Modelling Structures: 5.1 What Is A Good FEA Model?
Modelling Structures: 5.1 What Is A Good FEA Model?
Modelling Structures: 5.1 What Is A Good FEA Model?
5 Modelling structures
“All models are wrong, but some are more useful than others.”
McCullagh and Nelder21
Which is the more accurate: a clock that gains one minute a day or a clock that has stopped? The answer is the
clock that has stopped, as it is accurate twice a day, while the other is correct only once every four years. But a
stopped clock is no use for telling the time, while the fast clock gives you a good indication of the time, especially if
you adjust it regularly. The fast clock is thus the more useful even if it is not as accurate as we would like.
“Everything is vague to a degree you do not realise till you have tried to make it precise…”
Bertrand Russell
When we are modelling a steel frame, we can be confident of the properties of the structure, as the components are
both formed and fabricated in a factory. But how confident? If we look at a steel universal beam, depending on the
size, the European standards allow it to vary in thickness by 2% and mass by 4%. This means that the self-weight
and axial stiffness (ignoring bucking) can vary by ±4% and the bending stiffness by up to ±10%. Concrete
structures are even more variable due to their site casting and changes in material properties over time. What this
means in practical terms is that if your deflection is >10mm there is no point in looking beyond the decimal point.
Similarly, construction tolerances will mean that your building is not built quite straight or exactly to the dimensions
that you specify, but should be close enough. This does not mean that you can be inaccurate in your design
knowing that they will be inaccurate in the construction, but there comes a point when accuracy to another decimal
place will make no difference to the result.
But there are ways to get some measure of the accuracy of the model. One is known as ‘verification’, which is
checking that the model is correct. But how do we do this?
First, we need to ensure that the dimensions, sections, materials and loads are all correct. If you get these wrong,
you have no hope of generating the correct answers.
Next, check the ‘total loads’ and ‘reactions’ output. These should sum to close to zero†, or at least be insignificant
compared with the original numbers. If they don’t, there is a problem in your model serious enough to lose loads but
not enough to stop the analysis. You should also carry out an estimation of the total loads by hand and check that
the answer is similar to the FEA output (Chapter 7).
The loads and reactions on a model in equilibrium should exactly cancel out, but there are often rounding errors and other approximations in
the analysis.
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Look at the deflection of the structure: is it the right shape? Then look at the magnitude, making note of the display
units, and check if it is moving as much as you expected. Too much or too little should be a warning.
Look at the meshing. 2D and 3D elements work best when they are closest to square or equilateral. Conversely their
results suffer if they are stretched or the corners have extreme angles. Look at how much the stresses vary between
the elements across the boundaries†. Be wary if the nodal results are always averaged: while it may be good
practice to do this for the result, it can hide problems in your mesh.
Check for extremely short (and therefore high stiffness) elements, as well as exceptionally long (low stiffness) ones.
An excessively wide range of stiffnesses will reduce the accuracy of the FEA results. This means you should consider
using links and rigid constraints if you have parts of the model that are considerably stiffer than the rest, or reduce
the stiffness to nothing (or remove all together) if it is exceptionally low.
Then, if your model will not run because of element or nodal instabilities, run a stability analysis to find the areas of
lowest or zero stiffness55. If you do not have access to that, try a modal analysis but be warned that it may not run
with zero stiffnesses in the model.
Einstein’s Theory of Relativity has proved itself and predicted the existence of black holes, yet there comes a point
when the theory is no longer valid. Relativity breaks down when you reach the event horizon of those same black holes.
Similarly, representing building structures as 1D lines in an FEA model is good for analysing the flow of forces around a
building frame but is hopeless when considering the three-dimensional nature of the connections. You need a different
model for that, comprising 2D or 3D elements. While you could model an entire building using 3D elements, and it might
be more accurate, it also might be so detailed that you miss important errors. It will definitely be difficult to make,
extremely difficult to edit, and painful to extract integrated results like bending moments and shear forces.
Accurate models correctly predict the behaviour of the structure when loaded, within appropriate bounds — as no
model can predict exactly what will happen to a structure or how it will be constructed. All structures and
components are built to tolerances, whether straightness, verticality or size. Two significant figures is about the
practical limit of accuracy for a structural model††. Ultimately, ensure you validate and verify your model results before
using them for the detailed design.
This means we need to be aware of the unrealistic nature of our models but validate them to ensure they are
sufficiently realistic. Validation is a determination of how realistic the model is. Realism in models comes not from
making the model look like the actual physical structure but ensuring that it behaves like it.
Good loading is managed risk. If our structure must stand for 50 years, then what is the chance that a 1-in-50-year
event will occur in that time? 1-in-50-year events have a 2% chance of happening in any year, meaning there is a
64% chance that the structure will have to withstand it at some point in its service. A 1-in-500-year event, on the
other hand, has a 10% chance of happening in the structure’s 50-year life. Loading can be code-prescribed,
but always requires engineering judgement.
You may have a ‘stress error’ output option, which calculates the differences in the stresses at each node.
The partial safety factors are partly to address this problem.
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Realistic models are those that reflect the reality of the structure and its supports. Its materials are sufficiently close
to the real materials. The geometry includes the critical elements. The loads are not likely to be exceeded in the
structure’s lifetime.
‘Simple’ is a tricky thing to achieve and often comes with experience. The inexperienced engineer who doesn’t really
understand the structure needs to include more detail in the model to ensure that the important aspects and
behaviours are covered. The more experienced engineer knows what is unimportant and therefore what can be left out.
For example, when looking at the stability systems in a steel framed building, the slabs and beams might only
transfer the load to the bracing or cores but not otherwise stiffen the stability elements. In these cases, consider
replacing the floor diaphragms with rigid constraints and leave out hundreds of elements.
There is, of course, the danger of oversimplifying the model, but simple models can be useful for checking complex
ones. For example, you can check trusses by replacing them with equivalent beams and simplify 3D models to 2D
or even 1D. You can also model many structures as single beams: a truss is a simply-supported beam, a tall
building is a cantilever, and so on. You can then use standard formulas (Appendix F) to determine the bending
moments and shear forces, then back-calculate what the element forces are likely to be.
You need to consider the level of detail appropriate to the model. A forensic analysis to determine why a structure
failed will require a particularly detailed model running a high-end nonlinear analysis engine. But in forensics the
unknown is the failure mechanism while the structure itself is known. More usually, engineers are trying to determine
the structural details such as section sizes, and thus a simpler, more flexible model is often the right approach.
For example, when looking at the behaviour of the whole structure, use a frame of easily modified 1D elements with
2D elements for any slabs and shear walls. A study on a single plate girder to check the web-buckling requires only
that member in the model, so a mesh of 2D shell elements is the obvious choice. Zooming closer to look at the
stress paths in a connection or casting requires a very restricted but highly detailed model made with 3D elements.
Simple models include only what they need to give accurate results; they contain no superfluous elements or loads.
For example, industry guidance such as the Steel Designers’ Manual 60 suggests that when you have more than
eight equal point-loads uniformly spaced on a beam you can consider them as a uniform load (Figures 5.1 and 5.2).
The result is not the same, but the error is <10%.
Simple models may also enable you to reduce the number of dimensions. You can check the stability of a
three-dimensional steel frame by analysing just the braced bays, or analyse a symmetrical structure by taking a half
or quarter and adding suitable restraints on the join lines. Overly simple models are an excellent way to very complex
ones; the results will not be exact but hopefully close enough to give you confidence. Simplicity is the hardest
discipline to master with structural analysis.
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0 2 4 6 8 10
Number of point loads
While the clock example (Section 5.1.1) was a little extreme, it does highlight the need for usefulness. Computer
modelling may be fun† but we do it to answer specific questions about the behaviour of structures. This means that
before you start to model a structure, there is a question you must ask yourself: What is the problem that I am trying
to solve? You may be trying to determine the exact bending moments and forces, or find the wind deflections, or
work out the likely extent of damage to a building from an earthquake. It might also be to find the most economic
steel sections or reinforcement that carry the load. Might we improve the structure by adjusting its geometry?
In general, you should have a reasonable idea of what the answer is (or how will you know if it’s correct?) but you
need to find the detail: the model is there to prove your design. Alternatively, you may have a structure that you just
do not understand and need insight into its behaviour. These are trickier to check, so be prepared to ask for a
second opinion.
What your question is will determine the type of model that you build. If you want to check a structure in its services
condition then a linear analysis model may be appropriate, but an extreme case such as loss of a column means
that you will need a nonlinear one. Static and dynamic analysis likewise often require different models with different
properties for the same structure. Design your model to give you the answers you need.
Useful models will focus on relevant behaviours which will depend on the use of that structure. Strength and
stability are always essential, but how important is the deflection? Do you need to consider vibration?
Well I think so.
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5.1.5 Checking
With all these questions in mind you must validate and verify your model:
“If the forces acting on a small portion of the surface of an elastic body are replaced by
another statically equivalent system of loads acting on the same portion of the surface, this
redistribution of the loading produces substantial changes in the stresses locally, but has
negligible effect on the stresses at distances which are large in comparison with the linear
dimensions of the surface on which the forces are changed.” 61
Or in summary:
“… the difference between the effects of two different but statically equivalent loads
becomes very small at sufficiently large distances from load.” 62
In other words, loads or reactions might be a mathematical point or spread over an area as a pressure; it will make a
difference locally to the structure, but once you move far enough away, they become indistinguishable. This means
we can simplify things locally if it does not influence the overall structure. This is not a hard and fast rule, so must be
applied with judgment, but is very useful. One example is that of loads applied to a beam. They may fall on an area
of the top flange, but we can model the load as a point load on the beam’s neutral axis when considering the
beam’s bending moment and shear forces. On the other hand, we will need to model the beam in full with the actual
loaded area if we want to explore the bending of the flanges themselves and the stress flow though the web.
Likewise, if a small area of a structure is loaded with a set of forces that sum to zero, you can ignore them when
analysing the larger structure. This means that when we are modelling a whole building or bridge, we don’t need to
worry about the detail of connections or exactly how loads are applied to the structure if the behaviour of the
connection and the equilibrium of the loads is the same. Also, modelling the supports as a single point can give
unrealistic stresses local to that support but will not affect the rest of the frame.
Saint-Venant’s principle does not apply to the design though, as a local failure can cause a global collapse if there is
a lack of redundancy and robustness. For example, both the Hyatt Regency Hotel63 and Florida University Bridge64
collapses were caused by under-strength connections plus a lack of alternative load paths.
Where self-weight plays only a small part of the total load on the beam, such as in steel or timber framed buildings,
a reasonable allowance is usually sufficient for the analysis. The problem becomes more complex when the
self-weight of the beam forms a significant part of the load, such as with concrete beams or long-span bridges.
This requires either a reasonable guess of the section size (and thus the self-weight) in advance of the analysis, or an
iterative analysis and design cycle that adjusts the beam size until one is found that works.
• Stick
• Shell
• Mass
Stick structures will include steel, concrete, and timber frames and trusses; you can usually model these with
1D elements.
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Shell structures include domes and others that are predominantly flat, such as slabs or walls. These have the
stresses or strains flowing in only two dimensions and thus you can model these with 2D elements or grillages of
1D elements.
Mass structures have significant stresses flowing in all directions and thus require 3D elements to capture their
behaviour. Examples include anchor blocks, wind turbine bases, and flat slab-to-column connections.
5.2.2 Meshing
As the FEA model does all its calculations at the nodes, you must ensure that your model has nodes at all the
critical points:
And in addition:
• Ensure that the array of nodes in a continuum can be joined with elements that are reasonably square or
In a 1D element frame model this means that you need nodes at the connections, the free ends of any elements,
and where it connects to the foundations (Figure 5.3).
Loads on elements are usually converted by the program into equivalent nodal loads during the analysis.
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Many programs have meshing tools to assist you in creating the model, or you can use third party programs to
create the mesh and import the result. A word of warning though: meshing is done for many purposes, not just FEA.
A program that creates meshes for rendering is unlikely to create a good mesh for analysis.
I am often asked what size the mesh elements should be. This is a tricky question as in many cases there is no
definitive answer. There are, however, some rules of thumb that you can follow to achieve a good mesh.
The first consideration, and the easiest one, is that of minimum size. A good rule is that the element’s width should
be at least twice its thickness. This also means that features that are smaller than this dimension can usually be
ignored in the analysis model as they are often insignificant. Unless you know them to be significant, of course.
Small pipe penetrations or localised thickness changes might be ignored in a slab in bending, but openings where
you have high tension need careful consideration, especially where you have stress concentrations from sharp-edged
openings (Figure 5.4).
Figure 5.4: Stress concentration at square deck opening — causing S.S. Schenechtady to crack in half
As a general rule you should use as large an element as you can get away with. Large elements are more suitable
where the stresses do not change much: e.g. in the middle of the bays of a flat slab subject to bending. Locations
where the stresses are changing rapidly, such as at column locations on flat slabs, need a finer mesh to capture the
behaviour correctly.
Meshing for a vibration analysis is the reverse of static analysis: not much vibration occurs next to the columns —
it is the middle of the bays where the action is. A general rule here is that major spans (however that phrase relates
to your project) should be broken up into 8–10 elements. Of course, slabs have many different spans so there is no
one span that you can use. Meshing engines tend to ask for a target element size, so base that on the largest span.
Interestingly, if the slab span to depth ratio is 20, both the ‘span/10’ and ‘thickness × 2’ rules give the same element
size, so an element size of twice the thickness is a suitable place to start.
While FEA wants all the loads applied directly on the nodes, many programs allow you to load the elements instead.
It then calculates the equivalent node loads for you, based on the elements’ dimensions.
The advent of the jet engine pushed the speeds such that swept-back wings were required, which was a much
more difficult calculation and informed a lot of the FEA funding and research in the 1950s. The aeronautical engineers
were also reducing the weight of the aircraft by using the metal skin as part of the structure, further complicating the
Initially the wings were modelled using 1D beam elements in a regular grid (a grillage) to represent the wing structure
(Figure 5.5), where each element section gave the stiffness of the wing in that location.
Grillages worked well if the real structure had parallel edges. Triangular areas or tapering structures deviated from the
assumptions and thus reduced the accuracy of the analysis.
You can make grillages detailed if you maintain the rule about the element length being at least twice the thickness.
Alternatively, you can directly model the ‘beam strip’ approach to flat slabs and use a chain of 1D beams for each
beam strip (Figure 5.6).
Load a grillage using an area load (if you have access to one) or uniform beam loads. Beware of self-weight
calculations as these will overestimate the load if you are not careful. Because you have modelled 100% of the
slab one way and 100% in the other, you now have twice the volume of material in your model compared to the
real structure. Likewise, be careful with beam loads that represent the area load. To avoid over-designing the
structure you must either apply the full load to only half the elements (say in one direction), or half the load to all
the elements.
Grillages are advantageous because they are simple; they automatically redistribute the moments across strips
because the beams directly represent the strip, it is easy to create orthotropic behaviours, and you can show
bending moment diagrams across the floor. Their disadvantages include the difficulty in modelling around openings,
edges, non-rectangular areas, and areas that do not work with a regular spacing of elements. The question of
torsion is also tricky: flat slabs do generate torsional moments, and slabs handle torsion differently to beams.
Should you then work with the reported moments, or set the element torsional stiffness to (virtually) zero and make
all the torsional effects change to major/minor axis bending? The choice is yours.
2D shells are the most common way of modelling flat slabs and walls. With suitable meshing you can model almost
any floor plan with any number of openings. It is worth remembering though, that you don’t need to model
everything. The guidance that the element’s width should be at least twice the thickness still stands. This means that
features smaller than this size, such as holes or protrusions, can usually be ignored. This highlights one of the
problems in linking the analysis model directly to the CAD/BIM model: the drawings need to include everything so
that the contractor will build it correctly, but too much detail will slow the FEA model down while having a negligible
effect on the results.
Many programs will allow you to extract beam strip results from the 2D mesh by collating and integrating the
stresses into overall shear forces and bending moments. This assumes that your columns are all in a neat grid layout
and thus you can find beam strips; one of the advantages of flat slabs is that the column layout can be arranged to
suit the building requirements, which may not be in neat rows.
5.2.3 Trusses
Trusses, with a few exceptions, work by triangulating the structure so that no bending in the elements is required for
stability. Bar elements are excellent for truss models as their lack of bending degrees of freedom mean the structure
will work under pure axial load.
Position the nodes at the intersection of the centroid of the truss members as this avoids local effects. In reality
there will be some lateral stiffness at every support, but if the truss is carrying only vertical loads, you only need to
provide one node with a lateral restraint. It is often extremely difficult to calculate the lateral stiffness, plus it will have
a significant effect on the load distribution within the truss, so it is safest to assume that it is not there. If you use
this assumption, then the resulting design will be strong enough without the lateral restraints. If you do have lateral
loads on the truss then you will need to consider the supports in more detail, but with care: consider using lateral
spring supports.
We won’t know the exact sizes of these truss members before we run the analysis, but we can make informed
decisions. In general, and especially at the initial stages of the project, you should use bar elements in the model as
these carry only axial load. This will keep the model statically determinate, and the element forces won’t be
influenced by the individual element stiffnesses.
Be careful using bar elements in 3D models as their lack of moment capacity can make them unstable. They work
very well modelling trusses if the model is restrained to just two dimensions but modelling in 3D means that every
node will need restraining out-of-plane. When modelling trusses in 3D, use beam elements with carefully thought-out
releases: the booms or chords often need bending continuity out-of-plane to keep them stable.
As a rule, you should use beam elements in truss models where you have continuous members, as that reflects the
reality of the final structure. This will make the truss statically indeterminate so the relative stiffness of the continuous
members to the truss will affect the force distribution. The actual set-out of the connections can also induce forces
and moments on the members, but you need to know the section sizes to model these correctly. This means you
are best modelling the truss initially in 2D with bar elements so that you can determine the best element sizes.
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Model the continuity and connections in more detail at a later stage of the project, when all the section sizes are
known, and you want to make detailed checks on the structure.
If the truss is a sensible one (and I have seen some lacking in sense in my time) the beam stiffness will have a
negligible effect on the overall truss behaviour if the members are sufficiently slender. Do note that at ultimate limit
state, plastic rotation of the connections can dissipate moments but it requires joint rotation and ductility.
Overall buckling of members will need checking, as will local and lateral torsional buckling.
Modelling trusses entirely with beam elements and moment-resisting connections will result in only a small reduction
in axial forces and deflections but will necessitate more expensive connections and bigger section sizes to deal with
the moments. Question whether they are worth it.
Construction tolerances, erection sequencing, welding, connection slip, uncertainties in the loading, etc. will all mean
that, even with the most sophisticated analysis models, we are not 100% sure of the forces in the truss elements.
This means the analysis must include a sensitivity analysis to bracket the range of results, and the design must be
robust — ideally with allowance for plastic behaviour.
Links have infinite stiffness but do not destabilise the analysis matrix (Chapter 6).
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In the UK it is typical to stabilise multi-storey buildings using either bracing or concrete cores. You have a range of
options for modelling cores (Section 5.25). You should model bracing explicitly so you can derive the axial loads.
Note that compression-capable bracing (e.g. when using bar elements) will pick up some gravity loads from the
structure. If you use X-bracing its stiffness will probably be much less than the columns and so not attract too much
load, but still needs checking. If you have slender members such as ‘flats’, you can model these as tie elements and
avoid gravity effects. Note also that the beams and columns in a braced bay will have axial forces induced by the
lateral loads, so make sure you account for that in your design calculations: a braced bay is just a truss in the
vertical direction.
While on the subject of gravity on slender braces: be careful of adding self-weight to such elements as they tend to
have minimal bending capacity. In reality they might be tension-stabilised or allowed to buckle when not loaded. The
self-weight of the bracing is likely to be tiny in the grand scheme of the building but check it as it might matter more
than you think. Plan bracing will usually have to span, so consider using beam elements with end releases rather
than bars, to account for any self-weight induced effects.
Except for some roofs and single-story buildings, stability forces tend to be transferred horizontally though concrete
floor slabs. In general, you can avoid modelling the slab explicitly, as it is much simpler to use UDL or area actions to
load the beams, and a rigid constraint to generate the floor diaphragm action.
There are a couple of things to watch out for with rigid constraints. The first is that they must only constrain in the
horizontal direction: beam deflections may be prevented and column/core loads will get very strange if you accidentally
include the vertical direction. The second is that rigid constraints will prevent any axial load in horizontal elements, which
may be ok but note that you will get no load at all in trusses that form part of the floor or beams in braced bays; the
analysis and design of the truss will need a separate model if you are to get the right member sizes.
If you want to model the actual horizontal stiffness of the slab, you can use plane stress 2D elements. If you are only
interested in loads into the stability systems, try to keep the 2D elements large. You might do this by connecting
them to the column locations and the corners of significant openings. You will need a finer mesh if you want to
analyse the stresses within the slab though. As plane stress elements have no out-of-plane stiffness you’ll need to
ensure that either every node is attached to the frame (say one element per bay where possible), restrain all the
slab nodes vertically, or model the floor in a separate 2D model.
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Your model will become complicated when you want to share the horizontal loads between a concrete deck and
composite beams. Do the beam connections allow some axial movement, such as fin plates, in which case the deck
will carry the load first, or have minimal movement capacity, e.g. end plates, when the beams will take up the load
more rapidly? Are there significant tension forces in the system? How are the beams and slab connected to the
core? Will it make any difference? Hybrid systems are much harder to analyse as the relative stiffnesses will change
the load paths.
To keep things simple, you can break the building down into separate floor and stability models. You can ignore
diaphragms in a 2D floor model and instead restrain the beams at the column locations. With stability models you
can include just the bracing or cores, connected by a rigid constraint, and forget the other beams and columns.
As before, ensure that the constraint only acts in the horizontal direction — as you do not want it to artificially stiffen
the braced bays or cores out-of-plane. Connections Releases
When modelling a steel frame with 1D elements you need not model the end connections in any detail, but you do
need to include their effect by adding end releases. The requirement for releases in our models is a consequence of
the finite element method: elements are fully connected to their end nodes to the limit of their degrees of freedom
unless they are explicitly released. Modelling pin-ended beams does require additional thought and work, but it is an
essential process as many buildings in the UK and other parts of the world are designed this way.
Remember to not release the ends of all the beam elements. Members are often modelled from many elements,
and releasing them all will result in a catenary that will be rejected by the linear solver. Only release the ends of the
members where there are simple connections in the real structure.
Simple connections in a steel frame need to be able to rotate only about 2–3° to act as a pin under all service loads.
They will have a small moment capacity, but this can be ignored for most analyses as the service rotations are less
than the limit. This means you should model beams with simple connections with major and minor axis moment
Footfall vibration analysis is one exception, as the rotational strains are not sufficient to overcome the friction within
the connection, making them behave as continuous. Analysing accidental loads and buckling are similar, as
connections under extreme conditions can reach the limits of their travel and lock-up, giving them some effective
moment capacity†.
As most steelwork connections and open sections have little torsional capacity, you do have the option to avoid all
torsional moments by adding a torsional release at one end of every beam. Be careful though, as the chances of
accidentally releasing both ends of a beam increases with the number of beams in the model; personally, I would
avoid this approach. Most connections have some torsional stiffness and so this should be included by not releasing
the beam in the torsional direction. This means that you’ll need to check to see if any torsional moments are induced
in the beams and then design the members and connections for it, adjust the layout to avoid torsion, or deliberately
disregard the torsion if it’s nominal — as slabs and secondary members can deal with small amounts. Also, if your
model shows torsion that should not be present, there may be some unrealistically reduced moments elsewhere in
the model††. If there is significant torsion in the model you need to address it, as ignoring torsion is risky.
How they cope with that moment is another matter…
I was checking one user’s model that had unexpected torsion in a simply connected primary beam. Careful investigation revealed that the
beam was not actually straight.
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Continuous connections are the simplest to model as you don’t need to do anything; end offsets can be helpful
though (Figures 5.7, 5.9 and 5.10).
Semi-continuous connections are the hardest to address, as they have some stiffness but not enough to treat as
continuous. Exactly how you model these will depend on your software. If it doesn’t directly address connection
stiffness, then you’ll need to have separate nodes for the primary and secondary elements that have full connection
in some directions (e.g. shear) and a spring stiffness in others (e.g. major-axis rotation). Parametric tools will come in
useful here, for both connecting the nodes and defining the stiffnesses. You should also do a sensitivity analysis and
investigate what difference the stiffness of the connections makes to the results — you may learn what needs
including and what you can leave out.
1D elements work well for the beams and columns, but for the connection you need to understand how the
stresses are distributed between the web and flanges. At this level it becomes useful to mesh the steel members
and plates using 2D shell elements. Node sharing usually suffices for welds as that gives you the overall forces for
the weld design.
While ‘simple’ connections can be straightforward to analyse by hand, they are actually exceedingly difficult to model
explicitly with finite elements due to their nonlinear behaviour. Many of the connections between parts are in bearing
and so cannot take tension. Modelling bearing behaviour, such as end plates to column faces or bolts in tolerance
holes, is not something that standard matrix methods can model without a lot of monitoring and iteration, and a
nonlinear solver is recommended. An alternative is to use lots of compression-only 1D elements to model the
contact, but the results are rarely satisfying.
It may be preferable to model bolted steel connections on paper (or the digital equivalent) unless the design does not
fit with the standard assumptions, at which point you need a specialist analysis.
Welded connections are much easier to model as all parts can take both tension and compression, meaning that
you can use a linear analysis solver as long as the stresses are in the elastic range. If you need to factor in local
stresses and eccentricities around single-sided welds or bolt bearing, you will need to model the connection with
3D elements. If not you can use 2D shell elements to model the flanges, webs and plates. Other methods, such as
explicit solvers or hand calculations, are more suitable for this sort of problem.
3D elements will allow you to explore finer detail in the connection, but the number of elements will grow
exponentially. Don’t try modelling detailed connections in the complete frame, as the complexity can get
overwhelming; keep the models separate and transfer loads and stiffnesses in each direction as appropriate.
It is not recommended to model this small offset using beam elements, as exceptionally short elements will have an
extremely high stiffness relative to the rest of the model and thus will reduce the analysis accuracy. It is better to use
short link elements or end offsets if they are available in your software.
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The connection eccentricities will induce moments only if the loads are asymmetric. This means that you need to use
patch or pattern loads (load only one side) to calculate the design moments on the columns. Building design
programs might do this automatically for you, while FEA programs will require you to specify the loads.
Connection offsets are also recommended for the analysis of moment frames. They will not create any additional
moments but do allow you to easily extract the moments at the connections.
The easiest way to create the properties of a tapered member is to average the dimensions of its ends, but while
this might be reasonable for axial loads where the stiffness is in proportion to the area, for elements in bending the
stiffness is in proportion to the cube of the depth. The most accurate method is to provide sections that have an
average of the stiffnesses, but this can be difficult. Thankfully, with enough elements, the difference in results
between elements with average stiffness and dimensions becomes small†.
The first problem to consider is the physical relationship between the steel beam and concrete slab. The normal
detail is for the concrete slab to sit on top of the steel beam, meaning that the slab centroid is offset from the beam
centroid. If the slab is cast in situ on profiled metal decking, there is also a zone above the beam where the slab is
only partly present and must be ignored (Figure 5.11).
Figure 5.11: Modelling composite beams and slab (physical vs. FEA)
The connection between the real slab and beam is achieved with shear studs that are welded to the top flange.
If you are modelling for floor vibrations, the strains will be small and slippage negligible, so link elements are an
acceptable way to represent the studs. A suitable alternative is to have the slab shells and beams share nodes, and
offset the sections. For general service and ultimate limit states you do need to consider the shear interaction and
this slippage between the beam and slab. If you use links here, the forces and moments induced will be
unrealistically high; modelling the studs with beam elements set to the studs’ dimensions will not take the stiffening
effect of the studs’ embedment in the concrete into account. In this situation it is best to represent the studs with
spring elements at a suitable spacing.
Another option is to include the slab directly in the steel section profile, making use of the modular ratio to give the
effective width. Defining all these sections with all the various effective widths will be a lot of work (unless you
automate the section definitions) but might save you work elsewhere in the model.
Finally, if the composite beams are all statically determinate, you might just export the forces and moments from the
FEA model to a dedicated composite beam package for design and deflection calculation.
Do not use too many elements in the taper or too few. 4–5 is probably about right.
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5.2.5 Concrete Beams and slabs
How you model concrete beams and slabs will depend on how you want them to work together. You might have
them work independently, so that the slabs span on to the beams and the beams span onto the columns, but
without them interacting in any way. You can make the beams work compositely with the slab, so that rectangular
beam sections are effectively T-shaped by using some of the slab as a top flange. The beam might locally reinforce
the slab. Or you can have the beam as a thicker part of the slab.
If I need to model the slab, I would use 2D elements (though a grillage is also an option). You might leave the slabs
out of the model if they have no moment continuity with adjacent slabs; instead, apply their loads direct to the
While precast slabs will rarely have moment continuity, in situ slabs are usually continuous over internal beams.
In fact, with the exception of the outer edges of the structure, it is exceedingly difficult to avoid continuity with an
in situ slab, and usually undesirable. Continuous slabs are more efficient and so can be thinner, plus they minimise
the cracking likely to occur over the supporting beams.
How should we model the structure if we assume that the beams support the slabs but are not composite with
them? The easiest way is to model the beams with 1D elements and (usually) rectangular sections and mesh the
slab with 2D elements (Figure 5.12). Although the physical beam is below the slab, keeping all the elements on their
centroids will mean the beam is doing the majority of the work spanning between the columns and primary beams
due to its higher stiffness.
There will still be a small amount of moment sharing between the beams and slab. This will mostly show itself in the
slab: the deflection of the beams will redistribute some of the slab hogging moment to the middle of the bays.
There is also a slight overestimation of the self-weight of the structure due to the slab/beam overlap. You can
counter this by offsetting the slab edge to the beam face. By offsetting the beam down, forming a T-beam, you will
generate composite action between the beam and slab (Figure 5.13). The result is that the beam will be more
efficient and there will also be axial force in the slab adjacent to the beam. The reinforcement in the slab must
reflect this.
The alternative is to model the beam explicitly with a T-section but be careful not to include too much self-weight
(Figure 5.14).
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Or you could make the slab elements do most of the work and have a beam section that matches the downstand
(Figure 5.15). I have never seen this option used though, so perhaps it should remain theoretical.
If you have ribbon beams, (also known as ‘band beams’) modelling entirely in 2D elements is the best approach
(Figure 5.16). I wouldn’t bother offsetting the slabs to align the top surface, but feel free to conduct a sensitivity
analysis to check what difference it actually makes to the results.
If there are steps in the slabs, you should include them in your model. Model minor changes of thickness with a
change in element property but do not worry about offsetting the elements — while there will be a disruption in the
stresses local to the connection, there will be no global effect†. You should model significant steps in the slab as
these will generate a line of higher stiffness — modelling the elements at the appropriate levels and connect the
nodes with links if the step is moderate. If the step is significant (the soffit of one side is above the top surface of the
other) you need to explicitly model it with a vertical 2D mesh.
Flat slabs are popular with contractors as they are simple to build. The shuttering for the slab base is all at one level
and the reinforcement is defined in bands; there may be some additional shear reinforcement around the column
connection. Flat slabs are less efficient regarding use of concrete as the constant thickness means that much of it
will be underutilised. The cost of any construction is a combination of both material and labour, which means that the
cheapest forms will change over time. I would expect that robotic construction and the quest for zero carbon
construction will put future emphasis back onto the material.
Saint Venant’s Principle.
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2D shells work well for most of a flat slab, where the assumption of the width being much greater than the thickness
is valid (Figure 5.17). It is only close to the column supports that the assumptions start to break down. Here,
‘through-thickness shear’ starts to dominate the design, which is a 3-dimensional phenomenon. 2D shells can only
give an approximation of this, but there is the further problem in the column itself. Using a 1D element for the column
is good for modelling the way the column stiffness adjusts the bending moments in the slabs, but this creates a
point support. While you may have set the column dimensions when defining the column section, the program only
uses that to generate the stiffness of the element: 1D elements are 1-dimensional — they have no width or
thickness! In technical terms what we have here is a singularity in the matrix. We have modelled a 3-dimensional
structure using 2-dimensional elements (i.e. no thickness) supported on 1-dimensional supports (no dimensions
other than length). If the structure was truly 1- and 2-dimensional this should produce an infinite stress at the
connection; the more you reduce the mesh size at the connection the higher the stresses will become. If you could
achieve an infinitely small mesh then you would get infinitely high stresses, which would, of course, be nonsense.
The 1- and 2-dimensional elements represent 3-dimensional reality: they are an analogy and, like all analogies, break
down if you take them too far.
While refining the mesh normally gives more accurate results, this is not one of those times. Instead you have several
modelling choices:
1. Ignore the slab moments within the column perimeter. They stop increasing within the connection so do not worry
about them being in the model. The problem with this is that it underestimates the stiffness in the connection
leading to a slight error in the bending moments.
2. Thicken up the slab in the column zone. The structure here is stiffer than the slab in general, so boost the 2D
elements to match. You will still get the extreme moments within the column but the deflections will be more
realistic. You should do this if your slab has drop heads or column heads.
3. Stop the slab at the column perimeter and connect to the column node via a link or constraint (Figure 5.18).
This removes the unrealistic moments within the column but causes some strange ones on its perimeter.
4. Model the connection zone in 3D elements. You will then get the full picture of the stress flows in the area,
but with all the problems that come from interpreting the results from an isotropic mesh into an anisotropic
material like reinforced concrete†.
But which option to use? Number 1 is the easiest; 4 if you want to understand what is happening and thus check
the design rules; a combination of 2 and 3 is possibly best.
Strictly speaking reinforced concrete is not a material. For that matter, neither is concrete: it is a composite material, which we can shorten to
material. The problem with computer programming is that it demands pedantry, and this can spill over into everyday life.
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To check the punching shear, How to design reinforced concrete flat slabs using Finite Element Analysis 66
recommends ignoring the punching shear force output from the 2D FEA model as there can be inaccuracies in the
reported values due to both moment-shear effects not being included correctly and the 1D/2D connection not
modelling the 3D behaviour. Small openings close to the column might have been excluded from the analysis but
must be included in the design checks. Instead take the reactions from the slab model (or the difference in axial load
in the column above and below the slab) and use that in the hand/digital calculations. Make sure that you account
for any openings in the shear perimeter!
Connections between beams and columns are usually simpler, as there are fewer 3D aspects to worry about.
You might offset the ends of the concrete beams to the column faces, but this will have a negligible effect on the
result other than removing a slight over-calculation of the self-weight, shear force and end moment.
The reinforcement detailing of the beam-column connection is a different matter. The first professional 3D model that
I made was of a complex reinforced concrete connection, where an eaves, floor and rafter member all met at the
same point at the top of the column. The reinforcement was so congested it was not possible to fit it all in, never
mind the rainwater hopper and pipe the architect wanted straight down the middle. 30 years later, 3D modelling of
complex reinforcement has become commonplace.
Section stiffness, of course, comes from the geometry of the section and its material stiffness. The stiffness of the
reinforcement bars is known as they are forged in factories, but its exact location within the section is down to the
skill and whim of the rebar bender and fixer. I have seen reinforcement mats bent under foot and reinforcement
cages being put in upside down; I have even seen reinforcement being left out altogether. You can never be 100%
certain of what has been built once it’s been cast.
The concrete members themselves are often cast in wooden moulds made by carpenters on site, where it is difficult
to achieve the same accuracy as might be possible in a factory. The formwork must then be held in position to stop
the sides bulging by means of ‘falsework’ — note that the depth of the beam or slab depends on how much
concrete is poured into the moulds.
The location of the work is going to have an effect as well: precast concrete members are made in factory conditions
with regular staff and so are likely to be more consistent and of a higher quality than those made on site.
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The concrete’s particular properties — a conglomeration of stone, sand, cement, water (and sometimes other
chemicals) that strengthen and stiffen over time — will also affect stiffness. This happens not just over the first
few hours, when the jelly-like paste turns to pseudo rock, but over the days, weeks and months after casting. This is
influenced by the exact properties and mix proportions of the natural materials used, plus the weather on-site
(heat, cold and rain will all affect the concrete both during and after construction).
The concrete member’s bending stiffness is also dependent on the bending moment and axial load vs. its capacity.
When the tensile capacity of the concrete is overcome, causing it to crack, the stiffness reduces. The reinforcement
then takes up the load until it fails or when the concrete crushes (you need to avoid this failure mode as it will fail
With all these variables it is not surprising that most concrete deflection is based on simple rules of thumb to
determine whether it will be ok. But increasingly, more buildings are clad with modular facades, which have a
low tolerance for deflection and require more exact calculations.
Where does this leave us when the FEA method works by predicting the structural deflection? The default for most
FEA programs is to use the gross concrete section, which we calculate by multiplying the material’s Young’s
modulus (E) by the second moment of area (I), giving us the EI or stiffness of the section. This means the section
stiffness ignores any contribution from the reinforcement, which at first sight might appear conservative, but the
picture is more complex (Figure 5.19). If we take an example beam section with minimum reinforcement, the
reinforced section stiffness is only slightly higher than the gross concrete section. If we add the maximum amount of
rebar, we are initially underestimating the stiffness, but as the moment increases the section cracks and the gross
concrete section overestimates the stiffness.
0 200 400 600 800 1000
The simple approach to long-term behaviour is to reduce the concrete Young’s modulus; this does not affect the
stiffness of the reinforcement but does change the reinforced EI. Updating the stiffness diagram to use the long-term
Young’s modulus shows that the section stiffness is boosted by the reinforcement and the gross section EI is now
much lower than the real section (Figure 5.20).
Some business gurus say that it is good to fail fast and fail often, but neither are acceptable in a structure.
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0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Finally, noting that the stiffness changes with the moment, remember that ULS sway stiffness will generate larger
moments than the SLS deflections. Stability
Concrete buildings have a variety of options when it comes to stability systems. The most efficient usually depends
on the size of the structure, though stiffness requirements can influence the selection. As a rule, you can stabilise the
structure with:
• Moment continuity
• Shear walls/cores
• Bracing
As with steel frames, you need to include a rigid diaphragm in your model if you don’t want to include the slab
explicitly. It is true that the moment continuity of the concrete beams will mean that the model will be stable without
one, but the minor axis stiffness of the beams will not be a good representation of the slab stiffness. You’ll also find
there are lots of fake minor axis moments to either design for or ignore/explain away.
One question you need to answer is whether you restrain the nodes at the foundations as pinned or fixed. This is
because some foundations can act as fixed under short-term loads but will rotate, and as such are pinned, when the
loads are applied for a long time.
You may want to model the rotational stiffness of the foundations, especially if the loading is overly sensitive to the
support stiffness. I was once working on the design of a large multi-storey car park over a shopping centre over a
bus station. The complexity was such that we could not fit in movement joints at the recommended 50m spacing
and I had to carry out a nonlinear thermal analysis to prove that the structure could withstand the resulting forces.
One of the crucial aspects of the analysis was the rotational stiffness of the stability core’s piled foundations as they
were nonlinear and direction-dependant. This required several iterations with the geotechnical engineers until we got
to the final design.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing, so it is always worth reviewing your most difficult calculations and considering how
you might do it differently next time. At the time I was not familiar with nonlinear analyses having only used linear
ones, but the nonlinear base stiffness meant there was a lot of uncertainty in the results, as well as hassle for my
colleagues calculating multiple foundation stiffnesses. Today, I would just ask for the stiffnesses over a range of loads,
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calculate the nonlinear spring curves from that, and do a single static nonlinear analysis. Also, with the intervening
decades of development, the analysis software itself is much better at dealing with nonlinear problems. Experience tells
us how to make things simpler next time: sometimes that means a simpler model, sometimes it means a more complex
analysis (but only once).
For example, if you want to predict the seismic behaviour of the building and stability core and quickly explore design
options, use 1D elements and add masses at each floor level to represent the local structure: if the floor and
columns do not contribute to the overall lateral stiffness then leave them out of the model. Changes to the core are
thus quite simple to enact and so you can quickly explore different options with minimum effort.
If you have a wall, rectangular or C-shaped core you can define it as an appropriately shaped section in the profile
table of your FEA program. For other shapes without a suitable parametric wizard you might draw it in a CAD
program and import it. The program will define the section about its centroid, so be careful where you position
asymmetric cores.
You can also use 1D elements when you have multiple cores or shear walls stabilising a building. As before, do not
model the floor structure but represent the diaphragm using a rigid constraint. Ensure it is set to work in the
horizontal directions and not in the vertical for the most realistic behaviour; as the floor diaphragm will make the
lateral movement consistent, but its bending stiffness will be too negligible to contribute. Include rotation about the
vertical axis in the rigid constraint if possible, but not at the expense of including rotation about the horizontal axes as
they will also add an unrealistic stiffness.
Add a node in the centre of each floor and include it in the rigid constraint. You can then apply the wind load on
each storey as a nodal point load on this node or add a mass to replicate the weight of the floor. The position might
be the floor centroid for seismic analysis or the centre of wind action.
To find the centre of wind action consider all the wind loads in a direction. Resolve all these down to a single vector.
Repeat in the orthogonal direction and mark where the two vectors cross. Some floor plan shapes may necessitate a
variety of centres for winds in different directions.
Cores are more than the sum of the shear walls but instead work as a whole; this means that you need to connect
the parts together with stiff elements to generate the shear transfer between walls. You can do this with very stiff
beam elements (ensuring that you include their shear stiffness) or link elements. If using beam elements, ensure they
follow the wall lines and thus connect where the real structure does. The beam properties will be that of the wall
panel, so its depth will be the floor spacing if there are no openings, or less where there are openings. Ensure they
have no mass so that you do not double-count the self-weight or modal mass. Links do not need to follow the wall
lines as, like vectors, they are equal to the sum of the parts, but the substructure will be easier to understand and
thus check if you do keep them within the walls. Links don’t have a self-weight and so you don’t need to worry
about over-counting the mass.
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The problem with the horizontal elements is that you can quickly get lost if you’re not careful, especially when
working in 3D. Switching on the element solid display normally helps visualise a structure but that is not the case
here. As with grillages, you have the structure represented twice: once horizontally and once vertically.
An alternative to horizontal elements is to use a rigid constraint that works in all six directions. This assumes the
shear transfer elements are stiffer than the walls. This has the advantage of being easier to model as there are no
horizontal elements. Note that if you also have a rigid constraint for the floor diaphragm you need to be careful how
you connect them. Only include the primary node of the core rigid constraint in the floor diaphragm — otherwise you
will get an error, as a secondary node cannot be connected to two primary nodes.
Like grillages, the 1D element approach for cores struggles with non-regular openings. It is an abstraction of the real
core and some structures are easier to abstract than others. Also, the 1D elements are great at giving you the overall
force or moment in a wall but are not so clear about how the forces flow between the sections.
As with flat slabs, the rule of 10 elements across while maintaining the minimum size of twice-thickness is a
reasonable one. The corners of openings will generate stress concentrations that will grow as the element sizes
Remember to use spring supports as the base if your core is bearing directly onto the ground, as full translational
restraints will generate unrealistic local stresses. While the footing might provide out-of-plane moment restraint,
you should usually leave out any in-plane moment restraints as this will be provided by the vertical reactions along
the wall.
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Watch out for significant moments on the core that put the soil supports into tension, which it cannot take unless
they’re piled. Remember that overturning forces from wind are resisted by the structural gravity load, so check
load combinations not individual load cases. The quick hand calculation approach is to divide the moment by the
vertical load to find the eccentricity of the line of thrust and ensure that it is within the middle third of the base.
It is an easy calculation when the base is rectangular and the loads are orthogonal but gets tricky for other
situations such as loading on the diagonal. The core might still be stable if the eccentricity is a little outside the
middle third but the contact stresses with the soil will grow rapidly with the eccentricity, so be careful. In these
situations, replace linear spring supports with compression-only ones. This will make the analysis non-linear, so
also check that the core is stable (is there much point in having a stability core if it is not?) and thus that the
non-linear analysis will converge.
Following the analysis, display the principal stresses and check that the forces are flowing through the walls as you
expect. In general, the reinforcement will be vertical and horizontal, but there may be locations, such as around
openings, where diagonal bars are also required.
Always remember to compare the results of your 1D element stick model with the 2D shell element version to ensure
they are giving comparable results. If not, you know there has been a problem in modelling or loading one of them
(possibly both). Bracing
Bracing of concrete frames is normally reserved for very tall buildings, as sloping RC members are not easy to cast.
When you get to the mega-frame scale the effort becomes worthwhile due to the savings on floor space (smaller
Due to the size of the bracing on very tall structures, it might be expressed (i.e. made visible) in the building cladding.
You should also try to optimise the bracing layout as it is such an important part of the structure and difficult to
construct. Simple X-bracing is now giving way to evolutionary topology optimised (ETO) methods, resulting in
asymmetric but more efficient layouts (Chapters 8 and 9).
5.2.6 Substructure
If the frame is statically indeterminate the support stiffness can affect the bending moments and other results. This
means you should use spring supports, unless the stiffnesses are significantly greater than those of the structure,
when the support stiffness will not make a significant difference to the results. If in doubt, undertake a sensitivity
analysis to get the range of results: supports pinned, supports fixed, model with an estimate of the support
You can make a quick guess at the soil stiffness by assuming that the foundations will settle 10mm under full,
unfactored load. If the spring stiffness of the support is measured in KN/m (the force to generate 1m of movement)
it will be 100× the load. You will not see any effect on the moment distribution for the fully loaded condition as the
settlements will all be the same, but you may see a redistribution under partial loads.
Differential settlement will have a major effect on the moment distribution, so you should model it as accurately as
you can. Bear in mind that soil is even more variable than concrete so a sensitivity analysis covering the range of
possibilities is sensible. You might also look at soil-structure interaction, as the soil will tend to displace more under
the centre of the structure than at the sides (Figure 5.22).
The ‘dishing’ of the soil is due to the overlapping stress bulbs under each footing. This means that a constant
stiffness under a building, and especially under a raft foundation, is inaccurate. Instead, the foundations have a lower
effective stiffness under the middle of the structure.
When modelling the bending moments and shear forces in a raft foundation, do not automatically include the
self-weight of the slab itself as it will be poured wet. This will add stress to the ground so do consider it if that is of
interest to the design. Conversely, you do need to consider self-weight if the slab is likely to lift and lose contact with
the ground at certain points e.g. asymmetrical loading or ground heave.
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5.2.7 Timber
When timber structures are frames you can follow a similar modelling approach as that for steel frames, but if you
are using cross-laminated timber (CLT) slabs then concrete modelling should be your guide.
Timber has orthotropic properties and you should use orthotropic materials for 2D and 3D elements, but you only
need isotropic materials for 1D elements.
Timber member sizes are often governed by the connections, so their design must be included early on as part of
your workflow.
Remember that these are generic suggestions; you need to consider very carefully what is the best way to model
your structure.
5.2.8 Masonry
Masonry is quite different to steel and concrete. It is a composite material comprising stones, bricks, or concrete
blocks held together (or apart) by mortar made from sand plus cement or lime.
Masonry is stiff, can be strong in compression (especially stone masonry), but has virtually no tensile strength due to
the weakness of the mortar joints. For this reason, the primary requirement for masonry design is to keep it in
compression, which we achieve using two principal methods:
1. Shape — arches for spanning gaps, buttresses for turning lateral loads into vertical ones, etc.
2. Prestress — while this might come from tension rods, the standard method is to use the masonry’s self-weight
plus any load coming from elsewhere in the structure.
It is also possible to give masonry tensile capacity by adding reinforcement, but the scope for this is limited. Any
significant tension will indicate cracking and thus a change of load-path, so remember to include permanent and
variable actions with wind loads to get reasonable results.
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Linear finite element analysis works on the assumption that materials are not limited in either tension or compression,
which makes it less than ideal for masonry — all models are wrong and masonry models are more wrong than most.
That said, there are some applications where you can use it, under consideration. One option is to use it for load
takedown or principal stress analysis on walls and other gravity-loaded structures (Figure 5.23). Another is to get
moment and shear distributions on wind-loaded panels.
The essential point for modelling masonry in FEA is to remember that it is nonlinear, so you need to either model it in
a very high-end analysis package, use linear analysis and treat the results with a lot of scepticism, or use a
dedicated masonry package that adopts a completely different analysis method to FEA. I would also recommend
reading specialist masonry design guides68.
Strictly speaking, all loads are dynamic, at least when they are first applied; most loads are there long enough for the
induced vibration to stop. I was told once that even if a weight is placed onto a beam and released, the initial
deflection will be twice the final, static deflection. If the structure is linear then twice the deflection means twice the
strain and hence twice the stress†. The loading on a structure tends to be applied gradually: one piece of furniture at
a time. Loads that are applied instantly, such as explosions, tend to be short duration ones, so the structure does
not always have time to react and thus develop the stresses or strains sufficient to break it. Suddenly, applied loads
that remain for a period of time can be difficult for the structure to withstand.
When conducting a vibration analysis for steel frames with simple connections, the convention is to model the
connections as continuous. The reason for this is that under serviceability vibrations the strains are usually too small
to overcome the friction in the joint, and thus act as if they have a full moment connection. Likewise, it is appropriate
to model the floor as composite with the beams, even if it is not designed for this in the ultimate limit state.
Structural safety factors do a lot of work.
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For ULS we might also model the connections as fixed because they have only a limited rotation before locking up.
The real connections during an earthquake might be constantly slipping and locking, which is difficult to model, but
might release some energy; ignoring this aspect in the design makes it a little more conservative. Generally, seismic
zone steel connections will be designed as continuous.
Concrete structures are usually moment frames, but the time-dependant aspects of the material mean that you
should use the dynamic modulus, which is stiffer than the regular Young’s modulus value.
What we include in a vibration model may differ from a static model. Under ultimate loads we would ignore fixtures
such as handrails and glazing, but for serviceability vibration their stiffness can have a significant impact on the
response. While balustrading will not strengthen an edge beam it will help to reduce local vibration excitation.
How much of the structure should we model? The answer is, as always, as little as possible while still obtaining
sufficiently realistic behaviour. For example, if we are modelling the overall behaviour of a tall building that is stabilised
by just its concrete core, we can dispense with the floors and just add the relevant masses at each level. Likewise,
if there are multiple cores or shear walls we can again dispense with the floors and instead link them with a
horizontal diaphragm plus the missing mass.
Appropriate modal mass is a key feature of a good vibration analysis because, along with stiffness, it resists the
induced vibration; the worst case can be when the loads are at a minimum. This means you need to include the
permanent and variable actions that will actually be there and not the extreme required for the ultimate limit design.
You will need a sensitivity analysis (testing the range of loads) unless the loads are given in the relevant design guide
or code.
If we’re looking at human or machinery induced vibrations, the excitation occurs at a particular location but can also
resonate in the adjacent bays. This means it is very conservative to model just a single beam, as it will not include
the mass of the bays that resist the excitation. Instead you must model the beams and the slab on the floor or
bridge deck. You will also need to include the columns to the next floor. Unlike static analysis, model the walls and
cladding as restraints (fixed or spring depending on the design guide70–72) rather than loads.
If you have a very regular frame, the modal analysis may show that the whole floor has the same natural frequency
(Figure 5.24). This may result in an over-estimation of the modal mass as damping will prevent the vibrations from
travelling too far, and thus be unconservative regarding the predicted floor accelerations. You will get a more
accurate vibrating machinery or footfall analysis if you only model the adjacent bays, as then you will avoid counting
mass that will not have a chance to resist the vibrations. The downside to this is that you will have to create a model
for each bay. Luckily, most buildings are not regular and thus the natural frequency modes are already quite
restricted in extent. This means you can often get away with modelling the entire floor in one model and not worry
about over-counting the mass.
Watch out for bays that have only local vibrations (Figure 5.25) as these will have a low modal mass and thus can
experience a high response. The simple hand calculations in the footfall design guides cannot cope with these bays
and FEA is the only sensible way to analyse them.
Footfall vibrations are linear, so a modal dynamic analysis is sufficient to find the natural frequencies. You need to
then follow it with a dedicated footfall analysis (Appendix E) or set up a number of harmonic (steady state vibration)
analyses to see how each location responds to footsteps. With bridges you can have a reasonable idea of the paths
people will take across the structure (much harder on a floorplate) so you can set up time-history analyses to get the
effect of people walking and running over the bridge.
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With seismic design we know acceleration and the mass, and we are trying to find the resulting forces. So, while we
resist floor vibrations by adding mass, a good engineering response to seismic loads is often to reduce the mass as
much as possible. Curiously, another way to reduce the earthquake (and explosion) loads can be to reduce the
stiffness. This is because earthquakes induce deflection in the structure. It takes little force to deflect a low stiffness
structure, so an induced deflection in something that has little stiffness induces little stress.
Behaviour will change if the structure is damaged by the event. The formation of plastic hinges under seismic load
can be an important part of the design but will alter the dynamic behaviour of a steel structure. Likewise hinges,
spalling and cracking will change the frequencies of a concrete frame.
| The Institution of Structural Engineers
Computational engineering
You have a number of options for analysing seismic behaviour. The simplest is to use a pushover analysis, which
assesses the frame for a number of equivalent horizontal static loads. You can run a linear time-history analysis
following the modal analysis to see what the peak forces are likely to be. The most advanced option, used for tall
buildings and other particular cases, is to use a nonlinear explicit solver with time-histories of real and simulated
earthquakes, to see how the structure will actually perform, included as hinges form and parts break. The last option
is time-consuming, not only because the analyses are slow, but you also need to run many different cases to ensure
you have captured the most significant structural behaviours. Explosions
“The green reed which bends in the wind is stronger than the mighty oak which breaks in a storm.”
Explosions exert huge forces but only for few milliseconds. An explosion initially causes high pressures on structures,
pushing away from the blast, then there is a negative load, a suction, as air rushes back in. This causes a lower
pressure on the structure but over a comparatively longer time; it can be this part of the explosion that breaks the
If you compare structures of high and low stiffness for a given deflection, the stiffer structure will experience greater
stresses and strains, and so is more likely to fail. The best thing is to have a heavy structure with low stiffness.
A linear time-history with a modal dynamic analysis can provide some insight into explosion behaviour, but I would
expect to use nonlinear time-histories with explicit solvers to see what breaks and where it lands.