Guidelines For Companies 202309 - RMK Y3S1
Guidelines For Companies 202309 - RMK Y3S1
Guidelines For Companies 202309 - RMK Y3S1
Guidelines for
2.1 Course Objectives 4
2.2 Course Learning Outcomes 4
2.3 Teaching Learning and Assessment Strategy 4
2.4 Confidentiality of Information 5
2.5 Industrial Training Details 5
2.6 Assessment 7
2.7 Roles of Company Supervisor 7
From the initial intake of 764 students, TAR College grew by leaps and bounds with its student
population increased close to 24,000. The College was subsequently upgraded to University College
in recognition of the quality of the education as evidenced by the success of its over 160,000
graduates. With the presentation of the Certificate of Registration during the launch ceremony on 2
May 2013, the institution was renamed as Tunku Abdul Rahman University College to conduct
undergraduate degree programmes leading to the awarding of the Bachelor degrees. Tunku Abdul
Rahman University College receives subsidy/grant from the Government as it had been since its
inception. Such support allows Tunku Abdul Rahman University College to offer its Bachelor degree
programmes affordably in consonance with the vision of its founding leaders. On 7 November 2022,
the upgrade of Tunku Abdul Rahman University College (TAR UC) into a fully-fledged university
has been completed. The institution will now be known as Tunku Abdul Rahman University of
Management and Technology (TAR UMT).
In addition to providing tertiary education, Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and
Technology also promotes lifelong learning through the Centre for Continuing and Professional
Education. This Centre is registered as an Approved Training Provider of Pembangunan Sumber
Manusia Berhad (‘PSMB’), an Agency under the Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia, and play an
important role in helping members of the public, especially mature students and alumni to upgrade,
update their knowledge and acquire new skills to keep up with technology and development in their
respective professions.
1.1 Philosophy
The University FIRMLY BELIEVES that education to whomsoever it is given, regardless of age, sex,
race, creed or class, will bring benefits to the people and country.
The University FULLY REALIZES its responsibility as an institution of higher learning in the
context of the Malaysian education system and its role in fulfilling the common aspirations of the
Malaysian people in the pursuit of education.
The University STAUNCHLY UPHOLDS the principle that education embraces not only the pursuit
of truth and knowledge but also the development of a professional and ethical character.
1.3 Mission
2. Industrial Training
2.1 Course Objectives
● To provide students with opportunities to develop positive attitudes about work, interpersonal
and communication skills.
CLO1. Apply the concepts and theories of marketing in operating a business in the respective
CLO2. Submit a report and proposal on the organisation which students had been attached based on
the format of the TARUC industrial training guidelines.
CLO3. Show professional ethics in carrying out their duties and responsibilities in accordance to the
industry best practices.
CLO4. Accept new ideas and capacity to pursue higher level of study and lifelong learning.
Students will be placed in an organisation for a minimum period of 10 weeks. At the end of the 10
weeks, students are required to write a report about the training experience in the company.
b) Work-based learning
Students will be placed in an organisation to study the work-related issues of the company over a
period of at least 10 weeks. At the end of the 10 weeks, students are required to present their
findings about the issues which include the recommended solutions.
We would appreciate that students’ information lodged with the companies are to remain private and
confidential. They are not to be used or forwarded to any third parties for use in anyway which is
different from what they are originally intended to be used for without the prior approval of the
relevant authority from TAR University of Management and Technology.
The exception to the above rule is when TAR University of Management and Technology has been
informed and approval obtained, and prior agreements have been agreed between the company and
the students with regard to appropriate compensation in the event of damage or lost at the place of
Working Days
Students have been reminded to adhere to company’s working days, for example, Monday to Friday
or Saturday and Sunday, whichever is appropriate. Students must be given minimum of a day off per
week. This will be decided by the company and agreed upon by the students.
Working Hours
Our students have been reminded to adhere to company’s standard working hours, for example 9.00
am to 5.00 pm or 6.00 pm. Certain amount of overtime may be expected of the students on a periodic
basis. For security and safety reasons, we would strongly suggest that our students be placed on a
non-shift work or normal shift work, even though the company concerned operate on a shift basis.
Students are required to be present during official working days or any other days as may be required
by the company, unless they are on leave approved by the company.
Students may be given paid or unpaid leave according to the standard company practices for leaves.
When applying for leave during working days, students must comply with the rules and regulations
governing leave application. Approval of leave should only be given based on needs basis and with
valid reasons. Examples of valid leaves application include: medical leaves, examinations matters,
attending to University’s official functions or activities and compassionate leave.
As this is probably the students’ first job and is also their first time under the compulsory practical
training arrangement, we would appreciate if the company could provide some form of related
2.6 Assessment
● Progress report -Our students are required to prepare a progress report on a monthly basis. In
each of the monthly report, the students are required to describe in detail the jobs or activities
carried out on a week to week basis. The purpose of such reports will be used by the University’s
Supervisor to assess the performance of the students with regards to the work allocated and also to
assess whether the work done is able to enhance their learning in their present job environment.
● Summary report. At the end of the training, students are also required to submit a report
containing a summary of their job to the University Supervisor. The report submitted will
comprise the remaining 60% of the students’ assessment. The report must be endorsed and signed
by the Company Supervisor concerned. Before signing, it is the responsibility of the company
supervisor to validate and ensure that the facts or figures as written in the report reflects the true
picture of the training and are acceptable.
The company concerned should assign at least one supervisor for each of the students who are
undergoing industrial training. The main roles of the Company Supervisor include the following:
● To continuously assign, direct, supervise and monitor the students’ works and duties.
● To arrange or provide training for the students where needed before they are assigned to the
works or duties.
● To help students resolve work-related problems faced.
● To liaise with the University Supervisor for any complaints or issues that requires their attention.
● To carry out end-of-training assessment of the students and submission of Industrial Training
Programme Survey (Industrial Training: FAFB_EmpF04) to TAR UMT.
Companies can contact the following persons:
Ms Ang Yen Yen Telephone : 03-41450123 (Ext 3625) Practical training matters,
(Internship Email : such as application, offer,
Coordinator) allowance, leaves, job
Telephone : 03-41450123 (Ext 3621) description, complaints,
Ms Ong Shui Shui Email : etc.
(Senior Assistant
End of Document
Assistant Registrar
Department of Marketing
Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business
Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology
P.O. Box 10979
50932 Kuala Lumpur
Dear Sir/Madam
Bachelor (Honours) Degree Industrial Training (30 October 2023 to 7 January 2024)
Name of Company :
Address of Company :
Company Stamp :
Note: Please send reply through the student before 8 September 2023 (for overseas industrial training) / 22
September 2023.
Assistant Registrar
Department of Marketing
Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business
Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology
P.O. Box 10979
50932 Kuala Lumpur
Bachelor (Honours) Degree Industrial Training (30 October 2023 to 7 January 2024)
Name of Company :
Address of Company :
Company Stamp :
Note: Please return the completed form to the above address via the trainee as soon as he/she reports for
(To be filled in by student trainee)
Particulars of Applicant
Name :
Programme (Tutorial Group) :
Student Reg. No. :
N.R.I.C. No. :
(Practical Training from 30 October 2023 to 7 January 2024, Academic Year: 2023/2024)
(a) Using the rating scale from 1 to 4, please evaluate the student trainee using the criteria given below.
(b) Enter the marks to be awarded to the student trainee into the score column and the total score at the bottom
of this form.
(c) The total score should be kept confidential and should NOT be disclosed to the student trainee.
Name of Company :
Excellent oral Good oral and Fair oral and Poor oral and
8. Communication and written written written written
Skills communicatio communication communication communication
n skills skills skills skills
Always come
Usually come on Occasionally late
9. Punctuality on time for Frequently late for
time for work for work and
work and work and meeting
and meeting meeting
Good attendance Fair attendance
10. Attendance attendance at Poor attendance at
at work and at work and
work and work and meeting
meeting meeting
Total Score:
(Max 40 marks)
5 Sales Management
6 Information System
8 Product Development
Official Stamp
Signature :
Name :
Designation :
Thank you for taking your time to complete this evaluation form. The University wishes to extend its deepest
appreciation to your Organization for participating in this training programme. We hope that your organisation
will continue such collaboration in our next training programme.
Please return the completed evaluation form to the following personal address not later than 10 January
1. Using the scale below, please rate the TAR UMT students’ performance based on the following
b. Dependability
c. Initiative
d. Commitment
e. Quality of work
g. Discipline
h. Communication skills
Official Stamp
Signature :
Name :
Designation :
Thank you for taking your time to complete this survey. The University wishes to record its deepest
appreciation to your Organization for participating in this survey.
Please return the completed survey form together with the EMPLOYER’S CONFIDENTIAL
EVALUATION Form to the following personal address: