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Innovative Use of Hybrid Propulsion System in Fast Passenger Ferries over

300 Passengers and 20 Knots

Conference Paper · October 2020

DOI: 10.3233/PMST200044


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2 authors, including:

Valerio Ruggiero
Università degli Studi di Messina


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HSMV 2020 207
E. Begovic (Ed.)
IOS Press, 2020
© 2020 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Innovative Use of Hybrid Propulsion System

in Fast Passenger Ferries over 300
Passengers and 20 Knots
Ing. Valerio RUGGIEROa and Ing. Ph.D. Ferdinando MORACEb
Dipartimento di Ingegneria, University of Messina
Liberty Lines, Trapani

Abstract. The passenger transportation among Islands or coastal locations is usually

realized by High speed ferries. These vessels use traditionally powerful high speed
diesel engines, but this transportation has the characteristic of being subject to
season, weather condition, period of the years, causing often an underutilization of
the power installed onboard, by the fact that the displacement varies significantly
and also the amount of runs scheduled per day.
In consideration also of the need to reduce the impact of waves generated by the
hull, especially considering the historical or naturalistic scenarios where these
vessels operate, the authors investigated the possibility to adopt an hybrid
propulsion on an high speed hull, using tank test at a wider range of speed, to
optimize usage.
This use of hybrid propulsion is innovative, because usually the hybrid propulsion
is used for slow, traditional vessels, according to the limited request of power for
In the study proposed there is a “dual use” , that can be obtained navigating in “peak
touristic season” using traditional propulsion, with diesel engines, at 22-24 knot, and
in “low season” performing the entire trip or part of it, using only batteries or
hybrid. With the use of this system the authors studied a solution capable to carry
over 300 passengers, verifying also that the weight of the batteries, actually
traditional Li-Po batteries, doesn’t impact too much on the total displacement, but
also investigating the aspect of the firefighting system on hybrid vessel, aspect that
it s innovative, due to the tendency of Li-Po batteries at overheating and exploding
in case of fire.

Keywords. Hybrid propulsion, ferries, catamaran, resistance.

[Symbol] [Definition] [(Unit)]
CF Friction coefficient [-]
CRS Residual resistance coefficient on ship [-]
CFS Friction coefficient on the full scale ship [-]
CTS Total resistance coefficient on the full scale ship [-]
Fr Froude Number [-]
LWL Length in the waterline [m]
V Linear velocity [m/s]
VS Velocity of the ship [m/s]
B Breadth, moulded [m]
BWL Breadth in the waterline [m]
L Length in general [m]
LOA Length over all [m]
LWL Length in waterline [m]
208 V. Ruggiero and F. Morace / Innovative Use of Hybrid Propulsion System

LPP Length between perpendiculars [m]

S Wetted surface m2 ]
T Draught, moulded of ship [m ]
CTL Telfer coefficient [- ]
D Height (main deck height from base line) [m]
LCG Longitudinal position of center of gravity [m]
VCG Vertical position of center of gravity [m]
GMT Metacentric Height [m]
LCB Longitudinal position of center of buoyancy [m]
VCB Vertical position of center of buoyancy [m]

1. Introduction

The passenger transportation in coastal waters has to deal with a significant change in
terms of numbers of passengers transported and operational speed trough the various
periods of the years.
The routes are connecting usually a main port like Naples or Trapani, or Trieste and
several locations of touristic interest, often also located in protected areas [1,2].
As result of these situations the ratio of usage of a ferry can drop from the 100% in
summer/touristic season to 20-30% in winter season , when the ferry is operating only as
public transport for the local population of the various ports connected.
Obviously, the speed also can be reduced during the low season, because there is no need
to perform the transportation of an high flow of passengers during the day. Furthermore
usually the distance between one port to the other, like for example from Naples to Capri
or from Capri to Ischia or from Trapani to Favignana or from Favignana to Levanzo are
of 10 nm or less, meaning that an operative speed of 15-16 knots can still guarantee a
reasonable trip of 35-40 min instead that the 20 minutes required at 25-30 knot. This
because is important to remember that also a fast ferry cannot , usually, develop his full
speed in the first part and last part of the trip, due to the need to avoid noise, pollution,
waves in the Port areas or in proximity of the coast. In addition, assuming to study a
scenario in “low season” that usually correspond the winter , the weather or sea state and
then the consequent behaviour of the ship in terms of seakeeping and passenger’s comfort
can suggest a speed reduction.
As consequence of the above description the Authors want investigate the possibility to
study an innovation in the project of fast ferries to realize a propulsion system capable
to deal efficiently with this double scenario: high speed/full load during “peak season”
requiring high installed power, medium speed/low load during “low season”.

2. Technical examination of the problem

The behaviour of high speed hulls is well known, with the usually technical solutions
adopted to reduce the PE when operating at high Fr numbers: planning or semi planning,
hulls, or catamarans to achieve a good L/B ratio with sufficient stability and wide
platform for passengers, high speed diesel engines, light displacement.
In last years, also considering the attention to the environment and clean production of
energy, became more and more interesting the possibility to adopt hybrid propulsion
systems [3-6], using electrical energy, stored in batteries, for the propulsion. This became
possible thanks to the development of more efficient batteries the Li-Po or NIB (Sodium
V. Ruggiero and F. Morace / Innovative Use of Hybrid Propulsion System 209

ion), instead of the traditional Lead acid, with the capacity to store higher quantity of
The use of electricity to operate the propellers, that in this case will be replaced by
waterjets, offers the advantage to consider 2 possible solutions: producing the energy
ashore, and the store in batteries or produce the energy on board by electric generators
and the send to the waterjets, using a battery pack to store energy and be able to manage
peaks of request, maintaining the GG.EE. always operating at best efficiency point in
terms of specific consumption.
This second solution, the production of energy on board, has been improuved in last
years with the cohoperation of manifacturers of diesel engines and electrical engines,
because some solutions have been realized with a very compact electrical engine, located
between the diesel engine and the shaft line.

Table 1. Main data

L.o.a: 40.10 m
B: 10.10 m
Displ.Full load: 150 t
T: 1.70 m
Speed: 30 knots
Passengers: 350

Table 2. Semi hull data-Hydrostatics DWL of demihull

Displacement 73,45 t
Volume (displaced) 71,581 m^3
Draft Amidships 1,51 m
Immersed depth 1,515 m
WL Length 39,269 m
Beam max extents on WL 2,71 m
Wetted Area 137,806 m^2
Max sect. area 2,774 m^2
Waterpl. Area 67,507 m^2
Prismatic coeff. (Cp) 0,63
Block coeff. (Cb) 0,42
Max Sect. area coeff. (Cm) 0,793
Waterpl. area coeff. (Cwp) 0,634
LCB length 13,881 from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m
LCF length 13,868 from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m
LCB % 35,349 from zero pt. (+ve fwd) % Lwl
LCF % 35,314 from zero pt. (+ve fwd) % Lwl
KB 0,951 m
KG fluid 0 m
BMt 0,43 m
BML 80,698 m
GMt corrected 1,381 m
GML 81,649 m
KMt 1,381 m
KML 81,649 m
Immersion (TPc) 0,692 tonne/cm
MTc 1,474 tonne/cm
RM at 1deg = GMt.Disp.sin(1) 1,674 tonne/cm
Length:Beam ratio 14,49
Beam:Draft ratio 1,789
Length:Vol^0.333 ratio 9,632
210 V. Ruggiero and F. Morace / Innovative Use of Hybrid Propulsion System

Figure 1. General Arrangement

This solution was already used and adopted during II World war by Italian submarines,
but the recent development in electronic, with the possibility to control and optimize
the use of the electric motor, makes this solution more interesting.
In consideration of the above, the authors examined the propulsion system of a Ferry
catamaran for passenger transportation, and studied the possibility , using the tank test
data and CFD simulation for Resistance as valid input, to realize an innovative
propulsion system, capable to operate in dual mode: traditional diesel engine at high
speed and electrical driven at low medium speed.
The system studied is based on the traditional architecture of a fast ferry, with catamaran
type hulls, realized in Aluminium alloy, with the following main data:
V. Ruggiero and F. Morace / Innovative Use of Hybrid Propulsion System 211

2.1. The propulsion system

The propulsion system is realized by the installation of one high speed diesel engine in
each hull, of 2300 kW of power at 2000 rpm, (Continuous duty rating).
The propulsion is realized with waterjets, positioned close to transom of each hull. The
reason of this choice will be explained in further paragraph.
Between each Engine and the waterjet input shaft, is installed an electrical engine of 400
kW of power, asynchronous, also capable to be used as a generator.
The engine will be separated by a clutch from engine.
In each compartment in the hull, will be installed a battery pack, Li-Po type, of 300 kWh
of capacity.
The propulsion system can operate in 5 different ways:

x DEM (Diesel-Electric mode) the electric motors , on each shafts can be fed by
the generator, allowing for speed up to 5 knots, This DEM mode permits the
ferry to operate at low speed , in port areas, with fuel savings and reduced noise
x BEM (Battery -Electric mode) the electric motors , on each shafts can be fed
by the battery pack, without pollution, noise, etc. The range and speed of this
BEM will be described in next paragraph, explaining the impact of the battery
package on displacement and consequent performance of the ferry.
x HM (Hybrid mode) one of the two main engines shafts generators provides
the needed electrical power to run the second electric motor for propulsion and
hotel needs. With this solution, as will be explained showing the resistance data,
will be possible operate traditionally during the navigation in low season, using
only one engine, but with the capability to obtain significant reduction in
pollution and consumption.
x TM (Traditional Mode) , the ferry can run at 27 knots, full displacement ,
performing the necessary duty during the peak season , transporting high
volume of passengers, combining the full load (300 pax) with the capability to
complete the circuit of stops in few hours and consequently realizing several
connections during the day.
x FM (Full speed mode) with both main engines and generators supplying
power to the two electric motors and feeding the hotel loads, the ferry could
increase his speed at about 2 knots, if required, to compensate a delay or
different reason , maintaining the commercial respect of connection time
between the stops.

All the above Modes have been developed considering and existing Electrical
consumption for Ship services, inclusive of air conditioning, of 60 kW in all conditions.
The type of hull examined has been tested at Vienna Model Basin, and then developed
trough CFD (Fig.2) in order to obtain exact values at the speed of interest.
212 V. Ruggiero and F. Morace / Innovative Use of Hybrid Propulsion System

Fig. 2 CFD simulation and Tank test

The results gave the following table (Tab.3) for the considered speed:

Table 3.
Speed (knots) Pe (Kw) Fn
5 80 0,131
15 400 0,39
27 2200 0,655

2.2. Battery pack sizing

The main problem to solve with hybrid propulsion on a ship like this , as it possible to
see from the Fr at the various speed considered (5,15,27 kn), is the need to maintain the
Displacement in a light condition, in order to reduce the resistance especially at higher
The main problem typically studied on these vessels is the weight of battery packs, and
also the difficulty to operate in full “Diesel electric” mode, combining Diesel Generators
with electrical propulsion for the propellers/waterjet, because all those solutions will
increase the displacement. Considering the progress in battery weight, the authors
studied the present solution.
As results of efforts from manufacturer of Li-Po batteries of last generation, now a
package of batteries of 120 kWh has a weight of 900 kg about.
It is important to consider the following graph (Fig. 3), when sizing the batteries, to
ensure enough life for the batteries:

Figure 3. Life cycles of batteries.

V. Ruggiero and F. Morace / Innovative Use of Hybrid Propulsion System 213

The usage/discharge of batteries cannot pass the 15-20% otherwise there will be a serious
drop in battery’s life.
In consideration with the above graph and with the resistance curve of hull, the Authors
considered to install in each hull a battery package of 360 kWh, usable 300kWh, with a
weight of 2700 kg, including the cooling system.
This value , 3 t in each hull , can appear as high , but it is important to note that compared
to a total Full load Displacement of 146 t, with 22.5 t of passengers (assuming a value of
75 kg each) is not creating a significant impact on the resistance, even using a planning
hull type.
Each electrical engine, installed between the M.E. and gearboxes, also with a Power of
400 kW has a weight and dimensions with without a significant impact on the installation
of the engines in the hulls, moreover, the author considered average engines already
available on market, capable to operate as engines and/or as generators, and the
development from manifacturers is extremely fast, offering always better peerformances.
Resuming the data of above, the total weight increase for the complete ferry, due to the
hybrid system, is about 14 t. inclusive of batteries, electrical engines, control units of the
systems. (frequency converter etc). Around 10% of Full Load displacement, but with
significant advantages.
This system allows to obtain the following performance:
x DEM : the Gensets (2x150 kW) can provide the 80 kW required for propulsion
at 5 knots and the hotel services,
x BEM 5 knots: The ferry can operate for 1 h using about the 25% of capacity of
each battery pack, a speed of 5 knots is enough to travel in and out from each
port, in total
x HM Hybrid Mode: in this situation only one of the Engines (2300 kW each)
will operate, providing the 400 kW (PE) needed for propulsion , estimate 800
kW with a propulsive efficiency of 0.5 and feeding the Hotel systems with the
60 kW required , and the Ferry can reach a cruise speed of about 15 knots ,
enough to cover a voyage of 10 nm in 40 mins.
x TM The ferry can use the power of both the MM.EE: and reach a cruise speed
of 27 knots.
x FM The ferry can use the power of both the MM.EE, and in case of supplying
the electrical motors on shaft lines with power generated by the gensets is
possible to increase the maximum speed to 2 knots, or have extra margin to
adjust at sea state.

2.3. Propulsion system

The propulsion system will require a complete monitoring system, in order to optimize
the performances and minimize the losses of energy, as already studied and adopted on
similar high performances ships. Moreover the fore stabilization wings, controlled by the
above mentioned monitoring systems, and studied according also to other experiences of
authors oh high speed vessels [7,8,9] will guarantee a better trim in case of unusual
weight distribution caused by the passengers, indeed on these ferries cannot be neglected
the problem of the disposition of passengers and consequent significant change in final
LCG position, with impact on trim and consequently on resistance, assuming the
planning typology of the hulls.
214 V. Ruggiero and F. Morace / Innovative Use of Hybrid Propulsion System

The use of waterjets for the propulsion has been carefully considered by the Authors, and
it is a consequence of the need to adopt a solution capable to match the following
x Good manoeuvrability at low speed
x Draft reduction
x High efficiency at high speed, reducing the resistance of appendages (no
rudders, no shaft lines etc)

Considering the above and the fact that the ferry will have to operate in a wide range of
speed (5,18,27 knots) the Authors, also considering the literature available [10,11],
decided to install waterjets instead of traditional propellers with shaft line. The waterjets
solution can also offer an advantage in the trim and weight distribution, considering the
weight of superstructure and wheelhouse mainly located forward.

2.4. Battery pack positioning for firefighting

The separation of the battery compartment from the MM.EE., gives an important
contribution in the firefighting problem. The dangerous behaviour of Li batteries in
presence of overheating is well known, and the most used solution , in case of fire, is to
reduce the temperature of the battery pack[12,13]. In a ship this solution can be realized
by flooding the compartment where the batteries are located and this can obviously
impact on stability. The catamaran architecture, with the separation of each battery pack,
makes possible to submerge the battery compartment, compartment with a relatively
small volume, as consequence of the limited width of each hull, and still maintain an
acceptable level of buoyancy and stability.

3. Conclusion

The study demonstrates the possibility to combine efficiently a traditional High Speed
hull with an hybrid system , taking advantage of the recent developments in battery
technology and performances, in order the realize a ship extremely flexible, capable to
operate in “clean way” or as a fast ship.
The main limits, actually under investigation are regarding the weight of the battery
package, and the complexity, in terms of firefighting and storage of the Li-Po batteries.
In order to solve this problem a possible solution could be the usage of Na [14] batteries,
if their capacity in terms of kWh/kg will increase reaching the same of Li-Po.
The main interesting development of the case study examined, remains the possibility to
realize a ship capable to operate within a large range of situations, at a reasonable cost,
offering to the Owner company the possibility of having profit in low and high season.
The possibility to realize the above described project is strictly related to the latest
developments of the electronics in order to optimize the management of the propulsion
system to address the “energy flow” in order to optimize the efficiency and the
environmental protection.
V. Ruggiero and F. Morace / Innovative Use of Hybrid Propulsion System 215


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