Microwave Engineering Mid Semester Solution Sheet
Microwave Engineering Mid Semester Solution Sheet
Microwave Engineering Mid Semester Solution Sheet
Q1 A1. Explain the working and operation of reflex Klystron with neat relevant diagrams. [5 Marks]
Solution: Kindly refer either to my lecture notes or pages from 373-380 in S. Y Liao’s Book titled
“Microwave Devices and Circuits”.
Q1 A1. Draw a neat diagram two cavity Klystron and describe its working using Applegate diagram.
[5 Marks]
Solution: Kindly refer either to my lecture notes or pages from 343-358 in S. Y Liao’s Book titled
“Microwave Devices and Circuits”.
Q1 A2. Draw neatly and explain the construction, operation and practical considerations of helix type
Travelling Wave Tube (TWT). [5 Marks]
Solution: Kindly refer either to my lecture notes or pages from 343-358 in S. Y Liao’s Book titled
“Microwave Devices and Circuits”.
Q2 A1. Draw a neat diagram of Magnetron with different types of electrons generated in it. Write Hull
Cut-Off magnetic field equation and explain its relevance in the working of Magnetron.
[5 Marks]
Solution: Kindly refer either to my lecture notes or pages from 427-430 in S. Y Liao’s Book titled
“Microwave Devices and Circuits”.
Q2 A2. List and explain at-least five limitations of conventional tubes at very high frequencies of
operation. Draw a neat diagram of conventional tube with relevant components. [5 Marks]
Solution: Kindly refer my lecture notes.
Q3 A2. Starting from the fundamentals, derive the expression for the voltage and current at any point
on the transmission line. [5 Marks]
Solution: Kindly refer either to my lecture notes or pages from 64-66 in S. Y Liao’s Book titled
“Microwave Devices and Circuits”.
Q3 A2. In an air-filled rectangular waveguide, the cut-off frequency of a TE10 mode is 5GHz, whereas
that of TE01 mode is 2 GHz. Calculate: [5 Marks]
a) The dimensions of the guide.
b) The cut-off frequencies of the next three higher TE modes.
c) The cut-off frequency for TE11 mode if the guide is filled with a lossless material having
r 2.25 and r 1 .
Solution: Here, f cTE 10 5GHz , f cTE 01 2GHz
a) Since the cut-off frequency is lowest in TE01 mode, this is the dominant mode.
Now, for TE01 mode, the cut-off frequency is given as,
LNMIIT/B. Tech./ECE/PC/2018-19/EVEN/ECE221/MT
f cTE 01
vo 3 108
b 0.075m 7.5cm
2 f cTE 01 2 2 109
Also, for TE10 mode, the cut off frequency is given as
f cTE 10
vo 3 108
a 0.03m 3cm
2 f cTE 10 2 5 109
Therefore, the dimension of the rectangular waveguide is 3cm x 7.5cm
3 108 m n
2 2 2 2
vo m n
15 0.111m 0.01778n GHz
2 2
Q4 A1. A rectangular waveguide with dimensions 6 cm × 4 cm operates at 5 MHz in the TM11 mode.
Compute (i) Cut-off frequency fc, (ii) Guide wavelength λg, (iii) Phase constant βg, (iv) Phase velocity
υp, and (v) Group velocity vg for the case when the waveguide is filled with (a) air and (b) a dielectric
having μr = 1 and εr = 2.1. [5 Marks]
LNMIIT/B. Tech./ECE/PC/2018-19/EVEN/ECE221/MT
Case a) Case b)
r 1 r 2.1 or 2.1 0
0 0 4 107 109 / 36 0 r 0 0.333 108 2.1
0.333 108 0.333 108 1.44910
1 0.483 108
v0 3 108
0 0 1 1
1 v0 0 0 r 0.483 108
1.5 108
2 2 2.0702 108
i) Cutoff Frequency f c 1 v
1 m 2 n 2 2 2
a b
i) Cutoff Frequency f c
1 m n
2 2
1.5 108 30.046 fc
4.5069 109 Hz a b
ii) Guide wavelength g
1.0351108 30.046
v 3 108 3.11109 Hz
o 0.06m ii) Guide wavelength g
f 5 109
v 2.0702 108
f c 4.5069 10 9 0.0414m
0.90138 f 5 109
f 5 109
f c 3.11 109
2 0.622
f 5 109
f fc
1 c 0.1875 f
f f
2 1 c 0.613116
f f
1 c 0.433
f f
0.06 1 c 0.783
g 0.13856m f
2 0.433
1 c 0.0414
g 0.05287m
f 2 0.783
iii) Phase constant g 1 c
fc iii) Phase constant g
g 1
f f
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vo vo
vp vp
2 2
f f
1 c 1 c
f f
3 108 2.07 108
6.9284 108 m / s 2.6436 108 m / s
0.433 0.783
v) Group Velocity vg v) Group Velocity vg
2 2
f f
vg vo 1 c vg vo 1 c
f f
3 108 0.433 6.9284 108 2.07 108 0.783 1.60281108 m / s
1.299 108 m / s
Q4 A2. For the two port network shown below find the Z parameters matrix. [5 Marks]
v1 I1 V
I1 or I1 1
R1 R
V2 I1
V1 V2
Z11 R1 , Z 21
I1 I1
I1 0, & V1 0
V1 V2
Z12 0, Z 22 R2
I2 I2
R 0
Z 1