Duality Categories
Duality Categories
Duality Categories
1. Introduction 1
2. Preliminaries 4
3. Yoneda bifunctor and epireflective subcategory 7
4. Functor of duality 14
5. Duality functors 18
6. Illustration: strict polynomial functors 20
7. Tits buildings are duality categories 23
References 35
1. Introduction
A group G is a duality group in the sense of Beiri and Eck-
mann [BE73] if there exist an integer n, a right G-module D and a
natural isomorphism
H k (G, −) ∼
= Hn−k (G, D ⊗ −).
We generalize this definition of duality group by replacing the group G
with a category C. A C-module is then a functor from C to the category
of abelian groups Ab.
Definition 1.1. A small category C is said a duality category if there
exists a functor D : C op → Ab, an integer n and a natural isomorphism
Exti (Z, −) ∼
C−mod = TorC−mod (D, −)
2. Preliminaries
In this section, the notation C designates an essentially small cat-
egory, the notation k designates a unitary commutative ring and the
notation k−mod designates the category of left k-modules. The cate-
gory Z−mod is denoted Ab.
2.1. The category C−mod.
Definitions 2.1.
• A left (resp. right) C-module is a covariant functor from C (resp.
C op ) to the category k−mod.
• We denote I the category 0 → 1. Let F and G be two left
C-modules. A natural transformation between F and G is a
T : C × I → k−mod
such that T (c, 0) = F (c) and T (c, 1) = G(c).
• We denote C−mod (resp. C op −mod) the category whose ob-
jects are left (resp. right) C-modules and whose morphisms are
natural transformations.
Properties 2.2.
• For two objects F and G of C−mod, the set HomC−mod (F, G) of
natural transformations between F and G is naturally provided
with a k-module structure.
• The bifunctor
HomC−mod (−, −) : (C−mod)op × C−mod → k−mod
commutes with limits with respect to each variable (limit ob-
jects in (C−mod)op identify with colimit objects in C−mod).
• Let PaC denotes the functor k[HomC (a, −)]. The linear analogue
of the Yoneda Lemma ([Maclane1, III.2]) provides the following
natural isomorphism
(2) HomC−mod (PaC , F ) ∼
= F (a).
The isomorphism is given by the following map
HomC−mod (PaC , F ) → F (a)
N 7→ Na (1a )
The inverse is defined by associating to λ ∈ F (a) the natural
transformation N : PaC → F whose component Nx is given by
Nx (f ) = F (f )λ for f ∈ HomC (a, x).
• The categories C−mod and C op −mod are abelian. This follows
from the definition of an abelian category and the fact that
kernels, cokernels and more generally limits and colimits are
calculated pointwise (see [Weibel, 1.6.4 and A.4]).
• For any object a of C, the functors called standard projectives
PaC := k[HomC (a, −)] and PCa := k[HomC (−, a)] are projective
in C−mod and C op −mod respectively. This is a consequence
of the Yoneda isomorphism 2 and the fact that a short exact
sequence in C−mod is exact if and only if it’s exact pointwise.
• The categories C−mod and C op −mod have enough projec-
tives. The standard projectives of C−mod (resp. of C op −mod)
form a system of projective generators. This is a particular
case of corollary 3.8. They also have enough injectives (see
[Grothendieck, theorem 1.10.1]).
2.2. Tensor product over C. Let F be a right C-module and G a
left C-module. The tensor product F ⊗C G of F and G over C is the
quotient of the k-module
F (x) ⊗k G(x)
by the submodule generated by the elements
F (f )a ⊗ b − a ⊗ G(f )b (∀f ∈ HomC (x, y), ∀a ∈ F (y), ∀b ∈ G(x)).
Properties 2.3.
• The tensor product over C defines a bifunctor
− ⊗C − : C op −mod × C−mod → k−mod
which commutes with colimits with respect to each variable. In
particular, the bifunctor − ⊗C − is right exact relative to each
induced by µ is an isomorphism.
Proof. Let us say that a functor is nice if it satisfies the property of the
proposition. That a functor F = Ta is nice is obvious. We will show
that any limit, resp. any colimit, of nice functors is a nice functor.
By the definition of CT −mod, this will give the desired result. First,
suppose F is a functor of CT −mod which is a limit of nice objects.
Write F = lim Fi . The bifunctor Hom(−, −) commutes with limits, so
Hom(Ta , lim Fi ) ∼
= lim Hom(Ta , Fi ) ∼
= F (a).
Hom(Ta , Fi ) ci
/ colim Hom(Ta , Fi )
Fi / colim Fi
in corollary 3.8 shows that the TaH ’s form a system of projective gen-
erators of H and thus each object of H is a colimit of the TaH ’s taking
into account that we may need to iterate. It follows that H contains
an isomorphic copy of each object of CT H −mod and therefore the two
subcategories are equivalent.
4. Functor of duality
In this section, we fix a Yoneda bifunctor T for C. We recall that
CT −mod is the smallest full subcategory of C−mod containing the Ta ’s
and stable under limits and colimits. This is an abelian category with
enough projectives. The projectives Ta , called T -standards, form a
system of generators of CT −mod.
4.1. Definitions. Let R be a unitary ring and M a left R-module.
The dual of M is the right R-module M ′ := HomR−mod (M, R). The
functor of duality D defined below is a generalization of the duality
operator M 7→ M ′ where R is replaced by a category C.
We denote
D : (C−mod)op → C op −mod
the functor that sends a left C-module F to the right C-module DF :=
Hom(F, T ). We refer to notations 3.1 for the definition of Hom(F, T )
i.e. for an object x of C, the equality
DF (x) = HomC−mod (F, Tx )
where Tx is the functor T (x, −) defines Hom(F, T ) on objects.
The functor of duality D extends to the category (Ch(C−mod))op as
follows. To a complex X = (X n , dnX ) of Ch(C−mod), the functor
D : (Ch(C−mod))op → Ch(C op −mod)
associates the complex D(X) defined by
D(X)n = D(X −n ) and dnD(X) = (−1)n+1 D(dX ).
4.2. Behavior of D on projectives of CT −mod.
Example 4.1. For any object a of C, we have a natural isomorphism
D(Ta ) ∼= T a.
Indeed, one has natural isomorphisms, as a consequence of the Yoneda
D(Ta )(x) = HomC−mod (Ta , Tx ) ∼
= Tx (a) = T a (x)
for all x ∈ ObC. The equality D(Ta ) = T a follows.
The previous example and the fact that D commutes with limits
imply that the functor D restricts to a functor
D : (CT −mod)op → CT op −mod.
5. Duality functors
Let T a Yoneda bifunctor fo C. We introduce the concept of duality
functors in CT −mod. This concept is measured by the action of the
functor of duality
D : (CT −mod)op → CT op −mod
on some objects of CT −mod.
Proof. H.Krause showed that the functor θ−2 is a Serre duality for
Dperf (Rep Γdk ) (see [Krause, corollary 5.5]). The proposition follows
from the uniqueness of a Serre duality up to an isomorphism (see re-
mark 4.11).
Proof. For the proof of the proposition, we make use of the following
properties of the Ringel duality θ (see theorem 6.3) for strict polynomial
functors studied in the article [Touzé1].
(1) We have isomorphisms θ(S s ) ∼ = Λs and θ(Λs ) ∼
= Γs (see [Touzé1,
lemma 3.6]).
(2) Let C ∈ D b (Rep Γdk ). We have natural isomorphisms
θn (C ◦ I(r) ) ∼
= θn (C) ◦ I(r) [dn(pr − 1)]
θn (I(r) ◦C) ∼
= I(r) ◦θn (C) [dn(pr − 1)]
(see [Touzé1, proposition 6.6]).
The proposition 6.4 and the definition of the inverse of θ in theorem
6.3 imply
RD Γs ◦ I(r) ∼
= θ−2 (Γs ◦ I(r) ) ∼
= θ2 (Γs ◦ I(r) )# )# .
The above properties of θ and the equalities (F ◦G)# = F # ◦G# , Γs# =
S s and I(r)# = I(r) allow to rewrite this isomorphism as
RD Γs ◦ I(r) ∼
= (θ2 (S s ) ◦ I(r) )# [2s (pr − 1)] ∼
= S s ◦ I(r) [2s (pr − 1)].
4❃ 0❃ 1
❃❃ ❃c❃ d
❃❃ ❃❃
a ❃❃❃b ❃❃ e
2 3
The complex of C-modules
0 → P2C ⊕ P2C ⊕ P3C → P0C ⊕ P1C ⊕ P4C
b∗ b∗ d∗
where φ is given by the matrix −c ∗
0 −e∗ is a projective
0 −a 0
resolution of Z. We apply the functor of duality D to this resolution,
we obtain the complex
PC2 ⊕ PC2 ⊕ PC3 ← PC0 ⊕ PC1 ⊕ PC4 ← 0
and we check that it’s a projective resolution of the right C-module
D 1 (Z), given on objects by
D 1 (Z)(0) = D 1 (Z)(1) = D 1 (Z)(2) = Z2 and D 1 (Z)(3) = D 1 (Z)(4) = Z.
Moreover, we have
H1 (P f , P ; Z) = Z and H0 (P
f , P ; Z) = H1 (P f , P ; Z) = H0 (P
f , P ; Z) = 0.
2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3
to remark 7.15 and lemma 7.13. We conclude that Hn (C; PPxC ) is equal
to 0.
Proof of the isomorphism (14) of claim 2: First we have that
PxC ∼ n e Cex −Cex≥z
Hn (C; C
) = H (Cx − Cex≥z ; Px ).
This follows from the long exact sequence associated to the pair (C, Cex −
Cex≥z ) and the fact that
Cex −Cex≥z PxC ∼ Y PxC
Hom(BiC /Bi , )= (xi ) = 0.
/ i Cex −Cex≥z
x0 →···→xi ∈N
(4) Let ϕ|d denotes the fiber category over d ∈ ObD whose objects
are morphisms in D of the form ϕ(a) → d. A morphism from
α β
ϕ(a) → d to ϕ(b) → d is a morphism h : a → b in C such that
β ◦ ϕ(h) = α. The fiber category d|ϕ is the category (ϕop |d)op .
Let j : ϕ|d → C the functor that assigns to a morphism ϕ(a) →
d the object a of C and is the identity on morphisms of ϕ|d. We
keep the same notation for the analogue functors on d|ϕ and
ϕop |d. We have an isomorphism
Li LKϕ (F )(d) ∼
= Tor (Z, Resj F ).
(1) This is a consequence of the isomorphisms
HomD−mod (LKϕ PaC , G) ∼
= HomC−mod (PaC , Resϕ G) ∼ D
= HomD−mod (Pϕ(a) , G).
(2) Since the tensor products and LKϕ commute with colimits, it’s
sufficient to prove the first statement for G = PaC , which is a
direct consequence of the first property and the isomorphisms
(3). The proof for the second statement is analogue.
(3) The second property implies the isomorphisms
L(LKϕ P∗ )(d) ∼= P d ⊗D LKϕ P∗ ∼
D = Resϕop P d ⊗C P∗ . D