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Review Test

Directions: Bach of the numbered items or incomplete statements in this section is followed by
answers or by completions of the statement Select the one-lettered answer or completion thatis
belt in each case.

1. A 21-year-old patient has a leslon of the up- (C) Lumbrlcal

per trunk of the bracbial plems (Erb-Ducbenne (D) Dorsal interosseous
paralysis). Which of the following la the most (E) Palmar lnterosseous
likely diagnosla?
(A) Paralysis or the rhomboid major 5. A 27-year-old woman presents with
(B) Inability to elevate the arm above the acute-onset inability to draw the scapula for-
horizontal ward and downward because of paralysis of the
(C) Arm tending to lie in medial rotation pectoralis minor. Which of the following would
(D) Loss ofsensation on the medial side of the most likely be a cause of his condition?
arm (A) Fracture of the clavicle
(E) Inability to adduct the thumb (B) Injury to the posterior cord of the brachia!
t. A patient comes in with a gunshot wound (C) Fracture of the coracoid process
and requires surgery in which his thoracoacro- (D) Axillary nerve injury
mial trunk needs to be ligated. Which of the (E) Defects in the posterior wall of the 8.ldl1a
following arterial branches would maintain
normal blood flow? &. A 22-year-old student received a stab wo1md
(A) Acromlal in the chest that injured the intercoatobrachlal
(B) Pectoral nerve. Which of the following conditions results
(C) Clavicular from the described lesion of the nerve?
(D) Deltoid (A) Inability to move the rlbs
(E) Superiorthoradc (B) Loss of tactile sensation on the lateral as-
pect of the arm
3. A 29-year-oldman comes in with a stab (C) Absence of sweating on the posterior as-
wound and now cannot raise bis arm above pect of the arm
the horizontal plane and exhibits a condition (D) Loss of sensory fibers from the secondin-
known as •wmged scapula." Which of the fol- tercostal nerve
lowing structures of the brachia! plexus would (E) Damage to the sympathetic preganglionic
most likely be damaged? fibers
(A) Medial cord
(B) Posterior cord 1. A 16-year-old boy hit a groove in the road
(C) Lowertrunk and was thrown from his motorcycle. His ra-
(D) Roots dial nerve was severely damaged because ofa
(E) Upper trunk fracture of the mldshaft of the humerus. Which
of the following conditions would most likely
4. A 16-year-old boy sustains a crush injury in result from this accident?
the auto body shop in which he is working and (A) Loss of wrist extension leading to wrist
now has weakness Deicing the metacarpopha- drop
langeal joint of the ring finger and is unable to (B) Weakness in pronat:lng the forearm
adduct the same finger. Which of the following (C) Sensory loss over the ventral aspect of the
muscles is most likely paralyzed? base of the thumb
(A) F1.emr digitorum profundus (D) Inability to oppose the thumb
(8) Extensor digitorum (E) Inability to abduct the fingers

328 BRS Gross Anatomy

8. A bank manager comes in complaining that 13. A 14-year-old boy falls on his outstretched
she cannot flex her proximal interphalangeal hand during a 100-m dash and has a fracture of
joints. Which of the following muscles ap- the scaphoid bone. The fracture is most likely
pear(s) to be paralyzed on further examination accompanied by a rupture of which of the fol-
of her finger? lowing arteries?
(Al Palmar interossei IAI Brachial artery
(BI Dorsal interossei (BJ Ulnar artery
(CJ Flexor digitorum profundus (CJ Deep palmar arterial arch
(DI Flexor digitorum superficialis (DJ Radial artery
(El Lumbricals (El Princeps pollicis artery

9. A 21-year-old woman walks in with a shoul- 14. A 12-year-old boy walks in after falling out
der and arm injury after falling during horse- of a tree, fracturing the upper portion of his
back riding. Examination indicates that she hwnerus. Which of the following nerves are
cannot adduct her arm because of paralysis of intimately related to the humerus and are most
which of the following muscles? likely to be injured by such a fracture?
(Al Teres minor (Al Axillary and musculocutaneous
(BJ Supraspinatus (BJ Radial and ulnar
(Cl Latissimus dorsi (CJ Radial and axillary
(DI Infraspinatus (DI Median and musculocutaneous
(El Serratus anterior (E) Median and ulnar

10- A 35-year-old man walks in with a stab 15. A man injures his wrist on broken glass.
wound to the most medial side of the prox- Which of the following structures entering the
imal portion of the cubital Cossa. Which of palm superficial to the flexor retinaculum may
the following structures would most likely be be damaged?
damaged? (A) Ulnar nerve and median nerve
(Al Biceps brachii tendon (Bl Median nerve and flexor digitorum
(BI Radial nerve profundus
(CJ Brachial artery (Cl Median nerve and flex.or pollicis longus
(DI Radial recurrent artery (DI Ulnar artery and ulnar nerve
(El Median nerve (El Ulnar nerve and flexor digitorum
11. A murder suspect arrives to the emergency
department (ER) after starting a gunfight with a 16. A patient with a Bennett fracture (a fracture
police officers. The suspect was struck by a bul- of the base of the first metacarpal bone) experi-
let in the arm, and his median nerve has been ences an impaired thumb movement. Which of
damaged. Which of the following symptoms is the following intrinsic muscles of the thumb is
likely produced by this nerve damage? most likely injured?
(Al Waiter's tip hand IAI Abductor pollicis brevis
(BJ Claw hand (Bl Flexor pollicis brevis (superficial head)
(CJ Wrist drop (Cl Opponens pollicis
(DJ Apehand (DI Adductor pollicis
(El Flattening of the hypothenar eminence (El Flexor pollicis brevis (deep head)

12. A mechanic has his middle finger crushed 17. A 27-year-old pianist with a known carpal
while working on a transmission. Which of tunnel syndrome experiences intermittent diffi-
the following muscles is most likely to retain culty in finger movements. Which of the follow-
function? ing intrinsic muscles of her hand is paralyzed?
(Al Extensor digitorum (A) Palmar interossei and adductor pollicis
(Bl Flexor digitorum profundus (Bl Dorsal interossei and lateral two
(CJ Palmar interosseous lumbricals
(DI Dorsal interosseous (Cl Lateral two lumbricals and opponens
(El Lumbrical pollicis
l3]Jt!lDI Upp er Limb 329

(D) Abductor pollicis brevis and palmar (A) Brachioradialis and supinator
interossei (B) Brachialis and supinator
(E) All lumbricals (C) Pronator teres and supinator
(D) Supinator and pronator quadratus
18. A 31-year-oldrooferwalks in with teno- (El Brachialis and pronator teres
synovitis resulting from a deep penetrating
wound in the palm of his hand by an accidental 23. A 23-year-old man complains of numbness
firing of his nail gun. Examination indicates that on the medial side of the arm following a stab
he has an infection in the ulnar bursa. This in- wound in the axilla. On examination, he is di-
fection most likely resulted in necrosis of which agnosed with an injury of his medial brachia!
of the following tendons? cutaneous nerve. In which of the following
(A) Tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris structures are the cell bodies of the involved
(B) Tendon of the flexor pollicis longus nerve?
(C) Tendon of the flexor digitorum profundus (A) Sympathetic chain ganglion
(D) Tendon of the flexor carpi radialis (B) Dorsal root ganglion
(E) Tendon of the palmaris longus (C) Anterior horn of the spinal cord
(D) Lateral horn of the spinal cord
19. An 18-year-old boy involved in an automo- (El Posterior horn of the spinal cord
bile accident presents with an arm that cannot
abduct. His paralysis is caused by damage to 24. A 38-year-old homebuilder was involved in
which of the following nerves? an accident and is unable to supinate his fore-
(A) Suprascapular and axillary arm. Which of the following nerves are most
(B) Thoracodorsal and upper subscapular likely damaged?
(C) Axillary and musculocutaneous (Al Suprascapular and axillary
(D) Radial and lower subscapular (B) Musculocutaneous and median
(E) Suprascapular and dorsal scapular (C) Axillary and radial
(D) Radial and musculocutaneous
20. A 17-year-old boy suffered multiple stab (El Median and ulnar
wounds on the upper part of the arm and
requires surgery. If the brachia! artery were 25. A 31-year-old patient complains of sensory
ligated at its origin, which of the following arter- loss over the anterior and posterior sudaces
ies would supply blood to the profunda brachii of the medial third of the hand and the medial
artery? one and one-half fingers. He is diagnosed by a
(A) Lateral thoracic physician as having "funny bone" symptoms.
(B) Subscapular Which of the following nerves is injured?
(C) Posterior humeral circumflex (A) Axillary
(D) Superior ulnar collateral (B) Radial
(E) Radial recurrent (C) Median
(D) Ulnar
21. A 23-year-old woman who cut her ring (El Musculocutaneous
finger deeply with a kitchen knife is unable to
move the metacarpophalangeal joint Which of 26. A patient with a deep stab wound in the
the following pairs of nerves was damaged? middle of the forearm has impaired movement
(A) Median and ulnar of the thumb. Examination indicates a lesion of
(B) Radial and median the anterior interosseous nerve. Which of the
(C) Musculocutaneous and ulnar following muscles are paralyzed?
(D) Ulnar and radial (Al Flexor pollicis longus and brevis
(E) Radial and axillary (BJ Flexor pollicis longus and opponens pollicis
(C) Flexor digitorum profundus and pronator
22. A 27-year-old baseball player is hit on his quadratus
forearm by a fast ball during the World Series, (D) Flexor digitorum profundus and
and the muscles that form the floor of the cubi- superficialis
tal fossa appear to be torn. Which of the follow- (El Flexor pollicis brevis and pronator
ing groups of muscles have lost their functions? quadratus
330 BRS Gross Anatomy

ZI. A 29-year-old patient comes in to the doc- (Cl Trapezium

tor's office because he cannot flex the distal (DJ Triquetrum
interphalangeal (DIP) joint of the index finger. (El Trapezoid
His physician determines that he has nerve
damage from a supracondylar fracture. Which 32. A patient has a tom rotator cuff of the
of the following conditions is also a symptom of shoulder joint as the result of an automobile ac-
this nerve damage? cident. Which of the following muscle tendons
(Al Inability to flex the DIP joint of the ring is intact and has normal function?
finger (Al Supraspinatus
(Bl Atrophy of the hypothenar eminence (BJ Subscapularis
(CJ Loss of sensation over the distal part of the (Cl Teres major
second digit (DI Teres minor
(DI Paralysis of all the thumb muscles (E) Infraspinatus
(El Loss of supination
33. A patient complains of having pain with
28. A 27-year-old man with cubital tunnel syn- repetitive movements of his thumb (claudica-
drome complains of numbness and tingling in tion), His physician performs the Allen test and
the ring and little finger and back and sides of finds an insufficiency of the radial artery. Which
his hand because of damage to a nerve in the of the following conditions would be a result of
tunnel at the elbow. Which of the following the radial artery stenosis?
muscles is most likely to be paralyzed?
(A) A marked decrease in the blood flow in the
(Al Flexor digitorum superficialis superficial palmar arterial arch
(BI Opponens pollicis (Bl Decreased pulsation in the artery passing
(Cl Two medial lumbricals superficial to the flexor retinaculum
(DJ Pronator teres (Cl Ischemia of the entire extensor muscles of
(El Supinator the forearm
(DI A marked decrease in the blood flow in the
29. A secretary comes in to your office com- princeps pollicis artery
plaining of pain in her wrists from typing all (E) A low blood pressure in the anterior inter-
day. You determine that she likely has carpal osseous artery
tunnel syndrome. Which of the following condi-
tions would help you determine the diagnosis? 34. A patient bleeding from his shoulder
(Al Inability to adduct the little finger secondary to a knife wound is in fair condi-
(Bl Inability to flex the DIP joint of the ring tion because there is vascular anastomosis
finger around the shoulder. Which of the follow-
(CJ Flattened thenar eminence ing arteries is most likely a direct branch of
(DI Loss of skin sensation of the medial one the subclavian artery that is involved in the
and one-half fingers anastomosis?
(El Atrophied adductor pollicis muscle (Al Dorsal scapular artery
(Bl Thoracoacromial artery
30. A man is unable to hold typing paper be- (Cl Circumflex scapular artery
tween his index and middle fingers. Which of (DI Transverse cervical artery
the following nerves was likely injured? (E) Suprascapular artery
(Al Radial nerve
(BJ Median nerve 35. During a breast examination of a 56-year-
(Cl Ulnar nerve old woman, her physician found a palpable
(DJ Musculocutaneous nerve mass in her breast Which of the following char-
(El Axillarynerve acteristics of breast cancer and its diagnosis is
31. The victim of an automobile accident has (A) Elevated nipple
crushed the proximal row ofcarpal bones. Which (Bl Polymastia
of the following bones is most likely damaged? (Cl Shortening of the clavipectoral fascia
(Al Capitate (DI Dimpling of the overlying skin
(Bl Hamate (El Enlargement of the breast
l3]Jt!lDI Upper Limb 331

36. A bullfighter suffers a laceration of the mus- cancerous breast drains primarily into which of
culocutaneous nerve during a bullfight. Which the following nodes and should be resected to
of the following conditions is most likely to have stage her cancer?
occurred? (A) Apical nodes
(A) Lack of sweating on the lateral side of the (B) Anterior (pectoral) nodes
forearm (C) Parastemal (internal thoracic) nodes
(B) Inability to extend the foreann (D) Supraclavicular nodes
(C) Paralysis ofbrachioradialis muscle (El Nodes of the anterior abdominal wall
(D) Loss oftactile sensation on the arm
(E) Constriction of blood vessels on the hand 41. A 17-year-old girl fell from her motorcycle
and complains of numbness of the lateral part
37. A 20-year-old man fell from the parallel of the arm. Examination reveals that the axillary
bar during the Olympic trial. A neurologic ex- nerve is severed. Which of the following types
amination reveals that he has a lesion of the of axons is most likely spared?
lateral cord of the brachia! plexus. Which of the (A) Postganglionic sympathetic axons
following muscles is most likely weakened by (B) Somaticafferentaxons
this injury? (C) Preganglionic sympathetic axons
(A) Subscapularis (D) General somatic efferent axons
(B) Teres major (El General visceral afferent axons
(C) Latissimus dorsi
(D) Teres minor 42. A construction worker suffers a destructive
(E) Pectoralis major injury of the structures related to the anatomic
snufibox. Which of the following structures
38. A 24-year-old carpenter suffers a crush would most likely be damaged?
injury of his entire little finger. Which of the fol- (A) Triquetral bone
lowing muscles is most likely to be spared? (B) Trapezoid bone
(A) Flexor digitorum profundus (C) Extensor indicis tendon
(B) Extensor digitorum (DI Abductor pollicis brevis tendon
(C) Palmar interossei (El Radial artery
(D) Dorsal interossei
(E) Lwnbricals 43.. A rock climber falls on his shoulder; resulting
in the lesser tubercle chipping offofthe humerus.
39. A 7-year-old boy falls from a tree house Which of the following structures would most
and is brought to the ER of a local hospital. On likely have structural and functional damage?
examination, he has weakness in rotating his (A) Supraspinatus muscle
arm laterally because of an injury of a nerve. (B) lnfraspinatus muscle
Which of the following conditions is most likely (C) Subscapularis muscle
to cause a loss of this nerve function? (DI Teres minor muscle
(A) Injury to the lateral cord of the brachia! (El Coracohumeral ligament
(B) Fracture of the anatomic neck of the 44. A 22-year-old female Macarena dancer fell
humerus from the stage and complains of elbow pain
(C) Knife wound on the teres major muscle and inability to supinate her foreann. Which
(D) Inferior dislocation of the head of the of the following nerves are most likely injured
humerus from this accident?
(E) A tumor in the triangular space in the (A) Median and ulnar nerves
shoulder region (B) Axillary and radial nerves
(C) Radial and musculocutaneous nerves
40. A 49-year-old woman is diagnosed as hav- (D) Ulnar and axillary nerves
ing a large lump in her right breast which is de- (El Musculocutaneous and median nerves
termined to be breast cancer. Lymph from the
332 BRS Gross Anatomy

Questions 45 to 47: A 37-year-old female patient (DI Adductor pollicis

has a fracture of the clavicle. The junction of the (E) Opponens pollicis
middle and lateral thirds of the bone exhibits over-
riding of the medial and lateral fragments. The arm 50. After this injury, the patient is unable to do
is rotated medially, but it is not rotated laterally. which of the following?
45. The lateral portion of the fractured clav- IA) Flex the proximal interphalangeal joint of
icle is displaced downward by which of the his ring finger
following? (B) Flex the DIP joint ofhis index finger
(Cl Feel sensation on his middle finger
(Al Deltoid and trapezius muscles (D) Abduct his thumb
(BJ Pectoralis major and deltoid muscles (El Adduct his index finger
(CJ Pectoralis minor muscle and gravity
(DI Trapezius and pectoralis minor muscles Questions 51to55: A 10-year-old boy falls off his
(El Deltoid muscle and gravity bike, has difficulty in moving his shoulder, and is
broughtto the ER. His radiograph and angiograph
46. Which of the following muscles causes up-
reveal fracture of the surgical neck of his humerus
ward displacement of the medial fragment?
and bleeding from the point of the fracture.
(Al Pectoralis major
(BJ Deltoid 51. Which of the following nerves is most likely
(Cl Trapezius injured as a result of this accident?
(DI Sternocleidomastoid IA) Musculocutaneous
(El Scalenus anterior (Bl Axillary
(CJ Radial
47. Which of the following conditions is most (DI Median
likely to occur secondary to the fractured (E) Ulnar
(Al A fatal hemorrhage from the brachioce- 52. Following this accident, the damaged nerve
phalic vein causes difficulty in abduction, extension, and
(BJ Thrombosis of the subclavian vein, causing lateral rotation of his arm. Cell bodies of the
a pulmonary embolism injured nerve involved in movement of his arm
(Cl Thrombosis of the subclavian artery, caus- are located in which of the following structures?
ing an embolism in the ascending aorta (A) Dorsal root ganglion
(DI Damage to the upper trunk of the brachia! (B) Sympathetic chain ganglion
plexus (Cl Anterior horn of the spinal cord
(El Damage to the long thoracic nerve, causing (D) Lateral horn of the spinal cord
the winged scapula (El Posterior horn of the spinal cord
Questions 48 to 50: A 21-year-old man injures his 53. The damaged nerve causes numbness of
right arm in an automobile accident. Radiographic
the lateral side of the arm. Cell bodies of the
examination reveals a fracture ofthe medial epi- injured nerve fibers involved in sensory loss are
condyle of the humerus. located in which of the following structures?
48. Which of the following nerves is most likely (A) Anterior horn of the spinal cord
injured as a result of this accident? (B) Posterior horn of the spinal cord
(Al Axillary (CJ Lateral horn of the spinal cord
(Bl Musculocutaneous (D) Dorsal root ganglia
(Cl Radial (E) Sympathetic chain ganglia
(DI Median
(El Ulnar 54. This accident most likely leads to the dam-
age of which of the following arteries?
49. Which of the following muscles is most IAI Axillary
likely paralyzed as a result of this accident? (B) Deep brachia!
(Al Extensor pollicis brevis (CJ Posterior humeral circumflex
(BI Abductor pollicis longus (DI Superior ulnar collateral
(Cl Abductor pollicis brevis (E) Scapular circumflex
l3]Jt!lDI Upp er Limb 333

55. Following this accident, the boy has weak- 60. Following this accident, the patient has no
ness in rotating his arm laterally. Which of the cutaneous sensation in which of the following
following muscles are paralyzed? areas?
(A) Teres major and teres minor (A) Medial aspect of the arm
(B) Teres minor and deltoid (B) Lateral aspect of the forearm
(C) Infraspinatus and deltoid (C) Palmar aspect of the second and third
(D) Supraspinatus and subscapularis digits
(E) Teres minor and infraspinatus (D) Area of the anatomic snuffbox
(El Medial one and one-half fingers
Questions 56 and 57: A 64-year-old man with a
history of liver cirrhosis has been examined for 61. Which of the following arteries may be
hepatitis A, B, and Cviruses. In an attemptto obtain damaged?
a blood sample from the patienrs median cubital (A) Brachia! artery
vein, a registered nurse inadvertently misses the (B) Posterior humeral circumflex artery
vein and gets arterial blood. (C) Profunda brachii artery
56. The blood most likely comes from which of (D) Radial artery
the following arteries? (El Radial recurrent artery
(A) Brachia!
(B) Radial
62. After this accident, supination is still possi-
(C) Ulnar ble through contraction of which of the follow-
ing muscles?
(D) Common interosseous
(E) Superior ulnar collateral (A) Supinator
(B) Pronator teres
57. During the procedure, the needle also hits a (C) Brachioradialis
nerve medial to the artery. Which of the follow- (D) Biceps brachii
ing nerves is most likely damaged? (El Supraspinatus
(A) Radial
63. During an embryology lecture, the pro-
(B) Median
fessor calls upon one of the students and asks,
(C) Ulnar
"Which of the following is correct regarding the
(D) Lateral antebrachial
development of the clavicle?"
(E) Medial antebrachial
(A) It develops through intramembranous
Questions 58 to &Z: A 17-year-old boy is pulled ossification.
out of an automobile which flipped over owing to (B) It is the last upper limb bone to begin
bad weather. He sustains a fracture of the shaft ossification.
of the humerus. (C) The clavicle forms from somitic
58. Which of the following nerves is most likely (D) It is the first limb bone to complete
damaged? ossification.
(A) Axillary nerve (El Associated muscles form from somatic lat-
(B) Radial nerve eral plate mesodenn.
(C) Musculocutaneous nerve
(D) Median nerve 64. A patient presents with pain in the neck,
(E) Ulnar nerve numbness and tingling in the fingers, and a
week grip. This presentation suggests thoracic
59. As a result of this fracture, the patient shows outlet syndrome. Which of the following causes
lack of sweating on the back of the ann and has an embryologic etiology?
forearm. Cell bodies of the damaged nerve fi- (A) Traumatic injury
bers involved in sweating are located in which (B) Cardiovascular disease
of the following structures? (C) Cervical rib
(A) Anterior horn of the spinal cord (D) Pancoast tumor
(B) Posterior horn of the spinal cord (El Scalene muscle inflammation
(C) Lateral horn of the spinal cord
(D) Sympathetic chain ganglion
(E) Dorsal root ganglion
334 IRS Gross Anatomy

Qu11tions6S 1nd 66:An 11-year-old boy falls down the stairs. A physician examines the radiograph of
the boy's shoulder region (s88 Figure below).

65. Ifthe structure indicated by the letter A 66. If the structure indic::ated by the letter Bis
is c::alcified, whic::h of the following muscles is &actured, whic::b of the following structures is
most likely paralyzed? most likely injured?
(A) Deltoid (A) Musculocutaneous nerve
(B) Teres major (B) Radial nerve
(C) Teres minor IC) Deep brathial artery
(D) Infraspinatus (D) Posterior humeral circumflex artery
(E) Subac:apularl8 (E) Scapular circumflex: artery
l3Jtl't!Ilj Upper Limb 335

Quastiom 67 to 69: Choose the appropriata letterad site or structure in the radiog raph of the elbow joint
(s11 Figura below) and its associated structures to match the following descriptions.


A- - - --- F

B c

fil. Destruction of this area would most likely 69. A lesion of the radial nerve would most
cause weakness of supination and fleidon of the likely cause paralysis of muscles that are at-
forearm. tached to this area.

68. Destruction of this area would most likely

cause weakness of pronation of the forearm and
tlexion of the wrist joints.
336 IRS Gross Anatomy

Questions 70 and 71: Choose the appropriate lettered sits or structure in the following radiograph of
the wrist and hand (see Figure below).

'10. Destruction of the structure Indicated by 71. If the Ooor of the anatomic snuffbox and
the letter Emost likely causes weakness of origin of1he abductor pollicis brevis are dam-
which of the foll.owing muscles? aged, which of the following bones is most
(A) Flexor carpi radfalls likely to be involved?
(B) Pahnaris longus IA) A
(C) Flemr carpi ulnaris (B) B
(D) Bracbioradialis (C) c
(E) Flemr digitorum superflcialls (D) D
(E) E
l3Jtl't!Ilj Upper Limb 337

Questions 72 to '15: Choose the appropriate lettered site or structure in this transverse magnetic reso-
nance imaging through the middle of the palm of a woman's right hand (see Figure below) that matches
the following descriptions.



'12. The patient Is unable to abduct her middle '14. The patient is unable to adduct her little
finger because of paralys!8 of this structure. finger because of paralysis of this structure.

'13. A lesion of the median nerve causes paraly· 'JS. Atrophy of this structure impairs extension
sis of this structure. of both the metacarpophalangeal and lnterpha·
Iangeal Joints.
Answers and Explanations

1. The answer is C. (Nerves of the Upper Llmh: III, Clinical Correlates) A lesion of the upper trunk
ofthe brach.ial plexus results in a condition called "waiter's tip hand," in which the arm tends to
lie in medial rotation because of paralysis oflateral rotators and abductors of the arm. The long
thoracic nerve, which arises from the root (C5-C7) of the brac:hial pl.ems, innervates the serratus
anterior muscle that can elevate the arm above the horizontal.. The dorsal scapular nerve, which
arises from 1he root (CS), innervates the rhomboid major. The medial side of the arm receives
cutaneous innervation &om the medial brachia! cutaneous nerve of the medial cord. The adduc-
tor pollicls is innervated by the ulnar nerve.
2. The answer is E. (Blood Vessels of the Upper Limb: Il.B) The superior thoracic artery is a direct
branch of the axillary artery. The thoracoacromial trunk has four branches: the pectoral, clavicu-
lar, acromial, and deltoid.
3. The answer ii D. (Nerves of the Upper limb: I, Clinical Correlates) Wmged scapula is caused
by paralysis of the serratus anterior muscle that results from damage to the long thoracic nerve,
which arises from the roots of the brachia! plexus (C5-C7).
4. The answer ii E. (Muscles of the Upper Limb: IV; Tuble 7.6) The dorsal and palmar interosseous
and lumbrical muscles can flex the metacarpophalangeal joints and extend the interphalangeal
joints. The palmar interosseous muscles adduct the fingers, whereas the dorsal interosseous
muscles abdU(:t the fingers. The tlexor digitorum profundus flexes the DJP joints.
5. The answer ii C. (Muscles of the Upper Limb: I, Tuble 7.1) The pectoralis minor inserts onto the
coracoid process, originates from the second to the fifth ribs, and is innervated by 1he medial
and lateral pectoral nerves that arise from the medial and lateral cords of the brachia! plexus.
It depresses the shoulder and forms the anterior wall of the axilla. The pectoralis minor bas no
attachment on the clavicle.
6. The answer is D. (Cutaneous Nerves, Superficial Veins, and Lymphatics: I.G) The intercostobra-
chial nerve arises from the lateral cutaneous branch of the second intercost.al nerve and pierces
the intercostal and serratus anterior muscles. It may communicate with the medial brachial
cutaneous nerve, and it supplies skin on the medial side of the arm. It contains no skeletal. motor
fibers but does contain sympathetic postganglionlc fibers, which supply sweat glands.
1. The answer is A. (Nerves of the Upper limb: I.F.5 and Clinical Correlates) Injury to the radial
nerve results in loss of wrist extension, leading to wrist drop. The median nerve innervates the
pronator teres, pronator quadratus, and opponens pollicls muscles and the skin over the ventral
aspect of the thumb. The ulnar nerve innervates the dorsal interosseous muscles, which act to
abduct the fingers.
8. The answer is D. (Muscles of the Upper Limb: DI, Table 7.4) The Dexor dlgltorum superftc:lalis
muscle Dexes the proximal interphalangeal Joints. The tlemr digltorum. profundus muscle flexes
the DIP Joints. The pahnar and dorsal interossei and lumbricals can flex metacarpophalangeal
Joints and extend the interphalangeal Joints. The palmar interossel adduct the fingers, and the
dorsal interossei abduct the fingers.
9. The answer is C. (Muscles of the Upper Limb: n, Table 7.2) The latlssimus dorsi adducts the arm,
and the supraspinatwl muscle abducts the arm. The infraspinatus and 1he teres minor rotate the
arm laterally. The serratwl anterior rotates the glenold cavity of the scapula upward, abdU(:ts the
arm, and elevates it above a horizontal position.
10. The answer is E. (Muscles of the Upper Limb: Ill.B) The contents ofthe cubital. fossa from me-
dial to lateral side are the median nerve, the brach1al artery, the biceps brachil tendon, and the
radial nerve. Thus. the median nerve is damaged. The radial recurrent artery ascends medial to
the radial nerve.
l3]Jt!lDI Upp er Limb 339

11. The answer is D. (Nerves of the Upper Llmb: 11.B and Clinical Correlates) Injury to the median
nerve produces the ape hand (a hand with the thumb permanently extended). Injury to the
radial nerve results in loss ofwrist extension, leading to wrist drop. Damage to the upper trunk
of the brachia! plexus produces waiter's tip hand. A claw hand and flattening of the hypothenar
eminence or atrophy of the hypothenar muscles result from damage to the ulnar nerve.
12. Tha answer is C. (Muscles of the Upper Llmb: Iv, Table 7 .6) The extensor digitorum, flexor dig-
itorum profundus, dorsal interosseous, and lumbrical muscles are attached to the middle digit,
but no palmar interosseous muscle is attached to the middle digit.
13. The answer is D. (Muscles of the Upper Limb: Iv.I) The scaphoid bone forms the floor of the
anatomic snuffbox, through which the radial artery passes to enter the palm. The radial artery
divides into the princeps pollicis artery and the deep palmar arch.
14. The answer is C. (Nerves of the Upper Llmb: I.F.4) The axillary nerve passes posteriorly around
the surgical neck of the humerus, and the radial nerve lies in the radial groove of the middle of
the shaft of the humerus. The ulnar nerve passes behind the medial epicondyle, and the median
nerve is vulnerable to injury by supracondylar fracture of the humerus, but these nerves lie close
to or in contact with the lower portion of the humerus. The musculocutaneous nerve is not in
direct contact with the humerus.
15. The answer is D. (Muscles of the Upper Limb: N.D) Structures entering the palm superficial to
the flexor retinaculum include the ulnar nerve, ulnar artery, palmaris longus tendon, and palmar
cutaneous branch of the median nerve. The median nerve, the flexor pollicis longus, and the
flexor digitorum superficialis and profundus run deep to the flexor retinaculum.
16. The answer is C. (Muscles of the Upper Llmb: Iv, Table 7.6) The opponens pollicis inserts onto
the first metacarpal. All other intrinsic muscles of the thumb, including the abductor pollicis
brevis, the flexor pollicis brevis, and the adductor pollicis muscles, insert onto the proximal
17. The answer is C. (Nerves of the Upper Llmb: Il.B) The median nerve innervates the abductor
pollicis brevis, opponens pollicis, and two lateral lumbricals. The ulnar nerve innervates all in-
terossei (palmar and dorsal), the adductor pollicis, and the two medial lumbricals.
18. The answer is C. (Muscles of the Upper Llmb: N.G.l) The ulnar bursa, or common synovial
flexor sheath, contains the tendons of both the flexor digitorum superficialis and profundus
muscles. The radial bursa envelops the tendon of the flexor pollicis longus. The tendons of the
flexor carpi ulnaris and the palmaris longus are not contained in the ulnar bursa.
19. The answer is A. (Muscles of the Upper Limb: II, Table 7.2) The abductors of the arm are the del-
toid and supraspinatus muscles, which are innervated by the axillary and suprascapular nerves,
respectively, The thoracodorsal nerve supplies the latissimus dorsi, which can adduct, extend,
and rotate the arm medially. The upper and lower subscapular nerves supply the subscapularis,
and the lower subscapular nerve also supplies the teres major; both of these structures can
adduct and rotate the arm medially. The musculocutaneous nerve supplies the flexors of the
arm, and the radial nerve supplies the extensors of the arm. The dorsal scapular nerve supplies
the levator scapulae and rhomboid muscles; these muscles elevate and adduct the scapula,
20. Tha answer is C. (Blood Vessels of the Upper Llmb: 11.F) The posterior humeral circumflex artery
anastomoses with an ascending branch of the profunda brachii artery, whereas the lateral tho-
racic and subscapular arteries do not. The superior ulnar collateral and radial recurrent arteries
arise inferior to the origin of the profunda brachii artery.
21. Tha answer is D. (Muscles of the Upper Llmb: Iv, Table 7.6) The metacarpophalangeal joint of
the ring finger is flexed by the lumbrical, palmar, and dorsal interosseous muscles, which are
innervated by the ulnar nerve. The extensor digitorum, which is innervated by the radial nerve,
extends this joint. The musculocutaneous and axillary nerves do not supply muscles of the hand.
The median nerve supplies the lateral two lumbricals, which can flex metacarpophalangeal
joints of the index and middle fingers.
340 BRS Gross Anatomy

22. The answer is B. (Muscles of the Upper Llmb: III.B) The brachialis and supinator muscles form
the floor of the cubital fossa. The brachioradialis and pronator teres muscles form the lateral and
medial boundaries, respectively. The pronator quadratus is attached to the distal ends of the ra·
dius and the ulna.
23. The answer is B. (Nerves of the Upper Llmb: I.D.2) The medial brachial cutaneous nerve con-
tains sensory (general somatic afferent [GSA]) fibers that have cell bodies in the dorsal root
ganglia, and an injury of these GSA fibers causes numbness of the medial side of the arm. It also
contains sympathetic postganglionic fibers that have cell bodies in the sympathetic chain gan-
glia. The anterior horn of the spinal cord contains cell bodies of skeletal motor (general somatic
efferent [GSE]) fibers, and the lateral horn contains cell bodies of sympathetic preganglionic
fibers. The posterior horn contains cell bodies ofinterneurons.
24. The answer is D. (Nerves of the UpperLlmb: 11.Aand Caswell as Tables 7.3 and 7.5) The supi-
nator and biceps brachii muscles, which are innervated by the radial and musculocutaneous
nerves, respectively, produce supination of the forearm. This is a question of two muscles that
can supinate the forearm.
25. The answer is D. (Nerves of the Upper Limb: 11.B,C andD) The ulnar nerve supplies sensory
fibers to the skin over the palmar and dorsal surfaces of the medial third of the hand and the
medial one and one-half fingers. The median nerve innervates the skin of the lateral side of the
palm; the palmar side of the lateral three and one-half fingers; and the dorsal side of the index
finger, the middle finger, and one-half of the ring finger. The radial nerve innervates the skin of
the radial side of the hand and the radial two and one-half digits over the proximal phalanx.
26. The answer is C. (Nerves of the Upper Llmb: 11.B) The anterior interosseous nerve is a branch of
the median nerve and supplies the flexor pollicis longus, half of the flexor digitorum profundus,
and the pronator quadratus. The median nerve supplies the pronator teres, Oexor digitorum su-
perficialis, palmaris longus, and flexor carpi radialis muscles. A muscular branch (the recurrent
branch) of the median nerve innervates the thenar muscles.
ZI. The answer is C. (Muscles of the Upper Llmb: III, Table 7.4) The flexordigitorum profundus
muscle flexes the DIP joints of the index and middle fingers and is innervated by the median
nerve, which also supplies sensation over the distal part of the second digit. The same muscle
flexes the DIP joints of the ring and little fingers but receives innervation from the ulnar nerve,
which also innervates the hypothenar muscles. The median nerve innervates the thenar mus-
cles. The radial nerve innervates the supinator; abductor pollicis longus, and extensor pollicis
longus and brevis muscles. The ulnar nerve innervates the adductor pollicis. The musculocuta-
neous nerve supplies the biceps brachii that can supinate the arm.
28. The answer is C. (Muscles of the Upper Llmb: l\T, Table 7.6) The ulnar nerve innervates the two
medial lumbricals. However, the median nerve innervates the two lateral lumbricals, the flexor
digitorum superficialis, the opponens pollicis, and the pronator teres muscles.
29. The answer is C. (Muscles of the Upper Llmb: IY.E) The carpal tunnel contains the median
nerve and the tendons of flexor pollicis longus, flexor digitorum profundus, and flex.or digitorum
superficialis muscles. Carpal tunnel syndrome results from injury to the median nerve, which
supplies the thenar muscle. Thus, injury to this nerve causes the flattened thenar eminence. The
middle finger has no attachment for the adductors. The ulnar nerve innervates the medial half
of the Oexor digitorum profundus muscle, which allows flexion of the DIP joints of the ring and
little fingers. The ulnar nerve supplies the skin over the medial one and one-half fingers and ad-
ductor pollicis muscle.
30. The answer is C. (Muscles of the Upper Llmb: l\T, Table 7.6) To hold typing paper, the index
finger is adducted by the palmar interosseous muscle, and the middle finger is abducted by the
dorsal interosseous muscle. Both muscles are innervated by the ulnar nerve.
31. The answer is D. (Bones and Joints of the Upper Llmb: III.A) The proximal row of carpal bones
consists of the scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, and pisiform bones, whereas the distal row consists
of the trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, and hamate bones.
l3]Jt!lDI Upper Limb 341

32. The answer is C. (Bones and Joints of the Upper Limb: IY.C. l) The rotator cuff consists of the
tendons of the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, and teres minor muscles. It stabilizes
the shoulder joint by holding the head of the humerus in the glenoid cavity during movement.
The teres major inserts onto the medial lip of the intertubercular groove of the humerus.
33. The answer is D. (Blood Vessels of the Upper Limb: IY.E and G) The radial artery divides into the
princeps pollicis artery and the deep palmar arterial arch. Thus, stenosis of the radial artery re-
sults in a decreased blood flow in the princeps pollicis artery. The superficial palmar arterial arch
is formed primarily by the ulnar artery, which passes superficial to the flexor retinaculum. The ex-
tensor compartment of the forearm receives blood from the posterior interosseous artery, which
arises from the common lnterosseous branch of the ulnar artery. However, the radial and radial
recurrent arteries supply the brachioradialis and the extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis.
34. The answer is A. (Blood Vessels of the Upper Limb: I.B) The dorsal scapular artery arises directly
from the third part of the subclavian artery and replaces the deep (descending) branch of the trans-
verse cervical artery. The suprascapular and transverse cervical arteries are branches of the thyro-
cervical trunk of the subclavian artery. The thoracoacromial artery is a short trunk from the first or
second part of the axillary artery and has pectoral, clavicular, acromial, and deltoid branches.
35. The answer is D. (Axilla and Breast: III, Clinical Correlates) Breast cancer may cause dimpling of
the overlying skin because of shortening of the suspensory (Cooper) ligaments and inverted or
retracted nipple because of pulling on the lactiferous ducts. Polymastia is a condition in which
more than two breasts are present.
36. The answer is A. (Nerves of the Upper Limb: II.A and Table 7.3) The musculocutaneous nerve
contains sympathetic postganglionic fibers that supply sweat glands and blood vessels on the
lateral side of the forearm as the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve. The musculocutaneous
nerve does not supply the extensors of the forearm and the brachioradialis. This nerve also sup-
plies tactile sensation on the lateral side of the forearm but not the arm and supplies blood ves-
sels on the lateral side of the forearm but not the hand.
37. The answer is E. (Muscles of the Upper Limb: I, Table 7 .1) The pectoralis major is innervated by
the lateral and medial pectoral nerves originating from the lateral and medial cords of the bra·
chial plexus, respectively. The subscapularis, teres major, latissimus dorsi, and teres minor mus-
cles are innervated by nerves originating from the posterior cord of the brachia! plexus.
38. The answer is D. (Muscles of the Upper Limb: rv, Table 7.6) The dorsal interossei are abductors
of the fingers. The little finger has no attachment for the dorsal interosseous muscle because it
has its own abductor. Therefore, the dorsal interosseous muscle is not affected. Other muscles
are attached to the little finger; thus, they are injured.
39. The answer is D. (Nerves of the Upper Limb: I.F.4 and Clinical Correlates) Inferior dislocation
of the head of the humerus may damage the axillary nerve, which arises from the posterior cord
of the brachial plexus, runs through the quadrangular space accompanied by the posterior hu-
meral circumflex vessels around the surgical neck of the humerus, and supplies the deltoid and
teres minor, which are lateral rotators of the arm.
40. Tha answer is B. (Axilla and Breast: 11.C.4 and Figure 7.6) Lymph from the breast drains mainly
(75%) to the axillary nodes, more specifically to the anterior (pectoral) nodes.
41. Tha answer is C. (Nerves of the Upper Limb: III.A) The axillary nerve contains no preganglionic
sympathetic general visceral efferent (GVE) fibers, but it contains postganglionic sympathetic
GVE fibers. The axillary nerve also contains GSA, GSE, and general visceral afferent (GVA) fibers.
42. The answer is E. (Blood Vessels of the Upper Limb: IV) The radial artery lies on the floor of the
anatomic snuffbox. Other structures are not related to the snuffbox. The tendons of the extensor
pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis, and abductor pollicis longus muscles form the boundar-
ies of the anatomic snuffbox. The scaphoid and trapezium bones form its floor.
43. The answer is C. (Muscles of the Upper Llmb: II, Table 7.2) The subscapularis muscle inserts onto the
lesser tubercle ofthe humerus. The supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres minor muscles insert onto
the greater tubercle of the humerus. The coracohumeral ligament attaches to the greater tubercle.
342 BRS Gross Anatomy

44. The answer is C. (Muscles of the Upper Limb: III, Tables 7.3 and 7.5) The supinator and biceps
brachii muscles supinate the forearm. The supinator is innervated by the radial nerve, and the
biceps brachii is innervated by the musculocutaneous nerve.
45. The answer is E. (Muscles of the Upper Limb: II, Table 7.2) The lateral fragment of the clavicle
is displaced downward by the pull of the deltoid muscle and gravity. The medial fragment is
displaced upward bythe pull of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. None of the other muscles are
46. The answer is D. (Chapter 8, Structures of the Neck: II, Table 8.1) The sternocleidomastoid mus-
cle is attached to the superior border of the medial third of the clavicle, and the medial fragment
of a fractured clavicle is displaced upward by the pull of the muscle.
47. The answer is B. (Bones and Joints of the Upper Limb: I, Clinical Correlates) The fractured clav-
icle may damage the subclavian vein, resulting in a pulmonary embolism; cause thrombosis of
the subclavian artery, resulting in embolism of the brachial artery; or damage the lower trunk of
the brachial plexus.
48. The answer is E. (Nerves of the Upper Limb: II.DJ The ulnar nerve runs down the medial aspect
of the ann and behind the medial epicondyle in a groove, where it is vulnerable to damage by
fracture of the medial epicondyle. Other nerves are not in contact with the medial epicondyle.
49. The answer is D. (Nerves of the Upper Limb: Il.B,C andD) The ulnar nerve innervates the ad-
ductor pollicis muscle. The radial nerve innervates the abductor pollicis longus and extensor
pollicis brevis muscles, whereas the median nerve innervates the abductor pollicis brevis and
opponens pollicis muscles.
50. The answer is E. (Muscles of the Upper Limb: Iv, Table 7.6) The fingers are adducted bythe
palmar interosseous muscles; abduction is performed by the dorsal interosseous muscles. The
palmar and dorsal interosseous muscles are innervated by the ulnar nerve. The proximal in·
terphalangeal joints are flexed by the flexor digitorum superficialis, which is innervated by the
median nerve. However, the DIP joints of the index and middle fingers are flexed by the tlexor
digitorum profundus, which is innervated by the median nerve (except the medial half of the
muscle, which is innervated by the ulnar nerve). The median nerve supplies sensory innervation
on the palmar aspect of the middle finger. The abductor pollicis brevis is innervated by the me-
dian nerve; the abductor pollicis longus is innervated by the radial nerve.
51. The answer is B. (Nerves of the Upper Limb: I.F.4 and Clinical Correlates) The axillary nerve
runs posteriorly around the surgical neck of the humerus and is vulnerable to injury, such as
fracture of the surgical neck of the humerus or inferior dislocation of the humerus. The other
nerves listed are not in contact with the surgical neck of the humerus.
52. The answer is C. (Nerves of the Upper Limb: III.A) The (injured) axillary nerve contains GSE
fibers whose cell bodies are located in the anterior horn of the spinal cord, and these GSE fibers
supply the deltoid and teres minor muscles. The axillary nerve also contains GSA and GVA fi-
bers, whose cell bodies are located in the dorsal root ganglia, and sympathetic postganglionic
fibers, whose cell bodies are located in sympathetic chain ganglia. The lateral horn of the spinal
cord between Tl and 12 contains cell bodies of sympathetic preganglionic fibers. The posterior
horn of the spinal cord contains cell bodies ofintemeurons.
53. The answer is D. (Nerves of the Upper Limb: III.A) Axillary nerve contains GSE, GSA, GVA, and
sympathetic postganglionic GVE fibers. Cell bodies of GSA and GVA fibers are located in the dor-
sal root ganglia. Cell bodies of GSE fibers are located in the anterior horn of the spinal cord. Cell
bodies of sympathetic postganglionic GVE fibers are located in the sympathetic chain ganglia,
but cell bodies of sympathetic preganglionic GVE fibers lie in the lateral horn of the spinal cord.
54. The answer is C. (Blood Vessels of the Upper Limb: 11.F) The posterior humeral circumflex artery
accompanies the axillary nerve that passes around the surgical neck of the humerus. None of the
other arteries are involved.
55. The answer is B. (Muscles of the Upper Limb: II, Table 7.2) The lateral rotators of the arm in-
clude the teres minor, deltoid, and infraspinatus muscles, but the infraspinatus muscle is inner-
vated by the suprascapular nerve.
l3]Jt!lDI Upp er Limb 343

56. The answer is A. (Blood Vessels of the Upper Limb: VI, Clinical Correlates) The median cubital
vein lies superficial to the bicipital aponeurosis and thus separates it from the brachia! artery,
which can be punctured during intravenous injections and blood transfusions.
57. The answer is B. (Nerves of the Upper Limb: 11.B) The median nerve is damaged because it
lies medial to the brachia! artery. The bicipital aponeurosis lies on the brachia! artery and the
median nerve. The V-shaped cubital fossa contains {from medial to lateral) the median nerve,
brachia! artery, biceps tendon, and radial nerve. The ulnar nerve runs behind the medial epi-
condyle; the lateral and medial antebrachial cutaneous nerves are not closely related to the bra-
chia! artery.
58. The answer is B. (Nerves of the Upper Limb: 11.C) The radial nerve runs in the radial groove on
the back of the shaft of the humerus with the profunda brachii artery. The axillary nerve passes
around the surgical neck of the humerus. The ulnar nerve passes the back of the medial epicon-
dyle. The musculocutaneous and median nerves are not in contact with the bone, but the me-
dian nerve can be damaged by supracondylar fracture.
59. The answer is D. {Nerves of the Upper Limb: III.A) The (damaged) radial nerve contains sym-
pathetic postganglionic nerve fibers whose cell bodies are located in the sympathetic chain
ganglion. Sympathetic postganglionic fibers supply sweat glands, blood vessels, and hair follicles
(arrector pill muscles). The radial nerve also contains GSE fibers whose cell bodies are located in
the anterior horn of the spinal cord, and GSA and GVA fibers whose cell bodies are located in the
dorsal root ganglion. The lateral horn of the spinal cord between Tl and L2 contains cell bodies
of sympathetic preganglionic nerve fibers.
60. The answer is D. (Nerves of the Upper Limb: 11.C.2) The superficial branch of the radial nerve
runs distally to the dorsum of the hand to innervate the radial side of the hand, including the
area of the anatomic snuftbox and the radial two and one-half digits over the proximal phalanx.
The medial aspect of the arm is innervated by the medial brachia! cutaneous nerve; the lateral
aspect of the forearm is innervated by the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve of the musculo-
cutaneous nerve; the palmar aspect of the second and third digits is innervated by the median
nerve; and the medial one and one-half fingers are innervated by the ulnar nerve.
61. The answer is C. (Nerves of the Upper Limb: l.F.4 and 11.C) The radial nerve accompanies the
profunda brachii artery in the radial groove on the posterior aspect of the shaft of the humerus.
The posterior humeral circumflex artery accompanies the axillary nerve around the surgical
neck of the humerus. Other arteries are not associated with the radial groove of the humerus.
62. The answer is D. (Muscles of the Upper Limb: III, Tables 7.3 and 7.5)Alesion of the radial nerve
causes paralysis of the supinator and brachioradialis. The biceps brachii muscle is a flexor of the
elbow and also a strong supinator; thus, supination is still possible through action of the biceps
brachil muscle. Other muscles cannot supinate the forearm.
63. The answer is A. (Bone and Joints of the Upper Limb: I.A) The clavicle is the only upper limb
bone to develop through intramembranous ossification. It is the first upper limb bone to begin
ossification and is the last bone to complete ossification. The clavicle forms from somatic lateral
plate mesodenn and the associated muscles develop from semitic mesoderm (from somites).
64. The answer is C. (Nerves of the Upper Limb: III, Clinical Correlates) A cervical rib is a con-
genital abnormality that can cause thoracic outlet syndrome because the space that transmits
the neurovasculature to the arm is reduced. Other causes listed are not a result of embryologic
65. The answer is D. (Nerves of the Upper Limb: LB.I) The scapular notch transmits the suprascap-
ular nerve below the superior transverse ligament, whereas the suprascapular artery and vein
run over the ligament. The suprascapular nerve supplies the supraspinatus and infraspinatus
muscles. The axillary nerve innervates the deltoid and teres minor muscles. The subscapular
nerves innervate the teres major and subscapularis muscles.
66. The answer is D. (Bones and Joints of the Upper Limb: 11.A.6 and Clinical Correlates) Fracture of
the surgical neck of the humerus occurs commonly and damages the axillary nerve and the pos-
terior humeral circumtlex artery.
344 BRS Gross Anatomy

QI. The answer is B. (Bones and Joints of the Upper Limb: 11.B.4) The radial tuberosity is the site
for tendinous attachment of the biceps brachii muscle, which supinates and flexes the forearm.
When the tuberosity is destroyed, the biceps brachii is paralyzed.
68. The answer is E. (Bones and Joints of the Upper Limb: 11.A.15) The medial epicondyle is the site
of origin for the common flexor tendon and pronator teres. The common flexors include the
flexor carpi radialis and ulnaris and palmaris longus muscles, which can flex the elbow and wrist
joints. Thus, destruction of this area causes weakness of pronation because the pronator teres is
paralyzed, but the pronator quadratus is normal. Similarly, destruction of this area causes paral-
ysis of the flexors of the wrist. However, it can be weakly flexed by the flexor pollicis longus, flexor
digitorum superficialis, and profundus muscles.
69. The answer is D. (Bones and Joints of the Upper Limb: 11.C.I) The olecranonis the site for in-
sertion of the triceps brachii, which is innervated by the radial nerve. When the olecranon is
destroyed, the triceps brachii is paralyzed.
70. The answer is C. (Bones and Joints of the Upper Llmb: III.A and Clinical Correlates) The hook of
hamate and the pisiform provide insertion for the flexor carpi ulnaris.
71. The answer is B. (Muscles of the Upper Limb: N.J) The scaphoid forms the floor of the anatomic
snuffbox and provides a site for origin of the abductor pollicis brevis.
72. The answer is D. (Muscles of the Upper Limb: rv; Table 7.6) This is the second dorsal interosse-
ous muscle, which abducts the middle finger.
73. The answer is A. (Muscles of the Upper Limb: rv; Table 7.6) This is the flexor pollicis longus,
which is innervated by the median nerve.
14. The answer is G. (Muscles of the Upper Limb: rv; Table 7.6) This is the third palmar interosseous
muscle, which adducts the little finger.
75. The answer is E. (Muscles of the Upper Limb: rv; Table 7.6) The extensor digitorum extends both
the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints.

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