A Study On Consumer Satisfaction Towards Myntra

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(Submitted for the degree of BBA HONOURS under the University of Calcutta)




• Name of the candidate: Khushi Gupta

• Roll No: 034-BBAS-20-1-0025

• Registration No: 034-1211-1330-20

• Name of the college: Shri Shikshayatan College

• College UID: 20200933

Name of the Supervisor: Prof. Jayita Dasgupta

Name of the College: Shri Shikshayatan College

Month & Year Submission: July, 2022

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This is to certify that Miss. Khushi Gupta a student of BBA Honours in Shri Shikshayatan
College under the University of Calcutta has worked under my supervision and guidance for
her project work and prepared a project report with the title A Study On Consumer
Satisfaction Towards Myntra- An E-commerce Site on which she is submitting her
genuine and original work to the best of my knowledge.

Place: Kolkata

Date: June,2022

Supervisor Name: Jayita Dasgupta

Supervisor Desigmation: Faculty

Supervisor’s Signature:

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I hereby declare that the project work with the title A Study On Consumer Satisfaction
Towards Myntra- An E-commerce Site submitted by me for the partial fulfilment of the
degree of BBA Honours under the University of Calcutta is my original work and has not
been submitted earlier to any other University for the fulfilment of the requirement for any
course of study. I also declare that no chapter of this manuscript in whole or in part has been
incorporated in this report from any earlier work done by others or by me. However, extracts
of any literature which has been used for this report has been duly acknowledged providing
details of such literature in the references.


Name: Khushi Gupta

Address: Ashoknagar Tollygounge

Registration no: 034-1211-1330-20

Date: June,2022

Place: Kolkata

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As a student of BBA (Honours) semester 4 of SHRI SHIKSHAYATAN COLLEGE, I
have got the opportunity to do a project on the title “A Study On Consumer Satisfaction
Towards Myntra- An E-commerce Site”. I have tried to cover all the aspects of financial
statements of this renowned organization. I have done the study on the basis of facts and
figures published in the annual report of MYNTRA. And some other books. My work would
not have been completed successfully without the guidance of Prof. Jayita Dasgupta. She
has helped me to plan out my line of action for doing the project and provided me with all
other necessary information. I would like to express my deepest respect to all the faculty
members of my college who have guided me from time to time to complete this project work

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1 1.1 Background 7
1.2 Literature Review 8
1.3 Objective of the study 9
1.3 Research Methodology 9
1.4 Limitation of the Study 10
1.5 Chapter Planning 10

2.1 Defination of e-commerce 12-15
2.2 Importance of e-commerce 15-16
2.3 Limitation of e-commerce 17


4.1 Summary Of Obsevation 32
4.2 Conclusion 33
4.3 Recommendation 34



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The history of E-commerce started forty years ago and, to the current day, continues to grow
with new technologies, innovations, and thousands of companies coming into the web market
every year. Electronic Data Interchanges and teleshopping in the 1970s paved the way for the
modern day E-commerce store. Technologies such as telephone banking, automated teller
machines (ATM) and credit cards roamed throughout the1980s, which contributed to the
further development of E-commerce concepts. Over the next few years, several more key
inventions made the real boom of E-commerce possible. Data mining and warehousing were
essential to the process, but even more important was a little invention called the World Wide
Web – an Internet browser. In 1991,Ecommerce became possible over the web, but didn’t
truly gain popularity until many of the security issues and modem speeds significantly
improved. The inception of Social Media and Networking from the start of 2000’s provided
an even more broadened scope for both businesses and consumers in the E-commerce arena.
Today e-commerce has become an integral part of everyday life. In India E-commerce
business has seen exponential growth over the last decade. This growth is due to many
contributory factors, including rapid adoption of technology by Indian consumers, large
increases in the number of internet users, new enabling technologies, innovative business
models and alternative payment options offered by Ecommerce companies. Moreover, the
high growth in E-commerce continues unabated, with the sector expecting to witness a steep
increase in revenues in the coming years. In the study below the Myntra company as a whole
has been discussed which comprises of the Financial ratios and depth analysis of the company
as a whole. The story of the formation of Myntra.com is often repeated and is now an urban
legend. The company was founded by Mr. Mukesh Bansal an Indian Businessman. He did
not know much about the Internet. But, he came across a statistic that the Internet was
growing at 2300%, which convinced him that this was a large growth opportunity. Not
knowing much more, he plunged into the world of E-Commerce with no prior retailing

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● Tim Worstall (2015) in their research paper titled that significant changes are
taking place in developed countries where customers turn to purchasing online rather
than offline malls.
● Thomason Rajan(2021) has a research paper titled “The Myntra Story in India:
states the case highlights critical issues in the Myntra growth story attempted to
research factors affecting the decision to purchase cellphones. The study reveals six
significant factors that influence mobile purchasing decisions. Cellphone apps also
play a significant role in buying.
● Sandeep Krishnamurthy (2015) in his research paper “Myntra: A
Comprehensive Case History” found that in many ways, Myntra.com is perhaps the
company that is most closely tied with the E-Commerce phenomenon. The purpose of
this case is to present a balanced and up-to-date business history of the company.
● Anupindi Sravani (2020) in his research paper “M-Commerce Platform and
Fashion: Myntra.com” stated that this research deals with the factors influencing the
customers to switch to m-commerce platforms from e-commerce websites. It also
studies how Myntra performs through M-commerce platforms in the fashion apparel
● Nayana. N. and Dr. Veena K.P.(2019) “A STUDY ON ONLINE SHOPPING
has been made to critically examine various corporate and business level strategies of
two big e-tailers and those are Flipkart and Snapdeal. The e-commerce has broken the
technological and geographical barriers over the years and has got huge amount of
success which many economical analyst and experts never predicted and still it has to
go a long way ahead in India. A comparative study of Flipkart.com with one of the
close competitor Snapdeal.com delivers the information about the success of
Flipkart.com in present Indian market scenario.
● Bhatt S and Bhatt A(2012) “Factors influencing online shopping: an empirical
study” mentioned that factors such as time, availability of products, affordable price,
promotions that e-retailers provide and ease in payment methods encourage the young
minds to shop more online. We all know that internet is most used by the people who
lie between age group of 20-35 years. So most of the e-retailers keep this particular
age group in mind before they promote any brand.

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● To understand the concept of e-commerce.
● To analyse the customer satisfaction towards Myntra and it's products.


Data Type and Sources:

Primary Data: Primary data is obtained by conducting survey and through an online
questionnaire to a set of respondents who are believed to have desired information.

Secondary Data: Secondary data are collected from several sources like research papers,
journals, published articles, the National and International Research Articles and Journal
related to E Commerce and Myntra company which is available on the internet.

Sample Size: 100 respondents

Sample Area: Ashoknagar

Tools Used: Questionnaire, charts, graphs, tables are used to analyse and collect data.

Period of study: 2 months

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⮚Findings of the study are based on the data collected from the sample respondents.
There is a chance of false data due to lack of seriousness of the respondents while
filling the survey.
⮚This study measures only the online buying behaviour of the consumers and does not
measure the offline buying.
⮚Sample size of the study was taken only 100 respondents taking time constraint as an
important factor in mind.
⮚The study is geographically restricted to Kolkata city only, and so the result cannot be
extrapolated to other places. Also the result may differ from location to location.
⮚The study is mainly concentrated on Myntra.


The study has been divided into following chapters:

CHAPTER-1: INTRODUCTION - This chapter covers the Background, Literature

Review, Objectives, Research Methodology, Limitations of the Study and Chapter Planning.

CHAPTER-2: CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK - This chapter covers the

conceptual framework of the topic of project.


- Company Profile, Presentation of Data, Analysis and Findings are present in this chapter.


the conclusion based on the main findings and recommendations are provided.

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Electronic commerce or E-commerce comprises mainly of the marketing, allocating, selling,
purchasing, and servicing of goods or services over electronic systems like the Internet and
other computer networks. Broadly electronic commerce means directing business by means
of one of several electronic methods, typically linking internet, computers or both. E-
Commerce is not only technology itself, it is related to doing business with the technology. E-
commerce is electronic business application and it involves corporate purchasing, value chain
integration, supply chain management, e-marketing, online transaction processing electronic
fund transfer, etc. Ecommerce makes new opportunities for earning profits through online
activities. It helps to generates simply cooperation between sharing information’s, different
groups, business to develop good customer relations, more personalization, better customer
services, build new products or services, etc. With the beginning of information technology
the manner we do business has totally changed. It exchanged from traditional commerce to
electronic commerce, paper cheque or money to electronic payment system and paper or
postal invoice to electronic invoice etc.


Ecommerce is a global phenomenon and as such support several models. The good thing
about ecommerce is that you could choose one or more models for your venture.

⮚Business - to - Consumer(B2C)
B2C is the direct trade between the company and consumers. It provides direct selling
through online portals. It is the model taking businesses and consumers interaction.
The basic concept of this model is to sell the product online to the consumers.An
example of a successful B2C business is Portugal Footwear.

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⮚Business - to - Business (B2B)
B2B stands for business-to-business. It consists of largest form of E-Commerce. This
model defines that buyer and seller are two different entities. It is similar to
manufacturer issuing goods to the retailer or wholesaler. An example of a great B2B
model is Media Lounge.

 Customer – to – Customer (C2C)

Customer-to-Customer (C2C) is a concept unique to ecommerce. This is mainly due to the
demand of the platforms such as Craigslist, OLX, and eBay.These platforms allow
their users to trade, buy, sell, and rent products and services. It is a business model, whereby
customers can trade with each other, typically, in an online environment.

Customer 1

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⮚Consumer - to - Business (C2B)
Consumer-to-business (C2B) is a business model in which consumers (individuals)
create value and businesses consume that value. Another form of C2B is the
electronic commerce business model in which consumers can offer products and
services to companies, and the companies pay the consumers.

⮚Business - to - Government (B2G)

Business-to-government (B2G) is a business model that refers to businesses selling
products, services or information to governments or government agencies. B2G
networks or models provide a way for businesses to bid on government projects or
products that governments might purchase or need for their organizations.

⮚Government - to - Business (G2B)

Government-to-business (G2B) is a business model that refers to government
providing services or information to business organization. Government uses B2G
model website to approach business organizations. Such websites support auctions,
tenders and application submission functionalities.

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⮚Government - to - Citizen (G2C)
This model is also a part of e-governance. The objective of this model is to provide
good and effective services to each citizen. The Government provides the following
facilities to the citizens through website.


1.Importance of e-commerce to consumers

E-commerce ensures customers can find everything needed in one place, without a necessity
to even get up from the couch. A great showcase is a Covid19 pandemic when brick-and-
mortar stores were closed for months This is probably one of the greatest advantages of
online shopping.E-commerce allows customers to choose a product or service they want,
from any supplier, anywhere in the world. And the freedom to browse without any stress or
hurry is priceless.Products offered over the Internet are generally cheaper than those in the
shops. So, you can save your money.Saving time is one of the major benefits of e-commerce.
Customers can order anything you need online, even groceries to cook.

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2.Importance of e-commerce to sellers

There are countless of them. From less financial investment to worldwide selling possibilities,
e-commerce is a huge deal in the world of business. Saving finances is definitely one of the
biggest benefits of e-commerce for any business. A lower need for staff members is another
benefit of e-commerce that saves money.With e-commerce, sellers save a significant amount
of money and time on advertising. No need for printed catalogues.Also, branding is more
affordable with e-commerce.

3.Importance of e-commerce to organization

Using e-commerce, organizations can expand their market to national and international
markets with minimum capital investment. E-commerce improves the brand image of the
company and helps organization to provide better customer services. It reduces the paper
work as well.

4.Importance of e-commerce to society

E-commerce helps the government to deliver public services such as healthcare, education,
social services at a reduced cost and in an improved manner and has enabled rural areas to
access services and products, which are otherwise not available to them. Customers need not
travel to shop a product, thus less traffic on road and low air pollution. It helps in reducing the
cost of products, so less affluent people can also afford the products.

5.Importance of e-commerce to National Economy

Business organizations are able to attract customers from anywhere in the world. Increase in
customer base results in increased production. This generates greater revenues to the
organizations and fosters expansion in national income. Expansion of national income and
increase in the volume of production and services accelerate economic growth.

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Some of the limitations responsible for slow growth of ecommerce in India are as follows.

1. Security: One of the main limitations of eCommerce is security. In most cases, people are
hesitant to provide their personal and financial details in spite of advanced data
encryption security systems in place.As such, there are instances of fraudulent activities.
The fear of providing financial information like credit card details hinders the growth of
2. Tax Issue: In the case of different geographical locations, sales tax becomes an issue.
Many a time sellers have faced problems in the computation of sales tax. Moreover,
physical stores have a risk of losing business if online transactions are exempted from
3. Cultural Obstacles: As the process of eCommerce encompasses customers across the
globe, the habits, traditions, and culture differ. There may also be linguistic problems and
all these may lead to issues between the seller and buyer.
4. Delivery Guarantee: Many people fear that their product might not be shipped or the
website might be a fraud. Businesses need to work to build customer trust with reviews,
testimonials, etc. to add more value to their website.
5. Product Suitability: As already mentioned, it is not possible for people to physically
examine the product in eCommerce. In many cases, the original product may not match
the picture or specifications in the eCommerce site. This absence of ‘touch and feel’
creates a discouraging effect.

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Chapter - 3



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Myntra India launched operations in June 2013. The company launched its website Myntra.in,
offering customers a wide variety of choices in fashion and lifestyle products. On the first day
of its operations, Myntra India had received more than 5,000 orders. Myntra India is a fully-
owned subsidiary of Flipkart. With sales and growth nearing saturation limits in the India,
Myntra was looking to explore other countries for its future growth. China seemed lucrative
with its huge market, well-developed infrastructure and internet connectivity, which
prompted Myntra to launch operations in China. However, due to stiff competition by local e-
commerce companies such as Alibaba, Myntra started looking for other viable options. The
company found great potential in India.

In a very short period of time, Myntra India has become a force to reckon with in the Indian
e-commerce space. Myntra India currently offers millions of products on its platform and has
millions of registered users. Myntra India currently offers products across various categories
such as mobile phones, computers and accessories, men’s and women’s fashion, books, sports
& fitness, electrical & electronic items, movies, music, cars, motorbike, baby products, toys,
grocery items, etc. Myntra India also operates a Global Store, where customers can buy
directly from sellers in the United States. Recently, MyntraPlus was launched in India, which
provides users access to various services such as mobile Recharge, DTH, Bill payment,E-
books, the latest offers, etc.Myntra India currently delivers to most of the serviceable PIN
codes in India.
It has more than 20,000 Indian sellers and 41 fulfillment centers across 13 states.

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Demography Of Respondents

1.Age Group:
Table: Age wise respondents
Age Group 18-20 20-30 30-40 40 & above Total

No. Of 15 54 18 13 100

Percentage 15 54 18 13 100

Graph: Age wise respondents

Age Group , 40 Chart Title Age Group ,

& above , 13 , 18-20 , 15 ,
13 % 15 %

Age Group , 30 - 18-20

40 , 18 , 18 % 20-30
Age Group , 40 & above
20 -30 , 54 ,
54 %

Analysis and Interpretation:

Above figure shows demography of 100 respondents of which 15% respondents are below 20 years
old, 54% respondents are between 20-30 years old, 18% respondents between 30-40 years old and
13% respondents are between 45 & above. Overall result shows that between all of the respondents
who has age between 20 to 30 years old occupying the majority respondents in this survey.

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2. Gender of Respondents

Table: Gender wise respondents

Gender Male Female Total

Responses 42 58 100

Percentage 42 58 100

Graph: Gender wise respondents

Gender, Male
Gender, Male, 42,
Female, 58, 42% Female

Analysis and Interpretation:

According to demography profile, in this study 42% male and 58% female respondentsare
part of my target population and they help me to fulfil my questionnaire from different area
of Kolkata city . From these group total respondents are 100. So, according to the survey
result, the female respondents are more and can be told that they interested to shop online
than male, even though both of them shop online.

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3. Occupation

Table: Occupation wise respondents

Occupation Student Employed Unemployed Total

No. Of 55 38 7 100

Percentage 55 38 7 100

Graph: Occupation wise respondents

d, 7, 7%

Occupation, Employed
Employed, 38,
38% Unemployed
Student, 55,

Analysis and Interpretation:

In this survey, 38% of the respondents are employed and 55% are students. So they both
together made majority of respondent‘s percentage (93%). 7% are unemployed persons.
Employed persons and students will always look for new technologies and new services
which make them more comfort.

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Behavioural factors:

4.People who are aware of Myntra.com

This survey is conducted on people that if they are who are aware of Myntra.So everyone
answered ‘YES’ for Question no.4.

5.Modes of awareness about Myntra

Table: Modes of awareness about Myntra
Modes Social Newspaper Friends or Advertisements Websites / Total
media family
/ Magazine (Mobile apps) Article
Responses 48 5 20 25 2 100

Percentage 48 5 20 25 2 100

Graph: Modes of awareness about Myntra


Social Newspape Friends or Advertise Websites

r/ ments(Mo
media family / Article
Magazine bile apps)
Modes of awareness 48 5 20 25 2

Analysis and Interpretation:

Most of them are aware about Flipkart through social media (48%) followed by friends or
family (20%) and online advertisements (25%). Customers got aware through newspaper
/ magazine (5%) and websites (2%) which is very less in number. This implies that
Myntra.com is quite popular and famous and that social media platforms and other
mobile applications contribute hugely to its popularity. Word of mouth promotion has
also helped Myntra engrain itself in the minds of the customers to some extent.

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Myntra according to the people's perspective

Table: Myntra according to the people's perspective

Perspective Clothes Watch Beauty Online Footwear Total
Products shopping

Responses 12 1 2 79 6 100

Percentage 12 1 2 79 6 100

Graph: Myntra according to the people's perspective


Clothes Beauty
Watch Products Shoes

People's perspective 12 1 2 79 6

Analysis and Interpretation:

Among 100 respondents, 76 respondents (76%) knew Myntra.com as an online shopping

website. 12 respondents know it as an Clothes. Very few people know it has a Beauty
Products and (1%) as Watch. (6%) knew it as Shoes and (3%) people don't have idea about it.

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Customer Satisfaction on Myntra

Frequency of using Myntra by customer for shopping

Table: Frequency of using Myntra by customer for shopping
Frequency More than thrice in a Once a Never Only during Total
month month

No. Of 23 31 11 35 100

Percentage 23 31 11 35 100

Graph: Frequency of using Myntra by customer for shopping


More than
Only during
thrice in a Once a month Never
Frequency of using Myntra 23 31 11 35

Analysis and Interpretation:

Here on this survey 31% are always choosing Myntra for online shopping atleast once a
month , while 35% are using it only during sale. Hardly never using members are 11%, and
23% are using it more than thrice in a month. Since more than half of them prefer Myntra
while thinking of online shopping, it means branding had done successfully by them either
through advertisements, services or providing good experience to customers.

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Customer preference of buying from Myntra
Table: Customer preference of buying from Myntra
Preference Electronic Clothes and Sports, fitness, Books, movies, Home and Total
accessories bags and related music and video
Items kitchen
items appliances

Responses 35 25 18 12 10 100

Percentage 35 25 18 12 10 100

Graph: Customer preference of buying from Myntra

Preference of buying


movies, Home and
Electronic Clothes and fitness, bags
music and kitchen
Items accessories and related
video appliances
Preferenceof buying 35 25 18 12 10

Analysis and Interpretation:

In this survey, it is seen 35% prefer to buy electronic items, 25% people buy clothes and
accessories whereas 18% of the respondents prefer sports equipments. 12% of them buy
books, movies, music and video games and rest 10% prefer home and kitchen appliances.

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Customer preference to buy daily essentials from Myntra
Table: Customer preference to buy daily essentials from Myntra
Daily essentials Yes No Maybe Total

Responses 16 59 25 100

Percentage 16 59 25 100

Graph: Customer preference to buy daily essentials from Myntra


Yes No Maybe
Daily essentials 16 59 25

Analysis and Interpretation:

From the survey, it is seen that 16% respondents prefer to buy daily essentials from
Myntra, 59% prefer not to buy whereas 25% voted for may be. Thus, it is seen most of
the candidates don't prefer Myntra to buy daily essentials.

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Customer satisfcation with the Myntra (Very Unsatisfied 1-5 Very
Table: Customer satisfcation with the Myntra
Satisfcation Rate of 1 Rate of 2 Rate of 3 Rate of 4 Rate of 5 Total

Responses 0 2 27 53 18 100

Percentage 0 2 27 53 18 100

Graph: Customer satisfication with the Myntra


Rate of 1 Rate of 2 Rate of 3 Rate of 4 Rate of 5

Satisfcation with the
0 2 27 53 18

Analysis and Interpretation:

According to the survey, most of the people rated 4 (53%) for customer satisfaction
followed by rate of 3 (27%), 18% of them rated 5, very few (2%) rated 2. None of the
respondents has rated 1. This shows most of the customers(53%+27%+18%=98%) are
quite satisfied with the Myntra some or the other way.

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Choosing Myntra over other competitors
Table: Choosing Myntra over other competitors
Reasons Price Variety Quality Customer Fast Total
service delivery

Responses 19 22 26 16 17 100

Percentage 19 22 26 16 17 100

Graph: Choosing Myntra over other competitors


Customer Fast
Price Variety Quality
service delivery
Reasons for choosing
19 22 26 16 17

Analysis and Interpretation:

In the above study, 26% people choose Myntra due to its quality, 22% because of variety,
19% choose for price. Fast delivery is 17% and customer service is 16%. People's prior
concern is the quality of the product. As it is not easy to guess the quality of the product
virtually until an unless we get the product.

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Other E-commerce website the customer would choose if not Myntra
Table: Other E-commerce website the customer would choose if not
E-commerce Flipkart Ajio Myntra Shopify JioMart Snapdeal Total

Responses 30 25 20 5 9 11 100

Percentage 30 25 20 5 9 11 100

Graph: Other E-commerce website the customer would choose if not



Flipkart Ajio Myntra Shopify JioMart Snapdeal

E-commerce website 30 25 20 5 9 11

Analysis and Interpretation:

30% of the respondents preferred Flipkart due to its huge range of product variety, 25%
Ajio and 20% Myntra since they provide good quality products , Snapdeal is preferred by
11% of the respondents whereas 9% for Jio mart and 5% for Shopify.

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Chapter No. – 4

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4.1 Summary Of Observation

 Age Group: Maximum respondents are between 20-30 year old.

 Gender wise respondents: Female respondents are maximum.
 Occupation: students and employed persons together made majority of respondents
 Mode of awareness about MYNTRA: Most of the people aware about MYNTRA
through social media.
 Frequency of using MYNTRA by customer for shopping: Most of the people
choosing MYNTRA for online shopping only during sale.
 Customer preference of buying from MYNTRA: Most of the people prefer to buy
electronic items from MYNTRA.
for customer satisfaction.
choose MYNTRA due to its quality.

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Myntra is a famous online shopping platform. Based on the various evidence in this
research, we could establish several factors that play a pivotal role in the success of
Myntra. We could identify its strengths and weaknesses. Myntra must retain its strengths
and overcome its weaknesses to ensure that it provides top-level service and performance
to consumers. Quality of the product, overall shopping experience, product presentation,
seller credibility, timely delivery, post-sales services, and pricing are the key factors on
which the entire business of Myntra is based. Hence, to further succeed and deliver
beyond customer expectations, Myntra must consider optimizing these factors. Catering
to the unmet needs must be considered and implemented. The untargeted audience must
be identified and benefits offered must be addressed. Since customers are the king,
Myntra.com should be all ears to any reviews, comments, or responses customers make.
When they are satisfied with the process of consumption, the rate of second glance will
increase and the revenue will rapidly grow. Thus, we encourage Myntra.com to seriously
look at customer’s feedback to improve itsperformance. Feedbacks are always the best
solution to recognize the issues customers deal with. Keeping positive comments as
encouragement is essential for good business performance while working relentlessly to
satisfy customer’s needs and improve their buying experience.
Myntra is known for knowledgeable products. Myntra in India work on complex business
challenges to innovate and create efficient solutions that enable various Myntra
businesses, including Myntra websites across the world as well as support Payments,
Transportation, and Digital products. Reasons of its success are the finest talent and
strong leaders with proven experience working to make Myntra the Earth’s most
customer-centric company. Apart from this Technological innovation drives the growth
of Myntra, offering customers more selection, convenient shopping, and low prices.

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❖ I recommend Myntra continue and not be arrogant because the world of electronic
commerce encourages many competitors to enter this virtual market.
❖ I also recommend establishing a complete electronic department for research and
development to monitor variables periodically.
❖ Myntra should focus on the types of goods offered on its website, as some goods
are not in line with the cultures of some countries, which may distract the
consumer from buying from them.
❖ The company may take some decisions that have a degree of risk, such as
allowing competitors to announce their prices on Myntra, which may weaken its
competitive position. For this, the participation of workers in decision-making
reduces the degree of risk.
❖ Finally, it can be recommend that the company may constantly follow up on
governmental and international decisions regarding electronic selling, preserve its
clients' intellectual property, and comply with the laws.

34 | Page
1. Anupindi Sravani (November 2020),“M-Commerce Platform and Fashion:
Myntra.com”, Vol. No.01, Issue No.01
2. Bhatt, S. and Bhatt, A.,(2012),“Factors influencing online shopping: an empirical
study” in Ahmedabad;The IUP Journal of Marketing Management, 9(4), pp.51-65.
3.Darwin L. Hermogeno(March 2019), “E-Commerce: History and Impact on the
Business and Consumers” Information Technology Officer I, I Department of
Electronic Data Processing, Home Development Mutual Fund (Pag-IBIG Fund, ).
4. Krishnamurthy. sandeep(13 May 2015);(Last Updated On September 27, 2002) titled
“Myntra.com - A Comprehensive Case History”, Myntra.com- A Business History To
Appear In -“E-commerce Management : Text And Cases ”
5. N.Nayana. and Dr. K.P. Veena (November 2019) titled “A STUDY ON ONLINE
1301-2746, Volume 8, Issue 11.
6. Thomason Rajan(13 September 2021) has a research paper titled “The Flipkart Story in
India: From the Start to Walmart”, Asian Journal of Management Cases 1–18,
7. Wadhwa. Dr. Bharti and Dr. Vashisht. Anubha, Ms Kaur. Davinder,(August 2017),
for Management Studies, ISSN: 2320-5407

35 | Page

How often you shop online?

 More than once in a Month
 Once in 1-2 Months
 Never
Which of the following features do you like about Myntra?
 Discounts
 Customer Service
 Delivery Time
 Offer
 Packaging

Which of the following features do not like about Myntra?

 Discounts
 Customer Service
 Delivery Time
 Offer
 Packaging

How do you rate your overall Myntra Experience?

 Poor
 Average
 Good
 Excellent
What are the other e-commerce sites you have shopped from?
 Snapdeal
 eBay
 Homeshop18
 Flipkart

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How was your experience on these sites as compared to
 Better
 Equal
 Poor
 Not Applicable

Which of the following are your reasons for shopping online?

 Convenience
 Wide Range Available
 Discounts
 Unavailability of stores nearby
How did you come to know about Myntra?
 Word of Mouth
 TV
 Internet
 Print Media
What do you prefer buying from Myntra?
 Footwear
 Clothes
 Beauty and Healthcare
 Never shopped at Myntra

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