Troliu Electric TRBoxter - 225
Troliu Electric TRBoxter - 225
Troliu Electric TRBoxter - 225
x TRBoxter
xxStrong points
Many fixations possibilities (on trolley see p. 54, on ceiling…).
xxRope outlets
Standard outlet, right hand lay rope. Non standard outlet, left hand lay rope.
Boat hauling
Opening of hatches, doors…
Installation and exit of parts
in furnace.
Models TRBOXTER 250 to 500 TRBOXTER 600 to 1500 TRBOXTER 250 to 500 TRBOXTER 600 to 1500
0.75 kW Motor 451 451 535.5 535.5 475 475 574 574
1.1 kW Motor 462 462 543 543 475 475 574 574
1.5 kW Motor - - 541 541 - - 574 574
A mm
2.2 kW Motor 473 473 554 554 475 475 574 574
3 kW Motor - - 558 558 477 475 574 574
4 kW Motor - - 558 558 - - 574 574
Ø D mm 121 121 159 159 121 121 159 159
E mm 255 255 318 463 255 370 318 463
Ø F mm 10.5 10.5 12.5 12.5 10.5 10.5 12.5 12.5
G mm 197 197 246 246 197 197 246 246
0.75 kW Motor 284.5 284.5 332.5 332.5 345 345 391 391
1.1 kW Motor 284.5 284.5 332.5 332.5 345 345 391 391
H mm 1.5 kW Motor - - 332.5 332.5 - - 391 391
2.2 kW Motor 306.5 306.5 332.5 332.5 345 345 391 391
3 kW Motor - - 332.5 332.5 345 345 391 391
4 kW Motor - - 332.5 332.5 - - 449 449
K mm 488 471 495.5 495.5 488 471 495.5 495.5
0.75 kW Motor 356/421 468/533 456/516 601/661 356/421 468/533 456/516 601/661
1.1 kW Motor 356/421 468/533 456/516 601/661 356/421 468/533 456/516 601/661
L (without / 1.5 kW Motor - - 456/516 601/661 - - 456/516 601/661
with limit
switch) mm 2.2 kW Motor 488/488 468/533 507/516 601/661 488/488 468/533 495.5/516 601/661
3 kW Motor - - 511/516 601/661 488/488 468/533 511/516 601/661
4 kW Motor - - 533/533 601/661 - - 533/533 601/661
T mm 230 345 290 435 230 345 290 435
10 Tkg
References 993
VV5 VV10 VV13 VV17 VV4 VV4 VV9
Capacity top layer kg 990 990 990 990 1 500 1 500 1 500
Capacity 1st layer kg 1 200 1 100 990 990 1 500 1 500 1 500
Nb of layers 3 2 1 1 1 1 1
Maxi. Drum capacity m 53 34 14.5 14.5 11.5 11.5 11.5
1st layer drum capacity m 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.5 11.5 11.5 11.5
Wire rope Ø mm 9 9 9 9 11.5 11.5 11.5
Speed m/min 0.5-5 1-10 1.2-12 1.5-15 0.4-4 0.4-4 0.9-9
FEM 1Bm 1Bm 1Bm 1Cm 1Bm 1Bm 1Cm
Motor kW 1.1 2.2 3 4 1.5 1.5 3
3 Ph 3 Ph 3 Ph 3 Ph 1 Ph 3 Ph 3 Ph
Power 230/400V 230/400V 230/400V 230/400V 230V 230/400V 230/400V
Weight (without wire rope) kg 92 100 104 107 101 101 104