Low-Cost Open Source Iot-Based Scada System For A Bts Site Using Esp32 and Arduino Iot Cloud
Low-Cost Open Source Iot-Based Scada System For A Bts Site Using Esp32 and Arduino Iot Cloud
Low-Cost Open Source Iot-Based Scada System For A Bts Site Using Esp32 and Arduino Iot Cloud
Low-Cost Open Source IoT-Based SCADA System for a BTS Site Using ESP32
and Arduino IoT Cloud
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2 authors:
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All content following this page was uploaded by Cyprian Oton on 08 March 2022.
Abstract—A low-cost open source IoT-based SCADA fourth generation of SCADA architecture which is the
system for a rural BTS site using ESP32 and Arduino IoT Internet of Things (IoT) configuration. IoT SCADA have
Cloud is presented in this work. Current, voltage, several advantages, including remote assess/control, real-
temperature, and humidity sensors are programmed to time monitoring and alarming, data sharing, data
measure relevant parameters of interest, and the measured manipulation and visualization, system optimization, trend
Data is processed and parsed to the Arduino IoT Cloud via a analysis, flexibility, and increased productivity. In [3, 4],
Wi-Fi network communication channel. A widget-based our previous work on designing, sizing, and dynamic
dashboard is created on the Arduino IoT Cloud to monitor modeling of a DC hybrid power system for a remote
and control the system. A mobile application is also deployed
telecommunication facility in Nigeria was examined. This
to aid remote monitoring and control as well. LEDs are used
to implement a high temperature and low voltage control
work presents the SCADA aspect of the work using a
logic. A prototype is used to demonstrate this as an illustration prototype.
of what is obtainable in a Base Transceiver Station (BTS),
where the voltage must be within a specific value (48 V) and
the temperature within an acceptable value too. Monitoring, control, and instrumentation is a very
crucial aspect of mobile base station sites operation. Several
Keywords—SCADA, ESP32, Arduino IoT Cloud, sensors, parameters are simultaneously monitored for effective and
Internet of Things. optimal operation with limited downtime. The significant
parameters of interest are the voltage and temperature,
I. INTRODUCTION which have a direct impact on the site. The voltage must stay
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) is within a stipulated range of value, and for a temperate region
a system with a primary objective of controlling and like, Nigeria, the temperature must be monitored and
monitoring devices in the field, mostly located in very controlled for continuous operation of the site. The SCADA
remote and obscure places. Deploying a SCADA system on system currently operational on the site is proprietary with
any process/plant also ensures full automation of that all the associated disadvantages and costs.
process/plant. Various conditions and parameters of the
Several studies have been presented using a Web-based
system can be accurately measured, monitored, and
SCADA system. In [5], the authors presented a Web-
controlled optimally and in real-time. The efficiency of the
SCADA system to monitor and control a Wind-PV power
process/plant is greatly improved because of the real-time
system using the IntegraXor software to create and view the
nature of the data collection, processing, and carrying out
graphical interface and ATMEGA8535 microcontrollers
the control action when necessary. Since these are achieved
interfaced with several sensors to measure relevant data.
automatically, the chance of failure is minimized as human
The IntegraXor software is complicated to understand. In
errors which had hitherto been prevalent are eliminated.
[6], a Web-based, low-cost SCADA system was applied to
For a mobile telecommunication site located in a very control a renewable energy system microgrid. Arduino
remote area, a reliable SCADA system cannot be boards were used to measure relevant electrical and
overemphasized as a human operator cannot be stationed at environmental data using appropriate sensors. The
the site continuously for monitoring. With an effective measured data was sent to a local database hosted on a
SCADA system, the frequency of visits by the operators is Raspberry Pi. A wireless radio frequency transceiver
reduced significantly, thereby reducing the overall created the communication link between the microcontroller
operation cost of the site. and the Raspberry Pi. The system is very complex to build,
demanding the knowledge of HTML, MySQL, and lots of
SCADA leverages the coalescence of hardware C++ codes. These can be very hard to implement.
components like sensors and actuators and software
programs like the Human Machine Interface (HMI) to In [7], a SCADA system to monitor the electrical
perform its four primary functions: data acquisition, parameters of a stand-alone solar photovoltaic system is
networked data communication, data presentation, and presented. This work focuses on the electrical parameters of
monitoring and control [1, 2]. To carry out these functions the solar system and battery efficiency. No environmental
effectively, SCADA relies on various elements. These parameter is considered, and there is no room for remote
elements are Field Instrument Devices (FIDs) like sensors control of the system. The authors in [2] developed IoT
and actuators, Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) like based open source SCADA system for a PV system to
microcontrollers and microprocessors, Master Terminal monitor solar panel current, voltage, and backup battery
Units (MTUs) in this case, the Arduino IoT Cloud and the voltage. It uses Arduino Uno as the remote terminal unit for
communication network in the case a Wi-Fi network receiving the measured sensor data, and a Raspberry Pi is
provided by my home router. This work is based on the used as the communication channel to parse the measured
data to Emoncms platform for storage, monitoring, and control logic, respectively. The Wi-Fi compatibility of the
control. microcontroller is leveraged to create the connection with
the Arduino IoT Cloud. Dashboards are created in the Cloud
In all the work reviewed, there are minor limitations that to monitor and control the various variables of interest. A
this paper seeks to address. Implementing this work on the mobile application can also be used to control and monitor
Arduino IoT Cloud platform offers a significant level of the variables from anywhere in the world. The connected
simplicity as the code is not written from scratch. sensors are the FIDs, and the microcontroller is the RTU.
Significant code is pre-written by just declaring the The Arduino IoT Cloud represents the MTU, while the Wi-
variables. Fi router at home creates the communication link. The three
III. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN sensors are the DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor,
MH electronics voltage sensor, and ACS 712 Hall-Effect
The simplified version of the studied DC hybrid system current sensor. The features and properties of these sensors
for a rural BTS site is illustrated in Fig. 1. Some parameters are further discussed and examined below.
of interest for monitoring purposes are highlighted, albeit
not exhaustive of what is typically monitored and controlled A. DHT11 Digital Temperature and Humidity Sensor
on the site. The connected components have local This sensor ensures excellent reliability and accuracy by
controllers that can receive a control signal remotely and employing an innovative digital signal acquisition technique
carry out the control action via an actuator. The power and temperature and humidity sensing technologies to read
management system implements the supervisory control. the digital signal output. The sensor links to a high-
performance 8-bit microcontroller and combines a resistive-
type humidity measurement component and a Negative
Temperature Coefficient (NTC) measuring component,
providing excellent quality, fast response, anti-interference
ability, and cost-effectiveness. It has a temperature range of
0 to 50°C, a humidity range of 20% to 90%, 1°C
temperature, and 1% humidity precision, respectively.
DHT11 comes in two alternative pin layouts, with either
four or three pins. The three-pin configuration is used in this
work. Vcc is the power supply, Ground is the circuit ground,
Data is the serial data output reading the temperature and
humidity. The operating voltage of the sensor is between 3
- 5.5 V. A 10kΩ pull-up resistor is used to connect the output
Fig. 1. Hybrid power system showing connected devices.
pin to the Vcc of the microcontroller. For this work, we are
The system proposes an open source, low-cost connecting the data pin to GPIO 33 of the ESP32
supervisory control, and data acquisition system using the microcontroller. Fig.3 shows the connection of the sensor
recently upgraded Arduino IoT cloud platform to monitor to the ESP32 microcontroller.
and control the prototype of our hybrid system. Current,
voltage, temperature, and humidity sensors are connected to
the ESP32 microcontroller to read the voltage, current,
temperature, and humidity and trigger the relevant LED
when the voltage goes below a pre-set value and
temperature goes above a stipulated value, as will be
explained further in the course of this work. These data can
be monitored and controlled from the Arduino cloud
dashboards and anywhere using mobile applications. The
schematic diagram of the proposed IoT SCADA is shown in
Fig. 2. Fig. 3. The connection between ESP32 and DHT11