Signature of Particle Diffusion On The X-Ray Spectra of The Blazar MKN 421
Signature of Particle Diffusion On The X-Ray Spectra of The Blazar MKN 421
Signature of Particle Diffusion On The X-Ray Spectra of The Blazar MKN 421
observations of Mkn 421. Our analysis of NuSTAR observations alone reveals that, during periods
of low flux, the hard X-ray spectra are best represented by a steep power-law with photon index
reaching ∼ 3. However, the spectrum exhibits significant curvature during its high flux states. To
investigate this, we explore plausible diffusion processes facilitating shock acceleration in the emission
region that can contribute to the observed spectral curvature. Particularly, such processes can cause
gradual fall of the photon spectrum at high energies which can be represented by a sub-exponential
function. The parameter that decides this spectral change can be used to characterise the energy
dependence of the diffusive process. Our results suggest that the X-ray spectra of Mkn 421 are
consistent with a scenario where particle acceleration is mediated through Bohm-type diffusion and
the spectra beyond the synchrotron peak is modulated by the radiative loss process.
fitting of the X-ray data from Mkn 421 and other TeV of the source in January 2013, the hard X-ray spectra
BL Lacs, seemingly supportive of a stochastic acceler- were well represented by a steep power-law model with a
ation scenario [21, 27–29]. However, recent studies us- photon index saturating at ∼ 3 [41, 42]. However, the ob-
ing Swift −XRT/NuSTAR observations report no signifi- served X-ray spectrum also shows a significant curvature
cant correlation between these quantities [16, 22, 30–32]. during high-flux states in April 2013 [22]. This curvature
On the other hand, a curved spectrum could also be the persists even in the hard X-rays, which makes it (in spite
outcome of an energy-dependent escape from the accel- of the fact that some blending of components cannot be
eration region. When this energy-dependence is mild, excluded) challenging to attribute this solely to the spec-
the resulting electron distribution closely follows a log- tral transition occurring at the peak of the synchrotron
parabolic shape [23] but deviates significantly otherwise. component [43, 44]. To explore this further, we have
Synchrotron emission by an electron distribution origi- performed a detailed spectral study on the X-ray data of
nating in a model with a strong energy-dependent escape the source. We are particularly interested to understand
time scale has been used to fit the spectra of Mkn 421 whether the observed X-ray spectral characteristics allow
during different flux states [33, 34]. A strong correlation some inferences on the turbulence properties in the jet.
was observed between flux and the energy-dependence of The paper is organized as follows: In Section §II, we dis-
the escape time-scale, and this supports that Bohm type cuss the observation and data reduction procedure, while
diffusion is prominent during high flux states. the X-ray spectral study is described in Section §III. The
Particle acceleration at non- or mildly relativistic shock summary is presented in Section §IV.
fronts has for long been considered as one of the pre-
ferred mechanisms for generating the non-thermal par-
ticle distributions seen in AGN jets [e.g., 11, 12, 35–
38]. The highest energy achieved by the accelerated
particles, as well as the shape of the spectrum around II. OBSERVATION AND DATA ANALYSIS
the maximum energy, are influenced by the balance be-
tween acceleration, escape and the radiative energy loss
rates. In the presence of synchrotron losses, shock ac- Mkn 421 has been observed by NuSTAR and Swift -
celeration (for example) can result in a power-law par- XRT in both flaring as well as quiescent flux states. For
ticle distribution with a modified exponential cutoff, the current study we have selected all the available simul-
∝ exp[−(γ/γc)βe ], where βe is dependent on the under- taneous Swift -XRT and NuSTAR observations till 2018
lying turbulence/diffusion properties [e.g., 39]. Formally, (details are given in Table I). This allows us to analyse
βe = (1 + a) is related to the momentum index a of the the source over a wide range of X-ray energies, from 0.3
spatial diffusion coefficient, κ = (1/3)λ c ∝ γ a , that fa- to 79 keV. The strategies for analysing these observations
cilitates the particle transport. Here, λ is the particle are detailed below.
mean free path and γ is the particle Lorentz factor. In
particular, one may have βe = 1 (a = 0) in the case of
“idealized” hard-sphere scattering (energy-independent
diffusion), βe = 4/3 (a = 1/3) for Kolmogorov-type
turbulence, and βe = 2 (a = 1) for Bohm type diffu- A. NuSTAR
sion (where λ ∼ rg , with rg as the gyro-radius). Since
the corresponding particle acceleration timescale, tacc is NuSTAR [45] is a space-based hard X-ray telescope
proportional to λ, Bohm diffusion typically yields the which operates from 3 to 79 keV energy band with
fastest acceleration rate (i.e., the highest γe,max when an angular resolution of subarcmin. All observations
balanced with synchrotron losses). The resultant syn- are carried out with two co-aligned, independent tele-
chrotron spectra can exhibit some extended curvature scopes called Focal Plane Module A (FPMA) and B
at high energies. In particular, an electron distribution (FPMB). The NuSTAR observations were taken from the
with exponential cutoff index βe will result in a syn- HEASARC interface by NASA and the data were pro-
chrotron spectrum which can be significantly smoother cessed with NuSTARDAS package (Version 1.4.1) avail-
(sub-exponential) jν ∝ exp −(ν/νc )ζ with ζ ≡ βeβ+2
, able within HEASOFT (Version 6.19). The source spec-
e.g., ζ = 1/2 in the case of Bohm-type diffusion [40]. trum is extracted from a circular region with a radius
The BL Lac object Mkn 421, that we focus on here, of 50 arcsec centered on the source, while the back-
is the nearest (z = 0.031) and one of the well-studied ground is estimated from a circular region with a ra-
TeV blazars. Mkn 421 belongs to the high-frequency BL dius of 70 arcsec that is free of source contamination
Lac (HBL) class, as its synchrotron spectral component but near it. NUPRODUCT (Version 0.2.8) was used
peaks in the X-ray regime. The X-ray spectrum around to obtain source and background spectra after running
the synchrotron peak exhibits significant curvature that NUPIPELINE (Version 0.4.9) on each observation. The
has been interpreted in terms of a log-parabola function. FPMA and FPMB source spectra were then individually
X-ray spectral analysis of Mkn 421 using NuSTAR (3-79 grouped to 30 photons per bin using the tool GRPPHA
keV) observations, reveals that during the low-flux state to ensure improved χ2 statistics.
2 2 2
0 0 0
−2 −2 −2
5 10 20 50 5 10 20 50 5 10 20 50
Energy (keV) Energy (keV) Energy (keV)
2 2 2
keV2 (Photons cm−2 s−1 keV−1)
2 2
0 0
−2 −2
5 10 20 50 5 10 20 50 5 10 20 50
Energy (keV) Energy (keV) Energy (keV)
FIG. 1. Spectral fits (NuSTAR alone) using the models PL, CPL and LP (left to right) for the ObsIDs 60002023018 (low-flux
state) and 60002023027 (high-flux state) are shown in the upper and lower panels, respectively. Significant curvature is apparent
in the high flux state.
-8.6 -8.6
-8.8 -8.8
log10Flux (3-79 keV)
-9 -9
log10Flux (3-79 keV)
-9.2 -9.2
-9.4 -9.4
1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6
χ red(PL)
0 0.08 0.16 0.24 0.32 0.4 0.48
FIG. 2. Scatter plots (NuSTAR alone) showing flux, along with reduced chi-square values for the PL fit (left), and LP curvature
values β (right).
3 3 1.2
2.1 2.1
1.8 1.8
1.5 1.5
FIG. 3. Scatter plots between the reduced chi-square values of NuSTAR data fitted with the PL, LP, and CPL models, along
with the identity line.
0.5 -8.6
log10Flux3-79 keV
0.2 -9.6
0.1 -10
2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2
α α
FIG. 4. Scatter plots (NuSTAR alone) showing LP index α, along with spectral curvature β (left), and flux in the 3-79 keV
range (right).
90 -8.6 -8.6
80 -8.8 -8.8
log10Flux3-79 keV
70 -9 -9
log10Flux3-79 keV
εc (keV)
60 -9.2
50 -9.4
40 -9.6
30 -9.8
20 -10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 εc (keV)
p p
FIG. 5. Scatter plots (NuSTAR alone) showing best-fit CPL model parameters: index and cutoff energy (in keV), index and
flux, and cutoff energy and flux (from left to right).
2 2
1.2 1.2
εp (keV)
εp (keV)
0.4 0.4
0.2 0 0
2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 0.2 0.3 0.4
α α β
-8.4 -8.4 2
log10Flux0.3-79 keV
-9 -9
εp (keV)
-9.3 -9.3
-9.6 -9.6
-9.9 -9.9
-10.2 -10.2 -10.2 -9.9 -9.6 -9.3 -9 -8.7 -8.4
2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 0.2 0.3 0.4 log10Flux0.3-79 keV
α β
FIG. 6. Scatter plots between the parameters obtained from LP fitting of combined Swift-XRT and NuSTAR data. The upper
panel represents plots between index (α) and curvature (β), α and peak energy (ǫp ), and β and ǫp (from left to right). The
lower panel shows the variation of flux in 0.3 to 79 keV with α, β and ǫp , respectively (from left to right).
TABLE II. Fit parameters of NuSTAR (3-79 keV) spectra as modeled with PL, LP and CPL.
NuSTAR Flux PL LP(ǫ0 =5 keV) CPL
Obs.ID (3-79 keV) Γ χ2red α β χ2red p ǫc (keV) χ2red
60002023006 -9.954±0.004 3.03±0.01 1.05 (563) 2.95±0.02 0.31±0.06 0.92 (562) 2.82±0.05 35.12+9.75
−6.47 0.94 (562)
60002023010 -9.842±0.004 2.95±0.01 1.32 (570) 2.83±0.02 0.41±0.06 1.04 (569) 2.64±0.05 24.99+4.49
−3.41 1.06 (569)
60002023014 -10.187±0.007 3.02±0.02 1.06 (419) 3±0.03 0.11±0.09 1.05 (418) − − −
60002023016 -9.779±0.004 3.01±0.01 1.11 (557) 2.95±0.02 0.25±0.06 1.01 (556) 2.85±0.05 44.97−9.8 1.03 (556)
60002023018 -9.906±0.005 3.09±0.02 1.04 (509) 3.04±0.02 0.2±0.07 0.99 (508) 2.96±0.05 53.64−14.91 1 (508)
60002023020 -9.731±0.005 2.77±0.01 1.18 (595) 2.68±0.02 0.28±0.05 1.04 (594) 2.58±0.04 40.77−7.19 1.06 (594)
60002023022 -9.343±0.002 2.74±0.01 1.51 (898) 2.64±0.01 0.3±0.03 1.03 (897) 2.52±0.02 38.28+3.89
−3.29 1.06 (897)
60002023024 -9.201±0.003 2.9±0.01 1.47 (620) 2.78±0.02 0.39±0.05 1.11 (619) 2.61±0.04 27.88+4.2
−3.33 1.14 (619)
60002023027 -8.624±0.002 2.62±0.01 2.63 (1023) 2.45±0.01 0.44±0.02 0.94 (1022) 2.29±0.02 26.4+1.36
−1.26 1.01 (1022)
60002023029 -9.085±0.002 2.79±0.01 2.06 (917) 2.65±0.01 0.42±0.02 0.98 (916) 2.48±0.02 26.67+1.83
−1.64 1.08 (916)
60002023033 -9.014±0.002 2.59±0.01 1.86 (1019) 2.46±0.01 0.33±0.02 1.01 (1018) 2.34±0.02 35.89+2.5
−2.23 1.02 (1018)
60002023035 -8.934±0.002 2.39±0.01 2.33 (1182) 2.25±0.01 0.35±0.02 1.07 (1181) 2.13±0.01 35.77+1.9
−1.74 1.1 (1181)
60002023037 -9.835±0.004 2.85±0.01 1.31 (568) 2.72±0.02 0.4±0.06 1.05 (567) 2.55±0.05 26.61+4.85
−3.67 1.05 (567)
60002023039 -9.868±0.005 2.94±0.02 0.98 (519) 2.88±0.02 0.22±0.06 0.91 (518) 2.79±0.05 50.09−12.58 0.92 (518)
60202048002 -9.269±0.003 2.45±0.01 1.39 (1006) 2.36±0.01 0.22±0.02 1.1 (1005) 2.29±0.02 60.22+7.58
−6.17 1.14 (1005)
60202048004 -9.247±0.003 2.45±0.01 1.72 (1001) 2.31±0.01 0.33±0.02 1.04 (1000) 2.2±0.02 37.22+2.94
−2.59 1.06 (1000)
60202048006 -9.261±0.002 2.49±0.01 1.75 (996) 2.37±0.01 0.31±0.02 1.13 (995) 2.26±0.02 39.53+3.31
−2.89 1.16 (995)
TABLE III. The best-fit parameters of combined Swift-XRT and NuSTAR spectral fitting with a LP and a simple CPL model,
Obs.ID Flux LP (ǫ0 =5 keV) CPL
Swift NuSTAR (0.3-79 keV) α β ǫp (keV) χ2red (dof) p ǫc (keV) χ2red (dof)
35014034 60002023006 -9.696±0.003 2.93±0.01 0.34±0.01 0.22±0.02 0.97 (962) 2.38±0.01 11.5±0.42 1.17 (962)
80050003 60002023010 -9.602±0.003 2.81±0.01 0.36±0.01 0.37±0.02 1.27 (1110) 2.23±0.01 10.37±0.3 1.4 (1110)
80050006 60002023014 -9.93±0.004 2.94±0.02 0.25±0.01 0.07±0.01 1.19 (848) 2.51±0.01 14.4±0.87 1.3 (848)
80050007 60002023016 -9.523±0.003 2.92±0.01 0.32±0.02 0.19±0.03 1.1 (822) 2.46±0.02 13.71±0.72 1.34 (822)
80050011 60002023018 -9.639±0.003 2.98±0.01 0.34±0.01 0.17±0.01 1.1 (1001) 2.42±0.01 10.73±0.38 1.35 (1001)
80050013 60002023020 -9.521±0.003 2.67±0.01 0.24±0.01 0.19±0.02 1.16 (1126) 2.29±0.01 16.97±0.69 1.2 (1126)
80050014 60002023022 -9.146±0.002 2.64±0.01 0.31±0.01 0.47±0.03 1.06 (1338) 2.23±0.01 16.45±0.46 1.62 (1338)
80050016 60002023024 -8.972±0.002 2.78±0.01 0.36±0.01 0.41±0.02 1.18 (1039) 2.23±0.01 11.93±0.38 1.41 (1039)
80050019 60002023027 -8.46±0.001 2.45±0.01 0.43±0.01 1.5±0.03 1.07 (1575) 1.91±1.91 12.16±12.16 2.11 (1575)
32792002 60002023029 -8.874±0.001 2.68±0.01 0.34±0.01 0.51±0.02 1.1 (1411) 2.21±0.01 14.15±0.31 1.52 (1411)
35014062 60002023033 -8.847±0.002 2.47±0.01 0.29±0.01 0.79±0.05 1.07 (1391) 2.19±0.01 22.72±0.83 1.33 (1391)
35014065 60002023035 -8.799±0.001 2.27±0.01 0.28±0.01 1.61±0.05 1.17 (1741) 1.96±0.01 21.77±0.52 1.45 (1741)
35014066 60002023037 -9.6±0.003 2.76±0.01 0.22±0.01 0.1±0.01 1.19 (1068) 2.39±0.01 17.67±0.77 1.14 (1068)
35014067 60002023039 -9.625±0.003 2.85±0.01 0.26±0.01 0.11±0.01 1.05 (1001) 2.43±0.01 14.71±0.65 1.21 (1001)
34228110 60202048002 -9.133±0.002 2.34±0.01 0.26±0.01 1.14±0.08 1.09 (1348) 2.12±0.01 28.88±1.44 1.5 (1348)
81926001 60202048004 -9.105±0.002 2.33±0.01 0.29±0.01 1.33±0.08 1.07 (1385) 2.05±0.01 23.45±0.92 1.29 (1385)
34228145 60202048006 -9.116±0.003 2.37±0.01 0.31±0.02 1.29±0.15 1.11 (1044) 2.25±0.02 37.69±2.64 1.18 (1044)
Our analysis provides strong evidence for spectral parameters α and β yields a correlation coefficient, rs =
curvature in the NuSTAR regime, with a LP/CPL -0.41 with a null hypothesis probability, p = 0.104. This
model clearly preferred over a pure PL model in high result is consistent with previous studies which reported
flux states. The plots between reduced chi-square that no significant correlation was observed [22, 33].
values for the spectral fittings with the PL, LP, and However, an anti-correlation is witnessed between α
CPL models (χ2red (PL), χ2red (LP), and χ2red (CPL)) are and the flux (rs = -0.81, p <0.001), indicating that the
shown in Figure 3. Scatter plots showing the best-fit spectra get harder during brighter states of the source.
LP and CPL model parameters, and with the flux, are This harder when brighter behaviour of the source has
depicted in Figures 4 and 5, respectively. To identify already been reported earlier [18, 22, 29, 31, 32]. The
the dependence between these best-fit parameters, we spectral fittings with the simple CPL model allows to
performed a Spearman rank correlation analysis between constrain well the cutoff energy during high-flux states.
various quantities obtained from the spectral fit. The Here no correlation is observed between p and ǫc (rs
Spearman rank correlation study between the LP model = 0.16, p = 0.556), while a significant anti-correlation
between p and flux (rs = -0.79 p <0.001) is seen. does not support a simple cooling break origin of the
peak frequency, rather might be affected by the blending
of different components [e.g., 16]. At hard X-rays, where
the synchrotron spectrum declines, we may expect the
B. Combined NuSTAR and Swift-XRT (0.3-79 emission to be more dominated by a single component,
keV) regime particularly during higher flux states. Additionally, the
high-energy end of the spectrum is likely to be populated
In order to gain further insights, we have also studied by a cooled electron distribution. To explore the spectral
the broad X-ray spectra of Mkn 421 ranging from 0.3 curvature towards high energies in more detail, we thus
to 79 keV using simultaneous Swift -XRT and NuSTAR perform spectral fits to the X-ray data above the syn-
observations, employing the log-parabola (LP) and sim- chrotron SED peak (with ǫp > 0.3 keV) using a modified
ple exponential cutoff (CPL) model, respectively. These CPL (MCPL) model
X-ray spectra exhibits significant curvature, and a LP
model generally provides a better fit when compared to
F (ǫ) ∝ ǫ−p exp[−(ǫ/ǫc )ζ ] (MCPL) , (5)
a simple CPL model. The best-fit parameters are pre-
sented in Table III, and the scatter plots between LP where p represents the power-law index, ǫc character-
parameters and the flux are shown in Figure 6. Again, izes the position of the cutoff energy, and the parameter
we observe no correlation between the α and β (rs = ζ governs the steepness of the cutoff. This function is
0.17, p = 0.521). Additionally, there was no significant added as a local model in XSPEC, and we perform spec-
correlation between β and peak energy, ǫp , (rs = 0.31, tral fitting for the combined simultaneous Swift -XRT and
p = 0.227), whereas α showed a strong negative corre- NuSTAR observations from ǫp to 79 keV.
lation with ǫp (rs = -0.86, p <0.001). Furthermore, we Among the total 17 simultaneous Swift -XRT and
noted a strong negative correlation between α and flux NuSTAR observations we found only for 10 epochs,
(rs = -0.80, p <0.001), and ǫp being significantly corre- the peak falls in between 0.3–79 keV. Most of these
lated with flux (rs = 0.85, p <0.001). These correlations epochs are during high-flux states (except obsID.
suggest that during flares, the spectral index hardens and 80050003+60002023010), and all these epochs are con-
the spectral peak moves towards higher energies. sidered for the MCPL fit. The considered X-ray spectra
The absence of a significant correlation among the LP did not allow us to constrain all parameters of the model.
parameters, even in the broad energy range studied here, Hence, we performed a fitting with p fixed to a value 2,
indicates that the changes in spectral characteristics can- representing a cooled particle distribution. This choice
not simply be ascribed to the energy-dependence of the may be appropriate since we are interested in the spec-
particle acceleration process as proposed in ref. [18]. Ad- trum above ǫp where synchrotron losses dominate. The
ditionally, such a model is unable to account for the sample spectral fits of MCPL model are shown in Figure
broadband SED of blazars [18, 21, 22]. Hence, an al- 7. The modified CPL model represents well the spec-
ternate physically motivated choice could be a CPL type trum above ǫp and the best-fit parameters ǫc and ζ are
model. On the other hand, the foregoing analysis indi- shown in Table IV. The scatter plots between the fitting
cates that a simple (purely exponential) CPL model does parameters, and with the flux are shown in Figure 8. We
not provide a better fit to the broad X-ray spectra of the performed a Spearman correlation analysis and did not
source, particularly in high flux states. To explore this find a significant correlation between the MCPL model
further, we next study the broadband X-ray spectrum parameters ǫc and ζ (rs = 0.45, p = 0.192). Also, no
using a power-law with a modified exponential cutoff, as significant correlations are observed between ǫc and flux
might be expected to occur in shock-type acceleration (rs = 0.42, p = 0.229), and ζ and flux (rs = 0.55, p =
scenarios (see Section §I). 0.102).
Constraining the ζ-parameter in the X-ray spectrum
can provide insights into the parent particle distribution.
C. Probing a power-law with modified exponential In the case of synchrotron emission, the parameter ζ is
cutoff linked to the primary particle distribution through the
relation ζ = βeβ+2 e
[40]. Therefore, the value of ζ is ex-
In the context of shock acceleration scenarios, the elec- pected to be 0.33 in the case of energy-independent diffu-
tron distribution exhibits a simple exponential cutoff sion (βe = 1), while Bohm-type diffusion (βe = 2) results
form only when diffusion is independent of energy. The in ζ=0.5. As can be seen from Table IV, the inferred
shape of the particle distribution deviates from this as ζ-values favour a Bohm-type behaviour.
the diffusion coefficient becomes energy-dependent, lead- For comparison, we also repeated this analysis by fixing
ing to a corresponding change in the synchrotron cutoff ζ at the values corresponding to hard-sphere and Bohm-
(i.e., typically sub-exponential) shape [39, 40]. In HBL type diffusion, which are 0.33 and 0.5, respectively (Table
sources such as Mkn 421, the maximum achievable elec- V). The best-fit parameters revealed that ζ = 0.5 leads
tron energies are limited by synchrotron losses. The spec- to an index p closer to ∼ 2, supporting our previous as-
tral index evolution around the synchrotron (SED) peak sumption of a cooled distribution above ǫp . Therefore,
TABLE IV. Best fit parameters using the MCPL model (cooled p=2) for the energy range ǫp -79 keV.
Obs.ID ǫp ǫc ζ χ2red (dof) Flux
Swift NuSTAR (keV) (keV) (ǫp -79 keV)
80050003 60002023010 0.37±0.02 2.64±0.16 0.54±0.01 1.2 (1106) -9.621±0.003
80050014 60002023022 0.47±0.03 2.95±0.32 0.47±0.02 1.17 (1323) -9.156±0.002
80050016 60002023024 0.41±0.02 2.63±0.27 0.52±0.02 1.18 (1030) -8.988±0.003
80050019 60002023027 1.5±0.03 8.01±0.53 0.6±0.02 1.03 (1458) -8.457±0.002
32792002 60002023029 0.49±0.02 3.54±0.28 0.52±0.02 1.1 (1394) -8.888±0.002
35014062 60002023033 0.79±0.05 6.9±0.66 0.53±0.02 1.09 (1345) -8.853±0.002
35014065 60002023035 1.61±0.05 20.58±0.66 0.71±0.03 1.05 (1613) -8.807±0.002
34228110 60202048002 1.14±0.08 7.9±1.54 0.44±0.04 1.11 (1266) -9.128±0.003
81926001 60202048004 1.33±0.08 14.96±1.01 0.62±0.04 1.06 (1285) -9.109±0.003
34228145 60202048006 1.29±0.15 8.88±1.18 0.5±0.03 1.12 (1015) -9.112±0.003
TABLE V. Best fit parameters using the MCPL model by assuming Bohm(ζ=0.5) and Hard-sphere(ζ=0.33) for ǫp -79 keV fit.
Obs.ID ǫp Bohm: ζ=0.5 Hard-sphere: ζ=0.33
Swift NuSTAR (keV) p ǫc χ2red (dof) p ǫc χ2red (dof)
80050003 60002023010 0.37±0.02 1.95±0.02 1.84±0.1 1.2 (1106) 1.63±0.02 0.11±0.01 1.19 (1106)
80050014 60002023022 0.47±0.03 2±0.02 3.6±0.22 1.18 (1323) 1.72±0.03 0.25±0.02 1.12 (1323)
80050016 60002023024 0.41±0.02 1.97±0.02 2.2±0.14 1.17 (1030) 1.65±0.03 0.13±0.01 1.16 (1030)
80050019 60002023027 1.5±0.03 1.83±0.03 3.33±0.24 1.01 (1457) 1.43±0.04 0.16±0.02 0.98 (1457)
32792002 60002023029 0.49±0.02 1.95±0.02 2.75±0.13 1.1 (1394) 1.64±0.03 0.17±0.01 1.06 (1394)
35014062 60002023033 0.79±0.05 1.93±0.03 4.83±0.41 1.08 (1345) 1.6±0.04 0.3±0.04 1.05 (1345)
35014065 60002023035 1.61±0.05 1.8±0.02 6.27±0.51 1.03 (1613) 1.49±0.04 0.41±0.05 1.03 (1613)
34228110 60202048002 1.14±0.08 2.04±0.03 13.05±1.97 1.11 (1266) 1.82±0.05 1.19±0.25 1.1 (1266)
81926001 60202048004 1.33±0.08 1.86±0.03 6.24±0.7 1.05 (1284) 1.55±0.05 0.4±0.06 1.04 (1284)
34228145 60202048006 1.29±0.15 1.99±0.04 8.32±1.1 1.12 (1015) 1.71±0.06 0.6±0.11 1.12 (1015)
the results appear consistent with a cooled particle dis- to the primary electron distribution. The acceleration of
tribution with a cutoff shaped by Bohm-type diffusion electrons at shocks is a favored mechanism for generating
(βe = 2). non-thermal particle distributions in astrophysical jets.
In the presence of radiative losses like the synchrotron
process, the accelerated electron distribution will be a
broken power-law with a modified exponential cutoff at
the maximum available electron energy. The resultant
synchrotron spectrum from such a particle distribution
We have conducted a detailed study of the X-ray spec- will always be a power-law with a sub-exponential cut-
tra of Mkn 421 using simultaneous Swift -XRT and NuS- off, and we found that a MCPL function can satisfacto-
TAR observations. Most of our observations considered rily reproduce the data beyond the SED peak. Further,
are during high flux states (unlike ref. [42] for example) the results are consistent with a scenario where the hard
and enables us to investigate the spectral curvature in X-ray spectrum is due to a cooled electron distribution,
the hard X-ray regime more rigorously. Our spectral with the highest energy part shaped by Bohm-type dif-
study of NuSTAR observations using power-law (PL), fusion. For a strong shock that is non-relativistic in the
log-parabolic (LP), and simple exponential cutoff power- jet frame (Γs = Γj Γb (1 − βb βj ) ∼ 1, with Γj ≫ 1 being
law (CPL) models suggests that LP and CPL are clearly the jet Lorentz factor and Γb the ‘blob’ Lorentz factor),
preferred over a simple PL. This provides strong evidence the characteristic acceleration timescale is approximately
of spectral curvature in the 3-79 keV energy regime. We given by t′acc ≃ 10κ′ /u2s where κ′ = (1/3) λ′ c and λ′ ∼
also examined the broad (Swift -XRT and NuSTAR) X- rg′ = γe′ mc c2 /(eB ′ ) in the Bohm limit [e.g., 12]. Balanc-
ray spectra, spanning from 0.3 to 79 keV with LP and ing acceleration with cooling, t′syn = 9m3e c5 /(4e4 γe′ B ′2 ),
CPL models, indicating that LP provides a better fit one can estimate maximum achievable electron energies
compared to CPL. However, the lack of a significant cor- ′
(γe,m ). The corresponding synchrotron photon energy
relation between the LP parameters suggests that the ′
ǫc ∝ γe,m′2
B ′ can be compared to the synchrotron cut-
variations in spectral characteristics cannot be attributed off energies ǫc ∼ 10 keV inferred from observations (Ta-
to the energy-dependence of the particle acceleration pro- ble IV) taking beaming (ǫc ∼ Γj ǫ′c ) into account. The
cess. result then substantiates the initial assumption of non-
The curvature in the X-ray spectrum is closely linked
00080050019+60002023027 00034228110+60202048002
0.1 0.05
2 2
2 5 10 20 50 2 5 10 20 50
Energy (keV) Energy (keV)
FIG. 7. Spectral fit from ǫp -79 keV using the MCPL model for the obsID 00080050019+60002023027 (left) and
00034228110+60202048002 (right).
1.5 -8.4
1.2 -8.7
log10Flux(εp-79 keV)
log10εc (keV)
0.9 -9
0.6 -9.3
0.3 -9.6
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
ζ ζ
log10Flux(εp-79 keV)
FIG. 8. Scatter plots between best-fit parameters for the MCPL model (ǫp -79 keV). The upper left panel is for ζ and cutoff
energy (ǫc ), right is for ζ and flux in ǫp -79 keV, and the lower panel is for ǫc and flux in ǫp -79 keV. The dotted vertical lines
represent ζ corresponding to hard-sphere (0.33) and Bohm (0.5).
0.5 0.2
2 2
0 0
−2 −2
5 10 20 50 5 10 20 50
Energy (keV) Energy (keV)
ObsID 60002023035 ObsID 60202048002
keV2 (Photons cm−2 s−1 keV−1)
5 10 20 50 5 10 20 50
Energy (keV) Energy (keV)
ObsID 60202048004 ObsID 60202048006
keV2 (Photons cm−2 s−1 keV−1)
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
5 10 20 50 5 10 20 50
Energy (keV) Energy (keV)
FIG. 9. NuSTAR X-ray spectra (3-79 keV) along with log-parabola model.
00080050019+60002023027 00035014062+60002023033
0.5 0.2
0.2 0.1
0.1 0.05
2 2
0 0
−2 −2
1 10 1 10
Energy (keV) Energy (keV)
00035014065+60002023035 00034228110+60202048002
keV2 (Photons cm−2 s−1 keV−1)
0.05 0.05
2 2
0 0
1 10 1 10
Energy (keV) Energy (keV)
00081926001+60202048004 00034228145+60002023029
keV2 (Photons cm−2 s−1 keV−1)
1 10 1 10
Energy (keV) Energy (keV)
FIG. 10. Combined Swift–XRT and NuSTAR X-ray spectra (0.3-79 keV) along with log-parabola model.