Smae 6
Smae 6
Smae 6
Neonatal outcomes
BW (g) Metformin vs. glyburide 3 453 MD −133.23 [−289.26, 22.80] 0.09 64% RE
Metformin vs. insulin 14 2,791 SMD −0.37 [−0.62, −0.12] 0.004* 90% RE
Glyburide vs. insulin 8 2,549 MD 54.95 [3.87, 106.03] 0.03* 29% FE
LGA Metformin vs. glyburide 2 304 RR 1.16 [0.62, 2.16] 0.64 0% FE
Metformin vs. insulin 10 1,340 RR 0.76 [0.63, 0.90] 0.002* 31% FE
Glyburide vs. insulin 3 515 RR 1.66 [0.57, 4.86] 0.35 50% RE
Metformin vs. glyburide 0 – – – – – –
SGA Metformin vs. insulin 12 2,775 RR 1.15 [0.87, 1.53] 0.32 40% FE
Glyburide vs. insulin 0 – – – – – –
Hyperbilirubinemia Metformin vs. glyburide 1 104 RR 0.77 [0.43, 1.36] – – –
Metformin vs. insulin 11 2,530 RR 0.81 [0.61, 1.06] 0.12 18% FE
Glyburide vs. insulin 5 1,549 RR 1.18 [0.76, 1.84] 0.46 0% FE
Phototherapy Metformin vs. glyburide 2 263 RR 0.84 [0.51, 1.38] 0.49 0% FE
Metformin vs. insulin 6 1,389 RR 1.07 [0.77, 1.50] 0.69 0% FE
Glyburide vs. insulin 2 119 RR 1.17 [0.61, 2.24] 0.63 9% FE
Fetal or Metformin vs. glyburide 2 359 RR 0.92 [0.06, 14.55] 0.95 – FE
neonatal death Metformin vs. insulin 4 1,311 RR 0.34 [0.05, 2.15] 0.25 0% FE
Glyburide vs. insulin 3 491 RR 1.41 [0.28, 7.07] 0.68 0% FE
Apgar 5′ <7 Metformin vs. glyburide 1 104 RR 0.35 [0.01, 8.31] – – –
Metformin vs. insulin 7 1,041 RR 1.26 [0.73, 2.18] 0.41 0% FE
Glyburide vs. insulin 2 832 RR 0.33 [0.09, 1.17] 0.09 – FE
Congenital Metformin vs. glyburide 0 – – – – – –
anomaly Metformin vs. insulin 6 2,554 RR 0.68 [0.38, 1.22] 0.20 0% FE
Glyburide vs. insulin 6 933 RR 0.87 [0.39, 1.95] 0.74 0% FE
Respiratory distress Metformin vs. glyburide 1 159 RR 0.51 [0.10, 2.69] – – –
Metformin vs. insulin 10 1,197 RR 0.73 [0.50, 1.05] 0.09 0% FE
Glyburide vs. insulin 2 832 RR 0.88 [0.36, 2.15] 0.77 – FE
Shoulder dystocia Metformin vs. glyburide 2 253 RR 0.34 [0.04, 3.20] 0.34 0% FE
Metformin vs. insulin 3 454 RR 0.83 [0.26, 2.69] 0.76 1% FE
Glyburide vs. insulin 2 832 RR 0.60 [0.05, 6.61] 0.68 – FE
Preterm birth Metformin vs. glyburide 2 263 RR 1.86 [0.65, 5.33] 0.25 0% FE
Metformin vs. insulin 11 2,611 RR 1.22 [0.93, 1.60] 0.15 23% FE
Glyburide vs. insulin 3 896 RR 1.34 [0.79, 2.26] 0.28 43% FE
Gestational age Metformin vs. glyburide 4 612 MD −0.10 [−0.32, 0.13] 0.40 40% FE
at delivery Metformin vs. insulin 10 2,963 MD −0.22 [−0.34, −0.10] 0.0002* 6% FE
Glyburide vs. insulin 4 290 MD −0.07 [−0.38, 0.23] 0.64 22% FE
Maternal outcomes
Maternal Metformin vs. glyburide 2 304 MD −1.44 [−2.99, 0.10] 0.07 11% FE
weight gain (kg) Metformin vs. insulin 5 738 MD −1.41 [−2.28, −0.55] 0.001* 89% RE
Glyburide vs. insulin 2 455 MD −0.91 [−2.87, 1.06] 0.37 0% FE
Caesarean delivery Metformin vs. glyburide 3 412 RR 1.34 [0.77, 2.35] 0.31 56% RE
Metformin vs. insulin 11 1,693 RR 0.86 [0.78, 0.95] 0.004* 46% FE
Glyburide vs. insulin 4 1,025 RR 0.93 [0.79, 1.10] 0.40 19% FE - 8/13/2021 10:39:25 PM
Fasting blood glucose Metformin vs. glyburide 4 612 SMD 0.20 [0.05, 0.36] 0.01* 0% FE
Metformin vs. insulin 10 1,148 SMD −0.23 [−0.52, 0.07] 0.13 90% RE
Glyburide vs. insulin 5 666 SMD 0.14 [−0.01, 0.30] 0.06 0% FE
Postprandial blood Metformin vs. glyburide 4 612 SMD 0.10 [−0.06, 0.26] 0.21 43% FE
glucose Metformin vs. insulin 10 2,148 SMD −0.41 [−0.72, −0.11] 0.008* 91% RE
Glyburide vs. insulin 6 689 SMD −0.07 [−0.82, 0.69] 0.86 94% RE
Glycosylated Metformin vs. glyburide 0 – – – – – –
hemoglobin Metformin vs. insulin 7 2,053 MD −0.02 [−0.13, 0.10] 0.79 79% RE
Glyburide vs. insulin 4 584 MD −0.45 [−1.01, 0.12] 0.12 93% RE
Pregnancy-induced Metformin vs. glyburide 2 263 RR 0.66 [0.29, 1.46] 0.30 0% FE
hypertension Metformin vs. insulin 5 822 RR 0.47 [0.27, 0.83] 0.01* 0% FE
Glyburide vs. insulin 0 – – – – – –
Preeclampsia Metformin vs. glyburide 1 149 RR 0.66 [0.11, 3.82] – – –
Metformin vs. insulin 9 2,000 RR 0.79 [0.60, 1.04] 0.10 0% FE
Glyburide vs. insulin 1 64 RR 1.50 [0.47, 4.82] – – –
Induction of labor Metformin vs. glyburide 2 263 RR 0.76 [0.59, 0.97] 0.03* 0% FE
Metformin vs. insulin 4 693 RR 0.89 [0.74, 1.08] 0.24 41% FE
Glyburide vs. insulin 1 23 – – – – –
RCTs, randomized controlled trials; GDM, gestational diabetes mellitus; MD, mean difference; RE, random effect; SMD, standard
mean difference; FE, fixed effect; RR, risk ratio; BW, birth weight; LGA, large for gestational age; SGA, small for gestational age.
Bias of Risk for the Included Studies 0.01). Nevertheless, several outcomes only exist in one of
The risk of bias was measured for each of the 32 stud- those studies, for example, neonatal hyperbilirubinemia,
ies included. Although all the trials mentioned random- preeclampsia, Apgar 5′ <7, congenital anomaly, respiratory
ization, only 17 studies described their specific random- distress, and maternal glycosylated hemoglobin.
ization strategies [13, 18–33]. About half of the studies
did not specify the strategy of allocation concealment [22, Effect of Metformin versus Insulin
23, 31, 32, 34–48]. Twenty-one studies were judged to be Seventeen studies including 3,384 participants com-
high risk of performance bias, of which 6 studies reported pared metformin with insulin [20–22, 24–26, 31, 32, 34,
open-label [18, 20, 23, 35, 37, 42], and 16 studies were un- 38, 40–42, 44, 45, 47, 48]. For neonatal outcomes, there
likely to have been blinded due to differences in mode of was evidence of decreased incidence rates of macrosomia
administration of the interventions [13, 21, 22, 24, 30–32, (RR: 0.66, 95% CI: 0.50–0.88, p = 0.005), neonatal hypo-
36, 39–41, 43, 45, 47, 48]. The graph and summary of the glycemia (RR: 0.67, 95% CI: 0.56–0.80, p < 0.0001), NICU
risks of bias are provided in online suppl. Figures 1 and 2. admission (RR: 0.78, 95% CI: 0.67–0.91, p = 0.002), LGA
(RR: 0.76, 95% CI: 0.50–0.90, p = 0.002), and reduction
Effect of Metformin versus Glyburide of BW (SMD: −0.37, 95% CI: −0.62 to −0.12, p = 0.004)
Four studies, including 612 participants, compared met- between women who received metformin versus insulin,
formin with glyburide [13, 28, 37, 46]. There is no signifi- shown in Table 1 and Figures 1–3, respectively. However,
cant difference between metformin and glyburide for neo- there was no difference in SGA between the metformin
natal outcomes, as shown in Table 1 and Figures 1–3. For and insulin group. For maternal outcomes, it is shown
maternal outcomes, metformin can lower the incidence of that metformin is more effective at reducing the risk of
induction of labor (RR: 0.76, 95% CI: 0.59–0.97, p = 0.03); maternal weight gain (MD: −1.41, 95% CI: −2.28 to
however, glyburide has the efficacy of controlling maternal −0.55, p = 0.001), cesarean delivery (RR: 0.86, 95% CI:
fasting blood glucose (SMD: 0.20, 95% CI: 0.05–0.36, p = 0.78–0.95, p = 0.0004), maternal postprandial blood glu- - 8/13/2021 10:39:25 PM
Metformin Insulin
Weight, Risk ratio Risk ratio
Study or subgroup events total events total % M-H, fixed, 95% CI M-H, fixed, 95% CI
Ashoush, 2016 2 47 5 48 4.8 0.41 [0.08, 2.00]
Eid, 2018 3 113 6 116 5.8 0.51 [0.13, 2.00]
Hague, 2003 2 16 2 14 2.1 0.88 [0.14, 5.42]
Hassan, 2012 8 75 14 75 13.7 0.57 [0.25, 1.28]
Ijas, 2010 9 47 11 50 10.4 0.87 [0.40, 1.91]
Mesdaghinia, 2013 11 100 18 100 17.6 0.61 [0.30, 1.23]
Niromanesh, 2012 3 80 8 80 7.8 0.38 [0.10, 1.36]
Ruholamin, 2014 0 50 0 50 Not estimable
Spaulonci, 2013 0 47 3 47 3.4 0.14 [0.01, 2.69]
Tertti, 2012 22 110 16 107 15.9 1.34 [0.74, 2.40]
Wasim, 2019 7 137 19 141 18.3 0.38 [0.16, 0.87]
Glyburide Insulin
Weight, Risk ratio Risk ratio
Study or subgroup events total events total % M-H, random, 95% CI M-H, random, 95% CI
Behrashi, 2016 4 120 17 129 19.7 0.25 [0.09, 0.73]
Lain, 2009 9 41 1 41 9.8 9.00 [1.19, 67.85]
Langer, 2000 14 201 9 203 23.3 1.57 [0.70, 3.55]
Masoomeh, 2015 2 37 4 59 12.8 0.80 [0.15, 4.14]
Senat, 2018 33 367 28 442 28.2 1.42 [0.87, 2.30]
Tempe, 2013 1 32 1 32 6.3 1.00 [0.07, 15.30]
Fig. 1. Main outcomes of macrosomia between metformin, glyburide, and insulin in neonates.
cose (SMD: −0.41, 95% CI: −0.72 to −0.11, p = 0.008), and 35, 36, 39, 43]. For neonatal outcomes, there was a re-
pregnancy-induced hypertension (RR: 0.47, 95% CI: duced rate of neonatal hypoglycemia (RR: 1.52, 95% CI:
0.27–0.83, p = 0.01), as well as a shorter GA at delivery 1.12–2,07, p = 0.007) and a decrease of BW (MD: 54.95,
(MD: −0.22, 95% CI: −0.34 to −0.10, p = 0.0002). Further- 95% CI: 3.87–106.03, p = 0.03) shown between women
more, there is no difference between the other outcomes, who received insulin versus glyburide (Table 1; Fig. 3,
shown in Table 1. respectively). However, there is no obvious difference
between neonatal hyperbilirubinemia, macrosomia,
Effect of Glyburide versus Insulin and other outcomes, shown in Table 1 and Figures 1
Eleven studies including 1,958 participants com- and 2.
pared glyburide with insulin [18, 19, 23, 27, 29, 30, 33, - 8/13/2021 10:39:25 PM
Metformin Insulin
Weight, Risk ratio Risk ratio
Study or subgroup events total events total % M-H, fixed, 95% CI M-H, fixed, 95% CI
Ainuddin, 2015 7 16 69 100 6.6 0.63 [0.36, 1.12]
Ashoush, 2016 4 47 5 48 1.7 0.82 [0.23, 2.86]
Eid, 2018 12 113 19 116 6.5 0.65 [0.33, 1.27]
Ghomian, 2018 29 143 27 143 9.3 1.07 [0.67, 1.72]
Hassan, 2012 14 75 19 75 6.6 0.74 [0.40, 1.36]
Ijas, 2010 7 47 11 50 3.7 0.68 [0.29, 1.60]
Mesdaghinia, 2013 14 100 33 100 11.4 0.42 [0.24, 0.74]
Niromanesh, 2012 5 80 2 80 0.7 2.50 [0.50, 12.51]
Rowan, 2008 68 363 78 370 26.7 0.89 [0.66, 1.19]
Ruholamin, 2014 0 50 2 50 0.9 0.20 [0.01, 4.06]
Saleh, 2016 10 67 12 70 4.1 0.87 [0.40, 1.88]
Silva, 2016 10 250 3 106 1.5 1.41 [0.40, 5.03]
Tertti, 2012 34 110 39 107 13.7 0.85 [0.58, 1.23]
Wasim, 2019 9 137 20 141 6.8 0.46 [0.22, 0.98]
Glyburide Insulin
Weight, Risk ratio Risk ratio
Study or subgroup events total events total % M-H, fixed, 95% CI M-H, fixed, 95% CI
Behrashi, 2016 4 120 8 129 20.2 0.54 [0.17, 1.74]
Langer, 2000 12 201 14 203 36.5 0.87 [0.41, 1.83]
Masoomeh, 2015 4 37 7 59 14.1 0.91 [0.29, 2.90]
Reynolds, 2017 4 13 1 10 3.0 3.08 [0.40, 23.44]
Senat, 2018 10 367 11 442 26.2 1.09 [0.47, 2.55]
Fig. 2. Main outcomes of NICU admission between metformin, glyburide, and insulin in neonates.
Metformin Insulin
Weight, Risk ratio Risk ratio
Study or subgroup events total events total % M-H, fixed, 95% CI M-H, fixed, 95% CI
Ainuddin, 2015 4 16 30 100 3.4 0.83 [0.34, 2.05]
Ashoush, 2016 6 47 7 48 2.9 0.88 [0.32, 2.41]
Eid, 2018 9 113 14 116 5.7 0.66 [0.30, 1.46]
Ghomian, 2018 12 143 17 143 7.1 0.71 [0.35, 1.42]
Hassan, 2012 10 75 20 75 8.3 0.50 [0.25, 1.00]
Ijas, 2010 4 47 7 50 2.8 0.61 [0.19, 1.94]
Mesdaghinia, 2013 10 100 15 100 6.2 0.67 [0.31, 1.41]
Niromanesh, 2012 3 80 2 80 0.8 1.50 [0.26, 8.74]
Rowan, 2008 55 363 69 370 28.4 0.81 [0.59, 1.12]
Ruholamin, 2014 0 50 2 50 1.0 0.20 [0.01, 4.06]
Saleh, 2016 7 67 15 70 6.1 0.49 [0.21, 1.12]
Spaulonci, 2013 6 47 10 47 4.1 0.60 [0.24, 1.52]
Tertti, 2012 18 110 18 107 7.6 0.97 [0.54, 1.77]
Wasim, 2019 13 137 38 141 15.5 0.35 [0.20, 0.63]
Glyburide Insulin
Weight, Risk ratio Risk ratio
Study or subgroup events total events total % M-H, fixed, 95% CI M-H, fixed, 95% CI
Behrashi, 2016 2 120 7 129 11.2 0.31 [0.07, 1.45]
Langer, 2000 18 201 12 203 19.8 1.51 [0.75, 3.06]
Mukhopadhyay, 2012 4 30 3 30 5.0 1.33 [0.33, 5.45]
Oguntemi, 2007 12 48 6 49 9.9 2.04 [0.83, 5.00]
Reynolds, 2017 2 13 0 10 0.9 3.93 [0.21, 73.71]
Senat, 2018 45 367 32 442 48.2 1.69 [1.10, 2.61]
Tempe, 2013 4 32 3 32 5.0 1.33 [0.32, 5.49]
Total (95% CI) 811 895 100.0 1.52 [1.12, 2.07] 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Total events 87 63 Glyburide Insulin
Heterogeneity: χ2 = 5.21, df = 6 (p = 0.52); I2 = 0%
Test for overall effect: Z = 2.68 (p = 0.007)
Fig. 3. Main outcomes of hypoglycemia between metformin, glyburide, and insulin in neonates.
main metabolic abnormalities of GDM, these defects are The primary management of GDM is lifestyle inter-
almost asymptomatic and are usually detected due to ex- vention, including dietary modification and physical ac-
tensive testing of glucose levels during pregnancy. There- tivity. The RADIEL (Finnish Gestational Diabetes Pre-
fore, the ADA (American Diabetes Association) recom- vention) study revealed that diet intervention and moder-
mended that all pregnant women without diabetes ate physical activity could reduce the incidence of GDM
should take a 75-g OGTT at 24–28 weeks of gestation among the high-risk population [55]. Diet and physical
[54]. activity are sufficient to control the blood glucose status - 8/13/2021 10:39:25 PM
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