narrower end has a labiate process.
clade: Belonastrum Round & Maidana (Round & Maid- Cells attach each other by broader end of valves to make
ana 2001), Martyana Round (p 362, Round et al. 1990), stellate, undulate chains (Crawford & Gardner 1997).
Pseudostaurosira Williams & Round (Williams & Round This clade is described as a new family here because it is
1987, p. 356, Round et al. 1990), Pseudostaurosirop- genetically very distant from true fragilariacean diatoms
sis Morales (Morales 2001), Punctastriata Williams & and from Asterionella.
Round (Williams & Round 1987, p. 358, Round et al. Expected/predicted genera to be included in this
1990), Sarcophagodes Morales (Morales 2002), Stauro- clade: Bleakeleya Round (p. 394, Round et al. 1990).
forma Flower, Jones & Round (Flower et al. 1996), Stau-
rosirella Williams & Round (Williams & Round 1987, Clade 8 – Family Rhaphoneidaceae
p. 352, Round et al. 1990), Synedrella Round & Maidana Genera included in this clade in the SSU super-
(Round & Maidana 2001), Trachysphenia Petit (p. 384, tree: Rhaphoneis Ehrenberg, Delphineis Andrews.
Round et al.1990), This clade corresponds to the Family Rhaphoneidace-
ae. They all appear in marine coastal regions, being large-
Clade 5 – Family Fragilariaceae in part and Family ly psammic but Delphineis and Neodelphineis are plank-
Tabellariaceae tonic (e.g., Sar et al. 2007 and Hernández-Becerril 1990,

Vie Milieu, 2016, 66 (2)


respectively). The areolae on their valve bear perforated Phylogeny of the diatoms
rotate occlusions. Labiate processes are small.
Expected/predicted genera to be included in this Estimation of saturation
clade: Adoneis Andrews & Rivera (Andrews & Rivera
For further analysis of the araphid diatoms, Sato (2008)
1987), Diplomenora Blazé (Blazé 1984, p. 408, Round
selected four additional gene markers. Because two
et al. 1990), Neodelphineis Takano (Takano 1982, p. of these were protein coding genes, it was necessary to
412, Round et al. 1990), Perissonoë Andrews & Stoelzel determine if these were saturated at the third codon posi-
(p. 412, Round et al. 1990, Watanabe et al. 2007), Psam- tion. The saturation plot showed a serious saturation in
modiscus Round & Mann (Round and Mann, 1980, LSU and the third codon of rbcL (Fig. 2B, C). Therefore,
p. 418, Round et al., 1990), Sceptroneis Ehrenberg Sato used only transversions in his phylogenetic analyses,
(p. 416, Round et al., 1990).

Fig. 2. – Transitions (s) and transversions (v) of SSU (A), LSU (B). Third codon position of rbcL (C) and psbA (D) sequences plotted
versus F84 genetic distance. Each black cross or gray circle in the field represents a transition or transversion, respectively. Saturation
can be seen in transition of B and C but not A and D.

Vie Milieu, 2016, 66 (2)


Fig. 3. – Evolutionary relationships of diatoms inferred from DNA sequences of SSU and LSU rbcL and psbA. Note LSU and third
codon position of rbcL were re-coded into RY to ignore saturated transitions. Phylogenies inferred from Bayesian inferences (A C and
Maximum Likelihood analyses (B D Trees are rooted with single outgroup Bolidomonas (A B or multiple outgroups of Heterokonta (C
D Branch length of each topology can be seen in the small boxes. Each class in the current systematics is indicated by color. Three
clades of pennates i.e. basal araphid, core araphid and raphid diatoms are shown in A, which are now recognised at the subclass level
(Medlin 2014a). Taxon labels in bold cases are araphid diatoms. The thick nodes represent 1.00 Bayesian posterior probability in BI
(A, C) or 100 % bootstrap value in ML analyses (B, D).

Vie Milieu, 2016, 66 (2)


by coding purine (G and A) into R, and pyrimidine (C and the supplementary figures, again giving different results.
T) into Y. In Sato’s rDNA topology, a clade of Striatella and Pseu-
dostriatella were sisters to the monophyletic raphid dia-
Single gene phylogenies toms (also recovered by Li et al. 2015), and the rest of
the araphid diatoms formed a clade. The plastid tree dis-
Single gene trees from Sato (2008) are provided in the played paraphyletic divergence of araphid diatoms, in that
supplemental material. None of the single gene phylog- the clade of raphid diatoms emerged relatively diverged
enies were congruent with one another with regards to the position of pennates being rooted by Asteroplanus. In
monophyly of the Coscinodiscaceae or the Mediophyceae. the combined SSU and chloroplast trees by Theriot et al.
Only the pennate diatoms, as usual, were monophyletic (2015), they were recovered with the basal araphids.
and in the SSU analysis, the araphids were monophyletic,
but with the basal araphids still basal in the pennate clade. Four gene phylogeny
In the LSU tree, araphid diatoms were divided into basal
and core group, except for Asteroplanus, which appeared Following RY recoding of the protein and LSU genes,
in centric lineage. The ancestral position of raphid dia- Sato (2008) performed BI, ML, NJ, and MP analyses with
toms in the tree, that has never been supported in the other two outgroups: Bolido-root and Distant-root to evaluate
phylogenetic studies nor fossil records, indicated that the the effect of distant vs. close outgroups. The monophyly
sole use of LSU is insufficient for the phylogenetic recon- of the diatoms had been recovered in the most analyses
struction of diatoms (see similar discussions in Bruder & (Fig. 3), only one exception was found in MP Distant-
Medlin 2008). The rbcL tree shows that one of the clade root analysis in which a Coscinodiscophycean diatom,
2 araphid diatoms (Cyclophora and Pseudohimantidium) Stephanopyxis turris, diverged before Bolidomonas and
were sisters to the curious clade comprising centric and all other of diatoms (Topology not shown). MP analyses
raphid diatoms, and the rest of araphid diatoms were were not weighted analyses and this is likely the cause of
monophyletic. The araphid diatoms were polyphyletic in these positional problems (Medlin 2014). The constrained
the psbA phylogeny, in which they were scattered in the topologies of the monophyly of the ‘centrics’ and ‘araphid
tree, nevertheless, most of the supertree clades recovered diatoms’ performed by Sato (2008) were significantly
by Sato (2008) were monophylytic. rejected (Table IV).
The combined analyses of nuclear rDNA (SSU+LSU) In the recoded four gene phylogeny by Sato (2008),
vs. plastid (psaA +rbcL) genes were also presented in the class Coscinodiscophyceae was monophyletic in all
analyses, but BS support in ML
analyses were low (Fig. 3) with an
Table IV. – Tests of Bayesian topologies versus alternative topologies derived from other
optimization methods (maximum likelihood parsimony and neighbor joining trees as identical topology in all analyses:
well as maximum likelihood searches with constraint assuming the Bayesian topology as (Rhizosolenia, (Stephanopyxis,
best tree. (Hyalodiscus, (Melosira, Aulaco-
Topology -ln L Difference KH-test SH-test seira)))). Class Mediophyceae
Bayesian treea (Figs 3A C) 36823.34274 was monophyletic only in the ML
Maximum likelihood tree
Distant-root analysis with BS sup-
port < 50, whereas the class was
Bolido-root (Fig. 3B). 36832.10415 8.76141 0.685 0.892
resolved as a grade in the trees in
Distant-root (Fig. 3D). 36835.36331 12.02057 0.599 0.824
the first BI analysis but as mono-
Maximum parsimony tree
phyletic in the second, non recoded
Bolido-root 37039.32655 215.98381 < 0.001b 0.140
Distant-root BI analysis (Fig. 4).
Distant-root 36848.35294 25.01019 0.353 0.733
In trees from the ML Bolido-root
Neighbor joining tree analysis, a clade of Eunotogramma
Bolido-root 36940.31975 116.97701 < 0.001b 0.329 and Thalassiosirales (Stephanodis-
Distant-root 36981.26151 157.91876 < 0.001b 0.233 cus, (Thalassiosira, Cyclotella))
Constrained trees always diverged at the root of the
Centrics as monophyletic 39693.97789 2870.63515 < 0.001b < 0.001b subdivision Bacillariophytina,
Araphid diatoms as monophyletic 39967.73758 3144.39483 < 0.001b < 0.001b suggesting that the radial valve of
The presented analyses test a posteriori hypotheses a situation in which the Kishino- Thalassiosirales may not a conse-
Hasegawa-test (KH-test, Kishino & Hasegawa 1989 is not appropriate. Therefore we also quence of secondary loss of bipolar
used the Shimodaira-Hasegawa-test (SH-test, one-tailed error probability, Shimodaira &
Hasegawa 1999. Nevertheless for comparative seasons we give the two-tailed error prob-
shape, as suggested before based on
abilities for the KH-test. SSU phylogenies, where it usually
Bayesian topologies were identical with either outgroup selection, a single (Bolidomonas appears as a diverged lineage (Sims
pacifica. or multiple (Heterosigma akashiwo Dictyota dichotoma Bumilleriopsis filiformis et al. 2006, Alverson et al. 2011). In
and Bolidomonas pacifica. outgroup.
Hypotheses that were rejected at P = 0.05.
the new uncoded BI analysis per-

Vie Milieu, 2016, 66 (2)


Fig. 4. – Evolutionary relationships of diatoms inferred from DNA sequences of SSU and LSU rbcL and psbA with RY recoding. Phy-
logenies inferred from Bayesian inferences multiple outgroups of Heterokonta but excluding Bumilleriopsis because the models used
in this analysis were sensitive to missing data and the LSU gene was missing from this taxon.

formed here (Fig. 4), it appeared as the last divergence, recovered as monophyletic but the coscinoodiscophy-
supporting that they have likely lost the ability to make cean diatoms were still a grade with only one outgroup,
bands and have reverted to the ancestral state of radial Bolidomonas. In Li et al. (2015), Coscinoodiscophyceae
valves. Thus its position is highly dependent on the type were monophyletic with high bootstrap support with two
of analysis performed. A highly elongated diatom Ardis- bolidomonads strains as outgroups. This study also had a
sonea (Medlin et al. 2008b) always diverged last among high proportion of araphid taxa relative to the remainder
mediophycean diatoms as sister to Lampriscus at the root of the diatoms (52 %) and it is likely that a higher pro-
of the pennate lineage with high BT support, in the ML portion of araphid taxa has influenced the monophyly of
Distant-root analysis they were part of the monophyletic the classes with these two sequences as outgroups. In the
mediophycean clade (Fig. 3). The relationship of the rest six gene analysis by Theriot et al. (2015) both classes are
of mediophycean genera, Chaetoceros, Cymatosira and recovered as grades of clades with only one bolidomonad
Odontella, remained unresolved in the first BI and ML outgroup.
analyses with bolido-root dataset but were well supported The pennates formed a robust clade with essentially the
in the both BI analyses with multiple outgroups. Unsup- same topology in all analyses (Fig. 3), although the mono-
ported relationships for these genera were recovered in phyly of Grammatophora, Rhabdonema, and two species
Theriot et al. 2015 with 6 plastid genes with a single out- of Hyalosira was not recovered in first coded BI analyses
group. with both data sets done by Sato (2008) but in the non-
In other analyses of multiple genes (3 genes in Ash- RY coded dataset with multiple outgroups performed here
worth et al. 2012), the mediophycean genera have been and in the 6 gene phylogeny by Theriot et al. (2105) they

Vie Milieu, 2016, 66 (2)


were highly supported (Fig. 4). The only incongruence in Cyclophora (epiphytic) and Pseudohimantidium (epizoic)
the coded dataset analysis was the position of the araphid diverged. The only shared character in this clade was their
diatom, Asteroplanus, which appeared in the core araphid attached marine habitat and a slit structure located at the
lineage in the first BI analysis but at the root of the pen- ends of their valve. The placement of Pseudohimantidium
nates in ML. The genera normally recovered as basal (and also Protoraphis as indicated in the SSU supertree)
araphids were separated into three sequential clades prior within the core araphid clade rejects the hypothesis that
to the core araphids diverging as sister to the raphid dia- a raphe-like slit in these diatoms, called a labiate groove,
toms in the uncoded BI analysis done here. To elucidate is a precursor of the raphe (Simonsen 1970). Following
the phylogenetic position of Asteroplanus, affinities of the separation of a non-marine clade comprised compris-
the genus should be included in the further analysis, such ing Diatoma and Asterionella, Licmophora diverged from
as Asterionellopsis, shown as the sister genus in SSU tree clade of elongated araphid diatoms, which included Pter-
(see Fig. 1) and Bleakeleya, a putative sister genus judged oncola at the root (Pteroncola, (Fragilaria, (Tabularia,
by its morphology (p. 394-395, Round et al.1990). The- Thalassiothrix)). In this four gene analyses, Licmophora
riot et al. (2015) place Bleakeleya in a clade with Koen- separated from the remaining clade 2 species, although,
eriella and Perideraion, separate from Asterionellopsis. in the SSU supertree the clade is supported by habitat
Some of the clades in the super tree were separated and apical slit structure. Medlin et al. (2008a) and Sims
in the four gene analysis. The interclade relationships, et al. (2006) found Licmophora separated into two clades
which were unresolvable in the SSU supertree, were fully depending on their means of attachment.
resolved in the four gene analyses done by Sato and done This study reconfirms the paraphyly of araphid dia-
here in this study. The following divergence patterns of toms. The three clades recovered within the pennate
pennates were commonly observed in all analyses (Figs 3, (= Class Bacillariophyceae) are 1) basal araphids, 2) core
4). A robust clade of marine araphid diatoms, the basal araphids sister to 3) raphid diatoms. Each deserves to
araphids, (Rhaphoneis, (Dimeregramma, (Striatella, have equal rank in diatom taxonomy. Medlin (2015) has
Pseudostriatella)) diverged first from the remaining pen-
described two new subclasses to accommodate these two
nate lineage. Then, the raphid diatoms’ clade (Navicula,
clades that are consistently recovered in most molecular
((Nitzschia, Psammodictyon), (Phaeodactylum, (Coc-
analyses. The only unstable feature is that, in some analy-
coneis, Campylodiscus)))) diverged from the rest of the
ses, the position of some genera are not stable, appearing
core araphid diatoms. The first divergence of the core
sometimes in the basal araphids and sometime as an inde-
araphid diatoms was a clade comprising small-celled
pendent clade or in the core araphids. Our current results
diatoms (Plagiostriata, (Opephora, (Pseudostaurosira,
are insufficient to establish the precise nature of araphid
Nanofrustulum)), which is equivalent to clade 4 in the
pennate phylogeny and lacking some morphologically
SSU supertree. Subsequently in ML, a marine epiphytic
interesting members whose affinities are yet unknown in
clade diverged ((Hyalosira delicatula, Grammatophora),
(Hyalosira tropicalis, Rhabdonema)). The recovery of this our studies and in those of others, such as Diprora (Main,
clade, even if only in ML analyses, is remarkable because 2003), Licmosoma (Round & Alexander 2002), Nephro-
Grammatophora and Rhabdonema share anisogamic neis (Amspoker 1989), Omphalopsis Greville (Greville
sexual reproduction, which has never been observed in 1863, Williams 1988), and Porannulus Hamilton &
other diatoms. Ameboid gamete movement is also seen Poulin (Hamilton et al. 1997). However, our groupings
in other araphid diatoms where the hair like appendage in both the supertree and the four gene analysis point the
attached to the male gamete has been documented (Sato way to which groups need further work in order to find
et al. 2012). The clade was, however, not recovered in defining morphological features to erect new taxa.
BI analyses and weakly supported by the other charac- This study represents the only study in which the effect
ters: it has no exclusive character but can only be char- of single vs multiple outgroups has been tested with
acterized by the combination of some morphological multiple genes outside of the SSU genes (Medlin 2014).
and ecological features (see above for the characters of Because our analyses stopped when the standard devia-
the clade 3 for more details). The topologies of four gene tion between the duplicate runs dropped below 0.01, the
analyses strongly indicated a paraphyletic nature of the number of generations that each analysis used to resolve
genus Hyalosira, whose generitype H. delicatula formed a congruent tree differed between the two data sets. With
a clade with Grammatophora, whereas the other species, only bolidomonads as the root 810,000 generations were
H. tropicalis, which lacks septate girdle bands unlike the used to resolve the tree, whereas with the multiple out-
other member members of Hyalosira, formed a clade with groups were used only 500,000 generations were needed.
Rhabdonema (indicated as New Clade in Fig. 4), and this Thus, the multiple outgroups shortened the time to resolve
link has never been suggested in the previous SSU phy- the tree and monophyletic clades were recovered in the
logenies. H. tropicalis should be described new genus, ML analyses and in the BI analysis with no RY coding.
whereas H. interrupta has been restored to Microtabella Medlin (2014) has extensively tested multiple outgroups
(Lobban & Ashworth 2014). Subsequently, a clade of with the SSU gene alone and found that monophyly of the

Vie Milieu, 2016, 66 (2)


centric classes was only obtained with distant (outside the (von Stosch 1982), Lampriscus Schmidt (Idei & Nagumo
heterokonts) outgroups. 2002), see table II in Medlin & Kaczmarska (2004) for
a summary of auxospore morphologies of “centric” dia-
Assessment of basal araphid position of Striatella/ toms. Furthermore, interestingly, the ventral side of auxo-
Pseudostriatella based on auxospore structure spore of Pseudostriatella has ‘longitudinal perizonial
bands’ that is typically seen in the auxospore of the most
An early divergence of the clade of Striatella and
of the raphid diatoms (e.g., Mann 1982, Nagumo 2003,
Pseudostriatella in four gene phylogeny among the pen-
nates has never been shown by previous SSU studies, in Amato et al. 2005, Kaczmarska et al. 2007) and some
these analyses, the position of Striatella has always been core araphid diatoms (e.g., von Stosch 1982, Sato et al.
unstable and has even appeared within the raphid lineage 2008b). The other core araphid diatoms also have a struc-
(see Medlin & Kaczmarska 2004, Sato et al. 2008c) but ture that is likely homologous to the longitudinal perizo-
has never appeared within in the basal araphid clade. Li nial bands lying at the ventral side of the auxospore (Sato
et al. (2015) placed them as sister to the raphid clade with et al. 2004b, 2008d). Therefore, Pseudostriatella pos-
weak bootstrap support (50 %). Theriot et al. (2015) in sesses characters of both groups, implying that it has an
their combined SSU and plastid analysis placed Striatella intermediate state between Mediophyceae and the clade
in the basal araphid clade, weakly supported to a Bleake- of core araphid/raphid diatoms, and supporting the result
leya clade. Nevertheless, its placement in this clade can of four gene analyses. The perizonial structure of the fam-
be supported by the morphological features of its auxo-
ily Rhaphoneidaceae and Plagiogrammaceae, closest rela-
spore, which is a special cell of diatoms generally pro-
tives of Striatella/Pseudostriatella, yet remains unknown
duced only after the sexual reproduction, and known to
have evolutionary significance (Medlin & Kaczmarska preventing further speculation. Nevertheless similar
2004, Kaczmarska et al. 2013). The auxospore of Pseu- auxospore structures have now also been found in Tabu-
dostriatella (Sato et al. 2008c) is largely covered with a laria fasciculata, T. tabulata (Davidovich et al. 2012) and
structure called ‘properizonium’, consisted of saddle- in Ulnaria ulna (Davidovich 2012) and ameboid gametes
shaped closed bands, and this is observed in some bipo- are known also from Grammatophora and Rhabdonema
lar Mediophycean diatoms, e.g., Chaetoceros Ehrenberg (see references in Sato et al. 2011).

Fig. 5.- Molecular timescale for pennates of BI (gray) and ML (black. tree based on Bolido-root dataset in Fig. 3A and B, respectively).
Priors of 250 and 190 Ma for the root of diatoms and respective time scales are indicated above and below topology. Clade in the SSU
supertree in Fig. 1 is indicated. Basal and core araphid diatoms are also marked. Note the unresolved araphid, Asteroplanus, that
belongs to basal araphid in BI but core araphid in a ML topology.

Vie Milieu, 2016, 66 (2)


Divergence time estimation of pennate diatoms the origin of the pennates between 200.0 and 156.9 Ma,
greatly predating their first occurrence of fossils from the
Sato’s results indicate that the early divergence of deposit of the Campanian (Sims et al. 2006). The origin of
the pennates into three major clades, basal araphid, core the raphid diatoms was also estimated 180.2 and 143.1 Ma
araphid, and raphid diatoms, took place in a very short predating their fossils from the deposit of the Maastrich-
period (Fig. 5). All major clades of araphid diatoms (i.e., tian (Singh et al. 2006). Furthermore, one of the earliest
clades 1 to 8) appeared by the end of the Cretaceous in all fossils of the raphid diatoms is now classified in the genus
analyses. Lyrella, which is not a basal lineage within the raphid dia-
Although two topologies (BI and ML) of pennates toms, either in 18S rDNA or rbcL analyses (Behnke et al.
used in the divergence time estimation were not identi- 2004, Jones et al. 2005). Therefore, if the molecular data
cal as regarding the position of Asteroplanus, the tim- are correct, the fossil record must significantly underesti-
ing of the divergence was very similar (Fig. 5, compare mate the age of the pennates, pushing back the origin of
gray and black line, respectively). Estimated divergence the entire pennate group (Sims et al. 2006).
times of the pennate and raphid diatoms are summarized Sato (2008) noted that he could not exclude any pos-
in Table V. Under the assumption of a diatom origin at sibility that the results suffered from an analytical arte-
190 Ma, pennate emerged from 159.4 (BI) to 156.9 (ML) fact. The reconstruction may have been influenced by the
Ma and raphid diatoms emerged from 144.6 (BI) to 143.1 unequal taxon sampling in the present study, i.e., known
(ML) Ma. On the other hand, with the assumption of a as node-density artefact (Fitch & Bruschi 1987, Fitch &
250 Ma origin, the emergence of the pennates was push Beintema 1990). As Sato’s primary emphasis in the pres-
back to 200.0 (BI) to 199.0 (ML) and the raphid origin ent study was 1) to reveal the phylogeny of the ‘araphid
from 180.2 (ML) to 179.9 (BI) Ma. Therefore, a possible diatoms’, and 2) to resolve unsupported nodes in the
range of the divergence time of the pennate is from 200.0- supertree from the SSU gene, it can be expected that taxon
156.9 Ma, and that of raphid diatoms is 180.2-143.1 Ma. sampling could be uneven but the taxa of interest were not
These ages greatly predate previous estimations based on undersampled at the time of his dissertation study because
SSU, where the origin of pennates at 125 Ma (Sorhan- nearly half (22 out of 46 OTUs) of the taxa sample were
nus 2007), 98 Ma (Berney & Pawlowski 2006) or 86 Ma these diatoms. It might be suspected the densely sampled
(Kooistra & Medlin 1996) and the origin of raphid dia- area of a tree can cause overestimated branch lengths,
toms at 93.8 Ma (Sorhannus 2007). This data set was also pushing the node back in time using a divergence time
used to date the divergence times of the three classes of estimation. Although a statistical method (the delta test)
diatoms (Medlin 2016a). that detects the node-density artifact in trees (Webster
No pennate diatoms have been recovered in well- et al. 2003, available at http://www.evolution.reading.
preserved Early Cretaceous floras studied to date (Har- detected no evidence for punctuated
wood et al. 2007), i.e., Early Albian flora from near the evolution or the node density artefact in his ML topolo-
Antarctic margin (Gersonde & Harwood 1990, Harwood gies (BI topologies were not subjected to the test because
& Gersonde 1990), Australia (Dun et al. 1901, Harper the program rejects trees containing polytomies), the
1977, Haig & Barnbaum 1978, Nikolaev et al. 2001), and influence of the unequal taxon sampling in this estima-
Germany (Forti & Schulz 1932). Although these floras tion could not completely rejected. However it should be
have been intensively examined, none of these deposits noted that in the Li et al. (2015) study, which also concen-
are situated in a benthic environment, which is known as trated on araphid diatoms and nearly 50 % proportion of
the main habitat for the most of the extant members of the diatoms in their data set were araphid. Notably they
pennates. Moreover, the Late Cretaceous is known for its recovered the two monophyletic centric classes with only
abundance of pyritized diatoms (Sims et al. 2006). Thus, a single bolidomonad outgroup, suggesting that a high
it is still possible that the earliest pennate has simply percentage of araphids in the dataset could affect centric
not been discovered. In fact, our estimation showed that class monophyly.

Table V. – Divergence time of pennates and its credibility intervals for the nodes (in Ma. With the assumption of root at
250 - 190 Ma. 95 % credibility range in square brackets.
Origin of araphid diatoms (= origin of pennates) Origin of raphid diatoms
This study
BI topology 200.0 [226.6-163.0] - 159.4 [174.6-138.9] 179.9 [205.8-146.2] - 144.6 [159.7-125.8]
ML topology 199.0 [224.5-166.3] - 156.9 [171.4-138.6] 180.2 [203.1-150.0] - 143.1 [157.6-125.7]
Previous studies
Kooistra & Medlin (1996) 86 [-159] -
Berney & Pawlovski (2006) 98 [110-77] -
Sorhannus (2007) 125 93.8

Vie Milieu, 2016, 66 (2)


Because a perfect coverage of fossil deposits of Meso- toms with two groups being consistently recovered: basal
zoic, and probably even Cenozoic age, will never be araphids and core araphids. A formal description of these
achieved, the time estimation using the fossils for calibra- two groups as subclasses has been published (Medlin
tion will always involve some potential errors. The large 2015). With the exception of Striatella and Pseudostria-
confidence intervals of these estimations (Table V) rule tella whose position in the SSU trees has been unstable,
out further discussions as to whether any geological event the diatom genera in basal araphid group has remained
drove this pennate radiation. Nevertheless near-shore the same but now with Striatella and Pseudostriatella
habitats have not been adequately sampled to uncover included. The unique auxospore structure in Pseudos-
missing fossils to help substantiate or refute Sato’s dates. triatella suggests that this may be the feature that unites
this basal group of pennate diatoms who possess very dif-
Influence of different outgroups ferent valve morphologies, and further investigations to
support this hypothesis should be aimed at studying auxo-
In the ML analysis with Distant-Out dataset and the BI spore formation in the basal araphid diatoms. The pres-
analysis of uncoded positions, three major monophyletic ence of the hair like appendage on the male gamete has
lineages were recovered as clades, supporting the idea of now been reported in both basal and core araphids (Sato
Medlin & Kaczmarska (2004) that the higher level rela- et al. 2011) and likely can be used as a feature to define an
tionships in the diatoms can best be reconstructed using araphid because auxospore formation is relatively conser-
multiple distantly related outgroups. It is notable that our vative in the diatoms. Furthermore the two araphid clades
SSU sequences were aligned by Sato separately from the can be distinguished by the type and arrangement of their
ARB dataset, which was used in Medlin & Kaczmarska bands (properizonium and perizonium). We do note that
(2004), so that the possible bias that the outcome of this in the recent revision of terminology associated with
study was drawn mainly by phylogenetic signals involved auxospores (Kaczmarska et al. 2013), it has been recom-
in the SSU of Medlin & Kaczmarska (2004) can be mended that the two terms be synonymized. We have kept
excluded. In Sato’s dataset, the more variable regions of them separate because they are arranged differently on the
the SSU were excluded and in that of Medlin and Kacz- auxospore and as such define the differences between the
marska (2004) and the SSU alignment here none of the basal and core araphids.
bases were excluded because of the ARB alignment and We continue to provide preliminary support that the
the application of a weighting mask. In the analysis by number of distantly related outgroups affects the mono-
Theriot et al. (2015), they did not use the full length SSU. phyly of the new centric classes. Medlin et al. (2008b)
To compare the results of using the entire SSU molecule and Medlin (2014) also provided more evidence that the
vs. elimination of some variable sites, see the main tree alignment by secondary structure rather than by primary
in Li et al. (2015) vs. the Supplementary Fig. 4 in Med- sequence similarity will also affect the monophyly of the
lin (2016a) and compare differences in BT support for the centric classes. Both of these attributes should be inves-
same data set but different nt numbers from their SSU tigated with larger datasets to resolve this issue about the
alignment without the V4 region and hers with it and also monophyly of the two centric classes. We would recom-
trees in Medin (2014). Furthermore, saturation of phylo- mend in future work that for each class used as an out-
genetic information resulted in adding distant outgroups group, e.g. Phaeophyceae, that at least two – three species
(Wheeler 1990, Maddison et al. 1992) is also unlikely representing that class be used to avoid any criticisms
because the saturation test run by Sato (2008) displayed about long branch attraction. Outgroups outside of the
linear distribution of plots in our genetic markers used heterokonts should be taken and haptophyte and chloro-
in this study (Fig. 2). However, because grades of clades phytes were among the outgroups that recovered mono-
were recovered in three of the four Mediophycean topolo- phyletic clades in the SSU gene analyses (Medlin 2014).
gies, further analyses with even larger numbers of out- The four gene analysis and the super tree construct-
groups is needed to resolve fully this issue. However, with ed from many SSU trees provide more structure to the
the limited dataset analysed here, it is clear that the num- araphid diatoms and the clades recovered, some of which
ber and distance that the number of outgroups have to the have defining morphological and/or ecological features,
ingroup influence the outcome of the ingroup monophyly. should be revised at higher taxon levels, e.g., clade 7 with
Medlin (2014) has explored the effect of more distant out- Asterionellopsis and Asteroplanus. The super tree alone
groups with the SSU gene alone and found considerable recovered many clades that were unsupported, which
effect on the monophyly of the three classes. with the addition of more genes to the analysis greatly
improved the support for the clades. Other clades with
not so obvious morphological features should be targeted
SUMMARY for further investigations to determine if there are defin-
ing morphological features for these clades. The Family
The combined analyses of the pennate diatoms con- Fragilariaceae is scattered over 4 clades, and with now
tinue to support the non-monophyly of the araphid dia- well defined clusters of taxa, we can begin to search for

Vie Milieu, 2016, 66 (2)


characters to break up this large morphologically, seem- poroids to elongated slits. Pore field at the head pole is
ingly homogenous family. We provide the description of separated from the valve face by a thickened, raised
two new families to resolve this issue. In much the same flange of silica that is also seen internally. Multiple nar-
way, the cosmopolitan polymorphic species, Skeletonema row girdle bands, all perforated with multiple rows of
costatum (Greville) Cleve, was divided into six new spe- pores, sometimes elongated.
cies with distinct biogeographies after preliminary phy- Type genus Asterionellopsis Round
logenetic analyses were performed (Zingone et al. 2005, Subclass Fragilariophycidae
Sarno et al. 2005, 2007, Kooistra et al. 2007a), although Family Staurosiraceae Medlin fam. nov.
S. tropicum and S. menzelii appear to be truly cryptic spe- Frustules rectangular to square in girdle view, often
cies morphologically but clearly divided into multiple in ribbon chains, usually with two plastids. No epiphytic
well supported molecular clades. species are reported from this clade, they are either plank-
We recognise that our data set is heavily weighted in tonic or bottom dwelling (epipelic/epipsammic/epilithic)
terms of araphids (22 out of 42 taxa) but those were our life forms. Valves range from linear to elliptical in shape.
taxa of interest and they were selected to analysis further Valves are without a raphe and the sternum can be nar-
those clades that were unsupported in the supertree. One row to very broad. Striae are alternate with poroid areolae
sees the heavily weighted data sets in favour of the taxa
that can either elongated into slits, uni or multi seriate.
of interest in other works: Alverson et al. 2012, 60 out of
Molecularly, they are in a clade sister to all remaining
82 taxa are the Thalassiosirales vs other taxa, and Ash-
core araphids with labiate processes. Labiate processes
worth et al. 2013 taxa of interest are the araphids, 39 out
are highly reduced (Plagiostriata) or absent (Nanofrus-
of 136 taxa and seven species from the genus of interest,
tulum, Opephora, Staurosira, Staurosirella, Stauroforma,
Cyclophora. Li et al. (2015) had 62 araphids out of 157
diatoms, with a single outgroup with the family Plagio- Pseudostaurosira, Pseudostaurosiropsis, Punctastriata),
grammaceae as their target of interest. However, as more which is the defining feature of this family. Apical pore
and more genes and taxa are amassed, more balanced data fields range from being absent to one or two pores to
sets will become available for more general analyses. small area of pores to a large area of pores, not bordered
Nevertheless, our work has indicated that multiple out- by a rim. Most genera have spines on or between the stri-
groups with multiple genes recover monophyletic classes ae. Taxa are predominately freshwater, although Nanof-
with high bootstrap support, depending on the analysis, rustulum is marine and can be endozooic. Girdle bands
whereas single outgroups (Boldiomonads) (this study, Li range from plain, at least the broad valvocopulae is, to
et al. 2015, Theriot et al. 2015) usually do not. To date perforated by a single row of pores and can have plaques.
this the only study with multiple genes where this factor Type genus Staurosira Ehrenberg
has been empirically tested. Acknowledgements. – The authors are grateful to S Sato for
allowing us to use and publish data from his dissertation. It is
New taxa regrettable that he did not wish to be part of this publication
because of fears of criticism from the diatom community that the
Subclass Urneidophycidae trees were only preliminary and because he could not defend that
Family Asterionellopaceae Medlin fam. nov. his tree was more correct than others. We have tried to acknowl-
Frustules heteropolar in both valve and girdle views. edge his contribution to the paper at every opportunity. We thank
Two to numerous small discoid plastids. Cells attach to R Gersonde for invaluable comments and discussion about fossil
each other at broad or head pole of the valve faces to records of diatoms, S Matsumoto, T Nagumo, B Petkus, Z Sun,
make flat, stellate to twisting, undulating chains. The gen- K Valentin, W Wardle and T Watanabe, who provided us the liv-
era in this family are marine planktonic, possibly epiphyt- ing specimen, from which clonal cultures were established, S
ic. Valves with alternating striae with simple poroid are- Ohtani for providing a Pseudohimantidium pacificum clone, A
olae covered with cribrate vela at the head pole to rotate Witkowski for help sampling in Poland, S Frickenhaus (AWI,
Germany) for establishing parallel processing for Bayesian anal-
vela at the foot pole, where studied. The valves markedly
yses, F Hinz (AWI, Germany) for technical help with LM and
heteropolar, enlarged head pole narrows to an extension,
SEM. This study was supported by DAAD for doctoral research
which is very narrow in Asterionellopsis and broader in
fellowship to S Sato while at the A Wegener Institute for Polar
Blekeleya Round. Valves are without a raphe and belong and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany.
to the subclass of araphids termed basal araphids, which
are sister to another clade with other araphid and raphid
diatoms. Valves have a narrow sternum, which can be
almost indistinguishable, and spines may be present along
the valve margin. The narrower end or foot pole of the
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Associate editor: E Magnanou

Vie Milieu, 2016, 66 (2)


Supplemental trees

RAxML trees constructed by each single gene nuclear (SSU+LSU. and plastid (rbcL+psbA. genes. Taxon labels of araphid diatoms are
indicated by bold. The bootstrap value exceeding 50 % is shown. S1. SSU; S2. LSU; S3. rbcL; S4. psbA; S5. rDNA (SSU+LSU.; S6.
cpDNA (rbcL+psbA).

Vie Milieu, 2016, 66 (2)

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