Thermal Properties of Matter - PYQ Practice Sheet

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Thermal Properties of Matter

Single Correct Type Questions 5. Heat energy of 184 kJ is given to a block of ice of mass
600g at –12oC, Specific heat of ice is 2222.3 J kg −1 °C −1
1. At what temperature a gold ring of diameter 6.230 cm
be heated so that it can be fitted on a wooden bangle and latent heat of ice in 336 kJ/kg–1
of diameter. 6.241 cm? Both the diameters have been 
[29 Jan, 2023 (Shift-II)]
measured at room temperature (27oC ).
A. Final temperature of the system will be 0oC.
(Given: coefficient of linear thermal expansion of gold αL
= 1.4 × 10–5 K–1) [29 June, 2022 (Shift-II)] B. Final temperature of the system will be greater than
(a) 125.7 C
(b) 91.7oC 0oC.
(c) 425.7 C
(d) 152.7oC C. The final system will have a mixture of ice and water
in the ratio of 5 : 1.
2. A bimetallic strip consists of metals A and B. It is mounted
rigidly as shown. The metal A has higher coefficient of D. The final system will have a mixture of ice and water
expansion compared to that metal B. When bimetallic strip in the ratio of 1 : 5.
is placed in a cold bath, it will E. The final system will have water only.
 [16 March, 2021 (Shift-II)] Choose the correct answer from the options given
(a) Neither bend nor shrink below:
(b) Not bend but shrink A B (a) A and D only (b) B and D only
(c) Bend towards the left (b) A and E only (d) A and C only
(d) Bend towards the right
6. A copper block of mass 5.0 kg is heated to a temperature
3. Two different wires having lengths L 1 and L 2, and of 500°C and is placed on a large ice block. What is the
respective temperature coefficient of linear expansion
α1 and α2, are joined end-to-end. Then the effective maximum amount of ice that can melt? [Specific heat of
temperature coefficient of linear expansion is copper: 0.39 J g–1 °C–1 and latent heat of fusion of water:
 [5 Sep, 2020 (Shift-II)] 335 J g–1 °C–1 [25 June, 2022 (Shift-II)]
4α1α 2 L2 L1 (a) 1.5 kg (b) 5.8 kg
(a) 2 α1α 2 (b)
α1 + α 2 ( L2 + L1 ) 2 (c) 2.9 kg (d) 3.8 kg
α1 + α 2 α L + α 2 L2 7. The temperature of equal masses of three different liquids
(c) (d) 1 1
2 L1 + L2 x, y and z are 10°C, 20°C and 30°C respectively. The
4. Two rods A and B of identical dimensions are at temperature of mixture when x is mixed with y is 16°C
temperature 30°C. If a heated upto 180°C and B upto and that when y is mixed with z is 26°C. The temperature
T°C, then the new lengths are the same. If the ratio of the of mixture when x and z are mixed will be:
coefficients of linear expansion of A and B is 4 : 3, then  [26 Aug, 2021 (Shift-II)]
the value of T is: [11 Jan, 2019 (Shift-II)]
(a) 230°C (b) 270°C (a) 28.32°C (b) 23.84°C
(c) 200°C (d) 250°C (c) 25.62°C (d) 20.28°C

1 JEE PYQs Physics

8. The height of victoria falls is 63 m. What is the 14. A metal ball of mass 0.1 kg is heated upto 500ºC and
difference in temperature of water at the top and at the dropped into a vessel of heat capacity 800 JK–1 and
bottom of fall? containing 0.5 kg water. The initial temperature of water
and vessel is 30ºC. What is the approximate percentage
[Given 1 cal = 4.2 J and specific heat of water = 1calg–1 ºC–1] increment in the temperature of the water? [Specific
 [27 Aug, 2021 (Shift-II)] heat Capacitites of water and metal are, respectively
(a) 0.147 ºC (b) 14.76 ºC 4200 Jkg–1K–1 and 400 Jkg–1K–1]
 [11 Jan, 2019 (Shift-II)]
(c) 1.476 ºC (d) 0.014 ºC
(a) 15% (b) 30%
9. Due to cold weather a 1 m water pipe of cross–sectional
(c) 25% (d) 20%
area 1 cm2 is filled with ice at –10°C. Resistive heating
is used to melt the ice. Current of 0.5 A is passed 15. An ice cube of dimensions 60cm × 50cm × 20cm is placed
through 4 k W resistance. Assuming that all the heat in an insulation box of wall thickness 1cm. The box
keeping the ice cube at 0ºC of temperature is brought to
produced is used for melting, what is the minimum time a room of temperature 40ºC. The rate of melting of ice is
required? approximately: [26 July, 2022 (Shift-II)]
(Given latent heat of fusion for water/ice = 3.33 × 105 J (Latent heat of fusion of ice is 3.4 × 105 J kg–1 and thermal
kg–1, specific heat of ice = 2 ×103 J kg–1 and density of ice conducting of insulation wall is 0.05 Wm–1ºC–1)
= 103 kg / m3) [1 Sep, 2021 (Shift-II)] (a) 61 × 10–3 kg s–1 (b) 61 × 10–5 kg s–1
(a) 3.53 s (b) 0.353 s (c) 208 kg s–1 (d) 30 × 10–3 kg s–1
(c) 35.3 s (d) 70.6 s 16. Two thin metallic spherical shells of radii r1 and r2(r1 < r2)
are placed with their centres coinciding. A material of
10. A bullet of mass 5g, traveling with a speed of 210 m/s, thermal conductivity K is filled in the space between the
strikes a fixed wooden target. One half of its kinetic energy shells. The inner shell is maintained at temperature θ1 and
is converted into heat in the bullet while the other half is the outer shell at temperature θ2(θ1<θ2). The rate at which
converted into heat in the wood. The rise of temperature of the heat flows radially through the material is:
bullet if the specific heat of its material is 0.030 cal/(g – ° C)  [31 Aug, 2021 (Shift-II)]
(1 cal = 4.2 × 107 ergs) close to: [5 Sep, 2020 (Shift-I)] πr1r2 ( θ2 − θ1 ) K ( θ2 − θ1 )( r2 − r1 )
(a) 83.3°C (b) 38.4°C (a) (b)
r2 − r1 4πr1r2
(c) 87.5°C (d) 119.2°C K ( θ2 − θ1 ) 4πKr1r2 ( θ2 − θ1 )
11. A thermometer graduated according to a linear scale reads (c) (d)
r2 − r1 r2 − r1
a value x0 when in contact with boiling water, and x0/3
17. Two identical metal of thermal conductivities K1 and K2
when in contact with ice. What is the temperature of an respectively are connected in series. The effective thermal
object in °C, if this thermometer in the contact with the conductivity of the combination is:
object reads x0/2? [11 Jan, 2019 (Shift-II)]
 [17 March, 2021 (Shift-I)]
(a) 25 (b) 60 (c) 40 (d) 45 K1 + K 2 K1 + K 2 2 K1 K 2 K1 K 2
(a) (b) (c) (d)
12. Ice at – 20°C is added to 50 g of water at 40°C. When the K1 K 2 2 K1 K 2 K1 + K 2 K1 + K 2
temperature of the mixture reaches 0°C, it is found that 18. Three rods of identical cross-section and lengths are made
20 g of ice is still unmelted. The amount of ice added to of three different materials of thermal conductivity K1, K2
the water was close to and K3, respectively. They are joined together at their ends
(Specific heat of water = 4.2 J/g/°C, Heat of fusion of water to make a long rod (see figure). One end of the long rod is
at 0°C = 334 J/g and Specific heat of ice = 2.1 J/g/°C) maintained at 100°C and the other at 0°C (see figure). If
the joints of the rod are at 70°C and 20°C in steady state
 [11 Jan, 2019 (Shift-I)] and there is no loss of energy from the surface of the rod,
(a) 50 g (b) 100 g the correct relationship between K1, K2 and K3 is 
(c) 60 g (d) 40 g [6 Sep, 2020 (Shift-II)]
K1 K2 K3
13. When 100g of a liquid A at 100°C is added to 50g of 100°C 0°C
a liquid B at temperature 75°C, the temperature of the
mixture becomes 90°C. The temperature of the mixture, 70°C 20°C
if 100g of liquid A at 100°C is added to 50g of liquid B at (a) K1 : K3 = 2 : 3 ; K2 : K3 = 2 : 5
50°C, will be: [11 Jan, 2019 (Shift-II)] (b) K1 < K2 < K3
(a) 85°C (b) 60°C (c) K1 : K2 = 5 : 2 ; K1 : K3 = 3 : 5
(c) 80°C (d) 70°C (d) K1 > K2 > K3

2 JEE PYQs Physics

19. A heat source at T = 103 K is connected to another heat 23. Match the temperature of a black body given in List-I with
reservoir at T = 102 K by a copper slab which is 1 m an appropriate statement in List-II, and choose the correct
thick. Given that the thermal conductivity of copper is option. [JEE Adv, 2023]
0.1 W K–1m–1, the energy flux through it in the steady state [Given: Wien’s constant as 2.9 × 10 −3 m-K and
is: [10 Jan, 2019 (Shift-I)] hc
(a) 90 Wm–2 (b) 120 Wm–2 = 1.24 × 10−6 V-m]
(c) 65 Wm–2 (d) 200 Wm–2
List-I List-II
20. A cylinder of radius R is surrounded by a cylindrical (p) 2000 K (i) The radiation at peak
shell of inner radius R and outer radius 2R. The thermal wavelength can lead to emission
conductivity of the material of the inner cylinder is K1 and of photoelectrons from a metal
of work function 4 eV
that of the outer cylinder is K2. Assuming no loss of heat,
(q) 3000 K (ii) The radiation at peak wavelength
the effective thermal conductivity of the system for heat
is visible to human eye.
flowing along the length of the cylinder is:
 [12 Jan, 2019 (Shift-I)] (r) 5000 K (iii) The radiation at peak emission
wavelength will result in the
K1 + K 2 widest central maximum of a
(a) (b) K1 + K2
2 single slit diffraction.
2 K1 + 3K 2 K1 + 3K 2 (s) 10000 K (iv) The power emitted per unit area
(c) (d)
5 4 is 1/16 of that emitted by a black
21. Two materials having coefficients of thermal conductivity body at temperature 6000 K.
‘3K’ and ‘K’ and thickness ‘d’ and ‘3d’, respectively, (v) The radiation at peak emission
are joined to form a slab as shown in the figure. The wavelength can be used to image
temperatures of the outer surfaces are ‘θ2’ and ‘θ 1’ human bones.
respectively, (θ2 > θ1). The temperature at the interface is: (a) p → (iii), q → (v), r → (ii), s → (iii)
 [9 April, 2019 (Shift-II)] (b) p → (iii), q → (ii), r → (iv), s → (i)
(c) p → (iii), q → (iv), r → (ii), s → (i)
(d) p → (i), q → (ii), r → (v), s → (iii)
Integer Type Questions
24. A unit scale is to be prepared whose length does not change
θ +θ θ 9θ with temperature and remains 20cm, using a bimetallic
(a) 2 1 (b) 1 + 2
2 10 10 strip made of brass and iron each of different length. The
θ1 2θ2 θ 5θ length of both components would change in such a way
(c) + (d) 1 + 2 that difference between their length remains constant.
3 3 6 6
22. Temperature difference of 120°C is maintained between If length of brass is 40 cm and length of iron will be
two ends of a uniform rod AB of length 2L. Another bent ________ cm. [25 July, 2022 (Shift-I)]
3L (αiron = 1.2 × 10–5K–1 and αbrass = 1.8 × 10–5K–1).
rod PQ, of same cross-section as AB and length , is
25. A steel rod with y = 2.0 × 1011 Nm–2 and a = 10–5 °C–1
connected across AB (See figure). In steady state, of length 4 m and area of cross-section 10 cm2 is heated
temperature difference between P and Q will be close to
from 0°C to 400°C without being allowed to extend. The
 [9 Jan, 2019 (Shift-I)]
tension produced in the rod is x × 105 N where the value
of x is __________. [1 Sep, 2021 (Shift-II)]
A B 26. A non-isotropic solid metal cube has coefficients of
linear expansion as: 5 × 10– 5 /°C along the x-axis and
2 5 × 10–6 /°C along the y and the z-axis. If the coefficient
(a) 45°C (b) 75°C of volume expansion of the solid is C × 10–6 /°C then the
(c) 60°C (d) 35°C value of C is [7 Jan, 2020 (Shift-I)]

3 JEE PYQs Physics

27. A bakelite beaker has volume capacity of 500 cc at 30°C. 29. A rod CD of thermal resistance 10.0 kW–1 is joined at the
When it is partially filled with Vm volume (at 30°C) of middle of an identical rod AB as shown in figure, The end
mercury, it is found that the unfilled volume of the beaker A, B and D are maintained at 200°C, 100°C and 125°C
remains constant as temperature is varied. If γbeaker = respectively. The heat current in CD is P watt. The value
6 × 10–6 °C–1 and γmercury = 1.5 × 10–4 °C–1, where γ is the of P is [27 Aug, 2021 (Shift-I)]
coefficient of volume expansion, then Vm (in cc) is close A B
to ___________. [3 Sep, 2020 (Shift-I)]
28. As per the given figure, two plates A and B of thermal 200°C C 100°C
conductivity K and 2K are joined together of form a
compound plate. The thickness of plates are 4.0 cm and
2.5 cm respectively and the area of cross-section is 120
cm2 for each plate. The equivalent thermal conductivity
 5
of the compound plate is 1 +  K , then the value of α
 α D
will be _______ . [29 June, 2022 (Shift-I)]
4.0cm 2.5cm
100°C 0°C
K 2K

4 JEE PYQs Physics

1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (a) 5. (a) 6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (a) 9. (c) 10. (c)
11. (a) 12. (d) 13. (c) 14. (d) 15. (b) 16. (d) 17. (c) 18. (a) 19. (a) 20. (d)
21. (b) 22. (a) 23. (c) 24. [60] 25. [8] 26. [60] 27. [20.00] 28. [21] 29. [2]

1. (d) Dℓ = 6.241 – 6.230 = 0.011 cm ∴ mass of water = 0.4999 kg
Dℓ = ℓ.aDq Mass of ice = 0.1001
0.011 = 6.230 × 1.4 × 10–5(q – 27) 0.1001
Ratio ≈ 1: 5
q ≈ 153.11 nearest is 152.7°C. 0.4999
2. (c) As coefficient of thermal expansion of A is 6. (c) Heat given by block to get 0°C temperature
greater than B (a) = (a)A > (a)B. So, with falling in
DQ = 5 × (0.39 × 103) × (500 – 0) = 975 × 103J
temperature, A will shrink more. As a result, strip will
bend towards the left. Heat absorbed by ice to melt m kg mass
m × (335 × 103) = 975 × 103
3. (d) (L1 + L2)αeq × ∆T = L1α1∆T + L1α2∆T
L α + L2 α 2 m= = 2.910kg
⇒ αeq = 1 1 335
( L1 + L2 )
7. (b) According to the question,
4. (a) Change in length due to rise in temperature Dl = laDT Heat gained by liquid x = Heat lost by liquid y
 Dl1 = Dl2
msx(16 – 10) = msy(20 – 16)
la1DT1 = la2DT2
sx 2
⇒ = ... (i)
sy 3
α1 ∆T1
α 2 ∆T2 msy(26 – 20) = msz(30 – 26)

sy 2
4 T – 30 ⇒ = ... (ii)
= sz 3
3 180 – 30
From equation (i) and (ii)
T = 230°C
sx sx x y 2 2 4
5. (a) Given, heat energy ∆Q = 184 × 103 = × = × =
sz s y sz 3 3 9

Energy Q, required to raise temperature of ice from
When liquid x and z are intermixed
–120°C to 0°C
Q1 = msDT = 0.600 × 2222.3 × 12 = 16000.56 J msx(T – 10) = msz(30 – T)

Remaining heat DQ1 = 184000 – 16000.56
⇒ 4(T – 10) = 9(30 – T) [from (ii)]
= 167999.44 J

⇒ T = 23.84°C
For the ice to melt at 0oC
∆Q2 = mL = 0.600 × 336000 = 201600 J needed 8. (a) Change in potential energy = Heat energy

∴ Total ice is not melted
mgh = msDT
Amount of ice melted gh 10 × 63

⇒ ∆T
= = = 0.147º C
167999.44 = mass of ice × 336000 = 0.4999 kg s 4200

5 JEE PYQs Physics

9. (c) Required energy for melting 14. (d) 0.1 × 400 × (500 – T) = 0.5 × 4200 × (T – 30) + 800

Q = MSDT + ML (T – 30)

⇒ 10–1 × 2× 103 ×10 + 10–1 × 3.33 × 105

⇒ 40( 500 – T) = (T – 30) (2100 + 800)
⇒ 3.53 × 104 J

⇒ 20000 – 40 T = 2900 T – 30 × 2900
Thus, heat produce in wire is ⇒ 20000 + 30 × 2900 = T(2940) ⇒ T = 36.4oC

⇒ H = I Rt 2

2 ∆T 6.4
1 × 100 = × 100 ≈ 20%
⇒ Q= 3.53 × 104=   × (4 × 103 ) × t
T 30
dQ KA∆T ∆T
3.53 × 104 × 4 15. (b)= =

= t = 35.3sec dt  Rthermal
4 × 103
Area = 2 × [b + bh + h]
11 
10. (c) Here  mv 2=
 mS ∆T ⇒ A = 2 × [0.6 × 0.5 + 0.5 × 0.2 + 0.2 × 0.6] = 1.04 m2

2 2
 1× 10−2
v2 ( 210, 00)
= =
⇒ ∆T= =  84.5°C KA 0.05 × 1.04
45 4 × 0.0 × 4.2 × 107
dQ 40 × 0.05 × 1.04
∴ = = 2.08 × 102 J/s
xt − x0 dt 10−2
11. (a) t
= (100°C )
x100 − x0 Now, let m kg/s be the rate of melting of ice
M.P. B.P. ⇒ 2.08 × 102 J/S = m × 3.4 × 105
0ºC TºC 100ºC ⇒ m = 61 × 10–5 kg/s
x0 x0 dr
16. (d) Thermal resistance of spherical shell =


( θ2 − θ1 ) 4πKr1r2 ( θ2 − θ1 )
= =
Thermal current
x0 x0 R  r2 − r1  ( r2 − r1 )
−  
4 πKr r
t = 2 3 (100°C ) = 25°C
 1 2 
x0 − 0
12. (d) m × 0.5 × 20 + (m – 20) × 80 = 50 × 1 × 40
⇒ 90m – 1600 = 2000
⇒ 90m = 3600 ⇒ m = 40 gm r2 r1

13. (c) 100 × SA × [100 – 90] = 50 × SB × (90 – 75) R

2SA = 1.5 SB
3 l

SA = SB 17. (c) Formula of thermal resistance, R =
4 KA

Now, 100 × SA × [100 – T] = 50 × SB (T – 50)    1 1  2

Req = R1 + R2 = + =  + =
K1 A K 2 A A  K1 K 2  KA
2 ×   (100 – T) = (T – 50)
4 2K K
⇒K= 1 2
300 – 3T = 2T – 100 K1 + K 2

400 = 5T 18. (a) K1 (100 – 70) = K2 (50)

T = 80°C K3 (20) = K2 (50)

6 JEE PYQs Physics

∆Q kA 1 ∆Q k 24. [60]  B (1 + α B ∆T ) −  i (1 + α i ∆T=
)  B − i
19. (a) = (T2 − T1 ) ⇒  = (T2 − T1 )
∆T  A  ∆T  
From L = L0 (1 + α∆T) = L0 + L0α∆T
1 1 1
20. (d) Equivalent thermal resistance, = +
R R1 R2
∆T = (L0)α∆T

 2 2
\ ∆LA = (L0)AαA∆T  ...(i)
K π(2 R) 2 K1πR 2 K 2 π ( 2 R ) − R 
= +
∆LB = L0BαB∆T  ...(ii)
K1 + 3K 2 from (i) and (ii)
⇒ 4K
= K1 + 3K 2 ⇒ K =
4 (L0)AαA = (L0)BαB
21. (b)

= (L0)A×1.2×10–5 = 1.8×10–5×40

1.8 × 10−5 × 40 3 × 40

L0 ) A = = 60 cm
Let the temperature of interface be “θ” i1 = i2 (Steady 1.2 × 10−5 2
state conduction) 25. [8] Given: y = 2 × 10 Nm
11 –2

3KA(θ2 − θ) KA(θ − θ1 ) 9θ2 θ1

= = θ +
a = 10–50 C–1
d 3d 10 10
T1 – T2 3R 3 Force = AyaDT
22. (a) TA – TB = × = × 120 =45
8R 5 8 Force = (10 × 10–4) × (2 × 1011) × 10–5 × 400
R/2 A R B R/2 T F = 8 × 105 N

T 1 2
R/4 R/4 x × 105 = 8 × 105

R Thus, the value of is x = 8

23. (c) Weins displacement law, lmT = b(constant) 26. [60] V = 2α2 + α1
Temperature is minimum for P, therefore lm will be = 10 × 10–6 + 5 × 10–5
= 60 × 10–6/°C
 λD 
maximum and b =   therefore, b will also be 27. [20.00]
maximum.  d 
V0 = 500 cc
For (Q), TQ = 3000
Vb= V0 + V0 γbeaker∆T

b 2.9 × 10−3 2.9
\ λm = = λm = × 10−6 And for Mercury
TQ 30000 3
= 0.96 × 10–6 = 966.6 nm Vm′ = Vm + Vm γm ∆T

Power emitted per unit area, PE = dT4 Unfilled volume (V0 – Vm) = (Vb – V’m)
P3000 ∝ (3000)4
⇒ V0 γbeaker = Vm – gM

P6000 ∝ (6000)4
P3000  1  1
4 500 × 6 × 10−6
∴ =  =
∴ Vm = ⇒ Vm = 20 cc
P6000  2  16 1.5 × 10−4
1 28. [21] It is given that,
P3000 = P6000
16 L1 = 4cm, L2 = 2.5cm, K1 = K2 = 2K
⇒ For (R), TR = 5000 K L + L2 4 + 2.5
K eq = 1 =
2.9 × 10−3 L1 L2 4 2.5
λ m= = 0.58 × 10−6 = 580 nm + +
3 K1 K 2 K 2K
5 × 10
Hence, radiation is visible to human eyes. 6.5 6.5 13 × 2  5
K eq = = × 2K = K =1 +  K
⇒ For (S),Ts = 10, 000 → maximum 8 + 2.5 10.5 21  51 
So, (c) is wrong as it has minimum (lm) 2K

7 JEE PYQs Physics

 5 ⇒ H1 = H2 + H3
By equating the above equation with keq= 1 +  200 − T T − 125 T − 100
 α ⇒ = +
5 10 5
We get, α = 21
145 − 125
29. [2] At puint T T 145C ⇒ H
⇒= = 2 = 2W
200°C T H3 100°C



8 JEE PYQs Physics

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