Overview This unit is for you if you inspect and test an electrical installation at a petrol
filling station. It involves inspecting, testing and commissioning to confirm the
installation specification and its safety and integrity at the petrol filling station.
The skills involved in following a safe system of work to carry out an initial and
a periodic inspection and testing of an electrical installation at a petrol filling
station to comply with current regulatory, industry and health and safety
You will need to show that you possess the skills and knowledge to:
1. correctly identify the hazardous zones and working practices within them,
2. carry out an assessment of risks to plan a safe system of work
3. follow safe isolation procedures
4. confirm the safety and integrity of the electrical installation by inspection
and testing within a hazardous environment
5. undertake the pre-commissioning and commissioning tests appropriate to
the work
6. prepare a report of your inspection and test results and complete the
necessary documentation
You must be able to: P1 confirm with the responsible person the scope of the work to be carried
P2 undertake an assessment of risks and produce a safe system of work to
comply with health and safety legislation and regulations
P3 confirm with the responsible person that your safe system of work is
appropriate to the scope of work
P4 protect yourself and others, in accordance with the safe system of work,
P4.1 liaising with others working at the petrol filling station
P4.2 securing the work area with the appropriate hazard warnings, and
P4.3 wearing appropriate personal protective equipment
P5 monitor regularly that the working conditions remain safe for work to
P6 carry out a safe and secure isolation prior to inspecting and testing the
electrical installation
P7 when appropriate, isolate forecourt equipment from the mains supply in
accordance with equipment manufacturers' instructions and technical
P8 confirm that your test and proving instruments and, where appropriate,
your tools,
P8.1 are intrinsically safe for use in potentially explosive atmospheres,
P8.2 are fit for purpose, and
P8.3 have a current calibration certificate
P9 conduct an inspection of the wiring systems, wiring enclosures and
equipment to comply with :
P9.1 current health and safety legislation and regulations
P9.2 the client's requirements
P9.3 the petroleum licensing authority's requirements,
P9.4 Technical Guidance and
P9.5 equipment manufacturers' instructions
P10 conduct the correct electrical tests in the right sequence to comply with :
P10.1 current health and safety legislation and regulations
P10.2 the client's requirements
P10.3 the petroleum licensing authority's requirements,
P10.4 Technical Guidance and
P10.5 equipment manufacturers' instructions
P11 conduct the pre-commissioning and commissioning tests appropriate to
the work
P12 prepare a formal record of the inspection and test results which confirms
that the safety and integrity of the installation complies with:
P12.1 current health and safety legislation and regulations
You need to know and K4 the scope of the installation to be inspected and tested
understand: K5 the specific procedures and requirements for:
K5.1 initial and periodic inspection and testing
K5.2 pre-commissioning and commissioning
K6 the advantages and limitations of wiring systems, wiring enclosures and
K7 the correct identification of specific zones and the hazards within the
zones at petrol filling stations including those associated with the storage
and dispensing of LPG or CNG
K8 procedures for carrying out an assessment of risks and producing safe
systems of work (including liaison with the responsible person)
K9 industry procedures for safe and secure isolation with regard to:
K9.1 safe working practices,
K9.2 the identification of circuits to be isolated,
K9.3 the selection of test and proving instruments,
K9.4 Technical Guidance and manufacturers' instructions of forecourt
K9.5 the selection of devices for identifying the means of isolation
K10 the selection and application of tools and intrinsically safe instruments for
the tests
K11 the methods for checking that test instruments function and are in
K12 the methods, requirements and procedures for an inspection
K13 the methods, requirements and procedures for tests including pre-
commissioning and commissioning tests
K14 the correct sequence of inspection and testing methods appropriate to
the electrical installation and whether the site is gas free or a hazardous
K15 the characteristics of different types of cabling, components and voltage
sensitive forecourt equipment and how they impact on the tests
K16 the characteristics and limitations of bonding and earthing arrangements
and the tests appropriate to them
K17 the importance of recording the inspection and test results correctly
K18 liaising with, and the requirements of the petroleum licensing authority,
specialist suppliers and other responsible person
K19 site specific documentation and reporting procedures
You need to know and K20 the Technical Guidance and latest, relevant Industry Standards
understand: K21 where to find out about the principles of electrical theory and installation
techniques for the inspection and testing of electrical installations at
petrol filling stations
Additional Information
Forecourt Equipment
In this unit these could include fixed equipment provided and commissioned
by specialist suppliers for example: dispensers, pumps, CCTV, car wash, PA
systems, car vacuum, cash machines, etc
Hazardous Areas
In this unit, this refers to an area where flammable or explosive gas or
vapour-air mixture (often referred to as explosive gas-air mixtures) are, or
may be expected to be, present in quantities which require special
precautions to be taken against the risk of ignition. Within those hazardous
areas will be hazardous zones for Petroleum, Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG)
or Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)
Industry Standards
These standards can include relevant British, European and International
Standards (NB: where the term “correct procedures,” “correct practices” or
“correct methods” or similar appears in the Unit it refers to being in
accordance with industry standards)
Responsible person(s)
In this unit this includes the site operator's representative, client or client
Technical Guidance
This is guidance for the design, construction, modification and maintenance
of petrol filling stations published by APEA/IP
Wiring Enclosures:
In this unit these include: PVC and Steel Conduit, PVC and Steel trunking,
Cable tray, basket and ladder systems, ducting systems and ducts used in
petrol filling stations
Wiring Systems:
In this unit these include: multi-core and single core cables with PVC, XLPE
or LSF insulation and sheathing, M I cables with or without PVC/LSF
sheathing and SWA cables with PVC, XLPE or LSF insulation and sheathing,
terminations and connections as used in petrol filling stations
Working conditions:
In this unit, this refers to the working conditions which exist at that point in
time when the inspection and testing is due to take place. Conditions could
vary, because, for example, as the inspection and testing is most likely to
take place outside, you may need to take account of the weather conditions.
Or, there are other (non-electrical) operatives who come onto the site to start
their work - their subsequent activities may change the working conditions.
External Links The Assessor will help plan the assessment process with you to ensure that
the evidence you generate:
All evidence collected must be appropriately recorded for the evaluation of its
validity, currency, authenticity and sufficiency.
Version number 1
Validity Current
Status Original
Key words
Inspect & test electrical systems, petrol stations