Ces CW2-1
Ces CW2-1
Ces CW2-1
1. Customer experience.................................................................................................................3
1. Customer experience
Apple Inc. has become a global brand. For decades, Apple has made creative, high-quality
goods, including the MacBook. MacBook computers are known for their high-end design,
performance, and features (An et al. 2018). This report will examine Apple's US MacBook
customer experience (CX) strategy. According to De Keyser et al. (2020) customer experience
(CX) refers to the perception customers have of their interactions with a brand or a company. CX
is a holistic concept that encompasses all the touch points and interactions customers have with a
company, including product quality, customer service, marketing, and sales. The goal of CX is to
create a positive and memorable experience for customers that will drive loyalty, advocacy, and
repeat business.
Companies need CX because it affects customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention. CX can
boost customer lifetime value, income, and competitiveness (Rosenbaum, Otalora & Ramírez
2017). Negative CX may cause customer turnover, bad word-of-mouth, and brand damage.
Apple's MacBook needs CX for various reasons. The MacBook is aimed towards affluent
consumers (An et al. 2018). MacBook buyers expect a high-end experience to match the price.
CX concerns can cause customer unhappiness and lower sales. MacBook also symbolizes
creativity, invention, and productivity. Thus, a good CX boosts product perception and consumer
loyalty. Negative CX can erode consumer loyalty and confidence. Finally, Apple is recognized
identity and values. CX concerns can hurt the brand's reputation and customer-centricity (Jansen
et al. 2021). Apple must improve MacBook CX to stay competitive and expand. Apple has
demographic, psychographic, and behavioral data. It is a tool that companies use to gain insights
into the needs, motivations, and pain points of their target customers (Salminen et al. 2020). By
creating a consumer persona, companies can develop effective CX strategies that meet the
Consumer personas are used to understand the target client and adjust the CX strategy to their
demands. Companies can tailor their offerings to clients' demographics, lifestyle, behavior, and
attitudes (Jansen et al. 2021). Consumer personas are essential to CX strategy. Consumer
personas help firms identify their target customers, personalize experiences to meet their
demands, and boost customer satisfaction and loyalty. Consumer personas help firms create
appealing messaging, target their goods and services, and create customer-centric CX initiatives
(Yoo & Pan 2018). Consumer personas help firms discover pain spots and hurdles to purchase,
which the CX strategy may solve. If a firm detects that their target consumer is worried about
security and privacy, they may build robust security measures and convey them to their target
customers through their CX strategy (Salminen et al. 2020). For Apple's MacBook, a senior
consumer persona (over 65) emphasizes creativity, connectedness, and quality, and the
Age: 67
Location: Texas, US
Income: Stable
Story John is a retired professor who enjoys spending his free time writing
and enjoys using his MacBook to write and stay connected with his
Motivation John uses his MacBook to stay connected with his family and friends,
who live in different parts of the country moreover he also values high-
Goals Use of MacBook to stay organized and keep track of his writing projects.
Pain Point The MacBook's high-quality materials and durability ensure that John's
A consumer's experience with a firm is known as their "customer journey," and it encompasses
all of the touch points they have with the business before, during, and after the purchase. It
includes the customer's initial research, deliberation, purchase, and post-buy appraisal of the firm
(Tian, Wang & Wang 2022). In order to create successful CX strategies that meet the demands
and preferences of consumers, businesses must first have a thorough understanding of the
customer journey.
Understanding the customer's contacts with a firm and experience as a whole in more detail is the
goal of the customer journey. Businesses may better serve their customers by tailoring their
customer experience (CX) strategies to their specific requirements and wants, which can be
uncovered by creating a detailed map of the client's journey (Gerea, Gonzalez-Lopez &
Herskovic 2021). As a result, organizations see a rise in customer satisfaction, loyalty, and
For a firm like Apple, recognized for its high-quality products and customer-first focus, mapping
the customer experience is essential in creating a winning CX strategy. Apple can better serve its
MacBook customers by learning from their experiences and making adjustments based on what
they discover along the way (An et al. 2018). This involve enhancing the MacBook's aesthetics,
features, or access to technical help. In addition, Apple may learn more about the specific needs
of its senior consumer base by creating a path map that highlights their distinct difficulties and
pain spots (Bascur, Rusu & Quiñones 2018). In addition to attracting new consumers in the
elderly group, this can boost the happiness, loyalty, and retention of current customers.
Table 2. Customer journey map for the senior person consumer persona identified
Opportunities for
specifications comparisons
et al. 2018)
The report included consumer persona creation and customer journey mapping, two crucial steps
customer journey, significant pain points and possibilities for improvement were found to
improve the MacBook's CX for this population in the US (De Keyser et al. 2020). This research
emphasizes the significance of CX in generating corporate growth and customer loyalty and
gives insights into how firms like Apple can establish effective CX strategies that meet
consumers' requirements.
An, J, Kwak, H, Jung, S, Salminen, J & Jansen, BJ 2018, ‘Customer segmentation using online
platforms: isolating behavioral and demographic segments for persona creation via aggregated
user data’, Social Network Analysis and Mining, vol. 8, no. 1.
Bascur, C, Rusu, C & Quiñones, D 2018, ‘User as Customer: Touchpoints and Journey Map’,
Human Systems Engineering and Design, pp. 117–122.
De Keyser, A, Verleye, K, Lemon, KN, Keiningham, TL & Klaus, P 2020, ‘Moving the
Customer Experience Field Forward: Introducing the Touchpoints, Context, Qualities (TCQ)
Nomenclature’, Journal of Service Research, vol. 23, no. 4, p. 109467052092839.
Jansen, BJ, Jung, S-G, Salminen, J, Guan, KW & Nielsen, L 2021, Strengths and Weaknesses of
Persona Creation Methods: Guidelines and Opportunities for Digital Innovations,
Rosenbaum, MS, Otalora, ML & Ramírez, GC 2017, ‘How to create a realistic customer journey
map’, Business Horizons, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 143–150.
Salminen, J, Guan, K, Jung, S-G, Chowdhury, SA & Jansen, BJ 2020, ‘A Literature Review of
Quantitative Persona Creation’, Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in
Computing Systems.
Tian, W, Wang, M & Wang, Q 2022, The Core Competentness of Apple Inc, www.atlantis-
press.com, Atlantis Press, pp. 718–725.
Yoo, J & Pan, Y 2018, ‘Expanded Customer Journey Map: Interaction Mapping Framework
Based on Scenario’, HCI International 2014 - Posters’ Extended Abstracts, pp. 550–555.