The term was soon exported to France and Italy, at first, again, to allude to ritornellos (or
riprese) improvised between song strophes. As with the chaconne, the earliest written
examples are found in Italy in alfabeto (chord) guitar tablatures, and take the form of brief,
rhythmic chord progressions outlining a cadential formula, most commonly I–IV–V–I or an
elaboration of it (ex.1a). The progressions usually appear in a range of keys, rhythms and
strumming patterns, and in duple as well as triple time; their purpose appears to be
primarily pedagogical. In Italy ‘passacaglio’ was most often used to refer to a single
statement of a chord scheme, and the plural ‘passacagli’ for a succession or collection of
more than one statement; but both terms, as well as the feminine passacaglia and its plural
passacaglie, as well as variants like passagallo, passagalli, passachaglie and numerous
other spellings, were used with little distinction throughout the century.
Ex.1 Passacaglia bass patterns (all transposed to D and reduced to equivalent note values)
In its new guise as an independent variation chain, the passacaglia shared many features
with the chaconne, including the linking of variations, cadential articulation and the use of
triple metre. Yet Frescobaldi’s passacaglias also show some distinctions (not necessarily in
every instance), such as a less exuberant, more restrained character, slower tempo, minor
rather than major key, smoother, often conjunct, melodic motion and more frequent
dissonant suspensions on downbeats. The similarities, differences and ambiguities
between the passacaglia and the chaconne are explored to the fullest in Frescobaldi’s
extraordinary Cento partite sopra passacaglie (1637), with its alternating sections marked
‘passacaglie’ and ‘ciaccona’, and sometimes a gradual, subtle metamorphosis from one
into the other (see Silbiger, 1996).
Some of these distinctions between the two genres continued to be present in the works of
later composers in Italy and elsewhere, particularly when a chaconne and a passacaglia
appear side by side or in the same collection; however, when one or the other appears by
itself, the distinctive features may be less evident or altogether absent (for Italian
composers who published such chaconne-passacaglia pairs, see CHACONNE, §2).
Composers such as Bernardo Storace also followed in Frescobaldi’s footsteps by shifting
key, mode and metre in some of their passacaglias.
After Santiago de Murcia’s Passacalles y obras (1732) the passacaglia vanished from the
Spanish written tradition. The term ‘passacalle’ continued to be used in folk practice,
however, to refer to instrumental preludes and interludes during dancing (for example for
the seguidillas in La Mancha; see Russell, 1995, p.88) as well as to music accompanying
actual dances (for example for stick dances in Castille; Russell, 80). In some areas of Latin
America guitar ritornellos for popular dance music are still called ‘passacalles’ (Hudson,
1981, pp.280–81).
4. France.
In France the Hispanic-Italian passacaglia, like the chaconne, was transformed during the
mid-17th century into a distinctive native genre, although before that the genre had already
had some impact as an exotic Spanish import. A ‘passacalle’ (in the earlier sense of
ritornello) occurs in an air to a Spanish text by De Bailly (1614), and in 1626 the Spanish
expatriate Luis de Briçeño published in Paris a guitar method that included in chord
tablature brief chaconnes and passacaglias similar to the early Italian examples. During the
1640s the promotion of Italian music and musicians by Cardinal Mazarin brought wider
familiarity with the two genres in their newer incarnations. A harpsichord passacaglia by
Luigi Rossi (who visited Paris in 1646 and whose Orfeo was performed there the following
year) enjoyed wide manuscript circulation. Francesco Corbetta, who settled in Paris around
1648 and became guitar teacher to the future Louis XIV, was perhaps the greatest Italian
guitar virtuoso of his time, and the composer of numerous chaconnes and passacaglias.
By the late 1650s the French passacaglia tradition was firmly in place, already showing
many of the characteristics that would mark the genre during the later 17th century and the
18th. Like the chaconne, the passacaglia was cultivated both in chamber music, especially
by guitarists, lutenists and keyboard players, and on the musical stage. Among the earliest
surviving examples are two passacailles for harpsichord by Louis Couperin, which are
based on ostinatos that outline descending tetrachords (ex.1c). French composers
generally seem to have favoured the chaconne over the passacaglia (see CHACONNE, §4);
Schneider (1986) lists 18 chaconnes but only five passacaglias in Lully’s theatrical
productions, for example. Nevertheless, Lully’s lengthy and impressive passacaille from
Armide (1686) became a much admired model of the genre, emulated by many, including
Purcell and J.S. Bach. According to theorists such as Brossard (1703) and Rousseau
(1767), the passacaglia was ordinarily in the minor and the chaconne in the major (‘rules’
often violated), and passacaglias were performed at more deliberate tempos than
chaconnes (18th-century reports indicate c100 beats a minute compared to c120–160 for
chaconnes; see Miehling, 1993).
5. Germany.
Distinct German forms of the passacaglia developed only in the later years of the 17th
century, most strikingly in solo organ music. The German organists, drawing on traditions of
cantus-firmus improvisation and ground-bass divisions, created a series of majestic
ostinato compositions, shaped by increasingly brilliant figurations. A passacaglia from well
before 1675 by J.C. Kerll (who had studied in Rome) still used the traditional descending
tetrachord as ground-bass formula (ex.1d); however, later composers such as Buxtehude
and Pachelbel introduced bass formulae of their own devising, which were treated during at
least the first part of the composition as rigorous ostinatos. These bass progressions
assume a thematic significance not present in the traditional formulae, as various
techniques borrowed from chorale improvisation were brought to bear on them. The busy
passage-work and contrapuntal density largely obliterated any dance feeling, and
relationships to the genre’s origin became increasingly tenuous. Such is the case in the
most famous passacaglia of this tradition, J.S. Bach’s Passacaglia in C minor (bwv582),
which concludes with a lengthy fugue on its ostinato subject (possibly derived from a short
passacaglia in an organ mass of 1687 by André Raison).
Passacaglias written during the same period for instrumental ensemble more closely
followed French models or combined the French and Germanic approaches, as did those
conceived primarily for harpsichord. Bach also used the genre in some vocal works,
although not indicated as such (bwv12, later reworked into the ‘Crucifixus’ of the Mass in B
minor; bwv78). Some might argue that the opening chorus of bwv12 (like the ‘Lamento der
Freunde’ in the keyboard Capriccio bwv992) should be classified as a lament rather than as
a passacaglia, but there can be no such doubt about the magnificent opening of bwv78,
which has all the musical hallmarks of a French operatic chaconne/passacaglia number;
indeed, the passacaglia from Lully’s Armide may have been its direct source of inspiration.
6. England.
Pieces called ‘passacaglia’ or ‘passacaille’ are rarely encountered in English sources;
compositions that might have been given such titles on the Continent are usually
designated ‘chaconne’ or ‘ground’. A notable exception is the passacaille ‘How happy the
Lover’ in Purcell’s King Arthur (1691). With its alternating instrumental, solo and vocal
sections, this seems to be modelled on the passacaglia in Lully’s Armide (to which there
also is a textual reference).
7. After 1800.
When 19th- and 20th-century composers returned to writing passacaglias, they found their
models in a handful of ‘rediscovered’ pieces by the German masters, especially Bach’s
Passacaglia for organ and perhaps also the Passacaglia from Handel’s Suite no.7 in G
minor, works deserving of their canonic status, but atypical of the former mainstream genre
traditions (Handel’s passacaglia was in fact in duple metre). From Bach’s passacaglia they
took what now became the defining feature: the ostinato bass. The theme-and-variation
idea, often incidental to earlier passacaglias (if present at all) became central to the revived
genres. As with Bach, the ostinato theme is usually stated at the outset in bare form and in
a low register. The association of the passacaglia with Bach and with the organ also
contributed to a mood of gravity; most 19th- and 20th-century examples call for a slowish
tempo. Some writers attempted to define a distinction between the passacaglia and the
chaconne based primarily on the examples by Bach, but no consensus was ever reached
and for the most part the terms continued to be used interchangebly. For a more detailed
discussion of the modern revival of the chaconne and passacaglia, see CHACONNE, §7.
L. Stein: ‘The Passacaglia in the Twentieth Century’, ML, xl (1959), 150–53
T. Walker: ‘Ciaccona and Passacaglia: Remarks on their Origin and Early History’, JAMS, xxi
(1968), 300–20
D.D. Handel: ‘Britten’s Use of the Passacaglia’, Tempo no.92 (1970), 2–6
R. Hudson: ‘Further Remarks on the Passacaglia and Ciaccona’, JAMS, xxiii (1970), 302–14
R. Hudson: ‘The Ripresa, the Ritornello, and the Passacaglia’, JAMS, xxiv (1971), 364–94
R. Hudson: Passacaglio and Ciaccona: from Guitar Music to Italian Keyboard Variations in the
17th Century (Ann Arbor, 1981)
N.D. Pennington: The Spanish Baroque Guitar with a Transcription of De Murcia’s ‘Passacalles y
obras’ (Ann Arbor, 1981)
R. Hudson: The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, MSD, xxxv (1982)
H. Schneider: ‘Chaconne und Passacaille bei Lully’, Studi corelliani IV: Fusignano 1986, 319–34
C.H. Russell: Santiago de Murcia’s Códice Saldivar no.4: a Treasure of Secular Guitar Music from
Baroque Mexico, i (Urbana, IL, 1995)
A. Silbiger: ‘Passacaglia and Ciaccona: Genre Pairing and Ambiguity from Frescobaldi to
Couperin’, Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music, ii/1 (1996) 〈〉
M. Zenck: ‘Reinterpreting Bach in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries’, The Cambridge
Companion to Bach, ed. J. Butt (Cambridge, 1997), 226–50
J. Schwartz: ‘The Passacaille in Lully's Armide: Phrase Structure in the Choreography and the
Music’, EMc, xxvi (1998), 300–320