Jeme 2020
Jeme 2020
Jeme 2020
Article in Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment · May 2020
DOI: 10.1177/1475090220913709
3 1,911
1 author:
Metin Taylan
Istanbul Technical University
All content following this page was uploaded by Metin Taylan on 15 September 2020.
Metin Taylan
It is of paramount importance to determine the lightship characteristics of a newly built vessel correctly. Conventionally,
an inclining experiment is performed after the ship is launched in order to determine the lightship GM and in turn KG
values. However, there has been an ongoing debate about the validity of the results since it bears some assumptions dur-
ing the test and calculation procedure. Although the inclining experiment is mandatory by the Intact Stability Code of
International Maritime Organization, there emerged various alternative methods recently claiming to reveal better
results. In this study, an uncertainty analysis has been carried out on GM and KG values of various sample vessels. Based
on the results on the uncertainty analysis, a cumulative margin of error from various sources has been determined within
a specified confidence level. Finally, the outcome for the sample vessels was detailed and evaluated in reference to that
of the actual inclining experiment reports.
Inclining experiment, lightship characteristics, uncertainty analysis, GM
This study aims at conducting an uncertainty analy- Since the inclining test yields GM of a ship directly,
sis on 10 sample ships whose inclining test reports are vertical position of center of gravity can be calculated
readily available. These uncertainties are investigated from the difference, as shown in equation (1)
on pertinent parameters (draft, volume, displacement,
tangent line, etc.) which have direct impact on GM and KG = KM GM ð1Þ
KG. In the above equation, metacentric height (KM) is
the representative of form and is obtained from the
hydrostatics. When a test weight is moved to a distance
The inclining experiment d transversely, the vertical center of gravity shifts from
The inclining experiment is mandatory requirement of G to G1 (Figure 2). GM may be determined graphically
IMO by the 2008 IS Code for every commercial ship from the triangle easily
above 24 m in length and all passenger ships. The
details of the test procedure are outlined in the code. GM = ð2Þ
Ships undergo this test following the launch at 80%– tanu
90% completion ratio. The experiment is usually car- The above equation can also be represented in terms
ried out shifting solid weights across the deck and read- of heeling moment as
ing the deflections by pendulums or inclinometers.
During the test, the ship should float freely under no wd
GM = ð3Þ
external force or moment and ideally with no trim and D tanu
heel. Favorable environmental conditions, no or little
wind and waves, are preferred at the time of the test. Tangent of the heel angles is determined from the
The weights should be placed symmetrically on the pendulum readings as follows
deck about amidships yielding small inclinations port Pendulum deflection
and starboard. tanu = ð4Þ
Length of plumb line
Eight weight shifts should be conducted as a stan-
dard required by the 2008 IS Code. A sample sequence Repetition of the weight shifts ensures an average
of the shifts is shown in Figure 1. tanu and therefore minimizes the error from pendulum
Uncertainty analysis
Figure 2. Inclined ship by test weights.
In general terms, uncertainty may be defined as a quan-
tification of the doubt about the measurement results
in engineering experiments. In other words, it defines a
possible value that an error may contain.
Intrinsically, inclining experiment bears certain
uncertainties in the final outcome in both KG and
GM. Draft readings, pendulum deflections, hydrostatic
parameters, density readings, displacement, and vol-
ume are to be considered as the leading contributors to
the final result. Therefore, it is imperative to follow the
test procedure strictly, especially at key steps to avoid
possible errors before proceeding to the uncertainty
analysis. Calibration of measuring devices may also
help to eliminate some of the doubts over the readings
and/or measurements.
In this section, sources of uncertainties such as draft
reading, displacement, heel angle, wind, and wave are
examined. The effect of these uncertainties has been
applied to all sample ships considered in the study.
Uncertainties in inclining experiment have been investi-
gated by various researchers such as Wilczynski et al.,7
Figure 3. Inclination–moment graph. Woodward et al.,8 Sales et al.,9 and Shakshober and
Montgomery.10 They commonly examined the uncer-
tainty in GM and KG which result from the bias and
readings. This situation is depicted as a moment–tanu accuracy deviations related to the measured and calcu-
graph encompassing all weight shifts and a linear line lated variables one way or the other.
passing through these points according to the least In general, uncertainty in a result may be explained
squares method. The slope of the linear line reveals as follows. Consider the function R as
GM (Figure 3)
R = RðX1 , X2 , X3 , :::, Xn Þ ð6Þ
GM = ð5Þ The uncertainty in the result UR may be given by a
D Rslope
root sum square equation which is derived from a
Taylor series expansion
Shortcomings of the inclining experiment
UR = UX + UX + + Un
The inclining experiment has been drawn some criticism ∂X1 1 ∂X2 2 ∂Xn
by many researchers and interested parties. The under- ð7Þ
lying reasons behind this criticism are emanating from
certain assumptions made in the procedure. First of all, For presentation simplicity, the relative uncertainties
for small angles of inclination (2°–4°), the metacenter is are given in the shorthanded form
assumed to be unchanged. The vessel is presumed to be
wall-sided, and the submerged and emerged volumes ^ UR ^ UXi
UR [ and UXi [ ð8Þ
are equal when heeled to a side and vice versa. These R Xi
4 Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment 00(0)
The notation has been kept the same throughout the where the subscript 1 refers to uncertainty due to con-
article when calculating uncertainties for various para- struction tolerances, and the subscript 2 refers to uncer-
meters. The representation of any uncertainty must tainty due to hull deflection and distortion during
include the confidence level of that specific uncertainty. construction.
These confidence levels come either from the measure- Finally, determining the uncertainty in lightship KG
ment statistics or from experience of past experiments. requires a little more rigorous work as summarized
For or a C% confidence that the real value of R lies below
within the interval 6UR from the calculated or esti- qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
mated value of R as follows U^KGL = U ^2 + U ^2 ð17Þ
where UA is the uncertainty in the waterplane area as Sample calculation for lightship KG
follows of asphalt tanker 1
^A = U ^2 + U ^2
In this section, a sample calculation of the relative
U B L ð15Þ uncertainty of lightship KG for asphalt tanker 1 is sup-
plied as an example. The rest of the calculations have
The relative uncertainties of length, beam, and depth
been carried out in the same manner for all parameters,
related to construction tolerances in addition to deflec-
and all ship types according to the procedure are out-
tion and distortion may be given as
lined in section ‘‘Methodology and calculation proce-
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
^L = U ^2 + U ^2 , U ^B = U ^2 + U ^2 , dure.’’ Unfortunately, it is not possible to supply all
U L1 L2 B1 B2 details of the entire calculation scheme due to space
^D = U ^2 + U ^2 limitations. The readers are referred to Tables 1 and 2
and U D1 D2 ð16Þ for specific results.
Taylan 5
Table 1. Parameters used ML calculations. Table 2. Calculation of relative uncertainty for lightship KG.
Uncertainties in the sample ships GM and KG are also depicted graphically in Figures 4
and 5, respectively.
To this end, the aforementioned procedure to calculate
the uncertainties numerically has been applied to the
sample ships whose characteristics are given in Table 3.
The results from the uncertainty analyses are tabulated
in Tables 4 and 5. Uncertainty analysis reveals a possible margin of error
The summary of the uncertainty analysis for the from the inclining experiment. Table 6 depicts what is
sample ships is tabulated in Table 6. Uncertainties in so-called the margin of error in GM and KG for the
Sample ships LBP (m) B (m) T (m) D (m) D (tons) CB AWP (m2) KG (m)
Chemical Chemical Asphalt Asphalt Service Tugboat Roll-on/ Research Fast Container
tanker 1 tanker 2 tanker 1 tanker 2 boat roll-off ship vessel boat ship
Slope (1/ton m) 5.8 3 1026 16,885 12,431 76,536 55 398 0.855 266 14 16,091
Draft, T (m) 6.800 7.984 7.350 9.250 1.162 3.10 4.879 3.948 0.765 8.574
Displacement volume, V (m3) 4074 5573 5305 10,054 42 194 6826 1144 17 6467
Density, r (ton/m3) 1.017 1.017 1.018 1.019 1.019 1.022 1.017 1.021 1.019 1.020
Displacement, D (tons) 4143 5668 5401 10,245 43.1 199 6942 1168 17 6596
As inclined GM (m) 4.206 2.971 2.300 7.471 1.266 1.998 1.256 0.445 0.828 2.440
As inclined KG (m) 5.871 6.809 7.851 7.602 1.697 2.624 9.026 3.529 1.387 9.129
Lightship KG (m) 7.449 8.153 8.466 8.501 1.663 3.425 9.413 4.031 14.268 9.926
6 Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment 00(0)
Chemical Chemical Asphalt Asphalt Service Tugboat Roll-on/ Research Fast Container
tanker 1 tanker 2 tanker 1 tanker 2 boat roll-off ship vessel boat ship
Slope (1/ton m) 3.4 3 1028 0.101 0.455 0.388 0.507 0.705 0.003 0.316 0.158 0.793
Draft, T (m) 0.019 0.019 0.019 0.019 0.019 0.019 0.019 0.019 0.019 0.019
Displacement volume, V (m3) 85.83 116.3 110.4 208.2 1.372 4.216 141 23.6 0.882 135.2
Density, r (ton/m3) 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002
Displacement, ã (tons) 87.507 118.6 112.7 212.7 1.400 4.319 143.8 24.17 0.899 138.3
As inclined GM (m) 0.089 0.062 0.048 0.155 0.043 0.044 0.026 0.009 0.044 0.051
As inclined KG (m) 0.204 0.028 0.024 0.316 0.101 0.102 0.174 0.076 0.111 0.218
Lightship KG (m) 0.471 0.344 0.308 0.311 0.090 0.110 0.288 0.183 0.140 0.349
sample vessels. In terms of lightship GM, none of the The inclining experiment is the only regulatory mean at
sample vessels have a critical value that may endanger the moment to determine lightship characteristics of
its safety. However, as far as KG values are concerned, ships. However, ongoing criticism about the procedure
there may be certain loading conditions that are critical raises some doubts among the related parties such as
to satisfy the related IMO criteria. Both chemical tan- ship designers, builders, and operators. Therefore,
kers, both asphalt tankers, container ship, and roll-on/ utmost care must be exercised during the test to mini-
roll-off (ro-ro) vessel have higher uncertainty margins mize possible errors. Furthermore, an uncertainty anal-
in KG. This may be important for certain loading con- ysis may also be helpful in order to estimate the margin
ditions when the margin of stability is critical. of safety which depends on GM and KG.
Taylan 7