Troliu Electric TRBoxter - 225

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Compact electric winches

x TRBoxter

x Capacities from 250 to 1500 kg.

Multifunctional compact electric winches
with a high duty factor.

 EM 1Cm / 1Bm / 1Am - Occasional, moderate

or accentuated use, depending on model.
 luminum housing.
Mechano-welded steel drum.
Greased reducer with helical gears.
Asynchronous motor. IP 54 protection.
Automatic lack of current brake.
 ingle phase power 230V-50Hz or three phase 230/400V-50Hz
 RBoxter 500 kg, low voltage control,
T depending on model.
1 speed model (BT).
 ow voltage control (BT) ensuring user protection against
electrical risks : single speed models (BT) or speed variation
model (VV). In addition to the advantages of very low voltage,
the VV control allows variation of the winding speed, smooth
starts and stops.
Thermal circuit breaker.
3 buttons pendant control (Up - Down- Emergency Stop):
Removable (3 m long control cable) on BT models.
Not removable (3 m long control cable) on VV models.

Options  Wire rope (m/l or kit) and hook (see p. 94-98).

Limit switch.
Rope press roller.
Electronic load limiter.
Grooved drum.
Radio control.
Other options, see p. 66-72.

 RBoxter 1500 kg, low voltage

control, variable speed model (VV).

xxStrong points
Many fixations possibilities (on trolley see p. 54, on ceiling…).

 ong drum models : T drum

L  rum protected by an
D  ighly reliable cable clamp
H Reliability of electric and
length and wire rope capacity orientable perforated metal not requiring special tool with electronic components.
x 1.5. sheet. Wide flanges for large rope winding direction guide.
cable capacity. Nut cage for easy attachment.
10 Tkg

xxRope outlets

Standard outlet, right hand lay rope. Non standard outlet, left hand lay rope.

Boat hauling
Opening of hatches, doors…
Installation and exit of parts
in furnace.

Goods lift. On translation bracket. Ceiling mounting.

Shows. Chandelier handling. Moving a trolley on a conveyor Loading of a barge.

during maintenance operation.
Compact electric winches
x TRBoxter


1 speed models Variation speed models

Models TRBOXTER 250 to 500 TRBOXTER 600 to 1500 TRBOXTER 250 to 500 TRBOXTER 600 to 1500

Standard Long Standard Long Standard Long Standard Long

0.75 kW Motor 451 451 535.5 535.5 475 475 574 574
1.1 kW Motor 462 462 543 543 475 475 574 574
1.5 kW Motor - - 541 541 - - 574 574
A mm
2.2 kW Motor 473 473 554 554 475 475 574 574
3 kW Motor - - 558 558 477 475 574 574
4 kW Motor - - 558 558 - - 574 574
Ø D mm 121 121 159 159 121 121 159 159
E mm 255 255 318 463 255 370 318 463
Ø F mm 10.5 10.5 12.5 12.5 10.5 10.5 12.5 12.5
G mm 197 197 246 246 197 197 246 246
0.75 kW Motor 284.5 284.5 332.5 332.5 345 345 391 391
1.1 kW Motor 284.5 284.5 332.5 332.5 345 345 391 391
H mm 1.5 kW Motor - - 332.5 332.5 - - 391 391
2.2 kW Motor 306.5 306.5 332.5 332.5 345 345 391 391
3 kW Motor - - 332.5 332.5 345 345 391 391
4 kW Motor - - 332.5 332.5 - - 449 449
K mm 488 471 495.5 495.5 488 471 495.5 495.5
0.75 kW Motor 356/421 468/533 456/516 601/661 356/421 468/533 456/516 601/661
1.1 kW Motor 356/421 468/533 456/516 601/661 356/421 468/533 456/516 601/661
L (without / 1.5 kW Motor - - 456/516 601/661 - - 456/516 601/661
with limit
switch) mm 2.2 kW Motor 488/488 468/533 507/516 601/661 488/488 468/533 495.5/516 601/661
3 kW Motor - - 511/516 601/661 488/488 468/533 511/516 601/661
4 kW Motor - - 533/533 601/661 - - 533/533 601/661
T mm 230 345 290 435 230 345 290 435
10 Tkg

xxTechnical characteristics TRBoxter

Very low voltage control, 1 speed models (BT)

BT9 BT14 BT21 BT9 BT14 BT21 BT43 BT9 BT14
Capacity top layer kg 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 350 350
Capacity 1st layer kg 290 290 290 290 290 290 290 400 400
Nb of layers 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Maxi. Drum capacity m 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56
1st layer drum capacity m 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
Wire rope Ø mm 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Speed m/min 9.4 15.4 23 9.4 15.4 23 46.6 9.4 15.4
FEM 1Am 1Am 1Am 1Am 1Am 1Am 1Am 1Bm 1Bm
Motor kW 0.75 0.75 1.1 0.75 0.75 1.1 2.2 0.75 1.1
1 Ph 1 Ph 1 Ph 3 Ph 3 Ph 3 Ph 3 Ph 1 Ph 1 Ph
Power 230V 230V 230V 230/400V 230/400V 230/400V 230/400V 230V 230V
Weight (without wire rope) kg 49 49 51 49 49 51 59 49 51


BT9 BT14 BT26 BT11 BT4 BT11 BT21
Capacity top layer kg 350 350 350 500 500 500 500
Capacity 1st layer kg 400 400 400 600 600 600 600
Nb of layers 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Maxi. Drum capacity m 56 56 56 42 42 42 42
1st layer drum capacity m 16 16 16 12 12 12 12
Wire rope Ø mm 5 5 5 7 7 7 7
Speed m/min 9.4 15.4 29.8 12.2 4.9 12.2 24.2
FEM 1Bm 1Bm 1Bm 1Bm 1Bm 1Bm 1Bm
Motor kW 0.75 1.1 2.2 1.1 0.75 1.1 2.2
3 Ph 3 Ph 3 Ph 1 Ph 3 Ph 3 Ph 3 Ph
Power 230/400V 230/400V 230/400V 230V 230/400V 230/400V 230/400V
Weight (without wire rope) kg 49 51 59 51 49 51 59


BT5 BT10 BT15 BT20 BT30 BT5 BT10 BT13 BT17
Capacity top layer kg 600 600 600 600 600 800 800 800 800
Capacity 1st layer kg 750 750 750 750 750 950 950 950 950
Nb of layers 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3
Maxi. Drum capacity m 93 93 93 93 93 59 59 59 59
1st layer drum capacity m 19 19 19 19 19 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5
Wire rope Ø mm 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8
Speed m/min 6 11 18.6 22.5 31.9 5.2 10.3 14.3 17.8
FEM 1Am 1Am 1Am 1Bm 1Bm 1Bm 1Bm 1Bm 1Bm
Motor kW 0.75 1.1 2.2 3 4 1.1 2.2 3 4
3 Ph 3 Ph 3 Ph 3 Ph 3 Ph 3 Ph 3 Ph 3 Ph 3 Ph
230/400V 230/400V 230/400V 230/400V 230/400V 230/400V 230/400V 230/400V 230/400V
Weight (without wire rope) kg . 88 101 100 104 107 92 100 104 107
Compact electric winches
x TRBoxter
BT5 BT10 BT13 BT17 BT4 BT9
Capacity top layer kg 990 990 990 990 1500 1500
Capacity 1st layer kg 1200 1100 990 990 1500 1500
Nb of layers 3 2 1 1 1 1
Maxi. Drum capacity m 53 34 14.5 14.5 11.5 11.5
1st layer drum capacity m 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.5 11.5 11.5
Wire rope Ø mm 9 9 9 9 11.5 11.5
Speed m/min 5.3 10.6 12.1 15.1 4.4 8.8
FEM 1Bm 1Bm 1Bm 1Cm 1Bm 1Cm
Motor kW 1.1 2.2 3 4 1.5 3
Power 3 Ph - 230/400V 3 Ph - 230/400V 3 Ph - 230/400V 3 Ph - 230/400V 3 Ph - 230/400V 3 Ph - 230/400V
Weight (without wire rope) kg . 92 100 104 107 101 104

xxTechnical characteristics TRBoxter

Very low voltage control, speed variation models (VV)


VV9 VV14 VV21 VV43 VV9 VV14 VV21 VV43 VV60
Capacity top layer kg 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250
Capacity 1st layer kg 290 290 290 290 290 290 290 290 290
Nb of layers 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Maxi. Drum capacity m 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56
1st layer drum capacity m 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
Wire rope Ø mm 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Speed m/min 0.9-9 1.4-14 2.1-21 4.3-43 0.9-9 1.4-14 2.1-21 4.3-43 6-60
FEM 1Am 1Am 1Am 1Am 1Am 1Am 1Am 1Am 1Am
Motor kW 0.75 0.75 1.1 2.2 0.75 0.75 1.1 2.2 3
1 Ph 1 Ph 1 Ph 1 Ph 3 Ph 3 Ph 3 Ph 3 Ph 3 Ph
Power 230V 230V 230V 230V 230/400V 230/400V 230/400V 230/400V 230/400V
Weight (without wire rope) kg 50 50 54 62 50 50 54 62 66


VV9 VV14 VV26 VV9 VV14 VV26 VV42 VV4 VV11 VV21
Capacity top layer kg 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 500 500 500
Capacity 1st layer kg 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 600 600 600
Nb of layers 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Maxi. Drum capacity m 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 42 42 42
1st layer drum capacity m 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 12 12 12
Wire rope Ø mm 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 7
Speed m/min 0.9-9 1.4-14 3-30 0.9-9 1.4-14 3-30 4.2-42 0.5-5 1.1-11 2.2-22
FEM 1Bm 1Bm 1Bm 1Bm 1Bm 1Bm 1Bm 1Bm 1Bm 1Bm
Motor kW 0.75 1.1 2.2 0.75 1.1 2.2 3 0.75 1.1 2.2
1 Ph 1 Ph 1 Ph 3 Ph 3 Ph 3 Ph 3 Ph 1 Ph 1 Ph 1 Ph
Power 230V 230V 230V 230/400V 230/400V 230/400V 230/400V 230V 230V 230V
Weight (without wire rope) kg 50 54 62 50 54 62 66 50 54 62
10 Tkg


VV4 VV11 VV21 VV32 VV5 VV10 VV5 VV10 VV15 VV20 VV30
Capacity top layer kg 500 500 500 500 600 600 600 600 600 600 600
Capacity 1st layer kg 600 600 600 600 750 750 750 750 750 750 750
Nb of layers 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Maxi. Drum capacity m 42 42 42 42 93 93 93 93 93 93 93
1st layer drum capacity m 12 12 12 12 19 19 19 19 19 19 19
Wire rope Ø mm 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Speed m/min 0.5-5 1.1-11 2.2-22 3.2-32 0.6-6 1.1-11 0.6-6 1.1-11 1.9-19 2.2-22 3.2-32
FEM 1Bm 1Bm 1Bm 1Bm 1Am 1Am 1Am 1Am 1Am 1Am 1Am
Motor kW 0.75 1.1 2.2 3 0.75 1.5 0.75 1.5 2.2 3 4
3 Ph 3 Ph 3 Ph 3 Ph 1 Ph 1 Ph 3 Ph 3 Ph 3 Ph 3 Ph 3 Ph
230/400V 230/400V 230/400V 230/400V 230V 230V 230/400V 230/400V 230/400V 230/400V 230/400V
Weight (without wire rope) kg 50 54 62 66 88 101 88 101 100 104 107


VV5 VV5 VV10 VV13 VV17 VV5
Capacity top layer kg 800 800 800 800 800 990
Capacity 1st layer kg 950 950 950 950 950 1 200
Nb of layers 3 3 3 3 3 3
Maxi. Drum capacity m 59 59 59 59 59 53
1st layer drum capacity m 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 14.5
Wire rope Ø mm 8 8 8 8 8 9
Speed m/min 0.5-5 0.5-5 1-10 1.4-14 1.7-17 0.5-5
FEM 1Bm 1Bm 1Bm 1Bm 1Cm 1Bm
Motor kW 1.1 1.1 2.2 3 4 1.1
Power 1 Ph - 230V 3 Ph - 230/400V 3 Ph - 230/400V 3 Ph - 230/400V 3 Ph - 230/400V 1 Ph - 230V
Weight (without wire rope) kg 92 92 100 104 107 92

References 993
VV5 VV10 VV13 VV17 VV4 VV4 VV9
Capacity top layer kg 990 990 990 990 1 500 1 500 1 500
Capacity 1st layer kg 1 200 1 100 990 990 1 500 1 500 1 500
Nb of layers 3 2 1 1 1 1 1
Maxi. Drum capacity m 53 34 14.5 14.5 11.5 11.5 11.5
1st layer drum capacity m 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.5 11.5 11.5 11.5
Wire rope Ø mm 9 9 9 9 11.5 11.5 11.5
Speed m/min 0.5-5 1-10 1.2-12 1.5-15 0.4-4 0.4-4 0.9-9
FEM 1Bm 1Bm 1Bm 1Cm 1Bm 1Bm 1Cm
Motor kW 1.1 2.2 3 4 1.5 1.5 3
3 Ph 3 Ph 3 Ph 3 Ph 1 Ph 3 Ph 3 Ph
Power 230/400V 230/400V 230/400V 230/400V 230V 230/400V 230/400V
Weight (without wire rope) kg 92 100 104 107 101 101 104

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