Art Month

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Art Month: CENposium


Art Month: Arts Competition & Gallery

Event Programme
Day 1 - CEn AVR

Arrival of Participants College of Engineering Students

Equipment Check College of Engineering Students

Doxology AVP

National Anthem AVP

Welcoming Remarks Justine Fernando A. Rocha

Project Head, SLSU - CenSC

Inspirational Talk Dr. Renato R. Maaliw III

Adviser, SLSU - CEnSC

Opening Remarks Francess Margarette Retuerma

Governor, SLSU - CEnSC

Reading of Guidelines and Mechanics Managed by CEnSC Officers

Art Competitions Managed by CEnSC Officers

- Charcoal Rendering Participation of College of Engineering
- Pencil Drawing Students
- Painting
- On the spot Poster Making
- Photography
Displaying of Artworks and Managed by CEnSC Officers
Commencement of Student Voting Participation of College of Engineering
(Visuals, Day 1 - 2) Students

Closing Remarks Justine Fernando A. Rocha

Project Head, SLSU - CEnSC

Target time: 6:00 PM
Art Month: Music Festival & Dance Competition
Event Programme
Day 2 - SLSU Gymnasium

Target Time: 1:00 PM

Arrival of Guests and Participants CEnSC, Students, and Judges

Introduction of Hosts

Doxology AVP

National Anthem AVP

SLSU Awit ng Paaralan AVP

Welcoming Remarks Dr. Renato R. Maaliw III

Adviser, CEnSC

Inspirational Message Dr. Maria Corazon B. Abejo

Dean, College of Engineering

Opening Remarks Francess Margarette G. Retuerma.

Governor, SLSU - CEnSC

Reading of Guidelines and Mechanics (Day 1) Managed by CEnSC Officers

Introduction of Art Contest Judges HOST

Presentation of Arts and Judging Managed by CEnSC Officers
Participation of College of Engineering

Reading of Guidelines and Mechanics (Day 2) Managed by CEnSC Officers

Introduction of Talent Competition Judges HOST

Start of Competitions: Managed by CEnSC Officers
● Sing Participation of College of Engineering
● Dance Students
● Battle of the Bands (BOTB)

Awarding of Certificates for Art Competition Managed by CEnSC Officers

Awarding of Certificates for Judges and Hosts

Talent Competition winners
Closing Remarks Justine Fernando A. Rocha
Project Head, SLSU - CEnSC

Re-opening of Gates

After Party 8:30 PM - Onwards

Target time: 11:00 PM
I. Art Competitions

Charcoal Rendering

1. Materials will be provided by the contestants except for the illustration board with the size of 15”x20”.
2. Pantograph, air brush, ruler, and the like are not allowed.
3. The Project Head will decide the subject (portrait picture).
4. All contestants will be given a portrait picture individually by the designated CenSc officer during the
5. The contest duration is for a period of four (4) hours.
6. Only the contestants and The Spark members are allowed in the contest venue.
7. No distinguishing mark or name of the contestant shall appear in the entry.
8. The winner of the event will represent the College of Engineering for the upcoming CAF 2024
9. Student voting ranking will determine the additional points to receive in the tally for CEn Days.

Pointing System (for CEn Days):

Winner - 10 points
2nd Place - 7 points
3rd Place - 5 points
Participants - 3 points

● Objective/Intent
● Knowledge of the Subject Matter
● Similarity or Likeness
● Mastery of Specific Skills and Utilization of Media
● Organization of Visual space
Total 30

Contest Headmasters:
Arquiza, Jazmire Nhicole

Pencil Drawing

1. Materials will be provided by the contestants except for the illustration board with the size of 15”x20”.
2. The contestants must prepare their own Pencil: Steadler/Rotring pencil from 2H/3F, B/2B and/or
3. Charcoal Pencil, art gunner or equivalent, brush, cotton, tissue paper, sand paper, pantograph and air
brush are not allowed.
4. Smudging is also not allowed.
5. The Project Head will decide for the Still life subject.
6. The contest duration is for a period of four (4) hours.
7. Only the contestants and The Spark members are allowed in the contest venue.
8. No distinguishing mark or name of the contestant shall appear in the entry.
9. The winner of the event will represent the College of Engineering for the upcoming CAF 2024.
10. Student voting ranking will determine the additional points to receive in the tally for CEn Days.
Pointing System (for CEn Days):

Winner - 10 points
2nd Place - 7 points
3rd Place - 5 points
Participants - 3 points

● Objective/Intent
● Knowledge of the Subject Matter
● Similarity or Likeness
● Mastery of Specific Skills and Utilization of Media
● Organization of Visual space

Contest Headmasters:
Deapera, Mark Zyrel


1. The Project Head will decide for the subject (realism-scenery).

2. All competition materials will be provided by the participants and must bring his/her own painting
brushes, easel, mixing plate/palette and rugs. Any kind of brush will be allowed.
3. The contestant will use water-based paint (acrylic). Only the three primary colors (red, blue and
yellow) and two neutral colors (black and white) shall be allowed.
4. Mixing of colors is allowed.
5. The contestants will use the 17” x 20” canvas (provided by the contestant)
6. The contest duration is for a period of four (4) hours.
7. Only the contestants and The Spark members are allowed in the contest venue.
8. No distinguishing mark or name of the contest shall appear in the entry.
9. The winner of the event will represent the College of Engineering for the upcoming CAF 2024
10. Student voting ranking will determine the additional points to receive in the tally for CEn Days.

Pointing System (for CEn Days):

Winner - 10 points
2nd Place - 7 points
3rd Place - 5 points
Participants - 3 points

● Objective/Intent 10
● Knowledge of the Subject Matter
● Similarity or Likeness
● Mastery of Specific Skills and Utilization of Media
● Organization of Visual space and over-all impact
Total 30

Contest Headmasters:
Benzon, Joseph

On the spot Poster Making

1. The poster must be based on the theme of the event: “Piyestahan sa Agsikapan: Celebrating the
Colors, Cultures, and Charms of the Philippines”
2. The contestant must bring his/her own materials and painting brushes, easel, mixing plate, palette and
rugs. Any kind of brush will be allowed.
3. The contestant will use water-based paint (acrylic). Materials will be provided by the participants. Only
the three primary colors (red, blue and yellow) and two neutral colors (black and white) shall be allowed.
4. Mixing of colors is allowed.
5. The contestants will use the 17” x 20” canvas (provided by the contestant)
6. The contest duration is for a period of four (4) hours.
7. Only the contestants and The Spark members are allowed in the contest venue.
8. No distinguishing mark or name of the contestant shall appear in the entry.
9. The winner of the event will represent the College of Engineering for the upcoming CAF 2024
10. Student voting ranking will determine the additional points to receive in the tally for CEn Days.

Pointing System (for CEn Days):

Winner - 10 points
2nd Place - 7 points
3rd Place - 5 points
Participants - 3 points

● Objective/Intent
● Knowledge of the Subject Matter
● Relevance to the theme
● Mastery of Specific Skills and Utilization of Media
● Organization of Visual space and over-all impact
Total 30

Contest Headmasters:
Dela Puerta, Gester Hanz

II. Photography Contest


1. The contestant will provide and use any type of Digital Cameras, or even Cell phones if they wish
2. The setting of the camera will decided by the participants
3. The photo subject will be decided by the board of judges.
4. Editing of photo/picture is not allowed; edited photo will be disqualified.
5. The picture/photo must be taken/shot by the contestant.
6. The contestants will submit a raw + jpeg file of his/her entry together with an entry form together
with a title.
7. The contestant may use any aperture (F stop), shutter speed & ISO.
8. The designated CenSc Officer will print the pictures/photo upon verification of entry.
9. The contest duration is for a period of one (1) hour.
(10. Only the contestants are allowed in the contest venue.)
11. The contestants may take as many shots as he/she can however will only submit his/her BEST shot as
an official entry. The contestants will be given a maximum of 15 minutes to select his best shot before
submitting to the headmaster or contest facilitators.
12. Ranking system will be used to determine the winners.
13. The winner of the event will represent the College of Engineering for the upcoming CAF 2024
14. Student voting ranking will determine the additional points to receive in the tally for CEn Days.

Pointing System (for CEn Days):

Winner - 10 points
2nd Place - 7 points
3rd Place - 5 points
Participants - 3 points


∙ Creativity/Uniqueness 10
∙ Originality
∙ Expression
∙ Clarity of the Subject 10
∙ Artistic merit
● Composition
. Organization of Visual space and over-all impact
Total 30

Contest Headmasters:
Padulina, Fernando Jose

III. Musical Competition

Pop Solo

1. The contestant shall sing straight published Original Pilipino Music (OPM) songs in any language
(prepare translations as needed). Rearrangement or revival of an OPM song is allowed.
2. Singing shall be accompanied by a minus one. Live accompaniment shall not be allowed.
Soft/electronic copy (MP3/MP4 format) shall be provided to the host prior to the contest for compilation.
3. Delivery of each piece is for 3-5 minutes. Beyond this limit, a point will be deducted from the final
average score after every ten (10).
4. The winner of the event will represent the College of Engineering for the upcoming CAF 2024
5. The winner and participants of the competition will receive additional points in the tally for CEn Days.
Pointing System (for CEn Days):

Winner - 10 points
2nd Place - 7 points
3rd Place - 5 points
Participants - 3 points

Tone quality (Vocal Technique/Intonation) 45
Musicianship (dynamic nuances, interpretation, intonation,
Deportment 10
Total 100

Vocal Duet

1. The contestants shall sing straight published Original Pilipino Music (OPM) songs in any language
(prepare translations as needed). Rearrangement into a duet of an OPM song is allowed.
2. Singing shall be accompanied by a minus one. Live accompaniment shall not be allowed.
Soft/electronic copy (MP3/MP4 format) shall be provided to the host prior to the contests for compilation.
3. Delivery of each piece is for 3-5 minutes. Beyond this limit, a point will be deducted from the final
average score after every ten (10) seconds.
4. Non-compliance to the guidelines will mean disqualification.
5. The winners of the event will represent the College of Engineering for the upcoming CAF 2024
6. The winners and participants of the competition will receive additional points in the tally for CEn Days.

Pointing System (for CEn Days):

Winner - 10 points
2nd Place - 7 points
3rd Place - 5 points
Participants - 3 points

Tone quality/Vocal technique 25
Blending/Harmony 40
Musicianship (Interpretation, Dynamic Nuances, Diction) 25
Deportment 10

Total 100

Battle of the Bands

1. Each group will perform a published OPM.

2. Each group will have a minimum of four and a maximum of seven members composed of students
from the same department, from 1st year - 4th year.
3. Each group will perform a warm up song and should be a regional/ local song prior to the contest piece
with a limited time of five minutes including set up/ preparation time. A total of 10 minutes will be
allotted. Beyond this limit, a point will be deducted from the final average score after every ten (10)
4. Each group must provide their respective instrument. Change of cymbals will be allowed.
5. Each instrumental member (Drummer, keyboardist, guitarist, and bassist) are encouraged to have a
solo part during the performance.
6. The use of pyrotechnic gadgets, smoke, or combustible materials as props are not allowed.
7. Medley arrangement of songs is not allowed.
8. Coaches/ trainers are allowed to guide the song technicians provided by the host during the warm up
song only (Note: No more interference of coaches and trainers during the delivery of the contest piece)
9. The winners of the event will have a chance to represent the College of Engineering for the upcoming
CAF 2024. (Final Deliberations will depend on the performance of the participants).
10. The winners and participants of the competition will receive additional points in the tally for CEn

Pointing System (for CEn Days):

Winner - 10 points
2nd Place - 7 points
3rd Place - 5 points
Participants - 3 points

Musicality (harmony, rhythm, sound quality) 50
Performance (stage presence, style) 30
Technical (handling of instruments) 10
Over-All Impact (includes interpretation) 10
Total 100

IV. Dance Competition

Contemporary Dance

1. The contest piece must be a minimum of four (4) minutes and a maximum of five (5) minutes
2. A maximum of six (6) and a minimum of three (3) dancers from their department, from 1st year - 4th
year, are allowed to participate.
3. The dance piece should be an original choreography in contemporary form, it should not copy any
movement found in any media source.
4. Soft ballet shoes or pointed shoes may be worn. (optional)
5. Sets are not allowed (e.g. risers, back drop, tables, etc.). Hand props may be used (e.g. stick, fan, ring,
umbrella, etc.). Bamboo, wood, steel or plastic poles may be used but must not be more than 3 meters
The following are strictly not allowed in the performance:
a) The use of real fighting armor (e.g. sword, knife, guns, arrow, spears, etc…)
b) The use of any form of liquid (e.g. blood, oil, water, etc.)
c) The use of fire, candles and any pyrotechnic materials.
d) The use of confetti either drops or bombs.
e) Breaking of glass, pots, etc…
f) Audio visual presentation or screen projection.
g) Body paint
6. Costume must be appropriate to the concept of the dance. Skin toned cycling, leggings, or leotards are
allowed. Nudity or toplessness for both male and female is strictly prohibited.
7. Obscene choreography/indecent movements and killing of animals are strictly prohibited. Tossing will
not be allowed.
8. Violation of any of these contest guidelines will result in disqualification of the participating CEn
9. The winners of the event will have a chance to represent the College of Engineering for the upcoming
CAF 2024. (Final Deliberations will depend on the performance of the participants).
10. The winners and participants of the competition will receive additional points in the tally for CEn

Pointing System (for CEn Days):

Winner - 10 points
2nd Place - 7 points
3rd Place - 5 points
Participants - 3 points

Theme and Variation
Structure 40
Organization of Movement
Use of Movement Space
Performance/ Artistry
Expression 20
Ideas 20
Movement Skills
Precision of Movement
Synchronization and Coordination
Clarity of Movement and Lines
Total 100

Prepared by:


Culture and Arts Councilor, CEnSC


Governor, CEnSC

Noted by:


Adviser, CEnSC

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